January 2016 - Lakeland Electric
January 2016 - Lakeland Electric
30290-I-0164 LOOKING TO THE FUTURE I hope that all the citizens of Lakeland had a very merry holiday season! Like other successful organizations, the City of Lakeland has goals, a vison, a mission and a set of values that we try to live by in providing services to the citizens of Lakeland. It is a new year and a new day at the City of Lakeland. I am thankful to have the opportunity to oversee this organization comprised of great people who dedicate an enormous amount of pride in delivering municipal services to our residents. We have a number of new recreational enhancements and amenities that you will see being developed over the next year. We recently dedicated Three Parks Trail, a multiuse amenity that connects Peterson Park, Woodlake Park and Common Ground. This past year we also opened the first phase for the North Lakeland Recreation Complex with the Lake Crago Dog Park. As the representative for all the City of Lakeland employees, we say thank you for calling this community home and we look forward to another great year working for you! LAKELAND a vibrant, innovative, culturally-inclusive, world-class community. MISSION A community working together to achieve an exceptional quality of life. • I encourage residents to continue playing an active role in the community by staying informed and engaged. We continue to improve how we communicate with our citizens. During the upcoming year, look for a complete overhaul of our website: www.lakelandgov.net. You can also find us on various social media platforms including Facebook (facebook.com/cityoflakeland) and Twitter (@lakelandgov). VISION • The City of Lakeland and its employees have done a remarkable job over the past year. We continue to look forward to even greater accomplishments for 2016. We hope that you enjoy the data compiled in this special infographic edition of Access Lakeland. It is difficult to present a comprehensive overview of all that we do within a newsletter. However, we believe the information provided in this graphical layout will provide highlights of the services we deliver with pride for our community each day. JANUARY 2016 ➢ A LETTER FROM CITY MANAGER TONY DELGADO CITY OF LAKELAND NEWS & EVENTS VALUES Social Responsibility Leadership • Integrity Commitment to Excellence Empowered Workforce Diversity ➢ YOUR CITY BY THE NUMBERS A 2015 YEAR-IN-REVIEW PUBLIC WORKS cleaned 3,189,753ft² 55 83,457TONS GARBAGE The City of Lakeland Public Works Department was awarded the 2014-15 Project of the Year by the American Public Works Association, Florida West Coast Branch for the Lake Beulah Trail. that’s more than OF DITCHES collected RECYCLING 21,923 61,534 + FOOTBALL FIELDS constructed 13,451ft POLICE DEPARTMENT 221 SWORN 174 that’s almo st 2.5 MIL ES TRAFFIC SIGNALIZED INTERSECTIONS OF SIDEWALK for your walking enjoyment. OF SOLID WASTE that’s the weight of maintained 7.5 Eiffel Towers issued investigated #1 K9 TEAM and made 11,325 3,580 135 TRAFFIC CITATIONS CRIMINAL CASES OFFICERS /L AKEL ANDPD park CITY OF LAKELAND FIRE DEPARTMENT ACRES 879 173 + 4,260 + 27,164 738 OF PARKS that’s larger than FIREFIGHTERS SHRUBS ANNUALS with the help of 3YEARS that’s over that’s almost OVER OF DONATED TIME LIBRARY TITLES FIRE CALLS ACHIEVED AN INSURANCE SERVICE OFFICE (ISO) RATING OF 1. /L AKEL ANDFD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT LAKELAND CENTER issued hosted reviewed 15,408ft² The Lakeland Fire Department partnered with SPCA Florida to produce a calendar of firefighters and pets to benefit SPCA Florida and animals rescued during emergency calls. ALL OTHER EMERGENCIES Only 132 other fire agencies out of 47,000 agencies across the US have achieved this. *65 are Certified Paramedics SWIM LESSONS 1,000,000 10BOOKS PER CITIZEN 27,000 VOLUNTEER HOURS TREES circulated 4,900 MEDICAL CALLS and maintained planted responded to CERTIFIED Officer Chad Whitaker and K9 Nox gave In 2015, The City of Lakeland Parks & Recreation Department welcomed Lake Crago Dog Park to its park roster. With areas for both large and small dogs and other great amenities for the furry members of your family, Lake Crago Dog Park has quickly become a favorite for dog-lovers all over Lakeland. TREES TRIMMED 164 16,941+450+5,521 * DUI ARRESTS @L AKEL ANDPD PARKS & RECREATION do dog IN THE NATION CONSTRUCTION PLANS DOUG NOVOGRODSKY | Firefighter EMT LANCE TAYLOR | Firefighter Paramedic @LAKEL ANDFD served 5,161&5,023 445 492,129 4MILES with BUILDING PERMITS BUSINESS TAX RECEIPTS LAKELAND LINDER REGIONAL AIRPORT logged EVENTS ATTENDEES TAKEOFFS & LANDINGS LEASED SPACE becomes WORLD’S BUSIEST ft² AIRPORT LAKELAND ELECTRIC 70 600 300,000 replaced DISTRIBUTION POLES OF CABLE supplied 169,092 CUSTOMERS WITH 20.6 MILLION GALLONS televised LIVE MEETINGS GRAPHIC DESIGN PROJECTS IN GRANTS FOR AIPORT DEVELOPMENT and maintained a ft OF TREELINE AVERAGE OUTAGE REPAIR TIME WASTEWATER treated over OF PIPE IN THE DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM 32% MIAMI 122 GALLONS LAKELAND TO PER CUSTOMER OF SEWER NEW YORK CITY filled The City of Lakeland Communications Department was awarded five American In-House Design Awards by Graphic Design USA. maintained GALLONS DAILY that’s the distance from that’s almost designed 116 242 $11,032,250 trimmed maintained AVERAGE DAILY DEMAND PER DAY COMMUNICATIONS DURING SUN ‘N FUN FLY-IN received 400MILES 6.4MINUTE 996MILES 12MILLION 316 MILES & LINEWORKERS WATER OF HOTDOGS managed 110,000 938,000 116 r. g n ti yea a e ikey for a l s ’ t thaery da ev REUSED AT MCINTOSH POWER PLANT averaged over and engaged with over 221 2,500 PUBLIC RECORDS PHOTOS TAKEN EACH MONTH REQUESTS AT SPECIAL EVENTS /CITYOFLAKELAND @L AKEL ANDGOV that could reach 41,000 FACEBOOK FOLLOWERS In 2015, the City of Lakeland’s Facebook page became the most followed page of a municipal government in Florida. LOG ON. TUNE IN. GET CONNECTED. S I C P H A DEMOGR FEMALE RACIAL COMPOSITION State of Florida (2014) 19,507,369 Polk County (2014) 623,174 Lakeland Electric Service Area (2014) 269,176 W W W . L A K E L A N D G O V . N E T 52.7% 47.3% ASIAN | 1.86% MALE OTHER | 4.49% HISPANIC or LATINO | 13.91% BLACK or AFRICAN AMERICAN | 20.71% WHITE or CAUCASIAN | 70% important budget numbers City of Lakeland Mailing Address Lakeland City Hall 228 S. Massachusetts Ave. Lakeland, FL 33801 MAIN SWITCHBOARD AREA CODE (863) FISCAL YEAR 2016 brief general fund expenses 834-6000 EMERGENCY911 Airport 834-3298 Beerman Family Tennis Complex 834-2374 Building Inspections 834-6012 Business Tax Receipts 834-6025 Cemeteries834-3287 City Attorney 834-6010 City Clerk 834-6210 City Commission 834-6005 City Manager 834-6006 Civil Service - Human Resources 834-8790 Cleveland Heights Golf Course 834-2377 Code Enforcement 834-6251 Coleman-Bush Building 834-3350 Communications834-6264 Community Development 834-6011 Customer Billing/Finance 834-8276 Downtown Development Authority 687-8910 Finance834-6200 Fire Department NON-EMERGENCY834-8200 Fire Inspector/Fire Marshall 834-8201 Gandy Pool 834-3157 Kelly Recreation 834-3284 Lake Mirror Complex 834-2280 Lakeland Center Box Office 834-8111 Lakeland Electric Customer Service 834-9535 Lakeland Vision 682-9660 Lakes & Stormwater 834-6276 Library - Main 834-4280 Library - Jackson Branch 834-4288 Neighborhood Services 834-6251 Parking Systems (Main Office) 834-6303 Parks & Recreation 834-6035 Police Department NON-EMERGENCY834-6900 Public Works 834-6040 Purchasing834-6780 Risk Management 834-8781 Simpson Park 834-2577 Simpson Pool 834-2286 Solid Waste 834-8773 The Lakeland Center 834-8100 Tigertown Complex 834-2233 Water Utilities 834-8316 general fund revenues comparative annual cost of services HOLIDAY SCHEDULE: CITY OFFICES WILL BE CLOSED FOR THE OBSERVANCE OF: MLK DAY: JANUARY 18, 2016 NO CHANGE TO ANY SERVICE. STAY CONNECTED Online | www.lakelandgov.net In Person | City Hall • 8AM – 5PM • Monday-Friday facebook.com/cityoflakelandfl | twitter.com/lakelandgov | youtube.com/cityoflakelandfl | instagram: cityoflakelandfl Listen Lakeland • First Sunday • FM 97.5 WPCV @ 8:30AM | FM 98.3 WWRZ @ 8AM | AM 1430 WLKF @ 8AM | AM 1230 WONN @ 9AM Public Meetings | City Commission Meetings • First and Third Monday • 9AM | Utility Committee Meetings • First Monday • 1PM Live Broadcast on LGN | Channel 643 (Brighthouse) | Channel 43 (Verizon FiOS) IMPORTANT NUMBERS: City Hall • 863.834.6000 Lakeland Electric Customer Service • 863.834.9535 Power or Water Outages • 863.834.4248 Pollution Hotline • 863.834.3300 LPD Crime Tips Hotline • 863.834.2549 LPD (Non-Emergency) • 863.834.6900 PAYING YOUR UTILITY BILL: ONLINE | www.lakelandelectric.com BY PHONE | 863.834.9535 IN PERSON | Lakeland Electric has partnered with over 50 local businesses including area AMSCOT offices to accept your utility payment.
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