Week 4, Term 2
Week 4, Term 2
To enham Central School Encouraging all in the aim to Be er Our Best Monday, 19th May, 2014 WEEK 4 – TERM 2 Merilba Street To enham, NSW 2873 Phone: 02 68924006 Fax: 02 68924159 Email: to enham‐c.school@det.nsw.edu.au Athle cs carnival age champions and record breakers Principal ‐ Mr Steve Garriock Assistant principal ‐ Mrs Rose Mar n Secondary Studies HT ‐ Mrs Sarah Lindsay P&C President ‐ Mr Rick Benne We are on the internet www.to enham‐c.schools.nsw.edu.au REMINDERS Tuesday 20th ‐ UNSW Computer Skills test Wednesday 21st ‐ PSSA soccer here Friday 23rd ‐ CHS tennis here ASSEMBLIES Friday 6th June Friday 27th June TBC P & C MEETINGS P & C mee ngs are held every third Tuesday of the month at 7.30pm (Terms 1 & 4) and 7.00pm (Terms 2 & 3) in the school library. Everyone is very welcome to a end. The next mee ng is TOMORROW NIGHT Tuesday, 20th May at 7pm Principal’s message Last week students in Year 3, 5, 7 & 9 sat for their NAPLAN tests (Na onal Assessment Program ‐ Literacy and Numeracy). These na onwide tests give teachers and parents important informa on about each student’s progress. They also provide informa on to schools that assist teaching programs and future planning. I was impressed by most of our students’ a tude to these tests and I commend them on their efforts. Congratula ons to students who received merit cer ficates, sports awards and Bronze Merit level cer ficates at last Friday’s assembly and special congratula ons to all the students who have gained their Silver level! A really well done to Laura Harley, Thomas Hewe , and Zanthie Hewe on the presenta on of their speeches at the assembly. All spoke excep onally well. This was good prac se for the upcoming CWA public speaking compe on and our best wishes go to you, Will Horsburgh and also to secondary students, Amy‐Lee Wilson and Danielle Harding, who will be compe ng in the CWA public speaking compe on. My thanks to all parents who a ended the assembly. Extra special accolades are in order for the age champions and runners‐up from the athle cs carnival. Apparently there were some close results. A number of records were also broken at the carnival ‐ special congratula ons to all the record breakers. Congratula ons to the winning house from the athle cs carnival ‐ Bailes. Congratula ons also to all students in Latham on their victory in the school cross country. Sammy Dunn must also be congratulated, he was contacted last Friday to play in the Western Area Opens’ boys soccer team. This week he will join the team in Sydney and play in the CHS soccer carnival. This is a wonderful achievement and I am sure Sammy will play with enthusiasm and bring credit to himself and our school. Secondary students have exams during this term. Year 11 students commence their half yearly exams next week. Stage 4 & 5 students also begin their Semester One exams next week. All staff are con nuing their assessments of students in prepara on for comple ng Semester One reports. All students should be working hard, both at school and at home, studying and revising their work for their exams. Have a safe and wonderful week! Steve Garriock Le ‐ Latham house captains, Sammy Dunn and Hannah Smith, with the cross country shield. Right ‐ Bailes house captains, Bridget Benne and Naomi Fishpool, with the athle cs shield. School news MERIT SYSTEM Congratula ons to Jack Baker, Bridget Benne , Naomi Fishpool, Sammy Dunn, Tori Ivory, Alesha Pollard, Brian Dunn, MERIT AWARDS Harrison Chase, Jessica Lindsay, Moses Dunn, Samantha Harley, Shauna Pollard, Sophie Ayton, Sophie Hopkins and Congratulations to the following students who William Anderson for achieving Bronze in the Merit System. received merit certificates at assembly last Friday. Well done to these students. A special congratula ons to Danielle Harding, Zohe Eames, Caitlin Adam, Anneka Lees, Charlo e Lindsay, Oliver Lees and K/1 Moses Dunn Vivian Dunn (2) Sarah Mills, our Silver recipients for this week. Well done. Olivia Mills (3) K/1—THE BIGGEST MORNING TEA The K/1 children will be singing at the Biggest Morning Tea tomorrow at the hospital. The children will catch a bus to and 2/3/4 Grace Barbary Libby Weston from the hospital. We will leave school a er recess. Amanda Smith Anneka Lees Archie Baldwinson (2) PRIMARY DEBATING This Thursday, 22nd May, the primary deba ng team will 4/5/6 Thomas Hewett Jack Baker compete against Tullamore in the first round of the Western Challenge. The team is Alexandra Lindsay, Eliza Harley, Xavier Claire Barbary William Horsburgh Bryant and James Weston. The adjudicator will be Mr Bill Stewart Jarvis Isabelle Lindsay Messner. The topic is "that Australia needs a new flag”, and To enham is the affirma ve team. All parents and community members are invited to a end the debate, which will be in the school library at 10:00am. Secondary PRIMARY INTERVIEWS Primary interviews will be held on Tuesday, 24th June. A schedule for these interviews is included in this newsle er. Please contact the school if you need to change the me of your interview, or if you will be unable to a end. STAGE 5 WORK EXPERIENCE Students in Stage 5 were given informa on a data collec on sheet last week for their upcoming Work Experience. It would be appreciated if that form could be completed and returned to school this week. L Jarvis LOST PROPERTY There are s ll numerous items in the office that were le behind at the oval following the athle cs carnival ‐ They can be collected from the school office. If the items are not claimed they will be donated to charity. Colby McGeorge Sammy Dunn Tommy Shanks Naomi Fishpool Zohe Eames Brendon Vincent Kane Hardy Leonie Jones Hannah Smith Bridget Bennett CANTEEN Wednesday lunch special Spaghetti Bolognese $4.50 With cheese $4.70 School calendar Term 2 MONDAY TUESDAY WEEK ʹ PRELIM. HALF YEARLY EXAMS WEEK Ͷ ICAS ‐ Computer Skills PSSA Boys and Girls Soccer Primary deba ng CWA public speaking Sydney Symphony Orchestra ‐ Dubbo CHS Girls Tennis Knock out State PSSA Boys soccer FRIDAY June THURSDAY State CHS soccer P & C Mee ng ϩpm WEEK ͵ WEDNESDAY Gobondery/NARRAF Cross Country Central Schools Opens Touch Football Whole School Assembly WEEK ͷ Queens Birthday public holiday WEEK STAGE ͵ WORK EXP. WEEK PSSA Golf ICAS Science WSSA Cross Country CHS Girls Tennis Central Schools’ Open netball Gobondery/NARRAF Gala Day Ts Secondary Gala Day Talking To enham published Whole School Assembly TBC End of Term Sand Green Golf Don't forget spray jacket orders need to be in before this Friday. Order form was in last week’s newsle er or can be downloaded from the electronic newsle er on the school website. School sloppy joe/jumpers available from the office ‐ $20 Sports news CHS STATE FOOTBALL Congratula ons and good luck to Sammy Dunn who has been chosen to represent Western Area in this week’s carnival at Rooty Hill, Sydney. PSSA FOOTBALL Good luck to the boys and girls playing against Grenfell Public School this Wednesday in Round 2 of the PSSA Football Knockout. CHS GIRLS TENNIS Good luck to Danielle, Hannah, Bridget and Naomi who are playing West Wyalong High School in Round 2 of the CHS Girls Tennis Knockout this Friday. Other news YOUR SAY YOUTH CLUB It was unfortunate that Open House didn’t run last week. This Friday evening we have Josh Wilson and Shannon Lawrence on duty. PONY CLUB You are encouraged to use this space to give us any feedback on things which you feel you need to: congratulate a student, teacher or parent: let us know what you think of the newsle er format; make a sugges on or request. ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ th Next Rally: Sunday, 25 May. 10.30am start. ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ If anyone needs a piano tuned, please ring Mar n Lee 0414 992 912 ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ Signed: ______________________________________