Randa Kamel Osama Emam Asi Haskal
Randa Kamel Osama Emam Asi Haskal
2012 S O E R EG IS TRA T ION FO RM Grand Total from opposite side of form: $_______ Payment Method : check cash All events held at: credit LittLe egyp t - presents - Credit Card #__________________________ Stars Of Egypt Expiration Date:________________________ May 25-27, 2012 In Chicago, Illinois Credit Card Security Code:__________________ 3 digit number from the back of your credit card. Name:_______________________________ Dance Name:__________________________ Address:______________________________ City:______________State:____Zip:________ Phone:________________________________ Email:________________________________ ABSOLUTELY NO REFUNDS WILL BE GIVEN. ALL TICKETS ARE HELD AT DOOR AND MAY BE PICKED UP AT THE START OF THE EVENT. I hereby release Little Egypt and all related parties from any claims for loss, damage, or injury while participating in any activity connected with Little Egypt events. Signature: _____________________________________ Date: _________________________________________ Mail this registration panel with payment to: Little Egypt 321 Valley Cove Drive Garland, TX 75043 or pay online with Paypal @ shop.littleegypt.com TO BE ANNOUNCED Many great vendors with everything -- DVDs, CDs, hip-scarves, wings, jewelry, canes, finger cymbals, pants, tops, costumes, and more. PLEASE -- No photography or videography during the workshops or shows. Little Egypt reserves the right to hold your camera or phone and request that you delete images of teaching or performances. Join us for the perfect getaway on our Summer’s journey to the Midwest, as we celebrate the pageantry of Egyptian culture with dance shows, workshops, and our traditional dinner service. ~ Randa Kamel Osama Emam Asi Haskal ~ Little Egypt (214) 707-6289 :: (469) 777-0884 (972) 278-9142 :: Fax (972) 926-8021 sales@littleegypt.com WWW.LITTLEEGYPT.COM 2012 SOE Registration Form Event Registration FRIDAY MAY 25, 2012 SATURDAY MAY 26, 2012 FRIDAY WORKSHOPS SATURDAY NIGHT DINNER & SHOW 10a - 1p Asi Haskal Drum solo performance. 2p - 5p Before May 20th $50 At The Door or After May 20th $60 Randa Kamel Balladi Choreography. Before May 20th At The Door or After May 20th $80 $100 Doors open at 8:00pm -- Dinner served at 8:30pm -- Show starts at 9:30pm. $75 before May 20th. $85 after May 20th or at the door. $55 for Show Only (no dinner) before May 20th. $65 for Show Only (no dinner) after May 20th or at the door. Doors open at 9:30pm for Show Only guests. Egyptian Stars performing are Randa Kamel, Osama Emam, and Asi Haskal. Friday Asi $50 Friday Randa $80 Saturday Asi $50 Saturday Osama $60 Sunday Osama $60 Sunday Randa $80 Friday Show Saturday Show With Dinner Service A fabulous show featuring a variety of dancers from across USA and Canada. (before May 20th) Saturday Show With No Dinner $75 $55 Whole Weekend Packages (Includes ALL workshops & shows w/dinner). SATURDAY MAY 26, 2012 SUNDAY MAY 27, 2012 12:30p - 3:30p Osama Emam Oriental still choreography. Saidi :: Workshop with the master of stick! Before April 20th $50 Before May 20th $60 At The Door or After April 20th $60 At The Door or After May 20th $70 Osama Emam $15 (before May 20th) (before May 20th) 2p - 5p Total Shows Doors open at 8:00pm Show starts at 8:30pm Tickets $15 before May 20th. $20 after May 20th or at the door. 10a - 1p Asi Haskal Qty Master Classes & Workshops FRIDAY NIGHT SHOW SATURDAY WORKSHOPS Price 3:30p - 6:30p 09/01/2011 -11/30/2011 $299 12/01/2011 - 02/25/2011 $349 02/26/2012 - 05/05/2012 $399 05/06/2012 - 05/20/2012 $449 After May 20th or At The Door $499 GRAND TOTAL Randa Kamel Hagalla Fantasy :: Energetic fun & folklore. Oriental technique and choreography. Before May 20th $60 Before May 20th $80 At The Door or After May 20th $70 At The Door or After May 20th $100 Purchase Online using ‘sales@littleegypt.com’