Hastings Community (Fall/Winter 1995)
Hastings Community (Fall/Winter 1995)
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R.,.......... }"'''''fI".~ llC:H·"-ft0tI.~tfl_l.t. _-:.fr;~ .,(~ HASTINGS 1 - 14 9 LETTER TO ALUMN I Dean Mary Kay Kane reports the College's progress for the year . Do You HAVE A JOB . . . IT ALL BEGAN WITH MILDRED W. LEVIN- That would be appropriate for a Hastings student or graduate? THREE GENERATIONS AT HASTINGS 3 A visit with the Levin/Gyemant famil y, who share both their profession and their alma mater. RALPH SANTIAGO ABASCAL RECEIVES THE - THURGOOD MARSHALL AWARD Alum from the Class of '68 receives national recognition for his long-term achievement in the areas of civil rights , civil liberties , and human rights. 11 COMMENCEMENT '95 PHOTO ALBUM Share the joys of Commencement with special photos - 13- 5 A NEW HONOR FOR HASTINGS FACULTY NOTES STUDENTS: An update on faculty activities. THE JUDGE ROBERT H. SCHNACKE SCHOLARSHIPS 8 Jennifer Winn and Jonathan W . Hughes are first recipients of this newly established scholarship for judicial externs . HASTINGS FILLS Two Prof. Roger C. Park and Prof. Joseph R. Grodin appointed as Distinguished Professors. - 33 CLASS NOTES Catch up on your classmates' activities. Have we heard from you lately? Alumni Relations Program Receives National Award page 33 page 38 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Hastings Alumni Association Board members and staff show off their Grand Gold Medal Award for excellence in ooerall alumni programming. T his national award is from the Council for Advancement and Support of Education , which is made up of nearly 3,000 member institutionscolleges and universities--<lcross the country. Contributions to Hastings' Annual Campaign increased by nearly 25% this past year . T he "Honor Roll of Donors" in this annual report recognizes those generous gifts . Los Angeles Alumni Association Chapter Participates in Moot Court Project DISTINGUISHED PROFESSORSHIPS ON THE COVER : - 15ANNUAL REPORT OF GIFTS 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. IS . 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. Leo Martinez ('78), Academic Dean David M. Humiston ('79) , President Mary Kay Kane, Dean Elizabeth Franco Bradley ('77) Joanna Madison ('95), ASH President Judy Lane, Director of Alumni Relations Jamoa Moberly (,76) Hon. Edward Kakita (,65) , Past President Candy Heisler (' 72) , Past President Hon. Brad Hill ('83) Hope Kalmus ('88) Alfred Wong ('64) Jerome Marks (,64) Past President Steven J. Elie ('87) Douglas G. Crosby ('69) Gregg B. Hooey ('83) Eric M. Abramson ('8 1) Fred D. Butler ('86) Kenneth M . Malooos ('69) Tim Lemon, Director of College Relations David E. Reese ('8 7) For the complete story about the award, see the item on page 33 in "Class Notes." HASTINGS COLLEGE OF THE LAW UN IVERSITY OF CA LI FORNI A Photo credit: Kathryn MacDonald HA ST I NG S, FACUI U his issue contains the annual report on College donations, and, as I did last year, I am devoting this column to a summary of my annual report to our Board of Directors. In short, this past year was characterized by momentum and activity on a wide variety of fronts, and significant progress was made on tackling some of the challenges of the future . A very tangible manifestation of these efforts was the completion of the Hastings 2000 Long-Range Plan and its fina l approval by the Board in June. I will discuss the central features of the Plan in the next issue. However, let me now share some of the highlights contained in my 1994-95 report to the Board. U lULU Following two years of study, the faculty voted in May to create four concentrations in the J.D. curriculum: Civil Litigation; Public Interest Law; Tax and Business Law; and International Law. Students electing a concentration must take a certain number of courses, ranging from 20-24 credit hours, and must complete their writing requirement in one of the seminars attached to the concentration. Faculty advisors in each area will advise students on course selection and the like. Students completing a concentration will have that achievement noted on their official transcripts. The faculty also reallocated the credit awarded for participation in the scholarly publications and moot court programs. Students now must have faculty review their written work in these programs to receive credit. This should provide enhanced feedback to the students about their writing, as well as ensure that when credit is granted for an activity, the work product merits it. Our auxiliary academic programs continue to be refined to ensure increased quality control and success, and the results are most impress ive. For example, in the Moot Court Program, over 80 students tried out for positions on the seven teams the College sent to various intermural competitions. Each one of our teams achieved some ranking in the competition in which it was entered, with the team that competed in the California Roger J. Traynor Moot Court competition winning the first place prize! The LEOP program introduced several measures to improve the training of tutors for the academic support program, such as producing guides for teaching assistants with samp le lesson plans and handouts, and developing training tapes on ways to create a model approach to teaching. Several faculty changes occu rred this past year. First, we lost two long-time faculty members. Professor Warren hattuck, an esteemed member of the 65 C lu b, retired at the end of the year (and , sad ly, di ed in June), and Professor Daniel Lathrope, who served as Acting Dean and then Academic Dean und er Tom Read, res igned to assume the Directorship of the LL.M. Tax Program at the University of Florid a College of Law. Both of these gentlemen wi ll be grea tly missed. However, we have been most fortunate in adding three exce llent members to th e faculty: Assistant C linical Professor Randi Mandelbaum; Ass istant Professor Bill Dodge; and Distingui hed Professor Roger Park. (Details about their appointments can be found on pp. 6 and 8.) In addi tion, Professor Joseph Grodin rece ived a promotion to a Distinguished Professorship. The superb quality of the Hastings faculty is und erscored by reviewing the scho larship, research, and public service activit ies in which they engaged during this past academic year. A listing of faculty publications, as we ll as notes regarding some of their activities and awards, appears throughout the year in the Community. But to summarize, during 1994-95 Hastings faculty published 15 books; 14 annual book supplements; 21 law review articles; and 2 book chapters. Faculty also presented papers and made speeches and presentations at some 50 different events, ranging from national scholarly conferences, to judicial training seminars, to C LE presentations, to international lectures at universities abroad. In the public service arena, some eight faculty served on law schoo l accreditation site inspection teams; faculty were appointed and served on committees and governing boards of all the national legal education organizations; they were appointed reporters for various committees in the federal courts; several served on the boards of charitable organizations; and a few saw active service on local elementary and high school boards. In sum, it was a most productive year for our faculty. On the admissions front, the College received over 5,200 applications for the Class of 1998, resulting in a very competitive admissions process. This was a particularly challenging year because we h ad a complete turnover of admissions personnel, and the office operated during its busiest time with less than a full staff and with new staff members. Despite this, several new initiatives were implemented furthering our contacts and outreach to admitted students. On the financial aid and scholarship side, various changes were made to streamline our processes and to make them more "user-friendly." For example, a new student-employment guide was created to help students understand work-study and summer employment issues as they relate to financial aid. In addition, we began a review of all existing scholarships with an aim toward ensuring both a more proactive use of scholarship fund s as a recruitment tool and that funds are directed where the need is greatest. Scholarship awards also were augmented by the add ition of the C lass of 1966 Scholarship and the establishment of the Schnacke Scholarsh ip Program for Judicial Externs (see story on p. 13). Various staff initiatives are mentioned under other headings in this report, but some additional achievements shou ld be noted . For example, the Records Office initiated new class registration procedures to expedite and simplify the registration process. The Student Services Office expanded "Th ird -Year ToDo Day," which consolidates all the filing and paperwork required of graduating seniors into one day and one location, to . ONE' I!KOll'(lr,lte h~cal dnd finanCia l aid Il1ter\'iews, and inst ituted a ne\\ one-da) orientatIOn program for second-year student on what to expect tn their upre rclass yea rs. A nd, fin ally, the rh~tlhd l ty Re~nu rce Program helped to presen t everal program regarding dlsahi llti es and their effect on study ing and practicIng law, and worked With the tate Bar Examiners on how to de\'! e appropriate acco mmodati ons for the bar exam. CAMPUS ENVIRONMENT AND COMMUNITY As part of the continu ing proce of upgrading and main taining our facilitie , the renovation of older classrooms was begun hy the replacement of eating in three of our large cla room. In addition, an Energy Assessment tudy was comp leted th at will be the premise for improvements to the lighting and energy system in both our classroom and library buildings. afery and security were enhanced by several measures. For examp le, the visible presence of office rs throughout the College was increased, both by installing an officer to patrol the 198 McAllister lobby and by initiating increa ed patrols in the 200 McAllister building on the third fl oor, in the Book tore, and in the Library. The result has been a substantial decline in the number of incidents and petty crime reported. Indeed, under the new Library patrolling system, no thefts were reported during th is past spri ng exam period, which is the fir t time in recent yea rs when the Library was "crime-free" during an exam period. Turning to McA llister Tower, during 1994-95 only minor improvement were made. Major deferred maintenance work will begin in late summer 1995 , with replacement of the roofing. SUPPORT SERVICES The Library made significant progress this year on creating a co llection development plan . This plan i essential because rap idly esca lating publishing costs far exceed the poss ible budge tary augmentations that the College can make. The Library also continued developing program to better educate the Ha tings Community about how best to find the information they are seeking. These included: training seminars for law journal tudent and for faculty research ass istants; library orientat ion and LEXIS and WESTLAW training; a serie of brown bag lunch lectures on matters such as how to earch California law on CD-RO M and tax re earch ; and a specia l program on the use of Internet in law practice. O n the technology side, a long- term strategic technology plan was created to guide the College in its future purchases and in establishing priorities among the needs that are identified. We began implementat ion of that plan by, among other things, identifying the appropriate mini computer to be purcha ed to rep lace our outdated central computer and creating a network for Career Service to allow students access to increased job search materials. In add ition , we entered the era of electronic publi hing, creating a Hastings home page on the World Wide Web to dis eminate information about the C o llege to interested, computer-literate individuals. During 1994-95, the Career Services Office engaged in e\'eral initiatives to enhance it programs. For examp le, the on-campus interview program was brought back to the campus, employer were allowed to prescreen 50% of their interviewees, an active program of informal meetings between interviewe rs and the faculty and admini tration was initiated to foster better under tanding of the schoo l, and consultant career counselors were u ed to as ist tudents in preparing for interviews. Additi onally, a Saturday Creative C areers seminar was held in conjuncti on with the Barrister Club, focus ing on alternatives to traditional law practice, and an experimental program, propo ed by A H, obtained interview for students in eigh t citie outside the Bay A rea . ALUMNI AND COMMUNITY RELATIONS AND FUNDRAISING The result of the Co llege's and the 1066 Foundation's successfu l fund raising efforts in 1994-95 are presented at pp.15- 16. oted here are other event and initiat ives undertaken to expand ou r outreach. O n the alumni front , there was an increa ed effort on chapter development. Active chapters held a tota l of 21 offcampus events; three newly-formed chap ters-the Black Alumni C hapter, the Gay & Lesb ian Alumni C hap ter, and the eattle C hapter- held highly attended events; and dean' receptions were held in fi ve other citie where there was a high concentration of Hastings alum ni. The A lumni Assoc iati n also sponsored 12 different student events on campus, as well as 7 special alumni receptions and gatherings, including Reunions '94, State Bar and ABA receptions, the Founder's Day luncheon, a luncheon honoring alumni who graduated 50 or more years ago, and the 25th Anniver ary LEOP Celebration. This year al 0 saw substantial succe ses in the Continuing Legal Education area. O ur larger attendance programs-the historic College of Advocacy, whose attendance was up nearly 40% over the previous year, and the January Beat the C lock program, with over 300 students-continued to be the centerpiece of our offerings. Among other things, we also had the opportunity to do an in-house ethics program for a San Francisco law firm. Finally, on the public affairs sid e, there were significant ga ins in the expansion of our positive image in the media. A urvey of national print news coverage shows mention of Hastings facu lty, students, and staff on 328 separate occasionsa 125 % increase ove r the prev ious year! The Public Affairs Office linked several Hastings faculty with various media to serve as experts on matters ranging from the 0.]. Simpson trial to comments on labor relations, torts, and environmental issues. In addition, C-Span broadcast both the Marvin Anderson Lecture and the Attorneys General Forum. Further, in an effort to publish the successes of our students, the Public Affairs Office initiated a program of issuing press releases for consenting H astings scholarship recipients to their local papers. As a re ult, articles appeared in newspapers ranging from Waukesha, Wisconsin, to La Verne, California, to Honolulu, Hawaii. CONCLUSION Although this de cription of the 1994-95 achievements and challenges is impressive in itself, it is all the more so if it is recognized that it really contains only the highlights and that all of these matters were acco mplished while simultaneously and succes full y carrying on the day-to-day activities of the Co llege. Thus, it seems most appropriate to conclude by noting that these accomplishments are attributab le to the incredible dedication, hard work, and talent of the faculty, staff, and alumni vo luntee rs who continue to make Hastings an institution in which we all can have the greatest pride. To them, and to our loyal alumni and friend s, my sincerest thanks for making it such a successful year. . T wo ' ~;a~o-k~ Dean , Hastings College of the WW November 1995 H AST I NGS . . . . RALPH SANTIAGO ABASCAL RECEIVES THE THURGOOD MARSHALL AWARD RESOLUTION PRESENTED TO RALPH S. ABASCAL ON BEHALF OF THE LAWYERS OF CALIFORNIA "Whereas, Ralph Santiago Abascal has dedicated the entirety of his remarkable and brilliant career to the provision of legal services to farm workers', the Latino community and all people of color, the indigent, people with disabilities, and others who have been barred at the gates of the system of justice; and "Whereas , Ralph Santiago Abascal has been a crusader, a mentor, and a friend fighting in the forefront of virtually every battle to achieve equal opportunity and equal access for all in our society; and ''Whereas , in recognition of the giant in our midst, the American Bar Association has wisely chosen to award to Ralph Santiago Abascal the prestigious Thurgood Marshall Award; and "Whereas , the lawyers of his own State of California owe Ralph Santiago Abascal a special debt of gratitude for his courage, self-sacrifice, and example, and wish to make good on this debt up front and personal; "Now, therefore, be it resolved that the lawyers of the State of California do hereby recognize, commemorate and celebrate the honor bestowed upon a man who embodies the very best that the profe ssion can be-Ralph Santiago Abascal." Dean M ary Kay Kane congratulates R alph Santiago Abascal ('68) following his receipt of the T hurgood Mars hall Award in Chicago, August 5, 1995 . I N HIS 27 YEARS WITH CALIFORNIA RURAL LEGAL ASSISTANCE, Ralph Santiago Abascal has represented the poor in more than 200 major cases. Working on behalf of clients that include farm workers, tudents, and welfare recipients, Abascal has left his mark on every major facet of civil rights advocacy and become a legend within the legal services community. In August, the American Bar A sociation recogni zed Abascal's monumental contributions by honoring him with the Thurgood Marshall Award-one of the most prestigious civil rights awards in the nation. The ABA made special note of his long-term achievement in the areas of civil rights, civil liberties, and human rights. This marks the fourth year the ABA has granted the award. As this year's recipient, Abascal shares the honor with the late U.S. Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall, who was the first, honored for his role in the civil rights movement. Others include Frank Johnson, a federal judge who rendered pivotal decisions in the movement, and Oli ver Hill, who worked with Justice Marshall to desegregate public schools. Back in 1969, Abascal was at the cutting edge of the emerging area of public interest law when he fi led a suit on behalf of six migrant farm workers suffering from pesticide exposure . The suit ultimately resulted in a ban on the use of DDT in the U.S. Among his victories, Abascal has won suits on behalf of the disabled, immigrants, and welfare recip ients. In addition to DDT, his efforts helped ban other cancer-causing chemica ls, and he served as an inspiration to a new generation of public interest lawyers. Today Abascal is still fighting the good fight as Director of California Rural Legal A sistance's Center on Race, Poverty, and the Environment, a national support center for lega l services lawyers working on environmental issues. His career with the San Franciscobased CRLA spans 28-years. He oversees the activities of more than 50 lawyers located in rural communities throughout the state. Abascal describes himself as a late bloomer. In fact, he was well on his way to becoming an economist when he had a change of heart. "I got an MBA in Finance," he explains, "and was three years into a Ph.D. in Economics at Berkeley when I saw 'Inherit the Wind.' The mov ie made a tremendous impression on me. I found Clarence Darrow so intriguing that I began ad hoc studies of him and the Progressive Era of U.S. history." The sudden urge to go to law school was a combination of "being at Berkeley during 1960-65, when things were happening that would tend to tum a budding academic into an activist," and a new-found admiration for Darrow's defeat of William Jennings Bryan in the epic Scopes monkey trial. The decision wasn't an easy one. "All I had left to do for my Ph.D. was the dissertation, yet I signed up for the LSAT in April. When the day of the exam came, I couldn't stop thinking about all the work I had put into that Ph.D., so I turned away at the door." In June ·TI1REE· HA STI NG S \ ORD F R R Excerpts from a few of the many letters sent to the American Bar Association on behalf of his nomination: ,...------ - - - - - - - - - . . , "For over 25 years, whether the issue has been the legal rights of welfare recipients, voters, immigrants, farm workers, disabled, or minorities, Ralph Abascal has been in the forefront of the legal advocates . ... using the utmost in legal skills to stand up for people who cannot fight for themselves ... . When I think of Thurgood Marshall, I particularly think of the devoted advocate and strategist in the years leading up to Brown. It takes no hyperbole to assert that Ralph Abascal fits that mold of advocate. Ralph Abascal would be a most worthy recipient of the Thurgood Marshall Award." -Hastings Prof. David Levine. "The list of cases that Ralph Abascal has participated in as lead or associate counsel is a veritable compendium of litigation on behalf of the poor, the aged, the alien, those exposed to unhealthy conditions by virtue of their work, and the victims of bias. Relative to these cases, however, I write from a somewhat different perspective than many of Mr. Abascal's fans. As you may discern from a list of his cases, I have had the good fortune to be the judge presiding in several of his cases. In this regard, I sit in a better position than many to judge Mr. Abascal's remarkable legal talents . I have repeatedly urged my Law clerks to join me when Mr. Abascal is in court so that they can see how a really talented Lawyer performs. As fine a writer as you will find in the profession , Mr. Abascal's talents at oral argument are simply astonishing. Every time Mr. Abascal starts a reply to a question by saying, "Your Honor, let me give you an example," I know that the example will be both apt and persuasive."-Lawrence K. Karlton, Chief Judge Emeritus of the U.S. District Court, Eastern District of California. he igned up for the L AT again. This time he took it and scored very wel l. He entered Ha tings that fall. His original goa l-becoming a public defender-changed duri ng the spring break of hi second year when he volunteered for the newly created Rural Lega l As i tanee program. While some soc ially conscious law students were head ing for the rural south that year, Abascal went in another direction, choosing instead to work with Caesar Chavez in the Farm Workers' Movement. This was a definitive period for Abascal, one that would shape the future cour e of his career. "After that," Abascal explains, "CRLA offered me a full-time job during my third year of law school. Odd ly, despite the working hours, my grades were the best of all my years in law school. I believe this was because the work motivated me and gave me a greater en e of the relevance of the course material." He has worked for CRLA ever since. At Hastings, Abascal used his advocacy kills to prod the administration in to allowing students a greater vo ice in decision making. He says, "In my econd year, I drafted a memo to the administration, proposing the creation of a faculty/student committee. Thi opened the door for enlarging the role of students in the school; today, nearly all faculty committees have one or two student representatives." Even today, Abascal continues his connection to Hastings. He served on the Board of Directors for 12 years, and each year he teaches a seminar class in the spring. His 1996 seminar will focus on U.S./Mexican border problems. Dean Mary Kay Kane sums it up. "We at Hastings have been direct beneficiaries of Ralph's enthusiasm for and commitment to the legal profession as he has so actively involved himself in the life of the College throughout the years. He is a superb role model for our students, and Hastings is most fortunate to have him a one of its alumni. Ralph Abascal is a very special man, and it i espec ially appropriate that his lifetime devotion and service to the rights of the underprivileged were recognized nationally by his selection to be a recipient of the prestigious Thurgood Marshall Award." Con ult your telev ision schedules for the C-SPAN telecast of the Thurgood Marshall Award ceremony, which was taped August 5, 1995. -:t:. "Ralph has been, for over 20 years, probably the most widely respected public interest Lawyer in California. . . . Every Lawyer in the state involved in civil rights, poverty, welfare, environmental, and immigration Law, to name a few areas, has, I think, sought Ralph's wise counsel and advice at one time or another." - Marsha S. Berzon, partner in Altshuler, Berzon, Nusbaum, Berzon & Rubin. · . . H A TI NGS . FACULTY NOTES PROF . GEORGE BISHARA T is an informal consultant to Bir Zeit Univer ity, located in Ramallah , a town in the Israeli-occupied West Bank. He is assisting with the establishment of a Masters program in Law and encouraging the inclusion of clinical courses in the program. PROF. RICHARD A. BOSWELL led a small group discussion at the AALS Clinical Workshop held in St. Louis in May 1995. He also wrote a report entitled "And Justice for A ll- Fulfilling the Promise of Access to C ivil Justice in California" that was circulated for comment as part of his participation with the State Bar of California's Access to Justice Working Group in June 1995. PROF . Jo CARRILLO was a faculty member at this year's Law and Society Summer Institute, held at Niagara-on-the-Lake, O ntario, Canada. The theme of the Institute was "Crossing Boundaries: Trad itions and Transformations in Law and Society Research." The Institute was hosted by the Baldy Center on Law and Social Policy at the State University of New York, Buffalo. Her paper, "Identity as Idiom: Mashpee Reconsidered ," was published in 28 Indiana Law Review 511 (1995) . PROF . DAVID L . FAIGMAN presented a paper at Duke University in July 1995 on the meaning of the Daubert v. Merrill Dow Pharmaceuticals ca e. Other presentations include two on the topic of scientific ev idence for the Federal Judicial Center, one in Boston at the July National Conference of Federal District Court Judges and the other in August in Seattle for Federal District and C ircuit Court Judges. He also participated in a colloquium on the Constitutional Implications of California Immigration Law at Goethe University in Frankfurt, Germany, in June. Prof. Faigman has published two recent articles: "Mapping the Laby rinth of Scientific Ev idence" in the Hastings Law Journal (1995) and "The Evidentiary Status of Social Science Under Daubert: Is It 'Scientific,' 'Technical' or 'Other' Knowledge?" in Psychology, Public Policy and Law (1995) . PROF. W. RAY FORRESTER rece ived the Hastings Alumni Association's Professor of the Year Award for the third ti me. He also was asked by the 1995 grad uating class to speak at their Commencement, marking the fourth time he had been chosen Faculty Commencement Speaker. Upon rece iving these honors, Prof. Forrester said , "To say that I am' ky high' is putting it mildly, and I deeply app reciate the kindness of those responsible." on July 12, 1995; attended a Pacific Rim ADR Conference at Duke University, July 28, 1995; and attended the International Academy of Comparative Law in Athens, Greece, August 1-6, 1995. On February 18, 1995, he participated in the filming of a documentary on PostWorld War II censorship in Japan, where he spoke about his experiences as a censor for the Motion Picture, Press, and Broadcast Section of Civ il Censorshi p Detachment of SCAP du ring that period. On March 18, 1995, he attended a retrospective of the Asia Foundation in San Francisco. His article, "Foreign Acquisitions and Takeovers in Japan," appeared in 30 St. Louis Law Journal (1995). PROF . D A VID J . J U NG is the Director of Hastings' Public Law Research Institute (PLRl) and teaching the Current Problems of Local and State Government Seminar. PLRI is now on- line with an author-title-subject index of its publications, accessible through Hastings Home Page on the World Wide Web (PLRI@Hastings.edu). PROF . JULIAN LEVI istheChair ofPLRI. DEAN MARY KAY KANE erved as the moderator for the opening session of the Ninth C ircuit Judicial Conference in Maui in August 1995. The sess ion was devoted to a discussion of how to manage complex civil litigation. PROF . RORY LITTLE was appoi nted a member of the ABA Standing Committee on Ethics and Professional Responsibility for a three-year term, and he was elected a member of the Executive Council of the Federal Bar Association for the Northern District of California Chapter. Prof. Little wrote "No Cameras in the Courtroom," the cover article for the July 1995 issue of The Federal Lawyer. His commentary on legal ethics and congressional hearings, "The Emperors Have No Rules," appeared in the July 20, 1995 ed ition of The Recorder. He presented a lecture on "Ethical Issues in C riminal Litigation" at the Hastings College of Advocacy and was a panelist on "Hot Topics in Ethics" for the ABA's Corporate Counsel Section's annual West Coast meeting in Los Angeles in June 1995 . He was a regular commentator on KCBS-FM for the 0 .]. Simpson case. PROF. RICHARD M ARC U S spoke at the AALS Conference on Civil Procedure in Washington, D.C., in Ju ne 1995, on the new disclosure provisions in the federal discovery rules. He also served as the Chair of the Local Rules Advisory Committee for the Northern District of California. That committee was charged with rewriting the local rules, which went into effect on July 1, 1995. PROF . D AN FENN O HENDERSON delivered a paper, "The Legacy of Tokugawa," to the A merican Association of Law Librarians in Seattle FI VE' IIA~TING published, \\,Ith several co-authors, an 46 Has(lllgs wtl']OIlnUlI 747 (1995) entitled, "Greater Reprc~en!,ltl\)J1 tor California Consumer -Fluid Recovery, Consumer Tru~t Fund~, and Representative Actions." PROF. JAMES R . MCCALL ,mlde In PROF. ROGER C. PARK spoke in Minneapolis on "Law Teaching \\"Ith omputer A sisted Instruction and Electronic Conferencing" at the June AAL Conference on New Ideas for Experienced Law Teachers. This semester, two professors joined Hastings' talented full-time faculty . PROF . JENNI PARRISH served as a commentator on three papers presented by a panel entitled "The Gendered Nature of Institutional Care and Confinement" at the annual meeting of the Western A ociation of Women Historians in Monterey in June 1995 . She also was appointed recently to serve on the Editorial Board of The Lincoln Legal Papers, which is engaged in collecting, editing, annotating, and publi hing all the records pertaining to the 24-year legal career of Abraham Lincoln. PROF . H . G . PRINCE has been appointed to a three-year term on the AAL Accreditation Committee, which manages and reviews the accreditation and sabbatical inspections for the 160 law school within the Association. PROF. STEFAN A. RIESENFELD ' S book Parliamentary Participation in the Conclusion and Operation of Treaties (co-authored with Prof. Abbot) last May won the prize from the American ociety of International Law for the best book published in 1994 for this area of international law. In June 1995, Prof. Riesenfeld was one of two principal speakers at the meeting of the German/American Law A sociation in Bad Godesberg. He spent last summer at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Law in Hamburg, Germany working on the volume on bankruptcy for the Encyclopedia of Foreign and International Private Law. He also gave a seminar, during the summer, on international bankruptcy law at Humboldt University in Berlin, which conferred on him an honorary Dr. H.C. in Law degree on eptember 14, 1995. PROF. STEPHEN SCHWARZ was a speaker in May and June 1995 at CEB programs in Sunnyvale and San Francisco on "Advising California Nonprofit Corporations." PROF . WILLIAM W. SCHWARZER , a enior United States District Judge for the Northern District of California who has served as Director of the Federal Judicial Center in Washington, D.C., and is a visiting professor at Hastings for the year, was honored by the American Bar Association with the first Meador-Rosenberg Award. The award honor significant contributions to judicial administration. chwarzer rece ived the award at the ABA's annual meeting in Miami in February 1995. PROF. WILLIAM S . DODGE teaches Contracts and International Business Transactions . After graduating from Yale , he spent a year and a half teaching English in Tianjin , China before attending Yale ww School. He was the Notes Editor of the Yale Law Journal and a director of the Lowenstein International Human Rights Project. After earning his j .D. in 1991 , Professor Dodge clerked for judge William A. Norris of the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals and for justice Harry A. Blackmun of the United States Supreme Court. From 1993 to 1995 , he was an attorney at Arnold & Porter in Washington, D. C., where he worked on a variety of international matters. He is admitted to practice in California and the District of Columbia. PROF. RANDI S. joined the faculty this year to teach in the Civil justice Clinic. Prior to arriving at Hastings , she taught in and directed the Family Poverty Clinic at the Georgetown University Law Center, and was an attorney with the Child Advocacy Unit of the Legal Aid Bureau in Baltimore, Maryland . Prof. Mandelbaum received an LL.M. from the Georgetown University ww Center, her j.D. from the American University, Washington College of ww, and a B.A. from Brandeis University. She is a frequent lecturer on legal and policy issues affecting kinship caregivers (non-parents raising children) . Her most recent publication is entitled "Trying to Fit Square Pegs into Round Holes: The Need for a New Funding Scheme for Kinship Caregivers MANDELBAUM 22" Fordham Urban Law Journal (1995) . PROF . GORDON VAN KESSEL delivered a lecture on the American adver ary ystem and the O.J. Simpson case at a conference for European lawyers in pain this June. IN MEMORIAM PROF. D. KELLY WEISBERG was asked to be the ed itor of a new series on gender, law, and the family for Temple Univers ity Press. Her article, "Professionals and the Professionalization of Motherhood: Marcia Clark' Double Bind," will appear in the Hastings Women's ww journal ymposium issue on O.J. Simpson. In addition, she was asked to be a cholar in Re idence, speaking on the topic of children's rights, at the Baldy Center, tate University of ew York-Buffalo, in October 1995 . . . SIX' DavUf Grant died May 19, 1995 , in San Luis Obispo. He served on the faculty of Hastings College of the WW from 1941 to 1944 before joining the U.S . Naval Reserve and serving with distinction in the Pacific. He began teaching in the English Department of Cal Poly in 1950 and served as Associate Dean for Academic Planning until he retired in 1980. He earned a doctorate in rhetoric and public address from Stanford in 1953. HASTINGS FACULTY 1995--96 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Dan Fenno Henderson Julian H . Levi Joseph Modeste Sweeney Dean Mary Kay Kane Louis B. Schwartz 6. W. Ray Forrester 7. Will iam K.S. Wang 8. Ugo A . Mattei 9. Radh ika D. Rao 10. James R. McCall 11 . Evan Tsen Lee 12. Dav id 1. Levine 13 . Frederick W. Lambert 14. Marsha N . Cohen 15. Leo P. Martinez 16. Mary A. Crossley 17 . C. Keith Wingate 18. Roger C. Park 19. Calvin R. Massey 20. Melissa Lee Nelken 21. Brian E. G ray 22. Dav id J. Jung 23. J0 J. Carrillo 24. Rory K. Little 25. Richard B. C unningh am 26. Randi S. Mandelbaum 27. Shauna 1. Marshall 28. D. Kelly Weisberg 29. Joseph R. Grodin 30. George E. Bisharat 3 1. Francis R. Walsh 32. Kate Bloch 33. Mark N. A aronson . . SEVEN' 34. Gail Boreman Bird 35. Eileen A. Scallen 36. Margreth Barrett 37. Ashutosh A. Bhagwat 38. Stephen Schwarz 39. G ordon Van Kessel 40. Kevin H. Tierney 41 . Stephen A . Lind 42 . H arry G . Prince 43 . Jenni Parrish 44. Richard L. Marcus 45 . William S. Dodge 46 . William T. Hutton 47 . John L. Diamond 48. Beatrice A. Moulton No t shown: Stefan A. Riesenfeld Richard A. Boswell Howard M. Downs Dav id L. Faigman N aomi Roh t-Arriaza · HASTINGS HASTINGS FILLS Two DISTINGUISHED PROFESSORSHIPS Prof. Roger C. Park, "one of the heavy hitters" in the field of Evidence and a "pioneer" in using computers in the classroom. Prof. Joseph R. Grodin , a dis tinguis hed, nationally recognized scholar in the areas of Labor Law, Contracts, Constitutional Law, and Employment Discrim ination. OF THE MOST HISTORIC AND DISTINCTIVE FEATURES OF THE academic program has been the 65 Club, started by Dean Snodgrass in 1940. institution of the 65 Club allowed the College to offer teaching pos ition to outof other law school faculties or of the judiciary who, after achiev ing national as legal scholars and teachers, had reached the age of retirement, but had the talent, and energy to continue in lega l education. However, changes in mandatory retirement laws; the competition for these legal giants from other institution who fo llowed Hasting' lead in pursu ing "retired" senior scholars; and the comparative expenses associated with the Bay Area housing market have all contribu ted to continuing difficulties in being able to sustain faculty hiring at the 65 Club level. Thus, Dean Kane noted that in 1993-94, although 11 faculty positions were reserved for 65 Club Faculty, only 5 of those pos itions were filled despite a multiyear effort by the faculty to find and attract desirable candidates. In response to this phenomenon, in 1994 the Board of Directors approved a recommendation of the faculty to convert the 65 Club positions to a series of tenured Distinguished Profes or hip to be filled as vacancie occur. The criteria for the e appointments are similar to those of the 65 Club-i.e., candidate mu t enj oy both a national reputation as a teacher and scholar and have substantial experience in legal education. The primary difference is that no minimum age requ irement is imposed. In this way Hastings can continue to be known for having a significant portion of its facul ty as senior and distinguished academics who are the envy of other law schools. The faculty began its nationwide search and rev iew of possible candidates last year and took to the Board of Directors a recommendation for the appointment of the first two Distinguished Professors. The Board concurred in the faculty's judgments and Dean Kane announced with great pleasure the appointment, effective July 1995, of Distinguished Professor Roger C. Park and of Distinguished Professor Joseph R. Grodin. Professor Park is a 1969 magna cum laude graduate of Harvard Law School, where he served as the Ca e Editor of the Harvard Law Review. Following graduation he clerked on the First Circuit and practiced law in Boston until 1973, when he joined the faculty of the University of Minnesota Law School. He was the holder of the Fredrickson & Byron Chair at Minnesota and has taught as a visitor at Stanford, Boston University and the University of Michigan, before coming as a visitor to Hastings in the fall of 1994. Professor Park's scholarship is far-reaching and very influential. He is the author of what has been described as "the leading casebook" in Evidence, has written numerous articles in that field , and currently has assumed responsibility for rev ising several volumes of the famed Wigmore treatise on Evidence. Comments that were gathered from other academic regarding his national standing and reputation characterized him as "one of the heavy hitters" in the field and as "one of a handful" of national leaders in Evidence. Beyond this, he is known as a "pioneer" in using computers in the classroom and has written some 18 computer exercises for students and lawyers to learn how to use the rules of Evidence and Civil Procedure. Those exercises were used over 45,000 times in the 1993-94 school year alone! In sum, the addition of Roger Park to the Hastings faculty as a Distinguished Professor is a magnificent way to ensure the continued prominence of the College as a place where leading scholars teach. The second newly-appointed Distinguished Professor, Joseph Grodin, should be well-known to alumni as he comes from the current Hastings faculty. Professor Grodin's professional achievements include some 15 years of full -time teaching, 15 years as a practicing lawyer in a high caliber labor law practice, and 8 years as an outstanding appellate judge. A 1954 Yale Law School graduate, Professor Grodin continued his academic training by studying for one year on a Fulbright grant at the London School of Economics, which awarded him a Ph.D. in Labor Law and Labor Relations in 1960. From London, he went into private practice in San Francisco, where he remained until he joined the Hastings faculty in 1972. In 1979, Professor Grodin was appointed to the Court of Appeal, where he remained until 1982 when he was elevated to the Californ ia Supreme Court. He returned to Hastings in 1987 and has been teaching in the fields of Labor Law, Contracts, Constitutional Law (state and federal) , and Employment Discrimination. His scholarshi p is equally broad-gauged, including books and articles ranging from labor law and co llective barga in ing, to the Califo rnia state constitution, to an exposition of the role of an appellate judge. Labor law experts, commenting on his national reputation and scholarshi p in that fie ld, characterized Professor Grod in's work a "absolutely outstanding," noting that Hastings "couldn't find a more distinguished person." In sum , Joe Grodin presents a unique combination of experiences and accomplishments that clearly merit recognition by his elevation to a Distinguished Profe sorship; Hastings is fo rtunate to be able to claim him as one of our own. -1'EIGHT' H AS TI NGS. IT BEGAN WITH MILDRED W. LEVINTHREE GENERATIONS AT HASTINGS W W. Levin, E. <Jyemant, the HAT 19-YEAR OLD MILDRED W. Lev in knew when she entered Hastings in 193 1 was that she "always wanted to be a lawyer because it wa a disciplined way of life." What she cou ldn't have known at the time was that two succeed ing generations of her family would feel the same way and follow her footsteps not just into the law but also to Hastings. Levin still has the copy of Blackstone's Commentaries on the Law that she read when she was 14 year old. There were no lawyers in her family, and she does not remember where she got the book. Its pages display extensive underlining and notes scribbled in the margins, marks made by the earnest young Levin. And she did , indeed, go on to become a lawyer, graduating from Hastings and passing the bar at age 22. Today, after 60 years of practice, she still has an office in San Francisco. She hares alumni status with one of her daughters, the Honorable Ina Lev in Gyemant (,68), who is the Presiding Judge of the Juvenile Court in San Francisco; and two grandchildren are now enrolled: Robert E. ('96) and Anne E. Gyemant ('98). Lev in is also extremely proud of her two other ch ildren and three other grandchildren. Daughter Irene Lev in Dietz works in the real estate business in San Francisco and son Jeffrey T. Levin is a Police Inspector with the San Francisco Police Department. Thinking back, Lev in admits it was not easy for her to become a lawyer. "I had good grades at UC Berkeley, but at that time people believed that a woman's place was in the home. I remember when I told a counselor at UC I was applying to Hastings, she laughed her head off. "I studied very hard at Hastings, seven to eight hours a day. There was a lot of competition, yet I graduated in the upper 10% of my class. I had determination!" She also credits her father for hi support. "My father came to the U.S. from Austria in 1898, when he was seven years old. He was the greatest person who ever lived. He worked in many businesses: hay, grain, coal, wood, livery stables, and automobiles. It was the depression era when times were tough, so it was remarkable that he would give me such an education. I think he was really proud of me, although he never said so. What he did tell me was that humility was the best quality, and you shouldn't think you were better than someone else. My mother was also very supportive and agreed with my father that you cou ld lose everything in this world but never your education." After graduating from Hastings and passing the bar, Lev in found that the depression had made jobs scarce, particularly for women attorneys. When she fina lly got a job offer, after going to 30 law offices, it was as a telephone operator for a law firm. In an effort to help, a cousin arranged for her to see a prominent lawyer. "He made the appointment for 9:00 a. m., and I waited until 4:00 p. m. before I gave up and left. Walking down Market Street with tears in my eyes, I ran into a sympathetic friend of my father's who arranged for me to meet with another lawyer, J.W. Ehrlich. ] told Ehrlich my sad story and he said, 'OK, I'll let you practice law in my reception room.' So ] practiced law there for six months and made enough money to afford an office beside his suite." Ehrlich was a we ll-known criminal lawyer, and that was how Levin started out her general practice, with an emphasis in criminal law. In later years she shifted towards family law. "] never got what ] wanted, which was to be a corporation lawyer." But Levin says she has enjoyed her practice. "Every case is different. I have enj oyed law because you can help people, and law is very interesting. I've never turned down anybody whom] cou ld help." She feel the high point of her career was the 1975 case of People v. Rincon-Pineda, which she argued before the Supreme Court of California amicu curiae on behalf of the Queen's Bench. Lev in's winning the . NINE· . .. . HASTING ca 'e made California the first state to eliminate the jud icial instruction that in a rape case the victim's testimony should be viewed with caution because rape was a charge eas ily made and difficu lt to defend against. Levin's daughter, Judge Gyemant, remember it as the first time she actually saw her mother arguing a case in a court room. "She was terrific. She was everything that appellate counsel should be. At the time, ] was a deputy in the California Attorney General's office, so ] was quite familiar with appe llate advocacy. She knew every case that had been decided in that area of the law, and argued effecti vely and competently. I believe her statu re as a re pected professional woman helped to focus the Supreme Court on the fact that no cautionary instruction needs to be given in a rape case regarding a woman's credibility. This was really a turn ing point fo r women in California. Women could no longer be presented to juries and attorneys as someth ing less credible merely because they are women. I am very proud of my mother's contribution and participation in that historic case." Though Gyemant had yet to see her mother in the courtroom before th is case, she says her mother and her mother's career enormously influenced her. "] saw her as a very capable, organized, inte ll igent, effective, and even glamorous role model. As a child, ] often took the street car to her office. I was very comfortable meandering about the typewriters, office, law books, and the courts, filing and delivering papers." Today, Gyemant, who has served as a Superior Court Judge for more than nine years and who served as a Municipal Court Judge for five years, has earned her own well-respected place in the lega l community. While serving as Pres iding Judge of the San Franci co Family Law Department, she founded "Kids Tum," an educational program for children whose parents are separating or divorcing. The innovative program has rece ived national media attention. When a ked whether or not she feels she influenced so many of her progeny to study law and attend Hastings , Lev in shrugs her shoulders. "I believe that everybody has a different calling. I always wanted my children to do whatever would make them happy. As long as they do something to earn a living, do it right, and like it, it' O. K. If practicing law is what they want to do, and they want to devote themselves to it, it's wonderfuL " Grandson Robert says, "My grandmother is amazing. My family talks all the time about what she has achieved, yet we have come no closer to figuring out how or why. Every member of my family, aside from lov ing her as a grandmother, mother, etc., has profound respect for her a a woman and a human be ing. She has always been very pass ionate about the law and its power, and I think when I grew older and started feeling the same pass ion, I associated it with the law." Judge Gyemant adds, "It is, indeed, most unusual for three generations to attend the same law school. The reputation of Hastings is, of course, the mo t important factor which influenced all of my family. The stories I was told about law school as a youngster always seemed to have one thread, and that was that at Hastings you could receive an exce llent education in a dignified and serious atmosphere. " Although they like to work, the Lev in/Gyemant family likes to play, too. Levin still enj oys a good game of tenni , another pleasure she shares with fa mily members. Even law school can have its fun side, Judge Gyemant says. "I've heard several stories of the prank my mother's class played on its professors, and I look forward to sharing with my children some of the more colorful moments that my class had with our professors." Judge Gyemant's daughter Anne says, "Ever since I can remember, law was the subject at the dinner table and family gatherings. My brother and I were always involved in the discuss ions. Some of my earliest memories include walking down the streets of San Francisco crying 'Vote for my mommy!' when my mother was running for judge. But it was not until recently that I fully realized how un ique my family truly is. Many women see my mother and grandmother as their strongest role models. For me, it is an honor to be able ro fo llow in thei r footsteps and be part of not only three generations of the law, but three generations at Ha tings. More than anything else ] have experienced so far, witness ing the careers of my mother and grandmother has made my decis ion to attend Hastings a natural and relatively easy one. "My grand mother's stories about the seemingly insurmountable challenges of becoming an attorney in the 1930s and my mother's experiences in her career have given me an appreciation for the opportunities I have before me. My grandmother often comments that Hastings gave her the most valuable thing in the world - an education." Her brother Robert agree . "The fact that three generations of my family chose to study law and to do o at Hastings is not as strange to me as it must seem to someone who doesn't know my family, Ha tings, and an Francisco. My family, especially the women, i very inquisitive and driven. I am very proud that we all both attended the same chool and chose law to express our particular missions in life. What really makes me proud, though, is that three generations of women in my family attended Hastings and studied law. I'm probably more proud about that than of any other facet of my family." Levin' eyes twinkle when she adds, "Even the royal family didn't rece ive an education like th is!" ± . T EN &jtwe the.., -c.• . " l....... ~ UIfto Is to cLr~ tIie e.n..e~RR£ecellIAII(I~~git. mJiljliG Meets with M8lhew B. ~ a... ~ and Alex C. ~, Vakdic:torUm. Annan Der-HacobiCm, Roberc P. AIano, Garry K. Cohen, _ Chinh Vo look fOTward to the cetemony. • • . ELEVf.N . • • . Crystal Thomas (n,Itt) ..... pat .. _.~_. _ moment at tM ~ K-.~_~kfIi DcIIIid M. Call and El4:abeth SchalJop Call celebrate with the nat generation. MdIcum D. Donaldson, Ridulrd G. Steele, Daniel A. Kaplan, and Kevin M. Crosby are caught in a Ught·h.earted moment. HA TI NGS . ANEW HONOR FOR HASTINGS STUDENTS: THE JUDGE ROBERT H. SCHNACKE SCHOLARSHIPS Senior U.S. District Court Judge Robert H. Schnacke wanted to encourage and reward judicial externs. J Jonathan W. Hughes and Jennifer Winn are the first recipients to receive the Judge Robert H. Schnacke Scholarships. ENNIFER WINN AND JONATHAN W. HUGHES, BOTH IN THE CLASS OF '96, glowed with enthusiasm this summer when they met to speak with Hastings Community abo ut their upcoming year at the College. The two share the honor of being selected as the first-ever recipients of the Judge Robert H. Schnacke Scholarsh ips. By coincidence, both will serve their fall '95 federal judicial externships with the Hon. Fern M. Smith of the N orthern District of California. The new scholarship's recipients are selected from Hastings students who will serve as externs to a Federal District Court Judge in the Northern District of California. Selections are based on academic achievement over several semesters, as well as financial need. Hughes sa id, "It's really unbelievable to be receiving a scholarship for this externship. I was excited just to have the opportunity to work for Judge Smith. But to receive a scholarship as well makes this the highlight of my law school experience." Winn added, "It's nice to get s6me recognition , to know that hard work can result in something-besides praise from your mom! The Schnacke Scholarship is special because it acknowledges that learning comes from other sources besides law professors." The scholar hip, an award of $5,000.00 to each recipient, was established by June Schnacke in memory of her husband, Federal District Court Judge Robert H . Schnacke ('38). He died June 5, 1994, at the age of 80, after serving on the U.S. District Court in Northern California for 24 years. The idea of a special scholarship for judicial externs was one the Judge actually originated. He employed H astings ex terns regularly in his chambers and wanted in this way to both encourage and reward those students who obtain these highl y valued positions. Plans call for the College to grant fiv e Schnacke Scholarships each year, making this one of the most generous gifts ava ilabl e to Hastings students. This spring, three additional students will be chosen to join Winn and Hughes as recipients. Judge Schnacke was a San Francisco Superior Court Judge when President Richard Nixon appointed him to the federal bench in 1970. Before his judicial career, he had a solo defense practice and served in the U.S. Attorney's O ffice in San Francisco as Chief of the C riminal Division under Lloyd Burke, who was late r his colleague on the Federal District Court bench. Judge Schnacke was a Special Agent for the U.s. Army COllnterintelligence Corps during World War II. As a Senior U.S . District Judge, he handled several high-profile cases, including one that upheld the ban on cameras at executions. He also presided over the trial of Steven Psinakis, who was found innocent of an attempt to overthrow the former Philippine leader Ferdinand Marcos. Like Judge Schnacke, a native San Franciscan , both scholarship winners are Californi a natives. Winn is a UC Santa Barbara graduate from Redlands. Her father died when she was thirteen so her mother, alone, raised her and her brother. As for her ambitions, Winn explained, "I wanted to go to law school for several reasons. I thought I'd be good at it because I've always been ve ry organized . In high school and college, I juggled many activities, work, and school. More importantly, I wanted the knowledge and strength that I think the law provides. My mother did very well on her own, but I saw firsthand what it was like to be a single woman . Being a lawyer wou ld help make me feel secure. Also , I wanted to help people, and I think that the law is the right way for me to do just that . . . T HIRTEEN' HA TINGS Finally, I really find the law interesting." Hughes, who grew up in Turlock and graduated from UC Davis, said , "I suppose my deci ion to go to law school wa as much a blind choice as it is fo r many people. I certainly wanted to pursue a graduate degree. I cho e law, at least partly, so I could pur ue my interests in politics and public policy." Winn and Hughe , like othe rs who receive judicial ex ternships, will find their public 'en 'ice offers them a pecia l opportun ity to learn about the judicial proce s. By as isting in various phases of the judicial proce ,externs gain an appreciation for the justice system, its strengths and weaknesses. According to Hughes, "Hastings i uniquely positioned to offer the best externship opportun ities of any law school in the Bay Area. I plan to take a class next semester, so being able to walk across the street fro m Hastings to the Federal Building is an enormous advantage." Looking ahead to her externshi p, Winn said, "I'm still not exactly sure what kind of law I want to practice , so I thought this would be a good opportunity to test areas that I haven't yet tried. I'm looking forward to writing and having my ideas discussed. Everyone I know who has externed has said that semester was the best of their law school career. " Hughes sa id, "I hope to ga in some understanding of what the judge looks for in the papers fil ed with the court: What constitutes a winning argument ? What creates a losing argument ? I am looking for professional role models. I look forward to the process of deciion making." Both Hughe and Winn had the opportunity to work in firms during the summer: Hughes with Howard , Rice, Nemerovski , Canady, Falk & Rabkin; and Winn with Bartko, Zankel, Tarrant & Miller. Hav ing had this experience, Hughes sa id he expected "to see a big difference between the partisan advocacy of prac tice and the obj ective evaluations and ruling in the judge's chambers." It was a hot summer day, so he added, "Judge mith does not require that we wear sui ts; we can wear Oxfords and khakis instead. After hav ing to wear suits all summer, I can assure YOLl that it i a big bonus!" -1;. ------------------------------------------------------------------------_. If so, plea e complete this fo rm and fax/mail it to: Office of Career Services 200 McAllister Street, Room 211 San Francisco CA 94102-4978 Telephone: (415) 565-4619; Fax (415) 565 -4863 Employer name Type of Employer (e.g., law firm , corpo ratio n, public inte rest, academic) Address City _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ State _ _ _ _Telephone _ _ _ _ _ _Fax _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ Contact person and title _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ Position is suitable for a graduate ?_ _ _ third year ?_ _ _ second year ?_ __ first year ? _ _ _Position title _ _ _ _ __ Qua lifica tion s (e.g., pec ific courses, lan guage profic ien cy ) Application should include resume?_ cover le tte r?_ _ writing sample?_ _ tra nscript ?_ _ references? _ _ _ _ _ _ __ other? (spec ify ) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ S , a lary_ _ _ __ D eadline _ _ _ _ _ _ Apply by mail? _ fax ? _ _ te lepho n e?_ __ The University of California, Hastings College of the Law, does not make its Career Services facilities available to employers who unlawfully discriminate in the selection of employees on the basis of national origin , race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, age, disability, or any other basis prohibited by applicable law . . . F OU RTEEN' . ANNUAL REPORT OF GIFTS· . ANNUAL CAMPAIGN DONATIONS Up NEARLY 25% IN 1994,95 C ONTRlBUTIONS TO HASTINGS' ANNUAL CAMPA IGN, W HIC H INCLUDES gifts to both the Annual Fund and the Hastings 1066 Foundation, dramatica lly increased by nearl y 25% thi past year, from the $338 ,527 .40 in 1993-94 to $417,806.56 in 1994-95 . This past year was the first time that gifts to the College's Annual Campaign surpassed the $400,000 mark . In 1994-95, to tal gifts to the College, whi ch include both Annual Campaign contributions and all other types of donations, such as foundation contributions and gifts- in- kind , exceeded $860,000. The total number of donors this past year was up by some 2.5%, fro m the 1,673 donors recorded in 1993-94 to 1,715 donors in 1994-95 . Dean Mary Kay Kane cited several key factors that contributed to the impressive gains th at were registered on the fundraising front this pas t year. Among them, she complimented the National C hair of the 1994-95 Annual Campaign , Mr. Norman T. Se ltzer, for the leadership efforts that he undertook during the course of the campaign . A Dean Kane noted of Mr. Seltzer, who is a 1942 summa cum laude graduate of Ha tings and the senior partner in the San Diego law firm of Seltzer, Caplan, Wilkins & McMahon, "Norm set a most positive tone for the 1994-95 Annual Campa ign from the very start and could not have been more helpful to our development staff. He more than responded to every request for assistance as the campaign progressed. A lot of this past yea r's success was directl y attributable to his full commitment to and dedicated efforts in support of the Annual Campaign." Dean Kane also praised the many continuing contributions of the 1066 Foundation to Hastings. "Under the leadership of Foundation President Valerie Fontaine and her colleagues on the Foundation's Board of Trustees, Foundation membership reached an all -time high this past year: 130 donor made donations at the 1066 Foundation leve l in 1994-95, which represents nearl y an 8% increase in the level of their membership compared to a yea r earlier. " The Foundation also continued its sponsorship of special reception in conjunction with both the Attorneys General Forum and the annual Marvin]. Anderson Lectureship. In addition, it initiated a firm -based program this past year, where the Dean could meet informally with alumni on a firm -wide basis. The Foundation intends to expand upon this initiative, as well as introduce others, in 1995-96. Dean Kane also expressed the College's appreciation to the members of this pas t year's student phonathon team, who conducted a most successful annual campaign on behalf of Hastings. The phonathon generated more than $40,000 in contributions, a well as nearl y a third of the College's overall number of donors in 1994-95. Dean Kane also saluted the outstanding efforts that we re made by the class agents, all of whom once again proved quite effecti ve in encouraging their class mates to participate in the Annual Campaign. Two classes-the C lasses of 1964 and 1969--officially ini tiated maj or class gift proj ects this pas t yea r, and another- the C lass of 1966-successfull y completed a major gift proj ect by establishing and funding a C lass of 1966 Scholarship. With respect to the College 's annual, and friendl y, competition among the classes fo r the highest rate of participation in the A nnual Campaign, the C lass of 1946 ended up in first place , with 50% of its members hav ing made contribu tions to the 1994-95 campaign. For the second year in a row, the C lass of 1976 recorded the largest number of donors, with some 74 of its members hav ing made contributions to the College in 1994-95. And, finally, the Class of 1964- for the third time in the last five years-registered the largest overall gift total, with nearly $2 7,000 contributed in 1994-95. Dean Kane concluded her 1994-95 report on gifts by thanking all the members of the various cia ses who made donations to the College this past year. "As in the past, our alumni constituted the largest proportion of the College's donors, with nearly 98% of the to tal number of this pas t year's donors coming from our alumni ranks. Their loyalty and genero ity to their alma mater cannot be overemphasized. At a time when the State's financial a sistance to the College has continued to decline, our graduates have helped us to confron t this problem by prov iding significant pri vate support to allow the College to continue to be able to offer the high quality of legal education that is a Hastings tradition. "That Hastings is still regarded as one of the nation's premier law schools is most recently evidenced by the fact that over 5,200 applicants sought to be ad mitted to this year's entering cia s. Moreover, it is clear to me that Hastings continues to attract so many highly qualified applicants because they can see the many positive contributions that our alumni have made in their personal and profes ionallives, and that it is a group they want to join. " ;t.. . . FIFTEEN' . Nonnan T. Seltzer, National Chair of the 1994-95 Annual Campaign AN UAL REPORT OF G I FT PHILIP M. KNOX, TO CHAIR SUMMARY OF 1994-95 GIFT STATISTICS JR., 1995 .. 96 Financial Aid 59.41 % Speci al Programs 5.79% Student Organizations 1.05% Instructional Support 0.54% Lib rary 0.01% Oth er 2.21 % Unrestricted 30.99% COMPARATIVE SUMMARY OF PURPOSES OF GIFTS TO HASTINGS & THE 1066 FOUNDATION (1994/95) Percent of Overall Qifu UNRESTRICTED - - - - - - - - - - - $266 ,743 .72 -------30.99% FINANCIA L A ID- - - - - - - - - - - - 511 ,3 17.14 ------59.41 % SPECIAL PROGRAM S- - - - - - - - - 49,829.50 --------5.79% ST UDENT ORCA IZATI O S- - - - 8,999.03 -------- 1.05% IN TRUCTION A L SUPPORT - - - - 4,639. 79 --------0.54% LIBRA RY - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 100.00 --------0.0 1% OTH ER - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 18,978.8 1 --------2. 21 % TOTAL - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $860,607.99 ---100.00% Alumni _____ 35.86% / Foundations & Trusts 49.10% Friends 10.86% Law Firms 1.95% Businesses 2.23% COMPARATIVE SUMMARY OF SOURCES OF GIFTS TO HASTINGS & THE 1066 FOUNDATION (1994/95) Percent of Overall Qifu FOUNDATI ONS & TRUST - - $422,524.3 7 -------49.10% ALUM I - - - - - - ..... - .. - - - 308,577.35 -------35.86% FRIE OS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 93,486.2 7 ------- 10.86% BU 1 ES ES - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 19, 189.00---------2.23% LAW FIRMS- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 16,831.00--------- 1.95% TOTAL - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $860,607.99 ----100.00% ANNUAL CAMPAIGN P HILI P M. KNOX, JR. , WILL BE serving as the National Chair of Hastings' Annual Campa ign for 1995-96. A 1949 graduate of Hastings, Knox currently serves as of counsel to the Sacramento law firm of Knox, Lemmon, Anapolsky & Sheridan and was formerly the Vice- President and Corporate General Counsel of Sears, Roebuck and Company. The National Chair of the Annual Campaign works closely with the Hastings 1066 Foundation and class agents in cultivating private support for the law school. In addition to being a past President of the Hastings 1066 Foundation, Knox currently serves as an Adjunct Professor of Law at the McGeorge School of Law and has served as a civic leader in his commu nity in a variety of capacities, including as a director of the Family Service Agency of Greater Sacramento. In announcing his selection as National Chair of the 1995-96 Annual Campaign, Dean Mary Kay Kane noted, "We at Hastings could not be more pleased by Phil Knox's willingness to take on this very crucial position in our annual fund drive. Phil has played a prominent role over the years in our 1066 Foundation. He served most effectively and with great dedication as President in 1993 and 1994, and he has always answered our calls for help. He was one of the early contributors to our Attorneys General Forum , which has become one of the College's most popular annual programs. Phil also has been one of the College' most innovative volunteer leaders when it comes to enhancing our various development efforts, especially regarding initiatives to make Hastings' current students more familiar with the College's growing need for private support. The law school is truly fortunate to be able to tap the talents of such a loyal and generous alumnus as Phil Knox for the National Chair position. I look forward to working with him during the course of the campaign." In a fall letter to alumni and friends kicking off the 1995-96 Annual Campaign, Knox observed, "State assistance to the College has declined rather dramatically in recent years. For instance, just within the last five years alone, State funding has dropped from 64% of Hastings' budget to 47% of our budget today. To help meet this shortfa ll in State support, private support is needed now more than ever before. For this reason, I be lieve that each of us who has benefitted from a Hastings education has a special responsibility to help the College as best we can 0 that fut ure generations of students can have the same opportunity you and I did for the unique legal education that has been a hallmark of our alma mater. " Knox, who has encouraged his fe llow alumni to join him in making a contribution to the 1995-96 Annual Campaign, is serving as National Chair from July 1, 1995, to June 30,1996. -:t. IXTEE ANNUA L R EP OR T OF G I FTS July 1, 1994 - June30, 1995 ~e fo llowing pages recognize Hastings' many generous donors, listi~~ by classes and by donor clubs for the fiscal year July 1, 1994 , to June 30, 1995. Gifts made after June 30, 1995 , will be recognized in next year's annual report. If you find any errors or omissions , please contact the Office of College Relations at 200 McAllister Street, San Francisco, CA 941 02. The College honors these alumni and friends whose gifts add immeasurably to the quality of legal education at Has tings . rel'al1k pOllforjJour slIpport. ALUMNI DONORS BY CLASS CLASS OF 1928 CLASS OF 1939 John Francis Digard i Jerome Sapiro Ha n. Reg inald M. Watt Ha n . Phi li p e. Wilki ns CLASS OF 1930 Abraham Gottfried CLASS OF 1940 CLASS OF 1932 C harles D. Sooy Ha n . Benj amin M. Tash iro CLASS OF 1933 Gard C hisholm Prof. Benj amin D. Frantz Jack E. Hu rsh Ha n. Francis L. McCa rty Robert J. McKee Hanna Ruth Wilber CLASS OF 1934 John Langer Mildred W. Levin CLASS OF 1935 Ferdinand T. Fletcher Emmet B. Hayes Doris Hoffman Maier B. Mitchell Pa lmer Ha n . W. Blair Rixon Wayne Veatch , Sr. CLASS OF 1936 J.e. Keesling, Jr. John J. McMahon Ha n. Jean Morony CLASS OF 1937 Ha n . Samuel Dreizen Ha n . Mi lo Popovich Henry e. Todd CLASS OF 1938 Philip Adams John M. Coud ures, Jr. A lbert G . Evans Arthur E. H ew itt Benjamin B. Law Robe rt H. Mullen Ha n . James V. Paige Ha n . Lothro p E. Smith A.J. C hargi n Dorsey K. Dwelle George K. Hartwick ga i Ho Hong Ro bert G . Jaco bs Ha n. C harles S. Peery Gordon E. Wi lde Fred R. Wi nn CLASS OF 1941 Ha n . Franc is W. Mayer J. Robert Meserve Ha n . Leonard I. Meyers Ha n . Bla ine E. Pettitt Saul N. Ross Ha n . Robert E. Woodward CLASS AGENTS CLASS OF 1948 Ha n . Robert K. Barber Nat Brown , Jr. George L. Cadwalader Ha n . Donald B. Constine, Ret. Reyno ld J. G ualco Ruth C hurch G upta Ha n . Myron A. Martin Ha n . Rudo lf H. Michae ls Ha n . Thomas M. Montgomery Robert J. Popelka Robert J. chum Jac k S tree ter ALBERT R. ABR A MSON ( ' 54 ) CLASS OF 1949 Dan iel W. Baker James R. Banc roft Wi ll iam J. Betts Ha n . Robert L. Bostick A rthu r R. Bridgeman John P. Briegleb Ha n . Dav id W. Ca lfee Ha n. Wil liam R. C hannell Ha n . Ro bert J. Cooney Carl Howa rd Ha n . Thomas M . Jenkins, Ret. Stanley A. Johnson John e. Kinney Ph ilip M. Knox , Jr. Ha n . Willi am F. Levins, Ret. Wilbur F. Littlefield Warren W. Mange ls Dav id G. McInnes Ha n . Wi llis Mev is, Ret. C harles O. Morgan , Jr. Ha n . Martin H . Rya n , Ret. John L. Stennett J. Richard Thomas Lawrence Edmund Viau, Jr. PHIL I P ADA MS (' 38 ) RICHARD S. BISHOP (, 42 ) CLASS OF 1942 Norman T. Seltzer John A. "Jack" White Richard O. White CLASS OF 1943 W ini fred L. Hepperle Ha n . Walter Osborn , Jr. Roger Pierre Sans A ntonio e. Ve lasquez CLASS OF 1944 Kneeland H. Lo bner Collis P. Mahan Jack Wong Sing CLASS OF 1950 Lowe ll A. A irola James McNeil Brower Howard G . Dickenson Ha n . James M. Edmunds C harles M. Giovanetti Ha n . Edward R. G rogan Ha n . Benjamin W. Hamrick, Ret. James Edga r Hervey Richard W. Horton Karl Dav id Lyon A. John Merlo John W. Moore Robert P. Reddingius Marvi n Sussman CLASS OF 1946 Betty M . Falk Harrett W. Mannina, Sr. John F. O' Hara George G. Taylor CLASS OF 1947 Victor A. C hargi n , Jr. Edwa rd M. Digard i Robert H. Mc Phi llamey CLASS OF 1951 Robe rt L. Bacon Stanley L. Bauer H enry P. Buckingham Haradon M. Di llon Wi ll iam De Sh ay English Wil ham J. Ewing Ha n . Dona ld R. Franson Eugene L. Freeland SEVEN T EEN J AM ES S . BUB A R ( ' 78 ) Ha n . W illiam J. Harris, Jr. Hon .Priscill a H . Hay nes Richard E. Hitchcock Jay M. Jacobus Ha n . W illi am E. Jensen Ha n . John James Quigley, Ret. C ra ig Z. Randall O liver E. Ros tai n Prof. Thomas H . Rothwe ll Minor J. Schmid Lemuel M. Summey Haro ld Henry Turner Herbert K. Walton , Jr. CLASS OF 1952 Hon. W Illiam M. Auslen . A N"J l AI REPO RT O F G IFT S Hu ~h Illln . C. C "lIaw a, B. CI,ll Fr,ln~ Melnlle Owen Henry A PO) CLASS OF 1961 t.hnm E. Encnn", Jr :--l,," Hlln . B. Fmn,cn J.lln", W. Fun,ten Arthur W. Gray, Jr. Hnn . \Valtcr H . Harnngtnn , Jr. Hon Richard A. H ickman, Ret. R,charJ K. Karren John T. Knox Lee A . Lope: Hon. Robert W. Merrill Han. Joh n T. Racanelli Ha n. A. Matthew Raggio Robe rt A . Rose Andrew R. Schottky, Jr. John H. Sm lssaert Lee E. Solomon Lloyd V. Stamp Wi lli am R. Sweeney James B. Thompson Rodolfo Victoria Jack R. Winkler Hon. Harold F. Wolters Hon. Wayne Wylie Hon. S tanley C. Young, Ret. George S. Youngling CLASS OF 1953 A nthony R. Brookman Robert N . C hargin Leland M. C rawford Robert H. Darrow Hon. Willi am C. DeMartini Hon. Bruce R. G cernae rt C harles R. Hoge Willson C. Moore, Jr. Truitt A. Richey, Jr. Dwight M. Rush Prof. G ordon D. Schaber Harry B. Swanson CLASS OF 1954 Albert R. Abramson Edward Dermott Robert O . Fleckner John K. "Jack" Smith Eugene J. Wa it , Jr. CLASS OF 1955 Hon. Dav id L. Allen William C. Miller Bruce D. Wagner Richard W. Walden CLASS OF 1956 Joh n H. Farmer Dan iel F. Ga llery John Loren Hartman Lloyd Hinkelman Hon. O llie Marie-VictOl re, Ret. Thomas B. McG Uire CLASS OF 1957 TimOthy Abel Hon. W " liam E. Byrne, Ret. Robert L. Hughes John Krebs Elinore C. Morgan Albert H. ewton, Jr. Gordon C. Ph ill ips Elizabeth B. Richards James F. Rogers Hadden W. Roth Harold S ilen Edward M. Wright CLASS OF 1958 Robert E. Carlson Hon. J. Hilary Cook Hon. Marvin G. Haun Lawrence Jones George King Thomas C. Lonergan John S. Morken Kenneth W. Rosenthal Robert M. weet Gary D. Wheatcroft David Hughes Wil on William M. Young Hon. Nat A. Agliano, Ret. James K. Batchelor Ha n. John A nthony Burke Dimitri Kirilllyin William R. Mackey Harold Q. Noack, Jr. Ronald H. Rouda Hon. John M. Stanton Gerald C. terns Ha n. James F. Thax ter Ha n. John F. Van de Poel, Sr. Thomas Van Voorhis Paul Camera Susannah J. Convery Robert W. C ulver Robert C. Field John Wo lph Hopkins Richard L. Johnson William F. Kenney arah J. Killgore John H. Knowles Henry C. Krivetsky Douglas T. Y. Lee Douglas C. Liechty Wi llard W. McEwen , Jr. Hon. Robert A. Neher Hon. Thomas W. Stoever Rich ard L. Thurn CLASS OF 1962 Norse N . Blazzard Lorin B. Blum Frederick H. Bysshe, J r. William Ca ietti William C. Carr Paul H. Cyril Ha n. Terence M. Dempsey Warren C. Deutsch W. Ronald Ingram Dennis Keeley Ange le Khach adour N o rman Lew CLASS OF 1959 CLASS OF 1960 A lan B. Axel rod Keith S. Fraser Thomas M. G nffin Hon. Edward A. Hlnz" Jr. , Ret. Maunce E. Huguet, Jr. Richard E. Johnston Harry D. Sunderland Ha n. Philip K. we igert Ha n. Taketsugu Takei John D. Taves John J. Vlahos Bruce M. Lubarsky John J. Mitche ll , Jr. Joan G raham Poulos Archer F. Pugh Kenneth . Ri vera James D. Santini Peter Schwarz Philip F. Spalding Thomas A. Vyse Hon . Richard L. Weatherspoon Gary L. Widman CLASS OF 1963 Ronald G.S. A u H.E. Bert Barker, Jr. Bruce W. Belding Robert Bishop Virgil A . Bucchianeri Hon. Richard F. C harvat Albert G . C lark , Jr. William S. C lark James R. C utright John F. Donovan Willi am D. Gibbs William A . Gould , Jr. James F. G ustin James C. Hagedorn Edward J. Hegarty C lyde L. MacGowan , Jr. Dona ld M. Malone David W. McMurtry Donald W. Meye r Manuel H. Miller Hon. L.c. Nunl ey Hon . Roland Nelson Purnell lion. Hugh Rose III Bruce W. chwab Ha n. A rthur E. Wa lla e CLASS OF 1964 Jack . A lhadcff Hon. Don I. A,her harles T. Bra ndt Hon. Me lvin Brunetti Terrence A . allan Ke llogg han Joseph W. Cotchett A nthony B. C raven Prof. Michae l D. DeVito Fri tz L. Dud. C harles Richard Hart, J r. Robert L. Hobson Hon. Richard W. Kirby, Ret. Samuel A. B. Lyons Jerome Marks Gary R. Mitchell Peter P.J . Ng Hon. Bernard E. Revak Dona ld S. Rutherford Eugene M. Sa lute Barry A. Schulman Robert Tourtelot Al vin R. Wohl Alfred M.K. Wong CLASS OF 1965 Roland M. A ttenborough Howard Jay Bressler Edward M. Cook III Richard K. C ritchlow James B. C uneo Steven Burch Daggett Gregory Raymond Dallaire 11,omas N . Fat Hon. Frank A. Grande A llen A. Haim Hon. Ronald R. Heumann Henry Hill W. Stuart Home II John Michael Kelly Bert T. Kobayashi, Jr. Hon. Jack Komar Edward Vail Lane, Jr. Willi am Philip Mace Lawrence M. Nagin S tephen D. Natcher Bernard E. O 'Connor, Jr. G ary A. Po linsky Kurt H. Pyle James E. Shekoyan Alexander H. S ingleton Ronald G . Skipper J. Leonard S tem Lowell F. Sutherland Martin Titcomb Edward A. We iner CLASS AGENTS ·".;n ' ~ I ".... _ - " ''~1~~ . "'t"'.t , . . TERRENC E A . CALLAN ( ' 64 ) NAN M . CASTLE (' 83 ) ROBERT M . D AVIS (' 37 ) . •. EI G HTE EN WILLIAM BRUCE DAVIS (' 90 ) . \ B ETTY M . F ALK ('4 6 ) ANNU A L REP O RT O F G I FT S , James Mil ton Wells, Jr. Thomas L. Woouruff CLASS OF 1966 Gary Ham10n Anderson Marvin Roger Anderson Patrick Daniel Bailey Robert W. Bartlett II Han. Marvin R. Bax ter Donald B. Belkin George W. Brewer Paul D. Cooper mig Lee orren Karl E. Droese, Jr. A. Ben Ewell , Jr. Gregory E. Fischbach Han. Richard O. Frazee Eric Jan Fygi John Charles Garrett Henry Schuyler Horn II I Robert L. House Lawrence N.C. Ing Hon. . Robert Jameson E. Barry Kline Guy O. Kornblum hale F. Krepack Gi lbe rt N. Kruger Ha n. John R. Lewis Donald M. Magdziasz James E. Mahoney Thomas R. Malcolm William J. McLean III William M. McMillan Bruce H. Munro Peter A. Na than Bernard W. Nebenzahl Han. Leslie C. N ichols Prof. George R. Nock Gary L. Olimpia Frank James Pentangelo Walter M. Phil lips, Jr. Hon. Theodore D. Piatt Stephen W. Player James L. Racusin Hon. Timotby A. Reardon Barry Rehfeld W. Lance Russum Peter L. Sanford Jerrold C. Schaefer Joel A. Shawn Merri tt I. Sher Robert N. Silverman Jeffrey L. Smith Han. Leland H. Spencer Fred L. Tanenbaum AlanJ . Vagi Richard Hunge rford Wise CLASS OF 1967 Ronald Y. Amemiya Gerald L. Anchor Dav id W. Baird Lucius P. Bernard Jeffrey E. Boly Hon. Michael D. Bradbury Thomas A. Brady Susan S. Briggs Joel Carash C. Martin Goldenberg Richard H. Hirai M. Brooks Houghton Edward B. Huntington Dennis A. Ing Allan Jacobs Han . Talmadge R. Jones Hon. Robert F. Ka'ter Hon. Edward M. Lacy, Jr. Hon. Robert M. Letrea u Daviu S. Lichtenstein Gordon E. McClin tock Lee Mermebtein Peter Z. Michae l N icholas G. Moore Duane L. Nei>on Stephen E. Newton William Michael O'Mara Jame, E. O rr, Jr. James A. Pezzagli a Will ia m A. Q uinby Richard L. Rosen Philip M. Savage III Franci, O. carpulla Larry D. Shamp Robert S. Shelburne Stephan R. Silen Bernard P. Simons Gary P. Snyder Hon. Willi am H. Stephens Hon. Chris tromsness Willi am E. Tagga rt, Jr. Brian Dav id Thiessen John W. Warnock Michael B. Wilmar CLASS OF 1968 Eugen C. Andres Robert A. Belzer Jack Benoun Mark Bernstein Robert A. Biom Byron R. Boeckman Terrence R. Boren Donald E. Bradley Howard T. hang Duane E. C lapp, Jr. Paul N. Daigle Ed Danenhauer, Jr. Hon. Norman J. Gatzert Bion M. Gregory Han. Ina Levin Gyemant Roger C. Hartman V. James Jackl Stanley T. Kanetake Allen B.P. Lee Carl A. Leonard James B. Maguire III Ha n. Robert G. McG rath Ha n. William A. McKinstry Edward A. Melia III Han. Rodney S. Melville Harvey D. Mittler Philip L. elson Han. Ralph unez John R. O 'Brien Gary A. O rton Brian Pendleton Hon. Shackley F. Raffetto Guy Rounsaville, Jr. Paul J. Sax Gerald Y. Sekiya Philip M. haw, Jr. Han. Daniel J. Tobias Mark Logan Tuft David R. Vagi William J.A. Weir Robert A. Wyler, Jr. Gary T. Yancey Michael H. Young Joseph T. Zich ichi CLA SS OF 1 969 nlin W. C h,u Dougla, G. rosby Peter W. Dav i, Peler Charles Dow ler Ge rry R. G insbe rg William Kent Henley Howa rd A. Jamsen Philip L. Judson Thomas Ed wa rd Malley, Jr. Kenneth M. Malovos John Roya l Marnnea u Chuck Mazursky Ben McClin ton Douglas C. McClure Michael D. McG linn Timoth y G rant Middl eton Hon. Willi am D. MuJd John E. Nordin II Victor Peter Obninsky Hon. Jenni e Rhme Da rrell Sooy James E. Wa llace, Jr. James B. Young Willi am R. Ga rga no Richard Goldman Prof. Jay E. Grenig Pau l T. Hanson Mary Anna Henley Thomas L. Hin kle Ronnl Jack l Richard S.E. Johns Barry A. Johnson DaV id B. Lmco ln teven Flin t Lowe John J. McG regor Michae l Forbes McG rew Madeli ne G. McLaughlin I-Ion. John M. Meyer Michael F. O'Con nor Kenneth Scott Ogden Gary B. Rothbart John DaV id Rothschild haron J.A. Streicher Paul D. upnlk B. Kent Warner W. Bruce Wold Timothy Dav id Woo, Jr. Robe rt C. Wright CLASS OF 1970 Robert O . Appleton, J r. Robert Walter Bell , Jr. Irving S. Bertram Gerald Yau Yun Chang M. Stephen Coontz Thomas R. Curry tephen K. Easton L. Richard Fischer Barry J. Goldstein James Will iam G uthri e William Whitney Haskell Richard A. Helm James Cov ington Hester James F. Iwasko Bruce D. Ketron Maurice M. La Placa, Jr. Mervyn W. Lee Susanne M. Martinez Joseph Dean McCollum , Jr. Brian DefU1is Monaghan Franklin K. Mukai Wendell K. Pang John T. Ready Stephen N. Rosen Phillip Schlosberg Peter E. Sibley Denn is D. Slattery Harold S. Small Kennard R. Smart, J r. James Aubrey Thompson L. Kent Wa lton James L. Welch CLASS OF 1972 John P. Ba rne Kenneth W. Bolinge r lark R. Byam Helen M. Cake, Ret. Dennis E. Ca rl ton Lee A. C hilcote, Jr. Kenneth C. Cochrane Michae l E. Crady Thomas Dobyns Dav id T. Fuj ikawa Dav id J. Guinan Candace J. Heisler ROB ERT C . F I ELD (' 60 ) CLASS OF 1971 Freda Emil y Abbott James Michael Allen Curtis W. Berner Jerome A. Blaha Stephen D. Bomes David M. Buoncristiani Thomas H. Carmody Michael W. Case Hon. Sidney P. C hapin Dennis F. Coupe Ray N. Cox John . C urtis Daniel G. Farth ing R. Rust Fisher Ha n. Edward Forstenzer NI N ETEE N V AL ER IE A. KE I TH S . F O NTAINE (, 79 ) F RASER (' 6 1) A NUAL REP RT OF GIFT , CLASS AGENTS R U TH CH U R CH GU PTA (, 48 ) Bernard G. Howell Andrew M, Ives, Jr. Glen R. Jones, Jr. Edward F. Lanigar ormand V. LussIer Jon S. Malsnee Frank C. Marshall, Jr. Douglas Ross McCorquodale Gary Evan McCurdy John Michael O'Connor Keith F. Park Tucker William Peterson James B. Preston J. Mark Rochefort Paul M. Shimoff Mike oumbeniotis John F. taley Anne Unverzagt John S. Warnlof Howard K. Watkins Stephen E. Webber Susan Nicholas Weber Benjamin R. Winslow Barry Wolin Dennl John Woodruff Edwin J. Zinman CLASS OF 1973 Kendra Gale Anderson Hon. Richard A. Bennett John C. Bost Peter Kinzie Buckley John l. Cammack David l. Case Joe M. Chan Michael T. Connell Hon. Margaret D. Cooley Michael G. Desmarais James Richard Dunworth Richard A. Erwood Thomas C. Fallgatter Steven H. Felderstein Gary tchols Gershon C lement l. Glynn James Shinn Graham Thomas A. Haeuser larry C. Holman James R. Judge John M. Kaheny Ste,'en Edward Kaplan Wtlltam F. Kenefick, Jr. I am C. Khoury Hon. Robert K. Kurt: John R. lacy Mark A. larsen John H. leJnieks MIchael A. lotman Don A. Lynn Bruce B. McCrea Ronald Alhson Mtller Thoma. E. MIller Wilham R. Morns JAME S C. HAGEDORN (' 63 ) CHARLE S R . HOGE (' 53 ) Jackson E. Mormon Anthony M. Muir Frank J. 011 Gary B. Polgar Terrence D. Ranahan William R. Russell Gregory J. Ryken Gary D. amson Randall Gene SImpson Michael T. Solomon Hon. George A. Spadoro Mark S. Spangler Prof. Peter ash Swisher George Preston Thomas, Jr. Brenton . Ver Ploeg Kristian D. Whitten GU Y O . KORNBLUM Tanya M. e lman harles J. Noth II Mark F. O rnellas John A. Peterson Richard C. Raines Mark H. Rosenthal Robert Sakai Jo Anne Zoff Se llner Prof. Elaine W. hoben Elizabeth Hassard Silver Franklin S. tlver David l. Slate Peter D. Slaughter Eric S. Steinberg John T. Swan William Lew Tan Jeffrey M. Taylor Richard J. Tha lheimer Clarice Mane Turney William G. Van der Mei Hon. Bruce Van Voorhis Donald l. Vance Douglas A. Voorsanger Michael H. Voss Kenneth C. Ward Michae l G. Watters David Purcell Whitridge Jeffrey C. Wtlk Glyndell E. Wi ll iams David J. Williamson Donna May l. Woo Randall W. Wulff Richard W. Young Martin I. Zankel Lesl ie Kwass Zuska CLASS OF 1974 James R. Anderson Kathryn R. Anderson Murray M. Aron Steven W. Baker James M. Baynes Pau I Bennett Wilham E. Boyd Terry Carlson , Jr. EddIe Y. C hin James S. C lapp Mark Scott Collins Judith M. Copeland Elizabeth A. Coyne Jonathan J. Davis Hon. John W. DeGroot Michael R. Dougherty Jon E. Ellingson Randall M. Faccinto Gennaro August Filice III Hugh D. Finley Dianna E. Fleming Charles M. Floren Michaell. Freed Michael H. Gay Richard J. Geddes David R. Hammer Hon. John F. Herlih y Donald P. Hickman Douglas D. Hughmanick He len Yuen Hing Hui Hon. Steven E. Jahr Richard H. Jordan Wilham K.Y. Jung John E. Kalin H . Sinclair Kerr, Jr. Roy Jerome Koegen James Glynn line Michael J. loeb Michael G. Malone William C. Markley 11\ Richard G. McBurnie Charles J. McClain, Jr. Jack B. McCowan, Jr. Donald F. Miles CLASS OF 1975 Victoria Elizabeth Armstrong Carolyn S. Attkisson Thomas Yuin Au Hon. Douglas C. Boyack Gary Charles Brustin Ronnie Caplane David C urtis Clark David W. C lingman Thelma Susan Cohen Douglas M. Cowles Candace C. Davenport Philip Jay Dichter Geoffrey J. Eng Robert J. Flax Michael M. Fleming Stuart I. Folinsky Anthony F. Gantner Stephen K. Gardner James Burke Gildea John J. Giovannone Margaret S. Glass Steven H. Gurnee Patrick J. Hagan Kathleen M. Hallissy Gail Boyer Hayes TWENTY (' 66 ) MI LDRED W . LEVI N (' 34 ) Lawrence Herbert Fredric Roy Horowitz Loren C. Ipsen Leste r J. Ishado Thomas H. Jamison Bruce J. Janigian Louisa M. Jaskulski Paul l. Knight R. Bruce Laing Michael H. Lauer Alexander Leonard Lawrence Carllippenberger Cora K. Lum Thomas J. Mac Bride, Jr. Kazuo C. Maniwa Timothy Massey McMahon Joseph Millard Jeffrey I. Nadrich Earl D. Osborn J. Virginia Stevens Peiser Basi IN. Plasti ras James Frank Pokorny usan M. Popik Joel Richard Rubin Robert J. Sciaroni Richard l. Seabolt Kathleen A. Skinner Jane Peterson Smith John l.B. Smith Charles P. Starkey Barry John Steiner Elizabeth Walker Sterns Charles M. Thompson Michael D. Tom William W. Washauer Ronald H. Wecht Pau l . Wilcox Ellen M. York CLASS OF 1976 Mark B. Abelson John R. Andrada Thomas Lane Becket Ronald Scott Bemis David Hewes Bent William J. Blair Hon . Stephen Douglas Bradbury M, Kingsley Brown G. Webster Burns Jed Z. Callen Diane Werthen Carter Peter . Chalfant Gayle J. Chan Martha M. Chase teven K.S. Chung Richard E. C row II James B. De Golia lisa Ann Del Pero Rich ard Domholt Denni P. Eckhart Linda S. Fe ldman Jesse Gaines .. ANNUAL REPORT OF G IFT S , David Edmund Gunn Eric R. Haas James G. Harlan Roben T. Haslam Juan M. Jayo Michael Henry Jester Michael M. Johnson Ga il E. Jonas Hon. Stephen J. Kane Michael A. Kelly Richart! K. Keye, John A. Koeppel Robert James Koontz Robert Krase C hristopher L. Lau W. Robert Lesh Matthew Levitan David Maher Lilly, Jr. Merck E. Lipson William Gary Maimone Kim Marois Thomas B. Mason M ichae! C. Mattice TI,omas E. McDermott Jamoa A. Moberly Marsha L. Morrow Robert A. Muhlbach Prof. Ne ll Jessup Newton William Wade Nolan Alan Masao Okamoto Hon. Donna Petre Paul A. Podrid Hon. Nancy L. Rasmussen William Izaac Rothbard Howard A. Sagaser Joseph H. Schieffer Joseph C raig cott Cathy R. Siegel E. Budd Si mpson C raig Alan Sm ith Paul M. St. John David V. Stiles Therese Wynne Tamaro William G. Tiffany Wayne O tis Veatch, Jr. Ann M. Veneman James L. Walker IV Rodney W. Wickers Grover T. Wickersham Dennis F. Willson David Scott Worthington Hon. Jane York Antoinette M. Young Michael E. Zacharia Marla C. Zamora Thomas D. Zeff Susan B. Zimmerman CLASS OF 1977 Janet Ambrozek Elaine R. Bayus Richard S. Bebb Hill Blackett 11\ Elizabeth Franco Bradle y Larry G. Broussard Joan L. Cassman Merle C. C hambers Ellen O. Collins John D. Deacon, Jr. Mollie J. Dent Thomas M. Dillon Monte Engel Carmen A. Estrada Thomas R. Fier Lisa Finkelstei n Robert E. Freit"' Donalt! A. Friend Sharon K. Garrett Dennis W. Ghan Michael E. Graham Theodore M . Hanktn James F. Hann Dav id P. HoJges J. Eric Isken Barry L. Kanel Campbell Killefer W. A lexander Klikoff Elliot M. Kroll Noe ll K. Kubota C harles R. Landau Larry R. Lavoie Randall S. Leff Bruce A. Lyon Philip R. Matthews Daniel J. McVeigh Hon . C harlene P. Mitchell Stanley M. Morishige Lau ra Ann Myers John H . Newman Sheila C. Nolan Kenneth E. O li vier Thomas A. Pistone S tanley E. Pond C hristopher Paul Ramsey Frederick E. Royce III C harles M. Sink Gregory W. Stepanicich Lynn K. Thompson Janet M. Mead Richard S. Walter James R. Webb David Weston CLASS OF 1978 C lifford R. A nderson III Joseph Andrews Brian Barsotti James S. Bubar Ronald Buckly Donald R. Cary Diane D. C larke Richard Davidoff Guity Deyhimy C harles H. Dickenson Jo hn P. Doyle Kenneth B. Drost D. Greg Durbin Jeanne Winslow Durbin Elizabeth K. Edwards Manfredi Laura J. Enos John M. Feder William J. Feeney Randall S. Firestone Douglas C. Fladseth Donald R. Franson , Jr. Robert L. Freeman Jeffrey M. Graeber Gordon W. G regory Randal G. Harris Robert A. Hawley R.J. Heher Nicholas Heldt J. George Hetherington Richard J. Hicks Susan K. Hoerger Steger P. Johnson Jennifer L. Keller David H. Kremer Bruce M. Lorman Nancy L. Ludgus John II. MacConaghy Donna C hapin MalZe l John I. McBeth Wilham E. McDonnell, Jr. RicharJ 0. McKay Barhara J. Morgen Ronald Noboru Ohata Arthur B. Page Robert L. Pollak Gera lt! Posner Wilham M. R,chard,on C. H. Richlin David J. Rivera Larry . Rus> Robin Russe ll Brad Seligman Douglas James Shaeffer Mark J. Smith John H. Stephens Randa ll K. teverson Nancy Stewart S. David Takaku wa Gerald Gam liel Weisbach Da vid E. Wheeler Marshall Whitney Jeffrey R. Williams Randall R. Wittman Vicki Bleiberg Zatkin CLASS AGENTS KNEELA ND H . L O B NER (' 44 ) BRUCE M . LUB A R S K Y (, 62 ) CLASS OF 1979 Susan J. Allison James A. Bach Hon. Gai l Brewster Bereola Bobby Lee Bierig Constance G. Brigham John M. Brown Betty C. Bullock Patrick E. Cannon C. Randall Cook Maureen E. Corcoran Barbara A. C ray Suzanne Care Cummins Susan K. Davidoff Scott P. De Vries Kevin Domecus Carol W ieckowski Dreyer Kevin M. Dyer Barry . Engel Joseph E. Fanucci Va lerie A nne Fontaine David A. Goldberg Marc L. Goldste in Louis J. Goodman Marcia L. G reen David L. Hall Rosemary Hart John A. H artog Joel J. Hayash ida C heryl K. Hetherington David M. Humiston Philip D. Kohn Thomas C harles Levitt Mimi Reichert Lewis Richard G riffith Logan , Jr. Martin Lov inger Lawrence Bryan Low Lau ra Massey Sally Jean McCabe George T. McDonnell Peter Martin Nelson Jonathan Novak Mary L. Poteet Law rence Robert Ramsey Marc L. Sallus Floyd Eric Saunders TWENTY ONE KIM MAROIS (, 76 ) J . ROBERT ME S ERVE (' 41 ) JOHN H . NEWMAN (' 77 ) David D. Scott Marc L. Shea Sally A . Sklar Susan E. Teller Susan Stuermer Thomas Mark L. Vorsatz G lenn P. Walling Jay P. Wertheim Elaine H. Wolff-Bubar CLASS OF 1980 Stewart C. A ltemus Joseph J. Babich Brian T. Borders David Adam Brown R"I-..·rt,l "nne E\urc: Ch"'loph,'r t> \ C,lrlettt Aln,mder J l'r,1tg III P",t LUlr,1 E\u li-cm,1 Cun nmgham [)J\ld \X' Dc\\c\ Rnhert Gmy Dodge Roger Arturo Dreyer Leland Blanchard E\'am Kc\ m \V/. Fmck Itchacl J. F"h Lau n e L. FI, her Lance B. Gordon J. Terence Hanna Paul Haughey M Ichae l J. Hendcrson Phyll" Frenea Henderson Pau l F. Higaki, Jr. Wade Hufford Mich ael A. Hu rw itz Lawrence Iser G regory Walter Jarrett Diane Larrabee Matthew Larrabee Rose-Eve K. Lewis Ray mond M. Lynch Jerold T. Marayoshi DenniS E. McLean CLASS AGENTS MICH A EL F . O ' CONNOR (' 71 ) M A RK F . ORNELL AS (' 74 ) H ON . W AL.T ER O S B O R N , JR . (, 43 ) K ENNET H W. R O S ENT HAL (' 58 ) Alexander J. Michalak Jame, J. Mulgrew t>llchae l A. Mu llcry Morgan Pn ckett Pete r R. Rob mson A lan W. Schulkm Gerald T. Sektmura James 1. Stang C laude M. S tern TImothy L. Stewart Peter T. Stone Rode n ck M. Thomp on Thomas J. U mberg Jeffrey G. Walker TImoth y J. Young CLASS OF 1981 Ku"ba ll S. Atwood M. uza nne Badenhoop D. Michae l Bailey Ronald J. Boehm Prof. Patric ia C. Bradford Mary Lynn Brennan Ro be rt H. Bume l Frank Decker ady Mark A lan Cameron Richard T. C lampitt C. Don Clay Lisa o ughlm C lay John R. Connelly, Jr. Conrad M . Corbett Robert L. Danaher Hon . Paula Deve ns A lison Smith Fay C. Randolph Fishburn M. Wamwnght Fishburn , Jr. Richard Lawrence Gerould Maureen A. G ratta n Violet . Handelman Fred M. Harrwlck III James A. Haverkamp Mark Hirabayashl A rnold K. Honda Elizabeth A. Hotchkin Rebecca A. Hull James H. Irish Cyn rhia Wachrer Iser Faith Jansen Kathleen Kerr Hon . Kay Thora Kings ley David . Knudson Lenore Lashley Jeannette D. Lejardi Jeffrey M . Loeb Harvey J. Lung Melanie Stoff Maler Coralie C hun Matayoshl Philip A. McLeod Sandi Lynn N ichols Ronald W. Novotn y Do uglas W. O ldfield Dvora Parker Tlmorhy G . Pattef>on Daniel W. Perers Drew E. Pomerance Susanne K. Reed Mary Maloney Roberts Joe Arv izu Rodriguez A. Curtis Sawyer, Jr. Maureen J. Shanahan Thomas Patrick Sullivan Steven M . Takei Kay E. TIndel M ichael R. Totaro Lawrence A lan Towers MIChae l E. W hl tc G regory F. Wmslow CLASS OF 1982 G regory R. Aker Lowe ll AncJerson Dan Michael Berkov itz Watson B. Bla ir Cathryn Bryck Denms Ell iot Ca mes Edna F. Cash-Dud ley Daniel A. hem John hu Peter W. C lapp Michae l Dav id Dev in LUCia Diamond Virgima .H . Dodge William C. Dresser Bruce R. Ellisen James Hopkins Fox Laury M. Frieber Steven Joe l G ray Joseph A lbert Gross Samuel F. Hoffm an Robert J. Kaneda Michael J. Kinke laa r Peter John Kokal lS Perry L. Landsberg Richard A. Lapping John S .c. Lim Lois R. Limbach Linda G. Lipscomb Jud y Louie Peggy McMahon Michael P. McNamara James W. Moore Janet A. Nexon Paul McEwing ichols B. Mark Nordman Sarah Foxman Pattison Victor M. Perez Lee N. Pliscou Abby Rosmarin A nne M. Rubenstein A lyce A. Rubinfe ld Jan Rutherdale Nancy Beth Samii] an Thomas James Sayeg Yee- Horn Shuai Rlk N. S iro Boyd C. Sleeth Mich ael J. Stee l Barbara Cohen Stikker Thomas J. Stikker Ben Suter G race Fongme i Tam Lora Jean Thielbar William Franc is Tyndall Douglas A . U nsworth J. Victor Waye Dan to n Sunmun Wong Prof. Margaret J. Wynne Franklin H. Yap CLASS OF 1983 Nancy L Al varez Thomas William Baxter Kathryn Guillo u Bergenholtz ynthia Kerwin Birmingham Robin Love Buxton Marie Lo uise Ca ro an M . Castle A. Byrne Conley, Jr. Kathleen K. De Santis Na ncy Eisenschiml T WOHY T wo· Kmhleen M. Eyre Philtp B. Feldman Jes>! e c. Fume>, Larry M. Golub Hon . Se rgio A . G utierrez Km ron P. Harper Susan Harnman Wend y Herzog Thomas PrincJi ville H igg ll1s Hon . Brad R. H Ili G regg B. Hovey Jeff EdwarcJ Johnson Phlhppa Lyn Jube ltrer May LOUie Jung Thomas W. Kintner Rebecca Lirteneke r C lara Machara Rodncy T. Marhcws, Jr. Russe ll H. Miller Gerald F. Mohun, Jr. Danie l L. Nash Peter Nova James. P. O 'Sulli va n A laine Parry Peter J. Pu lien Dav id C uacJra Rancano Janet McCormick Ri ley Brian A. Ripley Kyle T. Saku moto GeralcJ L. Sauer C. C urtis Scott Theodore F. hiells Mark husted Barbara S il ver Jeannette S tephan Michae l A. Vacchi o PatriCia Kehau Wall Ellen Wi nograd CLASS OF 1984 Dean Anthony A lper Joseph Wi ll iam Be ll Ellen R. Berk Andrea Wirtzer Cassidy Jackson C hin Shawn M. C hristianson Susan B. C rawford Noy Shuen Dav is George Hallett Den ton Harry M . Dorfman Marc Edwin Empey oemi Espinosa Paul David Fife Michael William Fox Arthur teven Frumkin TImoth y A . G ravitt Matthew Campbell Hervey Jon Masa Ishibashi haron Ellen Jaffe John Kakinukl Kathleen Ke lly teven Koch Lori B. Kramer Kell y Rosso Le ight Cynthia Man e Loe John A. MacKerron Mary Ca therine Malin Peter Scott Mye rs Gary Lee Neatherl in Jennifer Lea O'Connor Joseph c. Owens Ro bert Joseph Pia Larry G uy Raskin D. Matthew RlcharcJson Paul Jeffrey Riehle ANNUAL REPORT OF G I FTS CLASS AGENTS PROF. EM E R I TU S HOWA RD H . RUB E N (' 82 ) J ER OM E S AP I RO ('3 9 ) HA ROLD SIL-EN (, 5 7) JO HN F. STALEY (' 72 ) THOM AS H . ROTHWE L L (' 51 ) Judith Debra Sappe r Elizabeth Pagel Serebransky Leslie James Sherman Glenn Quent in Snyder Keith Kiyoshi uzuka Eric Hunter Werner Dav id Lee Wiggins CLASS OF 1985 G. David Brinton Tyler Ada m Brown Steven Bruckman Lynn Cadwalader Lisa Kleiner Chanoff Leanne Wilhardt Coghlin Andrew Edward Creely Mimi Elizabeth Doherty Mary Theresa Dumont Stephen Joseph Erigero Robin Lee Filion David Allen Frank Robert J. Garon Matthew J. Geyer Diane Alexandra Green Karen Ethel Halbo John A. Hughes Kim Michele Hunter Jennifer Frances Jackson Allan Kirk Jacobi Jeffrey S. Kaufman Lynette Carol Kelly Gail H. Knittel Elizabeth Lowenstein Jeffrey T. Makoff Eileen Marie Malley Janet Evelyn Mattick Eileen Therese McA ndrew Marita McLaughlin Dianne J. Meconis Russell I. Miyahira James J. O'Donnell Patricia Marie Olcomendy Elizabeth Ufkes Ol ivera Jolene Parker J. Dominique Pinkney Jeffrey David Polsky Barbara Rowland Christine Sacino L. Joanne akai Richard Henry Schoenberger Geoffrey Spell berg Dana Stanculescu Thomas Foster Stewart Nancy Jean Strout John Morihide Tonaki Jeffrey Allan Turkell Joseph Visse Anita L. Wood Teresa A. Woody Helen Wong Yee Jean Nancy Kung Yeh CLASS OF 1986 Judith Lefk owi tz Ande"on Maya Lynne Armour Jess L. Askew III Ma rk R. Beckington Kate D. Bush Fred D. Butler Prof. Martin D. Carcieri Thomas J. ass idy, Jr. Sa rah L. Cohen Karen A. Connolly Stephen P. Den a Douglas A. Emerick Sa muel Kenneth Feng Lance S. Fuj isaki Christine Gasparov ich Stephen D. Gause Betsy Stover Granger Lesley B. Harris Neil A. Harris M. Leslie Hovey Alan T. Hu ie Ronald W. Ito Audrey Sullivan Jacob Kenneth L. Kann Gary A. Kess ler Jan A. Kobayashi Leslie C. Longenbaugh Joseph G. Mclaughlin Timothy Brian Mills Betty J. O rvell Jayson C. Pang James A. Pri etto Kenneth W. Rosenberg V. Blair Shahbazian K. James Steiner, Jr. David G . Tekell Jeanette Elai ne Traverso Stephen P. Villano CLASS OF 1987 Michael A. Abraham Richard G. Barsky Wi lliam Reid Brown David L. Canas Daniel C lark Marc J. Derewetzky James Thomas Diamond, Jr. Steven J. EIie Alan J. Friedman Kent Brian Goss Christine R. Hall Philip Joseph Hayes Marc Sean Hurd Pamela T. Ireland Michael Kenneth Johnson Douglas A. Kuber Monica E. Lukoschek C harlotte Makoff Dan i Jo Young Me rryman Jo Ann Montoya Michae l D. Montoya Rochelle Nason Jennifer M. Nun Ca rla B. Oakl ey Dav id E. Reese Eric R. Reimer Joseph Pretlow Savage Ron ie M. Schmelz Kerry Lynn Stelzer John F. Tannian Dani el S. York Lou ise M. Zeitzew CLASS OF 1988 Karen Tietj en A ll en Marjorie Frances Allen Daniel Joseph Bailey III Dav id A. Bromley Susan Finch Coberly Michael N. Conneran David Justin Cowan Dakin Nevi lle Ferris Ga il A. Flesher Lynn Marie Garney Steven J. Gee Gail Renee Gudder Meredith S. Jackson Marianne S. Johnson Sylvia R. Johnson Matthew Hayes Krimmer John M. Landry Tracy Anna Lynch Michael Ross MacPhai l Mary Catherine Merz Andrew R. Moore Paul Marshall O rbuch Diane Damis Papan Vicki Dansky Perlmutter Gary R. Ray Shari Cohen Rosenman Jeffrey Bryan Rosichan Cynthia Rowland G rant L. Simmons Theresa S. Taylor Pamela J. Tennison Breck C. Tostevin Paul Hung Yong CLASS OF 1989 Victor N. Alam Cesa r V. A legria, Jr. Amy Rebecca Bach Natalie Bl ake Joyce Mad ver Ca rtu n Steven M. Cooper Christina G. Cordoza Mark W. Danis PauI A Ian Dorris Gregory Lewis Feinberg Gayle Meredith Green Ian Hardcastle Christopher Alan Hilen G loria Lee Jang TWENTY THREE' . • • James J. Jordan Theresa Wa lker Karle C laes H. LewenhauPl Genev ieve M. Moore Myra Ann Nakelsky Ei leen A. O'Connor Beverly J. Russell J. Christopher Stevens M. Lupe Va lencia Victoria L. von Sze liski Maril yn Wade Franklin T. Watson William Way CLASS OF 1990 Frank W. Battai le Aaron R. Bolgatz Erin Teresa Cornyn JoA nne L. Dunce Shan non F. Fallon Sull y W. Moore C raig Stuart Nelson Timoth y P. Prince Joseph D. Rubin Dav id Anthony il va Elena V. Speed Diane E. Turriff Kell y Ferrell Watson Victor K. Williams Suza nne Mulkern Wozniak Ron S. Zoll man CLASS OF 1991 A lyssa J. Allen Debra L. Barbin Annie YJ. Chang John S. C hang James M. Conway Melyssa D. Davidson Kenneth D. Drazkowski Michael R. Egger Brendan J. Fogarty Suzanne Ryder Fogarty Ruth V. G lick Gary Goldberg Idilio A. Gonzalez Constance E. Johnson Christine L. Judas Jonathan M. Kaplan Michael J. Kinane Eric R. Krebs Matthew R. Kretzer Michelle E. Lentzner Julia A. Lev in Shea Hutchins Lukacsko Mario A. Ma rtinez Robert G. Merritt Robert C. Mills James J. Ostertag Jeanne C. Reimonn Pau l M. Saito Michael D. Stevens -\ .h,n.lth.m P, T~rl'N>n l"l.wJI,l s. T~)lI,'~\tnt P~ter L \e,t.d LluTie L. \X'atktm CLASS OF 1992 D,I\ I' C. Bak-> III Be, erl, -\. Br:mJ EI.:aheth M. Calclano ano C,lpohianco Timorh) M. a,ey Joanne M. Chan Laura J. Daw,on Eil:abeth A. Delaney Bret E. Field hTistopher T Holl and Kevin Walter Johnson N icole S. Kamlan Kathryn Elliott Love Richard A Montfort, Jr. Walter T Moore Russe ll M. Mortyn Mabel g Jenmfer E. Niles Ailsa A. Shorago Margaret E. Stoll David B. uillvan Melissa Bauman Ward CLASS OF 1993 Bret C. Birtbong helley L. Brenner Kevin laMontagne Elise Kam Yuk Lee Todd D. Mayo BTian B. McAllister Susanne L. Meline Moona Nandi Paul B. Sal vary Rhonda L. avi tch John V. Wadsworth Mary A. Wagner John A. Zecca CLASS OF 1994 Steven P. Allen Elaine M. Bild Mary J. Drury Ellen Ruth Femche l James W. Harper Cara K. Ma,uda Robert C. McDona ld lIchael Paul Mihalek David J. S.!bert KTistin . Whipple CLASS OF 1995 Samantha L. Amparan Jonathan A Covau lt Julia A Emede Joan M. Frelta, Daniel J. Howell Tracy E. Hughes Jom . Jacob, Kathryn . Korn GabTielle T Letteau Joseph A. Lenn Aaron J. Malo Erm C. Monon 1I.hchelle R. Oakes ~lark A Talamantes Knstm A. Voplcka \'Inana \X'al-;man Ste"en L. Yarbrough ,\.,UREPORTOFG IFTS FRIENDS Fred H. Alt,hu ler Ed. B. A nde"on 1I.lar\'m J. Anderson Simon D. Anlxter A nonymou Norman R. Ascherman Mrs. George O. Bahrs LouIS Baraj as Prof. Margreth Barrett Ruth C. Barrow Cec "," Blackfleld Pamela Blackfleld Prof. Kate Bloch Edward Bransten Jerome Braun A Frank Bray, Jr. Ruth C. Chance Wdliam K. Coblentz Prof. Marsha N. Cohen Stuart Cooley Paul . Crane James T Danaher William S. Dato John W. DavIS Joseph A De Girolamo Victora J. DeGoff Prof. John L. Diamond Janine P. Dickenson Annette R. Dobbs Julie AB. Driscoll Jerome B. Falk . Jr. Jesse Feldman J. Alan Galbraith Prof. BTian Gray Prof. Joseph R. Grodm Richard K. Grosboll Richard P. Gross M . Robert Harm The Hartzell Fam.! y Prof. Dan F. Henderson Gayle W. Higaki Geraldme Hill Madalyn Hoberg Prof. William T Hutton Joe Jankoric Dean Mary Kay Kane C hris Gus Kanios Gary Katz Michael C. Kirk Eleanor M. Kraft Hon. Leland J. Laza rus Matthew T Lebenbaum Prof. Julian H. LevI Prof. David Lev me Prof. tephen A Lmd Ernst Lipschutz Juliet Lowenthal Dorothy Mackay-Collin> andra W. Magliozzl Prof. Peter K. Maler Prof. John . Malone George A lexander McKray Richard Mosk Prof. MelISsa e1ken herett A Palmer. Jr. Prof. Jenm Parrish Wdliam Poeschl Edgar W. Pye Aletha R. Ragan PhyllIS Rlesenfeld Prof. tefan Rle,enfeld DaVid Rmtels Robert Leon Ru,k y Prof. Edeen A Sca llen Prof. Rudolf B. Schlesmger Ruth H. Schbmger June D. Schnacke Prof. loUiS B. chwart: Prof. Stephen Schwarz Dmah A Selver Prof. Warren L. Shattuck Walter V Simmons John A. Sproul Tobi tem Allan teye r tan ley L. Streicher Prof. Ray mond L. ullivan Wmifred C. Sullivan Prof. Joseph M. Sweeney John W. Sweitzer Rosabelle R. Tobriner William Bennett Turner Peter Tynberg Paul Vapnek YOTI Wada Julia R. Wah lberg Prof. Francis R. Walsh Stephen Walter Prof. Wdliam K.S. Wang H. Allyn Warner Prof. Joanna Weinberg CLASS AGENTS BRIAN D. THIESSEN ( ' 67 ) WAYNE O . VEATCH , SR . (' 35 ) DANIEL S . YORK ('87) Class of '66 representative Guy Kornblum (left) pTesented $30,000 check to Dean Kane to establish the Class of 1966 Scholarship Fund, while Class of '69 representative Ken Malovos accepted the challenge on behalf of his class to initiate a similar major class gift pToject. Antonio RO:--"imann Jane A. Rummel TwE. TY F OUR' ANNUAL REPORT OF G I FTS O(3)otlor cYlub ff2evel BENEFACTORS ($ 10,000 to $99,000) Ronald G .. A u '63 Pamela Blackfield Matthew Levitan '76 June D. Schnacke SECOND CENTURY CLUB ($5,000 to $9,999) Jack C. A lhadeff '64 Joseph W. Cotchett '64 Richard P. Gross Jerome Marks '64 John K. "Jack" Smith '54 Rosabelle R. Tobriner TOWER CLUB ($2,500 to $4,999) Cecilia Blackfield Fred D. Butler '86 Peter W. Davis '69 Madalyn Hoberg Dean Mary Kay Kane C huck Mazursky '69 Norman T. Seltzer '42 Prof. Warren L. Shattuck James B. Young '69 1066 CLUB ($1 ,066 to $2 ,499) Albert R. Abramson '54 Joseph J. Babich '80 James A Bach '79 Mrs. George O. Bahrs James R. Bancroft '49 Elaine R. Bayus '77 Paul Bennett '74 Cynthia Kerwin Birmingham '83 Hill Blackett 1lI '77 Norse N . Blazzard '62 Stephen D. Bomes '71 Donald E. Bradley '68 El izabeth Franco Bradley '77 A Frank Bray, Jr. Peter Kinzie Buckley '73 Terrence A C allan '64 William C. Carr '62 Merle C. Chambers '77 Kellogg C han '64 Ha n. William R. C hannell '49 Susannah J. Convery '60 Prof. Michael D. DeVito '64 Edward M. Digard i '47 John Francis Digardi '28 Annette R. Dobbs Carol Wieckowski Dreyer '79 Roger Arturo Dreyer '80 Kenneth B. Drost '78 Fritz L. Duda '64 William De hay English '5 1 Betty M. Folk '46 Robert . Field '60 Gregory E. Fisch bach '66 L. Richard Fischer '70 . Randolph Fishburn '8 1 M. Wain wright Fish burn , Jr. '8 1 Va lerie A Fontaine '79 Eugene L. Freeland '5 1 Robert E. Freitas '77 Ha n. Bruce R. Geernaert '53 Marc L. Goldstei n '79 Ru th C hurch G upta '48 James C. Hagedorn '63 Winifred L. Hepperle '43 Gayle W. Higaki Paul F. Higaki, Jr. '80 Robert L. Hobson '64 Richard W. Horton '50 Robert L. House '66 Rebecca A. Hull '8 1 Prof. William T. Hutton William F. Kenney '60 George King '58 Ha n . Richard W. Kirby, Ret. '64 W. Alexander Klikoff '77 John T. Knox '52 Philip M. Knox, Jr. '49 Bert T. Kobayashi , Jr. '65 John A . Koeppel '76 Guy O. Kornblum '66 Elliot M. Kroll '7 7 Ca rl A Leonard '68 G abrielle T. Letteau '95 Ha n. Robert M. Letteau '67 Dav id Maher Lill y, Jr. '76 Prof. S tephen A Lind Wilbur F. Littlefield '49 Kneeland H. Lobner '44 Thomas J. Mac Bride, Jr. '75 Sandra W. Magliozzi James E. Mahoney '66 Melanie Stoff Maier '8 1 Prof. Peter K. Maier C harlotte Makoff '87 Jeffrey T. Makoff '85 Kenneth M. Malovos '69 Douglas C. McClure '69 Thomas E. Miller '73 N icholas G. Moore '6 7 Franklin K. Muka i '70 Lawrence M. Nagin '65 Bernard W. Nebenzahl '66 Stephen E. Newton '67 Peter P.J . Ng '64 Prof. George R. Nock '66 John E. Nordin 11 '69 Jonathan Novak '79 John F. O'Hara '46 Ha n. James V. Pa ige '38 Eve rett A . Palmer, Jr. Wendell K. Pang '70 Prof. Jenni Parrish Ha n. Blaine E. Pettitt '41 Will iam Poesch l A leth a R. Raga n Hon. Bernard E. Revak '64 Elizabeth B. Richards '57 Guy Rounsavi ll e, Jr. '68 Jane A. Rummel Dwigh t M. Rush '53 Robe rt Sakai '74 Eugene M. Sa lu te '64 Prof. Eileen A ca lien Fra ncis O. Scarpull a '67 Barry A chu lman '64 Harold Sil en '57 Jane Peterson Sm ith '75 Michae l T. Solomon '73 John A Sproul Harry D. Sunderland '6 1 Marvin Sussman '50 Prof. Joseph M. Sweeney Steven M. Take i '8 1 Richard J. Thalheimer '74 Brian David Thiessen '67 Robert Tourtelot '64 Peter Tyn berg Thomas Va n Voorhis '59 A lan J. Vagi '66 Mark L. Vorsatz '79 Eugene J. Wait, Jr. '54 H. A llyn Warner James L. Welch '70 Dav id Weston '77 John A . "Jack" White '42 Kristian D. Whitten '73 Ha n. Ph ili p C. Wilkins '39 A lfred M.K. Wong '64 Robert C. W right '71 Martin 1. Zankel '74 HASTINGS PARTNERS ($500 to $ 1065) Ha n. Nat A. Agli ano, Ret. '59 Janet A mbrozek '77 Donald B. Belkin '66 Jerome Braun A nthony R. Brookman '53 Robert H. Bunze l '8 1 Joan L. Cassman '77 Dav id W. C lingman '75 Karen A . Connolly '86 tuart Cooley Conrad M. Corbett '8 1 Maureen E. Corcoran '79 Richard Dav idoff '78 usan K. Dav idoff '79 Joseph A . De G irolamo Thomas M. Dillon '77 Kevin Domecus '79 Leland Blanchard Evans '80 Gai l A Flesher '88 Ha n. Donald R. Franson '5 1 J. Alan Ga lbraith The Hartzell Famil y C hery l K. Hetherington '79 J. George Hetherington '78 Robe rt L. Hughes '57 Howard A. Janssen '69 John Kakinuki '84 John Michael Kelly '65 Shale F. Krepack '66 Mildred W. Levin '34 Samuel AB. Lyons '64 Timothy Brian Mills '86 Ke nneth E. O li vier '77 Keith F. Park '72 TWENTY FIVE PhylliS R,esenfcld Prof. tcfan Riesenfeld J. Mark Rochefort '72 Jcffrey Bryan RO>lchan '88 Prof. TI10mas H. Rothwell '51 Philip M. Savage 111 '67 Jerrold C. Schaefer '66 Prof. Louis B. chwartz Bernard P. imons '67 David L. Slate '74 Glenn Quentin Snyder '84 Charles D. Sooy '32 Gregory W. Stepanic ich '77 Dav id V. Stiles '76 John W. Sweitzer Henry C. Todd '37 Michael D. Tom '75 S rephen Wa lter Suzanne Mulkern Wozniak '90 HASTINGS ASSOCIATES ($250 to $499) Han. Dav id L. A llen '55 James Michael A llen '7 1 Marj orie Frances A llen '88 Robe rt L. Bacon '5 1 James K. Batchelor '59 tan ley L. Bauer '5 1 Bruce W. Belding '63 Kenneth W. Bolinger '72 Prof. Patricia C. Bradfo rd '8 1 Steven Bruckman '85 Ha n. David W. Calfee '49 Annie Y.J. C hang '9 1 Peter W. C lapp '82 John M. Coudures, Jr. '38 EI izabeth A Coyne '74 Douglas G. Crosby '69 James B. De Golia '76 John D. Deacon, Jr. '77 Elizabeth A Delaney '92 Michael G. Desmarais '73 Thomas Dobyns '72 Robert G ray Dodge '80 John F. Donovan '63 S teven J. Elie '87 Douglas A Emerick '86 Barry S. Engel '79 Myron E. Etienne, Jr. '52 Thomas N. Fat '65 Mi chael J. Fish '80 Robert O . Fleckner '5 4 Michael M. Fleming '75 Ferdinand T. Fletcher '35 Steven J. Gee '88 C. Martin Golde nberg '67 Maureen A . G rattan '8 1 Kathleen M. Hallissy '75 James F. Hann '77 Fred M. Hartwick 111 '8 1 Robe rt T. Haslam '76 C andace J. Heisler '72 Mary A nna Henley '7 1 William Kent Henley '69 James Edgar Hervey '50 Lloyd Hinkelman '56 Larry C. Holman '73 Douglas D. Hughman ick '74 W. Ronald Ingram '62 James H . Irish '8 1 Cynthia Wach ter Iser '8 1 Lawrence 1ser '80 A llan Kirk Jacobi '85 Joe Jankoric A. N I h'n Thom,., ~1. Jenk1l1'. Ret '49 R,ch.lrJ H. Jord,ln '74 J.lmc, R. Ju,lge '" WIIl"lIn F J..:cneflCk, Jr. ',) Steven Ko<.:h " 4 John H. Lejn!eb '7) Prof. Julian H. Le\'1 Mdr](me Len John S. . Lm1 '82 Lee A. Lopc, '52 Bruce M. Lubat>k) '62 ancy L. Ludgus '78 Don A. Lynn '73 Jack B. McCowan, Jr. '74 George T. McDonnell '79 Madel me G. McLaughlin '7 1 Hon. Robert W. Mernll '52 Hon. Leonard l. Meyers '41 Peter Z. Michael '67 Ronald AIl"on Miller '73 Hon. Charlene P. MItchell '77 Jamoa A. Moberly '76 Bnan DennIS Monaghan '70 Hon. Wilham D. Mudd '69 John H. Newman '77 Hon. Leslie C. icho1s '66 Peter Nova '83 Bernard E. O'Connor, Jr. '65 Michael F. O'Connor '71 Hon. Wa lter Osborn, Jr. '43 Timothy G. Patterson '8 1 Walter M. Phillips, Jt. '66 RIChard C. Raines '74 David E. Reese '87 Hon . W. Blair Rixon '35 James F. Rogers '57 Richard L. Rosett '67 Antonio Rossmann Hadden W. Roth '57 Robin Russell '78 Howard A. Sagaser '76 Marc L. Sallus '79 Paul J. Sax '68 A lan W. Schulkm '80 Bruce W. Schwab '63 Richard L. Seabolt '75 Joel A. Shawn '66 Theodore F. hiells '83 Paul M. Sh,moff'72 Hon. Loth rop E. Smith '38 Mark J. Smith '78 Darrell Sooy '69 Hon. George A. padoro '73 C laude M. Stem '80 Hon. Thomas W. coever '60 William R. Sweeney '52 Theresa S. Taylor '88 Lynn K. 1110mp,on '77 Lawrence Alan Towers '8 1 Thomas J. Umberg '80 Janet M. Mead '77 MIChael A. Vacch,o' 3 Thomas A. Vyse '62 James E. Wallace, Jt. '69 Prof. William K.. Wang John W. Warnock '67 Wilham J.A . WelT '68 Gro,er T. Wicker,ham '76 Gordon E. Wilde '40 Benjamm R. Winslow '72 Randall W. Wulff '74 RIchard W. Young '74 Lou"e M. Zelt:ew '87 AI. REPORT OF (,In" HASTINGS COUNSELORS ("/0\.) co $249) Freda EmIl) Abbott '71 PhIlip Adams '38 Alys.aJ. Allen '91 Karen Tietjen Allen '88 Fred H. Altshuler Nancy L. A lvarez '83 Ronald Y. Amemlya '67 Gera ld L. Anchor '67 Clifford R. Anderson III '78 Gary Harmon Ande rson '66 James R. Anderson '74 Kendra Gale Anderson '73 Lowe ll Anderson '82 Eugen C. Andres '68 Joseph A ndrews '78 Simon D. An ixter Robert O. Appleron, Jt. '70 Maya Lynne A rmour '86 Murray M. A ron '74 Nonnan R. Aschennan Jess L. Askew III '86 Roland M. A ttenborough '65 Carolyn S. Attkisson '75 Kimball S. Atwood '8 1 Thomas Yuin Au '75 Alan B. Axelrod '61 A my Rebecca Bach '89 M. Suzanne Badenhoop '8 1 D. Michael Bailey '81 Daniel W. Baker '49 Hon. Robert K. Barber '48 H.E. Bert Barker, Jt. '63 Prof. Margreth Barrett John P. Barne '72 Ruth C. Barrow RIchard G. Barsky '87 Brian Barsotti '78 Frank W. Battaile '90 Hon. Marvm R. Baxter '66 Thomas William Baxter '83 James M. Baynes '74 Thomas Lane Bec ket '76 Robert A. Belzer '68 Hon. RIchard A. Bennett '73 Hon. Ga il Brewster Bereola '79 Ellen R. Berk '84 Dan MIChael BerkOVItz '82 Irving S. Bertram '70 William J. Betts '49 Elaine M. Blld '94 Robert A. Biorn '68 Robert Bishop '63 Jerome A. Blaha '7 1 Wi lham J. Blair '76 Lorin B. Blum '62 John C. Bost '73 Hon. Robert L. Bostick '49 Hon. Michael D. Bradbury '67 Thomas A. Brady '67 Edward Bransten Howard Jay Bressler '65 George W. Brewer '66 Arthur R. Bridgeman '49 John P. Briegleb '49 Constance G. Bngham '79 G. DaVId Brinton '85 Larry G. Broussard '77 James McNeil Brower 'SO John M. Brown '79 M. Kingsley Brown '76 at Brown, Jt. '48 Cathryn Bryck '82 James S. Buhar '78 Betty C. Bullock '79 DaVId M. Buoncnstlan l '7 \ C lark R. Byam '72 Hon. William E. Byrne, Ret . '57 Fredenck H. Bysshe, Jr. '62 Lynn Cadwalader '85 Frank Decke r Cady '8 1 Dennis Elliot Cames '82 Jed Z. Ca llen '76 Paul Camera '60 Mark Alan Cameron '8 1 RonnIe Cap lane '75 Joel arash '67 Robert E. Carlson '58 Thomas H. Carmody '7 \ Marie Louise Ca ro '83 Diane Werthen Carter '76 Joyce Maciver Cartun '89 Donald R. ary '78 MIchael W. Case '7 1 Andrea W irtzer ass id y '84 an M. Ca>tle '83 Peter S. Chalfant '76 Ruth C. hance Gerald Yau Yun C hang '70 John S. C hang '91 Hon. Richard F. C harvat '63 Eddie Y. C hin '74 Co lin W. C hiu '69 Shawn M. C hnstlanson '84 John C hu '82 Steve n K.S. C hung '76 RIchard T. Clampitt '8 1 Duane E. C lapp, Jt. '68 Diane D. Clarke '78 . Don C lay '8 1 Lisa Coughlm C lay '8 1 Hon. Frank B. C liff '52 William K. Cob lentz Leanne Wilhardt Coghlin '85 Prof. Marsha N. Cohen Ellen O. Collins '77 Mark Scott Collins '74 A. Byrne Conley, Jr. '83 John R. Connell y, Jr. '8 1 Hon. Donald B. Constine, Ret. '48 C. Randall Cook '79 Hon. J. Hilary Cook '58 M. Stephen Coontz '70 Paul D. Cooper '66 teven M. Cooper '89 Judith M. Copeland '74 Dav id Justi n Cowan '88 Douglas M. Cowles '75 Pau I N. C rane Anthony B. C raven '64 Leland M. C rawford '53 Richard K. C ritchlow '65 James B. Cuneo '65 Prof. Laura Buikema C unningh am '80 Paul H . Cyril '62 Paul . Daigle '68 Marita McLaughlin '85 James T. Danahe r Robert L. Danaher '8 1 Ed Danenhauer, J t. '68 Mark W. Danis '89 Robert H. Darrow '53 Melyssa D. DaVIdson '9 1 John W. Davis Jonathan J. DaVIS '74 Laura J. Dawson '92 Scott P. De Vrie '79 Hon. John W. DeGroot '74 TWENTY SIX Lh" A nn Del Pcm '76 Hon. WIl II,lIn C. DeM,\Tt llll '5) Stephen P. Den" '86 Edward Dermott '54 Wa rren C. Deut,ch '62 Hon. Paula Deve ns '8 1 MIchae l DaVId DeV in '82 Gutty Deyhimy '78 Howard G. Dickenson '50 Virgin ia N. H. Dodge '82 MimI Elizabeth Dohe rty '85 R,chard Domholt '76 Peter C harles Dow ler '69 John P. Doyle '78 William C. Dresser '82 Mary Theresa Dumont '85 JoA nne L. Dunec '90 James Richard Dunworrh '73 D. G reg Durbin '78 Jeanne Wins low Durbin '78 Kevi n M. Dyer '79 Stephen K. Easton '70 Hon. James M. Edmunds 'SO Elizabeth K. Edwards Manfredi '78 Michael R. Egger '9 1 Bruce R. Ellisen '82 Geoffrey J. Eng '75 Richard A. Erwood '73 Noem l Espi nosa '84 Carmen A. Estrada '77 A. Ben Ewell , Jr. '66 William J. Ewing '51 Kathl een M. Eyre '83 Jerome B. Falk, Jr. han non F. Fallon '90 Joseph E. Fanllcc i '79 John H . Farmer '56 Dan iel G. Farthing '71 A lison S mith Fay '81 John M. Feder '78 Steve n H. Felderstein '73 Jesse Feldman Dakin Nev ille Ferris '88 Bret E. Field '92 Thomas R. Fier '77 Paul David Fife '84 Gennaro A ugust Fili ce 111 '74 Kevin W. Finck '80 Lisa Finkelstein '77 Hugh D. Finley '74 C harles M. Floren '74 Hon . Edward Forstenzer '7 1 James Hopkins Fox '82 David Alle n Frank '85 Prof. Benjamin D. Frantz '33 Keith S. Fraser '6 1 Michael L. Freed '74 A lan J. Friedman '87 Donald A. Friend '77 Eric Jan Fygl '66 Dan iel F. Gallery '56 Stephen K. Gardner '75 Lynn Marie Gamey '88 John C harles Garrett '66 C hristine Gasparovich '86 Richard J. Geddes '74 Richard Lawrence Gerould '8 1 Den nis W. G han '77 William D. G ibbs '63 Gerry R. Ginsberg '69 Margaret . Glass '75 C lement L. Glynn '73 Gary Goldberg '9 1 Iddio A. Gonza lez '9 1 William A. Gould, Jt. '63 ANNUAL REPORT OF GIFTS , TImoth y A . Gravitt '84 Arthur W. Gray, Jr. '52 Marcia L. G reen ' 79 Gordon W. Gregory '78 Prof. Jay E. Grenig '71 Thomas M. G riffin '61 Prof. Joseph R. Grodin Joseph A Ibert Gross '82 Reynold J. Gua lco '48 Dav id J. G uinan '72 Steven H. G urnee '7 5 James F. G ustin '63 Hon. Sergio A. Gutierrez '83 Hon. Ina Lev in Gyemant '68 Eric R. Haas '76 Thomas A. Haeuser '73 Patrick J. Haga n '75 C hristine R. Hall '87 Violet N. Handelman '8 1 J. Terence Hanna '80 Ian Hardcastle '89 Susan Harriman '83 Han . Walter H. Harrington, Jr. '52 Lesley B. Harris '86 Ne ll A . Harris '86 C harles Richard Hart, Jr. '64 John Loren Hartman '56 Roger C. Hartman '68 George K. Hartwick '40 Paul Haughey '80 Han . Priscilla H. Haynes '5 1 Edward J. Hegarty '63 R.J . Heher '78 N icholas Heldt '78 Richard A. Helm '70 Prof. Dan F. Henderson Phyllis Frenea Henderson '80 Lawrence Herbe rt '75 Matthew ampbcll Hervey '84 Wendy Herzog '83 James Cov ington Hester '70 Ha n. Ronald R. Heumann '65 A rthur E. Hewitt '38 Donald P. Hickman '74 C hristopher A lan Hilen '89 Geraldine Hill Henry Hill '65 Thomas L. Hinkle '71 Han . Edward A. Him .. Jr. , Ret. '61 Mark Hirabayashi '8 1 Richard E. Hitchcock '51 David P. Hodges '77 Susan K. Hoerger '78 amuel F. Hoffm an '8 2 C harles R. Hoge '53 Nga i Ho Hong '40 Henry Schu yler Hom II I '66 M. Brooks Hough ton '67 G regg B. Hovey '83 M. Leslie Hovey '86 Carl Howard '49 Helen Yuen Hing Hui '74 A lan T. Huie '86 Dav id M. Humiston '79 Edward B. Huntington '67 Marc Sean Hurd '8 7 Dimitri Kiril lI yin '59 Dennis A. Ing '67 Lawrence N . C. Ing '66 Lester J. Ish ado '75 James F. Iwasko '70 Ronni Jackl '71 V. James Jackl '68 Meredith S. Jackson '88 Hon. C. Robert Jameson '66 G regory Walter Jarrett '80 Louisa M. Jas kulski '75 Juan M. Jayo '76 Ha n . W illiam E. Jensen '5 1 Richard S. E. Johns '71 Michae l M. Johnson '76 Richard L. Johnson '60 Stanley A. Johnson '49 tege r P. John" m '78 Sylvia R. Johnson '88 Richard E. Johnston '6 1 G len R. Jones, Jr. '72 Philippa Lyn Ju be llrer '83 Philip L. Judson '69 Hon . Stephen J. Kane '76 Robert J. Kaneda '82 Barry L. Kanel '77 Stanley T. Kanetake '68 Theresa Wa lker Karl e '89 Hon . Ro bert F. Kaster '67 Jennife r L. Kel ler '78 Lynette Carol Kell y '85 Michael A . Kell y '76 H . Sinclair Kerr, Jr. '74 Richard K. Keyes '76 A ngele Khachadour '62 Isam C. Khoury '73 Campbell Killefer '77 Sarah J. Killgore '60 Michael J. Kinane '91 E. Barry Kline '66 Paul L. Knight '75 Roy Jerome Koegen '74 Philip D. Kohn '79 Ha n. Jack Komar '65 Kath ry n S. Kom '95 Elea nor M . Kraft Robert Krase '76 Eric R. Krebs '9 1 David H. Kremer ' 78 Matthew R. Kretze r '9 1 Henry C. Kri vetsky '60 G il bert N. Kruger '66 John R. Lacy '73 C harles R. Landau '77 Jo hn M. Land ry '88 Perry L. Landsberg '82 Edward Vai l Lane, Jr. '65 Edward F. Laniga r '72 Richard A. Lapping '82 Diane Larrabee '80 Matthew Larrabee '80 Mark A. Larsen ' 73 C hristopher L. Lau '76 Larry R. Lavoie '7 7 Benjamin B. Law '38 Ha n . Leland J. Lazarus Matthew T. Lebenbaum Mervyn W. Lee '70 Randall S. Leff '77 Ha n . William F. Levins, Ret. '49 Norman Lew '62 Rose- Eve K. Lewis '80 David S. Lichtenste in '67 Douglas C. Liechty '60 Lois R. Limbach '82 Dav id B. Lincoln '71 Merek E. Lipson ' 76 Rebecca Litteneker '83 Jeffrey M . Loeb '8 1 Richard G riffith Logan , Jr. '79 Les lie C. Longenbaugh '86 Michael A. Lotman ' 73 Jud y Lo uie '82 Steven Flint Lowe '71 he. Hu tc hins Lu kacs ko '9 1 Tracy A nna Lynch '88 Ka rl David Lyon '50 John H . MacConagh y '78 W illiam Philip Mace '65 Iyde L. MacGowa n , Jr. '63 John A. MacKerron '84 W illi am R. Mackey '59 Dona ld M. Magdziasz '66 James B. Magu ire III '68 Doris Hoffman Maier '35 W illi am Gary Maimone '76 Donna hapin Ma izel '78 Prof. John S . Malone MIchael G. Ma lone '74 Jon S. Malsnee '72 Kazuo C. Mani wa '75 Harrett W. Mannina, r. '46 Ha n. O llie Marie-Victo ire, Ret. '56 Kim Maro is ' 76 Ha n . Myron A. Martin '48 John Roya l Martinea u '69 Laura Massey '79 Jerold T. Matayos hi '80 Philip R. Matthews '77 Mi chael C. Mattice '76 Janet Evelyn Mattick '85 Ha n . Francis W. Maye r '41 Sa lly Jean McCabe '79 Ha n . Franc is L. McCarty '33 Gordon E. McClin toc k '67 Douglas Ross McCorquodale '72 Bruce B. McCrea '73 W illiam E. McDonnell , Jr. '78 W illard W. McEwen , Jr. '60 Mich ael D. McG linn '69 Ha n. Robert G. McG rath '68 John J. McG regor '71 Thoma, B. McG uire '56 David G. Mcinnes '49 RIcha rd D. Mc Kay '78 Ha n . W il ham A. McKinstry '68 Denn is E. McLean '80 W illiam J. McLean III '66 Philip A. McLeod '8 1 Dav id W. McMurtry '63 Mich ael P. McNamara '82 Dan iel J. McVeigh '77 Lee Mermelste in '67 Robe rt G. Merritt '9 1 Dan i Jo Young Merryman '87 J. Robert Meserve '41 Ha n. W illis Mev is, Ret. '49 Ha n. Rudolf H . Michae ls '48 Michael Paul Mihalek '94 Dona ld F. Miles '74 Joseph Millard '7 5 Russell H. Miller '83 W illiam C. Miller '55 John J. Mi tchell , Jr. '62 James W. Moore '82 ull y W. Moore '90 W illson C. Moore, Jr. '53 C harles O. Morgan , Jr. '49 Barbara J. Morgen '78 Stanley M. Morish ige '77 John S. Morken '58 William R. Morris '73 Marsha L. Morrow '76 Russell M. Ma rtyn '92 Richard Mask Robert A. Muhlbach '76 Robert H. Mullen '38 Michael A. Mullery '80 Bruce H. Munro '66 T WENTY SEVEN Laura A n n Myers '77 Jeffrey I. Nad nch '75 Stephen D. N~tchc r '65 Peter A. Nathan '66 Ha n . Ro hert A. Neher '60 Prof. Me lISsa Ne lken Peter Martin Nelson '79 A lbert H. Newton , J r. '57 Prof. Ne ll Je5'up Newton '76 Janet A. Nexon '82 Paul McEwmg N ichol. '82 Sandi Lynn N ichols '8 1 Frank J. Noll '73 Ronald W. Novotn y '8 1 Ha n . Ra lph N unez '68 Jennifer M. N utt '87 John R. O'Bri en '68 Eileen A. O'Connor '89 Jennifer Lea O'Connor '84 John Michael O'Connor '72 Willi am Michae l O 'Mara '67 James. P. O'Su llivan '83 Carla B. Oakley '87 Ronald Nohoru O hata '78 A lan Masao O kamoto '76 Gary L. O limpia '66 Paul Marsha ll O rbuch '88 Mark F. O rne llas '74 James E. O rr, Jr. '67 Earl D. Osborn '75 Melville O wen '5 6 A rthur B. Page ' 78 Ha n . C harles . Peery '40 J. Virgmia S tevens Peiser '75 Victor M. Perez '82 VickI Dansky Perlmutte r '88 Gordon C. Phillips '57 Robert Joseph Pia '84 Thomas A. Pistone '77 Basil N. Pl astiras '75 Pau l A. Podnd '76 James Fra nk Pokorn y '75 Gary B. Polgar '73 Gary A. Poli ns ky '65 Robert L. Pollak '78 Drew E. Pomerance '8 1 Robert J. Popelka '48 Susan M. PopIk '75 Henry A. Pay '56 James B. Preston '72 TImoth y P. Prince '90 Ha n . John James Quigley, Ret. '51 Wdli am A. Q uinby '67 Ha n . John T. Racanelli '5 2 James L. Racusi n '66 Terrence D. Ranahan '73 Dav id C uadra Rancano '83 C ra ig Z. Randall '5 1 Larry G uy Raskin '84 Ha n . Nancy L. Rasmussen '76 Susa nne K. Reed '8 1 Eric R. Re imer '87 Ha n . Jennie Rhine '69 D. Matthew Richardson '84 Wi lliam M. Richardson '78 Paul Jeffrey Riehle '84 Mary Maloney Robe rts '8 1 Han. Hugh Rose 111 '63 Robert A. Rose '52 Stephen N. Rosen '70 Mark H . Rosenthal '74 Saul N. Ross '41 O li ver E. Ro ta in '5 1 Gary B. Roth bart '7 1 Joh n Dav id Rothschild '7 1 AN R"I\,.\,III R,,"J,I "4 h"I,'rlLk E R""e III '/7 J, ...,I RIlIl.lrJ RlIf>m ';, L,m l' RlI" 'i~ \'('.\II"m R, RlI"ell '7) \\' Lan,e RlI"um '66 H,'n, ~1.mm H Ryan, Ret. '49 Cregn,,' J. R,kcn '7) P.lIll ~1. S,lIt<1 '91 L ].),1I1nc S,lb, 'S5 .1I1ey Beth Sam .\J an '82 Petcr L. anforJ '66 Roge r P,erre San> '4 3 Jerome Sarlto '39 Gem ld L. auet '83 Jo,eph Pretlow avage '87 Rhonda L. aVltch '93 Joseph H. chleffer '76 Prof. Rudolf B. chbmger Ruth H. Schlesinger Phdlip Schlosberg '70 Andrew R. Schottky, Jr. '52 Prof. tephen Schwarz Dmah A. Seiver Gem ld T. ekimum '80 Gem ld Y. Seb ya '68 Brad Seligman '78 Elizabe th Pagel Serebransky '84 Douglas James h aeffer '78 Larry D. Shamp '67 Maureen J. Shanahan '8 1 Phlhp M. Shaw, Jr. '68 James E. Shekoyan '65 Robert S. Shelburne '67 Merritt I. Sher '66 Lesl.e James Sherman '84 Prof. Elaine W. Shoben '74 Yee- Horn Shuai '82 Cath y R. S,ege l '76 El.zabeth Hassard Si lver '74 Franklin S. S,lver '7 4 G rant L. lInmon> '8 Walter V. Si mmon> E. Budd S,mpson '76 Alexander H. S ingleton '65 C harle> M. ink '77 Rlk N. itO '82 Ronald G. bpper '65 Sa lly A. klar '79 Peter D. Slaughter '74 Boyd C. Sleeth '82 Harold S. Small '70 Kennard R. Sma rt , Jr. '70 John L.B. Snllth '75 MIke SlIumbenlotl> '72 Phdip F. Spalding '62 Elena \'. Speed '90 John F. Staley '72 Jame I. Stang '80 hchael J Steel' 2 TO!:>1 teln John H. tephens '78 Hon. WIIl.am H . Ste"hen> '67 J. Leonard tern '65 E!':a!:>eth Walker Sterns '75 Gerald C. Sterns '59 J Chmw"her Stevens' 9 MIchael D, Ste"em '91 Randall K. Ste,'cr,on '78 Allan Stc,er Barf>am Cohen Stlkker ' Thoma, J tlkker ' Peter T __ t,me 'SO Jack Streeter 'of 'han'n J.A StreIcher '71 'AL REPORT OF GIFTS :'r.tnlq L StreIcher Hnn l 'hm Strnm,nc" '67 Prof R",mnnd L. Sull".111 \Vtnltred C. SullIvan Lemuel M. Summey '5 \ Paul D, Su"nlk '7\ Ben Suter '82 Harry B. Swan>on '53 Hon . Phd,,, K. SweIgert '6\ Prof. Peter a,h SW Isher '73 W tlilam E. Taggart , Jr. '6 7 S. DavId Takakuwa '78 Grace Fongmel Tam' 2 W,lliam Lew Tan '74 Fred L. Tanenbaum '66 Hon. Benjamtn M. Tash, ro '32 John D. Taves '61 Jeffrey M. Taylor '74 Susa n E. Teller '79 Jonathan B. Teperson '9 \ Hon. James F. Thax ter '59 George Preston Thomas, Jr. '73 Susan ruermer Thomas '79 C harles M. Thompson '75 James B. Thompson '52 Roden ck M. Thompson ' 0 Hon. Dantel J. Tobias '68 Michael R. Totaro '8 \ ClaudIa . Toussa int '91 Jeanette Elatne Traverso '86 Mark Logan Tuft '68 Harold Hen ry Turner '5\ Diane E. Turnff '90 Dougla> A. U nsworth '82 Wdl,am G. Van der Mel '74 Paul Vapnek Wayne Otis Veatch , Jr, '76 Wayne Veatch, S r. '35 Ann M. Veneman '76 Stephen P. Vtll ano '86 John J. Vlahos '6\ Da\Jd R. Vogi '68 V,cton a L. von Sze hskl '89 MIchael H. Vo» '74 Yon Wada Bruce D. Wagner '55 Jul.a R. Wahlberg Herbert K. Walton , Jr. '51 Kenneth C. Ward '74 Hon Reginald M. Watt '39 MIchael G. Watters '74 Stephen E. Webber '72 Rona lJ H. Wec ht '75 Edward A. Weiner '65 James MIlton We lls, Jr. '65 Jay P. We rtheIm '79 David E. Wheeler '78 Mar>ha ll Wh,tney '78 Rodney W. W ickers '76 Jeffrey R. Will,ams '78 DennIS F. Wtllson '76 Mtehael B. W tlmar '67 Gregory F. W,n>low '81 AI\'tn R. Wohl '64 W. Bruce Wold '7\ Elatne H. Wolff-Bubar '79 Donna May L. Woo '74 TImothy DavlJ WOO, Jr. '71 AnIta L. Wood '85 Thomas L. WooJruff '65 Tere,a A. Woody '85 Da\'ld cOtt Worthington '76 Robert A. Wyler, Jr. '6 Prof. Margaret J. Wynne' Jean Nancy Kung Yeh '85 T WE raul Hung Yong '8 Dantel '. York '87 AntOInette M. Young '76 M Ichael H. Young '68 Hon. Stanley . Young, Ret. '52 TImothy J. Young' 0 W tlltam M. Young '58 Thomas D. Zeff '76 Susan B. Z,mmerman '76 Ron S. Zollman '90 HASTINGS ADVOCATES ($1 to $99) TImorhy Abel '57 Mark B. Abelson '76 Michael A. Abraham '87 Lowe ll A. Airola '50 Gregory R. Aker '82 Victor N. Alam '89 Cesar V. A legria, Jr. '89 Steven P. A lien '94 Susan J. A llison '79 Dean Anthony Alper '84 tewart . A ltemus '80 Samantha L. Amparan '95 Eda B. Anderson Judith Lefkowitz Anderson '86 Kathryn R. A nder on '74 Marvin J. A nderson Marvtn Roger A nderson '66 John R. A ndrada '76 VIctoria Elizabeth A rmstrong '75 Hon. Don I. Asher '64 Hon. Wtlliam M. Auslen '52 Daniel Jo>eph Batley III '88 Patrick Danie l Ba tley '66 David W. Baird '67 Steve n W. Baker '74 DaVIS . Bales III '92 LOU IS Barajas Debra L. Barbin '9 1 Robert W. Bartlett \I '66 RIchard S. Bebb '77 Mark R. Beckington '86 Joseph William Bell '84 Robert Walter Be ll, Jr. '70 Ronald Scort BemIS '76 Jack Benoun '68 Dav id Hewes Bent '76 Kathryn GU lliou Bergenholtz '83 LUCIUS P. Bernard '67 Curtts W. Berner '7 1 Mark Bernstetn '68 Bobby Lee Bleng '79 Bret C. Birdsong '93 Watson B. Blair '82 Nata" e Blake '89 Prof. Kate Bloch Byron R. Boeckman '68 Ronald J. Boehm '8 \ Aaron R. Bolga tz '90 Jeffrey E. Boly '67 Bn an T. Borders '80 Terrence R. Boren '68 Hon. Douglas C. Boyack '75 W,ll ,am E. Boyd '74 Hon. Stephen Douglas Bradbury '7 6 Beverly A. BranJ '92 Charles T. Brandt '64 Mary Lynn Brennan '8 1 helley l. Brenner '93 u>an . Brtggs '67 Da\'ld A. Brom ley '88 Da\'ld AJam Brown '80 TY EI GHT T) ler Adam Rrown '85 Wtll,dm ReId Bnmn '87 Hon. Meh tn Rrunell l '64 Gary ' harle, Rnt>(tn '75 Vlrgtl A. BucchJancn '6 J Hen') P. Buc kingham '51 Ronald Buckly '78 Robe rta Anne Burcz '80 Hon. John Anthony Burke '59 G. Webster Burn, '76 Kate D. Bush '86 Robtn Love Buxton '83 George L. adwa ladcr '48 Wtll",m Ca ietli '62 Helen M. Cake, Ret. '72 El IZabeth M. Calciano '92 Hugh C. Ca llaway '52 John L. Cammack '73 David L. anas '87 Patrick E. Cannon '79 Ni no Capobianco '92 Prof. Martin D. arc leri '86 C hristopher M. Carletti '80 Terry Carlson , Jr. '74 Denn IS E. Carl to n '72 David L. Case '73 TImothy M. Casey '92 Edna F. Cash-Dudley '82 TI,omas J. Cass idy, Jr. '86 G ay le J. C han '76 Joanne M. C han '92 Joe M. Chan '73 Howard T. hang '68 L,sa Kleiner C hanoff '85 Hon. idney P. C hapin '71 A . J. hargin '40 Robert N . C hargin '53 V,ctor A. C hargin , Jr. '47 Martha M. C hase '76 Daniel A. hesir '82 Lee A. C hilcote, Jr. '72 Jackson C hin '84 Ga rd C hisholm '33 James S. C lapp '74 A lbert G . C lark , Jr. '63 Daniel Clark '87 DaV Id C urtis C lark '75 William S. C lark '63 Su>an Finch Coberly '88 Kenneth C. ochrane'72 Sarah l. Cohen '86 TI,elma Susan Cohen '75 Michae l T. Connell '73 MIchael N. Conneran '88 James M. Conway '91 Edward M. Cook III '65 Hon. Margaret D. Cooley '73 Hon. Robert J. Cooney '49 C hristina G. ordaza '89 Erin Teresa Corn yn '90 C raIg Lee Corren '66 Dennis F. Coupe '7 1 Jonathan A. Covault '95 Ray . Cox '7 \ Michael E. C rady '72 A lexander J. C raIg III '80 Susan B. C rawfo rd '84 Barbara A. C ray '79 Andrew Edward C ree ly '85 RIchard E. row II '76 Robert W. C ulver '60 uzannc Care C ummins '79 Thomas R. C urry '70 John . C urtis '7 1 James R. Cutright '63 ANNUA L REPORT OF G I FTS Steven Burch Daggett '65 Gregory Raymond Da llaire '65 Wi ll iam S. Dato Candace e. Davenport '75 Noy huen Dav is '84 Kath leen K. De Santis '83 Victora J. DeGoff Hon. Terence M. Dempsey '62 Moll ie J. Dent '77 George Hallett Denton '84 Marc J. Dcrewetzky '87 David W. Dewey '80 James TI10mas Diamond, Jr. '87 Prof. John L. Diamond Lucia Diamond '82 Philip Jay Dichter '75 Charles H. Dickenson '78 Jan ine P. Dickenson Haradon M. Dillon '5 1 Harry M. Dorfman '84 Pau l Alan Dorris '89 Michael R. Dougherty '74 Kenneth D. Drazkowski '9 1 Hon. Samuel Dreizen '37 Julie A.B. Driscoll Karl E. Droese, Jr. '66 Mary J. Drury '94 Dorsey K. Dwe lle '40 Dennis P. Eckhart '76 Nancy Eisenschiml '83 Jon E. Ellingson '74 Julia A. Emede '95 Marc Edwin Empey '84 Monte Engel '77 Laura J. Enos '78 tephen Joseph Erigero '85 Randall M. Faccinto '74 Thomas e. Fallgatter '73 William J. Feeney '78 Gregory Lewis Feinberg '89 Linda S. Feldman '76 Philip B. Feldman '83 Samuel Kenneth Feng '86 Ellen Ruth Fenichel '94 Robin Lee Fi lion '85 Randall S. Firestone '78 Laurie L. Fisher '80 R. Rust Fisher '71 Douglas e. F1adseth '78 Robert J. Flax '75 Dian na E. Fleming '74 Brendan J. Fogarty '9 1 Suzanne Ryder Fogarty '91 Stuart l. Folinsky '75 Michae l William Fox '84 Hon. Nels B. Fransen '52 Donald R. Franso n, Jr. '78 Hon. Richard O. Frazee '66 Robert L. Freeman '78 Joan M. Freitas '95 Laury M. Frieber '82 Arthur Steven Frumkin '84 David T. Fujikawa '72 Lance S. Fujisaki '86 James W. Funsten '52 Jessie e. Furness '83 Jesse Gai nes '76 Anthony F. Gantner '75 William R. Gargano '7 1 Robert J. Garon '85 Sharon K. Garrett '77 Hon. Norman J. Gatzert '68 Stephen D. Gause '86 Michae l H. Gay '74 Gary Nichols Gershon '73 Manhew J. Geyer '85 James Burke G ildea '75 Charles M. Giovanetti '50 John J. G iova nnonc '75 Ruth V. Gl ick '91 David A. Go ldberg '79 Richard Goldman '7 1 Barry J. Goldstein '70 Larry M. Golub '83 Louis J. Goodman '79 Lance B. Gordon '80 Kent Brian Goss '87 Abraham Gottfried '30 Jeffrey M. Graeber '78 James hinn Graham '73 Michael E. G raham '77 Hon. Frank A. Grande '65 Betsy Stover G ranger '86 Prof. Bri an G ray Steven Joel G ray '82 Diane A lexandra G reen '85 Gay le Mered ith G reen '89 Bion M. G regory '68 Hon. Edward R. G rogan '50 Richard K. G rosboll Gail Renee G udder '88 David Edmund G unn '76 James William Guthrie '70 Allen A. Hai m '65 Karen Ethel Halbo '85 David L. Hall '79 David R. Hammer '74 Hon. Benjamin W. Hamrick, Ret. '50 Theodore M. Hankin '77 Paul T. Hanson '7 1 James G. Harlan '76 James W. Harper '94 Kinton P. Harper '83 M. Robert Harris Randal G. Harris '78 Hon. William J. Harris, Jr. '5 1 Rosemary Hart '79 John A. Hartog '79 William Whitney Haskell '70 Hon. Marv in G. Haun '58 James A. Haverkamp '8 1 Robert A. Hawley '78 Joe l J. Hayashida '79 Emmet B. Hayes '35 Gai l Boyer Hayes '75 Philip Joseph Hayes '87 Michael J. Henderson '80 Hon. John F. Herlihy '74 Hon. Richard A. Hickman, Ret. '52 Richard J. Hicks '78 Thomas Prindiville Higgi ns '83 Hon. Brad R. Hill '83 Richard H. Hirai '67 Christopher T. Holland '92 W. Stuart Home II '65 Arnold K. Honda '8 1 John Wolph Hopkins '60 Fredric Roy Horowitz '75 Elizabeth A. Hotchkin '8 1 Bernard G. Howe ll '72 Daniel J. Howell '95 Wade Hufford '80 John A. Hughes '85 Tracy E. Hughes '95 Maurice E. Huguet, Jr. '6 1 Kim Michele Hunter '85 Jack E. Hursh '33 Michael A. Hurwitz '80 Loren e. Ipsen '75 Pamela T. Ireland '87 Jon Masa bhibashi '84 J. Eri c Iske n '77 Rona ld W. Ito '86 Andrew M. Ives, Jr. '72 Jennifer France; Jackson '85 AuJrey Su lli van Jacob '86 A llan Jacobs '67 Joni . Jacobs '95 Robert G. Jacobs '40 Jay M. Jacobus '5 1 Sharon Ellen Jaffe '84 Hon. Steven E. Jahr '74 Thomas H. Jam ison '75 G loria Lee Jang '89 Bruce J. Janigian '75 Faith Jansen '8 1 Michael Henry Jester '76 Barry A. Johnson '7 1 Constance E. Johnson '91 Jeff Edward Johnson '83 Kev in Walter Johnson '92 Marianne S. Johnson '88 Michael Kenneth Johnson '87 Ga il E. Jonas '76 Lawrence Jones '5 8 Hon . Talmadge R. Jones '67 James J. Jordan '89 Christine L. Judas '9 1 May Louie Jung '83 William K.Y. Jung '74 John M. Kaheny '73 John E. Kalin '74 Nicole S. Kamian '92 Chris G us Kanios Kenneth L. Kann '86 Jonathan M. Kapl an '9 1 Steven Edward Kaplan '73 Richard K. Karren '52 Gary Katz Jeffrey S. Kaufman '85 Denn is Keeley '62 J.e. Keesling, Jr. '36 Kathleen Kelly '84 Kathleen Kerr '8 1 Gary A. Kessler '86 Bruce D. Ketron '70 Ha n. Kay Thora Kingsley '8 1 Michael J. Kinkelaar '82 John e. Kinney '49 Thomas W. Kintner '83 Michael e. Kirk Gai l H. Knittel '85 John H. Knowles '60 David N. Knudson '8 1 Jan A. Kobayashi '86 Peter John Kokalis '82 Robert James Koontz '76 Lori B. Kramer '84 John Krebs '57 Matthew Hayes Krimmer '88 Douglas A. Kuber '87 Noe ll K. Ku bota '77 Han. Robert K. Kurtz '73 Maurice M. La Placa, Jr. '70 Hon. Edward M. Lacy, Jr. '67 R. Bruce Laing '75 John Langer '34 Lenore Lashley '81 Elise Kam Yuk Lee '93 A lexander Leonard Lawrence '75 AUen B.P. Lee '68 Douglas T. Y. Lee '60 Kelly Rosso Leight '84 Jeannette D. Lejardi '8 1 Michelle E. Lentmer '91 TWENTY INE W. Robert Lesh '76 Julia A. Levin '9 1 Prof. DaVid Levme Thoma; Cha rles Levitt '79 C laes 1-1 . Lewenhaupt '89 Hon. John R. Lew is '66 Mimi Re ichert Lewis '79 James G lynn Lme '74 Ca rl Lippenberger '75 Lmda G. Lip;comb '82 ynthia Marie Loe '84 Michael J. Loeb '74 Thomas e. Lonergan '58 Bruce M. Lorman '78 Kathryn Ell iott Love '92 Martin Lovinger '79 Lawrence Bryan Low '79 Elizabeth Lowenstein '85 Jul iet Lowenthal Monica E. Lukoschek '87 Cora K. Lum '75 Harvey J. Lung '8 1 Normand V. Lussier '72 Raymond M. Lynch '80 Bruce A. Lyon '77 Dorothy Mackay-Collins Michael Ross MacPhail '88 Clara Maehara '83 Collis P. Mahan '44 Thomas R. Malcolm '66 Mary atherine Malin '84 Eileen Marie Malley '85 Thomas Edward Malley, Jr. '69 Aaron J. Malo '95 Dona ld M. Malone '63 Warren W. Mange ls '49 William e. Markley III '74 Frank e. Marshall , Jr. '72 Susanne M. Martinez '70 Thomas B. Mason '76 Cara K. Masuda '94 Coralie Chun Matayoshi '8 1 Rodney T. Mathews, Jr. '83 Todd D. Mayo '93 Brian B. McA ll ister '93 Eileen Therese McAndrew '85 John l. McBeth '78 Richard G. McBurnie '74 C harles J. McClain, Jr. '74 Ben McClin ton '69 Joseph Dean McCollum , Jr. '70 Gary Evan McCurdy '72 Thomas E. McDermott '76 Robert e. McDonald '94 Michael Forbes McG rew '71 Robert J. McKee '33 George Alexander McKray Joseph G. McLaughlin '86 John J. McMahon '36 Peggy McMahon '82 Timothy Massey McMahon '75 Wi ll iam M. McMi llan '66 Robert 1-1 . McPhiliamey '47 Dianne J. Meconis '85 Edward A. Mel ia III '68 usanne L. Meline '93 Hon. Rodney S. Melville '68 A. John Merlo '50 Mary Catherine Merz '88 Donald W. Meyer '63 Ha n. John M. Meyer '7 1 Alexander J. Michalak '80 Timothy Grant Middleton '69 Manuel H. Miller '63 Robert e. Mills '91 A, t ' m R \btchl'II't-4 Ib"l'\ n \Iutler 'Ch Ru"c111 \b \,\h,r" '" ('cr,\I,1 F \I"hun, Jr ', 3 RlCh,Ir,1 -\ . t-.h'nrf,>rt, Jr '92 H,,,,. Th,'m,\, t-.I \I,)nt~,'mer\' '40 JI.) Ann ~h)ntn\ .l \ '7 t-.1'Lh,wI11. \h)nt<1va 'S, Andre\\ R, Moore ' 38 (lenenc"e t-.1. Moore '89 John \V \ loore '50 \,\'alter T \Ioore '92 Elmore C. t-.hlrgan '57 Hon, Jean Morony '36 Jack,on E, Mormon '73 Enn C. Morton '95 Anthony t-.1. MUIr '73 Jame, J Mulgrew' 0 Perer Scott M ye" '84 Myra Ann Nakelsky '89 Moona and, '93 Damel Lash '83 Rochelle ason' 7 Gary Lee Nearherl m '84 Tanya M, Ne Iman '74 C ra Ig Stuart Ne lson '90 Duane L Ne lson '67 Phd,p L Nebon '68 Mabel Ng '92 JennIfer E, N,les '92 Harold Q, Noack, Jr. '59 Sheila C. Nolan '77 William Wade Nolan '76 B. Mark Nordman '82 Charles J, Noth \I '74 Hon , LC. Nunley '63 James J, O'Donnell '85 Michelle R, Oakes '95 Victor Perer Obninsky '69 Kennerh cott Ogden '7 I Patricia Marie Olcomendy '85 Douglas W. Oldfield '8 1 Elizaberh Ufkes Olivera '85 Gary A. Orton '68 Berty J, Orvell '86 James J, Osrertag '91 Joseph Owens '84 B, Mirchell Palmer '35 Jayson C. Pang '86 Diane Damls Papan '88 Dvora Parker '8 1 Jolene Parker '85 Alaine Parry '83 Sarah Foxman Pattison' 2 Bnan Pendleton '68 Frank James Pentange lo '66 Daniel W, Perers '8 1 John A, Peterson '74 Tucker William Pererson '72 Hon, Donna Perre ',6 Jame, A. Pe::aglla '67 Hon, Theodore D, Piatt '66 J, Dommlque Pmkney '85 tephen W Player '66 Lee ,PI"cou' 2 Paul A. Podnd '76 Jeffrey Dand Pol,ky '85 - ranley E, Pond '77 Hon , M"o p,'po',ch '37 Gerald Pmner '7 \\.n L Pmeer '79 Joan Graham Poulos '62 \Iorgan Pnckett ' 0 J arne' A. Pnetto '86 -'<rcher F Pugh '62 c. GAL REPORT OF GIFT: Percr J, Pullen ',3 il,)n R,)l.lIlJ ~c1"H1 Purnell '63 Edg,\t \\ PH kurr H Pyle '65 H,m Shackle) F. Raffetto '68 Hlm. A Matthew Ragg\o '52 Chmropher P,lOl Ram,ey '77 L,mrence Ro~ert Ramsey '79 Gary R, Ray '88 John T Ready '70 Hon, Timothy A, Reardon '66 Ro~ert P. ReddmglOs '50 Barry Rehfeld '66 Jeanne Rell1lOnn '9 1 Truitt A. RIChe), Jr. '53 C. H, RlChlm '78 BenJamm R, RIley Janet McCormIck Rdey '83 DaV Id Rmrels Bnan A. RIpley '83 DaV Id J, Rivera '78 Kenneth ,R,vera '62 Peter R, Robmson '80 Joe A rVIZU RoJnguez '8 1 Kenneth W, Rosenberg '86 han Cohen Rosenman '88 Kenneth W. Rosenthal '58 Abby Rosmann '82 William Izaac Rothbard '76 Barbara Rowland '85 Cynthia Rowland '88 Anne M. Rubenste in '82 Joseph D, Rubm '90 Alyce A. Rubmfeld '82 Robe rt Leon Rusky Beverly J, Russell '89 Jan Rutherdale '82 Donald S. Rutherford '64 C hristine Saclno '85 Kyle T. Sakumoto '83 Paul B, Salvaty '93 Gary D, Samson '73 James D, SantinI '62 JudIth Debra Sapper '84 Floyd Eric aunders '79 A, C urtis Sawyer, Jr. '8 1 Thomas James Sayeg '82 Prof. Gordon D, Schaber '53 Ron\e M, Schmelz '87 Minor J, chmld '51 R,chard Henry Schoenberger '85 Robe rt J, Schum '48 Peter Schwarz '62 Robert J, c laronl '75 , Curtis SCOtt '83 DaVId D, Scott '79 Joseph C raig Scott '76 Jo Anne Zoff ell ner '74 V. Bialt ShahbaZlan '86 Marc L. Shea '79 Alba A. Shorago '92 Mark Shusted '83 Peter E, \bley '70 DaVId J. S"bert '94 Da"ld Anthony Sliva '90 Barbara "ver' 3 Robert N, II ,'erman '66 Randall Gene impson '73 Jack Wong Ing '44 Kathleen A, klnner '75 Denms D, Slattery '70 John H, SmlSsacrt '52 CraIg Alan SmIth '76 Jeffre) L. SmIth '66 Gary P. nyder '67 c. Lee E Solomon '52 to. Lltk S. Sr,lnglcr '73 Geoffrey Sl'ellhcrg '85 Hon, Leland H, S!,encer '66 Paul M, St. John '76 Lloyd V. St,\ml' '52 Dana Stanculcscu '85 Hon, John M, Sranton '59 Charles P. Starkey '75 Enc S, Steinberg '74 Barry' John Stemer '75 K, James Stemer, Jr. '86 Kerry Lynn Stel:er '87 John L Stennett '49 Jeannette Stephan '83 Nancy Stewart '78 Thomas Foster Srewart '85 Timothy L tewart '80 Margaret E, Stoll '92 ancy Jean trout '85 D'1\'Id B, Sullivan '92 Thomas Patrick SullIvan '81 Lowell F. Sutherland '65 Keith Kiyoshl Suzuka '84 John T. Swan '74 Robert M, Sweet '58 Hon, Taketsugu Take i '6 1 Mark A. Talama ntes '95 Therese Wynne Tamaro '76 John F. Tannlan '87 George G, Taylor '46 David G, Tekell '86 Pamela J, Tenn Ison '88 Lora Jean Th\elbar '82 J, Richard Thomas '49 James Aubrey Thompson '70 Richard L. Thurn '60 WII!.am G, Tiffany '76 Kay E, Tindel '8 1 Martin Titcomb '65 John Morihide Tonaki '85 Breck C. Tostevin '88 Jeffrey Allan Turkell '85 William Bennett Turner C larice Marie Turney '74 William Francis Tyndall '82 Anne U nverzagr '72 M, Lupe Valencia '89 Hon , John F. Van de Poel, Sr, '59 Hon , Bruce Van Voorhis '74 Donald L. Vance '74 Antonio C. Velasquez '43 Brenton ,Ver Ploeg '73 Peter L Vestal '91 Lawrence Edmund Viau, Jr. '49 Rodolfo Victona '52 Joseph Visse '85 Douglas A. Voorsanger '74 Knstln A. VOP lcka '95 Manlyn Wade '89 John V. Wadsworth '93 Mary A, Wagner '93 ViV Iana Waisman '95 RIChard W. Walden '55 James L Walker IV '76 Jeffrey G, Walker '80 Patricia Kehau Wall '83 Hon, A rthu r E. Wallace '63 G lenn p, Wailing '79 Prof. FranCIS R, Walsh RIchard S, Walter '77 L Kent Walton '70 Melissa Bauman Ward '92 B, Kent Warner '7 1 John , Warnlof '72 , THIRTY ' • •• W"",\I\\ W Wa,h.lUer '75 How"," K, W,Hkln' '72 Laune L W,ltk,." '9 1 Fr,mklm T War,on '89 Kelly Ferrell Wat,on '90 William Way '89 J, V,Ctor Waye '82 Hem , RIchard L Wearhe,,!'oon '62 Jame, R, Webb '77 Su,a n N ,cho las Weber '72 Prof, Joanna Welnherg Gerald Gaml lel Wc"bach '78 Enc Hunrer Werner '84 Gary D. Whearcroft '58 Kmtln S, Wh,!'pic '94 MIChael E, Wh,te '81 R,chard 0, White '42 DaVId Pu rce ll WllItndgc '74 Gary L. Widman '62 DaV Id Lee Wiggins '84 Hanna Ruth Wilber '33 Paul S, Wilcox '75 Herman Wildman Jeffrey C. W,lk '74 G lyndell E, Wi lliams '74 Victor K, Williams '90 DaVId J, Williamson '74 David Hughes Wilson '58 Jac k R, Winkler '52 Fred R, Winn '40 Ellen Winograd '83 Richard Hungerford Wise '66 Randall R, Wittman '78 Barry Wo lin '72 Hon , Harold F. Wolters '52 Danton unmun Wong '82 Dennis John Woodruff '72 Hon, Robert E, Woodward '41 Edward M, Wright '57 Hon , Wayne Wylie '52 Gary T. Yancey '68 Franklin H, Yap '82 Steven L. Yarbrough '95 Helen Wong Yee '85 Ellen M, York '75 Hon, Jane York '76 George , Youngling '52 Michael E, Zacharia '76 Marla C. Zamora '76 Vicki Bleiberg Zatkin '78 John A. Zecca '93 Joseph T Zichichi '68 Edwin J, Zinman '72 Les!.e Kwass Zuska '74 CORPORATE/FIRM/ FOUNDATION GIFTS Baker & McKenzIe Baker, Maxham, Jester & Meador Blum Foundation C LEO Na tional Office Consolidated Fre lghtways, Inc. Corbett & Kane DaV IS, Polk & Wardwell EI!.son, chnelder & Lenmhan Ernst LIpschutz Ewing & Johnson FLD Jnterests Forema n & Arch Franklin Cole Fou ndation Gagen , McCoy, McMahon & Armstrong Graham & James Hewlett-Packard KPMG Peat Marwick Foundation .. ANNUAL REPORT OF G I FTS Lakin pears Lavorato, House & Gra nberg Law Offices of Denol> J. Wood ruff Law Offices of Evans & Hei l Lawyers' C lub of San Francisco Loeb & Loeb Foundation MT , Incorporated Mark cott 01lin5, Inc. Newton & Newton O'Brien, Watters, D,lVis & Piasta O ldfield & ree ly Tony Patino Memorial Trust of Haslings College of Law Phillip Sch losberg, Inc. Price Waterhouse Foundation Regents of University of CA Richard Coyle Lilly Foundation Robb & Ross Robbins & Keehn Rouda, Feder & Ti elj en ad le Meyer & Louis Cohn Fdn. Sagascf, Hanse n & Fran~on San Francisco Foundation San FranCISCo Lcgal Auxiliary padom and Hilson Sweeney Law Corporation Telesis Foumlation The Sharpe r Image Todd & Todd Trust Tourlclot & Butlcr Townsend & Townsend Univer>ity of San FranCISCo Waile, Jacobs & Atkinson Woh l & Eggbton Law Offices cS!J!fi 9!2urposes D he donors named in the previous sections made their generous gifts to the Hastings 1066 Foundation and the College for both unres tricted and restricted purposes . Restricted gifts this past year were made by the following donors for the funds and purposes listed below. ARTHUR ANDERSEN PRIZE IN TAXATION H. A llyn Warner Joseph A. De Girolamo Mark L. Vorsatz '79 John W Sweitzer THE BACK FORTY PUBLICATION Robb & Ross BAKER & MCKENZIE STUDENT ASSISTANCE GRANT Baker & McKenzie WILLIAM BLACKFIELD SCHOLARSH I P Cecilia Blackfield Pamela Blackfield BLUM FOUNDATION SCHOLARSHIP Blum Foundation CLASS OF 1964 30TH ANNIVERSARY FUND Jack C. A lhadeff '64 Terrence A. Ca llan '64 Kellogg C han '64 Joseph W Cotchett '64 Prof. Michael D. DeVito '64 Han. Roland K. Hall '64* Robert L. Hobson '64 Hon . Richard W Kirby, Ret. '64 am uel A. B. Lyons '64 Jerome Marks '64 Peter PJ. Ng '64 Hon. Bernard E. Revak '64 Eugene M. Salute '64 Barry A. Schulman '64 A lfred M.K. Wong '64 CLASS OF 1966 25TH ANNIVERSARY FUND Eric Jan Fygi '66 Robert L. House '66 Shale F. Krepack '66 James E. Mahoney '66 Bernard W. Nebenzahl '66 Hon. Leslie C. ichols '66 Alan J. Vogi '66 MATCHING GIFTS Timc~ Mirror BankAmcrica Foundation hevron, U.S.A. Cigna Foundation Connie Lee Enron Foundation Gib,on, Dunn & rutcher Klfkland & Ellh Foundation Merck ompany Foundation Morgan, Lew" & Bocklus MDTrison & Foe"ler Foundation Nalionwide In ueance Enterprise O'Melveny & Myers Pi llsbury, Madison & Sutro Safeco Insurance Corporation Sa lomon Brothers Sonnenschein, Nath & Rosenthal Sony Plclures Entertainment The A llstate Foundation UnDcal Foundation Van Con, Bagley, Cornwall & McCarthy Wells Fargo Bank William Penn Foundation James E. Wallace, Jr. '69 James B. Young '69 FACULTY DEVELOPMENT FUND Dean Mary Kay Kane CLASS OF 1995 SECTION ONE SCHOLARSHIP FUND amantha L. Amparan '95 Jonathan A. Covault '95 Julia A. Emede '95 Joan M. Freitas '95 Dan iel J. Howe ll '95 Tracy E. Hughes '95 Joni S . Jacobs '95 Kathryn S. Korn '95 Joseph A. Levin '95 Aaron J. Malo '95 Erin C. Morton '95 Michelle R. Oakes '95 Mark A. Talamantes '95 Kristin A. Vopicka '95 Viviana Waisman 195 Steven L. Yarbrough '95 CIVIL JUSTICE CLINIC FUND Stuart Cooley Joe Janko ric COMM / ENT JOURNAL FUND Ruth C. Barrow COMM/ENT JOURNAL AWARD 1066 FOUNDATION EVENTS FUND Edna B. Anderson Marvin J. Anderson John E. Nordin II '69 John K. "Jack" Smith '5 4 John A. proul FIRST-YEAR SCHOLARSHIP Prof. Margreth Barrett Prof. Kate Bloch Prof. Marsha N. Cohen Prof. John L. Diamond Lucia Diamond '82 Prof. Brian Gray Prof. Joseph R. G rodin Prof. Dan F. Henderson Dean Mary Kay Kane Prof. Stephen A. Lind Prof. Julian H. Levi Prof. David Levine Prof. Melissa Ne lken Phyllis Riesenfeld Prof. Stephen Riesenfeld Prof. Stephen Schwarz Prof. Warren L. Shattuck Prof. Joanna Weinberg Ruth C. Barrow GIFTS-IN-KIND CLASS OF 1 969 2STH ANNIVERSARY FUND COMM/ENT SYMPOSIUM FUND Colin W Chiu '69 Douglas G. C rosby '69 Peter W. Davis '69 Peter Charles Dowler '69 William Kent Hen ley '69 Philip L. Judson '69 Ben McClinton '69 Douglas C. McClure '69 Michael D. McGlinn '69 Kenneth M. Malovos '69 John Royal Martineau '69 Chuck Ma:ursky '69 Timothy Grant Middleton '69 Hon. William D. Mudd '69 John E. Nordin II '69 Victor Peter Obninsky '69 Hon. Jennie Rhine '69 Darrell Sooy '69 Hewlett·Packard Fred D. Butler '86 William Poeschl Prof. Warren L. Shattuck Howard K. Watkins '72 DEAN ' S DISCRETIONAR Y FUND Prof. Stephen A. Lind William Poeschl Prof. Joseph M. Sweeney Angele Khachadour '62 RUSTY DOBBS READ I NG ROOM Geraldine Hili ELLISON SCHNEIDER & LENNIHAN ENVIRON MENTAL LAW SCHOLARSHIP Ellison, Schneider & Lennihan THIRTY ONE' . HAITIAN ASYLUM PROJECT Universiry of San Francisco HASTINGS ALUMNI ASSOCIATION EVENTS FUND Steven P. Allen '94 Elizabeth Franco Bradley '77 Michael W. Case '71 Robert O. Fleckner '54 Joel J. Hayashida '79 David M. Humiston '79 Dean Mary Kay Kane Jeffrey M. Loeb '81 Kenneth M. Malovos '69 Jamoa A. Moberly '76 . AN Rlll1.1ld nl'l,ru Oh.][.1 '78 Norm,ln T Sclt:er '42 Jl,hn K "J.lL!"" SmIth '54 HASTINGS GENERAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND Mrs. George O. BaI", RICh.ml DavIdoff '78 Susan K. Dav Idoff '79 Juhe A.B. Dmcoll H enry . Todd ' 7 Todd & Todd Trust HOBERG SCHOLARSHIP FUND Madalyn Hoberg LEOP SUPPORT FUND Aaron R. Bolgatz '90 Lenore Lashley '8 1 Joe A rvizu Rodriguez '8 1 MILDRED LEVIN SCHOLARSHIP Mildred W. Levin '3 4 DEBORAH J . LONG MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP Jesse Ga ines '76 JAMES M. MACINNIS SCHOLARSHIP Stephen Walter MELISSA E . E. MAXWELL MEMORIAL FUND Kim Michel e Hunter '85 The Hartzell Family MOOT COURT Sandra W. Magliozzi John K. "Jack" Smith '54 ANTIONETTE 01 NOLA MORGAN SCHOLARSHIP Wini fred L. Hepped e '43 PROF. WILLIAM J . RIEGGER SCHOLARSHIP Prof Mars ha N. Cohen Phyllis Riesenfeld Prof. tefan Riesenfeld Jane Peterson Smith '75 SAN FRANCISCO LEGAL AUXILIARY SCHOLARSHIP San Fra ncisco Lega l A lL'I:iliary SAN FRANCISCO LAWYERS ' CLUB SCHOLARSHIP Lawyers' C lub of San Fra ncisco cholarsh lP Fund Founda tion HON . ROBERT H . SCHNACKE MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND JulIe A.B. Driscoll June D. Schnacke Hen" C. Todd '37 SCHOLARLY PUBLICATIONS John K. "Jack" mlth '54 T . J . SCOTTO MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP UAL REPORT OF GIFTS ATTORNEYS GENERAL FORUM FUND Ronald G .. Au '63 aJle Meyer & LOlli, ohn Fnd. John K. "Jack" Sm Ith '54 1066 FOUNDATION STAFF RECOGNITION FUND John E. ord m 11 '69 STUDENT SERVICES FUND Salomon Brothers Matthew Levitan '76 Knstian D. W h itten '73 MATHEW O. TOBRINER MEMORIAL FUND Fred H. Altshuler imon D. Anixter Norman R. A scherman Hon . Ro bert K. Barber '48 Edward Bra nsten Jerome Braun Ruth C. C h ance W illiam K. Coblen tz Paul . Crane James T. Danah er William S. Dato usan K. Dav idoff '79 Richard Dav idoff '78 John W. Davis Victoria J. DeGoff Jerome B. Falk , Jr. Jesse Feldman J. A lan Galbra ith Gary N ichols Gershon '73 Richard P. G ross Richard K. G rosboll M. Robert Harris C hris G us Kanios Gary Kau Michael . Kirk Hon . Richard W. Kirby, Ret. '64 Eleanor M. Kraft Hon . Leland J. Lazarus Matthew T. Lebenbaum Juliet Lowenthal George A lexande r McKray RIChard Mosk Robert L. Pollak '78 Edgar W. Pye C raig Z. Randall '51 Dav id Rintels A n to nio Rossmann Robert Leon Rusky Dinah A. Seiver Brad Seligman '78 A llan S teyer Prof. Raymond L. ulli van W inifred C. Sulli van Rosabelle R. Tobriner W illiam Bennett Turner Paul Vapnek Yori Wada Herman W ildman IN HONOR OF• • . JACK H aN. C HARLENE PAOOVAN I MIT HELL Prof. Marsha N. Cohen W AYNE VEATCH, SR. jamoo A. Moberly '76 IN MEMORY OF• • • H ON. R OLAND K. H ALL '64' joseph W. Cotcheu '64 JAMES M . M AC i NNIS Stephen Walter L EOPOLD M A RTINEZ Prof. julian H . Levi E. E. M AXWELL The Hartzell Family Kim Michele Hun ter '85 M ELISSA WILLIAM L. PARKER Harvey D. Mittler '68 A RTH UR C. W A HLBERG julia R. Wahlberg TRAYNOR WRITING AWARD SCHOLARSHIP CecilIa Blackfleld WEST-NORTHWEST JOURNAL FUND Jane A. Rummel Marc L. _allu, '79 WILLIAM K.S. WANG AWARD Prof. WillIam K.S. Wang . THIRTY KNox john A. S/Jroul T wo . CLASS NOTES· ALUMNI RELATIONS PROGRAM RECEIVES NATIONAL AWARD L ~ CLASS OF ast year, the Council for [«11 /995 """" o["CU", No~," " based on items received before SeJ)tember 1, 1995. Jtems received after that date will appear in the next issue. If you have news for "Class Notes," send it along in the enveloJ)e found in the center of this magazine . You may find the form on the inside back cover helpful. '35 celebrated h is 90th birthday on March 2,1995. This year also marks his 60th anniversary of being admitted to the State Bar of California. He is a founding member of Veatch, Carlson, Grogan & Ne lson in Los Ange les. WAYNE O. VEATCH , SR. AtWancement and Support of Education (CASE) awarded Hastings Alumni Association the Grand Gold Medal Award for excellen ce in overall alumni programming. CASE is the official representative body for institutional advancement for nearly 3,000 universities and '51 CLASS OF has served as a judge to the Contra Costa County Superior Court since his appointment by Gov. Jerry Brown in 1980. A profile of him appeared in the Los Angeles Daily Journal on August 1,1995 . HON. WAYNE A. WESTOVER colleges nationwide. The award recognizes the program's success in fulfilling its mission: to support the College by pnmwting activities and programs which will strengthen the bond between the College and its current and former students. With the aw ard, CASE commended CLASS OF '52 Alumni Association's linkage with COOPER has a solo civil practice in the Boulder Creek area. H is profile appeared in the July 20, 1995 Los students (improving the quality of life for Angeles Daily Journal. DANIEL Hastings for the excellence of the current students and acquainting them with the alumni association), faculty (including faculty in alumni events), and alumni (excellence of events and activities) . A veraging 40-45 events annually, the Alumni Association prides itself on being a "friend-raising" organization. E. JAMES M. was selected in July by the California Supreme Court to become the new Presid ing Judge of the State Bar Court. He will serve a six-year term beginning November 1, 1995 . Prior to h is appointment, he had been practicing estate planning and bus iness litigation with Costa Mesa's Obrien , Gazin & Peterson and has served on the State Bar of Californ ia Board of Governors. OBRIEN Apparently it's working because attendance at alumni functions has increased dramatically over the past few years. Those of you who have participated can appreciate how well-deserved this award is. And for those of you who haven't, you ha"e been missing some of the best alumni events in the nation. CLASS OF '53 COUPER jo ined the Go ld River, California, firm of Beyer & Pongratz in May 1995 . He i a State Bar certified specialist in tax law with 41 years of law practice experience. JACK A . POLLATSEK was named of counsel to the San Francisco firm of Sarrail, Lynch & H all, where he focuses on worker's compensation defense and related employment matters. GEORGE . TH I RT Y TH REE . E. Gerald N. HiU ('57) and Kathleen Thompson Hill (far right) present Dean Mary Kay Kane with a copy of the third book they have coauthored, Real Life Dictionary of the Law, T aking the Mystery Out of Legal Language. The book jacket describes it as an " easy-toread reference book [that] ... de-mystifies legalese and the legal process-sometimes irreverently-and in doing so shatters myths and opens the doors to the sometimes deliberately confusing world of the law." O.J. Simpson's trial viewers may have noticed it was on Judge Lance Ito's desk during the trial. (See Gerald Hill's item under " Class of '57") . CLASS OF '54 was honored by the San Franci co Board of Supervisors who declared June 16, 1995 as "Zeppel in Wong Day" to commemorate his contributions to the commun ity. He is a San Franci co so lo lit igator who specializes in international business and rea l estate. He received this hon r in conjunction with his retirement as Chairman of the Board of the California Institute for Integra l Studie . ZEPPELIN WONG CLASS OF '57 has had h is own firm in Sonoma for 20 years, focusing on real e tate and business law. He and h is wife Kath leen Thompson Hi ll have coauthored three books including the mo t recent, The Real Life Dictionary of the Law, GE RA LD N. H I LL Taking the Mystery Out of Legal Language, published by Genera l Publishing Group. (see photo above). CLASS OF '58 was recently appointed to the Board of Directors of Rohnert Park-ba ed Summit Savings. Both he and his son Brad practice law in the Santa Rosa firm, DeMeo & DeMeo, founded by his father. JOHN F. " JACK" D E M E O CLASS OF Court bench. After retir ing more than a decad ago, he was se lected by the Judicia l Council for the A lternate Judge in Lie u program (a program de igned to alleviate congestion in the court calendar). His profile appeared in the Los Angeles Daily Journal on May 25, 1995. CLASS OF '62 was appo inted, in June 1995, by Gov. Pete W ilson to be C h ief Counsel of the Department of Parks and Recreation for the State of California. He had practiced with Bronson, Bronson & McK innon , specializing in environmenta l and natura l resou rce law. His past pub lic erv ice includes General Counsel for the Wh ite House Council on Environmenta l Quali ty from 1974 to 1976, and assoc iate solicitor fo r con ervation and wi ld life in the Department of the Interior from 1980 to 1981. G A R Y L . W I D MA N CLASS OF '63 a sen ior partner of Cooper, White & Cooper in San Franci co, who practice in the areas of commercial transaction and rea l estate, was named Pres iden t of the Asian A rt Museum Commission fo r the C ity and County of San Francisco. He will preside over the 27 -member commission fo r two years. CLASS OF '64 was se lected as pres id ing judge of the O range Coun ty Superior Court and will beg in serv ing his one-year te rm on Janu ary 1, 1996. He was first elected to the Superior Court in 1978. HON . THEODORE E . MILLARD CLASS OF '65 of Lev ine and Associates in Los A ngeles, has opened a second office in Seattle. The firm concentrates on business law, with an emphasis on gaming and Ind ian law. It serves several Indian tribes nation wide, as we ll as companies go ing into business on Indian reservations. JEROME L. LEVINE , CLASS OF '66 practices estate and business transactions law with Dow ling, Magarian , A aron & Heyman in Fresno. His profi le appeared in the Fresno Business Journal on May 22, 1995. MICHAEL D . DOWLING J AMES MURAD , '59 ha returned to the acramento uperior H ON. SHELDON H . GROSSFELD CLASS OF '67 CMDR . RUSSELL R. McKINNEY recently graduated from the N aval W ar College in Newport, R.I., and was awarded a Master of A rts degree in National Security and Strateg ic Studies. He jo ined the Navy in 198 1. McKinney still practices as a senior partner with McKinney, W ainwright & Saul-Olson in Visalia. HON . ROBERT A. O'FARRELL continued next page . T HIRTY F OUR ' . • . . C LA SS N O TE S· Class of' 67 continued . . has served on the bench of the Monterey County Superior Court since he was appointed by Gov. Jerry Brown in 1981. His profi le appeared in the May 30, 1995 edition of the Los Angeles Daily Journal. CLASS OF '68 an attorn ey with Schwabe, William on, Ferguson & Burdell in Seattle, W a hington , has been inducted as a fellow of the American College of Trial Lawye rs. His practice focuses on maritime law and in urance defense litigation. He h as served a a member of the executive committee of the Maritime Lawyers Association of the U.S. and is a past Chairman of the Marine Insurance Law Committee of the torts and insurance practice section. PAUL N. DAIGLE , CLASS OF '69 of Mazursky, Schwartz & Ange lo is the 1995 Pres ident of the Consumer Attorneys Assoc iation of Lo Angeles (formerly the Los Angeles Trial Lawyers Association). CHARLES J . MAZURSKY , E. NORDIN II received a promotion to the position of Deputy C hi ef in th e Civi l Division of the U.S. Attorney for the Department of Ju tice in Los Ange les. H e also received several awards for his outstand ing defense of the U.S. in complex ca es. In August 1994, the Special Agent in C harge for the FBI in Los Ange les, C harlie J. Parsons, presented Nordin with an FBI Award in appreciation of his work on Ting v. U.S.A. . In November 1994, former President Ronald Reagan recognized him "for his successful defense of members of the Reagan Secret Service protective detail in a civil rights case." On N ove mber 17, 1994, Attorney General Janet Reno and Caro l De Battiste, Director of the Executive Office for United States Attorney, presented Nordin with the Director's Award (see photo on page 36). On September 6, 1995, Nordin received a commendation from the Director of the Secret Service. In addition, Nordin also was h onored as the 1995 Los Angeles C h apter's Alumnus of the Year. CRAIG s . RITCHEY is a partner with Ritchey, Fisher, Whitman & Klein in Palo Alto, practicing technology, real e tate, and antitrust law. The firm, renamed on May 15, 1995, was formerly known as Blase, Valentine & Klein. JOHN CLASS OF 71 opened a new firm, Bev ington, Jackl & H aas with two other Hastings alums, ANNE M. BEVINGTON ('83) and VERNA A. HAAS (' 83 ) . The W alnut C reek firm focuses on civi l litigati on . WILLIAM D. TAYLOR is presid ent of the 700-member Transportat ion Lawyers As oc iation and a partner in charge of the six-attorney transportation and commerce practice at H anson, Bridgett, Marcus, Vlahos & Rud y in an Francisco. RONNI JACKL CLASS OF '72 joined the San Francisco office of Russin & Vecchi in April 1995 . H e is a bus iness and commercial litiga tor. GLEN R. JONES , JR ., assumed the position as counsel for Kenetech Windpower, Inc. in Livermore in May 1995. J OHN J . D ACY CLASS OF '73 jo ined the San Francisco office of Haines & Lea as a partner in August 1995. His practice focuses on insurance bad faith and coverage matters. DAVID L . CASE is practicing with Dugan Barr & Associates in Redding. ROBERT C . HELWICK has been appo inted General Counsel for the East Bay Municipal Utility District Board. H e h as worked at EBMUD for 19 years. MICH A E L E . K LI NGER joi ned the San Jose JAMS/End isp ute panel of med iators in May 1995 . D AVI D MAS A O M IYOS H I was named International Man of the Year, 1995, by the Internat ional Biographical Centre of Cambridge (United Kingdom) for his out tanding work in international business and law. JAMES BOEDECKER CLASS OF '74 was appointed to the Board of Directors of Pac ific National Bank in May 1995. H e h as h ad a Laguna Beach so lo practice since 1974, concentrating in bu iness, fin ance, and real estate law. H I N DI G R E ENBERG and her San Francisco-based business, Lawyers in Transition , which helps lawyers with career alternatives, was featured in a documentary on lawyers on CNN last year and in a July 1995 Los Angeles Times article. She taught a two-day course at TIMOTHY D . C A RLYL E It was standing (and sitting) room only at the Kakita's when Dr. Lenore and the Hon. Edward Y. Kakita ('65) hosted the annual L.A. Chapter Barbecue for incoming students at their home in La Canada-Flintridge last July. continued next page . . THIRTY FI V E · ('LA S ( 'h" oj .74 wIHlIl lld OTES . Hastings In August, a four-week cour eat IcGeorge Law chool in October, and plans to present an ABA program In Puerto Rico next spring. GER ALD M . HINKLEY became a partner with the an Franci co office of eattle-ba ed Dav id W right Tremaine on July 15, 1995. He had been a partner with Musick, Pee ler & Garrett ince 1990. He practices in the area of health care. H ARV E Y E . L EVIN E was appointed as city attorney to the C ity of Fremont in Ju ly 1995 . He has been in private practice for 10 years and has erved as Plea an ton's city attorney and the C ity of San Jose's assistant city attorney. CLASS OF '75 pract ice personal inju ry, pre mises liability, tox ic torts and prod uct liability law with A rcher, McComas, Breslin, McMahon & C hritton in W alnut C reek. The firm's name was recently changed from A rcher, McComas & Legeson. HON . NATHAN D . MIHARA has served on the bench of the 6th District Court of Appeal in San Jose since January 1993, when he was appo inted by Gov. Pete Wilson. He was the topic of an article in the Daily Journal on May 15, 1995. HON. LARRY GUY SAGE is a municipal court judge in Sparks, N evada. GEORGE ANN STOKES was named General Coun el and Senior Vice President fo r Houston-based CocaCola Foods. TIMOTH Y M . McMAHON CLASS OF John E. Nardin II ('69) with Attorney General Janet Reno, who presented him with the Department of Justice's Directar's Award for superior performance as an assistant U .S. attorney during his representation of the U.S. in a complex case. Nordin received se.Jeral awards this year. (See his item under "Class of '69.") Stanford students on behalf of the Associated Students of Stanford U niversity. He has a so lo practice in San Jose. NION T. MCEvOY , as ociate pu blisher and editor-in-chief of C h ronicle Books, has been named a member of the Golden G ate N at ional Park A ssociation's Board of Trustees. '76 joined Miller, Starr & Regalia, in May 1995 , as a real e tate litigator and partner in their W alnut C reek office. Sommer had practiced with T obin & T obin for 17 years. SCOTT A. SOMMER CLASS OF '79 focu es on murder pro ecutions, capital and non-capital, with the Fre no County District A ttorney's O ffice . H is 15 years of expe rience include 11 years of murder pro ecution , 8 years of capital pro ecutions, and 3 years of ex crime prosecution . EDWARD A. MAHL E R wa featured in [he San Francisco Chronicle, on June 30, 1995, for h i representation of DENNIS J. CLASS OF 'SO partner at Heller Ehrman White & McAuliffe in San Francisco, was featured in the California Law Business article, "35 under 45 ," a yearly feature that spotlights successfu l young lawyers. The article appeared July 24, 1995. ANDREA A. WIRUM , a partner at Pillsbury Madison & Sutro in San Francisco, was featured in the California Law Business article, "35 under 45 ," a yearly feature that spotlights successfu l young lawyers. The article appeared July 24, 1995 . HON. KAY T. KINGSLEY has served on the bench of the Monterey County Mun icipal Court since her appo intment by G ov. Pete W ilson in 1994. A profile of her appeared in the San Jose Post Record on June 27 , 1995. MATTHEW L. LARRABEE , CLASS OF 'S2 c . BOLTON , a partner with Wilson, Shyrock & Bolton in San Francisco, was featured in the California Law Business article, "35 under 45 ," a yearly feature that spotlights successful young lawyers. The article appeared July 24, 1995. DENNIS E. CAINES formed a new San Francisco firm, Elliot, Richardson & C aine, in February 1995. H e had run a so lo practice in San Mateo DAN COOPER Jonathan P. Hayden (,82) continued next page . . THI RTY SIX' . C L ASS NO TE S, . . . specializes in insolvency and financia l institutions litigation and is a shareho lder in the an Franc i co office of Buchalter, Nemer, Field & Younger. The Recorder pub lished a profile on A ugust 8, 1995, highlighting her service as Chai r of the Commerical Law and Bankruptcy Section of the Ba r Assoc iat ion of San Franciso. FRED ERICK J. GEONETTA wa elevated to partner in the San Francisco firm of Berman, Berkley & Lasky in April 1995. He is a general busine li tigator. JO H N L O ZA D A was elected pres ident of the Massachusetts Association of Hispanic Attorneys fo r 1995-96. He is a civi l rights attorney with the U.S. Departmen t of Education in Boston. PAULA J. WilKEN is a reg istered in vestmen t adv iser with the Securities and Exchange Commission and the Califo rnia Departmen t of Corporation and is certified by the International Board of Standards and Practices. She has a solo practice in Petaluma, writes a column fo r the Petaluma Argus Courier, and teaches investment classes for Santa Rosa Junior College. SHAWN M. CHRISTIANSON Jamaa Moberly (,76) and Thomas Miller (,73) at the Orange County Chapter Incoming Students Reception at Moberly's home in Irvine on July 27, 1995. Class 0['82 conrinLled . since 1990. The firm focuses on personal inj ury, medical malpractice , and employment law. JONATHAN P. HA YDEN , a partner with Heller Ehrman White & McAuliffe, was sworn in by San Francisco Mayor Frank Jordan , on July 10, 1995 , to serve as a member of the San Francisco Residential Rent Stabilization and Arbitration Board. His practice focuses on environmental litigation, including the medical effects of alleged expo ure to toxic chemicals, and securities litigat ion with principal concentration on accountant's liability. MARK S . KANNETT formed a new Emeryv ille fi rm with LORI A. SCHWEITZER . The firm is named Becherer, Beers, Murphy, Kannett & Schwe itzer. Kannett concen trates on environmental and complex insurance coverage issues, bad faith, and profess ional liabil ity for insurance carrier clients. Schweitzer is a product liability litigator. NATHAN J . SUL T was named Vice President and Senior Counsel in the Legal Division of the Bank of Hawaii in June 1995. He focuses on regulatory and contractual matters invo lving the bank. VEE-HORN SHUAI was sworn in as Pres ident of the San Marino Lions C lub onJuly 8, 1995. He is a solo practitioner in Pasadena and a judge pro tern for the Van N uys Municipal Court. CLASS OF '83 a partner at the Los Angeles firm Arnold & Porter and a Tony Patino fellow, was featured in the California Law Business article, "35 under 45 ," a yearly feature that spotlights successful young lawyers. The article M ARTHA M. BELCHER , appeared Ju ly 24, 1995. ANNE M . BEVINGTON and VERNA A. HAAS along with RONNI JACKL (, 71 ) have opened a new firm , Bev ington , Jackl & H aas. The W alnut C reek firm focuses on civil litigation . TRUDY NEARN wa named partner with Diepe nbrock, Wulff, Plant & Hannega n in Sacramento. She is a member of the firm 's tax, estate planning, and probate group. CLASS OF '84 has been the Legal Director for the Center for Immigrants' Rights, Inc. in N ew York C ity since 1992. JACKSON CHIN CLASS OF '85 produces documentaries on lega l issues for Court-TV in N ew York C ity. ROBERT BRUCE EWING was ANNE DORFMAN continued next page Damien W alsh ('80), Major Virginia Prugh ('81), Ron Ward (,76) and Greg Cavagnaro (,87) at the Seattle Chapter Dean's Reception on May 11, 1995. . THI RTY S EVEN' (LASS named, 111 July 1995, the first full-time tuwn attorney for Danvdle. For five years, he had held the position as Tiburon 's fir t town attorney. GISELE M. GOETZ became a partner in April with the Ventura law firm of Ferguson, Ca e, Orr, Pater on & C unningham. Her practice focu e on ge neral bu iness and real estate litigation . LISA ROSOF graduated from the University of Connecticut Medical chool in May 1995. She will be training in p ychiatry at Emory University from July 1995 to July 1999. he previously worked as a staff attorney at the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit and as a clerk for the U.S. District Judge James Ware in San Jose. CLASS OF '86 STEVEN I. HOCHFELSEN opened a new office for his Huntington Beach solo practice, where he continues to practice in the areas of personal injury defense, commercial, and in urance litigation. STEPHEN M. McNAMARA formed the O range law firm of McNamara & Van Blarcome with RONALD A. VAN BLARCOME . The firm represents public agencies and private clients in transactional and litigat ion matters. McNamara's practice focuses on public law and high-technology litigat ion. Van Blarcom is General Counse l to several water districts and advises pub lic agencies on a broad variety of matters. McNamara and his wife VALERIE L. McNAMARA had their second child , Jenn ifer Lynn, in Janu ary 1995. lAIN MICKLE returned to the firm of Orrick, Herr ington & Sutcl iff as of counse l to its Sacramento office on May 15, 1995. He had been an associate with the firm before he left for two years to practice in the securities group of Palo A lto's Fenwick & West. JAY M. SPILLANE recently formed a solo litigation practice in Los Angeles wi th emphas is in entertainment and real estate litigation. OTE S cap ital of the territory in Croatia, formerly contro lled by rebel erbs. CHRISTINE R. HALL is Genera l ounsel for the California A sociation of Hospital and Health ystems and the Executive Director of the Cal ifornia Society for Healthcare Attorneys. DAVID J. HOLLANDER practices personal injury, professional negligence, and emp loyment discriminat ion law with his firm, Hollander & Associates, in San Diego. Prior to July 1,1995 , the firm was named Hollander & Grant. DANIEL M. KAUFMAN is a sen ior manager for DreamWorks Interactive, a d ivis ion of DreamWorks SKG, owned by Steven Spielberg, Jeffrey Katzenberg, and Dav id Geffen. Kaufman's profile appeared in California Law Business, on May 15, 1995. CRAIG A. PARTON has been named a partner in the Santa Barbara firm, Price, Po tel & Parma. He is a member of the firm's lit igat ion department and his practice emphas izes comp lex comme rcial li tigation and trial practice. DAVID E. REESE became a partner in the Santa Barbara firm, Seed, Mackall & Cole, in January 1995. He and his wife Marj are the proud pare nts of John David, who was born in July 1995. BARBARA L. SNIDER is servi ng a A oc iate General Counsel to C it izens Utilities' Elk Grove office for California Citizens T elecom. She is primarily respon ible for all lega l matters affecting the company's telecommunications operat ions in the western United States and its water operation in California . STEPHEN C. TEDESCO was named a non-equity partner with the San Francisco office of Littler, Mendelson, Fa tiff, Tichy & Mathiason in May 1995. His practice includes wrongful discharge, discrimination, wage and hour matters, unfair competition, and trade secrets litigation. DANIEL s. YORK has left G ibson, Dunn & C rutcher in Dallas, Texas, to become Assi tant General Counse l-Litigation at G TE Service Corporation in Stamford , Connecticut. LOS ANGELES ALUMNI ASSOCIATION CHAPTER PARTICIPATES IN MOOT COURT PROJECT T he active and innovative Los Angeles Alumni Chapter began its first community service project last year by voting to assist junior high school students involved in the Constitutional Rights Foundation Mock Trial Competition. Myra Nakelsky ('89) and Ray Aver ('83) represented the Chapter as coaches to a team at King Middle School in the Silver Lake area, near Mwntown Los Angeles. Nakelsy and Aver taught students, who acted as lawyers, techniques to help argue their case, including how to ask the right questions and how to avoid objections. Students who acted as witnesses were taught how to both avoid being trapped during cross-examination and effectively testify on behalf of the side that called them. Although King Middle School did not advance into the final rounds, one student did win an award for testifying effectively as a witness on behalf of the defense. According to Nakelsky, "The lawyers in the room, including the judges, all wished witnesses at their trials would testify as persuasively. The students learned a tremendous amount about the legal profession, and many indicated that they are CLASS OF CLASS OF '87 EDWARD J. FLYNN II has been working for the past year for the U.N. Centre for Human Right in the former Yugoslavia as the head of the office in Zagreb, Croatia. Hi areas of responsibility have included location throughout Croatia and Bosnia. Currently, he i on a ignment in Knin, now considering a career in the legal '88 joined the firm of McDonough, Holland & Allen as an associate, practicing in the Sacramento office and focusing on construction law. She had been with the firm of impson, Aherne & Garrity in San Mateo. LYN BETH NEYLON returned to the United State, after several years in the LINDA R. BECK continued next page THIRTY EIGHT field. " The project proved so rewarding for all involved that the Chapter voted to participate again this year as coaches or judges. .. C LA SS N O TE S, lass of '88 contin ued ... Federated States of Micrones ia, to ge t an LL.M . in International and Co mparat ive Law fro m Georgetown U nive r ity Law Center in W ashi ngton , D.C. She expects to complete the program in May 1996. ANDRES O. RICO is the Pres iden t of the La Raza N ational Lawye rs Assoc iation of Sacramen to. Hi so lo pract ice concentrates on bu ine s li t igation, employment law, professional liabi lity, product liabil ity, constructi on , and debtor-creditor law. s . KATELIN RYAN began a so lo practice, in May 1995, serving Napa and Solano Counties. H er practice focuses on civi l litigation and insurance law. CLASS OF '89 is sen ior corporate counsel with Menke & Assoc iates, Inc., a San Francisco based financial consult ing group, spec ializing in structur ing employee stock ownership plans. DANIEL R. BLAKEY joined the Los Angeles offi ce of Lan e Powell Spears Lubersky in Ju ly 1995. H e wi ll concentrate on toxic torts and products liability. CHRISTINA G. CORDOZA joined the San Francisco labor department of Coo ley Godward Castro Hudd leson & T atum as an assoc iate in July 1985. KIMBERLY FULLERTON is a recruiter with th e attorney search firm of Major, Hagen & Africa. She will serve as the T reasurer of the Barristers C lub of San Francisco until December 3 1, 1995. DAVID H. WILLIAMS is a partner in a new San Francisco firm, Boyd, H uffman & Williams, spec ializing in plaintiffs' civil rights and environmen tal cases. VICTOR N. ALAM CLASS OF '90 jo ined the San Francisco office of G rah am & James in May 1995, after comp leting five years as a business and environmental litigation associate at Pettit & Martin . WILLIAM BRUCE DAVIS joined the C incinnati law firm of Thompson, H ine & Flory as an assoc iate in A ugust 1995. H is pract ice focuses on the areas of corporate and securities law. BERNIE C. LAFoRTEZA was appointed deputy public defender with the law offices of the Los Angeles County Public Defender. LISA B. LAI joined the San Francisco office of Seattlebased Davis Wright Tremaine as an JANINE D . BLOCK assoc iate on July 15, 1995. SUSAN H. MOSK has opened a so lo practice in San Francisco. AL EXAN DR A PETRICH is Vice Pres iden t of the Sa n Fra ncisco W omen Lawyers A ll iance. Sh e clerks for U.S. Distri ct Judge W illiam Schwa rzer. TIMOTH Y P . PRIN CE practices civi l lit igat ion with W ilson, Borror, Dunn, cott & Dav is in San Berna rd ino. H e was appo inted to a second te rm as Secretary of the A merican Lu ng Association of the In land Coun t ies. JON A TH A N C. ROLNICK joi ned the lit igat ion departmen t of the Oakland firm of Crosby, H eafey, Roach & May in July 1995. His practice foc uses on employmen t law. CATHER I NE M . VERNA is practicing in the area of corporate finance and securities with Buch an an Ingersoll's T echnology Ventures Group in Princeton , New Jersey, an interdisc ip linary practice group spec ializing in th e representation of companies in all phases of developmen t. JEFFREY ROBERT VETTER foc uses his pract ice on securities and corporate law with T roy & Gould in Los A nge les. Defender. BIR G IT A . D A C H TERA joined the Oakland firm of Crosby, Heafey, Roach & May in June 1995. Her practice concentrates on insurance and environmental/toxic tort law. RICHARD E . DOMINGUEZ II is an ass istant district attorney with the U.S. Attorney' Office in Wash ington, D.C. He and h is wife Gabrie lla had a son, Nicolai A lexander, in June 1995. R O BE RT G . MER R ITT is lega l counsel with Prov idian Bancorp in San Francisco. H e was forme rly with He ller Ehrman White & McAu liffe. M A R CO A . SAENZ was appointed deputy public defender with th e law offices of the Los A nge les Public Defender. D A VID R . SHEM A NO joined the Los Angeles firm of O rrick, H erri ngton & Sutcliffe in October 1994, wh ere he practices corporate ban kruptcy law. H e h ad been in New York, working with W inston & Strawn. JEFFREY M . ZIMEL was appointed dep uty pub lic defender in the T orrance Branch office of th e Lo A nge les Public Defender, where h e has conducted more than 50 criminal jury trials, both misdemean ors and felonies. CLASS OF On August 26, 1995, KEVIN A . HICKS (, 90) , a deputy di trict attorney in Stockton, his wife Michelle and their infant son Sawyer were injured in a headon car collision near Stockton. Michelle's legs were crushed, and her hand was broken. Sawyer came through the accident relative ly unscathed, thank to a child safety seat, but Hicks suffered severe head trauma. According to his classmate, JEFFREY T . WOODRUFF , Hicks awoke from a coma in September and is making remarkable progress. If you wish to send some words of encouragement to Hicks as he tackles the challenges of rehabilitation, Woodruff suggests you write or call Hicks at: Kentfield Rehabilitation Hospital, 11 24 Sir Francis Drake Boulevard, Kentfield, California 94904, telephone: 415/485-3527. is the Execut ive Director of the Legal Commun ity Against Violence in San Francisco. LINDA J. KATTWINKEL joined the intellectual property firm Owen , Wickersham & Erickson as an associate in May 1995, after completing a 2 l/2-year clerkship with U.S . District Judge C laudia Wilken in San Francisco. ELIZABETH C . KRIVATSKY joined Lill ick & C h arles in San Francisco as an assoc iate. H er profess ion al liab il ity pract ice includes attorney malpractice defense and errors and omissions coverage. JASON H. MARCUS was appo inted deputy public defender with the law offices of the Los Angeles County Public Defender. ALEXANDRA E . SOSNKOWSKI was selected to become a city attorney for H ood River, Oregon in June 1995. Sh e is also an assoc iate with Dunn, T oo le, Coats & Carter of The Dalles, O regon . CLASS OF CLASS OF '91 MURREY A . CORREA was appointed deputy public defender with the law offices of the Los Angeles County Public '92 BARRIE L . BECKER '93 joined the Oakland firm of Crosby, H eafey, Roach & May , in June 1995, wh ere her pract ice concentrates on insurance and product liability law. Sh e is an active volunteer, LAURA J. COLES continued next page . . . . THIRTY NINE' C LA:S NO TES ( ' kl\ .\ of '9 3 c() ncmll~d CLAS S OF rnm d ing \ega 1 'e n 'ices to the A IDS Legal Referral Panel and th onsumer Projec t, Home Equity Fraud Preven t ion Program, both spon ored by the Bar Assoc iation of an Francisco. R I CHARD G . COSTELLO joined H oward, Rice, N emerovski, an ady, Robert on , Fa lk & Rabkin a an associate in june 1995 . His practice focu es primarily on corporate and securities work . ROBERT A. MADISON is a med ica l defense a oc iate with Bonne, Bridges, Mueller, O'Keefe & Nicho ls in Los Ange le . BRIAN B. McALLISTER practices with Hi ll, Betts & N ash in Long Beach. H e is also working wi th th e H omeless Project of the Los Angeles County Bar Barr ister' Group. NANCY A. THEBERGE was appo in ted deputy public defender with the law offices of the Los Angeles C ounty Pub lic Defender. GRACIELA P. VALENZUELA was appoi nted deputy public defender with the law offices of the Los Ange les County Public Defender. ' 94 CLASS OF pract ices insurance defense with tammer, McK nigh t, Barnum & Ba iley in Fresno. GORDON B. BURNS joined the Sacramento firm of Downey, Brand, Seymour & Rohwer a a litigat ion associate in june 1995. ALEX S. DEHGAN is serv ing a federal clerkship with judge Dominick L. DiCarlo of the U .S . Court ofInternational T rade in N ew York C ity. JAMES w. HARPER is a public affairs consultant with G oddard* C laussen/First Tuesday in W ash ington, D.C. DANIEL K. JANISCH is an associate, practicing maritime law , with the San Francisco fi rm of Derby, C ook, Q uinby & T weedt . SHEPARD S. Kopp was appointed deputy public defende r with the law offices of the Los A ngele County Public Defender. JOHN A. MATRA is practic ing in the Business and Legal Affairs Department of Republic Entertainmen t Group, Inc. , a unit of Spelling Entertainment Group, Inc. in Los Ange les. JAMES L. POTH is a commercial and transportation litigator with Klett, Lieber, Rooney & Schorling in Pittsburgh , Pennsylvania. C E LENE M . E. BOGGS '95 is a deve lopment and construct ion consultant with Architectural Management e rvices in San Francisco. DAVID S. BRUN i an associate with Kee ai, Young & Loga n in San Francisco. NANCY L. LIPSON is clerki ng for the H on. Larry N aves of the Denver District Court, ivi l Div ision, in C olorado. GUILLERMO A.M. SOHNLEIN i serv ing in the judg Advocate G eneral C orp with the U.S. Marines. ERIK RUPPE ...--- IN MEMORIAM----, JAMES B IRD R OGER JOHN A. ('78) FERREE ('68 ) E. FOURT ('50) JOHN B . Moy ('73) D OUGLAS E. WILSON ('48) You NEVER WRITE, You NEVER CALL Name ______________________________________________ Address ____________________________________________ ust like Mom, we'd like to know what you've been up to lately. Use this convenient form to update us on your activities and we'll include it in our Class Notes section in an upcoming issue of Hastings Community. Even if you're not into show-and-tell, we could use the data to update our alumni records. In particular, we need information about your professional emphasis. This comes in handy when we are asked for referrals from other attorneys and to assist us in matching students with prospective alumni mentors/advisors. Or we may just want to invite you to something of special interest to you. You never know. City ________________________ State Phone ( - - -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Grad yr. _________________ Your Professional Emphasis _________________________________ Firm or Company'________________ Business Phone ( ) ______ Address _____________________________________________ City _________________________ State Return this form to: Hastings Community c/o College Relations 200 McAllister St., Room 209 San Francisco, CA 94102 or fax to (415 ) 565-4863. Zip, ______ Zip ____ News _______________________________________________ Thanks! . F ORTY · . A LL PICTURED ARE JANSPORT* PREMIUM SWEATSHIRTS 80"/0 COTTON Top Shirt-Blackwatch plaid applique and embroidery $3 7.95 Middle Shirt-Alumni, Embroidery $36.50 Bottom Shirt-imprinted Amara suede enhanced with embroidery $39.95 Hat Collection-Cotton hats $12.95 Cotton hats with suede bills $16.50 Also mugs , glasses, pens, license plate frames , backpacks and more. To ORDER or for a flyer featuring 28 gift items write to: Hastings College of the Law Bookstore, 200 McAllister St., S.F. , CA. 94102 or call ~lumni JANUARY 4-7 Annual "Beat the Clock" Continuing Legal Education Program MARCH ;; 1 = = = -_ _ _ __ Founder's Day Luncheon - 1996 Alumnus of the Year Marvin J. Anderson Lecture Hastings 1066 Foundation 25th Anniversary Banquet MARCH 2 Hastings 1066 Foundation Board of Trustees Meeting Joint Luncheon - 1066 Foundation/Alumni Board of Governors Alumni Board of Governors Meeting Check your mnilbox for these upcoming alumni events: JANUARY: San Francisco Chapter New Bar Admittees Reception Hawaii Chapter New Bar Admittees Reception Alumni Reception, Las Vegas FEBRUARY: Los Angeles Chapter New Bar Admittees Reception San Diego Chapter New Bar Admittees Reception Orange County Chapter New Bar Admittees Reception Black Alumni Chapter New Bar Admittees Reception Contact the Office of College Relations for informntion about these and other alumni events at 415/565-4615. HASTINGS Director of College Relations Hastings College of the Law Board of Directors Tim Lemon Director of Alumni Relations Chair Judy lane John T. Knox (,52) Director of Hastings 1066 Foundation Suzanne Needles Vice Chair Director of Pubuc Affairs! Editor, Hastings Community Maureen E. Corcoran ('79) Eugene L. Freeland ('5 1) Jan Lewenhaupt Kneeland H. Lobner ('44) James E. Mahoney ('66) Hon. Blaine E. Pettitt ('4 I) John A. Sproul Susan SCOtt Design Patricia Walsh DesIgn Phowgraphs Bruce Cook Judy lane Jeff Munroe Kathryn MacDonald usan Scott Hon. William R. Channell ('49) Directors Emeriti Pnnong American Ltthographers, Inc. Hayward, Galtf. Ralph Santiago Abascal ('68) Hon. Marvin R. Baxter (,66) Joseph W. Cotchett ('64) Myron E. Etienne, Jr. ('52) Raymond L. Hanson ('36) Hon. Lois Haight Herrington ('65) Max K. Jamison ('45) Hasongs Commurury IS publIShed three times a year for alumni and friends of the College. Material for "Class otes" and correspondence IS always welcomed and should be addressed to the editor at 200 McAl1t ter treet, an FranCISCO, CA 941 02. Pnnted on Recycled Paper. *