HUNTER cover section
HUNTER cover section
HUNTER cover section 3/1/06 13:27 Page 1 Hunter International ® your home, your style ©2 0 05 Hun te r Fan Co mp an y 2500 F ris co Avenue M e m p h i s , Te n n e s s e e 38114 w w w. h u n t e r f a n g l o b a l . c o m 2 20 , 2 4 0v 5 0 HZ I nt er na ti on al Fa n Pr ogram #G-0219 ������������������������������������������� Humidifiers style for life. Air Purifiers hunter Thermostats Distribution in Deutschland: ©2 0 05 Hun te r Fan Co mp an y 2500 F ris co Avenue M e m p h i s , Te n n e s s e e 38114 w w w. h u n t e r f a n g l o b a l . c o m Gelnhäuser Str. 35 D-63505 Langenselbold +49(0)6184-92360 Fax: +49(01)6184-923622 Email: Internet: Portable Fans HUNTER pages 4-11 3/1/06 13:38 Page 1 Long before there was air conditioning—or even widespread use of electricity— people around the world counted on Hunter ceiling fans for cool comfort. The father and son team of John and James Hunter created their first ceiling fan in 1886.The earliest Hunter fans were actually water driven.A short time later, Hunter introduced an electrically powered ceiling fan. It was one of the first products ever to run on electricity. a a heritage of quality, history of innovation Today, Hunter combines this heritage of 19th century craftsmanship with 21st century technology to create ceiling fans that are unmatched for quality, style and quiet performance. And nearly 120 years after the invention of the very first Hunter ceiling fan, our name and our products are still a comfort to millions. |4 5 | HUNTER pages 4-11 copy 3/1/06 13:43 Page 1 i n n o v a t i o n . . . e n e r g y e f f i c i e n t Hunter Fan Company continues to lead the industry with innovation. The AirMax ® M o t o r Hunter fans are powered by our patented AirMax ® Motor* - the quietest, most powerful, most durable motor we’ve ever cre a t e d . Quietly cooling your home for a lifetime. I n t e rnal Impeller Silicon Steel Laminations Rugged Die-cast Aluminium C o n s t ru c t i o n Multiple Cooling Fins P re c i s i o n Sealed Bearings Heavy Gauge Copper Wi n d i n g s Summer Cooling Wo b b l e F re e ™ C a n o p y * For a lifetime of wobble-free operation, Hunter introduces Wo b b l e F re e ™ . Our patented triobular shaped hanger ball dissipates the wobble that some fans experience. • Save up to 40% on air conditioning • Saves energy by using air conditioner at less and at higher temperature s Winter Heat Reclamation • Energy savings of up to 24% • Reclaim lost heat from ceiling R F Remote Control Ready Patented trilobe hanger ball Swivel mount up to 32 degre e s Patented trilobe hanger ball dissipates wobble |6 F l a red canopy rim makes s c rews accessible and installation easier In cold weather, operate the fan in the slow speed, REVERSE direction. This creates a gentle updraft, which re c i rculates the hot air trapped at the ceiling to provide even, comfortable heat t h roughout your room. The re c i rculation of warm air allows you to lower the ro o m ’s therm o s t a t setting, resulting in energy savings of 24% or more . In a given room temperature of 20-24 degree Celsius, each degree incre a s e / d e c re a s e c o rresponds to 6% of your heating costs. We have calculated that by an 18 degree average t e m p e r a t u re at floor level and 27 degree temperature at ceiling level, your fan will re c i rc u l a t e the air to reach a 22 degree room temperature . * *Agence nationale pour l’amélioration de l’habitat True low profile mounting, canopy mounts 3mm from fan body* * Available on most models 7 | HUNTER pages 4-11 3/1/06 13:39 Page 5 the elements of style Rich woods. Enduring metals. Lustrous, hand-applied finishes.Artfully crafted glass.Architectural details.These are some of the many finely crafted elements that come together beautifully in the Hunter line of quality ceiling fans. Considered individually, these elements are truly impressive. A wide array of high quality, natural woods are used, from the curved beech wood of the Valhalla™ to the stately solid sawala of the Salinas™. Careful attention is paid to grain and grade in order to create fans that are worthy of being called fine furnishings. Wood finishes range from the rich walnut blades of the Seville II™, to the aged look of the 1886™, with its distressed blade finish. All veneers are furniture quality. Metals and metal finishes reflect a dedication to quality and stylistic diversity. Finishes such as the bright brass found on our Original™ update the warmth and grace of a bygone heritage. Contemporary finishes on fans like the Alchemy™ offer a sunny, new world flair that’s at home in a contemporary loft apartment or a beach cottage. Available on models as diverse as the traditional Savoy™ and the ultra contemporary Lugano™, brushed nickel offers a satin sleekness. And the real cast iron of our 1886 Series® delivers lasting authenticity. Beautiful glass adds another dimension to our models. The linen glass found on the Valhalla™ blends a fired texture with water glass to produce a soft white light. The scavo glass used on the Vista™ bathes a room in a relaxing, golden glow.The modern Mandalay™ dual light option gives complete flexibility to the Industrie™ and Avalon™ fans. Of course, Hunter fans are beautiful on the inside as well.Throughout all the International fan families, you’ll discover Hunter technological breakthroughs that virtually eliminate wobble, make installation a snap and ensure whisper-quiet performance. As well as this, almost all fan motors are covered by a lifetime warranty. From lustrous polished finishes to the latest high-tech innovations, Hunter knows that true prestige comes from paying attention to every detail. Stunning style. Unmatched quality. And unrivaled craftsmanship. That’s the beauty of Hunter. |8 9 | HUNTER pages 4-11 3/1/06 13:39 Page 7 contents model name page europa valhalla™ avalon™ lugano™ 14 - 15 16 - 17 18 - 19 american heritage classic original™ 1886 series™ salinas™ 22 - 23 24 - 25 26 - 27 contemporary alchemy™ the retro™ industrie™ carera™ merced™ lemoyne™ seris™ osprey™ 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 traditional vista™ seville™ savoy™ 48 - 49 50 - 51 52 - 53 outdoor outdoor elements™ 56 - 57 accessories ceiling fan lighting remote & wall controls wicker blade accessory fan blade & motor finishes 60 - 61 61 61 62 - 63 specifications specifications & dimensions 64 - 66 - 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 collections | 10 11 | HUNTER pages 12-17 3/1/06 13:29 Page 1 e u r o p a HUNTER pages 12-17 3/1/06 13:29 Page 3 v a l h a l l a ™ (available 2006) In Scandinavian lore,Vikings romped in a heaven known as Valhalla. It’s the perfect name for a fan that celebrates the boldness of northern European style. Eye-catching curved blades blend form and function, creating a striking look and wider air dispersion. 24270 cof f ee beech with four cof f ee b eech curved wood blades with amber linen water glass light kit 24271 blonde beech with four blonde b eech curved wood blades with white linen water glass light kit 24873 bright brass with wicker blades (op 24271 blonde beech with four blonde b eech curved wood blades without light kit 142cm blade span | unique mid-body curved wood blades | integrated linen water glass light kit Valhalla can be used with or without light kit. | 14 remote control | high output motor | WobbleFree™ canopy | lifetime warranty 15 | HUNTER pages 12-17 3/1/06 13:29 a v a l o n Page 5 ™ The Avalon captures a natural feel and style. Designed using the contemporary Industrie body, the unique cloth blades create a soothing feeling of a yacht in full sail. 24282 brush ed chrome with grey sail cloth blades 24283 white with white sail cloth blades 158cm blade span | remote control | AirMax® motor | WobbleFree™ canopy unique cloth blades | lifetime warranty | 16 The Mandalay light kit is available as an accessory. 17 | HUNTER pages 18-23 3/1/06 13:29 Page 1 l u g a n o ™ Viva Italia! The Lugano is a ceiling fan wo rt hy of the country known for its daring contemporary designs.And daring is the ve ry definition of the sleek Lugano, which also features halogen lighting and a convenient wall control. 24261 brush ed nickel with five maple/grey blades 2 4 266 white with five white/maple blades 132cm blade span | furniture grade veneer blades | high output motor | wall controller WobbleFree™ canopy | i n t e grated 100W halogen light | lifetime warranty | 18 19 | HUNTER pages 18-23 3/1/06 13:29 Page 3 american heritage HUNTER pages 18-23 3/1/06 13:29 Page 5 cl assi c ori gina l ™ In the age of disposability, few products have earned the right to be called classics. Meticulously reproduced from archival Hunter design blueprints, the Classic Original revives the vintage fan in its purest form.A celebration of all things beautiful and well-built, it’s an ideal homage to the power and persistence of Hunter’s cast iron workhorse. 24883 bright brass with five walnut/oak blades 24881 white with five white blades 24882 brown with five walnut / oak blades (shown with optional brown wicker blades ) 132cm blade span | furniture grade veneer blades | light kit adaptable die-cast motor housing with unique oil-bath design | WobbleFree™ canopy | lifetime warranty | 22 23 | HUNTER pages 24-29 3/1/06 1 8 8 6 13:30 Page 1 s e r i e s ™ (available 2006) Elegant. Ornate. Classic. And yet never ostentatious.The 1886 Series captures the flair of Art Nouveau by authentically replicating the design of one of Hunter’s earliest ceiling fans. 24840 burnish ed brass with four distres sed dark walnut/distres sed cherry blades 24841 amber bron ze with four distres sed dark walnut/distres sed cherry blades 24842 grey wash with four distres sed grey wash/distres sed dark walnut blades 132cm blade span | furniture grade veneer blades | light kit adaptable floor-poured sand-cast housing | revolving body | lifetime warranty | 24 25 | HUNTER pages 24-29 3/1/06 13:30 Page 3 s a l i n a s ™ By the time the Art Nouveau movement reached California,American influences had transformed it into the A rts and Crafts style. Over 100 ye a rs later, the classic appeal of that style is evident in the unique, handcrafted appearance of the Salinas. 24252 hammered bron ze with five sawala/dark walnut blades 24251 brush ed nickel with five maple/cherry blades 132cm blade span | furniture grade veneer blades | light kit adaptable | AirMax® motor WobbleFree™ canopy | lifetime warranty | 26 27 | HUNTER pages 24-29 3/1/06 13:30 Page 5 contemporary HUNTER pages 30-35 3/1/06 13:31 Page 1 alchemy ™ Offering contemporary design at its most refreshing,Alchemy works its magic in many ways. Lime is ideal for homes using today’s warmer colour palettes, b rushed nickel is uptown hip, and white brings out Alchemy’s serious side. 24182 brush ed nickel with five grey/maple blades 24186 white with five white/maple blades 24183 lime with five lime/honey maple blades 137cm blade span | furniture grade veneer blades | high output motor | WobbleFree™ canopy The Alchemy can be used with or without the Alchemy light kit. | 30 revolving body | remote control with reve rse function | lifetime warranty 31 | HUNTER pages 30-35 t h e 3/1/06 13:31 Page 3 r e t r o ™ (available 2006) Whether it’s toasters, mixe rs or fixtures, deco-influenced design is the hottest trend to hit the kitchen in decades. Retro is red hot, and the graceful gleam of The Retro fan puts a cool contemporary spin on classic deco style. 24257 heavy brush ed nickel with five white blades 24256 white with five white blades 24258 black with five white blades 122cm blade span | removable dishwasher-safe plastic EasyLock™ blades | remote control | i n t e grated globe light kit high output motor | WobbleFree™ canopy | chrome mid-body ring and blade irons | lifetime warranty | 32 33 | HUNTER pages 30-35 3/1/06 13:31 Page 5 i n d u s t r i e ™ From a loft in London to a gallery in Milan, the Industrie is at home wherever the love of industrially-influenced urban design flourishes. Sleek and minimalist, its impressive blade span moves air with maximum style. 24542 brush ed nickel with three grey/teak blades 24547 chalk white with three white/maple blades 132cm blade span | furniture grade veneer blades | wall controller | AirMax® motor The Mandalay light kit is available as an accessory. | 34 WobbleFree™ canopy | lifetime warranty 35 | HUNTER pages 36-41 3/1/06 13:32 c a r e r a Page 1 ™ With its simple modern lines the Carera’s three blade design is flexible enough for ultra-modern décor to soft contemporary environments. 24243 brush ed nickel with three maple/dark walnut blades 24246 white with three white/maple blades 24242 bright brass with three rosewood / oak blades 132cm blade span | AirMax® motor | WobbleFree™ canopy mid-body blades | light kit adaptable | lifetime warranty | 36 37 | HUNTER pages 36-41 3/1/06 13:32 Page 3 m e r c e d ™ Designed to be minimalist and discreet, the Merced comes with an integrated halogen light kit, and a blade span of 112cm. The Merced is small in size but big on performance. 24085 brush ed nickel with three grey/maple blades 24087 black with three black/beech blades 24086 chalk white with three white/beech blades 112cm blade span | furniture grade veneer blades | high output motor WobbleFree™ canopy | integrated 100W halogen light kit | lifetime warranty | 38 39 | HUNTER pages 36-41 3/1/06 13:32 Page 5 l e m o y n e ™ Euro-style becomes your own style when you choose the ultra-contemporary Lemoyne. Cutting-edge design is paired with high-tech halogen lighting for a ceiling fan that reaches the height of modern i s m . 24091 brush ed nickel with five maple/bleac h ed oak blades 24095 white with five white/bleached oak blades 132cm blade span | furniture grade veneer blades | AirMax® motor WobbleFree™ canopy | i n t e grated halogen light kit | lifetime warranty | 40 41 | HUNTER pages 42-47 3/1/06 13:33 Page 1 s e r i s ™ Without compromising on style, the Seris has been designed to be the most efficient fan/light available.The unique 22 watt fluorescent light is energy efficient, yet powerful enough to light most areas.The two blade size options allow for flexibility among different room sizes. 24202 (92cm) 24212 (112cm) satin silver with three satin silver blades 24206 (92cm) 24217 (112cm) white with three white blades 92cm or 112cm blade span | high output motor | wall control only integrated 22W fluorescent light kit | mid-body blades | 42 43 | HUNTER pages 42-47 3/1/06 13:33 o s p r e y ™ Page 3 c o m m e r c i a l c e i l i n g f a n Sleek yet powerful the Osprey is designed to maximise air flow where continual performance and reliability is paramount.The curved metal blades move 20% more air than any other Hunter fan, making it the ideal workhorse in any environment. 2 4 685 (122cm) 24692 (142cm) satin silver with three satin silver blades 2 4 686 (122cm) 24696 (142cm) white with three white blades 24697 (122cm) white with three white blades 122cm or 142cm blade span | high output motor | wall control only curved metal blades | no reve rse function | 44 45 | HUNTER pages 42-47 3/1/06 13:33 Page 5 t r a d i t i o n a l HUNTER pages 48-53 3/1/06 v i s t a 13:33 Page 1 ™ Properly designed, a fan with a traditional feel creates a timeless quality as well. Should these two traits strike you as impossibly contradictory, look no further than the beauty and craftsmanship of the Vista for an impressive resolution. 24041 brush ed nickel with five maple/cherry blades 24043 brush ed nickel with five c h erry blades 132cm blade span | furniture grade veneer blades | i n t e grated scavo light kit EasyLock™ blades | AirMax® motor | WobbleFree™ canopy | lifetime warranty | 48 49 | HUNTER pages 48-53 3/1/06 13:33 Page 3 seville ™ A remarkable ability to fit almost any room or style makes the Seville a fan for all seasons. Ideal for rooms where a large fan may overwhelm the décor, the 112cm Seville is a small wonder. 24031 satin brass with five c h erry/walnut blades 24035 satin metal with five dark walnut/light oak blades 24032 bright brass with five walnut / oak blades 24037 white with five white/light oak blades 112cm blade span | furniture grade veneer blades | light kit adaptable AirMax® motor | WobbleFree™ canopy | lifetime warranty | 50 51 | HUNTER pages 48-53 3/1/06 s a v o y 13:33 Page 5 ™ 24523 brush ed chrome with five oak/walnut blades A great ceiling fan, pure and simple.That’s the appeal of the Savoy. A straightforward design uncluttered by fussy details, the Savoy is a chameleon that can top off any décor. 24522 satin brass with five c h erry/light oak blades 245 26 white with five white/light oak blades 24524 bright brass with five rosewood / oak blades 132cm blade span | furniture grade veneer blades | light kit adaptable AirMax® motor | WobbleFree™ canopy | lifetime warranty | 52 53 | HUNTER pages 54-59 3/1/06 13:34 Page 1 o u t d o o r HUNTER pages 54-59 3/1/06 13:34 o u t d o o r Page 3 e l e m e n t s ™ IP-23 rated and able to stand up to mother nature’s worst, the Outdoor Elements makes the great outdoors even better.Additionally, the raw aluminium features a unique natural finish that will age gracefully to a beautiful weathered patina as time goes by. 24132 raw aluminium with four wicker / palm blades 24131 white with five white blades 24144 white with five white blades and 75w light kit inc luded 137cm blade span | UV-resistant, all-weather resin blades| IP-23 rated for wet locations | wall control only high output outdoor motor | salt spray tested | rust-free construction | lifetime warranty | 56 57 | HUNTER pages 54-59 3/1/06 13:34 Page 5 a c c e s s o r i e s HUNTER pages 60-65 3/1/06 13:35 Page 1 Lighting Accessories 24124 "Skyy" 120 watts – uses two standard medium base bulbs 30cm Tiffany Art Glass Light Fixture Complements all finishes Chandelle/Spotlight Light Fitters & Fixtures 24122 Scavo Glass 120 watts – uses two standard medium base bulbs 30cm Bowl Light Fixtures 120 watts – includes multiple finials ( Brushed Chrome, Satin Brass, White, Bright Brass) Four-light Flush Mount (glass not included) 24164 Bright Brass 24166 White 24167 Satin Brass 24168 Brushed Chrome 240 watts – uses four 60-watt standard medium base bulbs Mandalay Light Kit Alchemy Light Kit Schoolhouse Globe Light Cedonia Globe Light 24302 Brushed Nickel 24192 White 22555 Opal Schoolhouse Globe 22575 Rustic Seeded 24306 White 24193 Brushed Nickel (Globe Adaptor Required) (Globe Adaptor Required) Dual mount, glass included 24196 Lime For Industrie and Avalon only For Alchemy only Chandelle/Spotlight Light Fitters & Fixtures Other Lighting Accessories Wicker Blade Accessory Three-light GU-10 cast fitter Four-light Acrylic Ring Spotlight Globe Adaptor Fits Classic Original 24420 Brushed Chrome 24101 Bright Brass 24431 Satin Brass Real wicker with fiberboard backing 24422 Satin Brass 24102 White 24432 White to maintain maximum airflow 24423 Satin Metal 24104 Satin Metal 24433 Satin Metal 22169 Brown 24426 White 24109 Satin Brass 24434 Bright Brass 22168 White 24427 Hammered Bronze 160 watts – uses four 40-watt 24435 Brushed Chrome 24428 Bright Brass standard medium base bulbs 24437 Bronze Uses three halogen bulbs (included) 24438 Hammered Bronze RF Remote Control Wall Control Three-light Victorian fitter Three-light Spotlight with 24796 3-speed fan control, 24797 Wall control with square and (glass not included) Cased Glass light dimming, low battery indicator, rectangular face plates included 24151 Satin Brass 24141 White RF remote control 24152 White 24142 Satin Brass 24153 Brushed Chrome 24143 Satin Metal 24154 Bright Brass 180 watts – uses three 60-watt 180 watts – uses three 60-watt standard medium base bulbs standard medium base bulbs | 60 61 | HUNTER pages 60-65 3/1/06 13:35 Page 3 Fan Blade Finishes Fan Motor Finishes A ntique Wi c ke r Be e c h Bl a c k Bl eached Oa k Blonde Be e c h C h e rry Coffee Be e c h Da rk Wa l n ut Di s t re ssed Cherr y Ho n ey Ma p l e Di s t re ssed Da rk Walnut L i ght Oa k Distressed Grey Washed Lime Amber Bro n ze Bl a c k Blonde Be e c h Bri ght Bra ss Finish Brow n Brushed Chro m e Brushed Ni c ke l Bu rnished Bra ss Chalk Wh ite Coffee Be e c h G rey Wa s h Ha m m e red Bro n ze Lime Raw Aluminium S atin Bra ss S atin Me ta l S atin Si lve r Wh ite G rey Pa l m Ma p l e Oa k Rosewo o d S atin Me ta l S atin Si lve r S awa l a Tea k Wa l n ut P l ea se note this chart is to co m pa re blade and motor co l o u rs. Re fer to individual fan styles for colour avai l a b i l ity. Wh ite | 62 Wi c ke r 63 | HUNTER pages 60-65 3/1/06 13:35 Page 5 ceiling fan specifications Name Europa Valhalla™ Avalon Lugano® American Heritage Classic Original 1886 Series® Salinas™ Contemporary Alchemy™ The Retro™ Industrie Carera Merced Lemoyne Seris Seris Osprey Osprey O s p rey with light Traditional Vista Seville Savoy Outdoor Outdoor Elements® Elements® with light Page Size Number of Blades Life Time Wobble Fre e Remote C Warranty Canopy Included Remote C Wall Contro l Wall Contro l Adaptable Included Adaptable Light Kit Included 14-15 16-17 18-19 142cm 158cm 132cm 4 3 5 YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES NO YES YES YES NO NO YES NO YES YES 22-23 24-25 26-27 132cm 132cm 132cm 5 4 5 YES YES YES YES NO YES NO NO NO YES NO YES NO NO NO YES YES YES NO NO NO 30-31 32-33 34-35 36-37 38-39 40-41 42-43 42-43 44-45 44-45 44-45 137cm 122cm 132cm 132cm 112cm 132cm 92cm 112cm 122cm 142cm 142cm 5 4 3 3 3 5 3 3 3 3 3 YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES NO NO NO YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES NO NO NO YES YES NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES NO NO NO NO NO YES NO NO NO YES YES YES YES YES NO YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES 48-49 50-51 52-53 132cm 112cm 132cm 5 5 5 YES YES YES YES YES YES NO NO NO YES YES YES NO NO NO 56-57 56-57 137cm 137cm 5 5 YES YES NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO 1x100w gls INCLUDED NO MANDALAY 1x100w hal INCLUDED rpm Full Speed cm/hr Full Speed Watts Amps A B Dimensions C D E F YES NO YES 174 125 170 14500 10800 15000 181 100 200 0.79 0.43 0.87 N/A 33.03 33.53 42 44.03 23.37 8.26 8.26 8.26 33.5 19.05 39.06 15.75 15.75 15.75 56.4 N/A 46 YES YES YES NO NO NO YES YES YES 185 224 200 17000 13600 13600 100 81 100 0.43 0.35 0.43 36.2 34.4 29.84 28.7 30 37.46 8.26 8.26 8.26 31.75 25 39.06 15.75 15.75 15.75 N/A N/A N/A NO 1x100w hal NO NO 1x100w hal 3x50w hal 1x22w flor 1x22w flor NO NO 1x22w flor ALCHEMY INCLUDED MANDALAY YES INCLUDED INCLUDED INCLUDED INCLUDED NO NO INCLUDED NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES NO NO NO 174 200 200 200 230 200 230 230 260 250 250 10462 13600 13600 13600 11560 13600 11200 15000 17000 20000 20000 100 181 100 100 160 280 97 97 85 85 97 0.43 0.79 0.43 0.43 0.70 1.22 0.42 0.42 0.37 0.37 0.42 38.12 35.5 33.03 32.2 31.12 32.2 N/A N/A 49.74 49.74 49.74 27.41 30.3 36.64 21.59 21.59 21.59 29.46 29.46 47.65 47.65 47.65 8.26 8.26 8.26 8.26 8.26 8.26 9.53 9.53 9.78 9.78 9.78 28.02 23.3 19.05 20.32 17.78 20.32 23.11 23.11 23.12 23.12 23.12 18.25 15.75 15.75 15.75 15.75 15.75 20.32 20.32 20.34 20.34 20.34 N/A 48.1 N/A N/A 36.83 43.43 39.37 39.37 N/A N/A 67.05 YES YES YES 2x60w gls NO NO INCLUDED YES YES NO NO NO YES YES YES 200 200 200 13699 13600 13600 180 100 100 0.78 0.43 0.43 31.8 33 31.75 29.2 27.7 29.21 8.26 8.26 8.26 30.2 27.2 30.18 15.75 15.75 15.75 48.3 N/A N/A YES YES NO 1x75w gls NO INCLUDED YES YES YES YES 171 171 11000 11000 80 155 0.35 0.67 33.65 33.65 29.21 29.21 9.1 9.1 29.21 29.21 16.25 16.25 N/A 46 AIRMAX® MOTOR Fan is equipped with Hunter’s Patented Airmax® motor, designed to run cooler and quieter f rom the inside out. Featuring a die-cast multi-fin aluminium rotor and exclusive impeller (a “fan within a fan”), the Airm a x® is our quietest, coolest, smoothest-running motor ever. HIGH OUTPUT Fan features a Hunter High Output motor. Designed for superior performance and crafted with the finest materials, the Hunter High Output motor delivers a lifetime of whisper-quiet, p o w e rful air movement. WOBBLEFREE™ CANOPY F e a t u res Hunter’s exclusive new WobbleFree™ canopy systems, including the self-aligning trilobular mounting ball. The trilobular ball maintains even contact with the canopy, eliminating stress points that can cause wobble. REMOTE CONTROL Includes wireless remote control for convenient, easy operation in bedrooms and rooms with high ceilings. 64 No Rust Construction Reversible NO NO NO FEATURE REFERENCE GUIDE | Light Kit Adaptable WALL CONTROL Includes wall control, for easy fingertip fan and light control. Patented design accommodates both square and rectangular electrical boxes. LIGHT KIT ADAPTABLE P rovides decorating versatility by giving the option of installing a variety of light kits. INSTALLER’S CHOICE 3-POSITION MOUNTING Accommodates any type of room or installation situation. Choose from 3 options: • Standard mounting on a flat ceiling • Flush-mounted on a lower flat ceiling • Angled ceiling mount, which may re q u i re an extension downro d RUST FREE/OUTDOOR Designed to withstand the toughest outdoor elements and provides years of exceptional p e rf o rmance. Features corro s i o n - resistant housings with special coatings, sealed motors, weather- resistant blades, and stainless steel components. EASYLOCK™ BLADES Hunter’s Easy Lock Blades eliminate up to 30 screws and grommets for quick installation. Makes removing and cleaning blades a snap too! 65 | ������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������� Extension Downrods for High Ceilings More and more homes are being constructed with high ceilings. A Hunter accessory downrod sets the fan at the proper height for optimum performance. All Hunter extension downrods match Hunter fans for fit and finish, and have tapered threads for deeper engagement. Humidifiers EXTENSION DOWNRODS LENGTH 30cm 45cm 61cm 91cm 152cm FINISH ANTIQUE BRASS 22719 22729 26319 26329 23190 26457 26458 26459 26465 26466 22713 22723 26313 26323 23192 WHITE 22717 22727 26317 26327 23197 CHESTNUT BROWN 22711 22721 26331 26341 — BLACK* 26302 26219 26227 26228 23194 SATIN BRASS BRIGHT BRASS FINISH *FOR USE ON ® B L A C K , A N T I Q U E B L AC K AND 26460 26461 26462 26463 26464 BRUSHED NICKEL 26019 26020 26021 26022 26024 NEW BRONZE* 26041 26042 26043 26044 26046 USE ON B R O N Z E , W E AT H E R E D B R O N Z E for life. G R A P H I T E FA N S SATIN METAL *FOR style Air Purifiers AND hunter N E W B R O N Z E FA N S A L L -W E AT H E R D O W N R O D S : SATIN WHITE 28254 28255 28256 Thermostats 28257 T he c har t be l ow i ndi c ate s r e c omm e nde d bl ade s s iz e s t o r oom s i z e s Blade size Room size Square Footage 92cm 3x3 9 sq. mt. 107cm 4x4 16 sq. mt. 112-124cm 5x5 25 sq. mt. 132-137cm 6.5 x 6.5 42 sq. mt. 142cm 7x7 49 sq. mt. ©2 0 05 Hun te r Fan Co mp an y 2 5 0 0 F r i s cthat o Ave nue Remember adding a light fixture will add 15cm to 25cm to the fan light dimensions. M e m p h i s , Te n n e s s e e 38114 w w w. h u n t e r f a n g l o b a l . c o m | 66 Portable Fans ������������������������������������������� Distribution in Deutschland: ©2 0 05 Hun te r Fan Co mp an y 2500 F ris co Avenue M e m p h i s , Te n n e s s e e 38114 Gelnhäuser Str. 35 D-63505 Langenselbold +49(0)6184-92360 Fax: +49(01)6184-923622 Email: Internet: w w w. h u n t e r f a n g l o b a l . c o m 2 20 , 2 4 0v 5 0 HZ I nt er na ti on al Fa n Pr ogram #G-0219
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