Harvest Calendar - Colorado Gardener


Harvest Calendar - Colorado Gardener
Harvest Calendar
Classes, events & Fall Festivals
Many garden centers have great fall sales. A few are listed here. Please check display ads in this issue for more info &
check the websites of your favorite garden centers for more listings of sales, classes & events.
Denver Backyard Composting
Demonstration & Worm Workshops, at
Denver Urban Garden’s Gove Comm. Garden, Aug/
Oct.Various times, must register, 720-865-6810. 13th
Ave & Colorado. Info: recycling at.denvergov.com.
Harlequin’s Gardens Members Fall Plant
sale. 8/24-29. “Pruning for strength, Health
& Beauty” class w/ Mikl Brawner @ 1 pm. sun,
aug.29. Call to reserve space. Harlequin’s
Gardens Sustainable Nursery, 4795 N. 26th St.,
Boulder. 303-939-9403, harlequinsgardens.com
Larimer County ext. Office Food
Preservation Workshops. 8/24: Canning
James, Jellies & More, $25; 8/31: Overcoming
the Fear of Pressure Canning, $25. All 6-8pm.
Pre-reg req. 1525 Blue Spruce Dr, Ft. Collins.
970-498-6000, larimer.org/ext
Monthly Bonsai Workshop at Ft Collins
Nursery, w/ N CO Bonsai Soc. 2nd Sat of month,
1-3pm. FREE! 2121 E. Mulberry, Fort Collins. 970
482-1984, fortcollinsnursery.com
Wed, sept 1
Northern Water’s Landscaping & Watering
How-to series seminar: using less water &
still looking good, 12:30-1:15 p, 220 Water Ave.,
Berthoud. FREE, 970.622.2220 or
registration@ncwcd.org. Info: 970.532.7700,
thurs, sept. 9
51 Ways to use roasted Chillies. Hands-on
cooking, dinner & chiles to take-home. $35. I-25 &
Hampden, Denver. Herbgourmet@aol.com.
tagawa Gardens Classes. 8/28: Late
Blooming Perennials, 10-11am; stretch Your
Container Gardens into Fall & Winter, 121pm; Pruning 101, 1-2pm. 7711 S. Parker Rd.,
Centennial. 303-690-4722, tagawagardens.com.
Mon, sept 11
Growing Gardens Beekeeping Class VII: Fall
& Winter Care Lab, 9am-1pm. Growing Gardens
Greenhouse, 1630 Hawthorn Ave, Boulder.
303-413-7248, growinggardens.org.
sat, aug 28
Naturesweet Best Homegrown tomato
Challenge at arvada King soopers. Bring
your best homegrown tomatoes for a chance
to win $2500 in both large & small tomato
categories. 15200 W 64th Ave, Arvada. Info:
naturesweettomatoes.com or 210-396-3966.
sat & sun, sept 11 &12
CO Dahlia society Denver area show, Tagawa
Garden Center, 7711 S. Parker Rd, Aurora.
303-690-4722 dahlias.net/
sat, aug 28
artFarm: Evening of local art, cocktails, & hors
d’oeuvres in a community garden. West Wash Park
Comm Garden, 2nd & Grant, Denver. dug.org
sun, sept 12
Denver rose society annual rose show,
7:30-9:30am - Entries Accepted 10am-12pm,
Judging 12pm-4:30pm - Open to the public. Denver
Botanic Gardens, Mitchell Hall, 1005 York St.
sat & sun, aug 28 & 29
12th ann Denver Parade of Ponds tour,
Sat 9am-5pm & Sun 11am-5pm (rain or shine).
Denver’s premier pond tour of 40 ponds. Tkts: $15
(children under 15 free) at select garden centers in
Denver. Info: 303-660-5015 or
sun-thurs, sept 12-16
DBG tour of santa Fe & the southwest: Ojo
Caliente, Santa Fe Farmer’s market w/ Deborah
Madison, Earth Ships, Elspeth Bobb’s Garden,
Santa Fe Greenhouses, cooking classes, unique
accommodations.Vegan & other dietary subs avail.
Herbgourmet@aol.com or see trips & tours at
CO Dahlia society. N. CO show, Twin Peaks
Mall, 1250 S Hover Rd, Longmont. 303-651-6454.
Open Dahlia Gardens of CO: early Aug till frost.
George & Dee Colby, 2548 W Stuart St, Ft Collins,
970-493-4978; Arrowhead Dahlias, 404 Elizabeth
Ave, Platteville, 970-7856014; dahlias.net.
sept. 17-19
rocky Mt. society of Botanical artists show
& sale. Join the artists for a reception on Sat,
11am-2pm. Echter’s Garden Center, 52nd Ave. &
Garrison St., Arvada. 303-424-7979; echters.com
aug 21-sept 6
Gamblers Plant sale at Ft Collins Nursery.
Discounts increase as sale goes on! 8/31-9/1: 20%
Off, 9/2-9/3: 30% Off, 9/4-5: 40% Off. Labor Day
50% Off. 2121 E. Mulberry, Fort Collins.
970 482-1984, fortcollinsnursery.com
sat, sept 25
Fall Plant & Bulb sale at Denver Botanic
Gardens. More than 10,000 bulbs, pansies &
unique, garden-grown plants. Members only 8-9am
(10% discount), open to public 9am-2pm. At the
Gardens Amphitheater, 1005 York St, Denver.
botanicgardens.org. To volunteer call 720 865-3565.
sun, aug 29
echters Garden Center august Class,
Preserving Your Harvest- a recipe for making
summer last all winter, 2pm-3pm. 52nd Ave. &
Garrison St., Arvada. 303-424-7979, echters.com
tues, aug 31
Preserving summer’s Bounty, 6-8pm. Cost:
$10, reg. 1 week prior to class. CSU Ext. Off. in
Pueblo, 212 W. 12th St., Ste. 220; 6-9pm; Cost: $15;
To reg: 719-583-6566. http://pueblo.colostate.edu/
Denver Botanic Gardens events & Classes.
10/7: Bonfils-stanton Lecture, “Local Flavors:
Cooking & eating From america’s Farmers
Markets,” w/ Deborah Madison, author & chef,
7pm. 9/11: Putting Your rose Garden to
Bed, 10am. 9/11 & 12: Local Foods Festival at
Chatfield – 50+ vendors, local food orgs, farmers,
FREE! 11am–4pm. 9/21: sustainable Food Film
series: FOOD FIGHt, 7 pm. Food by Chipotle.
FREE! More at botanicgardens.org or
720-865-3580. 1005 York St.
Bath Garden Center Classes, Fort Collins. 9/4:
Fall Wildflower seeding for spring Blooms,
w/ Don Eversoll, 11am; 9/4 & 5: Hoe Down,
11-3. Petting zoo, food, games for kids & beekeeping classes. 2000 E. Prospect.970 484-5022,
echters Garden Center Classes. 9/11:
Planting Fall Bulbs, 9/18: Perennial
Gardening in the Fall, 9/25: Orchids- exotic
But easy. All at 10-11:30am. 52nd Ave. & Garrison
St., Arvada. 303-424-7979; echters.com.
Harlequin’s Gardens Fall Plant sale, open to
all 8/31-9/5, then weekly throughout. sept. 9/11:
Low-tech Greenhouse Design & Operation
class, 1-2:30pm w/ Mikl Brawner ($15). 4795
N. 26th St., Boulder. Info: 303-939-9403 or
12 • Harvest 2010
tagawa Gardens events. 9/4-6: Chili Pepper
Fiesta. 9/18: Bulb Festival. Many more classes!
7711 S. Parker Rd., Centennial. 303-690-4722,
Denver urban Gardens & Denver Parks &
rec for Flourish Celebration! DUG’s 25th
Anniv. & 100th comm. Garden. Groundbreaking
ceremony, local chef’s comp., family picnics, &
concert by Swallow Hill Music. Ruby Hill Park.
FREE. Info: 303.292.9900 or dug.org
rocky Mt african Violet soc. Fall sale, Tagawa
Garden Center, 9am-4pm. Growing african
Violets & other Gesneriads Class, 10am-noon.
7711 S. Parker Rd., Centennial. 303-690-4722,
Denver Botanic Gardens events & Classes.
10/02: sustainable Food Film: What’s on
Your Plate? 11am. FREE! 10/05: Botany for
Gardeners, 6pm. 10/06: Beginning Bonsai,
6pm, Hands-on class. 10/12: Pet-Friendly
Landscaping, 6:30 pm. 10/19: seven Principles
for Water smart Gardening, 5:30pm.
botanicgardens.org or call 720-865-3580. 1005
York St.
echters Garden Center Classes. 10/2:
scarecrow Making Clinic. 10-11:30am, $20/
scarecrow, reserv. req. 10/9: Indoor Fairy
Gardening, 2-4pm, $100 mat. fee, reserv. req.;
10/16: Hydroponic Gardening, 10-11:30am.
52nd Ave. & Garrison St., Arvada. 303-424-7979;
Gardens on spring Creek Classes, Ft Collins.
10/2: Ornamental Vines, 10am-noon. 10/3:
salsa Fresh from the Garden, 1-3pm. Cost
$20 (non-mbr $25). the Garden’s skeleton,
11:30am-12:30pm. Latin-Who Needs It?, 1:303pm; Cost: each class $12 (non-mbr $15). 10/9:
Putting the Garden to Bed, 10-11:30am.
Cost: $12 (non-mbr $15). More at
fcgov.com/horticulture. 970-416-2486
sat, Oct. 2
Growing Gardens sept Beekeeping Class
VIII: Honey Bees Give us More than
Honey, 9am-1pm. Growing Gardens Greenhouse,
1630 Hawthorn Ave, Boulder. 303-413-7248,
tagawa Gardens, Garlic Festival. 7711
S. Parker Rd., Centennial. 303-690-4722,
sat & sun, Oct. 9 & 10
Denver Orchid society show & sale, Denver
Botanic Gardens - Mitchell Hall, Open to public,
Sat 10am-5pm, Sun 10am-4pm. Info:
webmaster@denverorchidsociety.org or
Denver Botanic Gardens events & Classes.
11/02: Obscure edibles for CO Climate,
6:30pm. Explore unique garden crops well-suited
to the short growing season & semi-arid climate of
the Front Range; 11/09 & 16: Plant Names for
Dummies, 6:30pm. More at botanicgardens.org
or call 720-865-3580. 1005 York St.
Sat, Nov. 13
Barn Dance Fundraiser - Feeding Many, dedicated
to fighting hunger in our communities and
educating re growing food. Tickets:$75. Live music,
good food, silent auction. 303-862-4339, 303-9410375, or email Dr.ShirlSmith@FeedingMany.org
sat, Dec 4
sustainable Greenhouse Design, w/ Penn
& Cord Parmenter, 9am-1pm. Denver Botanic
Gardens botanicgardens.org
FaLL HarVest FestIVaLs
sept. 6-Nov. 15
Fall Harvest Festival at Miller Farms, 9-6
daily. Hayrides, harvest your own vegetables
and pumpkin, corn maze, petting zoo. Haunted
Hayride 10/10-10/31, 6:30-10pm; reserv only
Mon-Wed. 9040 Hwy 66, Platteville. 970 785-6133;
sept. 10-Oct 31, Fri, sat & sun
Corn Maze at DBG at Chatfield. 8 acres!
Cost: $10 adults ($8 mbr), $5 child ($4 child mbr).
Fri 4-9pm, Sat 12-9pm, Sun noon-9pm. 10/9 &
10: Pumpkin Festival, 9am-5pm. Tickets – King
Soopers & at the corn maze. 8500 Deer Ck Cyn
Rd, Littleton.
sat & sun, sept. 4-6
89th Windsor Harvest Festival & Garden
show. Home & garden show, family activities,
Harvest parade, arts & crafts, food & concert..
Fri-sun, sept. 10-12
85th arvada Harvest Festival, Over
100 vendors. Garden & Harvest Fair,
parade, contests, carnival, entertainment.
Fri-sun, sept. 16-19
CO Mt. Winefest, Palisade. Vineyard tours,
grape stomps, food & wine pairing, wine sampling,
workshops & more. coloradowinefest.com
sat, sept. 25
Harvest Festival at Gardens on spring Ck Ft
Collins, FREE! sat, Oct. 30:
Halloween enchanted Garden, talking
pumpkin, pond fairies, dancing scarecrows, $2/child.
11am-2pm. 2145 S. Centre Ave. Info: 970-416-2486;
thurs-sun, sept. 23-26
Mt. Harvest Festival, Paonia (organic
farming capital of CO). Food, farm & winery
tours, concerts, agricultural classes & more!
september 27 - October 31
Cottonwood Family Farms Pumpkin Patch,
Boulder. Org. pumpkins & gourds, 1.5 acre cornfield maze, 1906 Case steam tractor & other
farm equipment, animals. FREE. Daily 10am- 6pm.
S.W. Cnr 75th St. & Arapahoe Rd. 720-890-4766.
sat & sun, Oct. 1-31
May Farms, Byers. Corn maze & pumpkin
patch.10am-dusk. Cost: $12 (12 & up), $10 (5 11),
4 & under FREE, Military/Govt ID- $7, Kids $5,
Snr- $7. 303 822-5800, mayfarms.com
sat & sun (thru Oct. 31)
Oct. Pumpkin Festival at rocky Mt.
Pumpkin ranch, Longmont. Carnival, pumpkin
patch, hay maze. 9am-6pm., 9057 Ute Hwy/CO 66.
303-684-0087 http://rockymtnpumpkinranch.com
sat, Oct. 10
Pumpkinfest, featuring Jack-o-Launch at
Delaney Community Farm, aurora. 9am4pm. 170 S. Chambers Rd. http://dug.org
Fall Festival at eaton Grove Nursery. Pickout pumpkins & celebrate harvest! Fall planting
workshops. 35901 WCR 31, Eaton. 970-454-3856.