Drinking Water Protection Plan for the Cold River Watershed
Drinking Water Protection Plan for the Cold River Watershed
DRINKING WATER PROTECTION PLAN FOR THE COLD RIVER WATERSHED December 2005 Primary Contacts: Pam O’Hara, Vice Chair Cold River Drinking Water Protection Committee 191 Cold River Rd. Walpole, NH 03608 Phone: (603) 445-5168 E-mail: pgohara3@yahoo.com Jennifer Palmiotto Source Water Specialist Granite State Rural Water Association 322 Village St Penacook, NH 03303 Phone: (603) 753-4055 E-Mail: jpalmiotto@gsrwa.com Bill Botting, Facilities Manager Fall Mountain Regional High School East Street PO Box 60 Charlestown, NH 03603 Phone: (603) 835-2473 E-mail: bill.botting@sau60.k.12.nh.us Debby Hinman, Chair Cold River Local Advisory Committee PO Box 26 Acworth, NH 03601 Phone: (603) 835-2309 E-mail: dhinman@sover.net Drinking Water Protection Plan for the Cold River Watershed 12/30/05 Review Annually and Update Every 3 Years Date Reviewed Reviewer Changes or Comments The six public water supplies covered in this plan: Acworth Primary School (PWSID 0015010) Alstead Vilas School (PWSID 0055010) Alstead Primary School (PWSID 0055020) Fall Mountain Regional High School (PSWID 1315010) The Orchard School (PWSID 0055030) Sarah Porter School (PWSID 1315020) 2 Drinking Water Protection Plan for the Cold River Watershed 12/30/05 Drinking Water Protection Plan for the Cold River Watershed Adopted by the Cold River Drinking Water Protection Committee: 3 Drinking Water Protection Plan for the Cold River Watershed 12/30/05 Cold River Drinking Water Drinking Protection Committee: (from left to right) Robert “Chops” Polcari, Yurick Hurd, Debby Hinman, Peter Rhoades, Howard Weeks, Kathy Torrey, Kathy MacDonald, and Pam O’Hara. Missing: Bill Botting, Jen Polcari 4 Drinking Water Protection Plan for the Cold River Watershed 12/30/05 Table of Contents I. Introduction ................................................................................................................. 7 1.1 Background and Purpose....................................................................................... 7 1.2 The Watershed Approach...................................................................................... 7 1.3 The Drinking Water Protection Planning Process................................................. 8 1.4 Purpose and Use of this Plan................................................................................. 9 II. Description of the Cold River Watershed ................................................................ 10 2.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................ 10 2.2 Drinking Water Supplies .................................................................................... 11 III. Source Protection Areas.......................................................................................... 15 IV. Public Water Systems Managed by Schools in the Watershed .............................. 16 4.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................ 16 4.2 Description of the School Water Systems, Their Wellhead Protection Areas and Inventories of Potential Contamination Sources ...................................................... 16 V. Potential Sources of Contamination in the Cold River Watershed.......................... 37 5.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................ 37 5.2 Watershed-Wide Inventory of Potential Sources of Contamination .................. 37 VI. Recommendations for Improving Drinking Water Protection ............................... 48 6.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................ 48 6.2 Recommendations for Source Protection at Local Schools ............................... 48 6.3 Recommendations for Managing Watershed-Wide Concerns ........................... 51 6.4 Conclusion.......................................................................................................... 62 VII. Emergency Response Plans................................................................................... 62 VIII. References............................................................................................................ 62 5 Acknowledgements Funding for this project was provided through a United States congressional appropriation to the National Rural Water Association and the Granite State Rural Water Association and was administered in cooperation with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Drinking Water Protection Plan for the Cold River Watershed 12/30/05 I. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background and Purpose Although more than 70 percent of the Earth’s surface is covered by oceans, lakes, rivers, and other bodies of water, only a small fraction (2.4 percent) is fresh water. And of this small percentage of fresh water, nearly 90 percent is tied up in glaciers, ice caps, and snowfields. This means that of the fraction which is fresh water, only approximately 0.24 percent of the Earth’s water is in fresh liquid form and thus available for human use. Preserving the purity of these fresh water resources has long been recognized as a worthwhile goal. Fresh water is often vulnerable to both natural and anthropogenic contamination. It is therefore critical that these resources be managed wisely for the benefit of present and future generations. With this understanding of the limited nature of fresh water, this drinking water protection plan aims to increase the understanding of the drinking water resources within the Cold River Watershed, and to provide a meaningful foundation for decision-making. 1.2 The Watershed Approach A watershed can be defined as a natural unit of land within which all water drains to a common outlet (Figure 1.1). A watershed includes two components: a surface water drainage basin and a groundwater drainage basin. The surface drainage basin is the land area from which all surface water flows drain toward a surface waterbody. The groundwater drainage basin is the land area and subsurface through which groundwater drains to a surface waterbody at a lower elevation (Figure 1.2). The surface drainage basin may be larger or smaller than the groundwater drainage basin, depending on factors such as soils, slope, and surface cover. One of the most important concepts is that surface water and groundwater are inextricably linked. For example, groundwater and surface water interact where groundwater discharges to lakes, rivers and in areas where ground conditions impede the drainage of water, such as in wetlands. This means that management of contamination and pollution sources throughout a watershed will benefit both groundwater and surface water. Figure 1.1 Depiction of a watershed. 7 Drinking Water Protection Plan for the Cold River Watershed 12/30/05 Figure 1.2 Paths of surface and groundwater flow. Source: Jeer et al, 1997. Managing water resources at a watershed scale has been identified as ecologically sound and practical. This is because watersheds and subwatershed units are recognized as the most practical management units for the development of local plans. Watersheds provide important goods and services that enrich our daily lives. They provide critical habitat for plants and animals, areas of scenic natural beauty, places to recreate and relax, they often facilitate transportation of goods and people, and provide fresh water necessary for human survival. 1.3 THE DRINKING WATER PROTECTION PLANNING PROCESS In November 2004 the Cold River Local Advisory Committee approached Granite State Rural Water for assistance in preparing a drinking water protection plan for the Cold River Watershed. Granite State agreed to assist in this effort. Together Granite State and the Cold River Local Advisory Committee met with New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services to get feedback on this proposed project in December 2004. The Department acknowledged its support of this project. In January 2005 a working group was formed comprised of members of the Cold River Local Advisory Committee and Granite State Rural Water Association, to develop a drinking water protection strategy. The first objective of the working group was to host a Water Quality Workshop. The workshop was held on March 31, 2005, for the purpose of providing information on watershed statistics, water quality, and local public and private water supplies and to get volunteers to serve on a planning committee. An outgrowth of the workshop was the formation of the Cold River Drinking Water Protection Committee. This ten member committee was established to identify and assess threats to drinking water resources throughout the watershed and to develop recommendations to address these threats. Members representing a variety of perspectives, disciplines, and communities served on the Committee on a voluntary basis. Since May 2005 the Committee has met at least monthly and completed the following tasks: 8 Drinking Water Protection Plan for the Cold River Watershed • • • 12/30/05 Tour of six participating public water systems in the watershed. Developed an inventory of potential contamination sources (PCS). Prioritized watershed risks and developed recommendations to address these risks. The recommendations presented in this plan were developed by the Committee after thoughtful and thorough examination of potential pollution sources. These recommendations are presented in Chapter 6 and summarized in Tables 6.1-6.7. Unfortunately in October 2005, during the course of this project, a devastating flood occurred in the Cold River Watershed. Given the severity of this natural disaster, the Cold River Drinking Water Protection Committee gave especially thoughtful care when developing their recommendations, recognizing that there are many other pressing priorities due to the destruction caused by the flood. 1.4 PURPOSE AND USE OF THIS PLAN This drinking water protection plan identifies vulnerabilities to drinking water resources within the watershed and enumerates techniques to manage potentially contaminating land uses. There are a total of twelve public drinking water systems in the watershed, six of which chose to actively participate in this source protection planning process. These six systems include: Acworth Primary School (PWSID# 0015010), Alstead Vilas School (PWSID# 0055010), Alstead Primary School (PWSID# 0055020), Fall Mountain Regional High School (PWSID# 1315010), The Orchard School (PWSID# 0055030), and Sarah Porter School (PWSID# 1315020). This drinking water protection plan was developed to protect the quality and quantity of these sources and was prepared by the Cold River Drinking Water Protection Committee with assistance from Granite State Rural Water Association. This plan consists of the following basic elements: • A description of the public water systems located within the watershed • An inventory of potential contamination sources (PCS’s); • A management plan to minimize risks to drinking water resources and • A contingency plan for responding to emergency loss of the water supply. This drinking water protection plan may be used to: • Serve as a guidance document to assist the communities of Acworth, Alstead, Langdon, Lempster, and Walpole in their planning efforts to protect water quality in the Cold River Watershed. • Guide New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services and other state and federal agencies in their efforts to protect and improve State surface and groundwaters. • Outline the primary drinking water protection issues, based upon existing data and local knowledge. • Develop project ideas related to water quality or water resources improvements. • Help identify technical or financial resources. • Identify the technical or financial need of potential projects and partners. • Support development of grant proposals. 9 Drinking Water Protection Plan for the Cold River Watershed • 12/30/05 Provide guidance to local and regional planning and zoning processes. This plan is a working document that will be reviewed at least annually and updated every three years to remain current, active, and viable. A carefully researched and thoughtfully drafted drinking water protection plan is an important first step in source water protection because it sets priorities for actions to take in protecting a water source. Actions taken by water system management, surrounding landowners, and the larger community are key to achieving comprehensive protection. It should be noted that this drinking water protection plan represents the first step of a multi-stage process to protect the water resources in the Cold River Watershed. As management activities are implemented and conditions change in the watershed, goals and objectives will need to be changed and the plan will need to be amended to reflect these changes. As watersheds are in a constant state of change, so too should planning documents reflect their ever-changing nature. II. DESCRIPTION OF THE COLD RIVER WATERSHED 2.1 Introduction The Cold River Watershed is the land surface that serves as the drainage system for the Cold River. This land feature is determined by tracing a line along the highest elevations surrounding the river. Water flow is directed towards or away from the watershed depending upon which side of the ridgeline the water falls. The Cold River’s headwaters are located at Crescent Lake where the elevation is 1,211 feet above sea level. From here, the river descends steeply at an average slope of 44 feet per mile to its confluence with the Connecticut River where the elevation is 236 feet above sea level. The river runs approximately 22.4 miles and is a Class B waterway. There are six known aquifers in the watershed all of which have small recharge areas. The Cold River Watershed encompasses a drainage area of approximately 101.6 square miles and is notable for its multitude of glacial sand and gravel deposits, geologic features which typically store abundant water resources. Figure 2.1 Location of the Cold River Watershed in Southwestern New Hampshire. Source: http://www.des.state.nh.us/rivers/cold1.htm. 10 Drinking Water Protection Plan for the Cold River Watershed 12/30/05 Located in Southwestern New Hampshire, the watershed encompasses parts of Cheshire and Sullivan Counties and includes portions of the towns of Acworth, Alstead, Charlestown, Langdon, Lempster, Marlow, Unity, and Walpole, NH. Approximately 4,000 people live in the watershed. For many years this area was an industrial center with mills which processed trees, wool, grain, apples and clay into products which were shipped by rail to population centers. Today land use is primarily rural. Forests dominate the upper reaches of the river from Crescent Lake to South Acworth. Downstream of South Acworth, land use in the villages of Langdon, Alstead, and Drewsville (a hamlet of the Town of Walpole) is primarily a mixture of residential, agricultural, and forest land with some commercial areas in the center of villages. Below Drewsville there are industrial operations in the form of sand and gravel excavations along the river. At the confluence with the Connecticut River agricultural land use dominates the landscape. 2.2 Drinking Water Supplies Nearly all of the residences and businesses in the watershed are served by individual private wells. Only Walpole and North Walpole have municipal systems and these two systems serve populations largely outside of the watershed boundaries. No other watershed community has a municipal system. Regular monitoring of wells which serve individual homes is not required by state or federal law. It is up to the homeowner to assess water quality on a regular basis. There are twelve public water systems which are either completely in the watershed or intersect with the watershed boundary. These water systems provide water for six schools, three campgrounds, a motorsports park, a mobil home park and a village district system (which is largely outside watershed boundaries) (Table 1.1). Unlike individual residential wells, there are monitoring and reporting requirements for public water systems. A Public Water System is defined as “a system for the provision to the public of piped water for human consumption if such system has at least 15 service connections or regularly serves an average of at least twenty-five individuals daily at least 60 days out of the year” (Chapter Env-ws 300 NH Drinking Water Rules). Public water systems are further classified into three types: community water systems, noncommunity non-transient systems, and non-community transient systems. • Community water systems serve at least 25 residents on a year round basis. Examples include municipal water systems and systems at mobile home parks, condominiums, and single family housing developments. • Non-community non-transient systems serve at least 25 people, for at least 6 months per year. These systems typically serve daycare facilities, schools, and commercial properties. • Non-community transient systems serve at least 25 people, for at least 60 days per year. These water systems serve restaurants, campgrounds, motels, recreational areas and service stations. There are two community water systems whose wellhead protection areas intersect the watershed boundaries (North Walpole Village District and Pine Needles Mobile Home Park). There are six non-community non-transient systems (the schools) whose sources and wellhead protection areas lie entirely with the watershed boundary, 11 Drinking Water Protection Plan for the Cold River Watershed 12/30/05 and four are non-community transient systems (Camp Goodnews, Tamarack Trails Camping Park, Camp Kirkham, and Jolly Rogers Motorsports Park). All of these systems get their water from groundwater. Currently the source for the Camp Kirkham system is inactive although the water system itself is still considered in “active” status. The North Walpole Village District has already completed a source protection plan for its sources. The wellhead protection area for this system was delineated using a calculated fixed radius methods as opposed to a hydrogeologic method which accounts for local variables such as topography. For these reasons, this system was not included in this planning project. Of the remaining systems, only the six schools had representatives who chose to actively participate in this planning process and were instrumental in developing recommendations for management activities (Chapter VI). Due to the connection between surface water and groundwater, water resources management in the watershed benefits all types of systems, whether they are public or private, or get their water from groundwater or surface water. Source protection efforts, including watershed planning, help to minimize the likelihood that contaminated water will enter a drinking water system. NH DES recommends that source protection plans be implemented for all public drinking water supplies. These plans should include management activities such as public education and land protection. One of the goals of this drinking water protection plan is to reduce the risk of contamination from entering drinking water systems. 12 Drinking Water Protection Plan for the Cold River Watershed 12/30/05 Table 1.1 Public Water Systems and Sources in the Cold River Watershed, New Hampshire. PWSID Water System Name Town Well Type 0015010001 Acworth Primary School Alstead Vilas School Alstead Primary School Camp Goodnews Camp Goodnews Camp Kirkham Fall Mountain Regional High School Jolly Roger Motorsports Park The Orchard School N. Walpole Village District N. Walpole Village District N. Walpole Village District N. Walpole Village District Pine Needles Mobile Home Park Pine Needles Mobile Home Park Pine Needles Mobile Home Park Sarah Porter School Sarah Porter School Tamarack Trails Camping Park Acworth Alstead 0055010001 0055020001 0417010001 0417010002 1347010001 1315010001 1348030001 0055030001 2401030001 2401030002 2401030003 2401030007 0053010003 0053010001 0053010002 1315020001 1315020001 1347020001 Depth (feet) Bedrock Well Yield (gallons per minute) N/A Bedrock Well 3 160 12 200 Spring (Inactive Source) Artesian Unknown 8 7.00 455 Unknown 15 Langdon Dug Well (Inactive Source) Bedrock Well 3 150 Lempster Dug Well Unknown 20 East Alstead Bedrock Well 0.50 500 North Walpole Bedrock Well 45 273 North Walpole Bedrock Well 45 160 North Walpole Bedrock Well 40 350 North Walpole Gravel Packed Well 225 50 Alstead Bedrock Well 3.00 160 Alstead Bedrock Well 5.00 720 Alstead Bedrock Well 9.00 500 Langdon Inactive Unknown Unknown Langdon Bedrock Well Unknown Unknown Lempster Bedrock Well 25.00 160 Alstead 180 Bedrock Well Charlestown Charlestown Lempster 13 Drinking Water Protection Plan for the Cold River Watershed 12/30/05 14 Drinking Water Protection Plan for the Cold River Watershed 12/30/05 III. SOURCE PROTECTION AREAS There are several different types of protected areas associated with drinking water sources. For example, watersheds are delineated to protect surface water supplies. The area under which groundwater flows to a producing well is known as the Wellhead Protection Area (WHPA). For bedrock wells, the WHPA is a circle whose radius is calculated based on the maximum daily amount of water withdrawn from the well. For till and gravel wells, the WHPA is calculated based on existing hydrogeologic information. Another type of protected area is a groundwater source’s Sanitary Protective Radius. The Sanitary Protective Radius is a 75 - 400 foot radius around a well, which under current law must be controlled by the water supplier through ownership or easement. The size of the Sanitary Protective Radius depends on the permitted production volume for the well (Table 3.1). To facilitate protection of the drinking water source, it is necessary to know the delineation of the Sanitary Protective Radius and its boundaries on the ground. Within the Sanitary Protective Radius only activities that are both directly related to the water system and non-threatening to water quality should occur. Regular inspections of the Sanitary Protective Radius help to identify any potentially threatening land use activities. Table 3.1 Sanitary Protective Radii. Source: Env-Ws 378.06 Sanitary Protective Area Permitted Production Volume (gallons per day) < 14,400 14,401-28,800 28,801-57,600 57,601-86,400 86,401-115,200 115,201-144,000 > 144,000 Radius (feet) 150 175 200 250 300 350 400 Within any of the aforementioned protected areas, land uses and/or naturally occurring materials may cause a public water system to be vulnerable to contamination. While naturally occurring contaminants can usually be controlled by treatment methods, potentially contaminating land uses can be addressed by management activities outlined in a Source Protection Plan. A drinking water protection plan identifies water system vulnerabilities and enumerates techniques to manage potentially contaminating land uses. The next chapter describes public drinking water systems managed by schools in the Cold River Watershed. 15 Drinking Water Protection Plan for the Cold River Watershed 12/30/05 IV. PUBLIC WATER SYSTEMS MANAGED BY SCHOOLS IN THE WATERSHED 4.1 Introduction The Drinking Water Protection Committee reviewed school-managed water systems to ensure that these systems are operated properly and can serve as models within the watershed. This chapter provides a general description of each system and describes potential contamination sources (PCS) within each of the wellhead protection areas. An inventory of potential contamination sources is a list of land use activities that have the potential to cause harm to a water system. With proper planning, education, and outreach most potential sources of contamination can be effectively managed. Recommendations to address potential contamination concerns are described in Chapter VI. A combination of methods was used to develop the PCS inventories for school systems. In June 2005 the Drinking Water Protection Committee made site visits to 5 of the schools to identify potential sources of contamination within the sanitary protective radius and wellhead protection area. These visits were completed for all but the Acworth Primary School. Granite State Rural Water Association completed a windshield survey of the Acworth Primary School wellhead protection area in September 2005. Data supplied by the NH DES One-Stop Data Retrieval web site (http://www.des.state.nh.us/OneStop.htm), NH DES GIS data, and NH DES Source Water Assessment reports were used to further develop these inventories. The NH DES Source Water Assessment Reports provide information about potential sources of contamination for each individual public water system. Categories of potential contamination sources were ranked by NH DES as having a “Low”, Medium”, or “High” risk. For this reason, the Committee did not perform an evaluation of risk for the inventories presented below, but relied on the evaluation by NH DES. Because of the Committee’s interest in protecting drinking water resources throughout the watershed, the committee also conducted an inventory of potential contamination sources on a watershed-wide basis. Findings from the watershed-wide inventory are presented in Chapter V. 4.2 Description of the School Water Systems, Their Wellhead Protection Areas and Inventories of Potential Contamination Sources Acworth Primary School Acworth Primary School obtains its water from a bedrock well known as Well #1. Well #1 is 180 feet deep with an unknown yield. The well is located under the floor of a classroom in the back of the school. Water flows from the well to a single WX-203 thirty-two gallon hydropneumatic storage tank. The water is not treated and is provided to approximately 60 students and staff. There are no outstanding water quality issues at this time. In August 2000 1.3 ug/L bis(2-Ethylhexyl) phthalate was detected in a water sample. This detection did not exceed the maximum contaminant level of 6 ug/L bis(2-Ethylhexyl). Coincidentally this contaminant, as well as associated compounds, was found in August samples for the Alstead Vilas School and the Sarah Porter School. Perhaps these detections were the 16 Drinking Water Protection Plan for the Cold River Watershed 12/30/05 result of contamination during the sampling process or due to concurrent work taking place on these water systems. This contaminant has not been found since this detection. There is an issue to consider for the future, however. In August 2000 a water sample was tested for radon and the concentration measured 550pCi/L. A federal drinking water standard of 300 pCi/L radon has been proposed by the Environmental Protection Agency. Water analysis records for the Acworth Primary School indicate that this system, like many public systems served by bedrock wells in New Hampshire will exceed this new proposed standard. It is likely that radon treatment will be required for this system at some time in the future. Options for radon treatment should be researched and anticipated for the Acworth Primary School source. The wellhead protection area for the Acworth Primary School is a circle around the well with a radius of 1,300 feet (Figure 4.1). Within the wellhead protection area there is residential development, a town hall, a church, a school, and transportation corridors. Approximately 75% of the wellhead protection area is open space in the form of agricultural land use or forested land. The agricultural fields are primarily used for hay and are not considered a potential source of contamination. Four potential sources of contamination for the Acworth Primary School water system were identified in the wellhead protection area. These can be seen on Figure 4.1 and are listed in Table 4.1. These potential sources of contamination include residential development, transportation corridors, a church, a school, and town hall. All public water supply system wells are required to have a sanitary protective radius which is under the control of the well owner, within which no buildings, septic tanks, leach fields, oil, debris, or other hazardous materials may be located or stored. The sanitary protective radius for this source is a circle with a radius of 75 feet. The school building, parking lot, and components of the septic system are located within the sanitary protective radius. Description of Potential Contamination Sources PCS #1 Residential Development There are a number of residences whose properties are in or intersect with the wellhead protection area. Potential contamination sources associated with residential land use include residential heating fuel storage, household hazardous waste, lawn care, and septic systems. PCS #2 Transportation Corridors There are a number of roads which intersect the wellhead protection area. Roadways serve as potential sources of contamination because these impervious surfaces accumulate deicing materials and chemicals from automobiles. Stormwater runoff carries these pollutants to nearby waterways and groundwater. PCS #3 Church The United Church of Acworth has a septic system and heating fuel storage tank located just outside of the sanitary protective radius. If not functioning properly septic systems can be sources of bacteria, viruses, and pathogens. Heating fuel storage is vulnerable to leaks and spills. Simple measures can be taken to ensure that the septic system and heating fuel tank are functioning properly. In 1996, the Church conveyed an easement to the Fall Mountain Regional School District which requires that the sanitary protective radius shall not be reduced or 17 Drinking Water Protection Plan for the Cold River Watershed 12/30/05 encroached upon by any septic system component on the Church’s property (Appendix 1). PCS #4 Acworth Primary School The school building and a portion of the parking area are located within the sanitary protection radius. The School shares a septic system with the Town Hall. This septic system’s leach field is located outside of the sanitary protective radius south of the School Building. PCS #5 Acworth Town Hall The Town Hall building is located within the wellhead protection area. This building shares a septic system with the school. Table 4.1 Potential Contamination Sources in the Wellhead Protection Area for the Acworth Primary School, Acworth, NH. Potential Contamination Sources 1. Residential Development 2. Transportation Corridors 3. Church 4. School Building Potential Pollutants • Residential Heating Fuel: Volatile Organic Chemicals • Household Hazardous Waste: Various Contaminants • Lawn care: Nutrients and Synthetic Organic Chemicals • Septic Systems: bacteria, viruses • Automotive chemicals: Volatile Organic Chemicals • Road salt • Septic Systems: Bacteria, Viruses • Heating Fuel Storage: Volatile Organic Chemicals • • • • School Building Parking Lot: Volatile Organic Chemicals Septic System: Bacteria, Viruses Heating Fuel Storage: Volatile Organic Chemicals Approximate Location Within wellhead protection area Within sanitary protective radius and wellhead protection area. In wellhead protection area >75 feet from source. In sanitary protective radius In wellhead protection area. An alternative well site for the Acworth School was approved by the Acworth Board of Selectmen in August 1995. This alternative site serves as a back-up source of supply if necessary. Figure 4.1 shows the corrected well location in the rear of the school building as well as the adjusted wellhead protection area. NH DES GIS data previously showed the well location as being in the neighboring church. 18 Drinking Water Protection Plan for the Cold River Watershed 12/30/05 19 Drinking Water Protection Plan for the Cold River Watershed 12/30/05 Alstead Vilas School and Alstead Primary School The Alstead Vilas School obtains its water from a bedrock well known as Well #1. Well #1 is 160 feet deep and yields 3 gallons per minute. Water flows from the well to two 450 gallon hydropneumatic storage tanks. The water is not treated and is provided to approximately 190 students and staff at the Vilas School. The Alstead Primary School obtains its water from a bedrock well known as Well #1. Well #1 is 200 feet deep and yields 12 gallons per minute. Water flows from the well to a 200 gallon pressure storage tank. The water is not treated and is provided to approximately 180 students and staff at the Primary School. There are no outstanding water quality issues at this time for either the Alstead Vilas School or the Alstead Primary School. However, in August 2000 the contaminants Di-n-butylphthalate, bis(2-Ethlhexyl)adipate and bis(2-Ethylhexyl) phthalate were detected in a water sample collected at the Vilas School. As mentioned previously these results are likely due to sampling error or work performed on the systems. These contaminants have not been detected since August 2000. In the future it is likely that both the Vilas School and the Primary School will be required to treat for radon. Water samples were collected to test for radon in August of 2000. Radon was measured at 700 pCi/L at the Vilas School and 1900 pCi/L at the Primary School. Options for radon treatment should be researched and anticipated for these water systems. The wellhead protection areas for the Alstead Vilas School and Alstead Primary School water systems are circles around each well with a radius of 1,300 feet (Figure 4.2). Within the wellhead protection areas there is residential development, the Alstead Town Office, a gas station, two schools and associated parking lots, playing fields, and transportation corridors. Approximately 45% of the wellhead area is open space in the form of forested land. The sanitary protective radius for the Alstead Vilas School is a circle with a radius of 125 feet. Approximately half of the sanitary radius is forested. The other half has portions of an athletic field and is used as a parking area. The sanitary protective radius for the Alstead Primary School is a circle with a radius of 100 feet. The sanitary radius for this school is comprised entirely of open space and is under the control of the Alstead Primary School. Both schools own and manage a large portion of their wellhead protection area. Potential contamination sources for the water systems for the Alstead Vilas School and the Alstead Primary School are identified on Figure 4.2 and listed in Table 4.2. Twelve potential contamination sources were identified in their wellhead protection areas. Description of Potential Contamination Sources PCS #1 Athletic Field Nutrients and pesticides are common pollutants associated with athletic fields. Pesticides are sources of synthetic organic chemicals. These chemicals can be washed from treated fields during a rain event and transported to groundwater and surface water. Once these chemicals enter a drinking water supply they can pose potential health risks. Fertilizers are a source of nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus. According to the Fall Mountain Facilities Director, these fields are not treated and therefore were considered a low risk. 20 Drinking Water Protection Plan for the Cold River Watershed 12/30/05 PCS #2 Parking by Well House During the windshield survey in June 2005 cars were parked within the sanitary protective radius of the Alstead Vilas School water system (Figure 4.3). Parked cars can be sources of leaking automotive chemicals including volatile organic chemicals which can negatively impact the quality of groundwater sources. This potential source of contamination was considered by the Drinking Water Protection Committee to be a risk worth addressing. Figure 4.3 Parked cars adjacent to the athletic field and within the sanitary protective radius of the well for the Alstead Vilas School. PCS #3 Lack of Bathroom Facilities for Athletic Field During the site visit, it became apparent that no bathroom facilities were available for athletes. All of the Vilas school buildings were closed and inaccessible. This potential source of contamination was considered by the Committee to be a risk worth addressing. PCS #4 School Septic Systems Septic systems are potential sources of bacteria, viruses, and protozoa which can cause gastrointestinal illness, cholera, hepatitis A, or typhoid if consumed. In addition, if improperly used, such as for disposal of paints, solvents, petroleum products, septic systems can be a source of organic compounds as well. Septic systems should be maintained regularly by pumping out wastes every 3-5 years. The Facilities Director for the Fall Mountain Regional School District regularly maintains septic systems for the Vilas and Primary Schools. Systems are pumped every three years and “R”, an enzyme product, is added to the systems every Friday. Due to the excellent maintenance of these septic systems, they were considered a low risk. 21 Drinking Water Protection Plan for the Cold River Watershed 12/30/05 PCS #5 Gas Station This gas station is listed as a Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) site. RCRA sites generate or store hazardous waste. Two 10,000 gallon underground storage tanks for the storage of gasoline are also present on the property. Underground storage tanks can be potential sources of volatile organic chemicals due to spills, leaks, and vapor releases. Because the gas station is a great distance from the wells and also down-gradient this PCS is considered a low risk. PCS #6 Transportation Corridors There is one road, Mechanic St. which bisects the wellhead protection areas. Roadways serve as potential sources of contamination because their impervious surfaces accumulate deicing materials and chemicals from automobiles. Stormwater runoff carries these pollutants to nearby waterways and groundwater. The road represents a low risk to the school wells. PCS #7 Residential Development There are a number of residences whose properties are in or intersect with the schools’ wellhead protection areas. Potential contamination sources associated with residential land use include residential heating fuel storage, household hazardous waste, lawn care, and septic systems. In this case, the activities from the residential properties were considered a low risk to the wells. PCS #8 Storm Drain Storm drains can accumulate contaminants from stormwater runoff. The location of this storm drain makes it a low risk for the schools’ wells. PCS #9 Underground Storage Tank This is the underground storage tank for the Vilas School. The tank holds 4,000 gallons of #2 heating fuel. Underground storage tanks can be sources of volatile organic chemicals. As long as the tank is well monitored and maintained, it presents a low risk to the wells. PCS #10 Underground Storage Tank This is the underground storage tank for the Alstead Primary School. The tank holds 4,000 gallons of #2 heating fuel. During this review the tanks monitor/sensor test was due. As long as the tank is well monitored and maintained, it presents a low risk to the wells. PCS #11 Horse Ring A horse ring is located just within the schools’ wellhead protection areas. Horse rings are considered potential contamination sources because of the pathogens associated with horse manure. Pathogens found in manure include viruses, parasites, and bacteria such as fecal coliform (e. coli). However, because this horse ring is a great distance from the wells and also down-gradient it is considered a low risk. 22 Drinking Water Protection Plan for the Cold River Watershed 12/30/05 PCS#12 Cemetery Cemeteries, particularly those dating from the 1800s, are considered potential sources of contamination because of the arsenic used to treat corpses during this time period. Due to the cemetery’s distance from the wells and down-gradient location, this is assessed as a low risk. Table 4.2 Potential Contamination Sources in the wellhead protection areas for the Alstead Vilas School and the Alstead Primary School, Alstead, NH. Potential Contamination Source 1. Athletic Field Potential Pollutants Nutrients, Synthetic Organic Chemicals 2. Informal parking by Athletic Field 3. Lack of bathroom facilities available for athletes. Volatile Organic Chemicals 4. Vilas School Septic System Alstead Primary Septic System Nitrates, Bacteria, viruses 5. Gas Station (1) 10,000 gal. double walled tank for gasoline. Last monitor/sensor test 4/08/2005. Next test due in April 2006. Last corrosion test on tank: 7/1/2003. Corrosion testing on piping not required. Last line leak detector test: 2/15/2005. Next due 2/2006. (2) (1) 4,000 gal double walled tank for gasoline. Last monitor/sensor test 4/08/2005. Next test due in April 2006. Last corrosion test on tank: 7/1/2003. Corrosion testing on piping not required. Last line leak detector test: 2/15/2005. Next due 2/2006. 6. Transportation Corridors RCRA Site Underground Storage Tanks: Volatile Organic Chemicals 7. Residential Development Bacteria, Viruses Automotive chemicals, road salt Residential Heating Fuel: Volatile Organic Chemicals Lawn care: Nutrients and Synthetic Organic Chemicals Septic Systems: Nitrates, bacteria, viruses Approximate Location Within Sanitary Protective Radius (<125 feet) of the Vilas School Well Within wellhead protection areas of both schools. Within Sanitary Radius (<50 feet) of Vilas School well. Potentially within sanitary radius of Vilas School well and both wellhead protection areas. Within wellhead protection areas for both school water systems. Within wellhead protection areas for both school water systems. Within wellhead protection areas for both school water systems. Within wellhead protection areas for both school water systems. 23 Drinking Water Protection Plan for the Cold River Watershed Potential Contamination Source 8. Storm Drain 12/30/05 Potential Pollutants Toxic chemicals (e.g. cyanide, phenolics, and trichloroethylene), metals, oxygen depleting chemicals, fecal coliform, oil, grease, pesticides, fertilizers, and trash Volatile Organic Chemicals Approximate Location Within wellhead protection areas for both school water systems. 9. Vilas School Underground Storage Tank Former site of Leaking Underground Storage Tank. Discovered 9/12/1993. This tank is “Closed”. (1) 4,000 gallon Underground Storage Tank for #2 heating oil 10. Alstead Primary School Underground Storage Tank (1) 4000 gallon double walled tank for #2 heating oil. Last monitor/sensor test 1/28/2004. Next test due IMMEDIATELY. Last corrosion test on tank: 7/19/2003. 11. Horse Ring Within wellhead protection areas for both school water systems. Volatile Organic Chemicals Within wellhead protection areas for both school water systems. Bacteria, Viruses 12. Cemetery Arsenic Within wellhead protection areas for both school water systems. Within wellhead protection areas for both school water systems. Emergency Back-Up Supply The Vilas School and Primary School water systems have the potential for interconnection. This means that the two systems can serve as emergency back-up supplies to each other. 24 Drinking Water Protection Plan for the Cold River Watershed 12/30/05 25 Drinking Water Protection Plan for the Cold River Watershed 12/30/05 Fall Mountain Regional High School Fall Mountain Regional High School obtains its water from a bedrock well known as Well #1. Well #1 is 150 feet deep and yields three gallons per minute. Water flows from the well to a 10,000 gallon atmospheric tank. Duplicate booster pumps transfer water from the atmospheric tank to a 1,000 gallon hydropneumatic storage tank. The water is not treated and is provided to approximately 850 students and staff throughout five buildings at the school. There are no outstanding water quality issues at this time. Within the last ten years there has been one water sample which tested positive for fecal coliform. The Fall Mountain Facilities Director has attributed this occurrence to a lack of system flushing during the summer months. There have been no other positive results since this occurrence. A water sample was collected to test for radon in August of 2000. Radon was measured at 1300 pCi/L. It is likely that radon treatment will be required for this system at some time in the future. Options for radon treatment should be researched and anticipated for the Fall Mountain Regional High School source. The wellhead protection area for the Fall Mountain Regional High School is a circle with a radius of 2,000 feet (Figure 4.4). Within the wellhead protection area there are buildings and parking lots associated with the high school, agricultural activities and fields, a sand and gravel operation, conservation land, and transportation corridors. Approximately 75% of the wellhead protection area is open space in the form of forested land. The sanitary protective radius for this source is a circle with a radius of 175 feet. Although the school owns and has control over the sanitary protection radius there are a number of potential sources of contamination in this area (Table 4.3). These include the school barnyard and associated parking and an aboveground storage tank for the sugar house. Description of Potential Contamination Sources PCS #1 Agricultural Activities Directly adjacent to the well is the school’s barnyard. Animals and manure are both potential sources of contamination. The barn has been recently relocated farther away from the well, however, it still remains within the sanitary protective radius. The formerly uncovered manure pile is slated to be covered. Given the proximity and nature of these activities, PCS #1 poses a significant risk to the well. PCS #2 Aboveground Storage Tank Approximately 75 feet from the well is an aboveground storage tank for the sugar house. This tank has no secondary containment. Given the proximity of this aboveground storage tank to the well, PCS #2 poses a significant risk. PCS #3 Parking areas serve as potential sources of contamination because these impervious surfaces accumulate deicing materials and chemicals from automobiles. Stormwater runoff carries these pollutants to nearby waterways and groundwater. Parking within the sanitary protective radius poses a risk to the well. PCS #4 Transportation Corridors Similar to parking lots, transportation corridors serve as potential sources of contamination because these impervious surfaces accumulate deicing materials and 26 Drinking Water Protection Plan for the Cold River Watershed 12/30/05 chemicals from automobiles. Stormwater runoff carries these pollutants to nearby waterways and groundwater. The transportation corridors within the wellhead protection area pose a low risk to the well. PCS #5 Underground Storage Tank This 10,000 gallon underground storage tank contains #2 heating oil for the school. Heating fuel is a potential source of volatile organic chemicals. The tank is located approximately 400 feet from the well. As long as the tank is well monitored and maintained, it presents a low risk to the well. PCS #6 Aboveground Storage Tank This tank is in the permitting approval process. It will contain approximately 500 gallons of gasoline and be located on a skidder. Best management practices are necessary to ensure protection of the well. PCS #7 Underground Storage Tank This 10,000 gallon tank of diesel fuel is associated with the bus repair shop. The tank is located approximately 1,700 feet from the well. As long as the tank is well monitored and maintained, and best management practices are used for bus fueling, this tank poses a low risk to the well. PCS #8 Bus Repair Shop The school bus repair shop is located approximately 1,700 feet from the well. The shop employs best management practices and has hazardous waste materials that are removed by a contractor. This activity poses a low risk to the well. PCS #9 School Labs Fall Mountain Regional High School has a written disposal plan which is required by the New England Association of Schools accreditation process. The plan aims to: • Not generate or purchase toxic materials wherever possible. • Neutralize chemicals before disposal, where possible. • Keep toxic material onsite that cannot be neutralized. Currently some toxic chemicals are stored on site after use. Eventually, toxic chemical storage will become limited and may become a concern. At this time, the school labs do not pose a significant risk to the well. PCS #10 School’s Septic System Septic systems are potential sources of bacteria, viruses, and protozoa which can cause gastrointestinal illness, cholera, hepatitis A, or typhoid if consumed. In addition, if improperly used, such as for disposal of paints, solvents, petroleum products, septic systems can be a source of organic compounds as well. Septic systems should be maintained regularly by pumping out wastes every 3-5 years. The Facilities Director for the Fall Mountain Regional School District regularly maintains the High School septic system. Due to the excellent maintenance of these septic systems, they were considered a low risk. 27 Drinking Water Protection Plan for the Cold River Watershed 12/30/05 PCS #11 Sand and Gravel Operation A sand and gravel operation is located nearly 2000 feet from the well. Due to the large distance between the well and gravel operation, this activity poses a low risk to the well. PCS #12 Agricultural Land Use There are two pastures and one field within the wellhead protection area used for agricultural purposes. These activities pose a low risk to the well. PCS #13 Athletic Field Nutrients and pesticides are common pollutants associated with athletic fields. Pesticides are sources of synthetic organic chemicals. These chemicals can be washed from treated fields during a rain event and transported to groundwater and surface water. Once these chemicals enter the drinking water supply they can pose potential health risks. Fertilizers are a source of nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus. This activity poses a low risk to the well. Table 4.3 Potential Contamination Sources in the wellhead protection area for the Fall Mountain High School, Langdon, NH. Potential Contamination Source 1. Agricultural Activities Barnyard, manure storage, animals Potential Pollutants Nitrates, Bacteria, Viruses Approximate Location Within sanitary protective radius. Located <45 feet from well. 2. Aboveground Storage Tank (1) 275 gallon oil tank for sugar house operations. No secondary containment. Volatile Organic Chemicals Within sanitary protective radius. Located <75 feet from well. 3. Parking Areas 4. Transportation Corridors Within sanitary protective radius and wellhead protection area. In wellhead protection area 5. Underground Storage Tank (1) 10,000 gal. tank of #2 heating oil Volatile Organic Chemicals, Road Salt Volatile Organic Chemicals, Road Salt Volatile Organic Chemicals 6. Aboveground Storage Tank (500 gallons) Underground Storage Tank (1) 10,000 gallon tank of diesel fuel. Bus Repair Shop School Science Lab School’s Septic System Sand and Gravel Operation Agricultural Land Use Athletic Field Volatile Organic Chemicals In wellhead protection area Volatile Organic Chemicals In wellhead protection area Volatile Organic Chemicals Various Nitrates, Viruses, Bacteria In wellhead protection area In wellhead protection area In wellhead protection area In wellhead protection area In wellhead protection area In wellhead protection area 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Nitrates, Bacteria, Viruses Nutrients, Synthetic Organic Chemicals In wellhead protection area 28 Drinking Water Protection Plan for the Cold River Watershed 12/30/05 Emergency Back-up Supply The current water system does not have a back-up source. Another well exists near the athletic field which was drilled for irrigation purposes. The irrigation well is currently unavailable as a drinking water source. Required water quality testing and connection to the water distribution system would be necessary to make this source available. 29 Drinking Water Protection Plan for the Cold River Watershed 12/30/05 Figure 4.4 shows the corrected well location in the school’s barnyard area. NH DES GIS data previously showed the well location as being in the forested area next to the barnyard. 30 Drinking Water Protection Plan for the Cold River Watershed 12/30/05 The Orchard School The Orchard School obtains its water from a bedrock well known as Well #1. Well #1 is 500 feet deep and yields 0.4 gallons per minute. Well # 1 is located adjacent to the school building and school driveway. Water is pumped from the well and into the school building. Besides the relatively low yield of this well, there are no outstanding water quality issues at this time. A water sample was collected to test for radon in March of 2001. Radon was measured at 2300 pCi/L in the sample. It is likely that radon treatment will be required for this system at some time in the future. Options for radon treatment should be researched and anticipated for The Orchard School source. The wellhead protection area for the Orchard School is a circle around the well with a radius of 1,300 feet (Figure 4.6). Land use within the wellhead protection area is approximately 25% agricultural fields, 70% forested with some residential land use scattered throughout. The sanitary protective radius currently contains the school building, a road, and a driveway which serves as a temporary parking area for student drop off and pick-up (Table 4.4). Wood heat and propane are heat sources for Orchard School. School representatives report that stormwater runoff from the driveway flows past the well and down the hill. According to NH DES “If water quality results, that may be attributable to this potential sources of contamination in the sanitary radius, appear higher than the Maximum Contaminant Level, effective treatment will have to be installed or a new well will have to be established”. Description of Potential Contamination Sources PCS #1 Stormwater Runoff Directly adjacent to the well is the school’s driveway. Vehicles drop and pick up students in this area. Parking is temporary in nature. Although not an ideal location, the risk from this activity appears low since stormwater flows past the well and down-slope. By monitoring water quality, most notably for volatile organic chemicals, changes might be quickly detected. PCS #2 Agricultural Land Use Within the sanitary protective radius and wellhead protection area there are many agricultural fields. Closest to the well is an organic field maintained by the School. The field poses a low risk to the well. PCS #3 Transportation Corridors There is one dirt road with minimal traffic which bisects the wellhead protection area. This road poses a low risk to the well. PCS #4 Rural Residential Development There are a few of residences in the wellhead protection area. Potential contamination sources associated with residential land use include residential heating fuel storage, household hazardous waste, lawn care, and septic systems. Due to its low density, residential land use poses a low risk to the well. 31 Drinking Water Protection Plan for the Cold River Watershed 12/30/05 Table 4.4 Potential Contamination Sources in the wellhead protection area for The Orchard School, East Alstead, NH. Potential Contamination Sources 1. Stormwater from driveway and parking area 2. Agricultural land Potential Pollutants Approximate Location Automotive chemicals Within Sanitary Radius (<10 feet) Within Sanitary Radius and within wellhead With in sanitary protective radius and wellhead protection area. Within wellhead protection area No pesticides used 3. Transportation Corridors Automotive chemicals, road salt not used 4. Rural Residential Development Residential Heating Fuel: Volatile Organic Chemicals Lawn care: Nutrients and Synthetic Organic Chemicals Septic Systems: bacteria, viruses Emergency Back-Up Supply There is a water system owned by the school, located across the street, which could be used as a temporary alternative supply. 32 Drinking Water Protection Plan for the Cold River Watershed 12/30/05 33 Drinking Water Protection Plan for the Cold River Watershed 12/30/05 Sarah Porter School The Sarah Porter School obtains its water from a bedrock well known as Well #2. Well # 2 is located in the Fire Department’s parking lot, adjacent to the Fire Station. The parking lot is unpaved. Water flows from this well to a single WX-203 (32 gallon) hydropneumatic storage tank located within the fire station. Water is not treated and is provided to the fire station and approximately 40 students and staff at the Sarah Porter School. Due to water quality concerns, bottled drinking water is purchased for the school. Water sampling records show that monitoring results for lead exceeded the maximum contaminant level allowed. The required follow-up sampling was performed and the required education materials were given to consumers. In August 2000, 2.7 ug/L di-n-butylphthalate was detected in a water sample. As mentioned in previous sections this result is likely due to sampling error or work performed on the system. This contaminant has not been detected since. In August 2000 radon was measured at 1900 pCi/L in a water sample. Water analysis records for the Sarah Porter School indicate that this system, like many public systems served by bedrock wells in New Hampshire, will exceed this new proposed standard. It is likely that radon treatment will be required for this system at some time in the future. Options for radon treatment should be researched and anticipated for the Sarah Porter School source. The wellhead protection area for the Sarah Porter School water system is a circle with a radius of 1,300 feet (Figure 4.6). Within the wellhead protection area there is a fire department facility, transportation corridors, residential development and open space. The sanitary protective radius for this source is a circle with a radius of 175 feet. There are a number of potential sources of contamination within the sanitary protective radius (Table 4.5). These include the fire department facility, transportation corridors, and residential development. Description of Potential Contamination Sources PCS #1 Fire Department Facility The Fire Department’s building and parking lot lie within the sanitary protective radius for this well. In fact, cars were parked within ten feet of the source. The well is vulnerable to automotive chemical spills and road salt contamination. These activities are a significant risk for the well PCS #2 Transportation Corridors A road is located within the sanitary protective radius. Roads are sources of automotive chemicals and road salt. PCS #3 Residential Development There are a few residences in the wellhead protection area. Potential contamination sources associated with residential land use include residential heating fuel storage, household hazardous waste, lawn care, and septic systems. Due to its low density, residential land use poses a low risk to the well. 34 Drinking Water Protection Plan for the Cold River Watershed 12/30/05 Table 4.5 Potential Contamination Sources in the wellhead protection area for the Sarah Porter School, Langdon, NH. Potential Contamination Source 1. Fire Department Facility Potential Pollutants Approximate Location Automotive chemicals, Vehicle washing and repair 2. Transportation Corridors Automotive chemicals, road salt Residential heating fuel: Volatile organic chemicals Lawn care: nutrients and synthetic organic chemicals Septic systems: bacteria, viruses In sanitary protective radius, within 10 feet of well. Within sanitary radius and wellhead protection area Within wellhead protection area 3. Residential Development Emergency Back-up Supply The current water system does not have a back-up source. 35 Drinking Water Protection Plan for the Cold River Watershed 12/30/05 Figure 4.6 shows the corrected well location in the fire department’s parking lot. NH DES GIS data previously showed the well location as being in the forested area next to the Sarah Porter School and fire department building. 36 Drinking Water Protection Plan for the Cold River Watershed 12/30/05 V. POTENTIAL SOURCES OF CONTAMINATION IN THE COLD RIVER WATERSHED 5.1 Introduction Because of the Committee’s interest in the Cold River Watershed, a potential contamination source inventory was developed on a watershed-wide basis. This inventory is presented in this chapter. A combination of methods was used to develop the watershed-wide inventory. Information was gathered from NH DES GIS data, and from the NH DES One-Stop web-based retrieval database (http://www.des.state.nh.us/OneStop.htm). These data were reviewed by the Drinking Water Protection Committee for accuracy and in some cases were ground-truthed by Granite State Rural Water Association. This process yielded five general categories of potential sources of contamination which are described below. These categories include: residential development, transportation corridors, stormwater runoff, lack of water resources protection, and commercial, industrial and municipal land use. These concerns are not listed in order of priority. 5.2 Watershed-Wide Inventory of Potential Sources of Contamination Residential Development Residential land use poses threats to drinking water resources from several sources. For example, potential contamination sources include residential fuel storage, household hazardous waste, lawn care and septic systems. Residential Heating Fuel Storage Residential heating fuel tanks are potential sources of contamination because they are prone to leaks due to line breakage, corrosion, and fitting and filter leaks (Freill, 2004). Over-filling of tanks is also a concern. The primary pollutants associated with residential heating fuel are volatile organic chemicals which can have negative impacts on fisheries and human health. The location of residential heating fuel tanks is significant. For example, residential heating fuel tanks consist of aboveground storage tanks which are located outside and inside tank installations which are usually located in a basement. There are two common concerns associated with outside tanks. Aboveground storage tanks should be located on an impermeable surface to prevent leaching of fuel spills into the groundwater and the tanks themselves should be protected from harsh weather conditions. Tanks may tip over or become damaged due to ice and snow. Often tanks are not located on an impermeable surface and do not have weather protective structures. Inside tanks are typically located in finished or unfinished basements. Finished basements provide some spill or leak containment. In contrast, unfinished basements do not have a physical barrier which helps to contain spills. Finished basements may also have sump pumps to alleviate wet conditions. Although useful for removing water, sump pumps can accidentally pump fuel or fuel-contaminated water into groundwater resources or directly into surface water. 37 Drinking Water Protection Plan for the Cold River Watershed 12/30/05 Household Hazardous Waste Improper disposal of household hazardous wastes can lead to the contamination of both ground and surface drinking water sources. While homeowners do not typically intend to pollute, improperly disposed substances from auto repair activities, furniture stripping, for example, can find their way into water resources. Proper storage, use, and disposal can reduce the possibility of water resources contamination. Annual community household hazardous waste collection days help to minimize the release of these hazardous materials. Lawn Care Nutrients and pesticides are common pollutants associated with lawn care and gardening activities. Pesticides are sources of synthetic organic chemicals. These chemicals can be washed from lawns during a rain event and transported to groundwater and surface water. Once these chemicals enter the drinking water supply they can pose potential health risks. Fertilizers are a source of nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus. Excess additions of these nutrients to surface waterbodies can result in increased frequency and mass of algal blooms. Use of low maintenance grasses and implementation of homeowner education programs can help to limit pollution from lawn care activities. Septic Systems Everything that goes down the drain, into the toilet, dishwasher, and clothes washing machine goes to some type of wastewater disposal system. In the watershed there is generally one type of wastewater disposal system: a system associated with an individual home or business. The majority of households in the watershed dispose of their waste water using individual systems which include septic systems, cesspools, and holding tanks. Of these three types of disposal systems, septic systems are the most common. When wastewater disposal systems fail they can be sources of bacteria, viruses, and protozoa which can cause gastrointestinal illness. They can also be sources of pollutants from improper disposal of household hazardous waste. The homeowner is responsible for ensuring proper system operation and maintenance. Ideally, septic systems should be maintained by pumping out wastes approximately every 3-5 years. When septic systems function properly they can process household organic waste and destroy disease-producing bacteria. The most commonly approved system consists of a septic tank connected to a leach field. Wastewater first flows to the septic tank where heavy solids sink to the bottom. Grease, oils, and lighter solids rise to the top where they form a layer of scum. Beneficial bacteria which are naturally present in materials that are flushed into the system, decompose the biodegradable waste. Liquids flow from the tank to the leach field where unhealthful bacteria, viruses, and some phosphorus are removed. Eventually the filtered water flows to the water table (CRJC, 1994). A failed system jeopardizes public health, is a neighborhood nuisance, and negatively impacts water quality. It is difficult to assess current levels of septic system maintenance in the Cold River Watershed. None of the watershed communities collect information on septic system maintenance. There are no septic system maintenance ordinances, tracking programs, or municipal septic system programs present in the watershed. 38 Drinking Water Protection Plan for the Cold River Watershed 12/30/05 The purpose of septic system ordinances is to promote inspection and periodic pump-outs to prevent system failure. A tracking program is a non-regulatory way to ensure that septic systems are functioning. Tracking programs typically require registration of all systems and encourage routine inspections and pump-outs. Under a municipal system, the municipality assumes responsibility for maintenance and repair of septic systems. Homeowners are charged an annual fee for this service. Prior to executing a purchase and sale agreement for any "developed waterfront property" using a septic disposal system, an owner is required to engage a permitted subsurface sewer or waste disposal system designer to perform an on-site assessment study (RSA 485-A:39). "Developed waterfront property" means any parcel of land which is contiguous to or within 200 feet of a great pond as defined in RSA 4:40-a and upon which stands a structure suitable for either seasonal or year-round human occupancy. A “great pond” is defined in RSA 4:40 as "... a public water body of more than 10 acres." The site assessment study is required whenever any part of the property is within 200 feet of the great pond, not merely when the structure or the septic disposal system is within 200 feet of the water. Relevant Law includes RSA 4:40-a, 485-A:2, 485-A:39 and Administrative Rule Env-Ws 1025. These provisions are relevant, for example, for properties surrounding Lake Warren. Some communities choose to establish a hardship fund for septic system repair and replacement. For example, the Town of Meredith, NH has established such a fund. None of the watershed towns currently have a hardship fund for septic system repair/replacement. Transportation Corridors Transportation corridors include roads, highways, and railroad right-of ways. Roadways serve as potential sources of contamination because these impervious surfaces accumulate deicing materials and chemicals from automobiles. Stormwater runoff carries these pollutants to nearby waterways and groundwater. In the watershed, there are approximately 489 miles of roads (road classes 1-5). Stormwater Runoff Stormwater runoff occurs when the capacity of soils and vegetation to absorb water from precipitation is exceeded and water flows across the land’s surface. In developed areas, natural vegetation and permeable soils are replaced by tracts of impervious surfaces such as roads, parking lots, rooftops, driveways, sidewalks, and compacted fill. Because water cannot penetrate these impervious surfaces, it runs off into gutters and storm drains picking up toxins and suspended solids along the way. In undeveloped areas, water infiltrates the soil where some pollutants can be treated by natural processes. In contrast, in developed areas, the rate of stormwater runoff increases allowing for less time for natural pollutant treatment and increasing the volume of water flow. According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, contaminated stormwater discharges are responsible for the impairment of one-third of all assessed waters in the United States. Common stormwater pollutants include sediments, toxic chemicals (e.g. cyanide, phenolics, and trichloroethylene), metals, oxygen depleting chemicals, fecal coliform, oil, grease, pesticides, fertilizers, and trash (Ballestero et al., 2005). Little is known about the quality and location of stormwater runoff in the Cold River Watershed. Water quality monitoring of stormwater and the identification and location of stormwater inflows is in the very early stages. Also important for determining 39 Drinking Water Protection Plan for the Cold River Watershed 12/30/05 the potential volume of stormwater runoff is the percent impervious cover present in the watershed. Percent impervious cover has yet to be determined for the watershed. Research has shown that percent of imperviousness cover in a watershed can be used to estimate current and future water quality (Zielinski, 2002). Lack of Water Resources Protection Watershed towns need to protect water resources to meet both current and future demand. These needs can be addressed by adopting local regulations for water resource protection, through land conservation, and by developing a needs assessment of future water needs. Local regulations can help protect water quality by directing development away from ecologically sensitive areas, by guiding the location of construction and development projects, and by prohibiting high risk land uses in specific areas. Local regulations include zoning bylaws and ordinances, subdivision and site plan review regulations, and local health ordinances. Many of the watershed communities could greatly improve protection of water resources through the adoption of local regulations. There are at least five basic water resource protection mechanisms which can be adopted by local communities. These mechanisms include steep slope provisions, erosion control, soil based lot sizing, riparian and wetland buffers, and the use of overlay districts for water resource protection. At least two watershed towns use overlay districts to protect water resources. For example, in Alstead there is an overlay protection district for Lake Warren. In Walpole there is an overlay district which protects the wellheads for the town’s public water sources. However, none of the watershed communities have adopted aquifer protection overlay districts to facilitate protection of any of the watershed’s highly productive aquifers. A review for the presence or absence of water resource protection provisions in the local regulations adopted by watershed towns would help to identify areas where water resource protection could be improved. This review should examine zoning bylaws and ordinances, subdivision regulations, local health ordinances, and site plan review regulations. Land conservation is one of the most effective ways to protect water resources. There are two ways this is typically accomplished: fee simple land ownership and purchase of conservation easements. Fee simple ownership refers to complete ownership of all the “bundle of rights” associated with a property. In contrast a conservation easement is a permanent legal agreement between a landowner and a public agency or private nonprofit conservation organization which limits or restricts how land can be used. By placing a conservation easement on a property, the landowner transfers some of the development rights to a responsible third party, such as a land trust. The land trust is then responsible for ensuring that the easement restrictions are met. And lastly it is important to assess future water demand in order to ensure that these resources will be available for future generations and potential future growth in these watershed communities. This is necessary regardless of whether communities wish to continue the trend of having the majority of residences and business served by private individual wells or if communities wish to develop municipal systems in the future. 40 Drinking Water Protection Plan for the Cold River Watershed 12/30/05 Commercial, Industrial, and Municipal Land Uses Commercial, industrial, and municipal activities which require a state permit were considered to be potential sources of contamination for this inventory. As mentioned previously, information about these sources was collected from the NH DES One-Stop web-based retrieval database (http://www.des.state.nh.us/OneStop.htm). Categories of potential contamination sources include: aboveground storage tanks (AST), underground storage tanks (UST), leaking underground storage tanks (LUST), Resource Conservation and Recovery Act sites (RCRA), and nonpoint source pollution sites. Information on each of these categories is presented on the following pages with associated summary tables. 41 Drinking Water Protection Plan for the Cold River Watershed 12/30/05 Aboveground and underground storage tanks are considered a risk to water resources due to the potential for leaks, spills, and vapor leaks. Petroleum leaks and spills are sources of volatile organic chemicals. This review found four sites with aboveground storage tanks (Table 5.1), eight sites with active underground storage tanks (Table 5.2) and two sites with leaking underground storage tanks which are considered “active” by NHDES. An “active” LUST site indicates that activities such as water quality sampling or site remediation are ongoing. One of the UST sites, Kmiec’s Garage, was completely destroyed in the October flood. Table 5.1 List of facilities with aboveground storage tanks (AST) in the Cold River Watershed, New Hampshire. (Source: NH DES GIS data, NH DES One-stop data retrieval web site: http://www.des.state.nh.us/OneStop.htm) Type Facility ID Facility Name Address Town AST 960647A R L Balla Sawmill Acworth AST 970256A Cold River Materials (Frank W Whitcomb) Beryl Mountain Rd Brewery Rd. Total # of tanks Currently in Use 3 Walpole 21 AST AST C&L Petroleum Lempster Highway Department Rte 123 Olds Rd. Langdon Lempster 4 2 tanks Substance Stored Capacity (gallons) Year Installed Diesel Diesel Diesel Gasoline Diesel Diesel Hydraulic Oil Motor Oil Motor Oil Used Oil Lubrication Oil Hydraulic Oil Motor Oil Diesel Diesel #2 Heating Oil Diesel Diesel Used Oil Asphalt Asphalt #2 Heating Oil Asphalt Diesel #2 Heating Oil #2 Heating Oil Kerosene Diesel Diesel Gasoline 1000 4500 7500 10000 1000 500 500 500 275 500 500 1980 1988 1988 1990 1993 2001 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 275 275 275 15000 10000 1997 1997 2000 1990 2004 10000 15000 20000 20000 20000 2000 2004 1990 1990 1996 1996 1995 6000 12000 1995 1996 30000 1979 1996 25000 15000 10000 500 250 1979 1979 1990 2003 42 Drinking Water Protection Plan for the Cold River Watershed 12/30/05 Table 5.2 Facilities with underground storage tanks in the Cold River Watershed, New Hampshire. (Source: NH DES GIS data, NH DES One-stop data retrieval web site: http://www.des.state.nh.us/OneStop.htm) Type Facility ID Facility Name Address Town LUST 2906 Route 10 Lempster UST 2910 Route 10 Lempster UST 2761 56 & 136 FMRHS Rd Langdon UST 26 Fulton’s Service Station NH DOT PS 215 Fall Mountain Regional High School Vilas School Alstead 1 active (1 closed) Closed LUST site UST 30 Kmiec Garage Alstead 1 active (3 closed) This site was lost in the flood. UST 29 Joe’s Citgo Alstead UST LUST 5669 Drewsville General Store 82 Mechanic St Route 123 / Route 12A Mechanic Street Route 123 2 active (4 closed) 4 active (4 closed) UST 55203 UST 58722 Bascom Maple Farm Alstead Primary School Sugar House Rd. 58 Mechanic Street Walpole Acworth Alstead Total # of tanks Currently in Use (5 closed) 2 active (2 closed) 2 active (2 closed) Notes Active LUST site, plume dissipating Closed LUST site LUST site discovered 6/2003. 1 active (1 closed) 1 active (2 closed) 43 Drinking Water Protection Plan for the Cold River Watershed 12/30/05 There are eight facilities classified as active “hazardous waste handlers” or Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) sites. These sites store, manage, or generate hazardous substances which are, for example, ignitable, corrosive, or toxic. Table 5.3 Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Sites in the Cold River Watershed, New Hampshire. (Source: NH DES GIS data, NH DES One-stop data retrieval web site: http://www.des.state.nh.us/OneStop.htm) RCRA ID NHD510097967 NHD510124548 NHD510122815 NHD500031745 NHD500015953 NHD500014535 NHD500020664 NHD510126501 SITE NAME FULTONS SERVICE/REPAIR JOE’S TEXACO DELGENIO DAVID SPORTS CAR RACING COLD RIVER MATERIALS SUNSET MOTORS COLD RIVER CYCLE PARTS NH DOT DISTRICT 2 FULTON CONSTRUCTION/REPAIR ADDRESS 778 RTE 10 MAIN ST COLD POND RD BREWERY RD RTE 123 26 HIGH ST RTE 10 TOWN LEMPSTER ALSTEAD STATUS ACTIVE ACTIVE ACWORTH WALPOLE ALSTEAD ALSTEAD LEMPSTER ACTIVE ACTIVE ACTIVE ACTIVE ACTIVE 763 RTE 10 LEMPSTER ACTIVE According to NH DES records there are three junkyards present in the watershed (Table 5.4) and a total of 34 known potential sources of contamination classified by NH DES as nonpoint sources of pollution (Table 5.5). These sources include two covered sand/salt pile storage facilities, two uncovered sand/salt pile storage facilities, two hardrock mine quarries, twenty-four mine, sand and gravel operations, and four storm drains (Figure 5.2). Table 5.4. Junkyard sites in the Cold River Watershed, New Hampshire. (Source: NH DES GIS data, NH DES One-stop data retrieval web site: http://www.des.state.nh.us/OneStop.htm) SITE_NAME FULTON'S ACWORTH GARAGE DOUG’S AUTO ADDRESS 763 US RTE 10 MULLIGAN ROAD 2 NH TURNPIKE TOWN LEMPSTER ACWORTH UNITY 44 Drinking Water Protection Plan for the Cold River Watershed 12/30/05 Table 5.5 Nonpoint sources of pollution from commercial, industrial or municipal land uses in the Cold River Watershed. Source: NH DES GIS data. SITE ID 144-06 145-07 144-10 144-11 144-05 144-07 144-08 144-09 144-12 144-13 143-22 143-23 143-24 143-25 143-26 144-14 144-15 144-16 144-17 145-01 145-02 145-03 145-08 145-09 145-10 145-11 145-12 145-14 144-01 144-02 144-03 144-04 144-18 145-13 TYPE COVERED SAND/SALT PILE STORAGE COVERED SAND/SALT PILE STORAGE MINE, HARDROCK QUARRY MINE, HARDROCK QUARRY MINE, SAND AND GRAVEL OPERATION MINE, SAND AND GRAVEL OPERATION MINE, SAND AND GRAVEL OPERATION MINE, SAND AND GRAVEL OPERATION MINE, SAND AND GRAVEL OPERATION MINE, SAND AND GRAVEL OPERATION MINE, SAND AND GRAVEL OPERATION MINE, SAND AND GRAVEL OPERATION MINE, SAND AND GRAVEL OPERATION MINE, SAND AND GRAVEL OPERATION MINE, SAND AND GRAVEL OPERATION MINE, SAND AND GRAVEL OPERATION MINE, SAND AND GRAVEL OPERATION MINE, SAND AND GRAVEL OPERATION MINE, SAND AND GRAVEL OPERATION MINE, SAND AND GRAVEL OPERATION MINE, SAND AND GRAVEL OPERATION MINE, SAND AND GRAVEL OPERATION MINE, SAND AND GRAVEL OPERATION MINE, SAND AND GRAVEL OPERATION MINE, SAND AND GRAVEL OPERATION MINE, SAND AND GRAVEL OPERATION MINE, SAND AND GRAVEL OPERATION MINE, SAND AND GRAVEL OPERATION STORM DRAIN STORM DRAIN STORM DRAIN STORM DRAIN UNCOVERED SAND/SALT PILE STORAGE UNCOVERED SAND/SALT PILE STORAGE TOWN ALSTEAD LEMPSTER ALSTEAD ALSTEAD ALSTEAD ALSTEAD ALSTEAD ALSTEAD ALSTEAD ALSTEAD LANGDON LANGDON LANGDON LANGDON LANGDON ACWORTH ACWORTH ACWORTH ACWORTH ACWORTH ACWORTH ACWORTH LEMPSTER LEMPSTER LEMPSTER LEMPSTER LEMPSTER LEMPSTER ALSTEAD ALSTEAD ALSTEAD ALSTEAD LANGDON LEMPSTER 45 Drinking Water Protection Plan for the Cold River Watershed 12/30/05 46 Drinking Water Protection Plan for the Cold River Watershed 12/30/05 47 Drinking Water Protection Plan for the Cold River Watershed 12/30/05 VI. RECOMMENDATIONS FOR IMPROVING DRINKING WATER PROTECTION 6.1 Introduction After reviewing the inventories of potential contamination sources the Drinking Water Protection Committee developed a list of six priority areas of concern. These concerns were weighed carefully in light of the devastation caused by the flood in October 2005. The Committee’s concerns include: water systems source protection for local schools, education and outreach, protection of drinking water resources, emergency response planning, and assessment of future drinking water needs. For each concern the Committee developed specific action-oriented recommendations. Recommendations include the promotion of education and outreach, partnerships with local agencies, land conservation and adoption of local regulatory controls. These recommendations are discussed in more detail in the following narrative and Tables 6.1-6.7 below. 6.2 Recommendations for Source Protection at Local Schools After reviewing the inventories of potential contamination sources for each of the schools, the Committee developed site specific recommendations for each school water system. Acworth Primary Three potential contamination sources in the wellhead protection area of the Acworth Primary School warrant management activities (Table 6.1). There are two septic systems outside of the sanitary protective radius but within the wellhead protection area. One system is used by the Acworth Primary School and the Town Hall, and the other system is maintained by the United Church of Acworth. The Fall Mountain Regional School District should work collaboratively with the church and ensure that both systems are properly maintained. A second concern is the church’s heating fuel storage tank. The Fall Mountain Regional School District should inquire about the age and condition of the storage tank and request that the church help protect the school’s water source from this potential contamination source. The Church is likely to be receptive to this request because it has already given an easement to the District to help protect the sanitary protective radius for this well. Lastly, the District should research options for radon treatment for its water system since it is likely that treatment will be required in the future. Alstead Vilas School and Alstead Primary School The Committee developed recommendations for six categories of concerns for the Alstead Vilas School and Alstead Primary School (Table 6.2). These concerns include the back parking lot at the Vilas School, the schools’ underground storage tanks, fire safety, outreach, land protection, and radon treatment. When the Committee visited the Vilas School water system, the Committee found parked cars within the sanitary protective radius of this well. Because of the potential for automotive chemical spills, parking should be prohibited within the 125 foot sanitary protective radius. It would also be helpful to determine the pattern of drainage for the Vilas School Parking lots. Stormwater from the lots should not flow towards the well. 48 Drinking Water Protection Plan for the Cold River Watershed 12/30/05 During the Committee’s site visit to the Vilas School well the athletic field was being used and no bathroom facilities were available. Bathroom facilities for athletes should be made available whenever the fields are being used. Underground storage tanks for heating fuel have the potential to contaminate groundwater. The Fall Mountain Regional School District should continue to monitor the Vilas School storage tank for heating oil. A monitor/sensor test is due for the Alstead Primary School underground storage tank. The Fall Mountain Regional School District should make sure this test is completed. During the Committee’s site visit, the Fall Mountain Facilities Director shared concerns about water storage for fire safety at the Vilas School. The Committee recommends that an additional storage tank be installed to promote better fire safety. Land conservation is one of the most effective ways to protect water resources. There are two ways this is typically accomplished: fee simple land ownership and purchase of conservation easements. To ensure future protection of the Vilas School well the Committee recommends exploring the purchase of fee simple rights or conservation easements of the land East and up-gradient of the well. Through land ownership the School District can control land use activities in this area thereby protecting the well. Lastly, options for radon treatment should be explored for both of these water systems. Although not currently required, radon treatment will likely be required in the future. Fall Mountain Regional High School The Committee developed recommendations for six categories of concerns for the Fall Mountain Regional High School (Table 6.3). These concerns include source water education, creation of a back-up water supply, outreach, fuel tank management, agricultural activities, and treatment for radon. Education is a key component of any drinking water protection plan. Protection of the Fall Mountain Regional High School water system represents an excellent opportunity to teach students about water resources management. The Committee would like to invite a science teacher to use the school water system as a case study for students to learn about the importance of source water protection. Already prepared educational materials are available from Project WET. Contact Jessica Brock at NH DES, 603 2713303 for more information. Currently there is no emergency back-up supply for the approximately 850 students and staff at the High School. The Committee recommends that Fall Mountain Regional School District conduct a feasibility study to determine options for establishing a back-up supply. Use of the irrigation well should be explored as one possibility. This feasibility study should also review the location of the school’s current source, examine potential health concerns given its close proximity to the school farm and weigh a range of options. It is important that entities which have the ability to make land use decisions are informed of the location of the school’s wellhead protection area. The Fall Mountain Regional School District should send copies of this drinking water protection plan to administrators in Charlestown and Langdon, and also to the NH Division of Forests and Lands (which is responsible for property adjacent to the school). These entities should be advised of the purpose and location of the school’s wellhead protection area and be encouraged to permit the District to participate in any relevant land use discussions which might affect the well. In addition, the District should send a notification letter to vehicle 49 Drinking Water Protection Plan for the Cold River Watershed 12/30/05 service and repair shops within the wellhead protection area to inform them of the well’s location and the importance of source protection. Within the sanitary protective radius approximately 75 feet from the well, there is an aboveground storage tank which contains fuel for the sugar house operation. This tank has no secondary containment. Given the proximity of this aboveground storage tank to the well, a leak or spill would pose a significant risk to the water system. Secondary containment should be created for this tank to ensure that any spills are not released into the groundwater. As an added precaution, fuel should only be stored in the tank during the sugaring season, when fuel is needed. The current location of the well within the school’s farm complex is not ideal. Animals and manure are both potential sources of contamination. Animal wastes can be sources of pathogens when leaching and runoff occur. Manure storage should be in storage sheds with impermeable floors and roofs so that organic wastes do not leach into groundwater and contaminate nearby wells. The barn has recently been re-located slightly farther away from the well, however, its location remains within the 175 foot sanitary protective radius. Only drinking water related activities should take place within this radius. The Committee wishes to express its concern to the Fall Mountain Regional High School regarding this situation, and encourages the District to creatively resolve this problem. The Committee would like to commend the District for its foresight of increasing quarterly fecal coliform testing to a monthly testing schedule. Lastly, the District should investigate radon treatment options for this well in order to be prepared for future regulatory requirements. The Orchard School The Committee developed recommendations for two categories of concerns for The Orchard School (Table 6.4). These categories include management of stormwater runoff from the school’s driveway and radon treatment. The school’s driveway is located within the well’s sanitary protective radius less than 10 feet from the well. Vehicles drop off and pick up students in this area. Although parking is temporary in nature, there is a potential for automotive chemical spills to negatively impact the well. School representatives maintain that stormwater from the driveway does not flow towards the well. The Committee recommends that the School continue to ensure that stormwater flow from the driveway remains diverted away from the school’s drinking water source. Periodic testing for volatile organic chemicals could confirm the presence or absence of these contaminants. Like the other schools in the watershed, The Orchard School should investigate options for radon treatment since treatment is likely to be required in the future. Sarah Porter School The Committee developed recommendations for two categories of concerns for the Sarah Porter School (Table 6.5). These categories include water quality and radon treatment. The well’s location in the Fire Department parking lot makes this source vulnerable to a host of contaminants including volatile organic chemicals from the Fire Department vehicles. Currently the school buys bottled water due to water quality concerns, such as lead. The Committee encourages the Fall Mountain Regional School District to explore the feasibility of developing an alternative water source for this School. 50 Drinking Water Protection Plan for the Cold River Watershed 12/30/05 Like the other schools in the watershed, the District should investigate options for radon treatment since treatment is likely to be required in the future. School-Managed Septic Systems The Committee wishes to commend the Fall Mountain Regional School District for their proactive septic system maintenance programs at the Acworth Primary School, Vilas School, Alstead Primary School, Fall Mountain Regional High School, and Sarah Porter School (Table 6.6). The Fall Mountain Facilities Director maintains a regular pumping and maintenance schedule for these systems. The Committee will mention this excellent program as part of an article about this drinking water protection project. 6.3 Recommendations for Managing Watershed-Wide Concerns The Drinking Water Protection Committee developed recommendations to address concerns which affect drinking water resource protection on a watershed scale. These recommendations are described below and are summarized in Table 6.7. Education and Outreach Education and Outreach is central to any drinking water protection project. To promote the implementation of this drinking water protection plan copies of this plan should be distributed to the Fall Mountain Regional School District, watershed schools, health officers, zoning boards, planning boards, boards of selectmen, and conservation commissions in the watershed. Copies should also be made available at local libraries and be posted on the website managed by the Cold River Local Advisory Committee. Additional paper copies and copies on CD should be made available for interested citizens. In addition, the Cold River Drinking Water Protection Committee plans to hold five community workshops to present findings of this report to Town Boards. Granite State Rural Water has prepared a grant application to the NH DES Source Water Protection Program on behalf of the Cold River Local Advisory Committee to help cover the costs of printing, plan dissemination, and the hosting of community workshops. If funded, the Cold River Drinking Water Protection Committee will carry out these activities. The Cold River Drinking Water Protection Committee will work with local papers to publish an article about this drinking water protection project, highlighting the recommendations of this report. As part of this article the Committee will commend the Fall Mountain Regional School District for its proactive management of school septic systems. Six of the twelve public water systems participated in this drinking water protection project. The Cold River Drinking Water Protection Committee will share the results of this plan with the drinking water systems in the watershed who have not yet participated in this project. Protection of Drinking Water Resources During the course of this planning project, zoning ordinances of the eight watershed communities were briefly reviewed for the presence or absence of drinking water protection mechanisms. Most notably this review found a lack of aquifer protection throughout the watershed. There are six known aquifers in the watershed and very little information is known about their safe yields. Local regulations, such as aquifer protection overlay districts, can help protect water quality by directing development away 51 Drinking Water Protection Plan for the Cold River Watershed 12/30/05 from ecologically sensitive areas, by guiding the location of construction and development projects, and by prohibiting high risk land uses in specific areas. The Cold River Local Advisory Committee and Cold River Drinking Water Protection Committee are committed to working with watershed communities to help adopt aquifer protection provisions in their ordinances. Emergency Response Planning The Cold River Drinking Water Protection Committee will work with fire departments in the watershed to alert local emergency response teams to the location of significant drinking water resources. The purpose of this collaborative work will be to ensure that drinking water resources are protected during a crisis. Assessment of Future Drinking Water Needs During the community workshops described above and other opportune times, the Cold River Drinking Water Protection Committee will encourage towns to assess and plan for future drinking water needs. Specifically the Committee will encourage watershed communities to undertake aquifer evaluation investigations and develop groundwater protection programs. The purpose of these programs should be to protect drinking water resources for current and future use. 52 Drinking Water Protection Plan for the Cold River Watershed 12/30/05 Table 6.1 List of Source Protection Management Activities for the Acworth Primary School Drinking Water Supply, Acworth, NH. Concern Action Potential Lead Agencies and Partners • Fall Mountain Regional School District • Cold River Drinking Water Protection Committee 1. Septic Systems a. Establish communication regarding the condition and maintenance of septic systems operated by the Church and Acworth School. 2. Fuel Storage a. Communicate with Church regarding location of the fuel storage tank and the sanitary protective radius for the school’s well. • Fall Mountain Regional School District 3. Radon a. Options for radon treatment should be researched and anticipated. • Fall Mountain Regional School District Funding Source Date Completed 53 Drinking Water Protection Plan for the Cold River Watershed 12/30/05 Table 6.2 List of Source Protection Management Activities for the Alstead Primary School and Vilas School Drinking Water Supplies, Alstead, NH. Concern Action 1. Back Parking Lot at the Vilas School a. Prohibit parking in the sanitary protective radius for the Vilas School well. Potential Lead Agencies and Partners • Fall Mountain Regional School District b. Determine the pattern of drainage for the Vilas School Parking Lots. • Fall Mountain Regional School District c. Provide bathroom facilities for athletes and spectators who use the Vilas athletic field. Facilities should be available during sports events. • Fall Mountain Regional School District 2. School Underground Storage Tanks a. Continue monitoring for Vilas School tank. Ensure that monitor/sensor test was completed for Alstead Primary tank. • 2. Fire Safety a. Install an additional water storage tank at the Vilas School to promote better fire safety. Fall Mountain Regional School District NH DES Fall Mountain Regional School District 3. Outreach a. Send a notification letter to the any gas stations within the wells’ wellhead protection areas, alerting them of the schools’ sources and the need for source protection. • Fall Mountain Regional School District 4. Land Protection a. Explore possible land protection East and upslope of the Vilas School well. Protection could be achieved through a memorandum of understanding, conservation easement or purchase. • Cold River Drinking Water Committee Fall Mountain Regional School District Alstead Conservation Commission • • • • Funding Source Date Completed NH Department of Education School Building Aid Program School Budget NH DES Water Supply Land Conservation Program 54 Drinking Water Protection Plan for the Cold River Watershed Concern Action 5. Radon a. Options for radon treatment should be researched and anticipated. 12/30/05 Potential Lead Agencies and Partners • Fall Mountain Regional School District Funding Source Date Completed 55 Drinking Water Protection Plan for the Cold River Watershed 12/30/05 Table 6.3 List of Management Activities for Source Protection of the Fall Mountain High School Drinking Water Supply, Langdon, NH. Concern Action 1. Education a. Invite a science teacher to use the Fall Mountain High School Water System as a case study for students to study drinking water resources and the importance of source protection 2. Back-Up Water Supply a. Fall Mountain Regional High School should conduct a study to determine feasible options for establishing an emergency back-up water source in the instance that the current source becomes either temporarily or permanently unavailable. As part of this analysis, determine if the irrigation well at the school would serve as a better primary source. • a. Send a copy of this Drinking Water Protection Plan to the town administrators of Charlestown and Langdon, and the NH Division of Forest and Lands. Alert them of the location of the wellhead protection area and the school’s interest in participating in any land use decisions that might affect the well. • 3. Outreach Potential Lead Agencies and Partners • Fall Mountain Regional School District • Cold River Drinking Water Protection Committee • NH DES Project WET • Antioch NE Graduate School • • Funding Source Date Completed Fall Mountain Regional School District Cold River Drinking Water Protection Committee Fall Mountain Regional School District (Facilities Director) 56 Drinking Water Protection Plan for the Cold River Watershed Concern 3. Outreach (Continued) 4. Fuel Tank Action b. Send a notification letter to the vehicle service and repair shops within the wellhead protection area to inform them of the well’s location and the importance of source protection. a. Create secondary containment for the aboveground storage fuel tank associated with the School’s sugar house. 12/30/05 Potential Lead Agencies and Partners • Fall Mountain Regional School District • (Facilities Director) • • 5. Agricultural Activities 6. Radon b. Make sure that fuel is stored in tank only when necessary . For example at the end of the sugaring season, fuel tank should be empty. • a. Communicate with the Fall Mountain Regional School District regarding the agricultural activities within the sanitary protection radius. Express concern about potential sources of contamination. Commend School for conducting monthly fecal coliform testing above and beyond quarterly sampling requirements. a. Options for radon treatment should be researched and anticipated. • • • Funding Source Date Completed Fall Mountain Regional School District (Facilities Director) Fall Mountain Regional School District (Facilities Director) Cold River Drinking Water Protection Committee Fall Mountain Regional School District 57 Drinking Water Protection Plan for the Cold River Watershed 12/30/05 Table 6.4 List of Management Activities for Source Protection of the Orchard School Drinking Water Supply, Alstead, NH. Concern Action 1. Stormwater Runoff a. Continue to make sure that stormwater flow from the driveway and parking area is diverted away from the school’s drinking water source. 2. Radon a. Options for radon treatment should be researched and anticipated. Potential Lead Agencies and Partners • The Orchard School • Funding Source Date Completed The Orchard School Table 6.5 List of Management Activities for Source Protection of the Sarah Porter School Drinking Water Supply, Langdon, NH. Concern Action 1. Water Quality a. Explore feasibility of developing an alternative water source for the school. 2. Radon a. Options for radon treatment should be researched and anticipated. Potential Lead Agencies and Partners • Fall Mountain Regional School District • NH DES • Funding Source Date Completed Fall Mountain Regional School District 58 Drinking Water Protection Plan for the Cold River Watershed 12/30/05 Table 6.6 Praise for Fall Mountain Regional School District for proactive septic system management. Concern Action 1. Schools-managed Septic Systems a. Commend the Fall Mountain Regional School District for their excellent septic system maintenance programs at the Acworth Primary School, Alstead Primary School, Vilas School, Sarah Porter, and Fall Mountain High School Potential Lead Agencies and Partners • Cold River Drinking Water Protection Committee Funding Source Date Completed 59 Drinking Water Protection Plan for the Cold River Watershed 12/30/05 Table 6.7 List of Management Activities for Source Protection for in the Cold River Watershed. Concern Action 1. Education & Outreach Campaign a. Distribute copies of drinking water protection plan to all watershed town offices making this information available to health officers, zoning boards, planning boards, boards of selectmen, and conservation commissions. Copies of the plan should also be available at town libraries. Copies on disk and on paper should be made available for interested citizens. b. Hold 5 community workshops to present the findings of the plan. Workshop will include a Powerpoint presentation and handouts. Potential Lead Agencies and Partners • Cold River Local Advisory Committee • Granite State Rural Water Association • • Funding Source NH DES Source Water Protection Grant Cold River Drinking Water Protection Committee Cold River Local Advisory Committee NH DES Source Water Protection Grant c. Post drinking water protection plan on the Cold River Local Advisory Committee’s website. • Cold River Local Advisory Committee NH DES Source Water Protection Grant d. Work with local papers to publish an article about the work of the Drinking Water Protection Committee and its plan of recommendations. In this article commend the Fall Mountain Regional School District for it’s proactive management of water and waste water systems. • Cold River Drinking Water Protection Committee NH DES Source Water Protection Grant • Cold River Drinking Water Protection Committee e. Share the results of this plan with the other public drinking water systems in the watershed that have not yet participated in this project. Date Completed 60 Drinking Water Protection Plan for the Cold River Watershed Concern Action 2. Protection of Drinking Water Resources a. Work with watershed communities to adopt zoning provisions which will protect water resources for watershed residents. Provisions may include aquifer protection overlay districts and stream and wetland buffer provisions. 12/30/05 Potential Lead Agencies and Partners • • • 3. Emergency Response Planning 4. Assessment and Planning for Current and Future Drinking Water Needs a. Work with local emergency response teams within the watershed to ensure that the locations of public drinking water systems are well known and that drinking water resources such as aquifers are best protected during a crisis. • a. Encourage watershed towns to assess and plan for future drinking water needs. • • Funding Source Date Completed Cold River Drinking Water Protection Committee Cold River Local Advisory Committee National Park Service Cold River Drinking Water Protection Committee Fire Departments in the Watershed Cold River Drinking Water Protection Committee 61 Drinking Water Protection Plan for the Cold River Watershed 12/30/05 6.4 Conclusion Many different individuals, groups and agencies were involved in the process of developing the recommendations in this source water protection plan. The next step is to share this plan with the town boards, citizens, and businesses within the watershed with the goal of plan implementation. The Cold River Drinking Water Protection Committee will continue to exist for at least another year in order to shepherd implementation of these recommendations. As evidenced by this plan, the Committee has already played an important role in developing source protection awareness and identifying current concerns. By having a “shepherd”, the recommendations in this plan are more likely to be implemented. This source water protection plan represents one step of a multiple stage process to protect water quality. As recommendations are implemented and goals and objectives are met, new ones will need to be developed and the plan will need to be amended to reflect these changes. This plan should be reviewed annually and updated every three years. VII. EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLANS An emergency response plan describes the steps that would be taken if any or all of the sources for a water system become contaminated, declined in yield, or were lost for any reason. Emergency Response Plans for Acworth Primary School, Alstead Vilas School, Alstead Primary School, Fall Mountain Regional High School, and the Sarah Porter School were created as part of this planning process. Emergency response plans are available for review at NH DES in Concord, NH. VIII. REFERENCES Ballestero, T., Roseen, R., Wildey, R., Avellaneda,P., Briggs, J., and Houle, J. 2004 Powerpoint presentation on the University of New Hampshire Stormwater Center. http://www.unh.edu/erg/cstev/Presentations/UMASS-Lowell-_04_06_05_files/v3_document.htm Best Management Practices to Control Nonpoint Source Pollution: A Guide for Citizens and Town Officials. 2004. Eds. A. Donlon and B. McMillan. New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services. Concord, New Hampshire. CRCJ, 1994. A Home-Owner’s Guide to Nonpoint Source Pollution in the Connecticut River Valley. Published jointly by Connecticut River Joint Commissions and NH DES. Freill, M. 2004. “Industry Should Address Tank Issues Before Solutions Area forced upon It”. December 2004. Oil & Energy. New England Fuel Institute. Jeer, S., Lewis, M., Meck, S., and Witten, J. 1997. Nonpoint Source Pollution: A Handbook for Local Governments. Planning Advisory Service, Report Number 476. American Planning Association. Washington, D.C. NH DES. Chapter Env-Ws 300 NH Drinking Water Rules. 62 Drinking Water Protection Plan for the Cold River Watershed 12/30/05 NH DES One-Stop Data Retrieval web site (http://www.des.state.nh.us/OneStop.htm). Zielinski, J. 2002. Watershed Vulnerability Analysis. Center for Watershed Protection. Elliot City MD. 63 Drinking Water Protection Plan for the Cold River Watershed 12/30/05 Appendix 1 64 Drinking Water Protection Plan for the Cold River Watershed 12/30/05 65 Drinking Water Protection Plan for the Cold River Watershed 12/30/05 66 Drinking Water Protection Plan for the Cold River Watershed 12/30/05 67 Drinking Water Protection Plan for the Cold River Watershed 12/30/05 68 Drinking Water Protection Plan for the Cold River Watershed 12/30/05 69