I-95 Corridor Congestion Relief Study
I-95 Corridor Congestion Relief Study
Technical Memorandum I-95 Corridor Congestion Relief Study Data Collection/ Existing Conditions Connecticut Department of Transportation February 26, 2014 Technical Memorandum I-95 Corridor Congestion Relief Study Data Collection/Existing Conditions At the direction of the Connecticut Department of Transportation (CT DOT), CDM Smith is leading a congestion relief study in the Southwest region. The study is funded through a grant from the FHWA Value Pricing Pilot (VPP) program. The grant application submitted by the CT DOT specifically outlined the I-95 Corridor from the New York State border line to New Haven due to severity and duration of congestion experienced by motorists along Connecticut’s most heavily congested corridor and the need for a multi-modal solution to provide much needed congestion relief and additional trip making options. Congestion levels have been on the rise in the Bridgeport, Stamford and New Haven metro areas for decades. In fact, traffic has reached such high densities during the peak periods that the effective capacity of the roadway is literally being reduced due to 20 miles of back-up conditions that exist on I-95. This increased time spent sitting in traffic results in significant impacts to people’s heath, quality of life, time, and money and has put tremendous strain on economic development and business activity. To support the technical analysis for this congestion relief study, CDM Smith constructed a data collection plan including new traffic counts, roadway travel speed data, information on travel patterns, vehicle occupancy levels, and out of state traffic percentages. This memo discusses the I-95 study area, data collection efforts, and presents summaries of the data collection analysis which will be used to support the study. Project Area Description The general area for this study can be defined as the I-95 corridor from New York State border to the I-91/I-95/ Rt-34 interchange in New Haven, Connecticut. Figure 1 depicts the general study area, with the highlighting of I-95 and the Merritt Parkway / Wilbur Cross Parkway. Route 1 and the Metro North rail line run parallel to I-95, crossing over I-95 at multiple locations throughout the corridor. Because of the interaction and competition between I-95, Merritt Parkway / Wilbur Cross Parkway/ Route 15, Route 1, and the Metro North line, CDM Smith has collected data across all potential modes of transportation within the defined study area. Figures 2 through 5 show I-95 through major metropolitan areas: Milford, Bridgeport, Norwalk, and Stamford. All these metropolitan areas provide a major arterial, freeway, or a parkway that directly links I-95 with the Merritt Parkway/ Wilbur Cross Parkway. The I-95 and Route 15 corridors are linked through the Milford Parkway in Milford, Route 8/Route 25 in Bridgeport, US 7 in Norwalk, and combination of Route 137 and Route 104 through Stamford. Figures 6 through 12 depict I-95 schematically from the I-287 interchange in Port Chester, New York State to just north of the I-91/I-95/ Rt-34 interchange in New Haven, Connecticut. Interchange numbers, mileposts, the number of lanes, and posted speed limits are displayed. In general, I-95 has three general purpose lanes in each direction, with sections containing additional auxiliary lanes or in some instances addition general purpose lanes. The posted speeds along I-95 vary through the study corridor between 45 and 55 mph due to construction zones in New Haven, Stratford and Norwalk. 1 February 26, 2014 I-95 Corridor Congestion Relief Study Danbury X:\TFT Group\Projects\CT 96725 I-95 Value Pricing Study\Graphics\I-95 Corridor Congestion Relief Study\Arcview\Study Area.mxd 7/02/14 N 25 7 91 New Haven 25 New York Bridgeport 95 Milford 15 7 1 8 95 1 Norwalk 15 Stamford 1 95 Long Island Sound I-95 AND ROUTE 15 STUDY CORRIDORS FIGURE 1 r Wheele I-95 Corridor Congestion Relief Study X:\TFT Group\Projects\CT 96725 I-95 Value Pricing Study\Graphics\I-95 Corridor Congestion Relief Study\Arcview\Milford.mxd 7/02/14 ms Far N n Da iel 121 so Rd. as W S. nC c ne on 1 r to 95 Milford ry er Ch . St h Hig St. Plains Rd. ¤ n 1 95 Bic . Dr 162 Sch ool h ous eR d. Milford Harbor Gulf Pond 736 ¤ n LEGEND Rail Station I-95 MILFORD FIGURE 2 I-95 Corridor Congestion Relief Study X:\TFT Group\Projects\CT 96725 I-95 Value Pricing Study\Graphics\I-95 Corridor Congestion Relief Study\Arcview\Bridgeport.mxd 2/26/14 N Broo Barnum Ave. n Av klaw e. 127 8 1 r Pa . ve kA ¤ n 130 ne Con ve. tA u c i ct d tfor Stra 130 . Ave 95 . e St Stat Railroad Av 95 e. Bridgeport Fa irf iel dA ve . 130 ¤ n LEGEND Rail Station Long Island Sound I-95 BRIDGEPORT FIGURE 3 I-95 Corridor Congestion Relief Study X:\TFT Group\Projects\CT 96725 I-95 Value Pricing Study\Graphics\I-95 Corridor Congestion Relief Study\Arcview\Norwalk.mxd 7/02/14 N 1 ve N. Taylor A . Wes t Ave . East Ave. 7 Ri v er Norwalk 95 wa Nor 136 lk 1 Fla x Water St. Hi ll R d. ¤ n Norwalk Harbor ¤ n LEGEND Rail Station I-95 NORWALK FIGURE 4 I-95 Corridor Congestion Relief Study X:\TFT Group\Projects\CT 96725 I-95 Value Pricing Study\Graphics\I-95 Corridor Congestion Relief Study\Arcview\Stamford.mxd 7/02/14 ok R d nbr o Stillw ate e. r Rd . 106 Gle d. Av Strawberry Hill rR . ve sto We 137 Palmer Hill Rd . 1 Stamford 95 1 Seaside Ave. Co nn e ctic ut Ave . W. Broad St . Holly Pond Cove Rd. ¤ n Sellec k St. N ¤ n LEGEND Rail Station I-95 STAMFORD FIGURE 5 I-95 Corridor Congestion Relief Study 2 2 MP 0.78 MP 2.54 MP 3.73 Delavan Ave. Exit 2 Arch St. Exit 3 Indian Field Rd. Exit 4 Byram Rd. Greenwich 1 Connecticut 1 Port Chester 287 New York Midland Ave. Exit 21 To Tappan Zee Bridge Field Point Rd. Frontage Rd. 1 3 1 1 3 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 3 95 2 3 3 1 1 3 3 1 1 1 Match Line A CT 96725 / 2-26-14 / I-95 Schematic 11x17.pptx 1 Ritch Ave. MP 0.78 Byram Shore Rd. Exit 2 Greenwich E. Putnam Ave. Exit 5 East Putnam Ave. Stamford MP 5.53 MP 6.62 MP 7.30 West Ave. Exit 6 Greenwich Ave. Exit 7 Washington MP 7.67 Blvd. Atlantic St. Exit 8 Grenhart Rd. Match Line A 1 1 3 N. State St. 1 1 1 3 3 3 Canal St. 1 3 1 3 95 3 3 1 3 3 1 1 Baxter Ave. 1 3 3 1 McCullough St. 1 3 1 3 Match Line B Midland Ave. Exit 22 LEGEND 0 Number of General Purpose Lanes +0 Number of Auxiliary Lanes S. State St. MP 6.50 Harvard Ave. Exit 6 NUMBER OF LANES AND POSTED SPEED LIMITS - I-95 FIGURE 6 I-95 Corridor Congestion Relief Study CT 96725 / 2-26-14 / I-95 Schematic 11x17.pptx MP 9.28 MP 10.75 Stamford Courtland Ave. Ledge Rd. Exit 10 1 1 1 Match Line B Turnpike Service Rd. (Official Use Only) 3+1 3 1 4+1 4 Service Area 4 1 1 1 3 4 4 3+1 95 3 3 1 3 3 3 1 1 1 S. State St. 3 3 1 3 Match Line C E. Main St. Exit 9 Noroton Ave. Exit 10 Darien Elm St. Exit 8 1 Turnpike Service Rd. (Official Use Only) Brookside Dr. MP 9.28 Seaside Ave. Exit 9 MP 12.23 MP 13.14 Boston Post Rd. Exit 13 Match Line C Ledge Rd. 1 1 1 3+1 3 1 3 1 1 3 3 3+1 1 Boston Post Rd. Exit 14 1 3 3+1 95 1 MP 14.83 3 3 3 3 1 Boston Post Rd. Exit 13 Old Kings Hwy. 3 1 1 Connecticut Welcome Center 1 3 3 Match Line D Boston Post Rd. Norwalk Tokeneke Rd. Exit 12 Boston Post Rd. Exit 11 Darien MP 11.61 LEGEND 0 Number of General Purpose Lanes +0 Number of Auxiliary Lanes 1 Scribner Ave. Fairfield Ave. Exit 14 NUMBER OF LANES AND POSTED SPEED LIMITS - I-95 FIGURE 7 I-95 Corridor Congestion Relief Study CT 96725 / 2-26-14 / I-95 Schematic 11x17.pptx MP 15.49 West Exit 15 Ave. MP 20.36 MP 18.13 1 Match Line D 3+1 1 1 1 3 3 1 1 3 3 3 1 1 1 3 3 3 Match Line E Norwalk 1 Westport Riverside Ave. Exit 17 Fairfield MP 16.24 East Ave. Exit 16 Westport Sherwood Island Connector Exit 18 95 3 3 3+1 3 1 1 1 3 1 3 1 3 3 3 1 1 1 Norwalk River MP 23.12 MP 23.72 Boston Post Rd. Exit 19 Bronson Rd. Exit 20 Pease Ave. Kings Hwy W. Jelliff Ln. 1 Match Line E 3 3 3 3 95 3 3 3 1 3 Match Line F 1 1 LEGEND 0 Number of General Purpose Lanes +0 Number of Auxiliary Lanes 1 1 Rennell Dr. MP 22.88 Center St. Exit 19 Old Post Rd. Post Rd. NUMBER OF LANES AND POSTED SPEED LIMITS - I-95 FIGURE 8 I-95 Corridor Congestion Relief Study CT 96725 / 2-26-14 / I-95 Schematic 11x17.pptx MP 25.21 MP 24.38 North Benson Rd. Exit 22 Round Hill Rd. Meadowbrook Rd. 1 1 1 1 Match Line F 1 1 1 1 3+1 3 Service Area MP 25.83 King’s Hwy. Exit 23 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Match Line G Mill Plain Rd. Exit 21 95 3+1 3 3 1 Service Area 1 1 3 3 1 1 1 1 MP 25.83 King’s Hwy. Exit 23 1 MP 25.03 Round Hill Rd. Exit 22 Crestwood Rd. MP 27.64 MP 26.72 Coolidge St. Dewey St. Stephens Ln. 1 Match Line G 1 1 1 3 3 Fairfield Ave. Exit 25 3 3 3+1 95 3 3 1 3 3 1 1 3+1 Match Line H Fairfield Kings Hwy. E. Bridgeport Black Rock Tpke. Exit 24 LEGEND 0 Number of General Purpose Lanes +0 Number of Auxiliary Lanes 1 Johnson Dr. MP 26.72 Black Rock Tpke. Exit 24 Chambers St. MP 27.43 Pine St. Commerce Dr. Exit 25 NUMBER OF LANES AND POSTED SPEED LIMITS - I-95 FIGURE 9 I-95 Corridor Congestion Relief Study CT 96725 / 2-26-14 / I-95 Schematic 11x17.pptx MP 29.03 Exit 27A MP 29.14 MP 28.29 Park Ave. 1 East Main St. Exit 28 1 Stratford Ave. North Frontage Rd. Match Line H 1 1 3+1 1 3+1 3+2 MP 30.07 Seaview Ave. Exit 29 Stratford Ave. Exit 29 Cedar St. 1 MP 30.07 Connecticut Ave. 1 1 1 3+1 3 3+1 2+2 3+1 3 3 95 3+1 3+1 1 3 2+2 3+1 1 3 3 1 1 1 Match Line I Wordin Ave. Exit 26 MP 29.86 Lafayette Blvd. Exit 27 Mytle Ave. Ann St. Exit 28 South Frontage Rd. 1 Seaview Ave. Exit 29 Pequonnock River MP 29.00 Lafayette Blvd. Exit 27 Spada Blvd. 3 1 1 3 3 3 1 3 3 95 3 3 1 3 3 1 3 3 1 1 1 Mt. Carmel Blvd. 3 Match Line J 1 1 3 MP 32.86 West Broad St. Exit 32 Linden Ave. 1 Match Line I MP 32.29 South Ave. Exit 31 Stratford Bridgeport Hollister Ave. MP 31.30 Surf Ave. Exit 30 LEGEND 0 Number of General Purpose Lanes +0 Number of Auxiliary Lanes 1 MP 31.07 Lordship Blvd. Exit 30 MP 32.11 Honeyspot Rd. Exit 31 Beardsley Ave. West Broad St. Exit 32 NUMBER OF LANES AND POSTED SPEED LIMITS - I-95 FIGURE 10 I-95 Corridor Congestion Relief Study CT 96725 / 2-26-14 / I-95 Schematic 11x17.pptx MP 35.85 MP 36.69 1 1 1 1 Match Line J 3 3 3 1 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 3 3 95 3 3 1 3 1 1 1 1 3 1 3 Match Line K Barnum Ave. Plains Rd. Exit 36 Milford Stratford Bic Dr. Exit 35 1 MP 33.91 MP 35.37 Ferry Blvd. Housatonic River Exit 33 Ferry Blvd. Bridgeport Ave. Exit 34 MP 35.85 Schoolhouse Rd. Exit 35 To Merritt and Wilbur Cross Parkways MP 39.12 MP 37.58 Daniel S. Wasson Connector Exit 38 MP 40.25 3 3 3 1 1 3 3 3+1 3 3 3 95 3 3 3+1 3 3+1 3 1 1 MP 37.45 High St. Exit 37 3 1 1 1 3 3 1 3 Match Line L 1 Orange 1 1 1 Match Line K 1 1 1 Woodmont Rd. Exit 40 Boston Post Rd. Exit 39B / 39A Milford Zion Hill Rd. LEGEND 0 Number of General Purpose Lanes +0 Number of Auxiliary Lanes 1 1 1 MP 40.25 Old Gate Ln. Exit 40 NUMBER OF LANES AND POSTED SPEED LIMITS - I-95 FIGURE 11 I-95 Corridor Congestion Relief Study CT 96725 / 2-26-14 / I-95 Schematic 11x17.pptx MP 43.91 MP 45.19 MP 41.80 MP 44.87 Orange Service Area 3 Match Line L 1 1 West Haven Saw Mill Rd. Exit 42 3 3+1 1 3 First Ave. Exit 43 Campbell Ave. Exit 43 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 95 3 3 1 Service Area 3 1 3 2 3 1 1 Match Line M Marsh Hill Rd. Exit 41 1 West Campus Dr. 1 MP 47.60 MP 47.74 91 Exit 47 Exit 48 4 Wooster St. West Haven New Haven 4 MP 45.90 MP 46.05 Kimberly Ave. Exit 44 Ella T. Grasso Blvd. Exit 45 MP 46.82 1 1 Match Line M 1 3 1 Sargent Dr. Exit 46 3+1 3 3+1 2 1 1 1 1 1 3+1 1 2 1 2 2 95 3 2+2 4 2+2 1 1 1 MP 47.26 Long Wharf Dr. Exit 46 West River MP 45.90 Kimberly Ave. Exit 44 LEGEND 0 Number of General Purpose Lanes +0 Number of Auxiliary Lanes MP 47.83 95 NUMBER OF LANES AND POSTED SPEED LIMITS - I-95 FIGURE 12 Technical Memorandum • I-95 Data Collection/Existing Conditions Similarly, Figures 13 through 17 depict schematically Route 15 from the I-287/ I-684 interchange in Harris, New York to the West Rock Tunnel in New Haven, Connecticut. It should be noted that the Wilbur Cross Parkway starts at the Igor I. Sikorsky Memorial Bridge over the Housatonic River to the Berlin Turnpike north of Meriden. Continuing southbound across the Sikorsky Bridge is the Merritt Parkway, heading toward New York. Both Parkways are part of Connecticut Route 15. Route 15 is continuously two lanes in each direction with posted speed limit of 55 mph and 50 mph in Greenwich, Connecticut. Only on the Igor I. Sikorsky Memorial Bridge south of the Milford connector in Stratford does the two general purpose lanes widen to three in each direction. Data Collection CDM Smith developed a data collection plan to serve several purposes, including obtaining information on current levels of traffic, travel speeds, regional and commercial vehicle travel movements, out-of-state traffic percentages, vehicle occupancy levels, and parking utilization at rail stations. All this data is required to build the foundation for performing a detailed traffic and revenue study along I-95 and Route 15. The data allows for the calibration of a base year travel demand model for the I-95 and Route 15 study corridors which will be used to evaluate the potential congestion relief, revenue generation, and diversion impacts for multiple pricing scenarios and tolling policies. Traffic Counts CDM Smith developed a comprehensive list of count locations from which the CT DOT provided available hourly count data. Those locations not covered by existing data, were counted in November and December of 2013, and January and February 2014. Traffic volumes in the study area are discussed in the following sections. Historical Traffic Growth Available historical average daily traffic (ADT) for I-95 and Route 15 was assembled from the CT DOT’s Traffic Monitoring Volume Information Traffic Count Data. Tables 1 and Table 2 display historical ADTs spanning nearly two decades for I-95 and Route 15, respectively. To assess the historical growth in traffic and the potential to accommodate future traffic growth, it is useful to examine past trends and to identify those events that may have caused significant increases or decreases in traffic growth. In the case of I-95, Table 1 illustrates that over the 20 years shown, traffic levels has seen modest gains. The mainline volumes between Exist 9 and Exit 10 in Darien have increased by 0.8% per year over this time period. The ramp volumes at Route 7 in Norwalk and Route 8/25 in Bridgeport, and the Milford Parkway in Milford have shown higher growth, while the ramp volumes shown for Stamford and New Haven have seen lower growth. The period from 1990 to 1999 showed much higher growth rates, followed by a mix of negative and slightly positive growth between 1999 and 2011 due to the maturity and capacity constraints of the corridor, the recessions experienced during this time frame, and the multi-modal nature of the corridor. Table 2 illustrates the historical trends on Route 15. The two mainline data points, North of US-7 and at Housatonic River Bridge show steady volume increases averaging around 1 percent per year over the last 20 years (1992-2012). The largest percent increase in the volumes shown occurred at the Milford Parkway interchange. The majority of the locations shown for Route 15 had decreases in volumes since 2003, which can be attributed to the maturity of the corridor in combination with the impacts of the recession and the multi-modal nature of the corridor. 2 February 26, 2014 I-95 Corridor Congestion Relief Study CT 96725 / 2-26-14 / Landscape 11x17.pptx 287 To Tappan Zee Bridge Exit 26 1 1 1 3 2+1 2 Exit 26E 1 1 1 2 2+1 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 2+1 1 1 1 2 3 2 1 1 2 1 Match Line A 684 1 1 Harrison 1 N. Ridge St. Exit 29 Rye Brook Lincoln Ave. Exit 28 Purchase St. Exit 27 1 1 To 95 MP 0.09 MP 3.59 King St. Exit 27 Round Hill Rd. Exit 28 MP 4.70 Match Line A N. Ridge St. Exit 27S 3 1 1 2 2 Exit 30S 1 2 2+1 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 Service Area 1 1 Service Area 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 Match Line B Old Mill Rd. N. Exit 29 LEGEND 0 Number of General Purpose Lanes +0 Number of Auxiliary Lanes Exit 27 MP 4.70 Glen Ridge Rd. Old Mill Rd. Exit 29 NUMBER OF LANES AND POSTED SPEED LIMITS - ROUTE 15 FIGURE 13 I-95 Corridor Congestion Relief Study CT 96725 / 2-26-14 / Landscape 11x17.pptx MP 9.50 MP 10.70 Long Ridge Rd. Exit 34 High Ridge Rd. Exit 35 MP 8.90 Den Rd. Exit 33 Greenwich 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 Match Line C Match Line B North St. Exit 31 Stamford MP 5.60 1 New Canaan South Ave. Exit 37 Gerdes Rd. 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 New Canaan Ave. Carter St. Exit 38 1 Service Area 2 2 1 Norwalk Old Stamford Rd. Exit 36 New Canaan MP 15.90 MP 14.10 2 2 2 2 2 2 Service Area 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 1 Match Line D Match Line C Stamford MP 13.20 LEGEND 0 Number of General Purpose Lanes +0 Number of Auxiliary Lanes White Birch Rd. NUMBER OF LANES AND POSTED SPEED LIMITS - ROUTE 15 FIGURE 14 I-95 Corridor Congestion Relief Study CT 96725 / 2-26-14 / Landscape 11x17.pptx MP 17.30 MP 21.60 Exit 39A / 39B MP 17.60 Main Ave. Exit 40A / 40B 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 Fairfield Westport 1 Match Line E Match Line D 1 Exit 41 Creeping 1 Hemlock Dr. 1 1 1 2 Norwalk Glover Ave. MP 20.6 Westport 1 Weston Rd. Exit 42 Spring Hill Rd. 1 Sunny Ln. Exit 41 1 MP 27.00 MP 28.50 MP 29.20 Black Rock Tpke. Exit 44 Easton Tpke. Exit 46 Park Ave. Exit 47 Congress St. Federal St. Congress St. 2 2 2 Service Area 2 2 2 2 2 Service Area Exit 44 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 LEGEND 0 Number of General Purpose Lanes +0 Number of Auxiliary Lanes 1 Jefferson St. Fairfield Congress St. Trumbull Match Line E 1 2 Match Line F 1 1 NUMBER OF LANES AND POSTED SPEED LIMITS - ROUTE 15 FIGURE 15 MP 34.10 Henry Mucci Hwy. Exit 49N / 49S Exit 52 MP 30.60 MP 33.70 Main St. Exit 48 Huntington Tpke. Exit 51 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 Match Line G Match Line F 1 Stratford MP 32.20 Bridgeport I-95 Corridor Congestion Relief Study CT 96725 / 2-26-14 / Landscape 11x17.pptx 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 MP 32.80 White Plains Rd. Exit 50 MP 36.90 MP 38.40 Main St. Exit 53 Match Line G 1 2 2 2 2 1 11 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 Match Line H Milford 1 Orange Milford Stratford Wheelers Farms Rd. Exit 55A LEGEND 0 Number of General Purpose Lanes +0 Number of Auxiliary Lanes 1 Housatonic River MP 37.80 Milford Pkwy. I-95 / US-1 Connector Exit 54 NUMBER OF LANES AND POSTED SPEED LIMITS - ROUTE 15 FIGURE 16 I-95 Corridor Congestion Relief Study CT 96725 / 2-26-14 / Landscape 11x17.pptx MP 43.00 MP 46.70 Derby Ave. Exit 57 / 58 MP 41.50 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 Amity Rd. 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 Match Line I 2 1 1 1 New Haven Orange Match Line H 1 Woodbridge Grassy Hill Rd. Exit 56 Turkey Hill Rd. Woodbridge Litchfield Tpke. Exit 59 Pond Lily Ave. MP 50.20 Hamden New Haven Dixwell Ave. Exit 60 Match Line I 1 2 2 1 2 2 Heroes Tunnel 2 2 2 1 2 LEGEND 0 Number of General Purpose Lanes +0 Number of Auxiliary Lanes 1 NUMBER OF LANES AND POSTED SPEED LIMITS - ROUTE 15 FIGURE 17 February 26, 2014 Table 1 Historical Average Daily Volumes on I-95 Corridor Stamford NB Off Ramp to Atlantic St (Exit 8) AAPC 90-11 90-99 99-11 12,100 13,200 14,500 15,200 14,700 14,200 14,800 13,100 Norwalk Bridgeport Milford SB On Ramp from US 1 (Main St) (Exit 9) I-95 Between Exit 9 and Exit 10 NB Off ramp to US 7 NB (Exit 15) Off Ramp to Route 8 & 25 (NB & SB) (Exit 27A) On Ramp from Milford Parkway (NB & SB)(Exit 38) On Ramp from I-91 SB to I-95 NB (Exit 48) Off Ramp to I-91 NB from I-95 SB (Exit 48) 7,600 9,000 9,100 9,500 8,000 8,500 9,300 8,600 125,750 125,700 134,522 136,700 135,600 138,600 69,200 NB only 71,400 NB only 70,900 NB only 148,300 148,300 77,800 SB only 72,700 NB only 72,200 NB only - 11,200 13,300 14,100 14,800 12,900 14,900 14,900 14,500 17,400 18,600 19,000 18,900 19,600 20,500 21,400 21,300 16,900 15,100 16,000 16,900 16,800 17,800 16,600 16,700 17,300 18,200 17,700 18,100 19,600 24,600 19,800 18,900 16400 SB only 34,500 37,100 38,400 38,400 39,700 44,800 42,500 New Haven 0.38% 0.59% 1.24% (2) 0.97% -0.06% 0.42% 2.51% 0.77% (1),(2) 1.85% 1.24% 2.57% 3.15% 0.92% 0.00% 0.50% -1.23% -0.83% -0.30% (1),(2) -0.17% 1.77% (2) 0.85% 1.00% -0.10% 0.36% Source: CT DOT (1) Calculated with latest year data available. (2) One directional volume assumed to be half of total. Technical Memorandum • I-95 Data Collection/Existing Conditions Year 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Darien 3 February 26, 2014 Table 2 Historical Average Daily Volumes on Route 15 Corridor Stamford NB/SB On/Off Ramps to Route 137 (Exit 35) AAPC 92-12 92-00 00-12 26,300 26,750 29,800 29,600 29,800 27,700 26,600 26,800 Westport NB/SB On/Off Ramps to Route 33 (Exit 41) Stratford Rtoue 15 at Housatonic River Bridge 14,500 15,100 15,800 16,200 17,200 17,100 17,400 16,700 63,800 64,800 66,800 72,100 76,800 78,800 81,400 80,400 Milford SB Off & NB On Ramp to/from Milford Pkwy 11,400 10,300 11,200 12,900 13,500 14,100 14,400 16,100 New Haven NB/SB On/Off Ramps to Route 69 (Exit 59) 22,200 23,300 21,700 22,600 23,700 22,900 24,300 - 0.09% 0.85% 1.11% 0.71% 1.16% 1.74% 0.53% (1) 1.49% 0.21% 1.51% 1.40% 1.54% 1.56% -0.82% 1.28% 0.84% 0.25% 0.91% 1.86% 0.22% 0.81% (1) Source: CT DOT (1) Calculated with latest year data available. Technical Memorandum • I-95 Data Collection/Existing Conditions Year 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Norwalk NB/SB On/Off Route 15 South of Ramps to US 7 US 7 (Exit 39A & B) Ramps Change 17,900 47,900 18,100 48,600 18,700 52,100 18,200 54,000 21,300 61,800 20,800 57,800 22,000 59,300 21,200 59,700 4 Technical Memorandum • I-95 Data Collection/Existing Conditions Significant long term future growth in traffic volume would not be expected without a physical expansion of the roadways due to the mature nature of the region and the fact that the current configuration is operating at capacity for 3 or 4 hours during both the AM peak and PM peak. The capacity constraints of I-95 and Route 15 will be further will evident by discussion of hourly volumes, travel speeds, and traffic densities (Level of Service) in the following sections. Hourly Traffic Figures 18 and 19 illustrate the historical hourly traffic profile on I-95 between Exits 23 and 24 in Fairfield. Over this time horizon, the capacity of this section has remained 3 lanes in each direction. Figure 18 displays the southbound direction of travel clearly showing the AM peaking pattern. The Southbound AM Peak is shown to start around 6:00AM and ends between 9:00 and 10:00 AM. Significant conclusions can be drawn from this figure. Only in 1992 and 1993 does the peak reach an excess of six thousand vehicles per hour at 7:00AM, reflecting the typical capacity of a 3 lane interstate facility. In 2008 and 2009, the peak hour is actually lower than peak shoulder periods. This occurs when breakdown conditions occur, where travel speeds are restricting throughput. Typically, volume determines travel speed conditions. Under breakdown conditions, this flips and travel speeds dictate throughput. This illustrates that travel demand for the facility is greater than capacity and/or reflects a downstream bottleneck. Furthermore, years 2008 and 2009 on the graph show a peak spreading phenomenon in the AM period, where volumes are similar between 6:00AM and 10:00AM. In addition to the spreading of traffic during peak hours due to breakdown conditions, the spreading of traffic can also be attributed to a behavioral response of motorists’ where they shift their departure time to just outside the peak, thus either traveling earlier or later to their destination to avoid unacceptable levels of congestion or to ensure they reach their destination in time. In Figure 19, the northbound direction displays that in the early years (1991 through 1994) evening peaking occurred between 4:00PM and 6:00PM. Unlike the southbound direction, the northbound direction volumes never exceed volumes higher than 1,900 vehicles per lane (highest recorded volume of 5,833 in 2009 across all three lanes). Since 2007, the traffic data shows a characteristic “V” peak pattern between 4:00PM and 6:00PM, illustrating a clear pattern of oversaturation in the northbound direction, where the traffic demand for the facility was greater than its capacity and breakdown conditions were present. The volume profile in 2008, 2009, and 2010 show higher volumes than previous years, but also reflect significant peak spreading where the peak period volume is effectively flat between 3:00PM and 7:00PM. Monthly Traffic Variations Monthly traffic variations on I-95, Route 15, and major arterial routes were assembled and are shown in Figure 20. As with most heavily travelled interstates in the northeast, traffic is highest during the summer months with the lowest traffic occurring during the winter months. Overall, traffic levels throughout most of the year are fairly consistent in the area, ranging between 5 to 10 percent around the average. In addition to the locations on I-95 and Route 15, monthly traffic variations are showed at four other locations on major arterials in the study area. In general, monthly variations are with +5 percent around the average. Route 134 is the outlier with a range of +-10 percent due to the significant spike in volumes during May and June. Daily Traffic Variations Figure 21 displays the daily traffic variation at the same I-95, Route 15, and major arterial locations as presented in the monthly variation figures. Traffic levels increase on I-95 and Route 15 throughout the 5 February 26, 2014 I-95 Corridor Congestion Relief Study CT 96725 / 2-26-14 / Landscape.pptx 7,000 1992 1993 2008 2009 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 11:00 PM 10:00 PM 9:00 PM 8:00 PM 7:00 PM 6:00 PM 5:00 PM 4:00 PM 3:00 PM 2:00 PM 1:00 PM 12:00 PM 11:00 AM 10:00 AM 9:00 AM 8:00 AM 7:00 AM 6:00 AM 5:00 AM 4:00 AM 3:00 AM 2:00 AM 1:00 AM 0 12:00 AM Average Weekday Hourly Traffic Volume 6,000 AVERAGE WEEKDAY HOURLY TRAFFIC VOLUME I-95 SOUTHBOUND BETWEEN EXIT 23 AND EXIT 24 (FAIRFIELD) FIGURE 18 I-95 Corridor Congestion Relief Study CT 96725 / 2-26-14 / Landscape.pptx 7,000 1991 1992 1993 1994 2007 2008 2009 2010 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 11:00 PM 10:00 PM 9:00 PM 8:00 PM 7:00 PM 6:00 PM 5:00 PM 4:00 PM 3:00 PM 2:00 PM 1:00 PM 12:00 PM 11:00 AM 10:00 AM 9:00 AM 8:00 AM 7:00 AM 6:00 AM 5:00 AM 4:00 AM 3:00 AM 2:00 AM 1:00 AM 0 12:00 AM Average Weekday Hourly Traffic Volume 6,000 AVERAGE WEEKDAY HOURLY TRAFFIC VOLUME I-95 NORTHBOUND BETWEEN EXIT 23 AND EXIT 24 (FAIRFIELD) FIGURE 19 I-95 Corridor Congestion Relief Study CT 96725 / 2-26-14 / Portrait.pptx Percent of Average Annual Daily Traffic 120% Corridor Locations 110% 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% Hamden, Route 15 at Benham Rd. Overpass Norwalk, I-95 at Scribner Ave. Overpass 50% Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Note: Route 15 based on 2011-2013 data. Percent of Average Annual Daily Traffic 120% Arterial Locations 110% 100% 90% 80% 70% New Canaan, Route 134 North of Talmadge Hill Rd. Orange, Route 34 East of Garden Rd. Bridgeport, Route 8 at High St. Underpass New Haven, Whitney Ave. South of Willow St. 60% 50% Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec MONTHLY HISTORICAL TRAFFIC COUNTS FIGURE 20 I-95 Corridor Congestion Relief Study CT 96725 / 2-26-14 / Portrait.pptx Percent of Average Annual Daily Traffic 120% Corridor Locations 110% 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% Hamden, Route 15 at Benham Rd. Overpass Norwalk, I-95 at Scribner Ave. Overpass 50% Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Note: CT-15 based on 2011-2013 data. Percent of Average Annual Daily Traffic 120% Arterial Locations 110% 100% 90% 80% 70% New Canaan, Route 134 North of Talmadge Hill Rd. Orange, Route 34 East of Garden Rd. Bridgeport, Route 8 at High St. Underpass New Haven, Whitney Ave. South of Willow St. 60% 50% Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat DAILY HISTORICAL TRAFFIC COUNTS FIGURE 21 Technical Memorandum • I-95 Data Collection/Existing Conditions week to the highest level on Friday, which is roughly 10 percent higher than the average daily traffic. Weekend traffic on Route 15 is less than 90 percent of average daily traffic, while on I-95 it is within 5 percent of average daily traffic. Sunday carries the lowest amount of traffic. The state routes display a larger variation between weekday and weekend day usage as compared to I-95 and Route 15. On Sundays traffic is roughly 70 percent of average daily traffic with the exception of Route 34 at 82 percent. Like I-95 and Route 15, travel demand increases throughout the work week to their highest level on Friday. Truck Percentages Table 3 displays truck percentages on I-95 in Greenwich, Connecticut between Exits 4 and 5. On an average weekday, passenger vehicles, motorcycles, and buses (FHWA vehicle classification 1 through 4) account for roughly 87 percent of the traffic. Single Unit Trucks (FHWA classification 5 through 7) account for approximately 4% of the traffic. The Simple Trailer Trucks (FHWA vehicle class 8 through 10) account for roughly 8.5 percent of traffic and Double or More Trailer Trucks (FHWA vehicle class 11 through 13) account for about 0.5 percent of traffic. Truck shares are lowest during the AM peak period at roughly 6 to 7 percent of total traffic, with slightly higher shares during the PM peak period. As expected, truck shares are at their highest during the night period at approximately 18 percent, with simple trailer trucks accounting for about 14 percent of total traffic. During the midday time period truck shares are also significant at 13 to 15 percent of total traffic, with simple trailer trucks accounting for 7 to 9 percent of traffic. It should be noted that vehicles over eight feet in height, weighing more than four tons, towing a trailer, or containing more than four wheels are not allowed on Route 15. Table 3 I-95 Truck Percentages (north of Exit 4) Northbound Car, Motorcycle & Bus Single Unit Trucks Simple Trailer Trucks Double or More Trailer Trucks Southbound Car, Motorcycle & Bus Single Unit Trucks Simple Trailer Trucks Double or More Trailer Trucks AM (7AM-9AM) MD (9AM-3PM) PM (3PM-6PM) NT (6PM-7AM) Total Day 93.6% 3.2% 3.0% 0.2% 87.1% 5.2% 7.4% 0.2% 92.8% 3.0% 4.0% 0.2% 81.5% 2.9% 14.5% 1.1% 87.4% 3.7% 8.4% 0.5% 92.9% 3.7% 3.1% 0.4% 85.2% 5.0% 9.1% 0.7% 92.0% 2.6% 5.1% 0.2% 82.4% 3.4% 13.1% 1.1% 86.8% 3.8% 8.7% 0.7% Source: CT DOT Screenline Counts A series of north-south and east-west “screenlines” (Figure 22) were developed and a corresponding list of count locations was identified (Table 4). Traffic counts were collected through existing sources and where not available, new counts were conducted and summarized into tabular format. These screenlines are used to demonstrate the levels of travel demand moving east-west and north-south on the major roadways in the study area. The screenlines are also used in evaluating the travel demand model by comparing the total traffic assigned across the screenlines versus the count data. Calibration adjustments to the traffic model are then made to improve the fit to the overall traffic demand across the screenlines and at the individual count locations. 6 February 26, 2014 91 I-95 Corridor Congestion Relief Study X:\TFT Group\Projects\CT 96725 I-95 Value Pricing Study\Graphics\I-95 Corridor Congestion Relief Study\Arcview\Screelines.mxd 7/02/14 N 7 84 Stat e Putnam Co. New York Connecticut 84 5 Litchfield Co. Waterbury 6 91 691 Pk wy . Dutchess Co. 84 25 2 Danbury r Ri ve Westchester Co. 15 y. Hu tch Rv ins r. P on kw y. 287 7 1 8 Bridgeport 1 684 1 15 9 91 Haven 91 7 6 95 1 15 Mi ll Taconic sa w Pkw Brk . 8 34 25 Stamford New Haven Co. 8 New Fairfield Co. 287 Middlesex Co. 10 34 7 1 8 25 684 Spr ai n 4 3 7 y. Pkw 84 95 2 95 3 4 5 Long Island Sound 1 PROJECT SCREENLINE LOCATION MAP FIGURE 22 Technical Memorandum • I-95 Data Collection/Existing Conditions Table 4 2013 Average Weekday Traffic - Screenlines Screenline Roadway Location Cross Street % of Total 2013 AWDT Screenline Counts Screenline 1: CT / NY Border 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I-95 NB I-95 SB Mill St US 1 / Putnam Ave US 1 / Hillside Ave Route 15 / Merritt Pkwy NB Route 15 / Merrit Pkwy SB 1 Total at at at at at E of E of CT / NY Border CT / NY Border CT / NY Border CT / NY Border CT / NY Border Int 27 / King St Int 27 / King St 30.4% 31.7% 5.5% 5.7% 5.6% 9.5% 11.6% 71,800 75,000 13,100 13,400 13,200 22,500 27,400 100.0% 236,400 1.0% 2.1% 1.0% 0.4% 17.2% 18.2% 1.7% 2.9% 0.6% 1.2% 1.6% 2.2% 1.3% 0.4% 0.4% 7.4% 7.2% 2.3% 2.0% 2.5% 1.4% 0.6% 2.0% 1.4% 0.7% 0.7% 1.7% 1.4% 8.2% 8.5% 4,800 10,000 4,500 1,800 80,700 85,400 8,200 13,400 2,800 5,700 7,300 10,200 5,900 2,000 1,900 34,700 33,700 10,900 9,300 11,500 6,500 2,700 9,200 6,600 3,100 3,100 7,800 6,600 38,500 39,900 100.0% 468,700 Screenline 2: West of US 7 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Route 136 / Wilson Ave Washington St Reed St EB Reed St WB I-95 NB I-95 SB US 1 / Connecticut Ave NB US 1 / Connecticut Ave SB Spring Hill Ave Riverside Ave Route 123 / New Canaan Ave EB Route 123 / New Canaan Ave WB Broad St Perry Ave EB Perry Ave WB Route 15 / Merrit Pkwy NB Route 15 / Merrit Pkwy SB Grist Mill Rd Route 106 / Wolfpit Rd Route 33 / Ridgefield Rd Route 102 / Branchville Rd Cairns Hill Rd Route 35 / Danbury Rd EB Route 35 / Danbury Rd WB Miry Brook Rd EB Miry Brook Rd WB Backus Ave EB Backus Ave WB I-84 EB I-84 WB 2 Total S of W of W of W of W of W of W of W of W of N of W of W of W of W of W of W of W of W of W of W of W of W of W of W of W of W of W of W of W of W of Witch Ln Martin Luther King Dr West Ave West Ave Exit 15 Exit 15 Clinton Ave Clinton Ave US 1 / Van Buren Ave US 1 / Belden Ave Riverside Ave Riverside Ave US 7 US 7 US 7 Int 39 / US 7 Int 39 / US 7 US 7 Expy Ramps US 7 / Danbury Rd US 7 / Danbury Rd US 7 / Danbury Rd US 7 / Ethan Allen Hwy US 7 / Ethan Allen Hwy US 7 / Ethan Allen Hwy US 7 Ramps US 7 Ramps US 7 Ramps US 7 Ramps Int 3 / US 7 Int 3 / US 7 (continued) 7 February 26, 2014 Technical Memorandum • I-95 Data Collection/Existing Conditions Table 4 2013 Average Weekday Traffic - Screenlines (Continued) Screenline 3: W of Route 25 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 I-95 NB I-95 SB Route 130 / State St Route 130 / Fairfield Ave Pequonnock St James St Grand St US 1 / North Ave Main St Lindley St Capitol Ave EB Capitol Ave WB Chopsey Hill Rd Trumbull Ave Old Town Rd EB Old Town Rd WB Route 15 / Meritt Pkwy NB Route 15 / Meritt Pkwy SB Reservoir Ave Route 127 / White Plains Rd EB Route 127 / White Plains Rd WB Daniels Farm Rd Whitney Ave EB Whitney Ave WB Route 111 / Main St NB Route 111 / Main St SB Tashua Rd Hattertown Rd EB Hattertown Rd WB Meadow Brook Rd EB Meadow Brook Rd WB Huntingtown Rd Route 302 / Sugar St West St US 6 / Mt Pleasant Rd I-84 EB I-84 WB 3 Total W of W of W of W of W of W of W of W of N of W of W of W of W of W of W of W of W of W of N of W of W of S of W of W of S of S of W of W of W of W of W of S of W of W of W of W of W of Int 27 / Route 25 Int 27 / Route 25 Route 25 Route 25 Route 25 Route 25 Main St Main St US 1 / North Ave Rotue 25 Route 25 Route 25 Route 25 Reservoir Ave Reservoir Ave Reservoir Ave Exit 49S / Route 25 Exit 49S / Route 25 Route 15 / Merritt Pkwy Route 25 Route 25 Park St Route 25 Route 25 Route 25 Route 25 Route 25 / Main St Route 59 / Easton Rd Route 59 / Easton Rd Route 25 / Main St Route 25 / Main St Orchard Hill Rd Route 25 / Main St Route 25 / Main St Route 25 / Hawleyville Rd Int 9 / Route 25 Int 9 / Route 25 16.6% 15.0% 1.6% 1.4% 1.8% 0.7% 0.8% 2.9% 2.5% 3.1% 1.5% 1.4% 4.5% 0.9% 0.5% 0.5% 7.3% 6.9% 1.4% 2.1% 1.9% 2.2% 0.3% 0.3% 1.2% 1.1% 0.5% 1.0% 0.7% 0.2% 0.1% 0.2% 1.6% 0.2% 2.3% 5.5% 7.2% 89,900 81,300 8,700 7,700 9,700 3,700 4,500 15,700 13,600 16,900 8,200 7,500 24,500 5,100 2,700 2,700 39,700 37,200 7,800 11,500 10,300 11,700 1,600 1,700 6,600 6,200 2,500 5,200 3,700 900 800 900 8,900 1,200 12,300 29,700 39,100 100.0% 541,900 3.0% 3.0% 14.8% 14.5% 11.3% 11.2% 10.3% 10.1% 3.0% 2.3% 7.7% 8.8% 12,200 12,300 59,600 58,600 45,500 45,100 41,500 40,800 12,100 9,200 31,200 35,500 100.0% 403,600 Screenline 4: Housatonic River 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 US 1 NB US 1 SB I-95 NB I-95 SB Route 15 / Merritt Pkwy NB Route 15 / Merritt Pkwy SB Route 8 NB Route 8 SB Bridge St Route 34 / Roosevelt Dr I-84 EB I-84 WB 4 Total at at at at at at at at at at at at Housatonic River Housatonic River Housatonic River Housatonic River Housatonic River Housatonic River Housatonic River Housatonic River Housatonic River Housatonic River Housatonic River Housatonic River (continued) 8 February 26, 2014 Technical Memorandum • I-95 Data Collection/Existing Conditions Table 4 2013 Average Weekday Traffic - Screenlines (Continued) Screenline 5: Naugatuck River 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Route 34 / Main St EB Route 34 / Main St WB Division St EB Division St WB Bridge St Route 334 / Maple St Broad St Route 8 NB Route 8 SB Route 67 / Bank St EB Route 67 / Bank St WB Route 42 / Pines Bridge Rd EB Route 42 / Pines Bridge Rd WB Depot St Route 63 / Cherry St EB Route 63 / Cherry St WB Maple St EB Maple St WB Route 68 / Prospect St Bristol St EB Bristol St WB Route 8 NB Route 8 SB S Leonard St EB S Leonard St WB Washington Ave Bank St I-84 EB I-84 WB Freight St SR 846 / W Main St EB SR 846 / W Main St WB 5 Total at at at at at at at at at at at at at W of at at at at at at at at at at at W of at Between Between E of E of E of Naugatuck River Naugatuck River Naugatuck River Naugatuck River Naugatuck River Naugatuck River Naugatuck River Naugatuck River (Seymour) Naugatuck River (Seymour) Naugatuck River Naugatuck River Naugatuck River Naugatuck River Main St Naugatuck River Naugatuck River Naugatuck River Naugatuck River Naugatuck River Naugatuck River Naugatuck River Naugatuck River (Waterbury) Naugatuck River (Waterbury) Naugatruck River Naugatruck River Railroad Hill St Naugatuck River Int 19 / 20 and 21 / 22 Int 19 / 20 and 21 / 23 Riverside St Riverside St Riverside St 5.1% 4.8% 1.9% 1.8% 2.1% 2.1% 2.0% 5.4% 5.8% 2.2% 1.9% 0.7% 0.8% 0.4% 1.9% 1.7% 1.7% 2.4% 3.3% 0.4% 0.4% 5.8% 5.8% 0.5% 0.5% 1.4% 1.6% 14.1% 14.1% 2.2% 2.6% 2.8% 22,800 21,400 8,600 8,000 9,600 9,300 8,900 24,300 25,900 10,000 8,700 3,300 3,400 1,600 8,400 7,500 7,500 10,600 14,700 1,800 1,800 26,300 26,000 2,400 2,400 6,200 7,400 63,500 63,400 10,100 11,700 12,700 100.0% 450,200 11.6% 12.5% 1.1% 1.7% 1.5% 1.7% 1.7% 0.7% 2.1% 1.9% 0.9% 1.5% 0.8% 1.6% 1.0% 1.0% 1.2% 5.1% 4.7% 1.4% 3.7% 1.4% 1.6% 1.4% 1.4% 0.3% 1.1% 1.4% 0.0% 0.0% 0.7% 0.4% 1.8% 0.3% 0.2% 0.7% 4.7% 4.7% 2.0% 0.2% 1.4% 1.5% 6.9% 6.4% 71,100 76,600 6,500 10,700 9,500 10,300 10,500 4,400 12,800 11,400 5,500 9,000 4,800 9,600 6,100 6,000 7,600 31,500 29,000 8,500 22,800 8,600 9,700 8,700 8,600 1,900 6,800 8,900 300 300 4,100 2,300 11,000 2,100 1,200 4,400 29,200 29,100 12,400 1,500 8,700 9,300 42,200 39,300 100.0% 614,800 Screenline 6: E of Route 10 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 I-95 NB Between I-95 SB Between Washington Ave SW of US 1 / Columbus Ave NB W of US 1 / Columbus Ave SB W of Route 34 EB W of Route 34 WB W of Edgewood Ave SE of Route 10 NB SE of Route 10 SB SE of Blake St NW of Crescent St E of Bowen St / Sherman Ave S of Dixwell Ave NB S of Dixwell Ave SB S of Putnam Ave EB E of Putnam Ave WB E of Route 15 / Wilbur Cross Pkwy NB Between Route 15 / Wilbur Cross Pkwy SB Between Connolly Pkwy E of Skiff St E of Whitney Ave NB S of Whitney Ave SB S of Dixwell Ave EB E of Dixwell Ave WB E of Route 40 / Mt Carmel Connector E of Route 22 / Ives St E of Mt Carmel Ave E of Tuttle Ave EB E of Tuttle Ave WB E of Cook Hill Rd E of Wallingford Rd E of Route 68 / Route 70 / Academy Rd E of Creamery Rd E of Blacks Rd E of E Johnson Ave E of I-691 EB Between I-691 WB Between Route 10 / Highland Ave N of Peck Ln N of Route 322 / Meriden-Waterbury Tpke EB E of Route 322 / Meriden-Waterbury Tpke WB E of I-84 EB Between I-84 WB Between 6 Total Kimberly Ave and 1st Ave Kimberly Ave and 1st Ave Route 10 Route 10 Route 10 Route 10 Route 10 Yale Ave Jewell St Jewell St Osborn Ave Route 10 Route 10 / Arch St Route 10 / Arch St Route 10 / Arch St Route 10 / Dixwell Ave Route 10 / Dixwell Ave Int 60 and Int 61 Int 60 and Int 61 Route 10 / Dixwell Ave Route 10 / Dixwell Ave Route 10 / Dixwell Ave Route 10 / Dixwell Ave Route 10 / Whitney Ave Route 10 / Whitney Ave Route 10 / Whitney Ave Route 10 / Whitney Ave Route 10 / Whitney Ave Route 10 / Whitney Ave Route 10 / Whitney Ave Route 10 / Main St Route 10 / Main St Route 10 / Main St Route 10 / Highland Ave Route 10 / Highland Ave Route 10 / Highland Ave Int 3 and Int 4 Int 3 and Int 4 I-691 Ramps I-691 I-84 Ramps I-84 Ramps Int 27 / 28 and 29 / 30 Int 27 / 28 and 29 / 30 (continued) 9 February 26, 2014 Technical Memorandum • I-95 Data Collection/Existing Conditions Table 4 2013 Average Weekday Traffic - Screenlines (Continued) Screenline 7: N of Route 1 / I-95 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 Pemberwick Rd NB Pemberwick Rd SB E Weaver St NB E Weaver St SB Brookside Dr Dearfield Dr Maple Ave Stanwich Rd Orchard St Valley Rd Sheep Hill Rd Havemeyer Ln West Ave Stillwater Ave NB Stillwater Ave SB W Main St NB Route 137 / Washington Blvd NB Route 137 / Washington Blvd SB Atlantic St NB Atlantic St SB Grove St NB Grove St SB Broad St EB Broad St WB Glenbrook Rd Route 106 / Courtland Ave NB Route 106 / Courtland Ave SB Noroton Ave NB Noroton Ave SB Route 124 / Mansfield Ave NB Route 124 / Mansfield Ave SB Brookside Rd Richards Ave NB Richards Ave SB Scribner Ave EB Scribner Ave WB Fillow St Spring Hill Ave Riverside Ave US 7 NB US 7 SB Route 123 / Main St France St Route 53 / East Ave Route 33 / Wilton Rd Main St Route 136 / Compo Rd N Long Lots Rd Bronson Rd NB Bronson Rd SB Sturges Rd Mill Plain Rd Unquowa Rd NB Unquowa Rd SB Round Hill Rd NB Round Hill Rd SB Route 135 / N Benson Rd Crestwood Dr NB Crestwood Dr SB Black Rock Turnpike NB Black Rock Turnpike SB Villa Ave Route 58 / Tenxis Hill Cut Off Route 59 / Brooklawn Ave NB Route 59 / Brooklawn Ave SB Park Ave NB Park Ave SB Madison Ave Lindley St Capitol Ave EB Capitol Ave WB Route 8 NB Route 8 SB Island Brook Ave Ext NB N of N of N of N of N of N of N of N of N of N of N of N of N of NW of NW of N of N of N of N of N of N of N of N of N of N of N of N of N of N of N of N of N of N of N of N of N of NW of W of N of Between Between N of N of N of N of N of N of N of N of N of N of N of N of N of N of N of N of Over Over N of N of N of N of N of N of N of N of N of W of W of W of Between Between N of US 1 / W Putnam Ave US 1 / W Putnam Ave US 1 / W Putnam Ave US 1 / W Putnam Ave US 1 / W Putnam Ave US 1 / W Putnam Ave US 1 / E Putnam Ave Old Post Rd 6 Valley Rd Orchard St US 1 / E Putnam Ave US 1 / E Putnam Ave US 1 / W Main St US 1 / W Main St US 1 / W Main St US 1 / Tresser Blvd US 1 / Tresser Blvd US 1 / Tresser Blvd US 1 / Tresser Blvd US 1 / Tresser Blvd US 1 / E Main St US 1 / E Main St US 1 / E Main St US 1 / E Main St US 1 / E Main St US 1 / E Main St US 1 / E Main St Ledge Rd Ledge Rd US 1 / Boston Post Rd US 1 / Boston Post Rd US 1 / Boston Post Rd US 1 / Connecticut Ave US 1 / Connecticut Ave US 1 / Connecticut Ave US 1 / Connecticut Ave Taylor Ave US 1 / Van Buren Ave Spring Hill Ave Int 1 and Int 2 Int 1 and Int 2 US 1 / North Ave US 1 / North Ave US 1 / North Ave US 1 / Post Rd US 1 / Post Rd E US 1 / Post Rd E US 1 / Post Rd E I-95 Ramps I-95 Ramps Unquowa Rd I-95 Ramps I-95 I-95 I-95 Ramps I-95 Ramps I-95 Ramps I-95 I-95 US 1 / Kings Hwy E US 1 / Kings Hwy E US 1 / Kings Hwy E US 1 / Kings Hwy E Briarwood Ave Briarwood Ave US 1 / North Ave US 1 / North Ave US 1 / North Ave Route 8 Ramps Route 25 Route 25 Int 4 and Int 5 Int 4 and Int 5 US 1 / North Ave / Capitol Ave 0.2% 0.1% 0.3% 0.3% 0.3% 1.1% 0.9% 0.3% 0.6% 0.8% 0.5% 0.9% 0.6% 0.2% 0.3% 0.6% 1.1% 1.4% 0.8% 0.2% 1.0% 0.9% 0.7% 0.8% 1.1% 0.7% 0.7% 0.7% 0.7% 0.3% 0.2% 0.5% 0.4% 0.5% 0.4% 0.3% 0.4% 0.2% 0.5% 2.8% 2.8% 1.0% 0.6% 0.9% 0.9% 0.3% 0.7% 0.4% 0.1% 0.2% 0.4% 0.6% 0.3% 0.4% 0.3% 0.3% 1.0% 0.1% 0.1% 0.6% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.3% 0.3% 0.5% 0.6% 0.9% 1.5% 0.7% 0.7% 3.8% 4.0% 0.8% 1,900 1,400 3,100 3,600 4,000 12,400 10,300 3,900 6,500 8,700 5,700 9,900 7,400 2,800 3,400 7,400 12,800 15,800 8,800 2,600 11,900 9,800 8,100 9,100 12,800 8,500 8,100 8,600 8,400 3,300 2,600 5,400 4,900 5,700 4,600 3,400 4,100 2,800 5,700 31,700 32,600 11,800 7,200 10,900 10,100 2,900 8,000 5,100 1,700 1,800 4,100 6,400 3,300 4,200 3,200 3,000 11,800 1,400 1,300 6,700 5,600 6,000 6,000 3,700 3,900 5,900 6,500 10,700 16,900 8,200 7,500 43,100 45,600 8,900 (continued) 10 February 26, 2014 Technical Memorandum • I-95 Data Collection/Existing Conditions Table 4 2013 Average Weekday Traffic - Screenlines (Continued) 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 Island Brook Ave Ext SB Chopsey Hill Rd EB Chopsey Hill Rd WB Noble Ave NB Noble Ave SB Huntington Rd Rotue 127 / E Main St Success Ave Broadbridge Ave Route 108 / Nichols Ave Route 113 / Main St Route 110 / E Main St NB Route 110 / E Main St SB Naugatuck Ave Bic Dr West Ave EB West Ave WB Plains Rd EB Plains Rd WB Zion Hill Rd Milford Pkwy NB Milford Pkwy SB W River St NB W River St SB Route 121 / North St Forest Rd Cedarhurst Ln Woodruff Rd NB Woodruff Rd SB Route 152 / Orange Center Rd Lambert Rd NB Lambert Rd SB Old Tavern Rd Route 114 / Racebrook Rd Dogburn Lane NB Dogburn Lane SB Dogwood Rd Route 122 / Forest Rd Route 10 / Ella Grasso Blvd NB Route 10 / Ella Grasso Blvd SB Howard Ave Church St NB Church St SB Columbus Ave Route 34 EB Route 34 WB State St NB State St SB I-91 NB I-91 SB N Frontage Rd EB N Frontage Rd WB 7 Total N of W of W of N of N of N of N of N of N of N of N of N of N of N of N of W of W of Wof Wof N of N of N of N of N of N of N of N of N of N of N of N of N of N of N of N of N of W of N of N of N of N of N of N of N of Between Between N of N of Between Between Between Between US 1 / North Ave / Capitol Ave US 1 / North Ave US 1 / North Ave US 1 / Boston Ave US 1 / Boston Ave US 1 / Boston Ave US 1 / Boston Ave US 1 / Boston Ave US 1 / Barnum Ave US 1 / Barnum Ave US 1 / Barnum Ave US 1 / Barnum Ave US 1 / Barnum Ave I-95 I-95 Ramps Grinnell St Grinnell St I-95 Ramps I-95 Ramps I-95 Ramps I-95 I-95 I-95 I-95 I-95 I-95 US 1 / Boston Post Rd Red Bush Lane Red Bush Lane US 1 / Boston Post Rd US 1 / Boston Post Rd US 1 / Boston Post Rd US 1 / Boston Post Rd US 1 / Boston Post Rd US 1 / Boston Post Rd US 1 / Boston Post Rd Dogburn Rd US 1 / Boston Post Rd US 1 / Columbus Ave US 1 / Columbus Ave US 1 / Columbus Ave US 1 / Columbus Ave US 1 / Columbus Ave Union Ave Int 1 and I-95 Int 1 and I-95 Water St Water St Int 2 Ramps T/F North and I-95 Int 2 Ramps T/F North and I-95 Orange St and State St Orange St and State St 0.3% 1.2% 1.1% 0.2% 0.3% 0.2% 1.1% 0.5% 0.8% 0.8% 1.5% 0.8% 0.7% 0.3% 0.8% 0.1% 0.1% 0.2% 0.2% 0.5% 2.4% 2.4% 0.1% 0.1% 0.7% 0.2% 0.3% 0.3% 0.3% 0.6% 0.2% 0.2% 0.4% 1.1% 0.1% 0.1% 0.3% 1.3% 0.9% 1.0% 0.7% 0.5% 0.3% 0.4% 3.2% 3.1% 0.3% 0.8% 6.3% 6.5% 0.2% 0.4% 3,600 13,700 12,900 2,300 3,500 1,800 12,400 5,400 9,400 9,300 16,900 9,500 7,700 3,400 8,900 700 800 2,500 2,700 5,800 27,400 27,500 1,300 1,200 7,600 2,500 4,000 3,500 3,400 6,500 2,300 2,800 5,100 13,000 900 900 3,800 14,900 10,000 11,100 8,200 5,500 3,600 5,100 37,300 35,100 3,300 9,500 72,700 74,400 2,800 4,200 100.0% 1,148,300 (continued) 11 February 26, 2014 Technical Memorandum • I-95 Data Collection/Existing Conditions Table 4 2013 Average Weekday Traffic - Screenlines (Continued) Screenline 8: N of Route 15 / Merritt Parkway 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Westchester Ave EB I-287 / Cross-Westchester Expy NB I-287 / Cross-Westchester Expy SB Route 120 / Purchase St NB Route 120 / Purchase St SB Route 120A / King St NB Route 120A / King St SB Riversville Rd Round Hill Rd NB Round Hill Rd SB Lake Ave NB Lake Ave SB North St NB North St SB Route 104 / Long Ridge Rd NB Route 104 / Long Ridge Rd SB Route 137 / High Ridge Rd Route 104 / Old Stamford Rd Route 124 / South Ave White Oak Shade Rd Route 123 / New Norwalk Ave Silvermine Ave NB Silvermine Ave SB US 7 NB US 7 SB Glover Ave Main Ave NB Main Ave SB W Rocks Rd Grumman Ave Route 53 / Chestnut Hill Ave Newtown Tpke Route 33 / Wilton Rd Route 57 / Weston Rd Route 136 / Easton Rd Burr St Route 58 / Black Rock Tpke Route 59 / Sport Hill Rd S Park Ave Route 111 / Main St Route 127 / Church Hill Rd Route 734 / Daniels Farm Rd Route 25 NB Route 25 SB Unity Rd Route 108 / Huntington Tpke Route 8 NB Route 8 SB Route 110 / Main St NB Route 110 / Main St SB Wheelers Farms Rd Derby Milford Rd Turkey Hill Rd Route 121 / Grassy Hill Rd Route 34 / Derby Ave EB Route 34 / Derby Ave WB Route 114 / Racebrook Ave Johnson Rd Route 243 / Fountain St Route 63 / Amity Rd NB Route 63 / Amity Rd SB Route 69 / Litchfield Tpke 8 Total S of Between Between N of N of N of N of S of N of N of N of N of S of S of N of N of N of N of N of N of W of S of S of N of N of W of N of N of N of N of S of N of N of N of N of N of N of N of N of N of N of N of Between Between N of N of Between Between N of N of N of N of W of N of W of W of N of N of N of N of N of N of Corporate Park Dr Int 9A and Int 9S / N Int 9A and Int 9S / N Route 15 / Merritt Pkwy Ramps Route 15 / Merritt Pkwy Ramps Route 15 / Merritt Pkwy Ramps Route 15 / Merritt Pkwy Ramps Sherwood Ave Route 15 / Merritt Pkwy Ramps Route 15 / Merritt Pkwy Ramps Old Mill Rd Old Mill Rd Wyckman Hill Ln Wyckman Hill Ln Route 15 / Merritt Pkwy Ramps Route 15 / Merritt Pkwy Ramps Wire Mill Rd Jelliff Mill Rd Conrad Ave Nursery Rd Carter St Comstock Hill Ave Comstock Hill Ave Route 15 / Merritt Pkwy Ramps Route 15 / Merritt Pkwy Ramps Main Ave Glover Ave Glover Ave Route 15 / Merritt Pkwy Route 15 / Merritt Pkwy Field St Route 15 / Merritt Pkwy Route 15 / Merritt Pkwy Ramps Route 15 / Merritt Pkwy Ramps Route 15 / Merritt Pkwy Route 15 / Merritt Pkwy Route 15 / Merritt Pkwy Ramps Route 15 / Merritt Pkwy Ramps Plumtree Ln Chestnut Hill Rd Edison Rd Route 127 / Church Hill Rd Int 8 and Int 9 Int 8 and Int 9 Route 15 / Merritt Pkwy Route 15 / Merritt Pkwy Int 10 and Int 11 Int 10 and Int 11 Route 15 / Merritt Pkwy Route 15 / Merritt Pkwy Route 15 / Wilbur Cross Expy Ramps Route 15 / Wilbur Cross Expy Route 15 / Wilbur Cross Expy Ramps Route 15 / Wilbur Cross Expy Ramps Route 15 / Wilbur Cross Expy Ramps Route 15 / Wilbur Cross Expy Ramps Route 15 / Wilbur Cross Expy Route 15 / Wilbur Cross Expy Route 15 / Wilbur Cross Expy Lucy St Lucy St Lucy St 1.1% 7.4% 7.0% 0.7% 0.7% 1.0% 1.1% 0.4% 0.3% 0.4% 0.2% 0.3% 0.5% 0.5% 1.2% 1.2% 2.9% 1.5% 1.2% 0.5% 2.3% 0.4% 0.4% 2.9% 2.8% 0.6% 1.1% 1.1% 0.9% 0.5% 0.6% 0.4% 2.2% 2.0% 1.0% 0.2% 1.1% 1.4% 0.7% 1.8% 2.0% 1.8% 3.2% 3.2% 0.8% 1.9% 5.7% 5.7% 2.4% 2.5% 1.1% 1.3% 0.2% 1.3% 2.8% 2.5% 1.2% 0.2% 1.2% 1.3% 1.4% 1.5% 8,000 51,800 48,800 4,800 5,100 7,300 7,700 3,100 2,400 2,600 1,500 1,900 3,500 3,700 8,700 8,500 20,000 10,700 8,100 3,700 16,400 2,500 2,500 20,500 19,800 4,200 7,700 7,500 6,100 3,600 4,400 2,800 15,500 14,000 6,800 1,600 8,000 10,100 4,700 12,800 13,800 12,900 22,200 22,200 5,300 13,200 39,900 39,500 16,900 17,300 7,400 9,100 1,500 9,100 19,400 17,300 8,300 1,700 8,200 9,000 9,600 10,800 100.0% 698,000 12 February 26, 2014 Technical Memorandum • I-95 Data Collection/Existing Conditions Balanced Traffic Profiles Traffic count data at each on and off ramp and several mainlines along I-95 and Route 15 was assembled from existing CT DOT count data and imported into a database for processing. This existing data was used to prepare a balanced hourly traffic profile representative of an average weekday for I95 and Route 15. The resulting average weekday volumes for I-95 from the New York State line to the I-91 interchange in New Haven are displayed in thousands in schematic format in Figures 23 through 29. More than a dozen mainline locations experience more than 160,000 vehicles on an average weekday and occur within Greenwich, Stamford, Darien, Norwalk, and Bridgeport with somewhat lower volumes occurring through Westport, Fairfield, Stratford, Orange, Milford and West Haven. In New Haven, south of the I-91 interchange, volumes again reach more than 160,000 vehicles on an average weekday. The highest mainline volume of 171,100 occurs just south of the Route 25/Route 8 interchange in Bridgeport (Figure 27). Similarly, the ramp volumes to and from the Route 25/Route 8 interchange are among the highest in the corridor. For example, the southbound on ramp from Route 25/Route 8 carries on average 24,100 vehicles per weekday and it reciprocal movement, an off ramp from I-95 northbound to Route 25/Route 8 north carries 25,600 vehicles on an average weekday. Both ramps to and from the north at the Route 25/Route 8 interchange are more than 17,000 vehicles on an average weekday. Another location with significant ramp volumes is at the Route 7 interchange (Exit 15) in Norwalk. The volumes on each ramp to and from the south reach 15,000 vehicles on an average weekday. Similar volumes to and from the south are accommodated on the East Avenue ramps (Exit 16), just north of Route 7 interchange. This interchange is less than a half mile away from the Route 7 interchange, with both ramps serving a surge of traffic to/from Norwalk and the northern towns such as Wilton, and traffic flowing between I-95 and Route 15. The other high speed connection between Route 15 and I-95 includes the interchange between the Milford Parkway (Exit 38) and I-95, with ramps to and from the north carrying a total of about 30,000 vehicles on an average weekday. Average weekday volumes along Route 15 are shown in Figures 30 through 34, spanning from the New York State line through the West Rock Tunnel in New Haven. The highest average weekday volume of 90,600 vehicles occurs just south of the Milford Parkway over the Housatonic River. Just south of the Milford Parkway, the ramps to and from the north at Exit 53 handle a total of 23,000 vehicles on an average weekday. This interchange is the direct access into Sikorsky Aircraft, a major employer for the region. Average weekday volumes of around 50,000 vehicles are lowest toward the New York end of the corridor in Greenwich. Volumes increase heading northward, building through the various towns before reaching its peak south of the Milford Parkway. South of the Milford Parkway, significant ramp volumes occur at the interchanges with Route 8 and Route 25 in Bridgeport with mainline segments carrying roughly 80,000 vehicles on an average weekday. South of these major interchanges, average weekday volumes are in the range of 65,000. The Route 7 interchange in Norwalk carries nearly 20,000 vehicles to and from the south on an average weekday. Travel Speeds INRIX Data on travel speeds were collected through the purchase of 2012 historical data from INRIX for Route 15, and all major arterials in the study area. In addition, through the I-95 Corridor Coalition, similar data at 5 minute intervals for all of 2012 was obtained on I-95. Travel speed data for internal weekdays (Tue, Wed, and Thu) were averaged to represent an average weekday condition, and were linked to a GIS file in order to visually display the data and to allow correspondence to the travel 13 February 26, 2014 I-95 Corridor Congestion Relief Study CT 96725 / 2-26-14 / I-95 Schematic 11x17.pptx MP 0.78 MP 2.54 MP 3.73 Delavan Ave. Exit 2 Arch St. Exit 3 Indian Field Rd. Exit 4 Byram Rd. Field Point Rd. 152.5 146.8 Frontage Rd. 4.9 149.1 161.4 159.3 3.4 4.5 3.6 11.3 5.6 8.0 Match Line A Greenwich Connecticut Port Chester 287 New York Midland Ave. Exit 21 To Tappan Zee Bridge 95 7.4 4.9 6.8 Ritch Ave. 4.4 3.2 11.2 MP 0.78 Byram Shore Rd. Exit 2 Midland Ave. Exit 22 6.4 East Putnam Ave. MP 7.30 West Ave. Exit 6 Greenwich Ave. Exit 7 Washington MP 7.67 Blvd. Atlantic St. Exit 8 Canal St. 140.2 166.8 12.2 8.1 11.1 Grenhart Rd. 95 7.9 7.7 7.7 6.1 Baxter Ave. 11.1 LEGEND N. State St. 8.6 10.2 Match Line A 6.9 159.3 MP 6.62 Match Line B 161.4 Stamford E. Putnam Ave. Exit 5 Greenwich MP 5.53 Mc Cullough St. 14.1 S. State St. 8.1 00.0 0.0 Total Mainline Traffic Volume Ramp Traffic Volume Note: Volume totals may not reflect exact summations due to rounding. All volumes shown represent thousands of vehicles. MP 6.50 Harvard Ave. Exit 6 I-95 WEEKDAY TRAFFIC PROFILE FIGURE 23 I-95 Corridor Congestion Relief Study CT 96725 / 2-26-14 / I-95 Schematic 11x17.pptx MP 9.28 MP 10.75 MP 8.20 E. Main St. Exit 9 164.5 10.2 12.9 Noroton Ave. Exit 10 Turnpike Service Rd. (Official Use Only) Darien 140.2 Courtland Ave. Stamford Elm St. Exit 8 166.9 Ledge Rd. Exit 10 Service Area 3.7 Match Line C Match Line B 8.8 166.9 3.4 95 11.4 3.6 3.3 8.3 S. State St. Turnpike Service Rd. (Official Use Only) 7.3 Brookside Dr. MP 9.28 Seaside Ave. Exit 9 MP 12.23 161.0 169.9 3.0 MP 13.14 Boston Post Rd. Exit 13 Ledge Rd. 153.7 166.1 Boston Post Rd. Exit 14 LEGEND 3.9 8.4 Match Line C 4.2 MP 14.83 5.1 6.0 11.0 Match Line D 166.9 Boston Post Rd. Norwalk Tokeneke Rd. Exit 12 Boston Post Rd. Exit 11 Darien MP 11.61 95 3.7 5.5 5.0 3.9 Connecticut Welcome Center 7.9 Boston Post Rd. Exit 13 Old Kings Hwy. 13.9 6.5 00.0 0.0 Total Mainline Traffic Volume Ramp Traffic Volume Note: Volume totals may not reflect exact summations due to rounding. All volumes shown represent thousands of vehicles. Scribner Ave. Fairfield Ave. Exit 14 I-95 WEEKDAY TRAFFIC PROFILE FIGURE 24 I-95 Corridor Congestion Relief Study CT 96725 / 2-26-14 / I-95 Schematic 11x17.pptx MP 15.49 West Exit 15 Ave. MP 20.36 MP 18.13 15.0 139.4 141.2 143.9 4.7 4.9 4.4 5.7 0.2 3.8 Match Line E 10.2 2.9 Match Line D Norwalk 163.5 15.0 Westport 166.1 Riverside Ave. Exit 17 Fairfield MP 16.24 East Ave. Exit 16 Westport Sherwood Island Connector Exit 18 95 11.2 8.7 14.6 5.1 4.8 6.2 5.2 4.5 14.8 Norwalk River MP 23.12 MP 23.72 Boston Post Rd. Exit 19 Bronson Rd. Exit 20 Pease Ave. Kings Hwy W. 139.4 148.4 144.6 1.7 Jelliff Ln. Match Line F 95 3.5 6.1 Rennell Dr. MP 22.88 Center St. Exit 19 LEGEND 6.2 Match Line E 3.7 2.1 00.0 0.0 Total Mainline Traffic Volume Ramp Traffic Volume Note: Volume totals may not reflect exact summations due to rounding. All volumes shown represent thousands of vehicles. Old Post Rd. Post Rd. I-95 WEEKDAY TRAFFIC PROFILE FIGURE 25 I-95 Corridor Congestion Relief Study CT 96725 / 2-26-14 / I-95 Schematic 11x17.pptx MP 25.21 MP 24.38 Mill Plain Rd. Exit 21 North Benson Rd. Exit 22 Round Hill Rd. Meadowbrook Rd. 7.2 5.6 155.8 King’s Hwy. Exit 23 5.1 3.3 Service Area Match Line G 4.2 Match Line F 3.1 4.6 MP 25.83 156.6 153.6 148.4 95 6.8 5.5 2.9 Service Area 2.8 3.3 MP 25.83 5.9 4.5 King’s Hwy. Exit 23 MP 25.03 Round Hill Rd. Exit 22 Crestwood Rd. MP 27.64 MP 26.72 Coolidge St. 155.4 155.8 8.5 Stephens Ln. Dewey St. Fairfield Kings Hwy. E. 7.7 Fairfield Ave. Exit 25 Bridgeport Black Rock Tpke. Exit 24 166.0 Match Line H Match Line G 95 7.3 7.6 4.0 Johnson Dr. MP 26.72 Black Rock Tpke. Exit 24 Chambers St. LEGEND 9.7 4.3 MP 27.43 9.3 00.0 0.0 Total Mainline Traffic Volume Ramp Traffic Volume Note: Volume totals may not reflect exact summations due to rounding. All volumes shown represent thousands of vehicles. Pine St. Commerce Dr. Exit 25 I-95 WEEKDAY TRAFFIC PROFILE FIGURE 26 I-95 Corridor Congestion Relief Study CT 96725 / 2-26-14 / I-95 Schematic 11x17.pptx MP 29.03 Exit 27A MP 29.14 MP 28.29 Wordin Ave. Exit 26 Park Ave. MP 29.86 171.1 5.4 Stratford Ave. Stratford Ave. Exit 29 Cedar St. 4.3 Connecticut Ave. 155.8 148.9 4.7 Match Line I 8.1 4.6 95 2.3 164.7 3.0 North Frontage Rd. Match Line H 2.3 17.8 2.9 MP 30.07 Seaview Ave. Exit 29 East Main St. Exit 28 24.1 166.0 MP 30.07 Lafayette Blvd. Exit 27 Mytle Ave. 5.9 4.4 South 2.5 Frontage Rd. 5.1 Ann St. Exit 28 4.6 8.6 25.6 17.4 Seaview Ave. Exit 29 Pequonnock River MP 29.00 Lafayette Blvd. Exit 27 MP 32.86 West Broad St. Exit 32 133.2 4.5 Spada Blvd. Linden Ave. 5.0 6.3 3.5 4.2 Mt. Carmel Blvd. LEGEND 6.9 95 12.4 133.1 Match Line J 3.7 134.1 Match Line I 10.5 MP 32.29 South Ave. Exit 31 Stratford 148.9 Bridgeport Hollister Ave. MP 31.30 Surf Ave. Exit 30 4.6 5.2 6.9 00.0 0.0 Total Mainline Traffic Volume Ramp Traffic Volume Note: Volume totals may not reflect exact summations due to rounding. All volumes shown represent thousands of vehicles. MP 31.07 Lordship Blvd. Exit 30 MP 32.11 Honeyspot Rd. Exit 31 Beardsley Ave. West Broad St. Exit 32 I-95 WEEKDAY TRAFFIC PROFILE FIGURE 27 I-95 Corridor Congestion Relief Study CT 96725 / 2-26-14 / I-95 Schematic 11x17.pptx MP 35.85 MP 36.69 Plains Rd. Exit 36 125.1 2.0 Match Line J 7.6 127.7 6.1 3.6 4.4 3.0 4.7 133.0 2.5 5.4 Match Line K 118.2 Milford Barnum Ave. 133.1 Stratford Bic Dr. Exit 35 95 2.6 5.5 MP 33.91 7.3 5.0 2.5 MP 35.37 Ferry Blvd. Exit 33 Ferry Blvd. Housatonic River Bridgeport Ave. Exit 34 MP 35.85 Schoolhouse Rd. Exit 35 To Merritt and Wilbur Cross Parkways MP 39.12 MP 37.58 MP 40.25 142.5 2.3 135.2 137.6 15.0 2.3 4.8 7.8 1.7 Match Line K 9.2 95 1.7 3.3 14.4 6.4 6.2 LEGEND 7.1 Match Line L 7.3 Woodmont Rd. Exit 40 Boston Post Rd. Exit 39B / 39A Orange 133.0 Daniel S. Wasson Connector Exit 38 Milford Zion Hill Rd. 9.9 6.8 8.1 00.0 0.0 Total Mainline Traffic Volume Ramp Traffic Volume Note: Volume totals may not reflect exact summations due to rounding. All volumes shown represent thousands of vehicles. 2.6 MP 37.45 High St. Exit 37 MP 40.25 Old Gate Ln. Exit 40 I-95 WEEKDAY TRAFFIC PROFILE FIGURE 28 I-95 Corridor Congestion Relief Study CT 96725 / 2-26-14 / I-95 Schematic 11x17.pptx MP 43.91 MP 45.19 MP 41.80 MP 44.87 Marsh Hill Rd. Exit 41 8.1 5.2 138.1 Match Line L Service Area First Ave. Exit 43 Campbell Ave. Exit 43 147.7 143.0 6.3 5.7 9.9 8.7 Match Line M Orange 135.2 West Haven Saw Mill Rd. Exit 42 95 6.5 Service Area 6.5 7.0 West Campus Dr. 8.4 5.5 3.8 MP 47.60 MP 47.74 91 Exit 47 Exit 48 West Haven New Haven Wooster St. MP 45.90 MP 46.05 Kimberly Ave. Exit 44 Ella T. Grasso Blvd. Exit 45 13.1 41.9 MP 46.82 147.7 Sargent Dr. Exit 46 164.4 5.7 8.3 17.0 6.6 6.7 Match Line M 4.0 5.4 162.6 3.7 19.2 13.4 95 LEGEND 39.3 00.0 6.5 6.1 3.4 4.6 West River 4.4 8.5 0.0 MP 47.26 Ramp Traffic Volume Note: Volume totals may not reflect exact summations due to rounding. All volumes shown represent thousands of vehicles. Long Wharf Dr. Exit 46 MP 45.90 Kimberly Ave. Exit 44 Total Mainline Traffic Volume 133.2 MP 47.83 95 I-95 WEEKDAY TRAFFIC PROFILE FIGURE 29 I-95 Corridor Congestion Relief Study CT 96725 / 2-26-14 / Landscape 11x17.pptx 287 To Tappan Zee Bridge Exit 26 Harrison N. Ridge St. Exit 29 Match Line A 684 Rye Brook Lincoln Ave. Exit 28 Purchase St. Exit 27 To 95 MP 0.09 MP 3.59 King St. Exit 27 Round Hill Rd. Exit 28 49.9 N. Ridge St. Exit 27S 1.0 Old Mill Rd. N. Exit 29 1.6 52.8 LEGEND 1.4 0.5 Match Line B Match Line A Service Area Service Area Exit 30S MP 4.70 51.4 1.0 1.9 0.5 1.0 Exit 27 00.0 0.0 Total Mainline Traffic Volume Ramp Traffic Volume Note: Volume totals may not reflect exact summations due to rounding. All volumes shown represent thousands of vehicles. MP 4.70 Glen Ridge Rd. Old Mill Rd. Exit 29 ROUTE 15 WEEKDAY TRAFFIC PROFILE FIGURE 30 I-95 Corridor Congestion Relief Study CT 96725 / 2-26-14 / Landscape 11x17.pptx MP 9.50 MP 10.70 Long Ridge Rd. Exit 34 High Ridge Rd. Exit 35 MP 8.90 Den Rd. Exit 33 Greenwich North St. Exit 31 52.8 57.4 59.2 63.1 4.6 4.2 0.8 1.7 65.3 6.6 6.4 6.5 1.5 0.8 4.2 Match Line C Match Line B 2.0 Stamford MP 5.60 1.9 2.6 3.9 5.7 8.1 4.4 South Ave. Exit 37 Gerdes Rd. 66.5 Norwalk Old Stamford Rd. Exit 36 65.3 MP 15.90 MP 14.10 New Canaan Stamford New Canaan MP 13.20 New Canaan Ave. Carter St. Exit 38 64.8 68.4 4.3 3.6 3.5 4.4 2.4 4.7 3.1 Service Area Service Area 2.4 3.5 4.7 3.0 5.4 Match Line D Match Line C LEGEND 00.0 0.0 Total Mainline Traffic Volume Ramp Traffic Volume Note: Volume totals may not reflect exact summations due to rounding. All volumes shown represent thousands of vehicles. White Birch Rd. ROUTE 15 WEEKDAY TRAFFIC PROFILE FIGURE 31 I-95 Corridor Congestion Relief Study CT 96725 / 2-26-14 / Landscape 11x17.pptx MP 17.30 MP 21.60 Exit 39A / 39B MP 17.60 Main Ave. Exit 40A / 40B 2.1 2.2 5.9 3.8 1.9 2.1 3.4 2.0 5.0 5.7 2.3 3.9 Fairfield 61.0 Westport 62.5 Exit 41 Creeping Hemlock Dr. 4.1 2.1 MP 20.60 4.4 Match Line E 4.0 Match Line D 6.1 53.8 Norwalk 48.6 Glover Ave. Westport 68.4 Weston Rd. Exit 42 7.3 4.9 4.0 Spring Hill Rd. Sunny Ln. Exit 41 MP 27.00 MP 28.50 MP 29.20 Black Rock Tpke. Exit 44 Easton Tpke. Exit 46 Park Ave. Exit 47 Congress St. 61.0 Federal St. 65.0 3.3 LEGEND 4.9 3.1 2.6 Service Area Service Area 2.7 3.5 3.8 Match Line F Match Line E 3.2 3.6 68.3 65.7 Congress St. 2.7 6.0 4.1 00.0 0.0 Total Mainline Traffic Volume Ramp Traffic Volume Note: Volume totals may not reflect exact summations due to rounding. All volumes shown represent thousands of vehicles. Fairfield Jefferson St. Trumbull Congress St. ROUTE 15 WEEKDAY TRAFFIC PROFILE FIGURE 32 MP 32.20 MP 34.10 Henry Mucci Hwy. Exit 49N / 49S Exit 52 MP 33.70 Main St. Exit 48 Huntington Tpke. Exit 51 5.7 68.3 6.7 76.9 81.8 70.0 3.0 5.7 6.1 4.3 6.9 5.7 13.8 9.6 Match Line G 4.5 10.2 5.9 76.6 10.1 9.5 Match Line F 5.2 Bridgeport MP 30.60 Stratford I-95 Corridor Congestion Relief Study CT 96725 / 2-26-14 / Landscape 11x17.pptx 12.5 3.1 MP 32.80 White Plains Rd. Exit 50 MP 36.90 MP 38.40 Main St. Exit 53 Milford 2.2 90.6 Orange Milford 11.8 Stratford 76.6 Wheelers Farms Rd. Exit 55A 58.8 LEGEND 3.5 18.3 Match Line G 5.4 3.0 4.4 11.0 24.3 8.7 00.0 1.1 0.6 1.4 Match Line H 1.0 0.0 Total Mainline Traffic Volume Ramp Traffic Volume Note: Volume totals may not reflect exact summations due to rounding. All volumes shown represent thousands of vehicles. Housatonic River MP 37.80 Milford Pkwy. I-95 / US-1 Connector Exit 54 ROUTE 15 WEEKDAY TRAFFIC PROFILE FIGURE 33 I-95 Corridor Congestion Relief Study CT 96725 / 2-26-14 / Landscape 11x17.pptx MP 43.00 MP 46.70 Derby Ave. Exit 57 / 58 MP 41.50 2.0 1.4 1.6 2.8 2.3 Amity Rd. 3.3 66.6 2.8 3.7 7.0 Match Line I 2.4 62.0 New Haven 57.7 Woodbridge Orange 58.8 Woodbridge Grassy Hill Rd. Exit 56 Turkey Hill Rd. Match Line H Litchfield Tpke. Exit 59 1.7 0.9 1.7 8.7 4.9 4.2 2.6 Pond Lily Ave. MP 50.20 Match Line I Hamden 66.6 New Haven Dixwell Ave. Exit 60 LEGEND 00.0 0.0 West Rock Tunnel Total Mainline Traffic Volume Ramp Traffic Volume Note: Volume totals may not reflect exact summations due to rounding. All volumes shown represent thousands of vehicles. ROUTE 15 WEEKDAY TRAFFIC PROFILE FIGURE 34 Technical Memorandum • I-95 Data Collection/Existing Conditions demand model network for comparison against modeled speeds during peak and off peak time periods. Figures 35 through 38 display in schematic format corridor of I-95, travel speeds from the INRIX data for an AM(7-8AM) and PM(5-6PM) peak hour using Googlemap speed colors, peak hour volumes on mainlines between interchanges, and 24 hour volume graphs at selected locations. During the morning peak on I-95 southbound, significant speed reductions are experienced between Bridgeport (Route 8/25 interchange/Exit 27) through the Route 7 interchange in Norwalk (Exit 15) (Figures 36 and 37). What is most interesting is that the hourly volumes within this 14 mile stretch barely reach 5,000 vehicles on facility that should accommodate roughly 6,000 vehicles per hour. This seemingly counterintuitive result is a function of the total breakdown in travel conditions that is occurring, where the congestion is limiting the amount of throughput. The hourly traffic graph at the town line of Bridgeport and Fairfield is the most telling (Figure 37). The graph shows understated southbound demand with no peaking in the AM period. The volumes do not exceed 5,000 vehicles per hour, whereas the cross-section of three lanes can handle volumes beyond 6,000 vehicles per hour. This bottleneck is relieved as traffic gets to Exit 12 and the cross-section widens out to 3 general lanes plus 1 auxiliary lane before widening out to 4 lanes between Exits 9 and 10. In addition to the widening, the congestion conditions upstream present a metering effect on traffic, allowing traffic downstream of the queue to flow at normal conditions. Not only do speeds increase to near free flow between Exit 9 and Exit 13 because of this increase in physical capacity, but hourly demand is reaching more than 7,000 vehicles during the peak hour. A second but shorter pocket of congestion is present in Stamford from Exit 9 through exit 5 in Greenwich in the southbound direction during the AM peak (Figure 35) as the roadway reduces back down to 3 lanes through Stamford. The speeds during the AM peak ranged between 30mph and 50mph on an average weekday in this section. The delay shown in the New Haven area (Figure 38) can likely be attributed to the ongoing I-95 New Haven Harbor Crossing Corridor Improvement Program. During the PM peak in the northbound direction, the same limits of congestion are present as were identified during the AM peak southbound direction. However, unlike the southbound direction, the Stamford to Darien section also experiences severe congestion. In this section, the northbound direction does not widen out to 4 lanes, but remains at a cross-section of 3 lanes in the northbound direction, and therefore does not provide a mechanism to accommodate relief of the queue. The northbound hourly graph shown between Exit 6 and 7 in Stamford on Figure 35 displays again what the breakdown in travel operations has on vehicle throughput as only 5,300 vehicles per hour are processed on a cross-section that should accommodate more than 6,000 vehicles per hour in normal operations. The breakdown in travel conditions continues through Norwalk with vehicle throughput reaching north of 6,000 vehicles in some sections where auxiliary lanes are provided. However as displayed in the hourly profiles on Figure 36, demand is still being restricted by the breakdown in travel speeds. Breakdown in travel conditions continues into Bridgeport, with relief occurring just north of the Route 8 and Route 25 interchange (Exit 27) as traffic continues to drop off at the various exits and I-95 widens out to a 3+1 configuration in the northbound direction beginning north of Exit 25, allowing for normal traffic flow. In all, the extent of this congestion is more than 25 miles. The delay shown in the New Haven area (Figure 38) in the northbound direction can be attributed to the ongoing I-95 New Haven Harbor Crossing Corridor Improvement Program. During the PM peak, delay and friction in traffic flow is also experienced in the southbound direction from Stamford to the New York State line. The main causes of this condition is the large amount of 14 February 26, 2014 I-95 Corridor Congestion Relief Study CT 96725 / 2-26-14 / I-95 INRIX Schematic 11x17.pptx MP 5.53 E. Putnam Ave. Exit 5 MP 6.62 MP 7.30 MP 8.20 West Ave. Exit 6 Greenwich Ave. Exit 7 Elm St. Exit 8 E. Main St. Exit 9 MP 11.61 MP 10.75 Darien MP 3.73 Indian Field Rd. Exit 4 MP 9.28 Stamford MP 2.54 Arch St. Exit 3 Stamford MP 0.78 Delavan Ave. Exit 2 Greenwich Noroton Ave. Exit 10 Boston Post Rd. Exit 11 5.4 6.2 6.4 6.5 6.9 6.2 7.6 7.3 7.1 5.1 5.1 5.1 4.9 5.0 3.2 3.8 4.1 4.2 Match Line A New York Connecticut A.M. PEAK HOUR (7:00-8:00 A.M.) MP 0.78 MP 6.50 MP 7.67 Byram Shore Rd. Exit 2 Harvard Ave. Exit 6 Atlantic St. Exit 8 7,000 8,000 6,000 7,000 6,000 Traffic Volume 4,000 3,000 2,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 Northbound Southbound 1,000 Northbound Southbound 1,000 10:00 PM 8:00 PM 6:00 PM 4:00 PM 2:00 PM 12:00 PM MP 3.73 MP 5.53 Indian Field Rd. Exit 4 E. Putnam Ave. Exit 5 MP 9.28 MP 6.62 MP 7.30 MP 8.20 West Ave. Exit 6 Greenwich Ave. Exit 7 Elm St. Exit 8 E. Main St. Exit 9 MP 11.61 MP 10.75 Darien MP 2.54 Arch St. Exit 3 Stamford MP 0.78 Delavan Ave. Exit 2 Greenwich Noroton Ave. Exit 10 Boston Post Rd. Exit 11 5.8 5.5 5.4 5.2 5.0 3.2 4.4 4.8 4.9 4.7 5.1 5.3 5.1 5.3 4.9 5.8 5.7 5.7 Match Line D New York Connecticut P.M. PEAK HOUR (5:00-6:00 P.M.) Stamford 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 6:00 AM 4:00 AM 12:00 AM 8:00 PM 10:00 PM 6:00 PM 4:00 PM 2:00 PM 12:00 PM 10:00 AM 8:00 AM 6:00 AM 4:00 AM 2:00 AM 0 12:00 AM 0 2:00 AM Traffic Volume 5,000 70 MP 0.78 MP 6.50 MP 7.67 Byram Shore Rd. Exit 2 Harvard Ave. Exit 6 Atlantic St. Exit 8 65 60 55 50 45 40 Speed (mph) 35 30 25 20 LEGEND 0.0 Traffic (Thousands) PEAK HOUR VOLUMES AND TRAVEL SPEEDS ALONG THE I-95 CORRIDOR FIGURE 35 I-95 Corridor Congestion Relief Study CT 96725 / 2-26-14 / I-95 INRIX Schematic 11x17.pptx A.M. PEAK HOUR (7:00-8:00 A.M.) MP 12.23 MP 13.14 MP 14.83 MP 15.49 MP 23.12 MP 18.13 Sherwood Island Connector Exit 18 Riverside Ave. Exit 17 MP 23.72 Fairfield East Ave. Exit 16 West Ave. Exit 15 Westport MP 16.24 Boston Post Rd. Exit 14 Norwalk Boston Post Rd. Exit 13 Westport Darien Tokeneke Rd. Exit 12 Norwalk MP 20.36 Boston Post Rd. Bronson Rd. Exit 20 Exit 19 6.5 6.3 5.8 5.0 4.9 4.9 5.1 3.7 3.6 4.0 4.1 3.7 3.5 3.2 3.3 Match Line B Match Line A 6.7 MP 22.88 Center St. Exit 19 7,000 7,000 7,000 6,000 6,000 5,000 5,000 Northbound Southbound 1,000 8:00 PM 10:00 PM 6:00 PM 4:00 PM 2:00 PM 12:00 AM 10:00 PM 8:00 PM 6:00 PM 4:00 PM 2:00 PM 12:00 PM 10:00 AM 8:00 AM 6:00 AM 4:00 AM 2:00 AM 0 12:00 AM 10:00 PM 8:00 PM 6:00 PM 4:00 PM 2:00 PM 12:00 PM 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 6:00 AM 4:00 AM 2:00 AM Northbound Southbound 1,000 0 12:00 AM 0 2,000 12:00 PM 1,000 2,000 3,000 10:00 AM Northbound Southbound 4,000 8:00 AM 2,000 3,000 6:00 AM 3,000 4,000 4:00 AM 4,000 2:00 AM Traffic Volume 5,000 P.M. PEAK HOUR (5:00-6:00 P.M.) MP 12.23 MP 13.14 MP 14.83 MP 15.49 MP 23.12 MP 18.13 Sherwood Island Connector Exit 18 Riverside Ave. Exit 17 Fairfield East Ave. Exit 16 West Ave. Exit 15 Westport MP 16.24 Boston Post Rd. Exit 14 Norwalk Boston Post Rd. Exit 13 Westport Darien Tokeneke Rd. Exit 12 Norwalk MP 20.36 MP 23.72 Boston Post Rd. Bronson Rd. Exit 20 Exit 19 4.6 4.4 5.0 4.5 3.8 3.6 3.5 3.6 5.6 5.4 5.9 6.5 5.8 5.8 5.8 6.0 Match Line E Match Line D Traffic Volume 6,000 Traffic Volume 8,000 MP 22.88 Center St. Exit 19 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 Speed (mph) 35 30 25 20 LEGEND 0.0 Traffic (Thousands) PEAK HOUR VOLUMES AND TRAVEL SPEEDS ALONG THE I-95 CORRIDOR FIGURE 36 I-95 Corridor Congestion Relief Study CT 96725 / 2-26-14 / I-95 INRIX Schematic 11x17.pptx A.M. PEAK HOUR (7:00-8:00 A.M.) MP 26.72 MP 25.83 MP 25.21 MP 27.64 MP 30.07 MP 32.29 MP 32.86 South Ave. West Broad St. Exit 31 Exit 32 MP 35.85 Milford Exit 27A MP 31.30 Surf Ave. Exit 30 Stratford Stratford Ave. Exit 29 Stratford MP 28.29 Wordin Ave. Exit 26 Fairfield Ave. Exit 25 Bridgeport North Benson Rd. King’s Hwy. Exit 22 Exit 23 Fairfield Black Rock Tpke. Exit 24 MP 24.38 Mill Plain Rd. Exit 21 Bridgeport MP 29.03 Schoolhouse Rd. Exit 35 5.2 4.9 4.8 5.2 5.0 4.6 4.3 4.3 4.3 3.7 4.0 3.5 3.6 3.6 4.2 4.4 4.3 3.8 3.0 3.2 3.2 3.0 4.2 Match Line C Match Line B 5.3 MP 25.03 MP 27.43 MP 29.00, 29.14 Round Hill Rd. Exit 22 Commerce Dr. Exit 25 Lafayette Blvd. Exit 27 MP 29.86 MP 32.11 MP 31.07 MP 33.91 MP 35.37 Ferry Blvd. Exit 33 Bridgeport Ave. Exit 34 Honeyspot Rd. Exit 31 East Main St. Exit 28 Lordship Blvd. Exit 30 6,000 8,000 7,000 5,000 Traffic Volume Traffic Volume 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 2,000 8:00 PM 10:00 PM 6:00 PM 4:00 PM 2:00 PM 12:00 PM 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 4:00 AM Milford 6:00 AM 2:00 AM Stratford 12:00 AM 8:00 PM 10:00 PM 6:00 PM 4:00 PM 2:00 PM 12:00 PM 10:00 AM 8:00 AM 6:00 AM 4:00 AM 2:00 AM 0 12:00 AM 0 P.M. PEAK HOUR (5:00-6:00 P.M.) MP 26.72 MP 25.83 MP 25.21 Northbound Southbound 1,000 Northbound Southbound 1,000 MP 27.64 MP 30.07 Wordin Ave. Exit 26 Seaview Ave. Exit 29 Exit 27A Stratford MP 28.29 Fairfield Ave. Exit 25 Bridgeport North Benson Rd. King’s Hwy. Exit 23 Exit 22 Fairfield Black Rock Tpke. Exit 24 MP 24.38 Mill Plain Rd. Exit 21 Bridgeport MP 29.03 MP 32.86 MP 32.29 MP 31.30 South Ave. West Broad St. Exit 32 Exit 31 Surf Ave. Exit 30 MP 35.85 Schoolhouse Rd. Exit 35 4.1 4.2 4.9 5.0 5.1 4.5 3.9 3.9 4.1 3.6 3.2 6.6 6.9 6.8 7.3 7.4 7.1 6.4 5.9 5.9 5.6 4.8 4.6 Match Line F Match Line E 3.9 70 65 MP 25.03 MP 27.43 MP 29.00, 29.14 Round Hill Rd. Exit 22 Commerce Dr. Exit 25 Lafayette Blvd. Exit 27 60 55 50 45 40 Speed (mph) 35 30 25 20 MP 29.86 MP 31.07 MP 32.11 MP 33.91 MP 35.37 Ferry Blvd. Exit 33 Bridgeport Ave. Exit 34 Honeyspot Rd. Exit 31 East Main St. Exit 28 Lordship Blvd. Exit 30 LEGEND 0.0 Traffic (Thousands) PEAK HOUR VOLUMES AND TRAVEL SPEEDS ALONG THE I-95 CORRIDOR FIGURE 37 I-95 Corridor Congestion Relief Study CT 96725 / 2-26-14 / I-95 INRIX Schematic 11x17.pptx Woodmont Rd. Exit 40 Boston Post Rd. Exit 39B/39A Marsh Hill Rd. Exit 41 MP 45.19 Saw Mill Rd. Exit 42 First Ave. Exit 43 MP 46.05 New Haven Milford Pkwy. Exit 38 MP 41.80 MP 43.91 West Haven Plains Rd. Exit 36 Orange MP 40.25 West Haven MP 37.58 Milford MP 36.69 Orange A.M. PEAK HOUR (7:00-8:00 A.M.) MP 39.12 MP 47.74 MP 46.82 Sargent Dr. Exit 46 Boulevard Exit 45 Exit 48 4.5 4.3 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.5 5.0 5.3 3.6 3.8 4.0 3.9 4.1 4.5 4.6 5.3 4.9 Match Line C 4.1 MP 45.90 MP 37.45 MP 44.87 High St. Exit 37 Campbell Ave. Exit 43 MP 47.60 MP 47.26 Long Wharf Dr. Exit 46 7,000 7,000 5,000 5,000 6,000 6,000 Northbound Southbound 10:00 PM 8:00 PM 6:00 PM 4:00 PM 2:00 PM 12:00 PM 10:00 AM 8:00 AM 6:00 AM 4:00 AM 12:00 AM 10:00 PM 8:00 PM 6:00 PM 4:00 PM 2:00 PM 12:00 PM 10:00 AM 0 12:00 AM 8:00 PM 10:00 PM 6:00 PM 4:00 PM 2:00 PM 12:00 PM 10:00 AM 8:00 AM 6:00 AM 4:00 AM 2:00 AM 3,000 1,000 0 12:00 AM 8:00 PM 10:00 PM 6:00 PM 4:00 PM 2:00 PM 12:00 PM 10:00 AM 8:00 AM 6:00 AM 4:00 AM 2:00 AM 4,000 2,000 Northbound Southbound 1,000 0 12:00 AM 0 2,000 Exit 47 5,000 2:00 AM Northbound Southbound 1,000 3,000 8:00 AM Northbound Southbound 1,000 2,000 4,000 6:00 AM 2,000 3,000 4:00 AM 3,000 4,000 5,000 2:00 AM 4,000 Traffic Volume 6,000 Traffic Volume 6,000 Traffic Volume Traffic Volume Kimberly Ave. Exit 44 P.M. PEAK HOUR (5:00-6:00 P.M.) MP 39.12 MP 43.91 MP 45.19 MP 46.05 First Ave. Exit 43 Saw Mill Rd. Exit 42 New Haven Marsh Hill Rd. Exit 41 West Haven Woodmont Rd. Exit 40 Boston Post Rd. Exit 39B/39A Orange Milford Pkwy. Exit 38 MP 41.80 West Haven Plains Rd. Exit 36 Milford MP 37.58 Orange MP 47.74 MP 40.25 MP 36.69 MP 46.82 Boulevard Exit 45 Sargent Dr. Exit 46 Exit 48 5.0 4.7 4.7 5.0 5.5 5.7 6.0 5.7 4.8 5.3 5.0 4.6 4.5 4.2 4.4 5.2 5.2 Match Line F 4.5 MP 37.45 MP 44.87 High St. Exit 37 Campbell Ave. Exit 43 MP 45.90 Kimberly Ave. Exit 44 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 Speed (mph) 35 30 25 20 MP 47.26 Long Wharf Dr. Exit 46 MP 47.60 Exit 47 LEGEND 0.0 Traffic (Thousands) PEAK HOUR VOLUMES AND TRAVEL SPEEDS ALONG THE I-95 CORRIDOR FIGURE 38 Technical Memorandum • I-95 Data Collection/Existing Conditions traffic entering I-95 southbound during the PM peak from the Atlantic Street and Washington Boulevard ramps and from weaving and merging of traffic southward along this segment. To further illustrate the build-up and duration of congestion across time and space,” heat” maps were produced for I-95 and Route 15. Figures 39 through 42 show speed as color bands across the entire length of the I-95 corridor by travel direction over the AM and PM peak periods. The X-axis of the graphic is to scale by mile post and the y-axis is the selected time frame. The green color range illustrates speeds from 70mph to 60mph; yellow to light orange illustrates decrease in speed from 55mph to 40mph and dark orange to red illustrate speeds of 35mph to 20mph. Figure 39 displays the northbound direction of I-95 from Greenwich to New Haven between 6AM and Noon. Very little delay is occurring during the northbound AM period. The slight degradation of speeds in the vicinity of New Haven can likely be attributed to the ongoing I-95 New Haven Harbor Crossing Corridor Improvement Program. During the AM peak period in the southbound direction (Figure 40) significant delay is evident by the large swath of red and orange between 6:30AM and 10:00AM. Although there is some delay experienced between 7:30 and 9:30 between Stamford and Greenwich, most of the congestion is experienced between Bridgeport and Stamford. Table 5 shows the average speeds for an AM peak hour (8-9AM) for a trip between New Haven and the New York State Line and between Bridgeport and Stamford. During the peak 8AM hour, 20 minutes of delay are being experienced on average for a through trip, with 18 minutes of that delay occurring between Bridgeport and Stamford. The additional 18 minutes of travel time over this 24 mile trip is an increase of more than 80 percent when compared to a delay free trip. Significant variation across the months occurs, with May and June having the highest levels of delay and the months of January and February having the lowest. On an average weekday in May and June, delay skyrockets to around 40 minutes. It should be pointed out that the month of November should be considered somewhat of an anomaly in 2012 as Super Storm Sandy had significant impacts to travel in the northeast, including to metro north and in particular to rail stations and subway lines in New York City. Figure 41 displays the northbound direction between 3PM and 9PM. The swath of yellow and orange colors spans across 5 hours between Stamford and Norwalk. Similar to the AM southbound direction, congestion on average is shown to be significant between Bridgeport and Greenwich, spanning nearly 4 hours in duration. Table 6 shows the average speeds for a PM Peak hour (5-6PM) for a trip between New Haven and the New York State Line and between Stamford and Bridgeport. During the peak 5PM hour, 20 minutes of delay are being experienced on average for a through trip, with 16 minutes of that delay occurring between Stamford and Bridgeport. The additional 16 minutes of travel time over this 24 mile trip is an increase of more than 70 percent when compared to a delay free trip. Figure 42 displays the southbound direction of I-95 from Greenwich to New Haven between 3PM and 9PM. Some delay is evident through Greenwich and into Stamford between 5PM and 7PM reflecting the reverse commute out of Connecticut toward New York. Figures 43 through 46 show heat maps of Route 15. Figure 43 displays average weekday travel conditions in the northbound direction of Route 15 from Greenwich to New Haven between 6AM and Noon. As shown, the facility operates at normal travel speeds with no evidence of recurring congestion. 15 February 26, 2014 I-95 Corridor Congestion Relief Study CT 96725 / 2-26-14 / I-95 INRIX Schematic 11x17.pptx MP 0.00 MP 5.53 MP 9.28 Stamford Norwalk MP 20.36 Westport MP 26.72 Fairfield MP 31.07 Bridgeport MP 33.91 Stratford MP 40.25 MP 41.80 Milford Orange MP 45.19 West Haven MP 47.91 New Haven 11:00 10:00 9:00 8:00 7:00 6:00 Greenwich MP 18.00 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 Speed (mph) INRIX: I-95 AVERAGE WEEKDAY TRAVEL SPEEDS - NORTHBOUND AM FIGURE 39 I-95 Corridor Congestion Relief Study CT 96725 / 2-26-14 / I-95 INRIX Schematic 11x17.pptx MP 0.00 MP 5.53 MP 9.28 Stamford Norwalk MP 20.36 Westport MP 26.72 Fairfield MP 31.07 Bridgeport MP 33.91 Stratford MP 40.25 MP 41.80 Milford Orange MP 45.19 West Haven MP 47.91 New Haven 11:00 10:00 9:00 8:00 7:00 6:00 Greenwich MP 18.00 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 Speed (mph) INRIX: I-95 AVERAGE WEEKDAY TRAVEL SPEEDS - SOUTHBOUND AM FIGURE 40 Technical Memorandum • I-95 Data Collection/Existing Conditions Table 5 Average Weekday Southbound AM Peak (8 - 9 AM) New Haven to Greenwich (47 miles) Time Period Travel Time (minutes) Travel Speed (mph) Freeflow 44 Average Bridgeport to Stamford (24 miles) Delay (minutes) Travel Time (minutes) Travel Speed (mph) Delay (minutes) 65 0 22 65 0 64 44 20 40 36 18 JAN 56 50 12 32 45 10 FEB 52 54 8 29 50 7 MAR 60 47 16 36 40 14 APR 64 44 20 40 36 18 MAY 85 33 41 59 24 37 JUN 82 34 38 57 25 35 JUL 65 43 21 40 36 18 AUG 61 46 17 37 39 15 SEP 72 39 28 47 31 25 OCT 75 38 31 50 29 28 NOV 72 39 28 46 31 24 DEC 60 47 16 36 40 14 Data Source: INRIX 16 February 26, 2014 I-95 Corridor Congestion Relief Study CT 96725 / 2-26-14 / I-95 INRIX Schematic 11x17.pptx MP 0.00 MP 5.53 MP 9.28 Stamford Norwalk MP 20.36 Westport MP 26.72 Fairfield MP 31.07 Bridgeport MP 33.91 Stratford MP 40.25 MP 41.80 Milford Orange MP 45.19 West Haven MP 47.91 New Haven 20:00 19:00 18:00 17:00 16:00 15:00 Greenwich MP 18.00 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 Speed (mph) INRIX: I-95 AVERAGE WEEKDAY TRAVEL SPEEDS - NORTHBOUND PM FIGURE 41 Technical Memorandum • I-95 Data Collection/Existing Conditions Table 6 Average Weekday Northbound PM Peak (5 - 6 PM) Greenwich to New Haven (47 miles) Time Period Travel Time (minutes) Travel Speed (mph) Freeflow 44 Average Stamford to Bridgeport (24 miles) Delay (minutes) Travel Time (minutes) Travel Speed (mph) Delay (minutes) 65 0 22 65 0 64 44 20 38 38 16 JAN 54 52 10 30 48 8 FEB 52 54 8 29 50 7 MAR 57 49 13 33 44 11 APR 68 41 24 40 36 18 MAY 74 38 30 45 32 23 JUN 87 32 43 52 28 30 JUL 70 40 26 39 37 17 AUG 73 39 29 42 34 20 SEP 61 46 17 36 40 14 OCT 62 45 18 38 38 16 NOV 74 38 30 47 31 25 DEC 70 40 26 44 33 22 Data Source: INRIX 17 February 26, 2014 I-95 Corridor Congestion Relief Study CT 96725 / 2-26-14 / I-95 INRIX Schematic 11x17.pptx MP 0.00 MP 5.53 MP 9.28 Stamford Norwalk MP 20.36 Westport MP 26.72 Fairfield MP 31.07 Bridgeport MP 33.91 Stratford MP 40.25 MP 41.80 Milford Orange MP 45.19 West Haven MP 47.91 New Haven 20:00 19:00 18:00 17:00 16:00 15:00 Greenwich MP 18.00 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 Speed (mph) INRIX: I-95 AVERAGE WEEKDAY TRAVEL SPEEDS - SOUTHBOUND PM FIGURE 42 I-95 Corridor Congestion Relief Study CT 96725 / 2-26-14 / CT-15 INRIX Schematic 11x17.pptx MP 0.00 MP 5.60 Stamford MP 14.10 New Canaan MP 17.60 Norwalk MP 21.60 Westport MP 34.10 MP 28.50 Fairfield Trumbull MP MP 37.50 38.50 Stratford Milford MP 43.2 Orange MP 47.10 New Haven 11:00 10:00 9:00 8:00 7:00 6:00 Greenwich MP 10.70 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 Speed (mph) INRIX: CT-15 TRAVEL SPEEDS - NORTHBOUND AM FIGURE 43 I-95 Corridor Congestion Relief Study CT 96725 / 2-26-14 / CT-15 INRIX Schematic 11x17.pptx MP 0.00 MP 5.60 Stamford MP 14.10 New Canaan MP 17.60 Norwalk MP 21.60 Westport MP 28.50 Fairfield MP 34.10 Trumbull MP 37.50 Stratford MP 38.50 Milford MP 43.2 Orange 11:00 10:00 9:00 8:00 7:00 6:00 Greenwich MP 10.70 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 Speed (mph) INRIX: CT-15 TRAVEL SPEEDS - SOUTHBOUND AM FIGURE 44 I-95 Corridor Congestion Relief Study CT 96725 / 2-26-14 / CT-15 INRIX Schematic 11x17.pptx MP 0.00 MP 5.60 Stamford MP 14.10 New Canaan MP 17.60 Norwalk MP 21.60 Westport MP 34.10 MP 28.50 Fairfield Trumbull MP MP 37.50 38.50 Stratford Milford MP 43.2 Orange MP 47.10 New Haven 19:00 18:00 17:00 16:00 15:00 Greenwich MP 10.70 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 Speed (mph) INRIX: CT-15 TRAVEL SPEEDS - NORTHBOUND PM FIGURE 45 I-95 Corridor Congestion Relief Study CT 96725 / 2-26-14 / CT-15 INRIX Schematic 11x17.pptx MP 0.00 MP 5.60 Stamford MP 14.10 New Canaan MP 17.60 Norwalk MP 21.60 Westport MP 28.50 Fairfield MP 34.10 Trumbull MP 37.50 Stratford MP 38.50 Milford MP 43.2 Orange 19:00 18:00 17:00 16:00 15:00 Greenwich MP 10.70 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 Speed (mph) INRIX: CT-15 TRAVEL SPEEDS - SOUTHBOUND PM FIGURE 46 Technical Memorandum • I-95 Data Collection/Existing Conditions During the AM peak period in the southbound direction (Figure 44) significant delay is evident by the large swath of red, orange, and yellow between 7:00AM and 9:30AM between the Route 25 interchange (Exit 49) in Trumbull and Exit 35 in Stamford, covering a distance of more than 20 miles. It’s interesting to note that there seems to be a clear separation within the traffic operations of the corridor at the Norwalk/Westport line. At Exit 41 in Westport and Exit 40A/40B in Norwalk large amounts of traffic Exit Route 15 and as a result the merging and weaving activity of traffic is causing friction. The head of another queue is present around Exit 35 and Exit 36 in Stamford where significant traffic is exiting and entering Route 15 resulting in merging and weaving activity and friction along the mainline. This delay extends from 7:30 to 9:00AM, while the congestion between Exit 40 and Exit 49 is more in the range of 7:00 to 9:30AM. Similar to I-95, the extents of congestion can be generally described from Trumbull/Bridgeport to Stamford. Figure 45 displays the travel conditions in the northbound direction of Route 15 between 3PM and 8PM. The swath of yellow and orange is concentrated in the 4:30 to 6:30PM range. Similar to the AM southbound direction, congestion on average is shown to be significant between Trumbull and Stamford, spanning nearly 25 miles. Heaviest delay is experience through Exits 41 and 42 in Westport due to high levels of merging and weaving of traffic exiting and entering Route 15. Route 15 is unique in that the ramp access is configured in a way that results in a metering effect of entering traffic and therefore helps to dampen the traffic operations impact on the mainline. However, the need for traffic to accelerate quickly to enter the facility also impacts the right lane, thereby having a negative effect on the operations. Congestion within Trumbull is a result of the Route 25 and Route 8 interchange merging and weaving friction, as well as traffic entering from Route 127 (Exit 50). Figure 46 displays the southbound direction of Route 15 from Greenwich to New Haven between 3PM and 8PM. No recurring delay is evident with average traffic operations displaying normal conditions. Skycomp Additional data on queuing and bottlenecks was collected through Skycomp surveillance of AM and PM peak hours of I-95 and the Route 15 from Route 34 in New Haven to I-287 in New York. Using a fixed-wing airplane to patrol the survey area, Skycomp collected high-resolution overlapping digital photographs during morning and evening peak hours suitable for the extraction of traffic densities and queue lengths along I-95 and Route 15. The data was summarized from three flight days during morning and evening peak hours of the two corridors. In total twelve flights were performed to provide average weekday queuing and bottleneck statistics. Figures 47 through 54 illustrate performance rating (Level of Service) tables of traffic conditions on I-95 and Route 15 for morning and evening peak periods. The ratings are presented in tables by highway segment, by direction, and by time slice. Each rating represents the average of approximately three flyovers (from three different days), minus any data affected by incidents. The ratings are density-based level-of-service (LOS) designations A, B, C, D, E and F, as defined in the Highway Capacity Manual (HCM). The definitions from the 2010 HCM are given below: LOS A describes free-flow operations. Free-flow speed (FFS) prevails on the freeway, and vehicles are almost completely unimpeded in their ability to maneuver within the traffic stream. The effects of incidents or point breakdowns are easily absorbed. LOS B represents reasonably free-flow operations, and FFS on the freeway is maintained. The ability to maneuver within the traffic stream is only slightly restricted, and the general level of physical and 18 February 26, 2014 I-95 Corridor Congestion Relief Study CT 96725 / 2-26-14 / I-95 INRIX Schematic 11x17.pptx Southbound D E F C E E E E B E C D E C F D E C E D D D E D D D E D E D D D E D D F F E E D F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F E F F F F 19 20 21 22 E E E F E E E F F F F F F F E F F F E F F F F F Matchline A D E D 18 D Round Hill Rd. / SR 135 E D D 17 D Mill Plan Rd. C D C 16 F Bronson Rd. C C 15 E SR 33 / SR 136 B 14 MP 22.88 MP 25.03 MP 23.12 MP 23.72 MP 24.38 MP 25.21 MP 20.36 D East Ave. D 13 MP 18.13 D US 7 C 12 D US 1 C 11 C US 1 C 10 D US 1 C 9 C MP 14.83 MP 15.49 MP 16.24 Center St. / US 1 9:00-9:30 B C MP 13.14 Sherwood Island Connector C 8 D MP 10.75 MP 11.61 MP 12.23 SR 136 (Tokeneke Rd.) 8:30-9:00 7 MP 9.28 Noroton Ave. C 6 C Greenwich Ave. 8:00-8:30 5 C West Ave. C 4 MP 7.67 MP 8.20 MP 7.30 C E. Putnam Ave. 7:30-8:00 3 MP 6.50 MP 6.62 MP 5.53 B Indian Field Rd. B I-287 7:00-7:30 MP 3.73 US 1 (Boston Post Rd.) 2 B Arch St. 21 6:30-7:00 Delavan Ave. / Byram Shore Rd. Time MP 2.54 Atlanric St. / Elm St. MP 0.78 Northbound 21 F F 2 3 E D E 4 LOS Density A/B/C/D D/E E/F F Less Than 31 31 - 40 41 - 62 More Than 62 E D 5 E E 6 B B C C 7 C D B C 8 C D C C A C C 9 C C D 10 D C 11 C A B B B C C C C D D F C 12 D C E 13 B C B 14 C C D C 15 C C C C 16 B B 17 18 A A B B C B B C C B B B B C C B C 19 C Mill Plan Rd. D E C B B C D 20 C Matchline B D E D C B Round Hill Rd. / SR 135 F D D B B Bronson Rd. E C C B Center St, / US 1 D C B SR 33 / SR 136 B MP 22.88 MP 25.03 MP 23.12 MP 23.72 MP 24.38 MP 25.21 MP 20.36 B East Ave. C MP 18.13 B US 7 C B MP 14.83 MP 15.49 MP 16.24 US 1 C C US 1 B B US 1 C C Noroton Ave. A MP 13.14 Sherwood Island Connector F 9:00-9:30 C MP 10.75 MP 11.61 MP 12.23 SR 136 (Tokeneke Rd.) F 8:30-9:00 C MP 9.28 US 1 (Boston Post Rd.) E C Atlantic St. / Elm St. 8:00-8:30 C Greenwich Ave. C MP 7.67 MP 8.20 MP 7.30 C West Ave. 7:30-8:00 MP 6.50 MP 6.62 MP 5.53 E. Putnam Ave. C MP 3.73 Indian Field Rd. 7:00-7:30 MP 2.54 Arch St. C I-287 6:30-7:00 Delavan Ave. / Byram Shore Rd. MP 0.78 Time A 21 22 I-95 MORNING LEVEL OF SERVICE PROFILE FIGURE 47 I-95 Corridor Congestion Relief Study CT 96725 / 2-26-14 / I-95 INRIX Schematic 11x17.pptx Southbound F 9:00-9:30 F F F F F F E C F D E B E B D C D C E C B C C B C C C C MP 47.60 39 40 41 42 43 45 47 B C C C C C D C C C B C D C D C D D D C D B B C C B C C D C C C C C D D C C C C C C C C D C C C C C C C C C C D D D SR 34 F C MP 46.05 38 1st Ave D F C C MP 44.87 MP 45.19 Sawmill Rd. F E D MP 43.91 Marsh Hill Rd. F F C MP 41.80 Woodmont Rd. F F C C MP 40.25 SR 10 (Ella T Grasso Blvd.) F F F C 36 MP 39.12 US 1 (Boston Post Rd.) F F F 35 MP 37.58 Milford Pkwy. F F 34 MP 36.69 Plains Rd. F 33 MP 35.85 Schoolhouse Rd. F F 32 MP 35.37 US 1 (Bridgeport Ave.) F F F 31 MP 33.91 US 1 / SR 110 / Ferry Blvd. F F F F 30 MP 32.86 West Broad St. F F F 29 Honeyspot Rd. / South Ave. F 28 MP 31.07 MP 32.11 MP 31.30 MP 32.29 SR 113 / Surf Ave. 8:30-9:00 F 27 SR 130 / Stratford Ave. 8:00-8:30 F F 26 SR 8 / SR 25 7:30-8:00 F 25 Wordin Ave. 7:00-7:30 24 State St. / SR 130 Round Hill Rd. / SR 135 Matchline A 6:30-7:00 US 1 (Kings Hwy.) Time 23 US 1 / Black Rock Tpke. 22 MP 29.00 MP 28.29 MP 29.03 MP 29.86 MP 30.07 SR 127 / East Main St. MP 27.43 MP 26.72 MP 27.64 MP 25.03 MP 25.21 D C MP 25.83 Northbound 22 23 B 24 B C B A C B 25 26 27 C B 28 C B 29 B B 30 31 C B C A B 32 C C B B 33 B C B B B 34 35 C B C B B C B B 36 C D C C C 37/38 C B D B C C C E D D C B B 39 40 C C D D E F E F C C E C B C C C 41 42 43 MP 47.60 A 45 C D D SR 34 B C B MP 46.05 B Campbell Ave. B D B B MP 44.87 MP 45.19 MP 43.91 Sawmill Rd. C C B MP 41.80 Marsh Hill Rd. C C B B MP 40.25 Woodmont Rd. B C B B MP 39.12 US 1 (Boston Post Rd.) C B A MP 37.58 Milford Pkwy. / High St. B B C B MP 36.69 Plains Rd. B C B B MP 35.85 Schoolhouse Rd. C C B MP 35.37 US 1 (Bridgeport Ave.) B A West Broad St. B B MP 33.91 SR 10 (Ella T Grasso Blvd.) B B C MP 32.86 US 1 / SR 110 / Ferry Blvd. D B C Honeyspot Rd. / South Ave. D B 9:00-9:30 C A MP 31.07 MP 32.11 MP 31.30 MP 32.29 SR 113 / Surf Ave. B C B SR 130 / Stratford Ave. C B SR 8 / SR 25 B A SR 127 / East Main St. 8:30-9:00 A MP 29.00 MP 28.29 MP 29.03 MP 29.86 MP 30.07 Wordin Ave. 8:00-8:30 B State St. / SR 130 7:30-8:00 B US 1 (Kings Hwy.) 7:00-7:30 Round Hill Rd. / SR 135 Matchline B 6:30-7:00 US 1 / Black Rock Tpke. MP 27.43 MP 26.72 MP 27.64 MP 25.03 25.21 Time MP D B 47 MP 25.83 LOS Density A/B/C/D D/E E/F F Less Than 31 31 - 40 41 - 62 More Than 62 SKYCOMP DATA - I-95 MORNING LEVEL OF SERVICE PROFILE FIGURE 48 I-95 Corridor Congestion Relief Study CT 96725 / 2-26-14 / I-95 INRIX Schematic 11x17.pptx Southbound E E E E D F D F F D D E B E E C D C A C C C C C D C C D C C C C C C F F D C D D D C D C E D C C C D C C C C C B C C D B C C 19 20 21 22 C B C C B C B C B C B B C C B B C C C C B B C B Matchline A D D D 18 C Round Hill Rd. / SR 135 F F C D 17 B Mill Plan Rd. E D C 16 F Bronson Rd. D C 15 F SR 33 / SR 136 B 14 MP 22.88 MP 25.03 MP 23.12 MP 23.72 MP 24.38 MP 25.21 MP 20.36 D East Ave. D 13 MP 18.13 D US 7 C 12 C US 1 C 11 C US 1 C 10 C US 1 C 9 C MP 14.83 MP 15.49 MP 16.24 Center St. / US 1 D C MP 13.14 Sherwood Island Connector 6:30-7:00 8 D MP 10.75 MP 11.61 MP 12.23 SR 136 (Tokeneke Rd.) 6:00-6:30 D 7 MP 9.28 Noroton Ave. E 6 C Greenwich Ave. 5:30-6:00 5 C West Ave. D 4 MP 7.67 MP 8.20 MP 7.30 C E. Putnam Ave. 5:00-5:30 3 MP 6.50 MP 6.62 MP 5.53 C Indian Field Rd. C I-287 4:30-5:00 MP 3.73 US 1 (Boston Post Rd.) 2 B Arch St. 21 4:00-4:30 Delavan Ave. / Byram Shore Rd. Time MP 2.54 Atlantic St. / Elm St. MP 0.78 Northbound 21 C F D 2 3 F F 4 LOS Density A/B/C/D D/E E/F F Less Than 31 31 - 40 41 - 62 More Than 62 F F 5 F F 6 F F F F 7 F F F F 8 F F F F F F F 9 F F F 10 F F 11 F F F F F F F F F F F F F 12 F F F 13 F F C 14 F F F D 15 F F F E 16 F E 17 18 F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F E D 19 F Mill Plan Rd. F F F F F F D 20 F Matchline B F F F F F Round Hill Rd. / SR 135 C D E F F Bronson Rd. C C F F Center St. / US 1 C F D SR 33 / SR 136 D MP 22.88 MP 25.03 MP 23.12 MP 23.72 MP 24.38 MP 25.21 MP 20.36 F East Ave. E MP 18.13 F US 7 E F MP 14.83 MP 15.49 MP 16.24 US 1 C F US 1 C F US 1 C F Noroton Ave. F MP 13.14 Sherwood Island Connector B 6:30-7:00 F MP 10.75 MP 11.61 MP 12.23 SR 136 (Tokeneke Rd.) C 6:00-6:30 F MP 9.28 US 1 (Boston Post Rd.) C D Atlantic St. / Elm St. 5:30-6:00 C Greenwich Ave. B MP 7.67 MP 8.20 MP 7.30 B West Ave. 5:00-5:30 MP 6.50 MP 6.62 MP 5.53 E. Putnam Ave. C MP 3.73 Indian Field Rd. 4:30-5:00 MP 2.54 Arch St. B I-287 4:00-4:30 Delavan Ave. / Byram Shore Rd. MP 0.78 Time E 21 22 SKYCOMP DATA - I-95 EVENING LEVEL OF SERVICE PROFILE FIGURE 49 I-95 Corridor Congestion Relief Study CT 96725 / 2-26-14 / I-95 INRIX Schematic 11x17.pptx Southbound B C C B B C C B C D C C B C A C C B B 33 34 35 36 38 39 40 41 42 43 45 B D C C C C C C D C B B B C C B B B C C C C C C D D C B C C C B D C D C B B B B B C D D C D E C D D D E C C C C D C E D E D C C C C D B C B C C MP 47.60 47 D F F F SR 34 C D MP 46.05 32 1st Ave. C D MP 44.87 MP 45.19 SR 10 (Ella T Grasso Blvd.) D C C C MP 43.91 Sawmill Rd. C D B MP 41.80 Marsh Hill Rd. D D MP 40.25 Woodmont Rd. C MP 39.12 US 1 (Boston Post Rd.) C B MP 37.58 Milford Pkwy. C C MP 36.69 Plains Rd. C D MP 35.85 Schoolhouse Rd. C MP 35.37 US 1 (Bridgeport Ave.) C 31 MP 33.91 West Broad St. D 30 MP 32.86 US 1 / SR 110 / Ferry Blvd C C 29 Honeyspot Rd. / South Ave. B 9:00-9:30 C 28 MP 31.07 MP 32.11 MP 31.30 MP 32.29 SR 113 / Surf Ave. C C 27 SR 8 / SR 25 C C 26 SR 130 / Stratford Ave. 8:30-9:00 D C 25 Wordin Ave. 8:00-8:30 Round Hill Rd. / SR 135 Matchline A 7:30-8:00 B 24 State St. / SR 130 C 6:30-7:00 7:00-7:30 23 US 1 / Black Rock Tpke. 22 US 1 / (Kings Hwy.) Time MP 29.00 MP 28.29 MP 29.03 MP 29.86 MP 30.07 SR 127 / East Main St. MP 27.43 MP 26.72 MP 27.64 MP 25.03 MP 25.21 D C MP 25.83 Northbound 22 E 23 C 24 C 25 C F 26 B 27 C D 28 D B 29 C D 30 31 B D C B 32 B C 33 D B C C 34 F C C D B B 35 E C 36 D D C D B 37/38 F E F F C D F F F B C C C C B 39 C D C B 40 F F C C 41 F F C C 42 F B 43 MP 47.60 D E E E SR 34 B C MP 46.05 D Campbell Ave. C C D MP 44.87 MP 45.19 MP 43.91 Sawmill Rd. C D C D MP 41.80 Marsh Hill Rd. D D C MP 40.25 Woodmont Rd. C D B Plains Rd. D E C B MP 39.12 SR 10 (Ella T Grasso Blvd.) F B E D MP 37.58 US 1 (Boston Post Rd.) D F C D C MP 36.69 Milford Pkwy. / High St. C D D D D MP 35.85 Schoolhouse Rd. D C D D MP 35.37 US 1 (Bridgeport Ave.) E D MP 33.91 US 1 / SR 110 / Ferry Blvd C D MP 32.86 West Broad St. F D SR 113 / Surf Ave. D MP 31.07 MP 32.11 MP 31.30 MP 32.29 Honeyspot Rd. / South Ave. E 9:00-9:30 E E D SR 130 / Stratford Ave. E D B SR 8 / SR 25 F F F SR 127 / East Main St. 8:30-9:00 F E F Wordin Ave. 8:00-8:30 F MP 29.00 MP 28.29 MP 29.03 MP 29.86 MP 30.07 D State St. / SR 130 7:30-8:00 Round Hill Rd. / SR 135 7:00-7:30 D US 1 / Black Rock Tpke. F 6:30-7:00 Matchline B MP 27.43 MP 26.72 MP 27.64 MP 25.03 MP 25.21 US 1 / (Kings Hwy.) Time D C 45 47 MP 25.83 LOS Density A/B/C/D D/E E/F F Less Than 31 31 - 40 41 - 62 More Than 62 SKYCOMP DATA - I-95 EVENING LEVEL OF SERVICE PROFILE FIGURE 50 I-95 Corridor Congestion Relief Study CT 96725 / 2-26-14 / I-95 INRIX Schematic 11x17.pptx Southbound 31 MP 8.90 MP 9.50 33 34 C 7:00-7:30 B B B A B C C C C 7:30-8:00 B 8:00-8:30 C D D D C C B 8:30-9:00 B D C B 9:00-9:30 A A B B B B C B D C D D Den Rd. B North St. C Old Mill Rd. B Round Hil Rd B SR 120A (King St.) A N Ridge Rd. A Lincoln Ave. A Purchase St. A I-287 6:30-7:00 D C B C C C D B B C C C MP 10.70 MP 13.20 MP 14.10 MP 15.90 35 36 37 38 C C D C D D B D D D E D D D D D D D D D F F F D MP 17.30 MP 17.60 39 MP 20.60 40 41 D C D F E C F F F F F E F F E C A C Matchline A MP 5.60 29 SR 33 (Wilton Rd.) MP 4.70 28 Main Ave. MP 3.59 30 / 27 US 7 MP 0.09 SR 123 (New Canaan Rd.) 29 SR 124 (South Ave.) 28 SR 106 (Old Stamford Rd.) 27 SR 137 (High Ridge Rd.) 26 SR 104 (Long Ridge Rd.) Time Northbound B 9:00-9:30 26 B B 27 C B 28 B 29 LOS Density A/B/C/D D/E E/F F Less Than 31 31 - 40 41 - 62 More Than 62 A B B B B B B A 30 / 27 B C C B 28 C C B B 29 B A C B 31 A B 33 B C B C B 34 B A C C B 35 C C B D A B 36 A B C C C 37 B A A B B A C B B C B B 38 A B A B 39 B Matchline B B B B A MP 20.60 SR 33 (Wilton Rd.) C C A A Main Ave. 8:30-9:00 B B B A MP 17.30 MP 17.60 US 7 C B A MP 15.90 SR 123 (New Canaan Rd.) 8:00-8:30 B A MP 14.10 SR 124 (South Ave.) D A MP 13.20 SR 106 (Old Stamford Rd.) 7:30-8:00 A MP 10.70 SR 137 (High Ridge Rd.) B A SR 104 (Long Ridge Rd.) B MP 8.90 MP 9.50 Den Rd. B MP 5.60 North St. B MP 4.70 Old Mill Rd. 7:00-7:30 MP 3.59 Round Hil Rd A N Ridge Rd. A Lincoln Ave. A Purchase St. A I-287 6:30-7:00 SR 120A (King St.) MP 0.09 Time A 40 41 SKYCOMP DATA - ROUTE 15 MORNING LEVEL OF SERVICE PROFILE FIGURE 51 I-95 Corridor Congestion Relief Study CT 96725 / 2-26-14 / I-95 INRIX Schematic 11x17.pptx Southbound F 9:00-9:30 F F F F D C F F F E F F F F F D F D F F C B MP 41.50 55 D B B B C B D A C C B B C D E F D C F C B C C C C C B C MP 43.00 56 C C C B C C B B 57 B C C C C Matchline A C 54 SR 34 (Derby Ave.) D 53 Wellington Rd. F MP 36.90 MP 37.80 MP 38.45 52 SR 121 (Grassy Hill Rd) F F 51 Milford Pkwy. F 50 SR 110 (Main St.) F F 49 SR 8 F F 48 Huntington Tpke. F F D MP 32.20 MP 32.80 MP 33.70 MP 34.10 MP 30.60 47 SR 127 (White Plains Rd.) 8:30-9:00 F F 46 SR 25 8:00-8:30 F E MP 28.50 MP 29.20 SR 111 (Main St.) 7:30-8:00 44 Park Ave F MP 27.00 42 SR 59 (Easton Tpke.) 7:00-7:30 SR 33 (Wilton Rd.) 6:30-7:00 D MP 21.60 SR 58 (Black Rock Tpke.) 41 SR 57 (Weston Rd.) MP 20.60 Time B Northbound 9:00-9:30 A 41 C 42 LOS Density A/B/C/D D/E E/F F Less Than 31 31 - 40 41 - 62 More Than 62 A 44 C A B B B B C B 46 C B 47 B C B B 48 B B 49 A A B B B A A A C C D C D C 50 C B C B 51 C B 52 B D C C B B 53 B B 54 C B B A A 55 B C C B Matchline B A A MP 43.00 SR 34 (Derby Ave.) B A SR 121 (Grassy Hill Rd) A A Milford Pkwy. B MP 41.50 A SR 8 A Wolf Harbor Rd B A MP 36.90 MP 37.80 MP 38.45 SR 110 (Main St.) B B A Huntington Tpke. A B B A SR 127 (White Plains Rd.) 8:30-9:00 A B A MP 32.20 MP 32.80 MP 33.70 MP 34.10 SR 25 8:00-8:30 B A MP 30.60 SR 111 (Main St.) B A Park Ave 7:00-7:30 A MP 28.50 MP 29.20 SR 59 (Easton Tpke.) A SR 33 (Wilton Rd.) 6:30-7:00 7:30-8:00 MP 27.00 MP 21.60 SR 58 (Black Rock Tpke.) 20.60 SR 57 (Weston Rd.) TimeMP A 56 57 SKYCOMP DATA - ROUTE 15 MORNING LEVEL OF SERVICE PROFILE FIGURE 52 I-95 Corridor Congestion Relief Study CT 96725 / 2-26-14 / I-95 INRIX Schematic 11x17.pptx Southbound B B B B 5:30-6:00 A B 6:00-6:30 B B B B 6:30-7:00 A A B A B B B B B B B B C B B B A C B B C C C B B B B C B B A B B MP 13.20 MP 14.10 MP 15.90 35 36 37 38 C C D B B C A D C B C B B C D C C B A C C C C B MP 17.30 MP 17.60 39 MP 20.60 40 41 B A B B A B D C D B B B C B A D A A Matchline A C B MP 10.70 SR 33 (Wilton Rd.) B 34 Main Ave. 5:00-5:30 33 US 7 C MP 8.90 MP 9.50 SR 123 (New Canaan Rd.) C 31 SR 124 (South Ave.) C MP 5.60 29 SR 106 (Old Stamford Rd.) A MP 4.70 28 SR 137 (High Ridge Rd.) 4:30-5:00 MP 3.59 30 / 27 SR 104 (Long Ridge Rd.) B N. Ridge Rd. B Lincoln Ave. B Purchase St. B I-287 4:00-4:30 MP 0.09 Den Rd. 29 North St. 28 Old Mill Rd. 27 Round Hil Rd 26 SR 120A (King St.) Time Northbound MP 3.59 MP 4.70 MP 5.60 MP 8.90 MP 9.50 MP 10.70 MP 13.20 MP 14.10 MP 15.90 MP 17.30 MP 17.60 MP 20.60 4:00-4:30 C B B B B B C C C E E E E E E F 4:30-5:00 B C D B B C C C F F F F F F F F 5:00-5:30 C C C C B C C D C E F F F F F F 5:30-6:00 D B B B C C C C F F F F E F F F 6:00-6:30 C B B B B C B C F F F F F F F F C 6:30-7:00 26 B 27 B 28 B 29 LOS Density A/B/C/D D/E E/F F Less Than 31 31 - 40 41 - 62 More Than 62 B 30 / 27 B 28 C 29 C 31 F 33 F 34 D 35 E 36 E 37 D 38 F 39 Matchline B MP 0.09 Time E 40 41 SKYCOMP DATA - ROUTE 15 EVENING LEVEL OF SERVICE PROFILE FIGURE 53 I-95 Corridor Congestion Relief Study CT 96725 / 2-26-14 / I-95 INRIX Schematic 11x17.pptx Southbound B 9:00-9:30 A B B B C C C B C B C B B B B B C C C B B B MP 41.50 55 D B B B C B D B C C A B C D C D D D C D B C B C B C B A MP 43.00 56 B C C B B A A B 57 B B C B B Matchline A B 54 SR 34 (Derby Ave.) C 53 Wellington Rd. C MP 36.90 MP 37.80 MP 38.45 52 SR 121 (Grassy Hill Rd) B B 51 Milford Pkwy. B 50 SR 110 (Main St.) B B 49 SR 8 B C MP 32.20 MP 32.80 MP 33.70 MP 34.10 48 Huntington Tpke. B B B MP 30.60 47 SR 127 (White Plains Rd.) 8:30-9:00 B A 46 SR 25 8:00-8:30 B B MP 28.50 MP 29.20 SR 111 (Main St.) 7:30-8:00 44 Park Ave. B MP 27.00 42 SR 59 (Easton Tpke.) 7:00-7:30 SR 33 (Wilton Rd.) 6:30-7:00 B MP 21.60 SR 58 (Black Rock Tpke.) 41 SR 57 (Weston Rd.) MP 20.60 Time B Northbound E 9:00-9:30 41 D 42 LOS Density A/B/C/D D/E E/F F Less Than 31 31 - 40 41 - 62 More Than 62 E 44 E F F F D E D C 46 F C 47 D E D C 48 E C 49 C C E C D C C C B C E F E D 50 C C C B 51 C B 52 C D B D B B 53 C C B A 54 C C B 55 C C D B Matchline B F C MP 43.00 SR 34 (Derby Ave.) C C Wellington Rd. C C Milford Pkwy. A F SR 8 D MP 41.50 SR 121 (Grassy Hill Rd) E E MP 36.90 MP 37.80 MP 38.45 SR 110 (Main St.) E F E Huntington Tpke. F E F E SR 127 (White Plains Rd.) 8:30-9:00 F E A MP 32.20 MP 32.80 MP 33.70 MP 34.10 SR 25 8:00-8:30 F A MP 30.60 SR 111 (Main St.) F F Park Ave. 7:00-7:30 E MP 28.50 MP 29.20 SR 59 (Easton Tpke.) F SR 33 (Wilton Rd.) 6:30-7:00 7:30-8:00 MP 27.00 MP 21.60 SR 58 (Black Rock Tpke.) 20.60 SR 57 (Weston Rd.) TimeMP B 56 57 SKYCOMP DATA - ROUTE 15 EVENING LEVEL OF SERVICE PROFILE FIGURE 54 Technical Memorandum • I-95 Data Collection/Existing Conditions psychological comfort provided to drivers is still high. The effects of minor incidents and point breakdowns are still easily absorbed. LOS C provides for flow with speeds near the FFS of the freeway. Freedom to maneuver within the traffic stream is noticeably restricted, and lane changes require more care and vigilance on the part of the driver. Minor incidents may still be absorbed, but the local deterioration in service quality will be significant. Queues may be expected to form behind any significant blockages. LOS D is the level at which speeds begin to decline with increasing flows, with density increasing more quickly. Freedom to maneuver within the traffic stream is seriously limited and drivers experience reduced physical and psychological comfort levels. Even minor incidents can be expected to create queuing, because the traffic stream has little space to absorb disruptions. LOS E describes operation at capacity. Operations on the freeway at this level are highly volatile because there are virtually no usable gaps within the traffic stream, leaving little room to maneuver within the traffic stream. Any disruption to the traffic stream, such as vehicles entering from a ramp or a vehicle changing lanes, can establish a disruption wave that propagates throughout the upstream traffic flow. At capacity, the traffic stream has no ability to dissipate even the most minor disruption, and any incident can be expected to produce a serious breakdown and substantial queuing. The physical and psychological comfort afforded to drivers is poor. LOS F describes breakdown, or unstable flow. Such conditions exist within queues forming behind bottlenecks. Breakdowns occur for a number of reasons: Traffic incidents can temporarily reduce the capacity of a short segment, so that the number of vehicles arriving at a point is greater than the number of vehicles that can move through it. Points of recurring congestion, such as merge or weaving segments and lane drops, experience very high demand in which the number of vehicles arriving is greater than the number of vehicles that can be discharged. In analyses using forecast volumes, the projected flow rate can exceed the estimated capacity of a given location. In all cases, breakdown occurs when the ratio of existing demand to actual capacity, or of forecast demand to estimated capacity, exceeds 1.00. Operations immediately downstream of, or even at, such a point, however, are generally at or near LOS E, and downstream operations improve (assuming that there are no additional downstream bottlenecks) as discharging vehicles move away from the bottleneck. LOS F operations within a queue are the result of a breakdown or bottleneck at a downstream point. In practical terms, the point of the breakdown has a v/c ratio greater than 1.00, and is also labeled LOS F, although actual operations at the breakdown point and immediately downstream may actually reflect LOS E conditions. Whenever queues due to a breakdown exist, they have the potential to extend upstream for considerable distances. Figures 47 and 48 provide similar and consistent findings to the INRIX speed data, further illustrating the significant queuing and bottlenecks experienced on the I-95 corridor during the AM peak period. During the AM Peak in the southbound direction, travel operations are at LOS of “F” from the Bridgeport/Stratford town line at Exit 30 (Figure 48) until the Norwalk/Darien town line at exit 19 February 26, 2014 Technical Memorandum • I-95 Data Collection/Existing Conditions 12. From there, conditions ease to LOS of “D” with pockets of “E” and “F” until Exit 3. The duration of LOS “F” spans several hours. In the northbound direction, LOS “E” and “F” were observed between I287 and Exit 7 in Stamford. A small pocket of near breakdown conditions was observed between Exits 13 and 14 in Norwalk. Figures 49 and 50 display the same information for I-95 during the PM peak period. In the northbound direction LOS “F” begins south of Exit 4 and continues to Exit 27 in Bridgeport. As shown, this breakdown condition spans the entire survey period during the evening commute. In the southbound direction, high densities were recorded between the New York State line and Exit 8 in Stamford indicative of the reverse commute back to New York. Figures 51 and 52 provide morning peak period LOS conditions for Route 15. Similar to I-95, oversaturation is evident in the southbound direction from Exit 35 in Stamford to Exit 50 in Bridgeport (22miles) and lasting for of 2 to 3 hours. The northbound direction during the AM peak period shows much lower densities with the majority of Route 15 operating a LOS “A” or “B”, with some small time periods and segments operating at LOS “C”. Figures 53 and 54 provide evening peak period LOS conditions for Route 15. Similar to I-95, oversaturation is evident in the northbound direction from Exit 34 in Stamford to Exit 51in Bridgeport (24 miles) and lasting for of 2 to 3 hours in duration. The southbound direction during the PM peak period shows much lower densities with the majority of Route 15 operating a LOS “A” or “B”, with some small time periods and segments operating at LOS “C”. Skycomp provided a standalone report documenting the survey, density measurements, and locations of queuing and probable causes of the bottlenecks causing breakdown conditions. Their report is included as an Appendix. Travel Patterns Information on travel patterns were collected using Airsage anonymous cell phone data for traffic analysis zones (TAZs) as showed in Figure 55. The passive survey identified travel origins and destinations for the area shown for use in analyzing regional and corridor travel patterns and to compare against the CT DOT Statewide travel demand model, particularly in the I-95 and Route 15 study area. To better understand the corridor travel patterns, the smaller TAZs were grouped into twelve super-zones along the corridor (Figure 56), representing major cities and towns boundaries. Table 7 provides a summary of all trips by these twelve super-zones. As would be expected, Stamford, Norwalk, Bridgeport, and New Haven have the highest totals for trip origins and destinations. Because these four cities span across large dense areas and many TAZs, they also have the highest volumes of internal trips. Table 8 provides a summary of percent trips by origin. This table illustrates the distribution of each origin across the twelve destinations. Bordering towns along with inner-city trips account for the highest percent share as shown by the highest percentages along the diagonal portion of the table.. Vehicle License Plate Survey A visual license plate survey was conducted in May 2013 at three locations on I-95 and three locations on Route 15. On I-95, these surveys were performed in Greenwich at the James Street overpass, in Milford at the High Street overpass, and at the Sasco Creek Road overpass in Westport. On Route 15, the license plate surveys were collected from overpasses located in Greenwich on Round Hill Road, in Fairfield from Morehouse Road, and in Woodbridge from Racebrook Road. License plate vehicle 20 February 26, 2014 CT 96725 / 2-26-14 / Landscape.pptx I-95 Corridor Congestion Relief Study Internal Zones Internal TAZ-based Zones Internal Tract-based Zones AIRSAGE O-D ZONE STRUCTURE FIGURE 55 I-95 Corridor Congestion Relief Study New Haven X:\TFT Group\Projects\CT 96725 I-95 Value Pricing Study\Graphics\I-95 Corridor Congestion Relief Study\Arcview\Corridor Superzones.mxd \ 7/02/14 41 41 N 20 Fairfield 39 17 4 16 1 2 95 3 22 21 15 5 6 91 12 18 10 8 25 7 15 8 11 26 25 New Haven 19 New York 38 8 84 40 15 24 37 13 23 52 95 9 95 Long Island Sound 1 - Greenwich 2 - Stamford 3 - Darien 4 - Norwalk 5 - Westport 6 - Fairfield 7 - Bridgeport 8 - Stratford 9 - Milford 10 - Orange 11 - West Haven 12 - New Haven CORRIDOR SUPERZONES FIGURE 56 February 26, 2014 Table 7 AirSage Daily O-D Data Trips TO FROM 1 Greenwich 2 Stamford 3 Darien 4 Norwalk 5 Westport 6 Fairfield 7 Bridgeport 8 Stratford 9 Milford 10 Orange 11 West Haven 12 New Haven 1 2 Greenwich Stamford 50,917 15,953 16,958 74,783 2,445 9,666 5,577 14,790 1,823 3,543 3,085 5,831 3,529 6,740 1,676 2,955 1,377 2,424 1,226 2,043 693 1,090 1,639 2,623 90,945 142,442 39,100 129,939 70,395 116,652 154,627 9 Milford 1,315 2,475 605 2,426 1,422 3,318 6,667 10,547 29,559 10,525 3,348 4,041 81,939 76,248 3 4 5 6 7 8 Darien Norwalk Westport Fairfield Bridgeport Stratford 3% 6% 2% 3% 4% 2% 7% 11% 3% 4% 4% 2% 29% 20% 3% 5% 5% 2% 6% 49% 9% 6% 6% 2% 2% 16% 44% 14% 7% 3% 1% 7% 8% 46% 18% 4% 1% 5% 3% 14% 50% 10% 1% 4% 2% 6% 18% 41% 1% 3% 2% 4% 8% 13% 1% 3% 1% 3% 5% 4% 0% 2% 1% 2% 3% 2% 0% 1% 1% 2% 3% 2% 9 Milford 1% 2% 2% 2% 2% 3% 4% 13% 39% 14% 5% 3% 10 11 12 Orange West Haven New Haven 1,212 711 1,762 1,993 1,108 2,641 547 298 709 1,967 1,052 2,499 1,078 577 1,345 2,349 1,179 2,668 4,492 2,035 4,331 3,492 1,415 2,710 10,888 3,139 3,954 30,060 10,511 7,701 11,003 28,070 17,877 8,124 17,977 106,165 77,206 68,072 Total 89,920 144,197 39,068 130,274 68,075 115,443 159,046 82,541 75,165 75,375 68,737 154,087 154,362 1,201,928 10 11 12 Orange West Haven New Haven 1% 1% 2% 1% 1% 2% 1% 1% 2% 2% 1% 2% 2% 1% 2% 2% 1% 2% 3% 1% 3% 4% 2% 3% 14% 4% 5% 40% 14% 10% 16% 41% 26% 5% 12% 69% Total 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% Table 8 AirSage Daily O-D Data % Trips by Origin TO FROM 1 Greenwich 2 Stamford 3 Darien 4 Norwalk 5 Westport 6 Fairfield 7 Bridgeport 8 Stratford 9 Milford 10 Orange 11 West Haven 12 New Haven Total 1 2 Greenwich Stamford 57% 18% 12% 52% 6% 25% 4% 11% 3% 5% 3% 5% 2% 4% 2% 4% 2% 3% 2% 3% 1% 2% 1% 2% 8% 12% 3% 11% 6% 10% 13% 7% 6% 6% 6% 13% 100% 21 Technical Memorandum • I-95 Data Collection/Existing Conditions Total 3 4 5 6 7 8 Darien Norwalk Westport Fairfield Bridgeport Stratford 2,588 5,431 1,904 3,118 3,373 1,636 9,984 15,292 3,863 5,924 6,324 2,852 11,344 7,758 1,297 1,813 1,788 798 7,851 63,647 12,213 7,723 7,323 3,207 1,141 11,031 30,056 9,347 4,823 1,889 1,694 7,736 9,653 52,686 20,479 4,764 1,757 8,110 5,391 21,576 78,915 15,503 743 3,213 1,891 4,978 14,906 34,014 606 2,407 1,389 3,299 6,276 9,847 548 1,987 990 2,458 4,027 3,299 259 1,055 521 1,195 2,196 1,430 585 2,271 1,228 2,536 4,198 2,701 Technical Memorandum • I-95 Data Collection/Existing Conditions registrations were identified for the States of Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and all others. The data was collected during daylight hours between 7AM and 6PM and is summarized in Tables 9 and 10 for I-95 and Route 15, respectively. Table 9 shows the distribution among states at each survey location along I-95, by direction, by time period, and for the total day. Over the survey time period, only 36 percent of traffic at the James Street overpass in Greenwich consisted of Connecticut vehicles. This location is less than a half mile north of the New York State line. New York plates accounted for the largest number of vehicles at 39 percent, while New Jersey was a distant third among specific States identified at 8.5 percent. Interestingly, the significant commute pattern into Connecticut from New York is shown by the high percentage of New York plates headed northbound during the AM peak period (68 percent). At the Sasco Creek Road location in Westport, 68 percent of traffic had Connecticut plates, while New York accounted for 13 percent. At the High Street overpass in Milford, 75 percent of traffic observed had Connecticut license plates, while New York plates accounted for 7 percent of the total traffic. Table 10 displays the license plate distribution among the State classified for Route 15. At Round Hill Road overpass on Route 15 in Greenwich, the percent share of Connecticut plates was 54% of total traffic, significantly higher than the I-95 location in Greenwich. At the Morehouse Drive overpass, Connecticut plates accounted for 75 percent of overall traffic, increasing to 80 percent at the Racebrook Road location just north of Route 34. Overall, Route 15 contains a higher share of Connecticut plates when compared to I-95. This would be expected as I-95 would tend to accommodate more interstate travel than Route 15 and long distance freight or any vehicles over eight feet in height, weighing more than four tons, towing a trailer, or containing more than four wheels are not allowed on Route 15. Vehicle Occupancy Survey Vehicle occupancy surveys were also performed at the same three locations on I-95. Vehicles were classified as containing one, two, or three or more passengers. However, the distinction between two and three passengers was difficult to visually confirm. Therefore, the data presented in Table 11 reflects only the breakdown of single and two or more occupant vehicles. As would be expected, the highest concentration of single occupant vehicles occurs during the AM period, as commuting to work would be the major trip purpose. For the total survey period, single occupant vehicles account for 80 percent of the vehicles on I-95 at the James Street survey location in Greenwich, 84 percent of the vehicles on I-95 at the Sasco Creek Road survey location in Westport, and 81 percent of vehicles at the High Street location in Milford. A second source of occupancy percentages was summarized from the 2008 Traffic Accident Database maintained by the Division of Planning Inventory & Data, Bureau of Policy and Planning. This data includes the number of vehicle occupants in crashes on the non-local roadways within the three Regional Planning Agencies through the project: South Western Regional Planning Agency (SWRPA), Greater Bridgeport Regional Council (GBRC), and South Central Regional Council of Governments (SCRCOG). Table 12 shows the daily variation of single, HOV 2, and HOV 3+ occupants. For the total day, single occupant vehicles made up 77 percent of the vehicle composition involved in crashes, while HOV2 and HOV3+ made up 16 percent and 7 percent respectively. The AM peak accounted for the highest concentration of single occupant vehicles at 87 percent while the midday and evening accounted for the highest concentration of HOV vehicles. This variation throughout the day is consistent with the visual survey and is expected. When isolating the percentages to coincide with the 22 February 26, 2014 Technical Memorandum • I-95 Data Collection/Existing Conditions Table 9 Percent of Traffic by State of Vehicle Registration Manual Count Location Period CT State of Vehicle Registration NJ MA NH NY RI Other Total I-95 NB at High Street 7AM-9AM 9AM-3PM 3PM-6PM 78.7 68.2 79.2 8.2 10.2 4.1 4.5 4.9 2.4 1.1 4.0 4.4 0.5 1.5 1.7 0.7 1.2 0.6 6.3 10.0 7.6 100.0 100.0 100.0 I-95 SB at High Street 7AM-9AM 9AM-3PM 3PM-6PM 84.2 70.2 74.4 2.7 7.5 8.2 1.1 5.2 6.1 5.1 5.9 3.7 2.5 2.8 1.9 1.7 2.5 2.1 2.8 5.9 3.6 100.0 100.0 100.0 74.7 75.0 74.8 7.5 6.7 7.1 3.9 4.6 4.2 3.4 4.9 4.2 1.4 2.4 1.9 0.9 2.1 1.5 8.3 4.3 6.3 100.0 100.0 100.0 I-95 NB at High Street Total I-95 SB at High Street Total I-95 SB at High Street Total I-95 NB at Sasco Creek Road 7AM-9AM 9AM-3PM 3PM-6PM 74.0 66.0 78.3 15.8 16.6 5.7 2.1 2.8 2.8 1.8 4.6 4.2 1.3 1.9 1.7 0.3 1.2 0.7 4.8 6.9 6.6 100.0 100.0 100.0 I-95 SB at Sasco Creek Road 7AM-9AM 9AM-3PM 3PM-6PM 81.6 58.9 62.1 6.3 11.3 18.0 1.3 6.2 8.2 5.6 8.8 4.4 2.7 2.7 1.4 0.4 2.8 1.3 2.1 9.3 4.6 100.0 100.0 100.0 73.3 62.3 67.8 11.5 13.5 12.5 2.7 6.6 4.6 3.8 6.8 5.3 1.7 2.2 1.9 0.8 2.0 1.4 6.3 6.7 6.5 100.0 100.0 100.0 I-95 NB at Sasco Creek Road Total I-95 SB at Sasco Creek Road Total I-95 SB at Sasco Creek Road Total I-95 NB at James Street 7AM-9AM 9AM-3PM 3PM-6PM 14.0 29.5 54.0 68.0 39.8 23.6 9.1 9.1 3.1 1.2 3.5 3.5 0.4 1.7 1.4 0.2 1.6 1.3 7.1 14.8 13.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 I-95 SB at James Street 7AM-9AM 9AM-3PM 3PM-6PM 65.4 39.1 26.6 22.6 32.1 47.6 3.4 10.3 12.3 2.8 5.7 3.0 0.7 2.2 2.0 1.5 2.7 1.6 3.6 7.9 6.9 100.0 100.0 100.0 33.2 39.3 36.2 42.2 36.3 39.3 7.2 9.8 8.5 2.9 4.1 3.5 1.3 1.8 1.5 1.1 2.0 1.6 12.2 6.7 9.4 100.0 100.0 100.0 I-95 NB at James Street Total I-95 SB at James Street Total I-95 SB at James Street Total 23 February 26, 2014 Technical Memorandum • I-95 Data Collection/Existing Conditions Table 10 Percent of Traffic by State of Vehicle Registration Manual Count Location Period CT State of Vehicle Registration NJ MA NH NY RI Other Total CT-15 NB at Racebrook Road 7AM-9AM 9AM-3PM 3PM-6PM 92.2 80.7 89.2 4.2 6.0 2.3 1.5 3.7 1.5 0.9 4.8 3.9 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.9 0.5 1.0 3.8 2.2 100.0 100.0 100.0 CT-15 SB at Racebrook Road 7AM-9AM 9AM-3PM 3PM-6PM 83.8 70.5 69.8 3.4 7.6 9.3 2.8 6.5 7.4 5.6 8.5 7.7 0.5 1.5 1.1 0.5 1.3 0.9 3.4 4.1 3.7 100.0 100.0 100.0 87.0 72.8 79.9 4.0 7.5 5.7 2.3 6.1 4.2 3.6 7.6 5.6 0.2 1.2 0.7 0.6 1.0 0.8 2.5 3.8 3.1 100.0 100.0 100.0 CT-15 NB at Racebrook Road Total CT-15 SB at Racebrook Road Total CT-15 at Racebrook Road Total CT-15 NB at Morehouse Road 7AM-9AM 9AM-3PM 3PM-6PM 79.2 71.3 80.1 11.0 11.6 7.4 5.3 7.4 4.2 1.9 4.5 4.8 0.4 0.8 0.9 0.4 1.0 0.7 1.7 3.4 2.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 CT-15 SB at Morehouse Road 7AM-9AM 9AM-3PM 3PM-6PM 91.1 75.3 65.3 2.9 8.5 16.9 0.8 5.0 8.6 2.6 5.3 3.6 0.6 0.7 1.1 0.3 1.0 1.3 1.7 4.2 3.2 100.0 100.0 100.0 CT-15 NB at Morehouse Road Total CT-15 SB at Morehouse Road Total CT-15 at Morehouse Road Total 76.3 72.9 74.6 9.6 11.2 10.4 5.7 6.0 5.8 4.3 4.4 4.3 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 1.0 0.9 2.6 3.6 3.1 100.0 100.0 100.0 CT-15 NB at Round Hill Road 7AM-9AM 9AM-3PM 3PM-6PM 25.7 44.5 69.2 61.7 33.0 18.2 8.3 9.3 4.6 0.9 4.3 3.0 0.3 0.5 0.9 0.1 0.8 0.5 3.0 7.5 3.5 100.0 100.0 100.0 CT-15 SB at Round Hill Road 7AM-9AM 9AM-3PM 3PM-6PM 82.6 58.5 39.1 13.9 25.7 37.7 1.1 6.5 12.9 0.6 4.9 4.5 0.3 0.9 1.0 0.1 0.6 1.0 1.4 2.9 3.8 100.0 100.0 100.0 52.2 56.1 54.2 31.3 27.8 29.5 7.1 7.8 7.4 3.2 3.9 3.5 0.7 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.6 5.0 2.9 4.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 CT-15 NB at Round Hill Road Total CT-15 SB at Round Hill Road Total CT-15 at Round Hill Road Total 24 February 26, 2014 Technical Memorandum • I-95 Data Collection/Existing Conditions Table 11 Vehicle Occupancy Percentages on I-95 Location Period Single 2 or More Total I-95 NB at High Street 7AM-9AM 9AM-3PM 3PM-6PM Average 0.84 0.82 0.80 0.82 0.16 0.18 0.20 0.18 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 I-95 SB at High Street 7AM-9AM 9AM-3PM 3PM-6PM Average 0.89 0.77 0.79 0.80 0.11 0.23 0.21 0.20 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.81 0.19 1.00 Daily NB & SB Average I-95 NB at Sasco Creek Road 7AM-9AM 9AM-3PM 3PM-6PM Average 0.88 0.86 0.85 0.86 0.12 0.14 0.15 0.14 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 I-95 SB at Sasco Creek Road 7AM-9AM 9AM-3PM 3PM-6PM Average 0.89 0.84 0.78 0.82 0.11 0.16 0.22 0.18 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.84 0.16 1.00 Daily NB & SB Average I-95 NB at James Street 7AM-9AM 9AM-3PM 3PM-6PM Average 0.89 0.79 0.76 0.80 0.11 0.21 0.24 0.20 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 I-95 SB at James Street 7AM-9AM 9AM-3PM 3PM-6PM Average 0.89 0.79 0.77 0.80 0.11 0.21 0.23 0.20 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.80 0.20 1.00 Daily NB & SB Average 25 February 26, 2014 Technical Memorandum • I-95 Data Collection/Existing Conditions Table 12 2008 Interstate Vehicle Occupancy Rates Hour Beginning 0:00 1:00 2:00 3:00 4:00 5:00 6:00 7:00 8:00 9:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 SOV HOV 2 HOV 3+ Total SOV HOV 2 HOV 3+ Total 63 71 40 44 34 67 193 429 571 391 207 274 307 308 347 484 665 877 403 232 166 180 131 128 24 15 6 7 9 13 24 50 53 44 48 64 70 63 88 137 153 155 90 57 50 54 41 37 13 12 4 4 4 1 13 15 26 16 27 23 39 24 37 62 83 83 53 29 21 26 13 16 100 98 50 55 47 81 230 494 650 451 282 361 416 395 472 683 901 1,115 546 318 237 260 185 181 0.63 0.72 0.80 0.80 0.72 0.83 0.84 0.87 0.88 0.87 0.73 0.76 0.74 0.78 0.74 0.71 0.74 0.79 0.74 0.73 0.70 0.69 0.71 0.71 0.24 0.15 0.12 0.13 0.19 0.16 0.10 0.10 0.08 0.10 0.17 0.18 0.17 0.16 0.19 0.20 0.17 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.21 0.21 0.22 0.20 0.13 0.12 0.08 0.07 0.09 0.01 0.06 0.03 0.04 0.04 0.10 0.06 0.09 0.06 0.08 0.09 0.09 0.07 0.10 0.09 0.09 0.10 0.07 0.09 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 6,612 1,352 644 8,608 0.77 0.16 0.07 1.00 7AM-9AM 9AM-3PM 3PM-6PM 1,000 1,834 2,026 103 377 445 41 166 228 1,144 2,377 2,699 0.87 0.77 0.75 0.09 0.16 0.16 0.04 0.07 0.08 1.00 1.00 1.00 7AM-6PM 4,860 925 435 6,220 0.78 0.15 0.07 1.00 Source: CT DOT Bureau of Policy and Planning Data collected across three Regional Planning Agencies: SWRPA, GBRC, and SCRCOG. 26 February 26, 2014 Technical Memorandum • I-95 Data Collection/Existing Conditions visual survey (7AM-6PM), the results are similar, with single occupant vehicles from the crash data accounting for 78 percent of total traffic and 82 percent on average from the visual survey. A higher occupancy level from crash statistics would be expected, as vehicles with more than one driver have a higher propensity for accidents. Truck Origin and Destination Survey A commercial vehicle origin and destination survey was conducted in each travel direction at the Fairfield and Milford Rest Areas off I-95 (Figure 57). A direct interview was conducted of commercial vehicle drivers utilizing the survey instrument shown in Figure 58. Table 13 displays summaries of trip purpose, EZ-Pass ownership, and trip frequency. Almost all of the commercial vehicle drivers interviewed indicated they were on company business. 34-35 percent of those surveyed at Station 1 and Station 2 in northbound direction completes this trip 4 or more times per week, while this dropped to 24-25 percent for both station in the southbound direction. In the northbound direction, 17-19 percent of commercial vehicles surveyed indicated they made the trip 2 to 3 times per week. In the southbound direction this percent is higher with range of 23-24 percent. In general, 50 percent of those individuals interviewed make this trip at least twice per week. EZ-Pass ownership levels were found to be significant, ranging between 65 and 77 percent. Table 13 Truck Survey Summaries Station 1 NB 98% 2% 0% Trip Purpose Station 1 SB Station 2 NB 99% 98% 1% 2% 0% 0% Station 2 SB 99% 1% 0% Station 1 NB 4 or more per week 34% 2-3 per week 19% 1 per week 15% 1-3 per month 8% Less than 1 per month 17% No answer 7% Trip Frequency Station 1 SB Station 2 NB 25% 35% 23% 17% 9% 12% 17% 10% 19% 9% 7% 17% Station 2 SB 24% 24% 15% 13% 22% 1% Station 1 NB 77% 6% 15% 2% EZ Pass Station 1 SB Station 2 NB 67% 65% 28% 12% 0% 20% 5% 3% Station 2 SB 72% 27% 1% 0% Company Business Personal Business To/From work Yes No Plan to acquire No answer 27 February 26, 2014 I-95 Corridor Congestion Relief Study X:\TFT Group\Projects\CT 96725 I-95 Value Pricing Study\Graphics\I-95 Corridor Congestion Relief Study\Arcview\I-95 Truck Survey Locations.mxd \ 2/26/14 New Fairfield N Naugatuck Southbury Brookfield Beacon Falls 84 Danbury Oxford Ansonia Monroe New York Easton Trumbull 25 8 Fairfield New Canaan 15 Darien Greenwich 1 95 Westport Norwalk Stamford 15 Bridgeport Guilford North Haven North Branford 15 New Haven Orange 1 East Haven West Haven Branford 95 1 Milford Weston Wilton Durham 91 Shelton Fairfield 7 Woodbridge Derby Redding Ridgefield 91 Hamden Seymour Bethel Wallingford Bethany 8 Newtown 84 Cheshire Station 2 Milford I-95 Rest Area Stratford 95 1 Station 1 Fairfield I-95 Rest Area Long Island Sound I-95 TRUCK SURVEY LOCATIONS FIGURE 57 I-95 Corridor Congestion Relief Study CT 96725 / 2-26-14 / Landscape.pptx Commercial Vehicle Origin-Destination Survey Date 5 6 If you did not use I-95 for this trip today, which road would you use? E 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 A B C Code D 14 Vehicle Occupancy C Single trailer B Vehicle Class Alternate Route Multi-trailer A Year Single unit C 1-3 per month Personal business B Code Company business A (Interchange Number, Route Number or Nearest Town & State) Number of axles 4 (Interchange Number, Route Number or Nearest Town & State) State of vehicle registration 3 Month What is your home state? 2 Less than one per month - Street Address - City / Town - State, Zip Code - Other explanation (e.g. nearest intersection, airport, mall, etc.) Day Where do you plan to exit I-95? Code 1 Min. To / from work Hr. Page No. ______ Where did you enter I-95 for this trip? Trip Frequency 1 per week - Street Address - City / Town - State, Zip Code - Other explanation (e.g. nearest intersection, airport, mall, etc.) Trip Purpose Time 2-3 per week Where did this trip begin in this direction? Where will this trip end (in this direction)? (Should not be the same answer as to Question 3) Surveyor __________________________________________________________ 4 or more per week Station Name _____________________________________________________________ Do you have an E-Z Pass transponder? 1. Yes 2. No 3. Plan to acquire Station No. 15 ORIGIN - DESTINATION SURVEY FORM FIGURE 58 Technical Memorandum • I-95 Data Collection/Existing Conditions A tremendous spread of vehicle registrations and home states were identified by those surveyed (Table 14). In the northbound direction, Connecticut was identified as the highest percentage of vehicle registrations at Station 1 (34%), while Massachusetts (32%) was the most identified registration at Station 2. At Station 1 and Station 2 in the southbound direction, trucks registered in New Jersey had the highest percent of 22 and 27 percent for Station 1 and Station 2, respectively. Table 14 Truck Survey Summaries Home State CT RI NJ NY PA MA IL IN MO NC TN TX FL Other Station 1 NB Station 1 SB Station 2 NB Station 2 SB 35% 2% 11% 15% 2% 14% 1% 0% 1% 1% 2% 1% 1% 13% 21% 1% 20% 16% 9% 2% 3% 0% 3% 2% 4% 2% 3% 12% 19% 10% 11% 13% 4% 25% 1% 1% 0% 0% 0% 3% 1% 11% 17% 0% 24% 19% 10% 9% 1% 1% 1% 2% 2% 2% 2% 10% State of Vehicle Registration CT RI NJ NY PA MA IL IN MO NC TN TX FL Other Station 1 NB Station 1 SB Station 2 NB Station 2 SB 34% 0% 10% 10% 3% 8% 2% 5% 1% 2% 4% 2% 2% 15% 21% 0% 22% 14% 5% 4% 4% 5% 0% 1% 5% 4% 2% 14% 18% 9% 18% 9% 3% 32% 2% 8% 0% 0% 0% 2% 0% 0% 14% 0% 27% 15% 8% 8% 3% 5% 1% 3% 1% 2% 1% 14% 28 February 26, 2014 Appendix I-95 / MERRITT PARKWAY DENSITY SURVEY APRIL 2013 Prepared for the Connecticut Department of Transportation By Skycomp, Inc. in association with CD Smith TABLE OF CONTENTS Survey Area..................................................................................................................................ii Introduction and Methodology………........................................................................................…1 Part I: I-95.....................................................................................................................................3 I-95 AM Data ...............................................................................................................4 Density .................................................................................................................4 Level-of-Service ...................................................................................................9 Mainline Bottlenecks .........................................................................................14 Ramp and Side Road Queues ..........................................................................15 I-95 PM Data .............................................................................................................16 Density ...............................................................................................................16 Level-of-Service .................................................................................................21 Mainline Bottlenecks .........................................................................................26 Ramp and Side Road Queues ..........................................................................27 Part II: Merritt Pkwy.....................................................................................................................29 Merritt Pkwy AM Data ...............................................................................................30 Density ...............................................................................................................30 Level-of-Service .................................................................................................35 Mainline Bottlenecks .........................................................................................40 Ramp and Side Road Queues ..........................................................................41 Merritt Pkwy PM Data ...............................................................................................42 Density ...............................................................................................................42 Level-of-Service .................................................................................................47 Mainline Bottlenecks .........................................................................................52 Ramp and Side Road Queues ..........................................................................53 i SURVEY AREA I-95 & Merritt Parkway New Haven 34 Merritt Pkwy Stratford 15 Stamford Merritt Pkwy 95 287 Greenwich C N ew on ne ct Yo r k ii ic ut 95 Introduction In April 2013, Skycomp acquired overlapping aerial photography of I-95 and Merritt Parkway for the purpose of obtaining traffic densities. Using a fixed winged aircraft, Skycomp documented traffic conditions during 3-hour morning and evening peak periods over the course of four days. Survey Area As shown in the graphic on opposite page, the survey limits for each highway were between I-287 to the south and SR 34 in New Haven to the north. Survey Schedule Skycomp conducted four morning survey flights and four evening flights. The on-station times were 6:30-9:30 a.m. and 4:00-7:00 p.m., restricted to Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. The sample interval was 60 minutes, resulting in an average of three samples of all highway miles during each flight (12 morning and 12 evening passes total). Methodology - Densities After survey flights were completed, all photographs were sorted by highway and by time period. A segmentation “guidebook” was then assembled for each highway to guide data reduction. From the overlapping time-stamped photographs, densities by highway segment were determined by manual counts taken along the entire segment length. Vehicles were classified as cars, trucks, buses, or tractor-trailers when counted; later, passenger-car equivalents (PCE’s) were derived according to the following table: Vehicle type: PCE’s: Cars 1.0 Buses 1.5 Trucks 1.5 Tractor-trailers 2.0 Data that were atypical due to roadwork or to known or suspected incidents were coded for exclusion from the averaging process. All data were then entered into the density database (Microsoft Access), which performed the following tasks: 1) samples were grouped by time slice (30 minutes); 2) average densities were calculated (typically two observations per 30 minute period); and 3) densities were converted into service levels “A” through “F”. The computer then prepared matrices showing each averaged service level rating plotted by time and highway segment. These data matrices were then copied into Density and Level-of-Service tables. Methodology – Bottlenecks Database In addition to density and level-of-service tables, Skycomp produced a “bottlenecks” database for I-95 and Merritt Parkway. During the analysis stage, all locations on the ramps and mainlines that generated persistent queuing were listed in each database. The location of the head of each queue, the approximate queue length, and apparent underlying cause, where evident, were included. 1 Highlight Aerial Photography For each congested zone or interchange in the bottlenecks database, highlight digital photographs (drawn from the photo sets used for data reduction) were selected that illustrate typical conditions found. These photographs have been grouped by bottleneck number and delivered in a suitable viewing format (jAlbum). Deliverables 1. Density Database: All data associated with densities in a Microsoft Access database. 2. Density and Level-of-Service Tables: Average density and level-of-service tables are provided in this report. 3. Bottlenecks Database: A list of all mainline bottlenecks to include the location of the head of the queue, the approximate queue length, and apparent underlying cause where evident. 4. Ramp and side road queues: A list of locations where queuing was found on the entrance and exit ramps as well as roads crossing the surveyed highway. 5. Archive of Highlight Aerial Photography: For each congested zone in the bottlenecks database, highlight digital photographs illustrate typical conditions found; these photographs are grouped by bottleneck number and assembled in a jAlbum catalog for viewing. Questions If there are any questions about this survey effort, the findings or the underlying methodology, please direct them to Greg Jordan at 410-884-6900, ext. 33, or to jordan@skycomp.com. 2 Part I: I-95 3 MORNING DENSITY (I-95) I-95 (Between I-287 & US 1/Boston Post Rd) Density Morning (April, 2013) SOUTHBOUND Time Density 21 2 Density 3 Density 4 Density 5 Density 6 Density 7 Density 8 9 21 7:00-7:30 17 19 21 23 24 33 16 25 7:30-8:00 21 26 25 21 20 27 37 30 28 37 34 43 8:00-8:30 20 49 8:30-9:00 20 21 39 44 43 45 9:00-9:30 17 17 44 25 31 6:30-7:00 24 21 23 20 7:00-7:30 21 22 18 22 7:30-8:00 25 79 Elm St 26 Washington Blvd 27 West Ave 23 E Putnam Ave 20 Indian Field Rd 21 Arch St 18 Delavan Ave 15 I-287 6:30-7:00 42 35 29 36 38 28 23 20 11 21 20 20 14 21 17 26 US 1 (Boston Post Rd) Density I-95 50 9:00-9:30 21 49 2 42 50 3 43 4 4 Density < 31 pcplpm 31-40 41-62 > 62 39 31 5 NORTHBOUND Colors (white) 29 39 6 17 Elm St 39 22 18 26 7 28 US 1 (Boston Post Rd) 32 32 36 Washington Blvd 47 44 27 West Ave 63 35 28 E Putnam Ave 8:30-9:00 42 24 Indian Field Rd 43 27 Arch St 8:00-8:30 Delavan Ave I-287 Time 19 8 9 MORNING DENSITY (I-95) I-95 (Between US 1/Boston Post Rd & SR 476/Sherwood Connector) Density Morning (April, 2013) SOUTHBOUND 9:00-9:30 35 32 31 31 33 36 43 32 30 34 51 49 16 Density 17 18 31 44 47 33 35 33 59 69 39 41 58 92 57 53 72 72 Saugatuck Ave 30 34 15 Density East Ave 26 30 14 Density US 7 25 13 Density 58 64 94 85 59 72 96 74 98 34 36 32 35 36 54 41 56 67 70 85 14 20 17 12 16 18 13 17 14 19 17 20 11 12 17 16 23 26 SR 476 (Sherwood Connector) 8:30-9:00 28 12 Density South Norwalk 8:00-8:30 11 Density US 1 (Boston Post Rd) 7:30-8:00 Density SR 136 (Tokeneke Rd) 7:00-7:30 10 Noroton Ave 6:30-7:00 9 US 1 (Boston Post Rd) Time Density US 1 (Boston Post Rd) Density I-95 11 23 20 9:00-9:30 9 32 10 25 21 11 31 19 12 33 49 44 13 US 7 17 23 20 23 12 14 23 28 19 15 26 Saugatuck Ave 34 26 East Ave 32 24 South Norwalk 23 33 21 21 20 16 14 18 17 SR 476 (Sherwood Connector) 8:30-9:00 25 22 21 US 1 (Boston Post Rd) 8:00-8:30 19 24 SR 136 (Tokeneke Rd) 7:30-8:00 US 1 (Boston Post Rd) 7:00-7:30 Noroton Ave 6:30-7:00 US 1 (Boston Post Rd) Time 18 NORTHBOUND Colors (white) Density < 31 pcplpm 31-40 41-62 > 62 5 MORNING DENSITY (I-95) I-95 (Between SR 476 & Connecticut Ave) Density Morning (April, 2013) SOUTHBOUND 9:00-9:30 44 39 44 53 49 70 74 73 45 75 56 80 59 88 82 82 76 69 77 40 53 87 96 75 78 62 83 93 15 7 4 12 16 19 18 12 96 90 75 27 Density 28 29 62 108 79 85 47 87 129 95 75 74 86 49 106 115 107 99 86 72 86 53 60 98 66 65 52 83 70 80 42 26 35 16 12 9 13 14 10 23 10 14 12 13 17 14 22 Connecticut Ave 46 26 Density Stratford Ave 39 25 Density SR 8 / SR 25 38 24 Density Wordin Ave 38 23 Density Fairfield Ave 22 Density US 1 (Kings Hwy) 8:30-9:00 21 Density Meadowbrook Rd 8:00-8:30 20 Density Mill Plan Rd 7:30-8:00 Density Bronson Rd 7:00-7:30 19 US 1 (Post Rd) 6:30-7:00 18 SR 476 (Sherwood Connector) Time Density SR 135 (Benson Rd) Density I-95 9:00-9:30 18 16 18 23 19 26 29 20 11 21 32 13 22 6 28 18 23 NORTHBOUND Colors (white) Density < 31 pcplpm 31-40 41-62 > 62 18 15 13 24 14 25 19 9 25 20 15 15 25 26 15 Stratford Ave 13 19 SR 8 / SR 25 21 20 Wordin Ave 17 21 Fairfield Ave 17 24 20 23 15 27 26 Connecticut Ave 22 19 26 US 1 (Kings Hwy) 18 18 21 Meadowbrook Rd 8:30-9:00 21 14 SR 135 (Benson Rd) 8:00-8:30 19 Mill Plan Rd 7:30-8:00 Bronson Rd 7:00-7:30 US 1 (Post Rd) 6:30-7:00 SR 476 (Sherwood Connector) Time 17 28 29 MORNING DENSITY (I-95) I-95 (Between Connecticut Ave & Milford Pkwy) Density Morning (April, 2013) SOUTHBOUND 32 21 27 22 20 25 20 20 17 47 54 29 26 27 21 25 19 41 39 21 20 17 17 13 20 6:30-7:00 21 17 10 7:00-7:30 14 13 10 8:30-9:00 9:00-9:30 39 34 35 Density 36 38 16 20 23 24 19 27 21 25 30 22 31 22 13 27 22 19 26 17 18 17 12 13 15 17 16 17 14 12 17 Milford Pkwy 8:00-8:30 45 33 Density Plains Rd 7:30-8:00 32 Density Schoolhouse Rd 22 Density Ferry Blvd 7:00-7:30 31 Density Broad St 20 Connecticut Ave 6:30-7:00 Density US 1 (Bridgeport Ave) 30 SR 113 (Hollister Ave) 29 Density Honeyspot Rd Density Time I-95 19 18 9:00-9:30 29 13 17 18 30 13 16 13 32 33 15 12 14 16 12 34 25 12 20 12 35 21 Milford Pkwy 19 24 Plains Rd 21 Schoolhouse Rd 22 21 8 31 20 Ferry Blvd 16 Broad St 17 28 US 1 (Bridgeport Ave) 8:30-9:00 21 21 Honeyspot Rd 8:00-8:30 22 SR 113 (Hollister Ave) 7:30-8:00 Connecticut Ave Time 12 36 38 NORTHBOUND Colors (white) Density < 31 pcplpm 31-40 41-62 > 62 7 MORNING DENSITY (I-95) I-95 (Between Milford Pkwy & SR 34) Density Morning (April, 2013) SOUTHBOUND 7:30-8:00 8:00-8:30 33 29 8:30-9:00 28 9:00-9:30 22 43 45 22 18 21 25 28 24 22 22 25 24 21 21 21 25 26 24 29 23 Density 35 23 28 20 23 21 25 20 20 23 19 23 47 26 28 28 SR 34 24 42 Density 1st Ave 7:00-7:30 41 Density Sawmill Rd 23 Milford Pkwy 6:30-7:00 40 Density SR 10 (Ella T Grasso Blvd) 39 Density Marsh Hill Rd 38 US 1 (Boston Post Rd) Time Density Woodmont Rd Density 28 27 22 I-95 I-95 26 8:30-9:00 21 9:00-9:30 38 21 19 24 44 29 30 25 18 22 21 17 39 25 33 22 14 40 31 8 Density < 31 pcplpm 31-40 41-62 > 62 44 46 21 21 42 NORTHBOUND Colors (white) 54 42 19 41 44 20 43 25 31 35 SR 34 25 15 SR 10 (Ella T Grasso Blvd) 8:00-8:30 32 30 1st Ave 7:30-8:00 17 Sawmill Rd 20 22 Marsh Hill Rd 7:00-7:30 15 Woodmont Rd 15 Milford Pkwy 6:30-7:00 US 1 (Boston Post Rd) Time 29 18 45 47 MORNING DENSITY (I-95) I-95 (Between I-287 & US 1/Boston Post Rd) Level-of-Service Morning (April, 2013) SOUTHBOUND Time LOS 21 2 LOS 3 LOS 4 LOS 5 LOS 6 LOS 7 LOS 8 9 C 7:00-7:30 B C C C C D B C 7:30-8:00 C C C C C D E D D E D E 8:00-8:30 C F 8:30-9:00 C C E E E E 9:00-9:30 B B E C D 6:30-7:00 C C C C 7:00-7:30 C C B C 7:30-8:00 C F Elm St C Washington Blvd D West Ave C E Putnam Ave C Indian Field Rd C Arch St B Delavan Ave B I-287 6:30-7:00 E D D E E D C C A C C C B C B C US 1 (Boston Post Rd) LOS I-95 F 9:00-9:30 21 F 2 E F 3 D E 4 E D 5 E 6 B Elm St E C B C 7 D US 1 (Boston Post Rd) D D E Washington Blvd F E D West Ave F D D E Putnam Ave 8:30-9:00 E C Indian Field Rd E D Arch St 8:00-8:30 Delavan Ave I-287 Time C 8 9 NORTHBOUND Colors (white) LOS A/B/C/D D/E E/F F Density < 31 pcplpm 31-40 41-62 > 62 9 MORNING LEVEL-OF-SERVICE (I-95) I-95 (Between US 1/Boston Post Rd & SR 476/Sherwood Connector) Level-of-Service Morning (April, 2013) SOUTHBOUND 9:00-9:30 D D D D D E E D D D F F 15 16 LOS 17 18 D E F D D D F F E E F F F F F F Saugatuck Ave D D 14 LOS East Ave C D 13 LOS US 7 C 12 LOS F F F F F F F F F D E D D E F E F F F F B C B B B B B B B C B C A B B B C C SR 476 (Sherwood Connector) 8:30-9:00 D LOS South Norwalk 8:00-8:30 11 LOS US 1 (Boston Post Rd) 7:30-8:00 LOS SR 136 (Tokeneke Rd) 7:00-7:30 10 Noroton Ave 6:30-7:00 9 US 1 (Boston Post Rd) Time LOS US 1 (Boston Post Rd) LOS I-95 A C C 9:00-9:30 9 D 10 C C 11 D C 12 D F E 13 C C C B 14 NORTHBOUND Colors (white) 10 LOS A/B/C/D D/E E/F F US 7 B Density < 31 pcplpm 31-40 41-62 > 62 C D C 15 C Saugatuck Ave D C East Ave D C South Norwalk C D C C C 16 B B 17 SR 476 (Sherwood Connector) 8:30-9:00 C C C US 1 (Boston Post Rd) 8:00-8:30 C C SR 136 (Tokeneke Rd) 7:30-8:00 US 1 (Boston Post Rd) 7:00-7:30 Noroton Ave 6:30-7:00 US 1 (Boston Post Rd) Time 18 MORNING LEVEL-OF-SERVICE (I-95) I-95 (Between SR 476/Sherwood Connector & Connecticut Ave) Level-of-Service Morning (April, 2013) SOUTHBOUND 9:00-9:30 E E E F F F F F E F F F F F F F F F F E F F F F F F F F B A A B B C B B F F F 27 LOS 28 29 F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F E C D B B A B B A C A B B B B B C Connecticut Ave F 26 LOS Stratford Ave E 25 LOS SR 8 / SR 25 E 24 LOS Wordin Ave E 23 LOS Fairfield Ave 22 LOS US 1 (Kings Hwy) 8:30-9:00 21 LOS Meadowbrook Rd 8:00-8:30 20 LOS Mill Plan Rd 7:30-8:00 LOS Bronson Rd 7:00-7:30 19 US 1 (Post Rd) 6:30-7:00 18 SR 476 (Sherwood Connector) Time LOS SR 135 (Benson Rd) LOS I-95 9:00-9:30 18 B B C 19 C D 20 A 21 D B 22 D B 23 B B B 24 B C C A 25 C B B C 26 B Stratford Ave B C SR 8 / SR 25 C C Wordin Ave B C Fairfield Ave B C C C B 27 C Connecticut Ave C C C US 1 (Kings Hwy) B B C Meadowbrook Rd 8:30-9:00 C B SR 135 (Benson Rd) 8:00-8:30 C Mill Plan Rd 7:30-8:00 Bronson Rd 7:00-7:30 US 1 (Post Rd) 6:30-7:00 SR 476 (Sherwood Connector) Time B 28 29 NORTHBOUND Colors (white) LOS A/B/C/D D/E E/F F Density < 31 pcplpm 31-40 41-62 > 62 11 MORNING LEVEL-OF-SERVICE (I-95) I-95 (Between Connecticut Ave & Milford Pkwy) Level-of-Service Morning (April, 2013) SOUTHBOUND 8:00-8:30 E D D C C C C C B F F D C D C C C E E C C B B B C 6:30-7:00 C B A 7:00-7:30 B B A 8:30-9:00 9:00-9:30 E C 35 LOS 36 38 B C C C C D C C D C D C B D C C C B B B B B B B B B B B B Milford Pkwy 7:30-8:00 34 LOS Plains Rd C 33 LOS Schoolhouse Rd 7:00-7:30 32 LOS Ferry Blvd C Connecticut Ave 6:30-7:00 31 LOS US 1 (Bridgeport Ave) 30 LOS Broad St 29 SR 113 (Hollister Ave) Time LOS Honeyspot Rd LOS I-95 C B 9:00-9:30 29 B C A 31 B 33 12 LOS A/B/C/D D/E E/F F B Density < 31 pcplpm 31-40 41-62 > 62 C B B B C B 35 C Milford Pkwy B B 34 NORTHBOUND Colors (white) C Plains Rd C B B 32 C Schoolhouse Rd C Ferry Blvd C B B 30 B Broad St B D US 1 (Bridgeport Ave) 8:30-9:00 C C Honeyspot Rd 8:00-8:30 C SR 113 (Hollister Ave) 7:30-8:00 Connecticut Ave Time B 36 38 MORNING LEVEL-OF-SERVICE (I-95) I-95 (Between Milford Pkwy & SR 34) C 7:30-8:00 8:00-8:30 D D 8:30-9:00 D 9:00-9:30 C 42 SOUTHBOUND LOS 43 B C C D C C C C C C C C C C C D C LOS 45 C 1st Ave 7:00-7:30 41 LOS Sawmill Rd C Milford Pkwy 6:30-7:00 40 LOS D C D C C C C C C C C C 47 C D D SR 34 39 LOS Marsh Hill Rd 38 US 1 (Boston Post Rd) Time LOS Woodmont Rd LOS SR 10 (Ella T Grasso Blvd) Level-of-Service Morning (April, 2013) D D C I-95 I-95 C 8:30-9:00 C 9:00-9:30 38 C C C E D D C B C C B 39 C D C B 40 D F E C 41 E F C C 42 E C 43 A C D D SR 34 C B SR 10 (Ella T Grasso Blvd) 8:00-8:30 D D 1st Ave 7:30-8:00 B Sawmill Rd C C Marsh Hill Rd 7:00-7:30 B Woodmont Rd B Milford Pkwy 6:30-7:00 US 1 (Boston Post Rd) Time D B 45 47 NORTHBOUND Colors (white) LOS A/B/C/D D/E E/F F Density < 31 pcplpm 31-40 41-62 > 62 13 MAINLINE BOTTLENECKS (I-95 MORNING) Bottleneck # Queue Direction Type Head of Queue (Lat/Long) Head of Queue Location Tail of Queue Location Time Period Queue Length Contributing factors to congestion Photos 1 SB Mainline 41 08 36 / 73 16 03 Int. 21 (Mill Plan Rd) Int. 29 (Connecticut Ave) 6:30-9:30 a.m. 5-6 miles Weaving/merging at the series of interchanges along this section of I-95 I-95_AM_1 2 SB Mainline 41 06 22 / 73 25 27 Int. 15 (US 7) Int. 21 (Mill Plan Rd) 7:00-9:30 a.m. 8-9 miles Weaving/merging at the series of interchanges along this section of I-95. Bridges/narrow shoulders. I-95_AM_2 3 SB Mainline 41 04 26 / 73 28 13 Int. 12 (SR 136 - Tokeneke Rd) Int. 15 (US 7) 7:30-9:30 a.m. 3-4 miles Weaving/merging at the series of interchanges along this section of I-95 I-95_AM_3 4 SB Mainline 41 02 43 / 73 32 60 Int. 6 (West Ave) Int. 8 (Elm St) 7:30-9:30 a.m. 1-2 miles The primary cause of congestion was traffic entering at Int. 7 (Washington Blvd) I-95_AM_4 5 SB Mainline 41 01 13 / 73 37 28 Int. 3 (Arch St) Int. 5 (E Putnam Ave) 8:00-9:30 a.m. 1-3 miles Traffic exiting at Arch St backing into the right lane on I-95 I-95_AM_5 6 SB Mainline 41 10 31 / 73 09 53 Int. 30 (Hollister Ave) Int. 32 (Broad St) 7:30-9:00 a.m. 1-2 miles Traffic entering at Honeyspot Rd and Hollister Ave I-95_AM_6 7 NB Mainline 41 02 27 / 73 34 42 Int. 5 (E Putnam Ave) Int. 21 (I-287) 8:00-9:30 a.m. 4-6 miles Traffic entering at the series of interchanges along this section of I-95 I-95_AM_8 8 NB Mainline 41 06 20 / 73 25 31 Int. 14 (South Norwalk) Int. 13 (US 1 - Boston Post Rd) 8:30-9:30 a.m. 1-2 miles Construction at the South Norwalk interchanges I-95_AM_7 9 NB Mainline 41 17 03 / 72 56 01 Int. 45 (SR 10 / Ella T Grasso Blvd) Int. 42 (Sawmill Rd) 2-3 miles Traffic entering at 1st Ave and weaving/merging at the closely spaced interchanges at SR 122 and SR 10 I-95_AM_9 14 7:00-9:00 a.m.) RAMP AND SIDE ROAD QUEUES (I-95 MORNING) Highway AM / PM Queue # Interchange Ramp / Side Road Direction Head of Queue (Lat/Long) Time Queue Population (vehicles per lane) Frequency Notes I-95 AM 1 Int. 3 (Arch St) Exit ramp SB 41 01 12.6 / 73 37 35.4 8:00-9:00 a.m. 20-30 vpl (2 lanes) Intermittent The head of the queue was found at the signal at the head of the ramp (2 dedicated right-turn lanes) I-95 Ramps AM_1 I-95 AM 2 Int. 15 (US 7) Entrance ramp SB 41 06 22.3 / 73 25 27.3 7:00-9:00 a.m. 50-80 vpl (1 lane) Intermittent The head of the queue was found where vehicles waited to merge onto the Parkway I-95 Ramps AM_2 I-95 AM 3 Int. 27 (SR 8 / SR 25) Entrance ramp SB 41 10 14.2 / 73 11 39.9 7:00-9:00 a.m. 30-50 vpl (1 lane) Intermittent The head of the queue was found where vehicles waited to merge onto I-95 I-95 Ramps AM_3 I-95 Ramps AM_4 Photos I-95 AM 4 Int. 21 (I-287) Entrance ramp NB 40 59 26.4 / 73 39 47.9 8:59 a.m. 90-100 vpl (2 lanes) One time The head of the queue was found where vehicles waited to merge onto I-95 (possibly atypical congestion) I-95 PM 1 Int. 27 (SR 8 / SR 25) Exit ramp NB 41 10 16.4 / 73 11 29.4 4:15-6:45 p.m. 40-60 vpl (1 lane) Intermittent Congestion apperared to be caused by the geometrics of the ramp I-95 Ramps PM-1 I-95 PM 2 Int. 6 (West Ave) Entrance ramp NB 41 02 39.0 / 73 33 13.9 5:00-6:00 p.m. 20-25 vpl (1 lane) Intermittent The head of the queue was found where vehicles waited to merge onto I-95 I-95 Ramps PM-2 I-95 PM 3 Int. 7 (Atlantic St) Entrance ramp SB 41 02 49.8 / 73 32 37.4 5:31 p.m. 20-25 vpl (1 lane) One time The head of the queue was found where vehicles waited to merge onto I-95 I-95 Ramps PM-3 I-95 PM 4 Int. 14 (South Norwalk) Entrance ramp NB 41 06 11.5 / 73 25 53.3 5:00-6:00 p.m. 25-30 vpl (1 lane) Intermittent The head of the queue was found where vehicles waited to merge onto I-95 I-95 Ramps PM-4 I-95 PM 5 Int. 24 (US 1 / Kings Hwy) Exit ramp NB 41 09 52.3 / 73 14 09.6 5:00-7:00 p.m. 25-30 vpl (2 lanes) Intermittent The head of the queue was found at the signal at the head of the ramp I-95 Ramps PM-5 I-95 PM 6 Int. 15 (US 7) Entrance ramp NB 41 06 23.3 / 73 25 05.8 5:30-6:30 p.m. 30-60 vpl (1 lane) Intermittent The head of the queue was found where vehicles waited to merge onto I-95 I-95 Ramps PM-6 Merritt Pkwy AM 1 Int. 35 (SR 137 / High Ridge Rd) Exit ramp SB 41 06 45.2 / 73 32 47.2 8:45 a.m. 30-35 vpl (2 lanes) One time The head of the queue was found at the signal at High Ridge Rd Merritt Ramps AM_1 Merritt Pkwy AM 2 Int. 35 (SR 137 / High Ridge Rd) High Ridge Rd WB 41 06 45.0 / 73 32 46.6 8:00-8:30 a.m. 50-60 vpl (2 lanes) Intermittent During one observation, congestion extended back through several upstream signals Merritt Ramps AM_2 Merritt Pkwy AM 3 Int. 34 (SR 104 / Long Ridge Rd) Entrance ramp SB 41 06 12.4 / 73 33 55.6 7:45-8:15 a.m. 20-25 vpl (1 lane) Intermittent The head of the queue was found where vehicles waited to merge onto the Parkway Merritt Ramps AM_3 Merritt Pkwy AM 4 Int. 36 (Old Stamford Rd) Old Stamford Rd WB 41 07 07.3 / 73 29 56.1 7:30-8:30 a.m. 50-60 vpl (1 lane) Intermittent The head of the queue was found west of the Parkway interchange at the signal at Jelliff Mill Rd Merritt Ramps AM_4 Merritt Ramps AM_5 Merritt Pkwy AM 5 Int. 44 (Black Rock Turnpike) Entrance ramp SB 41 12 04.2 / 73 16 18.9 7:00-8:00 a.m. 50-100 vpl (1 lane) Intermittent The head of the queue was found where vehicles waited to merge onto the Parkway; congestion extended back through the signal at Black Rock Pkwy Merritt Pkwy AM 6 Int. 44 (Black Rock Turnpike) Black Rock Tnpk WB 41 12 08.2 / 73 16 08.7 7:30-8:30 a.m. 25-30 vpl (1 lane) Intermittent The head of the queue was found at the signal at the northbound ramp Merritt Ramps AM_6 Merritt Pkwy AM 7 Int. 54 (Milford Parkway) Entrance ramp SB 41 14 56.0 / 73 04 48.2 7:30-8:00 a.m. 50-70 vpl (1 lane) Intermittent Congestion apperared to be caused by the geometrics of the ramp Merritt Ramps AM_7 Merritt Pkwy PM 1 Int. 35 (SR 137 / High Ridge Rd) Entrance ramp NB 41 06 50.0 / 73 32 28.5 5:00-6:00 p.m. 20-30 vpl (1 lane) Intermittent The head of the queue was found where vehicles waited to merge onto the Parkway Merritt Ramps PM_1 Merritt Pkwy PM 2 Int. 36 (SR 106 / Old Stamford Rd) Old Stamford Rd WB 41 07 00.2 / 73 29 58.1 5:00-6:00 p.m. 30-50 vpl (1 lane) Intermittent The head of the queue was found at the Parkway ramps (no signal) Merritt Ramps PM_2 Merritt Pkwy PM 3 Int. 38 (SR 123 / New Canaan Ave) New Canaan Ave EB 41 08 02.6 / 73 27 31.9 5:00-6:00 p.m. 20-30 vpl (1 lane) Intermittent The head of the queue was found at the signal at the Parkway ramps Merritt Ramps PM_3 Merritt Pkwy PM 4 Int. 41 (SR 33 / Willow Rd) Willow Rd WB 41 09 53.5 / 73 22 39.3 4:00-6:00 p.m. 20-40 vpl (1 lane) Intermittent The head of the queue was found at the signal at the Parkway ramps Merritt Ramps PM_4 Merritt Pkwy PM 5 Int. 41 (SR 33 / Willow Rd) Entrance ramp NB 41 09 49.5 / 73 22 54.3 4:00-5:00 p.m. 20-30 vpl (1 lane) Intermittent The head of the queue was found where vehicles waited to merge onto the Parkway Merritt Ramps PM_5 Merritt Pkwy PM 6 Int. 42 (SR 57 / Weston Rd) Weston Rd WB 41 09 46.0 / 73 21 25.6 5:41 p.m. 25-30 vpl (1 lane) One time The head of the queue was found at the signal at the Parkway ramps Merritt Ramps PM_6 One time The head of the queue was found where vehicles waited to merge onto the Parkway (congestion may have been atypical) Merritt Ramps PM_7 Merritt Pkwy PM 7 Int. 52 (SR 8) Entrance ramp NB 41 14 16.3 / 73 09 35.8 4:33 p.m. 70-75 vpl (1 lane) 15 EVENING DENSITY (I-95) I-95 (Between I-287 & US 1/Boston Post Rd) Density Evening (April, 2013) SOUTHBOUND Density 21 2 Density 3 Density 4 Density 5 Density 6 Density 7 Density 8 9 24 4:30-5:00 25 25 26 26 25 29 16 19 5:00-5:30 28 17 27 33 40 29 49 26 41 28 42 33 5:30-6:00 39 57 6:00-6:30 34 46 35 33 55 67 6:30-7:00 32 40 39 32 34 4:00-4:30 13 15 21 33 4:30-5:00 22 22 25 23 5:00-5:30 18 42 Elm St 24 Washington Blvd 28 West Ave 24 E Putnam Ave 22 Indian Field Rd 23 Arch St 24 Delavan Ave 17 I-287 4:00-4:30 21 39 11 39 19 19 49 85 79 64 36 45 34 47 50 94 US 1 (Boston Post Rd) Density Time I-95 18 6:30-7:00 21 19 2 30 3 49 4 16 Density < 31 pcplpm 31-40 41-62 > 62 98 86 5 NORTHBOUND Colors (white) 68 98 6 112 131 98 7 77 76 US 1 (Boston Post Rd) 73 94 Elm StElm St 47 69 78 Washington Blvd 19 49 76 West Ave 23 33 41 E Putnam Ave 6:00-6:30 19 23 Indian Field Rd 20 21 Arch St Arch St 5:30-6:00 Delavan Ave I-287 Time 78 8 9 EVENING DENSITY (I-95) I-95 (Between US 1/Boston Post Rd & SR 476/Sherwood Connector) Density Evening (April, 2013) SOUTHBOUND 6:30-7:00 19 24 24 29 28 24 21 25 23 33 28 21 16 Density 17 18 28 55 72 17 20 22 53 53 32 19 32 26 28 25 21 24 Saugatuck Ave 27 32 15 Density East Ave 26 25 14 Density US 7 25 13 Density 19 39 27 30 26 25 20 20 18 21 29 23 23 22 25 20 27 15 20 19 57 70 75 57 76 33 57 56 51 54 73 73 52 70 55 70 71 77 SR 476 (Sherwood Connector) 6:00-6:30 24 12 Density South Norwalk 5:30-6:00 11 Density US 1 (Boston Post Rd) 5:00-5:30 Density SR 136 (Tokeneke Rd) 4:30-5:00 10 Noroton Ave 4:00-4:30 9 US 1 (Boston Post Rd) Time Density US 1 (Boston Post Rd) Density I-95 89 53 6:30-7:00 9 84 10 888 85 11 100 57 12 92 92 64 13 88 65 26 14 76 33 15 63 77 Saugatuck Ave 102 US 7 US 7 85 94 South Norwalk 107 80 49 63 74 42 16 64 36 17 SR 476 (Sherwood Connector) 49 102 85 East Ave East Ave 6:00-6:30 63 68 70 US 1 (Boston Post Rd) 5:30-6:00 72 84 SR 136 (Tokeneke Rd) 5:00-5:30 US 1 (Boston Post Rd) 4:30-5:00 Noroton Ave 4:00-4:30 US 1 (Boston Post Rd) Time 18 NORTHBOUND Colors (white) Density < 31 pcplpm 31-40 41-62 > 62 17 EVENING DENSITY (I-95) I-95 (Between SR 476 & Connecticut Ave) Density Evening (April, 2013) SOUTHBOUND 6:30-7:00 18 19 16 20 18 19 26 20 16 18 19 25 24 23 18 23 29 22 16 20 24 16 24 18 14 20 17 18 57 53 59 59 60 68 49 57 23 24 22 27 Density 28 29 23 33 20 26 30 21 21 21 24 29 28 24 30 21 21 23 28 19 28 22 27 26 18 15 34 18 19 19 21 14 22 58 35 34 46 72 18 32 63 44 41 33 72 21 33 Connecticut Ave 23 26 Density Stratford Ave 21 25 Density SR 8 / SR 25 18 24 Density Wordin Ave 21 23 Density Fairfield Ave 22 Density US 1 (Kings Hwy) 6:00-6:30 21 Density Meadowbrook Rd 5:30-6:00 20 Density Mill Plan Rd 5:00-5:30 Density Bronson Rd 4:30-5:00 19 US 1 (Post Rd) 4:00-4:30 18 SR 476 (Sherwood Connector) Time Density SR 135 (Benson Rd) Density I-95 6:30-7:00 18 51 40 29 19 47 28 20 38 21 43 40 22 18 43 38 23 NORTHBOUND Colors (white) Density < 31 pcplpm 31-40 41-62 > 62 26 33 20 24 31 46 65 20 25 34 16 22 47 26 24 Stratford Ave 35 26 SR 8 / SR 25 35 44 Wordin Ave 57 56 Fairfield Ave 58 74 31 26 16 27 42 Connecticut Ave 48 57 65 US 1 (Kings Hwy) 51 61 71 Meadowbrook Rd 6:00-6:30 60 64 SR 135 (Benson Rd) 5:30-6:00 58 Mill Plan Rd 5:00-5:30 Bronson Rd 4:30-5:00 US 1 (Post Rd) 4:00-4:30 SR 476 (Sherwood Connector) Time 29 28 29 EVENING DENSITY (I-95) I-95 (Between Connecticut Ave & Milford Pkwy) Density Evening (April, 2013) SOUTHBOUND 5:30-6:00 23 18 16 18 29 18 24 20 24 21 24 20 22 22 22 26 25 17 17 28 26 17 10 16 16 17 4:00-4:30 29 27 28 4:30-5:00 27 30 30 6:00-6:30 6:30-7:00 22 34 35 Density 36 38 21 19 24 19 26 28 25 17 24 24 27 23 22 14 16 16 14 16 18 30 20 12 17 21 31 22 23 28 21 Milford Pkwy 5:00-5:30 33 Density Plains Rd 18 Density Schoolhouse Rd 4:30-5:00 32 Density Ferry Blvd 21 Connecticut Ave 4:00-4:30 31 Density US 1 (Bridgeport Ave) 30 Density Broad St 29 SR 113 (Hollister Ave) Time Density Honeyspot Rd Density I-95 18 6:30-7:00 29 27 30 21 31 30 18 32 16 20 33 22 23 21 19 34 46 15 35 43 27 Milford Pkwy 15 Schoolhouse Rd 18 33 PlainsPlains Rd Rd 16 26 25 US 1 (Bridgeport Ave) 21 22 32 Ferry Ferry Blvd Blvd 29 29 35 BroadBroad St St 6:00-6:30 26 33 Honeyspot Rd 5:30-6:00 39 SR 113 (Hollister Ave) 5:00-5:30 Connecticut Ave Time 15 21 36 38 NORTHBOUND Colors (white) Density < 31 pcplpm 31-40 41-62 > 62 19 EVENING DENSITY (I-95) I-95 (Between Milford Pkwy & SR 34) Density Evening (April, 2013) SOUTHBOUND 5:00-5:30 5:30-6:00 29 26 6:00-6:30 17 6:30-7:00 23 43 45 30 29 22 32 38 24 29 27 34 42 23 21 23 25 27 24 36 27 Density 41 35 23 21 23 25 29 16 19 18 23 23 47 35 51 61 SR 34 29 42 Density 1st Ave 4:30-5:00 41 Density Sawmill Rd 24 Milford Pkwy 4:00-4:30 40 Density SR 10 (Ella T Grasso Blvd) 39 Density Marsh Hill Rd 38 US 1 (Boston Post Rd) Time Density Woodmont Rd Density 62 32 22 I-95 I-95 33 6:00-6:30 17 6:30-7:00 38 23 27 62 78 84 17 24 22 19 20 14 39 23 31 23 18 40 58 23 42 NORTHBOUND Colors (white) 20 68 21 23 41 80 Density < 31 pcplpm 31-40 41-62 > 62 81 69 19 16 43 35 40 39 43 SR 34 24 83 SR 10 (Ella T Grasso Blvd) 5:30-6:00 33 71 1st Ave 1st Ave 5:00-5:30 44 Sawmill Rd 31 66 Marsh Hill Rd 4:30-5:00 34 Woodmont Rd 27 Milford Pkwy 4:00-4:30 US 1 (Boston Post Rd) Time 30 23 45 47 EVENING LEVEL-OF-SERVICE (I-95) I-95 (Between I-287 & US 1/Boston Post Rd) Level-of-Service Evening (April, 2013) SOUTHBOUND Time LOS 21 2 LOS LOS 3 4 LOS 5 LOS 6 LOS 7 LOS 8 9 C 4:30-5:00 C C C C C D B C 5:00-5:30 D B D D E D F C E D E D 5:30-6:00 E F 6:00-6:30 D F D D F F 6:30-7:00 D E E D D 4:00-4:30 B B C D 4:30-5:00 C C C C 5:00-5:30 B E Elm St C Washington Blvd D West Ave C E Putnam Ave C Indian Field Rd C Arch St C Delavan Ave B I-287 4:00-4:30 C E A E C C F F F F E E D F F F US 1 (Boston Post Rd) LOS I-95 6:30-7:00 B C 2 F F F F F F D F F F 3 4 5 6 F F F 7 F F US 1 (Boston Post Rd) C F F Elm StElm St C D F Washington Blvd 6:00-6:30 21 C E West Ave C C E Putnam Ave 5:30-6:00 Indian Field Rd C Arch St Arch St Delavan Ave I-287 Time F 8 9 NORTHBOUND Colors (white) LOS A/B/C/D D/E E/F F Density < 31 pcplpm 31-40 41-62 > 62 21 EVENING LEVEL-OF-SERVICE (I-95) I-95 (Between US 1/Boston Post Rd & SR 476/Sherwood Connector) Level-of-Service Evening (April, 2013) SOUTHBOUND 6:00-6:30 6:30-7:00 D C C C C D D C 15 LOS 16 LOS 17 D F F B C C F F D C D C D C C C Saugatuck Ave C C D D 14 LOS East Ave D C 13 LOS US 7 C 12 LOS South Norwalk C LOS US 1 (Boston Post Rd) 5:30-6:00 11 C C LOS SR 136 (Tokeneke Rd) 5:00-5:30 10 Noroton Ave 4:30-5:00 US 1 (Boston Post Rd) 4:00-4:30 9 LOS US 1 (Boston Post Rd) LOS Time C E D D C C C C B C D C C C C C D B C C F F F F F D F F F F F F F F F F F F I-95 F F F 6:30-7:00 9 F 10 F F 11 F F 12 F F F F 13 22 LOS A/B/C/D D/E E/F F Density < 31 pcplpm 31-40 41-62 > 62 F F C 14 NORTHBOUND Colors (white) F D 15 F F Saugatuck Ave F F US 7 US 7 F F South Norwalk F F East Ave East Ave 6:00-6:30 F F F US 1 (Boston Post Rd) 5:30-6:00 F F SR 136 (Tokeneke Rd) 5:00-5:30 US 1 (Boston Post Rd) 4:30-5:00 Noroton Ave 4:00-4:30 US 1 (Boston Post Rd) Time F F F E 16 F E 17 EVENING LEVEL-OF-SERVICE (I-95) I-95 (Between SR 476/Sherwood Connector & Connecticut Ave) Level-of-Service Evening (April, 2013) SOUTHBOUND 6:30-7:00 B C B C B C C C B B C C C C B C D C B C C B C B B C B B F F F F F F F F C C C 27 LOS 28 29 C D C C D C C C C D D C D C C C D C D C D C B B D B C C C B C F D D F F B D F E E D F C D Connecticut Ave C 26 LOS Stratford Ave C 25 LOS SR 8 / SR 25 B 24 LOS Wordin Ave C 23 LOS Fairfield Ave 22 LOS US 1 (Kings Hwy) 21 LOS Meadowbrook Rd 6:00-6:30 20 LOS Mill Plan Rd 5:30-6:00 LOS Bronson Rd 5:00-5:30 19 US 1 (Post Rd) 4:30-5:00 SR 476 (Sherwood Connector) 4:00-4:30 18 LOS SR 135 (Benson Rd) LOS Time I-95 6:30-7:00 18 F E D 19 F D 20 E 21 E E 22 E E 23 C D C 24 D F F C 25 D B C F 26 C Stratford Ave D C SR 8 / SR 25 D E Wordin Ave F F Fairfield Ave F F D C B 27 E Connecticut Ave F F F US 1 (Kings Hwy) F F F Meadowbrook Rd 6:00-6:30 F F SR 135 (Benson Rd) 5:30-6:00 F Mill Plan Rd 5:00-5:30 Bronson Rd 4:30-5:00 US 1 (Post Rd) 4:00-4:30 SR 476 (Sherwood Connector) Time D 28 29 NORTHBOUND Colors (white) LOS A/B/C/D D/E E/F F Density < 31 pcplpm 31-40 41-62 > 62 23 EVENING LEVEL-OF-SERVICE (I-95) I-95 (Between Connecticut Ave & Milford Pkwy) Level-of-Service Evening (April, 2013) SOUTHBOUND 5:30-6:00 C B B D B C C C C C C C C C C C B B D C B A B B B 4:00-4:30 D D D 4:30-5:00 D D D 6:00-6:30 6:30-7:00 C B 35 LOS 36 38 C C C C C D C B C C D C C B B B B B B D C B B C D C C D C Milford Pkwy 5:00-5:30 34 LOS Plains Rd B 33 LOS Schoolhouse Rd 4:30-5:00 32 LOS Ferry Blvd C Connecticut Ave 4:00-4:30 31 LOS US 1 (Bridgeport Ave) 30 LOS Broad St 29 SR 113 (Hollister Ave) Time LOS Honeyspot Rd LOS I-95 B 6:30-7:00 29 30 B D C 31 D B 32 B C 33 34 NORTHBOUND Colors (white) 24 LOS A/B/C/D D/E E/F F Density < 31 pcplpm 31-40 41-62 > 62 F C C C C B 35 E D Milford Pkwy B Schoolhouse Rd B D PlainsPlains Rd Rd C C C US 1 (Bridgeport Ave) C D Ferry Ferry Blvd Blvd D D D BroadBroad St St 6:00-6:30 C D Honeyspot Rd 5:30-6:00 E SR 113 (Hollister Ave) 5:00-5:30 Connecticut Ave Time B C 36 38 EVENING LEVEL-OF-SERVICE (I-95) I-95 (Between Milford Pkwy & SR 34) Level-of-Service Evening (April, 2013) SOUTHBOUND 5:30-6:00 D C 6:00-6:30 B 6:30-7:00 C 43 45 D D C D E C D D D E C C C C D C E D LOS E D C C C C D B C B C C 47 D F F SR 34 5:00-5:30 42 LOS 1st Ave D 41 LOS Sawmill Rd 4:30-5:00 40 LOS Marsh Hill Rd C Milford Pkwy 4:00-4:30 LOS SR 10 (Ella T Grasso Blvd) 39 US 1 (Boston Post Rd) 38 LOS Woodmont Rd LOS Time F D C I-95 I-95 D 6:00-6:30 B 6:30-7:00 38 C D F F F B C C C C B 39 C D C B 40 F F C C 41 F C 42 F F C B 43 D E E E SR 34 C F SR 10 (Ella T Grasso Blvd) 5:30-6:00 D F 1st Ave 1st Ave 5:00-5:30 E Sawmill Rd D F Marsh Hill Rd 4:30-5:00 D Woodmont Rd D Milford Pkwy 4:00-4:30 US 1 (Boston Post Rd) Time D C 45 47 NORTHBOUND Colors (white) LOS A/B/C/D D/E E/F F Density < 31 pcplpm 31-40 41-62 > 62 25 MAINLINE BOTTLENECKS (I-95 EVENING) Bottleneck Queue # Direction Type Head of Queue (Lat/Long) Head of Queue Location Tail of Queue Location Time Period Queue Length Contributing factors to congestion Photos 1 NB Mainline 41 03 09 / 73 31 48 Int. 8 (Elm St) Int. 3 (Arch St) 4:00-7:00 p.m. 4-6 miles Traffic entering at the series of interchanges along this section of I-95 I-95_PM_1 2 NB Mainline 41 06 29 / 73 24 29 Int. 16 (East Ave) Int. 8 (Elm St) 4:00-7:00 p.m. 7-8 miles Traffic entering at the series of interchanges along this section of I-95. The lane drop (3 lanes to 2) at East Ave. I-95_PM_2 3 NB Mainline 41 08 31 / 73 16 31 Int. 20 (Bronson Rd) Int. 16 (East Ave) 4:00-6:30 p.m. 6-8 miles Traffic entering at the series of interchanges along this section of I-95 I-95_PM_3 4 NB Mainline 41 10 02 / 73 13 46 Int. 24 (Chambers St) Int. 20 (Bronson Rd) 4:00-6:30 p.m. 2-3 miles Traffic entering at the series of interchanges along this section of I-95 I-95_PM_4 5 NB Mainline 41 10 15 / 73 11 34 Int. 27 (SR 8) Int. 24 (Chambers St) 4:00-7:00 p.m. 1-2 miles The lane drop ( 4 lanes to 3) at SR 8. Traffic intermittently exiting at SR 8 (backing into the right lane of I-95). I-95_PM_5 6 NB Mainline 41 17 03 / 72 55 59 Int. 45 (SR 10 / Ella T Grasso Blvd) Int. 41 (Marsh Hill Rd) 4:00-6:00 p.m. 3-5 miles Traffic entering at the series of interchanges along this section of I-95. Weaving/merging at the closely spaced interchanges at SR 122 and SR 10 I-95_PM_6 7 SB Mainline 41 00 00 / 73 39 13 Int. 2 (Delavan Ave) Int. 4 (Indian Field Rd) 5:30-7:00 p.m. 3-4 miles Weaving/merging at E Putnam Ave and Harvard Ave/West Ave I-95_PM_7 8 SB Mainline 41 02 25 / 73 34 54 Int. 5 (E Putnam Ave) Int. 7 (Washington Blvd) 5:30-7:00 p.m. 2-3 miles Traffic entering at US 7 I-95_PM_8 9 SB Mainline 41 06 05 / 73 26 08 Int. 14 (South Norwalk) Int. 16 (East Ave) 4:00-5:00 p.m. 1-1.5 miles Traffic entering at Field Point Rd and Arch St I-95_PM_9 10 SB Mainline 41 17 02 / 72 56 17 Int. 43 (1st Ave) Int. 45 (SR 34) 4:30-6:00 p.m. 2-2.5 miles Lane drop (4 lanes to 3) at SR 10 and merging weaving at SR 10 and SR 122 I-95_PM_10 26 RAMP AND SIDE ROAD QUEUES (I-95 EVENING) Highway AM / PM Queue # Interchange Ramp / Side Road Direction Head of Queue (Lat/Long) Time Queue Population (vehicles per lane) Frequency Notes I-95 AM 1 Int. 3 (Arch St) Exit ramp SB 41 01 12.6 / 73 37 35.4 8:00-9:00 a.m. 20-30 vpl (2 lanes) Intermittent The head of the queue was found at the signal at the head of the ramp (2 dedicated right-turn lanes) I-95 Ramps AM_1 I-95 AM 2 Int. 15 (US 7) Entrance ramp SB 41 06 22.3 / 73 25 27.3 7:00-9:00 a.m. 50-80 vpl (1 lane) Intermittent The head of the queue was found where vehicles waited to merge onto the Parkway I-95 Ramps AM_2 I-95 AM 3 Int. 27 (SR 8 / SR 25) Entrance ramp SB 41 10 14.2 / 73 11 39.9 7:00-9:00 a.m. 30-50 vpl (1 lane) Intermittent The head of the queue was found where vehicles waited to merge onto I-95 I-95 Ramps AM_3 Timea.m. 8:59 Queue Population (vehicles lane) 90-100 vplper (2 lanes) Frequency One time The head of the queue was found where vehicles waited to merge onto I-95 (possibly atypical congestion) Notes Photos I-95 Ramps AM_4 Photos Highway I-95 Queue # AM / PM 4 Interchange Int. 21 (I-287) Ramp / Side Road Entrance ramp Direction NB Head of Queue (Lat/Long) 40 59 26.4 / 73 39 47.9 I-95 I-95 AM PM 1 1 Int. 3 (Arch St) Int. 27 (SR 8 / SR 25) Exit ramp Exit ramp SB NB 41 01 12.6 / 73 37 35.4 41 10 16.4 / 73 11 29.4 8:00-9:00 a.m. 4:15-6:45 p.m. 20-30 vpl (2 lanes) 40-60 vpl (1 lane) Intermittent Intermittent The head of the queue was found at the signal at the head of the ramp (2 dedicated right-turn lanes) I-95 Ramps AM_1 Congestion apperared to be caused by the geometrics of the ramp I-95 Ramps PM-1 I-95 I-95 AM PM 2 2 Int. 15 (US 7) Int. 6 (West Ave) Entrance ramp Entrance ramp SB NB 41 06 22.3 / 73 25 27.3 41 02 39.0 / 73 33 13.9 7:00-9:00 a.m. 5:00-6:00 p.m. 50-80 vpl (1 lane) 20-25 vpl (1 lane) Intermittent Intermittent The head of the queue was found where vehicles waited to merge onto the Parkway The head of the queue was found where vehicles waited to merge onto I-95 I-95 Ramps AM_2 I-95 Ramps PM-2 I-95 I-95 AM PM 3 3 Int. 27 (SR 8 / SR 25) Int. 7 (Atlantic St) Entrance ramp Entrance ramp SB SB 41 10 14.2 / 73 11 39.9 41 02 49.8 / 73 32 37.4 7:00-9:00 a.m. 5:31 p.m. 30-50 vpl (1 lane) 20-25 vpl (1 lane) Intermittent One time I-95 Ramps AM_3 I-95 Ramps PM-3 I-95 I-95 AM PM 4 4 Int. 21 (I-287) Int. 14 (South Norwalk) Entrance ramp Entrance ramp NB NB 40 59 26.4 / 73 39 47.9 41 06 11.5 / 73 25 53.3 8:59 a.m. 5:00-6:00 p.m. 90-100 vpl (2 lanes) 25-30 vpl (1 lane) One time Intermittent The head of the queue was found where vehicles waited to merge onto I-95 The head of the queue was found where vehicles waited to merge onto I-95 The head of the queue was found where vehicles waited to merge onto I-95 (possibly atypical congestion) The head of the queue was found where vehicles waited to merge onto I-95 I-95 Ramps AM_4 I-95 Ramps PM-4 I-95 PM 1 5 27 (SR 25)Hwy) Int. 24 (US 8 1 //SR Kings Exit ramp NB 10 52.3 16.4 / 73 14 11 09.6 29.4 41 09 4:15-6:45 p.m. 5:00-7:00 40-60 vpl (2 (1 lanes) lane) 25-30 Intermittent Congestion befound caused geometrics of the The head ofapperared the queue to was at by thethe signal at the head of ramp the ramp PM-1 I-95 Ramps PM-5 I-95 PM 2 6 Int. 6 Ave) 15(West (US 7) Entrance ramp NB 41 02 06 39.0 23.3 / 73 33 25 13.9 05.8 5:00-6:00 5:30-6:30 p.m. 20-25 30-60 vpl (1 lane) Intermittent The head of the queue was found where vehicles waited to merge onto I-95 I-95 Ramps PM-2 PM-6 I-95 Merritt Pkwy PM AM 3 1 Int. 7 (Atlantic St) Int. 35 (SR 137 / High Ridge Rd) Entrance ramp Exit ramp SB SB 41 02 49.8 / 73 32 37.4 41 06 45.2 / 73 32 47.2 5:31 p.m. 8:45 a.m. 20-25 vpl (1 lane) 30-35 vpl (2 lanes) One time One time The head of the queue was found where vehicles waited to merge onto I-95 The head of the queue was found at the signal at High Ridge Rd I-95 Ramps PM-3 Merritt Ramps AM_1 I-95 Merritt Pkwy PM AM 4 2 Int. 14 (South Norwalk) Int. 35 (SR 137 / High Ridge Rd) Entrance ramp High Ridge Rd NB WB 41 06 11.5 / 73 25 53.3 41 06 45.0 / 73 32 46.6 5:00-6:00 p.m. 8:00-8:30 a.m. 25-30 vpl (1 lane) 50-60 vpl (2 lanes) Intermittent Intermittent The head of the queue was found where vehicles waited to merge onto I-95 During one observation, congestion extended back through several upstream signals I-95 Ramps PM-4 Merritt Ramps AM_2 I-95 Merritt Pkwy PM AM 5 3 Int. 24 (US 1 / Kings Hwy) Int. 34 (SR 104 / Long Ridge Rd) Exit ramp Entrance ramp NB SB 41 09 52.3 / 73 14 09.6 41 06 12.4 / 73 33 55.6 5:00-7:00 p.m. 7:45-8:15 a.m. 25-30 vpl (2 lanes) 20-25 vpl (1 lane) Intermittent Intermittent The head of the queue was found at the signal at the head of the ramp The head of the queue was found where vehicles waited to merge onto the Parkway I-95 Ramps PM-5 Merritt Ramps AM_3 I-95 Merritt Pkwy PM AM 6 4 Int. 15 (US 7) Int. 36 (Old Stamford Rd) Entrance ramp Old Stamford Rd NB WB 41 06 23.3 / 73 25 05.8 41 07 07.3 / 73 29 56.1 5:30-6:30 p.m. 7:30-8:30 a.m. 30-60 vpl (1 lane) 50-60 vpl (1 lane) Intermittent Intermittent The head of the queue was found where vehicles waited to merge onto I-95 The head of the queue was found west of the Parkway interchange at the signal at Jelliff Mill Rd I-95 Ramps PM-6 Merritt Ramps AM_4 Merritt Pkwy AM 1 5 Int. 35 137 / High Ridge Rd) 44 (SR (Black Rock Turnpike) Exit ramp ramp Entrance SB 41 06 12 45.2 04.2 / 73 32 16 47.2 18.9 8:45 a.m. a.m. 7:00-8:00 30-35 50-100vpl vpl(2(1lanes) lane) One time Intermittent The head of the queue was found where vehicles waited to merge onto the Parkway; congestion The head back of thethrough queue was found at at Black the signal High Ridge Rd extended the signal RockatPkwy Merritt Ramps AM_1 AM_5 Merritt Pkwy AM 2 6 Int. 35 137 / High Ridge Rd) 44 (SR (Black Rock Turnpike) High BlackRidge Rock Rd Tnpk WB 41 06 12 45.0 08.2 / 73 32 16 46.6 08.7 8:00-8:30 7:30-8:30 a.m. 50-60 25-30 vpl (2 (1 lanes) lane) Intermittent During oneofobservation, congestion through several upstream signals The head the queue was found atextended the signalback at the northbound ramp Merritt Ramps AM_2 AM_6 Merritt Pkwy AM 3 7 Int. 34 104Parkway) / Long Ridge Rd) 54 (SR (Milford Entrance ramp SB 41 06 14 12.4 56.0 / 73 33 04 55.6 48.2 7:45-8:15 7:30-8:00 a.m. 20-25 50-70 vpl (1 lane) Intermittent The head ofapperared the queue to was where vehicles waited merge Congestion befound caused by the geometrics of to the ramp onto the Parkway Merritt Ramps AM_3 AM_7 Merritt Pkwy Merritt Pkwy AM PM 4 1 Int. 36 (Old Stamford Rd) Int. 35 (SR 137 / High Ridge Rd) Old Stamford Rd Entrance ramp WB NB 41 07 07.3 / 73 29 56.1 41 06 50.0 / 73 32 28.5 7:30-8:30 a.m. 5:00-6:00 p.m. 50-60 vpl (1 lane) 20-30 vpl (1 lane) Intermittent Intermittent Merritt Ramps AM_4 Merritt Ramps PM_1 Merritt Pkwy Merritt Pkwy AM PM 5 2 Int. 44 (Black Rock Turnpike) Int. 36 (SR 106 / Old Stamford Rd) Entrance ramp Old Stamford Rd SB WB 41 12 04.2 / 73 16 18.9 41 07 00.2 / 73 29 58.1 7:00-8:00 a.m. 5:00-6:00 p.m. 50-100 vpl (1 lane) 30-50 vpl (1 lane) Intermittent Intermittent The head of the queue was found west of the Parkway interchange at the signal at Jelliff Mill Rd The head of the queue was found where vehicles waited to merge onto the Parkway The head of the queue was found where vehicles waited to merge onto the Parkway; congestion extended back through the signal at Black Rock Pkwy The head of the queue was found at the Parkway ramps (no signal) Merritt Ramps AM_5 Merritt Ramps PM_2 Merritt Pkwy Merritt Pkwy AM PM 6 3 Int. 44 (Black Rock Turnpike) Int. 38 (SR 123 / New Canaan Ave) Black Rock Tnpk New Canaan Ave WB EB 41 12 08.2 / 73 16 08.7 41 08 02.6 / 73 27 31.9 7:30-8:30 a.m. 5:00-6:00 p.m. 25-30 vpl (1 lane) 20-30 vpl (1 lane) Intermittent Intermittent The head of the queue was found at the signal at the northbound ramp The head of the queue was found at the signal at the Parkway ramps Merritt Ramps AM_6 Merritt Ramps PM_3 Merritt Pkwy Merritt Pkwy AM PM 7 4 Int. 54 (Milford Parkway) Int. 41 (SR 33 / Willow Rd) Entrance ramp Willow Rd SB WB 41 14 56.0 / 73 04 48.2 41 09 53.5 / 73 22 39.3 7:30-8:00 a.m. 4:00-6:00 p.m. 50-70 vpl (1 lane) 20-40 vpl (1 lane) Intermittent Intermittent Congestion apperared to be caused by the geometrics of the ramp The head of the queue was found at the signal at the Parkway ramps Merritt Ramps AM_7 Merritt Ramps PM_4 Merritt Pkwy PM 1 5 Int. 35 High Ridge 41 (SR 137 33 / /Willow Rd) Rd) Entrance ramp NB 41 06 09 50.0 49.5 / 73 32 22 28.5 54.3 5:00-6:00 4:00-5:00 p.m. 20-30 vpl (1 lane) Intermittent The head of the queue was found where vehicles waited to merge onto the Parkway Merritt Ramps PM_1 PM_5 Merritt Pkwy PM 2 6 Int. 36 Old Stamford 42 (SR 106 57 / /Weston Rd) Rd) Old Stamford Weston Rd Rd WB 41 07 09 00.2 46.0 / 73 29 21 58.1 25.6 5:00-6:00 5:41 p.m. p.m. 30-50 25-30 vpl (1 lane) Intermittent One time The head of the queue was found at the Parkway ramps (no signal) signal at the Parkway ramps Merritt Ramps PM_2 PM_6 Merritt Ramps PM_3 PM_7 Merritt Pkwy PM 3 7 Int. 38 52 (SR 123 8) / New Canaan Ave) New Canaan Ave Entrance ramp EB NB 41 08 14 02.6 16.3 / 73 27 09 31.9 35.8 5:00-6:00 4:33 p.m. p.m. 20-30 70-75 vpl (1 lane) Intermittent One time The head of the queue was found where vehicles waited to merge onto the Parkway (congestion The the atypical) queue was found at the signal at the Parkway ramps may head have of been Merritt Pkwy PM 4 Int. 41 (SR 33 / Willow Rd) Willow Rd WB 41 09 53.5 / 73 22 39.3 4:00-6:00 p.m. 20-40 vpl (1 lane) Intermittent The head of the queue was found at the signal at the Parkway ramps Merritt Ramps PM_4 Merritt Pkwy PM 5 Int. 41 (SR 33 / Willow Rd) Entrance ramp NB 41 09 49.5 / 73 22 54.3 4:00-5:00 p.m. 20-30 vpl (1 lane) Intermittent The head of the queue was found where vehicles waited to merge onto the Parkway Merritt Ramps PM_5 Merritt Pkwy PM 6 Int. 42 (SR 57 / Weston Rd) Weston Rd WB 41 09 46.0 / 73 21 25.6 5:41 p.m. 25-30 vpl (1 lane) One time The head of the queue was found at the signal at the Parkway ramps Merritt Ramps PM_6 One time The head of the queue was found where vehicles waited to merge onto the Parkway (congestion may have been atypical) Merritt Ramps PM_7 Merritt Pkwy PM 7 Int. 52 (SR 8) Entrance ramp NB 41 14 16.3 / 73 09 35.8 4:33 p.m. 70-75 vpl (1 lane) 27 Part II: MERRITT PARKWAY 29 MORNING DENSITY (MERRITT PKWY) Merritt Parkway (SR 15) (Between I-287 & North St) Density Morning (April, 2013) SOUTHBOUND 28 29 30 / 27 10 7:00-7:30 14 16 17 11 7:30-8:00 15 8:00-8:30 23 27 30 21 N Ridge Rd 10 Lincoln Ave 9 Purchase St 8 I-287 6:30-7:00 27 Density 23 16 8:30-9:00 16 27 25 17 9:00-9:30 7 10 14 6:30-7:00 11 7 7:00-7:30 15 13 7:30-8:00 29 Density 28 Density 29 31 13 14 19 15 24 23 18 18 25 16 30 24 18 23 25 15 15 17 19 8 8 8 9 9 17 14 12 11 13 North St 27 Density Old Mill Rd 26 Density Round Hil Rd Time Density SR 120A (King St) Density MERRITT PKWY 15 13 9:00-9:30 26 14 13 27 15 29 15 13 Colors (white) 30 Density < 31 pcplpm 31-40 41-62 > 62 19 19 23 15 28 NORTHBOUND 17 17 11 30 / 27 13 North St 16 Old Mill Rd 18 19 12 28 17 Round Hil Rd 21 N Ridge Rd 17 16 SR 120A (King St) 21 8:30-9:00 14 Lincoln Ave 19 Purchase St 8:00-8:30 I-287 Time 14 29 31 MORNING DENSITY (MERRITT PKWY) Merritt Parkway (SR 15) (Between North St & SR 124/South Ave) Density Morning (April, 2013) SOUTHBOUND 34 24 7:00-7:30 23 24 7:30-8:00 8:00-8:30 30 28 Den Rd 18 North St 6:30-7:00 28 26 35 19 20 28 25 27 Density 36 30 32 33 34 36 37 31 27 34 35 8:30-9:00 24 31 31 9:00-9:30 23 22 17 27 29 6:30-7:00 6 6 11 9 10 7:00-7:30 11 12 SR 124 (South Ave) 33 Density SR 106 (Stamford Rd) 31 Density SR 137 (High Bridge Rd) Time Density SR 104 (Long Ridge Rd) Density MERRITT PKWY 12 9:00-9:30 31 12 33 17 20 17 34 9 19 19 16 35 23 19 18 31 SR 124 (South Ave) 22 20 14 SR 106 (Stamford Rd) 16 8:30-9:00 10 12 SR 137 (High Bridge Rd) 20 11 SR 104 (Long Ridge Rd) 8:00-8:30 16 Den Rd 7:30-8:00 North St Time 18 36 37 NORTHBOUND Colors (white) Density < 31 pcplpm 31-40 41-62 > 62 31 MORNING DENSITY (MERRITT PKWY) Merritt Parkway (SR 15) (Between SR 124/South Ave & SR 57/Weston Rd) Density Morning (April, 2013) SOUTHBOUND 8:30-9:00 9:00-9:30 57 53 40 Density 41 30 22 27 49 39 26 72 87 65 35 58 64 59 61 72 81 43 28 21 11 20 55 8 12 8 5 6 14 13 10 25 16 59 36 42 61 78 SR 57 (Weston Rd) 8:00-8:30 SR 124 (South Ave) 7:30-8:00 34 39 Density SR 33 (Wilton Rd) 31 6:30-7:00 7:00-7:30 38 Density Main Ave 37 SR 123 (New Canaan Rd) Time Density US 7 Density MERRITT PKWY 20 19 9:00-9:30 37 15 4 19 16 17 38 10 12 39 5 40 NORTHBOUND Colors (white) 32 13 Density < 31 pcplpm 31-40 41-62 > 62 12 14 11 9 SR 57 (Weston Rd) 8:30-9:00 19 18 SR 33 (Wilton Rd) 8:00-8:30 18 Main Ave 7:30-8:00 11 US 7 7:00-7:30 SR 124 (South Ave) 6:30-7:00 SR 123 (New Canaan Rd) Time 8 41 42 MORNING DENSITY (MERRITT PKWY) Merritt Parkway (SR 15) (Between SR 57/Weston Rd & SR 8) Density Morning (April, 2013) SOUTHBOUND 9:00-9:30 74 94 64 33 19 87 72 35 19 67 39 79 82 91 85 65 61 32 75 78 Density 51 52 27 15 30 8 44 53 31 21 46 SR 8 90 70 81 Density 50 Huntington Pkwy 62 77 Density 49 SR 127 (White Plain Rd) 8:30-9:00 65 77 Density 48 SR 25 8:00-8:30 51 35 Density 47 SR 111 (Main St) 7:30-8:00 SR 57 (Weston Rd) 7:00-7:30 Density 46 Park Ave 39 6:30-7:00 Density 44 SR 58 (Black Rock Tnpk) 42 SR 59 (Easton Tnpk) Density Time 15 56 84 67 30 21 18 23 22 5 6 7 7 10 11 9 8 14 11 13 9 18 14 24 9 MERRITT PKWY 19 9:00-9:30 42 14 10 44 13 20 14 46 13 47 17 22 18 15 48 15 14 49 35 25 30 21 50 21 19 SR 8 15 SR 25 13 19 Huntington Pkwy 13 14 13 SR 127 (White Plain Rd) 8:30-9:00 16 13 SR 111 (Main St) 8:00-8:30 14 10 Park Ave 7:30-8:00 10 SR 59 (Easton Tnpk) 7:00-7:30 SR 57 (Weston Rd) 6:30-7:00 SR 58 (Black Rock Tnpk) Time 17 16 51 52 NORTHBOUND Colors (white) Density < 31 pcplpm 31-40 41-62 > 62 33 MORNING DENSITY (MERRITT PKWY) Merritt Parkway (SR 15) (Between SR 8 & SR 34/Derby Ave) Density Morning (April, 2013) SOUTHBOUND 52 53 Density 54 Density 55 56 14 7:00-7:30 25 20 18 17 7:30-8:00 30 8:00-8:30 20 8:30-9:00 21 9:00-9:30 21 16 20 Wellington Rd 20 Milford Pkwy 13 SR 110 (Main St) 16 SR 8 6:30-7:00 25 Density 21 26 57 15 22 26 21 23 15 21 22 24 21 18 16 13 6:30-7:00 11 7 11 7 6 7:00-7:30 15 9 9 10 7:30-8:00 26 SR 34 (Derby Ave) Time Density SR 121 (Grassy Hill Rd) Density MERRITT PKWY 17 9:00-9:30 52 18 13 53 13 54 19 14 13 11 13 22 20 18 11 55 56 NORTHBOUND Colors (white) 34 SR 34 (Derby Ave) 20 20 SR 121 (Grassy Hill Rd) 29 15 Wolf Harbor Rd 21 8:30-9:00 16 Milford Pkwy 22 SR 110 (Main St) 8:00-8:30 SR 8 Time Density < 31 pcplpm 31-40 41-62 > 62 57 MORNING LEVEL-OF-SERVICE (MERRITT PKWY) Merritt Parkway (SR 15) (Between I-287 & North St) Level-of-Service Morning (April, 2013) SOUTHBOUND 28 29 30 / 27 A 7:00-7:30 B B B A 7:30-8:00 B 8:00-8:30 C D D C N Ridge Rd A Lincoln Ave A Purchase St A I-287 6:30-7:00 D LOS C B 8:30-9:00 B D C B 9:00-9:30 A A B 6:30-7:00 A A 7:00-7:30 B B 7:30-8:00 D LOS 28 LOS 29 31 B B C B C C B B C B D C B C C B B B C A A A A A B B B A B North St 27 LOS Old Mill Rd 26 LOS Round Hil Rd Time LOS SR 120A (King St) LOS MERRITT PKWY B B 9:00-9:30 26 B B 27 B B B 29 B B A 30 / 27 B C C B 28 C North St B Old Mill Rd B C B 28 B Round Hil Rd C N Ridge Rd B B SR 120A (King St) C 8:30-9:00 B Lincoln Ave C Purchase St 8:00-8:30 I-287 Time B 29 31 NORTHBOUND Colors (white) LOS A/B/C/D D/E E/F F Density < 31 pcplpm 31-40 41-62 > 62 35 MORNING LEVEL-OF-SERVICE (MERRITT PKWY) Merritt Parkway (SR 15) (Between North St & SR 124/South Ave) Level-of-Service Morning (April, 2013) 34 C 7:00-7:30 C C 7:30-8:00 8:00-8:30 D D Den Rd B North St 6:30-7:00 D C 35 C C D C D LOS 36 D D D D E 37 D D D D 8:30-9:00 C D D 9:00-9:30 C C B D D 6:30-7:00 A A A A A 7:00-7:30 A B SR 124 (South Ave) 33 LOS SR 106 (Stamford Rd) 31 SOUTHBOUND LOS SR 137 (High Bridge Rd) Time LOS SR 104 (Long Ridge Rd) LOS MERRITT PKWY B 9:00-9:30 31 B 33 B C B 34 A C C B 35 Colors (white) 36 LOS A/B/C/D D/E E/F F Density < 31 pcplpm 31-40 41-62 > 62 C B D B 36 NORTHBOUND C SR 124 (South Ave) C C B SR 106 (Stamford Rd) B 8:30-9:00 A B SR 137 (High Bridge Rd) C A SR 104 (Long Ridge Rd) 8:00-8:30 B Den Rd 7:30-8:00 North St Time 37 MORNING LEVEL-OF-SERVICE (MERRITT PKWY) Merritt Parkway (SR 15) (Between SR 124/South Ave & SR 57/Weston Rd) Level-of-Service Morning (April, 2013) SOUTHBOUND 8:30-9:00 9:00-9:30 F F LOS 40 41 42 D C D D F E C F F F F F F F F E D C A C F A B A A A B B A B C B F E F F F SR 57 (Weston Rd) 8:00-8:30 SR 124 (South Ave) 7:30-8:00 D 39 LOS SR 33 (Wilton Rd) D 6:30-7:00 7:00-7:30 38 LOS Main Ave 37 SR 123 (New Canaan Rd) Time LOS US 7 LOS MERRITT PKWY C C 9:00-9:30 37 B A C B B 38 B A B 39 B A B A A SR 57 (Weston Rd) 8:30-9:00 C SR 33 (Wilton Rd) 8:00-8:30 B Main Ave 7:30-8:00 A US 7 7:00-7:30 SR 124 (South Ave) 6:30-7:00 SR 123 (New Canaan Rd) Time A 40 41 42 SOUTHBOUND Colors (white) LOS A/B/C/D D/E E/F F Density < 31 pcplpm 31-40 41-62 > 62 37 MORNING LEVEL-OF-SERVICE (MERRITT PKWY) Merritt Parkway (SR 15) (Between SR 57/Weston Rd & SR 8) Level-of-Service Morning (April, 2013) SOUTHBOUND 9:00-9:30 F F F 50 F F D C F F D C F E F F F F F F F D F F LOS 51 52 D B D A E F D C F SR 8 F 49 LOS Huntington Pkwy F F 48 LOS SR 127 (White Plain Rd) 8:30-9:00 F D 47 LOS SR 25 8:00-8:30 SR 57 (Weston Rd) 7:30-8:00 F 46 LOS SR 111 (Main St) E 6:30-7:00 7:00-7:30 44 LOS Park Ave 42 SR 58 (Black Rock Tnpk) Time LOS SR 59 (Easton Tnpk) LOS B F F F D C B C C A A A A A A A A B A B A B B C A MERRITT PKWY C 9:00-9:30 42 B A 44 B C B 46 B 47 NORTHBOUND Colors (white) 38 LOS A/B/C/D D/E E/F F Density < 31 pcplpm 31-40 41-62 > 62 B C B B 48 B B 49 D C D C 50 C C SR 8 B SR 25 B C Huntington Pkwy B B B SR 127 (White Plain Rd) 8:30-9:00 B B SR 111 (Main St) 8:00-8:30 B A Park Ave 7:30-8:00 A SR 59 (Easton Tnpk) 7:00-7:30 SR 57 (Weston Rd) 6:30-7:00 SR 58 (Black Rock Tnpk) Time B B 51 52 MORNING LEVEL-OF-SERVICE (MERRITT PKWY) Merritt Parkway (SR 15) (Between SR 8 & SR 34/Derby Ave) Level-of-Service Morning (April, 2013) SOUTHBOUND 52 53 LOS 54 LOS 55 56 B 7:00-7:30 C C B B 7:30-8:00 D 8:00-8:30 C 8:30-9:00 C 9:00-9:30 C B C Wellington Rd C Milford Pkwy B SR 110 (Main St) B SR 8 6:30-7:00 C LOS C C 57 B C C C C B C C C C B B B 6:30-7:00 A A A A A 7:00-7:30 B A A A 7:30-8:00 C SR 34 (Derby Ave) Time LOS SR 121 (Grassy Hill Rd) LOS MERRITT PKWY B 9:00-9:30 52 B B 53 B B B 54 A 55 B C C B SR 34 (Derby Ave) C C C SR 121 (Grassy Hill Rd) D B Wolf Harbor Rd C 8:30-9:00 B Milford Pkwy C SR 110 (Main St) 8:00-8:30 SR 8 Time A 56 57 NORTHBOUND Colors (white) LOS A/B/C/D D/E E/F F Density < 31 pcplpm 31-40 41-62 > 62 39 MAINLINE BOTTLENECKS (MERRITT PKWY MORNING) Bottleneck # Queue Direction Type Head of Queue (Lat/Long) Head of Queue Location Tail of Queue Location Time Period Queue Length Contributing factors to congestion 1 SB Mainline 41 09 49 / 73 22 56 Int. 41 (SR 33 / Wilton Rd) Int. 52 (SR 8) 7:00-9:30 a.m. 10-13 miles Weaving/merging at the series of interchanges along this section of Merritt Pkwy Merritt_AM_1 2 SB Mainline 41 07 02 / 73 30 03 Int. 36 (SR 106 / Old Stamford Rd) Int. 41 (SR 33 / Wilton Rd) 7:30-9:00 a.m. 4-7 miles Weaving/merging at the series of interchanges along this section of Merritt Pkwy Merritt_AM_2 40 Photos I-95 PM 1 Int. 27 (SR 8 / SR 25) Exit ramp NB 41 10 16.4 / 73 11 29.4 4:15-6:45 p.m. 40-60 vpl (1 lane) Intermittent Congestion apperared to be caused by the geometrics of the ramp I-95 Ramps PM-1 I-95 PM 2 Int. 6 (West Ave) Entrance ramp NB 41 02 39.0 / 73 33 13.9 5:00-6:00 p.m. 20-25 vpl (1 lane) Intermittent The head of the queue was found where vehicles waited to merge onto I-95 I-95 Ramps PM-2 I-95 PM 3 Int. 7 (Atlantic St) Entrance ramp SB 41 02 49.8 / 73 32 37.4 5:31 p.m. 20-25 vpl (1 lane) One time The head of the queue was found where vehicles waited to merge onto I-95 I-95 Ramps PM-3 I-95 PM 4 Int. 14 (South Norwalk) Entrance ramp NB 41 06 11.5 / 73 25 53.3 5:00-6:00 p.m. 25-30 vpl (1 lane) Intermittent The head of the queue was found where vehicles waited to merge onto I-95 I-95 Ramps PM-4 I-95 PM 5 Int. 24 (US 1 / Kings Hwy) Exit ramp NB 41 09 52.3 / 73 14 09.6 5:00-7:00 p.m. 25-30 vpl (2 lanes) Intermittent The head of the queue was found at the signal at the head of the ramp I-95 Ramps PM-5 I-95 Highway PM 6 AM / PM Queue # Int. 15 (US 7) Interchange Entrance ramp Ramp / Side Road NB Direction 41 06 of 23.3 / 73 25 05.8 Head Queue (Lat/Long) 5:30-6:30 p.m. Time 30-60 (1 lane) Queuevpl Population (vehicles per lane) Intermittent Frequency The head of the queue was found where vehicles waited to merge onto I-95 Notes I-95 Ramps PM-6 Photos Merritt Pkwy I-95 AM AM 1 1 Int. 3 35(Arch (SR 137 Int. St) / High Ridge Rd) Exit ramp ramp Exit SB SB 41 01 06 12.6 45.2 // 73 41 73 32 37 47.2 35.4 8:45 a.m. a.m. 8:00-9:00 30-35 vpl vpl (2 (2 lanes) lanes) 20-30 One time Intermittent The head head of of the the queue queue was was found found at at the the signal signal at at the Highhead Ridge Merritt Ramps AM_1 The of Rd the ramp (2 dedicated right-turn lanes) I-95 Ramps AM_1 Merritt Pkwy I-95 AM AM 2 2 Int. 15 35 (US (SR 7) 137 / High Ridge Rd) Int. High Ridge Rd Entrance ramp WB SB 41 06 06 22.3 45.0 // 73 73 25 32 27.3 46.6 41 8:00-8:30 a.m. a.m. 7:00-9:00 50-60 vpl vpl (1 (2 lane) lanes) 50-80 Intermittent Intermittent During oneofobservation, congestion extended backwaited through severalonto upstream signals The head the queue was found where vehicles to merge the Parkway Merritt Ramps AM_2 I-95 Ramps AM_2 Merritt Pkwy I-95 AM AM 3 3 Int. 27 34 (SR (SR 8 104 / Long Int. / SR 25) Ridge Rd) Entrance ramp ramp Entrance SB SB 41 10 06 14.2 12.4 // 73 73 11 33 39.9 55.6 41 7:45-8:15 a.m. a.m. 7:00-9:00 20-25 vpl vpl (1 (1 lane) lane) 30-50 Intermittent Intermittent The head head of of the the queue queue was was found found where where vehicles vehicles waited waited to to merge merge onto onto I-95 the Parkway The Merritt Ramps AM_3 I-95 Ramps AM_3 Intermittent One time The head of the queue was found where vehicles waited to merge onto I-95 (possibly atypical The head of the queue was found west of the Parkway interchange at the signal at Jelliff Mill Rd congestion) Merritt Ramps AM_4 I-95 Ramps AM_4 Merritt Ramps AM_5 I-95 Ramps PM-1 Merritt Pkwy I-95 AM AM 4 4 Int. 21 36 (I-287) (Old Stamford Rd) Int. RAMP AND SIDE ROAD QUEUES (MERRITT PKWY MORNING) Old Stamford Entrance rampRd WB NB 41 59 07 26.4 07.3 // 73 73 39 29 47.9 56.1 40 7:30-8:30 8:59 a.m. a.m. 50-60 vpl 90-100 vpl(1(2lane) lanes) Merritt Pkwy I-95 AM PM 5 1 Int. 44 (Black Rock Turnpike) Int. 27 (SR 8 / SR 25) Entrance ramp Exit ramp SB NB 41 12 04.2 / 73 16 18.9 41 10 16.4 / 73 11 29.4 7:00-8:00 a.m. 4:15-6:45 p.m. 50-100 vpl (1 lane) 40-60 vpl (1 lane) Intermittent Intermittent The head of the queue was found where vehicles waited to merge onto the Parkway; congestion extended back through the signal at Black Rock Pkwy Congestion apperared to be caused by the geometrics of the ramp Merritt Pkwy I-95 AM PM 6 2 Int. 44 (Black Rock Turnpike) Int. 6 (West Ave) Black Rock Tnpk Entrance ramp WB NB 41 12 08.2 / 73 16 08.7 41 02 39.0 / 73 33 13.9 7:30-8:30 a.m. 5:00-6:00 p.m. 25-30 vpl (1 lane) 20-25 vpl (1 lane) Intermittent Intermittent The head of the queue was found at the signal at the northbound ramp The head of the queue was found where vehicles waited to merge onto I-95 Merritt Ramps AM_6 I-95 Ramps PM-2 Merritt Pkwy I-95 AM PM 7 3 Int. 54 (Milford Parkway) Int. 7 (Atlantic St) Entrance ramp Entrance ramp SB SB 41 14 56.0 / 73 04 48.2 41 02 49.8 / 73 32 37.4 7:30-8:00 a.m. 5:31 p.m. 50-70 vpl (1 lane) 20-25 vpl (1 lane) Intermittent One time Congestion apperared to be caused by the geometrics of the ramp The head of the queue was found where vehicles waited to merge onto I-95 Merritt Ramps AM_7 I-95 Ramps PM-3 Merritt Pkwy I-95 PM PM 1 4 Int. 14 35 (South (SR 137Norwalk) / High Ridge Rd) Int. Entrance ramp ramp Entrance NB NB 41 06 06 11.5 50.0 // 73 73 25 32 53.3 28.5 41 5:00-6:00 p.m. p.m. 5:00-6:00 20-30 vpl vpl (1 (1 lane) lane) 25-30 Intermittent Intermittent The head head of of the the queue queue was was found found where where vehicles vehicles waited waited to to merge merge onto onto I-95 the Parkway The Merritt Ramps PM_1 I-95 Ramps PM-4 Merritt Pkwy I-95 PM PM 2 5 Int. 24 36 (US (SR 1 106 / Old Stamford Rd) Int. / Kings Hwy) Old Stamford Rd Exit ramp WB NB 41 09 07 52.3 00.2 // 73 73 14 29 09.6 58.1 41 5:00-6:00 p.m. p.m. 5:00-7:00 30-50 vpl vpl (2 (1 lanes) lane) 25-30 Intermittent Intermittent The head head of of the the queue queue was was found found at at the the signal Parkway ramps (noofsignal) The at the head the ramp Merritt Ramps PM_2 I-95 Ramps PM-5 Merritt Pkwy I-95 PM PM 3 6 Int. 15 38 (US (SR 7) 123 / New Canaan Ave) Int. New Canaan Ave Entrance ramp EB NB 41 06 08 23.3 02.6 // 73 73 25 27 05.8 31.9 41 5:00-6:00 p.m. p.m. 5:30-6:30 20-30 vpl vpl (1 (1 lane) lane) 30-60 Intermittent Intermittent The head head of of the the queue queue was was found found where at the signal at the Parkway ramps The vehicles waited to merge onto I-95 Merritt Ramps PM_3 I-95 Ramps PM-6 Merritt Pkwy Merritt Pkwy PM AM 4 1 Int. 41 (SR 33 / Willow Rd) Int. 35 (SR 137 / High Ridge Rd) Willow Rd Exit ramp WB SB 41 09 53.5 / 73 22 39.3 41 06 45.2 / 73 32 47.2 4:00-6:00 p.m. 8:45 a.m. 20-40 vpl (1 lane) 30-35 vpl (2 lanes) Intermittent One time The head of the queue was found at the signal at the Parkway ramps The head of the queue was found at the signal at High Ridge Rd Merritt Ramps PM_4 Merritt Ramps AM_1 Merritt Pkwy Merritt Pkwy PM AM 5 2 Int. 41 (SR 33 / Willow Rd) Int. 35 (SR 137 / High Ridge Rd) Entrance ramp High Ridge Rd NB WB 41 09 49.5 / 73 22 54.3 41 06 45.0 / 73 32 46.6 4:00-5:00 p.m. 8:00-8:30 a.m. 20-30 vpl (1 lane) 50-60 vpl (2 lanes) Intermittent Intermittent The head of the queue was found where vehicles waited to merge onto the Parkway During one observation, congestion extended back through several upstream signals Merritt Ramps PM_5 Merritt Ramps AM_2 Merritt Pkwy Merritt Pkwy PM AM 6 3 Int. 42 (SR 57 / Weston Rd) Int. 34 (SR 104 / Long Ridge Rd) Weston Rd Entrance ramp WB SB 41 09 46.0 / 73 21 25.6 41 06 12.4 / 73 33 55.6 5:41 p.m. 7:45-8:15 a.m. 25-30 vpl (1 lane) 20-25 vpl (1 lane) One time Intermittent Merritt Ramps PM_6 Merritt Ramps AM_3 Merritt Pkwy Merritt Pkwy PM AM 7 4 Int. 52 (SR 8) Int. 36 (Old Stamford Rd) Entrance ramp Old Stamford Rd NB WB 41 14 16.3 / 73 09 35.8 41 07 07.3 / 73 29 56.1 4:33 p.m. 7:30-8:30 a.m. 70-75 vpl (1 lane) 50-60 vpl (1 lane) One time Intermittent The head of the queue was found at the signal at the Parkway ramps The head of the queue was found where vehicles waited to merge onto the Parkway The head of the queue was found where vehicles waited to merge onto the Parkway (congestion may have been atypical) The head of the queue was found west of the Parkway interchange at the signal at Jelliff Mill Rd Merritt Pkwy AM 5 Int. 44 (Black Rock Turnpike) Entrance ramp SB 41 12 04.2 / 73 16 18.9 7:00-8:00 a.m. 50-100 vpl (1 lane) Intermittent The head of the queue was found where vehicles waited to merge onto the Parkway; congestion extended back through the signal at Black Rock Pkwy Merritt Ramps AM_5 Merritt Pkwy AM 6 Int. 44 (Black Rock Turnpike) Black Rock Tnpk WB 41 12 08.2 / 73 16 08.7 7:30-8:30 a.m. 25-30 vpl (1 lane) Intermittent The head of the queue was found at the signal at the northbound ramp Merritt Ramps AM_6 Merritt Pkwy AM 7 Int. 54 (Milford Parkway) Entrance ramp SB 41 14 56.0 / 73 04 48.2 7:30-8:00 a.m. 50-70 vpl (1 lane) Intermittent Congestion apperared to be caused by the geometrics of the ramp Merritt Ramps AM_7 Merritt Pkwy PM 1 Int. 35 (SR 137 / High Ridge Rd) Entrance ramp NB 41 06 50.0 / 73 32 28.5 5:00-6:00 p.m. 20-30 vpl (1 lane) Intermittent The head of the queue was found where vehicles waited to merge onto the Parkway Merritt Ramps PM_1 Merritt Pkwy PM 2 Int. 36 (SR 106 / Old Stamford Rd) Old Stamford Rd WB 41 07 00.2 / 73 29 58.1 5:00-6:00 p.m. 30-50 vpl (1 lane) Intermittent The head of the queue was found at the Parkway ramps (no signal) Merritt Ramps PM_2 Merritt Pkwy PM 3 Int. 38 (SR 123 / New Canaan Ave) New Canaan Ave EB 41 08 02.6 / 73 27 31.9 5:00-6:00 p.m. 20-30 vpl (1 lane) Intermittent The head of the queue was found at the signal at the Parkway ramps Merritt Ramps PM_3 Merritt Pkwy PM 4 Int. 41 (SR 33 / Willow Rd) Willow Rd WB 41 09 53.5 / 73 22 39.3 4:00-6:00 p.m. 20-40 vpl (1 lane) Intermittent The head of the queue was found at the signal at the Parkway ramps Merritt Ramps PM_4 Merritt Pkwy PM 5 Int. 41 (SR 33 / Willow Rd) Entrance ramp NB 41 09 49.5 / 73 22 54.3 4:00-5:00 p.m. 20-30 vpl (1 lane) Intermittent The head of the queue was found where vehicles waited to merge onto the Parkway Merritt Ramps PM_5 Merritt Pkwy PM 6 Int. 42 (SR 57 / Weston Rd) Weston Rd WB 41 09 46.0 / 73 21 25.6 5:41 p.m. 25-30 vpl (1 lane) One time The head of the queue was found at the signal at the Parkway ramps Merritt Ramps PM_6 One time The head of the queue was found where vehicles waited to merge onto the Parkway (congestion may have been atypical) Merritt Ramps PM_7 Merritt Pkwy PM 7 Int. 52 (SR 8) Entrance ramp NB 41 14 16.3 / 73 09 35.8 4:33 p.m. 70-75 vpl (1 lane) Merritt Ramps PM_7 Merritt Ramps AM_4 41 EVENING DENSITY (MERRITT PKWY) Merritt Parkway (SR 15) (Between I-287 & North St) Density Evening (April, 2013) SOUTHBOUND 29 30 / 27 16 4:30-5:00 10 19 21 19 5:00-5:30 13 5:30-6:00 7 13 13 12 N Ridge Rd 15 Lincoln Ave 13 Purchase St 17 I-287 4:00-4:30 19 Density 15 16 6:00-6:30 12 15 16 13 6:30-7:00 7 8 13 4:00-4:30 23 18 4:30-5:00 16 20 5:00-5:30 24 Density 28 Density 29 31 15 15 15 16 14 16 16 17 18 8 19 12 13 15 15 10 12 14 11 15 17 16 14 20 30 13 15 21 19 North St 28 Density Old Mill Rd 27 Density Round Hil Rd 26 Density SR 120A (King St) Density Time MERRITT PKWY 18 20 6:30-7:00 26 18 15 27 13 29 19 15 Colors (white) 42 Density < 31 pcplpm 31-40 41-62 > 62 23 21 16 16 28 NORTHBOUND 26 21 14 30 / 27 21 North St 18 Old Mill Rd 13 14 17 28 21 Round Hil Rd 17 N Ridge Rd 15 24 SR 120A (King St) 19 6:00-6:30 22 Lincoln Ave 29 Purchase St 5:30-6:00 I-287 Time 19 29 31 EVENING DENSITY (MERRITT PKWY) Merritt Parkway (SR 15) (Between North St & SR 124/South Ave) Density Evening (April, 2013) 34 16 4:30-5:00 12 23 5:00-5:30 5:30-6:00 18 22 Den Rd 14 North St 4:00-4:30 26 24 35 19 20 27 18 15 Density 36 19 32 24 18 21 37 18 20 28 25 6:00-6:30 16 25 24 6:30-7:00 14 13 10 12 11 4:00-4:30 24 26 37 40 41 4:30-5:00 22 128 SR 124 (South Ave) 33 Density SR 106 (Stamford Rd) 31 SOUTHBOUND Density SR 137 (High Bridge Rd) Time Density SR 104 (Long Ridge Rd) Density MERRITT PKWY 22 6:30-7:00 31 54 33 69 65 50 34 71 70 62 35 35 53 80 56 77 SR 124 (South Ave) 51 44 62 SR 106 (Stamford Rd) 26 6:00-6:30 67 74 SR 137 (High Bridge Rd) 25 22 SR 104 (Long Ridge Rd) 5:30-6:00 29 Den Rd 5:00-5:30 North St Time 36 36 37 NORTHBOUND Colors (white) Density < 31 pcplpm 31-40 41-62 > 62 43 EVENING DENSITY (MERRITT PKWY) Merritt Parkway (SR 15) (Between SR 124/South Ave & SR 57/Weston Rd) Density Evening (April, 2013) SOUTHBOUND 6:00-6:30 6:30-7:00 25 23 40 Density 41 17 11 12 15 10 16 30 23 17 15 17 14 29 15 24 16 10 16 29 7 11 13 41 42 37 70 72 48 53 81 76 75 21 13 42 16 13 SR 57 (Weston Rd) 5:30-6:00 SR 124 (South Ave) 5:00-5:30 20 39 Density SR 33 (Wilton Rd) 17 4:00-4:30 4:30-5:00 38 Density Main Ave 37 SR 123 (New Canaan Rd) Time Density US 7 Density MERRITT PKWY 55 39 6:30-7:00 37 52 48 65 83 35 38 77 78 48 39 42 40 Colors (white) 44 Density < 31 pcplpm 31-40 41-62 > 62 81 71 77 42 41 SOUTHBOUND 88 SR 57 (Weston Rd) 6:00-6:30 41 77 SR 33 (Wilton Rd) 5:30-6:00 49 Main Ave 5:00-5:30 61 US 7 4:30-5:00 SR 124 (South Ave) 4:00-4:30 SR 123 (New Canaan Rd) Time 42 EVENING DENSITY (MERRITT PKWY) Merritt Parkway (SR 15) (Between SR 57/Weston Rd & SR 8) Density Evening (April, 2013) SOUTHBOUND 6:30-7:00 18 12 16 17 14 50 15 20 23 16 17 15 24 19 24 15 23 15 19 15 14 18 20 22 21 18 Density 51 52 30 17 29 18 25 32 29 21 24 SR 8 13 20 49 Density Huntington Pkwy 10 48 Density SR 127 (White Plain Rd) 6:00-6:30 16 47 Density SR 25 5:30-6:00 SR 57 (Weston Rd) 5:00-5:30 46 Density SR 111 (Main St) 13 4:00-4:30 4:30-5:00 44 Density Park Ave 42 SR 58 (Black Rock Tnpk) Time Density SR 59 (Easton Tnpk) Density 16 11 15 16 15 18 15 28 17 39 64 40 37 38 35 49 23 20 25 48 45 20 40 47 MERRITT PKWY 45 31 6:30-7:00 42 37 44 28 30 23 46 23 47 29 36 33 22 48 43 21 49 45 51 39 27 50 18 24 SR 8 37 SR 25 52 46 Huntington Pkwy 37 51 61 SR 127 (White Plain Rd) 6:00-6:30 40 58 Note 1 SR 111 (Main St) 5:30-6:00 44 Note 1 Park Ave 5:00-5:30 Note 1: Incident-Related Data - Interpolated SR 59 (Easton Tnpk) 4:30-5:00 SR 57 (Weston Rd) 4:00-4:30 SR 58 (Black Rock Tnpk) Time 19 17 51 52 NORTHBOUND Colors (white) Density < 31 pcplpm 31-40 41-62 > 62 45 EVENING DENSITY (MERRITT PKWY) Merritt Parkway (SR 15) (Between SR 8 & SR 34/Derby Ave) Density Evening (April, 2013) SOUTHBOUND 53 Density 54 Density 55 56 15 4:30-5:00 20 23 7 15 5:00-5:30 27 5:30-6:00 29 6:00-6:30 25 6:30-7:00 19 14 10 Wellington Rd 19 Milford Pkwy 18 SR 110 (Main St) 17 SR 8 4:00-4:30 16 Density 17 21 57 14 18 21 17 21 12 14 13 21 9 10 18 15 4:00-4:30 23 21 20 19 21 4:30-5:00 31 24 25 21 5:00-5:30 22 SR 34 (Derby Ave) 52 Density SR 121 (Grassy Hill Rd) Density Time MERRITT PKWY 16 6:30-7:00 52 18 18 53 11 54 26 18 13 55 Colors (white) 46 Density < 31 pcplpm 31-40 41-62 > 62 21 29 16 15 56 NORTHBOUND 20 SR 34 (Derby Ave) 16 27 22 SR 121 (Grassy Hill Rd) 28 25 Wolf Harbor Rd 21 6:00-6:30 24 Milford Pkwy 25 SR 110 (Main St) 5:30-6:00 SR 8 Time 57 EVENING LEVEL-OF-SERVICE (MERRITT PKWY) Merritt Parkway (SR 15) (Between I-287 & North St) Level-of-Service Evening (April, 2013) SOUTHBOUND 28 29 30 / 27 B 4:30-5:00 A C C C 5:00-5:30 B 5:30-6:00 A B B B N Ridge Rd B Lincoln Ave B Purchase St B I-287 4:00-4:30 C LOS B B 6:00-6:30 B B B B 6:30-7:00 A A B 4:00-4:30 C B 4:30-5:00 B C 5:00-5:30 C LOS 28 LOS 29 31 B B B B B B B B B A C B B B B A B B A B B B B C D B B C C North St 27 LOS Old Mill Rd 26 LOS Round Hil Rd Time LOS SR 120A (King St) LOS MERRITT PKWY B C 6:30-7:00 26 B B 27 C B B 29 C C B 30 / 27 C C B B 28 C North St B Old Mill Rd B B B 28 C Round Hil Rd B N Ridge Rd B C SR 120A (King St) C 6:00-6:30 C Lincoln Ave D Purchase St 5:30-6:00 I-287 Time C 29 31 NORTHBOUND Colors (white) LOS A/B/C/D D/E E/F F Density < 31 pcplpm 31-40 41-62 > 62 47 EVENING LEVEL-OF-SERVICE (MERRITT PKWY) Merritt Parkway (SR 15) (Between North St & SR 124/South Ave) Level-of-Service Evening (April, 2013) SOUTHBOUND B 4:30-5:00 B C 5:00-5:30 5:30-6:00 B C Den Rd B North St 4:00-4:30 C C 35 C C D B B LOS 36 C D C B C 37 B C D C 6:00-6:30 B C C 6:30-7:00 B B A B A 4:00-4:30 C C E E E 4:30-5:00 C F SR 124 (South Ave) 34 LOS SR 106 (Stamford Rd) 33 LOS SR 137 (High Bridge Rd) 31 LOS SR 104 (Long Ridge Rd) LOS Time MERRITT PKWY C 6:30-7:00 31 F 33 F F F 34 F F F D 35 Colors (white) 48 LOS A/B/C/D D/E E/F F Density < 31 pcplpm 31-40 41-62 > 62 F F F E 36 NORTHBOUND F SR 124 (South Ave) F E F SR 106 (Stamford Rd) C 6:00-6:30 F F SR 137 (High Bridge Rd) C C SR 104 (Long Ridge Rd) 5:30-6:00 D Den Rd 5:00-5:30 North St Time 37 EVENING LEVEL-OF-SERVICE (MERRITT PKWY) Merritt Parkway (SR 15) (Between SR 124/South Ave & SR 57/Weston Rd) Level-of-Service Evening (April, 2013) SOUTHBOUND 6:30-7:00 C LOS 40 41 B A B B A B D C 42 B B B D B C B A B D A A B E E E F F F F F F F C B B B B SR 57 (Weston Rd) 6:00-6:30 C 39 LOS SR 33 (Wilton Rd) 5:30-6:00 SR 124 (South Ave) 5:00-5:30 C LOS Main Ave B 4:00-4:30 4:30-5:00 38 SR 123 (New Canaan Rd) 37 LOS US 7 LOS Time MERRITT PKWY F E 6:30-7:00 37 F F F F D 38 F F F 39 F E F F F F SR 57 (Weston Rd) 6:00-6:30 E SR 33 (Wilton Rd) 5:30-6:00 F Main Ave 5:00-5:30 F US 7 4:30-5:00 SR 124 (South Ave) 4:00-4:30 SR 123 (New Canaan Rd) Time E 40 41 42 NORTHBOUND Colors (white) LOS A/B/C/D D/E E/F F Density < 31 pcplpm 31-40 41-62 > 62 49 EVENING LEVEL-OF-SERVICE (MERRITT PKWY) Merritt Parkway (SR 15) (Between SR 57/Weston Rd & SR 8) Level-of-Service Evening (April, 2013) SOUTHBOUND B B B 50 B C C B B B C C C B C B C B B B C C C B LOS 51 52 D B D B C D D C C B A B B B B B D B 4:00-4:30 E F E E E D F C 4:30-5:00 Note 1: Incident-Related Data - Interpolated A C C F E C E F 6:30-7:00 SR 8 B 49 LOS Huntington Pkwy B C 48 LOS SR 127 (White Plain Rd) 6:00-6:30 B B 47 LOS SR 25 5:30-6:00 SR 57 (Weston Rd) 5:00-5:30 A 46 LOS SR 111 (Main St) B 4:00-4:30 4:30-5:00 44 LOS Park Ave 42 SR 58 (Black Rock Tnpk) Time LOS SR 59 (Easton Tnpk) LOS MERRITT PKWY D 6:30-7:00 42 E 44 D D C 46 C 47 NORTHBOUND Colors (white) 50 LOS A/B/C/D D/E E/F F Density < 31 pcplpm 31-40 41-62 > 62 D E D C 48 E C 49 E F E D 50 B C SR 8 E SR 25 F F Huntington Pkwy E F Park Ave F A SR 127 (White Plain Rd) E F Note 1 SR 111 (Main St) 6:00-6:30 E Note 1 A SR 59 (Easton Tnpk) 5:30-6:00 E SR 58 (Black Rock Tnpk) 5:00-5:30 SR 57 (Weston Rd) Time C B 51 52 EVENING LEVEL-OF-SERVICE (MERRITT PKWY) Merritt Parkway (SR 15) (Between SR 8 & SR 34/Derby Ave) Level-of-Service Evening (April, 2013) 52 53 SOUTHBOUND LOS 54 LOS 55 56 B 4:30-5:00 C C A B 5:00-5:30 D 5:30-6:00 D 6:00-6:30 C 6:30-7:00 C B A Wellington Rd C Milford Pkwy B SR 110 (Main St) B SR 8 4:00-4:30 B LOS B C 57 B B C B C B B B C A A B B 4:00-4:30 C C C C C 4:30-5:00 D C C C 5:00-5:30 C SR 34 (Derby Ave) Time LOS SR 121 (Grassy Hill Rd) LOS MERRITT PKWY B 6:30-7:00 52 B B 53 A 54 C B B 55 C C D B SR 34 (Derby Ave) B D C SR 121 (Grassy Hill Rd) D C Wolf Harbor Rd C 6:00-6:30 C Milford Pkwy C SR 110 (Main St) 5:30-6:00 SR 8 Time B 56 57 NORTHBOUND Colors (white) LOS A/B/C/D D/E E/F F Density < 31 pcplpm 31-40 41-62 > 62 51 MAINLINE BOTTLENECKS (MERRITT PKWY EVENING) Bottleneck # Direction Queue Type Head of Queue (Lat/Long) Head of Queue Location 1 NB Mainline 41 14 12 / 73 10 18 2 NB Mainline 3 NB 4 NB 52 Time Period Queue Length Contributing factors to congestion Photos Int. 50 (SR 127 (White Plains Rd) Int. 47 (Park Ave) 4:00-6:30 p.m. 2-3 miles Weaving/merging at SR 25 and traffic entering at SR 127 (White Plains Rd) Merritt_PM_1 41 13 47 / 73 14 22 Int. 47 (Park Ave) Int. 42 (SR 57 / Weston Rd) 4:00-6:30 p.m. 1-2 miles Mainline 41 10 00 / 73 21 03 Int. 42 (SR 57 / Weston Rd) Int. 37 (SR 124 / South Ave) 4:00-7:00 p.m. 6-8 miles Mainline 41 07 08 / 73 29 00 Int. 37 (SR 124 / South Ave) Int. 33 (Den Rd) 4:00-7:00 p.m. 4-5 miles Tail of Queue Location Traffic entering at ramps from Easton Turnpike and Park Ave Weaving/merging at the series of interchanges along this section of Merritt Pkwy Weaving/merging at the series of interchanges along this section of Merritt Pkwy Merritt_PM_2 Merritt_PM_3 Merritt_PM_4 Merritt Pkwy AM 1 Int. 35 (SR 137 / High Ridge Rd) Exit ramp SB 41 06 45.2 / 73 32 47.2 8:45 a.m. 30-35 vpl (2 lanes) One time The head of the queue was found at the signal at High Ridge Rd Merritt Ramps AM_1 Merritt Pkwy AM 2 Int. 35 (SR 137 / High Ridge Rd) High Ridge Rd WB 41 06 45.0 / 73 32 46.6 8:00-8:30 a.m. 50-60 vpl (2 lanes) Intermittent During one observation, congestion extended back through several upstream signals Merritt Ramps AM_2 Merritt Pkwy AM 3 Int. 34 (SR 104 / Long Ridge Rd) Entrance ramp SB 41 06 12.4 / 73 33 55.6 7:45-8:15 a.m. 20-25 vpl (1 lane) Intermittent Merritt Pkwy AM 4 Int. 36 (Old Stamford Rd) Old Stamford Rd WB 41 07 07.3 / 73 29 56.1 7:30-8:30 a.m. 50-60 vpl (1 lane) RAMP AND SIDE ROAD QUEUES (MERRITT PKWY EVENING) The head of the queue was found where vehicles waited to merge onto the Parkway Merritt Ramps AM_3 Intermittent The head of the queue was found west of the Parkway interchange at the signal at Jelliff Mill Rd Merritt Ramps AM_4 Merritt Ramps AM_5 Merritt Pkwy AM 5 Int. 44 (Black Rock Turnpike) Entrance ramp SB 41 12 04.2 / 73 16 18.9 7:00-8:00 a.m. 50-100 vpl (1 lane) Intermittent The head of the queue was found where vehicles waited to merge onto the Parkway; congestion extended back through the signal at Black Rock Pkwy Merritt Pkwy AM 6 Int. 44 (Black Rock Turnpike) Black Rock Tnpk WB 41 12 08.2 / 73 16 08.7 7:30-8:30 a.m. 25-30 vpl (1 lane) Intermittent The head of the queue was found at the signal at the northbound ramp Merritt Ramps AM_6 Merritt Pkwy AM 7 Int. 54 (Milford Parkway) Entrance ramp SB Congestion apperared to be caused by the geometrics of the ramp Merritt Ramps AM_7 Interchange Ramp / Side Road Direction Time 50-70 vpl (1 lane) Queue Population (vehicles per lane) Intermittent AM / PM Queue # 41 14 56.0 / 73 04 48.2 Head of Queue (Lat/Long) 7:30-8:00 a.m. Highway Frequency Notes Photos Merritt Pkwy I-95 PM AM 1 1 Int. 35 (SR 137 / High Ridge Rd) Int. 3 (Arch St) Entrance ramp Exit ramp NB SB 41 06 50.0 / 73 32 28.5 41 01 12.6 / 73 37 35.4 5:00-6:00 p.m. 8:00-9:00 a.m. 20-30 vpl (1 lane) 20-30 vpl (2 lanes) Intermittent Intermittent The head of the queue was found where vehicles waited to merge onto the Parkway Merritt Ramps PM_1 The head of the queue was found at the signal at the head of the ramp (2 dedicated right-turn lanes) I-95 Ramps AM_1 Merritt Pkwy I-95 PM AM 2 2 Int. 36 (SR 106 / Old Stamford Rd) Int. 15 (US 7) Old Stamford Rd Entrance ramp WB SB 41 07 00.2 / 73 29 58.1 41 06 22.3 / 73 25 27.3 5:00-6:00 p.m. 7:00-9:00 a.m. 30-50 vpl (1 lane) 50-80 vpl (1 lane) Intermittent Intermittent The head of the queue was found at the Parkway ramps (no signal) The head of the queue was found where vehicles waited to merge onto the Parkway Merritt Ramps PM_2 I-95 Ramps AM_2 Merritt Pkwy I-95 PM AM 3 3 Int. 38 (SR 123 / New Canaan Ave) Int. 27 (SR 8 / SR 25) New Canaan Ave Entrance ramp EB SB 41 08 02.6 / 73 27 31.9 41 10 14.2 / 73 11 39.9 5:00-6:00 p.m. 7:00-9:00 a.m. 20-30 vpl (1 lane) 30-50 vpl (1 lane) Intermittent Intermittent The head of the queue was found at the signal at the Parkway ramps The head of the queue was found where vehicles waited to merge onto I-95 Merritt Ramps PM_3 I-95 Ramps AM_3 Merritt Pkwy I-95 PM AM 4 4 Int. 41 (SR 33 / Willow Rd) Int. 21 (I-287) Willow Rd Entrance ramp WB NB 41 09 53.5 / 73 22 39.3 40 59 26.4 / 73 39 47.9 4:00-6:00 p.m. 8:59 a.m. 20-40 vpl (1 lane) 90-100 vpl (2 lanes) Intermittent One time The head of the queue was found where vehicles waited to merge onto I-95 (possibly atypical at the signal at the Parkway ramps congestion) Merritt Ramps PM_4 I-95 Ramps AM_4 Merritt Pkwy PM 5 Int. 41 (SR 33 / Willow Rd) Entrance ramp NB 41 09 49.5 / 73 22 54.3 4:00-5:00 p.m. 20-30 vpl (1 lane) Intermittent The head of the queue was found where vehicles waited to merge onto the Parkway Merritt Ramps PM_5 I-95 Merritt Pkwy PM PM 1 6 Int. 27 (SR 8 / SR 25) Int. 42 (SR 57 / Weston Rd) Exit ramp Weston Rd NB WB 41 10 16.4 / 73 11 29.4 41 09 46.0 / 73 21 25.6 4:15-6:45 p.m. 5:41 p.m. 40-60 vpl (1 lane) 25-30 vpl (1 lane) Intermittent One time Congestion apperared to be caused by the geometrics of the ramp The head of the queue was found at the signal at the Parkway ramps I-95 Ramps PM-1 Merritt Ramps PM_6 I-95 Merritt Pkwy PM PM 2 7 Int. 6 (West Ave) Int. 52 (SR 8) Entrance ramp Entrance ramp NB NB 41 02 39.0 / 73 33 13.9 41 14 16.3 / 73 09 35.8 5:00-6:00 p.m. 4:33 p.m. 20-25 vpl (1 lane) 70-75 vpl (1 lane) Intermittent One time the Parkway (congestion The head of the queue was found where vehicles waited to merge onto I-95 may have been atypical) I-95 Ramps PM-2 Merritt Ramps PM_7 I-95 PM 3 Int. 7 (Atlantic St) Entrance ramp SB 41 02 49.8 / 73 32 37.4 5:31 p.m. 20-25 vpl (1 lane) One time The head of the queue was found where vehicles waited to merge onto I-95 I-95 Ramps PM-3 I-95 PM 4 Int. 14 (South Norwalk) Entrance ramp NB 41 06 11.5 / 73 25 53.3 5:00-6:00 p.m. 25-30 vpl (1 lane) Intermittent The head of the queue was found where vehicles waited to merge onto I-95 I-95 Ramps PM-4 I-95 PM 5 Int. 24 (US 1 / Kings Hwy) Exit ramp NB 41 09 52.3 / 73 14 09.6 5:00-7:00 p.m. 25-30 vpl (2 lanes) Intermittent The head of the queue was found at the signal at the head of the ramp I-95 Ramps PM-5 I-95 PM 6 Int. 15 (US 7) Entrance ramp NB 41 06 23.3 / 73 25 05.8 5:30-6:30 p.m. 30-60 vpl (1 lane) Intermittent The head of the queue was found where vehicles waited to merge onto I-95 I-95 Ramps PM-6 Merritt Pkwy AM 1 Int. 35 (SR 137 / High Ridge Rd) Exit ramp SB 41 06 45.2 / 73 32 47.2 8:45 a.m. 30-35 vpl (2 lanes) One time The head of the queue was found at the signal at High Ridge Rd Merritt Ramps AM_1 Merritt Pkwy AM 2 Int. 35 (SR 137 / High Ridge Rd) High Ridge Rd WB 41 06 45.0 / 73 32 46.6 8:00-8:30 a.m. 50-60 vpl (2 lanes) Intermittent During one observation, congestion extended back through several upstream signals Merritt Ramps AM_2 Merritt Pkwy AM 3 Int. 34 (SR 104 / Long Ridge Rd) Entrance ramp SB 41 06 12.4 / 73 33 55.6 7:45-8:15 a.m. 20-25 vpl (1 lane) Intermittent The head of the queue was found where vehicles waited to merge onto the Parkway Merritt Ramps AM_3 Merritt Pkwy AM 4 Int. 36 (Old Stamford Rd) Old Stamford Rd WB 41 07 07.3 / 73 29 56.1 7:30-8:30 a.m. 50-60 vpl (1 lane) Intermittent The head of the queue was found west of the Parkway interchange at the signal at Jelliff Mill Rd Merritt Ramps AM_4 Merritt Ramps AM_5 Merritt Pkwy AM 5 Int. 44 (Black Rock Turnpike) Entrance ramp SB 41 12 04.2 / 73 16 18.9 7:00-8:00 a.m. 50-100 vpl (1 lane) Intermittent The head of the queue was found where vehicles waited to merge onto the Parkway; congestion extended back through the signal at Black Rock Pkwy Merritt Pkwy AM 6 Int. 44 (Black Rock Turnpike) Black Rock Tnpk WB 41 12 08.2 / 73 16 08.7 7:30-8:30 a.m. 25-30 vpl (1 lane) Intermittent The head of the queue was found at the signal at the northbound ramp Merritt Ramps AM_6 Merritt Pkwy AM 7 Int. 54 (Milford Parkway) Entrance ramp SB 41 14 56.0 / 73 04 48.2 7:30-8:00 a.m. 50-70 vpl (1 lane) Intermittent Congestion apperared to be caused by the geometrics of the ramp Merritt Ramps AM_7 Merritt Pkwy PM 1 Int. 35 (SR 137 / High Ridge Rd) Entrance ramp NB 41 06 50.0 / 73 32 28.5 5:00-6:00 p.m. 20-30 vpl (1 lane) Intermittent The head of the queue was found where vehicles waited to merge onto the Parkway Merritt Ramps PM_1 Merritt Pkwy PM 2 Int. 36 (SR 106 / Old Stamford Rd) Old Stamford Rd WB 41 07 00.2 / 73 29 58.1 5:00-6:00 p.m. 30-50 vpl (1 lane) Intermittent The head of the queue was found at the Parkway ramps (no signal) Merritt Ramps PM_2 Merritt Pkwy PM 3 Int. 38 (SR 123 / New Canaan Ave) New Canaan Ave EB 41 08 02.6 / 73 27 31.9 5:00-6:00 p.m. 20-30 vpl (1 lane) Intermittent The head of the queue was found at the signal at the Parkway ramps Merritt Ramps PM_3 Merritt Pkwy PM 4 Int. 41 (SR 33 / Willow Rd) Willow Rd WB 41 09 53.5 / 73 22 39.3 4:00-6:00 p.m. 20-40 vpl (1 lane) Intermittent The head of the queue was found at the signal at the Parkway ramps Merritt Ramps PM_4 Merritt Pkwy PM 5 Int. 41 (SR 33 / Willow Rd) Entrance ramp NB 41 09 49.5 / 73 22 54.3 4:00-5:00 p.m. 20-30 vpl (1 lane) Intermittent The head of the queue was found where vehicles waited to merge onto the Parkway Merritt Ramps PM_5 Merritt Pkwy PM 6 Int. 42 (SR 57 / Weston Rd) Weston Rd WB 41 09 46.0 / 73 21 25.6 5:41 p.m. 25-30 vpl (1 lane) One time The head of the queue was found at the signal at the Parkway ramps Merritt Ramps PM_6 One time The head of the queue was found where vehicles waited to merge onto the Parkway (congestion may have been atypical) Merritt Ramps PM_7 Merritt Pkwy PM 7 Int. 52 (SR 8) Entrance ramp NB 41 14 16.3 / 73 09 35.8 4:33 p.m. 70-75 vpl (1 lane) 53