Fall 2012 Newsletter - Ronald McDonald House Charities of Tampa


Fall 2012 Newsletter - Ronald McDonald House Charities of Tampa
Love Notes
Fall 2012 | volume 28
Latest News & Events
A Publication of Ronald McDonald House Charities of Tampa Bay, Inc.
Inspiring family stories
Love Notes • Fall 2012
2012 RMHC Board of Trustees Officers
Edward Ameen, Chairman
Ana Wallrapp, President
John Iwanicki, Vice-President
Claudia Straw, Treasurer
Diane Keane, Secretary
Dan Honegger, Immediate Past President
Message from the
Executive Director
This year marks another milestone anniversary in our
Ronald McDonald House program, the 20th anniversary of
the Tampa House. Since opening the doors in 1982, this
House has cared for 6,000 families whose children received
treatment at Tampa General, St. Joseph’s Children’s and
Shriners hospitals. 300 families stay at Tampa’s House
annually, greeted each day by one of the 100 volunteers
who give of their time to make this program possible.
We can never say enough about our volunteers. Last year, 341 volunteers greeted
families at our four Houses, facilitated registrations, helped with laundry and cleaning
chores, administrative duties, toy sorting, shopping, decorating, etc. With only a small
core staff of 21 for all four Houses & administration, we would not be able to operate
80 bedrooms at our Ronald McDonald Houses and care for the needs of our families
without them. Many special event volunteers help us raise the much-needed dollars
to operate, as well as hundreds of community groups and individuals who ensure our
families have hot, nutritious meals and all the necessities required to make their stay
as comfortable as possible. A large dog therapy program, arts and crafts and teen
volunteers all contribute to the success of our House program. We strive to work hard to
make this House a HOME for our families.
And like all homes, we must do all that we can to ensure financial stability to
support our programs, which not only include the Houses, but our scholarship program
and the Ronald McDonald Care Mobile. As we near the end of 2012, we salute all those
who have helped us throughout the years. We invite you to join us at our Tampa House
birthday bash so that we can personally thank each of you for your support.
Janice L. Davis
Executive Director & CEO
In this issue
Tampa Birthday
Charity Golf Classic
Finding Hope: Cameron’s Story
Storybook Ball Recap
Upcoming Events
Music Inspires Teen
Around the Houses
Donor Listings
We are saddened by the news that Callie Anderson, who
was featured in our last newsletter, lost her battle with
cancer in early July. Callie’s spirit and joy of life touched
many hearts throughout the RMH family. Our hearts go out
not only to the Andersons but to the other RMH families
who have lost children this year.
Pam Barber
William Cassidy
Kristy Chase-Tozer
Tina Dyakon
Steve Eaves
Brian Ford
Chris Frost
Steve Griggs
Jeff Harring
Stacy Howell
Harry Hutt
George Meyer
Dan Paone
Bonnie Patchen
Tom Powers
Richard Reeves
Bob Sanders
Don Schreyer
Julie S. Stapf
Tom Waters
Susan Wendt
Jill Wolf
Janice L. Davis
Executive Director & CEO
Donna Young
House Director & COO
Joo Hooi Albritton, Donor Relations Mgr.
Alison Barrick, Mktg/Comm. Manager
Grace Inman, Events Coordinator
Lauren Sawyer, P/T Events Assistant
St. Pete East
Lynn Lippincott, Family Coordinator
Sue Corder, Information Specialist
Joan Gould, Operations Assistant
Michele Langfitt, Operations Assistant
Cindy Lewis, PT Operations Assistant
Kathy Papadopoulos, Operations Assistant
Rebecca Saglibene, Evening Manager
St. Pete West
Ann Seidenstricker, House Manager
Lise Fields, Volunteer Coordinator
Carla Sibilia, Operations Assistant
St. Pete Central
Melanie Trubey, House Manager
Kensie Yarbrough, Evening Manager
Jil Milley, Operations Assistant
Tampa House
Betsy Wilkinson, House Manager
Maggie Somerville, Program Assistant
Yadira Lizardi, Operations Assistant
Love Notes is published twice per year for families
and friends of Ronald McDonald House Charities® of
Tampa Bay. Comments may be directed to: Ronald
McDonald House Charities of Tampa Bay, 28 Columbia
Drive, Tampa, FL 33606, (813) 258-6430
Template design by Pamela Raper
Writing & production Alison Barrick
We’re having a party!
Come celebrate with us
The Tampa House is celebrating 20 years of providing a home-away-from-home for thousands of
families. There have been many memorable moments for the staff and volunteers of this House. The
families who stayed each felt the warmth and comfort of having a safe and peaceful refuge while their
child was treated in Tampa General, St. Joseph’s Children’s and Shriners hospitals. Many of those
preemie babies born in the early days are almost adults. Other children now have families of their own
and tell the story of how RMH was able to help their family. Some now volunteer, have fundraisers, or
give back to RMH in their own way. We are privileged to be called home for so many families.
We hope you will join us for our anniversary celebration featuring Ronald McDonald, games and
Happy Meals for the kids, a cupcake contest, photo booth and much more. If you have some time to
drop in, we would love to see you!
Saturday, November 3rd
11am - 2pm
Ronald McDonald House
35 Columbia Drive
Tampa, FL 33606
Love Notes • Fall 2012
What many people may not
know is that for over three
decades, RMH has given
tremendous support to families
of sick children throughout
the world. RMH reaches out
to people when they are most
vulnerable. For me, being able to
be a small part of the RMH
effort is a privilege.
Charles Marco
Fortunato’s Italian Market
St. Petersburg, FL
enue in
tral Av night. We
et o
n Mark
er y Tue
’s Italia H Central ev
r tu
o of Fo pizzas to R us pizzas!
s Marc
Charle hfully delive those fabu
Pete fa e families lo
know th
Floyd & Kathleen Smoak LOVE to make children smile. They
bring many handmade toys to our St. Pete families and even
have extras with them on the road in case they come across a
child in need of a smile!
This group cam
e for Deloitte Im
pact Da
one day campa
ign to make a dif y, as part of an international
Spearheaded by
Board of Trustee rence in their community.
all the family ch
s member Dan
ores and made
Paone, they did
lunch at the Ho
families loved ha
uses. We know
ving Deloitte th
ere for the day!
Around the Houses
Love Notes • Spring
Fall 2012
I would k
e to thank
Ronald li
house forMevcDonald East e
did for ur erything they
family wh
we were oth
daughter here. Sadly mye
s to go bac
All Chil
k to
but we kdnren’s next month
at e will
receive w
arm welw
when wae g
feel right ao to the house an
The voluntet home (again)! d
ers are tru
special peo
- Melissa ple who rock!
These are excerpts
from family posts on our
Facebook page or comments
sent to us. Please join us
on Facebook and share your
experience by posting on
our wall at www.facebook.
com/rmhctampabay or
send an email to abarrick@
of losing my
year mark
you all
ed to thank
ed me
sweet Helen.
ce that allow
is won
half months.
again for th
d for 4 and
ds but
to be with m
over our hea
stay there.
You not only
during our
ow and
you blessed
there right n
all th
gh. God sure
Praying for
passed throu
ou wonderfu
all the ones
d for all y
ld house in
has a lot of
ald McDona
people there
as you will
. Th
ll are.
Tampa Bay
essing you a
- Jessica
know how m
Casey Casey Stra
’s P
RMH. ub (St. Pete & John “Gu
This tin
) Irish
y pub
has alr pen Golf To the 3rd Ann
dy rais urnament
. Way
to go g d $8,500 w o benefit
ith the
MetLife presents RMH
with a check for $24,0
00 from their 2012
Golf Tournament. To dat
e, MetLife has donate
d $137,000 & provided
many volunteers for our
events. We love our Me
tLife folks and are
thankful for their friends
hip. Top L-R: John Hrenko
, Janice Davis (RMH),
John Iwanicki. Bottom
L-R: Kathy Marx, Mike
Powers, Greg Caraynoff,
Andrea Nole.
Jacob Mruk collected donations instead
of gifts for his 7th birthday.
Kids helping kids, gotta love it!
the state sent
Houses across
house operation
Ronald McDonald
nt conference on
this summer.
Love Notes • Fall 2012
Love Notes • Fall 2011
Families First
Finding Hope
Teen Fights Back From Unknown Illness
In the back of every parent’s mind is the fear that Cameron’s major organs began to fail.
JP and Jennifer did not know where to turn. They had
something might happen to their child. We teach them to
avoid dangerous situations, provide vitamins, helmets, postponed telling Cameron’s siblings of the crisis until
education and try to predict all their needs. But we can they could give them some good news. Now it was time
be helpless with invisible enemies like viruses, just like to grieve and pray together. By the fourth day, Cameron’s
the virus that nearly killed 11-year old Cameron Hester organs had improved marginally, giving the family hope
that their prayers had been answered.
(now 13).
His older sister Lauren, twin brother Tyler, and
In April 2011, Cameron and his twin brother Tyler
were taking antibiotics because they had
multiple mosquito bites. Tyler began having
night fevers, and then two weeks later, Encephalitis is an acute inflammation of the brain caused by a virus.
Cameron had the same symptoms. On April
29th, Cameron had a seizure while at his Symptoms include fever or severe headache, confusion, seizures, drowsiness
dad’s house. Paramedics transported him to
and fatigue. Many cases go unnoticed, appearing to be a mild flu. Severe
Helen Ellis Hospital in Tarpon Springs, where cases, while relatively rare, can be life-threatening.
Cameron was awake but unresponsive. His
seizures continued and he was put on life
support while his frantic parents, Hugh Hester
(father), Jennifer Plouffe’ (mother), and JP Plouffe’ younger brother Ethan set up a blog to keep family and
(stepfather) waited anxiously nearby. Professionals from friends updated. They posted the following: “Cameron
All Children’s Hospital (ACH) came to evaluate Cameron seems like he is out to prove the doctors wrong at every
and decided that once he was stabilized, they would turn. His organs have stabilized and there have been
no further failures. We are ecstatic to have two days of
move him to ACH.
“No one could have predicted that Cameron was relatively stable conditions.” At this point, the doctors
going to have emergency brain surgery three hours after still believed that Cameron had contracted encephalitis,
arriving at the hospital,” comments Jennifer. The doctors and once again, their prognosis was grim.
Jennifer and JP took turns staying with Cameron as
were about to perform a spinal tap to check for spinal
meningitis when his heart rate and blood pressure they anxiously waited for the day when he would wake up
spiked. An emergency CT scan showed that Cameron’s from his medically induced coma. Staying at RMH Central
brain had swelled to a fatal point. It was pushing against inside ACH made this possible. Both parents were
all parts of his skull, and was herniating out the bottom shell-shocked, finding themselves in this inconceivable
of his skull into his spinal column. This was killing him. situation dealing with a critically-ill child. Like many of
They rushed him into emergency surgery to remove our families, they worried about their other children, their
the front half of his skull to allow room for his brain to jobs, and all the other issues parents must deal with.
swell. The doctor told Cameron’s parents he only had a Thankfully, they did not have to worry about a place to
10% chance of surviving the surgery, but that he would stay. Jennifer says that she found it therapeutic to do
have died if they had done the spinal tap. The doctor’s her daily chores at RMH, as they helped take her mind
prognosis was dire; he felt that Cameron had a very slim off her troubles.
Finally, the doctors took Cameron off the medication
chance of living through the night. Although the surgery
to remove his skull was somewhat successful, all of that kept him in a coma and they waited for him to wake
Love Notes • Fall 2012
up. Some patients wake up within a few days while others take a would take time and hard work to overcome the hurdles he faced in
few weeks. With his birthday coming close, his twin brother sat by returning to a normal life.”
Cameron currently wears a helmet to protect his exposed brain.
his side holding his hand and told him, “Cameron, the only thing I
want for our birthday this year is for you to wake up.” The following His skull was replaced June 6, 2011 after his original illness, but
day, Tyler’s birthday wish came true. Cameron moved his right arm the bone did not survive and was removed on January 23, 2012. He
and hand while Tyler was at his bedside. Just past the two week is scheduled for a surgical implant of a prosthetic skull in December
mark, Cameron awoke from his coma. Hugh, JP and Jennifer were of this year, and will wear his helmet until that time. Throughout
his entire illness, Jennifer remarks, “Cameron’s attitude has been
optimistic given the hurdles their child had already overcome.
amazing! While he still struggles with
From that day forward, Cameron
short term memory loss and not being
began to improve. He was diagnosed with
able to play on his soccer team with
cardiomyopathy which could have been “Cameron is my inspiration. He’s the
his twin brother, his progress has been
genetic. Thankfully, testing revealed that his reason I believe anything is possible.”
excellent, considering the fact that we
twin brother Tyler does not have the condition,
almost lost him.”
so doctors surmised that the mysterious
Cameron started the 8th grade a
virus that almost killed him had damaged his
heart. Cameron was also diagnosed with pancreatitis, which made couple of weeks ago and is back in school full time. Although he
it difficult for his increasingly thin body to gain weight because of has day to day struggles, he is very determined to stay on track with
his limited diet. Family members were constantly present with him his twin brother Tyler. He daydreams that one day he’ll be back on
to keep his spirits up. Cameron’s siblings Lauren, Tyler and Ethan the soccer field, on the same team and at the same time as Tyler.
During the family’s stay at RMH, they especially enjoyed the
stayed with JP, their mom or their dad at the Ronald McDonald
House for a month. Jennifer commented, “Having RMH so close meals made by community groups and volunteers. When asked
was incredibly helpful and gave the kids a place that felt somewhat what RMH means to them, “wonderful” is the word that comes
to mind. Cameron is very fortunate to have a very strong family
normal away from the hospital.”
In early June, neurosurgeon Dr. Gerald Tuite decided to operate support system to help him through this difficult time. His sister
to replace the missing portion of Cameron’s skull before moving Lauren posted this June 7, 2011 comment on Facebook, “On Friday,
him to Tampa General Hospital (TGH) for rehabilitation. Each day of April 29, 2011, doctors told my mother repeatedly that my little
rehab brought new trials and triumphs with steady improvement. He brother was going to die at any moment that night. Today he nearly
had to relearn almost everything - breathing, eating, talking, writing, stood up on his own. Cameron is my inspiration. He’s the reason I
reading and walking. Cameron was out to prove that he could meet believe anything is possible.”
and exceed each milestone set for him. When he eventually returned
home in early summer, he was using a wheelchair and walker to get
around. His mom says that, “After a few days, he refused to use
the wheelchair, and within two weeks, he began walking without his
walker.” A hospital home-bound team would come to his home twice
a week for school (Cameron was in 7th grade now). Cameron would
have nine hours of physical, occupational and speech therapies
weekly, and an additional nine hours of “homework” per week. It
Love Notes • Fall 2012
Inshore Photo Release Tournament
benefiting Ronald McDonald House & Athletes for Hearts
October 12, 2012
Honorary Chairman - Joe Maddon, Tampa Bay Rays
Please join us for a fantastic day of fishing to help sick
kids and their families. This is the tournament you
don’t want to miss!
Boats launch from Loggerhead Marina & Club in
St. Petersburg (beside the Skyway Bridge). Anglers
are treated to a delicious breakfast provided by
TradeWinds Island Resorts, have their pick of a wide
selection of Maui Jim sunglasses, a custom fishing
shirt and goody bag. The chefs at TradeWinds prepare
boxed lunches and adult beverages for the boats so
you won’t get hungry while you’re out catching the
winning trout, snook or redfish.
friday, october 12
7:30-8:30 am Registration & breakfast
9:00 am Boats depart
3:00 pm Photo weigh-in, entertainment,
raffles & awards party
Once all the anglers return at 3:00 pm for the weighin, a party awaits with another delicious feast and
beverages while the results are calculated.
The first and second place anglers in each category
(snook, redfish, trout) each receive a framed, limited
edition, signed & numbered print by renowned
marine artist Thomas Krause.
Love Notes • Fall 2012
The Fred Scarcelli, Jr./RMH
Charity Golf Classic 2012
Our golf classic has become a legend
among McDonald’s owner/operators,
vendors and friends of RMHC. Each
year, a sellout crowd arrives at the
beautiful Innisbrook Resort & Golf
Club in Palm Harbor for two enjoyable
days of golf while meeting up with old
friends and acquaintances.
This year we have renamed the
tournament in honor of our dear
friend Fred Scarcelli, Jr. who passed
away earlier this year. Fred loved to
golf, and got this tournament’s only
hole-in-one in 2007. Fred founded this
tournament 24 years ago and never
missed attending. Annually, he chaired
the McDonald’s vendor sponsorships
for the event, and is highly regarded
by all who knew him.
Love Notes • Fall 2012
Mark your calendar for November
16 & 17th at the Innisbrook Resort
& Golf Club. If you haven’t already
received your brochure, please
let us know or visit our website at
Friday, November 16
The Kinzel Scramble
10:30 am 12:30 pm 6:00 pm 6:30 pm 7:30 pm Registration & Lunch
Scramble Start
Awards Dinner & Auction
Casino Night
Saturday, November 17
The Casper Challenge
(Sponsors Only)
7:00 am 8:15 am 1:30 pm Breakfast
Shotgun Start
VIP Luncheon
Fred Scarcelli, Jr. (center) with his golfing
Charity Events
& Fundraisers
Red Shoe Council
Step up for Kids
Join our young professionals who fundraise for RMH with
events like the Beach Volleyball Tournament (below) happy
hours, pub crawls and other engaging activities.
Please contact Grace Inman at (813) 258-6430, ext. 5 or
email her at ginman@rmhctampabay.com for more details or
visit our website to check out the upcoming Trek Through Tampa
Bay series.
RMHC is now a partner charity
in Coinstar’s Coins that Count
program. You can now collect coins
with your family and friends, take
your collection to the big green
machines in your local grocery store,
and watch your pennies, nickels
and dimes, add up to a significant
donation to your local Ronald
McDonald House.
Coin by coin, box by box, you
are helping children and families
in your own community. Thank you
for collecting for Ronald McDonald
House Charities.
suncoast classic RUN FOR KIDS
Calendar 0f
october 12 fishing for hearts
october 17 red shoe council’s
Walk, run, jog or stroll through downtown St. Pete on Saturday,
March 2nd to help raise funds for RMH! Our favorite event is back, in
a new location at Fit2Run, 256 2nd St. North, St. Petersburg. Bring
the kids and the strollers, everyone is welcome to participate in this
family-friendly event. Join us for some exercise to help our families
and have a great time! There will be food, music, entertainment and
activities for the little ones.
The certified 10k will start promptly at 8:00am, followed by the
USATF-certified 5k at 8:15am, the Pelican Mile at 9:00am, and the
Kids Fun Run at 9:30am.
Now is the time to set up your fundraising page to collect
pledges. Take advantage of early registration discounts and register
today at www.runforkids.com. All proceeds benefit RMH.
November 16-17 fred scarcelli, jr./
rmh Charity Golf Classic
Trek Through tampa bay: Tampa Museum of art
december 3 holiday open house, st. pete
october 18 painting with a twist
march 2 suncoast classic run for kids
St. Pete & Tampa locations
November 3 tampa rmh 20th anniversary party
November 10-20 GIVE A HAND - McDONALD’S restaurants
May 18 Storybook Ball, “MADELINE”
Please visit our website www.rmhctampabay.com for more
information on all events.
Love Notes • Fall 2012
The Cat in the Hat
Storybook Ball 2012
presented by
Each year our Storybook Ball grows in popularity; almost
700 guests attended this year’s gala - a record turnout!
The Cat in the Hat proved to be a popular theme with
our guests, as they enjoyed all the themed surprises
and entertainment. Busch Gardens brought an unusual
assortment of critters to entertain guests, while
performers appearing as Thing 1 and Thing 2 sprung
into break dancing at dinner.
Award of Excellence recipient Steven Stamkos of the
Tampa Bay Lightning was excited to be chosen for this
prestigious award and gave a heartfelt acceptance
speech. He shared his $50,000 community grant with
the Tampa Police Athletic League for their summer
program, and St. Joseph’s Children’s Hospital of Tampa
for their Child Life Center.
Steve and Julie Weintraub of Gold & Diamond Source
provided spectacular jewels for the live auction and
Vickii & Victor Walters of Gold Productions set the tone
with amazing decor. A special thank you to our Coast
Guard volunteers who gave up an entire day to help set
up the venue. A full page ad donated by the Tampa Bay
Times appeared in Sunday’s paper after the event put
an impressive finishing touch to the event.
Be sure to mark your calendars for May 18, 2013 Madeline at A La Carte Event Pavilion.
Love Notes • Fall 2012
Thank you sponsors!
The Cat in the Hat Presenting Sponsor - Walgreens
Fish in a Dish Sponsors
All Children’s Hospital
St. Joseph’s Children’s
Hospital of Tampa
Tampa General Hospital
Bump! Thump! Sponsors
Caspers Company
Tampa Bay Buccaneers
TSE Industries, Inc./
The Klingel Family Foundation
Tricks ‘n Kicks Sponsors
Carlton Fields
Coldwell Banker CARES
Fifth Third Bank
Lightning Foundation
Raymond James & Associates
Tampa Bay Rays
Tampa Bay Times
Turano Florida Bun
WWWayne, Inc.
Topsy Turvy Sponsors
All Children’s Hospital
Edward & Sylvia Ameen
Besnard & Associates Insurance
Beytin, McLaughlin, McLaughlin,
Bolin & Willers, P.A.
Cassidy & Company/Autography
Celestar Corporation
Dairy-Mix, Inc. (2)
Dr Pepper Snapple Group
eMDee Technology, Inc.
First Advocates
FKQ Advertising & Marketing
Florida McOpCo
Foelgner, Ronz & Straw, P.A.
Frost Management Co.
Mr. & Mrs. Lewis Jolly
Larry S. Hyman CPA and Associates
Brad & Tifnie Klingel
The Madeira Group at Morgan Stanley
Smith Barney
Marlow Yachts Limited, Inc.
Martin-Brower Company
McDonald’s USA
Munyan/Daniels Restoration
Northern Trust
Dr.Yi-Hwa Sung Outerbridge, M.D. &
Felix Cannella, Jr.
Payless Equipment & Wendt Productions
Pediatric Services of Florida
Progress Energy
Raymond James & Associates
RBC Wealth Management
Bernard & Siri Rock
Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce
Suncoast for Kids Foundation
Superior Mechanical Systems
VF Licensed Sports Group
Wells Fargo Bank
The Zomermaand Family
Special Sponsors
A La Carte Event Pavilion
Busch Gardens Tampa Bay
Caspers Company
Gold & Diamond Source
Gold Productions
Roberts Printing
Tampa Bay Times
Love Notes • Fall 2012
How you can help
Chicken, beef, ham, hamburgers, hot dogs
Breakfast and lunch meats
Butter/margarine, cream cheese, sliced & shredded cheese, parmesan cheese
Vegetable oil, salad dressings, mayo
Sugar, sugar substitute, coffee creamer
Individually wrapped snacks: chips, cookies, crackers, puddings, Jell-O, fruit juice
Cereal, Pop Tarts, instant grits, oatmeal
Instant tea, hot cocoa, Kool-Aid, lemonade
Ketchup, pickles, relish
Chips and crackers
Microwavable meals
Instant pudding and Jell-O
Tuna & canned meats
Chocolate syrup
Cake mix/icing
Canned beans (all kinds; no dried)
Canned fruit, soup, diced tomatoes
Tomato sauce and tomato paste
Instant mashed potatoes
Boxed mac & cheese
Stainless steel & plastic forks & spoons
Dish detergent & dishwasher soap
Paper plates (all sizes) and bowls
Toilet paper
Food service gloves
Ziploc freezer bags (all sizes) and foil
Clorox Disinfectant Wipes
Lysol Disinfectant Spray
Clorox bleach and color-safe bleach
Dryer fabric softener sheets
Powdered and liquid laundry soap
Scotch Brite scour pads with sponges
Soft Scrub & liquid cleaners
Twin Aerobed with electric pump
Black permanent markers (all sizes)
Copy paper - white and colored
Postage stamps
Masking tape and duct tape
Clock radios
Port-a-crib sheets
White pillowcases (standard)
White towels (bath, hand, wash)
Light bulbs (60 watt equivalent)
Compact fluorescent bulbs (60 watt eq.)
Xbox games
Wii games (Tampa only)
Manual can openers
$10 gas cards
Gift cards for Home Depot, Wal-Mart
Love Notes • Fall 2012
Please check our website for updated lists.
Create a casserole, cook on our grills, fix tacos or pizzas—
any nutritious cuisine for breakfast, lunch or dinner is
appreciated! RMH volunteers can set up and serve your
meal, or you can prepare and serve the meal yourself
and “break bread” with our families after your “chef”
work. Arrange with a restaurant to deliver a meal, pizza or
sub sandwiches. Send a restaurant or grocery store gift
certificate. Please note that recent changes to our policies
require that meals must be prepared on-site or originate
from a licensed kitchen.
Provide fresh fruit for a week with a donation of $60. This
provides a quick & nutritious snack for busy families.
Fund Arts and Crafts program supplies with a donation
of $50 to $100, or provide us with supplies for our kids’
Underwrite a family stay. Our actual costs are $65 per
night per family & any amount donated helps with these
Collect canned goods, paper products, cleaning and
other household supplies. We’ve got 80 bedrooms, 86
bathrooms and five kitchens!
All four Houses need volunteers for house shifts to
support our “home-away-from-home.” Training is provided.
Please call:
Lise Fields in St. Petersburg
(727) 767-8166
Maggie Somerville in Tampa
(813) 254-2398, ext. 317
All volunteer opportunities are listed at
Families First
Music inspires teen
Giving back to others through music
It’s not often that we have
the opportunity to interview a
teenager who has been using
our Ronald McDonald House
since he was an infant. When
Nathaniel Cornell and his
family recently returned to
RMH for another surgery, it
seemed like the perfect time
to update his story. This time,
instead of interviewing his
parents, professional classical
musicians Brad and Martha
Cornell, we were able to
interview Nathaniel and hear
his thoughts about his many visits to RMH.
We first introduced Nathaniel as a kindergartner
in our spring 2000 issue of Love Notes. Nathaniel’s
passion for music was evident at an early age when
he gave a violin concert for the residents of Ronald
McDonald House.
Nathaniel was born with Pfeiffer syndrome, a
genetic disorder characterized by the premature
fusion of certain skull bones. This prevents the
skull from growing normally and affects the shape
of the head and face. His parents live in the Naples/
Fort Myers area and were stunned to realize there
were no pediatric surgeons nearby. Their newborn
son was airlifted to All Children’s Hospital, where
his parents found refuge at the nearby Ronald
McDonald House. By age three, Nathaniel had
undergone six major surgeries
at All Children’s Hospital
while his family stayed at
RMH. Martha reflected on this
experience, “As parents, over
the years we have experienced
a nurturing spirit and sense of
community from our stays at
the St. Pete Houses.”
Nathaniel had to endure
numerous surgeries to correct
his condition. Eventually, he
reached a point in middle
school when no further
surgeries were required, at
least as they related to Pfeiffer Syndrome. Finally,
he could begin a “normal” life unhampered by
surgery, medical visits and recuperation. This gave
Nathaniel the opportunity to do what he loved
most—concentrate on his music. He played with
the state orchestra each year (his parents play with
the Naples Philharmonic) and attended music
festivals. As high school progressed, Nathaniel
realized that he wanted a career in music.
Before starting college, Nathaniel elected to
have jaw surgery to correct his bite and breathing
issues that he has lived with since birth. This also
meant there would be one final stay at RMH.
Nathaniel commented, “Once again, it was a
comfortable, relaxing place to stay before a major
surgery the next day. The House has always given
Nathaniel Cornell
continued page 23
Love Notes • Fall 2012
Friends Helping Friends
The Ronald McDonald House of Tampa Bay is a not-for-profit-organization that provides a “home-away-from-home” for families whose
children are undergoing medical treatment at bay-area hospitals. The House relies on the support of individuals and organizations in
the community to provide services to families in need. We would like to acknowledge the following individuals and groups who have
demonstrated their support in many ways. This list represents contributions received from August 1, 2011 through publication date. If we
have erred or omitted anyone, we apologize.
corporations, organizations &
RMHC Global for RMHCTB Scholarships Grant
Dillard’s, Inc.
$20,000 - $25,000
Coca-Cola North America
Combined Federal Campaign
International Window Cleaning Association
MetLife Golf Tournament
Suncoast Classic Run For Kids
$15,000 - $19,999
Southwest Airlines Fishing Tournament
Tampa Bay Times
Travel Media Group
$10,000 - $14,999
11th Annual Taylor Golf Tournament
Alpha Delta Pi, Epsilon Lambda Chapter
Hobbs Foundation
Kimal Lumber Company
Roy M. Speer Foundation
$5,000 - $9,999
Action Donation Services
FL Chapter Club Managers Assoc. of America
GEICO (St. Pete Central House Caring Heart)
LifeLink Legacy Fund
Merchants Association of Florida, Inc.
Ollie’s Wake-Skate-Skim in memory of Thomas Gregory Hollfelder
RMH Recycling Partnership
The Tampa Tribune
$3,000 - $4,999
AMVETS Ladies Auxiliary – Dept. of Florida
Connie Duglin Linen Rental
Doral Women’s Club
duPont Registry Tampa Bay
PGT Industries (honoring customers & employees)
RBC Wealth Management
$2,000 - $2,999
Bradenton Herald
Coldwell Banker Residential Real Estate CARES
Lakeland Ledger
New York Yankees Tampa Foundation
Red Shoe Council Volleyball Tournament
Sarasota Herald-Tribune
Southwest Airlines Golf Tournament
Sun Coast Osteopathic Foundation
Suncoast Golf Course Superintendents Assoc.
Unilever United States Foundation, Inc.
United Natural Foods, Inc.
Wells Fargo 2012 Community Partners Giving Program
The Willis Foundation
$1,000 - $1,999
Accuform Angels
Love Notes • Spring
Fall 2012
AIG Matching Grants Program
Besnard & Associates Insurance
Catalina Marketing Charitable Foundation
Emerson Connectivity Solutions
The Florida Aquarium
Francis & Gertrude Levett Foundation
GE Aviation Services
IBM Employee Services Center
Lemon Bay Sunrise Rotary
Marathon Petroleum Co. Global Volunteer Award/Kevin Dorsey
Microsoft Matching Gifts Program
PNC Bank
PSCU Financial Services
Red Shoe Council Baseball Game
Red Shoe Council Pub Crawl
Sigma Delta Tau, Gamma Eta Chapter
Top Kat Enterprises, Inc.
Willis of Florida, Inc.
Wrigley Company
$100 - $999
ABI Companies, Inc.
Academy at the Lakes
ACE St. Petersburg
ACH Guild
ACH Guild Evening Branch
ACH Guild St. Petersburg Branch
ACH Guild Pasco Branch
Alegria Montessori School
Allstate Giving Campaign
Alpha Delta Kappa Delta Rho Chapter
Alpha Delta Pi Gamma Gamma Chapter
American Auxiliary Town & Country Memorial Unit 152
American Express Workplace Giving Campaign
American Legion Auxiliary Frierson-Nichols Unit #8
Ameriprise Financial Employee Gift Matching Program
Assurant Foundation
BB&T Insurance
Bank of America Charitable Foundation
Barbara Persson and Donald H. Brierley Fdn.
Bay Area Kayak Club
Bethel Baptist Church Dorcas Sunday School Class
Brandon South Rotary
Brown-Forman Corp.
Caribbean Isles Homeowners Assoc.
Caspers Company
Catalina Marketing Charitable Foundation
Christ United Methodist Women, Lakeland
The Clorox Company
Décor Studio 1
Debbie Dodge
Dominion Foundation
Ferris Pools, Inc.
Franklin Templeton Investments Matching Program
Full Gospel Bible Teaching Fellowship
Good Times Group, Caribbean Isles
The GE Foundation
Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office Orient Road & Falkenburg Road Jail Facilities
Hunter Warfield
Junior League of Tampa, Inc.
Lakeview Elementary School
Liberty Mutual Foundation
Lockey, Fox, Ledford & Glaum P.A.
Lockheed Martin Volunteer Action Committee
Loyal Order of Moose New Port Richey Lodge 1747
Marathon Petroleum Matching Gift & Volunteer Incentive Program
Melvin S. Cutler Charitable Foundation
Michigan Assoc. of Retired School Personnel
Tampa Area Chapter 18
Mitchell Elementary School
MOMS Club of New Tampa
The Montessori House Day School
Morgan Stanley
The Morris Foundation, Inc.
New Port Richey Rotary Club
Painting with a Twist
Palm Harbor Newcomers Club
Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts Program
Progress Energy Employees
Progress Energy Foundation, Inc.
Reality Church Tampa, Inc.
Riviera United Methodist Church
RJI Enterprises
Sarasota County Law Enforcement Officers Lodge #45
Shore Acres Elementary PTA
Showmen’s Association Charities Corp.
St. Jude Cathedral School
St. Pete Breakfast Optimist Club
State Dept. of Children & Families Employee Fund
Storr Office Environments of FL, Inc.
Tampa Postal Federal Credit Union
United Natural Foods, Inc.
United Student Aid Funds
Unity Temple of Truth Church Women
USF St. Petersburg Black Student Assoc.
USF Student Organization Summer Car Meets
Valleydale Social
Vanguard Payment Systems
Vermost & Associates, LLC
Wells Fargo Westshore Store
Wells Fargo W Hillsborough Store
Wells Fargo S Dale Mabry Store
Wilson Middle School
VFW 8713 & Ladies Auxiliary
Woodland Middle School
Zmuzik & Take Over Ent. With Club Ice
Up to $99
ACH Guild Day Branch
ACH Guild Morning Branch
ACH Guild North Pinellas/Palm Harbor Branch
ACH Guild Seminole/Largo Chapter
Aetna Foundation
American Behavioral Benefits Managers, Inc.
Ameriprise Financial Annual Giving Campaign
B. Avery Network
Bartow Elementary Academy
Being, Inc.
Brooksville Elks 2582
Brooksville Lodge 1676
Chi Omega
Christ Fellowship Church
Concurrent Technologies Corp.
Crystal Lake Elementary
Crystal River Moose 2013
Florida Suncoast MG Car Club
Galen Nursing School
Graphix Solutions
Guatexport, Inc.
Henley Natural Brands
Hernando Beach VFW Post 9236
Hillsborough County Chapter of Paralegal Assoc. of FL, Inc.
Holy Trinity Lutheran Women’s Missionary League
Hyde Park Day School
Independent Day School
Jackson National Life Insurance Co.
JPMorgan Chase Foundation Matching Gifts
Kingswood Elementary
Mas Verde Ladies Club
Maximo Presbyterian Church
MOMS Club Tampa Westchase
MOMS Club South Tampa
Morgan Stanley Smith Barney “Jeans Day”
Mt. Vernon Elementary School Student Council
New Horizons Band
Oak Park School
Pokeno Ladies of Caribbean Isles
Sarasota County Sheriff’s Office
Shore Acres Gifted Program
Spring Hill Moose 521
St. Marks Church Presbyterian Women
State Employees’ Community Campaign
Tampa Bay Mothers of Multiples
United Way of the Greater Triangle
Verizon/Verizon Wireless Good Government Club
VFW Post 8713
Weeki Wachee Eagles Aerie 4272
Wells Fargo Gunn Hwy Store
Wells Fargo S Ashley Store
Wells Fargo S Hyde Park Store
Beulah Underhill Estate
$10,000 - $14,000
Michael Bourgeois
Eleanor M. Beyer Foundation
Emelia M. Labar Trust
$5,000 - $8,000
Heidi Hess (Dr. Gary Haas Heart Fund within the Community Foundation of Tampa Bay)
Kellie & Rick Hopkins
Saul Mendoza & Yasmina Martin
Dana Young
$3,000 - $3,999
Jayne & Graham Baxter
Karen Harkey
$2,000 - $2,999
Bala & Supriya Bellur
Peter & Julie Campo
Ryan Carden
Burt Driver
Rhonda Llewellyn
Bonnie & Jason Patchen
$1,000 - $1,999
Amy & Gary Connors
Laurie Gagan
Stephanie & Clayton Gartner
Stephen Knopik
Raul & Christine Perera
Bruce & Rosemary Reid
Robert & Claudia Sokolowksi
Bud & Jennifer Waller
$100 - $999
Ed & Sylvia Ameen
Scott Anderson
Nadine & Vedanten Ankiah
Shari & Steve Antonell
Tiffany Anthony
Julie Armstrong
Andrew & Terri Ashmeade
Cari & Matthew Bailey
Genevieve & John Bale
Rebecca Ballard
Pam Barber
Raquel Bartley
Carissa & Kevin Barney
Joy Barquin
Keith & Lisa Bass
Ronald Becker
Rachel & Scott Behuniak
Kevin Beitzel
Tracey Bell & Raymond Slizys
Elizabeth & Marc Bellas
George Bernardich
Vinny & Carmela Berte
Adam & Mindee Besnard
Bill Besselieu
Maria Elena Betancourt
Bob & Patty Bitterli
Scott Bitterli
David & Rita Blosser
Elizabeth Boccard
Frank & Linda Bonsack
Elizabeth Bourlon
Jamie & Matthew Bowman
Laura Brady
Thomas Braun
Stu & Wendy Brown
Hardy Bryan III Dr. Terry Buckenheimer
Jackie Bunting
Dan Calabria
Bill & Pat Cammarata
Blake & Tate Casper
Brian & Kristin Cebuhar
Shari Cessna Douglas Chamberlin
Dennis Chambers
Doug & Carrie Chronister
Dana & James Clarke
Valerie Claus
Leah Coffin
Susan & Victor Collins
Tony Collins
Brandy Conley
David & Holly Cook
Richard Cook
Steve & Suxanne Cooper
Ed & Rose Coryn
John Coryn
Kathy Couillard
Diana Craig/Girls Night Out
Nate, Heidi & Grace Dahmer
Bob & Joan Davies
Michael Davis
Kelly & Mark Dees
Augusto & Tery Delgado
Kelly & Tim DeMeza
Georgia & Hal Dilworth
Herb & Jan Donica
Ignacio & Michelle Duarte
Lynn Dumais
Elisabeth Dupont
Kim & Steve Eaves
Jonathan Ellen
James Elliott
Chase Enloe
Lucy Etheredge
Mickey & Valerie Farrell
Anita & Bruce Faulmann
Maruja Fernandez
Rafael Fernandez
Helen Fettig
Brian & Judy Ford
Martha & Ryan Ford
Chris & Trish Frost
Jenny Frost
Christie Geren
Love Notes • Fall 2012
Alex & Robin Glenn
Max Gorman
Cali Governale
Janell & Steve Griggs
Ken & Mary Gruber
Evelyn Guerra
John & Laurie Haffner
Erin Hall
Janet Hall
Rick Hand
Jose Hassas & Cruz Perez
Laura Haubner
Steven & Suzanne Hearn
Anthony Herrick
Dianne Hofmann
Cathryn Hollfelder
Philip Hollinger III
Jon & Tracy Holman
Suzanne Holmes
Michael & Carolina Holtz
Joan & Kent Holwadel
Angela & Paul Horowitz
Stacy & Todd Howell
Linda & Marlin Hutchens
Larry & Lynne Hyman
Javier Illas
John & Ann Iwanicki
Marc & Lisa Jacobson
Dusty Jaworski
Andy & Nina Jennings
Teressa Johnson-Pasch
Mariana Johnston
Julie Joiner
Frederick & J. Elaine Kahler
Dauna Kelso
Judy Keyak
Jack Kirkland
Brad & Tifnie Klingel
Rick & Theresa Klingel
Heather & Rob Klingel
Rob & Diane Klingel
Susan Kotchman
Martha Laguna
Bob & Lisa Langer
Rachel Leverone
Wayne Lightsey
Daphne & Richard Lipford
Charlie Little
Ken & Barbara Lucas
Amanda Mahoney
Dave & Vicki Malizia
Richard & Cresilia Mancinelli
Brian & Heather Marzorati
Mark & Mindy McLaughlin
Bob McConnell
Melanie McCarthy
Michael & Tina McDonough
Christopher McMahon
Matthew & Christa McNamara
Barbara & Dave Meister
George & Pat Meyer
Chris & Kerry Miller
Jamie & Suzanne Miller
Todd Miller
Lou & Pam Mirra
David & Kim Morr
James & Mildred Musgrove
Krishna Naidoo
James Nice
Brian Nicholas
Kathie Nikodem
Michael & Bridgett Noll
Cindy & Mike Pacetti
Maria Padilla
Dan & Kerry Paone
Dana & Jeff Parker
Teresa Parnell
Mary Patchen
Love Notes • Fall 2012
Frances Peek
Gerald & Laura Pesci
Chuck & Nancy Peterson
Chuck & Courtney Peterson
Julie Petrovic
Donna Philp
Carlos & Charlotte Pietri
John Polasky
Mike Polasky
Tom Powers
Daniel Prince
Alan and Luana Pullaro
Marilyn & Mike Quackenbush
Martin & Jane Quigley
Julio & Marcela Ramirez
Theresa Ray
Jeff & Kelly Reid
Jill Revelle
David & Susan Rieth
Ron & Wendy Riley
Kelly Ritrievi
Lamar & Cindy Roberts
Bernard & Siri Rock
Conchita Root
Cindy Rose
Shawn & Beth Saathoff
Carol & Farshad Sarhaddi
Frederick & Amy Salrin
Carlina Sarabia
Brandon & Kait Scheele
Eileen Schiffer
Eric Schmidt
Carl & Wilma Schupmann
Jeff & Carole Schwartz
Cameron & Rhonda Shaw
Jeff Shelton
Kathleen & David Shields
Linda & Randy Simmons
Thomas Sims
Ryan Slattery
Donald E. Smith/Bar Crescent S Ranch
Jen & Matt Sokolowski
Paula & Wayne Spencer
Gordon & Christine Spoor
Steven Stamkos
George & Julie Stapf
Arnie & Elle Stenberg
Susan Stravin
Michael & Claudia Straw
Jim & Kim Tagg
John Talbert
Amanda Taylor
Yvonne Taylor
Mark & Theresa Terrell
Sheereen Torres
Kristy & Steve Tozer
Taylor Traviesa
Jose & Lourdes Valiente
David Vance
Dawn & Raphael Vazquez
Rebecca & Rudy Vivas
Juan & Ines Vazquez
Pat & Toni Walsh
Richard Walters & Melissa Giovanni-Walters
Kai Rober Warren
Maurine Watson & Caring Survivors
Christy & Tripp Welbourne
Gail Wesley
Kathy Whitney
Bill & Mikki Wickett
Scott & Natalie Wilhoit
Charlie & Cheryl Williams
Kenneth Williams
Jeff & Terri Willis
Joanna & Rob Wilson
Connie Yauilla
John & Sonja Young
Lucinda & Douglas Zahm
Brenda Zenk
Shirleen Zinn
Debbie & Randy Zomermaand
Up to $99
Nicky & Yanni Abramis
Marve Ann Alaimo & Family
Nora Albaugh
Jessica Allen
Paul Bacher
Luz Badilla
Jane Bailey
Jessica Bastien
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Beebe
Lana Bembow
Cole Bennett
Irina & Todd Berger
Mary Rae Blanton
Rodi & Rose Bowen
Catherine T. Bracey
Jack Brady
Howard & Elaine Braun
Andrea & Scott Brown
Dana Brown
Suzanne Brown
Sandra & Robert Buckley
Amanda Burnett
James & Thelma Burrows
Aubrey Carr
Kara Carter
Paul & Suzanne Chai
Lori Chambers
Judy Clark
Cassandra Concas & Family
Riana Conigliaro
Al Cornelison
Loretta Cors
Joe & Lauren Cresta
Sandra Czerwinski
Jean D’Angelo
Daniel & Carmen Debello
Russell DeBerry
Paula DeBlasio
Jinn Defrancesco
Paula Delage
Carolyn Desmarais
Gina DiGrandi
Renaldo Dimaio
Patricia Ashlyn Dobraski
Michael Dodson
John & Theresa Doherty
Viola Enos
Ana Falla
Alexandra Felsen
Michael Finfgeld
Rosalle Fortune
Jeffrey Fox
Thomas Frawley
Latasha Freeman
Donald Freiday
Sydelle Freifeld
Marilyn Freko
Annette Gabrelcik
George & Susan Gage
Jean Geiger
Elda Gentry
Deana Gerberick
Jennifer Getchell
Margaret Ginem
Penny Goldman
Denise Griffin
Jeremy Griffin
Elaine & Ted Grillo
Martha Guynn
Steve Habib
Richard Harder, Jr.
Jeff & Jeanice Harring
Barbara Harrington
Karen Harriott
Jean Hartman
Orly Hawley
Cindy & Jon Helton
Ernest & Dorothy Hepler
David Herman
David & Linda Hicks
Dakota Hilburn
Sarah Hinsz
Coleen Hodsdon
Cosmo Iannopollo
Susan Irick
Fernando & Rosita Javate
Cindy Johnson
Michael Johnson
Amber Johnston
Ginny & Larry Jopek
Sheeba Kadiwala
Linda J. Keever
Theresa Lea Kelner
Margaret Khoury
Sandra Kilgore
Craig Kilroy
Jeffrey Matthew King
Roberta Lambert
Mark S. Largel
Stan Lasater
Ian Lasher
Patricia Lasater
Desiré I. Leon
Kim Levin
Lana Libron
Lynda Lipke
Shawn Love
Shauna Lucero
Lynne Lupkes
Debby Lynch
Alistair & Sarah Madle
Joanne Mahoney
True Maples
Linda Marron
Thomas A. Marsh
Mary Martinez
Andrew McFall IV
Breff & Sarah McHugh
Janice McKendree
Laurie McKenna
David McKinnon, Jr.
Freda & Michael McLane
Matt & Stacey McLaughlin
Christine Medley
Beverly Miller
Devon & Jordan Miller
Barrington & Nikki Minnis
Marcia Molle
Douglas Moore
Holly Moriarty
Dylan Murphy & Michelle Myers
Shannon Murray
Lisa Myers
Dorothy Obal
Megan Odom
Sharon Owen
Prashant Pal
Shannon Palmer
Lisa Panish
Sofia Parent
Frank Parker
Dr. & Mrs. Peter Pav
Mason & Marietta Place
Ana Poventud
John & Dalia Rañon
Antonio & Dianne Reali
Phyllis Reid
Diane Rene
Scott Rhodes
Bruce & Leslie Richards
Bryan Richardson
Pamela Rodriguez
Christina Saccomanno
Luz Sackett
Elizabeth Sanders
Orchid Santiago
Ronald Saper
Michael & Michelle Sawoscinski
James & Martha Scheidell
Craig Schilling
B.J. Schmelzla
Linda Schweitzer
Erika Senra
Ralph Serpi
Anne Sheldon
Sheryl Sheppard
James Shinabery
James T. Shirley
Robert & Amy Sigmon
Troy Simpson
Beverly Simmons
Colonel D.A. Smith, USMC
Charlotte Smith-Wilkes
Melissa Smith
Cassandra Southern
Lt. Danielle J. Spradlin
Steve Stanford
Millie & Bud Steckman
Dorothy Steele
Kathleen & Lloyd Stevenson
Pamela Stinson
John Strack
Breann & Wes Straw
Cristobal Suarez
Penny Swainston
Michelle Taylor
Gail & Andrew Titen
Noelle Todd
Mavis Torres
Carol Townsend
Johnny & Lourdes Vazquez
Aquila Walker
Deana Wallace
Ana & Fred Wallrapp
Shannon Walter
Gertrude Watts
Gary & Marsha Welsh
Drew & Nicole Willers
Yolanda Williams
Melodye Wilson
Russell Wrona
Maria Yanda
Concetto “Tony” Alicata
Dolores & Henry Chipelo
Callie Anderson
Stephanie Blaydes
Tom & Dorothy Blaydes
Tami Jordan Brook
Mr. & Mrs. T.D. David
Lori & Larry Davis-Jamison
Jimmy & Sharon Johnson
Kathleen Johnson-Esterly & Tucker
Christopher Kelly
Rick & Brenda Lange
Denise Procida
Laura Shady
Terry Spencer
Octavio Azevedo
Dolores & Henry Chipelo
Carmen Bancroft
Barbara Jautze
Wanda Bilderback
Irving & Betty Baker
Diane Bride
Ruth Hazel
Carole Massarelli
Helen Massarelli
Victoria & Alfred Parisi
Donna Rollison
Christine Sebits
Jose Bispo
Henry & Dolores Chipelo
David Gary Blackwell
Ed Wudarsky
Carol Bloom
Edna Bloom
Patricia Ann Brouse
Esther Weisman
Shaniya Brown
Kathleen Johnson-Esterly & Tucker
Joseph Casper
Eula Freeman
Sam & Cinda Cassidy’s Mother
Lori Verier
Hilda Bevis Chamberlain
Betty Faye & Wofford Stidham
• Spring
• Fall 2012
William Clements
Joel Luna
Terry Wynter
Monica Coffey
Ann & John Monville
Jackie Cooper
Lori Verier
Tomás Muñoz Coryn
Dr. & Mr. J. Wayne Phillips
Cleo Dakins
Pat Berkey
Maria L. Dame
Linda Spurgeon
Ardell Daniels
Lori Verier
Joe Davila
Jarrett Gordon Ford
Joann Dawkins
Judy Lawson
Carolyn Desmarais’s Mother, Grandmother & Daughter Suzanne Jackman
Carolyn Desmarais
Gloria Donati
Stu & Wendy Brown & Family
Mary Ann Ellek
Edward A. Wudarsky, Jr.
Miranda Lynn Ellis
Eileen McCulley
Nathan Fallick
Frank & Mary Ann Comisso
Lois Fanning
Carol Mutert
Kate & Ellie Flahart
Rick & Kristin Flahart
Luke & Lynnette Peterschmidt
Mary Foster
Eula Freeman
Ron & Jill Pair
Venture Construction
Ron & Barbara Walters
W.T. Gorley
Rob Gorley
David Hare
Rick & Kristin Flahart
Nancy Hare
Janet Harmon
Lori Verier
Bob Harris
Katie Guice
Francis Heimburger
Al & Barb Cornelison
Paula Mosiman
Love Notes • Spring
Fall 2012
Norb Hester
Agnes Chimielinski
Mary Ann Higgins
Brian Dunn
Frances Hoersch
Charles & Gerry Kirchner
Teagen Yvette Hoffman
John & Jessica Hoffman
Marie Mitchell
Thomas “Gregg” Hollfelder
Lourdes, Kevin & Liam Alcox
Hart & Sallie Baker
Nancy Barber
Peter & Nancy Barr
Melissa Barrus
Bill The Plumber, Inc.
Donald & Rose Marie Bockman
Ward & Julia Britt
Chicone Family Foundation
Phillip & Ann Cross
Francis & Jessie Cuccaro
Hugh Darley
David Vaughn Investments
Jill, Laura & Kevin DelBiondo
Marcia & Don DelBiondo
Bill & Joanne Frederick
Carole Greenaway
Don & Carolyn Greer
Mr. & Mrs. R.M. Howard, Jr.
Claude & Gloria Hunter
William & Betty Jo Hurt
William & Elizabeth Hussey
Madeline Irrgang
Kimberly & William Joiner
Brian & Cynthia Keenan
Helen & John Kirst
Molly Simpson Lagatta
Tom & Dixie Lyons
Meg & Jason Mages
Danielle McCoy
John & Rosalind McCoy
Dawn & Edward Pantera
Jacqueline Quinn
Peter Robison
Chip & Lucette Simpson
Annette & George Spigener
Samantha Swafford
Lowell Teal & Teal Family Four
F. Thomas & Cairn Ustler
Kathryn C. Ustler
Mr. & Mrs. W. Delaney Way, Jr.
David & Babby Simpson Wiedman
Victor & Susan Woodman
Krysta Hood
Carolyn & Andy Henderson
John Howe
Jan Balletta
Larry Byersmith
Colleen Maggard
Daniel Joseph “D.J.” Hurley
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Hixenbaugh
Joyce Jarzynski
Janet DeCarli
Rick & Felecia DeCarli
Florida Dept. of Revenue, Sarasota Service Center
Forest Pines Association, Inc.
Ben W. Johnson
Betty Faye & Wofford Stidham
Marshall Jones V
Debra & James Grinnell
Jessie Guoan
Stanley & Debra Wolever, Jr.
Leanna Mae Knopik
Patti Alcorn
Wayne Baer
Beverly Beall & R. Kemp Riechmann
Bealls Product Development Dept.
The Beverly Beall & R. Kemp Riechmann Foundation, Inc.
BDS Home Team
Scott & Clare Carter
Janet Clark
Susanne Constable
James, Kim, Claire, Page, Brooke & Peter Cornetet
Esther Davis
DDI Transportation, Inc.
Joseph DesRosier
Karen & Patrick Diffley
Patti Eisemann
Alan & Dorothy Elwell
Katherine Emmons
Curt & Kim Eskew
Evelyn Follit
Bob & Michele Glisson
Darrell & Sheryl Gold
Mary & Neal Goldman
Ray & Janis Gordon
Michele Grimes
Sheila Guilder
Guy Harvey Ocean Fund, Inc.
Marilyn Harris
Celeste & Ron Henkelman
Todd & Angela Hoch
Cary Hollfelder
Linda & Fred Huennekens
Thomas & Cameron Icard
Kathleen Judge
Ada Kessler
Phyllis Kessler & Rick Helbing
Mike & Judie Lovell
Jennifer Mani
John & Susan Marchegiani & Family
Lori Ann Marinaccio
Monte & Anne Marshall
David & Melissa Massey
Lee, Diane & Jennifer McGinness
McIntyre Elwell & Strammer General Contractors,
Mike & Martha Monaghan
Lorna & Bill Nagler
Page Family (Susan, Bruce, Kevin, Kristin Page-
Payne, Aubrey & Bill)
Lisa & Tom Patullo
Faye & Jeff Roth
Richard & Lisa Saba
Michael & Patricia Schremmer
Mary Schultz
Melanie & Richard Schulz
Wayne & Deborah Seitl
Carl & Catherine Short
Allison Silver
Gregory & Carol Stone
Betty Szymanski
Mark Szymanski
Brian & Cheryl Track
Maria Wakeman
Cynthia Wertz
Laura Wiseman
W.S. Badcock Corporation
Jean Wood
John Wurzbacher
Bill Zoller
Beth Ann Levy
Dan & Hilda DeRoner
Owen Lewis
Mary Lewis
Ray W. Lowers
Betty Faye & Wofford Stidham
Earl & Flora Manheimer
Barbara Rizzo
Evan Manley
Mary Fritz
Doris Martin
Laurie Bacon
Earl McDaniel
Donald & Miriam MacDonald
Clare Burroughs McFarlin
Betty Faye & Wofford Stidham
Dr. T.E. McLaughlin
Del & Robin Brenn
Benji Micias
John & Stella Ostoich
Raynetta Mobley
Henry & Dolores Chipelo
Jim Morton
George & Bernice Auger
Timothy Murphy
Betty Faye & Wofford Stidham
Adrianna & Jenna Muzidal
Alena Muzidal
Kevin Neenan
Kathy Firman & Bob Dubnule
Chuck V. Nero
John & Susan Anaischik
Donald & Carla Bolden
Robert & Mary Jane Boos
Weay Chiang
Denise Finley
John Goodman
Rosaleen Hoeymans
Isalene Montgomery
Elizabeth Nero
Robert Polanis
Janis van Ryswyk
Mike Wallace
David Weinstock
Peter Whelan
Ann Nicely
Ellie Hunt
Frank Eugene Noe
Lori Verier
Chad Nottingham
Rosemarie Dawn Harris
Pat Owens
Brian Dunn
Nik Petrik
Janice Davis
Jillian Pettigrew
James & Janine Pettigrew
David Pfefferle
Carolyn Pfefferle
Jim Pimpinella
Bea Pimpinella
Claire Poston
AJD & Associates
Joseph & Deborah Adomaitis
Susan & George Farley
Janice Henderson
Jack & Kathy McDonald
Cheryl Ritter
Brigitte Shiplee
Robert & Bernadette Skala
Donna Stewart
Harry Pratt
Charles Kirchner
Eleanor Rayburn
Ellie Hunt
Cathy Roumbakis
Fran Carlsen
Eleanor O. Rowley
John & Adrienne Conway
Carol Hamilton Coyne
Rick & Kristin Flahart
Albert & Kitty Funk
Robert & Irene Griffith
Nancy Hare
James & Rosemarie McMahon
David & Susan Milligan
Frank & Annette Righter
Robert & Joan Rowley
Roxborough High School Alumni Assoc., Inc.
Frank & Jessica Schreader
Larry & Joanna Smyth
Joseph & Janet Szeliga
Herbert Rowley
Nancy Hare
Elli Ruth
Paul Costa
Fred Scarcelli, Jr.
Cheryl Acks
Bob Allegroe
Stu, Wendy, Scott, Andrea, Gayle & Brown Family
Alfonso & Rose Lee Garcia
Diane Jacobson & Friends
Paula Matos
Edward A. Wudarsky, Jr.
Lindsay Schieb
Betty Shapiro
Austin Shea
Brian Dunn
Aran Singh
Dr. & Mrs. Hardeep Singh
Jeffrey Stevens
Joe & Fran Stevens
Marcia Studer
Thomas & Carin Maxwell
Thad Sudol
Lucille Sudol
Dawn M. Tinsley
Jack & Barbara Tinsley
Christopher Torres
Pedro Torres
Nolan Unger
Dr. Abe & Ruth Goldsher
Donald Wendorf
Joyce Wendorf
Edward Hamilton West
Ellie Hunt
Cynthia Wilson
The Galanos Family
Kim Winters
Janel Smith
Abigail Elaine Woodward
Dick & Fran Adams
Larry & Melba Ainsworth
Bonnie Deaton
Bonnie Denny
Peggy & Gary Edwards
Neil Gawlowski
Gentiva Clearwater Branch
Gentiva St. Petersburg Branch
Cyndy Gilbert
Tom & Shirley Goodman
Kim Lindemann
Jennifer Lucas
Kay & Bob Newman
Mr. & Mrs. E.G. Reynolds, Jr.
Tampa Bay Area Mothers of Multiples
Jerry & Pam Treadwell
Joan Young
Harold L. & Betty Sue Romer
Brian Albritton’s Ride Across Britain
Ann Albritton
Peri Alkas
Barbara Ann Blue
Janice Davis
Lynne Donaghy
Jim E. Felman
Neal & Morgendee Flannery
Pamela Geer
John Guard
Wayne Hanewicz
Kelley Howard
Peter King
Marty & Scottie Klein
George Leach
Beverly Long
Maegen Peek Luka
Bev & John Menard
Jeffrey Moore
John Mullen
Kevin Napper
Dan Paone
Curtis & Patricia Parry
Mark Rankin
Charles Ryan
Stephen Sears
Debra Smietanski
Eddie Suarez
David Weisbrod
William White
Enrique & Carol Woodroffe
Tucker Barry
William Mullen
Ava Ruth Boccard
Elizabeth Boccard
Kathy & Bob Hickman
Love Notes • Fall 2012
Gabby Boggs
Aimee Boggs
Tucker Bracken
Ashley Bracken
Breanne L. Burns
Bob & Cindy Burns
Adam Byrum
Emilie & Charles Phillips
Ruth Carnahan
Robert & Wendy Carnahan
Blake & Tate Casper’s Wedding
Eula Freeman
McFamily at Caspers Company
MacKenzie Chang-Samuels
Jack & Lorene White
Karen & Doug Coggeshall’s Wedding
Elizabeth Austin & Rich Femley
Beverly Dikman
Edith Kaplan
Candace Cressor’s Birthday
Sarah Supnick
Margaret Tribble
Joshua Maverick Cress & Family
Pennye McCormick
Dolores Leal Owens
Nancy Cross’s Birthday
Sally Day
Carolynn Reed
Claudia Sokolowski
Janice Davis’s Birthday
Pam Barber
Tina Dyakon
Tom Powers
Bob Sanders
Jill Wolf
Linda & Darrough Diamond’s 70th Birthdays
Mr. & Mrs. Edgar Vallar
Benjamin Wallace Davis
Karen Prendergast
Sherry Eggers
Kim & Mike Levin & Family
Patricia Ermi
Wayne & Cathy Maples
Delaney Farrell & Emily Wilbanks
David Wilbanks
Nina Ferguson
Armond Liguori
McKynsie Fitzgerald
Valerie Case
Alena Frey
Cynthia & George Xenick
Allan & Barbara Goldman
Andrew Segall
Ginny Hall’s Birthday
Eric Hall
Tally Hall
Kevin & Maggie Hall
Ingrid M. Hooglander, Esq.
John Barker
Asher Humphries
Randy & Sally Humphries
John Iwanicki’s Birthday
Ellen Heavilon
Maureen Helmes
Owen Jablonski
Matthew Jablonski
Isaiah Jackson
Erline & Luis De Murias
Douglas & Linda Gossett
Kinnan Elementary School
Kyle & Lydia Lawton
Dr. Mark Lewis & the HealthSource Team
Susan & James Mruk
Gladiola Nunez
Jon & Wendy Orlando
Love Notes • Fall 2012
Herminia Oskarsson
Anthony & Rosemarie Pearcey
William & Haley Rennie
Tiffany Joy Santos
D.J. & M.L. Schugg
Junita St. Esprit
Jerold & Beth Stone
Victoria & Fadi Tewfik
Mabel Torrealba
Jaycee Johnson
Faith Graves/Gay Nineties Gals Group
Lew & Carol Jolly
Carolynn Reed
Bailee Kent
AERCON Florida
Cathy Konkler
Adam Nyman
Evelyn Lamison
Wayne & Cathy Maples
Judith LeVan
Guy LeVan
Life of Riley Foundation
Sam Witzer
Lynn Lippincott
Ginny Hall
Sophie Martinez’s 7th Birthday
Britt Bjorge
Lisa & Jason King
Belinda & Philip Lazzara
Timothy & Elaine Mann
Daniel & Jacqueline Martinez
Chad & Elizabeth Morris
Jared & Tracy Samon
James Ramirez Mendoza
Benigna E. Almalabeh
Jeanie Morgan
Joseph & Sharon Martineau
Jacob Mruk’s 7th Birthday
Susan & Jim Mruk
Judy & James Nihiser
Christin & Justin Norris
Florida Avenue Baptist Church
Hannah Oberbroekling’s Bat Mitzvah
Thomas & Irma Ludlow
Alvin & Jane Resnick
Dr. Yi-Hwa Outerbridge & Felix Cannella
Kelly Thompson
Mihiri Pamankada’s 4th Birthday
Paul A. Mongerson
Chase Pendarvis
Betty Korff
Patricia Pendarvis
Ken Yacca
Jean Pitcher
Margaret Green
Jane H. Powers
Tom Powers
Carolynn Reed’s Birthday
Sally Day
Claudia Sokolowski
Beth & Jim Rosenbluth
Marie Fricke
Marc Rosenfeld
Henry & Adrienne Rosenfeld
Rick Rutan’s 86th Birthday
Howard & Carol Andorfer
Arnold & Laura Goldfoot
Sylvia Kyle
Max Salebra’s 1st Birthday
Richard Brady
Mark & Ilana Salebra
Gabriella Santoro
Dolores & Joseph Santoro
Rita Schaffer
Les Lloyd
Larry Schwartz
Kim Levin
Chris Perera
Daniel Sharf’s Bar Mitzvah
Sue Heyman & Mike White
Mason Shook’s 1st Birthday
Shelley Erbacher
Debbie & Jonathan Shook
Nancy & Don Shook
Lindsey & Justin Steill
John & Denise Weidenaar
Hank & Carol Stavinga
Mary Sweeny
Andrew & Samuel Stein’s 7th Birthdays
Ira & Fern Stein
Nathan Terrell
Tim Andrews
Abby Toenjes & Macy Maiocco’s 10th Birthdays
Robert & Cheryl Franks
Jennifer Kleinbart
Christopher & Deniz McClure
Kelly & Anthony Violante
Bryce Tripp
Emily Marzley
Jan Wallace
Kevin Konkler
Drew Weisenborn’s Bar Mitzvah
Waheed Ahmad
Steve Augustin
Joanna Koven
Melissa Koven
Amy Koven-Augustin
Robin Sneider
Mildred Wilson
Jenny Naegele
Declan Yates
John & Diane Cicchetti
CAPITAL CAMPAIGN Tampa House Room for Change
$10,000 Bedroom
ALPHA DELTA PI Epsilon Lambda Chapter
Ruth & Fred Lynch
St. Mary’s Episcopal Pioneer Girls (2 Bedrooms)
Suncoast Region of the Porsche Club of America
$10,000 Family Den
MetLife Foundation
$10,000 Foyer
Mercantile Adjustment Bureau
$7,500 Dining Room
Lightning Foundation
$5,000 Kitchen Appliances
Ye Royal Krewe of Charlotte de Berry
$5,000 Relaxation Area Downstairs
Landmark Aviation
$5,000 Relaxation Area Upstairs
Operators Self Insurance Fund
$2,500 Ceiling Fans
Richard & Sharon Sanchez Family Foundation Trust
$2,000 Helping Hand
The Martin-Brower Company
Operators Self Insurance Fund
Music inspires teen continued
off positive vibes for me, which is great, because
I didn’t have to think much about the next day. I
was able to enjoy a game of Scrabble and watch my
favorite TV show.”
Nathaniel said his fondest memories are of
playing outside on the playground and inside at
the playroom. “Those were always fun places to
be when I was little, and I looked forward to them
whenever I was there for a surgery. RMH provided
everything I needed as a child to just be myself, and
that provides more strength and healing than any
medicine can. Knowing everyone you encounter
wants you to get better is enormously beneficial,
especially as a young child when you can feel so
alone in these types of situations.”
Nathaniel is now 19 years old, and has been
accepted into the prestigious Oberlin Conservatory
of Music in Ohio. He has been playing violin since
the age of four, and he enjoys using this talent to
entertain others.
In his own words
“All the support I received at RMH made me
want to give back to others at RMH as well as the
community at large. I was so happy to go back
when I was a little older and play my violin for
families and see the smiles it brought to their faces.
That was so gratifying for me that this past year I
volunteered at the hospital here in Naples every
week, playing my violin for everyone from patients
and visitors to doctors and hospital staff. I could see
that it made a difference for them, and they walked
away a little bit happier. I think music has this
incredible quality that everyone can identify with.
Music makes people smile and leaves a positive
note on their day. It’s a wonderful thing to see, and
I think, through personal experience, that people
dealing with the trials of life in the hospital need
it most. I’m so glad to be able to give back some of
the immense support I received over all these years,
and I look forward to sharing music with others for
the rest of my life.”
Many of the characteristic facial features of Pfeiffer
syndrome result from premature fusion of the skull bones.
Abnormal growth of these bones leads to bulging and
wide-set eyes, a high forehead, an underdeveloped upper
jaw, and a beaked nose. More than half of all children with
Pfeiffer syndrome have hearing loss; dental problems are
also common.
When asked how his experience at RMH as a
young man compares to his times there as a child,
he says, “I continue to be surprised by the amazing
positive atmosphere, even as this house hosts many
people under so much stress. It’s an environment
that’s unique to RMH which allows everyone to put
their worries aside for the moment and provide
support for others around them.”
Love Notes • Fall 2012
28 Columbia Drive
Tampa, FL 33606
• Go online - www.rmhctampabay.com
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RMH East
401 7th Avenue S.
St. Pete 33701
(727) 821-8961
RMH West
Our Houses
702 8th Avenue S.
St. Pete 33701
(727) 821-8961
RMH Central
601 5th Street S.
St. Pete 33701
(727) 821-8961
RMH Tampa
35 Columbia Dr.
Tampa, FL 33606
(813) 254-2398
Ronald McDonald House Charities® Tampa Bay Administrative Office, 28 Columbia Drive, Tampa, FL 33606 (813) 258-6430