September 2015 Tide - Aptos United Methodist Church
September 2015 Tide - Aptos United Methodist Church
September, 2015 s ~Fall Kickoff/ Rally Day~ In our courtyard everyone will have the opportunity to learn about the various ministries within our church. ~Saturday, September 12 ~ Our next Food Sort at Second Harvest Food Bank. th ~ SOCK MISSION DINNER ~ Sunday evening, September 27th, here at church~ 5:00 PM. Dinner is free! If you are able, please bring a pair or package of new men’s or women’s socks to be given to homeless. THE NEW SERMON SERIES ON THE BOOK “WHY?” by Adam Hamilton Sept. 20th: Sept. 27th: Oct. 4th: Oct. 11th: Why Do the Innocent Suffer? Why Do My Prayers Go Unanswered? Why Can't I See God's Will for My Life? Why God's Love Prevails! For many of us, September is the beginning of a new season. The summer is ending. Summer vacations are winding down. Children and youth are going back to school. This is also the beginning of a new season for our church. Sunday, September 13th, is Kickoff Sunday at our church. Our Sunday School and Youth Group will start back up on that Sunday. In between our two services, during our coffee fellowship time, we will celebrate Kick-off Sunday. In our courtyard everyone will have the opportunity to learn about the different ministries within our church. There will be representatives from each of the ministries to help answer any questions you might have. Hope you can join us at the Kick-off Sunday celebration! Our Bell Choir has a new beginning also, as we welcome our new Bell Choir Director, Eileen Mihm. We are so excited to have Eileen on board, as she comes to us with a wealth of experience and credentials. She has Bachelor of Music from Westminster Choir College and a Masters of Arts in Music Theory and Composition from CSU Fresno. On Sunday, September 20th, we well begin our new four-Sunday Sermon Series based upon the book “Why?” authored by Adam Hamilton, Senior Pastor, Church of the Resurrection, in Kansas City. Our sermon series will help us in ‘making sense of God’s will.’ The questions we will be answering over the four Sundays will be: Why do the innocent suffer? Why do my prayers go unanswered? Why can’t I see God’s will for my life? Why God’s love prevails! Our small groups will be using Adam Hamilton’s book as the study guide throughout the sermon series. Another new beginning happening in September is our first Mission Dinner, on September 27th – 5:00 PM, at the church. You are encouraged to purchase a pair or package of new socks to bring to the dinner, as we will provide these socks to our homeless friends in the Aptos community. Also, please mark you calendars for our October Mission Dinner, Sunday, October 25th – 5:00 PM. At the October Mission Dinner we will package hygiene kits for our homeless friends in Aptos. One more important item regarding mission is our upcoming Second Harvest Food Sort on Saturday, September 12th in Watsonville. We gather and package over a thousand food packages for those in need of nutritious meals. I have found it to be a great time of fellowship while serving! God has blessed our church with many ‘good and perfect gifts’ for this new season. Praise be to God! Blessings, Pastor Jay 2 MISSIONS TEAM REPORT FOR SEPTEMBER Your support of the Missions Team’s Right Start Backpack Project filled 48 backpacks with binders, two packages of binder paper, two ink pens, erasers, pencils, colored pencils, colored markers, 12 inch rulers, composition books, spiral notebooks, glue sticks, Post-it notes, highlighters, binder dividers, pencil boxes, pencil sharpeners, English-Spanish dictionaries, packs of tissues, and bottles of hand sanitizer. It’s an amazing list of supplies that we were able to put together with your support! Thanks to careful shopping and donations that came in after August 2nd, we were able to send some money to UMCOR to help pay for School Kits for children in need elsewhere in the world! So, what’s coming up? Glad you want to know! September 12th: Food Sort at Second Harvest Food Bank in Watsonville. We meet there at 8:00 AM. September 15th: Feeding the homeless at St. John’s Episcopal Church in Aptos at 5:00 PM. Anne Scott has taken responsibility for the first dinner. September 27th: Dinner at 5:00 PM. Food provided; please bring a pair or package of new socks to “pay” for dinner. October 3rd: Walk for Alzheimer’s Support in Aptos. More information will be forthcoming on several of these events, but we want you to know what’s happening now. The cooking and serving of dinner at St. John’s Episcopal Church will be our job on the third Tuesdays of the month. St. John’s church will cook and serve on the first Tuesdays of the month. Resurrection Catholic Community will cook and serve on the second and fourth Tuesdays of the month. St. John’s and Resurrection churches will alternate when there’s a fifth Tuesday. SOCK DINNER SET FOR SUNDAY, SEPT. 27th September is sock month at Aptos CUMC! The Missions Team will host a dinner Sunday, Sept. 27th, 5:00 PM, in the Education Building to kick off support of the Mid-County Homeless Coalition’s efforts to provide needed supplies for the homeless. If you are able, please bring to the dinner one or more pairs of new adult men’s or women’s socks. A second dinner will be held Sunday, Oct. 25th. That dinner will be hygiene items to be packed into hygiene kits for the homeless. Sign-ups for the Sept. 27th dinner are needed to get an estimate of how many plan to attend. A clipboard sign-up will be circulated during worship. You may also call the Church Office, 6882210, to sign up. The mission team members plan to provide the same menu that is being served Sept. 15th to the homeless who are housed at St. John’s Episcopal Church on Tuesday evenings. Aptos CUMC members will be cooking and serving the Sept. 15th dinner as part of our church’s new partnership with St. John’s. 3 WOW! LET’S LIGHT UP THE WORLD !! Well, at least our parking lot !! Pledge payments from many of you as a result of our successful WIDENING OUR WELCOME capital campaign in March, are now almost sufficient to start our first major campus enhancement project - new lights for the parking lot! To insure our capital cash flow covers this entire project, it would be helpful if any of you who have not made your 2015 pledge payments could do so soon, plus a few of you could help by pre-paying your 2016 pledge. With Mike Sampson’s leadership, we now have the engineering plans, building permit, and contractors identified. Phase1, to be completed in the next couple of months, will be building the parking lot light foundations. We are planning a DIY project where we will rent equipment to bore the foundation holes, place a prefab form, and have a rebar contractor place the reinforcing steel. We will then set the lighting base plates and order concrete delivered and poured to complete the foundations. In Phase 2 we are planning to do the trenching for the electrical conduit. We will need a laborer or two plus our volunteers to make all this happen. With these items complete, in Phase 3 we will buy the lighting and contract for an electrician to extend power to the new pole locations, raise the poles, mount the lights and set the controls for a complete job. There will be several county inspections along the process. This may take several months, depending on technical issues and cash flow. These new lighting fixtures have advanced technology LED lights, with timers, automatic dimmers, and motion detectors. They are highly efficient, taking only 500 watts total power for all the lights. The results will give us a WELCOMING and well-lighted safe parking lot for more evening events and help with security of our campus. Trustees thank all of you for supporting the Capital Campaign and projects. Steve Green Chair, Trustees Saturday, September 12th Our next Food Sort at Second Harvest Food Bank. We will meet at the Food Bank at 8:00 AM at 800 Ohlone Parkway in Watsonville and expect to finish around 11:30 AM. Please remember that long pants and closed-toed shoes are required for working at the Food Bank. 4 APTOS CUMC TO PARTNER WITH ST. JOHN’S EPISCOPAL To Feed the Homeless the Third Tuesday of Each Month This month our church will begin a new mission program serving the homeless, working in partnership with churches involved in the MidCounty Homeless Coalition. As part of the coalition effort, St. John’s Episcopal Church and Resurrection Catholic Church are housing and feeding 20 homeless people on Tuesday evening beginning Sept. 1st. Other Santa Cruz churches will host the 20 people on the other six nights. They will travel by bus to Aptos on Tuesday. 2016 PLEDGE DRIVE SET FOR OCTOBER Aptos UMC’s annual fall pledge campaign is coming up. Each year at this time church members are asked to pledge to support the church during the coming year. These pledges become the foundation upon which church leaders are able to develop a budget for salaries, building maintenance and programs. It is impossible to run a church without having the financial backing of members who pledge to support the church and then faithfully pay their pledges. Aptos Community UMC will partner with St. John’s and go to that church to provide dinner, breakfast and a sack lunch on the third Tuesday of each month. Our first evening will be Sept. 15th. This monthly outreach will provide an opportunity for many people to become involved. We’ll cook in our homes and transport the food, serve it to our guests, and eat with them. Then we’ll clean up and set out breakfast and lunch sacks for the next morning. So we need people who will donate food, people who will prepare a main dish, a salad, a dessert, bake cookies or pies, etc. And we’ll need people to come to St. John’s to serve the food, socialize and eat with the guests, and clean up. If you think you’d like to work on the planning committee for this new mission project, please tell Anne Scott or Ruth Landmann. There will be a planning meeting in early September. The pledge campaign will be held during October. Church committees will meet this month to determine budget requests for 2016, and from these requests the Finance Committee and Administrative Council will develop a church budget. The budget will be formally approved after pledges have been received. This year has been an exciting one for Aptos UMC with new goals and programs begun. Funds given this year have been crucial in carrying out the church goals. During this month we ask you to prayerfully consider what our church means to you, our community and world, and to determine your pledge for 2016. Anne is organizing the Sept. 15th meal. The Tuesday evening study group members have volunteered to serve the meal and help prepare the food. The dinner menu will be chili (meat and vegetarian), coleslaw, cornbread, and pie. Breakfast will be coffee, muffins, and bananas. The sack lunch will include fruit, cookies, and fruit juice. A sign-up list for those that would like to donate food for Sept. 15th will be circulated during worship. 5 ~ Music Notes ~ Chancel Choir is “back-to-work” this month on Thursday evenings and Sunday mornings, preparing some wonderful anthems for 9:30 am worship: Sept 6th Sept 13th Sept 20th Sept 27th ~ Our Mixed Ensemble will share “Wayfarin’ Stranger” in bluegrass style! ~ “Sisi Sote” is a very colorful, celebration anthem to kick off our Rally Day! ~ We will enjoy special music from the MilnerBrown Family! ~ “Blessings” will nicely complement the new sermon series just beginning Golden, glowing music, renewed enthusiasm, and the warmth of love ~ all of these color our worship this September. See you in church! Book Club Plans Our contemporary worship service at 11:00 AM continues each week with wonderful praise band music! Wednesday September 16th at 2:00 PM at the home of Lee MacDonell. (Remember Lee’s new address: 318 Loyola Dr., Aptos) “American Savior" by Roland Merullo. Lorrie Ingram will lead the discussion The book for October will be "Flight Behavior" by Barbara Kingsolver November's selection is "Lots of Candles, Plenty of Cake" by Anna Quindlen The ACUMC Book Club meets at 2:00 PM on the third Wednesday of every month. Everyone is welcome to attend. Please contact Lee MacDonell at 688-1574 for more information. 6 September Birthdays 2 4 6 8 11 13 15 16 Jean Beebe Elsie Staley Sara Rossi Andy Lewis Mary Ellen Rusch Linda Theiring Jim Williamson Wally Ingram Jonathan Treffkorn 26 30 Anniversaries 2 7 8 14 18 30 20 21 22 23 25 Zackary Jot Oliver Parr Lorrie Ingram Ella Parr Jan Jackson Bridget Parr Marty Nichols Riley Nichols Judy Cottingham Bill Fennell Lorrie & Wally Ingram Georgia & Charlie Mackh Jane & Steve Green Teresa & Skip Fehr Connie & Bill Moore Barbara & Edward Bulicz Susan Cooper & Lan Dyson Michele & Dan Rossi Special Congratulations to: ~Barbara & Edward Bulicz ~ celebrating their 25th Anniversary this year!! Sept 14th!! Wishing you two many more happy years! And to: Has your birthday or anniversary been missing from our Tides? ~Roger Swenson ~ who is newly retired from m any, wonderful years at Granite Rock! Well done, Roger! Give Susie a call in the church office 688-2210 or email her at: and she’ll get our records straight! J ~In Our Thoughts and Prayers This Month~ Pat Carr, Pam Wood, Tammy Philbin, Susan Coy Weeks, Bill Moore, Ruth Nichols, Justin Beebe, Kayla Harvey; Pat Carr’s daughter, Sally Hancock; Velma Greyell, Jane Harvey, Barbara Symons; Forrest Willcox’s niece, Kristin; Sibille Treffkorn’s nephew, Andreas; Mary Tarverdi’s grandson, Jordan; The Hart’s son in law, Rich; Connie Moore’s Mom, Edna; Hazel Smith’s brother, Allen, and sister, Peggy; Norm & Millie Anderson & the Wood Family: Pastor Jay’s nephew, Mitchell; Steve Glaum, Craig Vetter And Our Homebound Folks: Betty Bridge, LaVern Radeleff, June Dyer, Sarah Talbot, Mary Ellen Rusch, Lollie Starbuck, Evelyn Longanecker, Jeane Kelley 7 “The Church Worth Finding” 221 Thunderbird Drive, Aptos, CA 95003 Phone: (831) 688-‐2210 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED w Sunday Worship at 10:30 AM Church School at 10:30 AM Child Care Available 10:15 – 11:45 AM The Tide is published monthly by Aptos Community United Methodist Church. Aptos Community UMC is an inclusive community that welcomes and encourages full participation of all persons, regardless of race, culture, age, economic circumstance, sexual orientation, gender identity, or physical/mental abilities. We affirm our denomination’s motto – Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors. The Church Office is open Tuesday through Friday from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM. The office is closed on Mondays. Church Staff Jay Parr, Pastor 831-688-2210 Nancy Moody, Lay Leader Daniel Goldsmith, Accompanist 831- 331-7534. 831-688-2210 Susie Lewis, Office Manager & Jana Daley, Communications Music Director 831-761-1211 831-246-2592 Pat Doolittle, Tide Editor, Ruth Landmann, Facebook 831-688-4836 831-688-2555 8