Welcome from the Headteacher


Welcome from the Headteacher
Welcome from the Headteacher
ith the arrival of the Christmas holidays I
want to thank you once again for your
continued support this term. Despite the
challenges which we face I remain
Monday 5th January 2015
INSET day (except for Year 11)
confident that we are rapidly moving in the right direction,
Tuesday 6th January 2015
INSET day (except for Year 11)
but as ever we are in need of your support to continue to
Wednesday 7th January 2015
INSET day (except for Year 11)
move forward.
I hope that you find our new style Newsletter informative
and I am sure you will agree that it highlights a large
number of the very positive opportunities and activities
Thursday 12th February 2015 Year 11Parents Evening
Friday 13th February 2015
First day of Term 4
Thursday 26th February 2015
Year 8 Core subject
Friday 6th March 2015
Thursday 12th March 2015
Year 9 Core subject
Thursday 19th March 2015
Year 8 & 9 Parents Evening
Thursday 2nd April 2015
Year 9 Key Stage 4
- Parents Evening
that the students and wider school community have been
involved in during the last term.
Christmas is a time when we think about the things that
unite us rather than divide us: family, friendship and
Last day of Term 3
Monday 23rd February 2015
- Parents Evening
Options Evening
Thursday 2nd April 2015
Last day of Term 4
Monday 20th April 2015
First day of Term 5
community. For me Christmas has always been a time to
spend time with those that I hold dear to me. On
Christmas Day, I look forward to being woken early by my
eighteen month old and watching with delight as she
opens her presents and then inevitably spends the rest of
the Christmas holiday playing with the box one of her toys
was packed in! On Boxing Day I will maintain the 30 year
• HBA Winner 2014
tradition of going to watch football with my Dad. I hope,
• UK Maths Challenge Success 2014
like me, that you are able to spend time with those you
love and that together you can make memories to
be cherished.
• Faith and football
• Find out about our Breakfast Club
• Annual Awards Ceremony winners
On behalf of the Governors, staff and students of
Bridgemary School, I would like to extend my best wishes
for the festive season - we hope you have a safe and happy
Christmas, and a successful New Year.
• Bridgemary Football Academy Success
• Operation Cycle Safe
• Engineering visit to CEMAST
• Year 6 pupils enjoy Transition Sessions
Headteacher: Mrs V. White
• 3G Football pitch Update
Wych Lane, Gosport, Hampshire, PO13 0JN
Telephone: 01329 319966
...and much more!
December’s New
Word Millionaires
Millie Edney Year 8
HBA Winner 2014
Chris Bradford has won the Hampshire Book
Award with Hostage
Shaye Gould Year 9
About The Hampshire Book Award
An annual award for the best paperback fiction title
published in the previous year for the 11-14 age group.
The judges of the award are Year 8 students from
participating schools (secondary schools subscribing to the
School Library Service). The students are involved in every
stage of the award, from selection of both the long and
Callie Moore YR8
Tommy Paterson YR9
short lists to the final vote for the winning author.
Many schools participate in regional HBA events during
Year 7 Top Word
Count Readers
the voting period and representatives from all schools are
invited to the final voting and discussion day in June.
Aims of the award
• To promote the enjoyment of reading
• To foster a reading ethos within the school
• To draw attention to the most rewarding and accessible
fiction for the age group
• To challenge students to critically assess books and to
make a reasoned argument in group discussions.
Students who took part in this year’s Hampshire Book
Award were invited to Winchester Guildhall Centre to
Megan Vane and George Buckham
meet the winning author of ‘Bodyguard’, Chris Bradford.
Chris Bradford delivered his action-packed ‘Bodyguard’
show and then signed copies of his books which were on
sale on the day.
In English, we are running an Accelerated reader
When all the totals are combined, certificates are awarded
competition between all Year 7 classes. All pupils are
to first, second and third place classes overall. Currently,
competing to read the most words and pass the most
7b1 are in first place, 7a1 in second and 7b2 in third.
quizzes. Every fortnight, certificates are awarded to the
Teachers of these classes are given certificates to display
pupils who have won in each class. The pupils who have
proudly in their classrooms! These awards are based on
the highest word count and passed the most quizzes in the
averages per pupil per class, so larger classes are not at an
whole year group are awarded with an additional
advantage over smaller classes.
certificate for their outstanding efforts! The current
champions of year 7 are Megan Vane (having read
Through this competition, we have seen a strong desire in
1,964,400 words and passed 32 quizzes) and George
the pupils to keep reading and passing quizzes to add to
Buckham (having read 1,200,812 words and passed 33
their own personal scores and towards the totals of their
quizzes). Massive congratulations to these two pupils -
classes. We hope this element of competition continues to
these are amazing totals!
encourage all pupils to keep reading and advance their
reading skills!
Close behind are Serena Day (817,192 words read), Briony
Finn (519,993 words read) and Charlie Wyatt (477,638
words read). A huge well done to you too!
UK Maths Challenge Success 2014
To build on the success of our students in the Maths
Hazzard, Jack Morse, Leah Goulding and Cameron Moore
department, Bridgemary School will again be entering our
all receiving bronze certificates.
students for the UK Maths Challenge. We will also be
Bridgemary School students in Year 7 achieved 2 silvers in
taking part in the Maths Challenge organised by
this year’s UK Junior Maths Challenge. Over 240,000
Southampton University.
students from across the UK sat the Junior Maths
The UK Mathematics Trust is a registered charity whose
Challenge with roughly the top 6% receiving a gold
aim is to advance the education of young people in
certificate, the next 13% silver and the next 21% bronze.
The High achiever in Yr 7 was Jess Winmill who received a
competitions and other mathematical enrichment activities
silver certificate.
for UK secondary students.
Students in Year 8 took part in the University of
Bridgemary School students in Year 9 achieved 1 gold and
Southampton Mathematics Challenge. Sophie Massey was
5 bronze awards in the UK Intermediate Maths Challenge.
our winning pupil who received a certificate of merit for
her efforts.
200 000 students from across the UK sat the
Intermediate Challenge with roughly the top 6% receiving
a gold certificate, the next 13% silver, the next 21% bronze.
High achievers in Year 9 were: Danielle Potter, who
received a gold certificate, Heaven-Leigh Buckley, Jack
Year 11 Geography students have been out collecting
data for their controlled Assessments this term around
Portsmouth. Students are investigating ‘How positive are
the effects of Gunwharf Quays in Portsmouth’. During
the trip, traffic counts, environmental surveys, Goad
Maps and questionnaires were carried out to find out
who visits Gunwharf Quays and how far they have travelled. Students are now analysing and writing up their reports which make up 25% of their final GCSE grade.
Year 11 revision books have gone home to all Geography
and History students in preparation for their final exams
in May/June 2015. Keep a look out on www.showmyhomework.co.uk for page numbers and test dates to
help get the students prepared!
Year Eights enjoy taste of
History & Food Technology
During the last term History and Food Technology have
joined forces to help Year Eight students to get a greater
understanding of the British Empire. During the topic,
Year Eight have had lessons about the slave trade, the
war with China and how important tea is to the British. In
the last two weeks of term we have been able to use a
recipe to recreate a Christmas pudding that was promoted by the government to encourage people to buy
products from the countries joined with Britain. They
have also had a History lesson to explain why it was so
important to the government that people traded with
the Empire. The Christmas pudding they got to eat as a
result of these lessons was just a bonus.
Bridgemary School Primary Gifted
& Talented School Stars Testing Event
As part of Bridgemary
Their individual scores were
School’s commitment to its
recorded to give a profile of
their physical performance
and will be made available
for each school to keep on
their Gifted and Talented
record for future events.
Here are some quotes from
department and Gosport
the pupils who took part in
School Sport Partnership hosted a Year 5 & 6 School Stars
the School Stars event:
fitness testing session on Thursday 4th December 2014.
Jacob (Woodcot) - “It’s been really good and it’s pushed
me to my limits”.
Rachel (Woodcot) - “The tests challenged me”.
Jamie (Peel Common) - “I really enjoyed the standing long
Jake (Peel Common) - “It’s been quite challenging; the
Each of the six KS2 schools were invited to bring their Top
balance station looked easy but was hard”.
10 G&T students in Sport and Physical Education. Four out
of the six schools attended the event, Bedenham Primary
The pupils that attended the School Stars testing event will
School, Holbrook Primary School, Peel Common Junior
be invited back in the New Year to complete Tier 2 tests
School and Woodcot Primary School. Thirty five pupils
to complete their physical performance profiles.
undertook the testing process delivered by Mr J Batten
Gifted & Talented Coordinator and Bridgemary G&T
Bridgemary School will also be offering G&T sessions for
Years 3 & 4 and KS1 pupils in the spring and summer
For more information about Bridgemarys’ Gifted and
Talented programme please contact....
Each pupil was tested on the following elements of
physical performance:
Power - 500m row & Standing Long Jump
Flexibility - Sit & Reach test
Balance - Stork test
Strength - Hand grip dynamometer
Bridgemary School Year 6 Transition Sessions
As part of Bridgemary School’s Year 6 Transition
Nicholas Nutt - "I enjoyed the variety of creations you
programme for 2014/15, pupils from all 6 cluster schools
could make. The amazing thing was how they listened to
have been invited to attend a series of subject workshops
our problems and helped us make a festive decoration."
and activities this academic year.
Connor Cairns - "I learnt how to sew and now I can make
Subjects currently involved in running workshops and
more at home."
activities are; art, food technology, science, and modern
foreign languages offering activities before the Christmas
Food Technology
In Food Technology the students had the opportunity to
complete a fun filled practical session in order to make
fruity flapjacks. In pairs they worked together to ensure
Art have run a Felt Christmas workshop for Year 5 & 6
pupils. Miss Cairns commented; ‘Students developed their
fine motor skills by learning to create felt Christmas
that they measured out the exact quantities of ingredients
and followed the correct processes as demonstrated by
Miss Cooper and her team.
decorations. The students learned and explored by hand
various stitches such as running stitch, blanket stitch and
laced running stitch. Pupils also took their decorations
home at the end of the workshop.’
Schools that have participated in the Art workshops are:
The students worked tremendously hard showing
exceptional team work skills, good listening skills and
learnt basic weighing and measuring methods.
Miss Cooper commented, “The students should be proud
of themselves at the sensible and safe behaviour they
Grange Junior School - 55 students
Each student got to take their fruity flapjack home to share
Peel Common Junior School – 25 students
with their families. Schools that have participated in the
Holbrook Primary School – 58 students
Food Technology workshops are:
Woodcot Primary School – 52 students
Bedenham Primary School – 31 students
Bedenham Primary School – 18th December
Holbrook Primary School – 27 students
Here are some comments from some the students about
Peel Common Junior School – 25 students
Rowner Junior School – 37 students
Woodcot Primary School – 25 students
Eleanor Braithwaite - "I thought the experience was such
Here are some comments from some the students about
a privilege because we were getting taught an art lesson
their experiences in food technology:
in senior school, whilst we are still in the juniors."
Brigham Young - "When I went to Bridgemary I thought,
'Wow!' because I have never stitched before, so I have
learnt something new."
Evie Ward –“It has a wonderful and fun kitchen to work
Ben Gwalchmai–“I thought it was fun and definitely
Ashten Barr - "Before last week, I was absolutely
Liam – “This is like Masterchef”
diabolical at sewing but now I have learnt how to do a
Kieran – “I’ve never done this before, but it’s amazing”
carpet stitch."
Jess & Eve – “It makes us feel like an adult and mature”
Bridgemary School Year 6 Transition Sessions
Schools that have participated in the Science workshops
Mr Dalwood, Bridgemary science Teacher, delivered a
Bedenham Primary School – 31 students
science lesson that introduced the students to the
Holbrook Primary School – 27 students
following aspects:
Peel Common Junior School – 25 students
Rowner Junior School – 37 students
Safety in the lab
Introduction to, and safe use of, Bunsen burners
Flame Tests – identification of metal ions by their flame
Here are some comments from the students about their
Woodcot Primary School – 25 students
Burning magnesium ribbon
Emily – “It’s a great experience, better than Primary
Lene& Freya – “It was amazing testing all the gun powder;
we want to do it again”
Declan – “The teacher was really funny and kind”
Luke – “It was the best thing ever creating different
Evie Ward –“I thought Bridgemary was hysterical because
I haven't set fire to chemicals/objects”
The ethos of the Bridgemary science department is to
Louis Clancy-Bolland–“I thought it was interesting and fun.
create inquisitive and independent learners whilst ensuring
I learnt lots of stuff”
safety at all times. The activities that the students
undertook in the session allowed them to explore a range
For more details on Bridgemary Schools transition
of metals in different forms and how they reacted to heat.
programme and information for starting School at
The results were quite exciting and you could see the
Bridgemary in September 2015 please contact Mr Sivier
surprise on the students faces with each reaction.
s.sivier@bridgemary.net or 01329 319966 ext. 277
BTEC Level 2 award in Engineering visit to CEMAST
As well as a tour of the new facilities for engineering they
engineering class spent
had a lesson in the Motor Vehicle workshop, where they
the morning at CEMAST
had to investigate the health and safety of the area to
College as part of their
make sure it was a safe environment to work in. This is a
Level 2 award.
large part of their qualification and the students got stuck
in to their task covering every inch of the workshop
compiling a long list of hazards. They also covered fire
evacuation procedures and first aid in the workshop. An
enjoyable time was had by all.
Bridgemary School 3G Pitch Update
“Emma in Community is very helpful and quick to help with
any problems”.
“Gaz & Jamie are top notch. Always helpful”.
To date we have received 100% positive response from
customers stating they would recommend this facility to a
friend or other community users.
Bridgemary School uses the pitch regularly during school
hours to deliver their PE lessons and for competitive school
Bridgemary School has the pleasure in announcing that the
3G in the Curriculum
new 3rd Generation artificial pitch is now open to the
Since the opening of the 3G we have been able to offer a
wider community.
wider curriculum for the students in core and GCSE PE.
The introduction of hockey has occurred, exposing our
The installation of the new full-size, floodlit, 3G pitch will
students to a sport they might not have accessed before.
ensure that the school and local community can deliver
Alongside this, our community links have grown from
competitive fixtures twelve months of the year. This facility
strength to strength such as offering students a chance to
provides Gosport with a state of the art training area and
take part in our football academy and other leadership
a fantastic teaching & learning environment.
opportunities through the means of football. In addition,
when the weather has not been desirable we have still
The new facility cost approximately £650,000 which was
been able to deliver high quality PE by accessing sports
funded through the Football Foundation and Sport
such as rugby and ultimate Frisbee on the 3G area.
England Inspired Facilities Legacy grant.
Rugby for all
The full size pitch offers 11-a-side, 9-a-side and 7-a-side
Why not give rugby a go, drills, skill and fun filled rugby
versions of the game. We can also offer special match hire
orientated games, delivered by a RFU licensed level 2
fees for all teams using the 3G pitch for 11v11 games.
coach. Boys and Girls from years 7, 8 and 9 welcome, every
Floodlights are also available for flexible kick off times.
Friday 15.15 – 16.15pm in the gym.
Our 3G Synthetic Pitch has been classed as a FIFA 1 Star
Ultimate Frisbee
Pitch. The FIFA Recommended 1 Star is mainly for
On the 30th November 6 current students and 3 former
recreational, community and municipal use; the certificate
students competed in the Ultimate Frisbee U20s Indoor
allows all local leagues to play their accredited and
Nationals and placed 8th out of 16 teams in the country.
associated football matches fixtures on our surface.
They won over 50% of their games and showed some
outstanding sportsmanship in the process. The school
Community & School Use
would like to congratulate the following students; Faith
There are a 13 community clubs accessing the facility to
Chalton and Louanne Sprigg (Year 8), Olivia Hillan, Amy
hold their training sessions and fixtures. We have recently
Cooper, Amy-Lea Clarke and Deanna Young (Year 10) and
undertaken a customer satisfaction survey and this is some
Natasha Callen, Amber Cottrell and Megan Campbell.
of the feedback we’ve received regarding the 3G pitch and
customer support provided;
Bridgemary School 3G Pitch Update
Gosport Primary School Football Association
Bridgemary School also supports the Gosport Primary School
Football Association by hosting their Y5/6 league matches on a
Tuesday and Wednesday from 3:30pm – 5:00pm. Schools involved
in the league can book out one of three 7-a-side pitches on these
days, for free, to fulfill their league matches, rather than cancel due
to waterlogged school fields. To date we have had 13 School
matches played on the pitch.
line and a good shot cleared the keeper to make it 2-0.
The Hampshire boys will now concentrate on the SouthWest Competition to win their honours this season.
Thank you to Hampshire Schools FA for this report and
utilising our new facility.
HSFA U16 Boys V Essex (ESFA County Championships)
Gosport Vs Havant 8 - 2
On the 15th November 2014, Bridgemary School hosted
U14 Boys HSFA Inter-Association Mayes League
the HSFA U16 Boys Vs Essex Championships.
Gosport and Fareham Schools got off to a tough start with
a Goalkeeper breaking his thumb in the warm up, they
The HSFA U16 boys learnt a hard lesson, in that you must
then conceded two goals in quick concession. Gosport got
put away your chances.
Both teams played some
into their rhythm and scored five goals before half time.
excellent, entertaining football to delight their supporters.
They dominated the second half and seeing out the game
Hampshire created several good scoring opportunities but
8-2. The Gosport striker Bradley Lethbridge (Brune Park
failed to convert any of them. Early in the second half,
Student) grabbing 6 goals for himself.
Essex did take one of their half chances which could allow
them to sit back on their lead. Hampshire found the going
harder but still had their chances. In the closing couple of
minutes, Essex broke quickly, spotted the keeper off his
Bridgemary School 3G Pitch Update
Bridgemary Football Academy Students run School
Games Level 2 Girls Football festival
• The course on the 3G was a very big success.
• The feedback from all the children stated that being on
a 3G pitch made it more enjoyable and easier to play
football on.
• Some children liked it because they knew that they
wouldn’t, or their kit wouldn’t get dirty.
• The size of the pitch made it easier to fit more players
and more groups on.
• Also having ample amount of goals was a better
7 students from the Bridgemary Football Academy
experience for the players that attended the course.
supported the GSSP School Games (Level 2) Girls Football
• Phil Moody, Chelsea FC Foundation Hampshire
competition on Tuesday 9th December 2014.
Development coach: “It was a great soccer school for us,
The competition was open to pupils in Years 5&6 from
as we had a good amount of children sign up for this. A
schools across Gosport at took place on the new state of
main influence for this was because of the venue.”
the art 3G pitch at Bridgemary School.
Six teams (46 pupils) played in a round robin tournament,
Dates for your Diary
which was run by the Football Academy students.
This festival was the first of two pre-competitions prior to
the GSSP Girls Football final in April 2015.
Description: Bridgemary Schools Y5/6 Football Cup
Dates for your Diary
Date: 22nd June 2015
Timings: 9:30am – 2:30pm
Soccer School report from Bridgemary School:
Year Groups: Year 5/6
• We had 68 children attend the Soccer school at
Facilities: 3G pitch
Bridgemary during the October school holidays
Description: Bridgemary Community Football Cup
• These bookings were from local school children
• We also had bookings Gosport FC and Gosport
Borough FC.
Date: Saturday 16th May 2015
Year Groups: U11 (Year 5/6)
** Aimed at Community U11 teams local clubs across
• The age range of the children who attended were
Gosport and Fareham
between 5 years old and 12 years old
Facilities: 3G pitch
• The players were both boys and girls and of all mixed
Year 11 Students prepare for their exams with extra
revision sessions
Every Wednesday after school, year 11 students have been
invited back after school for extra revision sessions. These have
proved to be extremely helpful with consolidating students
learning and understanding, whilst preparing them for their
exams next year.
In September, two groups of year 11 students were taken to
Paultons Park to learn about Energy and Energy transfer to
introduce a new topic.
For Christmas, all Key Stage 3 students took part in an activity where they had to research and find out about an
alternative Christmas dinner. Instead of the traditional turkey dinner, students devised a menu made from insects
and bugs!
Year 11 Philosophy
and Ethics
Year 11 Philosophy and Ethics recently had the opportunity
to work with the charity, Explore. Within the workshop
sessions they had the chance to meet and quiz two married
couples about their relationships and here is some of the
feedback from year 11 students:
Things they discovered from the session
That marriage is a lot different than what social media
shows it to be.
That marriage requires a lot of planning and time to
make sure people are compatible. You have to
What difference might today’s session make to you?
communicate with everything.
Relationships can last a while with trust.
How long a marriage can last and remain strong.
How religion changes marriage and relationships.
That talking about everything makes a great, positive
Greater understanding of marriage and relationships.
The way I view marriage and commitment.
If you really love someone you can make things work.
That if you really want something, wait for it.
To wait until it is the right person.
CABLE supports Woodcot
Primary’s J-Rock Group
CABLE is pleased to announce their continued support of
Ms Hare comments; “We particularly liked that the children
Woodcot Primary School’s J-Rock group for the second
will be involved with Splodge Designs, it’s not all about the
year running.
performance! We felt this involvement in set and prop
CABLE stands for Community Achievement in Bridgemary
through Learning and Enterprise and is a registered charity.
The aims of the group are:
design will enable and encourage more children within the
school to become involved”.
The CABLE trustees felt that this application met the
• To raise funds to support projects to the benefit of
Bridgemary School and the local community
CABLE charity’s aims and would provide the pupils of
Woodcot that opportunity to take responsibility for their
• To support and promote Bridgemary School’s aims and
own learning through a fun and diverse activity.
If you are a local group who would like to apply for funding
• To support and encourage links between Bridgemary
School and the wider community and businesses.
for a project, please get in touch as we may be able to
CABLE is supported by the Bridgemary Car Boot Sale.
J-Rock organiser Ms S Hare comments; “We were
extremely grateful for the support CABLE offered us last
year, it would have been a real challenge for us to create
information and contact Emma MacNally, CABLE
Secretary, Bridgemary School, Wych Lane, Gosport, PO13
the J-Rock legacy at Woodcot without your support”.
Ms Hare applied to CABLE for funding to support the
second year of the J-Rock programme. The funding
requested will pay for a local independent company called
‘Splodge Designs’ to run a workshop for the J-Rock group
to support the creation of props and scenery for their 2015
Rock Challenge performance.
Star Dancers
KS3 Dance Company
Within the Dance Department one student within each
We will be looking for new dancers to join the KS3 Dance
year group is identified every half term as a Star Dancer
Company after the Christmas holidays so that the company
for a variety of different reasons. Congratulations to the
can expand in numbers as well as talent. If you are in year
following students for being identified as a star dancer in
7,8 or 9 and would like to join the dance company please
the last two half terms.
see Mrs Hayward. Students with natural dance ability will
be identified in lessons and you will receive an invitation
to attend from Mrs Hayward. The dance company
Autumn term 1
Autumn Term 2
Year 7 - Charlie Wyatt
Year 7 - Darcy Martin
Year 8 - Luke Tunstall
Year 8 - Jess Winmill
Year 9 - Kyra Creese
Year 9 - Jake Fazackerley
Year 11 - Rachel Farley
Year 11 - Tia Joyce
rehearses every Thursday from 3.15pm-4.30pm.
Mrs Hayward
Head of Dance
Thursday 9th October was Portsmouth University’s ‘Star Student’ event for all
of our Year 7 students. They took part in a fun but educational team building
event where all students work together in teams to play the star student game.
Students are given information about what qualifications mean to them, the
different qualifications they can study and how the levels work from School to
College to University. They are then quizzed and the team with the most right
questions win a certificate and reward points in their planner. It is fair to say
a great day was had by all and as can be seen in the pictures.
Mrs Tume
TEAM SIXTEEN is a new intra-school football programme
teams. However teams are still able to enter and compete
developed by The Football Association. Bridgemary has
and receive prizes for; Girls Winning Team, Boys Winning
provided opportunities for boys and girls of all year
Team, Top Goalscorer and Player of the Match awards.
Bridgemary Football Academy students; Reegan Winmill,
TEAM SIXTEEN aims to engage Bridgemary students who
George Stanton, Harry Wilkes, Jack Hazzard, Amy Cooper,
are not likely to participate in sporting activities outside of
Lauren Algar and Cerys Dodds have been successful
regular Physical Education lessons – it’s a great way to give
promoting the initiative and are currently organising,
an opportunity to play football for boys and girls who are
officiating and scoring the Boys and Girls Tournaments.
not necessarily part of the school teams.
We currently have eight boys’ teams entered and four girls’
Woodcot Primary School
Music Outreach Article
have been learning about Roald Dahl and his stories, so
the class have used this opportunity to learn how to sing
‘I’ve Got a Golden ticket’ from Charlie and the Chocolate
Factory. The Year 4s have been studying the Romans, so
the class have been learning a Bossa Nova style titled “Just
Like A Roman”. The children have found this very fun to
learn including actions and signs.
Mr Lenk went on to comment, “On the whole, I have been
very impressed with the progress the students have made
so far, and with their willingness and excitement to learn
music. This term we are continuing to add rhythms and
notes to our repertoire learn new challenging pieces, and
will even be composing our own songs! I look forward to
Bridgemary School delivers an outreach programme to
Here are some quotes from the pupils that have benefited
support its local cluster schools providing highly-skilled and
from Mr Lenk’s teaching:
qualified teachers to support Primary staff plan and deliver
high-quality lessons in a range of subjects.
“I have learned how to clap to the different tunes to keep
Mr Lenk has been supporting Woodcot Primary School
me in time with the music”
deliver music lessons to pupils in Years 3 & 4 over the
“My favourite part of the music lessons was singing with
autumn term and will be supporting Years 5 & 6 in the
Mr Lenk”
spring term and finally Years 1 & 2 in the summer.
“I have learnt lots of different notes and to clap rhythms
Mr Lenk said “The experience has been rewarding and fun
“I now know that there are 4 beats in a bar”
for me as I hope it has been for the students. With both
“My favourite part was having all the instruments out to
year groups we have been developing a solid rhythmic
learn with them.”
foundation through learning, how to read and write
musical notes, and performing these rhythms through
One of the class teachers who benefited from having Mr
clapping and using percussion instruments. After just one
Lenk support in her class commented; “Mr Lenk is
half term, students are now able to compose their own
absolutely brilliant! He's very patient but firm with the
rhythms, write the music down, and perform their
children. He is an excellent motivator. He is very
masterpieces in small groups. Most students have even
knowledgeable. I really enjoy music lessons now and so
been able to link beats and rhythms to their mathematical
do my class”.
fraction and percentage equivalents”.
For more details on Bridgemary School’s outreach
In addition to developing their rhythmic skills, students
programme and information for starting School at
have been singing! Students have talked about correct
Bridgemary in September 2015 please contact Mr Sivier
posture whilst singing, and how to produce a good tone.
s.sivier@bridgemary.net or 01329 319966 ext. 277
Students now know their Do Re Mis, and how to sing these
using hand symbols representing the notes. The Year 3s
ollowing our recent Ofsted report, as I explained
to those parents who attended our Parent Forum
on Wednesday 19th November, in order to make
significant improvements in teaching it is essential
that we provide additional staff training. This training will
be delivered by the Specialist Schools and Academies Trust
Monday 5th January 2015
INSET day (except for Year 11)
Tuesday 6th January 2015
INSET day (except for Year 11)
Wednesday 7th January 2015
INSET day (except for Year 11)
during four additional INSET days during the spring term.
Thursday 12th February 2015 Year 11Parents Evening
These will take place on:
Friday 13th February 2015
Last day of Term 3
Monday 23rd February 2015
First day of Term 4
Thursday 26th February 2015
Year 8 Core subject
Friday 6th March 2015
Thursday 12th March 2015
Year 9 Core subject
Thursday 19th March 2015
Year 8 & 9 Parents Evening
Thursday 2nd April 2015
Year 9 Key Stage 4
decision to take these additional days lightly. However, this
Thursday 2nd April 2015
Last day of Term 4
will not affect Year 11 students who will be in school sitting
Monday 20th April 2015
First day of Term 5
• Monday 5th January 2015
• Tuesday 6th January 2015
- Parents Evening
• Wednesday 7th January 2015
• Friday 6th March 2015
- Parents Evening
I understand the frustration that this may cause some
parents, but please be assured that I have not taken the
Options Evening
their mock GCSE examinations. All students will be
expected to be in full school uniform to sit their exams. A
mock examination timetable will be given to all Year 11
students and posted on the website in the next week.
For parents whom this will cause childcare problems, we
are able to provide an activity based programme for a
limited number of students from 9.00 am until 3.00 pm on
Tuesday 6th and Wednesday 7th. If you would like to use
this facility, please telephone school reception on 01329
319966 by 3.00 pm on Monday 15th December to secure
a place.
This term finishes on Friday 19th December at 1.30 pm
following our Christmas lunch.
We look forward to welcoming Year 11 students back in
school on Monday 5th January and Years 7 - 10 on Thursday
8th January 2015 at 8.30 am.
Headteacher: Mrs V. White
See Page 28 for
Bridgemary School offer the
PowerHour Club is FREE and runs
breakfast club to all our
Monday – Thursday 3pm – 4pm in
students Monday to Friday
the LRC. This is for all of our
(7:15am – 8:25am). This
service is fully subsidised by
homework study, read or just chill
the School and is FREE to all
out with friends. We offer all
our students. We hope to
attendees a drink, biscuit and
fruit. During this time the laptops
and computers are available to
use. Staff are also available to support our students with
Breakfast Club by providing them with a healthy breakfast
their homework.
as we know that it encourages them to be at school
(attendance) and we hope to see an improvement in their
Homework club is a valuable opportunity for all our
learning, behaviour, self esteem and general well-being.
students to make every minute count towards their
academic progress.
Bridgemary's motto is Fit 4 Life, as a School we believe in
a healthy body and healthy mind; by encouraging students
Start and finish your day in a relaxed environment with a
to eat a healthier balanced diet we hope to improve their
listening ear available.
physical fitness and mental health. The club provides
students with a positive school environment at the start of
For the Autumn Term there have been 225 students
the day and has helped previous students improve
attending PowerHour Club.
For more information please contact Scott Sivier on 01329
The Club has also helped improved individuals perceptions
319966 ext 277 or email s.sivier@bridgemary.net
of school who were school phobic and prone to truanting.
Students can make friendships and have contact with
School Staff who provide secure and trusting non-teacher
based relationships. Through the warm supportive ethos
of the Club, we hope to reduce persistent lateness and
The breakfast club doesn’t only offer a healthy breakfast,
students are also offered the chance to socialise with their
peers, have an opportunity to work in a suitable
environment where they can do their homework, play
board games and offered educational advice with key
health messages.
Over the Autumn Term we have had 133 students attend
Breakfast Club on a regular basis.
Keep Calm and do
that homework!
“Enterprising women
conference” at the
University of Chichester
On 19th November a group of Year 10 female students
question and answer session to all of the professionals.
were taken to The University of Chichester for their
Below are a few quotes from the students who attended;
‘Enterprising Women Conference’.
‘I have the ability to do more than I thought’
This was a great
opportunity to gain inspiration from some very successful
‘The best thing I learnt was about managing a business in
business women who were there to share their success,
finance, marketing and accountancy’
explain how they got to their chosen career and the
‘To not let anything stand in the way of your career path’
challenges they faced and how they overcame them. The
‘To do what you enjoy’
day consisted of small group work with a selected business
woman for question and answer sessions and then the
students answered questions about themselves and their
personality, to see the type of area they may like to work
in and give them some ideas. The day finished with a
Last year saw the launch of Faith and Football at Bridgemay. This was an exciting
opportunity open to Year 9 to take part in an enterprise challenge which is run by
associates of Portsmouth Football Club.
The challenge was for these students to create a company made up of teams of
4-6. They had to plan and develop a trading business over a 4 month period.
The proceeds of this business went to a charity in India. Regular weekly meetings
were held and students had the opportunity to trade at Cascades Shopping
Centre in Portsmouth for the day.
This year, Faith and Football has
been re-launched in school and the
next generation of entrepreneurs
has begun with 9 groups attending
regular meetings ready to start their
journey of the 2015 Faith and
Football enterprise challenge.
This year saw the introduction of a new rewards system to
ensure that students are recognised and praised for their
positive contributions to the School community and to
help motivate them in their own personal learning.
Students earn ‘Merits’ to go into their SIMS account, the
more they earn, the more they can collect in rewards.
The following students were the first to earn 100 Merits (all
received a Go Karting Voucher):
Luke Tunstall
Shaneann Ahtack
Hailie Wills
Ervin Reji
Harrison Green
Josh McBride
Chloe Bartlett (pictured)
Sasha Dempsey (pictured)
Well Done!
Keep earning
those Merits!
Bonus 40 Cinema Lesson – as an extra incentive we ran a
competition to challenge students to earn 40 Merits in four
weeks. The prize was a ‘Cinema Lesson’, so instead of
going to their normal lesson for a period they got to watch
a movie in the hall! Over 200 students were eligible for this
reward and on the 12th December they settled down to
Bridgemary School Annual Awards Ceremony
Bridgemary School held its Annual School Awards Evening
Music Progress
on Thursday 11th December 2014. The ceremony was
Modern Foreign
Languages Progress
attended by Paralympian Steve Brown who presented the
Aimi Rudd
Jack Hazzard
winning students with their awards.
Layla Payne
Layla Payne
Emma Pook
Vicky Osborne
This year’s ceremony focused on rewarding past and
Tom Nash
Beth Brown
present students for their achievements across all the
Shaun Upton
Jack Breed
subjects taught at Bridgemary School:
Rising Star Awards – awarded to six new Year 7 students
Commitment to Learning Awards – awarded to students
for making the most progress in their first term at
that had been nominated by departments to commend
Bridgemary School.
them for demonstrating outstanding commitment to
Serena Day
George Buckham
Academic Progress Awards - awarded to students who
Harvey Ayling
have demonstrated outstanding academic progress.
Megan Vane
Ellie Scott
English Progress
Maths Progress
Leah Allen
Jess Winmill
Louise Warner
Layla Payne
Josh McBride
Jack Hazzard
Layla Payne
George Hancock
Beth Carter
Briar Leary
Science Progress
Humanities Progress
Louise Warner
Kelsie Stevenson
Kirsty Ross
Louise Richards
Robert Warner
Luke Tunstall
Thomas Miller
Jackson Doyle
Bridgemary Award for English – awarded to a student
Alisha Bartholomew
Alisha Bartholomew
who has shown creativity and flair in their writing.
Chloe Bartlett
Awarded to Ellisha Pateman-Foster
PE Progress
Dance Progress
Louis Cadden
Michaela Gregory
Hannah Childs
Toni Russell
Hannah Burns
Sophie Cooledge
Grace Williams
Yolanda Lancaster
Crystal Frampton
Rachel Farley
Drama Progress
Art and Technology Progress
Lewis Walker
Luke Tunstall
Lucy Sheppard
Shannon Janes
Bridgemary Award for Science – awarded to a student
Caitlin Elliot
Jessica Smith
who has shown excellent subject knowledge and
Peter Winter
Beth Toon
application within all aspects of Science.
Adam Tune
Chelsea Rusell
Awarded to Sam Taylor
Bridgemary School Annual Awards Ceremony
Judy Smallbone Award
Bridgemary Award for Drama – awarded to a student
for Physical Education –
that has shown high levels of technical skills and
awarded to a student who
confidence when performing, combined with high levels
has shown outstanding
of subject knowledge within Drama.
commitment, dedication
Awarded to Kieron Duffield
Bridgemary Award for
and attainment levels in
awarded to a student who
Languages –
has shown confidence
excellent leadership skills
Bridgemary Award for
within lesions and has
History – awarded to a
achieved a high level of
attainment in MFL.
Awarded to Lauren Lee
demonstrated excellent
Bridgemary Award for
Engineering – award to a
student who has shown
real potential to succeed
Awarded to Brian Rudd
Bridgemary Award for Geography – awarded to a
student who has shown a high level of attainment,
commitment and dedication to Geography.
Awarded to Michaela Gregor
Enlightenment Award for Philosophy and Ethics –
Bridgemary Award for Art & Design – awarded to a
awarded to a student who has shown dedication,
student who has shown outstanding commitment to
commitment and high level of attainment in studying
Philosophy and Ethics.
Awarded to Laura Fletcher
Awarded to Daisy Hill
Bridgemary Award for Music – awarded to a student who
Nadia Wearne Award
has shown commitment, enthusiasm and high levels of
for Dance – awarded to a
subject knowledge in Music.
student who has shown
Awarded to Simon St John
outstanding commitment
to Dance.
Ron Taylor Award for Mathematics – awarded to a
Awarded to Lily Jones
student who has shown aptitude, knowledge and
dedication to Mathematics.
Awarded to Samuel Wroe
Bridgemary School Annual
Awards Ceremony
Houses Update
After Hawk were Triumphant in the Sports Day before the
Bridgemary Award for
awarded to a student who
has demonstrated a high
Awarded to Briar Leary
summer, Eagle and Falcon house had a lot to prove in the
first House Cup of the Year...the Literacy House Cup.
Falcon house started very strongly led by their House
Captains Jess Coleman and Caprice Dawkins, inspired by
Miss McClarnon’s competitive streak! A plot was formed
and to ensure they got maximum points in the ‘Get Caught
Reading’ competition they organised a secret Falcon
Bridgemary Award for Sociology – awarded to a student
who has demonstrated the ability to confidentially debate
sociological issues and who has been dedicated and driven
to achieve their potential in Sociology.
Awarded to Ella Gosling
The Governors Award for Outstanding Achievement –
awarded to the highest attaining student.
This cunning plan put them in front for a few weeks but
they were soon caught up by the mighty Eagles who read
their way to victory!
Awarded to Briar Leary
Total Number of Words
Literacy House Cup
overall positions...
The Donald Pryce Pride of Bridgemary Award –
awarded to a student who has not only achieved
demonstrated strong personal qualities that have inspired
other students and who has had a positive impact in the
school and the wider community.
Awarded to Michaela Gregory
Well done Eagle House!
Watch this space for the next House competition in the
New Year...
Bridgemary School held their Remembrance Service on
part in the two minute silence before Mrs Pryce laid a
Tuesday 11th November 2014 to remember a former
wreath next to the memorial for Donald.
Bridgemary student – Donald Pryce, who lost his life in the
Falklands War in 1982. Donald Pryce died at the age of
Students from Bridgemary School that are members of
26 years old when his ship The Atlantic Conveyer was sunk
cadet associations were invited to wear their uniforms on
by enemy action on the 23rd May 1982. His body was
the day, and had the opportunity to listen to Alan recall his
buried at sea. As he has no known grave, Bridgemary
personal memories of Donald Pryce.
School have had a bench and commemorative plaque
dedicated to Donald, which his parents visit every year on
Remembrance Day.
Donald left Bridgemary School at the age of 16 to follow
his Dad’s footsteps in a Fleet Air Arm career. His bench and
plaque act as a permanent reminder to those that use it of
a young man who enjoyed his school life and his foray into
adulthood with zest, passion and an appetite for
The service was attended by Donald’s parents, Mr
& Mrs Pryce and a former friend and colleague of
Donald Pryce, Mr Alan Roberts.
The service took place in the Learning Resource
Centre, where Mr Roberts read the poem For the
Fallen by Laurence Binyon. The whole school took
Bridgemary School are excited to announce that
the PE Department are taking 28 students on a
Skiing and Snowboarding Trip to Courmayeur,
Italy in April, 2015. Courmayeur boasts 100
kilometres of exciting downhill runs, from easy
to challenging and accommodates all abilities.
The trip comprises of six full days on Mont Blanc
and students have pre-selected whether they
would like to learn to ski or snowboard.
Students have also been invited to a Pre-Ski
Fitness Club at Bridgemary to ensure all
students are physically prepared for the
demands of skiing/snowboarding.
Students will be staying in Hotel Telecabine
which offers a full après-ski programme for
students to enjoy after an exhausting day on the
Bridgemary School are once again taking
fourteen students to the National Indoor Arena,
Birmingham to watch the British Basketball
League Cup Final 2015.
The students get to watch the Women’s British
Basketball Cup Final, a BBL Slam Dunk contest
and then the BBL Cup Final itself.
All students going on the trip have shown
excellent enthusiasm and effort in representing
throughout the year.
facility to access higher ability reading materials. The
Football Hat!
students used this time to discover what they can get
working on a project in Art and
access to in their local area. The students also came up
with a great idea which will be starting shortly!
Technology titled ‘Celebrity’.
WOW! Bridgemary Artists.
Year 11s have been working hard
Hammund created a football
on their final pieces for their
hat! A very creative entry, well
controlled assessment project
done Ja’Kai!
‘Architecture’. Students who stay
to afterschool art workshops had
the opportunity to work on
Year 10 Resistant Materials
pieces that are 5ft by 7ft! I hope
Year 10 Resistant Materials have
you agree that not only was this very ambitious but their
completed their first mini project.
hard work has paid off! Well done Jessica Coleman,
They had to design and create a
Bethany Toon and Chelsea Russell! There will be a Year 11
coat hook based on comics. The
exhibition of some of the students work later in the year.
different types of manufactured woods and have
developed their skills in using a coping saw and the electric
Arts Award
sander. As you can see the final pieces are fantastic and
Well done to Chelsea
are now on display and ready to hang up their blazers!
Russell, Beth Toon, Ben
Year 9 Master Class at
Southampton University
Sellwood, Beth Brown,
Billie Gander, Megan
Year 9 Able, Gifted and Talented
Jones, Courtney Hamblett and Peter Winter for achieving
students were invited to attend a
their Bronze Arts Award. A massive congratulation to Jess
Master class workshop at The
Coleman and Jess Bamforth who achieved their Bronze
and Silver Arts Award. The students completed their work
Students started the day with a
afterschool and had the opportunity to work with Artists
talk from the guest speaker and
and the Explosion Museum in Gosport.
then were decided into two groups to attend a University
Lecture. Some went to a Geography lecture and the others
to an Oceanography lecture, both were really fascinating!
Christmas Card Competition
Students then had to produce a presentation about Higher
Education and the different pathways and qualification
they could have to apply to University.
Bridgemary Able
There were 25 entries in total which made for very hard
Bridgemary Able Readers were
judging, so a massive well done to you all. A big well done
invited to attend their local library
to Brooke Attwood, Hannah Childs and Ebony Reed for
so they can use their local library
getting their Christmas Card designs through to the next
Bridgemary Students compete at Hampshire Indoor
Rowing Competition
Eight students from Bridgemary School were chosen to
represent Gosport at the Hampshire School Games Level
3 Indoor Rowing competition on Thursday 11th December
2014 at Barton Peveril College.
The students from Year 7 & 8 were chosen as they had
achieved the best indoor rowing results for their year
group as part of the school’s indoor rowing programme.
Shaneann Ahtack was our Year 8 girl competitor in the
For all eight students, this was their first experience of
Gosport team. Her target distance was 750 metres in 3
competing in a School Games Level 3 event and they were
minutes. She achieved 693 metres and finished 3rd in her
full of nervous energy and excitement.
The first race of the competition was the Year 7 boys’
heats. Bridgemary had three Year 7 boys competing in this
event Brandon Collins, Joshua Leatherbarrow and Ray
Bowring. Each Year group has a set time and target
distance to achieve. For the Year 7 boys their target
distance was 510m in 2 minutes. Here are their results for
their heats:
The full results from the competition have yet to be
published but the team should feel a sense of
accomplishment for their own personally achievements in
their heats, as many of them improved upon their distances
at the County event.
Brandon Collins – 451 metres (4th in his heat)
Ray Bowring – 459 metres (2nd in his heat)
The Year 7 girls race we had 4 students competing; Ellie
Barton, Elisha Parnham, Liberty Kappa and Sasha
Dempsey. Their target distance was 490m in 2 minutes.
Here are the girls’ results:
Elisha Parnham – 438 metres (3rd in her heat)
Sasha Dempsey – 433 metres (4th in her heat)
Ellie Barton – 410 metres (6th in her heat)
Liberty Kappa – 453 metres (3rd in her heat)
Bridgemary School hosts
Tchoukball Satellite Club
Bridgemary School and the Gosport
On the day of the match the Gosport team were still
School Sport Partnership have been
getting to grips with the rules prior to the game starting.
successful in applying for satellite
Fareham Rhinos’ coach Ed attended on the night to
club funding to run a community
support the team and pass on his experience of the game,
Tchoukball club on school site for
which helped the Gosport Rhinos team prepare.
young people aged 11 – 19 years
Fareham Rhinos started the match quickly and strongly
scoring a quick couple of points within the first few
The Satellite Clubs initiative is funded by Sport England
between 2013-16 through a combination of opening
determination and team work to get some points on the
access to education site facilities and utilising skills and
board after the 1st third of the match. The score after the
experience within sports clubs. The initiative seeks to
1st third was 10-3 to Fareham Rhinos. The 2nd third started
provide new sporting opportunities to people aged 11-25
much better for Gosport after successfully scoring 7 points
in a row to bring the game back to 10-10.
The aim of the programme is to ensure that every
Fareham Rhinos led the
secondary school and sixth form college in Hampshire is
game 14-13 at the end of the
made an offer of a satellite club by 2016.
2nd third. During the final
Bridgemary School hosts the Gosport Rhinos Tchoukball
third of the game both teams
club on a Tuesday night from 6pm—7pm every week
were determined and put out
throughout the year. The sessions are run by two local
strong performances, which
coaches and supported by coaches from hub club Fareham
meant the game was end to
end with both teams wanting the win. With Ben Perrin
The club is looking to engage more young people in taking
up the sport of Tchoukball, which is open to boys and girls
aged 11 – 19 years old. To get involved or find out more
about the sessions please contact the coaches Garath Plow
or Jamie Hall for more information.
linking the play up within the middle, Gosport managed
to score another couple of points. At this point it looked
like Gosport may have got the win. With Fareham Rhinos’
determination, team work and good decision making, they
managed to win 20-19.
Great points were scored by Stephen Smith, Jaka’i
Gosport Rhinos host match
Humunda, Harry Johnson, and Ethan Beesley throughout
against hub club Fareham
the match. This was a great game to watch and to also play
in for the players. Everyone enjoyed the game and the
competitive experience meant that the team developed
their understanding of the game further.
On the 11th November 2014 newly
formed Gosport Tchoukball club
Massive thank you to Fareham Rhinos for giving Gosport
took on their hub club Fareham
Rhinos Tchoukball club the chance to play their first
Rhinos in a friendly tchoukball game at Bridgemary School.
competitive match and all of their support.
This was Gosport Rhinos’ first competitive match since the
Another match versus the two clubs is being organised for
club formed in September 2014 and the players had only
December 2014 and will become a regular event between
been receiving coaching and learning the skills for 10
the two clubs.
Cycle Safe
As a direct result of a massive increase in cycle thefts across
containing UV markers, stickers and information regarding
Gosport the Local Police have launched Operation Cycle
the registration of property on- line with Immobilise (which
can be done by officers at the time). They have also
approached local cycle businesses in the hope that they
This is being led by PC Celine Bowen, PCSO Gemma
will be in a position to source and sell high quality locks at
Broster and PCSO Jamie Lewis. It has been found that
affordable prices. The team and PC Bowen very much look
many cycle thefts have been carried out as a direct result
forward to working with Bridgemary School to help reduce
of complacency by owners in respect of security.
cycle crime in Gosport. They will also be delivering
Bridgemary School and PC Bowen hope that, through
assemblies to all year groups in the New Year following
raising awareness and offering security advice, the number
consultation with the school. If, in the meantime, you wish
of thefts within the area will be drastically reduced. At
to speak with the team about any matters relating to
present, Gosport is statistically the third hardest hit town
Operation Cycle Safe, please do not hesitate to contact
in the UK for this type of crime.
PC Bowen via email at
It is PC Bowen’s intention to hold several events across
Gosport immediately after Christmas promoting cycle
security. These events will entail the issuing of free packs
Bridgemary Football Academy Students team up with Gosport School Sports Partnership
Twenty five Year 10 Bridgemary students were successful
Students are currently completing voluntary work around
in applying to participate in the Bridgemary Football
the community; assisting FA Skills sessions at Crofton
Academy. The Football Academy uses football as a tool for
School, leading football training activities at Woodcot
wider learning. Students have been introduced to a
Primary School and organising a Girls Football festival for
number of roles, including: leading football activity
local primary schools hosted at Bridgemary School.
sessions, refereeing small-sided games, managing smallsided teams and contributing to the organisation and
The Gosport School Sports Partnership have kindly funded
delivery of a football festival for younger people.
the administrative fees and kit for each student and have
contributed greatly to the immediate success of the
Upon completion, students will gain a 1st4sport Level 2
Award in Leadership through Football (QCF) equivalent to
a full GCSE and Level 1 FA coaching award. The
qualification is recognised as an excellent introduction for
those looking to progress within the voluntary or employed
world of sport and sport development.
Bridgemary Football Academy Students
Bridgemary Football Academy Students run
support Hampshire Skills Coaches
School Games Level 2 Girls Football festival
Over the past term Chris, James, Riley and Kyle have each
spent 6 weeks as 'young leaders' within the FA Skills
Programme, supporting the FA Skills Centre at Crofton
School on a Tuesday evening. The FA Skills Programme
works with 5-11 year olds of varying abilities, giving them
the chance to enjoy football and develop their technical,
physical, psychological and social aspects of the game.
This has given the Football Academy students the
opportunity to observe highly experienced coaches and to
gain experience that would be of a great benefit were they
to go into coaching or teaching as a future career path.
All four students really impressed the FA Skills Coaches,
with David Rowland (lead coach for Fareham and Gosport
area) stating , 'I was particularly impressed with the way
they all engaged with the children and took the initiative
7 students from the Bridgemary Football Academy
supported the GSSP School Games (Level 2) Girls Football
competition on Tuesday 9th December 2014.
The competition was open to pupils in Years 5&6 from
schools across Gosport and took place on the new state
of the art 3G pitch at Bridgemary School.
Six teams (46 pupils) played in a round robin tournament,
which was run by the Football Academy students.
This festival was the first of two pre-competitions prior to
the GSSP Girls Football final in April 2015.
to support the coaches within the session. I would be more
than happy to have any of them return for a longer period
of time to support the FA Skills Programme'.
Football Academy students train Woodcot Primary School Football Teams
The Bridgemary Football Academy are supporting Woodcot Primary School in
training their two Y5/6 football teams, who are competing in the Gosport Primary
School FA leagues for 2014-15.
Jai and Charlie took their first training session with the players on Thursday 27th
November 2014. Their first session focused on assessing the ability of the players
and identifying areas of strength and weakness to structure their future training
Jai and Charlie will now deliver team training every Thursday lunchtime until the
league finishes in April 2015.
Anti Bullying week 2014 urges everyone to
play a role in tackling bullying
Bridgemary School along with 1,000s of school and youth groups across
the country took part in this year’s Anti-Bullying Week, which ran from
November 17th-21st. Under the theme ‘Together we will make a
difference - END BULLYING NOW’, the week provided an opportunity for
students to explore our collective role in tackling bullying in our schools
and in our communities.
To launch this week the school was joined by the theatre company
‘Actionwork’. All students in Years 7-9 watched an amazing piece of
theatre which showcased a variety of strategies in dealing with bullying and highlighted ways to empower students, in a
creative, innovative and powerful way.
The performance was a good way for the students to realise what bullying is, and through acting as different characters
could see the effect it has on all involved. It highlighted to the students why it’s wrong and what to do if that happens to
you or if you know it’s happening to someone else.
Students then attended workshops planned and led by the School Prefects, where key aspects and ideas were explored
further. The Prefects had created a number of questions and facts about bullying, students had to decide whether they
‘agreed’ or ‘disagreed’ by moving to different areas of the room. This was a good way of seeing the difference in opinions
between the students and questioning student’s perceptions.
The Student Council also produced their own poster (see
poster left) which was displayed throughout the week.
Highlighting the fact that words hurt.
During this week Prefects also launched their involvement
in supporting Anti-Bullying in the school by leading
assemblies and running competitions to inform the
students in understanding the Prefects role and
responsibility in tackling bullying.
Trained Prefects will be available for students to talk in a
dedicated space within student services, every break and
lunch time.
Winner and runner up of Anti Bullying creative
writing competition
Runner Up
Serena Day 7JCY
Together We Can Stamp It out!
‘B’ stands for bullying. Bullying is wrong and can have
Becca Hope 9AMN
serious consequences
She was only 13.
When someone told her she was fat.
So she clutched her stomach and skipped a meal,
In hope that she'd lose a few pounds
‘U’ stands for understanding. Understanding how
being bullied can affect someone
She was only 14.
When her boyfriend left her for another girl.
So she put on more makeup and pulled up her skirt.
In hope that someone would find her pretty
‘L’ stands for life. Bullying can have an adverse affect on
someone’s life.
She was only 14.
When nobody showed up to her birthday party.
So she sat alone on the steps for two hours.
‘L’ also stands for looking. Look around you and see the
In hope that they were just 'late
signs of bullying.
She was only 15,
When she cried herself to sleep because everyone
‘Y’ stands for you. You can do something about it;
left her.
never stand back watch it happen.
So she pushed her face to the pillow.
In hope that no one would hear her
‘I’ stands for in front. It could be happening in front of
She was only 15,
When she dragged a razor against her skin.
your eyes; people don’t notice or ignore it.
So she wore long sleeves in the summer.
In hope that no one would see the scars
‘N’ stands for NO! Stand up and be heard. Say no to
She was only 16,
When she took her own life,
So she wrote a cold note to society.
In hope that she could feel noticed
‘G’ stands for guilty. If you ignore someone being
bullied you are as guilty as the bully.
SEE PAGE 16...
...for information on Bridgemary
School Breakfast Club and the
Power Hour Club.
Headteacher: Mrs V. White, Wych Lane, Gosport, Hampshire, PO13 0JN
Telephone: 01329 319966 Facsimile: 01329 512660
www.bridgemary.hants.sch.uk school@bridgemary.hants.sch.uk