Fall 2016 - Oklahoma Conference Ministries
Fall 2016 - Oklahoma Conference Ministries
Oklahoma Conference UMW Newsletter Fall 2016 Oklahoma Conference United Methodist Women Sept. 30— 30—Oct. 1, 2016 Oklahoma Conference Annual Meeting Upcoming Events Sept 30— 30—Oct 1, 2016 Annual Meeting @ OKC St. Luke UMC November 1111-13 Toole Tyme @ Cookson Hills December 3 Santa Operation @ Neighborhood Services Organization, Inc. Inside this issue: Annual Meeting 1 Programming 1 Focus Group Presenters 2 Recommended Slate of Officers for 2017 3 President 4 Missions 4 Membership 5 Newspaper Editor 5 Secretary 6 Treasurer 6 2017 Budget 7 Annual Meeting Registration 8 2017 Calendar 9 Toole Tyme Registration 10 Santa Operation Registration 11 Derrek Belase is a proud United Methodist Woman! As an elder in full connection, he has always taken his role in the local church UMW units very seriously by attending meetings, participating in events and offering lessons as often as possible. That commitment has led him deeper and deeper into UMW at the conference, regional and denominational level. In 2007, he began working with the former Cooperative Schools of Christian Mission, first as a youth leader in the Oklahoma Conference and then later as a regional study leader in various regional schools. Eventually, he was elected assistant dean and dean of Mission u in the Oklahoma Conference. He has also served as a planning team member, registrar and adult study leader. Recently, he’s been serving on a dean’s advisory group for United Methodist Women, Inc. Derrek has a beautiful family including his wife, Rev. Rebekah Belase, a former conference communications officer. As a deacon in full connection in our annual conference, she currently serves as director of development operations for Church World Service. They have two future UMW members in their home – Madison Ann (age 8) and Elizabeth Grace (age 1). After serving churches for 13 years, Derrek was recently appointed to be our annual conference’s Director of Discipleship. In that role, he is responsible for assisting our local churches to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. “Your theme from John 3 about the Spirit blowing where it will provides a beautiful image for the work of UMW. “I am excited to offer some reflections and real life examples Chair of Programming “A Fresh Wind Blowing” was just what each United Methodist Women’s unit did this year as we began the New Year with a new structure and new boundaries and districts. I have had the privilege to meet with a few churches through the year to do United Methodist Women’s Sunday and celebrate in membership events. We started the year off with losing one of our team members (Becky Brown) she was my right hand lady and friend when it came to planning the retreat. Carol Round and Becky had many conversations about our Spiritual Retreat. It was hard to do that retreat without her, but Carol did an excellent job and we were all blessed because Becky brought her name to the committee. We will miss her leadership skills. Then it was off to Mission U where we would experience great classes and plenaries but it was the hottest weekend to be traveling between buildings. Sue Helms led a worship service of Light and it was very deep in meaning and St. Luke, OKC Derrek Belase, Keynote Speaker of what it looks like when the Spirit is found in the work of the great wom en of the Oklahom a Conference,” said Derrek. Jacci Freno visually. Our committee has been planning most of the year for Annual Meeting at St. Luke’s United Methodist Church in the Heartland district. We are blessed to have the opportunity to worship in such a beautiful place. We will have two focus groups to attend. Rev. Eva Marie Campbell will lead Human Trafficking and Rev. Mark Davies will lead Greening Your Congregation. I look forward to seeing each of you at Annual Meeting Sept. 30 – Oct. 1, 2016. Oklahoma Conference UMW Newsletter Annual Meeting Fall 2016 Focus Group Presenters Our Annual Meeting will be held at St. Luke United Methodist Church 222 NW 15th St, Oklahoma City, OK 73103 (405) 232232-1371 Reverend Eva Marie Herndon Campbell will be leading a focus group on Human Trafficking. Reverend Campbell is an Associate Minister at Boston Avenue United Methodist Church, Tulsa. Her primary area of focus is families with children that are in the first through fifth grades, United Methodist Women and the Security Council, She currently serves as the Oklahoma Conference Convener of "CEF" Christians Engaged in Faith Formation. She became involved in the issue of Human Trafficking due to the United Methodist Women's Reading Program and study. UMW Statement on Human Trafficking But this is a people robbed and plundered, all of them are trapped in holes and hidden in prisons; they have become a prey with no one to rescue, a spoil with no one to say, “Restore!” Who among you will give heed to this, who will attend and listen for the time to come? —Isaiah 42:22-23 (NRSV) Page 2 Human trafficking is a crime. United Methodist Women from across the nation have joined this sacred mission by taking a stand to prevent, protect and prosecute those impacted by this trade in human beings that occurs everywhere in the world. Through education, partnership and action, United Methodist Women are working with faith representatives, elected officials and other community groups to build awareness and ignite flames of hope for those who are trafficked. —Susie Johnson, United Methodist WomenWashington Office of Public Policy Rev. Dr. Mark Davies will be leading the “Greening Your Congregation focus group. Rev. Dr. Davies is the Wimberly Professor of Social and Ecological Ethics and Director of the World House Institute for Social and Ecological Responsibility at Oklahoma City University. Dr. Davies is an ordained elder in the Oklahoma Conference of The United Methodist Church. From 2009 to 2015, Mark was dean of the Petree College of Arts and Sciences and Wimberly Professor of Social Ethics at OCU. Mark has published in the areas of Boston personalism, process philosophy and ethics, and ecological ethics. Dr. Davies serves on the United Methodist University Senate, which is “an elected body of professionals in higher education created by the General Conference to determine which schools, colleges, universities, and theological schools meet the criteria for listing as institutions affiliated with The United Methodist Church.” He and his wife, Kristin, live in Edmond, Oklahoma, and they have two daughters. Rev. Dr. Davies was a leader of the Climate Justice study at Mission u this July. We’re on the Web! www.okumc.org/umw Oklahoma Conference UMW Newsletter Fall 2016 2017 OKLAHOMA CONFERENCE UNITED METHODIST WOMEN SLATE OF OFFICERS President…………………………………Glenda Gilpin, Cimarron District……….………………………. Secretary…………………………………Ramona Paine, Northern Prairie District……………………….. Treasurer…………………………………Sue Helms, Crossroads District…….…………………………… Nominations Chairperson………………. Karen Mitchell, Northern Prairie District………………………. Chair of Programming…………………..Harrietta Williams, Crossroads District……..…………………. Chair of Membership……………………Ann Cornelius, Council Oak District……………………………. Chair of Mission…………………………Joyce Alfred, Heartland District…………………………………. NOMINATING COMMITTEE: 2017 - Jo Ellen Reed, Heartland Country…………………….……………………………………. ………. Carla Garrison, Cimarron District……………………………………………………………………. 2018 - Marilyn Quinn, Lake Country District………………………………………… ……………………. Marlene Jones, Wichitas District…………………………………………………………. ………… 2019 - JoAnn Thomas, Lake Country District ……………………………………………………………… Lois Owens, Lake Country District …………………………………………………………………. 2020 - Donna Johns, Lake Country District ……………………………………………………………….. Karen Mitchell, Northern Prairie District …………………………………………………………... Committee on Racial Justice: Chair – Glenda Gilpin, Sue Helms, Karen Mitchell, Shirley Franklin, Joey Pedigo, Cynthia Ellis, Yolanda Faye Perry, Bea Adams Page 3 Oklahoma Conference UMW Newsletter Fall 2016 President The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit. —John 3:8 The summer has really flown! Annual Conference, Jurisdictional Conference and Mission u have kept me busy. By the time you are reading this, our Social Justice Event, “It Happens in Church – A Faith-based Response to Domestic Violence”, and the conference UMW budget meeting will have rounded out my summer. It’s now time to turn our attention to our UMW Conference Annual Meeting at OKC St. Luke’s UMC, September 30-October 1, 2016. We are so pleased to have Rev. Derrek Belase as our keynote speaker this year. Rev. Belase has been one of Oklahoma United Methodist Women’s biggest supporters, even serving as Mission u board member, assistant dean, dean, and registrar. He will be greatly missed on the Mission u board. We wish him God’s blessings as he begins his Cindy Hull new appointment as the Conference Director of Discipleship Ministries. We will also host a reception in honor of Rev. Meri Whitaker, celebrating her retirement as missionary from the General Board of Global Ministries. It will follow our Friday, September 30, program at Annual Meeting. Please come celebrate Meri’s retirement! Don’t forget about Toole Tyme at Cookson Hills Mission on November 11-13 and Neighborhood Santa Operation at NSO on December 3rd. These hands -on mission events have become Bishop Jimmy Nunn will send us vital to both mission institutions’ video greetings as he already Christmas preparations. had an out-of-state commitment on his calendar. I encourage all On a personal note, I’m sure of you who can to attend Bishop there are many Oklahoma UMW Nunn’s installation service at members that I will not see Tulsa Asbury UMC, October 23, before December 31, 2016. I 2016, at 4:00 pm. We want to want to thank all of you for the make Bishop Nunn and his wife privilege of serving as your Mary very welcome to the Conference President the last four years. It is one of the Oklahoma Area. Speaking of the Oklahoma Area, biggest highlights of my life. I I want you all to know that we wish you all God’s blessings. have expressed a wish that Bishop Nunn divide his future Cindy Chair of Mission Remember to attend Toole Tyme this year on November 11 -13 at Cookson Hills Center to help them get ready for the holidays and do some needed chores for the center and area. Betty Prentice is once again the registrar for this event. The registration for Toole Tyme is included in this newsletter or can be found on the Oklahoma Page 4 October ‘first Saturdays’ with the UMW of the Oklahoma Indian Missionary Conference. They also have their Annual Meetings on the first Saturday in October. Joyce Alfred UMW website. Also remember to attend Santa Operation with NSO on December 3rd and we will meet at the new NSO building and help them get ready for Christmas too. Please remember that I have ribbons for sale for missions and have ordered more Purpose ribbons and more Wesley quote ribbons. Come check out our booth at Annual Meeting. I will try to come up with more ideas or activities to fulfill our UMW PURPOSE to give back to women and children and youth for God’s glory! Grace and People! Joyce Alfred Oklahoma Conference UMW Newsletter Fall 2016 Chair of Membership As I sit here this morning, with my cats looking out the door watching the sprinkler watering the flower bed area, it reminds me of our yearning every morning to be grateful and thankful for each and every new day. How the water even though it goes in a circle over and over its pattern gives life to the flowers which in turn provide for the butterflies and even the bees. “Gracious Lord, throughout the year may we be reminded that the work we do is in your name. Help us to be compassionate, understanding and gracious to all we serve” a prayer in the 2015 Prayer Calendar from the Wesley Community Center in Phoenix, AZ It has been a fun and busy year. A big thank you goes out to the Glenda Gilpin Eight Membership Chairs in each of our eight Districts. Not only did we have the new District formats to figure out which church and unit was is what district this year but National UMW gave us a new online membership reporting form, too! Our eight ladies spent extra time on the phones trying to include every units’ information. Some of you have asked why this is this important. Two reasons out of many; first it is a head count so the National office while out doing our advocacy work, being our voice can say we have 800,000 members. Secondly on the UMW South Central Jurisdiction level our Conference numbers allow our conference to have a certain number of delegates when it comes time to vote on our National UMW leadership. This year we had three delegates. So, please remember this as you start to fill out the member census this coming winter. We still have lots of 2016 left for you to invite and pickup members and new ladies to join you in your local, district and Conference projects, celebrations and hands on Conference events. I’ll see you in Hooker, Goodwell, Cherokee, Cookson and Oklahoma City still this year. We still have four more months to make our Oklahoma UMW strong and proud through our UMW work. It has been my pleasure to serve this year as your Membership Chair Glenda Gilpin He has shown kindness by giving you rain from heaven and crops in their seasons; he provides you with plenty of food and fills your hearts with joy. —Acts 14:17 Membership Engagement "Members are encouraged to reach out to others----welcoming all women--to invite them to join United Methodist Women, a place to nurture faith, experience and community and to engage in mission. The membership of United Methodist Women is voluntary and open to all women who are committed and engaged in mission and who affirm the PURPOSE. You don't have to be a member of the United Methodist Church to be a member of United Methodist Women." From UMW on a Path for Mission Newspaper Editor It has been an exciting year of change with the new districts. If your address has changed (either mailing or email) be sure to send me an update to okumw.communications@gmail.com I assisted each district in creating a Facebook Group/Page so that we are able to better communicate our activities to you. Please be sure to like/follow your district and the OK Conference UMW.. Kelly McKinley God is our refuge and strength, an everever-present help in trouble. Psalm 46:1 I have listed out the exact name of I appreciate everyone forwardeach group below: ing their district information to me. It is very important to keep OK UMW our inform ation cur rent. Cimarron District UMW Crossroads District UMW of Oklahoma I look forward to seeing each of Council Oak District UMW you in the coming year. Green Country District UMW OK Heartland District UMW Blessings! Lake Country District UMW Kelly Northern Prairie UMW Wichitas District (OK) United Methodist Women (UMW) Page 5 Oklahoma Conference UMW Newsletter Fall 2016 Secretary Tips for Recording Secretaries: Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable— admirable— if anything is excellent or praiseworthy— praiseworthy—think about such things. Philippians 4:8 1. Get the agenda before the meeting so you can prepare an outline for the order of business. 2. You cannot participate in the meeting and record minutes, too. 3. Don’t forget to record the time the meeting is called to order and when it is adjourned. 4. Record decisions and action items as they happen. If you do not understand exactly what decision has been made or what action has been assigned, ask Ramona Paine the president to clarify. 5. Record all motions accurately. Note who make the motion and who seconds it. If the motion is complicated, ask to have the motion written. 6. Record the minutes as soon as possible. It is easier to be accurate when the meeting is still fresh in your mind. 7. The president approves all communications. Give the Minutes to the president to read and make additions or corrections. You may also ask another Treasurer Just a note to urge you to plan for scholarships in your 2017 budgets. Assembly will be coming up in 2018 however registration and scholarships will need to be made in 2017. The scholarship is usually given to a first time attendee and/or a young woman who would like the experience. I know some of your district officers have already met to plan your budgets but you may want to tweak them a little bit before a final vote in September. Assembly will be in Cincinnati, OH, in April 2018. I will be looking forward to meeting the eight District secretaries for training during the Annual meeting on September 30October 1 in Oklahoma City. Sue Helms not meet half of our $290,000 pledged goal. Phone calls or some type of contact may be in order to encourage the units to step up their giving. Our finance meeting on August 20 will be at NSO's new home at 431 SW 11th St, OKC. Annual meeting is September 30 - October 1 at St Luke’s UMC. District Officers training for all new 2017 officers will be in connection with our annual meeting on October 1. Toole Tyme is November 1113 at Cookson Hills. Whew!! It makes me dizzy just thinking Our year is half over, however, about it. Please get your registhe $105,132.16 I received did trations in as soon as possible Page 6 member to check the Minutes for grammar, spelling and accuracy. Once the Minutes of the previous meeting are approved the president and recording secretary can sign and date them. so those who are in charge of these happenings can be ready for you. We had a great Mission u. It was good to see a lot of you there. For those who couldn't come, you were missed. Please pass this information on to your units and encourage them to send a representative or come as a group. Another way is to suggest a scholarship. It is encouraging to see the hands go up from the first time attendees. See you very soon. Oklahoma Conference UMW Newsletter 2017 Budget Fall 2016 Sue Helms Page 7 Oklahoma Conference UMW Newsletter Fall 2016 OKLAHOMA CONFERENCE UNITED METHODIST WOMEN 43rd ANNUAL MEETING September 30 – October 1, 2016 SAINT LUKE’S UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 222 N.W. 15th Street, Oklahoma City, OK 73103 KEY NOTE SPEAKER, Rev. Derrek Belase NAME ______ADDRESS ________ _______ District________________________________ CITY Church _________________________________________ STATE EMAIL ________________ ZIP PHONE First time attendee? Yes / No Age group: under 25_____ 26-39 _____ 40-59_____ 60-79_____ 80-90_____ 91 or older______ Child care needed? Yes / No Number of children I will be attending the Friday evening activities Conf. Officer: Yes No Yes Dist. Officer: Yes No & ages No . *Dinner is on your own* Local Officer: Yes No District Leadership teams will go to training others choose a focus group I will attend “Human Trafficking Class _____ I will attend “Greening Your Congregation”____ BY: EvaMarie Campbell BY: Mark Davies Registration-------------------------------------------------------------------$15.00* *includes registration, drink/cookies Fri. night, muffins/fruit Breakfast, lunch on Sat. and insurance* Friday eve, 6:00 pm registration & 7 pm fellowship; Saturday 8:30 am registration Please bring a sack lunch Friday evening and Saturday for each child in child care. Registration deadline for childcare Sept. 16, 2016. Registration deadline with guaranteed Saturday lunch is Sept. 23, 2016. Walk-ins are welcome with lunch on your own. Make checks payable to Oklahoma Conference UMW, send to registrar: Coe Ann Patton, 8536 East 7th St., Tulsa, OK 74112-4110 (918) 836-0071 Confirmation letter will be mailed Go to www.mapquest.com , put in the church address to get a map to the church. Recommended motels: You will need to tell each hotel you are with United Methodist Women HOTEL ADDRESS PHONE# ROOM RATE 1) Sleep Inn 5200 N. Classen Circle, OKC 405-286-5400 $89.99+tax 18 Double & 12 King (Sept 30 only) cut off Sept. 15, 2016 - AFTER ONLY IF AVAILABLE 2) La Quinta 5652 Tinker Diagonal, MWC 405-733-1444 $98.00+tax - Doubles (Sept 30 only) tell them church rate 3) Hawthorn 5701 Tinker Diagonal MWC 405-737-7777 $89.00+tax - Doubles (Sept 30 only) tell them church rate 4) Candlewood Suites 5300 Main St. DC, OK 405-604-5300 $87.00+tax 25 Doubles (Guaranteed by Sept 7, after if available) Online Booking Link: ( UMW Group Booking Link) DISTRICT LEADERSHIP TRAINING SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1, 2016 Page 8 All 2017 District Officers mark your calendar NOW!!! Oklahoma Conference UMW Newsletter Oklahoma Oklahoma Conference Conference UMW Newsletter UMW Newsletter February 1, 2014 February February 1, 2014 1, 2014 Oklahoma UMW Newsletter Oklahoma Conference UMW Newsletter OklahomaConference Conference UMW Newsletter Fall Fall2016 2016 Fall 2016 2017 Conference UMW Calendar February TBA OCC Day at the Legislature March 10-11 Mid-year Leadership Team Meeting, NSO Board Room April 16 Easter April 21 – 23 Spiritual Growth Retreat, Camp Canyon July 21 – 23 Mission u (weekend) July 24 – 23 Mission u 1 day + Event OCU, Oklahoma City August 12 Finance Committee Meeting October 6 Fall Conference Leadership Team Meeting, Tulsa Centenary Oct. 6 – Oct 7 Conference Annual Meeting, Tulsa Boston Avenue UMC District Officer Training November 10 - 12 Toole Tyme, Cookson Hills Center December 2 Santa Operation, Neighborhood Services Organization Page 9 Oklahoma Conference UMW Newsletter Fall 2016 OKLAHOMA CONFERENCE UNITED METHODIST WOMEN TOOLE TYME November 1111-13, 2016 Name: ___________________________________________________________________ Address: ________________________________________ City: ________________ Zip: _______ Phone: _________________________ Email: ___________________________________________ Roommate(s): _____________________________________________________________________ Stay in: Tenkiller Lodge ( in Keys): Quality Inn (In Tahlequah): Circle your choice: Cost: $95 each for 2 $80 each for 3 $70 each for 4 $40 for Sat. 3 meals $25 Sat 1 meal Check all that apply: UMW Member Local Officer District Officer Conf. Officer Non Member _________________________________(Return Top of Form)_______________________________ We will be staying in Tenkiller Lodge (in Keys) ___ or in Quality Inn (in south Tahlequah) ___ Cost: 2 in a room = $95.00 per person [includes 2 nights, meals, registration and gift] 3 in a room = $80.00 per person [includes 2 nights, meals, registration and gift] 4 in a room = $70.00 per person [includes 2 nights, meals, registration and gift] Saturday only $40.00 per person [includes 3 meals, registration and gift] Saturday only $25.00 per person [includes one meal, registration and gift RV hookups are available for a donation to Cookson Arrive Friday 6:30 p.m. at Cookson Hills Center [meal served at 6:30] Friday evening fun, fellowship, spiritual time. One in your carpool bring a game to share. Bring an item for a silent auction if you desire [and your checkbook to purchase other items]. [no white elephants, please] Sunday Service at Cookson Senior Center REGISTRATION DEADLINE: November 7, 2016 Betty Prentice 84 Sycamore Circle Pryor, OK 74361 bettyjeanprentice@gmail.com 918.695.7745 text or phone Cookson Hills emergency number: 918.457.5181 Page 10 Oklahoma Conference UMW Newsletter Oklahoma Oklahoma Conference Conference UMW Newsletter UMW Newsletter February 1, 2014 February February 1, 2014 1, 2014 Oklahoma Conference UMW Newsletter OklahomaConference Conference UMW Newsletter Oklahoma UMW Newsletter Fall2016 2016 Fall Fall 2016 Page 11 Oklahoma Conference UMW Newsletter c/o Kelly McKinley 2801 N Woodward Avenue Oklahoma City, OK 73107 Fall 2016