Homecoming 2005 Schedule - Oxford Orphanage Alumni


Homecoming 2005 Schedule - Oxford Orphanage Alumni
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Linking the peopl
and activities oJ'the Oxford
Homecoming 2005 Schedule
Friday, October 7r2005
.............7:00 p.m.-10:00 p.m.
Social Hours (Main Building)
...............1:00 p.m.-10:00 p.m.
Registration (Main Building)
Saturday, October 8, 2005
Chip Shots for Children Registration & Breakfast............ ....6:30 a.m.
Chip Shots for Children Golf Tournament ........................Registration 8:00 a.m.
Meet at South Granville Country Club
9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
Registration (Main Building)
Alumni Board Meeting (Main Building)
...............9:00 a.m.
Dedication of Cobb Center at Dunn Cottage & Alumni Archives ......11:00 a.m.
...11:30 a.m.
Lunch Behind Cobb Center
Homecoming Soccer Game
Soccer Field Behind Gymnasium............
.........2:00 p.m.
Archives Room Open for Visitation......... ..............2:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m.
Cobb Center
Dinner/Roast (Dining Room) ...... ... ..
....6:00 p.m.
Honoring Violet Davenport
Fireworks ............
...Immediately Following Roast
...8:30 p.m.-12:00 a.m.
Social Hour (Main Building Lobby)
Homecoming Dance
Granville County Shrine Club (158 West)....................8:30 p.m.-12:00 a.m.
Scott Poe
Sunday, October 912005
.....9:00 a.m.-10:00 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
Worship Service (York Rite Chapel)...........
Sammy Gibbs, Class of '62
l1:00 a.m.
Association Business Meeting (York Rite Chapel) ...
1:00 p.m
Lunch under the Oaks
1:30 p.m.-3:00 p.m.
Registration (Main Building)
Archives Open for Visitation ........
..........2:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.
Cobb Center
The Spotlight
Fall 2005
The Spotlight
Board of Directors
The Spotlight is a publication of the Oxford Orphanage
Alumni Association and rs published quarterly for its members,
their families, all present and former staff members, and each
Masonic Lodge of North Carolina.
Publication of The Spotligftl is supported solely by contributions to the Alumni Association. The annual subscription rate is
$10.00 payable to the Oxford Orphanage Alumni Association.
Please mail to:
Mr. Bob Critcher, Treasurer
5639 Hebron Road. Oxford. N.C. 27565
The Spotlight endeavors to be an informative resource by
providing alumni news, as well as, information pertaining to The
Masonic Home for Children. Send all correspondence, photographs, and e-mail to:
J.C. Knowles, Editor
6119 Splitrock Trail, Apex, NC, 27539
E-Mai I : orphanalumni@ipass.net
Tus Me,soNrc
ror. CHrr-oRrN
Jim Rice, "12, President Eddie Strickland, '63, Vice-president
J.C. Knowles, Secretary
Bob Critcher, '65, Treasurer
Douglas McConnell. Administrato r
**Allen Hughes, Oxford, NC
Clairene Brown, Ayden, NC
Sue Colenda, Oxford, NC
x*Eddie Dickerson, Oxford, NC
J. Frank Herring, Burlington, NC
Clark Armstrong, Chester, VA
David Bryant, Wil mington
{'*fviolet Davenport, Durham, NC
Angie Doby, Oxford, NC
Clara L. Jay, Ft. Collins, CO
David Braswell, Wilkesboro, NC
Nita M. Bunker, Menane, NC
Hazel Davidson. Oxford. NC
Becky G. Lee, Durham, NC
Tomrny Jones, Greensboro, NC
Randy McMillan, Fayetteville
+*Frank McMillan, Fayetteville, NC
Doris Stephens, Oxford, NC
Saturday,'June 4,2005
9:00 a.m.
Main Building Board Room
Thomas Woods, Winston-Salem, NC
Donald Payne, Mt. Airy, NC
**Dan Rice, Elon College, NC
Ronnie Strickland. Dunn. NC
**Etta Sue Worley, Charlone, NC
Nina G. Gibson, Sanford, NC
Elsie Bullock, Raleigh, NC
fLifetime Board Member
++Past President
By-Laws: Allen Hughes, Clairene Brown, Paul Taush, David Bryant
Nominating: Eddie Dickerson, Thomas Woods, Sandra Webo
Finance: Bob Critcher, Allen Hughes, Jim Rice, Etta Sue Worley
Publicity: Eddie Dickerson,
Next Alumni
Board Meeting
Bonnie Lamb, Vancourver. BC
Rosalyn Peele, Clayton, NC
Art Stone, Raleigh, NC
**Hiram Webb, Oxford, NC
Sandra Webb, Oxford, NC
600 College Street, Oxford, NC 27565
(919) 693-5lll
Paul Tausch, Wake Forest, NC
Frances Tausch, Wake Forest, NC
++John Wiley, Dumfries, VA
J C. Knowles, Hiram Webb
Archives: Pat Colenda, Violet Davenport, Hiram Webb, Leonard Mobley, Mike
Norwood, Rosalyn Peele, Etta Sue Worley
St. John's Day: Bob Cnrcher
Homecoming: Roasl
Hazel Davidson
Hazel Davidson, David Bryant, Eddie Srrickland, Ronnie
Strickland,- Donnie Payne, Frank McMillian;
Wendy Rice, Allen Hughes, Jim Rice, Becky Lee, Eddie Srrickland
Dance: Bob Critcher, Grace Bullock
"For the Children" Campaign: Hiram Webb, Sandra Webb, Tommy Jones, Jim
Rice, Violet Davenport, Etta Sue Worley, Eddie Dickerson, Dan Rice, advisor
will be both our association
Homecoming 2005 will be here
sooner than you think. I hope you
mailing of the Spotlight. In the pasr
several years, we have had to dip
have already made up your mind
that you are planning to attend this
There are people that were
raised with you at the Orphanage
year's event. Your Board of
and they would like to see you and
into our reserve funds to cover the
above costs. Ifyou are not planning
to attend homecoming this year,
Directors have worked long and
hard to bring you an exciting week-
know that your life is a happy one.
Why don't you come and be with us
end at your old homeplace.
on this great homecoming?
please help us and send us a check.
Send your check to:
that our number is decreasing every
As you know, your Board of
year. Some people are saying that
within the next ten years, we will
Directors raised the dues, starting
with this year, from $10 to $25.
not even have an alumni association or a homecoming. I can only
tell you that as long as I live, there
Your dues are eannarked for the
administration expenses of the
I'm looking forward to greeting
association and the printing and you on October 8-9, 2005
J.C. Knowles
Apex, N.C. 27502
The Spotlight
Fall 2005
As the seasons change, it is a
reminder to prepare for our homecoming visit to Oxford. This is a
very important event to OOAA.
Not only do we get a chance to
reflect on old memories and lifetime friendships, but it is an important time for contributions to our
campaigns and endowment.
This year entertainment will
begin with our golf tournament
fundraiser on Friday, October 7.
Special events will continue
through Saturday and Sunday.
Even if you are unable to attend,
please remember the campaign
chosen by our Alumni Board and
support them hnancially. The current campaign is to refurbish the
upstairs of the Cobb Center
(Archives) and provide furnishings. The Red Devil Club
Endowment is our perpetual gift
and needs your continued support.
We have many members that have
the capability to help us reach these
financial goals. We need everyone's support as any money provided goes directly to these cam-
Alumni Board Meeting
the focus, plans and campaigns of
OOAA are organized by our
Alumni Board of Directors. The
job of President would be much
more difficult without their time.
energy and planning to accomplish
these goals. I want to thank the
board members for all of their support for the last two years.
I look forward to seeing everyone at the festivities of Homecomins
Jim Rice, President OOAA
By J.C. Knowles
GOOD NEWS! At today's board meeting it was decided that we
WILL have hreworks at this year's homecoming. The Home-coming
schedule is posted on the front page of this publication.
Anyone planning to play in the Chip Shots Golf Tournament is asked
to let Becky know as soon as possible. Her email address is:
blee@carycardio.com. You can register and pay on Friday morning. She
just needs to know ahead of time that you will be playing.
Also, President Jim Rice asked me to serye as chairman of the
Nominating Committee. If you have any interest in serving on the Alumni
Board of Directors, please let me know.
Starting next year, we will have 24 board members, if we adopt the
new proposed by-laws. The Board of Directors approved the proposed
bylaws and will recommend it be adopted at the annual meeting.
The adoption of the proposed Constitution and Bylaws is one of the
important issues at this year's business meeting.The biggest change is in
the election of the Board of Directors. The proposed change approved by
the Board is: The Association shall have 24 members on the board, 8 to
serve for 3 years, 8 to serve 2 years and 8 to serve one year. If this is
approved, each succeeding year, 8 Board members would be elected from
the general membership. Nothing in the bylaws shall prevent an outgoing
Board member from beins elected to serve another three vear term."
The name of this association shall be known as Oxford Orphanage Alumni
Association (hereinafter noted as the Association).
I would like to say that all of
Page 3
The purpose of the Association is to promote the interests of Oxford
Orphanage! Masonic Home for Children at Oxford and the welfare of its students and to perpetuate the history of the Home by:
Active cooperation.
Maintaining a spirit of loyalty and devotion among its membership for
the Home.
Undertaking special projects developed by the President and the Board
Directors to promote financial assistance to the Home and its students.
Section 1. Robert's Rules of Order will be used in governing the procedures
continued on next page
Page 4
The Spotlight
Fall 2005
Board Meeting & By-laws cont'd.
of the annual business meeting and all other meetings
of the Board of Directors.
and approve the annual financial transactions of the *
Section 2. The annual meeting of the Association will
be the second weekend (Saturday and Sunday) of
October each year.
Section 3. The Board of Directors shall meet at least
once each quarter during the year. A quorum will consist of a simple majority of the current membership of
the Board of Directors.
Section 4. The President may call special meetings of
the Board of Directors as he/she deems necessarv for
the best interest of the Association.
Duties of Ofhcers
Section 1. President: It shall be the dury of the president
to preside at the annual meeting and all Board of
Directors meetings, to appoint standing and temporary
committees, to call special meetings of the Board, to designate time and place of such meetings, and to act at all
times as the official representative of the Association in
matters of business pertaining thereto. The President
shall carry out the directives of the Board of Directors.
Section 2. Vice-President:
It shall be the duty of
Vice-President to act as assistant to the President and to
serve in the President's place when he/she is incapacitated or is unable to perform the duties of the office of
Section l. The officers of the Association shall consist
of President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer.
Section 2. The officers shall be elected at the annual
business meeting of the Association for the term of two
Secretary to keep minutes of all Association meetings,
to maintain records and minutes of the Board of directors meetings, and to perform the duties of this office
pertinent to the business of the Association.
(2) years. The incumbent officers may be elected to
serve consecutive terms without limitation.
Board of Directors
Section 1. The Board of Directors shall consist of the
elective officers, immediate past president, and elected
directors. Directors must members of the Association in
good standing.
Section 1. The Board of Directors shall consist of the
elective officers, immediate past president, and 24
members of the Association in good standing. Elected
Board members shall serve a term of three (3) years.
Nothing in these by-laws shall prevent an outgoing
Board member from beins reelected for another three-
of Directors shall approve all
investments and expenditures of funds of the
Association and shall determine the amount of the
bond, if any, which shall be given by the Treasurer.
Section 2. The Board
Section 3. The Board of Directors shall approve all
bills, manage the business affairs of the Association,
shall be the duty
of the
Section 4. Treasurer: The duties of the Treasurer shall
be to receive and record all monies payable to the
Association and to keep records of its frnancial transactions. The payment of all bills and expenditures of any
funds of the Association will be made by the Treasurer
only upon approval of the Board of Directors. The
Treasurer shall present financial statements and the
Treasurer's report at all regular Board of Directors
meetings and at the annual business meeting of the
Association. Upon resignation or termination of duties
of the ofhce, the Treasurer shall turn over to the successor or the President all funds, books and accounts,
and other Association property in hisftrer possession.
year term.
(SPECIAL NOTE: If this change is implemented, rhe
24 members from the general membership would be
elected for staggered terms, 8 for I year, 8 for 2 years,
and 8 for 3 years. Each succeeding year, 8 Board members would be elected from the general membership.)
Section l. The following standing committees shall be
appointed by the President:
Projects Committee
By-Laws Committee
Nominating Committee
Finance Committee
Loyalty Fund Endowment Committee
continued on next psge
Fall 2005
The Spotlight
Page 5
Board Meeting & By-laws cont'd.
who shall serye a term of three (3) years and if
appointed by the President or elected by the
Board of Directors may serve two (2) additional years.
Archives Committee
(SPECIAL NOTE: Description of duties need to be
Exercise supervision over the properties and
financial transactions of the Association and of
all funds and investments under the control of
the Association or its committees.
Make recommendations to the Board regarding special finance requirements or investments. A majority of the membership shall
constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. No meetings of the Finance Committee
shall be necessary in any case in which all its
members concur in writins as to the action
added as standing committees.)
Section 2. Special committees shall be appointed by the
President, as required, and they shall perform such
duties as may be necessary to accomplish the tasks for
which appointed.
Duties of Standing Committees
Section 1. Project Committee:
this committee to:
shall be the duty of
Collect and investigate all projects suggested
by Association members.
Board for approval at the
annual business
membership at the annual meeting.
Section 2. By-Laws Committee:
It shall be the duty of
this committee to:
Review current by-laws of the Association and
propose changes, as needed.
Submit Board approved changes to
of the Masonic Home for
Children, and the Chief Financial Officer of
the Masonic Home for Children.
Compile a list of nominations for the offices of
President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer,
and Directors.
in coordination with the Finance
Committee, the amount of contributions
received in excess of Association operational
ne eds to be transferred to the Oxford
Orphanage Loyalty Fund Endowment.
are members in good standing.
Present the nominations to the Board of
Directors at a Board meeting prior to the annual meeting.
Present the list of nominations for approval at
the annual meeting.
Section 4. Finance Committee: This committee shall:
Consist of three (3) members
the immediate
- members
past President and two (2) Board
Determine annually the specific cause or causes for which income earned by the Oxford
Orphanage Loyalty Fund Endowment will be
Verify that names submitted for nomination
Consist of five (5) members
a Board member appointed by the President, the Association
President, the Association Vice-President, the
Monitor the status and receive reports for all
funds collected in the name of the Association
and submit a report at each regular meeting of
the Board of Directors.
Section 5. Loyalty Fund Endowment Committee: This
committee shall:
Association membership at the annual meetSection 3. Nominating Committee: It shall be the duty
of this committee to:
to the Board of
Directors and an annual report to the general
Present proposed projects to the Board with
recommendations for discussion and approval.
Present proposed projects approved
Make a quarterly report
Consent to add income earned by the Oxford
Orphanage Loyalty Fund Endowment not designated in accordance with item b, herein, to
the principal of the fund.
continued on page 7
Fall 2005
The Spotlight
Page 6
Surviving are her children,
Lynda and Dwane; a brother,
Dr. Mildred Louise Kimbrough, J6, beloved mother,
grandmother, sister and friend died
Saturday, Aug. 6, 2005, in Smyrna,
Ga. Born Dec.2, 1928, in Murphy,
she was the daughter of Nancy
Roselie Allison and Herbert
Sylvester Kimbrough.
A graduate of Palmer College
of Chiropractic, she co-founded
and ran the Georgia Children's
Chiropractic Center, which provided free care to mentally and physically handicapped children. She
later held various positions at Life
Chiropractic University
Marietta. Ga.. where she retired as
vice president. The was the first
female president of the Georgia
Chiropractic Association and a
founding member of the Georgia
Chiropractic Council.
She served in many offices,
including president of the Quota
Club of Atlanta, O'Keefe High
School PTA, National Business
and Professional Women's Club of
North Atlanta, Atlanta Women's
National Conference of Women in
Chambers of Commerce. She was
a Unity minister, member of
Eastern Star, United Daughters of
the Confederacy, Kennesaw
Chapter and Dunsmore European
travel group.
She was the wife of the late
Johnny Wilson. She was preceded
in death by four brothers, Therman
Kimbrough, Marvin Clayton
Kimbrough, Laurence Dennis
Kimbrough and Dr. Richard Walter
Wayne Kimbrough of Gulfport,
Fla.; two sisters, June Kimbrough
of Smyrna, Ga. and Dr. Nell K.
Williams of Powder Springs, Ga.;
four grandchildren and three greatgrandchildren.
A graveside service will be at 1
p.m. Thursday, Aug. 11,
Greenlawn Memorial Gardens in
Peachtree with the Rev. John
Strickland officiating. A memorial
service was held at 11 a.m.
Saturday, Aug. 13, at Atlanta Unity
Church, 4146 Chamblee Dunwoody Drive. Atlanta.
Contributions may be made to
the B.J. Palmer Historic Home
Foundation, 1950 Old Concord
Road S.E., Smyrna, Ga 30080.
Townson Rose Funeral Home,
Murphy, was in charge of local
Hugh Cowan Cameron, 83, of
Winchester, Virginia, died quietly,
surrounded by family and friends,
on Friday, August 19, 2005 at the
Winchester Medical Center.
Mr. Cameron was born January
18, 1922 in Willard, North
Euphema Cowan Cameron of the
Isle of Kerrera, Scotland. He
served in World War II and completed his military career as a Lt.
Colonel having served with the
27th fighter-bomber group of the
Army Air Corp. He was a graduate
of Oxford Masonic Orphanage
High School, and he received a
Bachelor of Science degree in
General Engineering from North
Carolina State University in 1942.
Early in his career he was VicePresident of sales for Esterline
Angus Corporation. Later, he was
President of RadioEar Corporation
and retired in 2001 from IBEX
Corp. Mr. Cameron always
enjoyed a round of golf, a lively
game of gin rummy, and was a
skilled Bridge player.
Survivors include his wife of
13 years, Thelma Stratton
Cameron of Winchester: a son.
Hugh R. Cameron, and his wife,
Leah Cameron, of Indianapolis, IN
and a daughter, Jean C. Zartman
and her husband, Steve Zartman,
of Vashon Island. WA: three
stepchildren, Karen Stratton
Callahan of Charlotte. NC.
Kathye-Lynn Stratton of
Winchester, and Kay Stratton
Bock and her husband John Bock
of Winchester; eight grandchildren
and one great-granddaughter. He
was preceded in death by a brother, William Cameron, and a sister,
Margaret Neline Cameron.
A memorial service was held
Monday, August 22, 2005 at 11:00
a.m. at the Braddock Street United
Methodist Church in Winchester,
with the Rev. Alan R. Felumlee
officiating. The family received
friends on Sunday evening from 79 p.m. at Jones Funeral Home in
In lieu of flowers, memorial
contributions may be made to the
Masonic Home for Children, 600
College Street, Oxford, NC 27565.
A graveside service was held at
Elmwood Cemetery in Oxford.
Fall 2005
The Spotlight
Hurley Lewis Newton, Jr., age
J3, of 402 Harris Street, Oxford,
North Carolina 21565,
Monday, August 8, 2005. He was a
native of Granville county. He was
a veteran of the U.S. Navy and
retired from the Pine State
Creamery Company.
Funeral services were conducted at 11:00 a.m. Thursday, August
11,2005 from the Gentry-Newell &
Vaughn Funeral Chapel (across
from the Orphanage). Visitation for
the family was from 7 to 8:30 p.m.
Wednesday, August 10, 2005 at
Gentry-Newell & Vaughn Funeral
Home, 503 College Street in
Oxford. Memorials may be made to
Oxford United Methodist Church,
P.O. Box 757,Oxford, NC 27565.
Surviving are his wife, Virginia
Pleasants of the home (Virginia
was a student at Oxford Orphanage
from 1938 to 1948), daughter
Nancy N. Brooks, Oxford; son,
Ted Newton, Manson, NC; sister,
Hazel N. Wright, High Point; and
five grandchildren.
Wednesday, September 10, 1924
Thursday, August 4, 2005
Saturday, August 6, 2005
12:00 noon
John W. Keffer Funeral Home, Inc.
Pastor Leroy J. Deardoff
Susquehanna Memorial Gardens
John W. Keffer Funeral Home and
Grematory, Inc.
York, Pennsylvania
Page 7
Board Meeting & By-laws cont'd.
Section L Membership in the Association shall be open to all former students
who have lived at or attended school at oxford orphanage/Masonic Home
for Children at Oxford since its establishment.
Section 2. Upon payment of the annual dues each member
will be presented
a membership card signed and approved by the Association president or
Section 1. Each member shall be assessed an annual fee, to be determined by
the Board of Directors, on or before Homecoming each year. The annual fee
may be increased as necessary to meet operating expenses of the Association
by an affirmative vote of two-thirds majority of the Board of Directors.
section 2. The Board of Directors may waive payment of annual dues for
recent graduates, college students, or other special cases.
Section 3. Monies received from dues and other payments and contributions
during Homecoming shall be used to pay annual operating expenses of the
Association. Receipts in excess of operating costs and donations specified
for the fund will be transferred to the oxford orphanage Loyalty Fund
Honorary Membership
Honorary membership may be granted to the following:
l. The Administrator of the Home and his family members.
2. Any member of the staff and faculty who served at Oxford
Orphanage/Masonic Home for Children at Oxford.
Spouses and children of members of the Association.
Any person who has performed an outstanding service for
Association and has been so recognized by the Association.
Section 1. These by-laws may be amended at the annual meeting or at any
other properly called meeting by an affirmative vote of a simple majority of
active members in good standing present. Notification of the date and purpose of the meeting shall be submitted in writing via mail or electronic message to all known active members in good standing at least thirty (30) days
prior to the date the meeting is to be held.
Section 2. when these by-laws become effective, all previous by-laws are
hereby repealed, and all resolutions and enactments which are inconsistent or
conflict with these by-laws are hereby repealed and are void.
Page E
Tbe Spotllght
In Memory of
BY The Davidson FamilY
The years roll by, we cannot see the future, good or bad'
The things we know and love the best are memories we
have had. Things that long ago you said, kindness that you
showed, into every life you loved, a special blessing flowed.
Of all your sweetest memories, you are the one most dear.
We feel your nearness every day, tho'you've been gone
four years. We still miss you so much'
Fall 2005
The Spotlight
Page 9
Chip Shots for Chitdren Golf Tournament 2005
Recently, after a week of particularly hot weather, I am standing in
the kitchen shucking corn. My mind
wanders, as it often does, back to
the many hot days sitting on the
back dock of the kitchen of Oxford
Orphanage shucking
corn. I
remember complaining of the heat,
silk worms, and probably a few
other things, every Saturday morning. But as I have gotten older, I
reahze how much I learned growing
up at Oxford. Yes, we had to work,
but this is where I learned how to
cook, clean, wash, iron, sew buttons
on the boys' shirts, mend socks,
wait on tables, and yes, flip mashed
potatoes and green peas onto the
ceiling! How many Saturdays did
we wax those floors and take turns
riding the buffer? Not to mention
the bonfires, and pep rallies on
Friday nights. Those boys sure
could wear those uniforms well!
I left Oxford, I
come back for a very long time. As
with so many of you, there were too
many bad memories, or so I
thought. I'm sure most children
think the same thing! Over the past
ten years or so, I have made my
way back to Oxford, and remember
so many good things about growing
up here. Those Saturday mornings
of complaining are gone now, and
replace with memories of the "big
boys" hanging out with us on that
back dock, and showing us their latest "catch" from the farm. Dancing
in the gym, movies downtown,
Easter, you get the picture. I could
go on and on, but I'm sure you all
remember many of the same things.
Since I turned 50 this year, (no
I'm still not going to grow up!), I
find myself being thankful more so
than ever for growing up at Oxford
for the simple fact of where in the
world would I have ended up if I
wasn't here. What would have happened to me? So when I returned to
Oxford, and have reconnected with
so many of you I knew then, and so
many friendships, I am grateful for
having been here. As bittersweet as
it may have been at times, each time
I drive on campus, a new and different memory comes to mind.
This year when I was asked to
be Chairman for the golf tournament, after I got over the shock, I
remember a particular name growing up, I wanted to honor. Colenda.
Need I say more? As I have been a
part of the Alumni Board for a few
years, this name has come up ,ore
and more. And I remember back in
the day all this family really did for
us at Oxford. From Mom Colenda,
to Aunt Pat, to Joseph, Sr. But more
recently, it has been Uncle Herbert.
I know he doesn't care much about
the credit. like in so many times in
the past, just simply wants to help
the kids. Though I know most of the
Colenda family didn't know me
until recent years, I wanted them to
know how much they impacted our
lives. So I chose Uncle Herbert as
one of the people I wanted to honor.
(Please come to the golf tournament
on Friday, Uncle Herb!) The other
person, I came to know, love and
respect in more recent years, Lloyd
Young. His name speaks for itself, I
cannot begin to say enough about
this truly gifted man who gave so
very much back to the home. For
both of these gentlemen,, it is and
always has been about giving, and
about the children. No notoriety, no
boasting, just for the children,
So, I hope everyone enjoys this
year's tournament. I did make a few
changes, for which I received some
criticism, some sponsors pulled out
for various reasons, while others
have stepped up their contributions
from years past.
And it's ok. It isn't about the
glory of how much someone gives.
how much is spent on the awards,
or what we eat. It's about having a
good time, spending time with family we haven't seen in a while, but
most of all to give the children of
today the best we can give, and
hopefully they, too, will have good
memories of Oxford. It's all about
the children, PERIOD.
Although it's been a challenge, I
have really enjoyed it! Thank you,
Jim R-iCe, and fellow board members for this opportunity, and for
helping me along. Let's just have a
good time!
Beckv Gray Lee
Sixth Annual
Fruow Ocronnn 7,2005
South Granville
Country Club
Creedmoor, North Carolina
Registration $65.00
Shotgun Start
12200 noon Lunch
Variety of Door Prizes, plu.s
Hole-In-One Car
Fall 2005
The Spotlight
Page 10
Dedication and OPen House to Headline Homecoming
oxford orphanage History Gets a Permanent Home
The Masonic Home for Children
celebrate a new Permanent
home for the memorabilia of its
cherished history with the dedication
and grand oPening of The Cobb
Center at Dunn Cottage. Known to
alumni as "The BabY Cottage",
Dunn Cottage was chosen as Part of
a massive renovation project to cre-
ate the exPansive and more modern
archives and museum forThe Home'
The Cobb Center also houses two
4O-person conference rooms, both
with the modem presentation amenities, as well as a warming kitchen for
catered events, a gift shop, and spacious archival preparation and storage areas. The top floor of the Center
houses Alumni Hall, a center specif*iitrme,
ically for alumni of the
including a research librarY and
archival directory.
The Cobb Center at
of a generous
the Cobb
$1.3 million gift
Cottage is the result
Davenport, also a member of the
class of 1954, and Mrs. Pat Colenda,
long-time volunteer and member of
the Oxford OrPhanage familY, have
maintained the Present archives
through countless hours of work and
by incorporating the generosity of
others. ThanKullY for the Center,
Mrs. Davenport and Mrs. Colenda
have agreed to continue their charitable work and are currentlY working to design, relocate, and maintain
the new archives and museum' "To
have this kind of space and this kind
of modern facilitY is a dream come
true." stated Mrs. Colenda. "I never
thought I would live to see such a
beautiful facility to house the history
of this Home that I love so much."
The Cobb Center at Dunn
Cottage will also serve as a meeting
place and will be available for rent
and for catered events, as
local and statewide conferences. The
Center will oPen MondaY through
Friday, with hours to be determined
once the Center is fully operational.
At 11:00 a.m. SaturdaY, October
8, 2005, The Masonic Home for
Children and the Cobb Foundation
will officially dedicate the newlY
renovated Center with a ribbon cutting and dedication ceremony.
Following comments bY rePresentatives of the Home, alumni president, special guests, and William
Cobb, open house tours will commence, to be followed bY a buffet
lunch behind the Center. For a full
schedule of dedication activities,
please see page 5 or visit www.mhcoxford.org and click on "Cobb
Campaign Continues To
Generate Funds for Alumni Hall
Foundation of Florida. The Cobb
Foundation is chaired bY William
and Rhoda Cobb. William Cobb is
an alumnus of Oxford OrPhanage,
graduating in 1954. His sister, Patty'
also graduated from the Home. The
Cobb Foundation is a philanthropic
foundation which supports institutes
of higher learning, children's chariTo make
ties and other not-for-profit ventures
in Alumni Hall listing those who contributed to the project.
Foundation members have taken charge your Visa or MasterCard to:
their commitment and love for The
Masonic Home for Children a step
The Masonic Home for Children at Oxford
further by pledging an annual
Attn: Cobb Center CamPaign
600 College Street
With the dedication of the
Oxford, NC 27565
Center, the dream
Home history!
Ligon and the Cobb Foundation will
And thanks for supporting this wonderful new piece of
become realitY. Mrs.
Fall 2005
The Spotlight
Page 11
Cobb Foundation Gift Historic in Many Ways
In telling the story of
Masonic Home for Children at
Oxford, formerly Oxford Orphanage
and Oxford Orphan Asylum, certain
chapters of its history stand out. The
Home's history
is rich and has
included name changes and program
changes, times of struggle and prosperity, buildings being built, then
being removed, and includes the
names and faces of thousands of
children. Those stories and people in
those stories are the history and legacy of this home.
William Cobb was already a part
of the legacy of this Home, being a
resident and graduate. The 1954
graduate of Oxford Orphanage and
1958 sraduate of Wake Forest
University alumnus, through the piece of history was created, one
generosity of the Cobb Foundation which will tell a story, with images
and the support of his wife, Rhoda, and sounds, with antiques and relics,
wished to tell the story of this Home,
his home. They and the Cobb
Foundation decided to fund the
preservation of the last standing "old
cottage" on campus, Dunn Cottage
the baby cottage
and making it
a repository of history. With the renovation of Dunn Cottage, a new
and with words and memories.
The Cobb Center at
Cottage remains to preserve and promote and will stand to tell the story
of this Home in the future. thanks to
the generosity and devoted care of
William and Rhoda Cobb and the
Cobb Foundation.
Class of 1955 to Hold 50th Reunion
Members of the graduation class
of 1955 will hold their 50th reunion
during Homecoming on Saturday
and Sunday, October 8-9, 2005.
Shelby Adams Lloyd is heading the
plans for the reunion. Members of
the 1955 graduation class are:
Jo Ann Adams, Shelby Adams
Lloyd, Jo Ann Adcock Vaughan,
Ruby Anderson, Jack Barger (deceased), Archie Capps, Virginia
Dean Moye, Leroy Dixon, Jimmy
Faucette (deceased), Charles Gibbs,
;'is Black, Ernestine 11a-
Cobb Center at Dunn Cottage
Dedication & Open House
Saturday, October 8, 2005
11:00 am
Dedication Ceremony
12:00 pm
Conclusion of Dedication
- Start of Center Walking Tours / Open House
lst Annual Cobb Center Luncheon
located behind Dunn Cottage
1:00-4:00 pm
Cobb Center at Dunn Cottage Open House cont'd.
Sunday, October 9,2005
1:00-3:00 pm
Cobb Center at Dunn Cottage Open House cont'd.
rrison Glover, Jo Ann Mitchell Eaton, Janice Moore Kornegay, Ruby
Jean Nerthercutt, Hazel Powell
Gunns, Eoline Provost Clayton,
Clara Regan, Margie Westbrook
Debam, Betty Lou Wilson.
The following were members of
the class of 1955, but did not graduate from the Orphanage: Patty Joe
Cobb Lorah, Victor Debnam, Loretta
Evans Roeder and Mary Willis
Best wishes for a happy and
memorable reunion.
Bank Balance
Chip Shots (restricted)
Balance ..........4,349.98
97 Red Devil Members
New Members:
Terry Johnson
Mary H. Rothleitner
Citizenship Awards:
9th Grade: Eric Ledford ............. 100.00
1Oth Grade: Edward Wainwright ............ 150.00
11th Grade: Danielle Motto
12th Grade: Bennie Cooper
McSwain Scholarship
Donated Campus Tracks
Non-Profit Org.
U.S. Postage
Oxford, N.C. 27565
Permit No. 56
Alice R. Adams
Richard Adams
Doris D. Baker
Archie M. Baggett
Shenill S. Beasley
Raymond Beck
George A. Belk
John N. Belk
Linda M. Bolick
Daniel Braswell
David & Bettie Braswell
Treva Moss Brooks
Charles A. Burton
Joyce H. Butts
Leon Capps
Deane Chandley-Thompson
Sara E. Devlyn
Tommy Dew
Elvira F. Dickerson
Leroy & Betty Dixon
Ann Smith Downing
Homer Eamhardt
Van T. Edwards
William & Lennie Everett
Charles Faucette
Pete Faulkner
Jacqueline N. Forrest
Bob & Loretta Gamer
Gerald & Shelia Grauel
Elizabeth Dowd Kuhn
& husband Jean H.
Luther Laton
Helen R. Law
Lois H. Lynn
Ruth Ketner
Cecil & Barbara Mashbom
Marie Mills Martin
Bessie Beasly Martine
Mariah D. May
Velna Chandley McGee
Roy M. & Dot Moss
Inez Gillis McBane
Boyce G. Nelson
Bobby Tltompson
Billy Ray Trivette
Ben R. Tucker
Nancy P. Ward
Robert White
Herbert Colenda
Robert Critcher
Allen Hughes
Lillian P. Hutchins
Jimmy Crutchfield
Christine Cullinan
Evelyn Cummings
Bobby Danford
Clara Lamb Jay
Violet S. Davenport
Hazel Davidson
Jerrine McMillan Davis
Victor Jack Debnam
Tommy Jones
Wayne Jones
Bobby Stephens
Arthur Stone
Harold Taylor
Pauline A. Taylor
Bobby Colenda
Terry Johnson
Charles Jones
Richard J. Jones
Loretta Evans Roeder
Mary Rumer
Doris Russell
Canoll Sheffield
Harry Dean Smith
Nell H. Smith
Wilton R. Smith
Ersul Sowers
Amos Speight
Carroll Mumford
Ann Howell Myatt
Eula Moore
Jean Johnson
A. Rice
Jack & Rose Moore
Randy & Frank McMillan
Dennis & Dixie Harrison
Donald B. Hensley
Carolyn Herndon
Frank Herring
& Mary Childrey
& Debbie
Eddie Strickland
Ronnie Strickland
Paul & Frances Tausch
Marie King Hall
Virginia Newton
Pauline G. Olexa
Don Payne
Clayton Peele
Rosalyn Lamb Peele
Barbara J. Poole
Lee Potter
Winfred Potter
Josephine Poole Pruitt
Rachel Whitt
John A. Wiley
Billy & Janet Willis
Robert "Lenzy" Wilson
Etta Sue Wells Worley
Gene Wyke