PATTS/WATI - Assessment Forms - ATTO: Assistive Technology
PATTS/WATI - Assessment Forms - ATTO: Assistive Technology
PATTS/WATI - Assessment Forms AT Checklist © 2000-2001 WATI A form that the school team can attach to the IEP or place in a child's file to show the assistive technology that was considered and selected. It can also be used to stimulate ideas about what assistive technology might be considered, if the team is unsure of what assistive technology is available for specific tasks. (PDF version) Writing Reading, Studying, and Math Mechanics of Writing Assessment form: Mechanics of writing Reading Pencil/pen with adaptive grip Adapted paper (e.g. raised line, highlighted lines) Slantboard Typewriter Portable word processor Computer Other: Alternate Computer Access Assessment form: Fine motor related to computer access Keyboard w/ Easy Access or Access DOS Word Prediction, abbreviation/expansion to reduce keystrokes Keyguard Arm Support (e.g. Ergo Rest) Track ball/track pad/ joystick w/ onscreen keyboard Alternate keyboard (e.g. IntelliKeys, Disc. Board, TASH) Mouth stick/head pointer w/ standard/alternate keyboard Head Mouse/Head Master/Tracker w/ onscreen keyboard Switch with Morse Code Switch with scanning Voice recognition software Other: Composing Written Material Assessment form: Composing written material Word cards/word book/word wall Pocket dictionary/thesaurus Electronic/talking electronic dictionary/thesaurus/spell checker (e.g.Franklin Bookman) Word processor w/ spell checker/grammar checker Word processor w/ word prediction (e.g. Co:Writer) to facilitate spelling and sentence construction Talking word processor for multisensory typing Multimedia software for expression of ideas (assignments) Voice recognition software Other: Communication Assessment form: Communication Communication board/book with pictures/objects/letters/words Eye gaze board/frame Simple voice output device (e.g. BigMack, Cheap Talk, Voice in a Box, MicroVoice, talking picture frame, Hawk) Voice output device w/ levels (e.g. 6 Level Voice in a Box, Macaw, Digivox, Voice output device w/ icon sequencing (e.g. AlphaTalker Liberator, Chatbox) Voice output device w/ dynamic display (e.g. Dynavox, Speaking Dynamically w/ laptop computer/Freestyle) Device w/ speech synthesis for typing (e.g. Cannon Communicator, Link, Write:Out Loud w/ laptop computer) Other: (1 of 2) [3/15/2001 2:50:06 PM] Assessment form: Reading Changes in text size, spacing, color, background color Book adapted for page turning (e.g. page fluffers, 3-ring binder) Use of pictures with text (e.g. Picture It, Writing with Symbols) Talking electronic device to pronounce challenging words (e.g. Franklin Bookman, American Heritage Dictionary) Scanner w/OCR and talking word processor Electronic books Other: Detailed assessment form: Learning/Studying Assessment form: Learning and studying Print or picture schedule Low tech aids to find materials (i.e., index tabs, color coded folders) Highlight text (e.g. markers, highlight tape, ruler, etc.) Voice output reminders for assignments, steps of task, etc. Software for manipulation of objects/concept development (e.g. Blocks in Motion, Toy Store) may use alternate input device, e.g. switch, touch window Software for organization of ideas and studying (e.g. Inspiration, Claris Works Outline, PowerPoint, etc.) Recorded material (books on tape, taped lectures with number coded index, etc.) Other: Math Assessment form: Math Abacus/ Math Line Calculator /calculator with print out Talking calculator Calculator w/ large keys and/or large LCD print out On screen calculator Software with cueing for math computation (may use adapted input methods) Tactile/voice output measuring devices (e.g. clock, ruler) Other: Recreation & Leisure Assessment form: Recreation and leisure Adapted toys and games (e.g. toy with adaptive handle) Use of battery interrupter and switch to operate a toy Adaptive sporting equipment (e.g. lighted/bell ball, velcro mitt) Universal cuff to hold crayons, markers, paint brush Modified utensils (e.g. rollers, stampers, scissors) Ergo Rest to support arm for drawing/painting Drawing/graphic program on computer (e.g. Kid Pix, Blocks in Motion) Playing games on the computer Music software on the computer Other: PATTS/WATI - Assessment Forms Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) Positioning & Seating Assessment form: Seating and positioning Nonslip materials to hold things in place Universal cuff/strap to hold items in hand Non-slip surface on chair to prevent slipping (e.g. Dycem) Color coded items for easier locating and identifying Bolster, rolled towel, blocks for feet Adaptive eating utensils (e.g. foam Adapted/alternate chair, side lyer, stander handles, deep sides) Custom fitted wheelchair or insert Adaptive drinking devices (e.g. cup with cut Other: out rim) Adaptive dressing equipment (e.g. button Vision hook, elastic shoe laces, Velcro? instead of Assessment form: Vision buttons, Eye glasses etc.) Magnifier Adaptive devices for hygiene (e.g. adapted Large print books toothbrushes, raised toilet seat, etc.) CCTV (closed circuit television) Adaptive bathing devices Screen magnifier (mounted over screen) Adaptive equipment for cooking Screen Magnification Sftwr. (e.g. CloseView, Zoom Other: Text) Mobility Screen color contrast (e.g. CloseView) Assessment form: Mobility Screen reader (e.g. OutSpoken), text reader Walker Braille translation software Grab bars and rails Braille printer Manual wheelchair including sports chair Enlarged or Braille/tactile labels for keyboard Powered mobility toy (e.g. Cooper Car, Alternate keyboard with enlarged keys GoBot) Braille Keyboard and Note taker (e.g. Braille N Speak) Powered scooter or cart Other: Powered wheelchair joystick, head switch, Hearing sip/puff or other control Assessment form: Hearing Adapted vehicle for driving Other: Pen and paper Environmental Control Light switch extension Use of Powerlink and switch to turn on electrical appliances (e.g. radio, fan, blender, etc.) Radio/ Ultra sound/ remote controlled appliances Other: Computer/portable word processor TTY for phone access w/ or w/o relay Signaling Device (e.g. vibrating pager) Closed Captioning Real time captioning Computer aided notetaking Screen Flash for alert signals on computer Personal amplification system Hearing Aid FM system Loop system Infrared system Phone amplifier Other: Comments: (2 of 2) [3/15/2001 2:50:06 PM] CPB/WGBH National Center for Accessible Media Access Instructions for Users with Disabilities MAKING EDUCATIONAL SOFTWARE ACCESSIBLE: DESIGN GUIDELINES INCLUDING MATH and SCIENCE SOLUTIONS Media Access Group at WGBH Business Partners Access to Convergent Media Project | DTV Access Project | Web Accessibility Projects | CD-ROM Access Project Motion Picture Access Project | Education Projects | SALT Project | NCAM Business Partner Program MAGpie 1.0 New Projects and Activities at NCAM |Publications and Project List| Who We Are | Accessibility Links NCAM in the News | E-mail us at | Link to NCAM | Address and Directions | WGBH Job Opportunities © WGBH 2000 [3/15/2001 2:50:10 PM] Welcome to Bobby 3.2: CAST Bobby Site Tools: -------------- Navigator [Text version] Take Notes |Provide Feedback |Change Interface |Get Language Help Go Welcome to Bobby 3.2 About Bobby ¦ Terms of Use ¦ Advanced Options ¦ FAQ Bobby is a free service provided by CAST to help Web page authors identify and repair significant barriers to access by individuals with disabilities. For more information read our About Bobby page. Bobby Advanced Options Download Bobby About Bobby Sponsors Approved Sites Documentation Support Site ToolsMy CastSite Map http:// URL: Submit Enter the URL of the page that you want Bobby to examine and click Submit. This dialog will only test one page at a time. If you wish to test an entire site as a batch, use the downloadable version of Bobby. Once all the pages of your site receive a Bobby Approved rating, you are entitled to display a Bobby Approved icon. ● Documentation ● Support ● Approved Sites ● Online Discussions Home | About CAST | Universal Design for Learning | National Center for Accessing the General Curriculum | CAST Products Guided Tours | Site Tools | My CAST | Site Map © 1999-2000 CAST, 39 Cross Street, Peabody, MA 01960, USA. Telephone: +1 (978) 531-8555 Email: [3/15/2001 2:50:13 PM] Wisconsin Assistive Technology Initiative Assistive Technology Checklist Writing Mechanics of Writing ! Regular pencil/pen ! Pencil/pen with adaptive grip ! Adapted paper (e.g. raised line, highlighted lines) ! Slantboard ! Use of prewritten words/phrases ! Templates ! Portable word processor to keyboard instead of write ! Computer with word processing software ! Portable scanner with word processing software ! Voice recognition software to word process ! Other: Computer Access Keyboard w/ accessibility options Word prediction, abbreviation/expansion to reduce keystrokes ! Keyguard ! Arm support (e.g. Ergo Rest) ! Track ball/track pad/ joystick w/ on-screen keyboard ! Alternate keyboard (e.g. IntelliKeys, Discover Board, TASH) ! Mouth stick/Head Master/Tracker w/ on-screen keyboard ! Switch with Morse code ! Switch with scanning ! Voice recognition software ! Other: ! ! Composing Written Material Word cards/word book/word wall Pocket dictionary/thesaurus Writing templates Electronic/talking electronic dictionary/thesaurus/spell checker (e.g.Franklin Speaking Homework Wiz) ! Word processing w/ spell checker/grammar checker ! Talking word processing ! Abbreviation/expansion ! Word processing w/ writing support ! Multimedia software ! Voice recognition software ! Other: ! ! ! ! Communication ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Communication board/book w/pictures/objects/letters/words Eye gaze board/frame Simple voice output device (e.g. BIGmack, Cheap Talk, Voice in a Box, MicroVoice,Talk. Picture Frame) Voice output device w/ levels (e.g. 6 Level Voice in a Box, Macaw, Digivox) Voice output device w/ icon sequencing (e.g. AlphaTalker II, Vanguard, Chatbox) Voice output device w/ dynamic display (e.g. Dynavox, Speaking Dynamically w/ laptop computer/Freestyle) Device w/ speech synthesis for typing (e.g. Cannon Communicator, Link, Write:Out Loud w/ laptop) Other: Reading, Studying, and Math Reading ! Standard text ! Predictable books ! Changes in text size, spacing, color, background color ! Book adapted for page turning (e.g. page fluffers, 3-ring binder) ! Use of pictures/symbols with text (e.g. Picture It, Writing with Symbols 2000) ! Talking electronic device/software to pronounce challenging words (e.g. Franklin Speaking Homework Wiz, American Heritage Dictionary) ! Single word scanners (e.g. Seiko Reading Pen) ! Scanner w/ OCR and talking word processor ! Electronic books Other: ! Learning/Studying ! Print or picture schedule ! Low tech aids to find materials (e.g. index tabs, color coded folders) ! Highlight text (e.g. markers, highlight tape, ruler, etc.) ! Recorded material (books on tape, taped lectures with number coded index, etc.) ! Voice output reminders for assignments, steps of task, etc. ! Electronic organizers ! Pagers/electronic reminders ! Single word scanners ! Hand-held scanners ! Software for concept development/manipulation of objects (e.g. Blocks in Motion, Toy Store) - may use alternate input device, e.g. switch, touch window ! Software for organization of ideas and studying (e.g.Inspiration,Claris Works Outline,PowerPoint) ! Palm computers ! Other: Math ! Abacus/ Math Line ! Enlarged math worksheets ! Low tech alternatives for answering ! Math “Smart Chart” ! Money calculator and Coinulator ! Tactile/voice output measuring devices ! Talking watches/clocks ! Calculator /calculator with print out ! Calculator with large keys and/or large display ! Talking calculator ! Calculator with special features (e.g. fraction translation) ! On-screen/scanning calculator ! Alternative keyboard (e.g. IntelliKeys) ! Software with cueing for math computation (may use adapted input methods) ! Software for manipulation of objects ! Voice recognition software ! Other: Reed, P. & Walser, P. (2000), adapted from Lynch & Reed (1997), Wisconsin Assistive Technology Initiative Rev. 9/00 Wisconsin Assistive Technology Initiative Assistive Technology Checklist Recreation & Leisure ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Toys adapted with Velcro™, magnets, handles, etc. Toys adapted for single switch operation Adaptive sporting equipment (e.g. lighted or beeping ball) Universal cuff /strap to hold crayons, markers, etc. Modified utensils (e.g. rubber stamps, brushes, etc.) Ergo Rest or other arm support for drawing/painting Electronic aids to control TV, VCR, CD player, etc. Software to complete art activities Games on the computer Other computer software Other: Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Nonslip materials to hold things in place Universal cuff/strap to hold items in hand Color coded items for easier locating and identifying Adaptive eating utensils (e.g. foam handles, deep sides) Adaptive drinking devices (e.g. cup with cut out rim) Adaptive dressing equipment (e.g. button hook, elastic shoe laces, Velcro™ instead of buttons, etc.) Adaptive devices for hygiene (e.g. adapted toothbrushes, raised toilet seat, etc.) Adaptive bathing devices Adaptive equipment for cooking Other: Mobility ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Walker Grab bars and rails Manual wheelchair including sports chair Powered mobility toy (e.g. Cooper Car, GoBot) Powered scooter or cart Powered wheelchair w/ joystick or other control Adapted vehicle for driving Other: Vision ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Eye glasses Magnifier Large print books CCTV (closed circuit television) Screen magnifier (mounted over screen) Screen magnification software Screen color contrast Screen reader, text reader Braille translation software Braille printer Enlarged or Braille/tactile labels for keyboard Alternate keyboard with enlarged keys Braille keyboard and note taker Other: Hearing ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Pen and paper Computer/portable word processor TDD for phone access with or without relay Signaling device (e.g. flashing light or vibrating pager) Closed Captioning Real Time captioning Computer aided note taking Screen flash for alert signals on computer Phone amplifier Personal amplification system/Hearing aid FM or Loop system Infrared system Other: Comments: ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ Control of the Environment ! ! ! ! ! ! Light switch extension Use of interface and switch to activate battery operated devices Use of interface and switch to turn on electrical appliances (e.g. radio, fan, blender, etc.) Radio/ultra sound to remotely control appliances Use of electronic aid to daily living to control environment in connection with an augmentative communication device Other: ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ Positioning & Seating ! ! ! ! ! Non-slip surface on chair to prevent slipping (e.g. Dycem) Bolster, rolled towel, blocks for feet Adapted/alternate chair, sidelyer, stander Custom fitted wheelchair or insert Other: ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ Reed, P. & Walser, P. (2000), adapted from Lynch & Reed (1997), Wisconsin Assistive Technology Initiative Rev. 9/00 PATTS - Assistive Technology Links Assistive Technology Links Follow these links to disability-related resources or search the Web on your own. If you know of a site that should be added to our list, please send us an e-mail with the address and a brief description of the site. Contents: General Resources © 2000 PATTS ADL Aging Augmentative Communication Blindness Certificate programs Computer Access/ Web Accessibility Deafness Disabilities Communication/Speech Emotional Hearing Vision Physical EADL Employment/ Jobs Environmental Controls Equipment Vendors - Multiple Product Lines Ethics Funding Home Modification/ Housing Legislation/ Government Mobility Orthotics and Prosthetics Patient and Family Support Services Professional Journals Professional Organizations/ Associations Recreation Seating and Positioning Speech Teaching/ Instructional Materials Van Modifications Vision General Resources See also: Disabilities, Disease and Disability, Legislation/Government, Patient and Family Support Services 1. AbleData - AbleData Links Page = 2. 3. 4. 5. Access Unlimited - Accessibility Bug - Alliance for Technology Access - Assistive Technology Resources 6. Center for Disease Control (CDC), Division of Birth Defects, Child Development, and Disability and Health - 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. CODI - Cornucopia Of Disability Information - 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Family Village - Closing the Gap - Council for Exceptional Children - disABILITY Information and Resources - Do-It: Disabilities Opportunities Internetworking Technology Infinitec, Inc. - Links to Assistive Technology - National Organization on Disability - National Rehabilitation Information Center - Untangling the Web: Disability Links - WebABLE! - ADL - Aids for Daily Living See: EADL Aging See also: Legislation/Government 1. AARP - AARP Research - 2. 3. 4. 5. American Health Care Association - Eldercare Web - National Senior Citizens Law Center - NC Division of Aging - Topic Index Certificate programs 1. CSUN (California State University) Center of Disabilities - 2. RESNA - Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of North America - Computer Access/ Web Accessibility See also: Equipment/ Product Vendors 1. 1 Stop Speech Recognition & Adaptive Technology for Individuals with Disabilities - Synapse 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. A-Prompt - AbilityHub - Academic Software - Access Page - Ai Squared - of ZoomText Xtra, screen magnifier) Apple K-12 Disability Resources - Assistive technologies = Assistive Technology, Inc. - Bobby Approved - (Web accessibility testing tool) CAST - Center for Applied Special Technology - Closing the Gap - Command Corp - (IN CUBE Voice Command/recognition) 13. Computer Access Solutions - (1 of 6) [3/15/2001 2:50:19 PM] PATTS - Assistive Technology Links 14. Dragon Systems - (voice recognition) 15. EASI Equal Access to Software and Information - 16. 17. 18. 19. Edmark - Equal Access Computer Technology Inc. - EyeTech Digital Systems - Freedom Scientific - (screen reading (JAWS) and Braille note-takers and displays) 20. IBM Accessibility Center - IBM ViaVoice (only voice recognition product for Macs) 21. Innovation Management Group (IMG) - 22. IntelliTools, Inc. - 23. Lernout & Hauspie: The Speech and Language Company - 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. (voice recognition) Microsoft Accessibility HOME - National Center for Accessible Media - Productivity Works - - information on WebSpeak Simtech Publications - SNOW - Color evaluator for Web-accessibility - Soft Touch/Kid Tech - Special and disABLED Access Center - Sun Microsystems Accessibility Program - Trace Research and Development Center - Virtual Assistive Technology Center - WoodLake Technologies - Assistive Technology Solutions Disabilities See also: Disease and Disability Communication (Augmentative and Alternative Communication) See also: Equipment/ Product Vendors, Patient and Family Support Services, Teaching Resources 1. Judy Kuster's Net Connections for Communication Disorders and Sciences 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. AC and Early Learners - AAC Centers - AAC - ADAMLAB Aurora Systems - Communication Devices - Companion Products - 9. Consultants for Communication Technology - 10. Creative Communicating - 11. Crestwood Company - (adaptive toys) 12. DynaVox (was Sentient Systems) - 13. 14. 15. 16. Electronic Speech Enhancement - 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. Kurzweil Educational Systems Inc. (KESI) - 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. Saltillo Products - Enkidu Research - Frame Technologies - Innocomp - Laureate Learning Systems - Learning Fundamentals/ LocuTour Multimedia - Mayer-Johnson, Inc. - - information on Boardmaker MEDLINEplus Health Information - Speech & Communication Disorders Sentient Systems Technology - Now DynaVox Synergy - Words + - YAACK (Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) Connecting Young Kids - 27. ZYGO Industries - Emotional/ Developmental See also: Patient and Family Support Services 1. KidSource - 2. LD Online - 3. MEDLINEplus Health Information - Mental Retardation/ Developmental Disabilities 4. National Alliance for the Mentally Ill - Hearing/ Deafness See also: Equipment/ Product Vendors, Patient and Family Support Services 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. - AudiTech, Inc. - Caption Center - DEAFWORKS Company - HEAR MORE Company - MEDLINEplus Health Information - Hearing Disorders & Deafness 7. National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders Mobility/ Physical See also: Equipment/ Product Vendors, Patient and Family Support Services, Seating and Positioning (2 of 6) [3/15/2001 2:50:19 PM] PATTS - Assistive Technology Links 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Access Unlimited - AssisTTec, Inc. - E-Medical Equipment and Supplies - Free Barrier Lifts - Freedom Concepts - Helping Someone with Physical Disabilities 7. Jordan's Mobility Solutions, Inc. - 8. Lift Aid - 9. MEDLINEplus Health Information - Movement Disorders 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. RehabCentral - Simtech Publications - SpinLife - WheelchairNet - We Move - Vision/ Blindness See also: Equipment/ Product Vendors, Patient and Family Support Services 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Ai Squared - of ZoomText Xtra, screen magnifier) Allied Technologies, Inc. - ALVA Access Group - (outSPOKEN) American Printing House for the Blind - Blazie, Inc. (division of Freedom Scientific) - Blindness-Related Resources - Dolphin Computer Access - Financial Aid for Eye Care - 9. Foundation Fighting Blindness - 10. Henter-Joyce (division of Freedom Scientific) - (screen reading (JAWS) and Braille note-takers and displays) 11. HumanWare, Inc. - 12. Independent Living Aids - 13. Keyboard Alternatives and Vision Solutions - 14. Large-Print.NET The Large Print & Low Vision Resource Network 15. Magic Wand Keyboard - 16. MEDLINEplus Health Information - Eye Diseases 17. MEDLINEplus Health Information - Eye Injuries 18. 19. MEDLINEplus Health Information - Vision Disorders & Blindness 20. Mons International, Inc. - 21. 22. 23. 24. National Eye Institute - Prevent Blindness America - Productivity Works - - information on WebSpeak Social Security: If You Are Blind How We Can Help - Disease and Disability See also: Disabilities 1. Cerebral Palsy ❍ Cerebral Palsy Tutorial - http://www.people.Virginia.EDU/~smb4v/tutorials/cp/cp.htm ❍ Internet Resources for Special Children - ❍ MEDLINEplus Health Information - Cerebral Palsy ❍ United Cerebral Palsy - 2. Down Syndrome ❍ National Down Syndrome Society - ❍ Internet Resources for Special Children - ❍ MEDLINEplus Health Information - Down Syndrome 3. National Stroke Association - stroke IQ = 4. MEDLINEplus Health Information - Stroke - Employment/ Jobs See also: Legislation/Government 1. President's Committee on Employment of People with Disabilities - 2. U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission - EADL/Environmental Controls Note: ADLs vs ECs: The term environmental controls has recently been changed to Electronic Aids for Daily Living to reflect the increased level of technology now used. Although there are a couple of exceptions, most ADLs are not electronic: Some assist in basic care (bathing, dressing, eating, toileting); others in cooking, opening doors, drawers, etc. EADLs are powered by electricity, often involve higher-level electronics, and are accessed using microswitches. 1. Accessibility Services, Inc. - 2. Adaptivation Inc. - 3. Ameriphone - 4. APT Technology - 5. Carolina Computer Access Center - 6. Enabling Devices - 7. ErgoWeb Inc. - 8. Jordan's Mobility Solutions, Inc. - 9. Maddack, Inc. - 10. Madentec Ltd - (3 of 6) [3/15/2001 2:50:19 PM] PATTS - Assistive Technology Links 11. ORCCA Technology - 12. PIGS Electronics - 13. Seaside Education - Environmental Control Devices - Links = 14. - 15. - Equipment Vendors for Multiple Product Lines Click on product categories for more information on that subject Vendor/ Manufacturer 1 Stop Speech Recognition & Adaptive Technology for Individuals with Disabilities - Synapse AbleData - - Product Search Access First, Inc. - Augmentative Communication Consultants The Boulevard - Assistive Technology Expo Don Johnston Inc. - Dunamis Inc. - Dynamic Living - Freedom of Speech - Gus! Online - Software Solutions (products listings "mall") Prentke Romich - - TASH International - WoodLake Technologies Ethics 1. ASHA ❍ Code of Ethics ❍ Ethical Practice Board Statement Regarding the AuD ❍ Executive Board Statement Regarding the AuD ❍ Issues in Ethics Funding 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. EasyStand - Disability Resources WebWatcher - Families USA - Family Village - Financial Aid for Eye Care - Neighborhood Legal Services - U.S. Access Board - Home Modification 1. AbleData - Resource Center on Accessible Housing and Universal Design 2. Center for Universal Design - N.C. State University - 3. HUD: Fair Housing Act - 4. National Resource Center on Supportive Housing and Home Modification 5. National Resource and Policy Center on Housing and Long Term Care 6. Trace Research and Development Center - 7. U.S. Access Board (Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board) Legislative/Government See also: Employment/Jobs 1. ADA Accessibility Guidelines (ADAAG) for Buildings and Facilities 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Administration on Aging - Healthy People 2010 - HUD: Fair Housing Act - Medicare/Medicaid - National Aging Information Center - National Council on Disability (NCD) - National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR) 9. N. C. General Statutes Article 22 (SLP) - Licensure Act , Administrative Code 10. Not Dead Yet - 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. State and federal court rulings on legislative decisions on disability topics such as euthanasia. Office of Special Education and Rehabilitation Services - Social Security Administration - U.S. Access Board - US Census Bureau - U.S. Department of Justice ADA Page - (4 of 6) [3/15/2001 2:50:19 PM] PATTS - Assistive Technology Links Orthotics and Prosthetics See also: Equipment/ Product Vendors 1. E-Medical Equipment and Supplies 2. Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center on Prosthetics and Orthotics 3. TRS Inc. - Prosthetics Research, Design & Manufacturing Patient and Family Support Services See also: General Resources, Disabilities, Disease and Disabilities 1. Alliance for Technology Access - 2. Family Village - 3. Gallaudet University - Ear and Hearing - 4. Medicaid Clearing House - 5. MEDLINEplus Health Information - 6. MEDLINEplus Health Information - Children's Page 7. National Health Information Center - 8. National Information Center for Children and Youth with Disabilities - 9. 10. 11. 12. National Parent Network on Disabilities - Self Help For Hard Of Hearing People - Steven Sell's Disability Management Page - Virtual Assistive Technology Center - Professional Journals 1. Access to Table of Contents for All ASHA journals 2. ASHA Journals 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. ❍ American Journal of Audiology: A Journal of Clinical Practice (AJA) ❍ American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology: A Journal of Clinical Practice (AJSLP) ❍ Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research (JSLHR) ❍ Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools (LSHSS) Archives of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery Archives of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine Brain & Development Child Development Abstract and Bibliographies Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics Journal Hearsay Journal of the Acoustical Society of America Journal of the American Medical Association Journal of Children's Communication Development (JCCD) Communication Disorders Quarterly Journal of Communication Disorders Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition Journal of Fluency Disorders New England Journal of Medicine - Online Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery Professional Organizations/Associations 1. American Academy of Audiology - Understanding your audiogram = Hearing aids = 2. American Academy of Otolaryngology - 3. American Academy of Private Practice in Speech Pathology and Audiology 4. 5. 6. 7. American Medical Association - American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA) - American Physical Therapy Association - American Psychological Association - Public resources = 8. American Speech-language-Hearing Association (ASHA) - ASHA Library = 9. Educational Audiology Association - 10. International Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication 11. National Association of Social Workers (NASW) - 12. National Association of State Directors of Special Education - 13. RESNA - Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of North America Recreation See also: Equipment/ Product Vendors 1. Kili-Kart - 2. Spokes 'n Motion - 3. TRS Inc. - Prosthetics Research, Design & Manufacturing Seating and Positioning See also: Equipment/ Product Vendors, Physical/Mobility Disabilities 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Adaptive Engineering Lab, Inc. - Adaptive Switch Laboratories - Broda Enterprises, Inc. - E-Medical Equipment and Supplies - Newmobility Magazine Site for Wheelchair Users - SpinLife - WheelchairNet - (5 of 6) [3/15/2001 2:50:19 PM] PATTS - Assistive Technology Links Teaching/ Instructional Materials 1. AbleNet, Inc. - 2. American Guidance Services Inc. (AGS) - 3. Attainment Company - 4. Berit's Best Sites for Children - 5. Crestwood Company - (adaptive toys) 6. Dragonfly Toys - 7. Edmark - 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Enabling Devices - (adaptive toys) Howbrite Solutions/ MathLine - Kaplan School Supplies - Lakeshore Learning Materials - Learning Fundamentals/ LocuTour Multimedia - Linda J. Burkhart Technology Integration - Linguisystems - Marblesoft - National Center to Improve Practice - National Clearinghouse of Rehabilitation Training Materials 18. Pro-Ed Publishing - 19. The Psychological Corporation - Van Modifications See also: Equipment/ Product Vendors 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Access Mobility Systems - AssisTTec, Inc. - Independent Mobility Systems - Family Village - TLC Medical Transportation Services - Western Carolina Center | Caldwell Community College and Technical Institute © PATTS, Last update: September 2000, Maintained by Lane Price Rose (6 of 6) [3/15/2001 2:50:19 PM] PATTS - Anatomy: Significant Body Systems Contents: ● Introduction ● Anatomical Orientation ● Featured Sites ● Nervous System © 2000 PATTS Graphics source: Leornardo da Vinci (1452-1519) (Note) ❍ Eye - Visual System ❍ Ear - Auditory and Vestibular Systems ❍ Throat/Mouth Speech/Language ● Skeletal System ● Musculoskeletal System ● Cardiovascular System ● Pulmonary System ● To Learn More Anatomy A companion series for the PATTS Certificate Program, the anatomy descriptions cover "Significant Body Systems" -- those most relevant to your studies in assistive technology. Introduction Just how much anatomy do you have to know? Obviously not enough to qualify you as a physician, but certainly enough to discuss your cases, not only with physicians and other healthcare professionals, but your patients as well. Click on the images below for information about each body system. Each site includes easy-to-understand explanations, many graphics to illustrate concepts, and links to learn more. Use them for your studies. Use them as references for your patients. Use them to discover how much the Web offers to those who love to learn. Featured Sites The PATTS anatomy series, "Significant Body Systems," links into two excellent interactive learning tools: and J. Crimando's Anatomy and Physiology Tutorials. Both designs display information (text, images, or links) when you move the mouse over an image. But there are some usage differences: InnerBody As you roll the mouse over an image, diamond-shaped "Pick Points" appear where you can view more information. If you see an eye glass icon next to the text description, click it to display another image. Anatomy and Physiology Tutorials These excellent reviews and quizzes were originally designed for students taking BIO 201 at Maricopa. At these sites, when you roll the mouse over an image, highlighted regions appear that you are to identify. To check your answer, you click on the original image and the correct answer appears. Comments? We welcome your feedback. Contact us with your ideas and suggestions. To Learn More Web resources: ● Visible Human Project ● CID-David: Online Atlas of Human Anatomy ● Gray's Anatomy ● Merck Manual Contents ● Other Body Systems ❍ Digestive System (InnerBody) ❍ Digestive System (Maricopa) ❍ Endocrine System (InnerBody) ❍ Endocrine System (Maricopa) Acknowledgments: We wish to thank the many people who gave their time and knowledge to create this site. 1. Joel DeLisa and Walter C. Stolov, "Significant Body Systems," in: Handbook of Severe Disability, edited by Walter C. Stolov and Michael R. Clowers. US Department of Education, Rehabilitation Services Administration, 1981. 2. Catherine Parker Anthony and Gary A. Thibodeau, Textbook of (1 of 2) [3/15/2001 2:50:23 PM] PATTS - Anatomy: Significant Body Systems ● ❍ Integumentary System (Maricopa) ❍ Lymphatic System (InnerBody) ❍ Lymphatic System (Maricopa) ❍ Reproductive System (Maricopa) Anatomy & Physiology. St. Louis: Mosby, 1983. 3. Anatomy Clipart (Designs4Free) 4. Dennis Kunkel, Electron Microscopy Gallery (permission to use images) 5. Mariana ❍ Urinary System (InnerBody) ❍ Excretory System (Maricopa) Teaching Resources ❍ Kid's Health My Body Newton, Professor emeritus, UNCG Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders 6. William L. Coleman, Professor emeritus, UNCG Department of Anthropology Graphics note: According to Paolo Giovi, da Vinci's first biographer: "In the medical faculty he learned to dissect the cadavers of criminals ... because he wanted [to examine and] to draw the different deflections and reflections of limbs and their dependence upon the nerves and the joints. This is why he paid attention to the forms of even very small organs, capillaries and hidden parts of the skeleton." From da Vinci's drawings: Study on Female Anatomy, Vitruvian Man/ Proportions of Man (background image) Western Carolina Center | Caldwell Community College and Technical Institute © PATTS, Last update: October 2000, Maintained by Lane Price Rose (2 of 2) [3/15/2001 2:50:23 PM] PATTS/WATI - Student Evaluation Guide Mechanics of Writing © 2000-2001 WATI 1. Current writing ability: ( Check all that apply) Can copy simple shapes Can copy simple words Can copy from board Can write on 1" lines Can write on narrow lines Can use spacing correctly Can size writing to fit spaces Can write independently and legibly Can hold regular pencil Can hold pencil when adapted with: __________ Holds pencil, but does not write Can print a few words Can print name Can write cursive Writing is limited due to fatigue Writing is slow and arduous 2. Assistive technology used: ( Check all that apply.) Paper with raised lines Splint or pencil holder Other: __________________ Paper with heavier lines Special pencil or marker Computer 3. Current keyboarding ability: ( Check all that apply.) Does not currently type Can type slowly, with one finger Accidentally hits unwanted keys Requires arm or wrist support to type Uses mini keyboard to reduce fatigue Uses Touch Window Uses access software Uses adapted or alternate keyboard, such as: Other: 4. Computer use: ( Pencil grip Typewriter Can activate desired key on command Can type slowly, with more than one finger Can perform 10 finger typing Can access keyboard with head or mouthstick Uses switch to access computer Uses alternative keyboard Uses Morse code to access computer Check all that apply.) Has never used a computer Uses computer for games Uses computer at school Uses computer for word processing Uses computer at home Uses computer's spell checker Uses computer for a variety of purposes, such as: Has potential to use computer but has not used a computer because: 5. Computer availability: The student has access to the following computer(s): The student uses a computer: Rarely Frequently DOS Windows Daily for one or more subjects or periods 6. Summary of student's abilities and concerns related to writing: [3/15/2001 2:50:25 PM] Macintosh Apple II Every day, all day. PATTS/WATI - Student Evaluation Guide Fine Motor Related to Computer/Device Access © 2000-2001 WATI 1. Current fine motor abilities: Observe the student using paper and pencil, typewriter, computer, switch, etc. Look at the movements as well as the activities and situations. Does the student have Check all that apply) voluntary, isolated, controlled movements using: ( Eye(s) Head Mouth Tongue Other: Right hand Right arm Right leg Right foot Eyebrows Left hand Left arm Left leg Left foot Finger(s) Describe briefly the activities/situations observed: 2. Range of motion: Student has specific limitations to range: Yes No Describe the specific range in which the student has the most motor control: 3. Abnormal reflexes and muscle tone: Student has abnormal reflexes or abnormal muscle tone: Yes No Describe briefly any abnormal reflex patterns or patterns of low or high muscle tone which may interfere with the student's voluntary motor control. 4. Accuracy: Student has difficulty with accuracy: Yes No Describe how accurate, reliable and consistent the student is in performing a particular fine motor task: 5. Fatigue: Student fatigues easily: Yes No Describe how easily the student becomes fatigued: 6. Assisted direct selection: What type of assistance for direct selection has been tried? ( Check all that apply) Head pointer/stick, mouth/chin stick Light beam/laser Keyguard Pointers, hand grips, splints etc. Other: Describe which seemed to work the best and why: 7. Size of grid student is able to access: What is the smallest square the student can accurately access: 1" What is the optimal size grid? Size of square: Number of squares across: Number of squares down: 2" 3" 4" 8. Scanning: If student cannot direct select, does the student use scanning? No Yes, if yes: Step Automatic Inverse Other: Preferred control site (body site): Other possible control sites: 9. Type of switch: The following switches have been tried: ( seemed to work the best. Touch (jellybean) Joystick Arm slot Tread Light touch Lever Eye brow Other: Check all that apply, then circle the one or two that Wobble Head switch Mercury (tilt ) Rocker Sip/puff Tongue 10. Summary of student's abilities and concerns related to computer/device access: [3/15/2001 2:50:28 PM] Intellitools, Serving Special Education's Needs for Over 20 Years. For two decades, IntelliTools has been a leading provider of hardware and software giving students with special needs comprehensive access to learning. IntelliTools is also the leading provider of professional development for a growing number of teachers, parents and specialists all committed to realizing the dream of educational equity for all. New! IntelliTools Regional Summer Conferences 2001 Disability Links IntelliWorld-your email newsletter We're Hiring! Join An IntelliShare Users Group Conferences & Events We develop & produce computer products for special education. We meet the needs of children in elementary schools facing challenges from learning disabilities to significant physical disabilities. [3/15/2001 2:50:30 PM] PATTS/WATI - Student Evaluation Guide Composing Written Material © 2000-2001 WATI 1. Student's present writing is typically:( Single words Short phrases Complex phrase Check all that apply.) Sentences Paragraphs of two-five sentences Longer paragraphs 2. Student currently has difficulty: ( Multi paragraph reports Other: Check all that apply.) Answering questions Getting started on a sentence or story Adding information to a topic Sequencing information Integrating info. from two or more sources Relating information to specific topics Determining when to begin new paragraphs Generating ideas Working w/peers to generate ideas/info. Planning content Using a variety of vocabulary Summarizing information Other: 3. Student currently utilizes the following strategies for composing written materials: ( that apply.) Story starters Preset choices or plot twists Webbing/concept mapping Outlines Check all Templates to provide the format or structure (both paper and electronic) Templates to provide the format or structure Other: 4. Currently utilizes the following aids/assistive technology for composing written materials: ( Check all that apply.) Word cards Word book Word wall/word lists Dictionary Electronic dictionary/ spell checker Speaking electronic dictionary/ spell checker Other: Word processing with spell checker/grammar checker Talking word processing Abbreviation/expansion Word processing with writing support Multimedia software Voice recognition software Symbol based software for writing (e.g. Writing with Symbols 2000 or Pix Writer) 5. Summary of student's abilities and concerns related to composing written materials: [3/15/2001 2:50:32 PM] PATTS/WATI - Student Evaluation Guide Communication Skills © 2000-2001 WATI Student's present means of communication: ( Check all that are used, then circle the primary method the student uses.) Changes in breathing patterns Eye-gaze/eye movement Gestures Vocalizations: list examples: Body position changes Facial expressions Pointing Sign language approximations Sign language # signs: # combinations: # signs in a combination: Vowels, vowel combinations: list: Single words, approx. #: list examples: Reliable? Yes No 2-word utterances Semi intelligible speech (estimate % intelligible): _____ Intelligible speech Writing Communication board: Other: 3-word utterances Voice output AC device (name of device): tangibles, pictures, combination pictures/words, words 2. Who understands student's communication attempts: ( Check best descriptor) Most of the time Part of the time Rarely Not Applicable Strangers Teachers/therapists Peers Siblings Parent/Guardian 3. Current level of receptive language: Age approximation: If formal tests used, name and scores: If formal testing not used, please give an approximate age or developmental level of functioning. Explain your rationale for this estimate. 4. Current level of expressive language: Age approximation: If formal tests used, name and scores: If formal testing not used, please give an approximate age or developmental level of functioning. Explain your rationale for this estimate. 5. Communication interaction skills: Desires to communicate: Yes No To indicate "yes" and "no", the student: Eye gazes Points to board Uses word approximations Does not respond consistently Shakes head Signs Vocalizes Gestures Can a person unfamiliar with the student understand the response? Always Yes Frequently No Occasionally Seldom Never Turns toward speaker Interacts with peers Aware of listener's attention Initiates interaction Asks questions Responds to communication interaction Requests clarification Repairs communication breakdown Requires frequent verbal prompts Requires frequent physical prompts Describe techniques student uses for repair (e.g. keeps trying, changes message, points to first letter, etc:) 6. Child's needs related to devices/systems:( Child walks Child uses wheelchair Other: Check all that apply) Child drops/throws things frequently Child can carry device under 2 lbs. Child needs digitized (human) speech Child needs device w/large number of words or phrases 7. Pre-reading and reading skills related to communication: Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No Object/picture recognition Symbol recognition (tactile, Mayer-Johnson, Rebus, etc.) Auditory discrimination of sounds Auditory discrimination of words, phrases Selects initial letter of word Follows simple directions Sight word recognition Can put two symbols or words together to express an idea (1 of 2) [3/15/2001 2:50:36 PM] PATTS/WATI - Student Evaluation Guide 8. Visual abilities related to communication:( Can maintain fixation on stationary object Can scan line of symbols left to right Visually recognizes people Visually recognizes photographs Needs additional space around symbol Can visually shift vertically Check all that apply) Can look to right & left without moving head Can scan matrix of symbols in a grid Visually recognizes common objects Visually recognizes symbols or pictures Can visually shift horizontally Can recognize line drawings Is a specific type (brand) of symbols or pictures preferred? No Yes. If yes: What size symbols or pictures are preferred? What line thickness of symbols are preferred? _____ inches Does student seem to do better with black on white, or white on black, or a specific color combination for figure/ground discrimination? Explain anything else you think is significant about the responses the student currently uses or his/her need for augmenting communication. (Use an additional page if necessary.): 9. Summary of student's abilities and concerns related to communication: (2 of 2) [3/15/2001 2:50:36 PM] PATTS/WATI - Student Evaluation Guide Reading Skills © 2000-2001 WATI 1. Grade level: Student is placed in grade: _______ Student reads at ____ grade level. If formal tests used, name and scores: If formal testing not used, please give an approximate estimate of functioning and explain: 2. Cognitive ability in general: Significantly below average Below average Average Above average 3. Difficulty: ( Check all that apply.) Student has difficulty decoding the following: Worksheets Reading Textbook Subject Area Textbooks Tests Subject Area Textbooks Tests Student has difficulty comprehending the following: Worksheets Reading Textbook 4. Student's performance is improved by:( Smaller amount of text on page Lowered reading level Bold type for main ideas Check all that apply) Spoken text to accompany print Enlarged print Other: Graphics to communicate ideas Reduced length of assignment 5. Reading assistance used: Please describe the non-technology based strategies and accommodations that have been used with this student: 6. Assistive technology used: The following have been tried: ( Check all that apply) Highlighter, marker, template, or other self-help aid Tape recorder, taped text, or Talking Books to "read along" Talking dictionary (e.g. Franklin Speaking Language Master) to pronounce single words Computer with word processing with spell checker Computer with talking word processing software to: pronounce words, speak sentences, speak paragraphs. 7. Computer availability and use: The student has access to the following computer(s): The student uses a computer: Rarely Frequently DOS Windows Daily for one or more subjects or periods Every day, all day. 8. Summary of student's abilities and concerns related to reading: [3/15/2001 2:50:38 PM] Macintosh Apple II PATTS/WATI - Student Evaluation Guide Learning and Studying © 2000-2001 WATI 1. What difficulties does the student have in learning new material or studying: ( Check all that apply.) Remembering assignments Remembering steps of tasks or assignments Finding place in textbooks Taking notes during lectures Other: Reviewing notes from lectures Organizing information/notes Organizing materials for a report or paper Turning in assignments 2. Strategies used. Describe any adaptations or strategies that have been used to help this students with learning and studying: 3. Assistive technology tried: ( Check all that apply.) Print or picture schedule Pagers/electronic reminders Single word scanners Low tech aids to find materials (e.g. index tabs, color coded folders) Software for manipulation of objects/concept development Highlighting text (e.g. markers, highlight tape, ruler) Software for organization of ideas and studying Recorded material Palm computers Voice output reminders for assignments, steps of Other: task, etc. Electronic organizers 4. Summary of student's abilities and concerns in the area of learning and studying: [3/15/2001 2:50:39 PM] PATTS/WATI - Student Evaluation Guide Math Skills © 2000-2001 WATI 1. Student has difficulty with the following: ( Check all that apply.) Legibly writing numerals Understanding meaning of numbers Completing simple addition and subtraction Completing complex addition and subtraction Understanding tables and graphs Understanding fractions Converting to mixed numbers Solving story problems Graphing Understanding and use of trigonometry functions Understanding math related language Understanding place values Completing multiplication and division Understanding units of measurement Creating tables and graphs Working with fractions Understanding decimals/percents Understanding geometry Understanding and use of formulas Checking work Other: 2. Strategies Used: Describe strategies that have been used to help: 3. Assistive technology tried: ( Check all that have been tried.) Abacus Math line Enlarged math worksheets Low tech alternatives for answering e.g., IntelliKeys) Software with cueing for math computation Tactile/voice output measuring devices Software for manipulation of objects Talking watches/clocks Talking calculator Calculator with special features (e.g. easy fraction translation, temperature conversion On screen calculator Scanning calculator Alternative keyboards Math "Smart Chart" Money calculator & Coinulator Voice recognition software Calculator/Calculator with print out(e.g. Talking Math Pad) Calculator with large keys and/or large display Other: 4. Summary of student's abilities and concerns related to math: [3/15/2001 2:50:41 PM] PATTS/WATI - Student Evaluation Guide Recreation & Leisure © 2000-2001 WATI 1. What are the difficulties which the student experiences in participating in recreation and leisure? ( Check all that apply.) Understanding cause and effect Understanding turn taking Handling/manipulating objects Throwing/catching objects Understanding rules Waiting for his/her turn Following simple directions Following complex directions Communicating with others Hearing others Seeing equipment or materials Operating TV, VCR, etc. Operating a computer Other: 2. What activities does the student especially enjoy? 3. What adaptations have you tried to enhance participation in recreation and leisure? How did they help? 4. What assistive technology, if any, have you tried? ( Toys adapted with Velcro™, magnets, handles, etc. Toys adapted for single switch operation Adaptive sporting equipment, such as lighted or beeping ball Universal cuff or strap to hold crayons, markers, etc. Modified utensils, e.g. rubber stamps, rollers, brushes Check all that apply.) Ergo Rest or other arm support Electronic aids to control/operate TV, VCR, CD player, etc. Software to complete art activities Games on the computer Other computer software Other: 5. Summary of student's abilities and concerns in the area of recreation and leisure: [3/15/2001 2:50:43 PM] PATTS/WATI - Student Evaluation Guide Mobility © 2000-2001 WATI 1. Mobility: ( Check all that apply.) Walks independently Walks with assistance Needs extra time to reach destination Crawls, roll, or creeps independently Uses manual wheelchair, independently Uses power wheelchair independently Needs help to transfer in and out of wheelchair Uses wheelchair for long distances only 2. Concerns about mobility: ( Has difficulty walking Walks with appliance Uses elevator key independently Is pushed in manual wheelchair Learning to use power wheelchair Transfers independently Has difficulty walking up stairs Has difficulty walking down stairs Check all that apply.) Student seems extremely tired after ambulating, requires a long time to recover Student seems to be having more difficulty than in the past Student complains about pain or discomfort Changes in schedule require more time for travel Changes in location or building are making it more challenging to get around Transition to new school will require consideration of mobility needs Other: 3. Summary of student's abilities and concerns related to mobility: [3/15/2001 2:50:44 PM] PATTS/WATI - Student Evaluation Guide Seating and Positioning © 2000-2001 WATI 1. Current seating and positioning of student: ( Check all that apply) Sits in regular chair w/ feet on floor Sits in adapted chair Sits in wheelchair part of day Wheelchair NEEDS to be adapted to fit Spends part of day out of chair due to prescribed positions Enjoys many positions throughout the day, based on activity Uses regular desk Uses tray on wheelchair for desktop 2. Description of seating: ( Sits in regular chair w/ pelvic belt or foot rest Needs adapted chair Sits comfortably in wheelchair most of day Wheelchair in process of being adapted to fit Spends part of day out of chair due to discomfort Has few opportunities for other positions Uses adapted table Uses desk with height adjusted Check all that apply.) Seating provides trunk stability Seating allows feet to be on floor or foot rest Seating provides 90/90/90 position There are questions or concerns about the student's seating. Student dislikes most positions, often indicates discomfort. Student has difficulty using table or desk Student has difficulty achieving and maintaining head control, best position for head control is: Can maintain head control for ______ minutes in this position. 3. Summary of student's abilities and concerns related to seating and positioning: [3/15/2001 2:50:45 PM] PATTS/WATI - Student Evaluation Guide Vision © 2000-2001 WATI A vision specialist should be consulted to complete this section. 1. Date of last vision report: _______________ Report indicates (Address any field loss, vision condition, etc. ): 2. Visual abilities: ( Check all that apply.) Can read standard textbook print Can read text if enlarged to (indicate size in inches): Requires specialized lighting such as: Requires materials tilted at a certain angle (indicate angle): Currently uses the following screen enlargement device: Currently uses the following screen enlargement software: Can recognize letters enlarged topt. type on computer screen Can recognize letters enlarged topt. type for minutes without eye fatigue. Prefers: Black letters on white White on black ______ (color) on ______ Tilts head when reading Uses only one eye: Right eye Left eye Cannot read text, requires taped material, talking word processing or Braille materials. 3. Alternative output --Voice: Uses _________________________ screen access software Uses _________________________ sound card/speech synthesizer Level of proficiency ( Check the one that most closely describes student.): Requires frequent verbal cues Needs only intermittent cues Uses device/software independently Trouble shoots problems related to device 4. Alternative output -- Braille: Currently uses: ( Brailler Braille 'N Print Braille 'N Speak Level of proficiency ( Check all that apply.): Mountbatten Computer generated: platform: DOS Windows software: Macintosh Apple II Check the one that most closely describes the student): Requires frequent physical prompts Requires frequent verbal cues Needs only intermittent cues Uses device to complete tasks independently Trouble shoots problems related to device 5. Writing/handwritten materials related to vision: ( Can write using space correctly Can write on line Can write appropriate size Can read own handwriting Handwriting speed is slower than peers Requires more time to copy from board than peers Skips letters when copying Can read someone else's writing Can read hand printing Check all that apply.) Can read cursive Cannot copy from board, needs alternate way to get information Requires bold or raised line paper Requires softer lead pencils Requires colored pencils, pens, or paper Requires felt tip pen: thin point thick point Is unable to use regular answer sheets Needs to dictate assignments rather than write Self-produced notes need to be transcribes into a different format 6. Summary of student's abilities and concerns related to vision: Web resources: [3/15/2001 2:50:51 PM] ● Helpful Resources (American Council of the Blind) ● Braille Institute of America ● American Foundation for the Blind PATTS/WATI - Student Evaluation Guide Hearing © 2000-2001 WATI A hearing specialist should be consulted to complete this section. 1. Audiological information: Date of last audiological exam: _______________ Hearing loss identified: Right ear: Left Ear: Mild Mild Moderate Moderate Severe Severe Profound Profound Onset of hearing loss: Etiology: Check all that apply.) 2. Auditory abilities:( High pitch Low pitch Unaided Attends to sounds: Voices Background noises Discriminates environmental vs. non environmental sounds Turns toward sound Aided Attends to sounds: High pitch Low pitch Can hear some speech sounds Can understand synthesized speech Voices Background noises Discriminates environmental vs. non environmental sounds Turns toward sound Can hear some speech sounds Can understand synthesized speech 3. Student's eye contact and attention to communication: ( Poor Inconsistent Limited Check best descriptor.) Good Excellent 4. Communication environments: Indicate the form of communication generally used by others with this Check all that apply.) student in each of the following environments : ( School Home Community Body language Gestures Speech Cued speech Picture cues Written messages Lip reading Signs and speech together Signed English Pidgin Sign Language American Sign Language (ASL) Level of receptive proficiency in each environment: Single words Combinations of two or more words Understands majority of communications 5. Student communicates with others using:( 6. Equipment currently used: ( Hearing aids Vibrotactile Devices Cochlear Implant Body language Written messages Lip reading Other: American Sign Language Gestures Picture cues Cued speech Speech Signs and speech together Signed English Pidgen Sign Language Level of expressive proficiency: Check all that apply.) Single words Combinations of two or more words Check all that apply.) Telecaption Decoder TTY/TDD Classroom Amplification System Other: 7. Service currently used: ( Note taker Educational interpreter using: Check all that apply.) ASL Transliterating PSE Oral 8. Present unmet needs for communication, writing, and/or educational materials: Cannot hear teacher/other students Cannot participate in class discussions Displays rec. /exp. language delays 9. Current communication functioning: ( Cannot respond to fire alarm Cannot benefit from educational films/programs Cannot use telephone to communicate Check all that apply.) Desires to communicate Responds to communication requests Requests clarification from communication partners ("Would you please repeat that?") Initiates interaction Appears frustrated with current communication functioning Repairs communication breakdown (Keeps trying, changes message) 10. Current reading level: ____________ 11. Is there a discrepancy between receptive and expressive abilities: If yes, describe further: 12. Summary of hearing abilities and concerns: (1 of 2) [3/15/2001 2:50:55 PM] Yes No PATTS/WATI - Student Evaluation Guide Web resources: (2 of 2) [3/15/2001 2:50:55 PM] ● ASL Dictionary Online ● Sign Writing Site ● Caption Center