protected open space north stonington, connecticut
protected open space north stonington, connecticut
Brow Gallup Farm Airport Rd Lew is nR d ant ow Sw ki Rd Norwich Rd Unknown Rd Pachaug State Forest La ke sid e d Ave Ceda Prentice Brook Led gen w oo dR Led d gen Wood R Rd d Unknown ake Rd Wy ass up L 201 ng Pent wa Pachaug State Forest Rd Hetchel Swamp Brook Murphy town Hill R Swan d Hw y Pachaug State Forest ate s tr o Lewis and Healey Lots Pachaug State Forest Pachaug State Forest y Pachaug State Forest Fowler Rd Highway Ramp ouse Dr Club hous e Dr Railroad u Grand Peq Yawbucs Brook Grindst Phelps Brook Cossaduck Hill Blvd EXPLANATION Stanley Pond Hill Brook Pond St at n wy 21 4 In d ian tow St a te H Wi Ln e nte ch og 4W D Hi ll Wintechog Hill Tefftweald at Birchenturn 1 Green River Pond 49 Lower Glade Brook Pond Chester M Rd ain Rd Triangle Pond Small Pond Pendleton Hill Brook Cla rks Falls Rd Rd Clarks Falls Pond Ryd er r Rd eD Wrights Green Fall River MAP SCALE INFORMATION - This map is intended to be printed at its original dimensions. Printing this map at a scale greater than 1:24,000 (1 inch = 2000 feet) may result in inaccuracies in parcel boundaries and locations. d itt R Hew Pitcher Mountain Pond Lewis Pond Silex Mine Brook Reute mann Rd Pitcher Mountain Spalding Pond P Long Cider Cider Hill Pentway Hill Cider Hill Rd Unknown Unknown North Stonington Elementary Wheeler High School n Ln aro Norw ich ck R d Bo d eR Lanter 201 Su rre y Ro ute Assekonk Swamp West Rd ock Flintl Rd Hollo w 2 Jeremy Hill 184 Forest Rd d k Oa Volun town Rd Route 49 2 r ge D Rid d ber ge R Tim er Rid b Tim wy te H idge Sta Rd Ln Dr 95 Ln ntry Cou 95 t Devon Dr Hickey Dr ndish Oak Lane Ext Cave ew Vi C oft Cr East Branch Copps Brook 95 Merritt Hill Elm R Dr Dr Whit take r 95 95 Rd 2 95 95 95 d yR wa a h As y Rd n tho An 95 Lewis Pond Pawcatuck River Voluntown Road Pond 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 Ella Wheeler 95 Wheeler Brook 95 I 95 95 Shunock River 95 Ang uilla R n Rd ingto Ston ille R oad Shew NO 2 ville Rd Shew v p Hill Rd Gal lu rd Berwick 2 SD Unknown Unknown 95 2 ute Ro St erty Lib Brentfo y ntwa R r Pe ay d w Mine t n r Pe e in M 95 95 95 95 Rd Lampheres Brook Ln 17 te 6 d Rou Roa ice v r e S ond Rd nk wo ug Ta Ct Dunn's Map is not colorfast Protect from light and moisture r Farm P Unknown Unknown Rd e Tpk don n o L New eler Whe Linda Ave August 2011 She rwo od D S T O N I N G T O N Unknown Map prepared by CT DEEP 184 d Unknown Unknown St 95 y Rd Circle Dr wy te H Sta ny Sto R ok Bro Dr ht Stephen Stony Pond St Marjorie STATE OF CONNECTICUT DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 79 Elm Street Hartford, CT 06106-5127 184 Dr Pond D r terl Wes K ni g Stephen Dr Linda Ln Whitford Brook Damato Rd State Plane Coordinate System of 1983, Zone 3526 Lambert Conformal Conic Projection North American Datum of 1983 n b Ru Clu d Gun lub R G un C Rd Unknown Hickory Ln Miles Oa k 184 ute Ro ich Norw 1.2 Al Harvey 0.9 Neck Wolf 0.6 95 Stone Pond 2 Elma ta Av e d 95 184 Pendleton Hill Rd ck y La nte Unknown 95 95 95 95 Rd hit f or dR Hill Rd iff Cl W 95 om 95 Rd Cranberry Bog 95 Ro rn Hill R emy Jer d Assekonk Swamp 95 95 95 Cedar Dr 0.3 n Tpke Whitford Pond MAP LOCATION 0.15 Londo ce New Providen Min e Stil r Me e lma n R ting H ous d n Hill Road NO 2 Tow r nF arm Rd Far Assekonk Swamp East 95 95 n Ln wn To 0 95 Bell Cedar Swamp 184 Assekonk Swamp West Rd Unknown mD n 95 Bridge Rd Unknown es t ec r se L Babcock Brook Assekonk Pond Pin This map is intended to be printed at original size (48 x 36 in) Ho u Rd yL Bab co "The Neck" Bell Cedar Swamp Dr Sh Ra Old n ve C o da L n hon W lony n R oo da L d Rd Rho Rd Old T rol le Wheeler Middle School Williams Brook t ing ry Ln Ave Ripley Parks Pond M ai n St Unknown Dr d swoo King Wychwood Field Airport M ee Babcock Road Pond Shunock River Assekonk Brook ond R d L E D Y A R D FOR MORE INFORMATION about the POSM project, contact the Land Acquisition Division of the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection at 860-424-3016. Mys ti c R d Post Office Ln Holly L n River Pond od Wo dow Mea od Rd o relw Lau MAPS AND DIGITAL DATA Visit the CT ECO website for other natural resource and environmental maps at . Visit the CT DEP GIS website to download any of the digital spatial data shown on this map at . BASE MAP DATA is based on data originally from 1:24,000-scale USGS 7.5 minute topographic quadrangle maps published between 1969 and 1992. It includes political boundaries, railroads, airports, hydrography, geographic names and geographic places. Streets and street names are from Tele Atlas copyrighted data. Base map information is neither current nor complete. Silex Pond Ber gius Ln Ho m e Long Pond Main s Xing stead Rd DATA SOURCES Clarks Falls 216 Rd or g Dr ge eor G beth Eliza PROTECTED OPEN SPACE DATA - This map is based on information from various sources collected and compiled during the period from March 2005 through the present. These sources include municipal Assessor's records (the Assessor's database, hard copy maps and deeds) and existing digital parcel data. The data collected represents conditions on the date of research at each city or town hall and is not updated. Rd oods Pine W 16 te 2 16 Rou w y 2 eH S tat d ley Val Cemetery Pond 201 Road x Lantern Hill Pond r ke Hi ll R Dr s or g Glade Brook Laurel Glen Ge Amo Ge NO oad wR o l l Ho Rd Sleepy ollo w H y Sleep an Hill Rd Lantern Hill oc Cr nie An th d er R Pott Hangm Pine Rd ste rly Rd Rd We Norwich Jes sica 214 Pa Matts bu Yaw y2 White Ep h raim s e Gallup Pond Hw rl ot T Pequ th Pa Types of property that are not on this map include administration buildings, airports, athletic fields, commercial campgrounds, cemeteries, country clubs, golf courses, dog poinds, landfills, fire department lands, historic homes, libraries, marinas, museums, parking facilities, police stations, and others. Generally, parcels under 10 acres that contain buildings are not included and parcels with developed recreation facilities such as ballfields are not included unless the facilities comprise less than 50% of the total parcel area. Hewitt Pond Puttker Rd 2 214 Types of property that may be included in this map are landholdings of Federal, State, municipal, or other government entities; land held by private land conservation organizations or trusts; and church, religious, or non-profit open space lands. Shingle Mill Pond Laurel Glen Pond N O R T H S T O N I N G T O N Milltown Rd Rd one Hill Wyassup Brook d Wyassup R Line Swantown Hill ve ot A Pachaug State Forest Pachaug State Forest aker Dr Rainm ey Troll Unknown Unknown Stewart Hill Club H Local Road Pachaug State Forest Princess Ln Lantern Hill Brook State Route Highway Kenyon Lot on Hill Rd d Arm Denis Wyassup Lake lR Hil US Route Highway St Lake Of Isles Ayer Hill Wyassup Lake k duc s sa Co 2 Interstate Highway heele r Chapman Hill Barns Hill Tom W Lake of Isles Rd Town Boundary Only parcels that meet the criteria of protected open space as defined by the POSM project are included. Protected open space is defined as: Land or interest in land acquired for the protection of natural features of the state's landscape or essential habitat for endangered or threatened species; or Land or interest in land acquired to support and sustain non-facility based outdoor recreation, forestry and fishery activities, or other wildlife or natural resource conservation or preservation activities. Pachaug State Forest Rd Unknown Rd Pachaug State Forest Unknown Prentice Mountain River, Brook, Stream This map identifies parcels of open space land for towns included in the Department of Environmental Protection's Protected Open Space Mapping (POSM) project. Because this project is ongoing and incomplete, some towns are not represented. As towns are completed, new data will be added to the map. Pachaug State Forest Unknown Hetchel Swamp wn Pachaug State Forest Pendleton Hill Pachaug State Forest County Boundary Pendleton Hill Pond Rd Open Water Ro ute Pachaug State Forest Shaws Pond Lake Of Isles Brook State Boundary Pachaug State Forest Rou Pen te 49 dle ton Hill Rd Co ok to Billings Lake Island Main Brook Unknown Trl Unknown Nin aR A lv in a ian Ind State owned property such as parks and forests, flood control areas, and preserves. Primarily property owned by the Department of Environmental Protection. Unknown Dr Billings Lake go Any privately owned lands (excluding land trusts) that are primarily open space, such as fish and game clubs and camps. Unknown Ca thy A Lor ve etta Av e Mountain Ave Municipally-owned parcels that include undeveloped open space parcels and parcels that are less than 50% developed in terms of buildings and facilities (ball fields, swimming pools, tennis courts, etc.). Pachaug State Forest Pachaug State Forest Unknown Anderson Pond rD r Pachaug State Forest Green Fall River Unknown n Rd Miller Rd d ll R owe Parcels owned by a land trust. Land trusts are generally private, nonprofit entities that own land for preservation. d Pachaug State Forest Billings Lake Rd Ashwillet Brook Hu State Unknown 1 Watson Road NO d Watson R Private West Brook Pond e Av Municipal Federally owned land. Examples include Army Corps of Engineers property such as Mansfield Hollow or Thomaston Dam properties. Corner Dr Corner Rd gR Pachaug State Forest Unknown Miller Brook ia Patric Land Trust Holl Federal Description Pachaug State Forest Pachaug State Forest Unknown Crescent Pond Unknown Button Rd Category Pachaug State Forest Koistenen Brook goo aw pY Pachaug State Forest Rd Dark Hollow Brook Oats Pond YMCA Camp Sand Hill Cam Pachaug State Forest Johnso LEGEND d Pachaug State Forest 4W D Roa Billings Brook Pond Symbol V O L U N T O W N d Anna Farm Pachaug State Forest Pachaug State Forest Koistenen Brook Koistenen Pond ill R it H al P Co 201 Pachaug State Forest Palmer Pond Pachaug State Forest Glasgo Rd Rd Pachaug State Forest Prentice Brook Pachaug State Forest Green Fall Pond G R I S W O L D n tow Rix Niew iarow s Old Route 201 Downing Dr Tyler Dr Miller Brook Dr Hill Richardson Rd Hill Rd s g n u Yo el Ln Rach Rd Gallup d ill R Richardson H ood Te r Pachaug State Forest Peg Mill Brook Rd Jewe tt City Rd State Hwy 164 ill Rd Gr een Pachaug Fa lls State Forest 9 y4 nH n to e B chw Be e P R E S T O N 165 t Tpke Shetucke 5 wy 16 State H Rd Hw Brand Pachaug State Forest te Sta Pierce Rd n d Lewis Pond a rk rry P PROTECTED OPEN SPACE NORTH STONINGTON, CONNECTICUT Strawbe 164 Sc ho ol R
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