2014 Annual Report - Trinity Lutheran Church


2014 Annual Report - Trinity Lutheran Church
JANUARY 25, 2015
The Annual Congregation Meeting of Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church, Lansdale, PA, will take place
on Sunday, January 25, 2015. The meeting will begin at 10:30 am. followed by a brunch in Hyson Hall.
Meeting Agenda
Opening Prayer
Adoption of Agenda
Adoption of Minutes- January 26, 2014 Congregation Meeting (see page 4)
2014 Financial Review
Pastor Lutz—Looking Forward
Introduction and Approval of 2015 Ministry Plan
Election of Congregational Council
Closing Prayer
Dear Disciples
of Trinity,
Five years
ago, when
Trinity was
preparing to
call a new
senior pastor,
Council made
a commitment
to move Trinity
from a staff-centered culture to a broadly
participative gifts-centered culture. It
was a decision that stemmed from the
work of the Transition Team and it was
one of several congregational initiatives
that attracted me to Trinity. Well, I am
pleased to say that just three years into
my call as Trinity’s senior pastor there is
evidence that the intended cultural shift
is happening.
Consider just three of the new discipleled ministries. Sandy Cottrell oversees
the new “Visitor Follow Up” Ministry.
When visitors sign the First Time Guest
Register, they are contacted that day
via email and asked if they would like to
talk to someone about Trinity. If they
respond affirmatively, Sandy calls them.
In this way, every visitor is personally
contacted. A second new disciple-led
ministry is the “Meal Delivery.” When a
disciple is discharged from the hospital,
they receive a call from Diane Gamble
or Janet Frederick asking how they are
doing, how Trinity could be helpful, and
if they would like a meal. Several other
Trinity disciples then cook and deliver
meals. A third example of this new
participative gifts-centered culture is the
enhanced Baptismal Ministry. Under the
committed leadership of Bob Gamble,
every family seeking to have a child
baptized at Trinity is greeted, instructed,
guided, and supported through the
process in a welcoming and caring way.
Why is this important? Because
maintaining organizational, facility and
staff structures from a previous more
stable time in Trinity’s life will prevent us
from switching to the adaptable and
flexible structures needed to engage the
changing religious landscape.
Here are some others examples of our
new adaptive and flexible culture
experienced in 2014: allowing any and
Message from our Senior Pastor
all worshipers to participate in worship leadership roles during the
summer, encouraging Bryan Clayton to get us off and running with the
exciting “God on Tap” ministry, supporting Karin Clark and others in
the new Mary and Martha Circle’s interest in improving the Welcome
Center, a new relationship with A. M. Kulp Elementary school being
forged under the leadership of Jennifer Shaffer Willison, and
conversations with Katie Risser about a Trinity 5K road race fundraiser
in the Spring. I am pleased to say there are many other wonderful
examples of this new permission-giving culture at Trinity.
As a congregation we were invited to read and consider two significant
books in 2014. The first congregational read, small group discussion,
and preaching series took place in the spring when we read Unbinding
the Gospel: Real Life Evangelism. The second book, Why Nobody
Wants to Go to Church Anymore: And How 4 Acts of Love Will Make
Your Church Irresistible, was provided free of charge, thanks to the
generosity of the Endowment Committee. All who wanted to read the
book could consider the changing religious landscape and how Trinity
might respond. Both of these resources and conversations have
helped participants recognize why things are not and will never be the
way they were to move beyond blaming to participating in the new
thing God is about at Trinity.
In the midst of this cultural shift,
some staff changes continued in
I am pleased there is
2014. The Rev. Dayle Malloy, a
pastor at Trinity for over twelve
evidence that the intended years, resigned in order to explore
other ministry options. (Pastor
Malloy recently accepted a
cultural shift is happening. position with the SEPA Synod and
we wish her success in this new
endeavor.) The Rev. Dane
Skilbred was called to serve in the newly established position of Pastor
for Family Ministry. In addition, Karen Strobel was hired in advance of
Pr. Skilbred’s arrival, to serve as Assistant to the Pastor for Family
Ministry. While change can be difficult, it is necessary and inevitable as
leadership strives to keep Trinity’s organizational structure aligned with
our current mission, vision and goals.
In addition to the above mentioned staff, I give thanks for all those who
work with me daily to make possible this ongoing cultural shift. Under
the leadership of Mike Scharff, Director for Finance and Administration,
and Cathy Pezzuti, Financial Assistant, Trinity is once again in a good
financial situation, experiencing a positive cash flow and instituting a
streamlined budgeting process. Eric G. Gombert, Director for Music,
Andrea Baxter, Associate Director for Music, and Sue Sheppard,
Associate Parish Musician, each continue to engage Trinity’s many
musicians in ways that allow the transforming power of music to touch
all of our lives. Victoria Thomas, our Director for Communications, is
furthering our evangelism efforts in new and exciting ways – on
Facebook, a new website, weekly emails, lobby monitors, and so much
more. Dennis Smith, Manager of Building and Grounds along with
Sarolta “Saci” Bartos, Maintenance, lead the team and efforts of those
who labor to keep our campus clean and operational for the many
community and congregational events. Victoria Seal, Director for
Discipleship, is leading the effort to have all of our disciples know and
use their spiritual gifts in ways that serve others and bring them joy.
Lisa Corr, Director for Early Learning, administers Trinity
Preschool’s, dedicated staff and energetic students. And of
course, because of their positive personalities and attention to
detail Carolyn Hoagland, Secretary to the Pastors and Karen
Brown, Secretary and Front Desk Receptionist, efficiently
accomplish many things that need to get done behind the scenes
to keep Trinity moving along. Lastly, Trinity is blessed with a
gifted interim pastor for visitation, The Rev. Anita London, who
works together with Pr. Skilbred and me to provide pastoral care,
worship leadership, and vision at this time in Trinity’s history. I
encourage you to please take the opportunity to express your
appreciation to Trinity’s staff in this New Year.
Thank you for traveling with me,
my friends, for pointing to Jesus,
for going to church, for you sharing
your faith. I love my church.
I love you.
I predict that 2015 will be a significant year in the life of Trinity. We have just (Nov/Dec 2014) completed a Staffing
Consultation Review with The Center for Healthy Churches. Next Sunday, February 1, 2015, we will be wrapping-up the
Congregation Assessment Tool (CAT) online survey that will provide a helpful and realistic snapshot of life at Trinity.
And, we further anticipate involving the entire congregation this spring in the development of some fresh mission
directives/strategic plans for our new life together in the next several years.
If you weren’t at worship on November 14, 2014, I encourage you to listen to the sermon that day. It speaks to
my love for Trinity, my sense of call, and my gratitude for your partnership in ministry. You can find it at
www.vimeo.com/114549895. The final words from that sermon fit well here: Thank you for traveling with me,
my friends, for pointing to Jesus, for going to church, for you sharing your faith. I love my church. I love you.
The Rev. Paul Lutz, Senior Pastor
Minutes of Congregation Meeting -January 26, 2014
Trinity Lutheran Church, Lansdale, Pennsylvania 19446-1998
The meeting, held in Hyson Hall, was called to order at 12:15 p.m. by Karen Strobel, President, with 114 in attendance.
A Thank you was extended to the Hospitality Committee, Maintenance Staff and to Vicki Thomas, for their help with the meeting. Pastor
Malloy gave an Opening Prayer. The agenda was presented and approved (Erik Nelson/Linda Scheckenbach). The minutes from the January
27, 2013 Congregation Meeting were approved (Teri Lanan/Jeff Hyson).
Pastor Lutz spoke on Trinity’s four mission priorities and highlighted Trinity being an inviting church, and seeking participation not
perfection. He also spoke of cultural changes at Trinity- such as there no longer being a staff liaison assigned to a committee or task force,
but rather having the committee or task force work with whichever staff person can address their particular need. Staff has been in transition
and he recognized/introduced Trinity’s current staff. The burning of the mortgage and calling a new pastor for Family Ministry were
Pastor Lutz acknowledged the outgoing Council members – Jean Birenbaum, Dot McHale and Karen Strobel. Continuing Council members
introduced were: Ken Banet, Matthew Brown, Kirsten Hatton, Jeff Hyson and Debbie Neves. Council Elections: New nominees for
Council were introduced – Mary Kieras, Elizabeth Ricketts, and Amy Smith, as well as incumbent nominees for re-election – Warren
Ditzler, Al Hanna, Steve Hull, Jason Laurens, Linda Schenkenbach and Hannah Shade. Highlight: A motion was made and seconded to
approve the Council slate (Jeff Hyson/Julie Kinzel). A written vote was taken and all nine nominees were elected by majority vote
of the 114 ballots cast.
Treasurer’s Report: The report was presented by Ken Banet- Council Treasurer. Ken reviewed the 2013 Budget vs. Actual, which ended
with a net surplus of $218,492.00. The Budget/Actual Income resulted in $166,986 more income than budgeted, and the Budget/Actual
Expenses resulted in $51,506 less expenses than budgeted. Questions were asked and responded to regarding the 2013 Budget vs. Actual,
including what made up student ministry costs (answer- basically youth trips), and how mortgage was paid off (answer- special donations to
mortgage fund). Ken then reviewed the 2014 Budget Process – now called Ministry Plan. The 2014 Ministry Plan is a breakeven budget –
with income and expenses of $1,893,830. He reviewed the changes made in how giving and mission costs are recorded. There are now
six categories of expenses: Ministry Support, Worship & Music, Faith Formation, Social Outreach & Benevolence, Discipleship Ministry,
and Property. Expense increases were due to 3% salary increases, and funding for Pastor for Family Ministry, Assistant to Pastor for
Family Ministry, and Visitation Pastor. Also increased expenses are due to increase in tithe for Benevolence, relocation for new Pastor,
and property and grounds maintenance. Questions were asked and responded to, including question on Revenue Sponsorships increase
(answer- decrease in youth fund raisers and some things such as radio broadcast were not budgeted last year, but are this year), will
Assistant to Family Pastor be lay or ordained position and what is plan to fill the position (answer-lay position, not to be posted since
have someone in mind for position). Highlight: A motion passed unanimously to approve the 2014 Ministry Plan of $1,893,830
Total Income and $1,893,830 Total Expenses (Matt Brown/Erik Nelson).
Celebrations – Highlighted were: New pastor for Family Ministry, Endowment Fund balance of $1,031,387, and the debt mortgage paid
off. Pastor Lutz closed the meeting at 1:10 p.m. with the Lord’s Prayer.
Recording Secretary, Dianne Kalb
What a pleasure it has been to be with all of you for a second year at Trinity! 2014 has been one richly
blessed as relationships deepened and ministry expanded. As Trinity’s Interim Pastor for Visitation, I
visited members in a variety of locations including retirement communities, local and city hospitals, nursing
and rehab centers. I also officiated at member funerals and weddings, and Sunday worship services.
This summer, Trinity disciple Sandy Cottrell became our Eucharistic Ministry Coordinator to help track homebound visits and
member information. After she assumed these responsibilities, Sandy and I held training sessions for our new and seasoned
Eucharistic Ministers. We currently have 22 teams who visit homebound members with communion each month. It is a privilege
to visit and give the sacrament to those who are unable to attend church. If you enjoy hearing people’s life stories and have the
gift of encouragement, please let me know. You will be blessed!
This October, on Worldwide Communion Sunday, we began to intentionally expand our ministry to include non-members who
live in nursing homes that do not provide chaplain services. Barbara Rodgers and Jean Birenbaum are now offering monthly
communion to residents at Spring Meadows. We are very thankful to all those who have provided communion to nonmembers
in the past, most notably John Huber and Linda Anderson who previously served communion to residents at Spring Meadows
for the past seven years.
On a personal note, 2014 has been a sometimes daunting year for me as I dealt with the realities of having breast cancer. I
would like to thank all who have prayed for me, sent cards or food, called or otherwise offered care. I would like to especially
thank Norma Nish, Gail McBride and Vicki Seal for driving me to and from my chemo treatments. Special thanks are also extended to Pastors Lutz and Skilbred and Trinity staff for their care and support. I am deeply grateful for God’s provision in sending me to this amazing place to work and get well, for the gift of healing I’ve received.
Peace be with you!
Pastor Anita-The Rev. Anita E. London, Pastor for Visitation
2014 PLAN
2015 PLAN
Weekly Giving & Debt Service
Fund Raisers
Staff Expenses
Administration Costs
Council Expenses
Communication Expenses
Global Mission Ministry
Social Ministry
Other Income
Total Revenue
Ministry Support:
Worship & Music:
Staff Expenses
Worship & Music Expenses
Faith Formation:
Staff Expenses
Christian Education Expenses
PreSchool Expenses
Student Ministry Costs
Social Outreach & Benevolence:
Benevolence Synod
Other Ministries
Staff Expenses
Hospitality Expense
Discipleship Ministry:
Stewardship Costs
Staff Expenses
Buildings & Grounds Expenses
Total All Ministry Expense
Operating Surplus (Deficit)
Discipleship Ministry Expenses
Allocate General Fund Surplus to 2015 Ministry Plan
Adjusted Operating Surplus (Deficit)
Dear Disciples of Trinity,
2014 Church Council
God is up to something new at Trinity
Lutheran Church. First of all, you
called a new pastor all the way from
Minnesota to be a part of your faith
community. You welcomed this guy
and his family into your midst and
made them a part of your family. But
more importantly, this year, God has
called us into a new way of doing
ministry at Trinity: Family Ministry.
Matthew Brown
Warren Ditzler
Al Hanna
Kirsten Hatton
Steve Hull
You called me to walk alongside you in this journey, to help you
figure out how to be family together. Not only did you call me
as your pastor, but as a pastor who helps you to do ministry out
in the world every day. You have called me with a focus on
equipping families of all shapes and sizes to use their gifts and to
grow in faith here and in your homes, workplaces, and schools.
To me, that can seem like a daunting task, but I am grateful to be
blessed with many people who see the value in this ministry and
who have worked so hard to see what it might look like as we
move forward. I am indebted to those of you who care so deeply
for all the families of this congregation and find ways to share
God’s love with them. It’s a long process to figure out how to live
into this new thing God is doing among us. We are still figuring
this out. But I am excited to see the amazing things that are
happening as we live into this new reality together.
You can read more about family ministry later in this annual
report, but I would like to share how this congregation has cared
for one particular family: mine. When I moved to Pennsylvania
in March, it was a little scary and we weren’t sure exactly how it
would go. But from the very beginning you welcomed Ingrid,
Courtney, and me with open arms. You have supported us all
along the way with loving words, kind actions, and with your love.
It’s amazing how little time it has taken for us to feel like a part of
the Trinity family, and we are so thankful for all of you, our brothers and sisters, in making that a reality.
I look forward at the beginning of a new year to many good things
to come. Thank you for being you, and for living into this new
thing God is doing. Thank you also, for allowing this guy and his
family the honor of being a part of your family, the family of God,
right here.
Your brother in Christ,
Dane Skilbred
Pastor for Family Ministry
Jeff Hyson
Mary Kieras
Teri Lanan
Jason Laurens
Pastor Paul Lutz
Debbie Neves
Liz Ricketts
Linda Scheckenbach
Hannah Shade
Pastor Dane Skilbred
Amy Smith
The Congregation Council is the governing
board of the congregation. It is comprised of
the called pastors, Pastor Paul Lutz and
Pastor Dane Skilbred, and no more than
eighteen but no less than twelve elected lay
members of the congregation. Each elected
member serves for a two-year term and may
serve three consecutive terms.
To the right are the first term nominees—
Barbara Rodgers and Jake Loburak—who
will be filling the two Council seats being vacated
by Jeff Hyson and Hannah Shade. Matthew
Brown, Kirsten Hatton, and Debbie Neves are
being nominated for re-election to serve for
a second term.
Jeff Hyson
Hannah Shade
Each Council member can serve a maximum of three two year terms
and must stand for election at the end of each two year period.
Church Council Nominees for 2015
Kirsten Hatton is 17 years old and is a
senior at North Penn High School. She is
finishing her first term on council. Kirsten
has been a member of Trinity her entire life
and enjoys being active within the church.
Since age five she has been involved in all
the children’s choirs, and currently sings in
LifeSong. She also serves as an assisting
minister and helped her mom with funeral
luncheons in the past. She has participated in several TLC
mission trips and attended the National Youth Gathering three
years ago. She attended summer camp at Bear Creek Camp
for three years. Kirsten loves to run and participates in cross
country and track at North Penn. She dances ballet, tap, lyrical,
and jazz at a local dance studio. Kirsten enjoys watching Philadelphia sports teams with her family. She plans to attend college
next fall, majoring in communications or education.
Barbara Rodgers
Barbara and her
husband, David,
imports from
Kentucky, have been
Trinity disciples since
1988. After 38 years
in special education
as a teacher,
principal, and special
education supervisor,
Barbara retired from
Abington School
District in 2008.
Over the years at Trinity, Barbara has been a
greeter, coffee hour host, supporter of Manna on
Main Street and the Laurel House, communion
assistant, and new member mentor. She attends
Wednesday morning Bible study, serves as an
assisting minister, Eucharistic minister, lector, and
last June graduated from Diakonia (a two-year
Christian education and faith formation program).
Barbara has participated in small group discussions
and serves on the Capital Campaign committee.
She has given several Temple Talks on
stewardship. She enjoys working on the worship
committee developing new worship opportunities
for all disciples. Barbara owns and operates a
small farm that boards retired horses. She rides
and shows competitively on her own horse in local
shows and serves on the Associated Horse Show
Board of Directors as their awards banquet
As a child, Matt Brown started coming to
Trinity with his mother, Johanna, back in
1975. He was officially confirmed as an
adult member of Trinity on June 6, 1982.
He served this church in his youth as an
Acolyte and LifeSong Singers. As an adult,
he has served as a Sunday School teacher
and a D2D Guide. Currently, Matt serves as
Co- Vice President of the Congregational
Council and also serves on the Executive Committee of Council,
as well as helps out at FEAST, most Wednesdays. Matt was
married at Trinity in May 1989 and he and his wife DeAnne have
been active members since. They reside in Lansdale and have
two children, Jordan, a recent graduate of West Chester
University, and Hailey, an eleventh grader at North Penn High
School. Outside of church, Matt is actively involved with the
community. He is currently employed as the Director of Information Technology for the Fred Beans Family of Dealerships in
Doylestown. Matt enjoys spending his spare time with his family
the most, but also enjoys gardening, camping, hiking and
fishing as well as nutrition and self-defense.
Jake Loburak
Jake Loburak is a 15
year old freshman at
Penndale Middle
School in the North
Penn School District.
Jake serves on the
National Junior Honor
Society and is the
sports anchor for
PDTV at Penndale.
Jake lives with his
mom, Vicki Seal,
stepdad, sister and
little brother. Jake also spends time with his dad on
the weekends. Jake loves to play hockey. Jake is
currently involved in a youth league at Inline 309,
where he plays defense and goalie. Jake is an
active disciple at Trinity, serves at FEAST on
Wednesday nights and is a communion assistant
and greeter on Sunday mornings. Jake is looking
forward to serving on Council.
Deb Neves
I am a child of God, a “born into”
daughter of Trinity, a wife, mother,
grandmother known as “Mimi”, daughter,
sister, aunt, niece, cousin, friend,
I wonder if I have enough faith to speak/
stand up for injustice wherever,
whenever I see it and I wonder what
amazing in-the-world ministries Trinity disciples will be doing in
five years.
I hear the voice of God in those who speak truth to power for
the disenfranchised.
I see the amazing hand of God in nature all around me, from
the patterns in a butterfly's wing to the delicately balanced interdependence among living things.
I want to live an honest, faith-filled life; to eliminate the “shoulds”
in my thinking; to be a catalyst for change that
reflects God's love for the whole of creation.
I am a servant-leader honored to currently sit on church
council, an advocate for Care of (all)Creation as Green
Team Coordinator and a lay leader as Assisting minister,
Communion Assistant and lector .
Worship Imagining Team—New creative team meets to imagine new worship experience.
Earth Day Feed and Be Fed—Worship service combined with a service project for Manna on Main St.
God’s Work Our Hands—Outdoor worship service coupled with many different opportunities to serve.
World Communion Sunday—Communion was celebrated in the round with breads and wines from
around the world.
Handbell Gift—The 5th octave of Schulmerich Handbells and supporting equipment were given.
Baptism Ministry—New baptism guide shepherds the newly baptized disciple and family.
Visitor Follow Up—New ministry to contact visitors that have attended our services.
Meal Delivery—New ministry delivering homemade meals to recently discharged hospital patients.
Annual Picnic—Huge successful congregation picnic with balloons, moon bounce, tattoos and DJ
Winterfest—Winterfest was highly attended with over 215 disciples enjoying the festivities.
New Disciple—New 4 week session model was well received.
AM Kulp Partnership—Adopted AM Kulp in Hatfield. With the generous support of Trinity disciples
we donated 20 Thanksgiving baskets, and holiday gifts and will be an ongoing initiative.
God on Tap—New ministry that meets at Molly Maguire’s for drinks and discussion.
Outdoor Concert and FEAST—Bobby Jo Valentine entertained us on the front steps this summer.
It was a wonderful evening of music, food and fellowship.
Gift Cards for FEAST—FEAST guests in need were supplied gift cards at Christmas.
Vacation Bible School—Wilderness Escape-Where God Guides and Provides. Over 250 children
grew in their faith with over 70 disciples who shared God’s love with them.
PreSchool Summer Success Camp—Trinity PreSchool Partnered with teachers and students from
HeadStart in Lansdale to offer a kindergarten readiness camp. 70 campers were enrolled.
Pr. Dane Skilbred Installation—Joyous installation of our new Pastor for Family Ministry on June 1st.
First Responders Celebration—Community first responders participated in worship, received a
donation to their company and enjoyed breakfast with Trinity disciples.
Fellowship One—New online membership software was launched. With this we updated contact
information and decreased mailing of Lansdale Lutheran by 75%, saving in postage and being green.
New Roof and Gutters—Installed on Main Church, Luther Hall and garage
Tree Trimming—Started and will be completed in 2015.
HVAC—Upgraded heating and air conditioning system with global control to decrease energy costs.
Discipleship Ministry
This has been another amazing year at Trinity
Lutheran Church. Highlights for 2104 include:
 NEW DISCIPLES—is a 4-week session for
anyone interested in joining Trinity Lutheran Church.
This was our first year using the 4-week session
model, and it worked wonderfully. The
discipleship committee planned each class and
participated when necessary. This design enabled
the committee to discover what gifts our new
disciples share and motivated the disciples to
build relationships within the class.
God is calling us to make
disciples, who make disciples!
 MEAL DELIVERY—is a new ministry this year,
caring for our disciples who have been in the
hospital. Calls are made to check-in with these folks
when they are discharged and followed by a meal if
needed. Our hope is that a transportation ministry
emerges as more disciples serve in this ministry.
Our purpose in Discipleship Ministry is to be an accepting and caring ministry that invites participation
not perfection. Our goal is to educate, mentor and
guide so that we are all well equipped to be disciples
of Jesus. We can be a shining example of grace as
we serve and share together.
 MENTOR PROGRAM— is another new ministry
formed last year; all of our new disciples will have
a mentor for the first six months here at Trinity
Lutheran Church. Folks are paired with another
person or family that has a similar family setting to
help guide them in the first few months at Trinity.
It has worked well and we have come to find that
folks have formed very special relationships.
 TRINITY’S PICNIC—another great success. We
had dancing, hula hooping, pop up pony rides (which
were a hoot), balloon art and tattoos! As disciples,
we love to play and we have fun playing and serving
In 2015, our hope is to expand our meal delivery
ministry along with a transportation ministry. These
are both rather new and we are hoping to equip
disciples who are gifted in this area of ministry.
Also in 2015, we are planning a Mother’s Day tea to
celebrate Mother’s Day. Lastly, we are exploring a
family-style retreat weekend; we currently offer a
Women’s retreat but would like to offer a retreat for
 THE DECEMBER WINTERFEST—was fantastic this
year! Over 215 people attended Winterfest this year,
participating in crafts for kids and adults with so
many gifted crafters on hand to help. We also enjoyed a delicious spaghetti dinner prepared and
served by our many talented disciples here at Trinity.
The fellowship for this event was truly wonderful,
everyone had a enjoyable night.
Our serving disciples on Discipleship Committee are
Jill Hyson, Cindi Kramer, Mim Mertz, Gail McBride,
Vicki Seal, Becki Siravo, George and Pat Turner.
Discipleship Committee meets the second Tuesday
of every month. If you would like more information
you can contact
Vicki Seal at
 WEDNESDAY NIGHT F.E.A.S.T. program which
helps feed homeless and hungry people every week
as well as our Trinity disciples involved in choirs and
small groups. Thanks to our dedicated crew of kitchen
Active Worship Disciples at Trinity
Family Ministry
We are excited about the new things God is doing here
at Trinity. This past year, two new people were called to
join the Trinity staff: Dane Skilbred, Pastor for Family
Ministry and Karen Strobel, Assistant to the Pastor for
Family Ministry. These two were called not to do youth
ministry for everyone else, but to walk alongside others
and begin the process of re-forming ministry traditionally geared toward young people into something new:
Family Ministry.
that is EPIC: experiential, participatory, image-driven,
and connective.
Cross-generational services are held periodically that
engage people of all ages: Every child has an
opportunity to help plan and lead worship alongside
their classmates and families.
Worship opportunities are offered throughout the year
on Confirmation and Choir Retreats that engage
students, mentors, and parents
What is "Family Ministry"?
Well, simply put, family ministry is centered around families (duh!). But more than that, family ministry is the
idea that families come in all shapes and sizes: single
adults, couples without children, grandparents, step
families, single-parent households, and the "traditional"
family unit. We also believe, at Trinity Lutheran Church,
that we are all part of the Family of God, the Body of
Christ that lives in this world. Family Ministry isn’t just
about youth and children. This is about all the people of
God. If we want Christian children and youth, we need
Christian adults who care for them, to learn from them,
and to be in a trusted relationship with them. We need
people of all ages and backgrounds, from all sorts of
Sunday school is available for all children age 2
years old through 7th grade Sunday mornings from
9:30-10:30 am.
The Seekers class is an opportunity for adults with
special needs to learn about God and build relationships with each other through education and music.
Adult Education opportunities are also available on
Sunday mornings and seasonally on Wednesday
evenings. If you have an idea for a class, please
contact Pastor Lutz in the church office.
We believe at Trinity that we are all
part of the Family of God, the Body
of Christ that lives in this world.
Dare to Deviate (D2D) is Trinity’s confirmation program. What’s exciting about D2D at Trinity is that it is
constantly evolving based on the direction God is
leading us. This year we have invited parents to participate in the Large Group learning opportunities offered
as a way to engage and encourage conversation about
faith in the home. Along with learning, retreats and service projects are an integral part of the program which
helps to build relationships among the students, adults
and ultimately,
family units so we can learn and grow in faith together.
The aim of family ministry is to equip families to live the
faith in their homes, workplaces, and schools. What will
this look like at Trinity? That’s up to you! We are so
excited to have your ideas and energy so that we can
figure out what it is to be family together. To that end,
we want you to know about a few of the exciting things
that have been happening at Trinity this year:
are available for
all ages to use
their spiritual gifts.
Single-day service
opportunities are
available for families to serve together, while the
traditional Mission Trip is still offered for youth to immerse themselves in service to others while building
relationships with folks from around the country. Local,
regional and international trips are available. Summer
2014 included a synod-sponsored urban servant trip to
Boston and an international trip to Costa Rica and a
Week of Hope mission trip to Virginia.
At Trinity we encourage participation of people from all
age groups in worship leadership. People of all ages
are encouraged to be part of what we do together.
Feed and
Be Fed
services are
held both
indoor and
outdoor to
engage people
in worship
Family Ministry
Youth groups for all ages are available:
Trinity Pre-School and
Pre-Kindergarten continues
to thrive here at Trinity. For
the third year in a row, we
are partners with the North
Penn School District through
the Keystone to Opportunities
Grant (KTO). This grant
allows our students and
their families to become
Kindergarten ready through testing, new resources,
iPad technology, and family engagement events held
each month. The grant also provides our teachers with
teaching strategies, teaching resources, and training.
Kid’s Rock (3rd-4th grade) is a new group that meets
the first Friday of the month in the WELL.
CHAOS (5th-6th grade) meets on the 2nd and 4th Sunday
in the WELL.
Here We Go (7th-9th grade) meets on the 1st and 3rd
Sunday in the WELL.
Senior High (9th-12th grade) meets the 1st Sunday in
Hyson Hall and one other time in the month offsite for a
fun activity.
One of our successes in 2014 was Summer Success
Camp. This camp was a community outreach with our
school and HeadStart of Lansdale who is a KTO partner
with us. Teachers and students from both HeadStart
and Trinity collaborated to hold a summer camp, funded
by Trinity’s Endowment Fund and the United Way, to
provide children with Kindergarten Readiness skills.
There were 70 children enrolled in camp. We were also
fortunate to participate in the District’s summer food
program which provided campers with a snack and
lunch each day.
The Pre-School has worked with our partner school,
AM Kulp Elementary. We were able to provide for 20
Thanksgiving Baskets for families in need at Kulp.
During the Christmas season, we held a hat, glove,
mitten, and scarf drive. Pre-School families brought in
these items which were donated to Kulp to help some of
their struggling families. These projects help us teach
our students the importance of giving back.
Synod/ELCA-sponsored gatherings are another way
our youth engage with each other and their brothers
and sisters in Christ. We had 10 youth and adults
attend the Junior High Youth Gathering in the Fall of
2014, 30 youth and adults attend the Senior High Youth
Gathering in February of 2014 and we have 33 folks
registered to attend the ELCA National Youth Gathering
in Detroit in July 2015.
The Pre-School staff of Kim Nolen, Robin Walter, Beryl
Pugliese, Kelly Ertel, Cathy Grever, Miwa Sperring, and
Jennifer Schuster work above and beyond expectation
for the benefit of our students. Their dedication is what
makes this school such a warm and caring place where
the children learn, grow, and flourish. We also continue
to be grateful for June Huebner, Marcia Hoffa, Donna
Watson, and Diane Gamble who continue to administer
the GRADE evaluation for the KTO grant at Trinity. We
are thankful for their gifts of time, talent, and dedication
to the Pre-School.
Would you like to learn more or be a part of Family
Ministry at Trinity? Contact Pastor Dane Skilbred,
dskilbred@trinitylansdale.com or Karen Strobel,
kstrobel@trinitylansdale.com to share your ideas or
questions so that we can shape what Family Ministry
looks like together.
In 2015 we look forward to our continued partnerships
with North Penn School District, HeadStart, and Kiddie
Korner at the high school. We continue to update our
curriculum and teaching styles to keep current with the
ever-changing requirements in public school. If you
would like information please contact Lisa Corr, Director
at lcorr@trinitylansdale.com or at 267.498.5913.
Worship & Music
Worship and music ministry at Trinity is at the heart of
our lives together as disciples of Jesus Christ, and one
important way that we grow in our faith. Something that
is so central to our lives together and has so many
facets requires a great deal of dreaming, planning,
and execution. Here are some highlights from our year
of worshiping together:
a single team of disciples met to plan for worship a
quarter at a time. A new process this year involved the
creation of a worship imagining team that meets prior
to the worship planning team. Those with creative,
imaginative gifts generate ideas, and those who are
detail-oriented handle the specifics.
At an exciting Worship Imagining meeting in the spring,
ideas around celebrating World Communion Sunday
arose from the many disciples present. One said, “What
would it be like if we could commune each other in the
round?” More dreaming quickly followed. “Can we
commune with breads and wines from around the world
as a way of connecting us to other places?” The energy
was palpable as the group imagined the possibilities.
While World Communion Sunday was celebrated
across the board on October 4th/5th, the 9:30 worship
service was held in Hyson Hall with the ideas above
and many more put into practice.
Worship and music ministry at Trinity is at the heart
of our lives together as disciples of Jesus Christ,
Born out of a desire to strengthen the connection
between worship and service, a Feed and Be Fed
worship experience happened in Social Hall on April
27th. Those who came to worship also participated in
a service project of potting herbs that were delivered
to Manna on Main Street.
and one important way that we grow in our faith.
A gift was given by Kenneth
Saul in memory of his wife,
Mary Jane, that allowed for
the purchase of a 5th octave
of Schulmerich Handbells and
the equipment necessary to
support the additional handbells. This gift allows us to involve more ringers and create
a fuller, more beautiful sound!
Gather, Word, Meal, and Send provide the framework
for our regular worship services. God’s Work, Our
Hands Sunday, an ELCA effort to make a stronger
connection between the Send portion of worship and
our lives outside the walls of the building, was a huge
success on September 7th. In addition to many different
opportunities to serve, an outdoor worship experience
at 9:30 provided a chance to hear from some who
participated in service trips over the summer. This
service was planned with the EPIC model of worship
in mind (Experiential, Participatory, Image-Driven,
and Connective).
Eric Gombert – Director for Music
Andrea Baxter – Associate Director for Music
Sue Sheppard – Associate Parish Musician
Archive Committee
Disaster Preparation
The Archive Committee’s purpose is to preserve the
history of Trinity. In September 2014, the display cases
were completed in the lobby. In September 2015, we
plan to change a display every month. We hope to arrange that each of the committees has an opportunity to
share their past, present and future to inform the congregation of their works. Also, elicit the help of youth
organizations, such as Key Club, the Boy Scouts, etc.
to help organize the archives. To do this we would like
to purchase and install shelving.
The 2014 task force agenda for Trinity’s Disaster
Preparation and Response Task Force featured two
main chapters under the leadership of Bernie Heinze,
a Trinity disciple and volunteer firefighter with the Fire
Department of Montgomery Township.
In early September as part of the “God’s Work, Our
Hands” initiative, the task force spearheaded a
campaign to gather contents and organize them to create 90 “flood buckets,” each containing an assortment
of 16 cleaning materials for flood survivors to use in
cleaning their residences after a flood. Mark and Lynn
Staples provided guidance to the project with the assistance of many Trinity volunteers, including Paula Kadel,
Jane Jorgensen, Dave and Lorraine Crosson and the
Benavage family. After setting up an “assembly line”
of cleaning goods for buckets assembly, scores of
“volunteers emerged the Sunday of the initiative,
assembled the buckets and placed them in storage in
Trinity’s attic in only 35 minutes! The buckets will be
distributed as needed by Lutheran Disaster Response.
Trinity’s Julia Menzo is LDR’s regional coordinator.
Heide Pickens, Mark Lanan and Cathy Pierce currently
serve on the Archives Committee. Contact Heide
Pickens: 215.872.8040 or Mark Lanan: 215.272.4979.
Appalachia Service
Project Mission Trip
To accept people right
where they are, just
the way they are as
we make their homes
warmer, safer, and
drier. After much
planning, preparation,
and fundraising, we
took twenty-eight high
school youth and
adults down to
Mitchell County, North
Carolina to work with four families to help improve their
standard of living.
On the last weekend of September Trinity, under the
leadership of Bernie Heinze and Julia Menzo and
Hospitality leaders Cricket Snearing and Cynthia
Kramer, hosted a First Responders’ Appreciation
Sunday, featuring displays and certificates of
appreciation and donations from the Finance
Committee for area first responders. Officers and
members of eight local fire companies, the Volunteer
Medical Service Corps and the Federal Emergency
Management Association participated in a recognition
breakfast and special services. Trinity parishioners
were greeted in
the parking lot
by a hook
and ladder
“gateway” at
the parking
lot entrance,
A large American flag was
draped from
two extended
ladders framing
the driveway
entrance off Columbia Avenue. Pastor Skilbred, attired
in full turnout firefighter gear, gave a children’s sermon
encouraging youngsters not to be afraid of first
responders wearing such imposing gear, and focused
his main sermon on the work of first responders within
our community.
We plan to take about thirty high school youth and
adults to Kentucky who will be matched with emergency
home repair projects to provide free repairs to families
who are struggling with limited resources and have
nowhere else to turn.
The roster for the Summer of 2015 includes:
Alexandra Aleide, Debora Aleide, Elizabeth Aleide,
Sam Aleide, Caroline Daniels, Kristine Daniels,
MacKenzie Daniels, Meghan Daniels, Caitlin Gentile,
Daniel Kolecki, Nick Kolecki, Isabella Laurens, Kyle
Morse, Haley Muth, Kristen Muth, Ryan Nase, Greg
Neidlinger, Michael Neidlinger, Jill Petrille, Steve
Pugliese, Joan Reed, Earl Schrack, Jr., Stephanie
Seely, William Seely, Bruce Shaffer, Amanda
Stearsman, Carole Stearsman and Emma Stearsman.
Task force members include Cynthia and Tom Kramer,
Heinze (convener), Menzo, Staples and Bruce Shaffer.
The task force plans a spring meeting to develop a
fresh agenda for 2015.
Contact Sara Heil, sara-asp@hotmail.com or call
Accomplishments in 2014:
At Trinity we have inherited a legacy of faith from our
founding families whose vision built a vibrant congregation. We continue to grow... and you can participate in
this glorious tradition by making a special and permanent gift to the Trinity Endowment Fund. The Trinity Endowment Fund provides resources for the ministry of
Trinity and the wider church in perpetuity. Now you can
help this Fund become a cornerstone of future ministry,
our legacy of faith.
We have been blessed to have an Endowment Fund,
and the TLC Endowment Committee is charged with
overseeing the distribution of requested funds that meet
the needs of many ministries such as local outreach,
global outreach, capital improvements, scholarship, and
discretionary areas.
Energy guidelines were presented to and approved
by church council.
All exterior doors were weather stripped.
Insulation on Freon lines for HVAC replaced.
Energy brokering services for natural gas were recommended to and approved by council.
Re-lamping of approximately 300 light fixtures taking them from four bulbs to three bulbs with approximately the same lumens as before.
Recommended to and approved by council the installation of a computer controlled heat/air conditioning integrated system.
Goals for 2015:
2014 Accomplishments: Welcome Home Project –
Joint Project with Prince of Peace Church and Lutheran
Family Service – Refugee Housing Program, Explorers
Sans Frontieres – Help Haiti Project, Community
Pre-School Camp, Youth and Family Ministry Projects,
Arts & Literacy Program at the West Philadelphia Childhood Center, New Paraments, On Eagle’s Wings
Project, and several other needed support projects for
Trinity family members. The Committee is also charged
with reviewing and selecting the Janke Scholarship
Award for an Area High School student. The Committee
was able to match the amount of this year’s amount and
award two recipients.
Utilize the information and diagnostic information provided by the new computer integrated HVAC system to
upgrade, improve, and make our HVAC system more
energy efficient and effective.
Replace the lighting in Hyson Hall with more energy
efficient LEDs.
Continue to find areas to be more energy efficient and
continue to raise our Energy Star rating. The following
are members currently serving on the Energy Management Team: John Strobel, co-chairperson, Curt
Deardorff, co-chairperson, Warren Ditzler, Joe
Voicheck, Ralph Schultz, Dennis Smith, and John Walz.
Hope to accomplish in 2015: Our goal is to evaluate
requests and distribute allocated funds appropriately.
Trinity Energy Management team meets every other
month or monthly if needed on Saturday at 9 am usually
in Room 264. Contact: Curt Deardorff:
daddydrill@yahoo.com or 215.699.5737.
The following serve on the committee: Dave Crosson,
Tom McGuire, Warren Ditzler, Mike Scharff, Dan
O’Rourke, Paula Kadel, Carol Voicheck, and Todd
Contact Todd Simpson - Chairperson at
jaxparents@comcast.net or 215.997.7998
Finance Committee
Energy Management
The Finance Committee is responsible for monitoring
the financial health of the congregation, making fiscal
recommendations to Council, and reviewing the
investment performances of the Endowment, Janke
Scholarship, and Helping Hands Funds.
Trinity has committed itself to be as earth friendly as
possible through its Green Team. The Energy Management Team is a component of this "green" effort. The
Energy Management Team will investigate and evaluate how Trinity can best manage its energy use. Results and recommendations will be communicated to
Church council for their review and implementation.
What we accomplished in 2014: The new role of
“Fiscal Liaison” was established this year for committee
members to assist other committee and task force
chairs in creating their annual budgets, addressing any
receipt and expense variances each quarter, and completing reimbursement and budget overrun requests as
needed. The committee also recommended two undesignated bequest policies which Council passed
Finance Committee
$941K already pledged or received, we reached 50% of
the $1.9 million goal as of December 31, 2014.
What we hope to accomplish in 2014: In addition to
achieving the $1.9 million Capital Campaign goal in
2015, the Financial Force will be conducting a survey
of envelope recipients and, based on the responses,
exploring ways to enhance the utility and costeffectiveness of the packets.
unanimously—to transfer 10% to the Endownment
Fund and to tithe 10% to charitable concerns outside of
Trinity with up to 5% going to the SEPA Synod.
What we hope to accomplish in 2015: Instead of resorting to spending cuts to balance the budget year after year, the Finance Committee will be working with a
special task force to explore alternative streams of revenue as a means for offsetting the gradual decline in offerings that has been trending since 2008.
Who presently serves? Thanks to Dick Dressel, Barb
Grosch, Gail McBride, Cathy Pezzuti, and Polly Stewart
for sharing their time and talents with the Envelope
Team; to Liz Ricketts and Pastor Skilbred for spearheading the November 2014 Commitment Campaign.
Thanks also to my Capital Campaign Co-Chair, Chuck
Hertz, and to our fellow members of the Steering
Committee—Cort and Jean Birenbaum, Jason and Jen
Laurens, Kathy Harring and John Wittenbraker, Victoria
Thomas, and Donna Whitney.
Thanks to Ken Banet for his service as the Chair of the
Finance Committee and Treasurer of the congregation
until March 2014 and to Dick Dressel, Ray Gilbert, Chip
Kern, Jamie Price, Fran Reiner, Bill Schwab, Polly
Stewart, and John Strobel for their faithful service as
Finance Committee members. Thanks also to Mike
Scharff (Director for Finance) and Cathy Pezzuti
(Financial Assistant) for diligently tending to Trinity’s
day-to-day finances, preparing the monthly financial
reports, and attending our committee meetings.
If you are interested in learning more about the
Financial Force or using your spiritual gifts to help
shape financial stewardship at Trinity, speak with
Pastor Lutz or contact Teri Lanan at teri@lanan.com
or 215-272-4978.
If you have an accounting or financial background and/
or experience in working with budgets and financial
statements, please consider sharing your gifts with
Trinity as a member of the Finance Committee. We
meet the third Tuesday of each month at 7 pm in room
264. If you are interested or have any questions,
please contact the committee chair, Teri Lanan, at
teri@lanan.com or 215-272-4978.
Green Team
The earth is the Lord's and all that is in it; the world and
all who live in it. Psalm 24:1
Green Team continues to focus on our monthly
Recycling efforts and the summer FEAST Garden.
We determined that with the disciple “hands” we have
available that we'd move the April Earth Day celebration
to an every-other year event. In 2014 in place of a fair,
we led the April Feed and Be Fed worship where we
partnered with Manna to create portable herb gardens
for their guests. Manna also contacted us to prepare
some planters with donated baby plants. We held two
educational sessions, one 4-week Adult Forum series
and one with the CHAOS youth group which focused on
Recycling and Reusing. We look forward to hosting an
awesome Earth Day Celebration spring 2015....stay
Financial Force
Trinity’s Financial Force is responsible for educating,
encouraging, and equipping disciples to grow as faithful
stewards of the financial resources God entrusts to
The Financial Force consists of two standing task
teams, both of which are most active from September
through November each year. The Envelope Team
selects the supplier, distribution method, and design
for the annual offering envelopes after exploring the
options and collecting competitive quotes. The
Commitment Campaign Team plans and conducts
the annual pledge drive that takes place around
Thanksgiving each year.
Dreams for 2015 include establishing a viable on-site
composting station, developing some inter-generational
Get Out in Nature activities with Family Ministry, and
Launching a “Trinity Trekkers” club/outdoor ministry!
We're always looking for new disciples to join us....we'll
be meeting in early January to plan.
The distribution of offering envelopes changed at the
start of 2014. Instead of ordering and paying for a
full-year supply that had to be picked up at or mailed
by Trinity, monthly envelope packets with important
communication pieces are being mailed by the supplier
directly to each household. Also, a three-year Capital
Campaign got underway in April 2014. With a little over
The Energy Management Team continues to work with
staff to assess energy use and make recommendations
for streamlining the HVAC system. Congratulations to
our faithful steward, Denny Smith, for enrolling Trinity in
Sustainable Waste Solutions trash collection system,
where a good portion of our trash is delivered to a trash
-to-energy production system.
Eucharistic Ministry
To provide a ministry of visitation and sharing
communion with Trinity members who are homebound.
To assure those serving in this ministry are trained in
the means of grace and have the processes for fulfilling
this ministry.
few EMs have discontinued in this ministry, several new
EMs were trained and commissioned over these 5
months. Of the current 42 EMs currently assigned to do
visits, and looking at a visit-site as a person or couple
being visited, 12 teams/ or a single EM do one visit,
10 do two visits, 3 do 3 visits and 1 does 4. In general
doing more than 2 visits is because the Eucharistic
ministers are doing multiple visits at a single site
(example Brittany Pointe).
2014 Accomplishments:
This report summarizes the evolution of Eucharist
Minister reporting during the period August to
December 2014. While Eucharist ministry has been
“alive and well” at Trinity for years, there were changes
in administrative processes beginning in August and
thus this reporting summary has been limited to this
period. In 2014 we focused on renewing, reviving and
expanding our Eucharistic Ministry of Faith and Sharing
with the theme of Let No Member Feel They Are
Eucharistic ministers have become more diligent in
submitting reports monthly. While in August we were
provided information on 19 visits, in November we have
documented 28 visits. As of the close of 2014, in
December we received documentation for 29 December
visits to homebound members, albeit it is possible some
visits from 2014 will still be reported early in 2015. In a
few cases documentation for a lack of visit, for example
in November, was provided and even “double visits” in
December were then done. Often a lack of visit is
specifically related to illness. Regardless, it certainly
should be acknowledged that our Eucharistic ministers
are being more diligent about reporting! Most EM
teams submitted written reports by email; there are a
few Eucharistic ministers who call Sandy and provide
a verbal report which she then transcribes into the
In August we provided re-training sessions for all
current EMs and also trained five new EMs. As of
December 2014, Trinity’s Eucharistic Ministry has
a dedicated visitation pastor, Anita London, who is
repeatedly acknowledged by homebound members for
her Christ-based ministry and kind, gentle demeanor.
We have a dedicated Eucharistic Ministry coordinator,
Sandy Cottrell, who partnered with Pastor Anita to
re-train the majority of Eucharistic Ministers and to
provide them with updated liturgical references for their
ministry. In addition, we have assured there was an assigned EM for all who wished such and tracked those
homebound members who only wished a pastor’s visit.
Obviously this is a ministry of change as some members have passed and others have moved into needing
a Eucharistic minister visit. Carolyn Hoagland, the
previous staff member coordinating the names of our
homebound members for Eucharistic ministry,
continues to partner with Sandy when the church is
informed of address changes, etc. A monthly tracking
report is updated several times a month and shared
with the pastors on a Google Docs site. More
immediate needs are called out to the pastors in a
specific email. At the close of each month the tracking
report is archived so Trinity’s pastors can look back and
reflect on the progression of our homebound members.
By December there were 72 homebound people visited/
tracked within this system, nearly all of whom were
Trinity members, but not all. This figure of 72 includes a
few couples. Currently 16 of these 72 do not wish to be
visited by Eucharistic Ministers (EMs); typically all still
accept/want visits from Pastor Anita (or presumably any
pastor). Periodically an EM reports that a person would
like a visit from Pastors Paul and/or Dane. This is
noted in the update tracker and separate emails sent
directly to them.
In conclusion, this outreach ministry is very well
established, is meant to complement the wonderful
visitation work of Pastor Anita, and appears to meet the
objective of Let No Member Feel They Are Forgotten.
What we hope to accomplish in 2015:
In 2015 we hope to continue to assure that Trinity’s
homebound members are provided communion and
visitation fellowship at least monthly as a complement
to the caring ministry of Trinity’s visitation pastor. In
addition, we will offer an opportunity for new disciples to
join as Eucharistic Ministers and to be trained.
There are currently 44 trained commissioned
Eucharistic ministers. The list of these disciples is
available from Sandy Cottrell, or any of the pastors or
Carolyn Hoagland.
Pastor Anita London, the visitation pastor can be
contacted at the church office or by email at
Sandy Cottrell, the Eucharistic Ministry coordinator can
be reached by phone (215-489-8801) or by email at
As the year drew to a close we had 44 people identified
and commissioned as Eucharistic ministers (25 teams
as some visit alone, but most visit as a team.). While a
Matt Boeh
Ann Shade (term ends 2014)
Tess Demedio
Beth Tolassi-Tedesco
Bill Graeff
Christopher Worrell
To serve our Church Family and guests refreshments
and meals, Coffee Hour refreshments and prepare and
serve our weekly FEAST dinner.
Contact Amy Himmelberger at
alhimmelberger@gmail.com or 610.247.6884, if you’d
like more information about our work and/or are
interested in joining the committee. We are a friendly
and fun group of disciples who enjoy ministering to
Trinity’s employee needs.
What was accomplished in 2014
We have had many receptions, dinners for groups
meeting and performing at Trinity. Working on a new
kitchen staff for FEAST and other dinners that are
served at Trinity.
What we hope to accomplish in 2015
We hope to get more volunteers interested in serving
and preparing meals and helping with Coffee Hour, both
as servers and bakers.
Prayer Shawl
We have a large group of folks that help in all aspects
of the committee and are very much appreciated.
The Prayer
Shawl Ministry
is a world-wide
group of people
in churches of
all denominations that make
prayer shawls.
These shawls
are distributed
to people who
need the comfort of God's
love. Here at Trinity Lutheran Church we are a group of
yarn stitchers who use our talents to provide these
shawls to anyone who needs them. The purpose of the
prayer shawl is to give someone a tangible example of
God's love and care.
Contact Gail Shaffer, Hospitality Chairman at
The Human Resources Committee advises the
congregation regarding its obligations as an employer.
It serves as an agent for the Congregational Council
to develop recommended human resource policies, to
review and evaluate administrative programs, and to
promote the professional development of the staff.
We are a group of disciples who use our talents to help
Trinity’s staff, working closely with Mike Scharff and
Pastor Lutz.
This year the Prayer Shawl Ministry has provided
shawls to the Appalachia Service Project, the Stitches
of Love Organization and locally to those who have suffered the loss of a family member or friend, the sick and
the lonely. Prayer shawls are also given to the graduating students at the end of their senior year. Baptismal
prayers shawls are given to the family of the baptized.
Accomplishments in 2014
Working with Mike Scharff and Pastor Lutz, we made
recommendations on policies when requested by the
Congregational Council. We also developed a flexible
and comprehensive yearly review form that encourages
productive communication about objectives and
accomplishments as well as professional development
Anyone can join our Prayer Shawl Ministry and we are
always looking for new members. We meet on the third
Wednesday of each month in Room 126 from 6:30 to
8 pm. Each member provides his/her own materials,
however we always appreciate donations of Michael's
or AC Moore gift cards. We pray over the shawls as we
are knitting/crocheting them and at the end of the meeting. The shawls are then distributed as needed.
Goals for 2015
Update and/or generate the organizational chart, job
descriptions, and on-boarding/off-boarding checklists
and have them approved by Council. Work with Mike
Scharff and Pastor Lutz as they refine positions and the
organizational chart. Look for new ways to help with
professional development of all staff members.
Continue to define the role of our committee in helping
Trinity’s staff.
In 2015 we hope to continue and expand this ministry.
We are always looking for new ideas and patterns for
our shawls and different avenues for distribution.
Committee members 2014
Penny Boyer, Co-chairman (term ends 2014)
Amy Himmelberger, Co-chairman
Contact Diane Wampole at 215.699.7939 or email:
Social Ministry
convener, Karen Wright, Donna Watson, Sallie Cassa,
Joan Grasso, Lynn Staples, Mark Staples, Tamera
Hatton, Lorraine Crosson, Carol Bennett, Carole Doose,
Gayle Gotwals, Karen Minogue, Joe Voicheck and
Marilyn Loeffler.
Trinity’s Social Ministry Committee manages and
publicizes a wide range of initiatives that benefit
deserving children and adults with needs in the
Lansdale community and beyond. It is important to note
that none of these financial appeals and “in kind” giving
initiatives over the course of the year would be possible
without the generosity of so many of YOU, who are
Trinity’s disciples!
For information, contact Marcia Hoffa at
Trinity Quilters
During 2014 the committee helped to organize
congregational support around the following: Harvest
Home Appeal and monthly food cupboard drives
(supporting Manna on Main Street, Keystone
Opportunity Center and the Philadelphia Food
Cupboard, managed by Cortney Birenbaum, with
non-perishable foods donated by the congregation),
the Help Appeal (benefitting community outreach
organizations, Lutheran Charities and the Southeastern
Pennsylvania Synod – 14 beneficiaries altogether), the
Wounded Warriors Walk (benefitting veterans with
war-related and disabling injuries), White Gifts
(benefitting infants in need with clothing and accessories through the Abington Home Health and Hospice
and Abington Health Children’s Clinic).
Trinity Quilters have been very busy again this year.
We completed more than eighty quilts for Lutheran
World Relief which were taken to New Winsor, MD in
June. We are once again working to complete more
quilts; and we very much appreciate the donations of
time, materials, and money that helps us continue this
We are proud to display the quilts in May for all to
see--and perhaps be inspired. Inspired to join us in
creating the actual quilts; inspired to contribute extra
fabric, some of your time, or even some of your money!
Each quilt needs about seven and one/half yards of
fabric, so the cotton, or cotton/poly fabric you donate is
used quickly. Each large roll of batting (the filling inside
the quilt) makes 20-23 quilts and costs $55. Of course,
the time and labor the Trinity Quilters donate is (wait for
it…) PRICELESS! We still label our TLC quilts with a
heart so that whoever receives the quilt will know the
tender loving care we put into each quilt we make.
Also, the CROP Walk for Hunger (benefits Manna on
Main Street and Church World Service), Mother’s Day
Blanket Appeal (encourages monetary donations for
Church World Service to purchase blankets), the Father’s Day Appeal (supports initiatives such as Lutheran
Disaster Response), Lenten Hunger Appeal (monetary
donations for the Evangelical Lutheran Church’s World
Hunger Appeal), Manna on Main Street Thanksgiving
dinner baskets, the Christmas Ingathering (gifts for
seniors and children, work gloves for seafarers), and
God’s Global Barnyard (folks “purchase” an animal given to less fortunate individuals around the globe). In
addition this year over four weeks in the early Fall the
committee operated a Garden Surplus table, which
benefitted our Wednesday night FEAST dinner
program. Through The Wishing Well initiative the
committee strives to keep before Trinity disciples
opportunities to make a difference for individuals and
projects in need.
We would love to have you join us on the second and
fourth Wednesday of each month at either 1:00 pm
or at 7:00 p.m. Just contact the church office for
The committee has also offered encouragement and
support for initiatives like Code Blue, Trinity’s Disaster
Preparation and Response Task Force, and the
Seamen’s Church Institute of Southeastern Pennsylvania and New Jersey and Refugee Resettlement.
In 2015 the committee’s disciples look to continue their
support of the above and are always open to additional
ideas deserving of support. We also welcome new disciples who would like to join our mission of outreach!
The committee’s disciples include Marcia Hoffa,