Newsletter - NAVY LEAGUE of the United States | BEVERLY HILLS


Newsletter - NAVY LEAGUE of the United States | BEVERLY HILLS
December 2009
News from the Beverly Hills Council of the Navy League of the U.S.
P.O. Box 338, Beverly Hills, California 90213
Greetings everyone. We are at that time of the year again when we gather with our families and close
friends, renew relationships, share experiences, and cheat on our diets. This is also a time for looking
ahead, making the usual promises and resolutions, and planning for the new year. The Council’s Board of
Directors has also been looking ahead and making plans for the coming year, which will be listed below.
First, I am very happy to report that we have been fortunate to have several new members join the Board
this year. They bring with them a wealth of talent and ideas and will be introduced later in this newsletter.
Second, starting at the first of the year, the Council’s website will become the focal point for ‘putting out
the word’ to the membership. New member, Michael Poles, will be assuming the operation of the website
from Randy Leslie, who generously set it up, but, with his current workload, is unable to continue
monitoring it. Michael will also be assisting in the publishing of this newsletter, “The Commodore”, which
the Board has voted to continue.
As we will now be doing more than ever before with distributing information through use of emails and our
NEW Website, it is very important that each of you ONCE AGAIN SEND ME YOUR EMAIL
ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBERS, and to please do this right away.
Email me this information at:
Our next event will be a Sunday Brunch at the Wilshire Country Club on January 24th. I look forward to
seeing you there. In closing, I want to thank all those who worked so hard to make our activities of this
year so successful, especially our Malibu Beach Party. A special vote of thanks to Sy Ulansey for once
again opening up his Malibu home for the Party, and Laurie Allison and Minette Morasso (who flew in
from Detroit) for all the work on the silent auction, including the assembling, accounting, and physical set
up of the tables. On behalf of the Council I want to extend to each and every one of you a truly happy,
healthy, and safe holiday season……and further extend our thoughts and prayers to the men and women in
the Armed Forces, particularly those who are currently serving on the front lines.
Happy Hanukkah, A Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year - Ron Dutton
CALENDAR 2010: Council and Navy League events.
Saturday, January 23 (Tentative) – Decommissioning Ceremony for the Navy’s lead boat of its
class (name to be disclosed later) – Port of Los Angeles, including luncheon at the Crown Plaza
hotel in San Pedro, followed by a Ball in the evening. Ceremony being hosted by Navy Days LA
Sunday, January 24 –CHAMPAGNE BRUNCH at the Wilshire Country Club, Los Angeles
Friday, March 6 – Commissioning Ceremony for USS GEORGE DEWEY, Navy’s newest and
most technologically advanced guided missile destroyer at Naval Weapons Station, Seal Beach (a
“First” such ceremony at this Base).
Saturday, April 17 – Underway day cruise aboard USCGC COBB, from Coast Guard Base,
Terminal Island.
April (late) / May (mid) (date TBD)– UCLA NROTC Awards Ceremony at UCLA
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December 2009
News from the Beverly Hills Council of the Navy League of the U.S.
P.O. Box 338, Beverly Hills, California 90213
Monday, May 31 (10 a.m.)– Memorial Day services at Roosevelt Memorial Park Cemetery,
Gardena, with the Sea Cadets from Hubbard Division conducting the Honor Ceremonies
7. July (date TBD) – usually during the first week) NAVY DAYS – LA, at the Port of Los Angeles
in San Pedro.
8. Saturday, July 24 – MALIBU BEACH PARTY at Seymour Ulansey’s Malibu beach home.
9. The following events listed below are events where the dates are still to be determined:
a) Catalina Cruise aboard USCGC HALIBUT
b) Fall Sunday Brunch
c) US Navy “Family Day” one day cruises, usually done when ships return from overseas
deployments…to take crew and their families out for the day. This would entail a bus to
San Diego. Note: These cruises can happen at any time and we often get the word from
the Navy with very short notice….so it will be first come, etc .If only a small group ‘sign
up, travel by car(s). If a large group, then we’ll charter a bus. Quick responses a must
10. The following are being considered:
a) Tour of the USS MIDWAY, the restored aircraft carrier / museum now berthed in
San Diego at the Broadway Pier (next to the museum sailing ship The Star of India)
b) Day at sea aboard the SS Lane Victory, a restored WWII Victory Ship (San Pedro)
It gets underway for the public (including buffet lunch) during July/Aug/Sept.
c) Tours of Naval vessels in San Diego.
11. Special note: Regarding the commissioning / decommissioning ceremonies for Naval and
Coast Guard vessels, the invitations are usually limited to four to six people,
and often with short notice, so those of you who want to attend, it will be first come, first served.
“If we shrink from the hard contests where men
must win at the hazard of their lives and at the risk
of all they hold dear, then bolder and stronger peoples will pass us by.” - Theodore Roosevelt
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December 2009
News from the Beverly Hills Council of the Navy League of the U.S.
P.O. Box 338, Beverly Hills, California 90213
As Councilmembers, their families and friends arrived at Sy Ulansey’s magnificent Malibu Colony Beach
house on a suuny and warm Saturday morning last July 25, all were welcomed at the entrance by Exec.VP,
Marty LeAnce, who oversaw each having raffle and beverage tickets, plus ‘goodie’ bags for the children.
While proceeding across the patio towards the beach, all were treated to the strains of the music of Ross
Harris’ steel drum ensemble, the beautifully decorated and item laden silent auction tables, and the
mouthwatering odor of barbecuing hamburgers, chicken, and hot dogs.
All were quick to ‘stake their claim’ to the tables and chairs and check out the massive array of food on
display. Just as quick, with parents in tow, the kids sought out the body boards, soccer and beach balls, and
other toys and ‘hit the beach.’
The day was one of pure relaxation, good conversation, good food, and good music. A surprise was in store
when one of the Coast Guard Air Station’s Search and Rescue helicopters did a “Flyby” salute to its
Beverly Hills Council sponsor. Helping the crew spot the Partygoers from the air was the Coast Guard flag,
on loan from the Air Station, flapping proudly in the breeze from Sy’s beachside flagpole. A special
“Thank you” was later sent to the Air Station’s new CO, CDR Mike Trimpert and the Station’s PAO, LT.
Adam Ziegler, who handled the details and personally piloted the aircraft.
Among the guests were the Sea Cadets from the Hubbard Division with their CO, LCDR Freddy
Rodriguez, and XO, LCDR Clyde Reliford. Cadets from Hubbard’s sister unit, the Ronald Reagan, were
also on hand with their XO, LCDR Ernie Cowell. All looked sharp in their white uniforms. Navy Belles
past president, Marian Letsch and several other members of the Belles were also mixing and mingling, as
they have done at our Beach Parties for the last several the years.
Aside from having a wonderful day at the beach, the main purpose of this event was, of course, to raise
funds for the Council’s ongoing efforts to support its Naval Sea Cadet unit, the Harry E. Hubbard Division,
plus its other military commands. “We were more than surprised by the overwhelming support given us by
the businesses and restaurants of Malibu, Santa Monica, West Los Angeles, the Marina, and Westchester,
not to mention the large number of personal donations,” commented host Sy Ulansey. “With the hard
economic times,” he continued,”we were not sure just how much support we would receive this year. While
we have always had excellent support in the past, this year we had the largest number of items ever
donated, which resulted in this year’s event becoming one of the Council’s most successful fundraisers.”
At 3:00 p.m. Laurie Allison, Minette Morasso, and Ron gathered everyone on the beachside patio and
called off the numbers of the raffle tickets and distributed the prizes to the lucky winners. Everyone then
gathered by the auction tables with the winners picking up their items – which ranged from dinners at some
of the area’s finest restaurants, luxury hotels, to a week’s stay at a deluxe condo in Buenos Aires,
A special note of thanks go to those who made it all happen at this year’s Beach Party. Sy Ulansey for once
again hosting this event and securing many of the donations from the Malibu community, Laurie Allison
and Minette Morasso for handling the entire silent auction including the assembling, accounting,
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December 2009
News from the Beverly Hills Council of the Navy League of the U.S.
P.O. Box 338, Beverly Hills, California 90213
inventorying, down to decorating and arranging the tables, Jim and Gwen Hinton for securing and donating
the band, all the wine, and some patio furnishings, Raphael Magana and Sy’s family friend, Scott Phillips,
for all the cooking and table set up, Mike Naoumovitch for donating the meats, Reuben Pacheco and Tim
Jacobsen for donating the Buenos Aires condo stay, CDR Jimmie Miller, CO of the LA Naval Recruiting
District for the Naval “goodie bags”, CDR Trimpert of Coast Guard Air Station LA for his ‘copter’s
“Flyby”, and Ron Dutton, who administered the event, raked the seaweed off the beach, and paid the bills.
This year’s Spring Brunch, held last April at the Wilshire Country Club, featured two distinguished
persons, the Hubbard Division’s Honor Cadet of the Year, SN William Seban, NSCC, and the
Commanding Officer of the Los Angeles Naval Recruiting District, CDR Jimmie Miller, USN.
After all the guests had more than sampled the great variety of foods and desserts at the Club’s renown
Sunday Brunch Buffet, Council president, Ron Dutton welcomed all and introduced the two honored
guests. He then called upon Hubbard’s Executive Officer, LCDR Clyde Reliford, who, after giving of a
history of Cadet Seban’s accomplishments and disclosing his plans to apply for the Naval Academy at
Annapolis, invited Seban to the podium where Dutton presented the cadet with a Certificate of Honor and
an award. Cadet Seban, then introduced his parents, made some brief remarks, and expressed his
appreciation for this added recognition.
Dutton then introduced the featured speaker, Commander Jimmie Miller, USN, Commanding Officer of the
Los Angeles Naval Recruiting District. After briefing all as to how the recruiting was going (exceeding all
goals) he had the guests literally on the edge of their seats as he, supported by an outstanding power point
presentation, focused on his experiences and exploits while serving on submarines prior to his assumption
of command of the Recruiting District. He impressed the guests with the importance of the role played by
submarines in today’s Navy and urged all to continue supporting wherever and whenever possible the
maintaining of a strong Navy. At the conclusion of his presentation and a question and answer period,
Dutton presented CDR Miller with an inscribed table sized American Eagle statue.
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December 2009
News from the Beverly Hills Council of the Navy League of the U.S.
P.O. Box 338, Beverly Hills, California 90213
June and July of this year witnessed changes in the commands of the two Coast Guard Stations sponsored
by the Beverly Hills Council.
Taking over the USCGC HALIBUT’s helm on a sunny Friday, June 19, was LTjg Charles Paris, USCG,
who relieved LT. Paul Miller, USCG, in the time honored Change of Command ceremony held at the Coast
Guard’s Marina del Rey Station. This is LTjg Paris’ first command since graduating from the Coast Guard
Academy, and after serving on several cutters, he was assigned to the Coast Guard’s base in the Persian
Gulf, where he worked until being given the command of the HALIBUT. LT Miller’s new duty station is at
the Coast Guard’s headquarters in Washington, D.C. Representing the Council at the ceremonies were Ron
Dutton, Executive VP, Marty LeAnce, Board member Konrad Monti, and councilmember Pat Lira.
The following month, July, saw CDR Michael Trimpert, USCG assume the “Helm” of Air Station Los
Angeles from newly promoted CAPT. Salvatore Palmeri, USCG. CDR Trimpert graduated from the Coast
Guard Academy in 1992. Since then he has served on several cutters, and specialized in counter-narcotics
and migrant interdiction operations throughout the Caribbean. Later, after graduating from the Navy’s
Flight School in Pensacola, Florida, Trimpert’s tour of duty included working in Kodiak, Alaska, and other
areas of the Arctic. He and his wife, Kim, have a son and a daughter. Meanwhile, CAPT Palmeri’s new
assignment takes him to the Coast Guard’s headquarters in Washington, D.C., where he and his (and also
LT Miller’s) former boss, CAPT. Paul Weidenhoeft, CO of the USCG Sector, who was similarly relieved
of his command in July, will all now be working together again. Ron Dutton represented the Council at the
ceremony which was held at the Air Station’s base at LAX.
There was a call to attention in the stately dining room of UCLA’s Faculty Center and the 200 guests stood
as the Midshipmen of the UCLA NROTC Contingent, led by their Color Guard, filed down the middle of
the ballroom in their dress white uniforms, thus formally starting off the NROTC’s Annual Midshipman’s
Ball and Awards Ceremony on the evening of Friday May 29th The “Middies” then joined their friends and
families at the well manicured dinner tables and enjoyed a sumptuous meal while anxiously awaiting the
Awards to come.
The evening began for the arriving guests with cocktails and hors d’oeuvres on the Center’s terrace.
Following the dinner the Awards Ceremony got underway with opening remarks by the Contingent’s
Commanding Officer, Colonel Alvah Ingersoll III, USMC. Representing the Beverly Hills Council was
Council President, Ron Dutton, who presented a beautifully engraved USMC sword to the newly
designated Captain of the Rifle Drill Team, Midshipman Yuri Sepp, who will lead the Drill Team in the
coming year. Upon graduation from UCLA he will be commissioned a Second Lieutenant and report for
duty with the Marine Corps.
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December 2009
News from the Beverly Hills Council of the Navy League of the U.S.
P.O. Box 338, Beverly Hills, California 90213
LA’s Rifle Drill Team has had an enviable record in winning National Drill Team Competitions over the
years, and Midn Sepp is determined to continue this tradition. Dutton later commented that he was both
pleased and honored to be invited to the Midshipman’s Ball to make the presentation, as most of the
Awards are given earlier in the day at a separate ceremony on the UCLA Parade Ground. “There were only
about 10 donor organizations chosen to make their presentations at this Ball and I feel it was a tribute to the
Council and its years of support to be invited,” said Dutton. He added that the UCLA NROTC was one of
the first military commands to be sponsored by this Council .
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December 2009
News from the Beverly Hills Council of the Navy League of the U.S.
P.O. Box 338, Beverly Hills, California 90213
Following the Councils elections at the end of last year, President Ron Dutton formally introduced the new
members to the Board at their first meeting of 2009. They are:
Harry Cooper, veteran Council and Board member, has accepted the position of Judge Advocate, while
retaining this other position as Vice President for Legislative Affairs.
Marilyn Allaire, Treasurer. Marilyn, and her late husband, Robert, have been members of the Council for
many years. She is also an officer in the Navy Belles (aka Greater Los Angeles Women’s Council)
Stephen Price, Recording Secretary. Steve joined the Council in 2008 and currently is employed by
Keely King, is on the Membership Committee. She joined the Council in 2008 and is a contract
administrator for Baxter Healthcare Corp.
Gwen Hinton, is on the Program Committee. She, and her husband, James, joined the Council in 2007.
Gwen works with the CMS Corp. Jim, who works with her on the Committee, is president of MetalFab
Linda and Michael Poles, both joined the Council this past summer. Michael, president of MPGroup and
Michael Poles Photography, have become the Council’s Communications Director, Photographer and Web
Master. Linda will be working with the Phone Committee along side of Board members Rochelle Sloane
and Vonnie Curtis.
Raphael Magana, joined the BHC earlier this year and is now the VP of Programs. He is currently a
research assistant at UCLA.
Minette Morasso, who joined the Council in 2008 has accepted the position of Corresponding Secretary.
Although she currently lives in Detroit and works for the school district there, she is very active in handling
the duties of her office.
We Remember
This year witnessed the passing of two long time members of the Beverly Hills Council. Councilmembers
were saddened upon learning that charter member, James Moore Edwards, and veteran member, Edward
Klosterman, both passed away this last summer.
James Moore Edwards was among those who helped found this Council in the late 1950’s and served on its
Board of Directors as treasurer for many years. A native of San Antonio, Texas, Jim served in the US Coast
Guard during WWII. He later made his career in the field of advertising and promotion, particularly with
Texaco and Lever Bros. corporations. He was also associated with the jewelry making industry.
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December 2009
News from the Beverly Hills Council of the Navy League of the U.S.
P.O. Box 338, Beverly Hills, California 90213
He was a driving force for the active support of the Council’s Naval and Sea Cadet programs. Jim is
survived by his wife of many years, Dixie Lou Edwards. They had no children.
Edward Klosterman, a close friend and a Wilshire Country Club ‘golfing buddy’ of Jim Edwards, was
brought aboard the BHC and its Board by Jim. He was also a strong supporter of the Council’s ongoing
sponsorship of Naval, Coast Guard commands, and the Council’s Sea Cadet division.
Ed served as an aerial gunner in the Navy during WWII and, after leaving the Navy, founded one of
Southern California’s largest security agencies, Shield Security. Ed took particular pride and pleasure in
donating to and presenting the sword to the UCLA’s Honor Midshipman every year. Ed is survived by his
wife of many years, JoAnne, and two sons, Edward and Timothy.
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