2010-2011 Annual Report


2010-2011 Annual Report
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Annual Repor t
2010 –2011
Be The Best Possible You
Dear Friends,
This year, my college alma mater asked me to help
celebrate our 35th class reunion with record-­setting
support for Bowdoin’s Annual Fund. To kick off
the effort, President Barry Mills presided over a
mega-conference call with scores of alums listening
in from all corners of the globe. At one point, he
addressed a common question: “How does my modest gift of $100, or even $1,000, make any difference
at all in the larger scheme of things at the school?”
President Mills acknowledged
that it is nearly impossible to build
a multi-million dollar facility or
endow a major scholarship on a
foundation of smaller gifts. On the
other hand, he noted that an allocation of $1,000 “is huge” when it goes
to the dance team, the soccer team,
the library, or the art program. He
observed, “These are the very programs that make our school unique
and special, and every gift of every
size is necessary in order to make
them possible.” This got me thinking about just how important every gift is to Hyde
each year. Our Annual Fund helps make up the
shortfall between the full cost of operating Hyde
and our tuition revenue. We also depend on and
value each gift of any size as the means to making sure that Hyde can remain unique and special.
When you make a gift to Hyde, you’re part of a
team of nearly 1,000 donors who want to see our
schools continue to thrive. That’s how we all make
a difference in the larger scheme of things at Hyde.
There are so many reasons that Hyde is special,
including a faculty that goes to the ends of the
earth to make sure that every one of our students
benefits from Hyde’s signature “Top 5” experience.
While we are always looking for ways to provide
competitive faculty compensation and benefits,
without your generosity we could do very little. To
be specific, in 2008 faculty salaries were frozen in
the wake of the global financial crisis. This year we
have been able to begin to increase them at a modest rate. It goes without saying that we could not
continue to grow without your generosity, and the generosity of nearly
1,000 others, in supporting Hyde
during the 2010 –2011 school year.
Laura and I support the Hyde
Annual Fund every year. It probably will not surprise you to learn
of the causes we support, Hyde
annually receives the largest share.
In addition to contributing our own
dollars, we also spend time encouraging classmates, alums, parents,
and friends to support the schools.
Given our belief in Hyde and its
people, it’s an easy commitment to honor. The
commitment is made even easier to honor because
we get to see the difference that it can make in the
larger scheme of a school, its people, and its programs. Many, many thanks.
Malcolm Gauld ’72
President, Hyde Schools
Table of Contents
Giving Summary
“In Honor” Gifts
Memorial Gifts
Current Parents and Families
Alumni Parent (HAPA) Donors
Faculty, Staff, and Friend Donors
Faculty and Staff
Former Faculty and Staff
Matching Gifts
Hyde Schools’ Board of Governors
(2010 – 2011)
Board of Governors (Emeriti)
Annual Fund and Restricted Gift
Clubs for 2010 – 2011
1966 Circle
Founder’s Circle
Governor’s Circle
President’s Circle
Hyde Alumni Parent Leaders Circle
Blue and Gold Club (Alumni)
Silver Club $500–$999 (Alumni)
Bronze Club $250–$499 (Alumni)
Phoenix Club $25–$249 (Bath Alumni)
Wolfpack Club $25–$$249 (Woodstock
Alumni Challenge Match
Restricted Gifts to Hyde in 2010 – 2011 10
Michael V. Dawes, Sr. Memorial
Scholarship Fund
Scholarship Fund
Bath Dorm Construction
The Biggest Job
Family Renewal Center
Gifts in Kinds
Hyde Foundation Gifts
Other Restricted Gifts
Bath Senior Parent Gift Class of 2011
Woodstock Senior Parent Gift Class of 2011 14
Senior Class Gift 2011
Wilderness Program
HAPA Board of Directors (2010 – 2011) 35
Alumni Association Board (2010 – 2011) 35
Sumner Hawley Society
For Further Information
Giving Summary
July 1, 2010 through June 30, 2011
Annual Fund Gift and Pledges
Board of Governors
Current Parents, Hyde-Bath Campus
Current Parents, Hyde-Woodstock Campus
Alumni Parents
Faculty & Staff, Friends & Others
Total Annual Fund
Restricted Gifts and Pledges
Hyde @ 40 Campaign Payments
Total Giving
Year-to-Year Comparison
Total Gifts and Pledges for Fiscal Year
Total Gifts and Pledges for Academic Year
Fiscal Year
Annual Fund
Total Gifts &
Cash Collected During Academic Year
(Includes pledge payments from previous years)
Annual Fund
Fiscal Year
Total Cash
Operating Expenses (2009–2010)
Operating Expenses (2010–2011)
Faculty and Staff (50%)
Salaries and Benefits
Facilities (12%)
Campus Management, Maintenance, and Utilities
Administration (12%)
General Administration, Technology, Principal
and Interest
Scholarship (14%)
Student Services (9%)
Food Services, Student Life and Health Service
Programming (3%)
Family Education, Summer Programs, Academics,
and Athletics
Faculty and Staff (48%)
Salaries and Benefits
Facilities (13%)
Campus Management, Maintenance, and Utilities
Administration (12%)
General Administration, Technology, Principal
and Interest
Scholarship (15%)
Student Services (9%)
Food Services, Student Life and Health Service
Programming (3%)
Family Education, Summer Programs, Academics,
and Athletics
Hyde Schools Annual Report
The 2010 –2011 Hyde Schools Annual Report is published by the Office of Development and Alumni
Relations, and lists gifts made to Hyde’s boarding schools in Bath, Maine and Woodstock, ­Connecticut,
between July 1, 2010 and June 30, 2011. The listing of contributors does not include donors who
gave directly to Hyde’s charter schools. Payments on previous year pledges are not included in the
(Every effort has been made to ensure accuracy and completeness. Please accept our apology for any errors in this Annual Report. If you
detect erroneous information, feel free to contact Joy Bengtson, Coordinator of Development and Alumni Relations at jbengtson@hyde.edu
or 207-386-5200.)
Annual Fund and Restricted
Gift Clubs for 2010 – 2011
1966 Circle
In honor of the schools’ founding in 1966, the
1966 Circle recognizes Hyde’s most generous and
loyal donors. Membership includes those who
contributed $25,000 or more during 2010 –2011.
Holly Bartlett
Jeff ’78/’79 Bath and Claire Black
Buchanan Family Foundation
Charles and Ann Johnson Foundation
Rick and Dee Dee Chesley
Al and Donna de Molina
DeAngelis Family Foundation
Ken and Lorrie DeAngelis
Michael and Jamie Delaney
Hunt Eldridge
Michael and Regina Jaye
Charles and Ann Johnson
Malcolm and Dana McAvity
National Philanthropic Trust
Joe and Debbie Werner
Founder’s Circle
In honor of the schools’ founders, Joseph Gauld
and Sumner Hawley, the Founder’s Circle
recognizes a special group of Hyde’s generous and
loyal donors. Membership includes those who
contributed $10,000 to $24,999 in 2010 –2011.
Tim Barrett and Hope Hoover-Armstead
Jon Bell ’71 Bath
Bim Black
Michael and Barbara Blauer
Wright and Deborah Carreau
DeNunzio Foundation
Peter DeNunzio and Ciara Burnham
Ralph and Jean DeNunzio
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Founder’s Circle (cont.)
Dave and Hobey Hinchman
Jacki Hinton and David Boone
John and Kelly Hartman Foundation
Martin and Beth Katz
Raymond and Miwa Koda
Rob and Anne Krebs
Nancy Lund
Tom and Mary Moore
Young Tek Ra and Myung Sook Lee
Carter and Sandy Sackman
Tony and Kathryn Stoupas
Holly and Jim Thompson
Clay and Judee von Seldeneck
Chan and Leslie Wheeler
Whitehall Foundation
Linda Hothem
Susan Mather
Terrence and Joann McMorrow
John and Susan Mullin
Carter Perry
Doug and Christine Preston
Stuart and Lesa Shaw
Bill and Mona Swanson
Andrew Sylvester ’03 Bath
Cullum and Susan Thompson
Bob and Holly White
President’s Circle
The President’s Circle recognizes a special
group of Hyde’s generous and loyal donors
who contributed $2,500 and $4,999 in
2010 –2011.
Governor’s Circle
The Governor’s Circle recognizes a special
group of Hyde’s generous and loyal donors. This
club is named in recognition of the outstanding
contributions of Hyde’s Board of Governors,
the schools’ volunteer-led governing body.
Membership includes those who contributed
$5,000 to $9,999 in 2010 –2011.
Joel Arellano
Yoram and Sandra Ben-Hanania
Chris and Atlee Bender
Bruce Berger
Gonul and Mitch Blum
Lissette Bouret and Lionel Ortiz
Buzz and Leslie Burlock
Trevor and Judith Castor
Len and Donna Cerame
Ted and Jane Cercos
Children of Joy Pediatrics
John Christian and Ingrid Gersin
Paul and Kathleen Connolly
Dave and Renee Corley
Glenn Dienstag and Lisa Kowtko
Jeannine Dresch and Ellen Albrecht
Claude and Becky Errera
Hamed Eshraghian
Gregory Falk
Read Fleming
Hank and Anne Flint
David and Diane Frazier
David Fresne
Sam and Carolyn Abernethy
Annie Belt
Chris and Atlee Bender
Steve Cary and Caroline Baum
Mary Angel Coelho and Manuel Hilario
The Community Foundation
Paul and Kathleen Connolly
The Davidson Legal Group LLC
Peter and Stacy Davidson
Josh Duksin ’96 Bath
Frankel Family Foundation
Matt Frankel ’76 Bath
Joey Gauld
The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
President’s Circle (cont.)
Carrie Gallagher
Malcolm ’72 Bath and Laura ’76 Bath Gauld
Norm and Debbie Ginsberg
Steve Glass and Ann Rupe Glass
Bilha Goldberg
Goldman, Sachs & Co
Brew and Libby Hagood
Fritz Hammond
David and Carolyn Hansard
Jim and Suzanne Harvie
Peter Higgins and Payson Oberg-Higgins
Todd and Ruth Hoover
Am Huh and Sakyung Kim
Brett ’79 Bath and Jackie ’79 Bath Johnson
Patrick Kubitz and Anna Weihman
Frank and Justine Landry
Eung Lee and Jae Kim
Eric and Jodie Lenardson
Gigi ’82 Bath and Don MacMillan
Louis and Jill Miller
Josefina Miranda
Lee Mortenson and Carol Kirkland
Craig and Debra Moss
Paul and Cathy Novas
Richard and Kate Preece
Jon Randall and Christine Cummings-Randall
Richard and Diane Ross
Donald and Denise Sheldon
Roger Sherman and Dorothy Kalins
Mark and Patricia Smaldone
Donald and Joan Smith
William and Joan Smith
Bill Sobo and Wendy Ludwig
Gary Stern
Tom Stites
United Technology Corporation
F. Helmut and Caroline Weymar
Matthew and Diana Weymar
Alan and Cheryl Wohlstetter
Paul and Angela Young
Stephen and Gay Young
Roger Zimmer and Luzia Oliveira
Frederic Zinn and Carolynn Dittman Zinn
Hyde Alumni Parent Leaders Circle
The Hyde Alumni Parent Leaders Circle
recognizes a special group of Hyde’s generous
and loyal donors. This listing includes only HAPA
members who contributed between $1,000 and
$2,499 in 2010 –2011.
Maureen Bailie and Tom Kruger
John and Maria Bartlett
Jane Bartrum
Robin Birnbaum
Bob and Mary Beth Bottini
Leslie Caffyn
Richard and Edith Canzonetti
Chevron Humankind Matching Gift Program
Lavoe Davis
Lynn Dawes
Ross and Lisa Dik
Donna ’81 Bath and Larry ’78 Bath Dubinsky
Alan and Joannie Earhart
Sam Felder and Arietta Slade
Kyle and Linda Felt
Andrew and Jenna Field
Steve Fiss
Laura and Joe Franklin
Randy Freston ’83 Bath
Jon and Geri Goldstein
Bernard and Jacki Gran
Greater Worcester Community Foundation
Mark Halperin
David Hanscom and Babs Yohai
Tom and Pam Hardy
David and Angela Henchel
David Hills and Catherine McLaughlin-Hills
Allison and Charlie Hopkins
Hyde Alumni Parent Leaders Circle (cont.)
Mark Issenman
Bill Jenks
David and Mary Jane Lifson
Marie Mintz
Brian Mitchell and Maureen Kelley
Karen Muennink
Victor Passacantilli and Lucille Giganti
Steve and Betsy Peck
Fred and Diana Prince
Cynthia Rich
Mary Jane Rivers
Eric Schwartz
Daniel Serpico and Kate Walsh
Stan Skelton
Cathy Tarpley
Scott and Susan Trager
Laura Ulmer
Rick and Susan Umbach
Jim Violette and Tamara Hall
Blue and Gold Club (Alumni)
The Blue and Gold Club recognizes a special
group of Hyde’s generous and loyal donors.
Membership is extended to alumni and former
students of Hyde who contributed $1,000 to
$2,499 in 2010 –2011.
Nelson Arnstein ’71 Bath
Brian Bartlett ’97 Bath
Pam Bertschy ’81 Bath
Jackie Blevins Johnson ’79 Bath
Jon ’69 Bath and Julia Bredin
Donna ’81 Bath and Larry ’78 Bath Dubinsky
Bob ’90 Bath and Brooke Felt
Dakin Ferris ’79 Bath
Randy Freston ’83 Bath
David Friedman ’95 Bath
Rob Schuller ’78 Bath
Andrew Sylvester ’03 Bath
Jason Warnick ’98 Bath and Colleen Egan
Silver Club $500–$999 (Alumni)
The Silver Club recognizes a special group of
Hyde’s generous and loyal donors. Membership is
extended to alumni and former students of Hyde
who contributed $500 to $999 in 2010 –2011.
Bob ’70 Bath and Cathy Anderson
Sarah Carlin ’80 Bath and Derek Beckwith
Ken ’81 Bath and Lori ’81 Bath Cooke
Rob Driscoll ’82 Bath
David Fiss ’97 Bath
Pete Gregory ’89 Bath
Geoff ’79 Bath and Renee McConnell
Mike ’76 Bath and Malee Nuesse
Mike ’91 Bath and Julie Perlstein
Mike Toerge ’67 Bath
Peter Wright ’85 Bath and Lisa Gill
Bronze Club $250–$499 (Alumni)
The Bronze Club recognizes a special group of
Hyde’s generous and loyal donors. Membership is
extended to alumni and former students of Hyde
who contributed $250 to $499 in 2010 –2011.
Tom ’83 Bath and Cindy Bragg
Will Cutrer ’04 Woodstock
Ken ’72 Bath and Claire ’75 Bath Grant
Dan Jaye ’99 Bath
Rich ’88 Bath and Kirstie Truluck
Ken Wiegand ’71 Bath and Anne Downey
Harold ’74 Bath and Deb Wingood
Phoenix Club $25–$249 (Bath Alumni)
The Phoenix Club recognizes a special group of
Hyde’s generous and loyal donors. Membership
is extended to young alumni and former students
(less than seven years out) of Hyde-Bath who
contributed $25 to $249 in 2010 –2011.
Rose Dorian ’08 Bath
Tom Perry ’06 Bath
Simon Robinson ’06 Bath
Wolfpack Club $25–$249 (Woodstock Alumni)
The Wolfpack Club recognizes a special group of
Hyde’s generous and loyal donors. Membership
is extended to young alumni and former students
(less than seven years out) of Hyde–Woodstock
who contributed $25 to $249 in 2010 –2011.
Geoff McConnell ’79 Bath
Mike Nuesse ’76 Bath
Mike Perlstein ’91 Bath
Rob Schuller ’78 Bath
Andrew Sylvester ’03 Bath
Mike Toerge III ’67 Bath
Jason Warnick ’98 Bath
Peter Wright ’85 Bath
Lauren Grant ’05 Woodstock
Alumni Challenge Match
Thank you to the following alumni who
contributed $500 or more in 2010 –2011. Jeff
Black ’78/’79 Bath, Hyde’s first alumnus to chair
the Board of Governors, matched one-for-one
every donation between $500 and $999, and twofor-one every donation over $1,000.
Bob Anderson ’70 Bath
Nelson Arnstein ’71 Bath
Brian Bartlett ’97 Bath
Jon Bell ’71 Bath
Pam Bertschy ’81 Bath
Jon Bredin ’69 Bath
Sarah Carlin ’80 Bath
Ken Cooke ’81 Bath
Lori Chesterton Cooke ’81 Bath
Rob Driscoll ’82 Bath
Larry Dubinsky ’78 Bath
Donna Leonard Dubinsky ’81 Bath
Josh Duksin ’96 Bath
Bob Felt ’90 Bath
Dakin Ferris ’79 Bath
David Fiss ’97 Bath
Matt Frankel ’76 Bath
Randy Freston ’83 Bath
David Friedman ’95 Bath
Malcolm W. Gauld ’72 Bath
Laura Denton Gauld ’76 Bath
Pete Gregory ’89 Bath
Brett Johnson ’79 Bath
Jackie Blevins Johnson ’79 Bath
Restricted Gifts to Hyde
in 2010 – 2011
Below is a listing of Hyde donors who contributed
restricted funds toward scholarships, endowment
or other non-Hyde@40 Campaign projects.
Michael V. Dawes, Sr. Memorial Scholarship Fund
1944 –2010
Faculty Member, Coach, Long-time Friend of
the Hyde Schools Community
Mike Dawes and his wife, Lynn, joined the Hyde
Schools community when their son, Mike Jr.,
enrolled in 1989. Their passion for Hyde and
vision for education helped to remind others why
they’d chosen to become members of the Hyde
Schools family.
Mike served as Hyde’s Chief Financial Officer,
Director of Admissions, Director of Development,
Associate Head of School, teacher, and coach.
Mike worked on both the Maine and Connecticut
campuses, where he mentored both students
and faculty. He is remembered for his tireless
commitment to guiding his students, peers, and
colleagues toward their greatest potential.
The scholarship fund was started by Michael
and Regina Jaye in recognition of Mike and
Lynn’s work at Hyde. It is awarded annually
– 10 –
to a deserving student and family attending the
Woodstock campus.
Bob Garrett and Mary Murray-Garrett
Peter and Deborah Gibbons
George and Kimberly Gillett
Jon ’91 Bath and Kelly Hardy
David and Angela Henchel
Jacki Hinton and David Boone
Timothy Hosea
Jean Humphrey
Michael and Regina Jaye
Zoe and Andrew Jaye
Kendall Jennings ’00 Bath
Betsy Jones
Frank Kaiman and Laura Dann
Eric and Steffi Karp
Thomas Kirkwood
Ernest Christian Klipstein
Rob and Anne Krebs
David and Linda Kurfess
Lisa LaPlante
The Lieder Family
Paul and Harriet LoPiccolo
L. White Matthews III
Brian Matthews
Malcolm McAlpin and Family
Duncan and JoAnne McCrann
Timothy McNally
John Middleton
Franklin Moore
Peter and Susan Moskowitz
Leland Moyer
Andy Moyer
John and Susan Mullin
Thomas and Catharine Nicholson
William B. Notman Trust
Pat Palmer
Ann Peden
Carl and Margaret Pfeiffer
Frank and Patricia Pintauro
George and Adrienne Posner
J and Beth Puckett
Susie and Gerald Racine
Frank Aiello
Curtis and Joanne Barnette
George and Peace Baxter
Kenneth Beall, Jr.
Annie Belt
Dennis Bernholz
Richard and Cynthia Bezer
James and Susan Blair
Blooming Grove Hunting and Fishing Club
Helen Bosley
Irene Boudreau
Chip and Leca Boynton
Harry and Jo Ann Briggs
Alan and Sheryl Brooks
James and Elizabeth Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Hobson Brown, Jr.
Robert and Deborah Brucker
David Cameron
Letah Carruthers
Theodore Cart
Purnell and Joan Choppin
Patricia Comly
The Community Foundation
Megan and Bradley Critchell
Tom and Emily Cutrer
Lavoe Davis
Marian and Don Dixon
Neilly Edwards ’99 Woodstock
Jenifer Emley
Kyle and Linda Felt
Bob ’90 Bath and Brooke Felt
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Richard Field
Bruce Foerster
Harriett Foos
Jane French
Rufus Fulton, Jr.
Donald and Cari Gardner
– 11 –
Dawes Memorial Scholarship Fund (cont.)
John and Donna Ross
J. Wright and Melissa Rumbough
Bob and Cat Sands
Walter Schautz
Sue Schofield
Richard and Tracy Self
Stephen and Ann Smith
J. Harvey and Linda Sproul, Jr.
Jeff and Stephanie Stern
Richard and Dorothy Stevens
Sheila Stuart
Holly and Jim Thompson
Cullum and Susan Thompson
Daphne Townsend
Clark Travers
Richard and Nancy Truluck
Nancy Weaver
Ron and Janice Weiner
Joe and Debbie Werner
Peggy Wescott
Whitehall Foundation, Inc.
Bill and Debbie Wight
Benjamin Williams
Robert and Susan Wilson
Richard Witmer Fund
Bob and Marion Wulff
Scholarship Fund
Bath Campus
Bim Black
Matt Frankel ’76 Bath
Frankel Family Foundation
Joey Gauld
Bob and Betty Masse
Malcolm and Dana McAvity
Hort and Karen Soper
Bath Dorm Construction
DeAngelis Family Foundation
Jeff ’78/’79 Bath and Claire Black
The Biggest Job
Stuart and Lesa Shaw
Family Renewal Center
Nelson Arnstein ’71 Bath
Carrie Gallagher
Steve and Shelley Harris
Alan and Cheryl Wohlstetter
Gifts in Kinds
Below is a partial listing of Hyde constituents
who gave services or products to Hyde
Schools. We are grateful for their support and
Woodstock Campus
Lavoe Davis
Roger Sherman and Dorothy Kalins
Hyde Foundation Gifts
These gifts help underwrite special initiatives or
operations in Hyde’s public schools. Funds given
directly to the charter and magnet schools are not
included in this listing.
Bim Black
HSBC Matching Gift Program
J and Beth Puckett
NYC Center for Charter School Excellence
David Steadly and Suzanne Lengyel
Woodstock Campus
Bim Black
– 12 –
Other Restricted Gifts
Bath Campus
Holly Bartlett
Jeff ’78/’79 Bath and Claire Black
Bim Black
Ted and Jane Cercos
Charles and Ann Johnson Foundation
Davenport Trust Fund
Al and Donna de Molina
Michael and Jamie Delaney
Mary Denzer
David Hanscom and Babs Yohai
Raymond and Miwa Koda
Andy ’75 Bath and Annie Littlefield
Michael and Eva Loeb
Della Pegolotti
Young Tek Ra and Myung Sook Lee
Carolyn Smith
Bath Senior Parent Gift Class of 2011
Family Renewal Center Renovation
Gift Committee
Sam and Carolyn Abernethy
Jim and Suzanne Harvie
Tim Barrett and Hope Hoover-Armstead
Sam and Carolyn Abernethy
Heather Atkinson
Tim Barrett and Hope Hoover-Armstead
Susan Beegel
Trevor and Judith Castor
Ted and Jane Cercos
John Christian and Ingrid Gersin
Mary Angel Coelho and Manuel Hilario
Al and Donna de Molina
Alix Derby
David and Diane Frazier
William Garvey and Tamara Eberlein
David and Carolyn Hansard
Steve and Shelley Harris
Jim and Suzanne Harvie
Am Huh and Sakyung Kim
Chris Leighton and Jacki Alpert
Marin Community Foundation
Casey and Tim Mercer
Della Pegolotti
Young Tek Ra and Myung Sook Lee
Christopher Rose
Richard and Diane Ross
Mike Serra
Donald and Denise Sheldon
Nancy Snyder and Holly Herman
Linda Stites
Tom Stites
Steven and Nan Taller
Alan and Cheryl Wohlstetter
Melinda Wohlstetter
Woodstock Campus
Jeff ’78/’79 Bath and Claire Black
Michael and Barbara Blauer
Leslie Caffyn
David and Mary Beth Casey
The Davidson Legal Group LLC
Peter and Stacy Davidson
Lavoe Davis
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Greater Worcester Community Foundation
Betty Hale
Rob and Anne Krebs
Roger Sherman and Dorothy Kalins
Bill Sobo and Wendy Ludwig
H. Dexter Young
– 13 –
Woodstock Senior Parent Gift Class of 2011
Annhurst Dorm Room Renovation and
Warren Hall Lounge Renovation
Gift Committee
Carter and Sandy Sackman
Tony and Kathryn Stoupas
Denise Al-Bashir
Marcus and Mary Allen
Karen Barnett
Gerald and Cynthia Bell
Robin Birnbaum
Gonul and Mitch Blum
The Buchanan Family Foundation
Wright and Deborah Carreau
Children of Joy Pediatrics
Paul and Kathleen Connolly
Lala Cornelius and Wesley Winchell
The DeNunzio Foundation
Peter DeNunzio and Ciara Burnham
Ralph and Jean DeNunzio
Sharon DeNunzio
Hunt Eldridge
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Bilha Goldberg
Fritz Hammond
Patrick Kubitz and Anna Weihman
Malcolm and Dana McAvity
Linda McGuire
Josefina Miranda
Carter and Sandy Sackman
Laurie Sanz
Roger Sherman and Dorothy Kalins
Tony and Kathryn Stoupas
Bill and Mona Swanson
Clay and Judee von Seldeneck
Jack and Muffie Wells
Patrick Wheat and Susan Prince-Wheat
Roger Zimmer and Luzia Oliveira
Senior Class Gift 2011
Bath Campus: Fire pit
Woodstock Campus: Adirondack Chairs
Wilderness Program
Brian Bartlett ’97 Bath
Mark and Sheila Hemeon-Heyer
Kevin Millman ’93 Bath
“In Honor” Gifts
The following gifts were made in honor of
someone or an organization by Hyde donors.
Honor gifts are a great way to make a gift to
Hyde and show your appreciation for someone
special in your life.
In Honor of Rehab Bakhsh
Denise Al-Bashir
Sami F. Al-Bashir
In Honor of Zachary T. Birnbaum
Robin Birnbaum
In Honor of James Carifio
Whitney P. Wright Real Estate
Whitney and Joan Wright
In Honor of Kurt W. Chessman
Clayton and Margaret Chessman
In Honor of Capt. M. Patrick Conway
John and Sharon Conway
In Honor of Lara Cornelius
Lala Cornelius and Wesley A. Winchell
In Honor of Keith Cornell
Sydnie Cornell
– 14 –
“In Honor” Gifts (cont.)
In Honor of Victoria Cowman
Carrie Gallagher
In Honor of the Dawes Family
George and Adrienne Posner
In Honor of Regina L. Jaye
Andrew and Zoe Jaye
In Honor of Charles P. Kehler
Louise Harpel
In Honor of Henry W. Killeen IV
Henry W. Killeen III
In Honor of Sarah K. DeNunzio
P. Dwight DeNunzio and Ciara Burnham
Sharon K. DeNunzio
In Honor of Nicolas C. Kruse
Jeanne N. Kruse
In Honor of James Freston
Randal Freston
In Honor of Tom Lord
Ethan Labowitz
In Honor of Marge S. Freston
Randal Freston
In Honor of Tucker Mara
Richard DiLorenzo
In Honor of Joseph Gauld
Henry W. Killeen III
In Honor of Katheryne E. Mehiel
Edith Mehiel
In Honor of Laura Gauld ’76 Bath
Walter Regnery and Alice Paylor
In Honor of Joshua D. Mora
Members Give (through Justgive)
Sol Mora and Joy Dryer, Ph.D.
In Honor of the Gauld Family
Henry and Audrey Cheetham
In Honor of Nathan J. Gilbert
Jack and Mary Reardon
In Honor of Gerald Herlihy
Nelson B. Arnstein
In Honor of Laurie Gauld Hurd ’75 Bath
Lynette Beall
In Honor of the Hyde Schools
Scott and Paula Moreau
In Honor of David Raff
Gilbert and Cynthia Raff
In Honor of Tyler Z. Raff
Gilbert and Cynthia Raff
In Honor of John Rigney
Walter Regnery and Alice Paylor
In Honor of Troy T. Rockrise
Peter and Debra Rockrise
In Honor of John Rogove
Mary Kompass
In Honor of Michael E. Jaye ’99 Bath
Andrew and Zoe Jaye
– 15 –
“In Honor” Gifts (cont.)
In Honor of Samantha Sallarulo
Laura Sallarulo
In Honor of Jesse Sataloff
Alan and Cheryl Wohlstetter
In Honor of James Schnatterly
Ed and Betty Schnatterly
In Honor of Alexander D. Schneider
Paul Schneider
In Honor of Stephanie K. Sirotkin
Alexander Sirotkin
In Honor of Ted Stadtmueller
Gerald Stadtmueller and Catherine Luther
In Honor of Nicholas M. Stanislowski
Edward and Anna Stanislowski
In Honor of Dan J. Sullivan
Daniel and Mimi Sullivan
In Honor of Margaret P. Thompson
M. Cullum and Susan Thompson
In Honor of Melissa E. Thompson
M. Cullum and Susan Thompson
In Honor of Parker L. Vaughan
Robert Dowdeswell
In Honor of Brendan J. Vize
Patricia A. Vize
In Honor of Colin E. Vize
Patricia A. Vize
In Honor of Shannon M. Vize
Patricia A. Vize
In Honor of Tyler B. Webb
Peter and Pamela Webb
In Honor of Ashley Young
Lisa Young
Memorial Gifts
The following gifts were made in memory of
someone by Hyde donors. Memorial gifts are a
great way to make a contribution to Hyde and
perpetuate the memory of someone special.
In Memory of Travis M. Ballew
Michael and Margo Ballew
In Memory of Cintheia Berry
Alan and Ann Berry
In Memory of Mark S. Blevins
Jacqueline B. ’79 Bath and Brett Johnson ’79
In Memory of Robert Cornell
Sydnie Cornell
In Memory of Michael V. Dawes, Sr.
Frank Aiello
Deborah S. Anderson
Curtis and Joanne Barnette
Marsha J. Baumann
George and Peace Baxter
John and Jessica Bayreuther
Kenneth Beall, Jr.
Annie Belt
Dennis Bernholz
Richard and Cynthia Bezer
– 16 –
In Memory of Michael V. Dawes, Sr. (cont.)
Jacki Hinton and David Boone
Timothy Hosea
Jean Humphrey
Mark Issenman
Michael and Regina Jaye
Zoe and Andrew Jaye
Kendall Jennings ’00 Bath
Betsy Jones
Frank Kaiman and Laura Dann
Eric and Steffi Karp
Thomas Kirkwood
Ernest Christian Klipstein
Rob and Anne Krebs
David and Linda Kurfess
Lisa LaPlante
The Lieder Family
Worthington Linen and Winifred Barnes
Paul and Harriet LoPiccolo
L. White Matthews III
Brian Matthews
Malcolm McAlpin and Family
Duncan and JoAnne McCrann
Timothy McNally
John Middleton
Franklin Moore
Peter and Susan Moskowitz
Leland Moyer
Andy Moyer
John and Susan Mullin
Thomas and Catharine Nicholson
William B. Notman Trust
Pat Palmer
Ann Peden
Carl and Margaret Pfeiffer
Frank and Patricia Pintauro
George and Adrienne Posner
J and Beth Puckett
Susie and Gerald Racine
John and Donna Ross
J. Wright and Melissa Rumbough
Bob and Cat Sands
John and Elizabeth Biggs
James and Susan Blair
Michael and Barbara Blauer
Blooming Grove Hunting and Fishing Club
Helen Bosley
Irene Boudreau
Chip and Leca Boynton
Harry and Jo Ann Briggs
Alan and Sheryl Brooks
James and Elizabeth Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Hobson Brown, Jr.
Robert and Deborah Brucker
David Cameron
Sheila A. Carley
Letah Carruthers
Theodore Cart
Purnell and Joan Choppin
Patricia Comly
The Community Foundation
Megan and Bradley Critchell
Tom and Emily Cutrer
Lavoe Davis
Marian and Don Dixon
Neilly Edwards ’99 Woodstock
Jenifer Emley
Kyle and Linda Felt
Bob ’90 Bath and Brooke Felt
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Richard Field
Bruce Foerster
Harriett Foos
Jane French
Rufus Fulton, Jr.
Donald and Cari Gardner
Bob Garrett and Mary Murray-Garrett
Peter and Deborah Gibbons
George and Kimberly Gillett
Jon ’91 Bath and Kelly Hardy
David and Angela Henchel
– 17 –
In Memory of Michael V. Dawes, Sr. (cont.)
Walter Schautz
Sue Schofield
Richard and Tracy Self
Stephen and Ann Smith
J. Harvey and Linda Sproul, Jr.
Jeff and Stephanie Stern
Richard and Dorothy Stevens
Sheila Stuart
Holly and Jim Thompson
Cullum and Susan Thompson
Daphne Townsend
Clark Travers
Richard and Nancy Truluck
Nancy Weaver
Ron and Janice Weiner
Joe and Debbie Werner
Peggy Wescott
Whitehall Foundation, Inc.
Bill and Debbie Wight
Benjamin Williams
Robert and Susan Wilson
Richard Witmer Fund
Bob and Marion Wulff
Carl and Susan Young
In Memory of Marie Drob
Victor Passacantilli and Lucille Giganti
In Memory of Jason J. Dunbar
Larry and Sandra Busboom
Steven and Margaret Cavalli
David and Marjorie Dunbar
David Fiss ’97 Bath
Mike and Ann Hay
Elizabeth Hearey
Jerry and Kathy Karney
Jacque and Sandy Kemp
Don Liem
Carol Lindsay
Lon and Joan McDermott
Allen and Ellen Peterson
Stancel Skelton
Karen Swaine
In Memory of Nabil Eshraghian
Hamed Eshraghian
In Memory of Shelley Fiss
David Fiss ’97 Bath
Stephen Fiss
In Memory of David H. Fogg
Richard and Carol Barton
Ruth Estrich and Sam Zolten
Marshall and Marcy Pollack
In Memory of Ann Gartman
Bryan and Elizabeth Gartman
In Memory of Blanche Gauld
Henry and Audrey Cheetham
Joey Gauld
Paul ’67 Bath and Laurie Hurd Gauld ’75 Bath
In Memory of Stuart Granek
Michael and Eva Loeb
In Memory of Susan C. Harp
Penelope Bliss
In Memory of Sara J. Harrington
Hamed Eshraghian
In Memory of Steven B. Jacobs
Dan and Emily Murphy
In Memory of Mary L. Johnson
C. Scott Bartlett IV
– 18 –
Memorial Gifts (cont.)
In Memory of Joe Jones
J. Patrick Henry
In Memory of Gary Kent
Peter R. Wright ’85 Bath and Lisa Gill
In Memory of Mason C. Latham
J and Beth Puckett
In Memory of Morton Pearlman
Gary and Susan Pearlman
In Memory of James T. Phillips
Thomas Hatch
In Memory of Dr. Stephen Pierrel
Marsha J. Baumann
In Memory of Aaron Romac
Sarah A. Romac
In Memory of James T. Roman
Carol Glassman
In Memory of Clare Tenta
Thomas and Melissa Bergeron
In Memory of Bryant E. White
B. Blair and Holly White
In Memory of Larry Yerys
Susan Lebow
Current Parents and Families
(2010 – 2011)
Bath Campus
Sam and Carolyn Abernethy
Mark Alexander
Richard Allen and Isabelle Frank
Hank Andolsek and Claudia Dricot
Heather Atkinson
Sean and Matilda Barrett
Tim Barrett and Hope Hoover-Armstead
Holly Bartlett
Robert and Laurie Bauman
Susan Beegel
Cheryl Biedermann
Gordon and Monica Blatt
Elliott Borden and Robin Frazer-Borden
Lissette Bouret and Lionel Ortiz
Tom ’83 Bath and Cindy Bragg
Buzz and Leslie Burlock
Wendy Butterfield
Trevor and Judith Castor
Ted and Jane Cercos
Chris and Sandy Champagne
Mary Angel Coelho and Manuel Hilario
Jefferson and Carol Comeaux
Larry and Lauren Deigh
Carl and Lori DeMarco
Alix Derby
Donna ’81 Bath and Larry ’78 Bath Dubinsky
Bill and Annelise Ellison
Hamed Eshraghian
Timothy and Lisa Foster
David and Diane Frazier
David Fresne
Cary and Angene Freston
Randy Freston ’83 Bath
Don and Kate Fusco
Carrie Gallagher
– 19 –
Current Parents and Families–Bath (cont.)
William Garvey and Tamara Eberlein
Greg Georgaklis and Eva Cahill
Norm and Debbie Ginsberg
Steve Glass and Ann Rupe Glass
Kenny and Sandy Gordon
Melissa Gullicksen
Robert Guy and Irina Beil
David and Carolyn Hansard
Steve and Shelley Harris
Jim and Suzanne Harvie
Thomas and Sabah Hatch
Peter Higgins and Payson Oberg-Higgins
Howard Hill and Gail Tyus-Hill
Todd and Ruth Hoover
Allison and Charlie Hopkins
Am Huh and Sakyung Kim
Alexander and Lisa Klumac
Frank and Justine Landry
Henry Lee
Sarah Lee
Janet Leighninger
Chris Leighton and Jacki Alpert
David Lemont and Grace Edwards
Eric and Jodie Lenardson
Neal Ludeke
Gang Luo and Xiaojie Zhang
Gigi ’82 Bath and Don MacMillan
William and Melody McCracken
Des and Deb McDonald
Louis and Jill Miller
Win and Lori Mitchell
Scott Moreau and Paula Tate-Moreau
Gail Moulton
Paul and Cathy Novas
Tom and Kathy Pennington
Ted and Leslie Peters
Robert and Marianne Picardi
Richard and Kate Preece
Brian and Lisa Preney
Doug and Christine Preston
Alan and Beth Prosser
Young Tek Ra and Myung Sook Lee
Marty and May Rafii
Jon Randall and Christine Cummings-Randall
Chris ’72 Bath and Babs Richards
Christopher Rose
Ruth Rose
Richard and Diane Ross
Maureen and Jane Sedonaen
Ronnie Sellers and Leslie Evans
Mike Serra
Donald and Denise Sheldon
Mark and Jane Sisk
William and Joan Smith
Nancy Snyder and Holly Herman
Linda Stites
Tom Stites
Steven and Nan Taller
Jed Tolman and Kathleen Roche-Tolman
Stephen Treat
Tom and Mary Trometer
Luc Veron and Nicole Weismann
Michelle Wagner
David and Janice Walls
Matthew and Diana Weymar
Don White and Kelly Davis
Alan and Cheryl Wohlstetter
Melinda Wohlstetter
Kat Wren
Woodstock Campus
Stephen and Wendy Abelman
Denise Al-Bashir
Sami Al-Bashir
Marcus and Mary Allen
Joel Arellano
Karen Barnett
Stephen Barto and Meredith Braxton
Gerald and Cynthia Bell
– 20 –
Current Parents and Families–Woodstock (cont.)
Chris and Atlee Bender
Yoram and Sandra Ben-Hanania
Thomas and Melissa Bergeron
David Biederman
Tajvinder and Heidi Bindra
Gary Birnbaum
Robin Birnbaum
Gonul and Mitch Blum
Roscoe and Robyn Bryant
Colin and Jeanine Callahan
Amy Cardito
Wright and Deborah Carreau
Len and Donna Cerame
Lance and Susan Chase
Rick and Dee Dee Chesley
Susie and Jim Chubbuck
Evelyn Coghlan and Floyd Conlin
Paul and Kathleen Connolly
Dave and Renee Corley
Lala Cornelius and Wesley Winchell
Peter and Stacy Davidson
Benjamin and Bonita Davis
Peter DeNunzio and Ciara Burnham
Sharon DeNunzio
Glenn Dienstag and Lisa Kowtko
Edward Donnellan and Catherine Semans
Jeannine Dresch and Ellen Albrecht
Joanne Dulka and Tim Mantz
Hunt Eldridge
Claude and Becky Errera
Gregory Falk
Elise Flangos
Bryan and Beth Gartman
Andrew and Maureen Gilbert
John and Catherine Gill
Bilha Goldberg
Jay Goldenberg
Karen Grover
Richard Guidice
– 21 –
Brew and Libby Hagood
Fritz Hammond
John and Ann Hoffman
Anthony Holdampf
Joseph Huston
Nathan and Kathleen Jean-Jacques
Scott and Pamela Jussaume
Dikran and Deborah Kadagian
Lynn Kane-Nixon
Martin and Beth Katz
Henry Killeen
Hwan Kim and Hee Kyoung Lee
Douglas and Leah Knapp
Patrick Kubitz and Anna Weihman
Ralph and Lynne LaGuardia
Francine Lanaia
Richard Langlois and Deborah Savage
Eung Lee and Jae Kim
Toby and Rochelle Leonard
Steven and Lulu Lieber
Glenn London
Barbara Ludeke
Beth Luurtsema and Kevin Wortman
Richard and Rose Markham
Isabel Marte and Charles Collins
Susan Mather
Brian and Cheryl McAnally
Linda McGuire
Jodie McKeith
Terrence and Joann McMorrow
Dennis Mehiel
Jeff and Amy Miller
Josefina Miranda
Tom and Traci Nelson
Shawn Nolan
Michael and Kathy O’Dea
Neil and Connie O’Keefe
Rivka Peltier
Bob Pesner and Rachael Bickhardt
Sandra Platt and Richard Bishop
Joseph Preston
Current Parents and Families–Woodstock (cont.)
Raymond Pruzinsky and Cynthia Kradjel
Tom and Lydia Reeves
Royce and Andrea Rich
Scott and Karen Rockoff
Sally Ross Nolan
Larry and Ronna Rudolph
Carter and Sandy Sackman
Laura Sallarulo
Paul Sallarulo
Laurie Sanz
Edmund and Jill Schnatterly
Ronna Schuller and Ira Cohen
Rick and Tamar Schwartz
Peter and Lisa Shank
Stuart and Lesa Shaw
Roger Sherman and Dorothy Kalins
Alexander Sirotkin
Mark and Patricia Smaldone
Patrice Smart
Donald and Joan Smith
Jerry and Victoria Smith
Peter and Nancy Smith
Christine St. Claire
Gary Stern
Tony and Kathryn Stoupas
Laura Strauss
Jianjun Su and Yanping Liu
Yolanda Sutton
Bill and Mona Swanson
Cullum and Susan Thompson
John and Suzanne Thoms
Scott and Susan Trager
Stephanie Underwood
Ellis Vaughan
Susanne Vereline
Jeffrey and Elizabeth Vernon
Kenrick Vincent, Sr. and Ursula Nash-Vincent
Stephen Weintraub
Jack and Muffie Wells
Patrick Wheat and Susan Prince-Wheat
Bob and Holly White
John White and Laura Haynes-White
Susan Wysocki
Paul and Angela Young
Robert and Siobhan Zaniewski
Frank and Patricia Ziede
Roger Zimmer and Luzia Oliveira
Frederic Zinn and Carolynn Dittman-Zinn
Alumni Parent (HAPA) Donors
Bath Campus
Jake and Jo Ann Aldred
Joan Alioto
Michael Alpern
Nadine Alpern
Robert Alter and Carol Cosman
Tony and Gail Annis
Garry and Jan Baker
Mike and Margo Ballew
Richard and Carol Barron
Jim and Judy-Lynn Barrow
Jon and Lori Bartell
John and Maria Bartlett
Anna Bartow
Jane Bartrum
George and Peace Baxter
Lynette Beall
Dan Beishline and Mary Ann Driscoll
Alan and Ann Berry
Jack and Betsy Biggs
Bim Black
Howard and Judy Blank
Brian Bogart and Michelle Champoux
David and Adela Booth
Ted and Barbara Borek
Arnie and Linda Borish
Helen Bosley
Reade and Martha Brower
– 22 –
HAPA Donors–Bath (cont.)
Alan and Joannie Earhart
Patricia Earle
Bob and Kim Egan
David Epstein
Kyle and Linda Felt
Steve Fiss
Nina Fixler
Bobbie Fleming
Read Fleming
Hank and Anne Flint
Bruce Foerster
Bruce Freeman and Barbara Sachs-Freeman
George and Sue Frost
Dick and Anita Galway
Dan and Judy Gatchell
Stephen and Cheryl Gaudette
Joey Gauld
Malcolm ’72 Bath and Laura ’76 Bath Gauld
Carol Glassman
Jon and Geri Goldstein
Ken and Connie Gongaware
Bernie and Vicki Gould
Bernard and Jacki Gran
Jeannine Hallenbeck
Mike and Kay Hanlin
David Hanscom and Babs Yohai
Loren and Connie Hardin
Robert Hardwicke
Tom and Pam Hardy
Sandra Henson
David Hills and Catherine McLaughlin-Hills
Dave and Hobey Hinchman
Jacki Hinton and David Boone
Bill and Janet Hoffman
Dewey and Jody Houck
Jean Humphrey
Paul ’67 Bath and Laurie ’75 Bath Hurd
Tom and Shelly Hutcheson
Ned Hyland
Tuck and Kelly Irwin
Michael and Regina Jaye
Glenn and Kit Brown
Sharon Bushner
Michael and Sherilyn Byrd
Barbara Cacciari
Ruth Carey
Sheila Carley
Steve Cary and Caroline Baum
Bonnie Cassone
Paul and Gina Castronovo
Steve and Margaret Cavalli
Joshua and Kathy Chasan
Clayton and Maggie Chessman
John Christian and Ingrid Gersin
Joe and Julia Ann Cleage
Steven Cole and Adele Blong
John and Sharon Conway
Dan and Ruth Cooke
Ken ’81 Bath and Lori ’81 Bath Cooke
George and Ginny Corkery
Thomas and Marianne Cowley
Joel Crohn and Mindy Werner-Crohn
Cynthia Crooks-Garcia
Dick and Margaret Curran
Tom and Emily Cutrer
Beverly Davis
Lavoe Davis
Lynn Dawes
Shiraz and Faith Daya
Lisa Delpit
Gayle Dembowski
Bob and Cathy Dern
Larry and Shelly Dicker
Christine and Steve DiRienzo
Dan and Lisa Dorian
Bob and Linda Dorian
Doug and Nancy Dowling
Laura Driscoll
David and Marjie Dunbar
Louise Dupuis
– 23 –
HAPA Donors–Bath (cont.)
Brian and Rose Mulligan
Ed and Linda Murphy
Lee Nelson
Deborah Neumeister
Efrain and Nellie Nunez
Kim and Cece Oler
Mary Oliverson
Nancy Orchard-Hays
Pat Palmer
Ronnie Parks and Loy Chipley
Gary and Susan Pearlman
Steve and Betsy Peck
Della Pegolotti
Carter Perry
Al and Ellen Peterson
Chris and Rebecca Peterson
Bill and Carol Pierskalla
Dick and Karen Platte
George and Adrienne Posner
Nicholas and Mal Powlovich
Fred and Diana Prince
Ballard and Genie Pritchett
Gibby and Cynthia Raff
Sheila Ramer
Leal Randall
Mary Jane Rivers
Peter Rockrise and Debra Baker
John Romac
Bruce and Irina Rosenblum
Alan and Carol Rubenstein
Ali and Parvin Sabrkesh
Claude and Jill Saleeby
Bob and Cat Sands
Leela Sanford Pratt
Jim and Minerva Sanner
John and Cathy Schleining
Paul Schneider
Eric Schwartz
Ken and Bunnie Sexton
John Shonerd
Stan Skelton
Bill Jenks
Betsy Jones
Warren and Tricia Keene
Patty Kennedy
Bill Kenner
Debbie and Charlie Kincaid
Anne Kinder
Ken Koehler
Bernie and Susan Kosberg
Jonathan and Tami Lane
Michael and Pam Lavery
Peter and Catherine Lawler
Jim and George-Ann Lawrence
Shu and Ping Li
David and Meredith Liben
Mike and Melissa Lojek
George and Suzanne Lukas
Tom and Joan MacDonald
Bruce MacNair and Rainy Broomfield
Stephen and Barbara Mallard
Robin Markell
Terry Mathis
Tom and Phyllis Mayes
Duncan and JoAnne McCrann
Arch and Jeanne McGill
Bill Melendy
Maureen Mindell
Marie Mintz
Miguel and Valerie Miro-Quesada
Brian Mitchell and Maureen Kelley
Gisela Moore
Tom and Mary Moore
Dan Morgan
Stephen and Pamela Moriarty
DeeDee Morse
Lee Mortenson and Carol Kirkland
Tom Mortenson and Mary Ellen Becker
Peter and Susan Moskowitz
Karen Muennink
– 24 –
HAPA Donors–Bath (cont.)
Bob Batky
Marsha Baumann
Annie Belt
Jim and Roni Bennett
Bruce Berger
Bob and Pat Bertschy
Michael and Barbara Blauer
Bill and Jo Boeschenstein
Paul and Elizabeth Bollinger
Carla Bond and Drew Noll
David and Julie Borsani
Suzi Boschan
Bob and Mary Beth Bottini
Mitch and Lisa Bowman
Chip and Leca Boynton
Betsy and Gene Brody
Alan and Sheryl Brooks
Leslie Caffyn
Richard and Edith Canzonetti
Jim and JoAnne Capecelatro
Sarah Carlin ’80 Bath and Derek Beckwith
Letah Carruthers
David and Mary Beth Casey
Marianne Casparian
David and Jean Chard
Bill and Sharon Coale
Bev Coleman
Ken ’81 Bath and Lori ’81 Bath Cooke
Norm and Kay Cooper
Cecily Cosby-Reeves and John Reeves
Nefredia Covington
Barbara Crow
Sharon Cummings
Thomas Czarnecki
Shawn Dahlen
Ken and Lorrie DeAngelis
Michael and Jamie Delaney
Chris Dennos
Ross and Lisa Dik
Ray and Dotti Dori
Doug and Karen Egger
Richard and Susan Spence
Jim and Polly Spencer
Jerry Stadtmueller and Cathy Luther
Jeff and Stephanie Stern
Susan Storzum
Dan and Mimi Sullivan
David and Judy Sullivan
Quynn Taylor
Jayne Thayer
Mark Thiel
Holly and Jim Thompson
Adam and Melissa Titone
Warren and Mary Alice Tomlinson
Richard and Nancy Truluck
Laura Ulmer
Rick and Susan Umbach
Marilynn Vander Schaaf
Jim Violette and Tamara Hall
Patty Vize
Clay and Judee von Seldeneck
Bob and Janice Watkins
Peter and Pam Webb
Chan and Leslie Wheeler
Vance Willey
Bob and Marion Wulff
Marc and Pam Yagjian
Tom Yorty and Carol Ann Timmerman-Yorty
Stephen and Gay Young
Mark and Vasna Zavack
Jon and Candy Zimmerman
Woodstock Campus
Steve and Shari Aaron
Deborah Anderson
Maureen Bailie and Tom Kruger
Ken and Betsy Balin
Elizabeth Bandy
Brent and Jane Barker
– 25 –
HAPA Donors–Woodstock (cont.)
Nancy Lund
Ripudaman Malhotra and Ellen Dunn-Malhotra
Anthony and Marilyn Malone
Malcolm and Dana McAvity
Mike Meagher
Jim Miller
Kathy Miller
Mike and Debby Miller
Kully Mindemann and Wendy Hill
Sol Mora and Joy Dryer
Steve and Anne Moreau
Craig and Debra Moss
Bruce and Deb Nadeau
Thomas and Anne Natale
Giorgia Neidorf
Jean Noonan
Ruben Orduna and Elizabeth Hill
Peter and Diane Pappas
Victor Passacantilli and Lucille Giganti
Stuart Phoenix
Frank and Patricia Pintauro
Marshall and Marcy Pollack
Jane Price
J and Beth Puckett
Pamela Racicot
Kit Regnery and Alice Paylor
Peter and Alyssa Reit
Cynthia Rich
Kathy Roberts
Dan Robinson
Skip and Erma Ruffkess
Edwin Russell
Jim and Angela Russell
Timothy and Mary Schoettle
Marilyn Selber
Daniel Serpico and Kate Walsh
Janet Sheehan
Rich and Marian Smith
Bill Sobo and Wendy Ludwig
Edward and Anna Stanislowski
John and Beverly Stantial
Steve and JoAnn Eisenberg
Manny and Gail Erlich
Ruth Estrich and Sam Zolten
Sam Felder and Arietta Slade
Andrew and Jenna Field
Kathy Field
Steve Finn and Terry Wetzler-Finn
David Fogg
Holly Fogg
Evan Frankel and Rivalyn Zweig
Laura and Joe Franklin
Tom Franks and Kate Hayes
Donald and Cari Gardner
David Garfunkel and Isabella D’Agostino
Bob Gels and Maureen Hanley
Jon and Elly Goldman
Robert and Frances Grahamjones
Mark Halperin
Jeffrey and Ellen Halter
John and Drusilla Haran
Mark and Sheila Hemeon-Heyer
David and Angela Henchel
Thomas Heyer and Deborah Odell
Linda Hothem
Mark Issenman
Rebecca James
Jon and Anne Jolles
Frank Kaiman and Laura Dann
Herb and Leah Kaplan
Eric and Steffi Karp
David and Diane Kennedy
Raymond and Miwa Koda
Robert Kraftowitz and Janice Gordon
Rob and Anne Krebs
Jeanne Kruse
JC Labowitz and Patti Rounsevell
Peter and Christine Leventhal
David and Mary Jane Lifson
Paul and Harriet LoPiccolo
– 26 –
HAPA Donors–Woodstock (cont.)
Michelle Stecker
Lloyd and Brenda Steen
Beverly Stowe
Cathy Tarpley
Raymond Terepka and Nancy Stewart
Donald Terry
Sherry Tolbert
Jeffrey and Amy Uffner
Bob and Jane Watson
Ron and Janice Weiner
Joe and Debbie Werner
Robert and Susan Wilson
Joseph and Faith Yablonski
Lisa Young
Mike Toerge III
Paul Hurd II
Joel Moses
Jon Bredin
Bob Anderson
Jay Hartwell
Nelson Arnstein
Jon Bell
Whitney Wright
Malcolm Gauld
Minot Granbery
Ken Grant
Chris Richards
Harold Wingood
Claire Denton Grant
Amanda Brooks Hunter
Laurie Gauld Hurd
Andy Littlefield
Laura Denton Gauld
Matt Frankel
Mike Nuesse
Dan Maxwell
Larry Dubinsky
Dee Ames Ellsworth
Rob Schuller
Scott Bertschy
Jeff Black
Dakin Ferris
Brack Hazen, Jr.
Jackie Blevins Johnson
Gail Kelly
Geoff McConnell
Rick Sorkow
Sarah Carlin
Andrew Kluver
– 27 –
Alumni (cont.)
David Friedman
Pam Bertschy
Lori Chesterton Cooke
Donna Leonard Dubinsky
Josh Duksin
Steve Levesque
Heather Hodgson DePaola
Rob Driscoll
Mark Newberg
Nancy Rosenfeld
Brian Bartlett
Matt Radasch
David Fiss
Randy Freston
Tom Bragg, Jr.
Ron Capers
Alex Spence
Jason Warnick
Peter Wright
Rich Truluck
Pete Gregory
Marna Chamberlain
Marcia Page Himes
Kevin Kimes
Bob Felt
Brett Freebody
Jon Hardy
Mike Perlstein
Dan Jaye
Neilly Edwards
Rob Coto
Paul Fixler
Kendall Jennings
Sahba Farivar
Ross Sanner III
Ellen Wulff
Kevin Millman
– 28 –
Alumni (cont.)
Andrew Sylvester
Andrew White
Ethan Labowitz
Sarah Romac
Noah Kaplan
Will Cutrer
Lauren Grant
Tom Perry, IV
Simon Robinson
Rose Dorian
Conor Mingle
Robin Platte
Faculty, Staff, and Friend
Faculty and Staff
Bath Campus
Heather and Ben Beam
Will Beckham
Joy Bengtson
Brandy Bradford-Smith
John and Sandy Brawn
RJ and Erin Brown
Baxter Bullock
Jennifer Burns
Jim Carleton
Abbie Chapin
John and Dahlia Chesterton
Susie and Jim Chubbuck
Patty Clark
Linda Coit
Bev Coleman
Lavoe Davis
Tammy Deion
Ron Demers
Mary Denzer
Gene and Lilly Devlin
Bill Doe
Louise Dupuis
James Eberhart
David Fiss ’97 Bath
Erin Ford
Kate ’95 Bath and Colin Foye
Joey Gauld
Eva George
Ken ’72 Bath and Claire ’75 Bath Grant
Pete Gregory ’89 Bath
Tim Gustafson
Loren and Connie Hardin
Tom and Pam Hardy
– 29 –
Faculty and Staff–Bath (cont.)
Alyssa Hemingway
Diane Jellis
Betsy Jones
Christa Kalke
Logan and Hillary Kidwell
Shane Kindlimann
Lisa LaPlante
Faye Larrabee
Eric and Jodie Lenardson
Donna Leonard
Steve ’96 Bath and Rachel Levesque
Laura Lokitis
Al Lowell
Fan Luo
Angela MacDonald
Gigi ’82 Bath and Don MacMillan
Casey and Tim Mercer
Tom and Mary Moore
Cindy Morgan
Mukhaye Muchimuti
Brian and Rose Mulligan
Mark Murrell
Matt Newberg
Ann Peden
Deb Penham
Kate Phenix
Jenny Pinkham
Tyler Plourde
Claudette Randall
James Redstone
Carol Richards
John Romac
Ross Sanner ’01 Bath
Jesse Sataloff
Roberta Sherwood
Carolyn Smith
Randy and Katie Smith
Wanda Smith
Marilyn Sprague
Rich ’88 Bath and Kirstie Truluck
Jessie Waterman
Carl and Sue Young
Woodstock Campus
Deborah Alberghini
Meara Baldwin
Pam Bertschy ’81 Bath
Irene Boudreau
Tom ’83 Bath and Cindy Bragg
Heather and Massimo Cavalli
Ken ’81 Bath and Lori ’81 Bath Cooke
Dave and Pamela Corey
Melanie Cutler
Will Cutrer ’04 Woodstock
Lavoe Davis
Lynn Dawes
Jessica DeAngelis
Kristine DiNoia
Donna ’81 Bath and Larry ’78 Bath Dubinsky
Mark and Kristin Duethorn
Bill Fabiano
Bob ’90 Bath and Brooke Felt
David Fiss ’97 Bath
Kevin and Rachel Folan
Jill Forgue
Charles and Nancy Fraser
Colin Fredericks and Emma White
Malcolm ’72 Bath and Laura ’76 Bath Gauld
Gary Giambattista
Daniel Greene
Cindy Guan
Barbara Hackett
Tom and Pam Hardy
Ian Harrington
Judy Hendrickson
Mamie Horstmann
Mary Iacobucci-Grabowski
Marie Janket
Wesley Jenkins
Jane Letourneau
– 30 –
Faculty and Staff–Woodstock (cont.)
Karen McGovern
Louise Meade
Laura Michaels
Lorna-Kay Murdock
Tom and Traci Nelson
Julia Nix
Sue Nowak
Michael and Kathy O’Dea
Daniel Osar
Paul Pachnek
Todd Patrie
Stephen Poer
Susie and Gerald Racine
Patricia Renaud
John and Kirsten Rigney
Sarah Robison
Sean and Bobbie-Jo Saucier
Sue Schofield
Amy Sherman
Amanda Silva
Deb Smith
Holly and Jim Thompson
Arnie Trumm
Terry and Kerri Walsh
Jason Warnick ’98 Bath and Colleen Egan
Joshua Welch
Former Faculty and Staff
Bath Campus
Gloria Barnes
Brian Bartlett ’97 Bath
John and Jessica Bayreuther
Bob and Pat Bertschy
Scott Bertschy ’78 Bath and Jeanne Hansen
Wendy Butterfield
Greg Georgaklis and Eva Cahill
Lauren Grant ’05 Woodstock
Paul ’67 Bath and Laurie ’75 Bath Hurd
Kendall Jennings ’00 Bath
Gail Kelly ’79 Bath and John Medeiros
Bob and Betty Masse
Duncan and JoAnne McCrann
Mike ’76 Bath and Malee Nuesse
Bill and Sara Stockwell
Quynn Taylor
Jim and Barbara Willey
Peter Wright ’85 Bath and Lisa Gill
Woodstock Campus
Steve and Shari Aaron
Sarah Carlin ’80 Bath and Derek Beckwith
Rob Colgan
Kyle and Linda Felt
Dan Jaye ’99 Bath
Eric Kelly
Duncan and JoAnne McCrann
Linda McGuire
Dan and Emily Murphy
Bob and Cat Sands
Rob Schuller ’78 Bath
Bath Campus
Donald and Doris Anderson
Dibbie Appleton
Vance and Evelyn Dearborn
Jeremiah and Audrus Ferguson
Bobbie Fleming
Joey Gauld
Faith Harvie
Sandy Holloway
John and Noella Jane
Charles and Ann Johnson
Betsy Jones
Tancy Mitchell
Carter Perry
Jerry and Dorothy Preston
Gibby and Cynthia Raff
– 31 –
Grandparents–Bath (cont.)
David Steadly and Suzanne Lengyel
Karen Swaine
Peggy Wescott
John Whipple
Paul and Eleanor Zdanowicz
Kory and Linda Zipperstein
F. Helmut and Caroline Weymar
Graham and Vizma Wren
Woodstock Campus
Dave and Jan Carreau
Bob and Shirley Corley
Ralph and Jean DeNunzio
Richard DiLorenzo
Robert and Eugenia Dowdeswell
Harriett Foos
James and Loli Hammond
Louise Harpel
Dennis and Karen Mehiel
Edith Mehiel
Jack and Mary Reardon
Ed and Betty Schnatterly
Caroline Vereline
Bath Campus
Penelope Bliss
Larry and Sandra Busboom
Henry and Audrey Cheetham
Mike and Ann Hay
Elizabeth Hearey
J. Patrick Henry
Nancy and Hector Jaeger
Zoe and Andrew Jaye
Jerry and Kathy Karney
Jean Keith
Jacque and Sandy Kemp
Susan Lebow
Mr. and Mrs. Don Liem
Carol Lindsay
Michael and Eva Loeb
Lon and Joan McDermott
Shawn and Debbie McKenna
Kate Smith
Woodstock Campus
Wilder Baker
Richard and Carol Barton
Coombs, Davis and Hill
Richard Field
Lisa Foley
James and Margaret Funnell
Betty Hale
Maureen Kenney
Andy Moyer
John and Susan Mullin
Carl and Margaret Pfeiffer
Eric Salmeron and Mildrew Pinott
Richard and Tracy Self
Hort and Karen Soper
Crosleigh Thoms
H. Dexter Young
Bath Campus
The Charles and Ann Johnson Foundation
The Cleveland Foundation
Davenport Trust Fund
Day Pitney LLP
DeAngelis Family Foundation
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Frankel Family Foundation
Frederick H. Prince Testamentary Trust
The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
John and Kelly Hartman Foundation
Marin Community Foundation
National Philanthropic Trust
Twin Chimney
– 32 –
Foundations–Bath (cont.)
United Jewish Community Endowment
United Way of Central and Northeastern
W. W. Whitlock Foundation
Whitehall Foundation, Inc.
Woodstock Campus
The Boston Foundation
The Buchanan Family Foundation
The Community Foundation
The DeNunzio Foundation
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Greater Worcester Community Foundation
Palriwala Foundation of America
Renaissance Charitable Foundation
Matching Gifts
Ameriprise Financial
Boeing Gift Matching Program
DelMonte Foods
Goldman, Sachs & Co
Levi Strauss Foundation
Teleflex Foundation
United Technology Corporation
Xerox Corporation
Bath Campus
Jorama Consulting Inc.
Merck Partnership for Giving
NYC Center for Charter School Excellence
Searchpath of Long Island, NY, Inc.
Spirit Realty Trust
Treat and Associates LLC
Whitney P. Wright Real Estate
Wilmington Trust Company
Woodstock Campus
Chevron Humankind Matching Gift Program
Children of Joy Pediatrics
The Davidson Legal Group LLC
Members Give (through Justgive)
Morgan Stanley
Woodstock Veterinary Clinic
– 33 –
Hyde Schools’ Board of
Governors (2010 – 2011)
Board of Governors Emeriti
Lennox “Bim” Black
(Christopher ’76 Bath, David ’76 Bath,
Jeffrey ’78 Bath)
Jeffrey P. Black ’78/’79 Bath, Chair
David E. Boone
(Aaron Hinton ’98 Bath)
Lloyd “Rusty” and Kristin Day
(Colin ’00 Bath, Jessie ’03 Bath)
Kenneth P. DeAngelis
(Ross ’04 Bath, Simone ’10 Woodstock,
Madeline Moritz ’10 Woodstock)
Jack and Gini Diskin
(Brad ’78 Bath)
Catherine “Nicky” Falck
(Marc ’02 Woodstock, Olivia ’04 Woodstock)
Lorrie B. DeAngelis
(Ross ’04 Bath, Simone ’10 Woodstock,
Madeline Moritz ’10 Woodstock)
Larry French
(Todd ’89 Bath)
Jamie Delaney
(Ryan ’10 Woodstock)
James and Marge Freston
(Cary ’79 Bath, Randal ’83 Bath)
Malcolm W. Gauld ’72 Bath
(Mahalia ’08 Bath, Scout ’10 Bath)
Margo Calvetti Frost ’76 Bath
(Mariel Frost ’10 Bath)
Jacki D. Hinton
(Aaron Hinton ’98 Bath)
James K. Grasty ’73 Bath
Ritsubun Koda (aka) Raymond Wong
(Taiga ’08 Woodstock, Haruka ’10
Dave and Hobey Hinchman
(Steve ’81 Bath, David ’87 Bath, Josephine
’90 Bath)
Nancy B. Lund
(Jeffrey ’06 Woodstock)
Rob and Anne Krebs
(Duncan ’97 Woodstock)
Dana McAvity
(Angus ’09 Woodstock)
Armin “Rick” Kuder
(Carlyn ’82 Bath, Keith ’85 Bath)
Malcolm McAvity
(Angus ’09 Woodstock)
Paul MacMahon
(Timothy ’95 Bath, Julia ’01 Woodstock,
Lisa Schuchmann ’01 Woodstock, Kerri
Schuchmann ’02 Bath)
Thomas J. Moore
(Patrick ’03 Bath, Robert ’04 Bath, Joseph
’07 Bath)
Verna Mayo Moore ’74 Bath
Stuart Ochiltree
(Molly ’95 Bath)
Matthew E. Snyder ’94 Bath
Debbie Werner
(Jason ’06 Woodstock)
Gilbert “Gibby” and Cynthia Raff
(David ’81 Bath)
Joseph B. Werner
(Jason ’06 Woodstock)
Raymond Smart
(Archie ’90 Bath)
R. Channing “Chan” Wheeler
(Anne ’04 Bath)
– 34 –
HAPA Board (2010 – 2011)
Ann and Bob Cary
(Bridget ’03 Bath)
New Orleans, LA
Alumni Association Board
(2010 – 2011)
Sarah Carlin ’80 Bath
(Justin Morse ’00 Woodstock)
Prides Crossing, MA
Frances Grahamjones
(Freeman ’08 Woodstock)
Berkeley, CA
Rob Driscoll ’82 Bath
Woodland Hills, CA
Tamara Hall
(William Violette ’07 Bath)
Manchester, NH
Anne “Neilly” Edwards ’99 Woodstock
Jacksonville, FL
David Fiss ’97 Bath
Portland, ME
J. C. Labowitz
(Ethan ’03 Woodstock and Susanna ’08
Alexandria, VA
David Friedman ’95 Bath
New York, NY
Lisa Geller ’93 Bath
Needham, MA
Patti Rounsevell
(Ethan ’03 and Susanna ’08 Woodstock)
Alexandria, VA
Kendall Jennings ’00 Bath
Charlottesville, VA
Quynn Taylor
(Gabriel Colaluca ’91 Bath)
Scottsdale, AZ
Jacqueline Blevins Johnson ’79 Bath
Lake Bluff, IL
Daniel Sullivan, Jr., Chair
(Daniel ’04 Bath)
Alpharetta, GA
Noah Kaplan ’04 Woodstock
Riverdale, NY
Gail Kelly ’79 Bath
Lowell, MA
Mike Nuesse ’76 Bath
Hull, MA
Rob Schuller ’78 Bath
Salem, MA
Alex Spence ’98 Bath
Boston, MA
Andrew Q. Sylvester ’03 Bath
New York, NY
Kelsey Warner ’07 Woodstock
Wilton, CT
Alison Meyer Woodward ’92 Bath
Richmond, VA
Peter Wright ’85 Bath
W Roxbury, MA
– 35 –
Sumner Hawley Society
All individuals and families who make a planned
gift to Hyde Schools or have included the
school(s) in their estate plans are members of
the Sumner Hawley Society, named in honor
of the co-founder of Hyde Schools. For more
information about the Sumner Hawley Society, or
to discuss a planned or estate gift to Hyde, please
contact Erin Brown, Director of Development, at
ebrown@hyde.edu or call 207-386-5202.
Kenneth DeAngelis
(Ross DeAngelis ’04 Bath, Simone
DeAngelis ’10 Woodstock, Madeline Moritz
’10 Woodstock)
M. Christine Dennos
(Michael Demmer ’02 Woodstock, John
Demmer ’04 Woodstock)
Randall and Nancy Eaton
(Meghan P. Eaton ’06 Woodstock)
Charles and Karen Aring
(Charles Aring ’99 Woodstock, Gretchen
Aring ’02 Woodstock)
Ruth Estrich and Sam Zolten
(Dorian B. de Tappan ’05 Woodstock,
Joshua Zolten ’08 Woodstock)
Donald and Nancy Baldwin
(Blake Matheny ’98 Bath, Tyler Matheny ’00
Bath, Weston Matheny ’02 Bath)
Bob ’90 Bath and Brooke Felt
Michael and Margo Ballew
(Travis Ballew ’01 Bath)
Christopher and Noel Foy
(Christopher Foy ’06 Bath)
Larry and Lisa French
(Todd French ’89 Bath)
Gloria Barnes
Robert J. Buckla, Ed.D.
Ron Friedman and Sally Christian
(James Lorenz ’01 Woodstock)
Steven Cole and Adele Blong
(Robert Cole ’02 Bath)
Carol Fritz
(Julia Wolfe ’01 Woodstock)
Nancy Coyne
(Sarah Coyne ’06 Bath)
George and Susan Frost
(Scott Frost ’94 Bath, Jonathan Frost ’96
H. Lavoe Davis
(W. Edward Davis ’90 Bath)
Joseph Gauld
(Malcolm Gauld ’72 Bath, Laurie Gauld
Hurd ’75 Bath, Georgia Gauld MacMillan ’82
Lynn Dawes
(Michael Dawes, Jr. ’92 Bath)
– 36 –
Sumner Hawley Society (cont.)
Robert and Noelle Rainer
(Sara Rainer ’09 Bath)
W. Thomas Gauld
(Doug Gauld ’73 Bath, David Gauld ’74
Bath, Pam Gauld Eveland ’79)
Joan Perry
(Michael Lykins ’98 Bath, Sean Lykins ’00 Bath)
Ken Grant ’72 Bath and Claire Denton Grant
’75 Bath
(Sarah Grant ’00 Woodstock, Jesse Grant ’03
Woodstock, Lauren Grant ’05 Woodstock)
Bob Henson and Melissa Koerner
(Christopher Henson ’01 Bath)
Mike Rugala and Kathy Sibert
(Andrew Rugala ’07 Bath)
Michael and Janice Schiffman
(Matthew Schiffman ’05 Woodstock)
Paul Schneider
(Alexander Schneider ’01 Bath)
Jacki Hinton and David Boone
(Aaron Hinton ’98 Bath)
Dianne Snedaker
(Jonathan Snedaker ’99 Bath)
Rick and Jody Howard
(Katrina Howard ’90 Bath Solter, Eben
Howard ’92 Bath)
Gerry Snedaker
(Jonathan Snedaker ’99 Bath)
Daniel and Mimi Sullivan
(Daniel Sullivan ’04 Bath)
J. C. Labowitz and Patti Rounsevell
(Ethan Labowitz ’03 Woodstock, Susanna
Labowitz ’08 Woodstock)
Peter and Catherine Lawler
(Patrick Lawler ’08 Bath)
Clay and Judee von Seldeneck
(Rodman von Seldneck ’96 Bath, Kevin von
Seldneck ’97 Bath)
Ron Lykins
(Michael Lykins ’98 Bath, Sean Lykins ’00 Bath)
Martin and Sally Weinrich
(Kimberly Powers Barbee ’94 Bath)
Paul and Tara MacMahon
(Timothy MacMahon ’95 Bath, Julia
MacMahon ’01 Woodstock, Lisa
Schuchmann ’01 Woodstock, Kerri
Finamore ’02 Bath)
Lee and Lydia Wikkerink
(Lori Lee Bedard ’81 Bath)
Lee Mortenson and Carol Kirkland
(Leia Mortenson ’03 Bath)
Lisa Young
(Ashley Young ’05 Woodstock)
Ann Peden
Sanford Young, Esq.
(Ashley Young ’05 Woodstock)
Dick and Nancy Wright
(Rick Wright ’79 Bath)
– 37 –
For Further Information
Hyde Bath
616 High Street
Bath, ME 04530
Hyde Woodstock
150 Route 169
Woodstock, CT 06281
– 38 –

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