Spring 2012 - Rocky Mountain Fleet Management Association


Spring 2012 - Rocky Mountain Fleet Management Association
Rocky Mountain Fleet
Rocky Mountain Fleet News
Spring 2012
From the Business Manager
2012 Membership Dues
The RMFMA sent out invoices to member
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The Board of Directors for the RMFMA
met recently in Arlington, Texas. The
mail and email. Thank you to everyone
who has sent in their dues.
For those who have not yet renewed,
please contact either myself or a chapter
receive a copy of your invoice.
and associate, to speak with colleagues
and peers to have them join the organiza•
results of the survey which can be found
by clicking on the View Results link on the
Team Building: Joining the Team
Program are due by July 1st.
Page 4
for President-Elect are due from
the Chapters by June 1st. If you are
interested in being a candidate for
Goodbye and Thanks...
Chapter Chair.
Website: Our current website provider has elected not to renew our
contract. Therefore, the Website
Fleet Health
new provider. The Board voted on
the proposals and we are in contract
are planned. Stay tuned for more
If you have not yet completed this survey,
please visit www.rmfma.org and click
Welcome New Members
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2012 Membership Drive
Prize Drawing of up to $1000 (cash or
RMFMA credit). The winner will be announced at the 2012 RMFMA Conference
& Expo during the Awards Banquet.
Inside This Issue
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Conference Preview: Exhibitors
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2012 RMFMA Conference & Expo
The 2012 Conference is looking to be
and the Conference Agenda released.
All results are published in summary only
Don’t miss this opportunity hosted by
the Texas Chapter!
Upcoming RMFMA Events
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Odds & Ends
RMFMA Challenge
RMFMA Raceway
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Welcome New Members
Arizona DOT
Dennis Halachoff
Dell Jenkins
Bob Atwood
Jack Dreyer
Timothy Brown
Mark Trennepohl
John Trojanovich
Tony Griffin
Fleming Distributing / BG
Rich Richardson
Jeff Fleming
Juan Baez
Autocar Truck
Matt Diehl
Total Transit
Jay Crete
Paul Kiszczak
Chuck Keppen
Carl Meyers
Harris County Flood Control
Lowell Jacobs
City of San Angelo
Patrick Frerich
Jimmy Cleveland
Beth Horton
Infinite Green Solutions LLC
Gary Steinbeck
Glenn Gorney
Ben Brunson
CompassCom Software Group
Brittney Clark
Michael Kovacs
Brent Willing
Harrison Hydra-Gen
Jeffrey Brock
City of Coppell
Mark Bochtrup
Kevin Reinartz
Sponsorship Opportunities
RMFMA has launched a new opportunity for our Associate members. You may sponsor pages in the RMFMA quarterly newsletter at a fraction of the cost of other print sponsorships.
RMFMA is also offering two (2) types of website sonsorships, Home page and Chapter page. Space is limited and is
on a first-serve basis. To sponsor, you must be a member of RMFMA in good standing.
For more information, please contact:
Shawna Laird
RMFMA Business Manager
For more information and to download the Media Kit, please visit: www.rmfma.org/sponsorship.html
Rocky Mountain Fleet Management Association ®
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Team Building: Joining the Team
By: Maggie Laird, Laird Consulting
In part 3 of this Teambuilding series, we discussed the opportunity
for ‘individual’ ownership that each of the team players
has. Now we are focusing on ‘joining the team’. Joining the team is not just having a membership or being on the roster; it is
being an active engaged participant. Getting to where you are today took time, knowledge, commitment and was your
first step on your journey toward a successful career. Doesn’t it make sense for you to continue building on what you have worked so hard to achieve?
“All of us have benefited from the industrial age, the technology age, and most recently, the
age of information. And without question, we have entered into the most influential age …
the age of association. Never before has it been more crucial to be connected to, or associated with, people of influence… There is no doubt that the biggest impact to your personal
and professional life will be determined by “who” you are associated with, and your “connection” to them.” … John C. Maxwell
Reasons to join the team:
Meet great like-minded people!
Opportunity to showcase your experience through peer to peer discussions or pub
lic speaking.
Bullet item on your resume
See what opportunities and challenges are in the industry
Access to experts in the field – speakers, other members, mentors
SWAG – discounts on continuing education sessions and exams, discounts on meeting fees, and discounts on workshops, seminars, and conferences
Professional References
The opportunity to be involved with others that are passionate about their craft
Stay in front of the pack and updated on new tech-
RMFMA currently has hundreds of volunteer positions on
more than fifty committees. Some of the committees are at
the state level and others at the national level. Volunteers
work in every facet of the organization, from board members,
financial, chapter administration, meeting planning, hosting
meetings, equipment shows, education sessions, membership, marketing, legislation, and annual conferences. Every
team needs volunteers to give of their time and talent, saving
the Organization thousands of dollars each year. Each member can volunteer as much as they like.
Join us and find the Joy in your field, take advantage of the
Opportunity, Invest in your future and Network with others.
Invite others to join you at the next meeting and in your organization, RMFMA. Ask your local Chapter leaders how you can
be more actively involved, and help RMFMA hit the ball out
of the park!
Rocky Mountain Fleet Management Association ®
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Goodbye and Thanks...
2011 found us saying goodbye and thanks to two of our founding
fathers. Mr. Don Compton and Mr. Woody Kaufman. Both Don
and Woody believed in service and work ethic. They both wanted
to help others in life and make an impact on this world. They both
achieved this goal and their legacies will continue for generations
to come. Don and Woody both served our country and the fleet
Don retired from a military career and served both the Cities of Bolder and Lakewood, Co as their fleet manager. Woody
served in World War II and served many fleets across the United
States and Canada.
These two men came together with a common goal of managing the fleet. Don was a fleet manager, and Woody was the
father of fleet management software. These men showed how
both the Fleet Member and an Associate Member working
together can make a difference in our industry. Together with
other founding “fathers”, they set in motion a great opportunity
for fleet professionals at all levels to learn more, encourage, and
support each other in the career field of fleet maintenance and
management. Both Don and Woody saw the importance of sharing information, learning from each other, and being mentors for
You can also read the interview with Woody in the RMFMA
Newsletter July 2009. You can find it on our website, www.
rmfma.org, under resources, newsletters. Woody shared more
about what they wanted to accomplish with this organization.
We, at RMFMA, want to recognize the gifts of any of our
Founding Fathers. Their families will be able to see that we appreciated them in years gone by and years to come. We would like to
post any memories that each of you may have of these wonderful fleet visionaries. Please send them to our Business Manager,
Shawna Laird, at businss_manager@rmfma.org. We will be happy
to post these to our website and send copies to their families.
Don Compton, Fleet Manager for Cities of Bolder and Lakewood,
CO - Founding Father of RMFMA
Donald Virgil Compton, 81, loving father and devoted grandfather
and great grandfather, passed away in Tucson October 15, 2011.
Don was born in Denver on July 16th, 1930 and attended West
High School. He joined the Navy in 1948 and served in the Korean
War. He transferred to the Air Force in 1957 and served in several
countries before returning to the states. He had a unique knack
for foreign languages and attended an immersion program in
Washington D.C. to learn Vietnamese and used that talent as an
interrogator during the Viet Nam war. He returned to the states
and retired from the military in Colorado, where he enjoyed success as a Fleet Manager for the cities of Boulder and Lakewood.
One of his proudest accomplishments was his role in the founding
of the Rocky Mountain Fleet Managers Association, which he was
an active member into his later years. He retired from Lakewood
in 1985 and moved to Tucson.
Don had a passion for boating and fishing as well as his motorcycle. He loved animals, especially his dog, Duke. He was very
active in AA and considered it his duty to mentor younger people
through their struggles. He is survived by his sons Ric and Mike,
his daughter Kathy, five grandchildren and five great grandchildren. Burial will be at Fort Logan National Cemetery in Denver.
Ellwood “Woody” Kauffman, CEO of Mainstem Corporation Founding Father of RMFMA
Ellwood “Woody” Kauffman, 83, died December 23 at home in
Princeton. He was a computer pioneer whose keen intellect was
matched only by his keen wit. After serving as a technical sergeant in Japan at the end of World War II, he attended Temple
University on the GI bill, graduating in 1952 with a degree in
mathematics and a fascination with a new breed of room-filling
“automatic computers.” He joined Remington Rand’s fledging
Univac division, which built the nation’s first commercial mainframe computer, and became one of the earliest operators of
that iconic machine.
Later, he turned his sights to computer software, founding and
serving as president and CEO of Applied Data Research in Princeton, the world’s first independent software company, which
in 1968 was awarded the first patent for a computer program.
He remained active in computing for more than 40 years and
founded several other computer software and consulting companies in Princeton, including Mainstream and K-Squared Systems.
In 1981, he was recognized by the American Federation of Information Processing Societies as a “Univac Pioneer,” one of a group
of “indomitable innovators whose foresight … helped usher in the
Information Society of today.”
At college, he met his wife, Shirley, and they were married nearly
58 years until her death in July 2008. They traveled the globe
together, played a mean game of bridge, and shared the curious
distinction of having been named to President Nixon’s infamous
“enemies list” for their work with the presidential campaign of
George McGovern. He also enjoyed crossword puzzles and playing poker. His greatest pleasure, however, came from time spent
with his family, whose images graced nearly every surface in his
home. His heroes were his children, his grandchildren, and Albert
He taught his children, and those whose lives he touched, the importance of hard work, compassion, and the serious business of
humor. He also held the incongruous belief that obituaries should
be published while their subjects are alive, so they can appreciate
the breadth of their accomplishments and impact.
Predeceased by his wife, Shirley; his sister, Shirley Dashoff; and
his son-in-law, James Barthman; he is survived by his sons, Scott,
Matthew, and Geoffrey Kauffman; his daughter, Jane Kauffman
Barthman; five grandchildren; and his “angel,” Marcia NelsonBrown, his devoted caregiver.
Rocky Mountain Fleet Management Association ®
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Fleet Health
2012 is here, and another year has gone by. Many of us made
resolutions or set goals for the year. The first step to achieving
them is to write them down, second is to share them with others who will make you accountable for them, and the third is
put action into what needs to be done to end with the results
that we want. Our fleet organizations are no different. Fleet
managers and directors make business plans and outline goals
for the year (the vision), shared them with staff, management,
and in some cases with peers, and start the action plan……then
life on planet fleet happens. The year is over and we start over
at step one.
By: Maggie Laird, Laird Consulting
Shop Work Flow
Paper process
Technician Accountability
Productivity and meeting standard repair times
Quality of repair
Positive Team Player
4. Inventory Management
Stocked properly, right parts, right quantities
Inventory Turns
The most common personal resolution made is to be healthier. Parts
It should also be the resolution for our fleet organizations.
Pricing and contracts
Healthier weight, trimming down, tightening our belts, learn
Ordering and receiving
ing more, and making necessary changes are all part of our
Invoice Processing
personal resolution – what about fleet. Right sizing, cutting the
Surplus and Obsolescence
budget, learning new approaches to management and mainte
Expendables and supplies
nance, and making the changes required to have success in the
Fill Rates
fleet at the end of the year, should be part of your fleet ‘resoluFuel and Fluids
tion’. Where do you start? You need to know where you are,
and that requires a checkup and taking all of your vital signs.
Bulk Sites
Here is a checklist for each of you to use to “check your fleet
Commercial vendor – fuel cards
pulse” and “take your fleet temperature”.
Shop Tools 5. Vehicle Management
Fleet Health Checklist:
Specifications:Right Fit for job
1. Fiscally Responsible by Program
Replacement: Age, Utilization, Maintenance, and
Condition factors
Profit /Loss
Charge Rates
Resource sharing
Recovery of other monies
2. Customer Satisfaction by Program
Service Level Agreements
Quality of Service
Vehicle cost of ownership
State reporting – utilization and PM compliance
Cost Effective
6. Marketing your Services
Know your market
Safe Reliable Transportation
Know your competition
3. General Operations (Maintenance Operations)
Promote the Return on Investment
Environmental Issues
Quality of Maintenance
Most Fleet organizations have checklists in their vehicle and
Quality of Preventive Maintenance Program
equipment preventive maintenance operations. Take the previ
Items checked under PM inspection fail prior to
ous list and make a preventive checklist for your fleet operanext PM
tion. Create your checklist and make it hierarchical. Schedule
Shop Scheduling
the checkups throughout the year. Note all the good things as
Backlog of work
well as the unhealthy items, and institute a plan for make the
Pending requests
Current assignments for staff
Direct vs. Indirect Labor Activity
Rocky Mountain Fleet Management Association ®
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Tour Texas
and Excel in 2012
September 11-14, 2012
Hosted by the Texas Chapter
Click Here
for more
Plan your next fleet industry road trip by joining us on the RMFMA Tour Texas and Excel in 2012 September 11th – 14th in Arlington,
TX. Map your trip along any of the five different education routes available.
Tour Texas Route Options
Route TX-F is the FLEET ROUTE. This route will take you through the twists and turns of the fleet highway.
Route TX-I is the INVENTORY ROUTE. This route takes you through the hills of inventory. It is designed for the purchasing,
inventory, and warehouse staff.
Route TX-G is the GREEN ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ROUTE. G is for Green and G is for Go. This route will “LEED” you
through the many different avenues for going green and impacting future generations.
Route TX–T is the TECHNICAL ROUTE. Are your technicians fearful of taking certification tests? Then put them on the right
path to better test preparation and testing skills. ASE and EVT trainers will be on hand for multiple prep sessions and the
several manufacturers will be on hand to do specific training.
Guest Program
Sheraton Hotel Arlington
1500 Convention Center Drive
Arlington, Texas 76011
Here are just a few of the thing being planned for your guest
Rate: $122.00 plus tax
Reservations: 800-442-7275
Reservation Website: www.starwoodmeeting.com/Book/rmfma
Deadline for reservations: August 20, 2012
who is joining you on your trip to Texas:
• Tour historic Fort Worth Stockyards with lunch at Riscky’s
• Visit the Cowgirl Museum - see how Texas women influenced Texas history from ranchers to the Supreme Court
• Tour historic downtown Grapevine with museums, galleries
antiques, boutiques
• Tour Delaney Vineyards
• Cooking Class
Rocky Mountain Fleet Management Association ®
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Tour Texas
and Excel in 2012
September 11-14, 2012
Hosted by the Texas Chapter
Click Here
for more
Exhibit Space Specifications & Pricing:
Inside location
10 x 10 feet
Inside location
10 x 20 feet
Inside location
10 x 30 feet
Inside location
20 x 20 feet
Inside location
20 x 30 feet
Booth fees include:
• Booth with pipe and drape, skirted eight foot table, waste basket and two chairs
• Exhibit booth staff passes (number varies by booth size) including meals and breaks (networking events extra)
• Education Route TX-E is specially designed for our Exhibitors. This is a very unique route that includes stops for the ROI of Tradeshows, use of social media, pre- & post-show review and planning, and how to get the most from your RMFMA organization and
Exhibit Schedule:
Exhibitor move-in (8:00 am – 10:00 pm):
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Show Hours (10:30 am – 2:00 pm):Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Show Hours (10:30 am – 2:00 pm):Thursday, September 13, 2012
Special invitation only show for purchasing
personnel & vendor prospects (8:30 am – 10:30 am): Thursday, September 13, 2012
• Lunch to be served in Exhibit area for all attendees
Early Registration Offer:
Register and pay by Monday, June 8, 2012 and receive preferred choice of booth location, choice of sponsorship opportunities
plus save 10% off exhibit booth fees and sponsorships. To receive the 10% discount, please enter 10OFF in the discount code
field when making your selections. The earlier you register the more exposure you get on the conference website. Paid registrations
will be assigned booths on a first-come-first-served basis.
Sheraton Hotel Arlington
1500 Convention Center Drive
Arlington, Texas 76011
Rate: $122.00 plus tax
Reservations: 800-442-7275
Reservation Website: www.starwoodmeeting.com/Book/rmfma
Deadline for reservations: August 20, 2012
Rocky Mountain Fleet Management Association ®
EXHIBITORS. This is a very unique route that
• ROI of Tradeshows
• Use of Social Media
• Pre-Show and Post-Show Review and
• How to Get the Most from Your RMFMA
Organization and Membership
Page 8
April 13, 2012
Chapter Meeting
Wigwam Resort
300 Wigwam Boulevard
Litchfield Park, AZ 85340
Click Here for more information!
JUNE 18-20, 2012
The Rocky Mountain Fleet Management
Association is proud to be an association partner
with GFX.
May 16, 2012
Chapter Trade Show
Adams County Fairgrounds
9755 Henderson Road
Brighton, Colorado
FREE to Fleet Members - RSVP is required
Click Here for more information!
RMFMA Members:
Get $50 off your FULL CONFERENCE PASS!
Thinking About Certification?
See what RMFMA has to offer!
Rocky Mountain Fleet Management Association ®
Page 9
Looking for an easier way to receive recall information?
Have NHTSA deliver safety recalls directly to your inbox
or RSS feed readers.
Visit http://www-odi.nhtsa.dot.gov/recalls/ to learn
RMFMA Crossword Puzzle Challenge
Do you like crossword puzzles? The first member to complete the puzzle on page 10 correctly and send it in will
win a $50 gift card! Take the challenge now! Do you know your fleet terms? It may not be as easy you think!
Send your submission to:
Shawna Laird
RMFMA Business Manager
Fax: 800-667-6362
Email: business_manager@rmfma.org
Have ideas for future challenges? Send your ideas to Shawna Laird at business_manager@rmfma.org.
As of Date of Publication
Rocky Mountain Fleet Management Association ®
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Rocky Mountain Fleet Management Association ®