Brochure Eckold Clinching
Brochure Eckold Clinching
Eckold Clinching The joining technique of the future Clinching technology Product program Drives Quality monitoring References for sheet metal and profiles Eckold Clinching is where the future of joining technology begins. Starting with this catalogue the method known as “press joining“ will now be referred to as clinching. Eckold clinching is the innovative and proven technique for joining metal sheets and profiles. The permanent joints are created by cold forming alone, without the use of additional or ancillary parts. The most significant feature of this technique, which is established in the DIN 8593 standard, is that the joint is formed from the material of the metal parts to be clinched. Not only that, the parts to be clinched can be of the same or differing sheet thickness and be made from the same or different materials. The requirements of joints are so diverse that Eckold takes the individual requirements of the user into account. Eckold offers an unsurpassed diversity of joint types in order to allow the ideal clinch to be made for the respective application. Eckold clinching has proven its worth both in use in automatic production lines or with robots and with portable tooling. Clinching of oil-impregnated or painted panels or stainless steels and its ability to cope with fluctuations in sheet thickness are only a few of the advantages that have helped Eckold establish a prominent position in the market. In addition, Eckold offers a joining technique with which metal panels of aluminium alloys or non-malleable materials such as spring steels can be joined to malleable materials. Furthermore, Eckold clinching has special advantages with respect to the environment. No toxic welding vapours or emissions, no noise pollution and low energy consumption present the user with improved working conditions. In comparison with conventional joining techniques, the Eckold clinching offers a saving of up to 55% for investment costs and 25% for operating costs. Technologically, Eckold has remained true to its reputation as a trend-setter. Not only did Eckold introduce the clinching technique to industry 25 years ago, the company more recently set a new milestone with the economical clinching of stainless steels, thus continuing progress for joining technology of the future. 2 The basis of our success is our extensive product range... ... starting with a widely varied tool programme through to a comprehensive range of standard machines and complete production systems: Portable Tools CONECO 45/60 easily portable, mobile, electric, electrohydraulic, hydraulic or pneumatic driven tools Modular MZD 60/6 C-frame range mobile tool with modular construction adjustable fixed C-frame for mobile or stop and large jaw stationary use capacity 3 Multipoint tooling Multipoint tooling for use in presses Stationary machines DFG 500/80 E universal machines, large throath, electrically driven Special installation Automatic production systems 4 The Benefits of Eckold Clinching. Eckold Clinching stands out from other joining techniques as a result of the following benefits: • no thermal effects on the clinch area • no toxic gases or vapours arising • no preservative afterwork • no additional or ancillary parts • no pre-treatment of surface • technique compensates for fluctuations in sheet thickness • also suitable for joining coated sheets • electricity or compressed air are the only energy sources required • suitable for joining sheets of different materials and thicknesses • non-destructive quality assurance possible Examples Engine bonnet – motor car Casing for laboratory or domestic appliances Window opener – car door Flow safety device – gas heating appliance 5 An unsurpassed range of variations for individual problems. The principle of Eckold Clinching: diagram showing how a clinching element is created, taking R-DF as an example Punch Stempel Clinching element Fügeelement Panel, punch-side Blech, stempelseitig Blech, Panel, matrizendie-side seitig Die Matrize The wide range of variations and the tool concept allows you to choose the right R type of joint for your purposes. CLINCHING R-DF S-DF H-DF Cutting of sheet neither sheet cut both sheets cut one sheet cut one sheet with prepunched round hole Geometry of clinching element round rectangular rectangular round Benefits / particular applications Possible tool design - circular, closed element = visually better - high-strenght clinching element - symmetry of shear tension holding forces - particularly beneficial when clinching sheets with different forming behaviour (e.g. steel/aluminium or steel/sandwich) - high holding forces - high economy tools - anti-twist element - also suitable for clinching more than two sheets - beneficial when clinching sheets with different forming behaviour (e.g. steel/aluminium) 8 mm 10 mm Possible individual sheet thicknesses [mm] Possible overall sheet thickness [mm] 0.5 – 1.5 1.0 – 3.0 0.5 – 2.0 1.0 – 4.0 1.0 – 3.0 2.0 – 6.0 - circular element with flush finish on die side = visually better - symmetry of shear tension holding forces - for clinching pairs of materials with difficult to form material on die side (spring steel) - clinching of sheets with different thicknesses (e.g. 1.0 mm in 4.0 mm) S punch width 2 mm 3 mm 4 mm Tw 3 mm 4 mm Tw 0.5 – 1.25 1.0 – 2.50 0.5 – 1.25 1.0 – 2.50 0.5 – 1.25 1.0 – 2.50 0.5 – 1.25 1.0 – 2.50 punch side: 0.7 – 3.0 to be checked in each case Punch width 6 mm - high economy tools - anti-twist element - high holding forces - element ist closed on punch side Anvil diameter depending on pre-punched hole diameter 5 mm 6 mm Die-side element diameter [Tw = twin element] CONFIX clinch 0.5 – 1.5 0.5 – 2.5 0.5 – 1.5 1.0 – 3.0 1.0 – 5.0 1.0 – 3.0 Tool life The tool life quantities of the clinching tools can be in the order of 200.000 to 250.000 quantities: clinching operations. Customers confirm from tests and typical actual cases that far greater tool life quantities have been achieved, dependant on the material, the thickness and the quality. 6 Effect of load direction on the holding force of different joints 4000 St12 / St14 / sheet thickness a0 = 1.0 mm cross tension shear tension, longitudinal Holding force [N] shear tension, transverse 3000 2000 1000 R-DF Holding forces of R-DF elements H-DF R-DF Sheet material Sheet thickness Sheet thickness Tensile strength punch side die side Rm CONFIX Holding force Shear Cross tension tension [N] [N] [mm] [mm] [N/mm2] 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 325 228 3000 2620 1700 1200 1.50 0.70 1.50 0.70 300-350 250 1950 920 1860 540 R-DF 8 element St 12/St 14 AIMg3 W19 R-DF 6 element St 12/St 14 AIMg3 F 24 Holding forces of S-DF elements Holding forces of H-DF elements Sheet material St 1203 1.00 1.00 303 2100 1900 – AIMg3 F22 1.00 1.00 256 1240 960 – Sheet material St 12 / St 14 Holding forces of CONFIX clinches Holding force Sheet thickness Sheet thickness Tensile strength punch side die side Rm Shear tension Shear tension Cross tension transverse longitudinal [mm] [mm] [N/mm2] [N] [N] [N] Sheet thickness Sheet thickness Tensile strength Holding force Rm die side Shear tension Shear tension Cross tension punch side transverse longitudinal [N/mm2] [N] [mm] [mm] [N] [N] 1.00 1.00 300-380 3150 2300 1300 Sheet material Sheet material Sheet thickness Sheet thickness Tensile strength Holding force punch side die side punch side die side punch side Shear tension Cross tension [mm] [N/mm2] [N] [N] [mm] St 1203 St 1203 St 1203 Federstahl 1.00 1.50 1.00 0.50 335 – 3000 4450 1300 4400 7 Many Benefits at low cost. Economic viability and costs Cost comparisons of customers and independent bodies have shown that Eckold clinching is significantly more cost-effective than other joining techniques. Depending on the joining task, the overall costs for the manufacture of a clinched component are approximately 55% of the costs for spot welding, for example. This takes account of both investment costs and operating costs. [%] Clinching Investment costs in [%] Operating costs in [%] Spot welding Investment costs in [%] Operating costs in [%] 100 55.8 29.5 Clinching costs 75 31.1 50 16.8 41.3 25 55.8 14.7 22.9 44.2 43.5 14.7 22.4 26.1 25.5 22.4 14.7 0 Sheet steel uncoated Sheet aluminium Sheet steel Sheet steel zinc thickness 10 µm zinc thickness 20 µm Comparison based on 1 industrial robot for setting a joining element Why Eckold clinching? • Various stainless steels can be joined economically • Optional versions (R-DF, S-DF, H-DF and CONFIX) for the ideal joint to solve individual problems • Sheets of aluminium alloys or non-formable materials such as spring steels can be joined with a formable material by means of the CONFIX variation • Joining elements with the greatest holding forces • Compensates for fluctuations in sheet thickness • Joining of oil-impregnated sheets possible 8 Ecology and Health If you have ever experienced the smell of the toxic gases that arise during welding or the noise of punch riveting or had to physically carry the additional weight of protective clothing or additional materials, you will appreciate the benefits of Eckold clinching. This takes account of the user’s health in many respects. Besides the significantly lower physical stresses, Eckold clinching is distinguished by low energy consumption and no industrial effluents whatsoever are generated. All in all, the Eckold technique is a clean and user friendly process. A manual method and a computer-aided online monitoring system can be used for quality control of Eckold clinching. The quality of the clinch element can be examined manually by means of the bottom thickness or width. 100% control is provided by the computer-aided online monitoring system. This can be used to achieve unbroken quality control in automatic plants for mass production. Production becomes more efficient and cost effective because down time and rejection rates are reduced through early detection of load errors. Clinching force Quality control Envelope curve top Envelope curve bottom Tool travel 9 Power sources for every application. Hydraulic, air over oil, electric and electrohydraulic drive units from the Eckold company are available to drive Eckold clinching machines. Below are three standard units which, depending on the application, can be supplemented with special units that are also available in stationary versions. Drives HAT 525 portable hydraulic unit HA 510 Antriebsarten mobile elektrisch hydraulic unit hydraulisch pneumohydraulisch 10 Eckold is available for you worldwide. Increasing in importance alongside the standard products are special tools, project organisation and design of special tools, machines and installations. Thanks to our years of experience, including the solving of particularly complex customer requirements, we are well equipped to move into this area. In close collaboration with you, our customer, we plan, design and produce for any location you wish. Our involvement does not stop at that either - the subsequent training of operating staff, the maintenance of machines and the worldwide service are a natural step for us. To cope with this demand - all over the world - we have established a widely distributed network of representatives. Eckold production plants are of course certified to ISO 9001:2000 as well as VDA 6.4:2005. Further information is available on our CD-ROM and in our Clinching manual, which we would be pleased to send you. Weitere Informationen finden Sie auf unserer CD-ROM und in unserem Leitfaden Clinchtechnik, welche wir Ihnen gerne zusenden. 11 The Eckold Group • Eckold GmbH & Co. KG D-37444 St. Andreasberg Germany Tel.: ++ 49 (55 82) 8 02-0 Fax: ++ 49 (55 82) 8 02-3 00 Net: eMail: • Eckold-Biegetechnik GmbH & Co. KG D-37444 St. Andreasberg Germany Tel.: ++ 49 (55 82) 8 02-1 11 Fax: ++ 49 (55 82) 8 02-2 50 eMail: • Eckold AG Rheinstraße CH-7203 Trimmis Switzerland Tel.: ++ 41 (81) 3 54 12 70 Fax: ++ 41 (81) 3 54 12 01 Net: eMail: • Eckold Limited 15 Lifford Way Binley Industrial Estate GB-Coventry CV3 2RN Great Britain Tel.: ++ 44 (24) 76 45 55 80 Fax: ++ 44 (24) 76 45 69 31 eMail: • Eckold France 16, Rue de la Noue Guimante Z.I. de la Courtillière F-77400 St. Thibault-des-Vignes France Tel.: ++ 33 (1) 64 30 92 47 Fax: ++ 33 (1) 64 30 81 92 Net: eMail: • Eckold & Vavrouch spol. s.r.o. Jilemnickeho 8 CZ-61400 Brno Czech Republic Tel.: ++ 420 (5) 45 24 18 36 Fax: ++ 420 (5) 45 24 18 36 Net: eMail: • Eckold Japan Co. Ltd. 2-14-2 Maihara-higashi 274-0824 Funabashi-shi, Chiba pref. Japan Tel.: ++ 81 (47) 4 70 24 00 Fax: ++ 81 (47) 4 70 24 02 Net: eMail: Printed in Germany 002/09.08/4/500/D/Kohlmann Technische Änderungen vorbehalten/Technical modifications kept under reserve.