No Slowing Down - Mercy Health Saint Mary`s


No Slowing Down - Mercy Health Saint Mary`s
Year-end 2008 Issue
The Newsletter of Saint
Mary’s Doran Foundation
Advancing the mission of Saint
Mary’s Health Care through
philanthropy and stewardship.
our Stories
Were you there?
Are you on the list?
Wanna throw a party?
Need a gift idea?
To be considered a 2008 charitable
contribution, all charitable gifts to
Saint Mary’s must be postmarked
December 31, 2008 or earlier. The
IRS considers any gift with a later
postmark than December 31 to be
a 2009 gift — even if the check has
a 2008 date.
No Slowing Down
Faith. Without these, my treatment and outcomes would have been very different.”
The ovarian cancer awareness motto, “It whispers, so listen,” rings especially true for Sally
Hitsman, patient of The Lacks Cancer Center.
With 14 grandchildren, a routine of walking
ten miles a day and her twicea-week volunteerism at the
Ronald McDonald House, ovarian cancer would have had to
yell at Hitsman to get her
attention. Leading an active
life, she had disregarded her
symptoms as “simply being a
woman and getting older,”
until a minor surgery revealed
that she had ovarian cancer.
While undergoing chemotherapy, Hitsman frequented The Personal Care Area at The Lacks
Cancer Center. “I bought my wig there, and
they showed me how to reapply my eyebrows
with make-up, which chemo
took from me.” Hitsman found
especial joy in the health care
providers at The Lacks Cancer
Center. “I just love Dr. Brader,
who sits and explains everything to my family and me,” she
says. “Michelle Weller, my nurse
every time I came for treatment, is simply wonderful. I feel
like I’ve known her my whole
life. She is one of my best
Even the diagnosis of ovarian
cancer in January 2005 did
not slow her down. As
Hitsman immediately began
her chemotherapy treatments Sally Hitsman
and Kevin Brader, MD, surgical
oncologist, performed surgery six weeks later
to remove the cancer, she discovered the
renewed strengths in her life. “I follow the
practice of the three ‘F’s:’ Family, Friends and
The cancer shows no signs of
coming back, but Hitsman still
takes it one day at a time. She
comes to the center every few
months for blood work and check-ups. “The
people here are amazing. I can’t imagine having gone anywhere else for my treatment.”
More on page 3 welcome
Saint Mary’s
Doran Foundation
Board of Trustees
Joe Schmieder
Judson M. Lynch
Vice Chair
Lisa Wurst
Paul O. Farr, MD
David D. Baumgartner, MD
Micki Benz
Donna Betten
Betsy Beaton Borre
Harold E. Bowman, MD*
Lawrence P. Burns
Suzanne Condit
Msgr. William H. Duncan
Rosalind Ebrom
Denise Gribbin, MD
Barbara Herr
Otis Jackoboice
Raymond E. Knape
Kurt V. Lacks
Katherine Ellis Love
Philip H. McCorkle, Jr.
Ross Meehan
Rachel P. Mraz
William J. Passinault, MD
Stephen Pirog
Blair C. Sharpe
Stanley R. Sherman, MD
David Stickney
Francis J. Verde, MD
Peter M. Wege*
*Founding Trustee
Ellamae Braun
Robert D. Burton, MD
Curtis D. Edholm, MD
Frederick S. Gillett, MD**
**Deceased—see page 15
Michelle Rabideau
In this final issue of Pinnacle for 2008, we usually include a letter
asking you for a year-end contribution to Saint Mary’s. This year,
we would like to take a different approach and let those who
benefit most from your generosity share their perspective and ask
for your support.
The underserved in our community, who are always struggling
financially, have even more difficulty in times like these. In many
cases, health becomes the victim of shrinking incomes and
poverty: medications are skipped; surgeries are put off;
emergency rooms become flooded with patients who can no
longer afford to visit their primary care physicians because their
insurance has been cut off.
As I heard the stories that appear in these pages, I realized that
our patients and their families are the ones who make the best
case for asking you, our donors, to make a year-end donation to
Saint Mary’s. Their stories speak in very meaningful ways about the
value of the care that they have received, and the way it has
helped them. So, take a moment to read the patient stories in this
issue of Pinnacle, and think about how they are able to receive
excellent care delivered with compassion because you have made
contributions. Your gifts, more than ever, are a valuable
investment, both to you, the giver, and to those who benefit from
your generosity.
And then, please join me in making a gift to Saint Mary’s so that
you can continue to be a part of the delivery of excellent medical
care to everyone in our community who comes to us for help.
Thanks for all your support.
Joe Schmieder, Chair
Saint Mary’s Doran Foundation
Center Stage
ot long ago, simply walking a
block down the street was
unthinkable for Bob Gray. A
victim of congestive heart failure and
asthma, Gray could hardly breathe. Panic
permeated his body whenever he
became short of breath. His life had
come to a standstill.
Compare this to his life eight months later,
when Gray was center stage as the lead in a
local production of Tuesdays With Morrie. What
is the story behind this transformation?
In September 2007, Gray was prescribed a visit
to Saint Mary’s Pulmonary Rehabilitation. He
began training with MaryAnn Masterton, RN,
who works with people whose lungs operate
at less than 65 percent “normal” capacity.
Masterton’s exuberance and dedication to
wellness created a sense of empowerment for
“My mind and attitude got better after my circulation improved. I no longer felt depressed,”
recalls Gray. This self-empowerment drove him
to work even harder to alleviate his symptoms.
For Gray and others in Pulmonary
Rehabilitation, working toward wellness is no
easy task. Many must use oxygen tanks during
their “rehab” sessions and stop to take breaks
when needed. Gray worked hard to improve
his breathing.
“My mind and attitude
got better after my
circulation improved.
I no longer felt
depressed.” —Bob Gray
After completing the initial pulmonary sessions, Gray advanced to maintenance classes at
Saint Mary’s Health Care. His health improved
so much that by the summer of 2008, he auditioned and was cast as the lead for Tuesdays
With Morrie. As the play is largely a monologue, Gray relied on his recently achieved
stamina and voice projection for the part.
“I’m so deeply indebted to this program and especially to MaryAnn,” says Gray. “We performed 14 shows in three weeks. This was an intense experience; something that I never
could have done without Saint Mary’s.”
Pinnacle Year-end 2008
a special event
Shelby Reno
Special Guest: Lucy
Grand Rapids Magazine
Grand Rapids Business Journal
WGRD 97.9
Dancing the
night away
Jeff and Julie Taggart
Up on the Roof
On Thursday, September 11, more than 300
guests raised the roof (and money) at the
annual rooftop party at The Lacks Cancer
Center at Saint Mary’s.
Highlights …
THE CAUSE: Saint Mary’s pet-assisted
therapy program, which allows for trained pets
to visit patients in the hospital.
SOUNDS: Live band, Trilogy, rocked all
evening long.
CHOW: Tigg’s Catering provided the gourmet
hors d’oeuvres and desserts.
RAFFLE/AUCTION WOW: Signed guitars
by The Jonas Brothers, Kid Rock and Tom Petty
were hot items.
SEND-OFF: Guests were treated to a “sweet
treats buffet line” with an assortment of candy
as they left the event. But don’t think we forgot
about their dogs - guests also packed up a
“doggie bag” filled with an assortment of dog
treats to take home to their pup.
Please visit the Saint Mary’s Doran Foundation
event Web site at to
see the list of individuals and companies that
donated to the silent auction and to view more
pictures from the event.
Aquinas College
Brad & Jennifer Andrzejewski
Bob & Patty Boylen
Joe & Ashley Brennan
Mr. & Mrs. Norman Byrne
Cardinal Health
Dr. Paul & Bridget Farr
Dr. & Mrs. Ronald Ford
Dr. Steven and Carol Hickner
Nick & Stephanie Hrnyak
J.C. Huizenga
Mike & Sue Jandernoa
Robert Johnson & Lynne JarmanJohnson
Judson & Lynn Lynch
Phil & Gayle McCorkle
Dr. Carlos Moreno & Stacy Brummel
John Mulder
The Reverend Mark Przybysz
George & Melissa Sharpe
Nick & Karen Sherman
The Bank of Holland
Chad & Lauren Warner
James & Debra Watson
Melissa Wells
West Michigan Science &
Technology Initiative
Lindsey & Casey Williams
Dr. Kevin & Eileen Brader
John & Marie Canepa
Peter Coggan, MD, MSEd
Charles & Julie Frayer
Guminas Flowers
Hot Mama, EGR
Dr. Jay & Gayle LaBine
Kurt V. Lacks
Ryan Lacks
Life E.M.S. Ambulance
Mike & Rachel Mraz
Liz Murphy & Dan Bilinski
Jim Nadar & Lindsey Scopel
Physicians’ Organization of Western
Amy Piwowar & Cory DenUyl
Nathan Scherpenisse
Joe & Valerie Schmieder
The Honorable Sara Smolenski
JoAnne & Susan Smolenski
David & Peggy Thompson
Randy & Linda Wagner
Dr. Charles & Pat Wilkinson
HOST COMMITTEE: Mike Bennett, Donna Betten, Bob Boylen, Suzanne Carr, Courtney Gabridge, Otis Jackoboice,
Rob Jandernoa, Colin Schiefler, George Sharpe, Jr., Mike Sherman, Craig Tiggleman, Lauren Warner and Lindsey Williams.
Year-end 2008 Pinnacle
Changing Her Family’s Destiny
aving worked at Saint Mary’s HealthLink, Sparta Office for more than ten years, Cynthia Jaimes, CLC (Certified
Lactation Consultant), relates well to the people she serves. Many of her patients are members of the migrant
community, and her Spanish fluency helps her relationship with patients, but not nearly as much as the fact that
she used to be a migrant worker. “My family and I lived in the Sparta area during the summer and in Florida during the
winter,” explains Jaimes.
Fourteen years ago, Jaimes started
working as a lay health worker within the
migrant community, where she received
stipends to further her education. “They
trained me to talk to people about
diabetes, prenatal and infant care,” she
states. “As migrant workers, my family
struggled. We never had a place to live
when we came back to Michigan.” Jaimes
received her first job offer when the Sparta
Office had an opening with the WIC
By accepting this job, Jaimes changed her
family’s destiny. “It’s such a transition from
being on Medicaid to having insurance.
We took baby steps to get where we are
Now she works as a business office
representative for Sparta. She is
proud of her son who currently
attends college, a feat that she
largely attributes to their
staying in one location year
Jaimes loves Saint Mary’s
Health Care and Saint Mary’s
HealthLink because of its high
quality care for all. “I’m so
grateful that I have the
opportunity to do what I
believe in every day. You never
really know how hard the
migrant life is until you have
been there. Now I help others
who are in the same situation I
used to be.”
“I’m so grateful that I
have the opportunity to
do what I believe in
every day. You never
really know how hard
the migrant life is until
you have been there.
Now I help others who
are in the same
situation I used to be.”
—Cynthia Jaimes, CLC
Pinnacle Year-end 2008
“I Can See”
t’s wonderful to have such highquality specialists in Grand Rapids,
and the way Saint Mary’s took care
of us was amazing,” states Judy Key, mother
of a recent Saint Mary’s patient.
The Key family’s story with Saint Mary’s begins
around the first of October 2008, when son, Brian, a
senior at Covenant Christian High School, started
losing vision in his left eye. A thorough eye exam
by his ophthalmologist indicated nothing wrong
with his eyes, but a vision field test revealed a loss
of vision on the temporal side of Brian’s left eye.
Over the next two weeks, Brian saw glaucoma and
retinal specialists who found nothing, but Brian
began experiencing loss of vision in his right eye.
“We had no idea what we were facing,” recalls Judy.
“All we knew was that our son was rapidly losing
his vision, and we were running out of time.”
Then on Monday, November 3, he went to his
primary care physician, Brian Decker, MD, from
“We had no idea what we were
facing. We only knew our son was
rapidly losing his vision and we were
running out of time.” —Judy Key
Advantage Health Physician Network, to have a “stat” MRI
ordered. Decker ordered one for the early hours of November 5
and referred the family to Christopher Glisson, DO, MS, neuroophthalmologist at Saint Mary’s Health Care. Although Glisson
had no openings until February, an unlikely cancellation
provided Brian an appointment for Wednesday morning,
November 5.
After reviewing Brian’s MRI on November 5, Glisson confirmed
the family’s fears: Brian had a fast-growing tumor on his pituitary
gland, causing his blindness. The tumor’s diameter was already
larger than three centimeters, bigger than a half dollar. Glisson
immediately referred them to Jürgen Lüders, MD, neurosurgeon,
Year-end 2008 Pinnacle
who miraculously had an opening that afternoon. “These are
specialists and sub-specialists; you don’t just walk into their
offices, but that’s exactly what we did,” states Judy.
Lüders stressed the great urgency in removing the tumor that
pressed on Brian’s optic nerves. He arranged the operation for
the very next morning.
On November 6, Lüders and Thomas Spooner, MD,
otolaryngologist, removed the tumor on Brian’s pituitary gland
by going through his nasal cavity.
“I can see,” said Brian when he awoke after surgery. With his
vision back, he went home from the hospital that Monday,
November 10, just a week after his MRI was ordered.
“The collaboration of Saint Mary’s Neuroscience Services gave
Brian a diagnosis and treatment within a couple days,” states
Judy. “Thanks to them, Brian has his vision back.”
Friends From Birth
“Saint Mary’s NICU is really intimate and friendly, and the staff
provided excellent care for our babies,” says Veenstra. “They
supported us and taught us so much.”
Lamsma was the primary care nurse for Lucy and took expert
care of the entire family during each baby’s stay. Lamsma states:
“We incorporate families into their baby’s care as much as
possible, and Julie touched me by saying, ‘You never make me
feel like I’m visiting my own child.’”
hat sparks a true friendship? Acquantainces
might be started in many ways, but Julie
Veenstra and Staci Lamsma, BSN, became
wholehearted friends through a remarkable ongoing
patient experience at Saint Mary’s Health Care.
A mother of two, Veenstra came to Saint Mary’s for both
deliveries. She gave birth to her older daughter, Lucy, in
November 2003, during which Lamsma was present as a nurse.
Her younger daughter, Mallory, was born two and a half years
Both Veenstra’s daughters were born prematurely, requiring each
of them to stay in Saint Mary’s Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
(NICU) for several weeks.
“Staci was a great friend, which meant the world to me as a
mother whose baby couldn’t come home right away,” says
Veenstra was so satisfied with Saint Mary’s that she
recommended the hospital to her pregnant sister. Her sister gave
birth to twins who needed to stay in the NICU, and Lamsma was
assigned as their primary care nurse. Lamsma and Veenstra were
reunited once again in the NICU and developed an even closer
“You don’t expect to go to the hospital and make a best friend,”
laughs Veenstra. “We schedule playdates for our kids and e-mail
each other pictures of their crazy escapades.”
“You don’t expect to
go to the hospital and
make a best friend.”
—Julie Veenstra
Pinnacle Year-end 2008
the big event
uccess and surprises! More than 550 guests were treated to many
surprises at the Saint Mary’s Tenth Annual Gala. The International
Ballroom was transformed into a New York City-style nightclub
complete with a lounge area that provided an elevated view of the
venue, compliments of Wolverine Building Group. Break-dancers emerged
from the crowd and treated guests to a performance filled with flips and tricks.
Guests were tickled by yet another surprise, feather boas. Live entertainment
mixed things up with the sounds of Mid-Life Crisis, which kept guests dancing
until midnight.
Yet another event highlight was the raffle giveaway. Guests had the chance to
purchase a raffle ticket at $100 each for the chance to win an entire Deluxe
MIX package. The package included a Chop House gift card (Value: $250), an
in-home wine tasting for 8 people from Pauly’s (Value: $250), a one-night stay
at the JW Marriott with massage at Vasaio (Value: $278), a pair of 18 karat gold
diamond dangle earrings from Preusser Jewelers (Value: $990), a travel voucher donated by Knight Watch Inc. (Value: $1,000) and a 46-inch LCD digital color
TV donated by Philips Healthcare and Knight Watch Inc. (Value: $1,500). Yes,
one person won it all!
Executive Chef John State and his culinary team prepared a strolling gourmet
cuisine including steamed pork buns, citrus-brined chicken breast, scallops,
beef tenderloin and Alaskan halibut. The highly anticipated Dessert Gallery
opened at 8:30 p.m. with a selection of sweet treats including chocolate
raspberry tiramisu, chocolate soufflé cake with morello cherry coulis, caramel
apple tart with candied walnuts, pear and cranberry crumble with vanilla bean
crème fraiche … just to name a few.
As guests departed they were treated to one more surprise to continue to mix
things up at home — a set of glass drink mixers.
What didn’t come as a surprise? The success of the event! The Tenth Annual
Gala soared to new heights with a net income of more than $180,000. Thanks
to all of the companies and individuals that supported the Gala.
Special thanks to the underwriting committee: Otis Jackoboice & Blair Sharpe
(co-chairs), Ross Meehan, Joe Schmieder and Mary Anne Wisinski-Rosely.
Year-end 2008 Pinnacle
Tim Howell, MD, and Jeannine Howell
From left to right: Elizabeth Glisson;
Chris Glisson, MD; Deborah Gelinas, MD;
and Pam Bouma
L to R: Rachel Mraz , Lorissa MacAllister
and Ellie Frey
Mixin’ it up…
Pinnacle Year-end 2008
The best seat in the house…
next to the dessert bar!
Yuko and Brian
Stan Wisinski, Phyllis Wisinski, Michael Hoffman
and Michael Doriean
Wolverine Building Group
Custom Printers
Hauenstein Foundation
MSU College of Human Medicine
Wege Foundation
Kent Radiology, PC
Parkway Electric &
The Sharpe Collection of
Premium Automobiles
David & Carol Van Andel
Van Andel Institute
Varnum Riddering Schmidt
Advantage Health Physician
Anonymous (Gordon Food
Cancer & Hematology Centers of
Western Michigan
Central Anesthesia Services, PC
Chase Creative
Crowe Horwath LLP
Custer Workplace Interiors
Diocese of Grand Rapids
Airway Oxygen Inc./Life E.M.S.
American Cancer Society
Aquinas College
Blue Cross Blue Shield of
Comerica Charitable Foundation
Peter C. Cook
Diversified Investment Advisors
Dr. & Mrs. J. Stephen Ebrom
Elite Plastic Surgery
The Wisinski Group
Year-end 2008 Pinnacle
Ellis Parking Co., Inc
Tom & Mickie Fox & Family
Grand Rapids Medical Education
& Research Center
Grand Rapids Symphony
Grand River Gastroenterology
Grand Valley State University
Grand X-Ray
HKS Architects
Hospice of Michigan
John & Sarah Jackoboice
Mike & Sue Jandernoa
Kent Records Management Inc.
Lake Michigan Credit Union/
Jarman Johnson
Law Weathers & Richardson, P.C.
Mary Free Bed Rehabilitation
McInerney & Associates
Metro Health Hospital
Michigan Community Blood
Physicians’ Organization of
Western Michigan, Inc.
Pine Rest Christian Mental Health
Pinnacle Insurance Partners, LLC
Pioneer Construction
Pitsch Companies
Powell Relocation Group
Progressive AE
The Rehmann Group
Rhoades McKee PC
River Valley Orthopedics
Stevens Advertising
West Michigan Surgical
Specialists, PLC
afendoulis tuxedos & cleaners
Exhibit Design
Gumina Flowers
women’s health & philanthropy
Grand Girlfriends Dish
About the Group
“I love that it was so easy to join.”
“The events are great. I especially enjoyed
getting to personally meet Dr. Jamie
Caughran (Medical Director, The
Comprehensive Breast Center at Saint
“It’s all about helping other women —
that’s so cool.”
“I really like that I can help decide how my
gift can truly make a difference.”
That’s what’s being said about Grand
Girlfriends — now with more than 130
members … and growing.
Grand Girlfriends was created to bring
women together to support programs and
services that improve the health and
enhance the lives for women served by
Saint Mary’s Health Care.
With a one time $1,000 commitment,
members of Grand Girlfriends create an
endowment (now at $128,000) and choose
how to direct the interest earned on the
group’s pooled resources through an annual grants award process.
In addition, Grand Girlfriends are invited to
events featuring timely topics for women
such as “Is Chocolate Really Good for You?”
and “Mind, Body & Spirit: Juggling It All.” All
Grand Girlfriend events are completely
Are you on the list? Join today. To become a
Grand Girlfriend or to receive an invitation,
call or email Michelle Rabideau at
616.685.1889 or
Cynthia Kay Afendoulis
Deb Bailey
Shirley A. Balk
Jane M. Becker
Stacie Behler
Micki Benz
Donna Betten
Pat Bloom
Eileen A. Brader
Cathy Brady
Mary C. Brady
Katherine Bratschie
Ellamae Braun
Linda Burpee
Lisa Buth
Carol Campbell
Marie Olney Canepa
Helen M. Carr
Kris Carter
Jennifer Chaffer
Frances Chames, MD
Reneé Chulski
Pat Colegrove
Anne Copps
Laurie Daum, MD
Mary Ann DeWitt
Kim Ditmar
Louise Eastman
Rosalind Ebrom
Frances S. Ellis
Susan A. Ellis
Irene English
Nancy Erhardt
Bridget D. Farr
Kathy Florentine
Nancy Flower
Linda Fotieo
Julie Ann Fox
Julie Frayer
Deb Genualdi
Sally Gleason
Denise D. Gribbin, MD
June Hamersma
Carolyn Hauenstein
Barbara Herr
Nancy Hickey
Dana Hintz
Pat Hoekman
Teri Holwerda
Leah Hooks
Patricia J. Hughes
Cheri Hulst
Noreen Hungerford
Barbara Hyatt
Barbara Jackoboice
Sarah Jackoboice
Sue Jandernoa
Susan J. Johnson
Katie Karczewski
Victoria T. Kimball
Kenda Klotz
Rebecca L. Kogelschatz
Nancy Kruer
Andrea Kuldanek, MD
Natalie D. Kuras
Judy Lacks
Lori Lacks
Mary Jane Lacks
Marlene J. Landstra
Jan Lippert
Katherine Ellis Love
Ginny Lovett
Lynn E. Lynch
Mary Lee Lynch
Marnie Masterson
Katy McAleenan
Gayle McCorkle
Nancy McDonald
Linda McInerney
Cathy McKenzie
Connie K. Mead
Paula Meehan
Liesel Meijer
Mary Beth Meijer
Paula K. Murphy
Rose Nanzig
Margaret Nault
Becky Nauta
Christine Nicholas
Gina Paul
Amy Piwowar
Pam Piwowar
Michelle Rabideau
Sherri Remmelts
Faye D. Richardson
Kelly Roskam
Shirley Roskam
Stacy Roskam
Stella Royce
Nancy Sanderson
Kathleen Schiefler
Lorna Schultz
Kindy Segovia
Linda Sharpe
Diana Sherman
Lisa Shuart
Lyndal R. Simon
Nancy Skinner
Judge Sara J. Smolenski
Mary H. Stahl
Mary Stickney
Debbie Stiemann
Donna Stoddard
Chris Syverson
Adrianna S. Tanner, MD
Julie Thompson
Cheryl L. Timyan
Norma J. Vankuiken
Mary Veldheer
Rebecca Vredenburg
Linda Wagner
Maria Walsh
Sallie S. Warner
Melissa J. Wells
Diane Wendt
Aleicia D. Woodrick
Lisa Wurst
(Members as of
November 24, 2008)
Pinnacle Year-end 2008
John and Micki Benz
Glen and Betsy Borre
Dr. Harold E. Bowman
Ellamae Braun
James W. Cahill
John and Marie Canepa
Mark and Dawn Carey
Peter C. and Pat* Cook
James C. Courtney
Jon and Mary Ann DeWitt
Dr. and Mrs. J. Stephen Ebrom
Dr. Curtis D. Edholm
Dr. and Mrs. Paul O. Farr
Ralph and Grace* Hauenstein
Bob and Barbara Herr
Dr. David J. Horning
Julian I. Joseph, MD and Judith Joseph
Raymond E. Knape
Yolanda Kozak
Ruth and Bob Land
Marlene Landstra
Mike and Mary LaPonsie
Phil and Gayle McCorkle
Bradley L. Parks, LBSW
Dr. and Mrs. William Passinault
Dr. Darrel and Mrs. Carrie Rosen
Peter F. Secchia Family
Rob and Connie Smith
David Stickney
Gary and Diane Van Dongen
Randall and Linda Wagner
Melissa Wells
Dr. William G. and Mary Yost
(members as of November 1, 2008)
Mark and Dawn Carey & David Stickney
It’s So Easy.
MYTH: Making a planned gift to a charitable organization is hard to do.
FACT: It’s easy to make some planned gifts. Check out these three quick ways to
make a planned gift to Saint Mary’s:
Cut here
Name: ________________________________
(as you would like it to appear in publications)
1. Make a bequest to Saint Mary’s through a will or living trust.
2. Name Saint Mary’s as a beneficiary in your life insurance policy or give the
policy to Saint Mary’s during your lifetime.
3. Name Saint Mary’s as a beneficiary of your IRA or retirement plan.
It’s that simple. And if you let us know that you’ve made a planned gift to Saint
Mary’s, you can be recognized as a Legacy Circle member. Members will receive
recognition in this newsletter, as well as at an annual event held in their honor.
Phone: ________________________________
How easy is that?
E-mail: ________________________________
Yes, I/we have named Saint Mary’s in
my/our estate plans and would like to be
recognized as a member of the Legacy
Yes, I/we have an interest in naming Saint
Mary’s in my/our estate plans. Please send
more information.
Please complete the above information
and return in enclosed envelope.
If you have already named Saint Mary’s as a beneficiary in your estate plans and
would like to be recognized as a member of the Legacy Circle or if you have an
interest in finding out more about leaving a legacy gift to Saint Mary’s, please call
Michelle Rabideau, Executive Director of the Saint Mary’s Doran Foundation, at (616)
685.1889 or simply complete the card to the left and return in the enclosed envelope.
Good News! IRA Charitable Rollover Passes Again
Congress extended a charitable planning opportunity for 2008 and 2009. An IRA
owner aged 70 ½ or older can make a direct transfer of up to $100,000 to a
charity (think Saint Mary’s) this year — and up to another $100,000 next year —
Talk with your financial planner to see if this could be an option for you to consider. For more information, please contact Michelle Rabideau at 616.685.1889.
Year-end 2008 Pinnacle
getting involved
Wanna throw a party?
any organizations choose Saint Mary’s as the benefiting charity for a companysponsored event — like a party. But there are many other events and activities that
your company can choose to do to support Saint Mary’s, such as:
Chili cook-off
Golf or bowling outing
Jeans day
Car wash
Retail event
Birthday or Boss’ Day gifts
These are just a few examples. For more information about holding a third-party fundraising event
for Saint Mary’s, visit or call Keri Larsen at 616.685.1891.
Check out how these companies chose to get involved:
A Sales Gift
“Everybody knows someone that has been touched by cancer.” This was the answer that owner
Valerie Holstege of Today’s Salon in Grand Rapids gave when asked why she chose to donate 10%
of one week’s sales to The Lacks Cancer Center at Saint Mary’s. “We think Saint Mary’s is a great
organization, and we wanted to do something that would make a difference in the lives of those in
our community,” says Holstege. As her way of showing her continuous support for those dealing
with cancer, Holstege hopes to make this an annual event, giving her customers the opportunity to
receive the same great service while also benefiting a great cause. That’s something more.
A Getaway
Following is an excerpt from a letter from Gail Shupe, R. VanderLind & Son, Inc.
Back in 1994, our founder, Rick VanderLind began hosting a getaway for our customers up at
Drummond Island Yacht Haven. It was an event to thank our best customers in a tangible, fun way.
Sadly, Mr. VanderLind passed away in 1998 of bone cancer at the age of 48.
We kept the annual tradition of hosting the getaway but now entitle it “The RVL Memorial.” Each
participant was asked to donate at least $50 in the spirit of the memorial and we made a lump sum
donation in the months following the event (the event raised a total of $4,300). When The Lacks
Cancer Center opened in Grand Rapids, we began donating there. We like the idea of the donations staying here in our own backyard.”
Special thanks to the following companies that also held fundraisers:
Adamy & Company, PC held a denim day where employees contributed to wear jeans.
Founders Community donated 100 percent of their loan application fees collected in
October to Saint Mary’s.
Pinnacle Year-end 2008
year-end giving
In search of the perfect gift?
Let’s face it: Holiday gift giving is tough work. Saint Mary’s has a simple solution for those hard-to-buy-for people.
Make a gift in their name. It is significant,
lasting, and it honors the recipient in a way
that no material gift can.
It’s also easy. Just follow these steps:
Make a gift to the Saint Mary’s Doran
Foundation. Gifts can be made by
check, credit card, or even a stock
transfer and can benefit a specific program, if
you choose.
Give us the name (or names) of the
individual(s) who you want to honor.
Include their address and the special
occasion, if applicable.
Mail the above information to Saint
Mary’s Doran Foundation, 200 Jefferson
SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49503. Use the
convenient envelope included in this
We’ll send an acknowledgment card
indicating that a gift has been made from you
in the person’s honor. The amount of the gift
will not be disclosed.
Gift giving has never been so easy.
We’ll make it even
EASIER for you!
Have a list of people to buy for?
We’ll take care of your entire list
for you. Follow the same steps
outlined above but just give us
the names and addresses for
your entire gift list. And enjoy
the rest of the holiday season.
How easy is that?
Year-end 2008 Pinnacle
wish list
“I Wish …”
Saint Mary’s Doran Foundation is pleased to
offer this Wish List as an opportunity for you to
provide funds to purchase one or more of the
items listed. Each item directly benefits the
patients and families served by Saint Mary’s by
adding something more to their experience.
Epilepsy Monitoring Unit
30 DVDs for patient library
($10–20 each)
Craft supply kits ($50 each)
Intermediate Intensive Care
Unit (IIU/5S)
Laptop computer for patient
use ($2,000)
Prepaid phone cards for
families to call home – various
increments ($150)
Labor & Delivery
CD players with external
speakers for the nursery
($75 each)
Natural sounds CDs (heartbeat,
ocean, wind) ($20 each)
Hospital grade glider rockers
($500 each)
11 Recliner Chairs for support
person in labor & delivery
($700 each)
100 Disposable Cameras
($12 each)
100 Small Teddy Bears
($5–15 each)
The Lacks Cancer Center
30 DVDs for infusion patient
library ($10–20 each)
Phone cards for patients
(amounts can vary, up to
$500 total)
20 Gas cards for patients
($25 each)
20 Meijer/Target or Walmart
gift cards for patients
($25 each)
If you would like to make a gift to purchase any
of these items, please send your check to:
Saint Mary’s Doran Foundation
200 Jefferson SE, Grand Rapids MI 49503
Please indicate which item(s) you wish to purchase.
McAuley/Special Immunology
Video equipment for patient
education room ($4,700)
Furniture for patient education
room ($1,200)
2 iPods for patients ($200 each)
Neo-natal Intensive Care Unit
Portable DVD players
($100 each)
Gift Cards to scrapbooking
store for patient & baby’s
bedside ($500)
Pastoral Care
Tabletop cross for patient room
Car/Vehicle to provide services
to the locally home-bound
patient population (used or
new reliable transportation)
Music system for community
areas ($1,600)
Wii Nintendo for patient
therapy ($250)
iPod with speakers for music
therapy ($250)
20 Gas Cards for patient
families ($10 each)
Saint Mary’s HealthLink,
Browning Claytor
Personal care items
($25 per family)
Saint Mary’s HealthLink,
Clinica Santa Maria
Educational videos for
expectant mothers ($1,500)
Saint Mary’s HealthLink,
Personal care items
($25 per family)
TVs and DVD player for
education ($750 and up)
Think First Program
(youth helmet education)
Bike helmets for children
($40 each)
Frederick Gillett, MD, one
of our Honorary Trustees,
passed away on
November 7. Dr. Gillett
was a staff member of
Saint Mary’s as a general
surgeon for 38 years and
served as Chief of Surgery
for 24 of those years. He
served as a Trustee of the
Doran Medical Education
and Research Foundation
and was recognized as an
Honorary Trustee of the
Saint Mary’s Doran
Foundation. In 2006, the
Gillett Surgical Education
Fund was established for
surgical services clinicians
at Saint Mary’s to pursue
an educational opportunity that will enhance the
patient experience — to
provide that something
more experience that distinguishes Saint Mary’s
from any other health care
system. The family has
requested that contributions in lieu of flowers be
made to this fund, which
will serve as a final tribute
and legacy of Dr. Gillett.
Water Cooler Dispenser
replenishment for patients to
take medication ($1875)
Warren Reynolds Patient
Library (of The Lacks Cancer
2 Laptop computers for patient
use ($2,000 each)
5 iPod nanos for patient
relaxation and meditation
($200 each)
In our last issue, Ryan Lacks was
not identified in the shown
picture. Sorry Ryan!
Front (L to R): Kurt V. Lacks, Ryan
Lacks, Rob Jandernoa
Back (L to R): Lindsey Williams
and Lauren Warner
Special thanks to Darrel and Carrie Rosen who granted the full wish for a comfort cart
for the Palliative Care program at Saint Mary’s.
Pinnacle Year-end 2008
Mark Your Calendar
April 30, 2009 Shoppe Soiree
Look for an invitation coming soon with details
about this event that will be held just in time for
mother’s day, graduation, and summer gifts!
Questions? Call Keri Larsen, Event Coordinator, Saint Mary’s Doran
Foundation, at (616) 685.1891.
Saint Mary’s Health Care
200 Jefferson SE
Grand Rapids, MI 49503
We’ve Gone Green
Notice something different?
Pinnacle is now printed on
recycled paper with 100% postconsumer content, manufactured
entirely with wind power.
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