In This Issue: Bulletin Board, page 2 • Club Calendar, page 3
In This Issue: Bulletin Board, page 2 • Club Calendar, page 3
National Geographic National Geographic has been “inspiring people to care about the planet since 1888.” They do this through their engaging and mesmerizing use of photography. For instance, everyone is familiar with the iconic image “Afghan Girl” from the June 1985 issue of National Geographic. The use of that cover image persuaded countless readers to open the pages to read about the wartorn frontier of Afghanistan and to learn about the plight of a 13-year-old girl who fled her native country for Pakistan. National Geographic continues to be an inspirational resource for photographers. Be sure to check out its photography site at photography/. There, you’ll find amazing photographs of animals, nature and weather, landscapes, people, travel, and more. Peruse through the Photo Tips page to learn how to take stunning US Park photographs, capture striking adventure photos, and use shutter speed in new ways to create images with impact. One photographer also shares his “bucket list” of top 10 iconic places in the world to photograph. You can also download wallpapers, buy prints, watch videos, and subscribe to a monthly enewsletter through this site. It is a free resource out there for photographers and one that should not be overlooked! In This Issue: Bulletin Board, page 2 • Club Calendar, page 3 • Members, page 4 • Competition Results, page 5 • April Gallery, page 6 • Commercial Members and Affiliations, page 8 Bulletin Board Submitting Images to the Competition Website The Club will be using the competition website exclusively starting with the May Competition. The competition website is http://phxcc. Also, starting in May, digital images must be submitted by midnight on the Thursday prior to the club meeting. This will allow the competition co-chairs sufficient time to prepare for the competition. Annual Dues by June ar should be paid ye 3 01 -2 12 20 e at the May Dues for th Charles Ophardt to id pa be n ca s 16. Due tings. or June club mee End of Y ear Ba The An nual Ba nquet nquet w June 2, ill be h at 6:00 eld on pm at F N. Scot Sat r a tsdale R sher ’s S teakhou urday, o ad, Sco per pers se ( tts on (plea se bring dale). The cost 2122 out to P is C ca tossed s C to the banqu sh or a check $25 alad, ch e m t). The oice of menu in ade vegetab roast be les, and c l udes ef, chick dessert. emailed e n A , o f t r fish, o you so ormal in tion Category on. vitation will be New Competiwill be added to the competition L ly as Mono DIGITA same rules app e h T . 2 1 0 2 ay categories in M tegory. ca t the mono prin PSA Membership Save the Date for the 2012 PSA International Conference Interested in becoming a member of the PSA? Visit the PSA website to find out more about member benefits: member-benefits/. e for th e er t a D p e ovemb U h N t n d e o n u un ld Sav all Ro p will be he on Center in S F C C ti -U AC Recrea Round ial all The F , at the Sund 12 10, 20 City. May 2012 Page Club Calendar Club meetings are held the third Saturday of each month, 7:00 – 10:00 PM, at Longview Community Church, 1301 E. Whitton, Phoenix Print entries must be submitted by 6:45pm the evening of the meeting. Digital entries must be submitted by midnight on the Thursday prior to the meeting. Monthly categories include: Prints (Mono, Open A and B) and Digital (Mono, Creative, Open A and B). See the Competition Rules for a listing of all competition categories and descriptions. Competition, 5/19/12 Alternating: Panoramic Diagonal Competition, 6/16/12 Theme: Alternating: Digital Nature Theme: Shallow Depth of Field Competition, 7/21/12 Alternating: Panoramic Theme: Red Program, 5/19/12 Impact; Presented by Mark Laverman Program, 6/16/12 Year End Winners Program, 7/21/12 Going Beyond the Cliché; Presented by Collen Miniuk-Sperry and Paul Gill Field Trip, 5/13/12 Tentative: Bearizona Field Trip, 6/23/12 Concho, AZ Lavender Festival Field Trip, 7/28/12 Sedona Special Interest Groups Education, 5/3/12 7:00pm, Denny’s Bell & I-17 White Balance/Composition Part I Photo Challenge, 5/13/12 Desert Botanical Garden Lightroom, 5/24/12 7:00pm, Denny’s, Bell & I-17 Special Interest Groups Education, 6/7/12 7:00pm, Denny’s Bell & I-17 Composition, Part II Photo Challenge TBD Lightroom, 6/28/12 7:00pm, Denny’s, Bell & I-17 Special Interest Groups Education, 7/5/12 7:00pm, Denny’s, Bell & I-17 Portraits Photo Challenge, 7/21/12 Longview Church Lightroom, 7/26/12 7:00pm, Denny’s, Bell & I-17 Board Meeting, 5/10/12 Board Meeting, 6/14/12 Board Meeting, 7/12/12 May 2012 Page PCC Members Welcome Guests! Kevin Barch, Kathy Crawford, Jan Foreman, Bill Hagan, Wanda McLean, David Munstedt, and Karen Wood Thank you to Charlie Cobeen For years, PCC has been using the competition software that Charlie created for digital projected images. He paved the way for us to get in to digital projection for competitions. As we move to the new competition website, we would like to extend our sincerest thanks to Charlie for running the competitions for all of these years! Get Well to Kay Cross and Mark Laverman Please keep Kay and Mark, as well as both of their families, in your thoughts and prayers as they continue their battles with cancer. We’re all rooting for you and hope to see you both back at club meetings very soon! Farewell to Ed McMullen Long time PCC member Ed McMullen will no longer be coming to Arizona for the winters as a snowbird escaping the cold of Ohio. Ed, thank you for your involvement in the camera club over the years. We will miss you and wish you all the best! 2012-2013 Election Candidates List The current slate of officers to be voted on at the May 19 meeting is listed below. The uncontested positions will be voted on by acclamation. President: Wayne Johnson Secretary: *Open Treasurer: Charles Ophardt Members-at-Large: Gene Almendinger, Stephanie Brun Vice President for: Competition: Karen Pence and *Open (1) Field Trips: Mark Laverman, Henk Ruiter, and Ron York Programs: Larry Olsen and *Open (1) Publications: *Open (2) Appointed: Past President: Cindy Marple Historian: Lois Millam ACCC Representative: David Madison *The club is looking for volunteers to serve in these positions. 2011-2012 Board President Cindy Marple Past President Larry Olsen Secretary Cindy Marple Treasurer Charles Ophardt Member-at-Large Gene Almendinger, Stephanie Brun Competition Wayne Johnson Field Trips Mark Laverman, Henk Ruiter, Ron York Programs Open Publications Karianne Schukei, Maureen Tollman Historian Lois Millam ACCC Representative David Madison Webmaster David Madison Email club officers at: CLIX is a monthly publication of Phoenix Camera Club Website: Board Meetings are held the second Thurday of each month, 7:00 pm Denny’s Restaurant, 3315 N. Scottsdale Rd., Scottsdale Please contact a current Board Member if you are interested in serving. May 2012 Page April Competition Thank You Judges! Steve Ehre , Suzanne Mathia and Vern West A Color 1 2 2 HM HM HM A Digital 1 2 3 3 3 3 B Color 1 Mark Laverman Barn in the Tetons Tom Foley Wahweap Hoodoos Henk Ruiter Butterfly Henk Ruiter Virgin River Tom Foley Grand Canyon Monuments Mark Laverman Storm over Los Cuesnos Tom Foley Bruce Taubert Maureen Tollman Ron York Gene Almendinger Lou Romain Ben Laverman 2 Kay Cross 2 Ben Laverman HM B Digital 1 2 Kay Cross 3 HM Rocks Fawn Breasted Brilliant Bee Happy Dunes & Bushes Flying Saucer Cactus Smithie Balloon Reflections Getting Sideways White Fox on Lookout The Walkway Wayne Johnson Natural Curve Wayne Johnson Layers of Light and Lines Ian Cassell Monument Valley Doreen Bonner Wild Flower Creative Digital 1 Lou Romain 2 Charles Ophardt 3 Cliff Cross 3 Charles Ophardt Mono 1 Cliff Cross 2 3 3 3 Nature Digital 1 2 2 HM HM HM Theme Digital 1 2 2 2 Theme Print 1 2 3 HM Round Dallas More Guns Bike Jump Gunfighters Grand Canyon View David Erickson Dying Tree Bill Sandberg St. Augustine Cathdral Cliff Cross Don at Saw Mill David Erickson San Luis Rey Mono Ian Cassell Bruce Taubert Ian Cassell Lou Romain Cindy Marple Ron York Snowy Egret Woodstar Incoming Egret Mt. Chickadee Stilt Love Egret Tom Foley Mather Point Doreen Bonner Blooming Cactus Tom Foley Face Ian Cassell Balloon Festival Mark Laverman Into the Narrows Henk Ruiter White Sand Mark Laverman Watchful Wolf Henk Ruiter Lake Powell May 2012 Page April Gallery Above: Wayne Johnson, “Layers of Light and Line,” 2nd Place, B Digital. Above right: Tom Foley, “Face,” 2nd Place, Theme Digital. Right: Cindy Marple, “Stilt Love,” HM, Nature Digital. Below: Ron York, “Egret,” HM, Nature Digital. May 2012 Page April Gallery Above: Maureen Tollman, “Bee Happy,” 3rd Place, A Digital. Above right: Bruce Taubert, “Woodstar,” 2nd Place, Nature Digital. Right: Gene Almendinger, “Flying Saucer Cactus,” 3rd Place, A Digital. Below: Ian Cassell, “Monument Valley,” 3rd Place, B Digital. “In photography there is a reality so subtle that it becomes more real than reality.” – Alfred Stieglitz May 2012 Page Commercial Members and Affiliations Specializing in consumer and professional DSLR’s, lenses, accessories, printers, inkjet media and inks Contact Gary Farber at 800-924-8682 Visit our website at and be sure to sign-up for our e-mail blasts! All images in this document are protected by copyright and may not be reproduced without pemission from the individual photographers within the club. All written material is also under copyright and may not be used withiout editorial permission. May 2012 Page