The Palm Re
The Palm Re
The Palm ReDon’t miss the 30th anniversary of the World’s Largest Sale of Palms at Fairchild Tropical Botanical Garden November 1st and 2nd, 2008 Free rare palm seedlings while supply lasts South Florida Palm Society c/o Lou Sguros 7341 SW 5th Street Plantation, FL 33317 (954) 797-2868 South Florida Palm Society October 2008 Featured Palm Dypsis sp. ‘Orange Crush’ Photo courtesy of Bo-Goran Lundkvist Our website has arrived !! Please visit us at... SFPS Board of Directors 2008 Bill Olson John Demott George Alvarez Lou Sguros tary Steve Stern Jeff Chait Tim McKernan Sandra Farwell Tim Blake Laurie Danielson President Vice President Treasurer Corresponding SecreDirector Director Director Director Director Director The Palm Report - October 2008 This publication is produced by the South Florida Palm Society as a service to it’s members. The statements and opinions expressed herein do not necessarily represent the views of the SFPS, it’s Board of Directors or its editors. Likewise, the appearance of advertisers does not constitute an endorsement of the products or featured services. 2 27 Zamia lindenii Zamia loddigesii Zamia manicata Zamia maritima Zamia muricata Zamia neurophyllidia Zamia obliqua Zamia variegata hybrid Zamia pseudoparasitica Zamia pumila Zamia purpurea Zamia roezlii Zamia skinneri Zamia sp. 'Mexico' Zamia spartea Zamia splendens Zamia standleyi Zamia tuerckheimii Zamia variegata Zamia vazquezii 66 67 66 65,81,80 66 66 66 67 92 65,67,80 66 92,66 57,66 33 66 66 66 66 57,66,80 68 In This Issue Featured Palm ………………........... Page 4 Request for email addresses………... Page 5 Membership Renewal..……...…….... Page 6 Events Calendar.…..………………... Page 7 Volunteer Spotlight……….….……… Page 8 Grower List/Map……………………. Page 9 Advertising Available in the Palm Report Ads are taken on a space available basis • Full-page color ad is $495 • Full-page ad is $175 per issue • One-third page ad is $50 per issue Our Mission The South Florida Palm Society is a not-for profit organization whose mission is to disseminate information about and encourage interest in palms and the use of those plants. Funds donated to the Chapter through its annual sales are used to help support Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden, Montgomery Botanical Center and other institutions, individual research, planting projects, and educational efforts. 3 Featured Palm Dypsis sp. ‘Orange Crush’ Also referred to as Dypsis pulifera, this palm is a threatened species in habitat and can be found in the moist forest of Marojejy and Mantady in the Sambirano region of Madagascar. It is a highly ornamental palm with a green trunk and an often bright orange crownshaft. The bright orange color is most apparent immediately after the boots from older branching is removed and then fades to a greener color. ‘Orange Crush’ is solitary, medium sized and has long, thin leaflets which are bright green and very evenly spaced. The palm heart is often harvested and eaten which is putting serious pressure on the populationseven within Marojejy and Mantady protected areas. This tropical palm likes moist conditions in a well drained area and is not very cold tolerant. It prefers full sun from the time it has grown into a 5 gallon size. Photographs courtesy of Bo-Goran Lundkvist 4 Palms Vendor # Wallichia densiflora Wallichia disticha Washingtonia robusta Welfia regia Wodyetia bifurcata Wodyetia bifurcata × Veitchia sp. hybrid Zombia antillarum Zombia antillarum × Coccothrinax sp. hybrid 80 4,57,35 65 67,80 4,26,33,65,66,80 4,65,66,16 4,25,26,35,50,65,66,67,80,16 50,66,16 Cycads Vendor # Bowenia spectabilis Ceratozamia hildae Ceratozamia kuesteriana Ceratozamia latifolia Ceratozamia mexicana Ceratozamia robusta Cycas debaeonsis Dioon califanoi Dioon caputoi Dioon edule Dioon mejiae Dioon merolae Dioon rzedowskii Dioon spinulosum Encephalartos arenarius Encephalartos ferox Encephalartos gratus Encephalartos hildebrandtii Encephalartos horridus Encephalartos lehmannii Encephalartos longifolius Macrozamia moorei Macrozamia serpentina Stangeria eriopus Zamia acuminata Zamia dressleri Zamia encephalartoides Zamia fairchildiana Zamia fischeri Zamia furfuracea Zamia inermis 80 66,68 66,80 57,66,68 65 57 68 66,68 66 26,57,66,67 66,68 66,68 66 4,81,33,57,66,67,68 66 4,66,67,68,80 4,66,67,68 4,66,68 27,66 66 66 67 68 66 66 66 66 66 25,26,67 4,26,33,66 57,66 Sabal yapa Salacca wallichiana Salacca zalacca Satakentia liukiuensis Schippia concolor Serenoa repens Sereona repens var. 'Silver form' Socratea durissima Socratea exorrhiza Socratea salazarii Solfia samoensis Sommieria leucophylla Syagrus amara Syagrus botryophora Syagrus cearensis Syagrus cocoides Syagrus coronata Syagrus flexuosa Syagrus glaucescens Syagrus sancona Syagrus schizophylla Synechanthus fibrosus Synechanthus warscewiczianus Tahina spectablis Thrinax ekmaniana Thrinax excelsa Thrinax parviflora Thrinax radiata Trachycarpus fortunei Trachycarpus takil Trachycarpus wagnerianus Trithrinax campestris Trithrinax schizophylla Veitchia arecina Veitchia filifera Veitchia joannis Veitchia spiralis Veitchia vitiensis Veitchia winin Verschaffeltia splendida Voanioala gerardii Wallichia caryotoides 25,66,68 66 66 81,57,35,66,67,68,80,16 33,66,67,80 26,33,65,67 4,25,26,66,67 67 67 80 68,80 57 4,25,66,80,16 4,57,50,68,80,16 57,80 57 4,25,33,65,66 66 57 57,66 4,33,65,66 67 57 80,57 68 66,67,16 25,66,16 4,25,26,33,66,67,16 65 68 65 67 50 4,26,33,65,66 66 66 57,66 66 4,33,66 4,81,57,35,50,67,68,80 57 68 The SFPS Website is here! • Read the latest news in the most recent issue of the Palm Report! View the calendar to plan for upcoming events! • Get membership information instantly! • • Ask questions directly to our readers on our on-line forum. • And much, much more. Special Note: We need your EMAIL Addresses!!!! The South Florida Palm Society has collected well over 1000 names and physical addresses of current, previous and future members but have only collected a small number of email addresses. Our Website will not only deliver more immediate information on dates, current events and plant care but will also save our society many thousands of dollars a year on printing and postage! Without your email address we cannot forward a link to the most current Palm Report and it will soon be published on line and in full color! Paid members will continue to receive 2 printed sale issues each year. Please Send your email address to: 5 Win a Neoveitchia storkii Palms We Want YOUR Help! Send us your best ideas for a new SFPS slogan. Slogans like: “we dig palms”, “plant a palm” and “changing the world one palm at a time” The person who sends in the winning selection will receive a palm like this- Neoveitchia storkii email your short slogan to or fax your ideas to (305) 234-7249 prior to November 1st, 2008 (extended deadline). • • 2 entries per person SFPS BOD will vote on entries to determine winner • Membership is not required to enter SFPS MEMBERSHIP & RENEWAL FORM ( ) New Member ( ) Renewing Member ( ) Change of Address PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY Name: _________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________________ City, State: ____________________________________________________ Zip code: _________________ Country: ___________________________ E-mail: _____________________________________Phone:____________ Person who referred you:_______________________________________ Membership is $20.00 annually and is on a calendar year basis. New member’s dues received after November 1 will be applied towards the following year unless otherwise requested. Lifetime membership levels: Gold - $500, Silver - $250 and Bronze - $100. Attach check made payable in US dollars to SFPS and mail to: Lou Sguros 7341 SW 5th Street Vendor # Ptychosperma sp. “Wotoboho” Ptychosperma sp. 'Narrow Leaf' Ptychosperma vestitum Ptychosperma waitianum Raphia sudanica Raphia taedigera Ravenea dransfieldii 57,66 50 57,50 66,68 57 57 57 Ravenea glauca Ravenea hildebrandtii Ravenea krociana Ravenea louvellii Ravenea sambiranensis Ravenea xerophila Reinhardtia latisecta Rhapidophyllum hystrix Rhapis excelsa Rhapis excelsa cv. nana "Super Dwarf" Rhapis humilis Rhapis laosensis Rhapis multifida Rhapis robusta Rhapis subtilis Rhopaloblaste augusta Rhopaloblaste ceramica Rhopaloblaste rubusta Rhopalostylis baueri Roscheria melanochaetes Roystonea oleracea Roystonea regia Roystonea sp. Sabal bermudana Sabal causiarum Sabal domingensis Sabal etonia Sabal maritima Sabal mauritiiformis Sabal minor Sabal palmetto Sabal uresana 57 35 57 57,68 57 57,35,66,67 67 26,66,67 25,57,65,66,67 57,68 25 57 4,81,25,57,35,66,68,80 67 57,67 57,66,67 57,66 67 25,80 4,35,67 80 26,33,65,66 65 33 80 68 67,68 68 25,66,80,16 4,65,66,67,68 67 66,68 Pinanga disticha Pinanga javana Pinanga kuhlii Pinanga maculata Pinanga sp. 'Blue Fruit' Pinanga sp. 'Thai Mottled' Pinanga speciosa Pinanga watanaiana Polyandrococos caudescens Ponapea ledermanniana Prestoea acuminata var. montana Pritchardia hillebrandii Pritchardia hillebrandii var. 'Dwarf blue' Pritchardia pacifica Pritchardia pacifica variegata Pritchardia remota Pritchardia thurstonii Pseudophoenix ekmanii Pseudophoenix lediniana Pseudophoenix sargentii Pseudophoenix sargentii subsp. saonae Pseudophoenix sargentii var. navassana Pseudophoenix vinifera Ptychocos ledermanniana Ptychosperma bubuvva Ptychosperma burretianum Ptychosperma caryotoides Ptychosperma cuneatum Ptychosperma elegans Ptychosperma furcatum Ptychosperma kakabona Ptychosperma lauterbachii Ptychosperma lineare Ptychosperma macarthurii Ptychosperma microcarpum Ptychosperma nicolai Ptychosperma propinquum Ptychosperma pullenii Ptychosperma salomonense Ptychosperma sanderianum Ptychosperma schefferi 80 68 4,67,16 68 25,80 57,80 57,35,68,80 80 4,57,66,68,80,16 66 68 66,67,68 35,80 4,25,66,67,80 67 68 35 35,66,68,16 35,50,66 4,25,26,27,33,35,65,66,67, 68,80,16 66 4,35,66,80 4,27,35,50,66,67,68,80,16 67 66 66,68 25,66 25,57,50,66,67 4,26,33,66 66 50 66 66,80 33,65,66 33,50,66,68 66,68 57,66 66 4,66 66 25,66,68,80 In order to keep the Palm Report as relevant as possible, we ask that our readers submit ideas, articles, and pictures that you feel might be of interest. Suggestions and general questions can be sent to Tim McKernan at WELCOME NEW MEMBERS!!! Vince Hanlon, Sandra Rolon, Carol Garvin, Laura Reiss, Eugene Bradford Keeping your membership up to date will assure you of receiving all SFPS email communications, The Palm Report and advance copies of the Sale booklets. Membership can be renewed online at or by sending your payment with any postal or email address changes to SFPS, c/o Lou Sugoros, 7341 SW 5th St., Plantation, FL, 33317. Annual membership is $20, Lifetime memberships $100 (Bronze level), $250 (Silver level), and $500 (Gold level). Thank you for your support of The South Florida Palm Society. We hope to see you at all of our general meetings, field trips, and the Spring and Fall Palm Show and Sales. 7 Upcoming Events: . World’s Largest Sale of Palms and Cycad November 1 & 2, 2008; 9:30 AM-4:30 PM at Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden This is the 30th anniversary of this event! Come and see over 25 vendors offering well over 300 varieties of palms and cycads for sale. You can add to your collection, start your collection or just come to get advice from growers while enjoying the world renowned FTBG. Don’t miss it. Members Only Pre-Show Event Saturday, November 2nd at 6:00 PM Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden Membership does have it’s privileges. Join us in the Palmetum at FTBG for food, refreshments and an awards ceremony. Holiday Party and Plant Auction December 1, 2008; 7:00 PM Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden The holiday feast is just around the corner. Join us for an evening of delicious food, beautiful palms and good friends. There will be a guest speaker, a huge palm auction and a Board of Director’s election. Director’s meeting will immediately follow the party. 8 Mauritiella aculeata Mauritiella armata Metroxylon vitiense Metroxylon warburgii Nannorrhops ritchiana Nenga macrocarpa Neonicholsonia watsonii Neoveitchia storckii Nephrosperma van-houtteanum Normanbya normanbyi Orania longisquama Orania palindan Orania ravaka Orania trispatha Oraniopsis appendiculata Pelagodoxa henryana Phetelaphas aequatoralis Phoenicophorium borsigianum Phoenix acaulis Phoenix canariensis Phoenix dactylifera Phoenix loureiroi Phoenix paludosa Phoenix reclinata Phoenix loureiroi var. pedunculata Phoenix roebelenii Phoenix rupicola Phoenix sylvestris Pholidostachys pulchira Pholidostachys sp. Physokentia insolita Phytelephas seemannii Pigafeta elata Pigafetta filaris Pigfetta elata Pinanga adangensis Pinanga caesia Pinanga caesia var. 'Red Form' Pinanga coronata Pinanga crassipes Pinanga dicksonii 67 57,80 57 57,35,80 35,66,67,68 57 57 57,35,66,67,80 67 57,80 57,68 57,50 57 57 57 57,35,66,67,68,80 67 25,57,35,50,68,80 66 26 26,66 57,66 66 4,66 65 4,26,33 66 26,57,50,66,80 67,80 67 57 68 50 35 67 57 68,80 35 65,66,67 68 66 Licuala distans Licuala elegans Licuala glabra Licuala grandis Licuala lauterbachii Licuala longipes Licuala mattanensis var. mapu Licuala nauroannii Licuala orbicularis Licuala paludosa Licuala parviflora Licuala peekelii Licuala peltata Licuala peltata var. sumawongii Licuala petiolulata Licuala ramsayi Licuala sp. "Pre-ati" Licuala sp. "Wilailak" Licuala sp. "Yal-Braal" Licuala spinosa Licuala triphylla Livistona australis Livistona benthamii Livistona chinensis Livistona chinensis var. boninensis Livistona decipiens = Livistona decora Livistona decora Livistona mariae Livistona merrillii Livistona nitida Livistona robinsoniana Livistona rotundifolia Livistona saribus Livistona woodfordii Loxococcus rupicola Lytocaryum hoehnei Lytocaryum weddellianum Manicaria saccifera Marojejya darianii Masoala kona Mauritia flexuosa 68 35,80 68 4,81,33,57,35,65,66,67 57,67 57 35,80 57 35,80 57,67 57 66 57 57,66,67,80 57 25,57,80 57 57 57 57,65,67 57,35 68 4,68 4,65 33,50 50 4,66 80 68 50,68,80 50,66,80 4,81,25,57,35 4,66 57 57,68,80 57 25,57,35,67,80 80 57 80,16 67,80,16 Volunteer Spotlight Danny and Barbara Lutz Many SFPS members donate their time in an array of activities that contribute to SFPS and make SFPS events possible. Danny and Barbara Lutz are two extraordinary examples of this growing list of volunteers. Both are semi-retired registered nurses. Danny is from Salem Ohio and moved to Miami with his family in 1957. Barbara specializes in the study of auto-accident injury for two large corporations and is from the Pittsburgh, Pa area. She moved to Miami in 1970 to get away from the long Pennsylvania winters. They both became passionate about plants from a young age, Danny while working on his grandfather's farm every summer and Barbara while growing up with a father who was an avid and award winning gardener, both vegetable and ornamental. Danny and Barbara were active with two local orchid societies in 2002 when a friend invited the two of them to a SFPS general meeting. We would like to thank that friend for bringing them to that meeting as they have contributed countless hours to our cause since then. They have volunteered at many events and have helped with everything from cashier to security. We are so proud to have Barbara and Danny as a part of our SFPS family. Please join us in recognizing their efforts at making the SFPS experience a better one for all of us. Palms SPRING 2008 GROWER LIST #4 - William Olson #16 - Mike Harris #25 - Carol Graff #26 - Susan Graff #27 - Armando Reyes #31 - Albert Livingston #33 - Dave/Shirley Romney #35 - Steve Stern #43 - John Harshaw #50 - Faith Bishock #57 - Jeff Searle #65 - Leslie Veber #66 - Ron Croci #67 - Claude Roatta #68 - Ellis Brown #80 - Tim McKernan #81 - Ken St. Germain #92 - Scott Cohen Vendor Area Map 25 65 33 35 80 57 Cashier Entrance 4 50 SFPS Table 67 27 92 66 26 68 31 81 16 43 Vendor # Hydriastele pinangoides 25,80 Hydriastele pinatifida 67 Hydriastele selebica Hydriastele vitiensis Hydriastele wendlandiana Hyophorbe indica Hyophorbe lagenicaulis Hyophorbe lagenicaulis X H. verschaffeltii Hyophorbe verschaffeltii Hyphaene dichotoma Hyphaene thebaica Iguanura borneensis Iguanura macrostachya Iguanura myochodoides Iguanura wallichiana Iguanura wallichiana var. major Iriartea deltoidea Itaya amicorum Johanestiejsmannia lanceolata Johannesteijsmannia altifrons Johannesteijsmannia magnifica Johannesteijsmannia perakensis Kentiopsis magnifica Kentiopsis oliviformis Kentiopsis piersoniorum Kentiopsis pyriformis Kerriodoxa elegans Laccospadix australasicus Latania loddigesii Latania lontaroides Latania verschaffeltii Lemurophoenix halleuxii Leucothrinax morrisii Licual valida Licuala aurantiaca Licuala beccariana Licuala bintulensis Licuala concinna Licuala cordata Licuala crassiflora 57 80 33 67,80 4,25,26,33,35,65,68 57 4,26,65,68 67 33 68 68 68 92,68,80 92,80 67,80 92,57,35,50 68 4,57,35,67,80 57,66 92,57,35,68,80 66,80 81,66,68,80 66 57,66 4,57,35,66,80 80 4,26,80 4,33 4,66,80 92,35 25,33,35,65,66,67,16 80 57,66 57 80 57 35 57 Palms Vendor # Dypsis sp. "Lemana's Baroni" Dypsis sp. 'Mayotte Island' Dypsis sp. New broad leaf Dypsis utilis Elaeis guineensis Euterpe edulis Euterpe espiritosantensis Euterpe longibracteata Euterpe oleracea Euterpe precatoria Gastrococos crispa Gaussia attenuata Gaussia maya Gaussia princeps Gaussia spirituana Geonoma schottiana Guihaia argyrata Heterospathe delicatula Heterospathe elata Heterospathe glauca Heterospathe intermedia Heterospathe longipes Heterospathe minor Heterospathe negrosensis Heterospathe philippinensis Heterospathe salomonensis Heterospathe scitula Howea belmoreana Howea forsteriana Hydriastele beguinii 57 66 68 57 4,26,33,80 57,35,68 57 57 57,35,67,68 66 4,33,57,66,67,68 68 33,50,65,66,16 26,68 16 80 35,66 68 4,57,50,65,66,80 68 57,68 68,80 66 68,80 68 66 68 57,50,66 25,35,66 66,68,80 Hydriastele costata Hydriastele dransfieldii 57 66 Hydriastele flabellata Hydriastele hombonii 68 67 Hydriastele kasesa Hydriastele microspadix 57 66 Palms Vendor # Acanthophoenix rubra Acoelorrhaphe wrightii Acrocomia aculeata Actinokentia divaricata Adonidia merrillii Adonidia merrillii var. "Golden Form" Aiphanes horrida Aiphanes minima Allagoptera arenaria Archontophoenix alexandrae Archontophoenix cunninghamiana Archontophoenix cunninghamiana var. "Illawara" Archontophoenix maxima Archontophoenix myolensis Archontophoenix purpurea Archontophoenix tuckeri Areca alba Areca catechu Areca catechu var. "Dwarf" Areca guppyana Areca ipot 35 4,26,65 4,35,50 80 4,33,65,66 57,67,68 4,25,65,68,16 33,50,16 35,65,66,68,80,16 4,65 80 57 50 25,66,67,68 25,57,35,50,66,68 50,68 57 33,57,66,67,68 35 57 80 Areca latiloba = Areca montana Areca macrocalyx 'Red' Areca minuta Areca montana Areca triandra Areca vestiaria Areca vestiaria 'Orange form' Areca vestiaria var. 'Maroon Leaf' Areca vestiaria var. 'Red Leaf' Arenga australasica Arenga brevipes Arenga caudata Arenga engleri 57 80,68 68 57 57 4,25,57,66,67,68,80 16 4,57,35,50,66,67,68,16 80 4,57,50,66,67,68 57 66 4,50,66 Arenga hastata Arenga hookeriana 68 35,66,80 11 Arenga hookeriana var. 'Thin Leaf Form' Arenga microcarpa Arenga obtusifolia Arenga pinnata Arenga tremula Arenga undulatifolia Arenga westerhoutii Asterogyne martiana Astrocaryum alatum Astrocaryum mexicanum Astrocaryum murumuru Attalea butyracea Attalea cohune Attalea speciosa Bactris gasipaes Bactris gasipaes spineless Bactris grayumii Bactris militaris Balaka microcarpa Balaka seemannii Basselinia glabrata Basselinia gracilis Beccariophoenix alfredii 35 57,66 33,66 4,33,50,66,67,80 57,50,66,68,80 57,35,66,67,80 57 57,68,80,16 4,57,50,66,67 66,67 25 67 65,66,68 67 4,67,68 68 57 57,66,80 57,80 92,57,50,68 57 68,80 57,50,68,80 Beccariophoenix madagascariensis Beccariophoenix sp. 'Coastal Form' Bentinckia nicobarica Bismarckia nobilis Borassodendron machadonis Borassus aethiopum Borassus aethiopum/flabiliffer hybred Borassus flabellifer Brahea edulis Brahea nitida Brassiophoenix drymophloeoides Brassiophoenix schumannii Burretiokentia hapala Burretiokentia koghiensis Burretiokentia vieillardii Butia capitata 4,57,66,67,68 4,57,66,68 57,50,67 4,26,33,57,65,66 33,57,35,66,80 4,50,66,80 50 66 67 67 50 66,68 57,67,68,80 92,57,66 4,68 12 Palms Vendor # Drymophloeus litigiosus Drymophloeus oliviformis Drymophloeus pachycladus Drymophloeus sp. "Patipi" Drymophloeus subdistichus Dypsis albofarinosa Dypsis ambositrae Dypsis baronii Dypsis cabadae Dypsis carlsmithii Dypsis crinita Dypsis decaryi Dypsis decipiens Dypsis fasciculata Dypsis fibrosa Dypsis florencei Dypsis lanceolata Dypsis lastelliana Dypsis leptocheilos Dypsis leptocheilos × decaryi Dypsis lutescens Dypsis madagascariensis Dypsis mahajanga Dypsis mananjarensis Dypsis mcdonaldiana Dypsis nauseosa Dypsis onilahensis Dypsis ovobontsira Dypsis pembana Dypsis pilulifera Dypsis psammophila Dypsis rivularis Dypsis robusta 57,35,66,68 57,35,66,68,80 66 66 66 57,68 57,68 57,68,80 4,25,26,33,57,35, 50,65,66,68,80,16 57,66,80 4,25,57,68,80,16 4,25,26,33,57,66 57,67,80,16 57,35 57,68 57,35,66,68 4,25,57,66,68,80 26,57,35,67 25, ,57,35,66,68 57,66 25, 25, 67 66 57 57 57,80 57 57,66,68,80 57 92,80 57,68,80 68 Dypsis saintelucei 92,57,68,80 Dypsis scottiana Dypsis sp. "Fine Leaf" 57,80 Cocos nucifera var. 'Maypan Hybrid' 25,33 Cocos nucifera var. 'Panama Tall' 33 Cocos nucifera var. 'Red Dwarf Spicata' 33 Colpothrinax cookii 80 Colpothrinax wrightii Copernicia × sueroana (C. hospita × C. rigida) 68 Copernicia alba 33,57,50,66,68,80 Copernicia baileyana 4,26,27,35,66,68,80 Copernicia berteroana 26,57,66,16 Copernicia cowellii 66,16 Copernicia ekmanii 27,66,16 Copernicia fallaensis 92,27,66,68,80,16 Copernicia gigas 26,66,16 Copernicia glabrescens 4,66 Copernicia hospita 4,35,66 Copernicia macroglossa 4,26,33,57,50,66,68,80 Copernicia prunifera 57,35 Copernicia rigida Copernicia yarey Corypha lecomtei 57,66,16 66 50 Corypha umbraculifera 4,57,50,80 Corypha utan 4,57,68 Cryosophila stauracantha 16 Cryosophila warscewiczii 57,35,80 Cryosophila williamsii 33,66 Cycas panzhihuaensis 68 Cyphophoenix elegans 66,68,80 Cyphophoenix nucele 66,68,80 Cyphosperma balansae 66 Cyrtostachys renda 4,81,26,57,35,66 Deckenia nobilis 35 Dictyosperma album 4,25,26,66,68,80 Dictyosperma album var. furfuraceum 35 Dioon 'Golden Form' 67 Dransfieldia micrantha Drymophleous 'Irian Jaya' 57,35 67,80 57 Palms Vendor # Butia eriospatha Butia paraguayensis Butia yatay Calyptrocalyx albertisianus 67 16 68 57,35,68 Calyptrocalyx awa Calyptrocalyx elegans 'mara' Calyptrocalyx hollrungii Calyptrocalyx julinettii Calyptrocalyx laptostachus Calyptrocalyx leptostachys Calyptrocalyx micholitzii Calyptrocalyx pachystachys Calyptrocalyx pachystachys sp. 'mottled' Calyptrocalyx polyphyllus Calyptrocalyx sp. "Boalak" Calyptrocalyx sp. "Mara" Calyptrocalyx spicatus Calyptrocalyx stenochista (?) Calyptrocalyx yamutumene Calyptrogyne ghiesbreghtiana Calyptronoma rivalis Carpentaria acuminata Carpoxylon macrospermum Caryota cumingii 57 68 57,66 80 67 80 92,80 80 80 66,80 57,80 57,66 67,80 35,68 57 25,57,35,68 16 26,66,68 81,57,35,66,67,68,80 57 57,68 57 50,80 26,65,66 67,80 57,35 66,68,80 50 4,66 92,35,66,80 66,16 25,66,68 26,33,50,66 13 57,66 Caryota gigas = Caryota obtusa Caryota kiriwongensis Caryota maxima Caryota mitis Caryota no Caryota obtusa Caryota ophiopellis Caryota sp. 'Elvis' Caryota urens Caryota zebrina Chamaedorea adscendens Chamaedorea brachypoda Chamaedorea cataractarum Chamaedorea deckeriana Chamaedorea elegans Chamaedorea ernesti-augusti Chamaedorea fragrans Chamaedorea glaucifolia Chamaedorea hooperiana Chamaedorea klotzschiana Chamaedorea macrospadix Chamaedorea metallica 26,57,66 57,80,16 26,57,80 57,66 4,57,66 66 50,65 4,25,26,57,68 Chamaedorea metallica var. 'Pinnate Form' Chamaedorea microspadix Chamaedorea oblongata Chamaedorea plumosa Chamaedorea radicalis Chamaedorea seifrizii Chamaedorea stolonifera Chamaedorea tepejilote Chamaerops humilis Chamaerops humilis var. argentea Chambeyronia macrocarpa 4,66 57,66 25,57,66,16 25 26,57,50,66,80 25,26,33,66 66 65,66 4,26,65 65,66,68,80 4,26,57,65,66,67,68,80 Chambeyronia macrocarpa var. "Houaïlou" Chambeyronia macrocarpa var. hookeri Cheliocarpus chuco Chelyocarpus chuco Chuniophoenix hainanensis Chuniophoenix nana Clinostigma exorrhizum Clinostigma harlandii Clinostigma ponapense Clinostigma samoense 57,35,66 4,57,66,67,68,80 67 57,68 66,80 57,66,68,80 66,68 67,80 67 25,33,80 Clinostigma savoryanum Coccothrinax alexandri 50,67,80 25 Coccothrinax alexandri Coccothrinax alta 16 4,26,50,66 Coccothrinax arenicola 35 Coccothrinax argentata 26,35,65,66,67,16 Coccothrinax argentea 66,16 Palms Vendor # Coccothrinax barbadensis Coccothrinax borhidiana Coccothrinax boschiana Coccothrinax crinita Coccothrinax crinita subsp. brevicrinis Coccothrinax cupularis Coccothrinax ekmanii Coccothrinax fragrans Coccothrinax garciana Coccothrinax gracilis Coccothrinax gundlachii Coccothrinax hioramii Coccothrinax inaguensis Coccothrinax jamaicensis Coccothrinax macroglossa Coccothrinax miraguama Coccothrinax miraguama subsp. havanensis Coccothrinax miraguama subsp. roseocarpa Coccothrinax moaensis Coccothrinax montana Coccothrinax munizii Coccothrinax proctorii Coccothrinax pseudorigida Coccothrinax salvatoris Coccothrinax scoparia Coccothrinax sp. Coccothrinax sp. "Azul" Coccothrinax spissa Coccothrinax trinitensis Cocos nucifera var. 'Fiji Dwarf' Cocos nucifera var. 'Maka puno' Cocos nucifera var. 'Malayan Gold' Cocos nucifera var. 'Malayan Green' 4,65,66,16 25,92,35,66,68,80,16 68,16 4,25,26,27,57,35,65,67,68, 80,16 33,57,66 67,80 16 66,80,16 16 66,68,16 25,66,16 16 66 66 57 25,33,35,66,67 Cocos nucifera var. 'Malayan Green Twin' Cocos nucifera var. 'Malayan Red' Cocos nucifera var. 'Malayan Yellow' 33 33 4,33 66 66 66,68 25,16 16 66,80 66 25,57 66,68,80,16 25 92,57,66,68,16 4,66,68,80,16 57 33,35,66,68 25 66 4,33,66
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