2005 Earth Science SOL Test
2005 Earth Science SOL Test
SESSION: 45 PAGE: 1 3/20/06 12:26 LOGIN IS-joer PATH: @sunultra1/raid/CLS_tpc/GRP_va_sprg06/JOB_06-ribsg11/DIV_g11esci-1 VIRGINIA STANDARDS OF LEARNING Spring 2005 Released Test END OF COURSE EARTH SCIENCE CORE 1 Property of the Virginia Department of Education 䉷 2006 by the Commonwealth of Virginia, Department of Education, P.O. Box 2120, Richmond, Virginia 23218-2120. All rights reserved. Except as permitted by law, this material may not be reproduced or used in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying or recording, or by any information storage retrieval system, without written permission from the copyright owner. Commonwealth of Virginia public school educators may reproduce any portion of these released tests for noncommercial educational purposes without requesting permission. All others should direct their written requests to the Virginia Department of Education, Division of Assessment and Reporting at the above address or by e-mail to darfax@doe.virginia.gov. SESSION: 44 PAGE: 2 1/13/06 6:43 LOGIN IS-garyo PATH: @sunultra1/raid/CLS_tpc/GRP_va_sprg06/JOB_06-ribsg11/DIV_g11esci-1 Earth Science 3 DIRECTIONS Read each question carefully and choose the best answer. Then mark the space on the answer sheet for the answer you have chosen. Most modern geologists have argued that a global catastrophe may have caused the extinction of the dinosaurs. According to these scientists, what was this catastrophe? 2049939 An asteroid impact with the Earth 墍 B Melting of the polar ice caps C A shift in the tilt of the Earth D Earthquakes and volcanoes A SAMPLE Which of these can be used to measure atmospheric pressure? An anemometer B A barometer 墍 C A thermometer D A seismometer EY04A305 墍 C A 4 What is the approximate percentage of the Earth that is illuminated by the 2085065 sun at any given time? EY14A739 10% G 25% H 50% 墍 J 90% F 1 2050304 A major problem with depending on fossil fuels as primary energy sources is that they are — 墍 C EY07B505 墌 C overabundant B nonpolluting C nonrenewable 墍 D deep underground A 5 Compared to the Rocky Mountains, the Appalachian Mountains are much — 2050700 older 墍 B less eroded C higher D thicker A 2 1. 2. 3. 4. 2049790 EY01E601 墌 Propose an outcome State the problem Make a Conclusion Gather Data C Which of the following puts the steps of a scientific experiment in the correct order? 2, G 4, H 2, J 2, F 1, 2, 1, 3, 3, 3, 4, 1, 4 1 3墍 4 2006 Commonwealth of Virginia Department of Education 2 EY10D403 墍 C SESSION: 44 PAGE: 3 1/13/06 6:43 LOGIN IS-garyo PATH: @sunultra1/raid/CLS_tpc/GRP_va_sprg06/JOB_06-ribsg11/DIV_g11esci-1 6 W 7 X 2184089 A volcanic eruption can affect the atmosphere by — 2050902 EY12E606 reducing the amount of water vapor in 墍 C the atmosphere L B adding large quantities of several gases, such as sulfur dioxide, to the atmosphere 墍 C clearing away nearby clouds, increasing the amount of sunshine D increasing the amount of oxygen due to escaping gases A EY01B701 墌 C ArtCodes EY01B701.AR1 R Seismic waves generated by an earthquake at point R are recorded at locations W and X. Which pair of seismographs is more accurate? 8 Location W Which of these will cause the greatest high tides? F ArtCodes 2050708 EY11A105 墍 C L Location X EY01B701.AR2 EY01B701.AR3 EY01B701.AR4 EY01B701.AR5 F Time Sun Earth Moon 墍 ArtCodes EY11A105.AR1 EY11A105.AR2 EY11A105.AR3 EY11A105.AR4 Location W G Location X G Earth Sun Moon Time Location W Moon 墍 H H Sun Earth Location X Time Earth J Location W Sun Moon J Location X Time 2006 Commonwealth of Virginia Department of Education 3 Rocky 1mi 2500 EY08CR02 B 00 Byrds Nest Shelter No.1 (No camping) C 0 墍 100 C 200 5 300 . 400 w llo Ho Fi re Old Rag Ro Shelter ad (No camping) 500 Rd rs ) ike y to h ndar d u e o s o B l (C Park at ArtCodes EY02E602.AR1 600 700 0 Fire d Roa rry Ba ag Trail Sa d D R Old 2049836 3268 dle A Locations of Earthquake Origins Depth (km) C L 10 MOUNTAIN 00 墌 RAG 30 EY03D601 Weakley 2049928 OLD 20 Robertson MountainTrail Hollow 9 Weakley SESSION: 44 PAGE: 4 1/13/06 6:43 LOGIN IS-garyo PATH: @sunultra1/raid/CLS_tpc/GRP_va_sprg06/JOB_06-ribsg11/DIV_g11esci-1 Each dot on the above diagram marks the origin of an earthquake. The area with the highest concentration of earthquake origins marks — Which profile best represents the contour map along the line AB? ArtCodes EY03D601.AR1 a line of Earth’s magnetic field G a seam of soft rock, such as limestone H the path of the subducting tectonic plate 墍 J the location of a developing igneous intrusion F A ArtCodes EY03D601.AR2 EY03D601.AR3 EY03D601.AR4 EY03D601.AR5 B 墍 11 C Which of these is the best indication of the relative age of a rock layer? 2050685 The thickness of the layer EY10C401 墍 B The chemical makeup of the layer C C The position of the layer compared to other layers 墍 D The distance the layer extends over the Earth A D 2006 Commonwealth of Virginia Department of Education 4 SESSION: 44 PAGE: 5 1/13/06 6:43 LOGIN IS-garyo PATH: @sunultra1/raid/CLS_tpc/GRP_va_sprg06/JOB_06-ribsg11/DIV_g11esci-1 12 14 Which mineral is easily identified by smell? Measuring Density 2050077 EY05A208 墌 C 3102623 Galena G Pyrite H Quartz J Sulfur 墍 F EY01A802 墍 200 mL C 150 mL ArtCodes 100 mL 50 mL 3102623.AR1 70.0 g 0 mL 13 2050404 Sphere in 100 mL of water Which of these pieces of basalt rock has probably been in a river the longest? In the first picture, the sphere is in a beaker with 100 mL of water. In the second picture, the dry sphere is being massed. Which of the values listed is closest to the density of the black sphere? EY08B122 墌 C L A ArtCodes EY08B122.AR1 EY08B122.AR2 EY08B122.AR3 EY08B122.AR4 0.5 G 0.7 H 1.4 J 2.1 F B C Sphere on balance 墍 15 g/mL g/mL g/mL 墍 g/mL Scientists use the rock cycle to describe the processes by which — 3081141 all different types of fossils were transformed into rock B one type of rock can be changed into another type of rock 墍 C tectonic plates shift around the earth’s surface D mineral crystals and compositions are identified A D 2006 Commonwealth of Virginia Department of Education 5 EY06C805 墍 C SESSION: 44 PAGE: 6 1/13/06 6:43 LOGIN IS-garyo PATH: @sunultra1/raid/CLS_tpc/GRP_va_sprg06/JOB_06-ribsg11/DIV_g11esci-1 16 18 Mohs Hardness Scale Mineral Talc Gypsum Calcite Fluorite Apatite Orthoclase Quartz Topaz Corundum Diamond 2050115 EY05A613 墌 C ArtCodes EY05A613.AR1 Scale Numbers 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Chromosphere Photosphere Core Corona Key : Fingernail Penny Common nail Glass plate Steel file = 2.5 = 3.5 = 4.5 = 5.5 = 6.5 Which layer of the sun is seen during a total solar eclipse? 2051018 Chromosphere G Photosphere H Core J Corona 墍 F According to Mohs Hardness Scale, which of these groups of minerals can scratch fluorite? Talc, gypsum, and calcite G Calcite, quartz, and topaz H Apatite, orthoclase, and corundum 墍 J Diamond, gypsum, and quartz EY14A120 墍 C ArtCodes EY14A120.AR1 F 17 2050057 EY04D606 墌 C 19 The Earth’s mantle is made up of very hot material that rises to the top of the mantle, cools, then sinks, reheats, and rises again, constantly repeating the cycle. This action, which causes the Earth’s crust to move, is known as — People develop the islands and remove sand during housing construction. B Offshore earthquakes cause the islands to sink below sea level. C The wind and the waves are constantly redistributing the sand. 墍 D Development companies mine the sand for use in inland construction projects. A convection currents 墍 B magnetic fields C hot spots D advection forces A 2006 Commonwealth of Virginia Department of Education Barrier islands are low and narrow sandy islands that form a rim offshore from a coastline. These islands protect 2050765 inland shores from the surf, especially EY11C310 during storms. These islands are 墍 becoming increasingly developed C because people want to live by the open ocean, yet the islands themselves are not permanent. Why aren’t the islands permanent? 6 SESSION: 44 PAGE: 7 1/13/06 6:43 LOGIN IS-garyo PATH: @sunultra1/raid/CLS_tpc/GRP_va_sprg06/JOB_06-ribsg11/DIV_g11esci-1 20 EY09C604 墌 2050631 Igneous intrusive G Igneous extrusive H Sedimentary 墍 J Metamorphic F = Impermeable layer C EY09C604.AR1 In which type of rock are fossils most likely to be found? = Zone of saturation 2050580 ArtCodes 22 = Zone of aeration 1 2 .. EY10A509 墍 C L 3 4 . 23 2050534 . EY09A505 墍 C L 1 ArtCodes EY09A505.AR1 According to the above diagram, the water supply will be most consistent in well — 2 3 1 G 2 H 3 墍 J 4 F 4 The layer in the above soil profile that has the most humus is — 1墍 B 2 C 3 D 4 A 21 2184167 EY08B700 墌 C ArtCodes The diagram shown illustrates which geological process? EY08B700.AR1 Faulting 墍 B Folding C Weathering D Metamorphism A 2006 Commonwealth of Virginia Department of Education 7 SESSION: 44 PAGE: 8 1/13/06 6:43 LOGIN IS-garyo PATH: @sunultra1/raid/CLS_tpc/GRP_va_sprg06/JOB_06-ribsg11/DIV_g11esci-1 24 26 Ocean Dimensions 2049692 Planet Area Average Ocean (million sq km) Depth (km) EY01A407 墌 Pacific 165 4.3 Atlantic 82 3.9 C The table shows the area and average depth of the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. Approximately how many times greater is the volume of water in the Pacific Ocean than in the Atlantic Ocean? Period Relative Period Diameter of Mass of (kilometers) Rotation (Earth = 1) Revolution Mercury 59 days 4,878 0.056 88 days Venus 243 days 12,104 0.820 224.70 days Jupiter 9 hours 48 minutes 143,884 317.869 11.86 years Saturn 10 hours 15 minutes 120,536 95.143 29.46 years 2051042 Which planet has the shortest day? Mercury G Venus H Jupiter 墍 J Saturn F 2 times 墍 G 20 times H 2,000 times J 2,000,000 times F EY14A314 墍 C ArtCodes EY14A314.AR1 27 25 Floating Ice Shelf 2050369 EY08A603 墌 Grounded Ice Sheet Ocean C Bedrock 3 ArtCodes 1 EY08A603.AR1 2 2049983 4 Why is the ice shelf floating? 墍 C The ice is melting faster than it can sink. ArtCodes EY04B203.AR1 B The ice is less dense than the ocean water. 墍 C The ice is warmer than the ocean water. D The ocean water is filled with vegetation that keeps the ice from sinking. A Which region of Virginia is classified as the Piedmont? 1 B 2 C 3 墍 D 4 A 2006 Commonwealth of Virginia Department of Education EY04B203 8 SESSION: 44 PAGE: 9 1/13/06 6:43 LOGIN IS-garyo PATH: @sunultra1/raid/CLS_tpc/GRP_va_sprg06/JOB_06-ribsg11/DIV_g11esci-1 28 2084956 31 Which of the following natural resources makes the largest contribution to Virginia’s economy? Wind Speed (in knots) Calm EY07C700 墌 C Plutonium G Aluminum H Coal 墍 J Feldspar 1-2 3-7 8 - 12 13 - 17 18 - 22 23 - 27 F 3338311 Based on the above symbols, which of EY13A912 the following represents a wind speed 墍 C of 30 knots? ArtCodes 29 2050171 EY06A602 墌 C L While on vacation, a student visits the area around a volcano that has recently erupted. The student can expect to find samples of — A clastic sedimentary rock B nonfoliated metamorphic rock C chemically formed sedimentary rock D extrusive igneous rock 墍 B 墍 EY13A912.AR1 ArtCodes A EY13A912.AR2 EY13A912.AR3 EY13A912.AR4 EY13A912.AR5 C 30 D 2049894 EY03B512 墌 C ArtCodes EY03B512.AR1 32 Gas and dust in interstellar nebulae can form — 2184107 stars 墍 G comets H meteors J asteroids F The picture shows an infrared composite of the Earth as seen by a weather satellite system. What does the dark shaded area on this map represent? The moon’s shadow G Thick cloud cover H Nighttime 墍 J Ocean currents F 2006 Commonwealth of Virginia Department of Education 9 EY14B614 墍 C L SESSION: 44 PAGE: 10 1/13/06 6:43 LOGIN IS-garyo PATH: @sunultra1/raid/CLS_tpc/GRP_va_sprg06/JOB_06-ribsg11/DIV_g11esci-1 33 3103050 Which of the following best describes Earth’s orbital position in our solar system? 35 Kilometers 0 EY04C801 墌 C 100 200 300 400 500 Outside of three smaller planets B Outside of the gas giants C An outer planet D An inner planet 墍 A The mountain shown is composed of deformed sedimentary layers. They are located near a tectonic plate boundary 2184111 and are still increasing in elevation due to — EY08C700 34 2050695 colliding tectonic plates 墍 B seafloor spreading of tectonic plates C subduction of a tectonic plate D transform faulting of a tectonic plate A VIRGINIA EY10D101 墌 C L ArtCodes 墍 C ArtCodes EY08C700.AR1 EY10D101.AR1 Deel Bristol Harrisonburg Charlottesville Norfolk The map shows the ages of the exposed bedrock in Virginia. Which city sits on exposed bedrock that is the same age as the rock in Bristol? 36 Release of CFCs and similar compounds are a possible cause of — 3182603 destruction of ozone in the upper atmosphere 墍 G acid rain in the northeast U.S. H greenhouse gas build-up in the lower atmosphere J increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration F Deel G Harrisonburg 墍 H Charlottesville J Norfolk F 2006 Commonwealth of Virginia Department of Education 10 EY12E803 墍 C SESSION: 44 PAGE: 11 1/13/06 6:43 LOGIN IS-garyo PATH: @sunultra1/raid/CLS_tpc/GRP_va_sprg06/JOB_06-ribsg11/DIV_g11esci-1 37 38 Velocity of Galaxies vs. Distance 2051129 2050010 2,000 EY14B405 墌 EY04C309 墍 ArtCodes EY14B405.AR1 C Velocity (km/s) C 1,500 ArtCodes EY04C309.AR1 1,000 Sun 500 Q 0 3 6 Venus Distance (millions of light-years) Earth In the late 1920s, Edwin Hubble and Milton Humason determined the distance to a number of galaxies and the velocity of those galaxies relative to the Earth. The graph shows the early results that were obtained. What approximate ratio did the scientists calculate between velocity and distance based on these early findings? 150 kilometers per second million light years 墍 B 300 kilometers per second million light years C 450 kilometers per second million light years D 600 kilometers per second million light years A Based on the drawing above, what is the main reason that Venus would appear brighter at point Q rather than at point R as seen from the Earth? The planet is closer to the Earth at point Q than at point R. G More of the visible side of the planet is illuminated at point Q than at point R. 墍 H The planet appears overhead against a dark sky when it is at point Q but not at point R. J Light from the planet at point Q is less affected by the sun’s gravity than at point R. F per one per one per one per one 2006 Commonwealth of Virginia Department of Education R 11 SESSION: 44 PAGE: 12 1/13/06 6:43 LOGIN IS-garyo PATH: @sunultra1/raid/CLS_tpc/GRP_va_sprg06/JOB_06-ribsg11/DIV_g11esci-1 39 3147830 Wind power is not typically used to generate all of the electricity needed for large cities because the — 41 EY07B812 墌 C energy source is inconsistent 墍 B waste products are unsafe C fuel expenses are too great D energy produced is not in a usable form A People have tried many methods to artificially produce rain. One 3103897 method, called cloud seeding, involves airplanes dropping particles of silver EY13C801 墍 iodide onto clouds to help the clouds C produce rain droplets. These silver iodide particles act as — hailstones B dew points C electrical charges D condensation nuclei 墍 A 40 2184267 EY06B615 墌 Mountain range 42 C Weathering ArtCodes Path of EY06B615.AR1 F ir e Erosion 1 Kilometer Deposition The picture shows the path of a forest fire that started at 5:30 A.M. It travels at 2049730 1 km/h. About how long will it be EY01C115 before the fire reaches the ranger 墍 station? Ocean Which kind of rock is formed by the processes shown? 30 minutes 墍 G 1 hour H 2 hours J 5 hours F Basaltic G Sedimentary 墍 H Igneous J Metamorphic F 2006 Commonwealth of Virginia Department of Education 12 C L ArtCodes EY01C115.AR1 SESSION: 44 PAGE: 13 1/13/06 6:43 LOGIN IS-garyo PATH: @sunultra1/raid/CLS_tpc/GRP_va_sprg06/JOB_06-ribsg11/DIV_g11esci-1 43 Which of the following most likely results in the formation of a fossil? 45 What is the greatest environmental cost of hydroelectric power? 3138745 EY10A811 墌 C 2050336 A Mesozoic clam lies exposed on the surface of the sea floor. B A Mesozoic clam is washed up onto the beach. C A Mesozoic clam is eaten by a large predatory fish. D A Mesozoic clam is buried by a mudslide. 墍 Increased flooding downstream B Fish kills due to the turbines C Decreased species diversity in the new lake D Destruction of free-running rivers and their ecosystems 墍 A A 46 EY07E401 墍 C L Which of these mineral properties cannot be used to identify a mineral? 2050111 44 Luster G Hardness H Mass 墍 J Streak Oil 35% F 2050282 Coal 27% EY07A506 墌 Solar, wind, hydroelectric 18% C L ArtCodes EY07A506.AR1 Gas 17% Nuclear power 3% The chart above shows different sources of energy. Which conclusion can be made based on this chart? Coal is the main source of energy. G Use of nuclear power is increasing. H Fossil fuels make up over three-quarters of our energy consumption. 墍 J Renewable energy sources are predominantly used. F 2006 Commonwealth of Virginia Department of Education 13 EY05A606 墍 C SESSION: 44 PAGE: 14 1/13/06 6:43 LOGIN IS-garyo PATH: @sunultra1/raid/CLS_tpc/GRP_va_sprg06/JOB_06-ribsg11/DIV_g11esci-1 47 2050395 EY08B106 墌 The pictures show different stages in the development of a river valley. Which picture shows the first stage of development? 48 Simplified Map of Virginia River Basins 2049876 PotomacShenandoah River Basin C L A EY03A601 墍 墍 C L Rappahannock River Basin ArtCodes James River Basin Big Sandy River Basin ArtCodes EY03A601.AR1 EY08B106.AR1 EY08B106.AR2 EY08B106.AR3 EY08B106.AR4 York River Basin Tennessee River Basin New River Basin Roanoke River Basin Chowan River Basin B According to the above map, the largest river basin in Virginia is drained by the — Potomac-Shenandoah Rivers G York River H James River 墍 J Roanoke River F C D 2006 Commonwealth of Virginia Department of Education 14 SESSION: 44 PAGE: 15 1/13/06 6:43 LOGIN IS-garyo PATH: @sunultra1/raid/CLS_tpc/GRP_va_sprg06/JOB_06-ribsg11/DIV_g11esci-1 49 Ozone molecules protect Earth from the harmful effects of the sun by — 50 Which image below best represents our galaxy? 2184161 EY12D704 墌 C 2051139 insulating the temperature at the poles B condensing water particles in clouds C regulating the heat from the sun D absorbing ultraviolet radiation 墍 A EY14B513 墍 C L F 墍 ArtCodes EY14B513.AR1 EY14B513.AR2 EY14B513.AR3 EY14B513.AR4 G H J 2006 Commonwealth of Virginia Department of Education 15 SESSION: 44 PAGE: 16 1/13/06 6:43 LOGIN IS-garyo PATH: @sunultra1/raid/CLS_tpc/GRP_va_sprg06/JOB_06-ribsg11/DIV_g11esci-1 Answer Key Test Sequence Correct Answer Reporting Category 1 C 002 Geology 2 H 001 Scientific Investigation Reporting Category Description 3 A 002 Geology 4 H 004 Astronomy and Space Science 5 A 002 Geology 6 H 001 Scientific Investigation 7 B 003 Meteorology, Oceanography, and Groundwater 8 F 003 Meteorology, Oceanography, and Groundwater 9 B 001 Scientific Investigation 10 H 002 Geology 11 C 002 Geology 12 J 002 Geology 13 C 002 Geology 14 H 001 Scientific Investigation 15 B 002 Geology 16 H 002 Geology 17 A 003 Meteorology, Oceanography, and Groundwater 18 J 004 Astronomy and Space Science 19 C 003 Meteorology, Oceanography, and Groundwater 20 H 003 Meteorology, Oceanography, and Groundwater 21 A 002 Geology 22 H 002 Geology 23 A 002 Geology 24 F 001 Scientific Investigation 25 C 002 Geology 26 H 004 Astronomy and Space Science 27 B 003 Meteorology, Oceanography, and Groundwater 28 H 002 Geology 29 D 002 Geology 30 H 001 Scientific Investigation 31 A 003 Meteorology, Oceanography, and Groundwater 32 F 004 Astronomy and Space Science 33 D 004 Astronomy and Space Science 34 G 002 Geology 35 A 002 Geology 36 F 003 Meteorology, Oceanography, and Groundwater 37 A 004 Astronomy and Space Science 38 G 004 Astronomy and Space Science 39 A 002 Geology 40 G 002 Geology 41 D 003 Meteorology, Oceanography, and Groundwater 42 F 001 Scientific Investigation 43 D 002 Geology 44 H 002 Geology 45 D 002 Geology 46 H 002 Geology 47 A 002 Geology 48 H 001 Scientific Investigation 49 D 003 Meteorology, Oceanography, and Groundwater 50 F 004 Astronomy and Space Science
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