Quaky Cat`s Snow Day


Quaky Cat`s Snow Day
Quaky Cat's Snow
As the excited Kauri
children waited with
anticipation, for the snow
to fall, Tiger sat sleeping,
snuggled in his favourite
spot, under the heat
The children stared out the window at the falling snow. They were chatting and
giggling about their stories of fun in the snow. Tiger continued to purr on his cosy rug. He wasn't interested in the snow. He didn't like
disasters especially those that hurt his paws, he'd much rather stay in doors.
Finally the word came; Jack
arrived just after 9.30 to say,
"Schools closed!"
The children bounced off the
walls, "yay we can go out and
play," they all shouted.
Tiger woke with a start... and a feeling of dread. The children wanted to make a snowman and a snow cat as his pet. Tiger twitched his long whiskers and sniffed at the air. He knew what was coming. Danger was in the air... Then a voice in his head,
one he'd heard on the day of the quake shouted, Run for your life,
Make for the door!
Tiger jumped over desks, he pounced on the chairs.
He darted past the laughing children and went
zooming out the door.
The children screamed with joy, "Tiger" they yelled "not so fast, wait for us, we
want to make snowmen with you."
Tiger raced out of Room Five and
onto the court. He slipped on some
ice and skated towards a garage. When all of a sudden a gruff voice yelled "Quaky Cat
you get outta my shed!"
Poor frightened Tiger took one look at Mr Kellett and
decided that this shed was not for him.
Tiger raced up the path all
covered in salt- even faster
he went till he slid into the
big chiefs warm, snug office.
This office didn't have his
rug but there was a large
relaxing chair. He started to
snuggle when all of a
sudden a bottom came near.
Tiger squawked, "I'm outta here!"
Past Mrs Harris, Tiger ran faster than ever. Down
the cold concrete stairs, as he dodged snow flakes
falling on his ears.
He headed down the cracked walkway past Room
Seven, too much noise he thought, not a place he
wanted to snuggle.
He snuck into Room Eight, as quiet as a
mouse, only to hear a shriek and a teacher
yell "mouse!" As she jumped onto a table.
Tiger kept running with no place to hide and
no time to spare, Tiger headed to Room Two
for a dare.
As he poked his head into the room, flying blocks came near.
"Oh no!" he shouted.
This was not what he wanted,
not another city that rocked and rolled.
Afraid Tiger began to
wail, with his whiskers
cast down and a sad,
drooping tail, he set back
out into the snow to look
for his class.
At last, to his room he came, weary and worn after his expedition around the school- but where were the children? Where was Miss
Gone was his blanket on the floor, and off were the lights and heat pump that kept him warm. He felt so alone. Where could he go and what should he do?
He was tired and hungry- but then he heard a noise!
He sniffed his way down to the
end of the line, and into a library
through a tangle of bags dumped
at the door.
Parents were queuing, waiting for
their children.
Poor Tiger puss waited didn't ,
anyone care?
Then everything changed with a
cry, "look who's here!"
It was his class! Kauri!
He was back home at
last, and his horrible
day was a thing of
the past. His classroom
was cold and the snow
was starting to settle,
the whole school was
heading home but with
his classmates nice
and warm in the back
of Room 12, none of it
mattered. He was back
with his friends who'd
keep him warm and
safe from the storm.