faculty - Phillips Academy
faculty - Phillips Academy
DRAFT - FACULTY - 10-6-11 1 FACULTY Abbott, Susannah Director of Development, Addison Gallery 24 Wolcott Avenue Andover, MA 01810 Robert K. Abbott, Ph.D. sabbott@andover.edu Adams, Christine M. Director of Development cadams@andover.edu Ainsworth, Tracy E. Instructor, History and Social Science Draper Hall, Apartment 230 Andover, MA 01810 Jeffrey C. Domina tainsworth@andover.edu Allen, Brian T. Director, Addison Gallery 97 Central Street Andover, MA 01810 ballen@andover.edu 4027 978-475-6463 4288 4222 978-749-4811 4028 978-475-2680 Allen, Yasmine B. Instructor, Spanish Sabbatical Jorge S. Allen yallen@andover.edu Alonso, Fernando R. Director, Summer Session/Coord., Outreach Programs Instructor, Mathematics Bertha Bailey House Andover, MA 01810 falonso@andover.edu 4410 978-749-4939 DRAFT - FACULTY - 10-6-11 2 FACULTY Alovisetti, Max C. Instructor and Chair, Psychology Director, Graham House Counseling Center Sunset Cottage Andover, MA 01810 Susan W. Alovisetti malovisetti@andover.edu Ammah-Tagoe, Aku Teaching Fellow, English Phillips Academy Andover, MA 01810 aammahtagoe@andover.edu Anson, Erik N. Teaching Fellow, Physics 4 Morton Street, Apartment C Andover, MA 01810 eanson@andover.edu Asher, Rachel A. Instructor, Spanish Day Hall Andover, MA 01810 rasher@andover.edu Aureden, Elizabeth G. Instructor, Music 16 Pleasant Avenue Somerville, MA 02143 Gregory K. Jenkins eaureden@andover.edu Bacon, Bruce W. Technical Director & Instructor, Theatre and Dance Chapin House #4 Andover, MA 01810 Heidi T. Bacon bbacon@andover.edu 4363 978-475-0598 4185 978-749-4950 4370 4200 978-749-4840 4261 617-623-0576 4430 978-886-2971 DRAFT - FACULTY - 10-6-11 3 FACULTY Bahn, Sharyn Major Gift Officer for Educational Outreach 92 Fayerweather Street, Apt #2 Cambridge, MA 02138 sbahn@andover.edu Bardo, Seth B. Instructor, English 10 Stonehedge Road Andover, MA 01810 Sarah E. Bardo sbardo@andover.edu Barnes, Holly A. Instructor, Music Brucato House Andover, MA 01810 Richard Bremer hbarnes@andover.edu Barry, Donald T. Instructor, Mathematics 14 School Street Andover, MA 01810 Roxanne S. Barry dbarry@andover.edu Barry, Roxanne S. Director, Summer Opportunities Visitor Arranger Instructor & Coordinator, PALS 14 School Street Andover, MA 01810 Donald T. Barry Batchelor, Sallie L. Associate Director, College Counseling 137 Main Street, Apartment C Andover, MA 01810 Andrew Batchelor sbatchelor@andover.edu 4523 617-312-6588 4194 978-474-1844 4261 4241 978-475-8024 4480 978-475-8024 4150 DRAFT - FACULTY - 10-6-11 4 FACULTY Beckwith, Clyfe G. Instructor, Physics Allen House Andover, MA 01810 Mary Beckwith cbeckwith@andover.edu Bernieri, Louis M. Instructor, English Dir. Bread Loaf; Coord. Bread Loaf Teacher Network Sherman House Andover, MA 01810 Laura C. Bernieri lbernieri@andover.edu Bird, John E. Instructor, English Blanchard House Andover, MA 01810 Jessica Bird jbird@andover.edu Birecki, Kathryn A. Instructor and Trainer, Athletics Newman House Andover, MA 01810 Andrew Birecki kbirecki@andover.edu Blunt, Nile K. Instructor, History and Social Science Taylor Hall, 3rd Floor Apt. Andover, MA 01810 nblunt@andover.edu Blustain, Malinda S. Director, Peabody Museum 12 Centervale Park Dorchester, MA 02124 Harvey Blustain mblustain@andover.edu 4370 978-409-1750 4386 978-884-8452 4185 978-749-4853 4082 978-749-4886 4222 978-749-4835 4493 617-265-3730 DRAFT - FACULTY - 10-6-11 5 FACULTY Bourote, Hafida Instructor, Arabic Watson House Andover, MA 01810 Hamid Faiz hbourote@andover.edu Boyajian, Gail C. Instructor, Art/Architecture 174 Lexington Avenue Cambridge, MA 02138 Gerald Bergstein gboyajian@andover.edu Brown, Larkin Teaching Fellow, Spanish Isham Dorm Andover, MA 01810 lbrown@andover.edu Bruncati, Cara Mia Director, Parent Fund 4200 4594 617-492-1577 4200 978-749-4837 4693 617-787-3926 Watertown, MA 02472 Angelo DeFrancesco cbruncati@andover.edu Buchanan, Susan S. Major Gift Officer 601 Thain Road Hopkinton, NH 03229 sbuchanan@andover.edu Buckwalter, Suzanne E. Instructor, Mathematics Draper Hall, Apartment 330 Andover, MA 01810 sbuckwalter@andover.edu 4294 4244 978-749-4812 DRAFT - FACULTY - 10-6-11 6 FACULTY Cai-Hurteau, Li Instructor, Chinese Draper Hall, Apartment G30 Andover, MA 01810 Paul Hurteau lcaihurteau@andover.edu Capano, Christopher P. Director, Student Activities 11 Watson Avenue Andover, MA 01810 ccapano@andover.edu Cardozo, Kevin F. Instructor, Chemistry Flagg House Andover, MA 01810 kcardozo@andover.edu Carter, Catherine J. Instructor, Classics Isham Dorm Andover, MA 01810 ccarter@andover.edu Carter, Stephen D. Chief Operating and Financial Officer McDuffie House Andover, MA 01810 Adela B. Carter scarter@andover.edu Cathcart, Janet F. Asst. Dir., Alumni Affairs; Dir., Auction & Parent Volunteers 131 Main Street, #2 Andover, MA 01810 jcathcart@andover.edu 4200 978-749-4943 4183 978-761-3081 4370 978-749-4953 4146 978-749-4856 4100 978-475-8310 4672 978-475-0338 DRAFT - FACULTY - 10-6-11 7 FACULTY Cernota, Paul D. Instructor and Chair, Chemistry 221 Main Street, #1 Andover, MA 01810 pcernota@andover.edu Chase, Barbara L. Head of School Instructor, History and Social Science Phelps House Andover, MA 01810 David Chase bchase@andover.edu Chase, David W. Director of Stewardship Phelps House Andover, MA 01810 Barbara Landis Chase dchase@andover.edu Chase, Deborah M. Instructor, English Hearsey House Andover, MA 01810 dchase1@andover.edu Cirelli, Evanice M. Complementary House Counselor Hostess/Administrative Support, Admission Office Coy House Andover, MA 01810-4116 Peter M. Cirelli ecirelli@andover.edu Cirelli, Peter M. Instructor and Chair, Music Coy House Andover, MA 01810-4116 Evanice M. Cirelli pcirelli@andover.edu 4374 4002 978-749-4553 4301 978-749-4553 4185 978-749-4869 4057 978-247-7174 4262 978-247-7174 DRAFT - FACULTY - 10-6-11 8 FACULTY Coghlan, Sarah M. Assistant Director, Community Service Kellogg House, Apartment A Andover, MA 01810 scoghlan@andover.edu Cone, Thomas E. Instructor, Biology Director, PALS Greenough House Andover, MA 01810 Julia Morse tcone@andover.edu Connor, Megan E. Assistant Director, Annual Giving 70 Mayfair Road Boxborough, MA 01719 John Connor mconnor@andover.edu Cox, Brian D. Head Trainer and Instructor, Athletics Taylor Hall East Andover, MA 01810 Bridget K. Cox bcox@andover.edu Crivelli, Elaine Instructor, Art Draper Hall, Apartment 440 Andover, MA 01810 ecrivelli@andover.edu Cruz, Dianne D. Director of (MS)2; Instructor, Mathematics 130 Highland Road Andover, MA 01810 dcruz@andover.edu 4135 4373 978-470-0668 4696 978-274-2567 4084 978-749-4858 4070 978-749-4945 4405 978-475-1023 DRAFT - FACULTY - 10-6-11 9 FACULTY Cueto-Potts, Monique E. Coordinator, Associates Program and Admission,IRT 59 Highland Road Andover, MA 01810 Timothy Potts mcuetopotts@andover.edu Curci, Stephanie E. Instructor, English Burtt House Andover, MA 01810 Shawn Davis scurci@andover.edu Cutler, Mark A. Instructor, Spanish Fuess House East Andover, MA 01810 Melanie A. Cutler mcutler@andover.edu Cynn, Christine J. Instructor, English Wooley House Andover, MA 01810 ccynn@andover.edu Dalton, Kathleen M. Instructor, History and Social Science Salem House Andover, MA 01810 Dr. E. Anthony Rotundo kdalton@andover.edu Davison, Patricia B. Director, Academic Skills Center Coordinator of Student Disability Resources 365 Candlestick Road North Andover, MA 01845 pdavison@andover.edu 4118 978-409-2269 4185 978-749-4963 4200 978-749-4896 4185 4222 979-475-7139 4365 978-685-3992 DRAFT - FACULTY - 10-6-11 10 FACULTY Dembia, Christopher L. Teaching Fellow, Math Bartlet Hall, 3rd Floor Andover, MA 01810 cdembia@andover.edu Dignard, Peter N. Counselor, Admission 225 Main Street, Apartment 3 Andover, MA 01810 pdignard@andover.edu Disney, Alexandra Teaching Fellow, Chemistry Kellogg House, Aptartment B Andover, MA 01810 adisney@andover.edu DoBa, Khiem Instructor, Mathematics Draper Hall, Apartment G10 Andover, MA 01810 Linh Nguyen kdoba@andover.edu Doheny, Marcelle A. Instructor, History and Social Science Tilton House Andover, MA 01810 Michael Doheny mdoheny@andover.edu Dolan, Kathryn A. Instructor, Athletics Assistant Dean of Advising Thompson House Andover, MA 01810 kdolan@andover.edu 4240 978-749-4915 4218 4371 4240 978-749-4961 4222 978-474-0350 4090 4161 978-749-4852 DRAFT - FACULTY - 10-6-11 11 FACULTY Domina, Jeffrey C. Instructor and Chair, English Draper Hall, Apartment 230 Andover, MA 01810 Tracy E. Ainsworth jdomina@andover.edu Dominique Moreno, Cesar Instructor, Spanish Chapin House #2 Andover, MA 01810 Nilma Dominique cdominiquemoreno@andover.edu Drench, Peter L. Instructor, History and Social Science Sabbatical, Fall Term Draper Hall, Apartment 430 Andover, MA 01810 Anne Ferguson pdrench@andover.edu Dvorkin, Alex D. Teaching Fellow, Russian Rockwell House, 3rd Floor Andover, MA 01810 advorkin@andover.edu Ebner, Michael J. Principal Gift Officer 3 Juniper Wood Drive Haverhill, MA 01832 Terry J. Ebner mebner@andover.edu Efinger, Cynthia J. Cluster Dean Instructor, Athletics Tucker House Andover, MA 01810 Mark E. Efinger cefinger@andover.edu 4185 978-749-4811 4200 617-859-0792 4222 978-749-4936 4200 978-749-4923 4284 978-372-2131 4552 4080 978-749-4863 DRAFT - FACULTY - 10-6-11 12 FACULTY Efinger, Mark E. Instructor, Theatre and Dance Tucker House Andover, MA 01810 Cynthia J. Efinger mefinger@andover.edu Elliott, Jennifer K. Instructor, History and Social Science Nathan Hale East Andover, MA 01810 Grant D. Elliott jelliott@andover.edu Ellis, Rebecca Teaching Fellow, Mathematics Kellogg House, Apartment E Andover, MA 01810 rellis@andover.edu Epstein, Chloe B. Instructor, Mathematics Nathan Hale, Center Andover, MA 01810 cepstein@andover.edu Farrell, Karen J. House Counselor Johnson Hall North Andover, MA 01810 Patrick J. Farrell kfarrell1@andover.edu Farrell, Patrick J. Instructor and Chair, Mathematics Johnson Hall North Andover, MA 01810 Karen J. Farrell pfarrell@andover.edu 4436 978-749-4863 4222 978-749-4927 4240 978-474-6459 4240 978-749-4843 978-749-4898 4242 978-749-4898 DRAFT - FACULTY - 10-6-11 13 FACULTY Faulk, Brian D. Instructor, Chemistry Pemberton Cottage Andover, MA 01810 Catherine Faulk bfaulk@andover.edu Faxon, Susan C. Associate Director and Curator, Addison Gallery 23 Harvard Street Charlestown, MA 02129 sfaxon@andover.edu Fenton, Martha G. Instructor, Athletics Draper Hall, Apartment 110 Andover, MA 01810 John W. Fenton mfenton@andover.edu Ferguson, Anne Senior Associate Director, College Counseling Sabbatical – Winter and Spring Draper Hall, Apartment 430 Andover, MA 01810 Peter L. Drench aferguson@andover.edu Ferris, Maureen P. Director of Human Resources 4371 978-749-4959 4018 617-209-2128 4092 978-409-2367 4155 978-749-4936 4102 978-388-1359 Amesbury, MA 01913 William Ferris mferris@andover.edu Flash, David A. Director of Gift Planning 64 High Street, Unit B Andover, MA 01810 dflash@andover.edu 4297 DRAFT - FACULTY - 10-6-11 14 FACULTY Foley, Lanita L. Associate Director, College Counseling 225 Main Street, #2 Andover, MA 01810 Kaija Langley lfoley@andover.edu Fox, David U. Instructor, English and Art History Draper Cottage Andover, MA 01810 dfox@andover.edu Francis, Neferterneken K. Instructor, Chemistry Alice Whitney House Andover, MA 01810 nfrancis@andover.edu Frey, Emma L. Instructor, History and Social Science 4153 4185 4070 978-749-4859 4371 978-749-4841 4222 978-475-3734 Andover, MA 01810 James W. Frey efrey@andover.edu Fried, Jane F. Dean, Admission Assistant Head for Enrollment, Research & Planning 74 Bartlet Street Andover, MA 01810 Stephen Fried jfried@andover.edu Fulford, Shawn Instructor, Mathematics Eaton Cottage Andover, MA 01810 sfulford@andover.edu 4051 978-474-0125 4241 978-749-4847 DRAFT - FACULTY - 10-6-11 15 FACULTY Fulton, Mary L. Instructor, English Park House Andover, MA 01810 mfulton@andover.edu Gallou, Claire L. Instructor, French Henry L. Stimson - East Andover, MA 01810 Peter Mueller cgallou@andover.edu Gardner, Anne E. Director of Spiritual & Religious Life Protestant Chaplain Stevens Center Andover, MA 01810 Beth O'Connor agardner@andover.edu Gerighty, Kimberly A. Associate Director, Annual Giving 503 Lowell Road Groton, MA 01450 Joseph Gerighty kgerighty@andover.edu Glossner, Joda L. Assistant Director of Alumni Affairs for Communications 16 Balmoral Street #401 Andover, MA 01810 jglossner@andover.edu Glynn, Diane L. Assistant Director, Annual Giving 11 Sterling Lane Bradford, MA 01835 dglynn@andover.edu 4191 978-475-3871 4200 978-749-4813 4138 978-749-4826 4283 978-505-8956 4246 4673 DRAFT - FACULTY - 10-6-11 16 FACULTY Godo-Solo, Leislie Associate Director, Institute for Recruitment of Teachers Adams Hall North Andover, MA 01810 Hossiri H. Godo-Solo lgodosolo@andover.edu Gorham, Richard B. House Counselor Andover Cottage Andover, MA 01810 rgorham@andover.edu Graber, Kevin E. Assistant Dean, Admission McCurdy House Andover, MA 01810 Tina Graber kgraber@andover.edu Greenberg, Ellen M. Instructor, Mathematics Cole House Andover, MA 01810 egreenberg@andover.edu Greenberg, Susan H. Advisor to the Phillipian Instructor, English 22 Stinson Road Andover, MA 01810 William R. Burger sgreenberg@andover.edu Griffith, Linda C. Dean, Community & Multicultural Development Instructor, English Morton House Andover, MA 01810 Graeme Griffith lgriffith@andover.edu 4113 978-749-4855 978-749-4987 4052 4241 978-409-2426 2493 978-475-2167 4251 4185 978-749-4842 DRAFT - FACULTY - 10-6-11 17 FACULTY Gross, Barbara D. Senior Philanthropic Officer 136 Forest Street Wellesley, MA 02481 Edward Chazen bgross@andover.edu Guerin, Jonah I. Community Sustainability Intern 28 Bancroft Road Andover, MA 01810 jguerin@andover.edu Gurry, Christopher J. Instructor, History and Social Science Robert Sides' House Andover, MA 01810 Sarah Gurry cgurry@andover.edu Hacker, Elliot Director of Finance and Assistant Treasurer 7 Cricket Circle Andover, MA 01810 Barbara H. Hacker ehacker@andover.edu Hagler, Jeremiah C. Instructor and Chair, Biology Head of the Division of Natural Sciences America House Andover, MA 01810 Lisa J. Glickstein jhagler@andover.edu Harnish, Victoria A. Director of Campaign Communications PO Box 591 Hollis, NH 03049 Christopher Coutu vharnish@andover.edu 4671 781-431-1783 4382 978-475-5573 4222/4208 4511 4310 978-749-4883 4699 603-566-1150 DRAFT - FACULTY - 10-6-11 18 FACULTY Harrigan, Margaret L. Instructor, Art Moody House East Andover, MA 01810 pharrigan@andover.edu Harris, Ann C. Director of Class, Reunion, and Parent Giving 46 Mossfield Road Waban, MA 02468 Neal Harris aharris@andover.edu Harrold, William S. Leadership Gift Officer, Dir. of Asia Relations P. O. Box 2231 New London, NH 03257 wharrold@andover.edu Hawthorne, Tasha M. Instructor, English Day Hall South Andover, MA 01810 Geoffrey R. Tanner thawthorne@andover.edu Hebert, Alison M. Major Gift Officer 32 Lantern Way Shirley, MA 01464 Leon Hebert, Jr. ahebert@andover.edu Heelan, Kevin P. Instructor, Theatre and Dance Erving House Andover, MA 01810 Kimball D. Heelan kheelan@andover.edu 4595 978-482-0282 4312 617-964-0082 4304 603-748-2732 4185 978-749-4944 4525 978-886-0413 4429 978-475-1505 DRAFT - FACULTY - 10-6-11 19 FACULTY Henningsen, Victor W. Instructor, History and Social Science Weld House Andover, MA 01810 Susan R. McCaslin vhenningsen@andover.edu Hernandez-Guarniz, Karina E. Associate Director, College Counseling Adams Hall Center Andover, MA 01810 Angel Guarniz khernandez@andover.edu Hession, Matthew C. Instructor, History and Social Science Cluster Dean Newton-Hinman House Andover, MA 01810 Rebecca S. Hession mhession@andover.edu Hilton, Sheena T. Instructor, Chemistry Paul Revere South Andover, MA 01810 shilton@andover.edu Hodgson, Thomas S. Instructor, Phil. and Religious Studies 6 Stonehedge Road Andover, MA 01810 Susan Brownell Hodgson thodgson@andover.edu Hoenig, Scott W. Instructor, Mathematics Rockwell House North Andover, MA 01810 Jennifer Hoenig shoenig@andover.edu 4222 978-749-4904 4156 978-749-4889 4222 978-749-4555 4371 978-749-4806 4134 978-470-4759 4241 978-749-4865 DRAFT - FACULTY - 10-6-11 20 FACULTY Holley, Leon M. Instructor, Biology Hayes House Andover, MA 01810 Judith A. Johnson, MD lholley@andover.edu Holm, Sally V. Director of Publications; Editor, Andover Magazine 7 Central Lane Andover, MA 01810 Kerry Johnson sholm@andover.edu Howe, Richard T. Assoc.Dir., Alum.Affairs; Dir., Reunions & Classes 3 Robandy Road Andover, MA 01810-2103 Judith Howe rhowe@andover.edu Hoyt, Carlos A. Associate Dean of Students Wisconsin House Andover, MA 01810 Leslie Hoyt choyt@andover.edu Hurley, Dale P. Instructor, Mathematics Pease House Andover, MA 01810 Elizabeth Hurley dhurley@andover.edu Isaza-Bishop, Clara Instructor, Spanish Abbot Stevens House - East Andover, MA 01810 Hugh Bishop cisazabishop@andover.edu 4373 978-409-2169 4677 978-474-0412 4280 978-475-4955 4177 908-809-3889 4241 978-749-4851 4200 978-749-4892 DRAFT - FACULTY - 10-6-11 21 FACULTY Israel, Carol J. Assoc.Director, Graham House Counseling Center Instructor, Psychology 28 Bancroft Road Andover, MA 01810 Mark Guerin cisrael@andover.edu Jackson, Margaret N. Assoc.Director, Graham House Counseling Center Instructor, Psychology 234 S. Main Street Andover, MA 01810 Roland Vazquez mjackson@andover.edu Jacob, Joel M. Instructor, Mathematics Bartlet Hall South Andover, MA 01810 Monica O'Reilly-Jacob jjacob@andover.edu Jacoby, Derek B. Instructor, Music Bartlett North Andover, MA 01810 Meghan Jacoby djacoby@andover.edu Jeton, Nancy K. Special Assistant to the Head of School 4364 4364 978-475-5573 4361 4361 978-475-6518 4240 978-749-4916 4895 978-749-4895 4007 978-749-9689 Andover, MA 01810 Peter Jeton njeton@andover.edu Joel, Christopher L. Manager of Business Services Stowe House Andover, MA 01810-4161 Elisa M. Joel cjoel@andover.edu 4108 978-749-4814 DRAFT - FACULTY - 10-6-11 22 FACULTY Joel, Elisa M. Associate Dean, Admission Cluster Dean Stowe House Andover, MA 01810-4161 Christopher L. Joel ljoel@andover.edu Jones, Christopher L. Instructor, History and Social Science Carriage House Andover, MA 01810 cjones@andover.edu Joseph, Elizabeth C. Instructor, Mathematics 102 Meadowood Road North Andover, MA 01845 Philip Theruvakattil ejoseph@andover.edu Kane, Thomas H. Instructor, English Alfred E. Stearns House - West Andover, MA 01810 Jennifer Kane tkane@andover.edu Kantor, Mary T. Roman Catholic Chaplain 4053 4053 978-749-4814 4220 978-749-4819 4241 978-682-3166 978-749-4893 4137 781-316-1819 Arlington, MA 02476 mkantor@andover.edu Keator, Gerrit M. Principal Gift Officer P.O. Box 2037 South Londonderry, VT 05155-2037 Marion Knowles Keator gkeator@andover.edu 4661 802-824-5450 DRAFT - FACULTY - 10-6-11 23 FACULTY Keller, Julie A. Intern, Graham House Counseling Center Brighton, MA 02135 jkeller@andover.edu Kennedy, Karen A. Instructor and Scheduling Officer, Athletics Draper Hall, Apartment 130 Andover, MA 01810 kkennedy@andover.edu Kip, Nicholas V. Instructor, Classics Lowell House Andover, MA 01810 Agatha G. Kip nkip@andover.edu Koolen, Marc D. Instructor, Biology Sabbatical – Fall and Spring Sterling House Andover, MA 01810-2105 Anita Thomas Koolen mkoolen@andover.edu Korn, Elizabeth G. Associate Dean of Studies, Registrar 221 Main Street, #4 Andover, MA 01810 bkorn@andover.edu Kuhlmann, Douglas J. Instructor, Mathematics Palmer House Andover, MA 01810 Terry Gagliardo Kuhlmann dkuhlmann@andover.edu 4485 4094 978-749-4924 4146 978-749-4802 4373 978-475-0771 4036 978-409-2894 4243 978-749-4921 DRAFT - FACULTY - 10-6-11 24 FACULTY Kuta, Michael J. Director, Instructor, and Trainer, Athletics Hay House Andover, MA 01810 Susan Kuta mkuta@andover.edu Landolt, Christina R. Instructor, Music Smith House Andover, MA 01810 clandolt@andover.edu Lang, Corbin F. Instructor, Mathematics 221 Main Street, #3 Andover, MA 01810 Nancy M. Lang clang@andover.edu Lang, Nancy M. Instructor, Mathematics Assistant Dean of Faculty 221 Main Street, #3 Andover, MA 01810 Corbin F. Lang nlang@andover.edu Lanzo, Erin M. Teaching Fellow, English Johnson Hall Andover, MA 01810 elanzo@andover.edu Latva-Kokko, Mika E. Instructor and Chair, Physics Foxcroft Hall North Andover, MA 01810 Amy Latva-Kokko mlatvakokko@andover.edu 4085 978-475-0069 4260 978-749-4874 4241 978-409-2890 4008 978-409-2890 4185 978-749-4984 4381 978-749-4897 DRAFT - FACULTY - 10-6-11 25 FACULTY Leahy, William D. Director of Admission 31 Holt Road Andover, MA 01810 Bethany Leahy wleahy@andover.edu Legaspi, Michael C. Instructor, Philosophy and Religious Studies Jackson House Andover, MA 01810 Abby C. Legaspi mlegaspi@andover.edu Lisa, Matthew J. Instructor, Mathematics Elbridge Stuart - North Andover, MA 01810 Leslie Dickey mlisa@andover.edu Litvin, Maria M. Instructor, Mathematics Goodhue House Andover, MA 01810 Gary Litvin mlitvin@andover.edu Logan, Sean M. Director, College Counseling 44 Black Bear Drive Waltham, MA 02451 Joy St. John slogan@andover.edu Long, LaShonda N. Instructor, English Paul Revere North Andover, MA 01810 llong@andover.edu 4067 978-474-1776 4144 978-475-1963 4241 978-749-4891 4240 978-749-3646 4158 4185 978-749-4922 DRAFT - FACULTY - 10-6-11 26 FACULTY Lorenco, Peter A. Instructor, Music Moody House West Andover, MA 01810 Eileen L. Lorenco plorenco@andover.edu Lynch, Hannah B. Teaching Fellow, Biology Paul Revere South Andover, MA 01810 hlynch@andover.edu Ma, Lixia Instructor and Chair, Chinese Johnson Hall South Andover, MA 01810 Yi Zhang lma@andover.edu Maier, John R. Instructor, Spanish 1 Judson Road Andover, MA 01810-2003 jmaier@andover.edu Mallick, Vivien V. Senior Associate Dean, Admission Anderson House Andover, MA 01810 David Mallick vmallick@andover.edu Mansfield, Gail M. Sr. Associate Director of Development Stoneham, MA 02180 James Mansfield gmansfield@andover.edu 4261 978-475-8995 4373 978-749-4969 4200 978-749-4860 4200 978-470-1330 4062 978-475-4610 4290 781-696-8596 DRAFT - FACULTY - 10-6-11 27 FACULTY Maqubela, Temba T. Dean of Faculty, Assistant Head for Academics Instructor, Chemistry Samaritan House Andover, MA 01810 Vuyelwa M. Maqubela temba.maqubela@andover.edu Maqubela, Vuyelwa M. Instructor, English Samaritan House Andover, MA 01810 Temba T. Maqubela vmaqubela@andover.edu Marshall-Walker, Christine A. Instructor, Biology Day Hall North Andover, MA 01810 Steven Walker cmarshallwalker@andover.edu Marzluft, Jeffrey E. Associate Director for Instructional Services, Library 25 Herrick Road North Andover, MA 01845 Siobhan Marzluft jmarzluft@andover.edu Mattia, Ali M. Teaching Fellow, Athletics Kellogg House, Apartment D Andover, MA 01810 amattia@andover.edu McGraw, Thomas E. Instructor, English 75 Salem Street, North Andover, MA 01810 Celeste M. McGraw tmcgraw@andover.edu 4003 4370 978-749-4828 4185 978-749-4828 4373 978-749-4956 4234 978-794-4852 4080 978-474-6409 4185 DRAFT - FACULTY - 10-6-11 28 FACULTY McHugh, Michael J. Instructor, Mathematics 13 Watson Avenue Andover, MA 01810 mmchugh@andover.edu McKenna, Maxfield H. Teaching Fellow, History Bishop Hall Andover, MA 01810 mmckenna@andover.edu McQuade, Kathryn J. Instructor, English Nathan Hale West Andover, MA 01810 James McQuade kmcquade@andover.edu Merrill, Peter T. Instructor, German & Russian; Coordinator, GPG Fuess House North Andover, MA 01810 Susan C. Merrill pmerrill@andover.edu Meyer, Elizabeth A. Instructor and Chair, Classics Abbot Stevens House - West Andover, MA 01810 emeyer@andover.edu Milkowski, Anna H. Instructor, Biology Alumni House Andover, MA 01810 amilkowski@andover.edu 4241 978-409-1016 4222 978-749-4951 4185 978-749-4850 4209 978-749-4825 4146 978-749-4868 4370 978-749-4968 DRAFT - FACULTY - 10-6-11 29 FACULTY Modeste, Leon A. Instructor, Athletics 221 Main Street, #2 Andover, MA 01810 Jo-Ann Fortier lmodeste@andover.edu Monaco, Vincent J. Sabbatical Williston House Andover, MA 01810 vmonaco@andover.edu Moore, Diane L. Instructor and Chair, Philosophy and Religious Studies Director, Brace Center 154 East Bare Hill Road Harvard, MA 01451 Judith C. Eissenberg dmoore@andover.edu Muench, J. Lawrence Director of Facilities 1 Quail Drive Medway, MA 02053 JoAnne Muench lmuench@andover.edu Mulligan, Mary M. Instructor, History and Social Science 38 Woodland Road Andover, MA 01810 Stephen D. Anderson mmulligan@andover.edu Mundra, Rajesh R. Instructor, Biology Rockwell House South Andover, MA 01810 Kavita Mundra rmundra@andover.edu 4092 978-809-3009 978-475-6095 4133 978-456-5352 4329 508-533-9944 4222 978-470-2249 4373 978-749-4805 DRAFT - FACULTY - 10-6-11 30 FACULTY Munoz-Fernandez, Carmen Instructor, Spanish 135 Main Street, Apartment A Andover, MA 01810 Dylan Clark cmunozfernandez@andover.edu Murata, Aya S. Cluster Dean Adv., Asian and Asian-American Students 1924 House Andover, MA 01810 Michael Charland amurata@andover.edu Murphy, Deborah B. Director of Alumni Affairs Moses Stuart House Andover, MA 01810 Paul D. Murphy dmurphy@andover.edu Murphy, Paul D. Dean of Students & Residential Life Instructor, Mathematics Moses Stuart House Andover, MA 01810 Deborah B. Murphy pmurphy@andover.edu Murray, Billy W. Instructor, Theatre and Dance Merrill House Andover, MA 01810 bmurray@andover.edu Neissa, Peter A. Instructor and Chair, Spanish Head of the Division of World Languages Chapin House, #1 Andover, MA 01810 Louisa Neissa pneissa@andover.edu 4200 4253 4551 978-749-4823 4268 978-749-4882 4175 4241 978-749-4882 4437 4203 978-409-2821 DRAFT - FACULTY - 10-6-11 31 FACULTY Nunez, Maureen F. Director of Risk Management & Administrative Services 4105 978-475-4259 Andover, MA 01810 Guillermo Nunez mnunez@andover.edu Nyamwaya, Elly O. Instructor, English Taylor Hall West Andover, MA 01810 Dolly Nyamwaya enyamwaya@andover.edu O'Connor, Kevin T. Instructor, English Draper Hall, Apartment 410 Andover, MA 01810 koconnor@andover.edu 4185 978-749-4935 4185 978-475-8968 Odden, Caroline E. Instructor, Physics; Supervisor of the PA Observatory Sabbatical Elbridge Stuart House - South Andover, MA 01810 Christopher T. Odden ceodden@andover.edu Odden, Christopher T. Instructor, Mathematics Elbridge Stuart House - South Andover, MA 01810 Caroline E. Odden ctodden@andover.edu Odjo, Emmanuel A. Instructor, French Foxcroft South Andover, MA 01810 Elena Odjo eodjo@andover.edu 4241 978-749-4986 4200 978-749-4864 DRAFT - FACULTY - 10-6-11 32 FACULTY Olander, Deborah M. Academic Skills Specialist Scheduling Officer 79 Reservation Road Andover, MA 01810-3429 Joseph C. Ferguson dolander@andover.edu Orent, James M. Conductor 4358 4035 978-470-2826 4260 603-594-9025 Nashua, NH 03063 Marianne Orent jorent@andover.edu Paulson, Megan Instructor, History and Social Science Adams Hall South Andover, MA 01810 Kurt Paulson mpaulson@andover.edu Pawelczak, Connie B. Assistant Director of Gift Planning 56 Steadman Street Chelmsford, MA 01824 cpawelczak@andover.edu Peffer, Randall S. Instructor, English Farrar House Andover, MA 01810 Jacqueline Peffer rpeffer@andover.edu Perry, Carroll Instructor, History and Social Science 2 Turkey Shore Road Ipswich, MA 01938 Cary Perry cperry@andover.edu 4222 978-749-4918 4529 978-256-7782 4193 978-475-5967 4222 978-356-4945 DRAFT - FACULTY - 10-6-11 33 FACULTY Phaneuf, Jeffrey J. Instructor, History and Social Science North Andover, MA 01845 jphaneuf@andover.edu Poland, Elizabeth R. Instructor, French 22 Wolcott Avenue Andover, MA 01810-3538 McKee D. Poland epoland@andover.edu Poloma, Asabe W. Director, Institute for Recruitment of Teachers 225 Main Street, #1 Andover, MA 01810 apoloma@andover.edu Porter, Stephen M. Director of Public Information & Web Publishing 63 Orcutt Drive Chester, NH 03036 Carol Porter sporter@andover.edu Pottle, David B. Instructor, Classics French House Andover, MA 01810 Phyllis A. Pottle dpottle@andover.edu Powell, Jose W. Asst. Dean, Dir. of Student of Color Recruiting Draper Hall, Apartment G20 Andover, MA 01810 Mari M. Powell jpowell@andover.edu 4222 4200 978-475-6159 4114 4675 603-887-7346 978-806-6747 4146 978-749-4836 4479 978-749-4933 DRAFT - FACULTY - 10-6-11 34 FACULTY Pryde, Kathleen R. Instructor, Physics Clement House Andover, MA 01810 Jason G. Pryde kpryde@andover.edu Ramsey, Peter R. Secretary of the Academy 180 Summer Street Weston, MA 02493 Isabel B. Phillips pramsey@andover.edu Reist, Michael R. Chief Investment Officer 16 Highland Avenue Tarrytown, NY 10591 mreist@andover.edu Repucci, Hillary D. Director of Parent Giving 44 1/2 South Hampton Road Amesbury, MA 01913 Corey Repucci hrepucci@andover.edu Robinson, Caroline D. Instructor, English Coy House North Andover, MA 01810 Lewis Robinson crobinson@andover.edu Robinson, Keith A. Instructor, Biology Instructor, Chemistry Bishop Hall North Andover, MA 01810 Sarah E. Robinson krobinson@andover.edu 4370 978-749-4827 4300 781-899-2530 646-274-1767 914-366-6808 4286 978-834-6758 4185 978-775-5445 4371 978-749-4971 DRAFT - FACULTY - 10-6-11 35 FACULTY Robinson, Lewis Writer in Residence, English Coy House North Andover, MA 01810 Caroline D. Robinson lrobinson1@andover.edu Rogers, John E. Dean of Studies Instructor, Chemistry Advisor to Head of School for Sustainability 158 Main Street Andover, MA 01810 Abigail Brooks Rotundo, Edward A. Instructor, History and Social Science Sabbatical, Winter Term Salem House Andover, MA 01810 Kathleen M. Dalton trotundo@andover.edu Russell, Patricia C. Instructor, Science Sustainability Coordinator Comstock House Andover, MA 01810 trussell@andover.edu Savino, Jennifer R. Assoc.Dir. Alumni Affairs, Dir. External Relations 1 Sioux Circle Andover, MA 01810 Stephen Savino jsavino@andover.edu Schmitt, Ying Instructor, Chinese 102 Brookside Drive Andover, MA 01810 Joseph Schmitt yschmitt@andover.edu 4185 978-775-5445 4030 978-409-2280 4222 979-475-7139 4382 6990 4278 978-475-1443 4200 DRAFT - FACULTY - 10-6-11 36 FACULTY Schneider, Daniel J. Instructor, Mathematics Alfred E. Stearns House - East Andover, MA 01810 Leah Okimoto dschneider@andover.edu Schorr, Natalie G. Instructor and Interim Chair, French Wendell House Andover, MA 01810 Mark A. Schorr nschorr@andover.edu Scott, Nina S. Instructor, English 8 Stonehedge Road Andover, MA 01810 William W. Scott nscott@andover.edu Scott, William W. Instructor, Mathematics 8 Stonehedge Road Andover, MA 01810 Nina S. Scott wscott@andover.edu Selover, Gregory W. Teaching Fellow, Japanese 4 Morton Street, Apt. A Andover, MA 01810 gselover@andover.edu Shaw, Christopher L. Instructor and Chair, History and Social Science Higgins House Andover, MA 01810 cshaw@andover.edu 4241 978-749-4894 4200 978-475-2349 4185 978-474-4118 4241 978-474-4118 4200 4221 978-409-2695 DRAFT - FACULTY - 10-6-11 37 FACULTY Shimazu, Teruyo S. Instructor, Japanese Chapin House, #3 Andover, MA 01810 Richard Keller tshimazu@andover.edu Shows, M. Kenneth Associate Director, College Counseling 221 Main Street, #5 Andover, MA 01810 Heather Shows kshows@andover.edu Siegfried, Abbey H. Organist & Instructor, Music 129 Fourth Street Dover, NH 03820 Kevin Siegfried asiegfried@andover.edu Silnutzer, Brad D. Interim Director, Community Service Stearns Center Andover, MA 01810 bsilnutzer@andover.edu Silversides, Lani M. Instructor, Mathematics Bancroft Hall Andover, MA 01810 Stephen A. Silversides lsilversides@andover.edu Silversides, Stephen A. Associate Director, College Counseling Bancroft Hall Andover, MA 01810 Lani M. Silversides ssilversides@andover.edu 4200 978-409-2470 4164 978-409-1942 4132 4140 978-749-4876 4241 978-749-4834 4156 978-749-4834 DRAFT - FACULTY - 10-6-11 38 FACULTY Stern, David A. Instructor, Chemistry 1 Hidden Road Andover, MA 01810 Claudia Stern dstern@andover.edu Strong, Erin E. Instructor and Chair, Theatre and Dance Double Brick House Andover, MA 01810 estrong@andover.edu Svec, Lisa J. Instructor and Chair, German 37 Holt Road Andover, MA 01810 Victor Svec lsvec@andover.edu Svec, Victor Instructor and Chair, Russian 37 Holt Road Andover, MA 01810 Lisa J. Svec vsvec@andover.edu Swarttz, Michael B. Jewish Chaplain 15 Nardone Road Newton, MA 02459 Carol Glass mswarttz@andover.edu Sweet, Tracy M. Director of Academy Communications 77C Little River Road Kingston, NH 03848 tsweet@andover.edu 4371 978-409-2373 4432 978-749-4830 4200 978-475-4863 4201 978-475-4863 4131 617-558-1404 4313 603-642-8176 DRAFT - FACULTY - 10-6-11 39 FACULTY Sykes, Rebecca M. Associate Head of School Davison House Andover, MA 01810 Elwin Sykes bsykes@andover.edu Tanner, Geoffrey R. Instructor, Chemistry and Biology Day Hall South Andover, MA 01810 Tasha M. Hawthorne gtanner@andover.edu Thompson, Jill B. Associate Dean of Admission Double Brick House Webster Thompson jthompson@andover.edu Tipton, Frank P. Instructor, History and Social Science Cluster Dean Churchill House Andover, MA 01810 Jonathan Krasner ftipton@andover.edu Torabi, Susanne A. International Student Coordinator Travel Coordinator; Part-Time Coach, Athletics 45 Weyland Circle North Andover, MA 01845 Abbas Torabi storabi@andover.edu Tortorella, Paul F. Instructor, English Draper Hall, Apt 420 Andover, MA 01810 ptortorella@andover.edu 4009 978-474-0837 4944 4424 978-749-4804 4222 4175 978-749-4838 4254 978-687-6183 4185 978-749-4861 DRAFT - FACULTY - 10-6-11 40 FACULTY Tousignant, Catherine D. Instructor, English 5 Morton Street Andover, MA 01810 John Cunningham ctousignant@andover.edu Trespas, Emily E. Instructor, Art Morton House, Apartment B Andover, MA 01810 etrespas@andover.edu Tucker, Hope Visiting Artist/Scholar in Digital Imaging Andover, MA 01810 htucker@andover.edu Tully, Elisabeth E. Director, Oliver W. Holmes Library 2 Hidden Road Andover, MA 01810 Dean Tully, MD etully@andover.edu Turiano, Dr. Anthony E. Interim Medical Director Andover, MA 01810 Deborah Turiano aturiano@andover.edu Veenema, Shirley A. Instructor and Chair, Art 76 Center Street Andover, MA 01810 James L. Sheldon sveenema@andover.edu 4185 978-470-1544 4070 978-749-4808 4070 4231 978-475-4492 4455 4072 978-337-9366 DRAFT - FACULTY - 10-6-11 41 FACULTY Veneto, Dominic Director of Information Technology 135 Main Street Norwell, MA 02061 dveneto@andover.edu Ventre, James F. Director of Financial Aid & Admission Operations Fuess House South Andover, MA 01810 Kristen R. Ventre jventre@andover.edu Very, Hayley Teaching Fellow, Biology Kellogg House, Apartment E Andover, MA 01810 hvery@andover.edu Vidal, Flavia M. Instructor, English 4611 617-290-6853 4055 978-749-4817 4373 978-474-6418 4185 781-862-6489 Lexington, MA 02420 Claudio Chamon fvidal@andover.edu Wadland, Julie H. Assistant Dean, Admission Baronial Apartment Andover, MA 01810 jwadland@andover.edu Walbridge, Elizabeth S. Teaching Fellow, English Stimson House Andover, MA 01810 ewalbridge@andover.edu 4054 4185 978-749-4846 DRAFT - FACULTY - 10-6-11 42 FACULTY Walter, Christopher R. Instructor, Music Quincy House Andover, MA 01810 Carmel Rodriguez-Walter cwalter@andover.edu Washburn, Elizabeth E. Assistant Director, Summer Session Moorehead House Andover, MA 01810 Pete Washburn ewashburn@andover.edu Washburn, Peter D. Instructor, Mathematics Moorehead House Andover, MA 01810 Kit Washburn pwashburn@andover.edu Watt, J. Peter Instructor, Physics Carter House Andover, MA 01810 pwatt@andover.edu Weil, Darius W. Teaching Fellow, History Foxcroft Hall, Swing Apt. Andover, MA 01810 dweil@andover.edu Whitehouse, Eve M. Teaching Fellow, French Paul Revere North, Room 225 Andover, MA 01810 ewhitehouse@andover.edu 4249 978-749-4854 4409 978-749-4818 4241 978-749-4818 4370 978-749-4833 4222 978-749-4839 4200 978-749-4803 DRAFT - FACULTY - 10-6-11 43 FACULTY Wilkin, Gregory J. Instructor, English Barton House Andover, MA 01810 Elizabeth C. Wilkin gwilkin@andover.edu Wise, Kenneth K. Executive Director, Institute for Recruitment of Teachers 427-B Pond Street Jamaica Plain, MA 02130-3402 kwise@andover.edu Wombwell, Judith T. Instructor, Theatre and Dance Dunbar House Andover, MA 01810 jwombwell@andover.edu Wombwell, Natalie A. Assistant Dean, Admission 4 Morton Street, Apartment B Andover, MA 01810 nwombwell@andover.edu Yao, Fei Instructor, Physics Hayward House Andover, MA 01810 Guang Mei fyao@andover.edu Ysalguez, Marlena L. Academic Skills Specialist Henry L. Stimson - West Andover, MA 01810 mysalguez@andover.edu 4192 978-747-4124 4115 4682 978-475-4269 4218 4370 978-475-6717 4481 978-749-4807 DRAFT - FACULTY - 10-6-11 44 FACULTY Zaeder, S. Thayer Instructor, Art Sabbatical, Fall Term Bishop Hall South Andover, MA 01810 Eva Holm-Andersen tzaeder@andover.edu Zemlin, Therese Y. Instructor, Art 1 Highland Wayside Andover, MA 01810 John Schulz tzemlin@andover.edu Zepeda, Marisa C. Assistant Dean, Admission Draper Hall, Apartment 340 Andover, MA 01810 mzepeda@andover.edu Zhao, Congmin Instructor, Chinese 135 Main Street, # B Andover, MA 01810 Dennis Amirault czhao1@andover.edu 4591 978-749-4938 4592 978-749-0014 4425 978-340-5594 4200
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