Official January 2016 Board Book
Official January 2016 Board Book
Circle K International Board Book, Winter Edition 1 International Committee & Task Force Updates Please use this report as a resource to stay up to date on official business of the International Board, Council, and Committees/Task Forces. Refer to pages 50-91 Official January Board Meeting The International Board travelled to Toronto, Ontario for a site visit of the convention city. We also had our second official board meeting of the year. Refer to pages 4-10 2015-2016 Goals Review 2015-2016 Goals Year End Totals % Goals Service Hours 400,000 189,008 47.25% Membership 14,000 12,717 90.84% Interclub Events 2,500 2,073 82.92% Kiwanis Family Relations 3,000 2,296 76.53% 75 33 44.00% Clubs Charter Circle K International Board Book, Winter Edition 2 Table of Contents Table of Contents InternationalBoardMeetingMinutes………………………………………………………….......4-10 InternationalBoardReports………………………………………………………………………….11-50 InternationalPresident……………………………………………………………………....11-15 InternationalVicePresident……………………………………………………………….16-18 InternationalTrusteeAt-Large………………………………….………………….…….19-21 SubregionATrustee…………………………………………………………………………..22-26 SubregionBTrustee…………………………………………………………………………..27-31 SubregionCTrustee…………………………………………………………………………...32-37 SubregionDTrustee…………………………………………………………………………..38-40 SubregionETrustee…………………………………………………………………………..41-42 SubregionFTrustee…………………………………………………………………………..43-47 SubregionGTrustee…………………………………………………………………………..48-50 InternationalCommitteeandTaskForceReports………….……………………….………51-91 ExecutiveCommittee……………………………………………………………….…………51-54 KiwanisFamilyRelationsCommittee………………………………….……………….55-59 MembershipandMarketingCommittee………………………………………………60-64 ServiceCommittee……………………………………………………………………………..65-69 InternationalExpansionCommittee……………………………………………………70-72 LargeScaleServiceProjectCommittee………………………………….…………….73-75 AlumniRelationsCommittee………………………………………………………………76-79 AnalyticsCommittee…………………………………………………………………………..80-84 CharteringandClubBuildingCommittee…………………………………………….85-88 GoverningDocumentsCommittee………………………………………………………89-91 Circle K International Board Book, Winter Edition 3 January Board Meeting Minutes Circle K International Board January 24th, 2016 Circle K International Board Meeting Minutes In-Person, Toronto, Ontario, Canada I. II. Call to Order, President Racheile Ricklefs 8:48 am EST. Roll Call, Vice President Jessica Davis Name Position Present Racheile Ricklefs International President X Jessica Davis International Vice President X Calvin Charles International Trustee-At-Large X Cedrick Mah Subregion A Trustee X Jenny Park Subregion B Trustee X Emily Bagwell Subregion C Trustee X Sara Nguyen Subregion D Trustee X Amanda Ferster Subregion E Trustee X Vy Tran Subregion F Trustee X Camille Tyler Subregion G Trustee X Christopher Martz Director of Circle K International X Heather McAlister CKI Specialist X Bruce Berven Kiwanis Board Counselor to CKI X III. Canadian National Anthem & Non-Denominational Prayer, Bruce Berven IV. Circle K International Pledge, Camille Tyler V. Approval of Agenda a. A motion was made by Subregion D Trustee Sara Nguyen to approve the agenda. b. Motion passed 9-0-0. Old Business VI. Circle K International Board Book, Winter Edition 4 Absent January Board Meeting Minutes a. October Board Meeting Minutes i. A motion was made by Subregion F Trustee Vy Tran to approve the October Board Meeting Minutes as submitted in the Fall Board Book. ii. Motion passed 9-0-0. b. Pacific Northwest District Bylaws. i. A motion was made by Subregion A Trustee Cedric Mah to approve the Pacific Northwest District Bylaws as submitted from the 2015 District Convention. ii. Motion passed 9-0-0. c. Subregions-Analytics Committee Report i. The analytics committee submitted a proposal outlining their program analysis of the current subregion system. 1. Inception-the beginnings of the subregion system. 2. Reasons for changing to the subregion system. a. Membership b. Cost c. Streamlining Communication 3. Case against Subregions a. Student leadership i. There are no votes of no confidence, and therefore the individual may not be the most qualified when other subregions have multiple more qualified individuals. b. Grouping similar districts rather than geography c. The Expanding Range of Responsibilities of trustees i. Working on committees that serve all of CKI, but only elected by Subregion delegates. d. Questionable cost savings-while travelling outside of the trustee’s subregion seems cheaper, it mostly depends on the airport that the individual is flying out of. e. Lack of Candidates- this would allow for the most qualified individual to be running, not just those within a subregion. This is extremely prudent to the smaller districts who may not have the support to be able to produce a candidate. Circle K International Board Book, Winter Edition 5 January Board Meeting Minutes 4. Case for Subregions a. District Fellowship-Comradery that is able to be built between the districts. Dissolving such may also dissolve these feelings. b. District Knowledge-Members are likely to be move familiar with the district structure and functions within their own subregions rather than all 32 districts as each is unique. 5. Resolution-the 2014-2015 International Council indicated that they would prefer to keep the current system of Trustees. 6. Final recommendations: Electing the trustees from a pool of of candidates running for election not restricted by subregions. The elected individuals will later be assigned by the International President and Vice President to their respective subregions. The districts of the subregion will stay in that current subregion. ii. A motion was made by International Vice President Jessica Davis to accept the Analytics Committee’s recommendation and hold an open election for trustees at international convention whereas they would later be assigned to a specific subregion by the International President and Vice President. iii. Motion passed 8-1-0. d. District Strength Proposal i. The Executive Committee Report 1. Remove the previous District Strength assessment that is currently in the policy. Implement a selfassessment developed by the committee. a. Pros: Many districts feel as though the current system is inefficient and creates a hierarchy. A self assessment allows for scrutiny of current systems for better improvement that is geared towards the individual district rather than only comparing across the organization. b. Cons: We are one organization and need to have some sort of mechanism to evaluate the districts similarly. The current system allows for differences in district size already. Circle K International Board Book, Winter Edition 6 January Board Meeting Minutes VII. 2. A motion was made by International Vice President Jessica Davis to accept the Executive Committee’s recommendation and remove the District Strength assessment in the policy code. 3. Motion passed 9-0-0. ii. Governing Documents Proposal 1. A copy of the proposal can be found at 2MwsrSg3ChXDelelJP52XFA0P7FRdyMTBM/edit?usp=sharing 2. A motion was made by Subregion C Trustee Emily Bagwell to remove the recommended changes to Section P subsections 4 (a)(b). Therefore leaving the policy code as it is currently written. New Business a. Oratorical Contest i. They say that life is more than living from moment to moment but every great origin story has an unforgettable moment to hook in its audience; what was your redefining Circle K moment? ii. A motion was made by Subregion B Trustee Jenny Park to accept this submission as the Oratorical Contest prompt for CKIx. iii. Motion passed 9-0-0. b. Service Committee Proposals i. Tomorrow Fund Grant Recipients 1. University of the Pacific - Kiwanis Family Day, $250 2. Stony Brook University - Day of Service, $500 3. University of California Los Angeles - Johnny Middle School Field Trip, $600 4. University of Iowa - CKI Service Week / Eliminate, $400 5. University of Michigan - CKI Service Day, $1000 6. Northwood University - Kids Against Hunger, $600 7. Colorado State University - Animal Rescue, $300 8. Central Michigan University - Kids Against Hunger, $600 9. Mississippi State University - Seed Garden Expansion, $2000 10. University of Arizona - Pima Prom, $1100 11. Utah-Idaho District - Food Backpack Program, $200 Circle K International Board Book, Winter Edition 7 January Board Meeting Minutes 12. Filamer Christian University - Center Expansion, $700 13. Capital District - DLSSP and Total K Day, $300 14. California State University Sacramento - Santa’s Gift of Service, $450 15. Total funds granted: $9000 16. Total funds granted: 14 out of 29 17. A motion was made by Subregion Trustee Emily Bagwell to accept the Tomorrow Fund Grant recipients as recommended by the Service Committee. 18. Motion passed 9-0-0. ii. Show Your Love, Save A Life 1. The Service Committee recommends that starting in 2017 the Show Your Love, Save A Life fundraising campaign sends its donations to March of Dimes. 2. A motion was made by Subregion Trustee Emily Bagwell to accept the Service Committee’s recommendation. 3. Motion passed 9-0-0. c. Partnerships i. UNICEF 1. With the Eliminate Project coming to an end CKI clubs wanted to know how the partnership would be changing with UNICEF. 2. A motion was made by Subregion B Trustee Jenny Park to direct all future UNICEF donations including Trick or Treat for UNICEF funds to UNICEF’s Clean Water Initiative. 3. Motion passed 9-0-0. ii. St. Baldrick’s Foundation 1. St. Baldrick’s is a foundation which grants money to organizations working on eradicating childhood cancer. They wish to begin a CauseMarketing partnership with Circle K International. 2. A motion was made by International Vice President Jessica Davis to accept the St. Baldrick’s foundation as a Cause-Marketing partnership and to have an inaugural kick off event at CKIx16 in Toronto. 3. Motion passed 9-0-0. iii. Strategic Plan Circle K International Board Book, Winter Edition 8 January Board Meeting Minutes The Executive Committee proposed the new Strategic plan and can be found at plan/1 1. 2. A motion was made by International Vice President Jessica Davis to accept the proposal as written. 3. Motion passed 9-0-0. iv. Committee Chair Responsibilities 1. A motion was made to make the following changes to Article 20 Section 3 Chair Assignment and Responsibilities. a. The International President and International Vice President shall assign a chairperson or facilitator, with the advice and consent of the Board, for each Board and Ad-hoc committee and Task Force. b. All Committee Chairs will convene in no less than four (4) meetings per CKI year to be overseen by the International Vice President. c. All other duties of the International Committee Chairs will be assigned by the International President and Vice President in consultation with the CKI Director and International Board of Trustees and outlined in the application agreement. 2. Pros: a. This year the committees have been encouraged to work with one another, but it has been difficult to facilitate those working relationships. This change will hopefully ease this issues. b. The International President and Vice President should be working as a team when assigning these positions, because although the President is is creating the adhoc committees and task forces, the Vice President is the one overseeing and advising those committees. c. These additional meetings could help with issues of overlap with directives. Circle K International Board Book, Winter Edition 9 January Board Meeting Minutes VIII. 3. Cons: The Chairs already have a lot of responsibilities, and this would be adding another meeting to that list. 4. Motion passed 9-0-0. v. LSSP Committee Structure 1. A motion was made to make the following changes to Article 20 Section 1 subsection a, d, and e. NY03RMW7kwZoVNrsVhkd3XHhLEnFYaS0Q6q28/e dit?usp=sharing 2. Pros: a. LSSP has grown since it’s inception and now that both ICON and LSSP are one event it is time to complete those changes in the name. Additionally, the event and time that it takes to organize each aspect of the event it is time for the committee to be its own standing committee. b. The International Board has benefited from having a trustee as the chair to help streamline communication from the committee to the board. The standing committee rank would still allow for general members to be the chair of the committee, but will have to have previously served on the committee. 3. Cons: Changing to a standing committee would not allow for general members to be the chair of the committee. 4. Motion passed 8-0-1. Adjournment. 9:25 am EDT. Circle K International Board Book, Winter Edition 10 International President Hello Circle K International, I hope all of you have had a great start to 2016! Now that we are back from our holiday breaks, which I am sure many of you will agree were too short, it is time to get back into the swing of things. I hope that each of you feel rejuvenated and are ready to tackle your goals and finish this CKI year strong. As we continue serving this year, I want to remind each of you that your hard work truly makes a difference and that we value your contributions and accomplishments. BOARD UPDATE Informal Board Meeting Due to the timing of our fall meetings, the International Board held two informal board meetings leading up to our official meeting in January. The first informal board meeting was held November 24. During this meeting the board discussed the District Strength, the proposal of policy code and bylaw changes from the Governing Documents Committee, and subregions. The second informal board meeting was held January 17. During this meeting the board continued the discussions from the previous informal meeting with the addition of new proposals and information. During this meeting the board also discussed the 2016 Governor’s and Administrator’s Training Conference curriculum. Third Official International Board Meeting Our third official International Board meeting was held on January 24, 2016. During our meeting we discussed a wide range of topics. The board approved the following: o PNW’s Bylaws o Oratorical contest topic o Tomorrow Fund Grant recipients o Strategic Plan o Saint Baldrick’s Initiative o UNICEF Clean Water Initiative Circle K International Board Book, Winter Edition 11 International President o This initiative will allow us to continue our work with UNICEF once the Eliminate Project is over, as well as allow us to continue where we left off with the 6 Cents Initiative. However, the Clean Water Initiative will be different from 6 Cents. It will also allow for CKI to continue Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF with the funds going toward a water initiative. If you have any questions, please ask. o Show your Love, Save a life 2017 o We will continue Show your Love, Save a life but with the funds being designated for March of Dimes beginning in 2017. The board also endorsed several proposals that will be going to the International Council. o District Strength Proposal o Instead having a benchmark system that rates Districts and compares them to each other we propose a District Self Assessment. This self-assessment will be a series of questions that District Governors will be able to complete and determine where their strengths and weaknesses are in key areas. The goal of a self-assessment is to allow a District to look at its individual progress. o Large Scale Service Project Committee Structure o This proposal will change the LSSP Committee from a substanding committee to a standing committee, while also changing the name of the committee from LSSP to CKIx Planning Committee. o Committee Chair Responsibilities o This proposal will have all committee chairs convene no less than 4 times per CKI year in order to better collaborate on future projects and campaigns. o Governing Documents Proposal o This proposal contains both changes to the Policy Code and Bylaws. A complete list of the suggested changed can be found on page [7] o Tomorrow Fund Grant Proposal Lastly, the board moved a Subregion Proposal to the Executive Committee to finalize. For more information on the proposals that were endorsed, please see page [7] If you have any questions about these proposals, please ask. Circle K International Board Book, Winter Edition 12 International President Toronto Site Visit & CKIx While we were in Toronto for our board meeting, we were also able to visit the convention center where our CKIx sessions will be held and explore the surrounding areas in the city. Toronto is an amazing city with a lot to offer. I encourage each one of you to check out the CKIx page [here] and to attend CKIx 2016. President’s Update Communication Since the last board book, Jessica and I have spoken individually with a majority of the Governors in order to keep them updated and find ways to better serve them. Not only that but I have consistently worked to maintain communication with the members of Circle K through a variety of platforms. This includes email, phone calls social media, Governor open forums with Jessica, sending out updates, and maintaining open lines of communication with International Trustees, Bruce Berven, the CKI Counselor from the Kiwanis International Board, and weekly phone calls with the CKI Director, Chris Martz, and CKI Specialist, Heather McAlister. Executive Committee The Executive Committee has been quite busy. We have completed a handful of our directives, including updating the strategic plan, creating a proposal for District Strength, and completing the curriculum for the Governor’s and Administrator‘s Training Conference (GATC). The Executive Committee is also hosting a live webinar on February 1st to go over a few things about running for International Office. We plan to hold an additional live webinar later in the year to give a more in depth look on what to expect at CKIx. We have also updated our directives to include working on a subregion proposal, the key to college curriculum, and a few other things. For more information about what the Executive Committee has been doing, check out the Committee report that follows the trustee updates. CKI Year in Review The CKI Year in Review was released on January 3, 2016 and can be found [here]. The CKI Year in Review looks back at the past CKI administrative year (October-October) and provides an update on international goals, subregions, and district progress. Travel Reports Black Mountain, North Carolina |Kiwanis Family Conference |November 6-8, 2015 | Circle K International Board Book, Winter Edition 13 International President • • • Served as a team leader. Participated in a panel with Kevin Dean and Rip Livingston. Participated in fellowship activities. Indiana |Membership Development & Education Conference |November 13-14,2015 | Unofficial • Participated in service and fellowship activities. Gulf Shores, Alabama |Alabama Leadership Academy |November 2022,2015 | Unofficial • Participated in fellowship activities. Kingston, Jamaica |District Leadership Fall Conference |October 9-11, 2015 | Official • Facilitated a workshop on what it means to be a part of a Service Organization. • Attended a Kiwanis Meeting. • Participated in fellowship activities. Toronto, Ontario Canada |International Board Meeting & Site Visit |January 20-24, 2016 | Official • Chaired the January CKI Board Meeting • Participated and facilitated board discussion • Visited and toured the Toronto Convention Center for CKIx • Created a video for the LSSP Committee • Participated in fellowship activities with fellow board members. Future Plans Informal International Board Meeting The International Board will meet informally in February to recap on our January Board meeting and to discuss several new topics including the upcoming International Council Meeting, new proposals, and to prepare for our official board meeting in March. International Council Meeting The International Council Meeting will be held in March, a WhenIsGood will be sent to the Governors to determine a time that can accommodate a majority of the council. At this meeting we will be voting on several policy code changes that have been endorsed by the International Board, as well as discussing the conclusion of District Convention Season, Circle K International Board Book, Winter Edition 14 International President transitioning, and the upcoming Governor’s and Administrator’s Training Conference. Governor’s and Administrator’s Training Conference In regard to the Governor’s and Administrator’s Training Conference (GATC), three trustees have been selected to attend and help facilitate the event. Those individuals are Subregion C Trustee Emily Bagwell, Subregion D Trustee Sara Nguyen, and Subregion E Trustee Amanda Ferster. Leading up to GATC, Jessica, Emily, Sara, Amanda, and I will be meeting to create a plan of action for this years GATC and preparing materials and fun activities. Conclusion As an organization we are constantly striving to become better and that can be seen in all the work that has been done over months. As this term comes to an end, I encourage each of you to look at everything you have been able to accomplish and celebrate. All of your hard work has helped to build educated and inspirited members, stronger clubs, healthy districts, and an organization that has an impact on society. I also want to urge each of you to harness your passion and challenge yourselves in the upcoming year. If you ever have any comments, questions, or concerns, feel free to contact me and I will be glad to help in anyway I can. Stay Rad, Racheile Ricklefs Circle K International | International President Circle K International Board Book, Winter Edition 15 International Vice President MABUHAY CKI! I hope that you all have been enjoying your break and had plenty of time to spend with your family and friends. As we begin preparing for District Convention Season I hope that you are all excited for a celebratory time of year for your clubs and districts! The International Board is preparing to do a site visit in Toronto so that we are able to ensure and check out what the city has to offer you all in June. The committees are working hard to produce quality resources for clubs and districts to use. This board book does a good job highlighting a general overview of what the committees are doing. If you have any specific questions please feel free to reach out to either myself or the committee chairs. My Actions Since Last Report As an International Board Officer • Attended weekly meetings with International President, CKI Director and CKI Specialist. • Designed and Distributed CKI Weekly • Weekly meetings with CKI Director, Specialist, and International President • Attended Unofficial Meeting in December • Attended Unofficial Meeting in January • Completed Trustee Performance Review and attended 2 on 1s • Continued review of GATC Curriculum and GATC Bootcamp Curriculum • Finalized site visit materials for January and discussion topics • Continued reviewing club officers, advisor, and district officer’s guides • Finalized Updates to CKI in a minute cards • Attending various committee meetings when available and following up with chairs when needed. • Reviewed MRFs from October and January • Update International statistics document with MRF responses • Executive Committee- began review of awards document • Executive Committee- finished revising District Strength • Executive Committee- reviewing Subregion system proposal Circle K International Board Book, Winter Edition 16 International Vice President As an Indiana District Member • Attended District Awards Committee Meetings as committee member • Attended Membership Development and Education Conference (MDEC) As an IUPUI Club Member • Attended club meetings and socials • Helped develop a Kiwanis-CKI mentor program • Attended Sponsoring Kiwanis Club Meetings • Helped table for Membership Recruitment Fairs • Help find a new faculty advisor • Advised executive board with bylaw changes and other various questions Travel Report(s) Indianapolis, Indiana |March of Dimes Fundraiser |November 13, 2015 | Official • Attended fundraiser dinner Indiana |Membership Development & Education Conference |November 13-14,2015 | Unofficial • Participated in service and fellowship activities. Gulf Shores, Alabama |Alabama Leadership Academy |November 2022,2015 | Unofficial • Participated in leadership and fellowship activities. Toronto, Ontario Canada |International Board Meeting & Site Visit |January 20-24, 2016 | Official • Attended January CKI Board Meeting • Participated and facilitated board discussion • Visited and toured the Toronto Convention Center for CKIx • Created a video for the LSSP Committee • Participated in fellowship activities with fellow board members. Long Term Future Plans • Begin working on transitional documents for District Secretaries and Treasurers. • Complete the review of training manuals. • Develop and work with staff on CKIx workshops and guest speakers • Keep developing Civic Engagement and Leadership aspects of the Weekly Circle K International Board Book, Winter Edition 17 International Vice President CKI Achievements Since Last Report • Completed GATC Training Materials with International President • Went to Toronto • Made commitment for St. Baldrick’s Foundation • Completed Travel Documents for DCON Season Personal Achievements Since Last Report • Staying up to date on assignments • Began working on presentation for a national student affairs conference, titled “White Savior Complex” Using Critical Race Theory in Alternative Breaks. • Maintained sanity while taking classes, holding two jobs, and my CKI Positions • Decided to apply for Higher Education Graduate Programs Peace, Love & Service, Jessica Davis Jessica Davis, International Vice President, Circle K International Circle K International Board Book, Winter Edition 18 International Trustee At Large Greetings Circle K International!!! My Actions Since Last Report Committee Work I am the Liaison of for the Expansion and Translation Committees Expansion We have split up into groups to have a focus on ASPAC and a focus on Latin America. We are beginning to outline our 2 year and 5 year plans for the At-Large clubs. Translation The translation committee is beginning to translate the #chooseCKI campaign. They are also in the process of translating the brand guide. As an International Trustee • Attend the International board meeting in Toronto • Beginning to work more with the Governing Documents committee on language concerning disricts. As a member of Hampden-Sydney Club • I have attended executive meetings. • Kept in contact with my sponsoring Kiwanis club. • I have helped to plan multiple service project • Attended every event • I am helping to create the semester Calander. • I have written a couple of updates for the Capital Courier Updates on International Clubs Philippines The clubs are doing great. I am in the process of explaining the new policy for international dues. Clubs have had multiple service projects. Clubs have also worked to build relationships with one another. Malaysia Circle K International Board Book, Winter Edition 19 International Trustee At Large They have multiple service projects. They have had fundraisers and bake sales for the Eliminate project. They have begun to work with their Kiwanis clubs to pay their International Dues. Taiwan I have been in Contact with their Kiwanis clubs. This year’s ASPAC convention is taking place in Taiwan. DACA Panama Kiwanis club is in the process of creating their own district. Because of this there will be slight policy changes of how the Kiwanis clubs will affect their Circle K clubs. It has been a great pleasure and honor working with these clubs so far. Short-term Future Plans As an International Board Officer • I would like to start hosting forums about different CKI topics. It will be a fun way to interact with other Circle K members. • I would also like to start stream lining some of the M and M committees graphics and campaign a lot more. As an International Trustee at large • Gain a better line of communication with Europe • Get members from Mexico to attend the Southwest District Long-term Future Plans As an International Board Officer • Set up an outline for the next Trustee at-large to come into. • Attend Florida DCON As a International Trustee at-Large • Develop Alumni Council • Develop outline for the next incoming Trustee at-Large to step into. • Work to bring 4 members to ICON Steps Towards Achieving Long-term Future Plans As an International Board Officer • Aligning the directives of the expansion committee to require them to work with other committees. As an International Trustee • Beginning to advertise International Convention • Expansion is developing a 2 year plan for the regions at large Circle K International Board Book, Winter Edition 20 International Trustee At Large • Start establishing Alumni network CKI Achievements Since Last Report • Made it back from Toronto Personal Achievements Since Last Report • I met Governor Ava in person Respectfully Submitted, Calvin J Charles III Calvin J Charles III Trustee at- Large Circle K International Circle K International Board Book, Winter Edition 21 Subregion A Trustee Dear Subregion A: It’s an exciting time for CKI as we head into transition period for the organization. This includes the many changes in governance we will see at DCON season and club elections! I'm excited to see the transition for leadership and the goals that we can achieve for this upcoming year. I'm thankful for all the support I have received in my position and am pushing to end of this term with a number of positive changes for CKI as a whole. My Actions Since Last Report As an International Board Officer • Attended the international board meetings and informal board meetings • Provided updates on M&M Committee, Analytics Committee and Subregion A to the International Board. • One on one meeting with International President and Vice President and completion and review of self assessment • Timely submission of all documents and forms as required as an International Trustee • Review of proposal from Governing Documents Committee regarding CKI Policy Code and Bylaw changes for the 2016-2017 year • Heavy contribution to all discussion within the international board regarding upcoming changes in CKI • Active discussion on awards program with governors and International board to ease the submission process • Submitted travel request for upcoming travel requests for spring district events As an Membership and Marketing Committee Secretary • Completed and submitted meeting minutes for review for all meetings in a timely manner • Attended all Bi-weekly meetings, in addition to secretary and chair meets as required • Provide critique to all resources and materials completed by M&M committee before publishing by CKI Circle K International Board Book, Winter Edition 22 Subregion A Trustee • • Released agendas to M&M members before meetings Held 1 on 1 meetings with committee members to foster better communication • Assisted in release of marketing campaigns • Ensured submission of bi-weekly M&M committee updates • Working collaboratively with other committees and assisting them whenever required As an Analytics Committee Liaison • Been available to answer questions and as a resource for the committee • Provide input at all meetings, and ensured committee is aware of international bylaws and protocols. • Provided reminders for upcoming committee deadlines • Compiled a detailed report on the status of the subregion system, including the inception, benefits, flaws and recommendations for the international board. • Conducted interviews with CKI members and Kiwanis members to create an in depth analysis for the subregion system • Presented report to the committee for their review, and upon their approval was shared with the international committee As an International Subregion A Trustee • Published subregion update in a timely manner at the beginning of the month • Consistent updates and posts on the Subregion A Facebook group, relevant to other committee and subregion activities. • Held 1 on 1 meetings with governors in the preceding months to get updates from the districts, go over district goals, upcoming DCONs and views of the current subregion system • Facilitated group meetings between governors every other month to assist governors in interdistrict communication • Went through 3 month plans with the governors, assisting them in setting realistic deadlines for the upcoming months. • Attended PNW district board meetings on October 24th, 2015 and January 16th, 2016 and provided international updates and contributed when necessary to their board meeting • Attended PNW Leadership Academy from October 23rd - 25th. • Attended WECAN Fall Training Conference • Preparing speeches for upcoming travel events • Promoted submission and completion by governors of all documentation required by the international board. As a Western Canada District Member • Act as a resource for the Western Canada District • Been available to answer any questions of the WECAN board Circle K International Board Book, Winter Edition 23 Subregion A Trustee • Assist in planning WECAN DCON this upcoming year As a University of Alberta Club Member • Attended volunteer events • Sat in on a couple of club board meetings • Review U of A bylaws and suggested potential amendments Updates on Subregion A Montana District • Currently planning for upcoming CKI DCON on February 27th-28th in Bozeman, MT • Working to fill vacant board positions • Frequently meets with club presidents Pacific Northwest District • Timely submission of MRFs • Held two board meetings • PNW Fall Leadership Academy was held from October 23rd – 25th, 2015 • Members in attendance at the PNW Kiwanis District Convention where members were involved in an SLP panel with Key club members in attendance • Currently have 12 active clubs • Recently filled Chief Growth Officer positions • Currently in the midst of planning DCON scheduled for February 12th - 14th, 2016 • Submitted bylaw amendments to the international board for review Utah - Idaho District • Timely submission of MRFs to date • Current vacant positions include Bulletin Editor and LTG positions • Looking to introduce a president council In lieu of LTGs • Frequently has weekly-biweekly board meetings • Held Fall Ralley event in conjunction with Key Club • Currently planning DCON scheduled for March 17th - 20th, 2016 Western Canada • Timely submission of MRFs to date • Had a Fall Training Conference • Continues to hold president council meetings • Currently planning DCON scheduled for February 12th- 14th, 2016 Travel Report(s) PNW Leadership Academy| October 23rd - 25th, 2015 | Mt. Hood Kiwanis Camp, Oregon • Meet with PNW district members • Attended board meeting Circle K International Board Book, Winter Edition 24 Subregion A Trustee January Board Meeting| January 21st – 24th , 2016|Toronto, CANADA • Provide updates on Subregion and Committee status • Look at site for CKIx 2016 • Contribute to discussion on policy code, bylaw changes and committee proposals • Overview of suggested strategic plan for 2016-2020 Short-term Future Plans As an International Board Officer • Advocate for decisions made by the international board and answer any questions from the membership regarding them • Review proposals sent to the international board by the International Committees • Review distinguished award program changes As a Subregion A Trustee • Schedule meetings with governors for February • Attend district board meetings as requested by my governors • Be a resource for district board officers, should they have any questions or require any clarifications for international board decisions • Be sure to post more regularly on the Subregion A Facebook group and make the page more interactive for members • Promote CKIX to members Long-term Future Plans As an International Board Officer • Help to shape the GATC curriculum for the incoming class of governors • Review district strength assessment to ensure that it actually aids the governors • Keep up to date with CKI newsletters and international updates, and prepare to discuss and share information with CKI membership As a Subregion A Trustee • Facilitate transition meetings between outgoing governors and incoming governors • Publish at minimum a monthly governor update that will have important information that will pertain to district board members • Post weekly segments on stand out members in Subregion A, giving them recognition for their service • Actively communicate with both the International President, Vice President and other board members Steps towards Achieving Long-term Future Plans As an International Board Officer Circle K International Board Book, Winter Edition 25 Subregion A Trustee • • Be an active participant in board discussions about CKI issues Actively engage in conversation with governors and be sure to listen to their concerns, and be sure that they are properly voiced at the international level • Consistently keep in contact with international president and international vice president • Ensuring I am able to balance my responsibilities as an international trustee, and with committees and school. As a Subregion A Trustee • Use my updates to expose members to the international level • Be available to Subregion A members should they have any questions, and reply to any e-mails in a timely manner (48 hour turnover) • Be sure to remind district officers of upcoming deadlines, international quandaries and international and district events to improve transparency CKI Achievements Since Last Report • Steady publications from international committees • Achieved goals set since last board report Personal Achievements Since Last Report • Gained a respectable grade for fall semester • Starting painting and reading again • Survived 2015 Respectfully Submitted, Cedrick Mah 2015 – 2016 Subregion A Trustee Circle K International Circle K International Board Book, Winter Edition 26 Subregion B Trustee Happy New Year, CKIer: With the start of 2016, the CKI Board of Trustees have worked to prioritize convention season. Thus, Subregion B districts have in turn shifted their focus from recruitment to celebration. In this CKI term alone: CaliforniaNevada-Hawai’i, Rocky Mountain, and Southwest have all succeeded in striving for new benchmarks and pushing their members to the fullest potential. In this year alone, I am beyond proud of the dedication that Subregion B has shown through increases in membership, increases in retention rate, addition of multiple chartered clubs, increased Kiwanis Family Relations, and thorough collaborations with the CKI preferred charities. Now as district conventions are around the corner and CKIx not far behind, we are just excited to spend the new few months sharing to the rest of organization our adventures from these past few months. We hope to see you all in Los Angeles, Tucson, and Fort Collins. My Actions Since Last Report As an International Board Officer • Reviewed and adjusted parliamentary procedure protocols • Maintained weekly contact with Kiwanis staff and Circle K International Vice President • Travelled to speak about International Convention at various CKI events • Prepared for International Bylaw changes and amendments for Winter International Board Trainer • Submitted board reports for districts • Reviewed 2016 CKIx International award applications • Submitted letters of intent for Governors and Administrators Training Conference As the Large Scale Service Project Standing Sub-committee Chairperson • Continuously collaborating with the International Service committee • Prepared for LSSP on-site convention calls Circle K International Board Book, Winter Edition 27 Subregion B Trustee • Submitted an article to 2015-2016 Service Committee Chairperson, Karl Uzcategui, for the winter edition of the Service Without a Glance (SWAG) publication on project theme: homelessness • Supplied LSSP informational proposal packet for the Circle K International Board • Constant communication with CKI Director, Christopher Martz, on convention adjustments and registration • Constant communication with CKI Programs Specialist, Heather McAlister, on LSSP project transportation, logistics, website updates, and budgeting • Launch of Team Leader applications • Drafted email on packets for District Governors / On-to-International Convention Chairs As an Executive Committee Member • Establishment of prompt for Oratorical Contest at CKIx 2016 • Assessments in preparations for the 2016 Governors and Administrators Training Conference • Annotated on the District Size system As Subregion B Trustee • Redistributed resources and updates as they are presented to the International Board as a collective • Maintaining regular contact with trustee counterparts • Consistent on updates on social media, emails, as well as informal correspondence • Issued Subregion B social media challenge for spring events within the districts to promote International events • Frequently in contact with governors for both personal and professional matters • Laid out a calendar for the next four months in January’s Subregion Update • Submitted various articles and other publications for districts as requested • Updated the Subregion Google Drive • Checked up on Subregion B members on International committees • Consistent on assessments of responses given by Subregion B Governors pertaining to the Monthly Report Form • Successfully travelled to all three districts as well as eleven of the thirteen divisions within Subregion B • Provided updates and International presence at District Board meetings within Subregion B • Started holding Subregion B Office Hours for members interested in running for International Office, International Committees, and attending International events Circle K International Board Book, Winter Edition 28 Subregion B Trustee • Making preparations to attend all three District Conventions as well as bringing members to conventions with me to encourage Subregion unity • Preparations to speak at Candidates Education Session • Preparations to attend CNH Kiwanis Mid-Year Conference — South • Preparations to attend Rocky Mountain Mid-Year Conference • Submitted speeches and program inserts for District Conventions As a California-Nevada-Hawai’i District Member • Attended 2015 Go West + Kiwanis Rose Float Parade Festivities • Applied to be a workshop host for CNH District Convention 2016 • Supported Membership Recognition and Education webinars • Attended several CNH CKI Divisional Council Meetings • Attending District Large Scale Service Project — North As a University of California, Riverside Club Member • Volunteered at Isaiah’s Rock food packaging and distribution • Volunteered at Santa Claus INC. • Chaired service projects • Attended Welcome Week events • Planned Family Social • Attended and volunteered at Kids Rock Benefit Concert Updates on Subregion B California-Nevada-Hawai’i • Release of District Convention 2016 applications and Facebook event o Workshops o Talent Show o Sergeant-at-arms o Registration • Preparations for January District Board Meeting o Review of International bylaws o 2015-2016 Permanent DFI Proposal o 2015-2016 DSI Proposal • Showcase of CKI Alumni Video Series • District Awards Webinar • Member hosted workshops are continuing Rocky Mountain • Potential chartering of Pikes Peak Community College • Release of District Convention 2016 registration and Facebook event o Coincide with Kiwanis Mid-Year conference Southwest • Proposal of changes of District Bylaws to Kiwanis District Board Circle K International Board Book, Winter Edition 29 Subregion B Trustee • Release of District Convention 2016 registration and Facebook event o Alice in Wonderland • Fundraising apparel: shirts and lanyards • Held District Board meeting o Solution to obstacles with Membership Update Center o Attending Subregion B District Conventions o Campaigning Travel Report(s) California-Nevada-Hawai’i | Fall Training Conference | November 6 – November 8, 2015 • Hosted workshop panel on International involvement and Subregion leadership • Gave speech on servant leadership • Gathered all three District Governors for Subregion meeting California-Nevada-Hawai’i | International President’s Interclub Luncheon | December 30, 2015 • Represented Circle K International at Kiwanis Rose Float Festivities • Encouraged an increase in Kiwanis Family relations California-Nevada-Hawai’i | Go West | December 29 – January 1, 2015 • Volunteered to help build the Pasadena Rose Floats • Participated in Broomball Social Eastern Canada | Circle K International Board Trainer | January 20– January 24, 2015 • Evaluate International Distinguished Awards for CKIx 2016 • Decisions for CKIx 2016 Amendments • Decisions for District Strength Assessments • Assignments for Governors and Administrators Training Conference Short-term Future Plans As an International Board Officer • Representing International at during convention season • Continuing to maintain in constant communication with the Circle K International Board and its counterparts • Promoting and educating on CKIx and CKI Leadership Academy As Subregion B Trustee • Attending each all three District Conventions • Focusing on assisting the transition of district board officers for the 2016-2017 term • Maintaining constant communication during Subregion Office Hours Circle K International Board Book, Winter Edition 30 Subregion B Trustee Long-term Future Plans As an International Board Officer • Consistently be available to the members • Advertise International Events year round (CKIx and Leadership Academy) • Update the public on International committee directives and progresses As Subregion B Trustee • Be available to not only the Governors but to the District officers, Divisional committees, and Club boards but most importantly to the general members • Visit each state within the Subregion to the best of my abilities • To be respectful and represent all decisions made within each district in Subregion B to the International Board Steps Towards Achieving Long-term Future Plans • Personally circulate the CKI Committee Bi-weekly and CKI Weekly • 48 hour email turnaround • Collaborate with CKI Social Media Liaison throughout the year and produce materials As Subregion B Trustee • Believing in my Leadership Squad and supporting the choices they have/will make this upcoming year • Coordinating my Academic year and Work schedules to accommodate to frequent travels and additional responsibilities required of me as and International Board Member CKI Achievements Since Last Report • High success rate on Subregion unity with social media participation and interaction between districts. • Convention planning is ahead of schedule and well prepared for registration release later this month • Two of three district that hit the highest benchmark for district growth this past year came from Subregion B Personal Achievements Since Last Report • Chris Martz complimented me!!!!! Respectfully Submitted, Jennifer Park 2015-2016 Subregion B Trustee Circle K International Circle K International Board Book, Winter Edition 31 Subregion C Trustee Hello everyone, Happy New Year from Subregion C! I am happy to have been able to meet so many members of our wonderful subregion over the last few months throughout my visits, and can’t wait to meet more of you as I make visits to District Conventions. I hope you have gotten a chance to check out my newsletter, the Subregion C Chronicle. Stay tuned and keep reading for many fun competitions and merchandise giveaways. My Actions Since Last Report As an International Board Officer • Attended both informal and formal board meetings • Met with President Racheile and Vice President Jessica for a performance evaluation As the Service Committee Secretary • Took meeting minutes and sent them to all committee members • Sent an e-mail reminder to all committee members the day before each meeting • Promoted Prematurity Awareness Month in November • Promoted the STUFH Squash Holiday Hunger campaign in November-December • Communicated with Carlos, Executive Director of JCI, to begin a JCI campaign for mid-February. • Submitted articles for Service With a Glance (SWAG) Publications (can be found here: ) • Promoted Tomorrow Fund at District Events and through social media • Worked on service and fundraising posts to put in picture form & promote on the Facebook page during service week As the Chartering & Club Building Committee Liaison • Facilitated one meeting upon request of chairperson when he could not be present • Took meeting minutes when the secretary was unable to attend • Researched other collegiate organizations and their chartering/club building processes • Communicated with districts in Subregion E regarding club building Circle K International Board Book, Winter Edition 32 Subregion C Trustee and recruitment As a Subregion Trustee • Matched up penpals and sent check up emails monthly to ensure progress • Created the November/December and January/February editions of the Subregion C Chronicle • Held individual one on one phone calls with governors after MRFs were completed • Held group google hangouts with all governors monthly • Discussed district strength and subregions with governors before Informal Board Meeting in order to best represent these districts • Held #SubCSelfie competition on social media • Traveled to four out of five districts to meet members, speak on behalf of International and the Subregion, and support the districts As a Michigan District Member • Attended Snowpia • Attended several interclubs • Attended the Kiwanis Club of Clare’s 80th birthday party to represent the Michigan District of Circle K • Attended a meeting at Eastern Michigan University upon request of the club president to talk about International and the Kiwanis Family • Registered for next district event, Lovepit As a Northwood University CKI Club Member. • Volunteered at several events such as the Holiday Train and Jumbalaya Jazz • Attended weekly meetings • Attended interclubs with CMU (grilled cheese fundraiser and induction ceremony) • Hosted informational meeting and recruited members to attend Updates on Subregion C Illinois-Eastern Iowa District • The Illinois-Eastern Iowa District just held their annual Holiday Embrace dinner-dance fundraiser for Spastic Paralysis Research Foundation • DCON planning is underway; DCON will be held March 4-5 Indiana District • The Indiana District has been staying on budget and profiting from some events as well. MDEC went really well with a record number of attendees! • Almost all clubs have paid international and district dues. Membership is not at goal yet but is already higher than last year. • Planning INCKI pride fundraisers for Special Olympics, such as selling Circle K International Board Book, Winter Edition 33 Subregion C Trustee apparel. Will be holding a new event called Kiwanis Family Love on February 27. This will be a dinner-dance fundraiser with a silent auction, open to all members of the Kiwanis Family. • DCON will be held on April 1-3, 2016 in Muncie, Indiana. • Currently have seen interest in every district position so far for next year. • Working at redivisioning this year, with a final announcement coming out mid-February. Michigan District • The Michigan District is on track to meet all of their goals this year • They have chartered two clubs so far, with an additional one currently being processed and another two preparing to submit their paperwork. • Michigan has two events leading up to convention: Lovepit (February 6) which is a day long service/social event in Grand Rapids, Michigan and the Kiwanis Family Hockey Game in Detroit, Michigan (February 10). • DCON planning is currently in full swing as well. It will be held March 18-20 in Mount Pleasant, MI. Sue Petrisin, Kiwanis International President will be facilitating workshops and delivering the keynote address. Other special guests include Rocky Trifari, New Jersey CKI Governor. • Check out to check out upcoming events and the Michigan District’s progress. Minnesota-Dakotas District • The Minnesota-Dakotas District had an awesome FLTC with many more attendees than usual. It went over really well and was Halloween themed. • DCON planning is now the main focus. It will be held on February 26-28 in Brookings, South Dakota. Wisconsin-Upper Michigan District • The Wisconsin-Upper Michigan District had their district LSSP, also known as Kiwanis Family Service Day, on November 7 in Oshkosh, Wisconsin. • Held December Board Meeting to work on DCON planning. DCON will be held on March 4-6, 2016 in Green Bay, Wisconsin. • The Kiwanis Family Hockey Night will be held on Friday, February 12 in Madison, WI. Money raised will go to the Eliminate Project. • The University of Wisconsin-Parkside Club officially chartered in October. • An Assistant DCON Chair and an Assistant Special Events Chair were appointed in December and January. • Circle K International Board Book, Winter Edition 34 Subregion C Trustee Travel Report(s) Wisconsin Dells, WI | MAC | October 9-11, 2015 **UNOFFICIAL TRAVEL – CKI DID NOT PAY FOR THIS VISIT • I attended MAC as part of the brown team and did service cleaning up the game/craft room • Attended the President’s meeting with Governor Five and spoke about the Tomorrow Fund, Service Partners, CKIx, and more • Met members of the district • Attended a portion of the District Board meeting and spoke about CKIx, International, my penpal system, and more Howell, MI | Fall Rally | October 2-4, 2015 **UNOFFICIAL TRAVEL – CKI DID NOT PAY FOR THIS VISIT • I attended Fall Rally as part of Team Toad • I did service pulling weeds at the camp site • I attended the District Board meeting and spoke on International Macomb, MI | Snowpia | November 7, 2015 **UNOFFICIAL TRAVEL – CKI DID NOT PAY FOR THIS VISIT • I attended Snowpia as part of Team Caterpillar and did service at Kids Against Hunger • I acted as parliamentarian and time keeper for the District Board Meeting Trafalgar, IN | MDEC | November 13-14, 2015 **UNOFFICIAL TRAVEL – CKI DID NOT PAY FOR THIS VISIT • I attended MDEC and was able to speak to the membership about my job as Trustee, CKIx, and the International Board. • I was part of the wonderful Team Brazil and did service on the paintball court. • I judged the Mr. and Mrs. INCKI Competition. • I sat in on the President’s Council Meeting and promoted the Tomorrow Fund. • I attended the District Board meeting, bonded with the board, and facilitated several reflection and fellowship activities with the board after the event. Bloomingdale, IL | Holiday Embrace / Winter Escape | January 15-16, 2016 **UNOFFICIAL TRAVEL – CKI DID NOT PAY FOR THIS VISIT • I attended the Holiday Embrace Fundraiser as well as the fellowship and service activities the morning before, known as Winter Escape Circle K International Board Book, Winter Edition 35 Subregion C Trustee • • • • I brought a CKI raffle basket for the Silent Auction I helped facilitate games and activities during Winter Escape I had a blast dancing while raising money for the Spastic Paralysis Research Foundation I was able to talk to the District Board and other members about what I do as trustee and see how they are like being on the District Board, as well as promote CKIx. Short-term Future Plans As an International Board Officer • I will attend all board meetings and keep my members in mind when discussing and voting. • I will help ensure that the Service and Chartering & Club Building committees are continuing to complete their directives. • I will promote International events such as Leadership Academy, CKIx, Kiwanis One Day, CKI Service Week, and more. As a Subregion Trustee • I will recognize members noted in the Governor MRFs with a thank you e-mail. • I will provide resources and materials at DCONs that I attend, as well as to Governors whose DCONs I am not able to attend. Long-term Future Plans As an International Board Officer • Help to grow Circle K in both membership and clubs through the Chartering & Club Building Committee. • Help to grow the relationship between Circle K International and our Preferred Charities, Promotional Partners, and Service Partners. As a Subregion Trustee • Improve communication within Subregion C. • Visit each District in Subregion C. Steps Towards Achieving Long-term Future Plans As an International Board Officer • I will work with Club Building Chairs and Governors in Subregion E to help grow districts and clubs within Circle K. • I will work with the Service Committee Chair and Ambassadors to help strengthen these relationships through their campaigns in CKI Service Week, at CKIx itself, and in general. As a Subregion Trustee • I will continue to communicate with governors through monthly emails, monthly Google Hangouts, and monthly individual phone calls. • I will continue to communicate with the entire membership of these Circle K International Board Book, Winter Edition 36 Subregion C Trustee five districts through the bi-monthly Subregion C Newsletter. CKI Achievements Since Last Report • I spend $150 on Cyber Monday on the CKI Store to buy merchandise to give away during monthly competitions/raffles. Although I’m not sure if this is an accomplishment or not… • I made a CKI baby onesie for someone. Personal Achievements Since Last Report • I have been dating Erik for a year! • I read two books over Christmas break, both by Jodi Picoult. She is my favorite author and I highly recommend any of her books--I read The Pact and Handle With Care. Respectfully Submitted, Emily Bagwell Emily Bagwell Subregion C Trustee Circle K International Circle K International Board Book, Winter Edition 37 Subregion D Trustee Salutations Subregion D! First semester is gone and done! Finals and holidays and fall events have kept us all crazy busy! These past few months have gone by faster than ever. I am so excited for DCON seasons. Although I won’t be able to attend all of Sub D DCONS because they’re all on the same weekends! Please let me know if you all need help with anything. In this report you will find what I’ve been up to between late September – early January. If you need anything you can always contact me through email, phone, and social media. -Sara My Actions Since Last Report As an International Board Officer • Promote Kiwanis Family Month • Continue to promote Membership & Marketing Campaign, My CKI Story • Promoted Prematurity Awareness Month & Day As Membership & Marketing Committee Chairperson • Continue to hold bi-monthly meetings • Writing scripts for future videos • Helping committee members find resources As a Subregion D Trustee • Responded to all submitted October & November MRFs • Sent out bi-monthly updates • Informed members of Subregion D about international events by utilizing social media • Attended Emporia State University chartering ceremony • Attended Kansas District Fall event, Fall into Service As a Missouri-Arkansas District Member • Helped transition the new MO-ARK Governor • Helped promote a CKI Eliminate fundraiser (ear warmers) Circle K International Board Book, Winter Edition 38 Subregion D Trustee • • Helped the new club chartering by advising and answering questions Attended a Kiwanis meeting in Saint Louis As a Mizzou Circle K Club Member • Participated in Trick-Or-Treat for UNICEF • Volunteered to be a Big/Mentor • Attended all meetings • Helped recruit CKI members • Attended Study Session Social Updates on Subregion D Kansas • Planning for DCON • Successful Fall Event Louisiana-Mississippi-West Tennessee • No fall event • Planning for DCON • Working on rebuilding clubs & districts Missouri-Arkansas • Planning ahead for DCON • Holding Board meeting in January • Filled the position of district secretary • Working on recruiting another assistant district admin Nebraska-Iowa • Picked a date for DCON • Had Fall Event, Fall a days Texas-Oklahoma • Finished Fall event • Working on planning district convention Travel Report(s) Kansas | Fall into Service | September 26th, 2015 *Unofficial Travel – CKI did not pay for this visit • Participated in service activities • Made new friends J Kansas | Emporia State University Chartering Ceremony | September 25th, 2015 Circle K International Board Book, Winter Edition 39 Subregion D Trustee *Unofficial Travel – CKI did not pay for this visit • Gave short remarks at chartering ceremony • Inducted members Short-term Future Plans As an International Board Officer • Support other international committees As a Subregion Trustee • Get 2-5 members from each district to go to CKIx in Toronto Long-term Future Plans As an International Board Officer • Attend all board meetings As a Subregion Trustee • Creating unity among the subregion • Work with Governors to build up all districts in my subregion Steps Towards Achieving Long-term Future Plans As an International Board Officer • Responding to emails accordingly • Organizing As a Subregion Trustee • Working with not only the Governors, but members as well • Communicating effectively CKI Achievements Since Last Report • Was awarded an Elimindallion by Florrisant Valley Kiwanis Club Personal Achievements Since Last Report • Watched all seasons of Friday Night Lights Yours in Service, Sara H. Nguyen Subregion D Trustee, Circle K International Circle K International Board Book, Winter Edition 40 Subregion E Trustee Hello everyone. I hope you’re off to the start of a great semester. I can’t believe it’s already January, and my term is half over. I look forward to seeing everyone in Toronto though if not before. • My Actions Since Last Report As an International Board Officer • Maintained contact with my fellow board members • Worked on plans for Spring travel As an Alumni Relations Committee Liaison • Attended all meeting of the committee Made myself available to help members as needed As an Executive Committee Member • Reviewed District Strength • Brainstormed ideas for the oratorical contest As a Subregion Trustee • Maintained contact with governors • Responded MRFs • Answered and questions governors had and provided resources to help them As a Pennsylvania District Member • Attended InterPACK (Pennsylvania’s weekend long Fall event) As a Lycoming College Club Member • Attended most meetings • Helped with the planning and running of the First Annual Lycoming Mini-THON Updates on Subregion E West Virginia • Has elected a governor, Liz Moore • Planning a joint DCON with Kiwanis and Key club • Charted a new club for a total of 4 clubs Ohio • Working on District Convection Planning Pennsylvania • Working on DCON planning • Held a successful fall event Kentucky-Tennessee • Working on DCON planning • Working to grow new clubs and strengthen current ones Circle K International Board Book, Winter Edition 41 Subregion E Trustee Travel Report(s) Pennsylvania | InterPACK | Nov. 6-8 • Participated in fellowship games • Took part in in house service projects • Gave a presentation on ICON Short-term Future Plans As an International Board Officer • Make the most of my time at the winter board meeting As a Subregion Trustee • Try to keep my governors calm as we enter DCON session Long-term Future Plans As an International Board Officer • Have a successful second half of the year As a Subregion Trustee • Help my governors with their transitions • Find my successor Steps Towards Achieving Long-term Future Plans As an International Board Officer • Continue working well with my committees • Use good time management as travel season starts As a Subregion Trustee • Set up a meeting to meet with both the old and new after elections • Talk with the current governors to see if they can picture any of their members running for international CKI Achievements Since Last Report • Helped in the process of West Virginia electing a governor • Helped my club put on our first large scale event open to the community and more than doubled our fundraising goal by raising $2103.52 for the Four Diamonds Fund to help families affected by pediatric cancer. Personal Achievements Since Last Report • Made the dean’s list • Got a job interview for a summer job Respectfully Submitted, Amanda Ferster Amanda Ferster Subregion E Trustee, Circle K International Circle K International Board Book, Winter Edition 42 Subregion F Trustee Hello, Subregion F! My name is Vy Tran and it is almost DCON season! Time flies when you’re serving as the 2015-2016 Subregion F International Trustee, doing service by day and answering emails by night! Since October, I have been hundreds of CKIers from the Eastern Canada, New England, New York, New Jersey, and Capital District both online and in person. All of the interactions I have with all of you in the K-Family serve as a constant reminder as to why I ran for this position in the first place, and why it is so important that we continue to help those in our communities. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to me! • • • • • My Actions Since Last Report As an International Board Officer • Solicit governor opinions on international matters such as Subregion system, CKI pledge, goals, and bylaws Wrote blurb for district and club publications (New England, New York, New Jersey, Capital), and for the CKI in a Year publication Completed an international self-assessment and attended a performance meeting Send requested information to governors regarding dues and recruitment Regularly communicates with district board members and club members to learn of what they are up to and provide recognition in each district to boost morale Responded to information requests for a “How well do you know your CKI board” quiz As a Kiwanis Family Relations Committee Chair • Responds to requests for information, particularly information pertaining to Kiwanis Family Month and District K-Family Relations Chairs or Committees • Submits the bi-weekly committee updates in a timely manner with current directives • Sends out a bi-weekly recap email and reminders to all committee members with future meeting information, assigned directives, and other action items of interest containing meeting minutes and necessary files • Created a Facebook platform and Google Docs for Circle K International Board Book, Winter Edition 43 Subregion F Trustee • • • • • • communication with ample graphics and updates, to encourage open communication and meeting attendance Created over 11 different agendas and other meeting materials, generated meeting links, and conducted bi-weekly Kiwanis Family Relations Committee Meetings (incorporates team builders and Secret Santa in the meetings to boost morale) Created a committee working timeline and solicits suggestions continuously Contacted multiple parties including international trustees, governors, and independent CKI groups or individuals on matters pertaining to the K-family Acts as the liaison between this committee and other international committees, preparing for and conducting trans-committee meetings or communication with the Membership and Marketing Committee, Awards Committee, and Service Committee. Created a social media posting timeline for various groups during Kiwanis Family Month, as well as cover photos and custom images of committee members Creates and assigns directives to make sure that as a committee, we have completed or are working on: PDF resources, K-Family Tumblr Blog, Got K-Family Questions Webinar, K-Family Ambassador Personality Quiz, Informational Social Media Posts, Cover Photos and Snippets for Kiwanis One Day, Organized a Photo Challenge Contest and sent prizes to the winners, Membership and Marketing Video Collaborations, Kiwanis Family Locator (Idea-sketching), promoted the K-Family Trivia Quizzes, Key to College Curriculum, and Kiwanis One Day Planning with the Service Committee and Kiwanis PR Team, etc. As the Subregion F Trustee • Provided Governors, District Boards, and District Administrators with contact information and requested information and/or resources • Sent out a monthly Subregion F Leadership Update newsletter email for October, November, and December • Reorganized raw data to make custom reports for each governor as to which Key Clubbers were graduating and interested in attending CKI • Booked official travel to attend New Jersey District’s Insight event, New York’s DCON, Eastern Canada’s DCON, and unofficial travel for the Capital District’s Fall Membership Rally and DCON • Sends MRF responses to governors who submit MRFs and also to those who do not • Attends New England District, Eastern Canada District Board Circle K International Board Book, Winter Edition 44 Subregion F Trustee • • • • Meetings, and Eastern Canada District Presidential Council Meetings/DCON planning meetings to give international updates and learn about current district happenings Sent prize packs to winners of a Subregion F Quiz contest Has begun succession planning by talking individually with individuals who are interested in the Subregion F Trustee position; provided detailed emails and links Encouraged governors to do something nice for their District Administrators in the spirit of Kiwanis Family Month Continuously maintains social media accounts (Facebook) and frequently posts As a Capital District Member • Ensure the growth of my home club and increased interclub events with clubs in our District and K-Family Interactions/Events • Attended Fall Membership Rally and expected to attend DCON As a University of Maryland, College Park Club Member • Attend weekly meetings on Mondays and help the club board with logistics • Prepares a PPT slide and presents an international update at every club meeting • Was an active member this past semester • Wrote a recommendation for a fellow CKI member in my home club Updates on Subregion F Eastern Canada District • Scheduled and implemented PCM and District Board Meetings • Host committee at Western University has been organizing DCON and CKIx plans • Assembled a planning committee to plan their DCON on March 4th – 6th New England District • Held their Fall Conference on October 16th-18th at Camp Maude Eaton • Held multiple divisional trainers to develop the leadership abilities of club officers • Organized a KPTI Day with a high attendance rate with multiple KFamily branches • Planning their DCON on March 18th – 20th at the Great Wolf Lodge in Circle K International Board Book, Winter Edition 45 Subregion F Trustee Fitchburg, MA New Jersey District • Held their Club Officer Training Conference (COTC) on September 12th • Held their Insight fall event on November 6th - 8th • Planning their DCON on March 11th – 13th in Edison, NJ New York District • Held their District Large Scale Service Project (DLSSP) on September 26th • Held their New York Speaking fall event on November 6th – 8th • Held their Tri-K event on November 14th – 15th • Planning their DCON on March 11th – 13th in Albany, NY Capital District • Held their Fall Membership Rally on October 23rd – 24th • Planning their DCON on February 19th – February 21st in Fairfax, VA Travel Report(s) Capital District | Fall Membership Rally | 10/23/2015 – 10/24/2015 • Participated in fellowship activities and workshops (I made a bath bomb!) New Jersey District | Insight | 11/6/2015 – 11/8/2015 • Participated in fellowship activities (I went through a rope course!) • Assisted the district board in setting up and filmed video segments for the recap video • Participated in informal and formal board meetings Short-term Future Plans As an International Board Officer I plan to… • Answer all communications in a timely manner • Respond to all information and action requests as determined by the International President, International Vice President, and KFamily International Committee As a Subregion Trustee I plan to… • Support Subregion F District Boards as issues or concerns arise • Provide helpful resources and information to district leadership Long-term Future Plans As an International Board Officer I plan to… Circle K International Board Book, Winter Edition 46 Subregion F Trustee • Bridge the gap between the individual member and the international level by creating more relevant resources and working more closely with club members As a Subregion Trustee I plan to… • Support not only district governors, but the rest of the district board members • Continue creating fun Subregion F Challenges such as the “Elemonate Challenge” to foster fellowship Steps Towards Achieving Long-term Future Plans As an International Board Officer I have/will… • Provided district officers with resources via my monthly newsletter updates, emails, and social media • Attend events/meetings in each district and share international information As a Subregion Trustee I have… • Sent emails to governors with international news and opportunities, reminders, resources, and updates from other districts, as well as held 1-on-1 conversations • Implemented Subregion F Bi-Monthly Challenges CKI Achievements Since Last Report • Traveled to and/or made plans to travel to 4/5 of my districts • Gave my first “formal” speech at a District event • Created CKI graphics/resources for district governors and international committees Personal Achievements Since Last Report • Redeemed myself academically! • Celebrated a 3-year anniversary with my best friend! Respectfully Submitted, Vy Tran Subregion F International Trustee Circle K International Circle K International Board Book, Winter Edition 47 Subregion G Trustee Hey Circle K International! I hope everyone is having an awesome New Year so far and is back in full swing for the semester. I am personally so excited for everything that these next six months hold, including District Conventions, CKI Service Week, Kiwanis One Day and CKIx! So, lets kick butt for the rest of the CKI year and into the summer. Yours in Service, Camille Tyler My Actions Since Last Report As a Kiwanis Family Relations Committee Secretary As secretary, I have been working with Vy to plan for the remainder of the committee term and working with our committee to help achieve the goals not yet completed. Nick Stringfellow, from CNH, and I were also able to film the Kiwanis Family Kwestions webinar! As a Governing Documents Committee Board Liaison As the board liaison, I have just been acting as a guidance to them when it comes to achieving directives and making new ones. As a Subregion G International Trustee As trustee, I have been working on finding a way to balance all of my work and help my governors in the final months of their terms. I have also been making an effort to become more acquainted with individual clubs as well. As a Carolinas District Member As a Carolinas District Member, I have remained an active member of the district by participating in District Events and my home club. As an Appalachian State University Club Member As a home club member, I have been doing a lot of service like Children’s Playhouse, Brian Estates and the humane society. I have been helping in educating the club on International and District events. Updates on Subregion G Alabama The Alabama district’s leadership is extremely strong. They have a strong district and international presence although they still are Circle K International Board Book, Winter Edition 48 Subregion G Trustee searching for a communications officer. Alabama District Leadership Academy went very well and now they are doing a huge promotional push for District Convention. Caribbean The Caribbean District had their first event in December and it was a HUGE success for them. Their service hours are through the roof right now with over 10,000 in just one month total for their district. They are currently planning a fundraiser for “Show your love, Save a Life.” Carolinas The main event for the Carolinas District has been a hard push for District Convention. They’re planning is in full swing and they have also been doing a lot of fundraising for their own District Project, The Boys and Girls Home of Lake Waccamaw. Florida FLACKI has been doing a lot of service these past couple months, including their most recent service project of Give Kids the World. The District is also pushing hard to make their attendance goal at DCON by making an awesome promotional video and posting consistently on social media. Georgia GACKI had their first event this past November. They had a final push for Eliminate by selling pins at the Georgia District Kiwanis DCON. Now they are working diligently on chartering a lot of new clubs and planning District Convention! Travel Report(s) Caribbean, District Leadership Fall Conference, [December 17-20] DLFC was amazing. I had such an amazing time in Jamaica experiencing their love for service and Circle K International. I was able to try all sorts of new foods and I even went zip lining! Carolinas | Kiwanis Family Conference| [November 6-8] I was able to attend the annual Kiwanis Family Conference held in the Carolinas District. It was an amazing experience and I love returning every year! Short-term Future Plans As an International Board Officer • As an International Board Officer, I would really like to travel outside of my subregion to attend events Circle K International Board Book, Winter Edition 49 Subregion G Trustee As a Subregion G International Trustee • Promoting my committee work • Attending as many DCONs as possible! • Catch up on sending out all the Subregion G updates. Long-term Future Plans As an International Board Officer • Promote CKIx and work with the rest of my board to achieve the remainder of our goals. As a Subregion G Trustee • Follow through with one of my goals from CKIx and implement an entire Subregion G hangout, whether that is in person or online is yet to be determined. Steps Towards Achieving Long-term Future Plans As an International Board Officer • Continue to send out leadership updates and subreigon G updates • In order to incorporate Sub-G Districts, into other districts and subregions, I would like to travel and promote events as much as possible. • To continue to provide all information possible to district leadership. As a Subregion G Trustee • Help in the transition of a new trustee and answer any questions a potential candidate would have. • Look at programs that let more than 20+ speak at the same time or “hangout.” CKI Achievements Since Last Report One of my achievements since my last report was to complete the chartering of Western Carolina University, which I have done! Personal Achievements Since Last Report Since my last report, I have personally accomplished a lot. I finished two new shows on Netflix and survived the semester! Respectfully Submitted, Camille Grace Tyler Subregion G Trustee, Circle K International Circle K International Board Book, Winter Edition 50 International Committees & Task Forces Executive Committee Date Position 10/15/15 Chair Secretary Member Member 11/11/15 Chair Secretary Member Member 11/15/15 Chair Secretary Member Member Governing Documents Chair 12/15/15 Chair Secretary Member Member 12/30/15 Chair Secretary Member Member Name, District Racheile Ricklefs, Indiana Jessica Davis, Indiana Jenny Park, CaliforniaNevada-Hawaii Amanda Ferster, Pennsylvania Racheile Ricklefs, Indiana Jessica Davis, Indiana Jenny Park, CaliforniaNevada-Hawaii Amanda Ferster, Pennsylvania Racheile Ricklefs, Indiana Jessica Davis, Indiana Jenny Park, CaliforniaNevada-Hawaii Amanda Ferster, Pennsylvania Michael Manning, Michigan Present Absent X X X Racheile Ricklefs, Indiana Jessica Davis, Indiana Jenny Park, CaliforniaNevada-Hawaii Amanda Ferster, Pennsylvania Racheile Ricklefs, Indiana Jessica Davis, Indiana Jenny Park, CaliforniaNevada-Hawaii Amanda Ferster, Pennsylvania X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Circle K International Board Book, Winter Edition 51 Executive Committee Summary of Committee’s Actions The Executive Committee has completed several of their original task s including the development of the Strategic Plan, the re-evaluation and update of the current district strength model, and editing the Governors and Administrators Training Conference (GATC) Materials. The Executive Committee will continue working on reviewing the bylaws and policy codes with the Governing Documents Committee, as well as working on several new projects. These new projects include updating the Key to College Curriculum, a Universal MRF, a subregion proposal, and the awards for CKIx. The Executive Committee may add new directives throughout the year to discuss other aspects of Circle K International and will take on tasks as assigned by the Circle K International Board, Kiwanis Board, and Kiwanis Staff. Committee Directives 1. Development of Circle K International’s Strategic Plan Progress: Complete • The Strategic plan has been updated and edited by the Executive Committee and various Kiwanis staff members. • The Strategic Plan is now a flexible living document that will encompass a period longer than 5 years. The goal is to have a document that can reflect the completion of goals and the addition of new goals. Member(s) Responsible: All Members Staff Assistance: CKI Director Chris Martz, CKI Specialist Heather McAlister, CKI Board Counselor Bruce Berven, and Chief Program Officers John Shertzer. 2. Development of Circle K International Strategic Plan Handout/Brochure Progress: In-Progress Future Steps: • Complete finishing touches and formatting on document for publication • Release of the document Member(s) Responsible: All Members Staff Assistance: As needed. 3. Re-evaluation of District Strength Progress: Complete • The Executive Committee presented a proposal to the International Board on a new District Strength Program. This new program will be a District Assessment. The Circle K International Board Book, Winter Edition 52 Executive Committee International Board endorsed the proposal. The proposal will now go to the International Council Meeting. Member(s) Responsible: All Members Staff Assistance: CKI Director Chris Martz and CKI Specialist Heather McAlister 4. Review of Circle K International Bylaws and Policy Codes Progress: In-Progress Future Steps: • Collaborate with the Governing Documents Committee on suggested bylaw and policy code changes • Review areas as suggested by the Kiwanis International Board, CKI International Board, and International Council Member(s) Responsible: All Members Staff Assistance: CKI Director Chris Martz and CKI Specialist Heather McAlister 5. Editing the Governors and Administrators Training Conference (GATC) Materials Progress: Complete • Materials were updated and completed January. However, some minor edits may still need to be made. Member(s) Responsible: All Members Staff Assistance: CKI Director Chris Martz and CKI Specialist Heather McAlister 6. Key to College Curriculum Update Progress: In-Progress Future Steps: • Collaborate with the Kiwanis Family Relations Committee to update and create a new curriculum for Key to College. Member(s) Responsible: Jessica Davis Staff Assistance: CKI Director Chris Martz and CKI Specialist Heather McAlister 7. Universal MRF Progress: In-Progress Future Steps: • Finalize questions. • Determine which platform the Universal MRF system will be launched from. Circle K International Board Book, Winter Edition 53 Executive Committee • Launch a marketing plan for the release of the Universal MRF. • Coordinate a training plan for this new platform that will include a combination of webinars, handouts, and possible workshops. Member(s) Responsible: Racheile & Jessica Staff Assistance: CKI Director Chris Martz and CKI Specialist Heather McAlister 8. Re-evaluation of Subregions Progress: In-Progress Future Steps: • Finalize the proposal for House of Delegates. Member(s) Responsible: All members. Staff Assistance: CKI Director Chris Martz and CKI Specialist Heather McAlister 9. International Awards Progress: In-Progress Future Steps: • Distinguished Awards are complete and updated. They will be released February 1, 2016. • Formatting for club awards is being finalized. • A proposal is being prepared for the Awards Program at CKIx and will be brought forward at the next International Council Meeting. Member(s) Responsible: International Board Staff Assistance: CKI Director Chris Martz and CKI Specialist Heather McAlister Respectfully submitted by, Racheile Ricklefs Executive Committee Chair Circle K International Board Book, Winter Edition 54 Kiwanis Family Relations Committee Kiwanis Family Relations Committee Date Position Date Position 10/06/15 Chair Secretary Board Liaison Member Member Member Member Member 10/20/15 Chair Secretary Board Liaison Member Member Member Member Member 11/3/15 Chair Secretary Board Liaison Member Member Member Member Member 11/17/15 Chair Secretary Member Member Member Member Member 12/1/15 Chair Secretary Member Member Member Name, District Name, District Vy Tran, Capital Camille Tyler, Carolinas N/A Mike Hayes, CNH Nick Stringfellow, CNH Justin Crofoot, Alabama Deric Irish, New England Jack Curzon, New York Vy Tran, Capital Camille Tyler, Carolinas N/A Mike Hayes, CNH Nick Stringfellow, CNH Justin Crofoot, Alabama Deric Irish, New England Jack Curzon, New York Vy Tran, Capital Camille Tyler, Carolinas N/A Mike Hayes, CNH Nick Stringfellow, CNH Justin Crofoot, Alabama Deric Irish, New England Jack Curzon, New York Vy Tran, Capital Camille Tyler, Carolinas Mike Hayes, CNH Nick Stringfellow, CNH Justin Crofoot, Alabama Deric Irish, New England Jack Curzon, New York Vy Tran, Capital Camille Tyler, Carolinas Mike Hayes, CNH Nick Stringfellow, CNH Justin Crofoot, Alabama Present Absent Present Absent X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Circle K International Board Book, Winter Edition 55 Kiwanis Family Relations Committee 1/6/15 Member Member Chair Secretary Member Member Member Member Member Deric Irish, New England Jack Curzon, New York Vy Tran, Capital Camille Tyler Mike Hayes, CNH Nick Stringfellow, CNH Justin Crofoot, Alabama Deric Irish, New England Jack Curzon, New York X X X X X X X X X Circle K International Board Book, Winter Edition 56 Kiwanis Family Relations Committee Summary of Committee’s Actions Since the last board meeting, our main focus has been to have an amazing Kiwanis Family Month back in November. It was very successful. We had a Kiwanis Family photo challenge and even a Kiwanis Family Kwestions Webinar! Now the committee is focusing on collaborating with the Membership and Marketing committee on numerous videos and preparing for Kiwanis One Day! Committee Directives 10. Reach out to District Kiwanis Family Chairs/Governors Progress: Completed! Member(s) Responsible: Staff Assistance: 11. Kiwanis Family Month Progress: Completed • Photo challenge done and prizes sent out! • Cover photos were all changed • Webinar was completed on October 20th by Nick and Camille Member(s) Responsible: Staff Assistance: Thanks for staying up late for us Heather! 12. Kiwanis One Day Progress: In Progress • First Initial ideas are being thrown around • Collaboration with M&M Committee has started. • Future Steps: • to finish the video with M&M • Brainstorm more promotional ideas • Member(s) Responsible: Camille, Jack and Mike to caption photos Staff Assistance: Promote material once it has been released 13. Update Kiwanis Family Blog Progress: In-Progress • 2 posts completed Circle K International Board Book, Winter Edition 57 Kiwanis Family Relations Committee Future Steps: • Need to reach out to all of Circle K International via updates or social media • Member(s) Responsible: Ambassadors Individually via their respective districts Staff Assistance: New Committee Directives 1. Develop a Kiwanis Family Locator Progress: Yet to Begin Member(s) Responsible: Nick Staff Assistance: Progress from Kiwanis from Chris 2. Raise money for Preferred at CKIx 2016 by selling product Progress: Yet to Begin Future Steps: • Ask permission and logistics from Chris • Brain storm ideas for product and charity Member(s) Responsible: Staff Assistance: Chris Martz 3. Draw My Life Video Progress: In Progress • Respective jobs have been assigned Future Steps: • Complete Respective Tasks • Submitting to M&M Committee Member(s) Responsible: Entire Committee has a separate responsibility Staff Assistance: 4. Develop District K-Fam Challenges Progress: Yet to Begin • Throw idea out to other trustees • Think challenges and logistics Member(s) Responsible: Vy and Camille Staff Assistance: Circle K International Board Book, Winter Edition 58 Kiwanis Family Relations Committee 5. Develop a Kiwanis Family Single Service Award Progress: Yet to Begin • Idea has been thought up Future Steps: • Collaborate with the Awards Task Force on logistics Member(s) Responsible: Staff Assistance: Respectfully submitted by, Camille Tyler Kiwanis Family Relations Committee Committee Secretary Circle K International Board Book, Winter Edition 59 Membership & Marketing Committee Membership and Marketing Committee Date Position 09/27/2015 Chair Secretary Member Member Member Member Member 10/25/2015 Chair Secretary Member Member Member Member Member 11/08/2015 Chair Secretary Member Member Member Member Member Name, District Sara Nguyen, MissouriArkansas Cedrick Mah, Western Canada Allen Pham, CaliforniaNevada-Hawaii Lisa Pham, TexasOklahoma Anne Lou, Western Canada Tiffany Campbell, Florida Jane Rivas, CaliforniaNevada-Hawaii Sara Nguyen, MissouriArkansas Cedrick Mah, Western Canada Allen Pham, CaliforniaNevada-Hawaii Lisa Pham, TexasOklahoma Anne Lou, Western Canada Tiffany Campbell, Florida Jane Rivas, CaliforniaNevada-Hawaii Sara Nguyen, MissouriArkansas Cedrick Mah, Western Canada Allen Pham, California, Nevada, Hawaii Lisa Pham, TexasOklahoma Anne Lou, Western Canada Tiffany Campbell, Florida Jane Rivas, CaliforniaNevada-Hawaii Present Absent x x X x X x x x X X x x X x X X X X X X X Circle K International Board Book, Winter Edition 60 Membership & Marketing Committee 11/22/2015 Chair Secretary Member Member Member Member Member 12/06/2015 Chair Secretary Member Member Member Member Member 01/03/2016 Chair Secretary Member Member Member Member Member 01/17/2016 Chair Secretary Member Sara Nguyen, Missourix Arkansas Cedrick Mah, Western x Canada Allen Pham, California, x Nevada, Hawaii Lisa Pham, TexasOklahoma Anne Lou, Western x Canada Tiffany Campbell, Florida x Jane Rivas, Californiax Nevada-Hawaii Sara Nguyen, MissouriX Arkansas Cedrick Mah, Western X Canada Allen Pham, California, X Nevada, Hawaii Lisa Pham, TexasX Oklahoma Anne Lou, Western X Canada Tiffany Campbell, Florida Jane Rivas, CaliforniaX Nevada-Hawaii Sara Nguyen, Missourix Arkansas Cedrick Mah, Western x Canada Allen Pham, California, x Nevada, Hawaii Lisa Pham, Texasx Oklahoma Anne Lou, Western x Canada Tiffany Campbell, Florida x Jane Rivas, Californiax Nevada-Hawaii Sara Nguyen, Missouri-Arkansas Cedrick Mah, Western Canada Allen Pham, California, Nevada, X X x x Circle K International Board Book, Winter Edition x 61 Membership & Marketing Committee Member Member Member Member Hawaii Lisa Pham, Texas-Oklahoma Anne Lou, Western Canada Tiffany Campbell, Florida Jane Rivas, California-NevadaHawaii x x x x Summary of Committee’s Actions The Membership and marketing committee has been working diligently to ensure that we are consistently publishing information that is deemed important and relevant for our members to use. Our goals have been to create resources that are more eye catching, comprehendible and easily accessible, through video content, infographics, and membership campaigns. We are continue to publish member stories for the #MyCKIStory campaign started early in September. We were ecstatic to have such a positive response from the general membership over the campaign. During Kiwanis Family Month the campaign was happy to receive stories from all branches of the Kiwanis Family to share with all the members. Currently we are happy to accept story submissions at the following link We encourage you to share your story with CKI; your story may inspire others to navigate their way to CKI and create their own memories. M&M has had the opportunity to provide original content to the preexisting #ChooseCKI campaign. Currently the committee has collected original quotes from members on why they joined this organization. Daily posts have been shared and well received. This campaign shall continue throughout the term with a stronger push near the recruitment season. We have attempted to reach a broader audience through different platforms of communication, currently adding a repertoire of informational and fun video publications. In addition to videos we are working to update graphic standards for select resources. We have completely recreated the social media guide to share with members on the basics of using social media, in addition to a number of simple infographics that are very comprehensive. We are expanding our work to other international committees to working collaboratively to aide them with whatever they require as well. Circle K International Board Book, Winter Edition 62 Membership & Marketing Committee Committee Directives 14. Create recruitment and retention plans for large districts and small districts Progress: In Progress Future Steps: • Begin to contact district boards, specifically Governors • Work collaboratively with district boards • Comb through available resources for districts • Be accessible by governors once requested for assistance Member(s) Responsible: All Staff Assistance: 15. Create and update resources based on the needs of struggling districts and updating Progress: In Progress • We have started with a number of videos and infographics that aim to relay important information to the members • This includes What are Subregions, Membership Dues Video, and Membership Involvement to name a few Future Steps: • Look through current resources • Search for up to date member generated resources that may be of benefit • Be sure we are at the capacity to have consistently published material Member(s) Responsible: All Staff Assistance: 16. Review and suggest edits for district and club officer resources Progress: Yet to Begin Future Steps: • Via submission base, accepting resources compiled by districts and providing our opinions on improvements • Contacting the districts in regards to services available from M&M Member(s) Responsible: All Staff Assistance: 17. Update currently existing guides and resources as necessary Circle K International Board Book, Winter Edition 63 Membership & Marketing Committee Progress: In Progress • We have updated the Social Media Guide • We are currently combing through service partner resources to assure they meet stringent graphic standards • Work in collaboration with other committee resources across CKI and assure they are all to the same standards Future Steps: • Look through resources currently available on the CKI Website • Access need based on district response for resources • Assess potential to transfer content onto a video format for ease of accessibility and communication Member(s) Responsible: All Staff Assistance: 18. Aid clubs in increasing club awareness on their campus and in their community Progress: In-Progress • My CKI Story campaign • Assisting with the #ChooseCKI campaign Future Steps: • Begin progress of WATN • Compile #ChooseCKI graphics • Continuing gathering stories from CKI’ers and Kiwanis family members from around the world Member(s) Responsible: All Staff Assistance: Respectfully submitted by, Sara H. Nguyen Membership & Marketing Chairwoman Circle K International Board Book, Winter Edition 64 Service Committee Service Committee Date 10/5/15 10/18/1 5 11/01/1 5 11/15/1 5 Position Chair Secretary LSSP Chair Better World Books Ambassador March of Dimes Ambassador STUFH Ambassador UNICEF Ambassador Up With People Ambassador Chair Secretary LSSP Chair Better World Books Ambassador March of Dimes Ambassador STUFH Ambassador UNICEF Ambassador Up With People Ambassador Chair Secretary LSSP Chair Better World Books Ambassador March of Dimes Ambassador STUFH Ambassador UNICEF Ambassador Up With People Ambassador Chair Secretary LSSP Chair Name, District Karl Uzcategui Emily Bagwell Jenny Park Marcelo Urieta-Bravo Present Absent X X X X Eric Yan X Joren Libuano Alex D. Nguyen Numfon Vilay X X X Karl Uzcategui Emily Bagwell Jenny Park Marcelo Urieta-Bravo X X X X Eric Yan X Joren Libuano Alex D. Nguyen Numfon Vilay X Karl Uzcategui Emily Bagwell Jenny Park Marcelo Urieta-Bravo X X X X Eric Yan X X X Joren Libuano Alex D. Nguyen Numfon Vilay Karl Uzcategui Emily Bagwell Jenny Park X X X X X X Circle K International Board Book, Winter Edition 65 Service Committee 12/6/15 12/20/1 5 1/3/16 Better World Books Ambassador March of Dimes Ambassador STUFH Ambassador UNICEF Ambassador Up With People Ambassador Marcelo Urieta-Bravo X Joren Libuano Alex D. Nguyen Numfon Vilay X Chair Secretary LSSP Chair Better World Books Ambassador March of Dimes Ambassador STUFH Ambassador UNICEF Ambassador Up With People Ambassador Karl Uzcategui Emily Bagwell Jenny Park Marcelo Urieta-Bravo X X Eric Yan X Joren Libuano Alex D. Nguyen Numfon Vilay X Eric Yan X X X X X X X Chair Secretary LSSP Chair Better World Books Ambassador March of Dimes Ambassador STUFH Ambassador UNICEF Ambassador Up With People Ambassador Karl Uzcategui Emily Bagwell Jenny Park Marcelo Urieta-Bravo X X Eric Yan X Joren Libuano Alex D. Nguyen Numfon Vilay X Chair Secretary LSSP Chair Better World Books Ambassador March of Dimes Karl Uzcategui Emily Bagwell Jenny Park Marcelo Urieta-Bravo X X X X Eric Yan X X X X X Circle K International Board Book, Winter Edition 66 Service Committee Ambassador STUFH Ambassador UNICEF Ambassador Up With People Ambassador Joren Libuano Alex D. Nguyen Numfon Vilay X X X Summary of Committee’s Actions The Service Committee has worked to enhance the connection between our partnerships and the general membership. Through awareness campaigns, promotional literature, tools and supplies we look to cultivate membership engagement throughout Circle K International. Placing a heavy focus on our tenet of [Service] we hope to make CKI Service a brand that can be used when marketing our efforts as to encourage continuous growth within our organization. Committee Directives 1. Promote the aims and initiatives of Circle K International’s Preferred Charities, Service Partners, Promotional Partners, and Community Partner. Progress: ● Since our last report the committee has released our winter edition of SWAG, service worth a glance. o The winter edition gave members the opportunity to become social media masterminds. We were able to provide sample posts, images and videos that could be used when promoting our partnerships. The LSSP Committee also revealed one of their service initiatives to be hosted at CKIx this year. Future Steps: ● We are currently working on our next edition of SWAG. This edition will be released in mid-late February and will be catered towards DCON Season. ● We are also working on preparations for CKI Service Week. Sample projects will be released in the coming weeks and general information has already been distributed to the International Council. Member(s) Responsible: CKI Service Week will be a collaboration effort between the Service Committee and the Kiwanis Family Relations Committee as we prepare for Kiwanis One Day. Additional research will be conducted by members of each committee and will be distributed with the help of KI Staff. Circle K International Board Book, Winter Edition 67 Service Committee 2. by providing education, resources, and recognition. Progress: ● We have hosted three awareness campaigns since our last report. These campaigns include: Prematurity Awareness Month, Trick or Treat for UNICEF, and Squash Holiday Hunger. In addition to this we have hosted a webinar for Better World Books, and have posted informational videos on our social media to aid us in our efforts to provide additional education on our partnerships. ● We have reviewed all Tomorrow Fund grant applications and have submitted our report to the International Board for approval. Future Steps: ● Upon approval of the Tomorrow Fund Grant applications, an email communication will be sent out to all individuals who applied stating their status. ● The partners for future campaigns that have yet to be released include: JCI, Up With People, and Better World Books. Member(s) Responsible: Email communications will be sent out by the Service Chair regarding TOF Grant Statuses; while campaigns will be released by their respective ambassador. 3. To develop mediums in which members can share and showcase service. Progress: ● We have finalized the location of the CKIx Service Fair and are currently looking at ways to encourage clubs to display their projects during the event. We recognize that international travel will be occurring and will be brainstorming in the coming weeks to determine alternative solutions for clubs that may experience issues because of this. ● The CKI Service Week Recognition Form is currently being reviewed as we are looking to see how we can be best represent the diverse projects that occur throughout the service year. Future Steps: ● We will be releasing the Service Recognition Form for CKI Service Week in the coming weeks. ● Additionally, we will be creating a plan to encourage individuals to participate in the CKIx Service Fair. Circle K International Board Book, Winter Edition 68 Service Committee Member(s) Responsible: Collaboration between members of the Service Committee, LSSP Committee, and CKI Specialist will continue to occur as we finalize the objectives listed above. Respectfully submitted by, Karl A. Uzcategui Karl Uzcategui International Service Committee Chairperson Circle K International Board Book, Winter Edition 69 International Expansion Committee International Expansion Committee Date October 25th Position Chair Secretary Board Liaison Member Member Member Member Member Member November Chair 15th Secretary Board Liaison Member Member Member Member Member Member November Chair 29th Secretary Board Liaison Member Member Member Member Member Member Name, District Ivan Hoz Annika Yip Calvin J Charles III Victoria Ortiz Andrew Liguez Joe Samson Marlon Gonzales Elizabeth Rodriguez Cristian Escobar Ivan Hoz Annika Yip Calvin J Charles III Present Absent x x x x x x x x x x x x Victoria Ortiz Andrew Liguez Joe Samson Marlon Gonzalez Elizabeth Rodriguez Cristian Escobar Ivan Hoz Annika Yip Calvin J Charles III x Victoria Ortiz Andrew Liguez Joe Samson Marlon Gonzalez Elizabeth Rodrigues Cristian Escobar x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Summary of Committee’s Actions The international expansion committee has practically completed a resource pack for the clubs at large, consisting of the different levels of Circle K, but it still would have to be translated and distributed. We have also been working on re-establishing contact with as many CKI and Kiwanis clubs at large. The challenge, as last time is the meeting availability. Circle K International Board Book, Winter Edition 70 International Expansion Committee Committee Directives 19. [Develop a resource pack for clubs abroad] Progress: [In progress] • Gathered resources from different CKI districts • Reviewed and ranked the resources (different levels of CKI, chartering, club building, recruitment) • Put resources together in one file • Finalize pack Future Steps: • Send to translation committee • Distribute to clubs at large Member(s) Responsible: Everyone Staff Assistance: 20. [Creating a list server] Progress: [In progress] • Created joint email account for committee to use • Gathered most information from Philippines, Mexico and DACA • Still missing some information from Malaysia, Taiwan Future Steps: • Get a list of Kiwanis emails Member(s) Responsible: Everyone Staff Assistance: If available, Contact information from some Kiwanis and CKI Clubs. 21. [Developing alumni council] Progress: [In-Progress] • Gathering alumni input to better serve their CKI clubs • Getting more alumni to be a part of the council Future Steps: • Fully finalize and make it official for future years Member(s) Responsible: Calvin Charles, Joe Samson, Ivan Hoz Staff Assistance: 22. [Work more closely with translation sub committee, chartering sub committee, and alumni taskforce] Progress: [In Progress] Future Steps: • Translation: having documents translated • Chartering: gathering resources to better aid clubs at large Circle K International Board Book, Winter Edition 71 International Expansion Committee • Alumni: encouraging them to work with alumni across the world. Member(s) Responsible: Everyone Staff Assistance: 23. [Look for community partners in at large areas] Progress: [In progress] Future Steps: • Research for possible partners • Contact said partners • Share the already existing partners Member(s) Responsible: everyone Staff Assistance: 24. [Help in explaining chartering process for European Kiwanis clubs] Progress: [Yet to Begin] Future Steps: • Communicate specifically with Kiwanis clubs interested in chartering in Europe. • Getting them more informational material • Establishing the benefits of CKI Member(s) Responsible: Joe Samson, Andrew Liguez, Ivan Hoz Staff Assistance: New Committee Directives 1. [Re-establish communications with clubs at large, especially in ASPAC] Progress: [In Progress] Future steps: • Members responsible: Staff Assistance: Respectfully submitted by, Ivan Hoz Ivan Hoz, International Expansion Committee Chair Calvin J Charles III, International Expansion Committee Liaison Circle K International Board Book, Winter Edition 72 Large Scale Service Project Committee Large Scale Service Project Committee Circle K International Board Book, Winter Edition 73 Large Scale Service Project Committee Summary of Committee’s Actions The committee is pushing our final directives for the planning part of the year, in order to present the convention’s proposal at the January Circle K International Board Meeting in Toronto. In relations to the goals set at the beginning of the year and in relations to the committee timeline established, every deadline has been met promptly and sufficiently. During the Toronto visit, two committee members will be finalizing project sites while also researching hotel logistics for the week of convention. Promotion will be heavily introduced in the next coming weeks with the release of CKIx packets for district conventions and On-to-International Convention Chairs. Committee Directives 1. Complete schedule layout in conjunction with Kiwanis Convention Progress: Completed • Review of CKIx 2015 and 2013 attendee feedback • LSSP schedule proposed immediately following International Board Trainer in July • Committee confirmed and amended as necessary • Christopher Martz gave insight • Collaboration and compromises with Kiwanis Convention scheduling made accordingly Member(s) Responsible: Jennifer Park Staff Assistance: Christopher Martz 2. Skeleton of Fellowship activities for CKIx 2016 Progress: Completed • Contact with last year’s planning team Circle K International Board Book, Winter Edition 74 Large Scale Service Project Committee • Team Leader Manual draft established • Ice Breakers archived • Fellowship Proposal finalized Future Steps: • Successful run-though of agenda before event • Resource and material preparation • Schematic of team assignments during the event Member(s) Responsible: Jennifer Que, Shannon Feeney Staff Assistance: Heather McAlister 3. Successfully creation of an LSSP 2016 logo and additional promotional materials throughout the year gathered for CKI districts’ usages. Progress: Completed • Collaborative brainstorm of themes • Logo finalized • Committee voted on logo and slogan • Promotional kit preparations • Prospective collaboration with CKI Social Media Liaison, Francheska Aristy Future Steps: • Release of promotional materials at set time intervals leading up to convention Member(s) Responsible: Colin Austin Staff Assistance: Heather McAlister, Francheska Aristy 4. Effective service project confirmation and completion of all essential additional assignments deemed necessary Progress: In-Progress • List of researched projects • Issued service project theme: homelessness • In-house projects decision for general session • on-site visits • Transportation logistics • Regular contact with project site personnel Future Steps: • Back up projects for overflow precaution • List of possible resources needed Member(s) Responsible: Ava Red, Garrett Thompson, Jennifer Que, Shannon Feeney Staff Assistance: Heather McAlister Respectfully Submitted, Jennifer Park 2015-2016 Subregion B Trustee, Circle K International Circle K International Board Book, Winter Edition 75 Alumni Relations Committee Alumni Date Sept. 30, 2015 Oct. 14, 2015 Nov. 4, 2015 Nov. 25, 2015 Position Chair Secretary Board Liaison Member Member Member Member Member Chair Secretary Board Liaison Member Member Member Member Member Chair Secretary Board Liaison Member Member Member Member Member Chair Secretary Board Liaison Member Member Member Member Member Jan. 20, Chair Name, District Emma Betz, PNW Sally Finkel, Indiana Amanda Ferster, Pennsylvania Present Absent X X X Megan Jursch, Michigan X Kylie Wilson, Georgia Jack Wang, CNH Rey Del Torro Guevara, Georgia Emma Betz, PNW Sally Finkel, Indiana Amanda Ferster, Pennsylvania X X X X X X Megan Jursch, Michigan Kylie Wilson, Georgia Jack Wang, CNH X Rey Del Torro Guevara, Georgia X Emma Betz, PNW Sally Finkel, Indiana Amanda Ferster, Pennsylvania X X X X X Megan Jursch, Michigan X Kylie Wilson, Georgia Jack Wang, CNH X Rey Del Torro Guevara, Georgia X Emma Betz, PNW Sally Finkel, Indiana Amanda Ferster, Pennsylvania X X X Megan Jursch, Michigan Kylie Wilson, Georgia Jack Wang, CNH Rey Del Torro Guevara, Georgia X X X X Emma Betz, PNW X X Circle K International Board Book, Winter Edition 76 Alumni Relations Committee 2015 Secretary Board Liaison Member Member Member Member Member Sally Finkel, Indiana Amanda Ferster, Pennsylvania X X Megan Jursch, Michigan Kylie Wilson, Georgia Jack Wang, CNH Rey Del Torro Guevara, Georgia X X X X Summary of Committee’s Actions Since the last report, the Alumni Relations Committee has been working on a variety of resources that are targeted towards not only Circle K members, but also Key Club and Kiwanis members and clubs. We have also made a slight structural change where each member is assigned to a Sub-Region and the corresponding Key Club and Kiwanis Districts. This new structure will allow for a more personal connection for each District Governor and will ensure that information concerning the opportunities to stay involved once graduating is well known throughout all branches. Committee Directives 1. Increase Key Club Alumni members that join CKI Progress: In Progress • Created a webinar targeted at Key Club Alumni entering college/university • Started some resources that will provide information on what Kiwanis Family opportunities are available to Key Club Alumni • Shared list of KC Alumni that were interested in joining CKI with District Leadership Future Steps: • Contact all Key Club Governors by the end of January informing them of the opportunities after graduating • Create more resources and distribute them to CKI and Key Club districts • Possibly create an incentive for joining CKI for Key Club Alumni • Create webinar toward end of school year aimed at graduating KC and CKI seniors Member(s) Responsible: Whole Committee Staff Assistance: Heather McAllister, Sherri McKeen, and Kaitlynn Harpel 2. Increase CKI Alumni membership in Kiwanis Circle K International Board Book, Winter Edition 77 Alumni Relations Committee Progress: In Progress • Created some resources targeting Circle K Seniors informing them of opportunities and benefits of joining Kiwanis/ other Kiwanis programs Future Steps: • Contact all Kiwanis and Circle K Governors by end of January, informing them of the opportunities after graduating and encouraging Kiwanians to connect with current CKI members • Will create a webinar towards the end of the year aimed at seniors in both KC and CKI (End of March-early April) • Produce more resources emphasizing benefits of continuing in Kiwanis Family Member(s) Responsible: Entire Committee Staff Assistance: 3. Spread awareness of Alumni Opportunities Progress: In Progress • Created resources that detail out all of the opportunities (clubs, dues benefits, networking, etc.) for both Key Club and CKI in various formats (Flyers, powerpoints, scripts for District Conventions) Future Steps: • Contact all Kiwanis Family Governors by end of January to inform them of opportunities once graduating • Expand resources to encompass all formats Member(s) Responsible: Whole Committee Staff Assistance:4. Better Circle K’s reputation throughout the Kiwanis Family Progress: In progress • Our first webinar was meant to serve as an introduction to CKI for incoming Key Club Alumni. We included general information on CKI that emphasized the prestige and extent of our organization while answering questions submitted by Key Club Alumni to let them know that CKI can help their transition. Future Steps: • Through contacting all Governors and creating resources for all branches, it shows that CKI is taking an initiative to encourage members at all levels to continue in the Kiwanis Family and in the process making Circle K more known Circle K International Board Book, Winter Edition 78 Alumni Relations Committee • In our resource, maintain our high level of expectations as an organization to convey information to both Key Club and Kiwanis • Sell T-Shirts through the PNW District, endorsed by the committee, that promote continuation in the Kiwanis Family Member(s) Responsible: Whole Committee Staff Assistance: Heather McAllister 5. Increase communication between Key Club, CKI, and Kiwanis Progress: In progress • Creating resources to encourage the continuation into the next branch of Kiwanis Future Steps: • In contacting the Governors of all branches, we will stress the importance of attending each other’s events and having resources and knowledge about opportunities for graduating members to encourage continuation within the Kiwanis Family • Encourage CKI Governors to attend Key Club functions and express the benefits of joining CKI • Encourage Kiwanis Governors to attend Key Club and CKI functions and express the benefits of joining Kiwanis • Create more resources for Governors to utilize at various functions to better convey the opportunities and benefits of continuing in Kiwanis Member(s) Responsible: Entire Committee Staff Assistance: There are no new committee directives to be submitted at this time Respectfully submitted by, Emma Jeanne Betz Alumni Relations Committee Amanda Ferster Circle K International Board Book, Winter Edition 79 Analytics Committee Analytics Committee Date Oct 4 Oct 18 Nov 15 Nov 29 Dec 13 Position Chair Secretary Board Liaison Member Member Member Member Chair Secretary Board Liaison Member Member Member Member Chair Secretary Board Liaison Member Member Member Member Chair Board Liaison Member Member Member Member Chair Secretary Board Liaison Member Member Member Name, District Mak Hozo, Illinois-Eastern Iowa Joshua Hill, New York Cedrick Mah, Western Canada Kaleb Carter, Capital Leah Conover, Florida Anika Faglie, Southwest Thomas Franco, Ohio Mak Hozo, Illinois-Eastern Iowa Joshua Hill, New York Cedrick Mah, Western Canada Kaleb Carter, Capital Leah Conover, Florida Anika Faglie, Southwest Thomas Franco, Ohio Mak Hozo, Illinois-Eastern Iowa Joshua Hill, New York Cedrick Mah, Western Canada Kaleb Carter, Capital Leah Conover, Florida Anika Faglie, Southwest Thomas Franco, Ohio Mak Hozo, Illinois-Eastern Iowa Cedrick Mah, Western Canada Kaleb Carter, Capital Leah Conover, Florida Anika Faglie, Southwest Thomas Franco, Ohio Mak Hozo, Illinois-Eastern Iowa Leah Conover, Florida Cedrick Mah, Western Canada Kaleb Carter, Capital Anika Faglie, Southwest Thomas Franco, Ohio Present Absent X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Circle K International Board Book, Winter Edition 80 Analytics Committee Jan 3 Jan 17 Chair Secretary Board Liaison Member Member Member Chair Secretary Board Liaison Member Member Member Mak Hozo, Illinois-Eastern Iowa Leah Conover, Florida Cedrick Mah, Western Canada Kaleb Carter, Capital Anika Faglie, Southwest Thomas Franco, Ohio Mak Hozo, Illinois-Eastern Iowa Leah Conover, Florida Cedrick Mah, Western Canada Kaleb Carter, Capital Anika Faglie, Southwest Thomas Franco, Ohio X X X X X X X X X X X X Summary of Committee’s Actions Since the last board report in September, the CKI Analytics Committee has focused on three aspects of the organization that we can analyze finances, membership, and structure as well as held many one-on-ones, internal polls, recorded ourselves in the Membership and Marketing Committee holiday video, and seen the internal appointment of a new committee secretary Leah Conover from Florida District. In our financial analysis, we discussed the general membership statistics available, trends, long term growth, dues, promotional costs per member, the financial stability of the organization, convention expenses, and the Circle K International Board budget. In summary, membership dues comprised the vast majority of the CKI budget which has yielded deficits in years where membership has decreased and CKI expenditures have remained constant. Specific analyses and recommendations were submitted to the International Board this January 2016, with the possibility of future analysis with membership dues. With regards to communication structure, we looked at two specific aspects in particular - subregion discussion and comparisons to other organizations. In our comparisons, we determined many differences between Circle K International and other organizations including our new partner Junior Chamber International, Rotary International's Rotaract, and Alpha Phi Omega Fraternity in terms of organizational structure, leadership, and a summary of an overall comparison. With regards to subregions, we found many alternate plans to consider and evaluated Circle K International Board Book, Winter Edition 81 Analytics Committee each - the leading recommendation is to elect international officers from an open pool of candidates non-restricted by subregions, who will then be assigned subregions based on their strengths. Ultimately this process will require reconsideration by the international board periodically in future years. Both of these are summarized in reports presented to the international board and available publicly at Finally, the committee dedicated time to create a new membership survey to update our records from a CKI membership survey created in January 2011 by the R&D international committee (independent of the January 2016 Circle K Member Survey created by InteQ and Kiwanis International). In doing so, we have already requested input and feedback from district governors, committee chairpersons, and international board members, looked at the questions from 2011, reviewed what makes good survey questions, discussed a gift card drawing, and discussed topics ranging from demographics, retention, club membership, alumni, website, subregions, and social media effectiveness for inclusion into the survey. Our intent with this survey is to focus on Circle K's membership to ask the questions that help our membership grow, and so that the district and international levels can know what the members need most. Our next steps include the administration of the survey including social media and survey distribution, and then evaluation and analysis of the results and that of other surveys available to us. More detailed summaries of our committee progress and minutes available upon request. We hope that with these analyses we can assist Circle K International know more about its members, its finances, its organization, and itself in the years to come. Committee Directives 6. Finances: Evaluate our Circle K International budget by looking at each line item, and consider historical trends, district income/expenses, spending effectiveness, and our future financial stability as an organization. Progress: In-Progress • Budget evaluated and recommendations made to the CKI Board. Future Steps: • Continue any additional financial analysis seen as useful. Circle K International Board Book, Winter Edition 82 Analytics Committee • By end of Feb, investigate questions related to dues per district/club. Member(s) Responsible: Anika Faglie, Mak Hozo Staff Assistance: CKI Director Chris Martz for budget records 7. Membership: Create, implement, and present a general membership survey for the 2015-2016 year. Progress: In-Progress • Sent email request for survey membership questions to other international committees, governors, and International Board. • Determined draft of questions for 2015-2016 survey. Future Steps: • Distribute and publicize the 2015-2016 survey. • Critically evaluate and analyze results in a meaningful way. Member(s) Responsible: Kaleb Carter, Leah Conover, Mak Hozo Staff Assistance: CKI Director Chris Martz for survey implementation 8. Structure: Investigate how our organization is structured and communicates internally, look into similar organizations, and establish recommendations for better communication flow. Progress: In-Progress • Investigated structure and leadership of APO, Rotary, and JCI. • Researched and reported on the history and background of subregions Future Steps: • Consider further research into the above, goals, and communication. • Investigate social media data of CKI and other organizations. Member(s) Responsible: Thomas Franco, Cedrick Mah, Mak Hozo Staff Assistance: Kiwanis International contacts for research into Kiwanis Family organizations. 9. Visualization: Represent our committee findings to the members both through regular reports to International Board and periodic social media updates. Progress: In-Progress • Created preliminary visualizations for committees based on 2011 survey. Circle K International Board Book, Winter Edition 83 Analytics Committee Future Steps: • Continue to evaluate the best ways to visualize and present our findings through social media and reports throughout the year. Member(s) Responsible: All members Staff Assistance: CKI Program Specialist Heather McAlister for social media implementation Respectfully submitted by, Mak Hozo Analytics Ad-Hoc Committee Chairman Circle K International Board Book, Winter Edition 84 Chartering & Club Building Committee Chartering and Club Building Date October 20, 2015 @ 9pm Eastern Position Chair Secretary Board Liaison Member Member Member Member November Chair 3, 2015 @ Secretary 9pm Eastern Board Liaison Member Member Member Member November Chair 11, 2015 @ Secretary 9pm Eastern Board Liaison Member Member Member Member December Chair 8, 2015 @ Secretary 9pm Eastern Board Liaison Member Member Member Member December Chair 22, 2015 @ Secretary Name, District Matthew Johnson, Capital Jonathan Touhy, IllinoisEastern Iowa Emily Bagwell, Michigan Present X X Molly Baumann, Ohio Shayna Cole, Indiana Steven McCarty, Michigan Andrea Vargas, Southwest Matthew Johnson, Capital Jonathan Touhy, IllinoisEastern Iowa Emily Bagwell, Michigan X X Molly Baumann, Ohio Shayna Cole, Indiana Steven McCarty, Michigan Andrea Vargas, Southwest Matthew Johnson, Capital Jonathan Touhy, IllinoisEastern Iowa Emily Bagwell, Michigan X Molly Baumann, Ohio Shayna Cole, Indiana Steven McCarty, Michigan Andrea Vargas, Southwest Matthew Johnson, Capital Jonathan Touhy, IllinoisEastern Iowa Emily Bagwell, Michigan X Molly Baumann, Ohio Shayna Cole, Indiana Steven McCarty, Michigan Andrea Vargas, Southwest Matthew Johnson, Capital Jonathan Touhy, Illinois- Absent X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Circle K International Board Book, Winter Edition 85 Chartering & Club Building Committee 9pm Eastern Board Liaison Member Member Member Member Eastern Iowa Emily Bagwell, Michigan X Molly Baumann, Ohio Shayna Cole, Indiana Steven McCarty, Michigan Andrea Vargas, Southwest X X X X Summary of Committee’s Actions The Chartering & Club Building Committee has developed various resources to assist new clubs. We’re also re-releasing our recruitment week webinar and materials for the spring semester, and beginning our review of other organizations’ practices for building new chapters. Committee Directives 1. Review current chartering process policies and make suggestions for improvement for the International Board of Trustees to decide Progress: Completed • The Committee Chair and Board Liaison been in contact with the CKI Director about possible changes • Several changes have been made to the process, of which the CKI Director has made us aware Member(s) Responsible: Chair and Board Liaison Staff Assistance: CKI Director, Member Services 2. Develop and maintain chartering process resources Progress: In Progress • We’ve begun reviewing the resources currently available on the CKI website • We’ve created a PowerPoints and resources for talking about CKI with Kiwanis and schools as well as recruitment flier templates. Future Steps: • Make necessary changes to the current resources • Review club building resources that districts have developed • Fill gaps left in the current resources • Develop an organizational plan for the resources Member(s) Responsible: All members Staff Assistance: CKI Specialist 3. Advise clubs and districts on chartering process and club building strategies Circle K International Board Book, Winter Edition 86 Chartering & Club Building Committee Progress: In Progress • Assigned each committee to a subregion • Gathered emails for club building contacts within each district • Developed a webinar on Chartering and Reactivation paperwork Future Steps: • Continue to provide individualized club building support to each district Member(s) Responsible: All members Staff Assistance: N/A 4. Develop a CKI recruitment week Progress: Completed • Discussed ideas for activities and how to structure the week • Developed a webinar on CKI Recruitment week Member(s) Responsible: Shayna Cole and Emily Bagwell Staff Assistance: CKI Director 5. Research other organizations, chartering and club building strategies to develop a blanket strategic plan for new clubs to build membership Progress: In Progress • Discussed Rotaract, Sigma Tau Delta, and other organizations Future Steps: • Have each member research different organizations • Discuss and review research collected and see how it can be applied to CKI • Develop strategic plan • Utilize research to inform our decisions about changes to the chartering and reactivation paperwork Member(s) Responsible: All members Staff Assistance: N/A New Committee Directives 6. Review the Kiwanis Formula materials for use with the committee and in CKI Club Building efforts Progress: In Progress • Contacted International President and CKI Director about getting access to the training materials Circle K International Board Book, Winter Edition 87 Chartering & Club Building Committee Future Steps: • Access and assess the training materials for the Formula • Determine how to best utilize the Formula in CKI. Member(s) Responsible: Chair Staff Assistance: CKI Director, Formula Staff Respectfully submitted by, Chartering and Club Building Committee Chairperson Emily Bagwell, Board Liaison Circle K International Board Book, Winter Edition 88 Governing Documents Task Force Governing Documents Task Force Date 9/27/15 Position Chair Name, District Michael Manning Michigan Brian Kenny - New York Present x Board Liaison Camille Tyler - Carolinas x Member Josh Kim - PNW x Member Shannon Flanegin Caribbean x Member Alex Switzer - PNW x Member Chair Loyce Chin - CNH Michael Manning Michigan Brian Kenny - New York x x Board Liaison Camille Tyler - Carolinas x Member Josh Kim - PNW x Member Shannon Flanegin Caribbean x Member Alex Switzer - PNW x Member Chair Loyce Chin - CNH Michael Manning Michigan Brian Kenny - New York x x Secretary 10/11/15 Secretary 10/25/15 Secretary 11/8/15 x x x Board Liaison Camille Tyler - Carolinas Member Josh Kim - PNW x Member Shannon Flanegin Caribbean x Member Alex Switzer - PNW Member Chair Loyce Chin - CNH Michael Manning Michigan Brian Kenny - New York Secretary Board Liaison Camille Tyler - Carolinas Absent x x x x x (late) x Circle K International Board Book, Winter Edition 89 Governing Documents Task Force 12/6/15 Member Josh Kim - PNW x Member Shannon Flanegin Caribbean x Member Alex Switzer - PNW x Member Chair Loyce Chin - CNH Michael Manning Michigan Brian Kenny - New York x x Board Liaison Camille Tyler - Carolinas x Member Josh Kim - PNW x Member Shannon Flanegin Caribbean x Member Alex Switzer - PNW x Member Loyce Chin - CNH x Secretary x Summary of Committee’s Actions The committee has been working on completing the assigned directives. Committee Directives 5. Collect district governors and/or bylaws and be a resource for district officers regarding bylaws and policy code Progress: In-Progress • Survey questions have been decided • survey has been sent out Future Steps: • no responses =( Member(s) Responsible: NA Staff Assistance: None 2. • 3. Broadly comb through the bylaws and policy code Progress: Done Amendments have been written and sent to international Future Steps: Member(s) Responsible: All Staff Assistance: Not yet Review Kiwanis and Circle K policies regarding international clubs Progress: in progress Circle K International Board Book, Winter Edition 90 Governing Documents Task Force Amendments have been written regarding the definition of international districts, affiliate clubs, candidacy, etc. Future Steps: Fine tune some policies and get feedback from IXC Member(s) Responsible: All Staff Assistance: NA • • 4. Create a resource defining service, interclub and Kiwanis Family hours - using policy code definitions Progress: Done • Infographics have been created and shared with international Member(s) Responsible: All - but Josh is taking the lead on the resource. Staff Assistance: None Respectfully submitted by, Michael A. Manning Michael A. Manning, Governing Documents Committee Chair Camille Tyler, Governing Documents Committee Board Liaison Circle K International Board Book, Winter Edition 91 Circle K International Board Book, Winter Edition 92