I THINK THAT’S WHAT THE DOCTOR JUST SAID. A N N U A L R E P O R T WHAT AM I GOING TO DO? F O U N D A T I O N I’ M ONLY 35. I DON’ T EVEN HAVE A FAMILY HISTORY OF C A N C E R. L I V E S T R O N G I CAN ’ T HEAR HIM. MY EARS WON’ T STOP R I N G I N G . 2 O I 3 “YOU HAVE CANCER.” I KNOW WHAT I ’ M GOING TO DO—I ’ M GOING TO CALL LIVE STRONG . I JUST DON ’ T UNDERSTAND. MY PARENTS WILL PROBABLY F A L L A P A R T. I DON ’ T KNOW IF I CAN PUT THEM THROUGH THIS. SHOULD I TELL MY FRIENDS? Monday, September 10, 2014 9:00 AM LIVESTRONG Global Email List Never Give Up Dear Friends, I want to thank you for your hundreds of emails and letters during this past year. All of us here at the LIVESTRONG Foundation needed to hear from you more than ever. We needed to know what you were thinking, and we even needed to hear your skepticism and concerns. Your words were vital to our work, and we’re proud to say that because of your support, LIVESTRONG touched the lives of more than 395,000 people affected by cancer in 2013. Also because of your support, we were able to weather a tough period and move to the next phase of our evolution. | Your fight is our fight. Always has been, always will be. LIVESTRONG, Doug Ulman, President and CEO, The LIVESTRONG Foundation R E P O R T So thank you for continuing to believe in LIVESTRONG’s mission. Knowing that you supported our goal to help cancer survivors and caregivers everywhere was extremely important for all of us here at the Foundation. Your words reminded us of the reason we are here. We continue to listen to you and appreciate your honesty, but most of all, we value your loyalty and support. A N N U A L When we get a letter like the one I received from a childhood friend whose husband recently was diagnosed, my heart breaks. But when I get an email from a stranger thanking us for a great conversation with one of LIVESTRONG’s navigators, it lifts my spirits. Cancer is not a solo journey—it is a team effort. And at LIVESTRONG, the entire team is ready and willing to assist anyone who needs knowledge, tools, expertise, counsel and informed advice—we are here to help. F O U N D A T I O N We will continue supporting innovative ideas and products that focus solely on the cancer patients through our Big C social innovation competition. We’ll be helping cancer patients get back in motion with our LIVESTRONG at the YMCA programs in more than 300 locations around the country. And, as we do every day, we will send out LIVESTRONG Guidebooks for free to those who just heard those difficult words: “You have cancer.” L I V E S T R O N G In the coming year, LIVESTRONG’s future will include finding new partners while embracing our existing friends and continuing to focus on what is important—helping people affected by cancer now. We are building an approach to patient-centered care on the basis of our 17-year history of listening to patients, supporters and caregivers. We will release the results of our latest survey of cancer patients and survivors that is at the core of LIVESTRONG’s programs and will be used by many other organizations as they plan their outreach to help the cancer community. 2 O I 3 GIV E UP Sent: To: Subject: 3 1 NE VER Doug Ulman CANCER 2 O I 3 L I V E S T R O N G F O U N D A T I O N A N N U A L R E P O R T J E D , 3 5, T E S T I C U L A R C A N C E R S U R V I V O R 2 | E V ERYONE 5 T OUCHES MAYBE I SHOULD GET A SECOND OPINION? C ancer T ouches E veryone MY HUSBAND. MY DAUGHTER. HOW DO I EXPLAIN CANCER TO A C H I L D ? One day, you or someone you know may need support. LIVESTRONG is here to help. MY EYEBROWS. MY EYELASHES. I WONDER IF I’LL LOSE MY JOB. MY NAVIGATOR CAN HELP ME WITH MY FINANCIAL CONCERNS. DON’T worried that they would be forced to retire or quit before they were ready. 30% went into debt because of their cancer (as did some of their family members). SMOKE AND I R A R E L Y DRINK. 10% were denied insurance coverage because of their diagnosis. WHY DID THIS HAPPEN? I EAT HEALTHY. TO EXPLODE. R E P O R T I EXERCISE. I 55% A N N U A L WHAT DID I DO WRONG? MY HEAD FEELS LIKE IT ’ S GOING *According to American Cancer Society's© Cancer Facts & Figures 2014 F O U N D A T I O N equipment and supplies. L I V E S T R O N G ACCORDING TO THE 2012 LIVESTRONG SURVEY, CANCER SURVIVORS REPORTED: out of pocket for 71% paid medications, medical BARELY AFFORD WHAT INSURANCE DOESN’T PAY. 2 O I 3 WE CAN INSURANCE. | I WONDER IF I’LL LOSE MY people are expected to have a history of cancer in the United States in 2020.* people have a history of cancer today in the United States.* HAIR WILL F A L L O U T ? 7 18M 13.7M HOW DO I EXPLAIN THAT MY C ancer T ouches DOUBLE MASTECTOMY? everyone CHEMOTHERAPY? I CAN PRESERVE MY FERTILITY NOW AND KEEP MY OPTIONS OPEN. INFERTILITY? EARLY MENOPAUSE? I FELT ONE LUMP MONTHS AGO, BUT EVERYONE C H E M O T H E R A P Y. I THOUGHT I COULD HANDLE THIS, BUT IT’S MORE DIFFICULT THAN I CAN HANDLE. MY BODY IS FAILING ME. I’M N O L O N G E R I N *According to American Cancer Society's© Cancer Facts & Figures 2014 I’M NOT ABLE TO GO TO WORK. CONTROL. R E P O R T THE EFFECTS OF A N N U A L ASSURED ME IT WAS OK . NOTHING TO WORRY ABOUT. PROBABLY BENIGN. JUST A CYST. AND HERE I AM BEING WHEELED INTO SURGERY. F O U N D A T I O N THREE TUMORS, THE DOCTOR SAID. L I V E S T R O N G THIS ISN ’ T WHAT I PLANNED FOR MY FUTURE. 2 O I 3 A AR O N , 3 0 , H O D G K I N S L Y M P H O M A S U R V I V O R H E AT H E R , 3 9 , D E S M O I D S A R C O M A S U R V I V O R THE ABILITY TO HAVE MORE KIDS. | 93% of 2010 LIVESTRONG Survey respondents experienced fear of recurrence, grief or depression after treatment ended. I MIGHT LOSE 9 50 MEN % 33 WOMEN % 93 FEAR % 1:2 Men 1:3 Women are at risk of being diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime in the United States.* WIFE AND MOTHER. EVERY DAY IS A NEW DOCTOR’ S APPOINTMENT. REP E AT ING C ancer T ouches THE SAME everyone INFO TO PEOPLE WHO DON ’ T The LIVESTRONG Cancer Navigation Center offers free, confidential and personalized support to anyone affected by cancer. This is all possible thanks to your generosity and belief in the LIVESTRONG mission to help cancer survivors everywhere. TRULY UNDERSTAND WHAT I’M GOING THROUGH. EVERY TIME I THROW UP, I FEEL LIKE I’M GOING TO PUKE OUT MY ORGANS. FOOD STARTED TO FALL OUT, THE CLIPPERS. WE BOTH CRIED AS MY LONG BROWN HAIR FELL TO THE 1 AND IS CURL UP UNDER A BLANKET NEVER COME OUT. TOP FIVE CONCERNS OF PEOPLE AFFECTED BY CANCER. assistance with medical expenses. We can guide you through 1. Finding your financial assistance options. 2 MY LIFE IS AT A STANDSTILL. R E P O R T I THOUGHT I COULD HANDLE THIS, A N N U A L PEOPLE HAVE RECEIVED FREE ONE-ON-ONE CANCER SUPPORT GROUND. F O U N D A T I O N ALL I WANT TO DO 2 O I 3 CHARGED UP | MY HUSBAND 1 1 MY HEART SANK. L I V E S T R O N G >89,177 in person, online and over the phone since we began offering cancer navigation services. DOESN’T TASTE RIGHT. WHEN MY HAIR MY LIVE STRONG NAVIGATOR IS GOING TO HELP ME THROUGH THIS. health and wellness information. A healthy lifestyle can 2. Receiving help you cope with the late effects of treatment. how to cope emotionally with cancer. Build a support 3. Learning community. You don’t need to face cancer alone. about federal and state benefit programs. These programs 4. Learning can help those who can’t work due to cancer, treatment or aftereffects. 5. Locating help with household expenses. We can help make it possible to remain safe and comfortable at home while having a good quality of life. RE N E E , 4 0, B RE A ST CAN C E R SURV IVO R Total one-on-one served from 2004-2013. 2 According to LIVESTRONG's 2013 Navigation clients. 1 I HAVE TO LIMIT TIME WITH MY KID. I CAN ’ T CATCH A COLD FROM HER. MY IMMUNE SYSTEM IS TOO WEAK . LIFT MY BODY TO PLAY WITH HER. ON MY GOOD DAYS, I CAN BARELY I CAN HELP HER WITH HER HOMEWORK. BEING A MOM AND WIFE IS REALLY CHALLENGING R I G H T N O W. CANCER IS TAKINGTONIGHT HOLDI’M JOINING OF MYAN ONLINE LIFE.PATIENT SUPPORT PROGRAM. 1 3 | 2 O I 3 L I V E S T R O N G FIGHT F O U N D A T I O N IS OUR A N N U A L R E P O R T FIGHT NOW 3 YOUR THERE IS Y O U R F I G H T I S O U R F I G H T Each number here represents the names and faces of people we helped in 2013 thanks to your support. Here at LIVESTRONG, we believe that no one should have to face cancer alone. N O W received the LIVESTRONG Guidebook, a two-volume set for cancer survivors as they navigate the health care system, and other printed materials. were reached through the LIVESTRONG at School program, a curriculum to teach k-12 students about cancer. were supported, educated and engaged at our website. IT ’ S HARD NOT TO FEEL ANXIOUS EVERY DAY. AT LEAST THE WOMEN AT THE SUPPORT GROUP UNDERSTAND. CLAIR HAS LEUKEMIA AND IS TESS IS SIXTEEN AND WILL PROBABLY A SINGLE MOM WITH TWO KIDS . NEVER HAVE CHILDREN. MARGOT ALSO HAD A MASTECTOMY. NO LONGER IN REMISSION. WE ARE ALL IN THE SAME HELL. GOING T H R O U G H CHEMO HAS BEEN GETTING EASIER. TO FEEL GUILTY used the LIVESTRONG Care Plan to guide them through follow-up appointments, psychosocial effects and healthy living after treatment. participated in LIVESTRONG at the YMCA, a post-treatment exercise program available for cancer survivors. DAYS . MY CANCER IS GETTING EASIER FOR MY LITTLE GIRL. WE ARE SENDING HER TO CAMP KESEM. I ’ VE MADE SO MANY FRIENDS GOING THROUGH I JOINED AN ART WORKSHOP FOR CANCER SURVIVORS. THE SAME THING. LIVESTRONG provided all of these life-changing resources, programs and services free of charge in 2013 to people affected by cancer. R E P O R T WHEN I ’ M HAVING ONE OF MY BAD A N N U A L I’ VE LEARNED NOT F O U N D A T I O N received one-on-one cancer support and guidance from a LIVESTRONG Navigator. SHE IS L I V E S T R O N G participated in the Community Impact Project, an initiative that replicates proven cancer programs across the country. 2 O I 3 JILL IS IN HER 60 S AND FOUND OUT THIS WEEK | 104,683 73,660 55,856 45,000 13,706 8,480 7,858 FREE HE ’ S TAKING ON SO MUCH OF THE BURDEN. 1 5 The figures on this page are specific to the 2013 calendar year. ONLY SO MUCH HE CAN UNDERSTAND AND RELATE TO. I’M SO THANKFUL THAT LIVE STRONG CAN HELP HIM TOO. I ’ VE GOTTEN TO KNOW ALL MY NURSES BY NAME. I KNOW WHICH CHAIR AT CHEMO IS MOST COMFORTABLE. THROUGH ALL MY ANGER , I STILL MANAGE TO SEE THE PARKING ATTENDANT WHO A L W A Y S WAVES TO ME. THE Y O U R F I G H T I S O U R F I G H T I’M N O W BEFORE I ASK FOR IT. SO GRATEFUL FOR THESE SOMETIMES Since 2010, the Community Impact Project has granted hospitals and organizations funding to establish proven cancer programs that provide support to patients and caregivers. NURSE WHO BRINGS ME WATER LITTLE MOMENTS. I’ M EXHAUSTED. I FEEL LIKE GIVING UP. BUT ALL I HAVE TO DO IS LOOK AT MY HUSBAND, MY DAUGHTER AND ALL SOMETIMES THE FIGHTERS THAT I’VE MET. THEIR SMILES AND ENCOURAGEMENT IT’S NOT EASY. I LOSE MY KEYS MY MEMORY HAS GOTTEN ON A DAILY BASIS. BAD. I CAN’ T KEEP MY APPOINTMENTS IN CHECK. CHEMO-BRAIN, THEY SAY. I READ ABOUT THIS IN THE LIVE STRONG GUIDEBOOK. S O O N THERE WILL BE The figures on this page represent totals from 2010-2013. NO MORE NO MORE FENTANYL. DEHYDRATION. R E P O R T BUT BACK TO NORMAL. A N N U A L SOON LIFE WILL BE F O U N D A T I O N people served through the Community Impact Project. I’M BEATING THIS AND I WILL BE IN CONTROL A G A I N . CELEBRATE. L I V E S T R O N G voted to bring cancer programs to their communities through the Community Impact Project website. FOR THE FIRST TIME IN A WHILE, 2 O I 3 in grants given by LIVESTRONG to Community Impact Project programs. DONE. | of programs were able to sucessfully continue after funding ended. ALMOST I FEEL LIKE I CAN 1 7 90 $ > 4,000,000 >1,200,000 >200,000 % I’M GIVE ME STRENGTH. MY HAIR Y O U R F I G H T I S O U R F I G H T WILL GROW BACK. LOVES TOUCHING THE P E A C H F U Z Z ON MY HEAD. THAT BRINGS ME COMFORT. MY LITTLE GIRL N O W Grassroots fundraising is an integral part of the continuation of LIVESTRONG’s mission. Our fundraisers inspire us, and their efforts provide much-needed support to the programs and services we offer. Team Kate was created in honor of Kate Voth. When cancer stripped away Kate’s ability to run, several friends worked with Team LIVESTRONG to create Team Kate and run in her place at the Austin Marathon. On June 1, 2013, Kate passed away at 27 years old. Her unwavering spirit in the face of debilitating pain is a source of continual inspiration to all who knew her. I STILL HAVE IT ’ S WAV ES BIG PARTY AT THE HOUSE. O F F A T I G U E A N D M E M O R Y L O S S, BUT SO NICE TO HAVE SOME OF MY ENERGY BACK. R E P O R T IN A WAY, LIVE STRONG AT THE YMCA CAN HELP ME GET BACK INTO SHAPE AFTER TREATMENT. THIS HAS MADE ME A STRONGER AND BETTER PERSON. I WOULDN’ T WISH CANCER UPON ANYONE, BUT IT’S TAUGHT ME A LOT ABOUT MYSELF. STRENGTH AND IT ’ S REMINDED ME TO APPRECIATE IT SHOWED ME THE THAT I HAVE A N N U A L raised by Team Kate members in 2013. MY FRIENDS AND FAMILY HELD A F O U N D A T I O N 61,781 I’M DONE WITH CHEMOTHERAPY. L I V E S T R O N G $ I CAN’T WAIT. 2 O I 3 miles run by Team Kate members. MY FIRST MARATHON. I WANT TO GIVE BACK TO THOSE WHO’ VE GONE THROUGH THE SAME JOURNEY. AND IN THE FALL, I’LL BE PARTICIPATING IN | Team Kate members. FIRST FAMILY TRIP TO FLORIDA. 1 9 119 >1,OOO IN SIX MONTHS , WE WILL BE TAKING OUR WITHIN. THE LITTLE THINGS. FINANCIALS 2 O I 3 L I V E S T R O N G F O U N D A T I O N A N N U A L R E P O R T E L I S E , 4 , LY M P H O B L A S T I C L E U K E M I A S U R V I V O R 4 | RECOGNITION 2 1 AND F I N A N C I A L S A N D R E C O G N I T I O N 2 0 1 3 R E V E N U E Since our inception, we have raised over $ 580 million for the fight against cancer. 15 % 9% Cause Marketing In-Kind Revenues $ and Licensing 2,554,531 $ 22 % Earnings $ 6,157,601 39 % Sales $ $ Event Revenue 11,156,348 399,598 F O U N D A T I O N A N N U A L 2 0 1 3 F U N C T IO NA L E X P E N S E S 54% 6% 81% Government Programs and General $ Education, Relations $ 3,702,095 33 % Grants $ and Policy 9,698,648 $ 15,478,149 Programs Management $ 28,878,892 2,061,010 13 % Fundraising $ 28,878,892 $ 4,555,046 $ 35,494,948 The figures on these pages depict the financial activities of the LIVESTRONG Foundation for the 2013 calendar year. Complete copies of the audited financial statements are available upon request from the LIVESTRONG Foundation, 2201 East 6th Street, Austin, Texas 78702, or on our website at LIVESTRONG .org. R E P O R T 13 % Advocacy and L I V E S T R O N G 1% Merchandise 2 0 1 3 P R O G R A M M AT IC AC T I V I T I E S 4,007,727 2 O I 3 raised went directly to programmatic activities. 28,638, 877 Contributions $ | In 2013, 81 cents of every dollar $ 14 % 2 3 81¢ Investment 4,363,072 F I N A N C I A L S A N D R E C O G N I T I O N Below is a list of donors who have made a significant contribution to the LIVESTRONG Foundation. We are appreciative of all donations, big and small, as they directly support our mission to help cancer survivors everywhere. N A M E D A N D E N D OW E D S P E C I A L -P U R P O S E F U N D S Andrea Leigh Tomlinson - Planet Cancer Fund $ 367,334 Kate Voth Memorial Fund $ Kawaja/Holcombe Family Fund $ 73,069 $ Barbara Dungey Memorial Fund Betsy H. Schofield Memorial Fund $ 1,110,042 Christine Pratt Memorial Fund Coxe Family Fund 33,138 $ $ 1,318,940 CVCCA - Parker’s Team 68,085 $ Dana Jay Lesnever Memorial Fund $ $ Elizabeth Lausmann Jacobs Memorial Fund Kennedy/Marshall Endowment Fund Larry and Dr. Nancy O’Reilly, Lauren, Leigh, Ragan Family Fund 60,677 330,643 Dick Dyhrman Memorial Keizo Shimano Memorial Fund 42,099 $ 84,669 Lydia Hunter-Reay Memorial Fund $ 30,397 Marshall G. Lutz Endowment Fund $ 61,606 39,188 32,059 McKinnon Family Fund $ Hammer Family Fund $ 51,902 Hecht Fund $ In Honor of Betty Otter-Nickerson Michael W. Lotz Memorial Fund $ 29,719 Nike Endowment Fund $ $ 55,690 Oakley Endowment Fund $ In Honor of Heidi Adams $ 26,041 Pledged, Paid & Undesignated In Honor of James “Jimmy” Baumoel $ 38,433 RadioShack Endowment Fund In Honor of Kathleen B & James N Sherwin $ 46,595 In Honor of Kevin “k2” Kerwin $ Rise Above It (RAI), In Memory of Colin O’Donoghue In Honor of Lawrence S. “Larry” Dolin $ In Honor of Michael R. Henry $ 44,875 37,835 The Armstrong Family Fund 272,339 The Bill Passey Family Fund In Honor of Sharon Mooney In Honor of Stephen M. O’Leary In Honor of the Staff of the LIVESTRONG Foundation $ $ $ 121,336 In Honor of Thomas F. Slater $ In Honor of Wesley Edwards $ J and A Racing Endowment Fund $ Jeannette J. Jehl Memorial Fund Jennifer Smith Collison and Ward Smith Memorial Fund John & LaNell Boaz Family Fund $ 37,447 36,448 25,763 120,192 $ $ AMD Mrs. Jane Frazier E. Lee Walker and Jennifer Vickers Lance Armstrong Jeff and Bonita Garvey Thomas Weisel Steve Hicks and Donna Stockton-Hicks Windfall Foundation Eve and Ellis Short Oakley Nav Sooch RadioShack Movember 24 Hours of Booty Scott and Katie Schofield Demand Media Johnson Health Tech Trek 4 Yellow Foundation P R E S I DE N T ’ S C I R C L E The President’s Circle is a unique giving society that capitalizes on the Foundation’s mission-focused opportunities. Members of the President’s Circle give unrestricted “venture funds” which will be targeted at opportunities where other funding is not always readily available. Unrestricted gifts, which may be used at the discretion of the president, are especially effective in helping to promote our mission and to position the LIVESTRONG Foundation as a global leader in the fight against cancer. 116,344 April, Jeremy and Jake Anderson The Gooch Family The Malloy Family Kozo and Martha Shimano 122,096 Judd Apatow and Leslie Mann Laura and Morris Gottesman Dr. Marcy Mann Alexander and Irene Shoghi 635,037 The Armstrong Family Cindy and Bill Graf Mark and Annie McKinnon Silver Oak Cellars/Twomey Cellars Richard C. Barker The Griffeth Family MilePoint Lydia and Michael Slaby Marla Bommarito-Crouch Sanjay and Rebecca Gupta Andy Miller and Brian Stephens The Spaw Family Foundation John and LaNell Boaz Bob, Kim, Shayna, and Josh Hammer Adam and Camille Moore The Stapleton Family Doug and Mary Bowden The Hayes-Lattin Family Jeff and Jeri Mulder Jeff Castelaz and Jo Ann Thrailkill Phillippe G. Hills and David W. Hanson Dr. Craig and Ellen Nichols Peter Tapscott and Patt Baenen-Tapscott Dennis and Chris Cavner Lydia Hunter-Reay Charlie and Mary Beth O'Reilly Wendy Chioji Tom and Elizabeth Kaplan Betty Otter-Nickerson Patrick J. Connell Kawaja/Holcombe Family Fund Katie and Kyle Oudt Tiffany A. Craven Jerry and Angie Kelly Amber and Tony Paquette Chris and Cara Dodson The Kelly Brothers Bill Passey Scott and Jennifer Donaldson Bob Kiesendahl Mona Patel Ryan Dungey Bart and Barbara Knaggs Rise Above It (RAI) James W. and Richelle Fatheree Josie E. Knight Alexandra and Robbie Robinette The Fitzgibbon Family Fund Susan and Mark Kolman Joe C. Ross Will and Laurens Flanagan Laura and Stuart Litwin Dr. and Mrs. Corey Rothrock Maria and Sandy Fleschman Kimi Lotz and Lisa Goyne Christopher Sacca Amy and Jerry Frostick Spencer and Susan Lueders Stephen Saunders The Garofalo Family Rebecca L. and John F. Luman III Scott and Katie Schofield 52,661 122,096 $ 28,832 $ 37,204 665,889 742,934 $ $ The McPhail Family Endowment O’Reilly Family Foundation Genentech The Seach Family 29,415 33,668 119,149 $ 29,234 229,402 The Sophia Kolevich Remembrance Fund $ 35,506 The Ulman Family Endowment $ 40,532 The Wade F. B. Thompson Endowment Fund $ 122,096 34,845 Undesignated Endowment Funds $ 264,787 26,735 Wood/Braunstein Family Fund $ Angela and Morton Topfer Bruce Lutz 1,330,986 $ Tench Coxe and Simone Otus-Coxe Elizabeth and Blaine Rollins Michael Goldberg $ The Hamilton Jordan Fund The Rollins Family Fund 32,489 $ $ American Century Investments Candice and Brent Aaron Ronette Espinoza Memorial Fund $ Brad A. Silverberg $ 33,232 Anthony S. Tortorelli Doug Ulman Urology Austin Survivor Summit 2012 Suzanne and Marc Winkelman Steve and Heather Wolf Jack and Cari Wood Julian Yap R E P O R T $ In Honor of Renee Nicholas The Armstrong Family A N N U A L Gupta Family Fund Susan E. Kuhn, Cyrus T. Wingate and Sevilla M. Trevisani and Thomas P. Trevisani, II Family Fund Anonymous 39,298 $ 34,839 Nike Carol and Mike Sherwin Lee Family Fund Stephanie Robins Memorial Fund Mike and Carol Sherwin Jean M. Schuler 34,042 $ Aragona Family Foundation Jeff and Bonita Garvey $ In Honor of Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital, Cleveland, OH Laura and Casey Wasserman Robyn and Craig Malloy Leanne Jones LIVESTRONG Memorial Fund $ Anonymous 33,662 $ $ Andrew T. Sheehan Tench Coxe and Simone Otus-Coxe 1,776,776 Ryan Phua Memorial Fund Anonymous Kramer Foundation Martha Southern Hirsch Memorial Fund 34,042 or more to the global fight against cancer. Sandra and Joe Aragona 30,805 31,209 individuals in perpetuity for their generosity and continued support. James C. Kennedy $ 30,383 member of this group has a cumulative giving commitment totaling $1 million 153,004 $ $ 25,767 extraordinary financial commitment to the LIVESTRONG Foundation. Each donations of $500,000 or more. The LIVESTRONG Foundation honors these F O U N D A T I O N $ Kaya Knerly LIVESTRONG Foundation Endowment Fund 57,735 $ David Knaggs Endowment Dell Children’s Hospital Gift in Honor of Sandra Aragona 29,919 $ 335,374 $ neurial stewards who understood our passion and made a difference through L I V E S T R O N G Karen and Everett Cook Endowment Fund The 7 Society recognizes individuals and organizations who have made an 2 O I 3 540,199 Closed on December 31, 2002, the Founders' Circle brought together entrepre- | $ 7 S O C I E T Y 2 5 American Century Investments Endowment Fund F O U N D E R S’ C I R C L E THE DOCTORS SAY I ’ M CANCER-FREE! I BROKE DOWN AND STARTED CRYING F I N A N C I A L S A N D WHEN I HEARD T H O S E W O R D S . R E C O G N I T I O N BUT I ’ M TERRIFIED EVERY SINGLE DAY THAT MY I STILL CALL MY NAVIGATOR TO TALK ABOUT MY LIFE, POST-TREATMENT. L I V E S T R O N G F OU N DAT IO N S TAT E M E N T O F F I N A N C I A L P O S I T IO N LIABILITIES ASSETS Cash and Cash Equivalents 19,832,415 Accounts Payable and Accrued Expenses Investment Securities 20,643,435 Grants Payable 629,072 Endowment Funds and Investments 41,890,991 Deferred Revenue 691,501 Accounts Receivable 1,650,324 3,720,329 Deposits, Prepaids and Intangible Assets 1,917,414 $ T O TA L L I A B I L I T I E S 2,970,897 11,924,683 LIVE EVERY DAY IN THE MOMENT. OTHERWISE I HAVE TO LEARN TO I WON ’ T ENJOY THE TIME Inventory2,757,115 Property and Equipment, Net NET ASSETS 102,686, 3 82 11,180,319 Permanently Restricted 12,668,784 T O TA L L I A B I L I T I E S A N D N E T A S S E T S $ 9 9, 715 , 4 8 5 102,686, 3 82 ST RONGER THAN CANCER. I’M A FIGHTER. B OA R D O F DI R E C T O R S Jeffery C. Garvey, Austin, Texas Amelie G. Ramirez, Dr. P.H., San Antonio, Texas TREASURER Michael Sherwin, Cleveland, Ohio VICE CHAIR Blaine P. Rollins, Denver, Colorado S E C R E TA RY Joseph C. Aragona, Austin, Texas Candice Aaron, Dallas, Texas Craig Nichols, M.D., Portland, Oregon J. Dennis Cavner, Austin, Texas Jeremiah Robins, San Diego, California & Shanghai, China Julian Day, Fort Worth, Texas EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBER Harold P. Freeman, M.D., New York, New York David Johnson, M.D., Dallas, Texas Sanjay Gupta, M.D., Atlanta, Georgia EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBER Mark McKinnon, Austin, Texas* Mitchell Stoller, Washington, DC E. Lee Walker, Austin, Texas I’M A SURVIVOR. AND I AM S O T H A N K F U L. for your support of LIVESTRONG's mission to help those affected by cancer now. Without you, we would not be able to help cancer survivors and their loved ones through such a difficult and overwhelming period in their lives. We are forever grateful for the generosity of our donors. Your gift makes a meaningful and lasting impact. THANK YOU If you or someone you know is facing cancer, please call our LIVESTRONG Navigation Center for free one-on-one support and assistance. No one needs to face cancer alone. Get the help you deserve at LIVESTRONG .org/WeCanHelp or call us toll-free at 855-220-7777. * Mark McKinnon: Emeritus as of 12/31/13 #STILLSTRONG R E P O R T CHAIRMAN AND FOUNDING CHAIR A N N U A L BOARD MEMBER S OFFICERS F O U N D A T I O N #STILL I’M L I V E S T R O N G $ T O TA L N E T A S S E T S 2 O I 3 Temporarily Restricted | The figures on these pages depict the financial activities of the LIVESTRONG Foundation for the 2013 calendar year. Complete copies of the audited financial statements are available upon request from the LIVESTRONG Foundation, 2201 East 6th Street, Austin, Texas, 78702, or on our website at LIVESTRONG.org. Unrestricted75,866,382 ONE YEAR OR 40. IF 2 7 T O TA L A S S E T S I F O U G H T T O K E E P, I DON’ T ENJOY LIFE NOW, THEN CANCER HAS WON. WHETHER IT ’ S $ CANCER WILL COME BACK. We provide free programs, services and resources to anyone affected by cancer. If anyone you know needs cancer support, call toll-free 855.220.7777 or visit LIVESTRONG.org/WeCanHelp A-RATED CHARITY AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ACCREDITED CHARITY SEAL HOLDER BBB WISE GIVING ALLIANCE PHILANTHROPY #STILLSTRONG TOP 20 BEST NONPROFITS TO WORK FOR IN 2013 THE NONPROFIT TIMES 3 -S TA R R AT I N G C E O C A N C E R G O L D S TA N D A R D TM CERTIFIED HEALTHCARE CHARITY F R O M C H A R I T Y N AV I G AT O R C E O RO U N D TA B L E O N C A N C E R N AT I O N A L H E A LT H C O U N C I L LIVESTRONG ®, a registered trademark of the LIVESTRONG Foundation. The LIVESTRONG Foundation is a 501(c)(3) under federal tax guidelines.
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