Childhood Apraxia of Speech (CAS) - Ohio Speech
Childhood Apraxia of Speech (CAS) - Ohio Speech
Childhood Apraxia of Speech (CAS) Practical Treatment Strategies for More Intelligible Speech What is Childhood Apraxia of Speech? Clinical Contexts in Which Childhood Apraxia of Speech Occurs: Neurological etiologies: intrauterine stroke, infections, trauma Neurobehavioral disorders: genetic, metabolic Idiopathic Neurogenic Speech Sound Disorders Cognitive Linguistic Motor Programming/Planning Motor Execution What It Is NOT Developmental articulation disorder Phonological process disorder Dysarthria 1 Definition (ASHA, 2007) Childhood apraxia of speech (CAS) is a neurological childhood speech sound disorder in which the precision and consistency of movements underlying speech are impaired in the absence of neuromuscular deficits (abnormal reflexes, abnormal tone). The core impairment is in planning and/or programming spatiotemporal (space and time) parameters of movement sequences results in errors in speech sound production and prosody. CAS: Other Aliases Praxis Motor Planning Disorder Motor Incoordination Verbal (Dys) Apraxia – More widely accepted in other English speaking countries outside of the United States Apraxia Apraxia of Speech – more widely accepted in the United States following the Mayo Clinic (Duffy, 2005) Prevalence One to two children per one thousand (Shriberg, Aram, Kwiatkowski, 1997) There is no validated list of diagnostic features of CAS. Associated Diagnoses Autism Cerebral Palsy Epilepsy Fragile X Rett Syndrome Chromosome Translocations 2 Checklist: Distinguishing CAS from Other Diagnoses: Vowels: Inconsistent use of VOWELS Limited repertoire of VOWELS Consonants: May produce a sound correctly in one word position but not in another (i.e.: ball, ba _ y) May use an initial sound correctly in one word and substitute a sound or omit the sound in other initial position words (i.e.: ball, _aby) May say a word correctly one time, change the sounds in the word the next, then change them again (bye, dye, mye) Substitution of voice and voiceless consonants Coarticulation: Lengthened and disrupted coarticulatory transition between sounds and syllables Prosody: Atypical prosody Language: Statistically significant discrepancy between receptive and expressive language 3 Comparison of Speech Disorders CAS Inconsistent errors on consonants (repeated production) Inconsistent errors on vowels (repeated production) Decreased vowel production Disrupted coarticulation transitions between sounds and words Increased errors in longer more complex sequences Decreased strength of oral motor musculature Motor control for chewing and swallowing Articulatory precision Types of errors Errors based on length of utterance Receptive and Expressive Language Prosody - lexical and phrasal stress) Dysarthria Phonology Disorder Articulation Consistent errors but rule based Substitutions, omissions, additions, repetitions. Omissions typically in the final position consistent Consistent sound errors If oral apraxia is presented Inconsistent in the Imprecision same word but consistent Substitutions, distortions omissions, additions, repetitions. Vowel distortions, voice/voiceless consonant errors Less precise in connected speech Gap with No receptive higher discrepancy Disrupted Disrupted based on type (spastic, flaccid, etc) Sometimes a difference No disruption Substitutions, omissions, additions, repetitions. consistent No difference typically No disruption 4 Motor Planning Patterns V CV VC VCV C1V1C1V1 C1V1C2V1 C1V1C2V2 C1V1C1 C1V1C2 CVCVCV CVCV + CVC 5 Pivot Syllables ny dy ty ter dle tle ble ple kle (cle) gle zle sle 6 Childhood Apraxia of Speech Evaluation Hearing: Passed a complete audiological assessment Failed a complete audiological assessment Hearing screening: Date: __________________ Results 500 Hz 1000 Hz 2000 Hz 4000 HZ Right Ear Left Ear Prelinguistic Limited cooing and babbling Delayed onset of first words Emergence of first words: ___________________________________________________ Limited vowel production Vowels: Short: a e i o u Long: a e i o u Limited consonant production Consonants p b m h s z w t d n f v k sh ch j y l r th g Sound combinations elicited: Give examples V VC CV VCV C1V1C1V1 C1V1C2V2 C1VC1 C1VC2 Other Can make sounds in isolation but limited when sounds are combined 7 Example: __________________________________________________________ Page 2: Prelinguistic continued Receptive language better than expressive language Test Given: ___________________________________________________ Results: Age Standard Score Percentile Receptive Language Expressive Language Comments: ________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ Linguistic Inconsistent sound errors that are not a result of immature speech Learning Difficulties Spelling Reading Writing Receptive language better than expressive language Test Given: ___________________________________________________ Results: Age Standard Score Percentile Receptive Language Expressive Language Comments: ________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 8 Page 3: Linguistic continued Speech Assessment Test Given: ___________________________________________________ Results: Standard Score Percentile Errors on consonants Voicing errors Errors on vowel production Single word production better than: Sentences Connected Speech Comments: ________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ Intelligibility Known Context Familiar Listener Unfamiliar Listener Unknown Context % % Single Words % % Sentences % % Connected Speech % % % % Prelinguistic and Linguistic Oral Motor Symmetry at rest Asymmetry at rest Describe: _____________________________________________________________ Is able to imitate oral motor movements Is unable to imitate oral motor movements Groping noted Suspected oral apraxia Describe: _____________________________________________________________ Strength: 9 Page 4: Oral motor continued Lips Normal Abnormal Describe: _______________________________________________________ Cheeks Normal Abnormal Describe: _______________________________________________________ Tongue Normal Abnormal Describe: _______________________________________________________ Jaw Normal Abnormal Describe: _______________________________________________________ Suspected Dysarthria Diadochokinetic Rate: Norms in seconds Task Repetitions Seconds 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 p 20 4.8 4.8 4.2 4.0 3.7 3.6 3.4 3.3 t 20 4.9 4.9 4.4 4.1 3.8 3.6 3.5 3.3 k 20 5.5 5.3 4.8 4.6 4.3 4.0 3.9 3.7 Standard Deviation 1.0 1.0 .7 .7 .6 .6 .6 .6 p t k 10.3 10.0 8.3 7.7 7.1 6.5 6.4 5.7 2.8 2.8 2.0 2.0 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 10 Standard Deviation Norms are from “Time-by-Count Measurement of Diadochokinetic Syllable Rate,” by S.G. Fletcher, 1972, Journal of Speech and Hearing Disorders, 15, pp. 763–770). Copyright by the American Speech-LanguageHearing Association. Comments: ________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 10 Page 5 Feeding Issues Forming bolus Storing food in cheeks Swallowing Gagging Overstuffing mouth Choking Picky Eater Textures Smooth Slightly lump Lumpy Mixed Crunchy Other: _______________________ Tastes Bland Salty Sour Bitter Other: _______________________ Temperatures Room temperature Warm Hot Cold Other: _______________________ Chewing pattern Munching Lateral jaw shift Diagonal movement Diagonal rotary Circular rotary Checklist of Characteristics: General Inconsistent sound production Consonants Vowels Uses sounds inconsistently Changes sound production with repetition Lengthened or disrupted coarticulatory transition Between sounds Between syllables 11 Page 6 Prosody Pitch Appropriate Too high for age Too low for age Vocal Quality Appropriate Hoarse Harsh Nasal Hypernasal Hyponasal Rate Appropriate Too fast Too slow Stress Appropriate Stress is on the wrong syllable Intonation Appropriate Inappropriate: Comment (appropriate rise and fall for types of sentences) Loudness Appropriate Too loud Too soft Fluency Appropriate for age Atypical Describe: _______________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Other: Sensory Issues Hypersensitive Hyposensitive Comments: ____________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Suspected Limb Kinetic Apraxia Ideomotor Apraxia Occupational Therapist consultation recommended 12 Hearing: Passed a complete audiological assessment Failed a complete audiological assessment Hearing screening: Date: __________________ Results 500 Hz 1000 Hz 2000 Hz 4000 HZ Right Ear Left Ear Hearing acuity should be assessed to be sure that the delay in speech development is not due to a hearing loss (conductive, sensorineural, or mixed). If there is a hearing loss, this should be evaluated further in order to determine if this could be the cause of the delay/disorder. The frequency and characteristics of early vocalizations also can be affected by perceptual factors such as early otitis media with effusion (Petinou, Schwartz, Mody, & Gravel, 1999; Rvachew, Slawinski, Williams, & Green, 1999) Prelinguistic Limited cooing and babbling: Prelinguistic vocal experiences begin the process of speech and language production. Frequency of a child's vocalizations at 3-6 months correlates to his or hers expressive vocabulary at 27 months. (Stoel-Gammon, 1992) Delayed onset of first words 13 Children who demonstrate consistent vocal motor schemes, or favorite babbles, tend to develop words earlier (McCune & Vihman, 1987). Children that are late talkers are at greater risk for academic difficulties especially in literacy and reading skills (Lewis 2007). Children with speech delay often also have language delays, especially in expressive morphology (Paul & Shriberg, 1982; Rvachew, Gaines, Cloutier, & Blanchet, 2005). Limited vowel production Vowels: Short: a e i o u Long: a e i o u Accurate production of all vowels and most diphthongs (but not rhotic vowels) should be achieved by age 3 (Bassi, 1983; Larkins, 1983; Pollock & Berni, 2003). Pollock and Berni's study, the average percentage of vowels correct for children 18 and 23 months : 82% 24-29 months: 92% 30- 35 months: 94% By 36 months: 97% Maassen et al. (2003) reported that compared to children with typically developing speech, children with CAS had poorer identification as well as poorer discrimination of vowels. 14 Limited consonant production Consonants p b m h s z w t d n f v k sh ch j y l r th g Individual sounds may be produced variably, even within the same word, although speech production patterns (i.e., frequent phonological processes) are consistent (Demuth, 2001; Ferguson & Farwell, 1975; Taelman & Gillis, 2002; Velleman & Vihman, 2002). Children with nonapraxic speech sound disorders appear to be most successful at producing the correct voicing features of a segment and least successful at maintaining the correct place of articulation (Forrest & Morrisette, 1999). Sound combinations elicited: Give examples V VC CV VCV C1V1C1V1 C1V1C2V2 C1VC1 C1VC2 Other Can make sounds in isolation but limited when sounds are combined Receptive language better than expressive language 15 Test Given: Results: Age Standard Score Percentile Receptive Language Expressive Language There is general agreement in reviews of the literature that children suspected to have CAS typically also have significant language deficits (Crary 1984, 1993; Ozanne, 1995; Velleman & Strand, 1994). Linguistic Inconsistent sound errors that are not a result of immature speech Learning Difficulties Spelling Reading Writing Children with any sort of speech production deficit are at higher risk for difficulty with phonological awareness, which itself is a “critical element of literacy development” (Justice & Schuele, 2004) Marion, Sussman, and Marquardt (1993) demonstrated that children with CAS have more difficulty perceiving and producing rhymes than do children with typically developing speech. 16 Marquardt et al. (2002) similarly showed that children with CAS score lower than typically developing children on metaphonological (phonological awareness) tasks. Lewis et al. (2004) found that children with CAS had deficits in word attack, word identification, and spelling in comparison to children with speech disorders only. Receptive language better than expressive language Test Given: ___________________________________________________ Results: Age Standard Score Percentile Receptive Language Expressive Language (Morphology, Phonology, Syntax, Semantics, Pragmatics, Supralinguistics) Speech Assessment Test Given: ___________________________________________________ Results: Standard Score Percentile Comment on vowel production even if measure does not specifically measure vowels. 17 Errors on consonants Voicing errors Errors on vowel production Limited vowel repertoire Single word production better than: Sentences Connected Speech Available Tests: The Apraxia Profile (Pearson Assessments: Hickman, 1997) Cost: $88.00 ages: 3 years to 13 years. Assesses oral motor sequencing Kaufman Speech Praxis Test for Children (Wayne State University Press: Kaufman, 1995) Cost: $180.00 ages: 2-0 to 5-11 Assesses simple to complex motor speech movements using true words Screening Test for Developmental Apraxia of Speech 2(Pro-Ed: Blakely, 2000) Cost: $115.00 ages: 4-12, Expressive Language Discrepancy, Prosody, Verbal Sequencing, and Articulation Verbal Motor Production Assessment for Children (Pearson) Cost: $144.00 ages 3-12 Global Motor Control, Focal Oromotor Control, and Sequencing—and two supplemental areas—Connected Speech and Language Control and Speech Characteristics 18 Coming soon: Dynamic Assessment of Motor Speech Skill (DEMSS). Dr. Edith Strand. Mayo Clinic Components of this new assessment: Movement accuracy Subtests Vowel Errors Consonant-Vowel (me; hi) Consistency Vowel-Consonant (up; eat) Prosody Reduplicated Syllables (mama; booboo) CVC1 (mom; peep; pop) CVC2 (mad; bed; hop) Bisyllabic 1 (baby; puppy) Bisyllabic 2 (bunny; happy; today; canoe) Multisyllabic (banana; video) Intelligibility Familiar Listener Unfamiliar Listener Known Unknown Single Sentences Connected Context Context Words Speech % % % % % % % % % % By 2 year: 26%–50% intelligible By 3 years: 71%–80% intelligible By 4 years: 100% Coplan & Gleason, 1988; Weiss, 1982 19 Prelinguistic and Linguistic Oral Motor Symmetry at rest Asymmetry at rest Describe: _____________________________________________________________ Is able to imitate oral motor movements Is unable to imitate oral motor movements Groping noted Suspected oral apraxia General awkwardness or clumsiness, impaired volitional oral movements, mild delays in motor development, mildly low muscle tone, abnormal orosensory perception (hyper- or hyposensitivity in the oral area), and oral apraxia (Davis et al., 1998; McCabe et al., 1998; Shriberg et al., 1997) The nonspeech motor features typically listed for oral apraxia are impaired volitional oral movements (imitated or elicited postures or sequences such as “smile-kiss”) and groping (Davis et al., 1998; McCabe et al., 1998; Shriberg et al., 1997). Strength: Lips Normal Abnormal Describe: _______________________________________________________ 20 Cheeks Normal Abnormal Describe: _______________________________________________________ Page 4: Oral motor continued Tongue Normal Abnormal Describe: _______________________________________________________ Jaw Normal Abnormal Describe: _______________________________________________________ Suspected Dysarthria 21 Diadochokinetic Rate: Norms in seconds Task Repetitions Seconds 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 p 20 4.8 4.8 4.2 4.0 3.7 3.6 3.4 3.3 t 20 4.9 4.9 4.4 4.1 3.8 3.6 3.5 3.3 k 20 5.5 5.3 4.8 4.6 4.3 4.0 3.9 3.7 Standard Deviation 1.0 1.0 .7 .7 .6 .6 .6 .6 p t k 10.3 10.0 8.3 7.7 7.1 6.5 6.4 5.7 2.8 2.0 2.0 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 10 Standard Deviation 2.8 Norms are from “Time-by-Count Measurement of Diadochokinetic Syllable Rate,” by S.G. Fletcher, 1978, Journal of Speech and Hearing Disorders, 15, pp. 763– 770). Copyright by the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. Lewis et al. (2004) found significant differences between preschool and school-age children with CAS and matched children with non-CAS speech delay in their ability to repeat nonwords and multisyllabic words, with the CAS group performing more poorly. Children with CAS also had significantly lower Total Function scores on the Robbins and Klee (1987) oral-motor assessment, which includes diadochokinetic rate. 22 Feeding Issues Forming bolus Storing food in cheeks Swallowing Gagging Overstuffing mouth Choking Picky Eater Textures Smooth Slightly lump Lumpy Mixed Crunchy Other: _______________________ Tastes Bland Salty Sour Bitter Other: _______________________ Temperatures Room temperature Warm Hot Cold Other: _______________________ Chewing pattern Munching Lateral jaw shift Diagonal movement Diagonal rotary Circular rotary 23 Munching - This early chewing pattern combines phasic biting and some nonstereotypic vertical movements of the jaw with tongue movement to the hard palate. (emerges as early as 6 months of age) Lateral jaw shift - This is a lateral (side to side) movement of the jaw with no downward displacement of the jaw. (months) Diagonal movement - This is a lateral, downward movement of the jaw to either side with easy contact and release. It aids in the placement of food between molars for chewing. There is no grinding movement, and no movement of the jaw across midline. It occurs in conjunction with vertical jaw movement. Diagonal rotary movement - There is a lateral, downward movement with upward, horizontal sliding movements for grinding foods between molars. The jaw moves to one side or the other, without crossing midline. It may accompany lateral movement of food from the center of the tongue to the teeth. (24-30 months) Circular rotary movement - This is the most mature chewing pattern, with jaw movement laterally, downward, across the midline to the other side and upward to close. It may occur either clockwise or counter -clockwise. It may accompany transfer of food from one side of the mouth across the midline to the other side of the mouth. (30-36 months) Early emerging chewing behaviors have often been viewed as providing the infrastructure from which speech motor coordination emerges (Grillner 1982; Ling 1976; Mysak 1980; Thelen 1991). 24 Checklist of Characteristics: General Inconsistent sound production Consonants Vowels Uses sounds inconsistently Changes sound production with repetition Lengthened or disrupted coarticulatory transition Between sounds Between syllables Prosody Pitch Vocal Quality Appropriate Too high for age Too low for age Appropriate Hoarse Harsh Nasal Hypernasal Hyponasal Rate Appropriate Too fast Too slow Stress Appropriate Stress is on the wrong syllable Intonation Appropriate Inappropriate: Comment 25 Intonation/Prosody Listen for appropriate stress in syllables and words in sentences (video) Prelinguistic: Rise and fall pitch developed by 6-12 months Linguistic: Develops between 5 and 8 years Listed in the order of development Falling intonation contours develop Sentence giving a statement Rising contours to mark phrase and utterance boundaries Answerable by yes/no Frequency, amplitude and duration to mark sentential emphasis is a single word or short phrase, usually interrupting normal syntax, used to lend emphasis to the words immediately proximate to the adverb. (We emphasize the words on each side of a pause or interruption in order to maintain continuity of the thought.) Production of compound words Rise/fall or fall/rise to convey emotion High rising pitch to request clarification Accent on a nonfinal word to convey a message Comprehension of others emphasis to convey a message Pitch and pauses to mark different types of sentences Statement Exclamation John likes Mary. John likes Mary? JOHN likes Mary. John likes MARY. No. Dogs are allowed. No dogs are allowed Questions Appropriate pauses for words and phrases 26 Loudness Appropriate Too loud Too soft Fluency Appropriate for age Atypical Other: Sensory Issues Hypersensitive Hyposensitive Resource: Limb Kinetic Apraxia The inability to make precise or exact movements with a finger, an arm or a leg. These children may have difficulty with sign language due to the difficulty coordinating fine motor movement Ideomotor Apraxia The inability to translate an idea into motion, resulting from some interference with the transmission of the appropriate impulses from the brain to the motor centers. There is no loss of the ability to perform an action automatically, such as tying the shoelaces, but the action cannot be performed on request. Occupational Therapist consultation recommended Anytime there are sensory issues Any suspected limb apraxia 27 TREATMENT Overriding Goal: Improve overall communicative functioning to improve a student’s ability to function within relevant social and educational contexts (World Health Organization, 2001). Motor Learning Theory: Definition: A set of processes associated with practice or experience leading to relatively permanent changes in the capability for movement. Therefore, the change must be observed over time (generalized) not just during practice. This should also be observable through generalization to untrained tasks. Schema Theory (Schmidt, 1975, 2003; Schmidt & Lee, 2005) Definition of Schema: Memory representations that encode the relations among these types of information, based on past experience with producing similar actions. These schemas based on past experience with similar actions are temporarily available in short term memory and used to update or create two different schemas (recall and recognition schemas) o Recall schema encodes the relations among the initial conditions, the sensory consequences of the movement, and the outcome of the movement. o Recognition schema allows the system to evaluate movements by comparing the actual sensory consequences with the expected sensory schema. A series of generalized motor plans (GMP) that occur in a particular serial order (i.e.: speech) may be integrated or chunked into a single larger motor plan with large amounts of practice. Production of rapid discrete movements involves units of actions (motor programs) that are retrieved from memory and then adapted to a particular situation. A motor program is an organized set of motor commands that can be specified before motor initiation (Keele, 1968). 28 A generalized motor plan is an abstract movement pattern that specifies relative timing and relative force of muscle contractions with absolute timing and force scaled to meet certain tasks. Generalization (transfer) Maintenance (retention) Acquisition through practice Example of Motor Learning: Golf swing Duration and amplitude depend on the movement and muscles needed dependant on the distance that ball must travel. 1. The motor system must know the relations among the initial condition (position of the hands, distance between golf ball and hole). 2. The motor system must know the generated motor commands needed (timing and amplitude of arm muscle contraction. 3. Next is the sensory consequences of the motor commands (propioception of the arm movement, tactile sensation of the club hitting the ball). 4. Last, the outcome of the movement (where the ball ended up). 29 #2 1. The motor system must know the relations among the initial condition (position of the hands, distance between golf ball and hole). 2. The motor system must know the generated motor commands needed (timing and amplitude of arm muscle contraction. #1 3. 3. Next is the sensory consequences of the motor commands (propioception of the arm movement, tactile sensation of the club hitting the ball). 30 4. Last, the outcome of the movement (where the ball ended up). 4. Motor speech disorders result from an impairment of the motor system caused by disruption of: o High level motor commands o Neuromuscular processes o Both Goal of therapy: o Establish new motor routines o Reestablish old ones 31 Schema Theory as Related to Speech Production 1. Initial Condition: Articulatory placement, voicing, prosody, intonation, phrasing 2. Motor Commands Needed: Timing and amplitude of production 3. Sensory Consequences: a. Tongue and lip movement for production b. Tactile awareness of articulatory placement 4. Outcome: Were the speech sounds, voicing, intonation, and prosody correct? THERAPY 1. Prepractice a. Target responses are explained (to parent or student) b. Several correct productions are elicited using models, cuing, and feedback c. Attention to resulting sound instead of articulatory placement is more effective 2. Practice a. Maximize the number of trials of each target will enhance learning b. Elicit targets in random order (shuffle cards for practice) c. Variable practice will enhance transfer (orthographic, pictures, change in loudness or pitch, change of carrier phrase, change of therapy location) d. Reduce frequency of feedback to improve transfer 32 Overall Guidelines: Always do a thorough evaluation Therapy should be based on motor learning theory and practices of motor learning. Target all areas identified through the assessment (speech, prosody, receptive/expressive language skills, etc) Target speech and language simultaneously Shorter sessions several days a week better than a longer session o Motor learning theory demonstrates that a high degree of direct practice leads to the transfer and generalization of sequential motor plans needed for correct speech production. If student cannot get the motor plan or if intelligibility diminishes with practice of the same target, move to a different target, then come back to previous target. Provide information to parents with ways to practice at home o Home practice should be motor plans that have been mastered in therapy. 33 PRISM: Underlying principles of treatment (Fish, Margaret. Here's How to Treat Childhood Apraxia of Speech. San Diego, CA: Plural Pub., 2011.) P Phoneme Sequencing R Repetitive Practice I Intensity S Selection of Target Utterances M Multisensory Cues and Feedback P CAS involves the motor planning and programming of speech movements. Therapy should concentrate on establishing increasingly complex articulatory sequences. R Repetitive practice is required to establishing automaticity of speech motor movements. I An intensive treatment schedule is recommended - intensity of practice S Only challenge the child on one level at a time. For example, if it is a word shape (phonotactic complexity: VC, CV, CVC, CCVC) that is difficult for the child, avoid introducing phonemes that the child does not yet possess. When working on new phonemes, do not work on new word shapes. M Research shows that a multisensory cueing system is needed to increase motor planning and motor sequencing. Cues should be faded systematically to facilitate spontaneous production. 34 Treatment Approaches Prelinguistic Motor Precursor to First Oral Words Canonical babbling (7-10 months) - the rhythmic production of repetitive consonant-vowel sequences o Reduplicated babbling (C1V1C1V1) baba, mama o Non-reduplicated babbling (C1VC1, V1C1V1) non, mam, peep aba, oomoo Variegated babbling (11-13 months) - more diverse patterns o Ma-moo-mee o booda Children who demonstrate consistent vocal motor schemes or favorite babbles, tend to develop words earlier (McCune & Vihman, 1987). Sound Development: 12-18 months: The following patterns are typically represented in first word production Coronal - lifting tongue tip from its neutral position towards the teeth or the hard palate (/t/, /d/, /n/, /s/, /z/ and /l/). Labial stops - (/b/, /p/, /m/, /f/, /v/) Nasals (/m/, /n/, /ng/) Glides - sound which is articulated with very little constriction of the vocal tract (/y/ and /w)/. Simple CV syllable shapes Boysson-Bardies & Vihman, 1991; Eilers, Oller, & Benito-García, 1984; Gildersleeve-Neumann, 2001; Goldstein & Cintrón, 2001; Oller, Wieman, Doyle, & Ross, 1976; Teixeira & Davis, 2002; Vihman et al., 1986 35 Between 24-36 months - the sound system increases in complexity Velars - (/k/ and /g/) Fricatives- is articulated with almost a complete closure, but with just enough of an opening to create turbulence in the airflow (/f/, /v/, /s/, /z/, and /sh/ ) Liquids - a liquid is a consonant that does not obstruct or constrict the flow of air enough to create turbulence (/l/ and /r/) By 36-40 months Consonant clusters (by the first 3 months of the 4th year of age) Final position develops first Final consonants Unstressed syllables Establish expressive communication skills Linguistic Approach o Morphology o Phonology (rhyming, blending, segmenting, manipulating, phonological short term memory, phonological retrieval) o Syntax/grammar o Semantics (semantic retrieval) Motor Planning Approach o Tactile cues Hand prompts PROMPT o Visual cues Pick a system that will link to sound-symbol program used in your school. Signs 36 o Prosodic cues o Augmentative/Alternative Communication Approach Picture symbols for objects and actions Picture board with choices for favorite foods/drinks, activities, toys, family members, etc IPAD o Album o Proloquo 2 o Expression o Tap to talk o Combined Linguistic – Motor Planning- AAC Approach Linguistic General Guidelines: Step I: Small group of stimulus Step II: Stabilize existing vowel and consonant sounds Sounds may be produced correctly in certain positions or contexts Step III: Producing stabilized vowel and consonant sounds in motor planning sequences CVCV (mama) VC (in) CV (no) VCV (oh no) Step IV: Teaching new vowels and consonants Choose sounds for which the child is most stimulable Select sounds that occur more frequently in English o Schwa /a/, /s/, /t/, /r/, /o/, /e/, /a/ Select sounds that are visible (i.e.: /p/, /b/, /m/) Select sounds that are developmentally appropriate 37 Step V: Expand sound sequence skills Can follow Kaufman Speech Praxis Treatment Kit or develop own words Sound sequence o CV (wuh) o VC (on) o VCV (oh no) o C1V1C1V1 (mama, dada) o C1V1C1V2 (baby, daddy, mommy) o C1V1C2V2 (potty, hippo) o C1V1C1 (dad) o C1VC2 (cat, dog) o CVCVCV (banana, domino) o C1V1C2V2 plus CVC (muddy boot) THERAPY STRATEGIES: Tactile prompts (touch cues and PROMPTS) Visual prompts (Signs, gestures, visual phonics) Prosodic prompts 38 Tactile: PROMPTS (Prompts for Restructuring Oral Muscular Phonetic Targets) “The technique is a tactile-kinesthetic approach that uses touch cues to a patient’s articulators (jaw, tongue, lips) to manually guide them through a targeted word, phrase or sentence. The technique develops motor control and the development of proper oral muscular movements, while eliminating unnecessary muscle movements, such as jaw sliding and inadequate lip rounding” ( Levels of PROMPT Training: 1. PROMPT Technique Workshop Basics of the PROMPT technique trained how to make the “touch cues” to the articulators to help patient’s produce a phoneme. They can also properly evaluate a patient Clinicians who have completed the PROMPT Bridging Workshop have had various levels of practice, but they have now gained a much-greater understanding of how and when to use the technique. These clinicians can develop much greater holistic intervention plans that address not only speech-motor problems, but also cognitive-linguistic and socialemotional disorders that may affect speech. 2. PROMPT Certified clinicians: Completed all of the PROMPT training and have demonstrated their effectiveness in using all of the different facets of the PROMPT technique in practice. 3. PROMPT Instructors: are the best-trained PROMPT therapists. 39 TOUCH CUES: Cues designed to touch the client (arm, leg, torso, face) to emulate the articulatory input and duration of speech sounds. ©2013 Margo Kinzer Courter Illustrated by: Serena Sherriff 40 Visual Cues 1. 2. Use visual cues that will match up with whatever visual phonics your school uses. This will make it easier for the student with childhood apraxia of speech to pair the cue for the phoneme that you have taught with the symbol that goes with it for sound/symbol awareness, phonological awareness, and literacy skills. 41 Long Vowels Diphthongs Digraphs Visual Cues 1. 2. Use visual cues that will match up with whatever visual phonics your school uses. This will make it easier for the student with childhood apraxia of speech to pair the cue for the phoneme that you have taught with the symbol that goes with it for phonological awareness and literacy. 42 Prosodic Prompts (suprasegmental features of speech: meter, stress, volume, rate, pitch and intonation patterns) Prelinguistic: Rise and fall pitch developed by 6-12 months Linguistic: Develops between 5 and 8 years Listed in the order of development Falling intonation contours develop Rising contours to mark phrase and utterance boundaries Frequency, amplitude and duration to mark sentential emphasis Production of compound words Rise/fall or fall/rise to convey emotion High rising pitch to request clarification Accent on a nonfinal word to convey a message Comprehension of others emphasis to convey a message Pitch and pauses to mark different types of sentences (questions/statement) Appropriate pauses for words and phrases Treatment Strategies: APP: Speech Prompts (Handhold Adaptive) Melodic Intonation Therapy Coarticulation Therapy ( Sarah M. Gee, 9/20/2010) o Vowel to Vowel (Iyam vs I am) o Consonant to Vowel (picka vs pick a) o Consonant to Consonant (horshoe vs horse shoe) Use cards to represent each word and separate cards for ending punctuation. John likes Mary. John likes Mary? JOHN likes Mary. John likes MARY. No. Dogs are allowed. No dogs are allowed . 43 Input Maximum input: Multisensory cues, sustained vowels, etc Decreased input Spontaneous production Spontaneous production Increase cues More cues Maximum input: Multisensory cues, sustained vowels, etc 44 INTERVENTION TECHNIQUES Integral Stimulation Therapy Introduced in the 1950s by Milisen, who described a program for articulatory treatment. The method involved mostly imitation, and emphasized both visual and auditory models. This technique was developed for the treatment of acquired apraxia of speech. Dynamic Temporal & Tactile Cueing (DTTC) This approach incorporates principles of motor learning and Integral Stimulation. This approach is especially successful for students who are unsuccessful with imitation or who are having difficulty achieving approximations for consonants and vowels. Strand, E. and Debertine, P. (2000). The Efficacy of Integral Stimulation Intervention with Developmental Apraxia. Journal of Medical Speech Language Pathology, 8, 295-300. 8 Step Continuum for Treatment 1. Imitation 2. Simultaneous production with prolonged vowels (using touch cues and visual strategies) 3. Reduction of vowel length 4. Gradual increase of rate to normal 5. Reduction of therapist's vocal loudness to miming the word or utterance. a. May still be using cues at this step. 6. Direct imitation 7. Introduce a 1-2 second delay (normal rate and prosody) 8. Spontaneous production a. Through asking questions b. Cloze tasks (Mary had a little ________) c. Sentence completion (An elephant is big. A mouse is ___________.) 45 Dynamic Temporal & Tactile Cueing (DTTC) • The student attempts to imitate SLP's production Imitation Simultaneous productions Reduction of lenght of vowel • If the child is unable to imitate, the SLP moves to this step. SLP uses normal volume but slower rate supported with a touch andor visual cue. The vowel is sustained. If the child is able to imitate, SLP monitors jaw and lip posture. • The rate of the SLP's production increases reducing the prolonged vowel. Provide increased time to motor plan. • SLP's rate is normal. The child is able to match the rate and Gradual increase of rate SLP's loudness level to a mimic Direct Imitaion 1-2 second delay Spontaneous production production effortlessly. • The SLP begins to reduce his/her loudness level until miming. The student is expected to use normal loudness level to produce the target. Multisensory cues may still be needed at this level. • The SLP provides an auditory model. The student attempts to repeat the model with repetition. • May change prosody of words or senences • The student uses normal rate, prosody, and articulatory placement. The student's imitation is delayed by 1-2 seconds after the SLP production. • The SLP elicits a spontaneous production through questions, cloze tasks, sentence completion, etc. 46 Progressive Approximation Uses the speech production that the child can make and the speech – language pathologist uses feedback and practice to obtain closer approximations of the target sound. Kaufman Praxis Kit for Children follows this approach I.e.: CVCV Target word: moo moo Approximations: mmmm-oo mmmm-oo mmm-uh mmmm-uh mmm-oo mmm-uh Cycles Approach (adapted for motor planning) Auditory stimulation (formerly “bombardment”) Production practice opportunities for a given phonological pattern (e.g., final consonants) for a small number of words Cueing allowed, but generalization is expected; in part because words are chosen that are emerging in production (Hodson & Paden, 1991; Prezas & Hodson, 2010) Adaptations for Motor Learning Increase number of trials Use a smaller set of words Carefully arrange timing between model and the child’s attempt and modify over time (lengthen if successful) Use other facilitators Slowed rate Tactile and gestural cues (McCauley & Strand, 1999 47 TREATMENT GOALS Prelinguistic 1. The student will increase the ability to produce (VC, CV, CVCV, CVC) with multisensory input with 80% accuracy. 2. The student will increase the ability to produce (VC, CV, CVCV, CVC) without multisensory input with 80% accuracy. 3. The student will increase imitation of model with multisensory input with 80% accuracy. (This could be immediate or delayed imitation) 4. The student will increase imitation of model without multisensory input with 80% accuracy. (This could be immediate or delayed imitation) 5. The student will retain the targeted motor planning sequence (VC, CV, CVCV, CVC) between therapy sessions with 100% accuracy. 6. The student will generalize the targeted motor planning to new motor sequences with 80% accuracy. 7. The student will increase use of morphological endings to include plural and possessive -s, -ing, -ed with 80% accuracy. 8. The student will increase his/her vocabulary to include nouns, verbs, and adjectives for home and school use. 9. The student will increase his/her mean length of utterance to include (noun/pronoun + verb, verb + noun/pronoun, noun/pronoun, noun/pronoun + verb + location, etc) with 80% accuracy. 10.The student will demonstrate prosody changes to indicate statements, questions, exclamations with 80% accuracy. 48 Treatment Goals Linguistic 1. The student will increase the ability to produce (VC, CV, CVCV, CVC) with multisensory input with 80% accuracy. 2. The student will increase the ability to produce (VC, CV, CVCV, CVC) without multisensory input with 80% accuracy. 3. The student will increase imitation of model with multisensory input with 80% accuracy. (This could be immediate or delayed imitation) 4. The student will increase imitation of model without multisensory input with 80% accuracy. (This could be immediate or delayed imitation) 5. The student will retain the targeted motor planning sequence (VC, CV, CVCV, CVC) between therapy sessions with 100% accuracy. 6. The student will generalize the targeted motor planning to new motor sequences with 80% accuracy. 7. The student will demonstrate the ability to correctly produce (consonants or vowels that are in error) with 80% accuracy. 8. The student will demonstrate prosody changes to indicate statements, questions, exclamations with 80% accuracy. 9. The student will increase phonological awareness skills to include (rhyming, blending, segmenting, manipulating) of speech phonemes with 80% accuracy. 10.The student will increase sentence structure and grammar to include (regular past tense, irregular past tense, future tense, subject pronouns, object pronouns, adjectives, adverbs, prepositional phrases) 80% of the time. 11.The student will increase vocabulary skills to include (basic vocabulary for home and school use, basic concepts, curriculum based vocabulary). 49 Ways to Elicit Responses peep + pup + tot + dad + peep +++++ pup pop ++--+ ---++ visual/tactile visual/ tactile/ prosody tot --+++ prosody visual dad --+++ visual tactile C1V1C1 1 change peep peep peep pup pup C1V1C1 peep 2 changes peep pup pup tot C1V1C1 peep 3 changes tot pup pup dad C1V1C1 alternate pup peep pup peep tot pup dad pipe peep C1V1C1 peep 4 changes pop + 50 Pivot Phrases/Sentences My _________ Open ________ Help ________ No _______ Help ________ On _________ Hi ________ Bye _________ Color ________ Put on ______ Take off ______ I want _____ Can I have ____ Help me ______ I don’t want ______ The mommy had a _________ Cheap rhymes with ________ What do you call a baby dog? Say puppy 3 times Say, “My puppy.” Say, “Big puppy.” 51 /R/ AR Initial art army arm arc Medial tarp bark harp tarp bark harp cart start garlic sparkle heart marble guard farm yard tart dark dart card yarn garbage market Final star far tar ER Initial early earn herb Earl Medial cursive skirt first herd turn learn fern curds hurt concern stir dirt germs girl Final fur mixture whisper never spider butter purse turkey together teacher dinner AIR Initial air airport airplane airy aired Medial parents sheriff barefoot married stereo marathon asparagus parrot cherry dairy parachute arrow hairy bury caring staring Final where square lair mare dare care stare share fair 52 -IRE Initial Ireland iron Medial pliers tired choirs ironing fireman Final choir flier umpire dryer fire campfire mire dire liar buyer hire wire empire briar admire vampire sapphire sire -EAR Initial ear earring ears Medial mirror hearing period cheering cereal pyramid weird cafeteria Final fear steer year hero jeer hear near pier spear beard cheer gear disappear pioneer souvenir cashier chandelier -OR Initial or orbit order oral orange organ Medial board shorts sport sword short fort popcorn storm thorn story morning horseshoe tornado north port orange forest Final shore pour store floor more score chore 53 rl girl pearl swirl whirl Carl curl hurl squirrel snarl /r/ initial read road red row rope rip ripe rest roast rap rack raft rag ram ran wrap rate rat raw referee wreck real ramp rib write /r/ blends braid brain breathe bride broken branch broom crab crane crow crayon dress drain dream dry drove drum frog fruit frame fries grape grill greenhouse grow print praise prize pretend protect tractor train triangle tree truck 54 Resources Kaufman Materials Kaufman Speech Praxis Kit Level I and II Kaufman K-SLP Instructional DVD Kaufman Speech Praxis Workout Book K&K Sign to Talk NOUNS and VERBS Becoming Verbal and Intelligible: A Functional Motor Programming Approach for Children with Developmental Verbal Apraxia (Pro Ed: Kathleen E. Dauer, Sandra S. Irwin, Sandra R. Schippits) Moving Across Syllables (Pro Ed: Jill Kirkpatrick, Pamela Stohr, Deborah Kimbrough) Webber Big Apraxia Photo Cards (Super Duper: Sharon Webber) Webber Word Flips (CV) Clinical Management of Motor Speech Disorders in Children (Thieme, Anthony Caruso and Strand, Edythe) Here's How to Treat Childhood Apraxia of Speech. San Diego, Margaret Fish. CA: Plural Pub., 2011.) The Source for Childhood Apraxia of Speech. (Linguisystems. Robin Strode Downing and Catherine Chamberlain, 2006) The Sourcebook for Stuttering and Cluttering (Linguisystem: David Daly, 1996) Easy Does it for Apraxia (Linguisystems: Robin Strode Downing, Catherine Chamberlain) Websites: 55 APPS Apraxia Rainbow Bee (29.99) Linguisystems Apraxia Cards (24.99) Smarty Ears Apraxia Ville (29.99) nacd apraxia (CV only) 4.99 each nacd words (CVC only) nacd syllables nacd final consonants Super Duper Word Flips (CV, CVC, CVCV) 29.99 Smarty Ears Custom Boards (29.99) SunnyTest Screening/Full Assess (49.99) Artikpix Purchase individual phonemes or groups (29.99 full) http:/ *** spreadsheet of apps ***** 56 Associated Language Disorders A Language Model (Bloom and Lahey, 1978) Form Morphology, Phonology (naming, & working memory), Grammar, Syntax Content Vocabulary, Semantics (semantic retrieval) Use Pragmatics Executive Function Narrative Skills Children that are late talkers are at greater risk for academic difficulties especially in literacy and reading skills (Lewis 2007). Children with a familial history of speech delay/disorder (including those with CAS) are at higher risk for literacy difficulties, especially if they also demonstrate language delay (Bird, Bishop, & Freeman, 1995) 57 The specific underlying speech motor impairment has an impact on the development of higher phonological and linguistic processing levels (Maassen, 2002). Syntactic competence in early preschool was highly predictive of later reading levels at age 8 years ( Scarborough, 1990) Sentence complexity has a significant effect on struggling readers (Distefano & Valencia, 1980). Children with speech delays often also have language delays especially is expressive morphology. Frequency of omission of morphemes was correlated with MLU not articulatory skills. (Paul & Shribert, 1982, Rvachew, Gaines, Cloutier & Blanchet, 2005). Morphological awareness has a significant impact on reading in the early years (Nunes, Bryant, and Bindman, 2006) First-grade morphological awareness made a significant contribution to later reading achievement (Carlisle, 1995). With regard to spelling in the early elementary years, Nunes, Bryant, and Bindman (2006) found that six-year old children’s inflectional spellings predicted their morphological awareness performance at the ages of seven and eight. Children with speech sound disorders (SSD) are at significant risk of concomitant delays in the development of phonological awareness (PA) and literacy skills (Bird, Bishop, & Freeman, 1995; Larrivee & Catts, 1999; Raitano, Pennington, Tunick, Boada, & Shriberg, 2004; Rvachew, Ohberg, Grawburg, & Heyding, 2003). 58 Children’s phonological awareness ability at preschool is a powerful predictor of later reading and writing success (Bradley and Bryant, 1980; Lundberg, Olofsson, and Wall, 1983; Torgesen, Wagner, & Rashotte, 1994). 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