Calendar of Events - Tidewater BMW CCA
Calendar of Events - Tidewater BMW CCA
das Kummet The Newsletter of the Tidewater Chapter of the BMW Car Club of America January • February 2015 Welcome to Our New Editor Calendar of Events FEBRUARY 15th “Wine & Dine” Valentine’s Day Drive - Drive details will be communicated in a separate communication. Contact: MARCH 15th Bi-Monthly Board & Activities Meeting Pop’s Diner; 1432 Greenbrier Parkway; Chesapeake, VA 23320-2831; (757.502.8220) 09:00 – 11:00 a.m. CONTACT – Darin Kwasniewski (757-304-1512) or Calendar of events details on pg 1 Inside This Issue OFFICERS & KEY PEOPLE President Jeff Triplett (757) 620-4171 Vice President OPEN Secretary Darin Kwasniewski (757) 484-2656 3 President’s Perspective 4 Calendar of Events 4 New Members 8 OBX Drive 10 Go Karting 12 14 16 19 The Show Must Turn On Recommended Very Good Year Yesteryear ads Treasurer Tiffiny Crossley (615) 967-7774 Activities Committee OPEN Marc Garcia (757) 803-5658 Chris Triplett (757) 620-6623 Jaeson Dandalides Membership Chairperson Chris Triplett (757) 620-6623 Member-At-Large Bob Eveleigh (757) 491-0955 Webmeister Judy Semo (757) 456-9923 Newsletter Editor Mark Jumper (224) 213-0417 Driving School Events Chairman Chief Instructor Bob Brochu (757) 430-8124 Tech Session Chairman OPEN BMW Classics Chairman Steve Waddell (757) 539-1305 Peninsula Rep Jim Waldeck (757) 229-0836 Williamsburg Rep Brad Purvis (757) 869-1459 Outer Banks N.C. Rep Jack Robey (252) 480-3356 Foodbank Chairperson Chris Triplett (757) 620-6623 Merchandise OPEN 2 MEMBERSHIP Tidewater Chapter: 762 as of January 2015 National: 69,854 as of December 2013 ADDRESS CHANGES Address changes can be made on the BMWCCA National website (www. by hitting ‘Login’ and following instructions on site. From there, click on the ‘Manage Account’ link on the top of the page; then click on the ‘Change Addresses’ link. Or write to: ROUNDEL BMW CCA 640 South Main Street - Suite 201 Greenville, SC 29601 All changes done through the National office will update both your National and Tidewater Chapter address information. If you are a member of our Yahoo Group,, please also remember to update your profile. NEWSLETTER and PHOTO CONTRIBUTIONS: Your articles and photos are very welcomed by us. To be included in an issue the materials must be received by the 10th of the month preceding the date of next issue. To spice up the newsletter we always need photos of chapter events. We may also use them on the chapter website. Send your contributions to Thanks! Visit our Chapter web pages at: on Facebook at: groups/140702964729/ To subscribe to our email lists: FINE PRINT NOTICE: Das Kummet is published bimonthly and remains the property of the Tidewater Chapter BMW CCA, P.O. Box 62145, Virginia Beach, VA 23462-2145. All information is for members and advertisers only. Ideas, suggestions, writings, and opinions are those of the contributing authors without authentication by or liability to the BMW CCA, the Editors, or Officers of the Tidewater BMW CCA chapter. No information in das Kummet bears the status of “Factory Approved” unless so stated and implies no endorsement or guarantees expressed. The Tidewater Chapter of the BMW CCA is completely independent of and in no way connected with BMW NA or BMW AG. The contents of this publication remains the property of the chapter. All BMW CCA chapters, with permission, may quote or copy from the publication provided full credit is given to the author and the Tidewater Chapter unless noted as “Copyrighted” and is not used for commercial purposes. January • February 2015 - das Kummet President’s Perspective With Christmas behind us and 2014 is quickly coming to close, we are ready to begin a new year. It’s an especially exciting time for the club as we continue to rebuild our team of volunteers who work hard to deliver a membership experience our club members have come to expect. And in this newsletter edition we introduce a new and important member to the team, but more on that in a moment. Did you happen to make the OBX drive this year? If you didn’t you missed a great time as Bob Parsons will tell you about in a separate article. This drive has been a tradition now for more years than I can recall but it has always been one of my personal favorites. And now for some news, we are are pleased to announce the addition of Mark Jumper who has agreed to serve as your Newsletter Editor. Mark is a Retired Navy Chaplain and currently a Professor of Divinity at Regent University, you can read more about him in a bio that follows. I can tell you that he has a passion for cars, writing and looks forward to taking our newsletter to new and exciting places. Please welcome Mark to the club when you see him at the next event. And again, THANK YOU TO ALL OF OUR MEMBERS WHO MAKE THIS A GREAT CAR CLUB!!! Whether it is the next board meeting or the Annual Banquet, I hope to see you at the next event. Until Next Time! Jeff Triplett Our Chosen Charities For 2014: Foodbank of Southeastern Virginia You can support this effort by bringing canned goods or money to any chapter event. However, money provides more meals than canned goods. Chris Triplett leads the committee. For more information or to volunteer, please contact Chris Triplett, foodbank@ Physicians for Peace Physicians for Peace is an international non-profit headquartered in Norfolk, VA dedicated to medical education in developing nations. With the support of international medical educators, and global citizens like you, the work of PFP is made possible. To find out more please visit Featured Car OLD FEATURE RETURNS! Join Us On Facebook! Join us on Facebook to stay up to date with all your club’s activities! To become part of our Facebook group, you must have a Facebook account. After you sign on to Facebook at, enter “Tidewater BMW CCA Activities Page” in the search block. You should be shown our activities page along with a link labeled. “Join Group”. Click on join group, a box will appear that will ask you if you want to join this group, click the “Join” button. You are then taken to our club activities page, where you can see and post activities and pictures. das Kummet - January • February 2015 It’s time to bring back an old friend. Each issue will offer a spot light for a featured car. If you are proud of your BMW, if you LOVE your BABY then tell our readers about it. E-mail the editor a picture and stats on your prized possession and then watch for it to be featured on the back cover of this publication. Get your BMW it’s 15 minutes of fame as our Featured Car. Please send photos (300 dpi or better) and a short description to editor@ 3 Calendar of Events Calendar of Events continued from pg 1 MARCH 28th Quarterly New Member Meet & Greet & Eat “NMMGE” – Southside Drive Rendezvous: TBD 5:30 – 6:30p.m. CONTACT – Marc Garcia, (757-803-5658) or activitiescommittee@ Dinner: TBD 6:30 – 9:30 p.m. RSVP Required NOT LATER THAN Thursday MAR 20th. CONTACT – Chris Triplett, (757-620-6623) or activitiescommittee@ APRIL 19th Welcome New Members We would like to give a warm Tidewater welcome to our newest members. Remember our membership is the lifeline of our Club and we invite you to join us at our upcoming events and Club meetings. We look forward to your ideas and participation. You can reach our membership chair at membership@ We invite you to attend our board/activities meetings as well. Please see our calendar for dates and location of events and meetings. Drive and Dine - Southside Drive Rendezvous: TBD Lunch: TBA 11:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. RSVP Required NOT LATER THAN Thursday APR 15th CONTACT - Jeff Triplett or Jesse Dozier James Johnson Christopher Naughton Daniel Roldan Ashley Waddle Chapter Nametags You may have noticed that some of the Chapter officers and key members of committees have pre-printed name tags. Well, you too can have one! Yes, feel free to order one yourself … with the “approved” chapter logo only! The logo and text size have already been pre-set in order to ensure uniformity among the chapter membership. To get your name tag(s), contact the following vendor and let them know you are with the Tidewater BMW Club and are ordering a Club name tag: Kay Cee Engraving Close to Your Heart Since 1970 Phone: 804-580-TAGS (8247) P.O. Box 625 Heathsville, Virginia 22473-0625 Email:; or IMPORT CAR PARTS Major parts brands for BMW and other import cars. 11246 Jefferson Ave., Newport News 757.599.3360 1300 East Little Creek Road 757.440.0004 606 First Colonial Rd., Virginia Beach 757.425.7100 or on the web at www.BAP-GEON.COM 4 January • February 2015 - das Kummet Editor’s Desk Greetings Tidewater Bimmerphiles! My name is Mark Jumper and I’ve volunteered to be your editor! I’m looking forward to getting to know you and to telling not just of activities, but the heart of our Bimmer lives, in Das Kummet. My parents said I was a car nut from an early age and it stayed with me. My dawning almost-adult enthusiasm quickly focused on European cars . . then to GERMAN cars . . . and highest, to BMWs. My sole and current Bimmer is a 2002 540i 6-spd. that I’ve had for ten years. It’s on the back cover. It’s the most deeply satisfying car that I’ve ever wanted or had. I soon joined BMW CCA and hung out on the fringes of club stuff in three chapters: Connecticut Valley, Windy City (Chicago), and Lone Star (Dallas/ Fort Worth). I’ve enjoyed club dinners; getting referred to a fellow member who “helped” me install a set of Bilsteins (meaning I held things and handed him tools), all for beer, pizza, and some good story-telling; writing some articles for the newsletters and a letter for Roundel; the Chicago Auto Show on Press Day with plenty of scrumptious hospitality spreads to partake; driving skills day with my son (it changed his life!); and auto crossing (managed to beat my hot-rod son by all of .01 second). Personal? I’m Texas born and raised . . . married to Ginger 23 years with seven children (!) ages 12-22 . . . an Evangelical Presbyterian minister . . . retired Navy Chaplain serving twenty-four years including nine with Marines and seven with the Coast Guard (some concurrent) . . . voracious reader . . . music lover and sometime chorister . . . Assistant Professor of Theological and Ministerial Studies at the Regent University School of Divinity (there’s a mouthful)— just arrived in Hampton Roads last July . . . and a Master Parachutist trying to stay current at Skydive Suffolk after too many years off! Call me a strange bird . . . it’s OK! But when I’m doing Club stuff, I’m doing it for the sheer love of it! I think that BMW is exceedingly special; something to be treasured and shared; and something that transcends mere transportation into that mysterious union of car, driver, passengers, road, and world that mere machines and their owners will never know. I hope to hear from you; serve you; reflect your wants and hopes; and build up this company of excellence, built on that excellent brand that we find so worth our attention: BMW! I hope to meet you at our activities. Here’s to our club, our common interests, and good times together! I’ve devoured car mags for decades. I’m delighted to have this chance to work with our journal, just for the joy of Bimmerdom and the good of the Bimmerhood. Mark NEIGHBORING BMW CCA CHAPTER SITES: VA – Tidewater: VA – Tidewater Facebook: groups/140702964729/ VA – Blue Ridge Chapter: VA-MD – National Capital Chapter: NC – Tarheel Chapter: NATIONAL & SPECIAL INTEREST SITES: BMW CCA: BMW ZSCCA: BMW Vintage: BMW Vintage & Classic: BMW First Fives – E12 Registry: BMW E30 M3 Registry: BMW M Coupe Registry: BMW M-Fest: TIRE RACK STREET SURVIVAL: Registration: php das Kummet - January • February 2015 5 Activities Committee Advertisements We are glad that you are supporting our events - THANK YOU! It is still VERY important to RSVP (as early as possible) of your participation to any upcoming activities. These numbers are needed to allow our hosting restaurants to be prepared for us. Inaccurate totals make for unhappy restaurant managers and cause them to be reluctant to allow our group to book in the future. Non-commercial classified ads are free to chapter members. Ads will run in three published issues and then may only be continued in subsequent issues only by contacting the Newsletter Editor. Ads submitted are limited to 200 words per ad including name, address, phone number and email address if available. Items offered for sale must be the personal property of the submitting member or family and not of a business. We are always on the lookout for members that would like to be a part of the Activities Committee. Currently, the Activities Chairman position is open. If you are interested please contact Sam Wood for details. Meanwhile, read Das Kummet and check our websites regularly. We, of course, welcome your ideas, thoughts, and suggestions…as well as your ‘constructive’ criticisms! Please feel free to contact any one of the following committee members Chris Triplett – (757) 620-6623 Commercial ads are available to members and non-members. Such ads must be accompanied by payment in full. Rates shown below are per year (approximately 6 issues). All ads must be submitted in a usable digital format or as camera ready. “Das Kummet” reserves the right to edit or reject any ad submitted. Jason Dandalides Marc Garcia - (757) 803-5658 …AND KEEP COMING TO THOSE EVENTS!! FULL PAGE …$135 per issue or $700 per yr. HALF PAGE …$65 per issue or $350 per yr. Club TOOLBOX The following tools are available for members use. A deposit may be required and will be refunded upon return of the tool in working condition. 1/4 PAGE …$50 per issue or $225 per yr. • 17mm Trans. Drain Socket • Service Light Resetting Tools - VERY USEFUL • Brake Bleed System - VERY USEFUL • Tie Rod Separator - Pickle Forks • Coil Spring Compressors • Remote Starter Switch • Peake-Code/Reset Tool - all models - can be connected under • Clutch Alignment Tool hood or dash • Pilot Bearing Puller •NEW!! SRS Air Bag Scanner • Fan Clutch Wrench & Bar • Electric Impact Wrench • Lockstrip Tool Call Bob Parsons at 587-7423 for your needs. BIZ CARD …$20 per issue or $100 per yr. Club MERCHANDISE We have made arrangements through Lands End for club members to order a wide variety of chapter logo items. Access by going to: Currently: The Merchandise Chair Position is open. Please contact Jeff Triplett at for details. NAME TAGS: We have also arranged with KayCee Engraving for members to order name tags with the chapter logo. Contact Info: Kay Cee Engraving, PO Box 625, Heathsville, VA 22473-0625 or Call (804) 580-8247. & $ BMW CCA Map Grille Badges 20 Chapter Logo Decals/License Plate Frames: FREE at club events Various BMW CCA Decals CALL! Contact 6 January • February 2015 - das Kummet Casey BMW 12861 Jefferson Avenue Newport News, VA 757-989-1300 The Peninsula’s ONLY location for factory BMW trained service! NEW STATE OF THE ART FACILITY NOW OPEN! The Largest Selection of New and Certified Pre-Owned BMW’s on the Peninsula Scheduled Maintenance 10% Off MUST PRESENT COUPON AT TIME OF SERVICE. VALID ONLY AT CASEY BMW. Wash, Wax, and Buff $79.95 MUST PRESENT COUPON AT TIME OF SERVICE. VALID ONLY AT CASEY BMW. Power Steering Flush $129.95 MUST PRESENT COUPON AT TIME OF SERVICE. VALID ONLY AT CASEY BMW. FULL DETAIL CLEAN!!! Schedule Your Next BMW Service ONLINE!!! $159.95 Casey BMW MUST PRESENT COUPON AT TIME OF SERVICE. VALID ONLY AT CASEY BMW. Brake Fluid & Coolant Flush $169.95 1-800-334-4BMW MUST PRESENT COUPON AT TIME OF SERVICE. VALID ONLY AT CASEY BMW. das Kummet - January • February 2015 The Ultimate Driving Machine® 7 OBX DRIVE DECEMBER 6TH We were not sure what the day was going to bring weather wise but the faithful gathered regardless. It was a cloudy day but not too cold with the sun peeking out from behind some ominous clouds. But amazingly we all kept together for the last 32 miles of the drive to Mile Post 8.5 and the OBBS. No stop lights for us! Mike Shimandle led a group out of Virginia Beach through the backroads of Pungo south to Currituck and the rest stop in Grandy. The staff performed another fine job of seating the 30 club members and making sure that everyone had plenty to eat and drink. Not an easy task with an also busy lunch crowd. Bob Parsons led a smaller group out of Deep Creek south down Route 158 alongside the Dismal Swamp Canal towards South Mills and Camden County. Thanks again everyone for another successful year. Let’s do it again next year but first don’t forget the Annual Banquet on the 24th of January. See you then. They gathered at what has become the traditional stop for more than one kind of relief, a welcome respite. We were headed back to the Outer Banks Brewing Station, a favorite place for good eats and good conversation years past. This year we had one of our smaller caravans, only 17 cars. Bob Parsons 8 January • February 2015 - das Kummet Your obsession – our passion 1322 Transylvania Ave. Chesapeake VA 23324 8-5 Monday-Friday 757.545.9394 Specializing in BMW & Mercedes Benz das Kummet - January • February 2015 9 Go Karting with the Club November 22 was race day in Portsmouth for our car club. Eleven drivers converged uponG-Force Go Karting, for a day of high speed karting at their indoor facility and 1/4 miletrack. The karts sported not much more than a lawn mower engine under the hood (ormore accurately under the drivers right arm), but they could really move at nearly 45 mph, much faster than most of us dared to sprint. Most drivers purchased the three race pack, at a discounted per race rate. Our group received the safety briefing and suited up to all race in the same heats. Ten drivers, including several lady members, took turns trying to lead the pack around the multiturn track for two races. Some drivers saved their third race for a later date - two was about as much excitement as their hearts could manage for one day. Nine year old MaKenna Kerr had the track all to herself between the adults heats. The best drivers received prizes from the club, including donated t-shirts from Jeff Caplan of Odometer Gears in Newport News. Myron Ware, retired professional go-karter with race name ‘sunbum’,was the best overall with an average lap time of 28.5 seconds. Jaeson Dandalides, who organized this event,and Dave Crossley finished 2nd and 3rd respectively. The most improved driver was Mary Kwasniewski, shaving off an average of 10 seconds per lap during the second race. We all agreed that Karting should be put on our calendar as a future event. So if you missed this ‘high speed’ event, look for it again on our 2015 calendar. Darin Kwasniewski, Secretary Monitors at the track displayed the race results. Complete race and kart statistics including best lap time, average lap time, and position throughout the race was printed and given to each driver. 10 January • February 2015 - das Kummet Checkered Flag BMW The Ultimate Driving Machine® Checkered Flag BMW is Hampton Roads’ Ultimate Driving Machine Headquarters. Checkered Flag BMW customers know what sets us apart. We treat you well before, during and after you’ve purchased your vehicle, giving you the best possible ownership experience. Come see why so many people choose Checkered Flag BMW for the ultimate in car and customer care. Exclusive Offer For BMW Car Club Members! Exclusive Offer For BMW Car Club Members! 2013 BMW 328 Sedan 20% Off 15% Off with only $399 down! All Service Work All Parts Purchases Must present this ad at time of appointment. Must present this ad at time of purchase. Only $399 /month * • Twin Turbo Engine • Super Fuel Efficient • Smart Key System • Leather • Sunroof • Heated Seats • Satellite Radio • Full Maintenance Included South Hampton Roads’ only factory authorized parts and service facility. Original BMW Parts and Accessories • BMW Trained Technicians CHECKERED FLAG BMW 5225 Virginia Beach Blvd., Just West of Witchduck Road • 866-490-FLAG (3524) • Checkered Flag Auto Group Sales: Weekdays 9-8 • Saturday 9-7 • Service: Weekdays 7:30-6 • Saturday 8-1 Schedule your service online at *36 month lease, 10,000 miles per year, 20 cents per mile penalty over 30,000 miles at lease end.$0 down excludes $399 first payment, total $399 due at inception. Plus tax, title, registration, $599 processing and $925 acquisition fees. Residual value: $27,654. Stock # B60721. Offer expires 10/31/13. das Kummet - January • February 2015 11 “The Show Must Turn On” A Visit to the 2015 Hampton Roads International Auto Show (HRIAS) By Mark Jumper Auto shows are common year-round, around the U.S. each year. Chicago’s show claims to be the biggest. Detroit’s may be the most significant. New York’s may be the most international. But Hampton Roads . . . well, it’s not exactly the scene of manufacturers’ leaders (not just reps) or celebrity spokesmen or snazzy unveilings of new models draped with models. The Hampton Roads show is regional. It’s not sponsored by Mercedes-Benz, Motor Trend, or even Edmunds. Just the Hampton Roads Automobile Dealers Association (HRADA). But hey, we who live here know that being the center of the naval world doesn’t make us big stuff otherwise. We’re a medium metro area in a pleasant place with good vacation locations. We make do with what we have, car-wise, and if what we have is HRIAS by HRADA, we’ll swallow the letters and enjoy the show! The Virginia Beach Convention Center is an airy, pleasant place, but the cars are crammed together to fit them all. All the major makes were present and accounted for in the display hall, with Maserati making a brave face of it exiled to the entry hall, facing the Ultimate Trucks contest entrants. (Most of the Masers could have fit underneath most of the Truhks.) and drew a crowd. It’s awesome in person, looking less weird than in photos, and every bit the Ultimate Driving Machine for the e-age that’s already upon us. The i3 was stark, sharp, and Urban Chic in décor and aspect. Comments of climbers (in, through, and out) ranged from disdain for the plain interior to admiration of its simple elegance. Looking like maybe a larger squashed VW Golf on the outside, and a larger Honda Fit on the inside, the i3 achieved the look of normality. Climbers at auto shows probably don’t think much about carbon fiber, drag coefficients, or efficient electron power. (Sad surveys show that even many BMW owners don’t know if their cars are driven at the front, back, or both.) For this coupe to achieve the feel of normality is a real coup for BMW. And if you think the styling is strange, don’t forget that the 2002 was boxy, too. And if you think that the range and power are subpar . . . how could you forget the hallowed BMW Isetta that helped the company survive till its new age dawned? Maybe the i3 will lead the way to a new age of autos? We’ll talk Bimmers since this is a Bimmer mag. The i8 was the silent star, sitting sealed in all its glory. The scissors doors stayed shut— maybe the proles would have leaned over the rope to drool on the sport seats? This halo car definitely cast a glow 12 The 6-series 4-door still looked sexy, the 7-series posed as properly prosperous, the 2-series had an elemental glow, the 5-series looked naked with its $3,600 flat bronze paint job, the 4-series coupe looked super sharp, and the 3-series looked like a serious bargain, especially if you compared prices with the Dodge Charger nearby. The X cars lurked in back, bulging a bit with their growing mass—but Continued on pg 19 January • February 2015 - das Kummet das Kummet - January • February 2015 13 Recommended By Mark Jumper Times are good for BMW not only in sales, but awards. Roundel lists BMW’s various awards from many fields with every issue. But here are some late-breaking awards that tell the tale of excellence! CONSUMERS DIGEST AUTOMOTIVE BEST BUYS—Of 44 vehicles chosen in 15 categories, BMW only scored one win: the X5 was one of the “Top 3 Luxury SUVs”. AUTOMOBILE MAGAZINE ALLSTARS—Of the 10 winners, 2 are BMWs. Automobile says of the selection process, “From now on, All-Stars will be the only star cars, they’re our Automobiles of the Year. We’re also now picking only from new cars, so no more repeat winners. But we’ll continue to keep it simple. No complicated criteria, no price caps, no categories.” The BMW winners? The 2-Series (“Where fun lives.”) and the i8 (“The future, here now.”). CONSUMER REPORTS RECOMMENDED— This coveted name covers value, reliability, performance, ownership costs, and more. The 328i, with the 2.0 liter turbo engine, was named as Best Sports Sedan. BMW’s excellence continues to shine and be recognized by automotive journalists and consumer testers . . . as well as by ever-enthusiastic buyers! The message is a lasting, clear consensus from those in the know: come to BMW for the best! CAR AND DRIVER 10-BEST—The 3-Series fell off the list after 25 years of consecutive wins, replaced by the M235i (“A throwback that’s also a decidedly positive step forward.”). 14 January • February 2015 - das Kummet das Kummet - January • February 2015 15 “It Was a Very Good Year” BMW Tops its Competitors in 2014 Sales: Both in the USA – and in the World! By Mark Jumper RANK PREMIUM BRAND VEHICLE 2014 BMW is sitting on top of the world. It sold more vehicles worldwide in 2014 than any year in its history: 1.81 million, according to the Wall Street Journal on January 9. Audi came in second in premium brand sales with 1.74 million, while Mercedes-Benz slipped to third with 1.65 million, followed by Porsche with .19 million. #1 BMW 3-Series & 4-Series 142,232 119,521 19.0% #2 Lexus RX 107,490 103,920 #3 Mercedes-Benz C-Class 75,065 88,251 -14.9% #4 Lexus ES 72,508 72,581 -0.1% #5 Mercedes-Benz E-Class 66,400 69,803 -4.9% #6 Acura MDX 65,603 53,040 23.7% #7 Cadillac SRX 53,578 56,776 -5.6% #8 BMW 5-Series 52,704 56,863 -7.3% #9 Lexus IS 51,358 35,017 46.7% #10 BMW X5 47,031 39,818 18.1% #11 Mercedes-Benz M-Class 46,726 41,326 13.1% #12 Acura RDX 44,865 44,750 0.3% #13 Audi Q5 42,420 40,355 5.1% #14 Audi A4 38,679 42,130 -8.2% #15 Infiniti Q50 36,899 17,816 107% Of those worldwide premium brand sales, the USA accounted for .34 million, giving BMW the largest luxury brand sales in our land as it beat Mercedes with .33 million, Audi with .18 million, Cadillac with .17 million, and Lincoln with .09 million. BMW’s USA sales just in the month of December were especially noteworthy: According to the auto sales tracking site Good Car Bad Car on January 6, the 3-Series/4-Series line ALONE sold more units than each of the following: ALL of Acura, ALL of Audi, ALL of Cadillac, ALL of Infiniti, or ALL of Lincoln. This hot Bimmer line also sold more than ALL sales that month of Jaguar, Land Rover, and Volvo COMBINED! The Good Car Bad Car site provides the following chart of the top 15 premium vehicles sold in the USA. It shows the 3-Series/4-Series line at the top, with sales 32% higher than the nearest competitor: These two models ALONE--3-Series and 4-Series-bested several entire BRANDS in December! 16 2013 % CHNG 3.4% Yes, it’s shocking to see home-turf Cadillac with only one car on the list. Such has the world become, even with Cadillac’s amazing deliverance and Renaissance. As for us? We have all the more new friends who are excited to have such exciting vehicles, and only need to be told about the excellent relations among our Club members. And one more thing: for those of us who can’t, won’t, or don’t buy new, we should in a few years see a bumper crop of those superb 2014s, ready to snatch up and enjoy even longer! January • February 2015 - das Kummet John Kopp 2445 Castleton Commerce Way Virginia Beach, VA 23456 das Kummet - January • February 2015 Dan Tiedemann 17 3040 High St. (Corner of High & Airline), Portsmouth 23707 757-966-9528 All Repairs & Service Latest Factory Diagnostic Equipment BMW & Mercedes Benz Quick Turn-Around Genuine & OEM Parts A/C Service, Tires, Alignment Monday – Friday, 9AM to 6PM The Only BOSCH Service Center Outside Norfolk & VA Beach. Owner & Operator: Jon Mack Newport News Are You Going Up There Norfolk Portsmouth Suffolk VA Beach Or Way Out Here When You Could Come To Us? 18 Website Map Chesapeake LOOK! 6 Month No Interest Financing Available January • February 2015 - das Kummet a car fix, over the top it may be, but still over too soon. Admit it: you’ll be back! The Show Must Turn On continued from pg 12 that seems a universal trend these days. Mini’s been growing too as it follows the classic line, common back to the Creation, of smaller cars growing to follow the growth of their owners’ wallets, families, and tushes. I’ve thought from photos that Minis were growing too much to keep their charm, but in person they still seem cheeky and fun. It’s hard to say what fun is an auto show. Crowds crowd everything everywhere. Kids clog driver seats and sit there, enchanted and imagining. Well, we do need new enthusiasts, do we not? There they are—let ‘em sit as long as they like—even if that teen in a trance made me miss a sit in the Porsche Panamera. It’s still great to comprehend an entire car line in one place; to compare car to car and brand to brand; to get a personal feel for how a car looks, feels, sits, and works. Yes, it’s sensory overload, and it all turns to a blur in a while, as you stumble out exhausted. And yet . . . where else can you get such One word about displays and adjustments. Everything is now electronic. You can’t even see many of the dash displays and layouts without some juice. Nor can you adjust seats. “In the good old days,” says Gramps, “you could pull a handle and move your seat. Now you need a manual to know how to move it—IF it has power!” So most of the car show cars sat blankly, dumbly, not showing off their greatest electronic features. My 6’3” frame could fit in so few driver seats that were set way forward that I finally gave up and sat on passenger sides. My thought? It’s time to turn these cars on! Run some power to them to keep them charged. Use programming to protect the more delicate features. Let the people play with them and yes, break a few, but more than that, get to know much more of what you offer! My view? This is a dandy local show and they did a fine job. But please: if you want us to really get a feel for a modern car with its many amazements . . . the show must turn on! Return with us now to the days of yesteryear, when BMW was just establishing its brand substance and image in the USA das Kummet - January • February 2015 19 BMW Car Club of America Tidewater Chapter PRSRT STD US POSTAGE PAID NORFOLK, VA PERMIT NO. 256 BEY EM VEY, Inc. Tidewater Chapter BMW Car Club of America P.O. Box 62145 Virginia Beach, VA 23462-2145 Inside this issue.... Calendar of Events • President’s Perspective • OBX Drive Go Karting • New Members • The Show Must Turn On Recommended • Very Good Year • Yesteryear Ads Mark Jumper and his 2002 540i 6-spd.