Friday 5 June 2015 Newsletter2.33 MB
Friday 5 June 2015 Newsletter2.33 MB
Friday, June 5 2015 Week 7 Term 2 Seek Wisdom In Christ Saint Patrick’s College Newsletter Dear Parents, Students and Friends of the College World Environment Day—Friday 5 June Nano Nagle, founder of the Presentation Sisters. Prayer Corpus Christi Feast Day Sunday 7 June 2015 Soul of Christ, sanctify me. Body of Christ, save me. Blood of Chirst, inebriate me. Water from the side of Christ, wash me. Passion of Christ, strengthen me. O good Jesus, hear me. Within thy wounds hide me. Suffer me not to be separated from thee. From the malicious enemy defend me. In the hour of my death call me and bid me come unto thee That with thy saints I may praise thee forever and ever. Amen. There could be no better way of acknowledging World Environment Day than to bring to mind the prayer of St Francis of Assi—The Canticle of All Creatures: Most High, all-powerful, all-good Lord, All praise is Yours, all glory, all honour and all blessings. To you alone, Most High, do they belong, and no mortal lips are worthy to pronounce Your Name. Praise be to You, my Lord with all Your creatures, especially Sir Brother Sun, Who is the day through whom You give us light. And he is beautiful and radiant with great splendour, Of You Most High, he bears the likeness. Praise be You, my Lord, through Sister Moon and the stars, In the heavens You have made them bright, precious and fair. Praised by You, my Lord, through Brothers Wind and Air, And fair and stormy, all weather’s moods, By which You cherish all that You have Made. Praised be You my Lord through Sister Water, So useful, humble, precious and pure. Praised be You my Lord through Brother Fire, through whom You light the night And he is beautiful and playful and robust and strong. Praised be You my Lord through our Sister, Mother Earth, who sustains and governs us, producing varied fruits with coloured flowers and herbs. Praise and bless my Lord and give Him thanks, And serve Him with great humility. Heavenly Father, You gave Your servant Francis Great love for each of Your creatures. Teach us to see Your design in all of creation. We ask this in Jesus Name. Amen Catholic Schools Debating Update Debating Coach, Organiser, Adjudicator and Motivator, Mrs Jennie Smith has worked with the students this year to achieve great success. This week in our Preliminary finals, we won two out of the three debates. I quote Mrs Smith "The Senior team’s win against Kogarah was very satisfying on many levels! Our team out-debated them both in presentation and knowledge of Debating rules. The topic was "That charity begins at home "and we were Negative, the tougher case to deliver. To see a fuller version of the Debating Report please see Mrs Smith's article on Page 3 of this Newsletter. Congratulations to all - both staff and students for a fabulous season, which is certainly not over yet. Well done St Patrick's. Encounter Youth Safe Partying – Parent Evening 15 June—Rice Hall A reminder that it is considered that this evening will provide parents, grandparents and guardians with the latest information about young people’s celebrations and the associated risks. Comparisons between the planning requirements for a 13th versus a 16th or 18th birthday celebration will be discussed and key hints and tips for how to protect young people and your home will be provided. A major aspect of the seminar is the legal and Duty of Care obligations which you need to know as a party host; also strategies to encourage young people to make safer choices. I, once again, encourage, everyone to come along to this important and informative evening. Year 11 Parent Teacher Interviews Edmund Rice, founder of the Christian Brothers. Icons by Desmond Kyne The Year 11 Parent Teacher Interview will be held on Tuesday 16 June commencing at 3.30pm and going through to 8.00pm. Reports will be distributed to students next week. Please make you booking with teachers through the Sentral Parent Portal.: information concerning the booking process and details of the evening was emailed this week. Should you have problems in making bookings please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Maryanna Ramsay at or telephone the office on 9542 9000. Go gently, Ms Libby Denny—College Principal Page 2 Week 7 Term 2 Seeking Wisdom Y E A R 1 1 PA R E N T T E A C H E R I N T E RV I E W S TU E S DAY 16 J U N E F RO M 3 .3 0 P M — 8 .0 0 P M RICE HALL B O O K IN G S O N LY T H RO U G H S E NT R A L SENTRAL PARENT PORTAL OPENS ON FRIDAY 5 JUNE 2015 AT 7.00PM SENTRAL PARENT PORTAL CLOSES ON MONDAY 15 JUNE AT 7.00PM INFORMATION ABOUT THIS EVENT AND THE PROCEDURES FOR BOOKING THE APPOINTMENTS WAS EMAILED TO ALL YEAR 11 PARENTS AND GUARDIANS THIS WEEK From the RE Department The Feast of Corpus Christi will be heldon Sunday 7 June. This Feast celebrates the tradition and belief in the body and blood of Jesus Christ and his Real Presence in the Eucharist and emphasises the joy of the institution of the Eucharist. DATE CLAIMER The Religious Education Archdiocesan Test will be held for Years 8 and Year 10 students on Wednesday 7 October 2015. From the Pastoral Care Department The Centre for Emotional Health at Macquarie University is offering a free online treatment program for adolescents with anxiety and depression. In this 8-week program, the adolescents learn creative ways to manage their emotions and accomplish their goals. The ‘Chilled Plus’ program involves eight online modules, accompanied by weekly telephone calls with an experienced therapist. It is open to students of High School age who are experiencing symptoms of anxiety or depression. Contact the Centre by telephone 9850 6741, via email at or visit the . Students’ News Luke Mortimer 8O, acted as the altar server at the Confirmation Mass celebrated by Archbishop Anthony Fisher at St Thomas More Church, Brighton Le Sands on Tuesday 2 June. Well done, Luke! Congratulations to the students who gave of their time to collect on behalf of the Salvation Army last weekend. The College was informed by a very impressed Kirrawee resident that the students from St Patrick’s were very fine ambassadors and a great credit to the College. Well done! From the Creative and Performing Arts Department VISUAL ARTS Last week the Year 12 Visual Arts class of 23 students were fortunate to participate in a lesson by internationally acclaimed artist Beth Dillon. Beth resides in Berlin and is currently in Sydney to exhibit in the Cockatoo Island Art Festival & Firstdraft Gallery. She is a Performance artist who grew up locally attending St George Girls High School, completing degrees at Sydney and NSW Universities. Students found her discussion on career pathways in the Arts both very informative and interesting. Beth shared her insights on the role of the artist in the contemporary world, her interest in our connection to landscape and how she relates to audiences through her Performance art all of which will greatly assist our syllabus case studies. Year 12 thanks Ms Dillon for taking the time in her busy schedule to talk with them before returning to Berlin to continue an artist-in-residency project. Mrs Mary Givney-Clark– Visual Arts Teacher Page 3 Week 7 Term 2 Seeking Wisdom From the Careers Department TASTE OF TAFE @ SUTHERLAND TAFE Thinking about studying in 2015? - Wednesday, 25 June 2014 - 10:00am to2:00pm at Sutherland College – Gymea Corner of Hotham Road and the Kingsway Gymea NSW 2227 Students interested in studying in 2015 are invited to come in and talk to teaching staff, tour the campus and get a taste of Sutherland GYMEA CAMPUS OFFERS COURSES IN Automotive Business Studies Administration Carpentry and Building Ceramics Electrotechnology Hairdressing and Beauty Therapy Plumbing and Roof Plumbing LOFTUS CAMPUS OFFERS COURSES IN Children’s Services Commercial Cookery English Language Health, Sport and Recreation Hospitality Information Technology Massage Travel, Tourism and Events Management Welfare Studies and Community Services TAFE. Any interested students need to see Mrs Hedges, Careers Adviser or email For more information about the event, call 9710 5000 for more information or go to: Mrs Vicki Hedges—Careers Advisor Debating News DEBATING REPORT JUNE 2015 On Wednesday, 3 June, three teams represented St Patrick’s College in the Semi-finals of the Regional Catholic Schools Debating Competition (RCSDC). Our senior team, Meg Fisher, Emily Forrester, Lara Giles and Adrian Sesta, argued the topic “That Charity Begins at Home” against Kogarah Marist, who were Affirmative, while we were Negative. Kogarah took a rather obvious path with their case, using the team line, “home is where the heart is” but this was partly their downfall, as they fell into a quagmire of contradiction and truism. (In Debating terms, a truism is an argument that is undeniable, thus denying the opposition a case to refute). Fortunately , our team pointed this out, which invalidated some of Kogarah’s case. As well, St Pat’s cleverly argued that “charity”, as the act of helping someone, actually begins at the point of need, in beginning to solve the problem, not when people simply give money or goods through kindness or feelings of social responsibility. The debate was awarded to St Pat’s; a very satisfactory result on many levels. Our Year 9 team, Christopher Breen, Madelene Clancy, Lauren Forrester and Leonardo Nosatti were our other winners. Their topic was “That the Future is Bleak” and St Pat’s were Negative. This team has been together since Year 7 and continues to demonstrate the teamwork and skills that develop over the long term. Unfortunately, I did not see the debate but was told that our team argued strongly and convincingly to leave no doubt about the result. I watched this team debate and win against Inaburra on Tuesday, the day before, arguing the Negative on the topic “That compulsory voting should be abolished” and was again impressed with their depth of understanding and their convincing manner. The Year 10 team entered in RCSDC have been disadvantaged by suffering many forfeits by opposing teams, meaning that they only had one debate in five weeks. This reduced their opportunities for match practice, because mock debates and training are not as effective as the real thing. Their topic was also “That the Future is Bleak” and they were Affirmative, a difficult side to argue, especially when the adjudicator, in summation, announced she personally agreed with the Negative. The team, Adam Bryant, Natalie Jarmusz, Zoe O’Mahony, and Shantelle O’Riordan, argued strongly, but the debate was narrowly awarded to Marist College Penshurst. The Finals of this competition will be held next Wednesday at Marist College, Penshurst. Thank you to all those who helped and supported us, especially Miss Barnes for adjudicating and parents for driving and watching. Good luck to our Year 9 and Senior teams next week. Mrs Jennie Smith, Debating Co-ordinator Page 4 Seeking Wisdom Week 7 Term 2 From the HSIE Department Last Thursday, 28 May 2015, Year 10 ventured down to Bate Bay and the Cronulla beaches for a Geography field trip to observe the various coastal processes and management of the area. The day started off with the students assembling in the Amphitheatre and once the rolls were completed, we were off! When we arrived at Cronulla we were divided into two groups based on our classes. Mr Babic led one group and Mrs Bannister, assisted by Mr Cimino, led the other. Student resource booklets, compiled by Mr Babic, were given out to each student. The booklet was filled with colossal images of the Cronulla area both past and present, information on the the coastal area, as well as an insight to the issues facing the once mighty sand dunes today. We consulted these booklets throughout the day, referring to them for information and to answer a few questions within its pages. Comparing the pictures of the sand dunes from days gone by to the dunes today, gave us an insight of the changes to Cronulla over the years and especially how much our developing urban population has impacted on the natural environment. Throughout the day, we discussed the newly built Greenhills Estate and its foundations. We also observed how significantly the sand hills have changed and been reduced with the growth of Sydney and the increased urbanisation of the Sutherland Shire. We also saw how various coastal processes had shaped the area and have eroded the various sea walls at North Cronulla. The groups also observed the Wanda Heritage Dunes in which we identified different types of land-uses within view and the environmental management issues associated with them. We investigated the vegetation and beach profiles of the sand dunes and how nature and human land uses have significantly impacted the size of the dunes and the surrounding area. During the field trip, the new Shearwater Landing development was looked at and the impact of this new development was discussed together with the growth in demand for residential land near the beach in the Shire. To finish off the day, the two groups had lunch at various locations, and after some free time they returned to school. The information that we gathered on the day and recorded in our booklets will be used as a starting point for our next assessment task which will be a Research Action Plan on one of the areas that we observed and one which individual students will choose to research further. This Geography excursion gave us a true insight into how significantly the area of Cronulla has changed, is changing and how important it is to preserve the environment for future generations. A huge thankyou to Mr Babic for organising the memorable day and all the Year 10 Geography teachers for their guidance and assistance throughout the day. Neve Glowacki and Olivia Docherty-Fitzgerald Page 5 Week 7 Term 2 Seeking Wisdom From the Sports Department NSW ALL SCHOOLS AFL CHAMPIONSHIPS Last Monday at Henson Park Marrickville, Jemima Wrigley (Year 9) was part of the winning NSWCCC 16’s Girls AFL Team at the NSW All Schools AFL Championships. She made a positive contribution to the win and as a result of this she was selected in the NSW All Schools Team. This team will now take part in the School Sport Australia Championships in Geelong Victoria early in Term 3. Congratulations Jemima. NSW SWANS CUP AFL FINALS St Patrick’s College Open Boys and Open Girls teams will be travelling to Macquarie University for the finals on Tuesday. Congratulations to both teams in reaching these finals and our best wishes for the Finals. Mr Rick Joyce—Grade Sport Coordinator GIRL'S BILL TURNER TROPHY The Girls Under–15 side were granted a bye into the quarter final of the Sydney East section this year based on their record in previous years. In the quarter finals the played against Woolooware High School. The game was played a few weeks back on a windy day at Woolooware. St Patrick's started strongly and were on top from the beginning. Captain Georgia James and Lara Nicholls were creating chances from midfield and strong runs from Bianca Radman up front were leading to many chances. Any chances that Woolooware created were being cleaned up by Erin Gallagher and Rachel Mackey in centre back and Paris Kilham in goals. The breakthrough came just before half time when Lara Nichols latched on to a ball and placed a shot high into the top corner. In the second half, strong play at the back by Portia Hill, Zoe Zammit and Capri Harris kept the opposition quiet while Tahlee Zammit, Lana Giampaoli, Kate Blayney and Shaylee Moffitt worked hard in midfield. St Pat’s stayed on top but the score remained at 1-0. With minutes remaining, forwards Michaela Newham and Tulley McEvoy combined for another chance which was saved well. The game finished 2-0 to St Pat’s after Georgia played a great ball through to Bianca and she finished well. In the semi finals the team faced Kirrawee High School—winners from the previous year. The girls knew it was going to be a tough game but worked hard from the outset to stop the Kirrawee representative players. Captain Georgia lead by example and was strong in the tackles and Rachel and Erin were fantastic at the back. St Pat’s created a few chances but the Kirrawee goalkeeper had no issues, while Paris in goals stopped a few chances of theirs. With the score 0-0 at half time the team felt better about their chances in the game. Unfortunately, the Kirrawee team came out a lot quicker in the second half and were 2-0 up within 5 minutes with two long range finishes. The team worked hard and all of the girls are to be proud of their efforts. A late goal for Kirrawee gave them a 3-0 win and they will now face Endeavour in the Final. I want to thank the parents who came to support our team in both games, and to the girls who represented St Patrick's with pride. Mr Enda Forde—Coach IMPORTANT DATES IN TERM 2 2015 Mon Thur Thur Mon 8 June 11 June 11 June 15 June Tues 16 June Fri Mon Tues Wed Thur 19 June 22 June 23 June 24 June 25 June Fri 26 June Queen’s Birthday Holiday PAC Meeting 7.15am Year 11—Wired Parent Info Evening— Encounter Youth Safe Partying Seminar Years 10, 11, 12 Year 11 Parent/Teacher Interviews Year 11 and 12 Trivia Night College Photo Day Starsearch Last day of classes Parent Teacher Interviews Day and Evening Parent Teacher Interviews College closes for holidays FROM THE ACCOUNTS DEPARTMENT PLEASED BE ADVISED THAT TERM 2 ACCOUNTS WERE SENT OUT THIS WEEK IF YOU HAVE NOT RECEIVED THIS FEE STATMENT COULD YOU PLEASE EMAIL MRS ANNA SLOBODZIAN ON