Fountainhead - Fwd_ Tomorrow, 118th Anniversary of the Bankers


Fountainhead - Fwd_ Tomorrow, 118th Anniversary of the Bankers
From: Gary S Gevisser <>
Subject: Fountainhead - Fwd: Tomorrow, 118th Anniversary of the Bankers Manifesto - JM#52 - Fwd: Spy tells TRUTH about the U.S.
Date: July 5, 2010 6:26:26 PM PDT
19 Attachments, 5.5 MB
From: Gary S Gevisser <>
Date: July 5, 2010 1:24:48 PM PDT
To: Jason Ritchie - Honored US Navy Submariner Sonar Operator with Top Secret Clearance <>
Cc: rest; John Perkins - former CIA Economic Hit Man, author and founder Dream Change" <>, ray seitz
<>, Adam Hochschild - author of Blood & Treasures - founder of Mother Jones <>, "Howard
Berkson - Owner of Anthology, San Diego." <>, "Ahmad Ayoub - \"Twin\" brother of Fawzi Ayoub" <>,, Steve Jobs - Chief Executive Officer - Apple Computer <>, Oded Tour <>,
"David Bellavia - US Soldier, nominated for the US Congressional Medal of Honor. Now \"blowing the whistle\" on Operation Sparkling."
<>, "The coupon clipper is the Jeffrey Jack The Ripper Essakow - co-owner of the Marc Rich and Co. Flower Hill Mall,
Solana Beach, California" <>, Gloria Garrett <>,, "Lynne
Twist - Founder of Soul of Money Institute - c/o Kay Sandberg, SOMI Program Director" <>, Karen Oxrider - Jane Goodall's
Roots & Shoots <>, Gordon Starr Starr <>, Tom Stone <>,, "Mark Silverstein Esq. -c/o Alison May - ACLU - roommate of King Golden Jr. at the University of Virginia Law
School" <>, "Theodore Bevry Olson Esq. [September 11, 1940 - ] . Husband of Barbara Oslon [December 27, 1955–September
11, 2001] who on 9/11 was on American Airlines flight 77 which flew into the Pentagon. US Attorney Olson is mentioned in Gary S. Gevisser's first
heavily broadcasted communique sent out on 12.1.2000, 9 months and 11 days prior to 9/11, to the partner of the first victim of 9/11, Israeli
Special Forces officer Daniel Lewin who was flying in the business class section of American Airlines flight 11, the first passenger aircraft to hit the
Twin Towers. in Addendum 6 of 14 addendums that were attached to the email sent to Randal Kaplan who along with Lewin was the co-founder
of the Internet algorithm company, AKAMAI, there is reference in the same paragraph to both Ted Olson and Mark Silverstein Esq. of the ACLU."
<>, "Sidney Abelski - lawyer - only child of two Auschwitz survivors." <>,, Lawrence Binderow - Attorney <>, Marco Gonzales - lawyer
<>, Trent Aaron - Professional tennis player <>, Princeton University
<>,,,, Kirby Dick - Producer/Director
<>, "Chris Wickham - Chairman of the History Faculty Board - Oxford University." <>,, Council of the Gods <>, "Barbara Manning - Jacana Media, Publisher of David Gevisser's,
THE UNLIKELY FORESTER." <>, "Media Man - Timbuktu, Africa" <>, Montesorri School of
La Jolla of La Jolla <>,,, Laurence Bloch <>,, dave carsel <>,, lois and casey cogner bob <>,,,, chuck lohrman <>,,,, binky minetree <>,,,,,, Shaun
Tomson - 1977 World Surfing Champion <>,, James Crawford - Graduate student at UCSD International Business Development <>,, "Mark Gevisser - son of David Gevisser, \"male heir\" of
American-German Charles W. Engelhard Jr. [1917-1971]" <>, "Jonny Gevisser - Director, The Extra-Mural Education
Project, Cape Town, South Africa" <>, "Stephen Cohen - Codiam Inc." <>, Leon Cohen - Codiam Inc
<>, Martin Rapaport - Rapaport Report <>, Nicholas Oppenheimer - DeBeers Diamond Cartel
<>, "Warren Buffett - Berkshire Hathaway." <>, "Jon Hermann - Helzberg-HabsburgDiamonds - Customer Satisfaction representative." <>, "Laura Coyne - Ben Ridge Jewelers owned by De Beers
operative Warren Buffett of Berkshire Hathaway." <>, "King Golden Jr. Esq. - my long time American attorney and \"bosom
buddy\" of Roger W. Robinson aka \"Our Man Roger\" who I have known intimately since he joined the National Security Council in March 1982."
<>, "Roger W. Robinson - protege of David Rockefeller and former Chairman of U.S.-China Economic and Security Review
Commission" <>, "Texan Secretary of State, James A. Baker, III - Representing House of Saud, Saudi Arabia - Baker
considered by Roger W. Robinson, \"THE MOST DANGEROUS PERSON IN THE WORLD\"." <>, Carlyle Hotel c/o Lawyer
President Barack Obama <>, Roy Essakow - Marc Rich Lieutenant <>, Hillary Bill-De
Beers-Rhodes Scholar-Marc Rich Clinton <>, "Patrick. J. Fitzgerald - US Attorney - prosecuted successfully
Presidential Pardoned Marc Rich's attorney, Scooter Libby. " <>
Subject: Re: Tomorrow, 118th Anniversary of the Bankers Manifesto - JM#52 - Fwd: Spy tells TRUTH about the U.S. Government
Prior broadcast - CLICK HERE
Can you explain in simple English the immediate and long term effects of the moment Engelhard Enterprises South Africa
received the first Purchase Order from an American automobile manufacturer once their US Congress mandated that a piece
of Engelhard's platinum be placed in each new automobile sold in the United States beginning in the mid-1970s.
Remember to think what was going on around the world at the time the decision was taken to let every Captain of Industry
know who was "calling the shots".
As you might expect a very successful and perfect English speaking Argentinean hi-tech engineer, schooled at the University
of Berkeley and now living in San Francisco and visiting the La Jolla Pannikan is looking over my shoulder as I type this, and
nor does he have to stretch as he is at least 6 foot 3 inches and his most beautiful and very sexy Iranian girlfriend, both in
about their mid-to late 30s and so sharp looking, listening intently as I read just as fast as I am typing very fast given how I
need to be back at the top of Mount Soledad by 1pm for a luncheon at the home of Master fine art oil painter teacher
Sebastian Capella who just returned from a month's trip to Valencia, Spain.
The following conversation took place earlier today between my sexy, logical-math wizard, stunningly beautiful, walkin-talkin
work-of-art French-Canadian wife, Marie Dion Gevisser and a barister at the Pinevalley Java shop:.
Barista: Is your husband the little South African
man? Is he still raising hell?
MDG: People don't want to look at the truth.
Barista: Sometimes it is in the approach.
MDG: Why waste time when you know what the outcome is.
Barista: Everyone is a little corrupt. This is why it is nice to live in a small town.
MDG: It is because you are in denial. It is like saying there is no war out there.
Barista: I am just a little corrupt.
MDG: The more corrupt, corrupt the less corrupt; it makes them feel good to think that everyone can be corrupted.
Ignorance is bliss. They are laughing at you.
Ian, the tall and good looking and in excellent shape Argentinean didn't take long to ask me, "what made you do this?"
referring to the website once it took him no time at all to get his head around what has the corrupt totally paralyzed when
reading the email about the latest individual who asked me to sign him up for one of my Educational Light Journey-One
Tribe of Achievers seminar-workshops after being referred to me by an employee of the Congolese Consulate office in the
United States.
Ian, of course has a far better grasp of the gun-money-power of De Beers than most Americans. His well above average
worldly Iranian girlfriend who has been living in the US since 1998 and speaks also the most perfect English had not heard of
De Beers, but she too didn't take long at all to understand the importance of this "chance meeting" as well.
Ian, has also read John Perkins book, CONFESSIONS OF AN ECONOMIC HIT MAN and while not thinking that Perkins is
"one of the good guys" did like the fact that he had written an "all tell book" about how the CIA go about corrupting grass
roots organizations before they take root and focusing on mineral rich countries like South Africa, Congo and Peru to name
just 3.
Jason, you are fast falling behind even though you are far more clued on my writings than most on my email list which
continues to represent a statistically valid sampling of the world's literate population.
How come you have not signed up yourself and everyone you know including your sponsors of your new uniform business
which I explained to you when we last met at the Brigantine will only be successful if De Beers and company are able to
corrupt you, otherwise you most likely won't even be able to get it off the ground?
The connections between those who attended the Bankers Manifesto of July 4, 1892 are those who are in power right now.
Why do you think it is that man feels the need to complicate simple things?
Could it have to do with the way the corrupt clergy and academia, the new corrupt church teach the common herd?
I say, "yes".
The history which Mr. Perkins does not mention in his book or when giving many speeches on behalf of the corrupt grass
roots organizations that he is now the heavy duty spokesperson, is that of the 3 century genocide of Native American
Indians which was accomplished not just in the name of the Christian religion but in simply calling them "savages" because
they did things like scalp their victims who didn't keep their end of the bargain.
You also know that before the epic 300 hundred year land grab of land grabs, the Christian kept the Indian warm for a while
as they gave him blankets that helped kill them.
Ian doesn't think the disease was smallpox, perhaps you would know?
Ian and his lady friend who clearly has a great relationship with his 4 and 7 year old have now left and as they were leaving
Ian pointed the screen of his handheld mobile device to show me that he had bookmarked
Would you believe me if I tell you that I have had a 50% positive response from everyone who has seen that brief email
dialogue between myself and my new friend Anthony; and of course there have been further even more informative
conversations between us?
You don't have to know as much as me about the publishing business to know that a 3% response rate is most excellent.
You know that already 2 of the 3 individuals who deleted themselves as FB "friends" of the twirp Adam Lee Tucker are now
FB "friends" of mine.
Of course you know a lot more.
Until the Internet is shut down which is what those in power cannot wait to happen and you can find all of them on the $ hit
list or soon to be, they will remain silent while threatening when not killing.
Don't waste energy on anything other than helping those with negative energy turn it on themselves.
What do you think Adam Lee Tucker is thinking seeing that 3 of his 42 Facebook friends "turned".
What do you think it would take for me to reach all the Facebook "friends" of my 2 FB "friends"?
Why is it that the human keeps looking for new things to look for when truth is always staring them straight in the face as in
Was that a little corny?
Have you noticed how much sweeter the corn is getting?
BTW, you should have seen people at lunch the day before yesterday at the Wild Note Cafe in Solana Beach not being able
to get over Mango inhaling lettuce and other vegetables and one most overjoyed 87 year old man
when seeing possibly the first full on live-raw food non-meat eating dog's pretty face, energy and most of all lustrous coat
and he chewed more on the "Chair of Shame"
over at our storage unit, said he could see millions made out of TV show with Mango and the star of course Marie.
who was wearing the Japanese paper sweater she knitted.
We also picked up more organic figs and strawberries
that were picked right then.
Not to mention, the following is being shared with Adam Lee Tucker's remaining 39 Facebook "friends":
Most of the "common people" see Facebook as something very superficial, although they think spying on the social activities
of their Facebook "friends" when not trying to find someone sexy - click hyperlink below -
and if not, someone very rich to marry and to have affairs on the side, is very serious business, and why they place a lot of
time and attention on their Facebook photos beginning with their profile photo.
Adam Lee Tucker's profile photo is this cartoon below.
Most, including the couch potatoes watching brain-numbing TV decided upon by the not in the least bit remarkable teachers
to the common herd who are celebrating today their 118th anniversary since the Bankers Manifesto of 1892 take a little
longer to see the tank at the bottom crushing over the common people who know the educated are corrupt; and the soldiers
increasingly know if it isn't them killing the rest of the world's poor yet to be forced into army boots to participate in carefully
orchestrated genocides that most of the time have "ethnicity" in the very carefully worded propaganda verbiage, then the
younger kids with the guns would turn on them, and why they are increasingly brutal in the increasingly remote battlefields;
and besides American soldiers still have the fancy guns and equipment, head gear with cameras that allow also night vision
that give Allied forces control over the night, until of course the decision comes to arm the next Osama Bin Laden with the
CIA's most deadly Stinger missiles to shoot down fixed and non-fixed wing aircraft or something similar, and then again will
the puppet talking heads on TV and radio cry out aloud, "Defend our Freedoms - Defend the Motherland", as soft targets like
the Twin Towers have their floors pancaking.
Increasingly however, and perhaps with all modesty has a whole lot to do with it given my unmatched
credibility at the highest levels of the social-economic ladder that is not hindered by my knowledge of the 4 subjects, History,
Economics, Military & Politics [HEMP], the propaganda, the pitiful distraction tactics are falling on the deaf ears of the next
generation of not only Americans, who all have the Internet to fill in the gaps about America and it satellite regime's shameful
history, that begins with the 3 century genocide of the native American Indians which had religion wrapped throughout,
before Uncle Sam who was a real person supplying the meat to Union soldiers, mastered internecine warfare, as brother
killed brother in the unmatched in brutality American Civil War, that wiped out 780,000 Americans, all screaming loudly on
both sides, "In God We Trust" the Almighty Dollar, and this culling of 2% of the American population by fellow Americans, no
Israeli Jewish or Arab Muslim fanatics to blame, then led to the start of the rape of mineral rich South Africa where America's
most preferred monopoly De Beers were victorious in the Anglo Boer War of 1899-1902 which coincided perfectly with the
American led 8 Allied nations invasion of China, where after killing the men, raping the women and children, the Allied forces
left with all of China's harvested gold and ancient artifacts, and this thievery of epic proportions didn't quell the
rapaciousness of the bankers who couldn't stop licking their chops as they used some of the profits to redecorate the White
House as their puppet President Teddy "The Bear" Roosevelt first "tested the waters" using American troops rather than
foreign mercenaries as just one steel battleship was sent on November 3rd, 1903 to Panama - CLICK HERE - and following
this huge land grab without firing a shot, then began the buildup of the Great White Fleet that circumnavigated the globe
beginning in 1907.
Threatening to intimidate does not even have to take words.
Sticks and Stones break bones but words kill.
Common people have the most common sense.
BTW, what do you think the Brits think about 4th of July being so important to us Americans; while remembering there are
still a lot of Brits living in the US who talk a lot under their breath, "Thank God we got rid of the Yanks"; and of course most of
these punch drunk Brits are oblivious to the huge war debt Great Britain rung up with the US as the US armed the puppet
Herr Hitler to the teeth, which was only very recently paid off.
The British people have yet to give great Statesmen like Winston Churchill and his second-in-command during World Oil War
II, my fellow countryman, devout Christian Afrikaner, Allied Field Marshall Jan Smuts the credit they deserve for leaving the
most extraordinary gun-money-paper trail of Uncle Sam's duplicity not just in both World Wars but all that followed as Great
Britain along with its Commonwealth countries like South Africa contributed forces in the Korean and Vietnam Wars but
increasing less in what the the victorious Vietnamese refer to as The American War, as South Africa's majority black masses
became increasingly subjugated as America's lead ECONOMIC HIT MAN, American-German Charles W. Engelhard Jr.,
owner of Engelhard Minerals and Chemicals, New Jersey and its affiliate Engelhard Enterprises South Africa operated
without any fear as they travelled the world especially when in mineral rich South Africa, and ordering their puppet US
Presidents to do exactly as they were told, beginning in modern day war times with having newly "elected" President Lyndon
Johnson send the nuclear aircraft carrier fleet Enterprise to South Africa in mid-1964, and even more importantly, before the
USS Liberty was placed in harm's way by Admiral McCain on June 8, 1967, two days into the most bloody Arab-Israel 6 Day
War, which resulted in the brutally strong Israel Defense Force unleashing overwhelming and superior forces on a totally
defenseless vessel that was flying the largest American flag on a clearest of clear blue sky day, America's most wired spy
ship visited South Africa where Israel-Mossad agents got a careful read of the USS Liberty's physical appearance and
telecommunications signatures.
Click hyperlink below taking you to my December 3, 2008 broadcast, THE BRITISH ARE BEING USED.
You have yet to delete this message because you are still reading and you find it interesting including you Mr. Adam Lee
Tucker who "have" (sic) to be thinking when your remaining FB "friends" will give you a heads up, don't you think?
Nor should you forget that I have yet to explain fully the implications of my court victory against you on April 14. Click
hyperlink below:
Mr. Tucker, you do remember that you didn't even give your immediate and extended family who were involved in the
smuggling of US $2 million cash in a suitcase out of South Africa via an Iranian Jewish person and then invested in your
mother's Roman Catholic brother-in-law's plastic business, even a half hour heads up before turning them all into the FBI on
April 28, 2008. Click hyperlink below
The following 3 people deleted themselves as FB friends of yours after receiving the email i sent them the day before
Moshe Talbi (‫)משה טלבי ישראל‬
Opher Brayer
Tarik Tenneb
Soon after, Moshe Taibi accepted to be my first Facebook "friend". He has 534 other FB "friends".
I was the 3,672 Facebook "friend" of Opher Brayer who has now 3,386 Facebook.
I don't yet know about Tarik Tenneb, perhaps someone could let me know.
All 39 remaining FB "friends" of Mr. A. L. Tucker should be aware that more likely than not all decided to delete themselves
as FB "friends" of my former webmaster after they received the communication that follows; not to mention, my dialogue with
this Anthony gentleman who is my age and most worldly and well-traveled and who was referred to me by an employee of
the Congolese Consulate in the US continues; to mention little of let me know if you want to hear more; to mention in
passing, as I now prepare to broadcast an "open letter" to Hizbullah Commander, Fawzi Ayoub - click hyperlink below
in an effort to have "common sense" prevail, in Judaism it is tantamount to murder when you attempt character assassination
on someone such as myself, who does not only have a very good name amongst the people that count, but my actions in
helping get out the information to the poorly informed is increasingly well documented; it is not what you say but what you
don't say that counts and Mr. Adam Lee Tucker found that out when Judge Adrienne A. Orfield ruled justly AGAINST HIM.
Subject: Adam L. Tucker
Click hyperlink below taking you to Judge Adrienne A. Orfield's MINUTE ORDER:
The hyperlink below takes you to my forthcoming follow up with my former webmaster
Gary Steven Gevisser
Ps - The hyperlink below takes you to my last broadcast:
All those familiar with my background would not be surprised by the email I received earlier today:
From: Anthony ...
Date: July 2, 2010 8:59:11 AM PDT
To: Gary S Gevisser <>,
We haven't met.
I came across your website as a result of a casual conversation with a most unlikely source during a flight to the
States - a conversation with an employee from the Congolese Consulate in the US.
Without getting into too much detail, this person told me to read your site content and to take note of certain aspects. must have hit a nerve with someone somewhere.
On Fri, Jul 2, 2010 at 2:38 PM, Gary S Gevisser <> wrote:
i did not receive an email from you.
Have we met?
Could you resend the email you sent me yesterday to the following email address:
On Jul 2, 2010, at 2:52 AM, Anthony ...wrote:
Note sure if you received my mail I am interested in attending a seminar.
I think I have a lot to offer as I have known "the truth" for a long time now.
Do you want to know the connection between Josef Kabila, the white house and BP? Did you ever consider why BP
decided on the seemingly outrageous time frame to fix the recent problems in the gulf and why this makes Kabila,
Hayward, Svanberg et al richer every day?
Probably not....
On Thu, Jul 1, 2010 at 9:58 AM, Anthony ....> wrote:
Please sign me up
Ps - Two well college educated gentlemen seated next to me have agreed to look over this broadcast. They are included in
the blind copied section which to repeat ad-nausea is a statistically valid sampling of the world's literate population. Matt's
question, "Who is the target audience". Joseph listening carefully while buttering his bagel can obviously hear my answer,
"All those who have not allowed their formal education to interfere with their learning; i.e. continue to have a search for the
truth"; not to mention I decided to interrupt their brunch when I "head" (sic) Joseph comment that he was interested in
reading, The Fountainhead.
[Word count 3,210 = Perfect number 6]
On Jul 3, 2010, at 8:05 PM, J R wrote:
how hard would it be to see what companies were started in 1892 and are still around the bigger ones and who the
or who had the trust funds that started businesses later on....
who was in charge of governments at that time and what family members are in now....
so forth and so on.....
i bet you find some very interesting connections....
From: Gary S Gevisser <>
Date: July 3, 2010 2:40:30 PM PDT
To: Jason Ritchie - Honored US Navy Submariner Sonar Operator with Top Secret Clearance <>
Cc: rest; Kurt Kallenbach - Journalist <>,, Adam Lee Tucker - Gambled
Big Time and Lost - 4-14-2010 <>, "Jarvis Burston - Apple Solutions Consultant. Burston - Outstanding
Apple Solutions Consultant, still figuring out the game and former roommate of dirty house keeping Adam Lee Tucker."
<>, "Kate Jaro - hot 24 year old who called Adam Lee Tucker \"stupid\" in crowded restaurant, then
left the table for the bathroom, and Mr. Tucker immediately responded, \"She does not interest me\""
<>,, ray seitz <>, Devin Standard
<>, "Kenneth Standard, Esq.- former President of the New York Bar Association - Harvard Law
School." <>, Roy Essakow - Marc Rich Lieutenant <>, "The coupon
clipper is the Jeffrey Jack The Ripper Essakow - co-owner of the Marc Rich and Co. Flower Hill Mall, Solana Beach,
California" <>,, "David Bellavia - US Soldier, nominated for the
US Congressional Medal of Honor. Now \"blowing the whistle\" on Operation Sparkling." <>,
"Deborah Sturman Esq - Played pivotal role in collecting billions of $ from remnants of Germany's military machine during
WW II, but stopped way too short when realizing it was so close to home." <>, "AmericanRussian-Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard c/o Dr. John K. Pollard Jr. - Alumnus of MIT and Cornell University - Proponent of
women are inferior in the math and science; i.e. logic." <>, Oded Tour <>,
Ashley - law school student - girlfriend of Connor Shapiro <>, "Mark Silverstein Esq. -c/o Alison May ACLU - roommate of King Golden Jr. at the University of Virginia Law School" <>, "Theodore Bevry Olson
Esq. [September 11, 1940 - ] . Husband of Barbara Oslon [December 27, 1955–September 11, 2001] who on 9/11 was on
American Airlines flight 77 which flew into the Pentagon. US Attorney Olson is mentioned in Gary S. Gevisser's first heavily
broadcasted communique sent out on 12.1.2000, 9 months and 11 days prior to 9/11, to the partner of the first victim of
9/11, Israeli Special Forces officer Daniel Lewin who was flying in the business class section of American Airlines flight 11,
the first passenger aircraft to hit the Twin Towers. in Addendum 6 of 14 addendums that were attached to the email sent to
Randal Kaplan who along with Lewin was the co-founder of the Internet algorithm company, AKAMAI, there is reference in
the same paragraph to both Ted Olson and Mark Silverstein Esq. of the ACLU." <>, "Sidney Abelski lawyer - only child of two Auschwitz survivors." <>,, Lawrence
Binderow - Attorney <>, Marco Gonzales - lawyer <>,, Ying <>, "Howard Berkson - Owner of Anthology, San Diego."
<>, "Ahmad Ayoub - \"Twin\" brother of Fawzi Ayoub" <>, US Navy Vice Admiral
John Stufflebeem <>, USS Liberty-jimandjoe <>, "Eric McDonald - Retired US
Navy Captain - 24 years of service." <>, "Rabbi Capers C. Funnye - close cousin of First Lady
Michelle Obama" <>, Rabbi Abner Weiss <>, La Jolla CA 92037 Rabbi Ezaqui 7955 La Jolla Shores Dr <>, Trevor Jones <>, Trevor Manuel - former South African
Minister of Finance <>, Helen Zille- Leader of the Democratic Alliance - Republic of South Africa
<>, Rush Limbaugh feigned opponent of Obama <>, "Adele Strous \"Im not interested in
history of Israel\" Clingman - wife of CIA oil trader Alan Clingman and business partner of Roy Essakow-Marc Rich and
company." <>, Michael Antonorsi - Owner Chuao Chocolates <>,
"Michael Strauss - International Monetary Fund - former student of Grundfest." <>, GREENERY RAW
Subject: Tomorrow, 118th Anniversary of the Bankers Manifesto - JM#52 - Fwd: Spy tells TRUTH about the U.S.
Remember to let those educators and their students know that they can take their time in letting Kallenbach know that they
have been on to his game for "sum" (sic) time.
Not to forget that 2 out of the 3 Facebook "friends" of Adam Lee Tucker who deleted him as their FB "friend" after I shared
with them the Judge Orfield's ruling and then some, were Israelis. I am not sure of the 3rd. Have you figured out the
significance of this?
Did you know that the word "Enterprise" means "business"?
That was easy.
The fact that Charles W. Engelhard would call his South African operation Engelhard Enterprises South Africa is surely not a
big deal, most would agree?
Do you know how much ground I can cover when "one on one" with an individual, let alone approximately 10 hours as I did
with my "lucky uncle" David Gevisser when we met for the last time in 1995 when there was not a single interruption, not one
telephone call?
Do you have any idea of how much I knew about my father's first cousin before we met when he was still 68 years of age
and I was 38?
Do you recall me mentioning repeatedly how in February 1991, I spent an entire evening in Los Angeles with Roger W.
Robinson who was the protege of David Rockefeller whose family are prominent in the Diamond Invention whose principal
architects designed and profiteered openly from the Jewish Holocaust that wiped out the best half of European Jewry of The
Holocaust, and which ended with "Our Man Roger", me and King Golden Jr. Esq. enjoying dessert at Spagos next to a table
full of Mossad agents who did not have tattooed on either their arms or foreheads the word, "MOSSAD"?
Do you know that between 1995 and when I broke my 24 year deafening silence with De Beers on 11.11.2004, I not only
hadn't forgotten any of my conversations with my "lucky uncle" Dave that centered around his De Beers-Engelhard
investments throughout the world but I remembered just as well why "Our Man Roger" would tell me that Texan Secretary of
Do you know that the candle shop on the way to Chino Farms is owed half a million US dollars by debtors who have
declared bankruptcy because of "the economy"?
Do you recall me mentioning that the day before I met my "lucky uncle" Dave I spent an entire morning meeting with South
Africa's new Minister of Trade and Industry, Trevor Manuel who then went on to become South Africa's Minister of Finance
until recently when at no time did he call upon my "lucky uncle" Dave and his Oppenheimer-Rockefeller partners to share
their profits in the platinum shipped to US automobile manufacturers.
Did you notice Helen Zille's name next to Trevor Manuel?
What do you think Helen has been doing since we last spoke not all that long ago which ended with her telling me that she
would think about our conversation and that she would get back to me?
What do you think of the US Government-De Beers naming an aircraft carrier fleet "business"?
In mid-1964 when newly "elected" De Beers-US President Johnson who attended C. W. Engelhard Jr's funeral at St. Mary's
Abbey, Morris Town, two words, New Jersey, sent the nuclear powered and armed aircraft carrier fleet to South Africa, my
"lucky uncle" Dave was still 37 and just 4 years away from being appointed Chief Executive Officer of Engelhard Enterprises
South Africa that controlled the world supply of platinum that cost Engelhard and company absolutely nothing.
Do you know of any other small business people going out of business who could do with my help?
What do you think Oded has been doing while reading this?
When do you think bought and paid for Rush Limbaugh and company are going to be talking about me?
Do not forget as well that there is not a single individual who has heard of me and that includes all the top executives of De
Beers who don't have titles and nor do they receive any pay checks that have De Beers' name imprinted who do not fully
understand the corruption as well as my very easy to understand peaceful solutions which NOT ONE OF THEM want
because first they don't want to be appear to be that stupid and second they are in fact that evil.
Not to mention how much easier it is to now "expose the truth-light-God".
You have to focus at all times on the Jewish Holocaust and its aftermath beginning with the silence of Jewish AmericansSouth Africans.
What are you doing the rest of today?
Did you know that tomorrow is the 118th Anniversary of the Bankers Manifesto?
Do you think if Americans really knew their history they would celebrate 4th of July?
How much time do you think I have remaining?
What are you doing now?
Ps - Do you have any comments on what I sent Oded - - last evening. BTW, he did not show up at
Don't you think this is a very sexy photo of Marie
one more of Mango
And of course Marie didn't wear those sandals on the ride over on her 250cc Piaggio scooter.
Right now we are in the Mini Cooper S and she is driving of course, passing the Fair on the way to Chino Farms. Maybe we
will run into Dr. John K. Pollard Jr. who when looking just at Mango's lustrous coat he might in choosing Mango's only liveraw food medicine diet that never once had a heartbeat think more about the punishment of pain inflicted especially on the
elderly who have the information and choose not only poorly not to share it but to distract as this MIT prick continues to try
attract chicks with his chicklet jokes, but no mention of the huge injustice of this defamation lawsuit that an "elected"
Democratic Judge has allowed to proceed, and not a single Jewish person in the world lifting a finger to do the right thing, as
Gentiles like Dr. JKP Jr. can't get "enough of themselves".
Not to mention Chinos is busy.
To mention little of each of us are most wisely dealt cards and to confront evil at every turn; now turning a slow 45 degrees
as we approach the Del Mar Polo fields.
To mention in passing what if I now walked around with my laptop and showed them that email the email I received
yesterday from a worldly and financially independent Londoner wanting to sign up for one of my Educational Light JourneyOne Tribe of Achievers seminar-workshops after having been referred to my website by an employee of the
Congolese Consulate in the US as the two of them conversed on a flight.
Side note to Dr. JKP Jr. - Even if you are no longer mobile since I havent seen you in ages walking along the beaches of
Del Mar, what about giving more thought to how you can better cope with the fact that people such as yourself with little
intelligence have great difficulty dealing with the truth, were to join me in putting on seminar-workshops where at least you
could make money but still you would have to explain to your two gang-banger grandsons that their lives of crime don't
touch sides with yours, don't you think?
Not to speak, is to speak.
Begin forwarded message:
From: Kurt Kallenbach <>
Date: July 1, 2010 10:53:48 AM PDT
Subject: Spy tells TRUTH about the U.S. Government
All true Americans must watch this.
ExSpy tells TRUTH about the U.S Government