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Toy Inventing A Process for Having Great Ideas! Adam Skaates | IDEO 2/3/10 1. Introduction 2. Techniques 3. Case Studies Introduction About Me Toy Inventing Toy Inventing Techniques Initial Concept Techniques a. The Brainstorm b. Coffee Time c. Workshops d. Game Day e. Speed Inventing f. Insight Driven Ideation g. Needfinding/Bug Solving h. Wouldn’t it be cool if... Making it Real Techniques a. Rapid Prototyping b. Storytelling c. Switching Gears d. Make it Work Intangibles a. Playful Culture b. Idea Meritocracy c. Following Passions d. Practice 6 Case Studies 1. Balloonimals Insight Driven Ideation Brainstorming 1. Balloonimals 2. Aerobie Football Rapid Prototyping Switching Gears 2. Aerobie Football 3. Wild Adventure Mini Golf 3. Wild Adventure Mini Golf Storytelling 3. Wild Adventure Mini Golf 4. Jumperoo Need Finding/Bug Solving Make it work 4. Jumperoo 5. Roll Cage 5. Roll Cage Wouldn’t it be cool if... Make it work 5. Roll Cage 6. Printies 6. Printies Wouldn’t it be cool if... coffee time 6. Printies