IRT A. de Saint Exupéry Take off IRT Saint Exupéry Take off


IRT A. de Saint Exupéry Take off IRT Saint Exupéry Take off
World Class Excellence Center
for 3 key technology domains in Aeronautics, Space and Embedded Systems
High Performance
Multifunctional Materials
More Electrical
Launching Bordeaux activities
The Institute of Research and Technology (IRT) Antoine de Saint-Exupery is
now taking off. I am pleased to share this report with you, which describes
the main objectives and the first steps of this newborn Institute. At the
beginning, our IRT faced two main challenges:
• Launching about 20 R&T projects while showing itself to be an effective, operational and
productive tool. This will be addressed by his General Manager, Ariel Sirat.
• Establishing itself in the innovation landscape as a structuring and integrating entity.
For the second challenge, several actions have been taken. First of all, if our IRT was born from the
Aerospace Valley Competitivity Cluster, both partners had to convert their good relationship into
concrete actions. Perhaps the most emblematic of these is developing a common life in a shared
environment. This is already done in Aquitaine on the ENSAM Campus (Arts & Métiers Paris Tech)
and will happen shortly at the Rangueil Scientific Campus in Toulouse. Further examples are a
testimony to the effectiveness of IRT and Aerospace Valley’s increasing closeness. Together, we
organised the successful “Forum Technique d’Arcachon”, and IRT will be present as part of the
Aerospace Valley exhibition stand at Le Bourget. Last but not least, Agnes Paillard, chairwoman of
Aerospace Valley is also chairing our “Comité de Développement Territorial”.
Another major issue is our strategy towards “coopetitors”. We are taking an open and pragmatic
Toulouse TMA
Foundation stone ceremony
approach to existing entities and technology platforms (CEATech, Fahrenheit, Prime, Placamat…),
keeping in mind the need to optimise public and private investment and expenditures.
Public Institutions
While the IRT Saint Exupéry has strong support from major industrial players in aerospace and
embedded systems, it needs to be attractive to SMEs. So, together with the local authorities, we
aim to develop integrated services. We are already succeeding in this (see the interviews page).
Further challenges include strengthening our education and training strategy and having a more
fluid interaction with academic research. Our current aim is to strengthen institutional links with
the “Réseau Thématique de Recherche Avancée – Sciences et technologies de l’Aéronautique et de
l’Espace” (RTRA-SAE). We hope that we will succeed and go one step beyond.
Airbus Group
“The eight IRTs give France a cutting edge in R&T”, Louis Schweitzer said, when he launched the
French Institute of Technology (FIT), ”the government relies on you to inspire the action plan for
the ‘Programme d’investissement d’Avenir’ number three (PIA3).” Our IRT is tackling this, with
Ariel Sirat heading the Steering Committee, to prepare FIT propositions for new guidelines.
At European and international level, our IRT is committed to playing a prominent role and attaining
best in class recognition for these young entities.
Gilbert Casamatta,
President of IRT Saint Exupéry
Founding Members
IRT Takes off
IRT Takes off
Fast ramp-up of a sustainable Institute of Technology
Since the creation of its legal structure in April 2013, its academic
and industrial founders have devoted significant efforts to establish a
sustainable and efficient basis for the IRT Saint Exupéry.
Governance is now fully operational with a Board of Trustees meeting on a quarterly basis, and
committees bringing advice on key topics (regional impact, R&T strategy, audit, IP).
From an operational point of view, the IRT’s organisation is designed to address its contractual
and project management targets, and strategic objectives of technical world-class excellence.
Processes have been established in a lean way and their day-to-day implementation will be soon
supported by an ERP adapted to IRT size. Besides a secured information system, attention is paid
to securing IRT current and future intellectual assets with the relevant public authorities.
7 p.
250 p.
200 p.
100 p.
Tranche 1 (100 M€)
Tranche 2 (190 M€)
After signing end 2013 the framework contract with ANR – which operates the IRT contract for the
French Public Authorities, projects contracts were signed with academic and industrial members
amounting to 90 M€. We are confident of finalising Tranche 1 (100 M€) contractualisation by 2016,
which will naturally lead to first Tranche 2 (190 M€) contracts being signed in 2016.
To date, 150 staff have joined us, including 16 PhD students, 10 post-docs, experts, engineers,
project managers and functional or technical managers, directly recruited or coming from
our main Industrial or academic partners. An experts policy has also been established as we
are targeting some 30 high-level experts to bring the IRT up to a world-class level in its core
technology domains.
Teams are now installed in temporary buildings in Bordeaux and Toulouse, including 3 500 m² of
offices and 1 500 m² of technical areas to host the first technology platforms. The permanent
facilities in Bordeaux (3 000 m² within ENSAM) and 10 000 m² in Toulouse (Toulouse-Montaudran
Aerospace) should be finished in 2016 and 2017 respectively.
Some 19 projects are operational today and the first results and publications being delivered,
along with participation in conferences and training. The first technology platforms are expected
before end 2015. It is interesting to notice that besides projects dedicated to big Industry, the IRT
model is attractive to SMEs (21) or start-ups (2), with two projects fully dedicated to such partners.
Contracts signature 2014
IRT Staff 2014
Bordeaux – Talence 2016
So, after building a good basis for IRT governance and operations, signing contracts and staffing
its teams, the IRT is fully operational, and we are confident in its ability to become a sustainable
and world-class integrated collaborative R&T tool for all our members.
Ariel Sirat,
Chief Executive Officer of IRT Saint Exupéry
Toulouse – Montaudran 2017
Domain overview
In industry, especially in aeronautics and aerospace, the need for innovative materials with optimized performance is a major
• Materials could represent up to 40% of a structural part’s cost.
• Production means are influenced by the materials’ properties.
• Demand on the aeronautic and spatial materials market will be multiplied by 3 within the next 10 years.
On top of the challenge of materials performances, mainly through multifunctional aspects, the cost has to be considered as
the key driver, and finally environmental aspects have to be also considered from the start. Materials represent a key innovation
lever for 4 major points. First, the cost of the elementary components is the obvious one. Then, in the development of new
materials, if the manufacturing constraints are considered from the start, the production of parts will be more robust, and
thus the cost of maturation phase and the number of defects on parts will be reduced. Some innovative materials can also lead
to significant changes in the production means, like the 3D printing for instance. And the last point is linked to modelling of
materials’ properties, which will allow a reduction of tests and thus a reduction of the development phase.
Our Institute’s activities are focused on high performance materials, which means that those materials will have a direct impact
on the performance or safety of the final product. For each material we investigate, we are looking for the best compromise
between performance (mechanical, physical, chemical), environmental constraints, design, sizing, manufacturing constraints,
robustness, reliability and of course, cost.
Ceramic matrix composites (CMC project):
During the first months of the project, one iteration loop per week
has been performed from preparation of elementary materials to
characterisation of specimens (with SAFRAN/Herakles, Rescoll
and JTT composites). Thanks to that the identification of process
parameters have been achieved. And the first samples with mastered
process have been delivered.
The PhD “Polymer composite surface metallisation for space applications” has started. The objective is to obtain an electromagnetic
shielding and electrical conductive coating on an epoxy matrix composite surface. The first work has focused on the application
and preparation of the conductive coating spray onto a CFRP substrate.
The conductive coating is based on a solution developed by the CIRIMAT (France). It consists in the integration of silver nanowires
in a polyurethane matrix.
The IRT performs tests on materials from TRL2/3 to TRL5.
We perform these mainly at coupons level, but so as to
optimise between all the parameters, we will perform some
investigations at a higher level in the building block approach.
The orange triangle, pictured on the right, represents the
perimeter of our activities. Both axes, physical and numerical
have to be addressed in parallel.
Activities are organised in three technical axes :
• Organic matrix composites: Carbon reinforced thermoset
and thermoplastic composite materials are being developed
with additional functionalities. The functionalisation of their
surfaces is also being investigated. Virtual materials and
virtual tests are also being performed.
• Metallic materials and surface treatments: Optimisation of Ti alloy and Al alloys improves their mechanical behaviour and
their performance versus high temperature. Reinforced metallic materials are being developed for space applications. We are
also maturing some innovative technologies on surface treatments, surface preparations and surface functionalisation. These
studies are being supported by a proper understanding of phenomena and associated numerical approaches for materials and/
or processes.
• Ceramic matrix composites: the goal is to increase manufacturing process maturity of thermostructural composite materials
allowing introduction of CMC components in civil aircraft engines to improve airplane fuel efficiency and decrease emissions
and noise, and to reach mass production expected by the aeronautical industry.
First samples – SEM image
Coating after ageing
Then, the first characterization tests of the coating have been performed. These tests consisted in 100 cycles from -180°C to
165°C. No damage like cracks, blistering were noticed. Adhesion was also tested with results in accordance with needs.
Organic matrix composites (COMPINNOV TP – COMPINNOV TD)
The major activities were linked to the setting of the associated platform.
For thermoplastic materials, a laboratory machine for sizing has been developed, an extrusion machine has been ordered and
the first version of the TP impregnation machine has been defined.
For thermoset materials, we are working with the Institut Clément Ader (France) so to upgrade an existing installation for high
velocity impacts on medium-scale panels. The first tests campaign will be realized before the end of 2015.
Transversally to these axes, we have two other themes:
• Innovative assemblies (without classic mechanical fixations): The critical parameters of innovative assemblies are being
analysed thanks to mathematical modelling approaches. The objective is to better understand the assembly process, to improve
robustness and confidence in those assemblies.
•Transversal axis to electrical domain: Some studies will focus on materials for electronics or system.
Extrusion machine
First CMC Sample produced by the IRT Saint-Exupery
Surface treatments (SURFINNOV project):
High Performance Multifonctional Materials
High Performance Multifonctional Materials
High velocity
impact experiment
More electrical Aircraft
More electrical Aircraft
Domain overview
Aerospace, space, automotive or trains embedded systems are
moving towards improved electrical technologies with higher
performance and more green-friendly impacts. However according
to the current state of the art, electrical technologies are not efficient
in terms of weight, volume and cost. These three challenges will be
solved once every aspect of the physics involved is understood and
the electrical technologies become reliable. From this first batch of
projects, a mid-term road map has been organised along the three
following technology axes.
Components and devices
The objectives are to become cost competitive by the use of:
• COTS (components off-the-shelf)
• New sources coming from other industries (fuel cells, batteries,..)
Understanding, characterisation and modelling of the failure mechanisms when submitted to stresses (thermal, EMC...).
To optimise the efficiency of every component of the electrical system by understanding of power switches, passives, motor
losses (iron…).
First result
Robustness project
The first GaN (Gallium Nitride) Normally OFF transistor
simulation model subjected to a flow of heavy ions simulating
the conditions in space has been conducted by the IRT.
A construction analysis of a commercial GaN transistor, EPC
2019, carried out by Serma Technologies allowed the IRT to
create its own simulation tool - TCAD Sentaurus, a 2D model
of the transistor. The GaN transistor includes a Silicium
substrate, for which the Outlet-Source size is 6.8 µm allowing
it to handle a breakdown voltage of > 200 V. It is made up of
different layers of materials alternating with AlGaN designed
to limit the amount of current leaking into the substrate. What
is different from a Silicium transistor is that conduction in a
GaN transistor takes place in a two-dimensional gas found at
the interface between a layer of GaN 55 nm thick and a 10 nm
layer of AlGaN. The voltage applied on the gate between the
outlet and source opens the flow of current between the two. Without this, the gate closes, explaining why the transistor is known
as Normally OFF.
Constructing and validating the transistor using the data supplied was very challenging because of the extremely thin layers of
metal involved and the very low levels of stimulation. Therefore, we needed to keep in mind the variability of a large number of
parameters, as shown in the figure below:
Technologies and equipment
The objectives are to optimise the power density of every piece of
equipment/sub-equipment of the electrical system (3D integration,
cooling solutions, Mecatronic, Multi physics, Components interaction,
Understanding physical phenomena
The objectives are to understand all the physical phenomena having a potential impact on
the reliability of the electrical systems, such as arc, arc tracking and partial discharges
default and to define design directives.
Once the model was validated the impact of a heavy ion on the transistor’s structure could be simulated. Using nominal voltage
VDS, and at the same level of energy as a linear transfer (LET), we were able to reproduce either a Single Event BurnOut (SEB)
or a transitory, non-destructive spark.
Embedded systems
Embedded systems
Intelligent Systems.
Domain overview
The first research projects set up in this field target dependable systems that are embedded on board mobile vehicles but also the
systems embedded in ground segments used to control and operate these vehicles. From this first batch of projects, a mid-term
road map has been organised along the three following technology axes.
Collaborative system engineering.
The objective is to streamline and make robust
systems design, verification and validation in the
extended enterprise under regulatory constraints
by maturing and transferring scalable and usable
engineering methodologies and tools that bring
real productivity gains to industry. First research
activities focus on the design phase of the
development cycle at three levels. One project deals
with the multi-physics optimisation at product level
where advanced multi-disciplinary optimisation
(MDO) methods will be elaborated and tested on
very representative aeronautical use cases using a
MDO generic research platform. A second project
is dealing with model and information sharing for system engineering in the extended enterprise. Research activities will focus
on methods and tools for model-driven requirements engineering, multi-view system design and evaluation, model exchanges
enabling contractualisation in the extended enterprise, with an underlying objective of standardisation and interoperability.
The third project is at equipment level, dealing with methods and tools for equipment/hardware/software co-development and
formal verification techniques in a context of a certified model-driven engineering process. A collaborative system engineering
platform covering systems and equipment levels will be developed in parallel to validate the methodologies and tools on use
cases representative of industrial actual ones (TRL 4-6).
Signal and data processing.
Research in this field aims at answering
the future needs of broadband satellite
communication systems. A factor up to 10
will be gained in term of data rate compared
with current Ka-band satcom systems to
stay competitive with future broadband
obstacles will be removed for setting up
the required networks based on Q/V band
(40 to 50 GHz) or optical bands (1.55 mm).
Those obstacles address first the physical
and access layers. At signal level, the
channel efficiency will be improved by
implementing new capacitive waveforms as well as innovative processing methods to compensate for interferences, non-linear
channel behaviour and turbulence that affect end-to-end performance. At ground segment level, network technologies are being
developed to ensure a proper handover between gateways for managing meteorological events (rain, cloud) that dramatically
affect Q/V and optical communication links (outages). In addition, the maturity of optical communication technologies will be
increased, in particular turbulences compensation through active optics. All those technologies are being verified on test benches
emulating all system aspects (disturbances, non-linearities, interferences, implementation hardware aspects, etc) with a level of
representativeness compatible with TRL 5 to 6.
Current activities are mainly related to earth observation space systems
and services. The trend is a dramatic growth of available georeferenced
data that will enable new added-value services and their delivery to a
booming number of end users. IRT researches deal with technologies that
cover the end-to-end system: mission planning, satellite programming,
data acquisition / processing / storage. Innovative combinatorial
optimisation techniques are being evaluated and applied to optimal
mission planning of satellite constellations. Task sharing between ground
segment and space segment will be revisited by considering onboard
autonomous decision-making functions. Large scale machine learning
techniques will be developed for automatic information extraction and indexation of multi-spectral and radar images including
exogenous data. Image processing algorithms will be reshaped to be implementable into distributed scalable cloud computing
architectures. All these algorithms and processing techniques will be statically evaluated on a very large number of actual
space images and use cases.
First result
Space data available in a near future in the world and especially in Europe (with the Copernicus Programme) is growing
exponentially (tens of Peta Bits per year with an increasing revisit capability). It will definitely be challenging to process the
data, extract reliable information and distribute this information to final customer. At the same time, this constitutes also an
opportunity for creating new applications and building a new paradigm in terms of image processing and analytics. Thanks to
this huge quantity of dynamic data, large scale machine learning and deep learning approaches can open the door to innovative
information extraction solutions (for change detection, data fusion and classification).
This will be possible only if we are able to map such applications to a new
kind of infrastructure based on cloud processing with both distributed
processing and local data treatment and storage to avoid huge data
transfers in the network. This new type of infrastructure is a revolution in
the space domain and will emerge from the merger of two worlds currently
separated: the web world and the remote sensing world. This merge will
offer undisputed capacities in term of massive processing and elasticity of
the infrastructure to adapt to the demand.
The IRT Saint Exupery’s OCE project aims at benchmarking these new
technologies in the space domain with worldwide classification and
change detection use cases. A first step has been achieved with the development of a distribution framework for Spot 6 images
orthorectification (Level-2 processing). The objectives of this study were:
• To select a distribution technology and trade distribution with classic multithreading
• To evaluate the capability and user-friendliness to deploy very specific algorithms in the cloud
• To use distributed data products in and out.
For that purpose, we started selecting a storage scheme for Level-1 space
image data compatible with HDFS storage, image compression and physical
model handling. We developed a distributed Level-2 algorithm using Spark, a
fast and general engine for big data processing. This algorithm was deployed
on a cloud in different cores configurations. We measured and compared the
performance of different algorithmic options and different configurations
that allowed us to evaluate the scalability and performances of L2 processing
over the cloud.
Platforms started in 2014
IRT Platforms segmentation
IRT Saint Exupéry Platforms aim at:
• Implementing highly specialized platforms, currently not available in the ecosystem,
• Opening these to external users for research and training,
• Developing specific partnerships with platforms already in existence.
High velocity impact
characterization for
multifunctionnal materials
Materials Domain
• Elaborate and characterize organic composites
• Surface protection and functionalization technologies
• Elaborate and characterize ceramic composites
• Impact of manufacturing process on properties of metallic materials
• Understanding of innovative assembly
IRT Saint Exupery and Institut Clément Ader (ICA) co-invest to upgrade
existing facilities to reach the required levels of performance (projectile of
1,8 kg at 175 m/s) and safety
Automated Paintshop (October 2015)
Plasma Treatment (july 2015)
Thermoplastic pre-impregnation line (june 2016)
Embedded Systems Domain
• Emulation of satellite communication chains
• Simulation of Earth Observation systems and services
• Integrated collaborative system engineering platform
• Multi-disciplinary analyses and optimisation
More Electrical Aircraft Domain
• Characterization
• Electromecanical chain integration
3D Digital Image Correlation will provide full field measurement of the
deformed back side of the target structure during impact. IRT Saint Exupery
invests in a high-speed camera
Broadband Communications
RF transmission platform. This
platform offers means to implement
digital signal processing functions on
FPGA (Modem, linearizer, equalizer…),
for validation in an environment which
mimics the characteristics of a satellite
radio transmission channel
Optical transmission test bench. This platform is a tool to experiment
new transmission technology (modulation and coding, photonic functions)
over a simulated optical satellite channel first through a fiber link, then
over the air transmission with simulated turbulences
RF Transmission Platform
(December 2015)
Motors test bench (December 2015)
Access and Network platform. This platform emulates operation of
a satellite broadband network made up with at least two gateways and
several user stations. A gateway handover mechanism will be implemented
to test the behavior of network protocols and to find mitigation techniques
avoiding service outage during fading events.
What our members say
What our members say
Francis Teyssandier,
Director of the Laboratory for Thermostructural Composites
(LCTS), Bordeaux
The Technological Research Institutes (TRI) are one of the French government’s
tools or ‘Investissements d’avenir’, created to stimulate innovation and share
equipment and facilities for SMEs and research laboratories to work together
on technological problems.
The Ceramic Matrix Composite (CMC) division of IRT Saint-Exupéry offers a
great opportunity to work on the intermediate TRL technological development
of CMC materials. These materials were created in the early 1970s and further
developed in France by the European Propulsion Company (now Herakles
from SAFRAN Group) and the Laboratory for Thermostructural Composites
(LCTS) under the authority of CNRS and Bordeaux University.
Composite Ceramic Materials were originally developed for use in the
extreme conditions found in space or for military aircraft, but are now being
used in civil aviation. The wider variety of operating conditions involved
requires materials to be designed with appropriate performance and cost
levels, and the correct choice of components and associated processes.
Between basic research into generating new concepts and knowledge about
these materials and their industrial development, numerous key problems
have to be solved.
Since technological solutions very often result from SMEs’ specific knowhow, the CMC axis of Saint-Exupéry IRT will bring together highly skilled
people to share their complementary knowledge and expertise. Technological
issues can also be the source of basic research problems. We are very much
looking forward to collaborating with others within this new structure.
Jacques Favre,
aPSI3d General Manager, Tarbes
Since it launched in April 2013, aPSI3D has discovered that people are
reluctant to take risks in the technology and hardware industries. Innovation
rhymes with risk. The IRT Saint Exupery, however, showed its ability to think
independently and take a risk on an organisation like ours that is just starting
out when its General Manager recognised the value of aPSI3D‘s breakthrough
Since then, we have gone through the learning phase of IRT drawing up a
contract with a start-up. Fitting the technical description into the correct
format was a lengthy exercise but everyone was so determined to succeed
and the teamwork so positive that the cumbersome process was overcome.
And, agreeing on IP rules acceptable to future investors also demonstrated
IRT’s managers’ ability to resolve potential issues fairly.
While it may be bureaucratic, IRT is a very positive force for innovation. It
sponsors committed and technology-driven entrepreneurs and creates a
network of knowledge and ideas that can be shared and developed on in its
Benoît Guyon,
Christian LAURENT,
Technology Capabilities Management VP
R&T Direction, Paris
CNRS Research Director,
LAPLACE (Laboratoire PLAsma et Conversion d’Energie)
Toulouse, Director
The Institute of Research and Technology (IRT) had a difficult start but is now
successfully up and running, with a clearly defined purpose.
Unlike previous public-private partnerships in France, which are generally
limited in time, the IRT’s unique set-up means it can build well-defined
and durable partnerships between people in academic research and those
working in industry. This was its primary objective and the shape the IRT has
taken confirms it is successfully achieving this. This is very important for both
IRT’s members and its partners.
Another strength of the organisation is its ability to coordinate the orientation
of research between the academic and industrial players. The culture in
academic and institutional research in France is very much centred on
scientific breakthroughs, more than on technological advances. Industry
needs the scientific world and institutional research to contribute meeting its
needs. The IRT is there to form a bridge between these two worlds. It offers
a seamless link between those involved. This interchange of skills between
the academic and industrial worlds is essential, it is something we do less in
France than elsewhere.
One of the IRT’s biggest strengths is its ability to promote osmosis between
academia and industry, but its structure also encourages communication
between members. For Safran, this is a place where useful discussions on
R&T topics can be conducted.
The IRT and Safran have developed a very good relationship during its startup phase, thanks to its transparency on its organisation, way of working and
its programmes. This openness must continue as the IRT moves into its
operational phase, and its committees should not become closed off. The
IRT needs to stay open and interactive with its members and the ecosystem
moving forward.
Private sector members also expect the IRT to set new standards and tools
due to become reference for the industry, for example engineering tools for
various domains such as complex systems. If we don’t do this here, it will be
done elsewhere and forced on us. The IRT should also contribute defining
the roadmaps and make its own suggestions of what the technologies of the
future could be. It needs to build a frame of reference for these technologies
and their associated methodologies.
Thierry Lebey,
CNRS Research Director,
LAPLACE (Laboratoire PLAsma et Conversion
d’Energie), Toulouse, Assistant Director
IRT first appeared in our laboratory environment at the same time as a
large number of new tools, coming from either the PIA (Investment for the
Future programme) or from institutes looking to diversify and revitalise their
offerings, such as CEATech. The appearance of so many new actors and
tools is good for a laboratory like Laplace, which is committed to develop
its knowledge. This increased our workload as we needed to produce
documentation and defining our position on numerous topics.
The fact that IRT St Exupéry took a while to become established gave us time
to get to know those involved and their ways of working, which are often very
different to ours. It also meant we could fine-tune the research programmes
we would be involved in.
Today, Laplace regards IRT St Exupéry as an essential player in its evolution
towards higher TRL for the aerospace industry.
Laplace team members are on different IRT governing bodies such as
the Scientific and Technological Orientation Committee (COST), or act as
supervisors for research students. Taking part in strategic discussions allows
us to develop our activities to focus on where the academic and industrial
worlds meet. This is where innovation is found.
With regard to supervision activities, the first project contracts have recently
been signed and four theses are ongoing in two subject areas – materials and
electrical aircraft, with a fifth currently under consideration.
Space Codesign
Guy Bois,
Space Codesign Systems President and founder, Montréal
As expert in hardware/software co-design and virtual platforms, Space
Codesign Systems developed SpaceStudio™, an ESL design technology that
enables automated hardware/software co-design - from high-level functional
specification to the architectural and RTL (Registered Transfer Level) coding
The Space Codesign team will collaborate with IRT A. de Saint Exupéry on
developing a new design flow for embedded silicon systems in aerospace
electronics and avionics. Together they will work to reduce the time and effort
required to design such systems. “We aim to define methods and tools to
get the architecture right first time,” said Calixte Champetier, Head of the
Embedded Systems domain at IRT A. de Saint Exupéry. “We are targeting
a 30% reduction in time and cost, which is ambitious, but we believe
SpaceStudio’s™ end-to-end automation will help us achieve it.”
Including features like improved designer productivity, cost control and
risk mitigation, SpaceStudio will assist companies in dealing with their
future data processing requirements. “This work is being conducted with
the participation of major firms including Airbus Group, Safran Group and
Thales Group, French research institutes including CNRS, CNES, Toulouse
and Bordeaux University, and numerous laboratories,” added Champetier.
«We are pleased to team up with IRT A. de Saint Exupéry,» said Dr Guy Bois,
President and Founder of Space Codesign Systems. “We have a proven track
record in conducting R&D projects and bringing innovative ESL and HW/SW
co-design technologies to market. We are confident that we can integrate new
technologies developed during the IRT A. de Saint Exupéry project into future
releases of our SpaceStudio technology. ”
Our relationship will naturally evolve. Currently our activities are in IRT-led
projects, but for the future we’d like to develop on collaborative projects, in
particular at European level.
We have no doubt that IRT St Exupéry will become a major player in R&T
nationally for aerospace and embedded systems.
The IRT can bring together aviation giant Airbus, along with industry leaders
like Safran, Liebherr and Zodiac, to meet with expert researchers in their
fields. This is a genuine opportunity that, if we use it right, will allow us to
identify what new technological standards are required and also manage
their development.
In future, two points needs special consideration: the IP (Intellectual
Property) model embodied by the government and rigorously applied by the
IRT St Exupéry and how to simplify the research ecosystem.
Both of our futures will be bright once IRT puts in place simple agreements
which cut back on complexity with all aPSI3D‘s key partners. We expect to see
exciting innovations and powerful patents generated thanks to the excellent
cross-disciplinary skills that IRT is capable of bringing together.
IRT Railenium
IRT B-com
IRT Jules Verne
IRT Bioaster
IRT Nanoelec
Highway :
Exit 20
Métro : ligne B
Arrêt : Faculté de
ACCèS à l’IRT - Site Aquitain
Arts et Métiers ParisTech CampusdeBordeaux-Talence
En voiture
Au cœur du domaine universitaire
de Bordeaux, à proximité de la N10,
rocade : sortie 16 « Gradignan-Talence
domaine universitaire »
Merci de confirmer votre participation en ligne :
Arts et Métiers ParisTech
• Campus de Bordeaux-Talence
Esplanade des Artsouetpar
Talence cedex (France)
mail :com
En transports en communToulouse
Tramway ligne B :
118 route de Narbonne - CS 44248
De la place de la Victoire jusqu’à l’arrêt
« Arts et Métiers » 31432 Toulouse cedex 4 (France)
Bus : ligne 34
Tel. +33 (0) 5 61 00 67 50
IRT Antoine de Saint Exupéry
118 route de Narbonne - CS 44248
31432 Toulouse cedex 4 (France)
Tel. +33 (0) 5 61 00 67 50