Test Equipment - Cambridge Z88 Projects
Test Equipment - Cambridge Z88 Projects
APPENDIX A TEST EQUIPMENT LIST OF CONTENTS Paragraph 1 2 Page No. Introduction 32k RAM Pack Modification A.1 A.1 PSU for Test Fixture RS232 Loopback Test Plug Card Tester Circuit Diagram for Slot Tester and Bus Extension Tester Slot Tester Test Head Circuit Diagram Bus Extension Tester Test Head Circuit Diagram A.2 A.3 A.4 Fig No. A.1 A.2 A.3 A.4 A.5 A.5 A.6 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Appendix A provides the circuit diagrams for the Z88 test equipment. It also provides information on the modification required to a standard 32k RAM pack in order to transform it into the slot 2 test card. 2. 32k RAM PACK MODIFICATION 2.1 In order to modify a standard 32k RAM pack to produce a test pack for use in System Test, certain wiring must be connected from the chip to the card connectors as follows: Card Connector 32k RAM Chip Al2 (pin 2) A13 (pin 26) A14 (pin 1) A17 (pin 36) A18 (pin 37) A19 (pin 38) wire to wire to wire to A.1 100 F.S.D. (3k) GREEN T RED 947OR +VE 1k 93R1 968R SW C (>1 1N4148 N/C OF470 SWA 1 0 2 1k 2*/. [4k7[470k1470k14k7 Ilk 2*/. 2R2 2 REF -x502 LA +VE 5 4 REGULATOR 1 SGS L200 30n 3 47k 30n BC 184 BC 184 1k8 2*/. 10k SWD 1k6 2*/. PUS)-{ TO BREAK BC 184 MN INDIO 01 01 22k 2k7 1 OV D.C. INPUT SPECTRUM MAINS ADAPTOR SW B / 0 / -VE JACK VE -VE BATTERIES -VE NOTE: Output is as follows depending on the position of switch A: Position 1 ® 2.8V Position 2 -. 3.8V to 4.6V Position 3 ® 4.6V to 6.1V FIGURE A.1 PSU FOR TEST FIXTURE A.2 100k FROM Vcc 10 Tx (0/R) 2 Rx (HP) 30 RTS (0/P) 4 CTS(I/P) 50 - 60 GND 70 DCD (UP) 80 .5V via 470R 90 11\14148 1N4148 100k FRAME (10M from 1) F0 ©BC124 100k BC184 BC184 —1 1 ir 680k -I100k NOTES: 1. The principal aim is to check that every wire is connected to the 9-way socket including the 10M between pin 1 and the socket frame. 2. For the serial port to work, both CTS and DCD must be high. FIGURE A.2 RS232 LOOPBACK TEST PLUG A.3 .VE (WHITE) 2850 100k 10M BC214 3V0 BC214 30 10 Z88 ADAPTOR/ SPECTRUM ADAPTOR 470 -VE 4 0--t 470 NOTES: I. The 'test head' of both the slot connector tester and the bus extension connector tester use the above circuit. 2. The LED is connected between pins 4 and 5 on the test connector test head. 3. A 0.4 mm thick spacer is installed between the connector side of the pcb and the plastic housing. This builds in a deliberate spacing so that the test pcb will only make contact provided all 38 connector springs are positive. 4. The Z88 mains adaptor is connected for the slot connector tester and the Spectrum adaptor is connected for the bus extension tester. FIGURE A.3 CARD TESTER CIRCUIT FOR SLOT CONNECTORS AND BUS EXTENSION CONNECTOR A.4 7 38 16 15 01 141 015 017 038 R38 R15 RI O 3 0.1" NOTES: 1. There is no R16 or D16 connected. 2. All resistors are 1 Mohm, all diodes 1N4148. FIGURE A.4 SLOT TESTER TEST HEAD CIRCUIT DIAGRAM A.5 SENSE CONNECTIONS TO Z88 EXTENSION 8US B1 B24 48-PIN CONNECTOR BC214 NOTES: 1. Slot is in pin 18 position. 2. Side A of the connector is the component side. 3. All resistors are 1 Mohm, all diodes 1N4148. 4. GND goes to connector pin A14. 5. Sense connections are made to all except pins A14, B1 and B24. FIGURE A.5 BUS EXTENSION TESTER TEST HEAD CIRCUIT DIAGRAM A.6