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D-or:.r'o; 1EB.4 230 SUPEB PBO 231-C PBO CUBVE 231.C PRO CURVE 6t I od" rn. !rt ranr naied h.nd -a.nd en ash b adc dl. : Er,p.r:ss rrapDc.Io provdeopl 232 JUNIOR o r :. . l: Drue lror " ! o shalr'r54 3? cm r ier. 13 14 15 cotors Btaae ,tra|9ht Coto.s brdLk bhre ,OJe. , red qreen, qotd. ma.oon. ", st trr-.] tor he r!n or fjr e! rss ! r er Srro q atuj trrrFped ro, !d.led rzz cm. Lres dssorled Btade. ska|qht. Cotors: nr!hstrenarth Shatr{54 )137cm. Lies L.F,l3 t4 Curue:(ri )12mm Coloc: Blackontv 231 PRO or too mcctei ror soa ies Used by read,nq N H L .ot, , , b d- o. . ,o. ,,. .. pp-o B .or r'o Cor 23O SUPER PRO sr.k orr.F tlre o*tdrEb ty.!a abe Constru.r€.tol "; ,_",",1, l:'::'",:: ."';"":"": 5' '3 ;4 cm ull.'.rti"' ' 17 L,e' a stron.r Bade ef.l p:, srra'qhl e k 0 f, E. t' PRO 501 GP GOALIE PADS PRO 5Ol GP Kohostoppropad Hand made ol rine selected leather specrally treated tor durab ly For proteclon. stufied wilh resilent deer ha L Inner secton ol pad backed wrth ultra suede H nqed boltom lor ller b ty Speca slaslr pads Lenslhs: (36 ) 90 cm, (34 ) 86 cm, {32 ) 82 cm. coro6: Tan, redlwhire/blue. black/white, blue/while. black/gold, 26 I|loI{o PRO GP 40r PRO 401 PRO 4Ol GP PBO4OI JR, ietback ng nslep sleather ned a.d bou.d Seve. cowh dcstraps Lshfdeshtpads iacedwth s!e.a y s ecreo h. ror kapok Wh te tellback ng nstep sleatherfnedand bound Seven..wh dest6ps eather reL.lorced strap sots Lensrhs: (34 ) 86 cm, (32 181 cm, (29 ) 74 cm. Lensths: (27 ) 69 cm only. s de ealher Ftrm wth L shnve sht pads iaced wlth sDs al y selecred a.d suiied w th deer ha ror kapok White y shaped srde ealhel Frm yshaped and siujTed w lh deer wlh leather reirjorced slrap sots t 27 GOALIEGLOVES PRO 4t GM Prolessonal soale stick qlove ol oil tan.ed cowh de wth lighbleghtnyonclii Detachabe plastic plale placed between bdo po yethy ene paddings covered with oiL tan ned se ecled eather Knlckles protected wth loam pastc padd ngs Colo6 available: Tan. black/sold. black/wt ite, blue/wh ile, rcdlwhhe/ blue, green/ehite. 2A PRO 4() GM BS/PRO 4{t GM CR oesiqneo n co-operaton with NHL goalenders Wlsl proleciion lmproved by addi.g .yon covered plastc pLate on the cufl Adrustabe bu t-in thlmb and finqer oops Nylo. laced lor pertect ft Both models leaiLre specialvelcro closure system to ensure snlg lrt. Coto.savailable: Tan, black/sold, black/ehile, blue/white, red/while/ blue, green/while. PRO ! f n 3I GM JR 20 :rR t '. -2J GM . O", 'd. - .d6 Ii.Fd.| ll n\ o i.el] PRO 30 GM Doo-! ::: GM II '.""." PW o , \.. , ro i::" PW GM """ ""' " - IOGM oov6 !p ro 6d v ny dl-.-,,. .ovefed.!tts Nyon ac.! ".. ".-- - 29 GOALIE BODY PADS PRO 4 BP an DadPro ncod pad delqilw lodT ;-;';o'aled 'rrh r.F ood' pdds Consfucred ol'!rrql'^rrh ed wrh hiq. opnqry po'vel'/lp.e odclK o r'd in dlorore'' 'e;;lor'r,i" a.d i.eo al'roo oua tv nr'on p"d \ '-rv ii." "o,e,"" M L, adjuslabla Sizes: JR 3 BP construcleo of heaw duv hiqh densltv ioam, ofiers JR 2 BP ConstructeO or heaw dutv hioh densrtv ioam orreB PRO 15 BS Ne''o 8i PRO 5 BP ou,n.rp'oaodF'o ooarre^de s Pdd scon- rcnro'eorr.oh do'sfr polv i."f,o.r t'.- ";*"r r;-. pro ecl'on 'rlv'ove'eda4d 'ed .lrn"tene o asr'c lor ra'rrur i wrih Pro modeliorsedous soalender construcled oi nianoen\rrv'oa- rernlorced $ ilh hro opn\tr' porvalr\lene oo5li hi m-^.m-m o,oleclo4. r I v cove Fd .'d rn"d wii5 loo qr a'h nvlon F! lv ad ustabelor besi iit wrap around prolection. Nvlon covered and reinforced Fulv wrap around protection. Nvlon covered and reinlorced Fulv topqu. lynylo. Padislullvadllstableforbeslr JRIBP constructeo or heawdlivhigh denstv toam. ollen wrap around proteclion Nvlon covered and reiniorced Fullv \ PRO 05 SA GOALIE SHOULDER AND ARM PADS 04 Fu rypadded, covered and |ned in nylon. Arms are pro lecled wiih polyethyiene inserts Laced tront and b..r PRO 05 SA 03 SA, 02 SA, Ol SA rorpo'ns Proteciive soalendeis shoutder and am pad Iwo sded cotlon cloth padded with waddinq Speca ptasric pates ror more protect on Arm pads and shoutder caos covered wiitr leather Laced front and back. 9A or hpo orro.@1.n...on b(eps o-ld l loaT d d pot,p. r, --a ,o, -arm,m oroteclon To' rl e .ou-qp, ptdvo ) n.e,aco d a , In,o. pW "-o and 31