January 2014 - IAMAW Local 2323


January 2014 - IAMAW Local 2323
Local 2323
Inter national Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers
January 2014
A “Covered” tractor!
Next Membership Meeting!
Tuesday February 4, 2014
19:00 hrs.
2580 Drew Road, Mississauga, ON!
Bring your union card
Airport & Cargo Shop Committee
Derek Morgan, Brad Gomes, Dave Flowers, Mark Pacilla
Phone: 905-676-2484
All transfers, with the exception of local kiosks they will be closed permanently. Please govern
transfers, Cargo to ramp and vice versa, are done yourselves accordingly.!
online. This includes demotion from LSA to SA or
There still seems to be some issues with who
demotion from full-time SA to part-time SA.!
has been listed as a beneficiary of your life insurance.
Change of address can be done online on the Please check on the Aeronet and make sure someone
Local Lodge website at: iamaw2323.ca. !
is listed as a beneficiary. !
When you return from being off on WSIB or
GWL and have been off for more than 60-days, your
vacation for the year will be pro-rated. You need to be
sure that you are not taking more vacation than you are
entitled to or you will receive one of those nice vacation
recovery letters from the company.!
The Shop Committee has been approached by
a few members as well as the company about renegotiating the overtime agreement for ramp and
baggage. One of the ideas put forward is that hiring will
be done simply by lowest hours regardless of if it is
after shift or RDO.!
We remind everyone to check their email as
training schedules, promotional bulletins, bids etc. are
sent to your Air Canada email.!
Brad, Dave and Derek would like to welcome
Mark Pacilla to the Shop Committee. We look forward
to working with Mark, and working as a team.!
Each month, we have members sent home who
have let their D/A expire. It can take a few weeks to
arrange training and your driving test. Take a look at
your AVOP right now and make note of when it expires.!
If you are injured at work, you are covered
under WSIB. On occasion, WSIB denies our members
claims. If denied by WSIB, you can claim from Great
West Life under our income protection benefits. Be
aware that you must file for GWL within 30-days of
your illness or injury. Everyone needs to ensure that
within that 30-day period you know whether or not you
are covered by WSIB. If you find that you are not
covered by WSIB, then apply for GWL.!
When you get a letter of discipline and you
appeal it, you must provide the Shop Committee with a
statement as to why you have appealed your letter. If
we do not receive a statement from the individual, you
have no appeal.!
The GTAA has opened a number of kiosks on
the ramp. They have contacted the company and
informed them that if people continue to smoke in the
January 2014
Agreement Books
Printed copies of the IAMAW/Air Canada Collective
Agreement (C/A) are available at the Shop Committee
Office(s) or ask your Shop Steward to give you one. The
C/A is also on the Local 2323 website.
Logistics & Supply Shop Committee
Dave Freeman, Joe Veltri
Office phone: 905-676-2243
I would like to extend my sincerest gratitude to
Daniel Adams for his dedicated partnership and
unwavering support throughout the entirety of his
tenure in the Shop Committee. It was a pleasure to
share the office and serve the membership with you
Dan. You are an asset to the membership and I wish
you the best of success in all of your future ventures.
Thank you Dan, your presence will be dearly missed. !
reallocation of stock and storage. Items of regular
business have been left with a lessor priority for many
months. We have met with local management and they
remain committed to clearing up the backlog. We hope
they can develop a more timely process dealing with
issues from the floor moving forward. We thank you all
for your patience and dedication.!
While we meet and communicate on a regular
We welcome Joe Veltri to the office and I look basis, LOCAL ACM management continues to grapple
forward to serving the membership together. Your with the novel concept of adhering to the Collective
experience is an asset and your assistance and Agreement surrounding process. For example, the
dedication is appreciated. Thanks Joe.!
recent 787 SRM and composite training bid has been
released with a penalty attached. In specific, should
Transfer meetings have resumed for 2014. The you choose to retire of resign within 2-years of
most recent was held Jan 15th. Those on the move accepting the training you are expected to repay a proshould be getting notification shortly.!
rated portion of the training costs. We see no provision
to apply this penalty in the agreement. The CAT 19
We are having some challenges in the CRE
LAT’s receive no endorsement premium once
department regarding vacation bidding and allotment
completing this training. In addition to this, the fuel tank
this year. The previous Category 23 has been split into
entry team bulletin was released excluding CAT 13 as
26 and 27 due to language changes in the current CBA.
applicants. The process for bidding this team is clearly
The company wants to block availability in primetime
stated in article 5.05. The process being utilized is in
and throughout the year for these categories as well as
direct violation of this. These items are being
CAT 36. We are intent on finding a solution that does
not result in the reduction of available slots.
Outsourcing is under review in CRE. We have met with "
LAT 5 reviews are underway and the feedback
the LR and District seeking a clear definition of what is from those challenging the tech readiness exam has
IAMAW work, what that entails nationwide. There are been negative. We have addressed this issue and
some issues regarding overtime distribution and the provided the information to the appropriate department
handling of call in procedures. We are striving for heads. We are hopeful a more user friendly solution can
lasting resolutions for these items and hope a be found that will continue to satisfy the needs of the
conclusion and solutions are near. Thank you for your program. !
Rouge update…………….there isn’t one. Stay
We met with GSE management, LR and the tuned. Should information become available it will be
Shop Stewards in an effort to catch up on unaddressed communicated promptly and directly.!
grievances. The meeting was cordial and seemingly
productive. There was a desire expressed by AC.B on the TSX broke through $9.00. I hope the
management to keep on top of level one grievance’s wealth is distributed equally amongst the ranks!!
and provide timely responses to outstanding issues. We
will continue to play a role in this process, and plan to We saw many of our friends and colleagues retire or
meet on a regular basis. We hope this positive trend resign in 2013. We wish them well. Enjoy your
retirement, you have earned it! $
will continue.!
Logistics and Supply has seen challenges with In solidarity,$
the integration of Trax, updating of parts handling, David Freeman
January 2014
Health & SafetyCommittees !
Coby Budgell (Co-Chair FT) Phone: (905) 676-4295
Karri Lyn Airhart
Mark Barber
Dan Budgell
Mike Cooke
Sally Crowther (FT)
Tim Evangelista
Dan Janssen
Christopher Nyers
Talwinder Rayat
Adeel Raza (FT)
Peter Stockley
Cabin Service- Health & Safety Committee
Gobinder Khaira (Co-Chair FT) Phone: (905) 612-2008
Mary Anne Canega
Al Lamont
Cargo- Health & Safety Committee
Terry Trower (Co-Chair)
Andrew Charles
Susan Thakurdin
Certificated Station Agents (Weight & Balance)- Health & Safety Committee
Bruce Davidson
Mark Fields
Ramp, Baggage, Cargo, Cabins & Load
Ramp & Baggage Health & Safety Committee
Tech Ops -Aircraft Line Maintenance -Health & Safety Committee
Alain Ruel
Fred Soares
Ground Service Equipment (GSE) - Health & Safety Committee
Allan Mills
Devin Rogers
Hani Syriani
Hangars -Health & Safety Committee
Ken Weber
Logistics and Supply- Health & Safety Committee
Technical Operations
Mike Giantsopoulos (Co-Chair FT) Phone: 905-676-2205
Joe Veltri
January 2014
Health & SafetyCommittee !
Ottawa Station -Ramp -Health & Safety Committee
Joshua Barre (Co-Chair)
Allan Walsh
Ottawa Station
Ottawa -Baggage -Health & Safety
Andy Dentinger
Ottawa -Cargo -Health & Safety
Stephane Vezina
Ottawa -GSE -Health & Safety
Tony Cacciatto
Ottawa -Technical Operations -Health & Safety
Local 2323 Weight & Balance Agents move to
new home at the Operations Centre in Brampton!
The new 75,000 sq ft. Ops Centre went live on January
20, 2014. It combines many Air Canada operational
units under one roof.
photo: Rob Piercy
AC photo
January 2014
iamaw2323.ca "
Local 2323 !
Local 2323 !
Executive Board
Employee Assistance (EAP)
Derrick Bashford Regional Coordinator (905) 678-1079
Glen Baigent
Todd Doyle
Perry Durrant
Richard Gobeil
Steve McLean
Rob Piercy
Simon Robinson
Maurizio Romano
Michael Garebian
John Smiley
Rhonda MacLachlan
Wayne Paterson!
-Secretary Treasurer!
Nadine Wisdom
Vince Commisso!
Dave Flowers
-Recording Secretary!
Political Action Committee
Dave Freeman
John Hill
Bryan Wilson
Karnail Singh Brar!
Mark Pozzobon
Retiree’s Representative
Larry Hutchison
Jean-Guy Labelle!
-Trustee & Ottawa $
Board Member!
Women’s Committee
Karri Lyn Airhart
Linda Mastromattei!
-Vice President & Clerical
Board Member
Employee Relations, Rights & Equity Committee
Alain Ruel (Chairperson)
Steve O’Hara!
Rhonda MacLachlan
Narinder Sangha
Frank Morgani!
John Smiley
Recently Retired Members
Local 2323 would like to thank the following members for their
valued service and wish them a safe and enjoyable retirement!
Carole Brown
Diane Coryat
Gerald Evans
Cabin Service
CAT 33!
CSA -Cargo!
January 2014
iamaw2323.ca "
-Maintenance Member!
Rob Piercy!
John Hill!
Labour News
Rob Piercy
Air Canada wipes out $3.7-billion pension be more trusting of workers that call in sick, and that
sick workers should stay at home.!
deficit, swings to small surplus -Globe and Mail
Top Canadian CEOs earn average workers
Air Canada’s domestic pension plans have swung to a salary by your lunchtime -CALM.ca
small surplus from a solvency deficit of $3.7-billion a
The Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (CCPA)
year ago.!
found that by 1.11pm on January 2nd, the average top
The airline said on Wednesday preliminary estimates paid Canadian CEO will have earned as much as the
indicate that its pension plans will be in a “small surplus average full-time worker's yearly income. The review
position” at Jan. 1, 2014.!
found the!
Elimination of the deficit came about as a result of
several factors, including a 13.8 per cent return on
investments last year; amended pension benefits that
are estimated to have trimmed the deficit by about
$970-million; contributions by Air Canada for the year
of $225-million; and the application of an estimated
prescribed discount rate of 3.9 per cent to calculate
future obligations.!
average compensation among Canada's top 100 CEOs
was $7.96 million in 2012. This compared with the
average annual Canadian worker's salary of $46,634.!
Bombardier lays off 1,700 workers in !
Canada, U.S. -CBC.ca!
Orders down 19% in 2013 for commercial and
business aircraft compared to 2012
Air Canada booked a return of 11.8 per cent over the
past four years, placing it in the first quartile for
performance compared with large Canadian pension
“Air Canada’s three primary pension objectives are to
ensure our employees’ and retirees’ pensions are
secure, the pension solvency deficit is eliminated and
that the costs associated with maintaining the pension
plans remain affordable, predictable and stable,” said
president and chief executive officer Calin Rovinescu.!
Bombardier is slashing six per cent of its workforce in
Unions says bosses shouldn't ask sick workers for
the Aerospace division.!
doctors notes -CALM.ca
The Ontario Medical Association is calling on
employers to drop the requirement of a doctor’s note
when workers call in sick. The Association’s president,
Scott Wooder, says you “don’t want to encourage
people who have infectious diseases to go to their
doctor’s office when it’s not necessary.They’re in a
waiting room with other people, (and) some of them
have very serious illnesses like cancer. There are
pregnant mothers and children. They’re putting those
people at risk.” Wooder believes that employers should
January 2014
The Montreal-based company told employees on
Tuesday that cuts are required due to delays in the
launch of new planes and tough market conditions.!
Out of the 1,700 employees who will lose their jobs,
1,100 are in the Montreal region and 600 are in the
U.S., mostly in Wichita, Kansas.!
According to a company spokesperson, the layoffs will
affect temporary and permanent staff in manufacturing,
assembly, engineering, and sales.
International Association of
Machinists & Aerospace Workers!
Airline Central Lodge 2323!
In Memoriam
We would like to offer our
sincere condolences!
to the family and friends of
the following members who
have recently passed away.
is published by the!
Dave Edward Metvedt
2580 Drew Road, Suite 202,!
Retired CSA -Cargo!
International Transport!
Workers Federation
Joseph “Joe” Baker
Mississauga, Ontario L4T 3M5!
Phone: 905-678-0010!
Fax: 905-678-0034!
Toll-free: 1-877-409-2323!
Retired Cabin Service!
Editors & Publishers:!
Steve O’Hara & Rob Piercy!
James “Jim” Macdonald
Retired CAT 1 Mechanic!
Airport & Cargo
Phone: 905-676-2484
Cargo SubOffice
Phone: 905-694-5322!
newsletter !
is on the web...
Phone: 905-676-2243!
Ottawa Shop
Local 2323!
social media:
Phone: 613-523-4709!
Tech Ops !
Logistics &
January 2014
Iamaw2323.ca !