Liberty Hill Presbyterian Church The Liberty Hill Connection June


Liberty Hill Presbyterian Church The Liberty Hill Connection June
Liberty Hill
Liberty Hill
Presbyterian Church
Volume 25, Issue 6
June Activities and Events
Lakeside Worship Season Begins
Session Meeting
Sunday, June 7 @ 9 AM
Sunday, June 14 @ 12:15 PM
Soaking Prayer
Wednesday, June 17 @ 5:30 PM
Dinner and a Movie
Friday, June 26 @ 6:30 PM
July Preview
Camp in a Van Kickoff Cookout
Camp in a Van Day Camp
Lakeside Beach Party
Sunday, July 12 @ 5 PM
Monday, July 13– Friday, July 17
Friday, July 31 @ 6:30 PM
Note: The Blessing of the Library that was scheduled for Sunday, June 14
has been postponed.
Lakeside Cleanup
Food for the Soul
Bag Lunch Mission
Mother’s Day/Father’s Day
Submitted by Elder Melinda Clyburn
Which came first? If you answered Mother’s Day
then you are correct. Mother’s Day was official for 58
years before the nation’s first Father’s Day. Mother’s
Day origins trace back to the 1860’s when the urging of
activist Ann Jarvis brought together the mothers of
Confederate and Union soldiers. In 1870, activist Julia
Howe issued a “Mother’s Day Proclamation” calling on
a general congress of women to ‘promote the alliance
of the different nationalities, the amicable settlement of
international questions, and the great and general
interests of peace.’ In 1908, Ann Jarvis’ daughter
wanted to honor her own mother by making Mother’s
Day a national holiday. In 1909, 45 states observed the day and in 1914 President
Woodrow Wilson approved the second Sunday in May as a holiday in honor of
‘that tender, gentle army: the mothers of America.’
But what about Dad? We need to honor him also. In 1908, a West Virginia
church sponsored the nation’s first event in honor of fathers: a Sunday sermon in
memory of the 362 men who died in the explosions at the Fairmont Coal Company
mines in Monongah. The next year, a Spokane, Washington woman who was one
of six children raised by a widower, tried to establish an official equivalent to
Mother’s Day for male parents. She was successful and the nation’s first statewide
Father’s Day was celebrated on July 19, 1910. Slowly the holiday spread. In 1924,
President Calvin Coolidge urged state governments to observe Father’s Day.
However, many men continued to disdain the day as they scoffed at the holiday’s
sentimental attempts to domesticate manliness with flowers and gift-giving often
paid for by the father himself. Controversy and commercialism continued over the
years. During World War II, advertisers began to argue that celebrating Father’s
Day was a way to honor American troops and support the war effort. By the end of
the war, Father’s Day may not have been a Federal holiday, but it was a national
institution. It was not until 1972 that Richard
Nixon signed a proclamation declaring
Father’s Day a Federal holiday at last.
Both parents are very important
figures in our lives. I would like to wish a
Happy Belated Mother’s Day to all of our
church moms and a Happy Fathers Day to
all of our church dads. Thanks for all that
you have done, continue to do, are willing to
do and plan to do. God bless you.
Long Ago at Liberty Hill
By Sylvia Hudson
A very heavy fall of rain with wind, thunders and lightning visited our
section last Thursday. Much damage was done by washing and
overflowing of lowlands. Plowing has been retarded for several days.
Several heavy rains have fallen here in the past few days and farm work is
slowed up for the time. Mr. R.C. Jones reported the first cotton bloom last week. (It is difficult
for folks to believe that cotton was a major crop in this area. With such an abundance of trees,
one might assume Liberty Hill’s only crop has been timber. - SH)
Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Boyd, Mr. and Mrs. J.P. Leslie and daughter, Miss Sarah Leslie, Rock Hill
teacher, all of Rock Hill were here Sunday visiting relatives and admiring some of our
beautiful scenery, especially the Beaver Creek valley, from the lawn in front of Governor
Richards’ home (“Governor’s Mansion” on Richards Lane- SH), and at the splendid view from
the “Hilltop” home of Misses Clara and Louise Johnston (the house behind the post officeSH), where the eye can follow an almost unbroken horizon, taking in portions of four counties
– Kershaw, Lancaster, Chester and Fairfield, across the Wateree Power company’s big lake,
until lost in the blue haze of distance. (My grandmother told me that while growing up in the
Matheson House, our home on Wildlife Rd., she could see the river from an upstairs room at
the back of the house! - SH)
R. J. Wardlaw has bought the public school house and lot from the school trustees of District
No. 10 and is having the house remodeled for a dwelling. School has not been taught here of
late, the children being carried to Camden by bus now. (In recent years this building was used
as the Manse and was also rented out to several tenants before becoming the present day
LHPC Youth Building .-SH)
On Wednesday afternoon the Capsule Sister Party of the Women of the Church was held at the
home of Mrs. John G. Richards with members of the executive board as joint hostesses. At this
meeting all found out who their sister was for the past years. There was quite a bit of
merriment as the identity of each was disclosed since the majority had been foxy in passing
along a kindness or a gift without giving themselves away. Then all drew names for another
year, thus starting the fun all over again.
Miss Shirley Ann Hilton and Robert James Wardlaw, III, were among those who graduated
from the Camden High school on Monday night. A number of their relatives and friends
attended the graduation exercises. (A special hello to Shirley Hilton Baird who continues to
receive the LH Connection and has let me know that she reads the Long Ago articles!. – SH)
Frank McElwee
Walt and Betty Riggan
Leigh and Joe Todd
To All of You:
The cards, visits, and encouragement have meant so much
to us. We appreciate each and every one of you, especially
the prayers. Please continue to remember us as Chick
continues to recover. We love each of you.
Jeff Douglas
Chick and Jo Anne Guinn
Camp in a Van Scholarship
Lloyd and Mary Douglas
Lloyd and Mary Douglas
On the birth of your great-granddaughter
Lillie Rice Abel
Born on
May 9, 2015
Chase and Lizzi (D’Alessio) Holmes
Joined in marriage on May 16, 2015
The Benevolence Committee of the LHPC Session
is planning a yard sale to help fund
Home Repairs for Lisa and Rachel Knight
No date for the sale has been determined yet.
Please bring all donations to the church during normal business hours:
9 AM– 4 PM
All donations will be stored in the Education Building
until the date of sale.
Camp in a Van Volunteer Opportunities:
Provide snacks and drinks
Serve lunch
Help with crafts and other activities
Sign up sheets are in Miss Bettie Richards Hall
Liberty Hill Presbyterian Church was blessed to welcome the Kershaw County Historical Society
to our lovely church and grounds on Sunday, May 24th.
Patricia McNeely gave a presentation of Sherman’s
1865 Propaganda Campaign using research from her
book, Sherman’s Flame and Blame.
Many thanks to the Care Team (Millie Plyler, Melinda Clyburn and Laura Horton) for
graciously providing the lovely refreshments and to Sylvia Hudson for acting as the
church’s ambassador and historian. Mrs. Joan Inabinet and Mr. Harvey Teal stopped by
on Tuesday following the event to thank the church for all the warmth and hospitality
shown to the Society on Sunday. By all accounts, the event was a resounding success
with a larger than customary attendance (82!) and a lecture that was informative and
To see more pictures from the event or to find out more about the
Kershaw County Historical Society, please visit their website at:
Dear Church Family,
In an effort to keep our church relevant and up-to-date with modern, social, and
technological advancements, the Website Committee has updated and tweaked the
website for a more fluid feel. In addition we have added a Google Calendarthatone
you may subscribe to with the Google Calendar app on your phone or tablet so you
will always be ‘In the Know’ about church activities and events (no more excuses for
missing movie night?). This also means that if anything changes on the calendar, you
will know as soon as Leigh updates her desktop calendar. cool huh?
Also, we have brought the online sermon into the 21st century. We have weekly
sermons on the website for easy download, and we have also made them into a
podcast you can subscribe to on your phone or tablet. With this new addition of podcasting our sermons, they will be available for you (and the world) to take on the go. It
will be searchable in iTunes as LHPC Sermon Podcast. You can also manually add it to
your favorite pod-casting app by entering
into your app’s "RSS podcatcher". Don't worry, we have instructions on the website for
all this.
Remember to visit the church website, and when you invite friends to visit our
church, tell them to go to the website and get a feel for the church, our members and
our pastor. We have a very modern and sleek website, so tell everyone to check it out!
Thank you,
Rob Jones, Mica Jones, Leigh Todd
Website Committee.
Baby C (Page Kardack)
Tim Bass (Gil Small)
Becky (Derhonda Ross)
John Bertram (Chet and Helen Riffle)
Jenny Biggers
Charles Blackmon (Lisa Knight)
Rachel Blackmon (Lisa Knight)
Cory Blackmon (Harold and Ruby Kershner)
Jason Boggs (Sandy Granger)
Bernice Branham
Brenda Brown (Evelyn Finch)
Gladys Catoe (Carol Catoe)
The Chitty Family (Sunshine Smith)
Joan Clark
Chucky Connell (Brian and Page Kardack)
Marjorie D’Aiuto (Sharon Trent)
Jim and Jackie Delozier
Rick Eldreth (Bud and Arlene)
Maurice Fore (Jenny Hernandez)
Cathleen Garbade (Carol Meckstroth)
Josh Gillard (Harold and Ruby Kershner)
Rick Goff
Chick Guinn
Shane Granger (Sandy Granger)
Tenny Graves (Donna Hunter)
Bill Harrington
Kevin Helms (Vivian & Benny Ray)
Al Hernandez
J.W. Hill
Terry Hoffman
Maxine Hunter (Bernice Branham)
Bruce Jackson (Sandy Granger)
Faydine Johnson (Lorraine Medlin)
Margaret Jordan (Dave and Mary D. D’Alessio)
Linda Macdonald (Doug and Nancy Macdonald)
Benny Martin (Carol Meckstroth)
Dana Couick McGuirt (Caroleene Couick)
Mildred McCaskill (Bernice Branham)
Kelli McManus (Nancy Truesdale)
Michelle, Kinsley and Kathryn Rachel McLemore
(Page Kardack)
Pat Moree (Pat Bunch and Jeanette Robinson)
John Mullis (Terry Hoffman)
Andy Morrison (Bernice Branham)
Deneen Neubauer and her family
(Neal and Delisa Clark)
Jordan Newbold (Sandy Granger)
David Ogburn (Ina Horton)
Darlyn Owens (Ruby Kershner)
Douglas Owens (son of Jack and Barbara Owens)
Alan Patterson
Peggy Pearson (Helen Riffle)
Elaine Plyler (Bernice Branham)
Vivian Ray
Charlee Rea and her sister (Brenda Burns)
Suzanne Reeves (Terry Hoffman)
Karen Ritenour (Jerry and Trish Flynn)
Elaine Robertson (Benny and Vivian Ray)
Morrison and Jeanette Robinson
Janice Rogers
Hope Rollins (Sandy Granger)
Hugh and Fran Smith
Carson Spitzer (Belle Bailey)
Donald Starnes (Lisa Knight)
Bonnie Sullivan (Ina Horton)
Wanda Swannpe Rollins (Sandy Granger)
Ronnie and Penny Thomas (Lee and Kitty Sheorn)
Ronnie Thompkins (Sandy Granger)
Neil Thompson
Margaret Truesdale (Merilyn Roll)
Jane Trull (Baxter Starnes)
Doug Tyndall (Joan Ward)
Lee Riffle Vonner (Chet Riffle)
Carol Wallace (Bonnie Jones)
Van White (Page Kardack)
Phil Williams (Terry Hoffman)
Jerry Wolff and the Wolff Family
(The Plylers and the Pattersons)
Josh Kershner
Harold and Ruby Kershner’s grandson
Daniel Scruggs and his shipmates on the USS Carl Vinson
Neal and Delisa Clark’s son
Please call the church office with answered prayers or prayer requests so that
the list can be updated.
9 AM– Worship God by the Lake
11 AM- Worship Service
9 AM– Worship God by the Lake
11 AM- Worship Service
Father’s Day
9 AM– Worship God by the Lake
11 AM- Worship Service
Flag Day
9 AM– Worship God by the Lake
11 AM- Worship Service
Billy Nowlen
Birthdays are in italics.
Lee Sheorn
Judy McAbee
Lizzi D’Alessio
Wanda Ghent
Charlie Bailey
Soaking Prayer
5:30-6:30 PM
LHPC Sanctuary
John Goebel
Elaine Baxley
Delisa Clark
Dinner and a Movie
6:30 PM
Miss Bettie Richards
Men’s Prayer Breakfast
8:00 AM
Morningside, Lancaster
Men’s Prayer Breakfast
8:00 AM
Morningside, Lancaster
Men’s Prayer Breakfast
8:00 AM
Morningside, Lancaster
Men’s Prayer Breakfast
8:00 AM
Morningside, Lancaster
Men’s Prayer Breakfast
8:00 AM
Morningside, Lancaster
Sam Starnes
Lakeside Reserved
Terry Hoffman
Bible Study Girls
What Love Is Study
10:00 AM
Miss Bettie Richards Hall
2015 Camp in a Van at Lakeside
He is Our Cornerstone
Monday, July 13 through Friday, July 17
9:00 AM until 2:00 PM
The 2015 Camp in a Van Day Camp at Lakeside will kickoff on
Sunday, July 12 at 5:00 PM with a cookout for the campers and
their families. During the cookout, the campers will get their tee
shirts, register and receive important information about the week
Camp in a Van is a joint effort between Liberty Hill Presbyterian
Church and Bethelwoods designed for youth who have completed
K5-6th grade. Bethelwoods provides the staff and curriculum. The
counselors are selected for their Christian commitment and love of
children. At least one counselor will have lifeguard certification.
The counselors who directed last year’s camp made a lasting impression on the campers and volunteers alike.
The camp fee of $25 includes snacks, lunch, crafts, and tee shirt.
We are so excited to be able to offer this Youth Outreach Mission again to
LHPC members and the community!
LHPC members receive first priority for registration.
Deadline for members to register is June 15, 2015.
Please call the church office to register: 803.273.9191.
Surely the Lord is in this place! Genesis 28:16
Nonprofit Org.
US Postage
Liberty Hill, SC
Permit #1
Liberty Hill
Presbyterian Church
20 Meeting Lane
P.O. Box 170
Liberty Hill, SC 29074
Phone: 803-273-9191
Fax: 803-273-9192
We're on the Web!
Earl and Cyndy Adams became the newest
members of Liberty Hill Presbyterian Church on
March 15. 2015 by transfer of their letter from
First United Methodist Church in Lancaster.
Welcome to the LHPC family, Earl and Cyndy!