File - Southend Model Boat Club
File - Southend Model Boat Club
WAVEGUIDE The Newsletter of the Southend Model Power Boat Club Summer 2013 Bow Wave: Living in England we do tend to get rather preoccupied with the weather, but I think with some justification. We had not just the coldest March since 1962 and the coldest Easter on record, but March was actually colder than the preceding winter months. When I produced the ‘spring’ Waveguide, issued at the end of March, we were fully expecting it to be ‘spring’; in reality we had to wait several more weeks until the end of April before any new foliage really started to appear. Looking back to last year it’s also worth noting that March 2012 was the third warmest on record with record breaking maximum temperatures. As I put the finishing touches to this edition of Waveguide in late June, we’re still waiting for the summer to arrive! Just goes to show, it’s a complete waste of time trying to plan anything that’s weather dependant, like model boating events, but we can but try! Nevertheless, undaunted by the weather we’ve had a very good start to the season with plenty of activity at the lake every weekend. We’ve got a very full edition for you this time around, certainly no problem in filling the pages with offerings from several members. Our cover picture this time shows a nice little ‘trio’ of Robbe ‘Antje’ fishing boats.◙ News in Brief: Club Meetings: Our May meeting at the RNA was again well supported with thirtytwo members and a couple of guests present. Our Chairman Andy opened the meeting by welcoming everyone and followed with a brief tribute to our late Chairman Terry Moffat. We then held a one minute silence in memory of Terry. It was agreed that the proceeds from the evening raffle would be donated to the British Heart Foundation in Terry’s name and we have subsequently we sent off a donation of £77. Disabled Access: We were pleased to welcome Councillor Alex Kaye to the meeting; Alex is the Councillor for Thorpe Ward, which includes Southchurch Park, and has been showing an interest in our Club since making an initial contact last year. Of particular interest to Alex is the subject of disabled access and she has been pursuing a proposal for the installation of an access ramp to the pond-side. Alex has been promoting this project on behalf of the club with the council since it was first mentioned early last year and details of the plan were first made available to us in April this year. We were however quite concerned to find that as proposed it was planned to install the ramp, with its observation platform along the grassed section of the bank extending over most of the area that we currently use in our regular boating activities, which would severely restrict the space available to us. We have consequently had meetings with Alex and the Parks Technical officers on site to discuss what options are available and we have made several suggestions for alternative sites. There are however a number of constraints as to where the ramp can be sited due to the presence of trees and other features that cannot be compromised. Page 2 Nevertheless, we have explained just how much it would impact on our present activities if the installation were to be carried out as originally planned. At the time of writing we are awaiting alternative proposals from the Council. Associated with the project it is hoped that the present concrete apron around the pond-side will be resurfaced with a non-slip coating and a protective rubbing strake will be added to the edge. We have also discussed the need for disabled parking facilities, which is currently being considered. We will keep you informed of developments. Vehicle Access: On a closely related subject, those of you who have visited the lake in recent months will be aware that one side of the park gate that we normally use as access is now kept locked. Apparently the parks department were requested to take this action by the local police to limit certain illegal activities that had been observed in the hours of darkness. This action obviously prevented us from driving into the park, a privilege we have enjoyed for a long time. Fortunately we have been able to negotiate with the Parks Department and have been given a key to the gate so that we can open the gate for access at the start and end of the day. There is however an additional benefit in that the same key fits the removable bollard adjacent to the public shelter that has restricted our ability to turn cars around and we have been given permission to remove the bollard for this purpose. We will endeavour to ensure a key holder is available to open the gate and remove the bollard for all our scheduled events, but please be aware that you will not generally be able to drive in through the gate on an ad-hoc basis if you visit the lake on your own mid-week. Our congratulations go to Peter Moffat and Rachel on the birth of their baby son Alfie on 17th April. Baby Alfie weighed in at a healthy Gross Tonnage of 8lbs 7oz; no LoA supplied; I’m sure he will follow in the family tradition and we hope to see him with Mum, Dad and his big sister at the lakeside soon. New Members; we would like to take the opportunity to welcome an unprecedented twelve new members to the club over the past few months. Now top of our alphabetical membership list is Simon Agland and his partner Melanie from Shoebury. Simon’s been seen around the lakeside quite a bit over the past few months with his rescue dog ‘Bear’. Like many of us Simon dabbled a little in boats some years ago, he later met Glenn Meekcoms who introduced him to RC mini stock car racing and has now drifted back to boats, and purchased a boat from Andy. Again close to the top of the list is Peter Berry and partner Una from Thorpe Bay who have been visitors at the lake for quite a while and have now joined us, they are experienced dinghy sailors and are now ‘scaling down’ their boating a little. Next down the list are Yvonne and Martin Folks from Benfleet who are friends of Mick Goodsman. Recently Martin has purchased a new 8 metre yacht, but may be better know for sailing his Robbe Antje. (see picture).The one in the middle is Page 3 Martin’s, the one on the left is Brian Foskett’s and the brown one was my own bargain from the bring and buy sale at Alfold last year. But the three of them together do make quite a pretty picture. Sorry about the diversion; back to our new members and continuing down the membership list we also welcome Peter Franklin from Shoebury, Peter is also an experienced cruiser sailor, having extensively sailed the East Coast Rivers and is currently scratch building a scale yacht based on a design similar to a J class. We then have Neil Markey from Shoeburyness, Neil is new to model boating and has recently acquired a ready to run yacht; he is however an experienced dinghy sailor so he will be able to translate that experience to model sailing, once he gets used to the idea that he’s not actually in the boat! Another, not exactly a new face, John Thompson (Andy Thompson’s son) has joined us. John’s been visiting the lake regularly with Andy for some while and has now become a member, he’s just built a new Club 500 and he has a modelling background in railways, so I’m sure he will be joining us at the ‘Garons’ show in November. Another newcomer is Michael Martin from Great Wakering. Our penultimate new member is Gerry Walters from Westcliff, who’s currently working on a large scale model of the ‘Bismark’, a project he’s had on the go for a while, but it’s now just about operational. Last, but by no means least James (Jim) Willetts from Westcliff who is new to model boats and has recently purchased yet another new 8 meter yacht from Robin Edgar, helping to grow our now substantial fleet of this very useful and popular design, that I personally believe is ideal for our lake. Sixty-Fifth Anniversary Festival of Model Boating: As you will have seen from the programme our ‘Annual Festival of Model Boating’ is on Sunday 11th August and, as usual, this is an ‘open event’, where we expect a number of visitors from other clubs. Traditionally this has always been predominantly a free sailing ‘scale’ event, with a few rounds of fast electric thrown in for good measure and a bit of fun. Your Committee are very conscious of potential ‘compatibility’ issues between ‘scale’ model boats and some classes of sailing craft. Consequently, we have agreed that only traditional ‘scale type’ sailing craft, such as Barges, Pond Yachts and ‘small’ racing yachts, such as ‘Footie’s’ will be sailed on this day. However, we are adding an additional event on the preceding day (Saturday the 10th) as a ‘Fun Sailing Day’ for all classes of sailing craft. This day will be fully supported by the Club as a part of the Festival weekend, but has not been advertised as an ‘open’ event to other clubs, although I am aware of a couple of regular visitors from the Shepton Mallet club who will be joining us for the day. Insurance: The club’s ‘public liability’ insurance has been renewed on exactly the same terms as I described in the last Waveguide. As I mentioned then, should you need your own personal copy of the insurance certificate please let me know, as I have a quantity of certificates that just need your name added, and we are authorised to validate the certificate for you. As with any insurance the period covered is one year, so if you happen to have an old certificate it’s no longer valid. Page 4 Club Dinghy: You will remember that we’ve been planning to obtain a more manageable dinghy for use at the lake and over the past few months your committee (mostly Colin Sharp) have been scouring ebay and other on-line sites for something suitable. The criteria it had to meet were: (a) can be lifted by one person, (b) will stand on its end in the shed, (c) available locally and affordable. Eventually Colin found exactly what we were looking for a 6ft 6in pram dinghy for sale locally and only £125. Colin and Andy went over to Hullbridge and collected it one evening and as you can see couldn’t resist trying it out in the failing light when they got back to the lake. As any of us who have used such dinghies will tell you, they are inherently ‘tender’, that is they need very careful handling in the water. If you are the least bit unsure of yourself and still need to use the dinghy please ensure you wear a buoyancy aid (there are a couple in the shed) and never take it onto the lake without another club member being present. We are keeping the big blue dinghy, specifically for use at Barleylands, and Chris Oram has kindly offered to transport and store it for us. Club Annual Lunch: Several members suggested that we resurrect the ‘Club Annual Lunch’ and consequently we have booked the function room at the ‘Halfway House Country Carvery’ on the Eastern Esplanade. We have booked for a Sunday Lunch at 13:00 on 12th January next. As the name suggests, the venue is essentially a ‘Carvery’ however, we have negotiated a fixed price deal of £15 each for a two course meal with coffee and there will be a minimum of two alternate main courses available, details of which will be available nearer the time. The room can comfortably seat up to fifty people so hopefully we should be able cope with all who would like to come. We don’t need any names or payments at this stage, but please make a note of the date. The Essex Country Show (Barleylands), if you’ve requested passes to attend this event in September you will have found them enclosed with this Waveguide. As most of you will know this is the premier model boating event in Essex and is hosted by our own Club as part of the show. This year we have eight other clubs and organisations joining us, including the ‘A Team Boatyard’ who will be exhibiting their 17 foot long model of a ‘Type 45 Naval Frigate’ and the Association of Model Barge Owners, who are bringing a fleet of seven Thames Sailing Barges. As usual we would appreciate some assistance on the Friday afternoon to set-up, and on Sunday evening to clear up at the end of the show. Page 5 For our Spring ‘Venetian Night’ on the 6th April we were still in the grip of freezing temperatures and a biting cold wind, however, a few hardy souls turned up to sail their boats in the ‘twilight zone’ and show off their craft’s lighting. Our Club Chairman Andy was sailing one of his dad’s boats. It was built by Derek, about twenty years ago, from the Mountfleet kit of the Admiralty Coaster C642. Andy had added a simple strip of white LED’s to the mast for the occasion which looked very effective. Some of you may know that the Mountfleet sadly suffered an extensive fire but they are now back in business albeit at the moment are unable to offer their full range of models. The ‘Shakedown day’ was our first attempt at running both a scale event and fast electric concurrently, and it all went very well. Our FE Rep Doug Cracknell set out a ‘Speed Triangle’ for anyone to have a go with whatever class of boat they had. There were several new Club 500 boats in evidence; some not quite completed, but out for their first trials, This ‘pristine’ boat has clearly not yet competed in what can often be the ‘rough-and-tumble’ of Club 500 racing. I think some members were paying the price for not stripping out the prop-shaft from their boats when they were last run in the rather corrosive water of Southchurch Park Lake, and I did hear that there were some not too healthy sounds emanating from one particular Ten Shock. This is absolutely essential, especially with FE boats, it’s also essential to flush the cooling system on water cooled motors with fresh water to prevent corrosion. Here’s your clue? So guess who this nice little lad is? (But this one will never float!) Congratulations Ray on passing the big 40! Page 6 When we were putting our regatta programme together earlier in the year we cast around for suggestions for names for each of the events, one suggestion from Angela was for a ‘Cygnets Regatta’; and here’s the reason: This is the latest brood from the Southchurch Park swans. (Picture from Angela) On the subject of Swans; while several of us were watching the ‘drama’ of the Portsmouth Display Team at Alfold; a little ‘drama’ was unfolding at our own lake. It would appear that a member of the public was sailing a small ready-to-run sail boat and sailed rather too close to the cygnets; consequently the Cob Swan became very agitated and attacked the boat, more-or-less sinking it. Andy Robinson decided to rescue the model and rowed across the lake in our dinghy. The swan then decided he didn’t much like Andy’s ‘intervention’ and proceeded to attack him! In an effort to escape the very real risk of serious bodily injury Andy ‘bailed-out’ of the other side of the dinghy head first into the lake. Surprisingly the dinghy didn’t actually capsize. Fortunately neither Andy, nor the swan, was injured, but it was a frightening experience and one we should learn from. The same cob had only a few days earlier pretty much wrecked John Thompson’s new Club 500. Unfortunately the photographic evidence of Andy Robinson’s ‘encounter’ with the swan is not up to publication standards, so you will have to rely on the eye witness accounts. On the lighter side; the incident did however lead to a flurry of little rhyming ditties from Andy Seymour’s good lady Tracy, a small selection of which is reproduced below: I glow in the dark, There was a great white, Ho hum, Who gave Andy a fright, Southchurch park is And sent him all off green, kilter, Ho hum, The peck was a belter, I have a bit of a sheen, The swell was hell, Like bad butter I mean, But the keening was, All green, and covered in Man in the water! sheen, All cause Tom the swan is mean. ◙ Page 7 There was a big white swan, Who was being really vain And thought Andy was a pain, He got the boat in a spin And made a huge din, And left Andy wet up to his chin. Scale Our first ‘Scale’ event of the season was our ‘Shakedown Day’ on 7th April, despite the continuing cold weather, thankfully the sun came out for a while to reward the many members who turned-up for the event. It was a very relaxed day and our new ‘Scale Rep’ Frank Lunn laid out a not too demanding course for anyone to just ‘have-ago’ with no pressure to compete and no points to be scored, or lost; all of which seemed to please a number of members, who might otherwise have not tried a steering course. Ray Malone was trying out his latest creation, his diminutive tug ‘Iron Horse’, the size of which gives no clue to its performance. This shot shows what happens when Ray gives a touch astern, then full ahead; it almost leaps out of the water! In contrast to Ray’s new model, Roy Williams was sailing his tug ‘Flying Duck’ that I don’t know too much about, but I know Roy built this one some years ago, and knowing him as we do I have no doubt that it was completely scratch built at minimum cost, utilising parts and materials he just happened to have around him. Page 8 Our Mayday Regatta was at last blessed with some very welcome spring sun shine, albeit rather short lived, but we did have a really good turn-out. Following the success of the ‘fun steering event’ the previous month, Frank again laid out an easy going ‘non-competitive’ course which was well utilised by members on a simple ‘have-a-go’ basis. It was good to see some ‘live steam’ models on the water. Paul Darch is seen here adjusting the steam plant he installed in the hull of a boat that he picked up second hand from a boot sale, while fellow steam enthusiast Eddy Cornwell looks on with his beautiful Steam Yacht ‘Seabird’ in the background. Meanwhile, Jerry Towner, dressed in the very latest fashionable Pondside Wear (reserved exclusively for steam enthusiasts) was setting up the oscillating V twin steam plant powering his river launch ‘Ernie’. Based on a GRP hull originally intended for a Victorian style launch ‘River Queen’. Unfortunately our third scheduled scale event on the 9th of June had to be abandoned due to the ongoing problem of the rather aggressive cob swan defending the cygnets and it was agreed by all present that it was not safe to enter the water in waders, or to attempt to use the dinghy. More recently the situation appears to have settled down and we appear to currently have a fragile truce with the swans. However, please take care not to provoke the swans in any way and be aware of the potential danger, particularly if you need to use the dinghy, or enter the water in waders. ◙ Page 9 Fast Electric Racing: Report from Doug Cracknell The start of the season commenced with the ‘Speed Triangle’ event held on 7 th April 2013 with 5 members turning up to try out their Mini Eco boats. The results of the morning’s racing were as follows: Tony Riebold (1st), Gary Gibson (2nd), Doug Cracknell (3rd), Steve Bone (4th) and Andy Seymour (5th). Competition Round 1 (5th May 2013): A sunny Sunday morning greeted members, with attendance good and enthusiasm for the start of the racing season high. A number of members were racing newly constructed Club 500’s and were eager to try out their racing skills with their latest models. As ever, hopes were high and success was varied, but enthusiasm fails to be diminished. With some sadness the GT400s made their final race appearance during the morning. Due to ongoing issues with obtaining replacement parts for these boats, the decision has reluctantly been taken not to feature them in the fast electric competition going forward; however they will no doubt be spotted on the lake from time to time. The successful organisation of the morning’s racing was in no small part due to the participation of Sam Cracknell and the support and guidance of Les Mathews – many thanks to both. Competition Round 2 (9th June): We were greeted with somewhat overcast and windy conditions; however an enthusiastic band of fast electric racers was to be found pondside. Unfortunately they were greeted by an equally enthusiastic family of swans, with their young, who were adamant no racing was going to take part that morning! For the safety of all it was agreed that the sensible option was to abandon racing for the day as setting up the race course was not a viable option. Hopefully we will be able to add an additional race at a later date in the calendar, when the swans are showing less of an interest in our racing and return to the far end of the pond to feed in the traditional way! Nevertheless, members who turned up with their Club 500s were able to participate in some practice runs around an improvised triangular course, which gave them the valuable opportunity to test new boats. Everyone who was able to take part agreed that they had enjoyed that opportunity. In recognition of the fact that many members had turned up ready and eager to participate in a morning’s racing, and were foiled by circumstances beyond their control, a unilateral decision was taken by the Fast Electric Representative to award everyone who turned up ready to race a boat on the morning with 10 points. Of course if the swans become a regular feature in our racing plans, we may have to rethink this decision. The current results are as follows: st 1 2nd 3rd 4th GT400 Gary Gibson Doug Cracknell 50 40 Club 500 Andy Seymour Doug Cracknell Tony Riebold 60 50 40 Mini Eco Tony Riebold Carl Thursby Sam Cracknell 95 85 75 Sam Cracknell 30 Doug Cracknell 65 ◙ Page 10 Building and running Club 500’s - by Glenn Meekcoms Further to my talk on the ‘Club 500’ at the RNA meeting, a few members have asked me if I would put some of my thoughts on gaining the best performance from these boats in writing. I should stress these are just my thoughts on the subject and are in no way meant to be definitive, more a guide to what we should be considering when building and setting up the boat. The club 500 rules state that you have to build the kit as supplied by the manufacturer, with only a few minor modifications allowed to improve reliability, thus keeping the class very fair. However, whilst constructing the boat, there are ways in which it is possible to reduce the overall performance of the boat. Hopefully these hints and tips will help avoid some of these pitfalls and more importantly, get you thinking about ways in which to extract the best from your boat, whilst staying within the rules. There are three main areas that affect the boats performance: 1) Overall weight. 2) Resistance (both mechanical and electrical) 3) Interface between the boat and the transmitter. Overall weight: This is the easiest to deal with, the lighter the boat, the faster it goes. However, club 500's do have a hard life racing and there will be crashes, so a compromise needs to be reached between lightness and strength. Reinforcing is advisable around the joint between the deck and hull, especially at the bow and also around the rudder shaft. Everyone will have their own ideas about how to achieve this; personally I used extra strips of plastic stuck on with solvent glue. A micro servo, speed controller and receiver were employed in my own boat to keep the weight down, since I had to purchase radio equipment for this boat and the micro parts are so cheap now, it seemed silly not to use them. Resistance (mechanical): Shaft to motor alignment is the main area where we can go wrong here and is best avoided by using a solid coupling between shaft and motor whilst building the boat. The manufacturers make a solid brass coupling and a few club members have made their own device (including a superb design by Andy Thompson) which allows everything to be lined up before gluing and holds it in place whilst setting. These devices are then removed and the supplied coupling fitted for running. The supplied coupling should have the plastic sleeves glued or pinned to the brass inserts to help prevent the motor moving forward when the inevitable shunt happens. A tiny amount of light oil, 3 in 1 is fine but you can go for the super slick (and expensive) Teflon oils if you want, should be applied to the two motor bushes and the motor should be run for a while before installing. Do not be tempted to over oil the bushes as any amount of oil getting onto the commutator or brushes will ruin the motor. How fast and how long to run in the motor? Well it’s possible to write a book Page 11 on this question, there probably isn't a definitive answer. Personally I held mine in a vice (lightly gripped) and ran my three sets of cells through it, this killed two birds with one stone, it ran the motor in and helped me cycle the cells. Check the coupling; make sure the brass inserts that connect to the motor and the shaft run true. These couplings are mass produced and it’s not uncommon for them to be drilled off centre, causing poor alignment when fitted. Sometimes loosening them and turning them 1/4 of a turn can help true them up; it is worth persevering as a replacement may also suffer from the same problem. The shaft should also be checked by rolling on a flat surface to see if it is straight and that the threads are cut straight. Make sure there are no burrs where the threads end as this can damage the shaft bushes. Ensure the bushes are in good condition and not too tight or loose fit on the shaft. Add an oiling tube to the shaft, the manufacturer make one as an extra or you can solder a piece of brass or copper tube to the propeller tube. If you solder the oil tube in place, remover the top shaft bearing first to avoid melting it when soldering. Greasing the propeller tube is an area where a lot of power can be lost. The grease lubricates the bearings and also prevents water entering the hull. Packing the shaft completely full of grease will cause huge amounts of drag on the shaft and dramatically reduce the RPM. Use light grease or a mixture of grease and oil and apply as little as possible to prevent water ingress to the hull. As the shaft spins it will inevitably throw the grease from the shaft and stick it to the inside of the tube, necessitating a top up after a couple of runs, hence the need for an oil tube. Check the propeller for nicks out of the blades, and also make sure the threaded insert is fitted centrally, my first propeller’s insert was not centred and caused severe vibration when spinning. Greasing the rudder shaft will help prevent water travelling up it, but will not stop it completely. A small piece of silicone tube slipped over the top of the rudder tube will give a good seal between the rudder stock and rudder tube. Do not allow too much of the silicon tube to touch the rudder stock or the extra friction will put unnecessary strain on the rudder servo, possibly causing it to burn out (as happened to me in the second race of the year). However careful we are, it is inevitable that some water will enter the hull. I always put my receiver and speed controller inside balloons to keep them dry. I also open my servos and fill them with petroleum jelly to try to repel as much water as possible. Another good tip is to screw up some kitchen roll and wedge it into each rear corner of the hull; this will absorb any water and prevent it from slopping around inside the hull whilst racing. Page 12 Resistance (electrical): The battery pack only contains a certain amount of energy. We have already tried our best at reducing the mechanical resistance in our drive train, allowing as much of this energy as possible to be transferred to the propeller, but is there anything that can be done to reduce the electrical resistance? Coming from the battery pack, the first thing we find is the connector, usually a Tamiya type. I have to admit to hating these things; they are fine on low current applications but struggle even with moderate currents. In the past I have had two fires due to them overheating and have seen several more caused by them. The actual contact area inside the plugs is very small and the metal very thin, this will, at best, restrict the current flow from the battery and at worst get over heated and potentially catch fire. Even if it does not cause a fire, some of the energy is wasted in heating the plug. My solution was to fit 4 mm gold bullet connectors, although Deans type plugs and other types are also suitable. Remember a stalled 550 motor can draw around 85 amps! Next consideration is the wires themselves. When using an electronic speed control there is little that can be done to change these, most decent makes of speed controller are supplied with suitable size wires already fitted, but they will need extending to reach the motor. Make sure you use a similar sized, quality wire designed for the job (not something you nicked from the bedside table lamp) to allow a path of least resistance to the motor. Fit suppressors to the motor. These only cost a few pence from Maplin Electronics and serve two functions. Firstly, they reduce sparking at the commutator (once again saving a little of that precious battery power) and secondly they reduce radio interference, not only to your own receiver, but also of other people’s. The interface between the boat and the transmitter: Without a doubt this is the single most important piece of the whole set up and probably the hardest thing to tune. A small improvement here will reap far greater gains in overall performance than all the above put together. For anyone who has not got it yet, I am referring to the driver! In four minutes a club 500 will only travel a certain distance, the shorter you steer a course around the buoys, the more laps the boat will complete in that time. I know this is really obvious, but it is the key to maximizing your boat’s potential. Club 500’s are not the greatest of boats to handle, if you find it ‘twitchy’ on the turns, slow down a little. Travel in as straight a line as possible between the buoys, if this proves difficult, think why it is happening? Have I got too much throw on the rudder? Can I use exponential throw on my rudder channel to help? If I exit the corners slower and align the boat to the next buoy before accelerating, would this give me an overall faster lap time? Everyone will find their own answers to these problems, but above all practice whenever possible. Page 13 At the first race meeting this year I saw many people trying their boats around the lake, but, despite it being laid out over an hour before the first race, I was only aware of one boat practicing the actual course. Right at the start, I said these were just my thoughts on the subject and hope no one feels I am preaching, after all, for all my words of so called wisdom, my boat broke down four laps into the second race and couldn’t be fixed for the rest of the day. Whilst the club 500 racing is primarily about having fun, I am sure everybody would wish their own boat to perform as well as possible; there is nothing more disheartening than having one problem after another at the lakeside. The more reliable, competitive boats we get on the water the closer the racing and that’s where the fun is. I do hope some of this is useful to beginners and maybe makes a few of the more experienced racers think through their own boat preparation a little more. I really welcome some feedback on these thoughts, especially if anyone feels I have missed out important issues, or disagrees with some (or all) of them. New boats seem to be arriving at the lake each week and it looks as if this year’s Club 500 racing is going to be a great success. It is really nice to see members diversifying into the fast electrics and it’s nice to see the more experienced members helping out with their builds. After all that’s what the hobby is about, sharing ideas and encouraging each other. Have fun with the 500’s and remember practice makes perfect! Editors note: I’m not sure whose boat this is, but as you can see it’s riding very nicely. Something I know Glenn has spoken about, but didn’t mention in his write-up, is getting the foreand-aft trim right. This is achieved by moving the battery tray back and forth on the ‘Velcro’ mountings. You may need to tweak this a little depending on the prevailing conditions on the lake. ◙ Page 14 Sailing Scene – Report by Angela Mears Our club’s sailing season began this year with the ‘Equinox Regatta’ held on the 17th March and possibly due to the continuing wintry conditions, we had only five entrants. However an encouraging number of members came along to watch and support the event; including myself who volunteered to be the race officer for the day. This meet had seen the launch of Julie and Andy Robinsons’ newly scratch built RM class yachts; Cumulus. A ‘Bantock’ design estimated to date from the early nineties, proven to be a competitive yacht, especially with a relatively shorter keel than newer RM designs, which is ideally suited to our lake conditions. We also saw our Sailing Secretary’s secret weapon ‘Slick’ take to the water with some serious competition in mind, along with Glenn Meekcoms’ ‘Magic’ RM both being Chris Dicks designs. And, finally, father and son team Andy and John Thompson were sharing the helm of their Marblehead of an unknown pedigree. Even though only five yachts raced, there was plenty of serious competitiveness seen on the water with skippers keen to get their scorecards off to a good start for the year with some low opening points. All in all as far as the weather permitted, there were six races held. The weather conditions for the Spring Regatta on 21st April were still not the least bit ‘spring-like’, however, with an impressive thirteen members participating, the spring sailing regatta had the recipe for an enjoyable day by the lake. Wind speeds left a little to be desired but most skippers made it across the finishing line without retiring through one complication or another! The event saw many spectators including members of the public and keen photographers taking the opportunity to snap some shots of the yachts on the lake as usual. For our Maypole Regatta 19th May we at last enjoyed a little well deserved sun. As with recent regattas, this event proved to be popular amongst sail enthusiasts with over a dozen entrants and it was good to see Cath Banham and Bob Yates for the first time this year skippering their beautifully built 8 metre ‘scale’ yachts. After a lengthy absence from the pond-side activates, it was great to have them join us again. Although warm and sunny, again the wind speed factor failed to meet our expectations. However, ten races were managed and there was much rivalries and ambitious fun had by all. We also saw another new 8 metre yacht join the group by way of new skipper Martin Folks. Believing this to be his first yacht and even though new to the sport, he’s undoubtedly proving he’s got the potential to create some waves amongst the other skippers! Page 15 There being no planned Sailing regatta in June, because of other events on the calendar, a late addition was made to the regatta programme and an extra event was squeezed in on the ‘Bank Holiday’ weekend, 26th May. Hence this was probably the reason for a lower number of participants than previous. Once again, the wind was forecast to be averaging 10mph but with the obstructions around our lake, felt as though there was significantly less. This didn’t dampen the sailing spirit though, and determination to complete a single lap of the course whilst more often than not yachts were ‘sitting ducks’ on the lake gave the skippers another challenge! We are now half way through the club’s events calendar, there’s no clear winner to take the trophy at the end of the year. With each Regatta that’s held, positions keep shifting on the overall leader board. Each regatta will involve a minimum of four races with each skipper’s best four points taken and accumulated to give a total score for that regatta with the worst scores for each entrant disregarded. These will be kept on record until the last Sailing regatta is completed in October. Then at the end of the season, each skipper’s lowest scores from their best four regattas will combined to give their best overall final score which will determine the SMPBC Sailing Regatta Champion Skipper of 2013! The results from each Regatta so far are as follows: Brian Foskett Mick Goodsman Andy and John Thompson Julie Robinson Andy Robinson Glenn Meekcoms Andy Seymour John Wren Bill Croucher Angela Mears Liam O’Herlihy Peter Bone Tony Riebold Roy Fountain Equinox 17/03/13 24 24 19 12 7 5 24 10 24 24 24 24 24 24 Spring 21/04/13 6 46 22 11 5 2 30 15 49 0 8 38 5 56 Page 16 Maypole 19/05/13 52 52 18 10 2 4 52 9 47 0 11 52 26 52 Bank Holiday 26/05/13 8 36 16 6 3 4 36 6 36 0 11 34 36 36 The Overall Leader-board Positions at this time are as follows: Editor’s note: Position 1ST 2ND 3RD 4TH 5TH 6TH 7TH 8TH 9TH 10TH 11TH 12TH 13TH 14TH 15TH We do seem to be seeing a bit of ‘experimentation’ in yacht classes at the lake these days. Andy Robinson is seen here with his brand new, entirely ‘scratch built’ RG65 class yacht. The craft is 650mm long, the hull being built totally from balsa. Andy scaled down the plan from his ‘Cumulus’ Marblehead to exactly 50% to fit the class rules. He made the sails from ‘Mylar’ film and the spars from carbon fibre fishing rods sections. The outside of the hull is finished with epoxy coating and the fin is sheathed with material from ‘tights’. Andy says he built the yacht mostly from materials he had around him at a total cost of around £5 (excluding radio gear). Skipper Glenn Meekcoms Andy Robinson Angela Mears Julie Robinson John Wren Liam O’Herlihy Andy and John Thompson Brian Foskett Tony Riebold Martin Folks Andy Seymour Peter Bone Bill Croucher Mick Goodsman Roy Fountain There is an RG 65UK Class Association and their website can be found at: The class rules appear to be quite relaxed and among the benefits claimed for the class are: it’s light weight at around 1kg; compact enough to fit in a small car fully rigged, no need for special heavy duty sail servos, hulls built in balsa wood are little heavier than expensive carbon fibre mouldings. It sounds like it’s got a lot going for it, especially in the relatively tight confines of our lake. ◙ Page 17 Total Points 15 17 24 39 40 54 75 90 91 139 142 148 156 158 168 Buoys and Boats Lou Monk launched his latest creation back in early April; this is something of a departure for Lou, who usually ‘scratch builds’ his models using ‘plank-onframe; 'Luela' is a Victorian Pond yacht built on a GRP Hull supplied by Dave Alderton. The design is based on an original 1930's wooden Pond Yacht that was apparently discovered during a house clearance and purchased for £10 by Dave who used the original hull as a plug to produce the mould. Dave also provided a basic plan for the rig but very little detail, together with the sails and a few fittings. The deck is planked using wood from venetian blinds with black paper in between each piece to simulate the caulking. The spars came from some nice well seasoned straight grain pine that I remember ripping down from some rough planks into square section for Lou sometime last year. The model is fitted with a sail winch and performs very well on the water. David Alderton can be contacted on: 01643709971 or email: I’ve always admired the ingenuity of Roy Williams and his ability to utilise ‘free’ materials in his model building. Roy’s latest project seen here in a part built state, is a TID tug built almost entirely from what he calls ‘fruit wood’. In reality it’s the wood from boxes used to transport fruit. This is similar in thickness to coffee stirrers, it’s quite close grained and about 2mm thick, Roy simply cuts it into strips with a Stanley knife. As you can see he’s got the hull built, which is resin coated inside and out, most of the superstructure’s built, the rudder is installed but the running gear is yet to go in. Roy’s following a plan supplied by MMI, which looks as though it’s done a World tour, with markings on it from as far away as Australia. The model is featured on the front cover of February 2012 MMI. We look forward to seeing the completed model on the water sometime in the not too distant future. Page 18 Colin Sharp’s latest creation is a diminutive fourteen inch long tug that he refers to as his ‘cut-n-shut’ job! In reality it started out life as one of George Turner’s 14 inch long vac formed hulls for the range of little fishing boats and tugs that George once produced. However, instead of simply joining the two halves of the hull together (clam shell style) as George intended, Colin widened the hull by a couple of inches and has squeezed in two Graupner geared motors, each with its own speed controller such that he can drive it ‘tank style’ giving it remarkable manoeuvrability. By way of a ‘contrast’ you might like to compare my own personal, rather more ‘conservative’ version of what George originally intended and built from exactly the same hull mouldings. Colin does have a wonderful imagination! Dennis Bailey recently emailed me pictures of a couple of his boats including his Brixham Trawler and this surface running submarine. For the benefit of some newer members who may not know Dennis, he is a long standing member of the club and a very adept model builder with a wide range of interests and skills. Possibly his most ‘unusual’ model building projects include his ‘Bone Boats’ one of which was featured in the May 2010 Waveguide; these are similar to those made by the Napoleonic prisoners of war, originals of which now change hands for very large sums of money. Page 19 Chris Hinson made the trip over from South Woodford with his sons Ben and Sam to join us for our May-Day Regatta, in addition to their two model ‘RIBS’, Chris brought along his latest and very unusual 1/10th scale 1950’s Russian ‘Aero-sled’ mail delivery support vessel. About which he has kindly provided us with the ‘back-story’: A few words about my boat, err, aero-sled, umm, airboat or, whatever? I was researching airboats on an American website (r/c airboat world) and came across a link to ( silly name but some interesting things, with a feature about unique soviet snowmobiles. It looks like they have been building them for quite a few years to perform all sorts of functions, mainly military during WW2, and copied by the Nazi’s, so they could fight in Siberia during winter, but afterwards they were used for mail delivery in Siberia, which is what I based my model on. They were also used as personal transport vehicles, ambulances, and Arctic support vehicles. They usually have skis, but some had tracks and there was a design that could adapt to using floats. I thought this type was interesting as it could cross snow and transfer to melted ice and open water when needed. As an experienced modeller I tend to build everything from scratch and as a fulltime furniture designer, I work with many different materials so I don’t mind a challenge. I designed the overall concept, having some experience from two previous small airboat builds. I started with a rigid aluminium chassis by bolting 12x12mm right angle sections together, to attached the floats and body/cockpit. The floats are solid Balsa with a layer of polyester resin for sealing, I did have some difficulty calculating the amount of buoyancy needed, and ended up with floats that are too small for a decent speed on water. The body is plasticard and the bow section is part of a photocopy drum in aluminium, with a balsa roof. I knew that I needed to keep weight to a minimum, which is difficult if you want enough scale detailing. I used a 2815 brushless out-runner motor 1100KV with 3S lipo, which has plenty of power, I have allowed for working rudders on the floats, to aid steering on the water but have not finished them yet. The 3 blade prop has been fully enclosed for safety and protection from catching any loose nearby material. The original Russian wartime Aerosled’s rarely had any kind of prop protection, and must have been very dangerous for the soldiers working with them. Page 20 The man in the forward compartment with the machine gun (not shown on the picture) on my model was partly based on a real war time design. Maybe the mail delivery chaps might come across some sort of danger in the wilds of Siberia? He is sitting on a swivelling gun mount, using a digital servo (which tends to vibrate in operation) but adds visual interest when on the water. The most challenging part to build on the model was the rear prop cage; I was trying to create enough stiffness with minimum vibration, but keep weight down and to scale. It really needed a welded wire frame, something that I chose not to attempt. I did enjoy the whole building project though and would like to thank Larry Hodgeson who first inspired me to experiment with air driven models after seeing his great working hovercrafts. --------------------------------------Mick Goodsman has kindly provided us with some information on his beautiful newly built 1:16th scale Bristol Channel Pilot Cutter: I built ‘Mascot’ on a Kingston Mouldings fibre glass hull and I have tried to keep as close to the real thing as possible, but not always easy on a model (for me anyway). All the control is below deck with a Hitec HS-805BB winch handling the main and topsail, with a Graupner Regatta eco winch on the foresails and a Hitec HS645MG high torque servo for the rudder, I had to use a drum on the servo and rudder shaft due to the angles involved. I have some pictures of the under deck detail for anybody interested, the sails I had made by Dave Alderton and an excellent job he made to. Most of the wood used was ‘recycled’ from an old door frame and the deck planking is 1/16 x 1/4 inch spruce. Her Maiden Voyage was Sunday 19th May, the day that shows up any problems, and I found I had two ‘issues’. Firstly the rudder needs to be a bit larger to steer better at low speed, second is that she had only internal ballast and any big gust of wind laid her over too far and so to ‘Plan B’, she will now have an external ballast keel (but I had to try my preferred plan A) the internal ballast being layers of sheet lead bolted in, came out OK. The real life Mascot was built in 1904 at Newport and after a couple of re-builds is still going strong doing Charter work based in Scotland. ◙ Page 21 Events and Shows: Alfold Charity Model Boat Show: Arrangements for our first ‘Away Event’ this year started a few days earlier with Andy Seymour and Les Mathews collecting the gazebos, club banner and table covers from the shed. They drove down on Friday morning and met up with Graham Fright, who had driven up from Western-SuperMare for the weekend. Fortunately by the time Rita and myself arrived in the late afternoon all the grafting had been done, with tables and gazebos all erected ready for the weekend and the ‘grafters’ were relaxing in the late afternoon sun with a glass of Graham’s Somerset cider. We then strolled to the local pub for a most enjoyable meal and a chat. Next morning Frank and Meryl arrived, together with Bill Croucher, Ray Malone, and Colin and Angela, who had kindly bought Andy’s son Finley down with them. We were also joined by ex-club member Darren Gennings with his partner and baby. Darren now lives abroad and works as a Tug Skipper. By the time the show opened to the public our display was full of well presented boats. Saturday followed the usual pattern of timed slots on the water for different categories of boats, although I think much of the time was actually taken up on chatting around the various club’s stands and catching up with friends we hadn’t seen since last year. In the evening, having rearranged the furniture in the conservatory of the main building to cater for our growing party, the barbeque went very well with plenty to eat, plenty to drink and plenty of friendly banter! On Sunday morning we were joined by Eddy Cornwell and his son, together with Chris Hinson and sons Sam and Ben. Personally I was determined to try to do a bit more boating and rather less chatting, but I’m afraid that didn’t quite work out, but never mind we can always play boats on our own lake! In the afternoon the Portsmouth Model Display Team put on their very impressive battle enactment on the lake with loads of pyrotechnics, loud bangs and plenty of smoke, all very impressive stuff. Graham resurrected a lapsed ‘tradition’ and had come equipped with a portable cooker and a cool box full of eggs and bacon and plied us all with tea, coffee and egg and bacon roles on both days. What a grand fellow he is! Dave Brumstead had been busy all day Sunday going around all the club displays judging the models, a job I certainly do not envy him, so many boats of such high standard and I lost count of the number of different categories. However, when it came to the Prize Giving at the end of the show, our own Ray Malone was awarded first place in the Tug category with his ‘Freewinds’. Well done Ray. Page 22 There were twenty six clubs present and a dozen or so traders. This being a ‘charity event’ we raised £60 between our own members attending to donate to the Merchant Seamen’s War Memorial Society and the organisers estimate that the total raised for the charity over the weekend would exceed £2000. A thoroughly enjoyable time was had by all, with several of us having booked our accommodation for next year. Blackwater Country Show: Again arrangements for this show started several days before the event, with Andy and Glenn loading up all the gear needed for the event. This might appear to be a lot of work for a one day event, but I think everyone who’s been to this show agrees it’s worth the effort. This was confirmed by the fact that twenty three members made the trip up to Maldon this year. We all arrived early to get the gazebos and tables set up and as you can see from this picture we were ready to receive the visitors by the time the show opened to the public at 10 o’clock. Despite the early start everyone soon settled into what was to be a very relaxing and sociable day. As you can see here where Lou and Chris looked as though they were recreating a scene from “Last of the Summer Wine”! But seriously, this is what it’s all about and it’s why we do what we do. Meanwhile the younger enthusiastic members wasted little time in getting their boats on the water for what proved to be a really good day’s boating, with a taste of everything for the public, with plenty of sailing, fast electric racing and scale boating. Indeed, by early-afternoon I think there were as many spectators around the lake watching our boats as there were watching the activities in the main arena. Page 23 Our Chairman managed to persuade the chaps with the canoes to place some marker buoys in the lake for us and we were able to make good use of these for some fun fast electric racing and for the sailing craft. Here are five of our members totally engrossed in a purely ‘noncompetitive’ Club 500 race around the buoys. Andy Thompson’s new Club 500 ‘Speckled Hen’ is seen here going well after earlier capsizing and for a while looked as though it was sinking! As you can see here, Andy’s number one son Finley spent much of the day on guard duty paddling around the lake in a canoe. The really good thing about this show is the lake is particularly suitable for sailing craft with plenty of room and relatively free from obstructions around the lake. It was also quite windy, which made for some ‘interesting’ sailing; Angela managed to ‘pitch pole’ her yacht on one occasion and even my thirty year old ‘Trapper’ was going better than I’d seen it go for years. As this show is in support of the Essex Air Ambulance, we had a whip-round and have subsequently sent off a donation of £25 to the Blackwater Show organisers towards their charity fund. ◙ Page 24 An Image from our club Picture Archive (by Dave Wiggins) Archive Picture – The ‘Marksman’ This is one time club friend, Bob Godbold’s ‘Marksman’ fast electric race boat. The Marksman design was the clubs first one-design ‘fast’ electric race hull and was revolutionary in the all glow, petrol and diesel powered World of the 1970’s speed and fast steering scene. SMPBC were one of the first southern clubs to introduce ‘fast’ electric boats racing them on the, then new, Naviga steering and speed triangle. ‘New’ designs like the Marksman and Minuteman persuaded NAVIGA and the MPBA that ‘the times they were a changin’ and electric speed and speed-steering classes were soon introduced at European Internationals as well as at the more progressive clubs. The design was by Mr Philip Connolly who was an electrical engineer and a personal friend of the late Vic Smeed – himself a model aircraft and boat designer and magazine editor of considerable standing. The ‘Marksman’ was of Solarfilm covered, all balsa lightweight construction and I still have pictures of my own example somewhere or other. Powered by a grossly over run German Marx ‘Decaperm’ or a Japanese Orbit 805 motor on ten x 1.2Ah SAFT or Ever Ready sub-c / NiCad cells (i.e. 6V motors run on 12V), they were quite nippy boats that were especially well suited to the school swimming pool shows the club did in those days. ‘Posher’ examples (and wealthier boaters!), sported the fabulous American Kroker ‘Sea Wasp’ motor to good effect. They were very expensive and with absolutely nothing in common with a low quality/low cost motor like the Orbit 805. The water cooled ‘Sea Wasp’ is now all but forgotten. The two radios pictured are early Japanese 27 Meg’ aircraft sets – a Futaba ‘M’ series on the left and the first Futaba (‘Digimax’) on the right. Club member Bob Godbold, was, like the boat’s designer, an electronics engineer. He worked for Marconi at Baddow and lived in Chelmsford if I remember the clubs 1970’s membership list correctly. I’ve no idea where he is now. Picture: club archive; caption and memories: DJW Thanks Dave; in view of the current renewed interest in Club 500 racing this item is very ‘topical’. I wonder what the guys 30-40 years ago would make of this now. Ed. ◙ Page 25 Items for Sale: Japanese Motor Torpedo Boat in running order, no radio gear, batteries or speed controller, minor damage to rails. Been on lake within the past year and performed well. £125.00 contact Roy Fountain. Norman Martinson has a ready-to-run yacht for sale; it’s ‘Life at the Extreme’ which I believe to be a Graupner product. The model is fitted with steering servo and sail control and just needs radio gear added. Norman is asking £50 for the model. The following model boats are for sale by a Mr Ron Large: Aquacraft Paradise sailing yacht 600mm x 1.26 high a/m controller, batteries and stand £70 or o.n.o M.R.P 1/22 scale 1 mtr yacht voyager, Futaba 2 channel TX and batteries / charger £85.00 o.n.o Motor boat ‘Flying Marlin’ 18 inch long with charger £25.00 o.n.o Kyosho twin storm motor boat with batteries and charger / controller £75.00 o.n.o To contact any of the above sellers, please use the ‘Contact Us’ facility, under the ‘About Us’ tab and we will pass on your enquiry: ◙ Page 26 A ‘New (proper) Model Shop’ in town: Well, not exactly ‘new’, and not exactly ‘in-town’; some of you will already be aware of ‘Active Scale Models’, either when they were operating from their original premises, or perhaps at the Model Railway exhibition (Garon’s) in November. However they have recently moved to much larger premises near Hockley Station. The owner Andy started modelling at the age of seven and has been a keen modeller ever since so they know what they’re talking about. Andy and Viv started the business three years ago purely as an internet business but soon realised that 'personal contact' was important to modellers and they began supplying callers from their very well stocked garage adjacent to his house. Their stock now includes, balsa, hard wood, plywood, brass, aluminium, glues, paints, ‘Billings’ boat fittings, prop shafts, props, servos, leads, and a range of radio gear. They also stock a number of boat kits and ready to run boats including a ready to run IOM and the Dragon Force RG65 ready to run yacht. See website at:, they can be found at Unit 22, Foundry Business Park, Station Approach, Hockley, SS5 4HS (for Sat Nav users: SS5 4BQ) ◙ Page 27 And in the wake (the editors ‘indulgence’) Unusual ‘Deck Clutter’: I can usually find some excuse to use one of my favourite pictures captured on recent travels, this time it’s not around the canals but in Tobermory (home of the children’s TV program ‘Balamory’) taken in April this year on the Isle of Mull. This cheeky little otter was systematically ‘cleaning’ these fishing nets of the odd small fish left behind. It looked as though it was a regular occurrence for a free lunch! As always I’m indebted to all those who have supplied me with material for this Waveguide (named or not); I’d like to think that anyone who has not yet had a go at offering something for publication would be encouraged to have a go. It really doesn’t need much, usually a picture and a few words is all it needs, I’m happy to do the rest. The ‘Waveguide’ has been going a good many years in one form or another with many different editors; I just happen to be the current ‘custodian’ and I’d like to think that it’s all part of what make our club what it is. Editor: Peter Bone, Printing: Colin Sharp Webmaster: Stephen Bone, email: Website: Page 28