BBQ Weekend Fall 2016 in Wildwood, NJ
BBQ Weekend Fall 2016 in Wildwood, NJ
BBQ Weekend Fall 2016 in Wildwood, NJ with Merry May & Lorraine Fenstermacher Bed, BB Brea Q = kfas t&Q u FRIDAY, September 30 • 3 PM to 7 PM - Check-in at Adventurer Inn in Wildwood Crest, NJ; set up sewing areas for classes in the 7th Floor Convention Room; Dinner on your own. • 7 to 7:30 PM - Welcome Reception with Wine & Cheese Party; bring your favorite snack to share! • 7:30 to 8 PM - Door Prizes; Introductions; Show ‘n Tell of previous projects from BBQs. • 8 to 10 PM - Optional Mini Workshop with Merry • 8 PM to ??? - Continue visiting, setting up, and/or EATING!! ilt! SATURDAY, October 1 - 7 to 9 AM - Breakfast in restaurant downstairs ($1-2 tip per person suggested) 9 AM to 12 Noon - Morning Session 12 Noon to 1:30 PM - Lunch (on your own, or order out “Dutch Treat”) 1:30 to 4:30 PM - Afternoon Session 4:45 to 6:15 PM - Dinner at a local restaurant (we provide; gratuity included) 6:30 PM to ??? - Eat some more, visit, go to bed, and/or sew, sew, sew!! Stay up as late as you like. SUNDAY, October 2 - 7 to 9 AM Breakfast in restaurant downstairs ($1-2 tip per person suggested). 9 AM to 12 Noon - Morning Session 12 Noon to 1:30 PM - Lunch (on your own, or order out “Dutch Treat”) 2:00 PM - Weekend ends; have a safe trip home! PRICING: Our Fee: $135 $75 Deposit per person to be submitted to us with Registration. $25 of this deposit is nonrefundable. You must list your roommate(s) when registering if you are sharing a room with someone else! REFUND POLICY: 100% refund until August 31, less $25 non-refundable deposit. 75% refund less $25 from September 1 through September 15 • • • NO REFUNDS AFTER September 15 • • • BALANCE DUE: August 31. $10 Late fee if final payment is sent after August 31. Supply Lists will be sent once you have chosen your workshops, and your Deposit has been received. Directions to the Adventurer Inn in Wildwood Crest, NJ will be sent about a month before the BBQ weekend when we send you your final statement. **** There is a $40 fee for any returned checks **** HOTEL: You must make your own hotel reservation with the Adventurer Inn in Wildwood Crest, NJ. Their phone number is: (609) 729-1200 or 800-232-7873. Fax: 609-523-0505 The hotel requires an advance deposit, and the balance must be paid in Cash only at Check-in. Double Trouble Studios • Fall 2016 BBQ in Wildwood, NJ • (609) 457-8879 CLASS DESCRIPTIONS FRIDAY EVENING MINI WORKSHOP: “English Paper Piecing” with Merry May - All Levels This is the kind of project you can put in little bags and take almost anywhere. The real lesson here is that little bits of time add up. Choose to work with hexagons or diamonds. You can use squares of fabric for the Hexagons. With the diamonds you can make Tumbling Block units. TWO-DAY CLASS (Saturday & Sunday): “Cat’s Cradle Quilt” with Lorraine Fenstermacher Confident Beginner & Up* Learn how to make the Cat’s Cradle Block, which looks like a Split Four-Patch and has many layout possibilities. You can choose to make the project in multiple sizes, too. Template purchase required. 1 SATURDAY CLASS (full day): “No Strings Attached!” with Merry May Confident Beginner & Up* This is one of Merry’s most popular mystery quilt patterns, only now you can actually see what it will look like before you make it! Start with a Jelly Roll and a few 10” squares of light background squares (all different, all the same, or a mixture of the two). Merry used two “color families” of Yellows and Blues to make hers, but you can use any combination or theme that makes you happy. SUNDAY CLASS (half-day): “Thread Painting” with Merry May Confident Beginner & Up* Try a new technique as you make a sample post card. What do you have to lose??? Maybe a piece of fabric and some thread, right? * Please see the Insert about Skill Levels included in this mailing. 1 See the Order Form in this Packet for Discounts on Patterns & Supplies. Double Trouble Studios • Fall 2016 BBQ in Wildwood, NJ • (609) 457-8879 INSTRUCTORS’ BIOGRAPHIES Merry May of Tuckahoe, NJ, began making small quilted items for family and friends in the mid-1970s, not knowing of any quilters in her ancestry at the time. She decided that if she was ever to own a quilt, she would have to make it herself. Since her humble beginnings (which she attributes to “beginner’s luck”), Merry has developed a reputation for excellence in teaching quilt making, as well as in quilt history, and professional development. She has traveled throughout the East Coast of the US presenting lectures, appraisals and workshops for quilt guilds and quilt shops since 1988. Merry is a founding member and past President of the State Quilt Guild of NJ. Merry is also a past president of Tri-State Quiltmaking Teachers (now the Quilt Professionals’ Network). In 2002, 2003, 2006 & 2008 she taught at the Vermont Quilt Festival, and also for Brother International in 2003. She was nominated by one of her many students for Professional Quilter magazine’s 2003 and 2008 Teacher of the Year Award. In 2009 she and her former partner, Linda Hahn co-authored “Insider’s Guide to Quilting Careers,” published by QuiltWoman. Her work has been published in numerous magazines and books. Merry’s web page is at: http:// Lorraine Fenstermacher, of Pleasant Mount, PA, started quilting in 1989 and has been expanding her horizons ever since. She has been quilting professionally for 16 years, during which time she has won two awards for machine quilting. She has taught professionally at Calico N Cotton in Ocean City, NJ, Strobel’s Sewing Center in Myerstown, PA, and at Jo-Ann’s Fabric in Mays Landing, NJ. She is a Founding Member of the State Quilt Guild of New Jersey, and holds memberships in the following Guilds: Pleasant Mount Quilters, South Shore Stitchers, AQS, NQA and QPN (Quilt Professionals’ Network). Lorraine is currently working on achieving certification as a quilt teacher through the NQA. QUESTIONS? Please call Merry at (609) 457-8879 Or, email us: Merry: Lorraine: Look for Updates on our web site: Double Trouble Studios • Fall 2016 BBQ in Wildwood, NJ • (609) 457-8879 SKILL LEVEL DEFINITIONS Below you will find some definitions for skill levels as mentioned in our list of workshops. Please note that these are our definitions. Other interpretations may vary. All - just what it sounds like... everyone is welcome, including non-sewers! Beginner - someone who is familiar with sewing on a sewing machine, but has never done any quilting projects. Confident Beginner - someone who is familiar with basic rotary cutting techniques and simple appliqué. Intermediate - able to at least complete a wall hanging on their own; is comfortable using rotary cutting techniques, but can also use templates; has had some practice with appliqué methods; knows how to sew “set-in” seams, curved seams, and mitered corners. Advanced - is ready for more challenging projects, which may include color and design, drafting original patterns, or being able to tackle a project based on an idea, rather than a specific process. This would be someone who is very experienced in constructing and finishing a variety of quilts. Double Trouble Studios • Fall 2016 BBQ in Wildwood, NJ • (609) 457-8879 REGISTRATION for Fall 2016 in Wildwood PLEASE COMPLETE THIS FORM AND SEND IT WITH YOUR DEPOSIT (Check or Money Order) Payable to: “Double Trouble Studios” We also accept all major credit cards! Name on Card:___________________________ Friday, Sept. 30 - OPTIONAL 2-Hour Class: ______ Merry May: “English Paper Piecing” Saturday, Oct.1 - Choose ONE Full-Day Class OR ONE Two-Day Class: ___ (2-day class) Lorraine Fenstermacher: “Cat’s Cradle” Quilt _____ (1-day class) Merry May’s: “No Strings Attached” Quilt ______ “Do Your Own Thing” Signature: _______________________ Card #:__________________________ Exp. Date: _________ CVV: _____ Visa __ MC __ AmEx __ Disc __ Amount: _________________ Mail to: Double Trouble Studios PO Box 305 Tuckahoe, NJ 08250-0305 THANK YOU!! Sunday. Oct.2 - Choose ONE Half-Day Class if not taking the Two-Day Class: _____ Merry May: Thread Painting on a Post Card _____ “Do Your Own Thing Every attempt will be made to protect participants and their property, but by signing this contract, I hereby consent to hold harmless any or all of the following: Lorraine Fenstermacher, Merry May, The Adventurer Inn, Home Made, Dollard Baker Sew & Vac, as well as any or all of their respective employees and assistants. NAME ______________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS ___________________________________________________________________ CITY/STATE/ZIP ____________________________________________________________ TELEPHONE #S: DAY: _____________________ EVENING: _____________________ CELL: ____________________ EMAIL: ____________________________________________________________________ ROOMMATE’S NAME(s) (if applicable): _________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ SIGNATURE REQUIRED: _____________________________________________ DATE: __________________________________________________________ OFFICE USE ONLY: Rate: $135.00 Discount: Deposit: ________ Balance: Deposit: ________ Balance: First Deposit Received: __________ Second Deposit Received: __________ First Deposit Amount: ________ Ck#: _______ 2nd Deposit Amount: ________ Ck#: _______ Supply Lists Mailed: ___________ (Date) Other: Double Trouble Studios • Fall 2016 Final Confirmation Mailed: _________ (Date) BBQ in Wildwood, NJ • (609) 457-8879 ORDER FORM FOR PATTERNS & SUPPLIES NAME ___________________________________________________________ ADDRESS _________________________________________________ CITY/STATE/ZIP ___________________________________________________ TELEPHONE #S: DAY: ________________ EVENING: _________________ CELL: ________________ EMAIL: __________________________________________________________ SUPPLIES FOR FALL 2016 BBQ WEEKEND ITEM List Price Our Price x Quantity = Amount Cat’s Cradle Template * $22.50 $17.50 ________ ________ Subtotal: 7% Sales Tax for NJ Addresses only: TOTAL AMOUNT DUE: ________ ________ ________ * This item will be given to you upon arrival at the Fall 2016 BBQ Weekend! Please make checks or money orders payable to: Double Trouble Studios. THANK YOU!! Payment Enclosed by: (check one) ___ Check ___ VISA ___ Money Order ___ MasterCard ___ Credit Card: ___ Discover Card #: __________________________________________ ___ American Express Expiration Date: __________________ Security Code: _______ (last 3 digits on signature line on back of card, except AmEx, which is 4 digits on front of card) Name on Credit Card: _____________________________________ Signature: _____________________________________________ Billing Address, if different from Shipping Address, above: ___________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ Double Trouble Studios • Fall 2016 BBQ in Wildwood, NJ • (609) 457-8879
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