TV Highlights - The German-American Heritage Foundation of the USA
TV Highlights - The German-American Heritage Foundation of the USA
TV Highlights Your Television Program for America September 2016 KINO Film Festival I Photo: picture alliance Traders on the London Metal Exchange The Toronto International Film Festival is one of the big five on the international festival circuit. Unlike Berlin, Cannes and Venice, there’s no competition with an international jury – but what it DOES have is a movie-mad audience and the sought-after “People’s Choice Award.” Producers, directors and big stars all enjoy the relaxed atmosphere and close contact with audiences. For German cinema too, Toronto is now the most important showcase event for the North American market. Get the lowdown on this festival in Kino. Starting SAT 17 Sept. 21:15 DOCUMENTARY EUROMAXX Greed – A Fatal Desire Film Festival II Some regard it as a useful circumstance of evolution, others as a genetic programming error: The old deadly sin greed appears to be more omnipresent than ever before. In an era marked by the egotistic culture of consumption, those who don’t manage to fulfill their desires are thought of as losers. But with more than seven billion people on Earth, the excessive destruction of resources is having devastating consequences. Is the unfortunate state of our planet not proof enough that the “greed program” – one that has left us addicted to possessions, status and power - has run its course? Or is the “pursuit of gain” still an indispensible element of human nature? The two-part documentary Greed – A Fatal Desire goes in search of the essence of greed. Part 1 Starting MON 19 Sept. 01:15 KULTUR.21 PRESENTS Euromaxx is also devoted to movies and reports on the international film festival in Venice. British director Sam Mendes, best known for his James Bond movies, chairs the jury on this occasion to select which film will win the Golden Lion. The magazine sets out to discover: Which are the most popular, and which are the rather more disappointing movies being screened in Venice? And also, which stars are rocking the red carpet, and who should consider hiring a new stylist? Starting THU 1 Sept. 22:30 Currentzis – The Classical Rebel The Greek conductor Teodor Currentzis is turning the music world on its head – blurring the boundaries between the genres, pursuing thought-provoking projects and casting himself as a classical music pop star. Currentzis is artistic director of the opera house in the Russian industrial city of Perm, some 1,100 kilometers to the northeast of Moscow. Here, on the edge of Europe, he and his young orchestra MusicAeterna work on spectacular musical productions – including CD recordings of the Mozart opera “Don Giovanni.” In the two-part documentary “Currentzis – The Classical Rebel” Kultur.21 presents exclusive insights into the world of the artist. The production team filmed in Russia, Germany and Greece, and also accompanied Currentzis on a trip to his home city of Athens. Part 1 SUN 18 Sept. 00:30 | 11:03 | 19:30 | MON 19 Sept. 05:30 | 16:03 | 21:30 Photo: picture alliance Sam Mendes All broadcasting times refer to the German-language editions of the programs. All times given in UTC/GMT I Local Times: Vancouver UTC –7 | New York UTC –4 | São Paulo UTC –3 DOCUMENTARY Latino – The Changing Face of America In the year 2035, Latinos will make up 35 percent of the U.S. population. For the first time in the history of the nation, new immigrants are not simply disappearing into the “melting pot”. What is the political, social and economic impact of this change? And how will U.S.–Latinos influence the 2016 presidential election? DW broadcasts the documentary Latino – The Changing Face of America. Starting THU 29 Sept. 01:15 Photo: ZB-Fotoreport The Bastei Bridge in the Saxon Switzerland National Park DOCUMENTARY CHECK-IN Flight and Arrival Off to Saxon Switzerland! They’re called “Höllenhund,” “Lokomotive,” “Talwächter” or “Gans.” The names of the climbing rocks in Saxon Switzerland are as varied as their shapes. The Elbe has certainly worked wonders here: over the course of millions of years, the river has eroded the soft sandstone, leaving behind bizarre rock formations. The Elbe Sandstone Mountains, referred to by many as Saxon Switzerland, is one of Germany’s most attractive travel destinations. The region just outside Dresden is perfect for hiking, climbing and cycling. But you can also get great views of the rocks from the water, as a passenger on an Elbe steamboat – with minimum physical effort! Check-in presenter Lukas Stege explores this spectacular natural phenomenon. SAT 10 Sept. 11:03 | 21:30 | SUN 11 Sept. 16:03 | WED 14 Sept. 23:30 One year after the much-criticized opening of Germany’s borders to refugees, the documentary Flight and Arrival – Can Refugees Really Start Anew? profiles several artists from Syria who have made their way to Berlin. DW journalist Jafaar Abdul Karim meets the artists in the German capital and asks: What are their lives like here? Where are they working, and on what? And to what extent have their expectations of a new life in Germany been met? Have they arrived? Starting SUN 25 Sept. 01:15 FIT & GESUND Burnout – A Fad Condition? More and more people in western, industrialized nations suffer from burnout syndrome. Stressed out, overburdened, totally exhausted, listless and tired – this is how patients feel who’ve experienced a complete collapse. It’s a condition that can arise because of stress at work or at home, but also as a result of an individual disposition. Burnout describes a chronic physical and emotional state of exhaustion, the causes of which are yet to be clearly understood. What we do know is that patients almost always suffer from depression, which can in turn be caused by a variety of factors. So rather than being a stand-alone illness, is burnout just the collective term for the intersection of a large number of psychological symptoms? Fit & gesund presenter Carsten Lekutat joins experts to explain what may lurk behind a burnout diagnosis and why many of those affected are reluctant to talk about it. THU 8 Sept. 10:30 | 19:30 | SAT 10 Sept. 23:30 | MON 12 Sept. 02:03 | 14:30 Photo: DW Jaafar Abdul Karim All broadcasting times refer to the German-language editions of the programs. All times given in UTC/GMT I Local Times: Vancouver UTC –7 | New York UTC –4 | São Paulo UTC –3 CONTACT Deutsche Welle | Programmdirektion | Christine Elsaeßer EDITORIAL Programmpräsentation und Sendeleitung | Thorsten Worm PROGRAM INFORMATION T +49.30.4646-6732 | F +49.30.4646-6735 | RECEPTION INFORMATION T +49.228.429-4000 | F +49.228.429-154000 | AMERIKA Your German TV Program for America UTC 00: 00 G MONDAY World Stories TUESDAY Der Tag WEDNESDAY Der Tag 00: 15 Interview 00: 30 Projekt Zukunft Global 3000 Made in Germany 01: 00 Kino 01: 15 Dokumentationen Wirtschaft Nahaufnahme Wirtschaft Dokumentationen THURSDAY FRIDAY DW Nachrichten (3 min.) Der Tag Der Tag SATURDAY Der Tag SUNDAY Wirtschaft Reporter Fokus Europa 37 Grad Dokumentationen* Kultur.21 Wirtschaft Europe in Concert Wirtschaft Dokumentationen Der Tag Motor mobil Kunst & Krempel Kochen mit Martina & Moritz Maybrit Illner ZDF Program 00: 45 G DW Nachrichten (3 min.) Wirtschaft Dokumentationen Wirtschaft Quadriga 01: 30 Shift 01: 45 02: 00 G 02: 15 02: 30 Fit und gesund Der Tag Der Tag Bericht aus Berlin Europamagazin Mona Lisa Reporter Anne Will Hart aber fair DW Nachrichten (3 min.) Der Tag Der Tag 37 Grad Da will ich hin! 02: 45 03: 00 G 03: 15 DW Nachrichten (3 min.) Dokumentationen Maischberger Dokumentationen 03: 30 Schätze der Welt 03: 45 04: 00 G Markus Lanz ZDF Program 04: 15 DW Nachrichten (3 min.) Political Satire/ Quadriga Entertainment 05: 00 05: 15 05: 30 World Stories Sarah’s Music Lafer!Lichter!Lecker! Euromaxx PopXport Euromaxx Kultur.21 Kick off!** Projekt Zukunft Shift DW Nachrichten (3 min.) Euromaxx Euromaxx Made in Germany 05: 45 Kick off! Countdown** 06: 00 E Markus Lanz 04: 30 04: 45 G Tierisch Kölsch Kino Magazine Euromaxx Euromaxx Global 3000 Fokus Europa Check-in 06: 15 DW News 06: 30 DW News (3 min.) Documentaries* Euromaxx Euromaxx 06: 45 07: 00 E Reporter DW News Documentaries 07: 15 07: 30 Documentaries* Kick off!** Drive it! Tomorrow Today 07: 45 08: 00 E 08: 30 Documentaries Kick off! Countdown** DW News DW News 08: 15 DW News (3 min.) Interview Tomorrow Today Global 3000 Made in Germany Conflict Zone Documentaries Close up Documentaries Documentaries Sarah’s Music The Bundesliga** Quadriga*** Focus on Europe Arts.21 Documentaries Europe in Concert Documentaries 08: 45 DW News 09: 00 E 09: 15 09: 30 Shift 09: 45 DW Nachrichten 10: 00 G 10: 15 Wirtschaft Wirtschaft Wirtschaft Wirtschaft Wirtschaft Wirtschaft Interview 10: 30 Kochen mit Martina & Moritz Kick off!** Motor mobil Fit und gesund Kick off! Countdown** Children’s Program Wissen macht Ah! Projekt Zukunft Global 3000 Made in Germany Check-in Kultur.21 Euromaxx Kunst & Krempel Euromaxx Euromaxx Euromaxx 10: 45 11: 00 G 11: 15 11: 30 11: 45 DW Nachrichten (3 min.) Fokus Europa Dokumentationen* Euromaxx Euromaxx AMERIKA UTC 12:00 G 12: 15 MONDAY TUESDAY Wirtschaft Wirtschaft Wirtschaft Dokumentationen Dokumentationen Nahaufnahme THURSDAY FRIDAY DW Nachrichten (3 min.) Wirtschaft Wirtschaft Dokumentationen Quadriga SATURDAY SUNDAY Wirtschaft World Stories Dokumentationen Europe in Concert 12: 30 Shift 12: 45 13:00 G WEDNESDAY 13: 30 DW Nachrichten DW Nachrichten 13: 15 Berlin direkt Europamagazin Mona Lisa 37 Grad Da will ich hin! Reporter Interview Children’s Program Wissen macht Ah! 13: 45 14: 00 G 14: 30 DW Nachrichten DW Nachrichten 14: 15 Fit und gesund Kick off!** Dokumentationen* Anne Will Hart aber fair Political Satire/ Entertainment Motor mobil 14: 45 15: 00 G 15: 15 Dokumentationen Presseclub ZDF Program Religious Service Sarah’s Music Augstein u. Blome PopXport Check-in Euromaxx Euromaxx Euromaxx Dokumentationen Europe in Concert Dokumentationen Kick off! Countdown** DW Nachrichten (3 min.) Maischberger Maybrit Illner 15: 30 15: 45 16: 00 G 16: 15 16: 30 DW Nachrichten (3 min.) Made in Germany Fokus Europa Kultur.21 Projekt Zukunft Global 3000 Euromaxx Da will ich hin! Euromaxx Euromaxx Dokumentationen Nahaufnahme Dokumentationen Dokumentationen 16: 45 DW Nachrichten 17: 00 G 17: 15 17: 30 Shift 17: 45 18: 00 G 18: 15 Markus Lanz ZDF Program Political Satire/ Entertainment DW Nachrichten (3 min.) Quadriga Markus Lanz 18: 30 Sarah’s Music 18: 45 Schätze der Welt Magazine Kino DW Nachrichten 19: 00 G Lafer!Lichter!Lecker! Tierisch Kölsch 19: 15 Wirtschaft Wirtschaft Wirtschaft Wirtschaft Wirtschaft Wirtschaft Interview 19: 30 PopXport Kick off!** Motor mobil Fit und gesund Global 3000 Fokus Europa Kultur.21 Anne Will Hart aber fair Dokumentationen ZDF Program Dokumentationen* 19: 45 20: 00 G 20: 15 Da will ich hin! 20: 30 Schätze der Welt 20: 45 21: 00 G DW Nachrichten (3 min.) Maischberger Maybrit Illner Augstein u. Blome DW Nachrichten (3 min.) Der Tag Der Tag Der Tag Der Tag Kultur.21 Global 3000 Der Tag Der Tag Da will ich hin! Euromaxx 23: 15 Wirtschaft Sarah’s Music Wirtschaft Schätze der Welt Wirtschaft Kino 23: 30 Kick off!** Motor mobil Check-in Der Tag 21: 15 21: 30 Made in Germany Fokus Europa Projekt Zukunft DW Nachrichten Kino World Stories Check-in Kunst & Krempel 21: 45 22: 00 G DW Nachrichten (3 min.) Der Tag Der Tag Der Tag Reporter Interview Euromaxx Euromaxx Euromaxx Wirtschaft Schätze der Welt Schätze der Welt PopXport Fit und gesund 22: 15 22: 30 Euromaxx Euromaxx DW Nachrichten 22: 45 23: 00 G 23: 45 G German E English DW Nachrichten (3 min.) Wirtschaft Shift Kick off! Countdown** DW Nachrichten Dokumentationen * once a month Glaubenssachen / Faith Matters | **different programming during seasonal break | *** may be substituted by Eco@Africa All information may be subject to change | As of May 2016