GBA Newsletter - Georgia Basketry Association


GBA Newsletter - Georgia Basketry Association
Raffle Winners
Guild Meeting
Letter from
GBA Meeting
Meet Your
GBA Newsletter
I 1 I ,
Letter from the President
Dear GBA,
Our Basket Dreams came
true! What a wonderful
convention we just had due
to our Committee chairs,
volunteers, teachers and
most importantly our
attendees (oh, and the
cooperation of Mother
Nature in between two ice
and snow storms). I
especially want to thank our
first time attendees and hope
that you will plan to come
again and again and bring your
friends with you! I truly
believe that the best place for
a new or first time weaver is
at convention where there is
a wealth of knowledge from
teachers and the other
students around you. Again,
Patti and I couldn't have done
this without our fantastic
Committee Chairs who
guided us, pushed us and held
our hands throughout the
process. We can't thank you
enough-you all are the BEST!
I also want to thank you for
entrusting me to be your
President for the next two
years. I will be counting on
all of you to let me know
how to make GBA grow,
thrive and become even
better than it already is. The
upcoming years may be a
time of change for us so stay
tuned, stay active and stay
—Tracey Reidy
Membership Dues
Basket Dreams in 2014 incented members to bring first-time attendees by offering
them one year complementary dues. The following people participated and will not
have to pay dues for the 2014-2015 year: Kim Canady, Tracey Reidy, Peggy
McCarson, Lillian Ansley, Pam Parman, Sandy Roback, Amy Rice, and
Angie Dowling.
For everybody else, membership in GBA is from March through February. You must
be a member of GBA to attend the Annual February Convention. Dues must be paid
before July 1st to be considered first day registration. If you haven’t already done
so, please remit your $15 dues to:
GBA c/o Sybil Sweat
1785 Azalea Springs Trail
Roswell GA 30075
Convention 2014 Raffle
Thank you to those who participated in the raffle by either donating items or by purchasing raffle tickets. It’s one of
the highlights of the convention. Below find a list of the items donated, by whom and the lucky winners. A special
thank you to someone who will not be named for her generous donations that helped it to be the highest grossing
raffle. Another special thank you to those who helped with this year’s raffle, Coordinator Pattie Bagley and Volunteers Barb Wisuri, Della Boyd, Judi Purvis, Pam Brown plus our evening runners! It’s not too early to start to look
for treasures for next year’s convention.
Mark Bagley
Original Hulk Art
Joanna Belmont
Gwinnett Guild
Burlap Basketry Wreath
Trisha Brown
Judi Purvis
Pearl Bracelet and Earrings
Joyce Smith
Judi Purvis
Snoopy Calendar
Sandy Quackenbush
Darlene Hyry
Bamboo Book
Pattie Bagley
Patsy Jabaley
Woven Frame with Rabbit
Denise Bendelewski
Tracey Reidy and Patti Patterson
Nantucket Tray with Convention Logo Kathie Smith
Sandra Stuart
German Smoker with Mini Baskets
Peggy McCarson
John C. Campbell Folk School
One Week Comp Tuition
Kathleen Fosha
Peggy McCarson
Cross Bottom Basket with Soaps
Judi Purvis
Kathie Smith
Stor N Go
Ann Massey
Kathie Smith
Husky Tote
Eric Taylor
Suzanne Marvin
Miss Liberty Whirlygig
Kathy Cosgrove
Gail Hutchinson
Basket Vase with Hydrangea
Belinda Bronson
Patti Patterson
Topaz Necklace and Earrings
Angie Dowling
Patti Paterson
Embroidered Bathrobe
Kathie Smith
Patti Patterson
Wilton Basket Cake Pan
Pattie Bagley
Patti Patterson
Basket Cutting Board
Gail Hutchinson
Sandra Stuart
Bronze Rabbit with Baskets
Emily Cresi
Ruth Fenster
Tote Kit with Liner
Kelly Biringer
Maggie Silva
Mini Nantucket Antique Salt Bowl
Dot Glover
Kathy Cosgrove
Lidded Tote
Suzanne Poland
Kathy Cosgrove
Willow Wall Basket
Tracey Reidy
Kathy Cosgrove
Gladys Hollingsworth Egg Basket
Jane Hedgecock
Kathy Cosgrove
Willow Mail Basket
Tracey Reidy
Kathy Cosgrove
Nantucket Napkin Basket
Nancy Kirbo
Kathy Cosgrove
Cass Schorsch Rinko Basket
Virginia Shepherd
Kathy Cosgrove
2 half kits with mold
Donna Polluck
Kathy Cosgrove
Lidded Purse—Nantucket
Sara Lindsey
Kathy Cosgrove
Cross Stitched Wall Hanging
Belinda Bronson
Kathy Cosgrove
Back Pack Basket
Belinda Bronson
Jane Hedgecock
Handcrafted Pen with Wooden Case
Angie Dowling
Jane Hedgecock
Laminated Box
Suzanne McElyea
Kathy Cosgrove
2 Nantucket 1/2 Kits with Mold
Ilse Harrison
Pam Parman
Braeburn Basket
Kelly Biringer
Pam Parman
Antler Flare Basket
Nancy Peterson
Denise Anthony
Gift Basket with Chocolate
Della Boyd
Marilyn Miller
Lynn Siler Book
Sandra Miller
Marilyn Miller
Flo Hoppe Earrings
Kim Canady
Dot Glover
3 Ornament Baskets
Amy Rice
Dot Glover
Ceramic Watermelon Basket
Laurine Haynes
Kathy Cosgrove
Nantucket Tea Basket Kit
Darlene Hyry
Kathy Cosgrove
Nantucket Pencil Kit
Diane Kelly
Kathy Cosgrove
Nantucket Mold and Kit
Candy Padgett
Kathy Cosgrove
Nantucket Mold and Kit
Jane Sudderth
Kathy Cosgrove
(2) Cradle Bases
Kathy Buroker
Kathy Cosgrove
(1) Cradle Base
Kathy Smith
Betty Wong
Napkin Holder
Della Boyd
Kathy Cosgrove
Nantucket Napkin Ring Mold Kit
Ann Massey
Kathy Cosgrove
Nantucket Napkin Ring Mold Kit
Jane Hedgecock
Dot Dowling
Picture Cherokee Women
Pam Brown
Dot Dowling
Hairy Basket
Teresa Lindawer
Annette Roose
Smart Cart
Suzanne McElyea
Hannah Sommer
Cinnabar Necklace
Nancy Peterson
Hannah Sommer
Brown Necklace
Jane Sudderth
Hannah Sommer
Jasper Necklace
Judi Purvis
Hannah Sommer
Pearl/Turquoise/Coral Necklace
Angie Dowling
Scottie Jeffreys
Roma Basket
Kathy Buroker
Lillian Ansley
Folding Picnic Basket
Emily Rice
Lillian Ansley
Kitten Clock with Basket Weave
Angie Dowling
Jean Nash
Arm Crochet Scarf
Betty Cooper
Kathy Cosgrove
Nantucket Purse with Liner
Sara Lindsey
Convention 2014 Raffle Continued
Kathy Cosgrove
Clear Vase Basket Weave Pattern
Trisha Brown
Kathy Cosgrove
White Ceramic Basket
Trisha Brown
Nathan Taylor
Shaker Basket Book
JoAnne Rollins
Billy Owens
Oak Basket
Ilse Harrlman
Trisha Brown
Hand Painted Hydrangea Plate
Pattie Bagley
Trisha Brown
Bob Duff Print on Canvas
Debbra Gordon
D. Bendelewski & Joni-Dee Ross
Tool Bag and Kit with Mold
Jane Hedgecock
Kathy Cosgrove
Ceramic Basket Platter
Patti Patterson
Angie Dowling
Book by Angie Dowling
Kathleen Fosha
Kathy Cosgrove
Lap Quilt
Tracey Reidy
Kathy Cosgrove
3 pc Basket Weave Plate, Bowl, Vase
Mary Smith Stokes
Kathy Cosgrove
Quilted Wall Hanging
Pattie Bagley
Kathy Cosgrove
Measures of the Earth Book
Annie Owsley
Kathy Cosgrove
Ark Basket Kit
Suzanne Poland
Jean Nash
Rwanda Basket
Ruth Fenster
DoubleTree Roswell
Weekend Night Certificate
Angie Dowling
DoubleTree Roswell
Weekend Night Certificate
Angie Dowling
Mary Smith Stokes
Square Ash Basket Kit
Alice Ogden
Greater Atlanta Basket Guild
$50 Cash
Kelly Biringer
Pat Beagle
Mini Antler Basket Necklace
Mark Hendry
GBA Charity Tree
Patti Patterson coordinated the Charity Tree again this year. After
purchasing the Billy Owens’ basket and tree she waits patiently for
members to donate the ornaments. Thanks to everyone who did donate
ornaments for this year's GBA Charity Tree. Betty Wong was the lucky
winner. This year we raised $350 for the American Cancer Society. It is not
too early to be thinking about weaving an ornament for next year's tree;
any miniature basket would be welcome.
Go RED for Women
In honor of the first day of convention being Go Red for Women,
Nancy Peterson championed selling crocheted heart pins (woven by
GABG member) raising $42 for the American Heart Association.
GBA Meeting Minutes
February 8, 2014
As prepared by Kathleen Fosha, Secretary
Welcome was given by Pattie Bagley, President
Introduction of GBA Elected Officers was given by Pattie Bagley, President
Vice President, Judi Purvis
Secretary/Newsletter, Kathleen Fosha
Treasurer, Sybil Sweat
Introduction of GBA Volunteer Officers was given by Pattie Bagley, President
Historian, Barb Wisuri
Webmaster, Kathy Morris
Pattie Bagely acknowledged Past GBA Presidents: Darlene Hyry, Kim Grantham, Cindy Lampman, Patsy Jabaley, Patti Patterson,
Pattie Bagley, Andi Szanti
Minutes from last year’s meeting were read by Kathleen Fosha and accepted.
Sybil Sweat gave the Treasurer’s report. We have 182 members, 7 past presidents, 111 registered attendees at the convention and
$23,685 in our account prior to all convention bills being paid. We paid $3690 in meeting room space and $3413 in food. We had
14 cancellations with partial refunds given. Sybil requested everyone pay their 2014-2015 dues.
Patsy Jabaley was in charge of the search committee for the election of the President and Secretary. She announced that Tracey
Reidy has agreed to be President and Ann Massey has agreed to be Secretary/Newsletter Editor. Without additional nominations
from the floor, acceptance was asked by a show of hands and passed.
New Business Items Discussed:
Pam Parmen announced that Tennessee Basket Association will take place on 7/16—7/19.
Peggy McCarson from Upper South Carolina Basket Guild invited everyone to attend their convention June 6-8.
Pattie Bagley introduced the Co-Convention Chairs Tracey Reidy and Patti Patterson. They thanked their committee chairs,
teachers, volunteers and recognized first time attendees.
Kathleen Fosha discussed a possible change in venue to the Wyndham hotel and asked members to complete a survey.
Pattie Bagley closed with the comment we were still looking for 2015 Convention Co-Chairs.
The meeting was adjourned.
Editor’s Note: On Sunday, it was announced that Kathy Cosgrove and Lillian Ansley agreed to co-chair the 2015 convention.
Convention Photo Highlights
Below is a just a sample of the photos taken at Convention. For the full collection, please visit our facebook page.
Convention Photos — Continued
Meet your New Officers
Tracey Reidy, President
For those of you that don't know me, my name is Tracey Reidy
and I am basket obsessed! I have done various crafts throughout
my entire life (I haven't met one that I didn't love) but in 1985 I
made my first basket under the wonderful guidance of our very
own Dot Glover and I was hooked. I began taking basket classes
with Dot at a small shop in Lilburn and she and I are charter members of the
Gwinnett Basket Weavers Guild which began around 1985. Basket weaving
became my passion which continues today. I love all baskets but my heart belongs
to Nantuckets with ash baskets a close second. My basket making has brought me
the most wonderful friends whom I consider my chosen family. I wouldn't trade
them or my baskets for anything in the world! I retired in late 2012 from a 30
year law enforcement career as a Criminal Investigator for the Gwinnett Co.
District Attorney's Office. I am married to Curt, a Special Agent for the
Department of Defense, and have two grown sons, Andrew (24) and Patrick (22).
The men in my life are very supportive of my basket addiction, thank goodness!
Weave On!
Ann Massey, Secretary/Newsletter Editor
I learned about GBA when I was taking a basket class at John C.
Campbell. I attended my first GBA convention in 2004 where I met
Tracey Reidy. She invited me to attend a GBWG meeting. Everyone
was so friendly AND talented that I joined the group immediately. I
have been the GBWG secretary/newsletter editor for the past two
years. After retiring in 2010, my husband Lloyd and I moved from Atlanta to a
small community located in the mountains of Northeast Georgia. I joined the
Shooting Creek Basket Weavers Guild where I an currently hospitality
chairperson. I have made good friends and enjoy my affiliation with both guilds. I
am pleased to have the opportunity to serve as secretary/newsletter editor for
GBA. I look forward to sharing news about our terrific organization with all of
GBA Convention 2015
Save the Date: 2/6—2/8
Our 2015 convention co-chairs, Kathy Cosgrove and Lillian
Ansley, encourage you to save the date for next year’s
A Measure of the Earth: The Cole-Ware exhibit at the Renwick
Museum/Smithsonian in Washington, DC
—by Tracey Ready
Recently, several members of the GBWG and/or GBA had a wonderful trip to
Washington. DC to see the Cole-Ware exhibit at the Renwick Museum. The exhibit is a private collection of baskets that has been donated to the Smithsonian.
There were many baskets by makers who are well known to us (Eric Taylor, Jan
Henry, JoAnn Kelly Catsos, and Alice Ogden) and others that we had never heard
of. The show was so awe inspiring that we returned the next day for a second
viewing! We also toured many of the Washington, DC monuments, Arlington
Cemetery and the Newseum, a fabulous museum centered on the news. But of
course, the baskets were the highlight of the trip.
Renwick Gallery
(L-R) Suzanne Marvin, Hannah Sommer. Kathy Cosgrove,
Connie Baughman, Diana Carscaddon, Patti Paterson,
Tracey Reidy, Trisha Brown
Alice Odgen’s Four Nested Baskets
Eric Taylor’s Fishing Creel
Summer Workshop News
There will be no summer workshop this year. Instead, think about attending Upper South
Carolina Basketmakers Guild “A-Tisket, A-Tasket, Come Create a Basket” June 6-8 and
Tennessee’s Convention July 16-19.
Guild Meetings
Greater Atlanta Basket Guild (Marietta) - Laurine Haynes
Meets: 3rd Saturday 11 am Main Cobb Co. Library
Roswell Street, Marietta, GA
Gwinnett Basketweaver’s Guild (Gwinnett) - Cindy Dixon
Meets: 2nd Saturday 10am
Berkmar High School in Lawrenceville
Basketweaver's Guild of GA (Roswell) - Kathleen Fosha
Meets: 2nd Thursday 10am-12pm
Bulloch Hall in Roswell
River Country Basket Guild (Augusta) - Suzanne Simoneau
Meets: every Tuesday 7-9pm in Augusta
Kolomoki Weavers (Arlington) - Joyce Causey
Meets: 2nd Tuesday
100 Park Ave., Arlington, GA
Shooting Creek Basket Guild (Shooting Creek, NC) - Kathy Morris
Meets: 2nd Wednesday 9:45
Guild News
Are you curious to know what projects each Guild works on throughout the year? Please submit a written update
or photo of the guild or project to Ann Massey at to be included in future Newsletters.
Kolomoki Weavers (Arlington)
Joyce Causey shares that four different groups of weavers are meeting in her home. Each group consists of
four to seven weavers. All the groups are from Arlington and Blakely, Everyone is having a good time in
Southwest Georgia. They are weaving baskets from BJ Crawford and Flo Hoppe books.
River Country Basket Guild (Augusta)
The River Country basket guild has been busy over the last several months. We ended 2013 by weaving
Leta’s Cherokee Wheels designed by Laura Lee Zanger. It is beautiful with Cherokee wheels circling the basket
and has an Indian pigtail oval swing handle. In December the guild had their annual Christmas party. It featured a delicious potluck dinner. After dinner we revealed our Secret Santas, shared individual small gifts for
each person, and made a donation to Cow Share to St. Albans Church. This donation goes toward purchasing a cow for a third world village. After Christmas the guild made the snowy Owl basket. We are currently
making woven crosses. Next month we will be making small Nantucket baskets.
Guild News—Continued
Gwinnett Basketweaver’s Guild
At our November meeting, members made ornaments for the GBA charity tree and the GBWG wreath that was
donated to the convention raffle.
In January, Tracey Reidy (after being tutored by Haidee Mechtly) taught members how to make German stars.
Some of the stars decorated the GBA tree and GBWG wreath.
In December, Andi Szanti visited her family in Omaha,
Nebraska. She helped her grandson Jack weave a shaker
tape camp stool, square basket and round basket; all
were required for his Boy Scout Merit Badge.
Show and Tell: Debbra Gordon’s beautiful DELS mini
ash basket designed to hold a special sewing thimble.
Guild News—Continued
Greater Atlanta Basket Guild (GABG)
2013-2014 Officers
Laurine Haynes
Vice President/Programs
Kathie Smith
Barb Wisuru
Space Coordinator
Kathleen Fosha
Raffle Coordinator
Debi Stultz
Annette Roose
We have had a very productive basket
making season! Kathleen Fosha taught a
Country Clothespin basket from Bases to
Weave at our November Guild meeting.
The basket is woven with died and smoked
reed and includes double handle, clothespin feet and a decorative ceramic disc accent. The overlay of dyed reed on the
spokes creates a great pattern.
A little Cherokee Storage Basket was
taught by Pattie Bagley in January. This
simple but elegant basket starts with a
square base, opens to a round shape, gently
leans out, ending with a cylindrical shape.
Pattie was wonderful, guiding us through all
the nuances of the shaping.
Laurine Haynes will lead us in February and March
with a wool drying basket. This basket is based on
the wool drying baskets used long ago. After
sheep were sheared, wool needed to be washed
before it could be spun. The washed wool was
placed in a basket with feet and the water could
drip out of the basket as the wool dried. We will
also be able to make Sarah’s Wedding Basket,
woven over a blue mason jar and is perfect for
holding a small bouquet from your garden or
In April and May we are planning
to complete the Oblong Tray
with Rosewood Handles from
NC Basketworks. Karen
Blackwood will be guiding us in
weaving this large tray with
gorgeous pine base.
We are planning programs for next Fall and feel very blessed to have talented members that can teach
such wonderful projects! —Annette Roose
In January 2014 GBA member Judi Purvis taught a pineneedle coiling class at the JCC Folk School. She
provided long-leafed pineneedles that were used to create small baskets and bowls. Judi collected the
pineneedles near her hometown of Jesup, GA, which is on the coastal plain of the state. One student
remarked that she had never seen any needles as long. "The atmosphere at the Folk School is very
welcoming and friendly. It's always a treat to be there" said Judi.
Sample of Completed Student Projects
Classroom Display
Upcoming Events
This list is not comprehensive. Many GBA members and renowned teachers hold
classes at JC Campbell Folk School. Please visit for a complete
listing of basketry classes at JC Campbell Folk School.
February 28—March 2, 2014
March 23-29, 2014
April 13-19, 2014
JC Campbell Folk School
JC Campbell Folk School
JC Campbell Folk School
Matt Tommey “Natural Vine Basketry”
John Zasada “Birch Bark Weaving”
Jo Campbell-Amsler “Step by Step Willow”
March 2-8, 2014
March 30-April 5, 2014
April 20-26, 2014
JC Campbell Folk School
JC Campbell Folk School
JC Campbell Folk School
Judy Zugish “Backyard Baskets”
JoAnn Kelly Catsos “ Mini Back Ash Baskets” Polly Adams Sutton “Cedar Workshop”
March 12-16, 2014
April 6-11, 2014
June 6-8, 2014
Northeast Basket Weavers Spring Retreat
JC Campbell Folk School
Weave In 2014
Sarah Hammond “Charleston Sweetgrass”
Upper South Carolina Basketmakers Guild
March 13-16, 2014
April 10-12, 2014
June 26-29, 2014
North Carolina Basketry Association
Stateline Friends Weaving Retreat
Woodland Retreat
March 16-21, 2014
April 11-13, 2014
July 16-19, 2014
JC Campbell Folk School
JC Campbell Folk School
Tennessee Basketry Association
Joni-Dee Ross “Not Your Grandpa’s Nantuckets”
Peggy McCarson “Double Wall Baskets”
The purpose of the Georgia Basketry
Tracey Reidy
Past President
Pattie Bagley
Vice President
Judi Purvis
Sybil Sweat
Secretary/Newsletter Ann Massey
Barb Wisuri
Kathy Morris
Check out our Facebook page and
“like” us for regular updates.
Association shall be to perpetuate the art
of basketry, stimulate interest and
knowledge in all phases of basketry, and
preserve the importance of basketry as a
heritage craft.
Membership is open to anyone of similar