Untitled - Seasons of Living
Untitled - Seasons of Living
w . right balance bet ween form a n d f u n c t io n i n ev e ry p i e c e 2 . e l e g a n t a n d e v o lv e d ta s t e . excellent qualit y of materials . remarkable experience in t h e w o o d m a n u fa c t u r i n g . items made to last in time this is the leitmotif of the costantini pietro dining collection 3 4 TABLES buffets air108-111 aida78-83 capture 116-119 ambassador evoque 10-13 eclipse 6-9 fenice62-69 edge70-73 four seasons elite22-25 120-123 32-35 grande 56-61 flash14-17 guess89-91 park lane buffet36/42-45 jewel26-31 park lane TV cabinet48-49 maestro 124-127 park lane showcase36/46-47 no more 92-95 wish112-115 otello 100-103 park lane 36/38-41 occasional royal18-21 fenice lamps 54-55 soho84-87 park lane chandelier36/52-53 stile74-77 park lane mirror vanity 104-107 fun128-129 vero97-99 lui & planet 36/50-51 130-131 5 ECLIPSE design Giorgio Soressi 6 7 8 9 evoque design Giorgio Soressi 10 11 12 13 flash design Giorgio Soressi 14 15 16 17 royal design Giorgio Soressi 18 19 20 21 elite design Giorgio Soressi 22 23 24 25 jewel design Giorgio Soressi 26 27 28 29 30 31 ambassador design Giorgio Soressi 32 33 34 35 park lane collection design Giorgio Soressi 36 37 park lane table 38 39 40 41 park lane buffet 42 43 44 45 park lane showcase 46 47 park lane tv cabinet 48 49 park lane mirrors 50 51 park lane chandelier 52 53 fenice lamps 54 55 grande table design Giorgio Soressi 56 57 58 59 60 61 fenice table design Giorgio Soressi 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 edge buffet design Giorgio Soressi 70 71 72 73 stile table design Giorgio Soressi 74 75 76 77 aida buffet design Giorgio Soressi 78 79 80 81 82 83 soho table design Giorgio Soressi 84 85 86 87 Guess table design Giorgio Soressi 88 89 90 91 NO MORE TABle design Giorgio Soressi 92 93 94 95 VERO TABLE design Giorgio Soressi 96 97 98 99 otello TABLE design Giorgio Soressi 100 101 102 103 vanity TABLE design Giorgio Soressi 104 105 106 107 AIR TABLE design Giorgio Soressi 108 109 110 111 wish buffet design Giorgio Soressi 112 113 114 115 capture TABLE design Giorgio Soressi 116 117 118 119 four seasons TABLE design Giorgio Soressi 120 121 122 123 maestro TABLE 124 125 126 127 Fun design Giorgio Soressi 128 129 lui & planet design Giorgio Soressi 130 131 132 technical information 133 TABLES Air capture evoque BUFFETS cm/inc cod. L W H 9195T 210 (+2x50)/823/4 (+2x193/4) 105/411/2 76/30 240/941/2 105/411/2 200/783/4 9256T 9278T cod. L W H aida pai.726 225/881/2 55/211/2 70/271/2 76/30 ambassador 9268m 220/863/4 57/221/2 76/30 100/391/2 76/30 eclipse 9276m 220/863/4 55/211/2 80/301/2 210 (+2x50)/823/4 (+2x193/4) 105/411/2 76/30 edge 9232m 220/863/4 55/211/2 77,5/301/2 240/941/2 105/411/2 76/30 elite bar cabinet 9277sc 90/351/2 45/173/4 170/67 200/783/4 100/391/2 76/30 flash 9279m 220/863/4 55/211/2 80/301/2 210 (+2x50)/823/4 (+2x193/4) 105/411/2 76/30 park lane buffet 9270m 220/863/4 53/203/4 76/30 240/94 1/2 105/41 76/30 park lane TV cabinet 9270tv 240/94 50/20 50/193/4 100/391/2 76/30 park lane showcase 9270cs 140/55 210 (+2x50)/82 (+2x19 ) 1/2 105/41 76/30 wish 9062M 220/86 240/941/2 105/411/2 76/30 200/783/4 100/391/2 76/30 240/94 1/2 105/41 76/30 200/783/4 100/391/2 76/30 240/941/2 130/511/4 76/30 120/473/4 130/511/4 76/30 210 (+2x50)/823/4 (+2x193/4) 105/411/2 76/30 fenice table lamp 240/941/2 105/411/2 76/30 200/783/4 100/391/2 240/941/2 1/2 200/783/4 Fenice four seasons grande dining 9257T 9228t 9271t grande modular element guess 9261t 134 jewel jewel modified 9267t 9267tm 3/4 3/4 1/2 75/291/2 cm/inc fenice floor lamp 6257fl diam. 36-45/141/4 -173/4 160/63 76/30 park lane chandelier 9270ch 180/703/4 105/411/2 76/30 park lane coffee table 9270c 110/431/2 200/783/4 100/391/2 76/30 park lane mirror 9270mr 140/55 140/55 210 (+2x50)/823/4 (+2x193/4) 105/411/2 76/30 130/511/4 210/823/4 240/941/2 105/411/2 76/30 fun 9280cb 35/133/4 35/133/4 45/173/4 200/783/4 100/391/2 76/30 lui coffee table 9281ct 180/703/4 64/251/4 30/113/4 76/30 otello coffee table pot.721C 110/431/4 110/431/4 76/30 planet coffee table 9282ct 95/371/2 64/251/4 76/30 Otello pqt.725 210 (+2x50)/823/4 (+2x193/4) 105/411/2 76/30 240/94 1/4 130/51 76/30 200/783/4 100/391/2 76/30 240/941/2 105/411/2 76/30 200/783/4 100/391/2 76/30 210 (+2x50)/823/4 (+2x193/4) 105/411/2 76/30 240/94 1/2 105/41 76/30 200/783/4 100/391/2 76/30 210 (+2x50)/823/4 (+2x193/4) 105/411/2 76/30 240/941/2 105/411/2 76/30 200/783/4 100/391/2 76/30 48/19 74,5/291/4 9111t 55/21 70/271/2 9110t soho 158/63 1/2 diam. 45-63/173/4 -243/4 no more base 9283t 45/173/4 9257tl Ø160/Ø63 royal 3/4 3/4 H 9021t 9270t occasional 1/2 W maestro park lane cm/inc 1/2 1/2 stile base (1 pcs.) 9258t 65/25 vanity base 9161t 112/44 45/173/4 75/291/2 vero 9231t 240/941/2 105/411/2 76/30 200/78 100/39 76/30 1/2 3/4 1/2 cod. L diam. 80/31,5 105/341/2 110/431/2 30/12 40/153/4 135 ad: Giorgio soressi PHOTO studio step print grafiche manzanesi Costantini Pietro srl Via Remis, 64 - 33050 S. Vito al Torre (UD) Italy Tel. + 39 0432 997 660 Fax + 39 0432 997 952 info@costantinipietro.com - www.costantinipietro.com
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Via Remis, 64 - 33050 S. Vito al Torre (UD) Italy
Tel. + 39 0432 997 660 Fax + 39 0432 997 952
info@costantinipietro.com - www.costantinipietro.com
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