From the Principal


From the Principal
Oak View News
You can send
money with your
child any day for
their lunch
If you will be
coming to have
lunch with your
child, call the
school office and
let them know.
If your child will
be out of school
for any reason,
please call the
attendance line
at 763-425-1881.
Parents are encouraged to
volunteer and
get involved in
your child’s
Turkey Bingo
Health Office
Craft Show
School Info
2 0 1 4
From the Principal
Happy November to all our families,
What an absolutely beautiful fall we have had! It has been some years
since we have had such brilliant leaf coloration, such mild, warm
weather, and the excitement of both a solar and lunar eclipse. So
many things for us to be thankful for and appreciate!
October proved to be a very busy month and November will be just as
busy. We finished our fall fundraiser and made over $11,000! Thank
you to all our families for supporting your child’s education here at
Oak View. Our fall conferences brought many, many families to school
to learn about your child’s progress. We had 95% of our families completing a conference. Working together will help your child attain their
high goals for the school year.
Technology is exploding within the classrooms at Oak View! Every
classroom uses technology every day. Our 6th graders received their
own iPads to use at school and at home to complete work through
Schoology. Come to our PTO meeting next week to hear from several
students about how they use technology every day at Oak View.
For families that are new to Oak View this year, our Turkey Bingo
event is fast approaching and not one to miss. This is a fun-filled evening, with food and lots of prizes, for the whole family! Gather your
friends, neighbors, grandparents, aunts and uncles to join this
“Gobbling” exciting event! Hope to see all of you on Friday, November
14 from 6:00-8:30 pm. We still could use volunteers as well, especially
for our second shift and for clean-up. Please let us know if you are
able to volunteer. More hands make light work and builds relationships within our school community. And lastly…
I am so thankful for all of our Oak View students that arrive at school
with smiles and a strong desire to learn. I am so thankful for our families that are involved in your child’s learning and our school community. I am so thankful for our staff who are committed to high levels of
learning for all students.
Warmest regards,
Ann Mock
We want to
thank all of the
men and women
who have or are
currently serving
our country.
Happy Veterans
All students
should be dressed
to go outside for
recess every day.
They need to have
a warm coat, a hat
and mittens.
When the now
comes they will
need snow pants
and boots.
A Message from Mr. Warner the Counselor
Every other week I have an opportunity to do a lesson in each classroom at Oak View.
Kindergarten through third grade classrooms have been discussing ways to be great listeners at
school with teachers and students. We have been talking about using your eyes to track the speaker,
having your body still, and voices quiet while another is talking.
Call or email me if
you have a question
or concern about
your child.
These classrooms have also been discussing what it means to be assertive with others. We define
the word assertive as a way to stand up for yourself in a calm, respectful way by asking questions or
making comments.
Fourth grade has been discussing how to make solid friendships and how to show respect to all.
Fifth grade has been working on self-esteem and goal setting.
Finally, sixth grade has been discussing what to do if confused by another’s intentions in class. This is
done by asking polite questions and remaining calm.
Many new counseling groups have or will be starting up soon. If you would like your son or daughter
to be a part of a group simply let me know. Four groups in particular that are taking place include:
friendship groups, family changes/divorce groups, self-control groups, and study-skills groups. All
groups take place either during a student’s study hall, lunch, or recess period.
As always, if you have a question or concern about your student here at Oak View don’t hesitate to
give me a call or send me an email at
Turkey Bingo Is Coming
Friday, Nov. 14th
6:00 - 8:30pm
Come and enjoy a FAMILY FUN night filled with fun, food, and
fast paced action including: Guest BINGO callers and pizza.
BINGO cards sell for $5.00 each and that card can be used all
night long. Pay once and play all night.
Volunteers are still needed to make this evening a great
event. If you can spare some time send Tracy Dorn an email
at or give her a call at 763-391-8692.
News from the Health Office
Washing hands
stay healthy.
When should your child stay home?
 Temperature of 100 degrees or above
 Vomiting, Diarrhea
When should your child return to school?
 Child should be fever free for 24 hours
 Child should be free of vomiting/diarrhea for 24 hours
When will parent/guardian be contacted to pick up their child?
 If temperature is 100 or above
 Has vomiting/diarrhea / or other symptoms
Upcoming Events ……………………………………………..
Nov. 4 - Election Day
Dec. 1 - Trimester 2 Starts
Nov. 5 - Student Council 8:15am
Dec. 2 - District 279 Children’s Chorus at PC4:30-5:45pm
Nov. 10 - Orch. 6 Rehearsal 4:30pm
Dec. 3 - Student Council 8:15am
Craft Finishing Party 2-4:00pm
Orch. 6 Pizza Event at OJH 4:15pm
Nov. 11 - PTO Meeting 5:30pm
Digital Learning Plan Presentation 6:15-6:45pm
District 279 Children’s Chorus Starts at PC4:30-5:45pm
Dec. 4 - 5th Gr. Music Program 6:00pm
Nov. 12 - Lifetouch Picture Retake Day
Dec. 6 - PTO Community Craft Show
Nov. 13 - 4th Gr. to Bakken Museum
6th Gr. to Cinderella Performance
Dec. 8 - Holiday Boutique Starts
Nov. 14 - PTO Turkey Bingo 6:00pm
Dec. 9 - District 279 Children’s Chorus at PC4:30-5:45pm
PTO Meeting 5:30pm
Nov. 17 - Orch. 6 Practice at EC 4:30pm
Dec. 14 - Barnes & Noble Fundraiser
Nov. 18 - District 279 Children’s Chorus at PC4:30-5:45pm
School Board Meeting 6:00pm at ESC
Dec. 16 - District 279 Children’s Chorus at PC4:30-5:45pm
Nov. 19 - Student Council 8:15am
Crafting Party 2-4:00pm
Dec. 18 - Orchestra Practice at PB for MOA
Nov. 20 - Student Council Sponsored Culvers Night 5-9:00pm
Nov. 24 - Orch. 6 Rehearsal at EC 4:30pm
Nov. 25 - District 279 Children’s Chorus at PC4:30-5:45pm
Dec. 17 - Student Council 8:15am
Dec. 21 - Orchestra Concert at MOA 12:30pm
Dec. 23 - Last day before Winter Break
Dec. 24 - Winter Break Starts
Nov. 26 - No School for Students (report card marking day)
Nov. 27 - Thanksgiving - No School for Students & Staff
Nov. 28 - No School for Students
Volunteer News
A huge
goes out to all of our wonderfully busy
volunteers! In October you helped out
with the Scholastic Book Fair, Vision and
Hearing Screening, our 6th grade iPad
deployment, and KidPack delivery. You
helped out in classrooms, made many
crafts for our Husky Holiday Boutique,
and even found time to cook a meal for our teachers during
Parent Teacher Conferences! WOW! Our staff is truly grateful for everything you do!
Our big event in November will be Turkey Bingo on November 14th. We are still in need of volunteers to help this great
event run smoothly. If you are interested in helping out at
Turkey Bingo, please sign up at http://
The rest of the month promises to be just as busy as ever!
Keep an eye on the volunteer page of our website for upcoming opportunities, and as always, if you have any questions,
feel free to contact me, Tracy Dorn, at
or 763-391-8692.
Picture Retake Day is November
12th. Watch for more information
to come home soon.
Craft Fair on
December 6th
The PTO has a few spaces available for
rent. If you are interested in renting a
booth for the craft show or know of
someone that would like to rent a
space contact Steve Grant at 763-5032209 or
Monthly Student Recognition Winners
October 31, 2014
Grade and Teacher
Behavior Recognition Winners
Academic Recognition Winners
6th - Eskro
6th - Travis-Eull
6th - Welu
6th - Pedersen
6th - Champ
Matthew Vang
Alena Ang
Taliyah Kelley
Isaac Nemeth
Jaiden Pickford
Spencer Sealock
Noah Cohen
Isabella Rodriguez
Kindness Ativie
Camran J.
6th - Penn
5th - Hale
Zachary Yang
Thidalarat Vang
Favor Nelson
Rylan Lundeen
5th - Weist
5th - Booke
5th - Kolden
5th - Irvin
5th - Friedmann
5th - Gunther
4th - Grant
Nicholas Timahl
Ayden Rajvong
Brice Wells
Egan Moua
Kao Lee Yang
Milagros Nava-Morales
Owen Gerber
Olivia Larson
Rachel Berscheid
Avril Garcia-Chavez
Emma Nahr
Malerie Williams
Brian Diaz-Luna
Wheatonia Peal
4th - Hostad
3rd - Eckdahl
3rd - Ditter
3rd - Blix
2nd - Stobbs
2nd - Merriett
2nd - Eungard
1st - Abendroth
1st - Feldick
1st - Kjeldahl
Katlin Doan
Caroline Horsch
Nadia Kue
Jake Cohen
Riley Lloyd
Ethan Ellingson
Jayda Bradford
Juan Machado Pineda
Ella Orn
Aubrionna Wood
Samantha Alvarez-Castro
Hector Tablas
Becca Paulson
Irene Hoto
Caden Vance
Calvin Colangelo
Tate Brink
Alexis Lee
Ace Xiong
Samantha Roalson
Beatriz Vital Ortiz
Layla Castillo
Harry Long
Karris Ellingson
Ka’Montae Sievers
Max Ladman
Bailey Newton
Amiyaah Ross
Congratulations to all our winners!
Each month we will have different students selected from each classroom.
Gifted Education (GE) and Young Scientist
Roundtable (YSR)
November Lunch Menu
Nov. 12
Sweet & Sour Chicken
Nov. 18
French Toast Sticks
YSR is an enrichment opportunity for all OAK
families. For this, and Gifted Education information, please access our building web site.
Milk or juice choices will be available with
every meal.
No school
November 26, 27 & 28
We wish to say “THANK YOU” to the PTO
and all the parents that brought food for
the staff during our fall conferences in
If your child will
be absent from school
for any reason, please
call the school and let
us know. Call the
school at (763)4251881 and push “1” to
report your child’s
School Information
We’re on the Web.
Important Phone Numbers
Office…………………………………………...(763) 425-1881
Attendance Reporting…………………..(763) 425-1881
Fax Number……………………………….. .(763) 391-8686
Health Specialist……………………………(763) 391-8687
Volunteer Coordinator………………… (763) 391-8692
Media Center…………………………….…(763) 391-8689
Kidstop………………………………………...(763) 391-8688
Gifted Education (GE) and Young Scientist
Roundtable (YSR)
YSR is an enrichment opportunity for all
OAK families. For this, and Gifted Education information, please access our building
web site.
Oak View Elementary
6710 East Fish Lake Rd.
Maple Grove, MN 55369
Phone: 763-425-1881
Fax: 763-391-8686
District 279 does not discriminate on the basis of disability. If you need auxiliary aids or services in order to participate in or attend any district activity, please provide the school district with seventy-two (72) hours advance notice. Please contact the office at (763)425-1881 to make a request or TD (612)391-7250. Upon
request, this document can be made available in an alternative format, such as Braille, large print, or audio tape to accommodate individuals with disabilities. To
make such a request, please contact us at least seventy two (72) hours in advance.