12th Annual F estival of Birds - Friends of Tamarac National Wildlife


12th Annual F estival of Birds - Friends of Tamarac National Wildlife
© Richard Crossley
Festival of Birds Headquarters
May 14-17, 2009
Detroit Lakes, Minnesota
1-800-542-3992 • www.visitdetroitlakes.com
12th Annual
Festival of Birds
Printed in the USA on recycled paper
P.O. Box 348 • Detroit Lakes, MN 56502
Detroit Lakes, MN
Permit NO. 84
Presorted Standard
U.S. Postage
Welcome to our 12th Migration Celebration!
Join us in May as we explore shorebirds and more! Let us take
you to some of the hottest bird watching sites in Minnesota. The
Detroit Lakes area is the heart of a transition zone in northwestern
Minnesota. It’s a place where the tall grass prairie meets both
northern hardwood and conifer forest ecosystems. The diversity
of plant, animal and bird life here is unique. In a small geographic
area, birders can find a tremendous variety of species. Mid-May
birding is spectacular!
Festival Registration and
Event Headquarters
Minnesota State Community and Technical College will serve as festival headquarters.
From Highway 10, proceed north on Washington Avenue in Detroit Lakes. Turn east
(right) onto Hwy. 34. The college is one block east of the stop lights.
Minnesota State Community
& Technical College (H)
We have recorded over 200 different birds during our festival.
This year we will visit several restored habitats in search of the
shorebirds that stop over and feed in our shallow lakes and
wetlands. You’ll also find trips to the forested and prairie lands that
lead to that remarkable diversity of bird sightings. In 2009, we’ve
added three new field trip sites! We’ll treat you to some of our best
small town hospitality and most experienced birders from across
the nation.
Register by April 24th to be included in the special “early
bird” drawing for a pair of 10 x 42 Audubon Equinox binoculars,
donated by Eagle Optics! See the back inside pages for in-city
lodging options to book your room soon, since there is another
large convention in Detroit Lakes the same weekend.
Detroit Lakes
LODGING Facilities
AmericInn Lodge & Suites (1).......................................................877-847-8795
Check on the progress of spring migration by calling for the
Northwest Minnesota Birding Report at 1-800-433-1888 or
visiting www.mnbirdtrail.com. If you have questions or would like
more specific information about festival events, please contact
the Detroit Lakes Regional Chamber of Commerce at 1-800-5423992 or locally at 218-847-9202. You may e-mail the Chamber
at dlchamber@visitdetroitlakes.com. To explore more about the
Detroit Lakes area, go to www.visitdetroitlakes.com.
American Legion Campground (2).................................................218-847-3759
Whether you’re a beginner or experienced birder, or somewhere
in between, we have something for you! Grab your binoculars and
field guides, and we’ll See You at the Lakes in May!
Capri Motel (7)............................................................................218-329-8604
The Festival of Birds Committee thanks Richard Crossley for the
use of his photo of the American Avocet, our 2009 theme bird,
for the cover of the Detroit Lakes Festival of Birds program and
2009 logo.
Best Western Holland House & Suites (3)......................................800-338-8547
Budget Host Inn (4).....................................................................800-888-2124
The Lodge on Lake Detroit (5)...................................................... 800-761-View
Country Inn & Suites (6)...............................................................800-456-4000
Holiday Haven Motel (8)...............................................................218-847-5605
ClubHouse Hotel (9).....................................................................218-847-2121
Pine to Palm Motel (10)................................................................218-847-5669
America’s Best Value Inn & Suites (11)..........................................888-315-2378
Viking Resort Motel (12)...............................................................218-841-1588
Thursday - May 14
12:00 pm – 5:30 pm: Minnesota State Community and Technical College in Detroit
Lakes. Please register before heading to Maplelag Resort
Thursday, May 14th, 2:30 pm – 5:30 pm
Cost $20.00, includes dinner and program after workshop
Location: Maplelag Resort
This field trip is guaranteed to kick-start your spring bird identification skills, binocular handling and instruction on birding basics. It’s a handy refresher for experienced birders, too. When should you use pishing, bird call recordings, or how do
you record official sightings? Have your questions answered as you walk with birding experts along the woodland trails of Maplelag Resort on Little Sugarbush Lake.
There’s plenty of habitat for a diversity of birds. Transportation is on your own. Car
pool or caravan with other participants to the resort by meeting in the Minnesota
State Community and Technical College parking lot at 1:45 pm.
Thursday, May 14th, 2:30 pm – 5:30 pm
Cost $30.00, includes dinner and program
after workshop
Location: Maplelag Resort
Shorebirds can be one the toughest
groups of birds to tell apart. Doug Buri has
been watching and studying shorebirds for
more than forty years and will present this
engaging workshop on Minnesota’s wading wonders. This class will be tailored to
the skill level of its participants and is sure
to sharpen your identification skills. Clues to identification that are not shown in
standard field guides will be uncovered. You’ll explore the fine points of feather
plumage, feeding habits and more that can be used to distinguish species. Don’t
miss this chance to bone up on your shorebird skills before heading to the field.
Transportation is on your own. Car pool or caravan with other participants to the
resort by meeting in the Minnesota State Community and Technical College parking
lot at 1:45 pm.
1.800.542.3992 • www.visitdetroitlakes.com
Thursday - May 14
Thursday, May 14th, 2:30 pm –5:30 pm
Cost $25.00, includes dinner and program after workshop
Location: Maplelag Resort
Add a touch of technology to your birding. Experts will guide you through the equipment and techniques for finding and documenting locations using a global positioning
system or GPS. Bring your own unit or borrow one of ours. Instructor Joe Courneya,
University of Minnesota Extension, will patiently impart the skills needed to put your
GPS unit to work for documenting your bird sightings and finding birds others have
sighted. Transportation to Maplelag Resort is on your own, maps will be available at
registration. Car pool or caravan to the resort with other participants from the Minnesota State Community and Technical College parking lot at 1:45 pm.
Evening Event
with Bonnie Sample, MN Breeding Bird Atlas Coordinator
Thursday, May 14th, 5:45 pm –7:30 pm
Cost $20.00, Includes Dinner at Maplelag Resort
Breeding Bird Atlases are used throughout the world to document and map the
distribution of breeding birds. Learn why the Minnesota Breeding Bird Atlas will be
the most extensive survey of the state’s breeding birds ever attempted. Speaker
Bonnie Sample is an active volunteer in other bird conservation programs and a
strong believer in the value of citizen science. Discover how you can play a role
in this important project that can identify areas of high bird diversity and density,
and concentration areas for particular species of concern, and thus guide habitat
protection, restoration and management efforts. As sentinels for Minnesota’s environmental quality, the state’s breeding birds are a window into our goal to provide
sustainable resources for future generations. The atlas will be an invaluable tool in
helping us monitor our ability to achieve that goal.
Maplelag Resort and Conference Center is located 20 miles NE of Detroit Lakes.
The name is derived from the 600 acres of sugar maple trees and “lag” (pronounced
log) which is Norwegian for group or gathering. This rural getaway for vacationers
and business gatherings is constructed from a variety of locally harvested trees and
has eclectic collections including depot signs and metal lunch boxes. Meals here
are a special Minnesota treat prepared from scratch. Our dinner in the woods will be
served family style and includes a Maplelag specialty - pan fried walleye, wild rice,
boiled potatoes with dill, tossed salad, garlic French bread, and another Maplelag
specialty for dessert – Russian crème with raspberries, coffee, water, tea and milk.
Option: Vegetarian Burrito served with sour cream and salsa.
Transportation is on your own; maps will be available. Arrive early to do some birding
along the lake shore and woodland trails.
1.800.542.3992 • www.visitdetroitlakes.com
Voted North America’s
#1 Cross Country Ski Resort
Great rural location for bird and wildlife watching!
Just 25 minutes from Detroit Lakes and
15 minutes from Tamarac Refuge
Come enjoy your time with us.
Resort &
Conference Center
1-800-654-7711 • www.maplelag.com
Welcome to Bird Festival 2009
Continental Breakfast extra early for the early “bird”
All rooms have 32” LCD TVs, fridge & microwave
Welcome baskets for everyone attending Festival
©2008 AmericInn International LLC
*Valid only at this location.
777 Hwy. 10 East, Detroit Lakes, MN 56501 218.847.8795
Detroit Lakes Wetland
Management District
Protecting more than 50,000 acres
of nesting bird habitat!
hamden slough
national wildlife
Designated as one of Minnesota’s
Important Bird Areas
1.800.542.3992 • www.visitdetroitlakes.com
Friday - May 15
Five Lakes and Fair Hills Resorts offers 1000 Acres of
Five Lakes
and Fair
offers 1000 Acres of
for Hills
pristine wilderness for excellent birding.
Come and stay
Come and stay with us!
Within 15 minutes of
weekend activities.
Within 15 minutes of weekend activities.
Your Gift Headquarters for Pets or People
We can make your shopping easy
Gift center • Bird feeders and food
Pet toys and foods - Old tyme Candy Store
Aquariums and fish supplies
1008 Washington Avenue, Detroit Lakes, 218-847-8265 • M-F 8-5:30, Sat 8-3
Tamarac Interpretive
Wildlife Books & Gifts
Located in the
Tamarac Refuge Visitor Center
at the intersection of
Co. Hwy. 26 & Co. Hwy. 29
Visit our booth at the Birders’ Bazaar.
Proceeds benefit the Tamarac National Wildlife Refuge
Educational & Volunteer Programs.
1.800.542.3992 • www.visitdetroitlakes.com
5:00 am – 6:00 am & 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Minnesota State Community and Technical College
Field Trips
These field trips depart and return at the Minnesota State Community and Technical College parking lot. Please be prompt, as buses leave on time. Coffee and fruit
at the Bird Club Café 5:00 am – 6:00 am in the lobby, proceeds benefit the local
Lakes Area Bird Club.
Friday, May 15, 5:15 am- 3:00 pm
Cost $40.00, sack lunch included
New field trip site! This out-of-the-ordinary trip will dip south of Detroit Lakes in
search of numerous shorebird species including this year’s feature bird, the American Avocet. Among the talented leaders will be our keynote author and
photographer Richard Crossley! You’ll visit several shallow wetlands in an area
where 60-70 basins have recently been restored and local managers and private
landowners have prepared for your arrival. These shallow mud flats have been
known to attract willets, dowitchers, sandpipers, godwits and phalaropes. You’ll
travel with leaders that can help you distinguish these tricky birds. Stretches of
tall grass prairie will create opportunities for Savannah, Henslow’s, Le-Conte’s and
Nelson’s sharp-tailed sparrows. Lunch will be hosted at a local farmstead.
Friday, May 15, 5:30 am- 3:00 pm
Cost $35.00, sack lunch included
Buffalo River State Park contains over 1300 acres of prairie and riverine habitats.
You’ll walk through the prairie and along the riverbank on hiking trails. Watch for
nesting Rose-breasted Grosbeaks, Blue-gray Gnatcatcher, vireos and a variety of
warblers. A variety of swallows can be seen along the banks. The Nature Conservancy’s Bluestem Prairie is 4,600 acres of more than 300 species of plants and
70 species of birds. This tract contains some of the best mesic prairie left in the
state. In the afternoon you’ll explore the Prairie Restorations native seed harvesting
and processing unit. Birds to look for on this trip include Greater Prairie Chicken,
Upland Sandpiper, Bobolink, grassland sparrows including Henslow’s, Meadowlark,
and Marbled Godwit.
1.800.542.3992 • www.visitdetroitlakes.com
Friday - May 15
Friday, May 15, 5:45 am- 3:00 pm
Cost $35.00, sack lunch included
This nearly 43,000 acre refuge is a premier bird refuge of Northwestern Minnesota. Tamarac’s wildlife biologists will be on board to guide you through the
mosaic of habitats including pine and hardwood forests, lakes, rivers, marshes
and brushy grasslands. You’ll trek into the northern most sections of the refuge to
the best areas for spotting interesting bird species including Red-necked Grebe,
Least Bittern, American Woodcock, Winter Wren, Scarlet Tanager, Rose-breasted
Grosbeak, Vireos and over 24 warbler species including the Golden-wing. You’ll see
Bald Eagles, Common Loons and Trumpeter Swans nesting. Bring your GPS unit to
practice documenting bird locations for submission to citizen science projects. A
stop will be made at the visitor center to capture a few more species on the busy
bird feeders and explore the natural history exhibits. The refuge has a bird list of
258 species, so there will be plenty of feathered friends to see here.
EvENing Event
with Bob Russell, US Fish and Wildlife Service
Friday, May 15, 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm
Cost: $22.00, Dinner and program
Location: The Lodge on Lake Detroit
More than 70% of shorebird populations show declines. The national shorebird
conservation plan has identified more than 1,200 sites important to shorebirds and
over 300 of these are in the Midwest. Bob Russell, Regional Migratory Bird Biologist for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, will reveal the complexity of shorebird
migration and the role the Midwest plays in conservation efforts. Russell serves as
a coordinator for the Upper Mississippi Valley/Great Lakes Shorebird Conservation
Plan and is passionate about reversing the trends of decline. This program is sure
to be bursting with interesting and not widely known facts about population numbers for different species, unique migratory pathways, and noteworthy comments
on current conservation issues.
At the Lodge you’ll be treated to a gourmet meal of sausage and mushroom rigatoni with fresh rosemary, baby spinach salad with grilled onion and gorgonzola,
toasted sesame seeds and light balsamic vinaigrette. Enjoy the delicate rosemary herb bread and a cookie for dessert. (Vegetarian option: seasonal fresh fruit
drizzled with honey and lime, marinated kabobs with cherry tomatoes, artichoke
wedges, black olives and mushrooms. Poppy seed dinner roll). Includes water and
coffee. LoLaD’s free standing bar will be open before and after the event.
1.800.542.3992 • www.visitdetroitlakes.com
Pine to Prairie Birding Trail
Birding Hotline: 1-800-443-1888
While you’re in northwestern Minnesota, plan to spend a
few extra days to check out the Pine to Prairie Birding
Trail! This 230 mile long trail offers tremendous birding
opportunities through transitional habitats. Pine forests,
deciduous woodlands, native tallgrass prairie, aspen parkland, sand dunes (remnants of Glacial Lake Agassiz), calcareous fens, bogs, marshes, large and small lakes and
rivers that provide riparian habitat are all found along the
The trail runs from Warroad to Roseau, Thief River Falls,
Detroit Lakes, Pelican Rapids, and Fergus Falls. The trail’s
checklist includes 275 regular and 26 casual species. A copy of the trail guide book will be
included in your welcome packet.
For information, check out our web site and bird sightings hotline noted above.
national wildlife refuge
Minnesota’s hot spot for Shorebirds!
Middle River, MN • 218-449-4115 • www.fws.gov/midwest/agassiz
DVD Featuring
Steve Furmann
The Minnesota Prairie
Chicken Society
14583 Co. Hwy. 19 • Detroit Lakes, MN 56501-7121
Organized in 1973. Dedicated to educating and promoting
habitat restoration and management for all native prairie wildlife.
1.800.542.3992 • www.visitdetroitlakes.com
General Information
to circumstantial use by the trip leaders only. Please be considerate and limit side
conversations and turn off cell phones. Many of our unique species are located by
sound. We kindly request that those choosing to smoke do so away from other
birders and properly dispose of butts. We are committed to providing an enjoyable
and safe experience. Coffee and fruit will be available Friday, Saturday and Sunday
morning at the Bird Club Café, with donations benefiting the local Lakes Area Bird
Club. Space may be limited on some field trips so register early!
Lost & Found
If you happen to misplace an item or find one, please check at the Registration Desk.
Birders’ Bazaar
Browse the Birder’s Bazaar which will feature booths from a variety of organizations
and businesses. Birding gear, festival jackets and other clothing, books, gift items
and more will be available. This is a great opportunity to visit with representatives
of optic gear.
Hours: Saturday, May 16, 11:00 am - 5:00 pm
Saturday - May 16
5:00 am – 6:00 am & 11:00 am – 5:00 pm
Field Trips
Field trips depart and return at the Minnesota State Community and Technical College parking lot. Please be prompt, as buses leave on time. Coffee and fruit will be
available at the Bird Club Café 5:00 am – 6:00 am in the lobby. Proceeds benefit
the local Lakes Area Bird Club.
Saturday, May 16, 5:15 am – 11:30 am
Cost $30.00
Silent Auction
Donations of silent auction items will be accepted at the registration booth. Proceeds
benefit future festivals. Be sure to place your bids before the auction closes at 5:00
p.m. Saturday. Please pick up your auction items immediately following the 5:00 pm
Hours: Thursday and Friday during registration hours.
Saturday, 11:00 am - 5:00 pm
New field trip site! Tip-toe among the early spring wildflowers and practice your
prairie sparrow identification in the field at this location in Fergus Falls. Join U.S.
Fish and Wildlife Service staff and volunteers as they take you to key sites for
birding the native prairie and wetlands. Highlights are Clay-colored, Grasshopper,
LeConte’s, Song, Vesper, Savannah, White-throated, and White-crowned sparrows.
We’ll also look for Lapland and Chestnut-collared Longspurs, Dickcissel, Bobolink,
Eastern and Western Meadowlarks, as well as Virginia and Sora Rails. After walking
the prairie we’ll stop by Lake Alice in Fergus Falls for up-close views of the nesting
Cormorants, Great Egrets and Black-crowned Night Herons. Since 2000, the island
on this lake has been a productive breeding ground for these colonial water birds.
Festival Items
Check out our special 2009 Festival items, as well as, a limited supply of souvenir
festival clothing items including caps, jackets and polo shirts.
Saturday, May 16, 5:30 am-11:30 am
Cost $30.00
Join us for the 13th Annual Festival of Birds
May 20-23, 2010
Please support these Sponsors
Bremer Bank, N.A.
Budget Host Inn
Friends of Detroit Lakes
Wetland Management
Detroit Lakes Public Utilities
Friends of the Prairie
Wetlands Center
Ducks Unlimited
Izaak Walton League,
Prairie Wood Chapter
Eagle Optics
Lakes Area Birding Club
Lake Region
Electric Cooperative
Minnesota Department
of Natural Resources
US Fish & Wildlife Service
1.800.542.3992 • www.visitdetroitlakes.com
New field trip site! Join us on an exciting trip to restored wetlands and prairies.
Along with migrating shorebirds, watch for Yellow Rail, Bitterns, Peregrine Falcon,
Sandhill Cranes, Sedge and Marsh Wrens. Waterfowl are regularly abundant and
Godwits and Phalaropes are often spotted. Watch for a variety of sparrows including Clay-colored, Nelson’s Sharp-tailed, and Swamp Sparrows. Be prepared for
walking on uneven wet native prairie ground. Waterproof footgear is a must for this
exhilarating and adventurous trip.
Saturday, May 16, 5:30 am – 11:30 am
Cost $30.00
This 3400 acre expanding refuge is a designated Important Bird Area. It truly is
a treasure, with restored tallgrass prairies and wetlands attracting many unusual
species. On previous year’s trips, participants have found over 100 species. Highlights are American Bittern, Swainson’s Hawk, Sedge and Marsh Wrens, prairie
sparrows including LeConte’s, Indigo Bunting, Bobolink, Marbled Godwit, Wilson’s
1.800.542.3992 • www.visitdetroitlakes.com
Saturday - May 16
Phalarope, 20 waterfowl and 20 shorebird species. We’ll be departing early to
catch the window of time when the prairie chickens dance in the rising sun on the
prairie. Recently retired refuge manager Mike Murphy will keep you on your toes
with his unending enthusiasm and knowledge about this precious slough.
Silent Auction
11:00 am – 5:00 pm
Donations of silent auction items will be accepted at the registration booth. Proceeds benefit future festivals. Although anything bird related is preferred, we will
accept any items with a nature theme. From locally handcrafted items to art and
bird supplies, bidders have found unique festival souvenirs and great buys at the
Silent Auction. Be sure to place your bids before the auction closes at 5:00 pm on
Saturday. Please claim your items immediately following the auction.
BirderS’ Bazaar
11:00 am - 5:00 pm
Stop by the vendor booths for birding and related items. You’ll find books, binoculars, scopes, shirts, jackets, caps and gift items. This is an optimum time to visit
with optic dealers about the new options in binoculars and scopes. Show your support for protecting vital habitat for birds and pick up your Migratory Bird Hunting
and Conservation Stamp. Show your duck stamp and your name will be entered in
a drawing for a special prize. There will also be information on the planned extensions of the Pine to Prairie Birding Trail.
11:30 am – 1:00 pm
Cost: $12.00, lunch and program
As we return to the Community College, join us for a lunch that will take you birding into Canada! After a vigorous morning of trips in the field, you’ll appreciate our
hearty meal of lasagna (vegetarian option available, too), tossed salad greens,
garlic bread, dessert and coffee, milk, lemonade and water.
International Birding Trail
Then let Glen Suggett, Wildlife Lands Manager of Manitoba Conservation, and a
representative from the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources lead you from
Minnesota’s first birding trail to the proposed extension into Canada along the premiere Pine to Prairie International Birding Trail! Learn how you can continue
your birding adventure north from the Minnesota Pine to Prairie Birding Trail to
some of Manitoba’s best birding and wildlife watching sites, through this new and
unique international partnership. Get the inside scoop on where to see Avocets,
Long-billed Dowitchers, Piping Plovers, American Golden Plovers, Black-bellied Plovers, Sprague’s Pipit, Spruce Grouse, Ross’s Goose, Clark’s Grebe and more!
1.800.542.3992 • www.visitdetroitlakes.com
General Information
When you arrive, please check-in to receive your information packet complete with
maps, tickets, bird checklists and an event schedule. Look inside your welcome
packet for merchant discounts and birding information. Volunteers will be available
to help you with questions. We’re big on recycling, so we ask that you return
your nametag holder at the registration desk or field trip after attending your last
Registration hours are as follows:
Thursday, May 14: 12:00 pm – 5:30 pm
Friday, May 15: 5:00 am – 6:00 am & 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Saturday, May 16: 5:00 am – 6:00 am & 11:00 am – 5:00 pm
Sunday, May 17: 5:00 am – 6:00 am
Weather & Attire
Northern Minnesota weather is highly variable during the spring months.
Temperatures usually range from the 70’s to the 30’s. If it’s windy, it can seem
much colder. We suggest that for field trips you bring jackets for both warm and
cold weather that you can layer, along with hats, gloves and waterproof outerwear.
Waterproof footgear is also recommended for field trips, as dew may be heavy
in the mornings. No field trips will be canceled unless weather is severe. Refunds
will not be given for field trip cancellations due to weather conditions. Feel free to
dress in casual attire for all festival events.
Fieldtrip Guidelines
All fieldtrips will depart from the Minnesota State Community and Technical College
in Detroit Lakes, located on Highway 34. With the exception of workshops and
evening events, all trips will be via coach buses with onboard restrooms, fieldtrip
leaders and a naturalist. Granola bars and water will be provided on all trips. Several
trips also include a sack lunch, as noted in the trip description, which includes a
sandwich, snack bag of chips, fruit/veggie and bar or cookie. A vegetarian option
is available for sack lunches. See the registration form.
Many of the fieldtrips involve a considerable amount of walking. Please notify the trip
leader if you have limited mobility or a health condition that limits the distance you
are able to walk. Your fieldtrip experience begins as the bus departs so personal
vehicles may not caravan behind the buses on field trips and boarding at locations
along the way may not be accommodated. If you need to leave Detroit Lakes
early on Sunday, please plan accordingly. Please be on time as the buses leave
at the times noted from the parking lot of the College and there are no refunds.
Return times may fluctuate slightly from the stated time, especially if bird sightings
are exceptional on any of the fieldtrips. Stops will be made at a limited number
of key sites for spotting birds, although special sightings along the way will be
accommodated. The use of bird calls is not allowed by participants and is limited
1.800.542.3992 • www.visitdetroitlakes.com
General Information
Our pre-registration deadline is Friday, May 8th. On-site registration will be
available at the Minnesota State Community and Technical College, however, early
registration is strongly recommended as fieldtrip and workshop space is limited.
Register by Friday, April 24th to be included in the special ‘Early Bird Drawing’ for
a pair of 10x42 Audubon Equinox binoculars from Eagle Optics!
Registration online is the quickest way to secure your spot in the Festival
of Birds events. Go to www.visitdetroitlakes.com. Registration is found
under “Things To Do.” Go to Events, then Festival of Birds. You may use
your credit card while registering under a secure server. If registering by
hard copy, you will be called or e-mailed about an event that has been
filled. We do not share e-mail addresses, so supplying your address is one
way to be made aware of festival updates.
Or, mail your completed registration form, along with your credit card information
or check made out to “Chamber of Commerce” to: Detroit Lakes Festival of Birds,
PO Box 348, Detroit Lakes, MN 56502.
Online registrants automatically receive a confirmation. Letters of confirmation will
be sent to those registering by mail. You may call the Chamber to see if there are
event or field trip openings after the May 8th deadline.
Questions should be directed to the Chamber at 1-800-542-3992, 1-218-8479202 or by e-mailing dlchamber@visitdetroitlakes.com .
Cancellation Policy & Special Terms:
Cancellations must be made no later than 4:00 pm, May 8, 2008. The registration
fee is non-refundable. Purchase of additional fieldtrip or workshop tickets can be
made on-site, upon availability.
If you would like a Detroit Lakes lodging and attractions guide, bird checklists,
maps, etc. mailed to you with your registration confirmation letter, please indicate
this on your registration form. These items will be available at the festival.
Registration Booth
The registration booth will be located in the lobby of the Minnesota State Community
and Technical College, located on Highway 34. Turn north off of Highway 10 at the
Washington Avenue stoplight corner. Travel six blocks and turn east (right) onto
Highway 34. The Technical College is located one block east of the next set of
stop lights.
1.800.542.3992 • www.visitdetroitlakes.com
Saturday - May 16
Saturday, May 16, 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm
Cost: Free, included with the event fee
Be a part of history and participate in documenting bird populations. An active participant in the Breeding Bird Atlas will guide you through the on-line citizen science
programs that are vital to identifying changes in bird populations. Discover productive ways you can make a difference in the future of our bird populations.
Saturday, May 16, 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Cost: Free, included with the event fee
Bird or insect, migration can be risky business. Speaker Jerry Fauske, Insect Collection Manager at North Dakota State University, will impart the trials of monarch
migration and the population status of these fragile creatures. Fauske has done
extensive research on insects of the Upper Great Plains and will share his findings
on the milkweed butterfly.
Saturday, May 16, before the evening meal and after his presentation
Here’s your chance to have the author sign your book! The Shorebird Guide, includes more than 870 stunning color photographs and assists birders of all levels
in shorebird identification quickly and simply. We’ll have copies of his book, available for purchase at the signing and during the day. Or, bring your own copy. A
wonderful opportunity to purchase a book and have it signed as a gift for someone
With author and photographer, Richard Crossley
Saturday, May 16, 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
Cost: $27, includes dinner
Our special keynote speaker Richard Crossley
will share a story of past lessons learned from
days growing up in the wild British birding scene,
from travels around the world to living in Cape
May. Told in a Yorkshire brogue through a camera lens that loves color and art. But what of
birding in the future – perhaps this will change your thoughts!
Crossley became obsessed with bird photography while co-authoring the critically
1.800.542.3992 • www.visitdetroitlakes.com
Saturday - May 16
Sunday - May 17
acclaimed ‘The Shorebird Guide’ published in the Spring of 2006. Richard Crossley is
an Englishman who traveled the world studying birds. He fell in love with Cape May’s
incredible birding and now lives there with his wife Debra, and two daughters.
which will be attractive for shorebirds. We’ll also be looking for Black-crowned
Night Herons, Le Conte’s & Nelson’s Sharp-tailed Sparrows, 5 species of grebes,
19 species of nesting waterfowl, Black-billed Magpies, Sandhill Cranes, American
Bitterns and more! In past years we’ve sighted 135 species including a flock of
over 90 Hudsonian Godwits. This trip is approximately a two hour drive to reach the
refuge and well worth the anticipation. You won’t see a more productive, diverse
breeding bird area in the region.
Join us for a fun, casual evening of socializing at the Minnesota State Community
and Technical College before the keynote presentation. You’ll be treated to Prime
Rib, carved especially for you, (stuffed Portabello mushroom for vegetarians), baby
red potatoes, grilled vegetable medley, browned bread loaves from the hearth and
cheesecake for dessert. Includes coffee, milk and water.
In the event of a speaker emergency that prohibits the speaker from delivering their presentation, the
Festival of Birds/Detroit Lakes Regional Chamber of Commerce will attempt to secure a replacement but
will not be held responsible or issue refunds if no replacement can be secured.
Sunday - May 17
5:00 am – 6:00 am
Field Trips
These field trips depart and return at the Minnesota State Community and Technical
College parking lot. Please be prompt, as buses leave on time. Coffee and fruit
at the Bird Club Café 5:00 am – 6:00 am in the lobby. Please note that the
Community College will be closed when you return since this trip concludes the festival.
Middle River, MN
Sunday, May 16, 5:15 am- 3:00 pm
Cost: $37.00, sack lunch included
This is one of those trips of a lifetime to see birds in flatland country! Area birding experts will guide you through this 61,500 acre Globally Important Bird Area
which is recognized as one of the 100 best birding sites in North America. Agassiz
features a complex of wetlands, shrublands, grasslands, and forest lands attracting 298 species of birds. You’re likely to see an amazing number of shorebirds;
35 species have been documented. Seven pools are planned to be in drawdown
Sunday, May 17, 5:30 am - 3:00 pm
Cost $37.00, sack lunch included
The area around Felton and Ulen offers a unique collection of virgin grasslands and
wet meadows in Clay County. You’ll explore Waterfowl Production Areas managed
by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service and some privately owned lands. These areas
boast a variety of prairie species, some rarely seen elsewhere in Minnesota. This
is the only known breeding area for the Chestnut-collared Longspur in the state.
Previous years revealed 110 species on this trip. Highlights have been Greater
Prairie Chicken, Upland Sandpiper, Marbled Godwit, Sanderling, Olive-sided
Flycatcher, Horned Lark, Loggerhead Shrike, Sedge Wren, Rock Wren, Swainson’s
Thrush, and a variety of warblers. Immerse yourself in these rich prairie potholes
and learn how the Duck Stamp and other programs protect these critical habitats
for rare grassland and shorebird species.
THanks to fieldtrip leaders over the recent years...
Al Batt
Betsy Beneke
Janice Bengtson
Jerry Bonkoski
Kelly Blackledge
Jo Blanich
Steve Blanich
Jeff Bouton
Barbara Boyle
Wayne Brininger
Judd Brink
Doug Buri
Ed Clem
Connie Cox
Lowell Deede
Jason Ekstein
Jeff Fjestad
Juan Carlos Geise
Sandy Gunderson
Larry Hanson
Sally Hausken
Carrol Henderson
Greg Hoch
Robert Janssen
Earl Johnson
Jeanie Joppru
Scott Kahan
Fred Lesher
Barb Martin
Dennis Martin
Matt Mecklenberg
Gretchen Mehmel
Mike Murphy
Frank Nicoletti
Jeff Norby
Sherri Norland
Bob O’Connor
Mark Otnes
Kim Risen
David Allen Sibley
Thom Soule
Sharon Stiteler
Dan Thimgan
Sandy Thimgan
Bill Thompson
Gary Tischer
John Voz
Rud Wasson
Scott Weidensaul
continued on page 13
1.800.542.3992 • www.visitdetroitlakes.com
1.800.542.3992 • www.visitdetroitlakes.com
Bruce Besse
Kelly Blackledge
Cheryl Didier
Sally Hausken
Mike Murphy
Cleone Stewart
Vicky Williams
John Voz
And a host of others!
7 Golden rules of birding
The Festival of Birds promotes the American Birding Association’s
Code of Birding Ethics (http://americanbirding.org)
Tamarac National Wildlife Refuge
Where Wildlife Comes Naturally
Protecting 43,000 acres of wildlife habitat
250 species of birds including 25 species of warblers!
Visitor Center Open
10am - 5pm
7:30am - 4:00pm
Keep your distance when observing and photographing birds
Avoid approaching a bird so closely
that it is flushed or disturbed
Keep well away from nest sites
Stay on existing trails
Get landowner’s permission to walk on private property
Respect fellow birders
Take a stand against unethical birding behavior
Register by
April 24th for a
chance to win a
free pair of
10x42 Audubon
Equinox binoculars
Prairie Restorations, Inc.
Bringing people together with the land
Landscaping with Native Plants
Requires Less Maintenance • Adds Distinct Year-Round Beauty
Attracts Birds, Butterflies and Other Wildlife
Hawley, MN
218.498.0260 • 800.837.5986 • www.prairieresto.com
1.800.542.3992 • www.visitdetroitlakes.com
register early to win!!
How to Register
• Register online at www.visitdetroitlakes.com
• Use registration form in this program
Make checks payable to Chamber of Commerce
and mail to: Detroit Lakes Festival of Birds
P.O. Box 348 • Detroit Lakes, MN 56502
Registrations should be received by Friday, May 8, 2009.
For immediate registration under a secure
server, go to www.visitdetroitlakes.com.
REgistration Form
Credit Card Number
Exp. Date
5:15 am - 3:00 pm
5:30 am - 3:00 pm
sunday — May 17, 2009
(include Festival Event Fee) Total Amount Due
Vegetarian Meal Request - Includes Field Trip Sack Lunch & Other Meals for Entire Event
Fieldtrip: Agassiz National Wildlife Refuge
Fieldtrip: Felton/Ulen Prairies
5:15 am - 11:30 am
5:30 am - 11:30 am
5:30 am - 11:30 am
11:30 am - 1:00 pm
1:30 pm - 2:30 pm
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm
6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
Saturday — May 16, 2009
Fieldtrip: Prairie Wetlands & Lake Alice
Fieldtrip: Waubun Wetlands & Helliksen Prairie
Fieldtrip: Hamden Slough National Wildlife Refuge
Lunch in Canada & International Trail Program
Workshop: Document Your Sightings
Workshop: Monarch Butterfly Migrations
Richard Crossley Keynote Presentation & Dinner
5:15 am - 3:00 pm
5:30 am - 3:00 pm
5:45 am - 3:00 pm
5:30 pm - 7:30 pm
friday — May 15, 2009
Fieldtrip: Pepperton Township
Fieldtrip: Buffalo River & Bluestem Prairie
Fieldtrip: Tamarac National Wildlife Refuge
Program: Shorebird Migrations - Saving the Stopovers and Dinner
2:30 pm - 5:00 pm
2:30 pm - 5:00 pm
2:30 pm - 5:00 pm
5:45 pm - 7:30 pm
Thursday — May 14, 2009
Workshop: Shorebirds Revealed, Dinner and Program
Workshop: Beginning Birding, Dinner and Program
Workshop: GPS in the Field, Dinner and Program
Program: Critical Breeding Bird Monitoring in MN and Dinner Only
o $10 full
o $5/day
Type of Card: o Visa o MasterCard o Discover o AMEX
Name on Credit Card
One registration per form. Please photocopy for additional
entries. Make checks payable to “Chamber of Commerce”
and send to: Detroit Lakes Festival of Birds, PO Box 348,
Detroit Lakes, MN 56502.
Festival Event Fee
Event fee includes mini workshops, birders’ bazaar, and festival support! $10 for full festival
(required fee, non-refundable)
or $5 per day
City, State, Zip
ne p
o Please send me additional Detroit Lakes area information.
You are encouraged to register early! If we receive your registration form by Friday, April 24th, you will be entered in the “Early Bird
Drawing” for a pair of binoculars donated by Eagle Optics! Please register before Friday, May 8th.
Cancellation Policy & Special Terms: Cancellations must be made no later than 4:00 pm on May 8, 2009. The event fee is nonrefundable. Registrations will be accepted by date received. Questions? Call 1-800-542-3992.
12th Migration Celebration
Festival of Birds
May 14-17, 2009 • Detroit Lakes, MN