SOUTH MOUNTAIN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL * April 10th , 2015 MESSAGE FROM THE PRINCIPAL ~ Mrs. Deb Heilmann This week was National Volunteer Week. I would like to take a moment to extend a HUGE thank you to all the parents, family and community members that volunteer and help the students at South Mountain. We are fortunate to have such a dedicated group of individuals supporting our children. If you are a volunteer and haven't already done so, please be sure to stop by the office over the next few weeks for a small token of appreciation. Please remember that students will not have school on April 24th. Also, please mark your calendars for our upcoming Art show, Math night and Book Fair that will take place on April 21st. This is a great opportunity for students to share all of their creativity and hard work with you. We look forward to seeing you there! SCHOOL HOURS 8:15 AM ~ Playground Supervision Starts 8:30 AM ~ First Bell rings 8:35 AM ~ Second Bell ~ School Begins 11:15 PM ~ KG -3rd grade lunch 11:45 – 4th – 5th grade lunch 3:30 PM - Dismissal DATES TO REMEMBER SOUTH MOUNTAIN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 5400 Bittersweet Road Wausau, WI 54401 Phone: 715-261-0235 Fax: 715-261-3930 PRINCIPAL – Deb Heilmann SECRETARY – Deb Maley April 10th ~ Report Cards Sent Home April 21st ~ Art Fair, Math Night and Book Fair 6-7 PM April 24th ~ Dist. Prof. Dev. – No Classes May 25th – No Classes May 29th - Elem Recordkeeping – 11:25 Dismissal – No PreK – no lunch served June 5th ~ Kiefer Swenson Track Meet June 8th ~ Kiefer Swenson Rain Date Mark your Calendars!!! Tuesday, April 21st will be an exciting night at South Mountain! The night will consist of an Art Fair, a Math Night and the Book Fair will be open as well. Please plan to visit South Mountain to participate in and enjoy these 3 activities! PBIS MOVIE REWARD On the morning of Friday, April 17th all of the students in grades 1-5 will be heading to Cedar Creek Cinema to watch the movie Monkey Kingdom. We will leave school at 8:35 a.m. and arrive back at school in time for the primary lunch hour. Congratulations to all of our students for their positive behaviors in school! LATEST E-FLYERS LISTINGS The E-Flyer listing is updated with the newest flyers. Please check the "E-Flyers" website for the latest Community Events. You can access the E-Flyers site from the district website ( Please click on the E- Flyers tab. SCHOOL BREAKFAST & LUNCH INFORMATION FOOD SERVICE PRICES Breakfast- $1.25 Lunch- $2.05 Staff/Visitor- $3.35 TEACHERS COLLECT MILK & LUNCH MONEY NEW MILK PRICES $8.00/MILK CARD 40 CENTS/MILK (for cold lunches) MAKE LUNCH AND MILK CARD CHECKS OUT TO *WSD (Wausau School District) *Lunch and Milk Must Be Paid For Separately Important Reminders!!! PTO INFORMATION Our PTO has bought a school membership to Bookflix that you can also use at home. Simply go to: hp User name = smountaines Password = bookflix The Parent/Student handbook is now available on the South Mountain Website at: Files/Servers/Server_3502187/File/Handbooks/ Parent%202014%20master.pdf Hard copies are available upon request. MOVING??? Please inform the office of any change of address, phone number (home and/or cell) or email information. Also notify the school office as soon as possible if your child(ren) WILL NOT be attending South Mountain School next fall. Remember if you move and are NOT in the South Mountain attendance area you will need to register your child at their new home school. Please call the school office if you have any questions. Attention parents of current 5th grade students. If you are planning to have your child attend Horace Mann Middle School for the 2015 – 2016 school year, please call the school office. Thank you! Parent Volunteers ~ Please remember that it is District Policy that all volunteers complete a background check and appear on the “approved” list before they will be allowed to volunteer. If you are unsure that you are approved – please call Roxanne Hagedorn at 715-261-0584 or email Thank you. With 255 students in our school, it is very difficult to deliver personal messages. Please make after school plans, transportation decisions, where your child should meet you, visits to a friend’s house, etc. before school. It is very disruptive to class if messages are run in for students. Emergency situations are different. We will do our best to be of service to you if an emergency arises. Thank you for keeping disruptions to a minimum. After School Transportation ~ Please remember that your child has a regular “plan” for after school. If that plan changes you must send a note. If we do not have a note indicating the change, your child will follow the regular plan. If your child is getting picked up by someone else, please also remember to send a note to the office or the child’s teacher. Please remember to send notes to your child’s teacher indicating if their regular plan of transportation is changed for the day. Thank you. South Mountain Families: Ghidorzi green and clean is greater Wausau’s annual clean up event to celebrate earth day. We hopeYOUare willing to help by joining the team from South Mountain. The event takes place Saturday, April 25th. Let’s meet at Corporate Cove Tower for kickoff at 8:30. At 9:00 we will depart and head to our selected cleanup area. Theevent ends at 11 am. Make sure to wear your South Mountain spirit wear or school colors! If your family would like to take part in cleaning up our community, send us an email at lecke@wausauschools.orgby Friday, April 17.Please include the student’s name and parent or guardian’s name that will participate (all students MUST be accompanied by an adult). Sincerely, Jack Ecke 5th Grade Student 2015-16 4K REGISTRATION 4K Registration is a two-step process: Beginning February 10, 2015 Step 1. Fill out the online pre-registration form which can be found on the Wausau School District website or the A.C Kiefer website. Step 2. After filling out the online registration form, pick up a registration packet, available in the South Mountain office Monday- Friday, 7:45-3:45. Completion of these forms will finalize your 4K registration and help your child become excited to start school at South Mountain next year. We ask that you bring a birth certificate and copy of your child’s immunizations to the office with your completed forms. South Mountain ELEMENTARY SCHOOL KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION 2015/16 If you have a child who will be 5 years old on or before September 1, 2015, who will be enrolling in kindergarten at South Mountain School, please complete the following information and return the form to the school office as soon as possible. If you know a neighbor or friend who has a child who should be registering with South Mountain School, please pass this information on to them. Any questions please call 261.0235. CHILD’S NAME: LAST:_____________________ FIRST:___________________MIDDLE___ DATE OF BIRTH:_______________________ MALE:____FEMALE____ ADDRESS:___________________________________________________________________ PHONE:__________________________________ PARENT’S NAMES:___________________________________________________________ NAME OF PRESCHOOL:__________________________________________________ New Facility Rental Procedure A new on-line activity scheduler will give you easier access to know what is going on in all of the District Buildings. The Facility Scheduler is ready to be used. You can start requesting facility usage by going to the Wausau School District’s webpage, Departments & Programs, slide down to Buildings and Grounds, then to the Facility Rental Procedures. This will open the “Facility Rental Procedures”, follow the directions from there. Here is a direct link to the Facility Rental Procedures. If you have any questions regarding this procedure please call April Susa @ 715-261-0827 Happy spring to all! I have some excited news to share that is happening in the Physical Education classroom! I will have Mr. Brown, a student teacher, with me this quarter and I am really excited to have him be apart of your child’s educational experience! He has a lot of enthusiasm and will bring a lot of energy into the classroom! Mrs. Wavrunek Hi everyone, I just wanted to let you know the new face you see at school is not a stranger. My name is Mr. Brown and I will be student teaching with Mrs. Wavrunek for the rest of the school year. In May I will graduate with a Bachelor of Science degree, majoring in physical education and double minoring in health education and adapted physical education. I am a Wausau School District alumni who graduated from Wausau West in 2010. One interesting fact most people don’t know about me is that I have been playing the drums since I was eight years old. I am a very cheerful guy so please do not be shy to say hello. I am very excited to be here and look forward to making this experience one I will never forget. Phy Ed News School Track Meet Friday, May 15th 9:30 am All 4th -5th grade students will be participating at Wausau West High School for the annual school track meet. Please dress your child appropriately for the weather. All children should have a water bottle (please no color Gatorade/sports drinks, it makes a mess) and sunscreen for the day (please no spray formula). It also would be good to have an extra set of clothes (especially extra socks and shoes in case it is wet). The make-up date at this time is set for Thursday, May 28th with the same starting time of 9:30am in case of inclement weather. The decision to cancel the track meet for any reason will not be made until the morning of the event. If the weather is looking questionable the day of the event please call the office to check if there are any changes. The decision will be made by 8:15 am the day of the event. Thanks ! ORDER OF EVENTS: These are approximate starting times but could change based on circumstances FIELD EVENTS-start at 9:30-11:00 LUNCH BREAK- 11-11:30 RUNNING EVENTS -11:30-2:15 400m 60m Hurdles 60m 100m Relay Mile Your child will know what events they are participating in before the day of the event. We look forward to a great event for students to have fun participating in the track meet and having parents/guardians cheering them on! Thanks Mrs. Wavrunek & Mr. Brown South Mountain April Calendar Sunday 5 Monday Tuesday 19 Thursday 1 2 3 Spring Break Spring Break Spring Break 7 Day 2 8 Day 3 9 Day 4 10 Day 5 Homework Club 3:30-4:45 Homework Club 3:30-4:45 Homework Club 3:30-4:45 Homework Club 3:30-4:45 Report Cards Sent Home Walking Club 3:30-4:30 KG to PAF PTO meeting 6:00 Saturday 4 11 nd Spring Pics 2 Gr. To School Forest Walking Club 3:30-4:30 13 Day 1 14 Day 2 15 Day 3 16 Day 4 17 Day 5 Homework Club 3:30-4:45 Homework Club 3:30-4:45 Walking Club 3:30-4:30 Walking Club 3:30-4:30 Homework Club 3:30-4:45 Walking Club 3:30-4:30 20 Day 1 21 Day 2 22 Day 3 23 Day 4 24 Homework Club 3:30-4:45 Homework Club 3:30-4:45 Walking Club 3:30-4:30 Art show, Math night and Book Fair 6-7 PM Homework Club 3:30-4:45 Homework Club 3:30-4:45 Walking Club 3:30-4:30 27 Day 5 28 Day 1 29 Day 2 30 Day 3 Homework Club 3:30-4:45 Homework Club 3:30-4:45 Homework Club 3:30-4:45 Homework Club 3:30-4:45 Walking Club 3:30-4:30 Walking 3:30-4:30 KG to School Forest Walking Club 3:30-4:30 Club 18 Homework Club 3:30-4:45 Walking Club 3:30-4:30 26 Friday 6 Day 1 Walking Club 3:30-4:30 12 Wednesday District Wide Professional Development – No Classes 25