the trumpeter - The Virginia Federation of Republican Women
the trumpeter - The Virginia Federation of Republican Women
The Trumpeter Issue VI, September 2016 THE TRUMPETER Winchester Frederick Clarke Republican Women’s Club 2016 Officers President - Kay Gunter 1st Vice President - Sandra Montgomery-Aker 2nd Vice President - Debbie Berg Treasurer - Pam McKinley Recording Secretary - Linda Fenner Corresponding Secretary - Cheryl Dyksen Parliamentarian - TC Schwarz Issue VI, September 2016 Inside this Issue: ✦Message from the President ✦Program News ✦Membership ✦National ✦State Legislation Legislation ✦Campaign Activities ✦Fundraising Committee Chairmen Finance - TC Schwarz National Legislation - Shirley Allison State Legislation - Margaret Hobble Please like our page and visit our website WRCRW Facebook Page WFCRW Website Fundraising - Cynthia Butler Members of: Campaign Activities - Donna Peake (Clarke), Sue Cooper (Frederick), Kate Obenshain (Winchester) Virginia Federation of Republican Women Public Relations/Webmaster - Jane National Federation of Republican Women Cimbal Literacy - Louise Fowler Bylaws - Sue Fleming 1 The Trumpeter Issue VI, September 2016 PRESIDENT Kay Gunter I hope you all are having a great summer and are looking forward to the Winchester-Frederick Clarke Republican Women’s Club Luncheons. In September I will appoint a Nominating Committee to consider a slate of officers for 2017. In October I will appoint a Social Committee to make plans for our Christmas Social. If you would like to serve on the Nominating Committee or the Social Committee, call me at (540) 837-1540. In November we will consider the slate from the Nominating Committee and take nominations from the floor and vote for the 2017 offices of President, First Vice President, Second Vice President, Corresponding Secretary, and Treasurer. We will install officers for 2017 at our Christmas Brunch will be on December 3, 2016 at the Piccadilly Public House. Be sure to make reservations for the September, 7, 2016 Luncheon. As usual, we will meet at the Holiday Inn at 333 Front Royal Pike, Winchester at 11:30 a.m. We all have much work to do as we prepare for the election of our Republican Candidate, Donald Trump, to be elected President on November 8, 2016. Thanks and Blessings, Kay 2 The Trumpeter Issue VI, September 2016 PROGRAM NEWS Sandy Mongomery-Aker, 1st Vice President & Program Chairman 2016 has been an exciting year and we have been extremely blessed with wonderful speakers. The September 7th luncheon meeting is not any different and will feature Jay Perry, Supervisory Special Agent and coordinator of the Northwest VA Regional Drug and Gang Task Force. He has kindly agreed to speak on the “Drug Epidemic in Virginia.” Then, on October 5th Ken Cuccinelli will speak on “Human Trafficking.” Our final luncheon meeting that is to be held November 2nd right before the election and is one of our most compelling issue, “National Security.” The expert speaker referred to us for this topic is Clare Lopez. She is the Vice President for Research and Analysis at the Center for Security Policy, a Senior Fellow at the London Center for Policy Research and a member at the Board of Advisors for the Canadian Mackenzie Institute. We look forward to having her join us for this meeting. Please plan to attend these events and bring your friends whether they are members or not!! 3 The Trumpeter Issue VI, September 2016 WRCRW MEETING AND LUNCHEON RSVP with Pam McKinley, Treasurer Monthly Luncheon Meeting Where: The Holiday Inn(Rt. 522) Winchester When: Wednesday, September 7, 2016 at 11:30 am Program: Drug Epidemic in Virginia. By Jay Perry, Supervisory Special Agent RSVP by Friday, September 2nd NOON to Pam McKinley 540-722-1101 or Cost $15.00 w/reservation $20.00 without reservation Please choose between soup & salad OR soup & sandwich WFCRW is required to pay for all reservations made. Please cancel prior to the Monday before the meeting, or mail a check to Pam McKinley - 106 Coopers Lane, Winchester VA 22602 4 The Trumpeter Issue VI, September 2016 MEMBERSHIP NEWS Debbie Berg, 2nd Vice President & Membership Chair Membership Update: Please correct the email address for member Joy Dunn in your Directory to read: Membership updates or corrections? Please send to Debbie Berg at or call 540-327-0089. This Day In History - Notable Events in the Month of September September 2, 1945 - President Harry Truman declared V-J Day (Victory over Japan Day) commemorating the formal Japanese surrender to the Allies aboard the USS Missouri in Tokyo Bay. September 3, 1783 - The Treaty of Paris was signed by John Adams, Ben Franklin and John Jay, formally ending the American Revolutionary War between Britain and the United States. September 9, 1776 - The United States came into existence as the Continental Congress changed the name of the new American nation from the United Colonies. September 11, 2001 - The worst terrorist attack in U.S. history occurred as four large passenger jets were hijacked then crashed, killing nearly 3,000 persons. Four separate teams of Mideast terrorists, operating from inside the U.S., boarded the morning flights posing as passengers, then forcibly commandeered the aircraft. Two fully-fueled jumbo jets, American Airlines Flight 11 carrying 92 people and United Airlines Flight 175 carrying 65 people, had departed Boston for Los Angeles. Both jets were diverted by the hijackers to New York City where they were piloted into the twin towers of the World Trade Center. The impact and subsequent fire caused both 110-story towers to collapse, killing 2,752 persons including hundreds of rescue workers and people employed in the towers. In addition, United Airlines Flight 93, which had departed Newark for San Francisco, and American Airlines Flight 77, which had departed Dulles (Virginia) for Los Angeles, were hijacked. Flight 77 with 64 people on board was diverted to Washington, D.C., then piloted into the Pentagon building, killing everyone on board and 125 military personnel inside the building. Flight 93 with 44 people on board was also diverted toward Washington but crashed into a field in Pennsylvania after passengers attempted to overpower the terrorists on board. September 11, 2012 - 2012 Benghazi attack took place, when Islamic militants attacked the American diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya, killing U.S. Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens and U.S. Foreign Service Information Management Officer Sean Smith. Stevens was the first U.S. Ambassador killed in the line of duty since 1979. Several hours later, a second assault targeted a different compound about one mile away, killing CIA contractors Tyrone S. Woods and Glen Doherty.[10][11] Ten others were also injured in the attacks. September 17, 1787 - At the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia, delegates from twelve states voted unanimously to approve the proposed U.S. Constitution. September 25, 1789 - The first U.S. Congress proposed 12 Amendments to the Constitution, ten of which, comprising the Bill of Rights, were ratified. 5 The Trumpeter Issue VI, September 2016 NATIONAL LEGISLATION Shirley Allison - Chairman With Congress and the President on vacation, little will transpire until after Labor Day. However, the President continues to use his pen and influence to close down Gitmo by releasing more prisoners. As we are all focused on the election, the world does not stop with national security threats. Watch Turkey’s Erdogan and Putin duo dealing with NATO, ISIS, Ukraine and Incirlik Air Base. Because of this Administration’s failures on these issues, National Security will be very important come November’s elections. We must win! Keep the faith. 6 The Trumpeter Issue VI, September 2016 STATE LEGISLATION Margaret Hobble With the State Legislature not in session, things have been relatively quiet this summer in the State. Not so for the National stage as the battle for who will be elected the next President plays out. However, we can always depend on our Democrat Governor to provide fireworks when things are quiet. Last Spring, as you remember, he signed an Executive Order, short circuiting the established process of restoring rights to felons who have completed their sentence, made restitution for whatever the courts said they owed (to the victims, court costs, or ?) and showed success is trying to reenter society as a productive member. The Governor would have reinstated all rights to all felons, regardless of their current status (some were still in prison) or their efforts to rejoin society. The Republicans in the State Assembly filed a suit in the State Supreme Court and were successful in having the Executive Order nullified, overturned, and whatever else they could do to it. The State Supreme Court, in its decision, “Although the Governor can champion his views, he cannot do so in contravention of Law”. As the press was quick to note, McAuliffe began throwing temper tantrums, accusing the Supreme Court of not paying any attention to his powers. This prompted a media firestorm with comments such as “Instead of insulting the justices ….. McAuliffe should apologize to the voters for stepping all over their rights”. And, McAuliffe is once again climbing into his high chair to bang his spoon and bawl”. Unfortunately, the Governor has managed a way around the Supreme Court Decision and is publicly bragging about having restored the rights to 1,300 felons to date, doing it one at a time. I am sure this method is not the thorough investigation established by Governor McDonald but rather a signature on a piece of paper for each person whose rights are restored. That is the only way so many could be done so quickly. Don’t hesitate to let your Republican representatives know if you disagree with what the Governor is doing. 7 The Trumpeter Issue VI, September 2016 CAMPAIGN ACTIVITIES Event Description: Plan to attend the premiere public policy event in the northern Shenandoah Valley in support of who represent our region on a local, state and national level. The venue is an all-American political rally that celebrates the electoral process in a fun, informal, multi-partisan setting. Enjoy a barbecue dinner, straw poll voting, and meet and mingle with local business leaders, elected officials, candidates and their constituents.Fundraising Activities Click on the link to get your tickets to the event: We want to hear from you! Both Congresswoman Comstock Republican candidate and LuAnn Bennett Democratic candidate for Virginia’s 10th District seat in the United States House of Representatives have been invited to the Hob Nob in the Valley and are expected to attend. We are offering Chamber members the opportunity to submit questions about issues of concern to you that both candidates will be asked to address. The deadline for submittal is Friday, August 26. At the event questions will not be taken from the floor, but will be submitted in advance through this form and presented to the candidates from the podium by the Hob Nob in the Valley committee chair. Questions will be vetted in advance by the Hob Nob in the Valley committee and will be used at their discretion. All questions may not be used depending upon the number of questions submitted. Click on the link to submit your questions. 8 The Trumpeter Issue VI, September 2016 FUNDRAISING Cynthia Butler - Chairman We are so excited that our Boots & BBQ annual fundraiser this year was a huge success! We had a sold out crowd and were so disappointed that we had to turn people away. The evening was a fun filled event with door prizes, wonderful silent auction items, raffle of a limo to wineries, best boots contest and more! We had officials attending and even speaker who was a friend of guest speakers Alice Butler campaign and Corey Stewart many local delegates and had an impromptu guest Donald Trump! Our featured Short – Women for Trump – VA Rep for Trump and running for Governor of VA, speakers and everyone the event this year. The page article about the event the hosts. I want to thank were absolutely amazing agreed they really added to Winchester Star had a front and mentioned our club as everyone who worked so diligently on this event and all who participated to make it such a success. We surpassed our goal of earnings this year and hopefully this will be a sign of the times to come!!! 9 The Trumpeter Issue VI, September 2016 From the Desk of Ellen Nau, President Virginia Federation of Republican Women August 22, 2016 Dear VFRW Friend, I’m at my desk today writing you because our organization depends on sponsorships and contributions to fund our programs. Will you help? Virginia Federation of Republican Women is a statewide organization that is its own entity with ties to the RPV. We are part of the National Federation of Republican Women and we are made up of over 60 local clubs across Virginia. By joining together, we are able to multiply our efforts, bring in speakers, and offer training to our members. Additionally part of our mission is to help us run the best possible Republican candidates, support our Republican elected officials at all levels, and to especially encourage Women Candidates. The dues collected by local clubs are passed in part through us for NFRW dues and we keep only four dollars per member. I’m sure you will agree that is too little without supplementing! Will you help? This fall we are planning a nice fund-raising event we’re calling “Vino and Victory 2016” to be held on October 23rd, 2016, from 2pm to 5pm, at the Morais Vineyard, 11409 Marsh Rd, Bealeton, VA 22712. The sponsorship levels are • Presidential - $2500 donation – may bring 10 attendees and highest recognition on our website and special recognition at the event, and in our newsletters through 2016. • Senatorial - $1000 donation – 8 attendees and special recognition on our website and at the event. • Congressional - $500 donation – 4 attendees and be recognized on both our website and at the event. • Virginian - $250 donation – 3 attendees and receive recognition. • Local - $100 donation – 2 attendees and receive recognition. Regular tickets for the event are priced at $45 (prices go to $60 after October 10th). The event features special invited guests from the National Campaign. Speakers will include the special guests as well as our candidates in this year’s Congressional races and next year’s State-wide races. Our menu will be include assorted hors D’oeuvres and of course the Morais Vineyard’s Portuguese style Virginia Wine! Will you help? Sincerely, Ellen Nau VFRW President 10 The Trumpeter Issue VI, September 2016 Vino and Victory2016 Will you help? If the answer is Yes!, please complete the following and mail back to us or reply online. Sponsor Levels _______$2500 Presidential (10 attendees) _______$1000 Senatorial Sponsor ( 8 attendees) _______$500 Congressional Sponsor (4 attendees) _______$250 Virginian Sponsor (3 attendees) _______$100 Local Sponsor (2 attendees) _____Sorry I will not be able to attend. / Please list all attendees for nametags and catering counts. I prefer to purchase tickets. ______(number) @ $45 = $_______Total enclosed. Make all checks payable to VFRW and mail to Dolores Switzer, VFRW Treasurer 7285 Jordantown Road Vinton, VA 24179. You may also respond online at Your Name _________________________________ Other attendees __________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ Your Address___________________________________________ __________________________________________________ City_________________________ State__________Zip_________ Phone _______________Email__________________________ Please direct questions to Louise Shickle, VFRW Finance Chair, or 540-539-6545 11