Schwan`s Product Guide - St. Charles Borromeo School
Schwan`s Product Guide - St. Charles Borromeo School
%GNGDTCVG YKVJ)TGCV(QQF KING CRAB LEGS & CLAWS No. 538 PAGE 14 H O L I DAY SPE C I A L E DI T I O N IT ’S THE SEASON To Celebrate. SURF & TURF COVER FEATURE It’s the season to come together with friends and family to celebrate the holidays. Our special holiday edition is complete with everything you need for entertaining: great food, recipes and a whole lot of inspiration. We’ve created new items for the holiday season while bringing back some of your favorites. New items include our Wild-Caught Alaskan Sockeye Salmon, a Ready to Roast Turkey Breast that cooks to perfection in a unique oven roasting bag, and a ciabatta UROOĆOOHGZLWKDYDULHW\RIIUXLWVDQGQXWV7U\SDLULQJRXUQHZUROO and turkey as a sandwich – trust me, it’s phenomenal. Coming back this season are our King Crab Legs and Claws, Spiral Sliced Ham and festive Peppermint Stick Ice Cream. They’re only here for a limited time so make sure to reserve yours by pre-ordering online. This is also the season of gift giving, and this shopping guide has something for everyone on your list. Our special Limited Edition Vanilla Ice Cream Tin featuring a classic print from America’s favorite artist, Terry Redlin, is the perfect hostess gift. Looking for a gift with no freezing required? Schwan’s Gift Cards are a great way to share the deliciousness of our food, and it even saves you from wrapping a gift. So while I hope you’re enjoying the new shopping experience at, be sure to stock up on a few extra gift cards. Finally, we believe the holidays are a time of year to be with family and friends. As such, we will be closed on Thanksgiving and Christmas to allow our employees to spend time with their loved ones. Please plan accordingly and stock up on all the everyday foods and holidays items you will need this season. I hope you enjoy our Holiday Special Edition of the shopping guide and take the opportunity to explore the new website. We continue to introduce new and exciting enhancements to your shopping experience and would love to hear from you at Set Your Table for Holiday Dinner PAGES 4&5 Make a Delicious Turkey Meal PAGE 6 Wishing you and your family a very happy holiday season! New Wild-Caught Alaskan Sockeye Salmon Dave Muscato PAGE President, Schwan’s Home Service 12 Try Our New Mashed Cauliflower PAGE 21 CONTENTS MEAT & SEAFOOD Ɠ҃ƐƔ Be Creative with Holiday Appetizers PAGE 24 VEGETABLES & SIDES Ɛƕ҃ƑƐķƒƏ BREAD ƑƑ҃Ƒƒ APPETIZERS & SNACKS ƑƓ҃Ƒѵ PIZZA Ƒƕ҃ƑƖ GLUTEN FREE ƒƐ POT PIES ƒƑ SOUPS ƒƒ Plan a Holiday Brunch MEALS ƒƓ҃ƓƔ PAGES BREAKFAST Ɠѵ҃ƓƖ 46&47 LIVESMART® PRODUCTS ƓƓ҃ƓƔ FRUIT ƔƏ҃ƔƐ DESSERTS ƔƑ҃ƔƔ ICE CREAM & TREATS Ɣѵ҃ѵƑ PRODUCT GUIDE ѵƒ҃ѵѵ Our Best Online Sales of the Season! Halloween Sale Black Friday Sale Cyber Monday Sale Holiday Week Sale Shop our entire selection of 350 products at Make our recipe for Brussels Sprouts with Warm Bacon Dressing. Easy Holiday Entertaining PREPARE A SIMPLY ELEGANT SIT-DOWN. A B C Spiral sliced and ready to serve. Brussels Sprouts with Warm Bacon Dressing, featuring our: A Petite Brussels Sprouts 780 Petite Brussels sprouts lightly seasoned with extra virgin olive oil, sea salt and cracked black pepper. 1.5 lbs. $7.99 SEASONAL C Spiral Sliced Bone-in Ham 430 Naturally smoked and cured bone-in ham with just a touch of brown sugar and natural juices. 8.5 lbs. $44.99 E Mini Cheesecake and Brownie Bites 849 Three varieties of mini desserts: New York mini cheesecake, strawberry swirl mini cheesecake and turtle brownie bites with southern pecans. 24 ct. $18.99 B Thick Sliced Bacon 440 Extra-thick bacon with KLFNRU\VPRNHGćDYRU 2 (1.25 lbs.) $16.99 D French Baguette Bread 667 Classic French bread with a crunchy crust and tender inside. 3 (6.9 oz.) $5.99 F A new and delicious way to enjoy FDXOLàRZHU H E D G NEW, SEASONAL ) 0DVKHG&DXOLćRZHU LIVESMART® * 5RDVWHG%DE\%DNHUV &DXOLćRZHUPDVKHGDQGVHDVRQHGZLWK 3DUPHVDQFKHHVHVHDVDOWDQGROLYHRLO )XOO\FRRNHGZKROHEDE\SRWDWRHVOLJKWO\ VHDVRQHGZLWKVDOWSHSSHURQLRQDQGJDUOLF OEV OEV + 3HDQXW%XWWHU)XGJH%URZQLH&DNH 0DGHIURPVFUDWFKZLWKOD\HUVRIFUHDP\ SHDQXWEXWWHUDQGULFKIXGJHEURZQLH FDNHWRSSHGZLWKPLQLSHDQXWEXWWHU FXSVSHDQXWVDQGFKRFRODWHGUL]]OH R] )LQGKROLGD\UHFLSHVDQGLQVSLUDWLRQDW Unique roasting bag for perfect browning. A Freezer to oven, no thawing required Enjoy holiday favorites any night of the week. INTRODUCING OUR NEW Ready to Roast Turkey Breast OUR NEW READY TO ROAST TURKEY BREAST IS ALL NATURAL, LIGHTLY MARINATED WITH JUST SEA SALT AND WATER, NO PRESERVATIVES. FARM RAISED TURKEYS FROM SOUTH DAKOTA AND MINNESOTA. NEW, SEASONAL, LIVESMART® A Ready to Roast Turkey Breast 420 2.5 lbs. $23.99 SIDES ALL AROUND Serve this casserole made with our Roasted Sweet Potatoes (774). C B Enjoy a classic made with our MicroSteam Whole Green Beans (790). D B Pumpkin Pie 861 2.3 lbs. $6.49 C Roasted Sweet Potatoes 774 2 lbs. $7.49 E D Harvest Berry Peach Pie 816 3 lbs. $10.99 E MicroSteam Whole Green Beans 790 3 (12 oz.) $5.99 F Creamy Mashed Potatoes 763 2.5 lbs. $7.49 F Find the recipes at 7 35(0,800($767+$7$5($/:$<6 $&87$%29(86'$&+2,&(67($.6 $1'+$1'75,00('7(1'(5325. 2GTHGEVVQ 2NCPC /GCN#TQWPF USDA CHOICE A A USDA Choice Filet Mignon 815 $JHGĆOHWPLJQRQWULPPHGDQG FXW/2LQFKHVWKLFN R] B USDA Choice Top Sirloin Steak 497 86'$&KRLFHWRSVLUORLQEHHIFXW WKLFNLQWRR]WULPPHGVWHDNV R] C Boneless Pork Loin Chops 393 7KLFNOHDQERQHOHVVSRUNFKRSV PDULQDWHGIRUH[WUDWHQGHUQHVV R] NEW, SEASONAL D Pork Tenderloin Filet Wrapped with Applewood Smoked Bacon 421 +DQGWULPPHGWKLFNFXWSRUN WHQGHUORLQZUDSSHGLQ$SSOHZRRG VPRNHGEDFRQ,QGLYLGXDOO\ ZUDSSHGDQGJULOOUHDG\ USDA CHOICE B R] E Bone-In Pork Loin Chops 392 7HQGHUDQGćDYRUIXOLQFKWKLFN SRUNFKRSVRQWKHERQH R] Find our very best at butcherscut C D E Simply Grand TENDER SPIRAL HAM WITH TERRIFIC FLAVOR. SEASONAL Spiral Sliced Bone-in Ham 430 Naturally smoked and cured bone-in ham with just a touch of brown sugar and natural juices. 8.5 lbs. $44.99 *QVCPF*GCTV[ Delicious on our bread for a quick sandwich fix. See page 23. LIVESMART® Philly Sliced Beef Steak 429 Strips of tender, lightly marinated beef. Black Angus Steak Burger 458 Fans of Black Angus beef will love this juicy, one-third pound burger. Pulled Pork 442 Pork that’s hardwood smoked, then pulled DQGĆQLVKHGZLWKRXUVSHFLDOVHDVRQLQJV Perfect in your favorite chicken recipes. Delectable Chicken JUST WHAT YOU’RE LOOKING FOR. A LIVESMART® A Premium Chicken Breast Filets 502 Boneless, skinless, trimmed 4 oz. FKLFNHQEUHDVWĆOHWVSUHSDUHGLQDOLJKW marinade for extra tenderness and ćDYRU,QGLYLGXDOO\YDFXXPVHDOHG 10 (4 oz.) $16.99 LIVESMART® B Boneless Skinless Chicken Breasts 407 $OOQDWXUDOWULPPHGFKLFNHQEUHDVWĆOHWV 10-15 (5 lbs.) $18.99 LIVESMART® C Oven Baked Chicken Breast 404 )XOO\FRRNHGFKLFNHQEUHDVWVZLWKOLJKW FULVS\EUHDGLQJDQGWHQGHUPHDW 2 lbs. $16.99 B LIVESMART® D Fire Grilled Chicken Breast Strips 496 )XOO\FRRNHGĆUHJULOOHG FKLFNHQEUHDVWVWULSV 1.75 lbs. $14.99 Popular with kids. C D View all of your options at 10 I SCHWANS.COM (DFKßOHW is a whole chicken breast. Hot & Spicy Chicken Breast Filet 590 Fully cooked whole white chicken breast in a crunchy, hot and spicy breading. 2 lbs. $16.99 Crispy Chicken Breast Strips 501 Fully cooked chicken tenderloin strips with crispy breading. 2.5 lbs. $16.99 Chicken Bites 588 Fully cooked and breaded all-white meat chicken breast tenderloin pieces. 2.25 lbs. $15.49 Chicken Fries 518 Fully cooked, white chicken breast meat in a fun and crispy French fry shape. 2.5 lbs. $15.99 F H G NEW 9KNF%CWIJV 5QEMG[G 5CNOQP FULL SKIN-ON FILLET OF ALL-NATURAL, WILD-CAUGHT, DEEP RED ALASKAN SALMON, RICH IN OMEGA 3. A NEW, SEASONAL A Wild-Caught Alaskan Sockeye Salmon 504 1 lb. $24.99 E B F LIVESMART® B Ancient Grain Encrusted Cod 503 C 7HQGHUćDN\ĆVKZLWKDFULVSćDYRUIXOFUXVWRI ZKROHJUDLQRDWVTXLQRDDQGURDVWHGVHHGV OEV Try with Kale Vegetable Medley with Minced Garlic (805). page 19 LIVESMART® C Wild-Caught Alaskan Salmon 559 :KROHERQHOHVVDQGVNLQOHVVĆOOHWV OEV D ;;u-;u;7Ѵ-vh-o7 515 1DWXUDOFXWZLOGFDXJKW$ODVNDFRG ĆOOHWVLQDFULVS\DPEHUEHHUEDWWHU OEV Try with Sweet Potato Fries (710). page 30 LIVESMART® E Wild-Caught Alaskan Cod 500 $OOQDWXUDOODUJHćDNHGĆVKZLWK PLOGćDYRUFXWLQWRWKLFNĆOOHWV R] F Marinated Salmon with Grill Flavor 539 D $WODQWLFVDOPRQĆOOHWVPDULQDWHG LQROLYHRLODQGLQIXVHGZLWKKHUEV VSLFHVDQGQDWXUDOVPRNHćDYRU R] Season of Seafood MAKE ANY NIGHT OF THE WEEK SPECIAL. SEASONAL A King Crab Legs & Claws 538 :LOGFDXJKWIURPWKH1RUWK3DFLĆF ocean. Fully cooked and frozen at VHDWRORFNLQVZHHWIUHVKćDYRU 3UHVFRUHGIRUFRQYHQLHQFH 1.75 lbs. $38.99 SEASONAL B Jumbo Lump Crab Cakes 593 Hearty hand-formed crab cakes IHDWXULQJODUJHYLVLEOHFKXQNV of jumbo lump crab meat. A 4 (3 oz.) $15.99 SEASONAL, LIVESMART® C Wild-Caught Sea Scallops 527 All-natural, U.S. wild-caught sea scallops. 12 oz. $22.99 B C SEASONAL D Coconut Shrimp with Pineapple Mango Chutney 523 Large shrimp with sweet coconut breading. Includes pineapple mango chutney sauce. 1.3 lbs. $19.99 E Garlic Herb Shrimp 567 Tender shrimp glazed in garlic and herbs. 1 lb. $16.49 D F E G F Jumbo Cooked Tail-On Shrimp 544 2XUćDVKIUR]HQSURFHVV allows us to preserve freshness and keep shrimp at the XOWLPDWHRIćDYRUDQGWH[WXUH delivered to your door. 1 lb. $16.99 G Hand Breaded Fantail Shrimp 533 Lightly breaded, large WDLORQEXWWHUć\VKULPS 1.3 lbs. $21.49 Shop anytime, anywhere, any device ON YOUR COUNTER OR ON THE GO INTRODUCING THE NEW SCHWANS.COM • Improved search and larger images • Easy registration and checkout • Quickly shop diet and nutritional needs &GEQTCVG;QWT2NCVG WITH VIBRANT, VITAMIN-RICH FOODS. B Broccoli is loaded with antioxidants. A C LIVESMART® Asparagus Spears 781 Tender, trimmed asparagus spears. 1.25 lbs. $10.99 LIVESMART® Broccoli Florets 776 /DUJHEURFFROLćRUHWVZLWK no stems or pieces. 1.5 lbs. $5.49 LIVESMART® Green Peas 766 Corn is rich in vitamins and minerals. D /DUJHVZHHWJUHHQSHDV 2.5 lbs. $5.49 Petite Brussels Sprouts 780 E 3HWLWH%UXVVHOVVSURXWVOLJKWO\ VHDVRQHGZLWKH[WUDYLUJLQROLYHRLO sea salt and cracked black pepper. 1.5 lbs. $7.99 LIVESMART® Super Sweet Cut Corn 773 /DUJHNHUQHOVRIVXSHUVZHHW \HOORZFXWFRUQ F G 2.5 lbs. $5.49 LIVESMART® MicroSteam Whole Green Beans 790 :KROHJUHHQEHDQVLQ PLFURZDYHDEOHVWHDPSRXFKHV USDA ORGANIC CERTIFIED 100% ORGANIC Visit R] LIVESMART® Edamame 857 $OOQDWXUDOKDQGSLFNHG VR\EHDQVLQWKHSRGLQ PLFURZDYHDEOHVWHDPSRXFKHV R] Look up nutritional value for all of our foods at ORGANIC LIVESMART® Organic Vegetable Medley 822 $EOHQGRIVXSHUVZHHW\HOORZFRUQFDUURWV VZHHWSHDVJUHHQEHDQVDQGVKHOOHGHGDPDPH 1 lb. $5.99 ORGANIC LIVESMART® Organic Super Sweet Yellow and White Corn 807 $EOHQGRIVXSHUVZHHW\HOORZ DQGZKLWHFXWFRUQ 1 lb. $4.99 So Good Together TASTY BLENDS OF OUR BEST VEGETABLES. B A E D G C H QUICK AND EASY PAIRING IN MINUTES F LIVESMART® Fire Grilled Chicken Breast Strips 496 See page 10 Find all vegetables at NEW & IMPROVED A Southwest Roasted Corn 775 Fire roasted yellow and white super sweet corn with red and green peppers, onions and black beans in an improved southwest-style seasoning. 1.5 lbs. $7.29 NEW LIVESMART® B Kale Vegetable Medley with Minced Garlic 805 A blend of kale, edamame, carrots, red peppers and minced roasted garlic. Lightly seasoned with extra virgin olive oil and sea salt. 1.5 lbs. $7.79 C Broccoli & Cheese 847 %URFFROLćRUHWVZLWKFKHHVHVDXFH 1.5 lbs. $7.99 LIVESMART® D Mixed Vegetables 769 Green peas, super sweet cut corn, green beans and carrots. 2 lbs. $6.49 LIVESMART® E California Blend 764 $PL[RIEURFFROLFDXOLćRZHU and baby carrots. 2 lbs. $6.49 LIVESMART® F Roasted Peppers and Onions 761 Lightly roasted slices of red and green bell peppers and sweet yellow onions. 1 lb. $5.79 LIVESMART® G Fire Roasted Vegetable Blend 797 Fire-roasted red-skinned potatoes seasoned with rosemary, with broccoli, green beans DQGĆUHURDVWHGUHGSHSSHUVDQGRQLRQV 2 lbs. $7.79 H Asian Style Vegetable Stir-Fry 754 Broccoli, carrots, snap peas, red peppers and water chestnuts. Includes Asian-style seasoning packet. 1.2 lbs. $7.49 5KFGU HQTVJG5GCUQP B EVERYDAY TO HOLIDAY. C D A NEW $ 5LVRWWR A classic Risotto with Arborio rice and a cream sauce with Parmesan and Romano cheeses, cream, garlic and herbs. Risotto and sauce are quick frozen into easy-to-pour portions. 1 lb. $7.99 LIVESMART® B Roasted Sweet Potatoes 774 Roasted chunks of sweet potato lightly seasoned with sea salt. 2 lbs. $7.49 & *DUOLF5HG6NLQQHG0DVKHG3RWDWRHV Mashed red-skinned potatoes with a hint of garlic. 2.5 lbs. $7.49 E New Mashed Cauliflower Fewer carbs than mashed potatoes. NEW, SEASONAL 0DVKHG&DXOLćRZHU &DXOLćRZHUPDVKHGDQGVHDVRQHG ZLWK3DUPHVDQFKHHVHJDUOLF VHDVDOWDQGROLYHRLO OEV LIVESMART® 5RDVWHG%DE\%DNHUV Fully cooked whole baby potatoes, lightly seasoned with salt, pepper, onion and garlic. F 2 lbs. $7.49 )ULHG5LFH &5($0< $8*5$7,1 %$%<%$.(5 327$72(6 Made with our very own Roasted Baby Bakers (851). Seasoned rice tossed with scrambled eggs, carrots, green onions, peas and soy sauce. 1 lb. $5.99 &UHDP\0DVKHG3RWDWRHV Whipped with cream and butter and lightly seasoned with salt and pepper. )LQGWKLVGLVKDQGPRUHIRU \RXUKROLGD\WDEOHDW 2.5 lbs. $7.49 3LQWHUHVWFRP VFKZDQVGHOLYHU\ LIVESMART® )LYH*UDLQ5LFH3LODI A lightly seasoned blend of whole grain brown rice, basmati rice, red jasmine rice, black barley and wild rice mixed with carrots and onions. 1 lb. $5.99 G Exceptional Bread (1-2<62/2217+(6,'(25$6$6$1':,&+ NEW Ciabatta Rolls 791 Classic thin crust pre-sliced ciabatta with open grain texture and a light VRXUGRXJKćDYRU)RUKRWDQGFROG sandwiches, or bake open faced for an DSSHWL]HURUVLGHWR\RXUIDYRULWHPHDO FW C D A Cheese and Herb Biscuits 663 Flaky, tender home-style biscuits with cheddar cheese, herbs and garlic. 18 ct. $7.99 B Southern Style Biscuits 668 Flaky, tender home-style biscuits. A B 18 ct. $7.99 C Five Cheese Garlic French Bread 597 French bread topped with mozzarella, Provolone, white and yellow cheddar and Romano cheeses. 6 ct. $9.99 LIVESMART® D Cheese Stuffed Breadsticks 634 6RIWEUHDGVWLFNVĆOOHGZLWK mozzarella cheese and sprinkled with Parmesan cheese. 12 ct. $9.99 E French Baguette Bread 667 Classic French bread with a crunchy crust and tender inside. 3 (6.9 oz.) $5.99 LIVESMART® F Multigrain Loaf 627 Made with 5 whole grains, with a crunchy crust and tender inside. 6 ct. $5.99 Check out all our baked goods at E F Stir up this dipping sauce A +FGCUHQT*QNKFC['PVGTVCKPKPI C SMALL HOLIDAY PLATES B D NEW, SEASONAL A Bacon Wrapped Scallops 525 Brown sugar-cured smoked bacon wrapped around premium sea scallops. B Caprese Meatball Kabobs, featuring our: Italian Style Meatballs 432 1.75 lbs. $9.99 C b-0--ubѲѲ;7_;;v;b|_ Tomato Soup, featuring our: Ciabatta Rolls 791 6 ct. $5.99 25 ct. $26.99 Find inspiration for the perfect game day party at Tomato Basil Soup 853 1.75 lbs. $9.79 American Processed Cheese Slices 658 1 lb. $6.99 D -v_;7;-uovࢼmbĶ=;-|ubm]ouث French Baguette Bread 667 3 ct. $5.99 LIVESMART® Green Peas 766 2.5 lbs. $5.49 A B C #NN4GCF[#RRU A Zesty Jalapeño Bites 651 Cheddar and mozzarella cheeses mixed with red and green jalepeño pepper pieces, breaded in crunchy tri-colored tortilla chips. 1 lb. $9.99 B Breaded Mozzarella Sticks 673 Sticks of mozzarella cheese breaded and seasoned with Italian spices. D 1.5 lbs. $8.99 C Cheddar and Bacon Potato Skins 765 Crunchy potato skins topped with cheddar cheese and crumbled hickory smoked bacon. 1 lb. $9.99 D Cheese Curds 592 Mild cheddar cheese curds with a crunchy coating. 1.5 lbs. $9.39 E Bavarian Soft Pretzels 657 Soft mini pretzel sticks with a mild queso dipping sauce made with tomatoes and jalapeños. Includes a packet of coarse-grain salt. 6 ct. $11.19 E +ORTQORVW 'PVGTVCKPKPI FAST APPS TO KEEP ON HAND. A Oven Roasted Chicken Wings with BBQ Dry Rub Seasoning 414 Large, meaty wings from farm-raised chickens. Includes sweet and sassy seasoning. 2 lbs. $14.99 B Asian Style Teriyaki Boneless Wyngz 508 Fully cooked boneless white meat chicken breast with a crunchy crumb coating and sweet and spicy teriyaki sauce. 2.5 lbs. $13.99 C Buffalo Style Boneless Wyngz 495 Chunks of white meat chicken breast tenderloin, lightly breaded with buffalo seasoning. 2 lbs. $13.99 A B C Comes with WZRàDYRUIXO VDXFHV Crispy Chicken Wings with Sauce 415 Lightly breaded crispy wings. Includes buffalo and BBQ sauce packets. 2.5 lbs. $13.99 THIN CRUST PIZZA Crisp artisan crust. $8.39 11" x 6.5" D D 5 Cheese Flatbread 572 Mozzarella, Provolone, Parmesan, Asiago and Romano cheeses over marinara sauce. E Spinach & Mushroom Flatbread 831 Spinach and sliced mushrooms over mozzarella, fontina and cheddar cheeses with garlic and onion white sauce. F Roasted Garlic & Chicken Flatbread 689 E F Roasted garlic and chicken, mozzarella, Romano and Parmesan cheeses with a creamy garlic white sauce. NEW BON APPÉTIT™ Roasted Vegetable Pizza 660 Fire roasted tomatoes, red onion and red, green and yellow bell peppers are paired with a delicious blend of mozzarella, Romano and Parmesan cheeses atop a thin, ćDN\EXWWHU\PDGHIURPVFUDWFKFUXVW 10" $6.49 Try Our New ™ thin crust pizzas NEW BON APPÉTIT™ Mozzarella & Pesto Pizza 659 Flavorful basil pesto, sliced mozzarella and cherry tomatoes are DWRSDWKLQćDN\EXWWHU\ made-from-scratch crust that’s simply irresistible. GOURMET PIZZA, DELIVERED TO YOUR DOOR. 10" $6.49 B INDIVIDUAL DEEP DISH PIZZA OUR 5-INCH ROUND DEEP DISH CRUST 4 CT. $12.19 A A Sausage 609 B Cheese 612 C Pepperoni 610 D 28 I SCHWANS.COM C D Supreme 611 Mix & Match BUY MORE, SAVE MORE— SAVE $2.00 ON ANY 3 SPECIAL RECIPE™ OR PIZZERIA STYLE™ PIZZAS G F E K SPECIAL RECIPE™ PIZZA H OUR TRADITIONAL CRISPY CRUST WITH A SOFT, TENDER INSIDE 12" $4.99 E Supreme 613 F Sausage and Pepperoni 823 G Pepperoni 636 I H Four Cheese 622 I Mexican Style Supreme 835 J Sausage 647 J K Canadian Style Bacon 828 L M PIZZERIA STYLE™ ™ PIZZA OUR EVER-POPULAR RISING OVEN-BAKED CRUST 12" $7.79 N L Mega Meat 607 M Supreme 606 3 N Ultimate Pepperoni 603 Six Cheese 605 ALSO AVAILABLE 6JG 'UUGPVKCNU THESE CLASSIC SIDES CAN ALSO STAND ALONE. D A A Quick Bake French Fries 770 Long, crinkle-cut fries, lightly battered for extra crispiness. 2.5 lbs. $4.99 B Crispy Taters 708 All natural potato pieces. 2.5 lbs. $5.49 C CHEESY QUICK TATERS™ Potato Rounds 960 Shredded potato blended with cheddar and mozzarella cheeses, in crispy rounds. 2 lbs. $9.29 D Sweet Potato Fries 710 B E C F Lightly battered sweet potatoes cut into strips and seasoned with sea salt. 1.5 lbs. $7.49 ( 7RUWLOOD6W\OH&ULVS\:DIćH)ULHV Yukon select potatoes coated in corn masa for extra crunch and seasoned with sea salt. 1.5 lbs. $7.49 F Onion Rings 785 Whole slices of sweet Spanish onion in a crunchy breading seasoned with sea salt. 2 lbs. $7.99 B A A lia cS ion ® C upp ci at Ce Satisfying Gluten Free Choices o ort A ss GREAT TASTE AND VARIETY. LIVESMART® A Gluten Free Breaded Chicken Bites 472 Fully cooked white meat chicken bites coated in a light crunchy breading WKDWèVFHUWLĆHGJOXWHQIUHH 1 lb. $14.99 B Gluten Free Pepperoni Pizza 665 Crisp, thin crust pizza, covered with mozzarella cheese and pepperoni slices. 11 " $13.99 Gluten Free Four Cheese Pizza 664 ALSO AVAILABLE 11” $13.99 LIVESMART® C Gluten Free White Bread 830 Baked, sliced loaf of soft sandwich bread. 14 oz. $7.99 D Gluten Free Brownie Bites 833 Chewy, chocolatey, fully baked brownies. 6 (2 ct.) $8.99 D E Gluten Free Blueberry 6WUHXVHO0XIĆQ 826 0RLVWPXIĆQEXUVWLQJZLWK Michigan blueberries and topped with sweet, crunchy streusel. 4 ct. $8.99 Learn more about our gluten free offerings at E Goodness Inside and Out OUR POT PIES ARE FILLED WITH THE VERY BEST INGREDIENTS. A Turkey Pot Pie 679 Turkey breast meat with carrots, peas and home-style JUDY\LQDćDN\SDVWU\FUXVW 4 (10 oz.) $10.99 B Chicken Pot Pie 678 A White meat chicken with carrots, peas and home-style JUDY\LQDćDN\SDVWU\FUXVW 4 (10 oz.) $10.99 Farm-fresh Grade A vegetables. Flaky, home-style crust. B & 6LUORLQ%HHI3RW3LH Tender sirloin beef, carrots, green peas, onions and a rich beef gravy in a ćDN\SDVWU\FUXVW 4 (10 oz.) $11.49 C Quality cuts of meat. B A Bowls of Plenty ABUNDANTLY FLAVORFUL SOUPS. C D A Loaded Baked Potato Soup 852 Potatoes, sour cream, cheddar cheese, smoked bacon and chives in chicken stock. 1.75 lbs. $9.79 B Tomato Basil Soup 853 Made with tomatoes, basil, cream and olive oil. 1.75 lbs. $9.79 LIVESMART® C Beef & Chicken Chili with Beans 841 Beef, chicken, beans and tomatoes in a tangy tomato sauce with onion, chilies, peppers D White Meat Chicken and Wild Rice Soup 707 White meat chicken and vegetables in a creamy, made-fromscratch chicken broth. 1.75 lbs. $9.79 E Chicken Tortilla Soup 854 Fajita-seasoned chicken strips, rice, sweet corn, green bell peppers, tomatoes, chilies and a hint of lime in made-fromscratch chicken broth. 1.75 lbs. $9.79 E A C B D Our risotto is great topped with Garlic Herb Shrimp (567). E A Five Cheese Garlic French Bread 597 French bread topped with mozzarella, Provolone, white and yellow cheddar and Romano cheeses. 6 ct. $9.99 C Four Cheese Penne with Prosciutto 471 Penne pasta with real cream, sautéed prosciutto and Pecorino Romano, Asiago, fontina and Parmesan cheeses. 1.5 lbs. $10.99 F NEW E Risotto 862 A classic risotto with Arborio rice and a cream sauce with Parmesan and Romano cheeses, cream, garlic and herbs. Risotto and sauce are quick frozen into easy-to-pour portions. 1 lb. $7.99 B Hearty Baked Ziti 703 Ziti pasta with lean ground beef, pork sausage, California tomatoes and real mozzarella, Parmesan and fontinella cheeses. 2.5 lbs. $11.99 D Family Meat Lasagna with Four Cheeses 716 Family-size portion of our made-fromscratch pasta layered with tomato sauce, lean ground beef and mozzarella, ricotta, Parmesan and Romano cheeses. 2 lbs. $9.99 F Garlic Herb Shrimp 567 Tender shrimp glazed in garlic and herbs. 1 lb. $16.49 Throw an Italian Feast SAUCE TO YOUR LIKING. Pasta Shells Stuffed with Cheese 485 Large shells stuffed with lightly seasoned ricotta, Asiago and Romano cheeses. 2 lbs. $11.19 SEASONAL Lasagna Roll Ups 400 3DVWDKDQGUROOHGZLWKDĆOOLQJRIULFRWWD Romano and mozzarella cheeses. 1.5 lbs. $8.99 G LIVESMART® Six Cheese Tortellini 846 7RUWHOOLQLSDVWDĆOOHGZLWKULFRWWD Swiss, fontina, Asiago, Romano and Parmesan cheeses. 2 lbs. $11.19 Premium Six Cheese Ravioli 735 (QULFKHGVHPROLQDSDVWDĆOOHGZLWKFUHDP\ ricotta, mozzarella, freshly grated Asiago, fontina, Parmesan and Romano cheeses. 2 lbs. $11.19 Find our Italian meals at H J INSPIRED Home-Style Family Meals COMPLETE DINNERS AND HEARTY STARTERS WITH BROAD APPEAL. JUST ADD SIDES A Slow Roasted Beef Pot Roast with Gravy 424 Fork tender beef pot roast in gravy made from natural juices. 3 lbs. $27.99 B Slow Roasted Beef Tips and Gravy 412 Slow-cooked, tender beef tips in gravy. 2 (1.5 lbs.) $24.99 Add vegetables of your choice. JUST ADD VEGGIES LIVESMART® C Mini Beef Pot Roast 402 7HQGHUćDYRUIXOVORZFRRNHGSRW roast in single-serve portions. 4 (6 oz.) $17.99 A Tips go well with egg noodles. SHOWN WITH: LIVESMART® D Broccoli Florets 776 /DUJHEURFFROLćRUHWVZLWKQRVWHPVRUSLHFHV 1.5 lbs. $5.49 E Roasted Turkey with Gravy and Mashed Potatoes 750 Slow-roasted turkey tenders in home-style gravy, with mashed potatoes on the side. 2.3 lbs. $16.99 SHOWN WITH: LIVESMART® F MicroSteam Whole Green Beans 790 Whole green beans in 3 microwaveable steam pouches. 3 (12 oz.) $5.99 G Sliced Beef with Mashed Potatoes 893 Sliced tender beef eye round in home-style gravy, with home-style mashed potates on the side. 2.5 lbs. $16.99 B Just add Broccoli. Just add green beans. Add your own veggies. C D H E F I COMPLETE MEALS H Prime Rib Shepherd’s Pie 705 Roasted prime rib and vegetables in a savory tomato sauce topped with red-skinned and russet potatoes. 2.25 lbs. $14.99 I Home Style Chicken Bake 713 White meat chicken, russet potatoes, sweet peas, carrots in a home-style gravy made with cream. 7RSSHGZLWKDćDN\SDVWU\VW\OHFUXVW 2.5 lbs. $13.99 All-in-One Skillet Meals A A Shrimp and Broccoli Alfredo Skillet Meal 688 Shrimp with bow tie pasta and broccoli in a creamy Parmesan and Romano Alfredo sauce. 2 lbs. $11.99 B B Beef Merlot Skillet Meal 409 Tender beef, roasted baby potatoes, carrots, onions and portabella mushrooms in a rich Merlot sauce. 1.3 lbs. $11.99 C Sweet Chili Chicken Skillet Meal 714 White meat chicken in a light and crunchy tempura batter, with sugar snap peas, red peppers, water chestnuts and roasted onions. Includes jasmine rice in a microsteam pouch. 1.7 lbs. $11.49 C FROM FREEZER TO TABLE IN 20 MINUTES OR LESS. D Chicken & Broccoli with Cheesy Rice Skillet Meal 695 Roasted white meat chicken and broccoli with long-grain wild and white rices in a creamy cheddar cheese sauce. 2 lbs. $11.99 E Chicken Alfredo Rigatoni Skillet Meal 696 Fire-grilled seasoned chicken breast with rigatoni pasta, broccoli, peas, red peppers and carrots in a creamy Parmesan and Romano Alfredo sauce. 2 lbs. $11.99 D F Chicken Fajita Queso Skillet Meal 431 Fire-grilled strips of white meat chicken with corn, peppers, Spanish onions and black beans. Comes with Tex-Mex rice and sharp cheddar cheese Queso sauce. 2 lbs. $11.99 G Sausage Breakfast Skillet 654 Roasted, red skinned potatoes, premium pork sausage and roasted vegetables come ready for you to add your own eggs. 1.3 lbs. $8.49 Just add eggs. E F G Chef Jet’s Fabulous Flavors INVENTIVE ASIAN DISHES BY THE CELEBRITY CHEF. A Szechuan Style Chicken Skillet Meal 715 Roasted white meat chicken tenders, broccoli ćRUHWVUHGSHSSHUVĆUHURDVWHGRQLRQVDQG HGDPDPHLQDPLOGO\VSLF\6]HFKXDQVDXFH ,QFOXGHVORQJJUDLQULFHLQDPLFURVWHDPSRXFK OEV B Orange Chicken Skillet Meal 446 +XQDQUHFLSHRIOLJKWO\EDWWHUHG WHPSXUDFKLFNHQFDUURWVDQGHGDPDPH LQDWDQJ\RUDQJHVDXFH,QFOXGHVORQJ JUDLQULFHLQDPLFURVWHDPSRXFK OEV B See the chef at work at BUY MORE, SAVE MORE Appetizing Selections SAVE 50¢ ON ANY 2 EGG ROLLS OR POT STICKERS E C Pan-Seared Pork Pot Stickers with Sweet Soy Sauce 676 1.8 lbs. $10.29 D Pork Egg Rolls with Sweet and Sour Sauce 674 12 ct. $10.29 E Shrimp Spring Rolls 640 8 ct. $10.69 D C F F White Meat Chicken Egg Rolls with Sweet and Sour Sauce 675 12 ct. $10.29 G H I Fire Roasted Chicken and Vegetables with Teriyaki Sauce 413 White meat chicken, carrots, red peppers and sugar snap peas in a teriyaki sauce. Includes brown rice in a microsteam pouch. 2 lbs. $11.99 Beef Mongolian Skillet Meal 408 Seasoned beef strips, broccoli, red peppers, water chestnuts and onions in a sweet and spicy sauce. Includes long-grain rice in a microsteam pouch. 1.6 lbs. $11.49 Chicken Lo Mein Skillet Meal 450 /RPHLQQRRGOHVZLWKSUHPLXPURDVWHGFKLFNHQĆUH roasted green and red peppers in a savory sauce. 1.4 lbs. $11.49 “When I cook, I’m sharing history. I’m sharing Chinese and Thai food from my family and all my own Asianinspired creations.” —Chef Jet Tila A Visit the Southwest D B E C You’ll love our ;QWT(CXQTKVG 5QWVJYGUV5V[NG&KUJGU A Southwest Style Lime Chicken 829 Grilled white meat chicken strips with lime sauce, cheddar cheese and seasoned rice. Topped with colorful tortilla chips. F 1.5 lbs. $11.49 B Premium White Meat Chicken and Cheese Quesadilla 899 Grilled farm-raised, white meat chicken with red bell peppers, mild jalapeño peppers and mozzarella DQGFKHGGDUFKHHVHVLQDJULOOHGćRXUWRUWLOOD 4 ct. $10.79 LIVESMART® C Premium White Meat Chicken Enchiladas 602 Fire-grilled tortillas rolled with white meat chicken and topped with zesty sauce, grated cheese and peppers. On a bed of Spanish rice. 6 (5.3 oz.) $11.99 NEW & IMPROVED D Southwest Roasted Corn 775 Fire-roasted yellow and white super sweet corn with red and green peppers, onions and black beans in an improved southwest-style seasoning. 1.5 lbs. $7.29 NEW E Shredded Chipotle Chicken Tacos 601 White meat chicken, shredded and slow cooked with smoky chipotle peppers DQGVHUYHGLQDĆUHJULOOHGWRUWLOOD 10 (1.5 oz.) $10.99 LIVESMART® F OMG Oh My Guacamole! 626 Large chunks of ripe avocados, tomatoes, jalepeños, lime and spices served in 2 thaw and serve pouches. 2 (8 oz.) $8.99 G Tamales 600 Mildly spiced, slow-cooked shredded beef covered in masa (corn dough). Wrapped in corn husks for authentic steamed tamales. G 6 (4 oz.) $10.99 3ODQ\RXUĆHVWDPHQXDW Sizzling fajitas are a snap when you combine our Fire-Grilled Chicken Breast Strips (496) with our Roasted Peppers and Onions (761). B PERFECT FOR A HOT LUNCH AT WORK. A D LIVESMART® E Spaghetti with Meat Sauce Meal 741 1 ct. $4.50 C LIVESMART® A Grilled Chicken Marinara with Penne and Vegetables 511 1 ct. $5.50 LIVESMART® C Grilled Chicken with Vegetables and Honey Garlic Sauce 517 1 ct. $5.50 LIVESMART® B Sweet Chili Garlic Chicken with Vegetables 516 1 ct. $5.50 LIVESMART® D Ancient Grain Encrusted Fish with Citrus Sauce 521 1 ct. $5.50 LIVESMART® F Roasted Turkey & Vegetables Meal 734 1 ct. $4.50 G Macaroni & Cheese 751 1 ct. $3.99 LIVESMART® H Sweet and Sour Chicken Meal 742 1 ct. $4.50 G F E SATISFYING SINGLE SERVINGS BUY MORE , SAVE MORE BUY ANY 4 OF THESE MEALS, SAVE $1 H NEW I Pad Thai with Chicken by Chef Jet 711 I Rice noodles with pieces of roasted, farm-raised chicken in Pad Thai sauce. 1 ct. $6.49 NEW J Bean and Cheese Enchilada Bake 706 Fire-roasted peppers, tomatoes, super sweet corn and cheese layered with tortillas and enchilada sauce. 1 ct. $6.49 J CERTIFIED GLUTEN FREE Visit &GNKIJVHWN*QNKFC[$TWPEJ A B THERE’S SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE. C F Make an easy hash brown casserole. D E A Pecan Caramel Rolls 879 Rich, sweet caramel rolls are topped with brown sugar caramel and toasty pecans. 6 ct. $11.99 B Raspberry White Chocolate Scones 821 Real raspberries and white chocolate in a tender scone baked fresh from your oven. C Sausage, Egg & Cheese Biscuit 898 0DSOHćDYRUHGVDXVDJHVFUDPEOHGHJJVDQG American cheese on a large buttermilk biscuit. 6 ct. $14.99 F Thick Sliced Bacon 440 Extra-thick bacon with KLFNRU\VPRNHGćDYRU 2 (1.25 lbs.) $16.99 D Shredded Hash Browns 753 Long potato shreds for crispy hash browns. 2.5 lbs. $4.99 12 ct. $14.99 E Fully Cooked Sausage Links 411 Get the recipes for these breakfast delights at Cherries are a cheery addition to French toast. H I Just add eggs. J G Try our Bacon and Eggs Asparagus recipe. K Mini Donuts 878 L I Dark Sweet Cherries 927 Bacon and Eggs Asparagus, featuring our: K Pepper Bacon 417 +HDWDQGHDWLQXQGHUVHFRQGV ,QFOXGHVFLQQDPRQVXJDUSDFNHWV 1DWXUDOO\VZHHWZKROHSLWWHG :DVKLQJWRQVWDWHFKHUULHV 7ULPPHGWKLFNVOLFHGDQGKLFNRU\VPRNHG EDFRQFRDWHGZLWKFUXVKHGEODFNSHSSHU R] OE OEV LIVESMART® Baked Cinnamon French Toast Sticks 838 J Sausage Breakfast Skillet 654 0DGHZLWKUHDOHJJVDQGćDYRUHGZLWK FLQQDPRQWKHQEDNHGWRDJROGHQEURZQ 5RDVWHGUHGVNLQQHGSRWDWRHVSUHPLXP SRUNVDXVDJHDQGURDVWHGYHJHWDEOHVFRPH UHDG\IRU\RXWRDGG\RXURZQHJJV OEV OEV LIVESMART® L Asparagus Spears 781 7HQGHUWULPPHGDVSDUDJXVVSHDUV OEV /QTPKPI 9CTO7RU A START THE DAY WITH A SHORT STACK. A Buttermilk Pancakes 481 )OXII\SDQFDNHVPDGHZLWKUHDOHJJV DQGEXWWHUPLON FW Shredded Hash Browns 753 /RQJSRWDWRVKUHGVIRUFULVS\KDVKEURZQV OEV Fully Cooked Sausage Links 411 /LJKWO\EURZQHGSRUNVDXVDJHOLQNV R] LIVESMART® 2UDQJH-XLFH)RUWLĆHG with Calcium 720 R] B Wrap burrito in foil for a warm, on-the-go breakfast. LIVESMART® B Baked Cinnamon French Toast Sticks 838 0DGHZLWKUHDOHJJVDQGćDYRUHGZLWK FLQQDPRQWKHQEDNHGWRDJROGHQEURZQ OEV C +RPHVW\OH7RDVWHU:DIćH 662 /LJKWFULVSKRPHVW\OHZDIćHV FW D Fiesta Breakfast Burrito 858 6SLF\&KRUL]RVDXVDJHVFUDPEOHGHJJV 0RQWHUH\-DFNFKHHVHĆUHURDVWHG UHGEHOOSHSSHUSREODQRSHSSHUVDQG RQLRQVKDQGUROOHGLQDćRXUWRUWLOOD D FW C F G E E Thick Sliced Bacon 440 ([WUDWKLFNEDFRQZLWKKLFNRU\VPRNHGćDYRU OEV F Fully Cooked Bacon Slices 811 7KLFNVOLFHGSUHFRRNHGćDYRUIXOEDFRQ R] G Pepper Bacon 417 7ULPPHGWKLFNVOLFHGDQGKLFNRU\VPRNHG EDFRQFRDWHGZLWKFUXVKHGEODFNSHSSHU OEV LIVESMART® H Steel Cut Oatmeal with Red Quinoa 856 H I &UHDP\RDWPHDOPDGHIURPVWHHOFXW RDWVDQGDQFLHQWJUDLQTXLQRDIRUD VOLJKWO\VZHHWDQGQXWW\ćDYRU FW I Deluxe Ham & Cheese Omelet 506 (JJRPHOHWĆOOHGZLWKVPRNHGKDP DQGFKHGGDUDQG6ZLVVFKHHVHV FW J Raspberry White Chocolate Scones 821 5HDOUDVSEHUULHVDQGZKLWHFKRFRODWHLQD WHQGHUVFRQHEDNHGIUHVKIURP\RXURYHQ FW Start your day with J ALL-NATURAL FRUIT ALL YEAR LONG PICKED AT THE PEAK OF RIPENESS. A Golden Fruit Blend 803 Pineapple, mango, peaches and whole strawberries. 2 lbs. $7.99 B Whole Blueberries 804 A Naturally sweet, plump and juicy blueberries. 1 lb. $7.29 C Whole Strawberries 745 Large strawberries with stems removed. B 2 lbs. $7.99 D Triple Berry Blend 926 6ZHHWĆUPDQGSOXPS blueberries, red raspberries and blackberries. 1.5 lbs. $7.99 C Your favorites are always in season. USDA D CERTIFIED 100% ORGANIC ORGANIC Visit ORGANIC LIVESMART® E Organic Mango Chunks 824 Sun-ripened mango, cut into bite-sized chunks. 10 oz. $6.29 F ORGANIC LIVESMART® F Organic Daybreak Fruit Blend 809 Golden pineapple, mangoes and blueberries. 10 oz. $6.29 E Dark Sweet Cherries 927 The Story of Our Dark Sweet Cherries 100% Grade A and all natural. 1 lb. $7.29 Fresh From the Farm to You :HVHWRXWWRĆQGWKHEHVWWDVWLQJGDUNVZHHWFKHUULHVLQWKH8QLWHG6WDWHVZKLFKEURXJKWXVWR:DVKLQJWRQ VWDWHKRPHWR1RUWK$PHULFDèVĆQHVWFKHUULHV%\VRXUFLQJGLUHFWO\IURPWKHIDUPZHNQRZH[DFWO\ZKHUH our cherries are coming from, and ensure they meet the highest-quality standard given by the USDA, and more importantly, the high standard you have for your family. We partner with farmers who designed their own unique farming method that produces the best quality DQGćDYRU(DFKFKHUU\LVKDQGSLFNHGDQGWKHQVRUWHGEDVHGRQFRORUDQGVL]HWRHQVXUH\RXUHFHLYHRQO\WKH VZHHWHVWDQGMXLFLHVWFKHUULHV3LFNHGDWWKHSHDNRIULSHQHVVHDFKFKHUU\LVSLWWHGDQGćDVKIUR]HQWRORFNLQćDYRU and nutrients. Our 100% Grade A cherries are super sweet and all natural, with no additives or preservatives. Since our cherries come pitted, they are great to put right into a smoothie, serve with a dessert, or eat as a snack. Available year-round, you and your family will love our farm-fresh dark sweet cherries. %QQMKG %TGCVKQPU START WITH OUR COOKIE DOUGH, BAKE, DECORATE AND GIFT IN FESTIVE WAYS LIVESMART® $ 2DWPHDO5DLVLQ&RRNLH'RXJK Preportioned cookie dough pieces loaded with plump California raisins and old-fashioned rolled oats. 40 ct. $9.99 Fill a tin with home baked holiday cookies. B Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough 644 Our signature preportioned cookie dough pieces loaded with chocolate chips. 40 ct. $9.99 A B C D C SCHWAN’S MONSTER MANIA® Cookie Dough 813 Preportioned cookie dough pieces loaded with peanut butter, mini chocolate candies, chocolate chips and rolled oats. 40 ct. $11.29 D Peanut Butter Chocolate Chunk Supreme &RRNLH'RXJK Preportioned cookie dough loaded with peanut butter chips and chocolate chunks. 40 ct. $11.29 ( +RPH6W\OH6XJDU&RRNLH'RXJK Preportioned cookie dough pieces made with real butter and hints of vanilla and almond. 40 ct. $9.99 E Find cookie inspiration at 2GTHGEV)KHVU V) HQTVJG5GCUQP THERE’S SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE. Makes a thoughtful hostess gift. A THE ULTIMATE GIFT CARD You pick the value— they pick their favorites. B C $TKPI5JCTGCDNG$KVGUVQ*QNKFC[2CTVKGU SEASONAL A Limited Edition Vanilla Ice Cream Tin 335 Our Signature rich and creamy vanilla ice cream. 1 gallon $16.99 SEASONAL B Red Velvet & Cheesecake 891 See page 54 C Mini Cheesecake & Brownie Bites 849 Three varieties of mini desserts: New York mini cheesecake, strawberry swirl mini cheesecake and turtle brownie bites. 24 ct. $18.99 C Loaded with over a pound of fruit. (QTVJG *CRRKGUVQH *QNKFC[U A Celebrate with Home-Style Pies B SEASONAL A Harvest Berry Peach Pie 816 Blackberries, strawberries, blueberries and peaches in a PDGHIURPVFUDWFKćDN\FUXVW OEV SEASONAL B Red Velvet & Cheesecake 891 Made-from-scratch red velvet cake with chocolate chips on top of white chocolate cheesecake, decorated with ZKLWHDQGGDUNFKRFRODWHVKDYLQJV OEV C Key Lime Pie 091 0DGHZLWKUHDO.H\OLPHVLQ a graham cracker crust and ĆQLVKHGZLWKZKLSSHGWRSSLQJ OEV E )ODN\àDYRUIXOFUXVW PDGHZLWKUHDOEXWWHU 0DGHZLWK UHDONH\OLPHV D F NEW D Chocolate Crème Pie 855 Decorated layers of chocolate and vanilla crème in a cookie crumb crust. 1.6 lbs. $10.99 SEASONAL E Pumpkin Pie 861 Pumpkin spiced with cinnamon, ginger and cloves LQDćDN\EXWWHU\FUXVW 2.3 lbs. $6.49 NEW, SEASONAL F Pumpkin Crème Pie 860 Pumpkin spiced with cinnamon, ginger and cloves layered with cream cheese and a vanilla cookie crumb crust, topped with crème. 1.6 lbs. $11.19 Old Fashioned Apple Pie 085 Apples, sugar, cinnamon and spices baked in a madeIURPVFUDWFKćDN\FUXVW 3 lbs. $10.99 B A E D 9KPVGTÈU 9QPFGTNCPF Dark Sweet Cherry 232 Cherry ice cream with dark sweet cherry halves. C ćR] Cookies & Cream 230 HERE’S JUST A TASTE OF OUR MANY ICE CREAM FLAVORS. Vanilla ice cream with chunks RIFUHDPĆOOHGFKRFRODWH wafer cookies. ćR] RASPBERRY RUMBLE® 361 Vanilla ice cream with a raspberry swirl, raspberry crunchies and UDVSEHUU\ĆOOHGFKRFRODWHWUXIćHV ćR] Chip and Mint 209 Mint ice cream with chocolate pieces. ćR] Maple Nut 229 Maple ice cream with roasted and salted walnut pieces. ćR] G Vanilla 204 Our Signature rich and creamy vanilla ice cream. ćR] F Toffee Caramel Crunch 207 Toffee ice cream with caramel, English toffee candy bar bits and cookie pieces. ćR] Chocolate 213 Our Signature rich and creamy chocolate ice cream. ćR] Chocolate Peanut Butter Cup 369 Chocolate ice cream with a peanut butter swirl and peanut butter cups. ćR] H I Peppermint Stick ice cream is back. K L NEW, SEASONAL J AUTUMN TREAT® 222 3XPSNLQćDYRUHGLFHFUHDPVZLUOHG ZLWKFLQQDPRQDQGSUDOLQHSHFDQV ćR] J SEASONAL K Peppermint Stick 217 Amazing on top of Apple Pie. 2XUULFKDQGFUHDP\YDQLOODLFH FUHDPLQIHVWLYHJUHHQORDGHG ZLWKUHGDQGJUHHQ SHSSHUPLQWFDQG\SLHFHV ćR] M NEW L Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough 245 9DQLOODLFHFUHDPZLWKFKRFRODWH FKLSVDQGFKXQNVRIFRRNLHGRXJK ćR] M Butter Pecan 219 %XWWHUSHFDQLFHFUHDPZLWK URDVWHGDQGVDOWHGSHFDQV ćR] N Dulce de Leche Caramel 203 &DUDPHOLFHFUHDPZLWKD GXOFHGHOHFKHVZLUO ćR] O Chocolate Marshmallow Ripple 210 &KRFRODWHLFHFUHDPZLWK DPDUVKPDOORZVZLUO N ćR] O P Sea Salt Caramel & Cashew 206 &DUDPHOLFHFUHDPZLWKDVDOWHG FDUDPHOVZLUODQGSUDOLQHFDVKHZV ćR] Q Chocolate Fudge Ripple 228 Q P 9DQLOODLFHFUHDPZLWKD FKRFRODWHIXGJHULSSOH ćR] )LQGDOORXUćDYRUVDW Make Yourself Merry with SCHWAN’S SIGNATURE® Ice Cream Treats PREMIUM ICE CREAM. PURE VANILLA EXTRACT. REAL CARAMEL. AUTHENTIC MINT FLAVOR AND SIGNATURE CHOCOLATE BLEND. A SILVERMINT® Bars 035 Premium mint ice cream covered in milk chocolate. A 18 ct. $10.99 B GOLD ‘N’ NUGIT® Bars 028 Premium vanilla ice cream topped with caramel and peanuts and covered in milk chocolate. 12 ct. $9.99 D SCHWAN’S SIGNATURE® Chocolate Ice Cream Bars 037 Premium chocolate ice cream dipped in our exclusive chocolate blend. 10 ct. $9.79 C SCHWAN’S SIGNATURE Ice Cream Bars 063 ® Premium vanilla ice cream dipped in our exclusive chocolate blend. 10 ct. $9.79 E SCHWAN’S SIGNATURE® Caramel Ice Cream Bars 030 Premium rich caramel ice cream with a caramel ribbon. Dipped in our exclusive chocolate blend. 10 ct. $10.29 B Petite Treasures F SCHWAN’S SIGNATURE® Dark Chocolate Ice Cream Miniatures 018 Premium vanilla ice cream dipped in dark chocolate. 20 ct. $7.49 FROZEN DELIGHTS IN SMALL SIZES. G SCHWAN’S SIGNATURE® Vanilla Ice Cream Miniatures 125 Premium vanilla ice cream dipped in milk chocolate. 20 ct. $7.49 F G D E C H SCHWAN’S SIGNATURE® Peanut Butter Cup Ice Cream Miniatures 050 Premium chocolate ice cream with a layer of peanut butter and mini peanut butter cups, covered in milk chocolate. 16 ct. $7.49 J SCHWAN’S SIGNATURE® Chocolate Cookie Delight 042 Premium vanilla ice cream set on a crunchy chocolate cookie, covered in a special chocolate blend. 12 ct. $7.99 SEASONAL I SCHWAN’S SIGNATURE® Peppermint Cookie Delight 025 Premium peppermint ice cream set on a crunchy chocolate cookie, covered in a special dark chocolate blend. J 18 ct. $9.99 I Keep treats frozen at your door. Cheery A favorite of Santa and his elves.. Treats FOR WHEN YOU’VE BEEN VERY GOOD. A Chocolate Chip Cookie Ice Cream Sandwiches 044 Vanilla ice cream sandwiched between chewy chocolate chip cookies. 6 ct. $8.99 B English Toffee Bars 054 A B E F G H N O P 7RIIHHćDYRUHGLFHFUHDPFRYHUHG in chocolate and sprinkled with English toffee bits. 12 ct. $6.99 C SCHWAN’S® Ice Cream Bars 055 Vanilla ice cream dipped in milk chocolate. 12 ct. $6.49 LIVESMART® D Chocolate Fudge Sticks 056 Low-fat chocolate fudge frozen treat bar. 12 ct. $6.29 E Ice Cream Sandwiches 008 Vanilla ice cream sandwiched between two chocolate wafers. 24 ct. $12.59 LIVESMART® F Black Cherry Frozen Yogurt 387 Cherry low-fat frozen yogurt with chunks of dark cherries. ćR] LIVESMART® G Chocolate Fudge Brownie Frozen Yogurt 388 Chocolate low-fat frozen yogurt with a fudge swirl and chunks of fudge brownie. ćR] SEASONAL, LIVESMART® H Pomegranate Mango Sherbet 216 Real pomegranate and mango fruit purées swirled into a sherbet. ćR] I Jack Nicklaus Triple Chocolate 101 Chocolate ice cream with chunks of brownie and dark chocolate. 1 pt. $2.99 K Jack Nicklaus Coffee and Donuts Ice Cream 102 &RIIHHćDYRUHGLFHFUHDPZLWKGRQXW pieces and cinnamon sugar. 1 pt. $2.99 NEW, SEASONAL L Vanilla Soft Serve Ice Cream 051 6RIWYDQLOODLFHFUHDPLQD squeezable, portable package. ćR] NEW, SEASONAL M Chocolate Soft Serve Ice Cream 052 Strawberry sherbet with lemon sorbet. Soft chocolate ice cream in a squeezable, portable package. 1 pt. $2.99 ćR] J Jack Nicklaus Strawberry Lemonade 100 Not Home for Delivery? TRY OUR FREEZER BAG DELIVERED TO YOUR DOORSTEP. D Freezer Bag 924 1 ct. $4.99 1 CHOOSE Choose the Freezer Bag “Drop Off Delivery” option at checkout. J K L M LIVESMART® N PUSH-EMS® Orange Sherbet 013 24 ct. $12.59 LIVESMART® O PUSH-EMS® Chocolate Malt 010 24 ct. $12.59 NEW, SEASONAL, LIVESMART® P PUSH-EMS® Cherry 034 12 ct. $7.79 3 R CONFETTI™ Ice Cream Cups 033 24 ct. $12.99 S Vanilla Ice Cream Cups 006 24 ct. $12.49 S DELIVERY Your order will be left in a high-quality freezer bag with gel packs designed to keep your food frozen for hours after delivery. Q Chocolate Fudge Sundae Ice Cream Cups 026 24 ct. $12.49 R 2 REUSE To reuse on your next order, select Freezer Bag “Drop Off Delivery” at checkout and leave the empty bag and gel packs outside your door. Star Power A SUNDAE CONES IN FAVORITE FLAVORS. B E H D C Vanilla Fudge Chocolate Sundae Cones 016 B Pecan Praline Sundae Cones 017 Vanilla ice cream swirled with fudge, topped with chocolate and chocolate chips in a chocolatelined sugar cone. Vanilla ice cream with caramel fudge ripple topped with chocolate and praline pecans in a chocolatelined sugar cone. 12 ct. $10.79 12 ct. $10.79 C Chip & Mint Sundae Cones 049 Mint ice cream swirled with fudge, topped with chocolate and chocolate chips in a chocolate-lined dark chocolate sugar cone. 12 ct. $10.79 D Vanilla Sundae Cones 007 Vanilla ice cream topped with chocolate and peanuts in a chocolate-lined sugar cone. 24 ct. $14.99 E Rocky Road Sundae Cones 019 Chocolate ice cream with a marshmallow swirl in a chocolate-lined dark chocolate sugar cone, drizzled with chocolate and topped with crushed almonds and chocolate bits. ver 350 Products at Mi I Microwave Ov I Oven Cheese and Herb Biscuits Cheese Stuffed Breadsticks Ciabatta Rolls Five Cheese Garlic French Bread French Baguette Bread Gluten Free White Bread Multigrain Loaf Southern Style Biscuits Bacon Breakfast Single Pizza Baked Cinnamon French Toast Sticks Buttermilk Pancakes Cinnamon Rolls Deluxe Ham & Cheese Omelet Fiesta Breakfast Burrito Gluten Free Blueberry Streusel Muffin Homestyle Toaster Waffle Mini Scrambles Pecan Caramel Rolls Pigs in a Blanket POUCHES® Sausage Breakfast Bagel Raspberry White Chocolate Scones Sausage Breakfast Skillet Sausage, Egg & Cheese Breakfast Sandwich Sausage, Egg & Cheese Biscuit Steel Cut Oatmeal with Red Quinoa Turkey Sausage, Egg White & Cheese Breakfast Sandwich 100% Orange Juice Fortified with Calcium Apple Cherry Berry Blue Raspberry Lemonade Pineapple Orange Raspberry Lemonade Chocolate Chip Frozen Cookie Dough Chocolate Crème Pie Gluten Free Brownie Bites Harvest Berry Peach Pie Home Style Sugar Cookie Dough Key Lime Pie Mini Cheesecake & Brownie Bites Mini Donuts Oatmeal Raisin Cookie Dough Old-Fashioned Apple Pie Peanut Butter Chocolate Chunk Supreme Cookie Dough Peanut Butter Fudge Brownie Cake Pumpkin Creme Pie Pumpkin Pie Red Velvet & Cheesecake SCHWAN’S MONSTER MANIA® Cookie Dough Dark Sweet Cherries Golden Fruit Blend Organic Daybreak Fruit Blend Organic Mango Chunks Triple Berry Blend Whole Blueberries Whole Strawberries AUTUMN TREAT® Ice Cream Black Cherry Frozen Yogurt Blueberry Pomegranate Greek Frozen Yogurt Bars BOMB POP, JR.® Frozen Treats Butter Pecan Chip & Mint Sundae Cones Chip and Mint Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate and Vanilla Low-Fat Ice Cream Sandwiches Chocolate Chip Chocolate Chip Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Ice Cream Chocolate Chip Cookie Ice Cream Sandwiches Chocolate Frozen Yogurt Chocolate Fudge Brownie Frozen Yogurt Chocolate Fudge Ripple Chocolate Fudge Sticks Chocolate Fudge Sundae Ice Cream Cups Chocolate Marshmallow Ripple Chocolate Peanut Butter Cup Chocolate Soft Serve CONFETTI CAKE™ Ice Cream CONFETTI™ Ice Cream Cups Cookies & Cream Cookies & Cream Dark Chocolate Ice Cream Miniatures Dark Sweet Cherry Doggie Sundaes (For Dogs Only) Dulce de Leche Caramel English Toffee Bars GOLD ‘N’ NUGIT® Bars Ice Cream Sandwiches Jack Nicklaus Coffee and Donuts Ice Cream Jack Nicklaus Strawberry Lemonade Jack Nicklaus Triple Chocolate Ice Cream NUMBER 663 634 791 597 667 830 627 668 875 838 481 894 506 858 826 662 489 879 682 949 821 654 820 898 856 819 720 733 730 724 727 840 644 855 833 816 628 091 849 878 652 085 812 909 860 861 891 813 927 803 809 824 926 804 745 222 387 069 029 219 049 209 253 213 066 254 242 245 044 384 388 228 056 026 210 369 052 236 033 230 280 018 232 979 203 054 028 008 102 100 101 PAGE 23 23 22 23, 34 4, 23 31 23 23 47, 48 48 47 49 48 31 48 46 46, 49 43, 47 46 49 48 52 55 31 6, 54 52 54 4, 53 47 52 55, 68 52 5 55 6, 54 53, 54 53 47 50 50 50 50 50 50 57 60 57 62 56 56 57 60 60 57 60 61 57 56 60 61 56 58 56 57 60 58 60 60 60 60 SERVES 18 12 6 6 12 11-12 12 18 6 8 8 8 6 4 4 8 6 6 5-6 6 12 4 4 6 4 4 24 48 48 24 48 24 40 6 6 10 40 8 4 5-6 40 12 40 6 8 8 14 40 4 5-6 1-2 2 4-5 3-4 5-6 14 14 8 18 14 12 14 32 14 4 32 14 14 6 14 14 14 12 24 14 14 6 14 24 14 32 4 14 4 14 12 12 24 4 4 4 PRICE 7.99 9.99 5.99 9.99 5.99 7.99 5.99 7.99 11.99 7.99 6.99 8.99 11.49 11.99 8.99 5.99 11.99 11.99 10.99 9.99 14.99 8.49 8.99 14.99 7.99 8.99 12.49 7.99 7.99 8.29 7.99 8.29 9.99 10.99 8.99 10.99 9.99 11.19 18.99 8.99 9.99 10.99 11.29 13.99 11.19 6.49 25.99 11.29 7.29 7.99 6.29 6.29 7.99 7.29 7.99 5.99 5.99 9.49 5.29 5.99 10.79 5.99 10.99 5.99 7.99 10.99 5.99 6.29 8.99 5.99 5.99 5.99 6.29 12.49 5.99 6.29 11.99 6.29 12.99 6.29 10.99 7.49 5.99 5.99 5.99 6.99 9.99 12.59 2.99 2.99 2.99 NET WT 1.3 lbs. 1.3 lbs. 16.5 oz. 1.2 lbs. 1.3 lbs. 14 oz. 1.3 lbs. 2.4 lbs. 1 lb. 15.8 oz. 1.5 lbs. 2.1 lbs. 1.8 lbs. 1.4 lbs. 16 oz. 9.6 oz. 1.2 lbs. 2 lbs. 1.7 lbs. 2 lbs. 1.6 lbs. 2.8 lbs. 1.3 lbs. 1.3 lbs. 2 lbs. 32 oz. 1.2 lbs. 48 fl. oz. 48 fl. oz. 48 fl. oz. 48 fl. oz. 48 fl. oz. 48 fl. oz. 2.5 lbs. 1.6 lbs. 7.8 oz. 3 lbs. 2.5 lbs. 2.25 lbs. 1.1 lbs. 15 oz. 2.5 lbs. 3 lbs. 2.5 lbs. 1 lb. 1.6 lbs. 2 lbs. 3.7 lbs. 2.5 lbs. 1 lb. 2 lbs. 10 oz. 10 oz. 1.5 lbs. 1 lb. 2 lbs. 56 fl. oz. 56 fl. oz. 27.2 fl. oz. 18 count 56 fl. oz. 12 count 56 fl. oz. 1 gallon 56 fl. oz. 32 fl. oz. 1 gallon 56 fl. oz. 56 fl. oz. 24 fl. oz. 56 fl. oz. 56 fl. oz. 56 fl. oz. 12 count 1.7 lbs. 56 fl. oz. 56 fl. oz. 36 fl. oz. 56 fl. oz. 72 fl. oz. 56 fl. oz. 1 gallon 15.6 fl. oz. 56 fl. oz. 3 fl. oz. 56 fl. oz. 36 fl. oz. 33 fl. oz. 81.6 fl. oz. 1 pint 1 pint 1 pint PREP Ov Ov / Mi Ov Ov / Gr Ov Th Ov Ov Mi / Ov Ov / Mi Mi / To Ov Mi / Ov Mi Th To / Ov Mi / Ov Mi Ov / Mi Mi / Ov Ov Sk Mi Mi Mi Mi Th Th Th Th Th Th Ov Th Th Ov Ov Th Th Mi / Ov Ov Ov Ov Th Th Ov Th Ov Th / Mi Mi / Th Th Th Mi / Th Mi / Th Mi / Th Df I Deep-fry St I Stovetop LIVESMART ® LS LS LS LS LS LS LS LS LS LS LS LS LS LS LS LS LS LS LS LS CAL 110 130 180 280 130 70 140 180 450 210 270 280 210 230 250 220 390 460 470 330 440 190 400 510 240 230 110 100 100 140 100 130 130 450 220 360 130 450 150 210 110 290 130 370 340 300 460 130 70 60 80 90 70 80 50 140 120 100 40 140 240 150 140 140 140 150 150 150 280 110 130 130 110 110 140 190 210 140 130 150 150 310 130 140 200 250 160 170 120 180 Sk I Skillet Gr I Grill FAT 5g 5g 1.5 g 13 g 0.5 g 2g 3g 8g 21 g 4.5 g 5g 12 g 16 g 10 g 13 g 10 g 15 g 20 g 29 g 12 g 22 g 9g 25 g 36 g 6g 6g 0g 0g 0g 0g 0g 0g 6g 26 g 14 g 17 g 5g 22 g 9g 10 g 3g 13 g 7g 24 g 20 g 13 g 29 g 7g 0g 0g 0g 0g 0g 0g 0g 6g 2.5 g 1g 0g 8g 11 g 8g 7g 7g 2g 8g 8g 7g 13 g 3g 3g 6g 1.5 g 5g 6g 11 g 6g 6g 6g 7g 7g 21 g 6g 6g 13 g 16 g 5g 8g 1g 9g Th I Thaw To I Toaster SODIUM 390 mg 290 mg 330 mg 500 mg 320 mg 160 mg 340 mg 590 mg 860 mg 380 mg 590 mg 420 mg 600 mg 590 mg 115 mg 440 mg 880 mg 430 mg 870 mg 680 mg 340 mg 370 mg 1,030 mg 1,240 mg 280 mg 680 mg 15 mg 5 mg 5 mg 10 mg 5 mg 30 mg 115 mg 330 mg 65 mg 350 mg 75 mg 310 mg 110 mg 270 mg 110 mg 300 mg 90 mg 135 mg 290 mg 350 mg 350 mg 60 mg 0 mg 0 mg 0 mg 0 mg 15 mg 10 mg 0 mg 70 mg 70 mg 55 mg 5 mg 90 mg 70 mg 50 mg 60 mg 60 mg 125 mg 50 mg 50 mg 70 mg 170 mg 60 mg 65 mg 55 mg 75 mg 45 mg 50 mg 105 mg 90 mg 60 mg 40 mg 80 mg 80 mg 40 mg 55 mg 65 mg 65 mg 75 mg 110 mg 55 mg 25 mg 75 mg CARBS 11 g 15 g 35 g 28 g 26 g 12 g 24 g 24 g 47 g 39 g 46 g 39 g 4g 24 g 30 g 28 g 49 g 67 g 33 g 41 g 55 g 21 g 29 g 30 g 37 g 28 g 26 g 24 g 25 g 35 g 24 g 33 g 18 g 49 g 21 g 48 g 18 g 57 g 13 g 26 g 19 g 40 g 16 g 35 g 37 g 42 g 47 g 16 g 19 g 17 g 20 g 24 g 17 g 18 g 13 g 20 g 22 g 17 g 10 g 15 g 33 g 18 g 17 g 17 g 31 g 18 g 18 g 21 g 35 g 19 g 23 g 18 g 22 g 16 g 21 g 20 g 36 g 20 g 18 g 19 g 19 g 32 g 18 g 20 g 18 g 24 g 25 g 22 g 27 g 24 g PROTEIN 3g 5g 6g 13 g 4g 1g 5g 4g 18 g 5g 5g 6g 13 g 10 g 3g 4g 17 g 7g 11 g 14 g 6g 6g 16 g 14 g 8g 16 g 0g 0g 0g 0g 0g 0g 1g 5g 2g 3g 1g 6g 3g 3g 2g 2g 2g 6g 3g 4g 6g 2g 1g 1g 1g 1g 1g 1g 1g 2g 2g 6g 0g 2g 4g 2g 2g 2g 4g 2g 2g 2g 4g 3g 3g 2g 3g 2g 2g 3g 6g 2g 2g 3g 3g 4g 2g 2g 2g 4g 2g 3g 0g 3g ver 350 Products at Mi I Microwave Ov I Oven Light Vanilla Maple Nut Passion Punch Sherbet Peanut Butter Candy Crunch Peanut Butter Cup Ice Cream Miniatures Pecan Praline Sundae Cones Peppermint Stick Ice Cream Pomegranate Mango Sherbet PUSH-EMS® Cherry PUSH-EMS® Chocolate Malt PUSH-EMS® Orange Sherbet RASPBERRY RUMBLE® Ice Cream Rocky Road Rocky Road Sundae Cones SCHWAN'S SIGNATURE® Caramel Ice Cream Bars SCHWAN'S SIGNATURE® Chocolate Cookie Delight SCHWAN'S SIGNATURE® Novelty Sampler Pack SCHWAN'S® Ice Cream Bars SCHWAN’S SIGNATURE® Chocolate Ice Cream Bars SCHWAN’S SIGNATURE® Ice Cream Bars SCHWAN’S SIGNATURE® Peppermint Cookie Delight Sea Salt Caramel & Cashew SILVERMINT® Bars Strawberry Strawberry Fruit Bars Strawberry Supreme Frozen Yogurt Summer's Dream Toffee Caramel Crunch TWIN POPS™ Frozen Treats Vanilla Vanilla Vanilla Vanilla Vanilla Bean Vanilla Frozen Yogurt Vanilla Fudge Chocolate Sundae Cones Vanilla Ice Cream Cups Vanilla Ice Cream Miniatures Vanilla Ice Cream Tin Vanilla Soft Serve Vanilla Sundae Cones Wild Berry Frozen Yogurt Beef Merlot Skillet Meal Beef Mongolian Skillet Meal Blackened Chicken Alfredo with Fettuccini Noodles Cashew Chicken Skillet Meal Chicken & Broccoli with Cheesy Rice Skillet Meal Chicken Alfredo Rigatoni Skillet Meal Chicken and Broccoli Chicken Fajita Queso Skillet Meal Chicken Lo Mein Skillet Meal Chicken Marinara and Tortellini Skillet Meal Chicken Pot Pie Chicken Tortilla Soup Creamy Marinara and Cavatappi Pasta Family Meat Lasagna with Four Cheeses Fire Roasted Chicken and Vegetables with Teriyaki Sauce Fire Roasted Chicken with Sweet Bourbon Sauce Skillet Meal Four Cheese Penne with Prosciutto Gluten Free Bean and Cheese Enchilada Bake Gluten Free Pad Thai with Chicken Hearty Baked Ziti Home Style Chicken Bake Loaded Baked Potato Soup Meat Lasagna with Four Cheeses Orange Chicken Skillet Meal Premium White Meat Chicken Enchiladas Prime Rib Shepherd's Pie Roasted Turkey with Gravy and Mashed Potatoes Shrimp and Broccoli Alfredo Skillet Meal Sliced Beef with Mashed Potatoes Southwest Style Lime Chicken Sweet and Sour Tempura Chicken Skillet Meal Sweet Chili Chicken Skillet Meal Szechuan Style Chicken Skillet Meal Tamales Tomato Basil Soup Turkey Pot Pie White Meat Chicken and Wild Rice Soup Ancient Grain Encrusted Fish with Citrus Sauce Beef & Chicken Chili with Beans Grilled Chicken Marinara with Penne and Vegetables Grilled Chicken with Vegetables and Honey Garlic Sauce Macaroni & Cheese Roasted Turkey & Vegetables Meal Sirloin Beef Pot Pie Spaghetti and Meat Sauce Meal Sweet and Sour Chicken Meal Sweet Chili Garlic Chicken with Vegetables NUMBER 371 229 238 243 050 017 217 216 034 010 013 361 214 019 030 042 024 055 037 063 025 206 035 215 003 379 231 207 014 301 251 201 204 200 383 016 006 125 335 051 007 385 409 408 801 447 695 696 888 431 450 551 678 854 550 716 413 410 471 706 711 703 713 852 709 446 602 705 750 688 893 829 704 714 715 600 853 679 707 521 841 511 517 751 734 729 741 742 516 PAGE 56 59 62 57 60 61 61 61 56 62 58 59 60 58 58 59 57 58 56 56 62 61 58 53 60 62 42 41 43 43 43 41 32 33 34 41 34 45 45 34 39 33 40 37 39 38 42 38 37 42 40 37 33 32 33 44 33 44 44 44 44 32 44 44 44 SERVES 14 14 14 14 4-5 12 14 14 12 24 24 14 14 12 10 12 9 12 10 10 9 14 18 14 12 14 14 14 24 80 32 48 14 14 14 12 24 4 6 24 14 2-3 2.5 4 2-3 4 4 2 4 2-3 4 4 2-3 3 4 4 2 3 1 1 5 5 2-3 2 2-3 6 4 4 4 4 3 2-3 3.5 3.5 6 2-3 4 2-3 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 PRICE 5.99 5.99 5.99 6.29 7.49 10.79 5.99 5.99 7.79 12.59 12.59 6.29 5.99 10.79 10.29 7.99 7.99 6.49 9.79 9.79 9.99 6.29 10.99 5.99 8.49 5.99 5.99 6.29 6.99 25.99 10.99 15.99 5.99 5.99 5.99 10.79 12.49 7.49 16.99 11.99 14.99 5.99 11.99 11.49 11.99 11.49 11.99 11.99 9.99 11.99 11.49 11.99 10.99 9.79 10.99 9.99 11.99 11.99 10.99 6.49 6.49 11.99 13.99 9.79 5.49 11.49 11.99 14.99 16.99 11.99 16.99 11.49 11.99 11.49 11.49 10.99 9.79 10.99 9.79 5.50 4.50 5.50 5.50 3.99 4.50 11.49 4.50 4.50 5.50 NET WT 56 fl. oz. 56 fl. oz. 56 fl. oz. 56 fl. oz. 20.8 fl. oz. 12 count 56 fl. oz. 56 fl. oz. 12 count 24 count 24 count 56 fl. oz. 56 fl. oz. 12 count 34 fl. oz. 19.2 fl. oz. 26.55 fl. oz. 39.6 fl. oz. 34 fl. oz. 34 fl. oz. 18 count 56 fl. oz. 36 fl. oz. 56 fl. oz. 36 fl. oz. 56 fl. oz. 56 fl. oz. 56 fl. oz. 24 count 2.5 gallons 1 gallon 1.5 gallons 56 fl. oz. 56 fl. oz. 56 fl. oz. 12 count 24 count 15.6 fl. oz. 1 gallon 36 fl. oz. 3.5 oz. 56 fl. oz. 1.3 lbs. 1.6 lbs. 2.25 lbs. 1.5 lbs. 2 lbs. 2 lbs. 1.5 lbs. 2 lbs. 1.4 lbs. 2 lbs. 2.5 lbs. 1.75 lbs. 1.5 lbs. 2 lbs. 2 lbs. 1.5 lbs. 1.5 lbs. 9.25 oz. 9.25 oz. 2.5 lbs. 2.5 lbs. 1.75 lbs. 1 lb. 1.6 lbs. 2 lbs. 2.25 lbs. 2.3 lbs. 2 lbs. 2.5 lbs. 1.5 lbs. 1.9 lbs. 1.7 lbs. 1.75 lbs. 1.5 lbs. 1.75 lbs. 2.5 lbs. 1.75 lbs. 11.25 oz. 10 oz. 13.25 oz. 11.25 oz. 12 oz. 12 oz. 2.5 lbs. 12 oz. 12 oz. 11.4 oz. PREP Df I Deep-fry St I Stovetop LIVESMART ® LS LS LS LS LS LS LS LS LS Sk Mi / Sk Mi / Ov Mi / Sk Sk Sk Mi / Ov Sk / Mi Sk Sk Mi / Ov Mi / St Mi / Ov Mi / Ov St / Mi Sk Mi / Ov Mi / Ov Mi / Ov Mi / Ov Mi / Ov Mi / St Mi / Ov Mi / Sk Ov / Mi Mi / Ov Mi / Ov Sk Mi / Ov Mi / Ov Sk / Mi Mi / Sk Mi / Sk Mi / St Mi / St Mi / Ov Mi / St Mi / Ov Mi / Ov Mi / Ov Mi / Ov Mi / Ov Mi / Ov Mi / Ov Mi / Ov Mi / Ov Mi / Ov LS LS LS LS LS LS LS LS LS LS CAL 110 150 130 140 350 250 140 130 90 90 90 160 150 250 270 260 120 200 250 250 250 150 150 120 80 120 130 180 60 130 130 130 130 140 110 240 110 320 130 200 200 120 210 290 350 350 240 260 430 270 280 200 660 140 320 340 230 420 450 450 400 280 300 280 340 350 220 210 300 270 320 310 280 370 260 190 250 710 220 310 270 310 310 430 240 590 360 370 390 Sk I Skillet Gr I Grill FAT 3.5 g 8g 1g 4.5 g 24 g 12 g 6g 1g 1g 2.5 g 1g 7g 7g 12 g 17 g 15 g 8g 14 g 18 g 16 g 14 g 7g 10 g 6g 0g 3g 5g 9g 0g 7g 7g 7g 7g 8g 3g 11 g 6g 22 g 7g 6g 10 g 2.5 g 5g 4g 13 g 8g 8g 9g 13 g 10 g 3g 3.5 g 40 g 3.5 g 12 g 14 g 2g 5g 23 g 15 g 8g 14 g 15 g 20 g 14 g 7g 6g 5g 12 g 11 g 14 g 12 g 4.5 g 6g 2.5 g 8g 19 g 44 g 15 g 10 g 8g 6g 4.5 g 17 g 7g 28 g 9g 2.5 g 4g Th I Thaw To I Toaster SODIUM 50 mg 60 mg 30 mg 60 mg 140 mg 135 mg 55 mg 25 mg 20 mg 45 mg 20 mg 50 mg 55 mg 75 mg 75 mg 120 mg 45 mg 50 mg 45 mg 60 mg 105 mg 130 mg 35 mg 30 mg 10 mg 60 mg 45 mg 95 mg 10 mg 60 mg 60 mg 60 mg 60 mg 35 mg 65 mg 70 mg 45 mg 75 mg 55 mg 85 mg 80 mg 70 mg 720 mg 920 mg 800 mg 880 mg 940 mg 770 mg 1,050 mg 700 mg 780 mg 500 mg 1,000 mg 790 mg 800 mg 650 mg 620 mg 800 mg 840 mg 660 mg 710 mg 680 mg 800 mg 720 mg 650 mg 450 mg 560 mg 690 mg 810 mg 650 mg 720 mg 500 mg 560 mg 750 mg 770 mg 660 mg 690 mg 670 mg 760 mg 520 mg 580 mg 570 mg 530 mg 1,280 mg 700 mg 840 mg 670 mg 790 mg 580 mg CARBS 18 g 15 g 28 g 22 g 30 g 35 g 18 g 30 g 21 g 15 g 21 g 21 g 20 g 34 g 28 g 30 g 10 g 17 g 21 g 24 g 30 g 21 g 15 g 15 g 21 g 22 g 20 g 22 g 16 g 16 g 16 g 16 g 16 g 15 g 19 g 34 g 13 g 30 g 16 g 34 g 25 g 23 g 22 g 50 g 35 g 57 g 27 g 27 g 55 g 30 g 45 g 25 g 56 g 17 g 41 g 35 g 41 g 57 g 38 g 62 g 66 g 23 g 28 g 17 g 35 g 62 g 29 g 25 g 23 g 24 g 24 g 31 g 51 g 68 g 46 g 20 g 17 g 60 g 10 g 43 g 24 g 41 g 45 g 48 g 15 g 59 g 53 g 66 g 63 g PROTEIN 3g 3g 1g 3g 5g 3g 2g 1g 0g 2g 0g 2g 2g 4g 4g 4g 2g 2g 3g 4g 3g 2g 2g 2g 0g 2g 2g 2g 0g 2g 2g 2g 2g 2g 3g 3g 2g 5g 2g 5g 3g 2g 17 g 16 g 19 g 26 g 15 g 15 g 23 g 17 g 18 g 14 g 17 g 10 g 11 g 19 g 12 g 30 g 22 g 17 g 15 g 16 g 15 g 7g 19 g 11 g 11 g 17 g 24 g 17 g 24 g 19 g 8g 9g 15 g 9g 3g 19 g 10 g 13 g 26 g 25 g 24 g 18 g 29 g 23 g 18 g 19 g 23 g ver 350 Products at Mi I Microwave Ov I Oven Beef and Pork Hot Dogs Black Angus Steak Burger Bone-In Pork Loin Chops Boneless Pork Loin Chop Country Sausage Patties Fire Grilled Angus Beef Steak Burger Fully Cooked Sausage Links Fully Cooked Angus Meatloaf Slices Fully Cooked Bacon Slices Grilling Variety Pack Italian Style Meatballs Italian Style Smoked Sausage with Monterey Jack Cheese Mini Beef Pot Roast Pepper Bacon Philly Sliced Beef Steak Pork Tenderloin Filet Wrapped with Applewood Smoked Bacon Pulled Pork Quarter Pound Beef Burger Slow Roasted Beef Pot Roast with Gravy Slow Roasted Beef Tips and Gravy Spiral Sliced Bone-in Ham Summer Sausage Thick Sliced Bacon USDA Choice Beef Sirloin USDA Choice Filet Mignon USDA Choice Top Sirloin Steak Lasagna Roll Ups Pasta Shells Stuffed with Cheese Premium Six Cheese Ravioli Six Cheese Tortellini 5 Cheese Flatbread BON APPÉTIT™ Mozzarella & Pesto Pizza BON APPÉTIT™ Roasted Vegetable Pizza Deep Dish Single Cheese Pizzas Deep Dish Single Pepperoni Pizzas Deep Dish Single Sausage Pizzas Deep Dish Single Supreme Pizzas Gluten Free Four Cheese Pizza Gluten Free Pepperoni Pizza Mini Cheese Pizza Mini Pepperoni Pizza PIZZERIA STYLE™ Mega Meat Pizza PIZZERIA STYLE™ Six Cheese Pizza PIZZERIA STYLE™ Supreme Pizza PIZZERIA STYLE™ Ultimate Pepperoni Pizza Roasted Garlic & Chicken Flatbread SPECIAL RECIPE™ Canadian Style Bacon Pizza SPECIAL RECIPE™ Four Cheese Pizza SPECIAL RECIPE™ Mexican Style Supreme Pizza SPECIAL RECIPE™ Pepperoni Pizza SPECIAL RECIPE™ Sausage and Pepperoni Pizza SPECIAL RECIPE™ Sausage Pizza SPECIAL RECIPE™ Supreme Pizza Spinach & Mushroom Flatbread Asian Style Teriyaki Boneless Wyngz Boneless Skinless Chicken Breasts Breaded Chicken Breast Patties Breaded Chicken Breast Tenderloin Strips Breaded Chicken Nuggets Buffalo Style Boneless Wyngz Chicken Bites Chicken Fries Crispy Chicken Breast Strips Crispy Chicken Wings with Sauce Diced Chicken Breast Meat Fire Grilled Chicken Breast Strips Fire Grilled Chicken Breast Filet Fully Cooked Turkey Sausage Patties Gluten Free Breaded Chicken Bites Hot & Spicy Chicken Breast Filet Lemon Pepper Chicken Oven Baked Chicken Breast Oven Roasted Chicken Bites Oven Roasted Chicken Wings with BBQ Dry Rub Seasoning Popcorn Chicken Premium Chicken Breast Filets Ready to Roast Turkey Breast Seasoned Stuffed Chicken Breast Turkey & Pork Meatballs Turkey Mignon NUMBER PAGE 438 458 9 392 8 393 8 441 444 411 46, 48 399 811 49 466 432 401 402 38 417 47, 49 429 9 421 8 442 9 435 424 38 412 38 430 4, 9 443 440 4, 46, 49 814 815 8 497 8 400 35 485 35 735 35 846 35 572 27 659 28 660 28 612 29 610 29 609 29 611 29 664 31 665 31 923 922 607 28 605 28 606 28 603 28 689 27 828 29 622 29 835 29 636 29 823 29 647 29 613 29 831 27 508 26 407 10 490 505 524 11 495 26 588 11, 19 518 11 501 11 415 27 514 496 10 451 460 472 31 590 11 493 404 10 494 414 26 526 502 10 420 6 512 581 491 SERVES 10 8 6 6 24 6 10-11 8 15-16 6 8-9 6 4 35-36 6 4 5-6 8 9-10 5 14-15 15 35-36 4 4 4 4 7-8 6-7 8-9 4 3 3 6 6 6 6 4 4 6 6 5 4 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 4 11-12 20 11-12 12 10-11 11-12 11-12 12-13 9-10 9 8 8-9 5-6 6 5 10-11 8 10-11 8 7-8 10-11 10 10 4 7-8 4 PRICE 5.49 17.99 20.99 20.99 16.99 12.99 9.99 15.99 16.99 17.99 9.99 9.99 17.99 16.99 13.99 23.99 13.99 14.99 27.99 24.99 44.99 14.99 16.99 22.99 46.99 26.99 8.99 11.19 11.19 11.19 8.39 6.49 6.49 12.19 12.19 12.19 12.19 13.99 13.99 11.19 11.19 7.79 7.79 7.79 7.79 8.39 4.99 4.99 4.99 4.99 4.99 4.99 4.99 8.39 13.99 18.99 10.99 19.99 10.99 13.99 15.49 15.99 16.99 13.99 13.49 14.99 14.99 8.99 14.99 16.99 17.99 16.99 14.99 14.99 15.99 16.99 23.99 10.99 11.49 13.99 NET WT 1 lb. 2.6 lbs. 2.6 lbs. 2.25 lbs. 3 lbs. 1.1 lbs. 1.4 lbs. 1.5 lbs. 10 oz. 1.9 lbs. 1.75 lbs. 18 oz. 1.5 lbs. 2.5 lbs. 1.3 lbs. 1.4 lbs. 1.25 lbs. 2 lbs. 3 lbs. 3 lbs. 8.5 lbs. 1.86 lbs. 2.5 lbs. 1.5 lbs. 1.5 lbs. 1.75 lbs. 1.5 lbs. 2 lbs. 2 lbs. 2 lbs. 16.6 oz. 14.4 oz. 14.4 oz. 2.25 lbs. 2.25 lbs. 2.25 lbs. 2.25 lbs. 17.5 oz. 17.75 oz. 2 lbs. 2 lbs. 1.5 lbs. 1.3 lbs. 1.6 lbs. 1.4 lbs. 1.15 lbs. 1 lb. 4 oz. 1 lb. 3.6 oz. 1 lb. 6 oz. 1 lb. 3.5 oz. 1 lb. 6.2 oz. 1 lb. 6.7 oz. 1 lb. 8 oz. 1 lb. 2.13 oz. 2.5 lbs. 5 lbs. 2.25 lbs. 3 lbs. 2 lbs. 2 lbs. 2.25 lbs. 2.5 lbs. 2.5 lbs. 2.5 lbs. 1.5 lbs. 1.75 lbs. 1.5 lbs. 15 oz. 1 lb. 2 lbs. 2.25 lbs. 2 lbs. 1.5 lbs. 2 lbs. 2 lbs. 2.5 lbs. 2.5 lbs. 1.25 lbs. 1.5 lbs. 1.3 lbs. Df I Deep-fry St I Stovetop PREP LIVESMART ® Mi / Sk / Gr Sk / Gr Ov / Sk / Gr Ov / Sk / Gr Sk Mi / Ov Mi / Ov / Sk Mi / Ov Mi / Ov / Sk Gr / Ov Mi / Ov Gr / St Mi / St LS Mi / Sk Sk LS Gr St / Mi Sk / Gr Mi / Ov Mi / Sk Ov Th Mi / Sk Gr Gr Gr Mi / Ov Mi / Ov St St LS Ov / Gr Ov / Gr Ov / Gr Mi / Ov Ov / Mi Mi / Ov Ov / Mi Ov Ov Mi / Ov Mi / Ov Ov Ov Ov Ov Ov / Gr Ov Ov Ov Ov Ov Ov Ov Ov / Gr Mi / Ov Ov / Sk / Gr LS Mi / Ov / Df Sk / Df Mi / Ov / Df Ov Ov / Mi / Df Mi / Ov / Df Ov / Df Ov / Mi Mi / Th LS Mi / Sk LS Mi / Ov Mi / Sk LS Ov / Mi LS Mi / Ov Ov / Sk / Gr Ov LS Mi / Ov LS Ov / Mi Mi / Ov / Df Ov / Sk / Gr LS Ov LS Ov Mi / Ov LS Ov / Sk / Gr CAL 150 440 180 200 180 220 270 240 90 440 230 220 210 70 110 240 130 240 140 240 140 160 70 320 260 360 310 230 260 210 330 310 300 410 470 440 430 330 340 390 430 360 390 360 350 350 360 370 370 390 350 350 370 270 190 110 180 150 200 160 160 200 220 190 110 120 140 140 170 140 180 150 90 180 170 110 130 240 130 220 Sk I Skillet Gr I Grill FAT 13 g 38 g 5g 7g 16 g 16 g 26 g 18 g 7g 38 g 16 g 22 g 5g 6g 5g 12 g 6g 17 g 4g 7g 7g 13 g 6g 22 g 14 g 23 g 13 g 10 g 11 g 4.5 g 17 g 14 g 13 g 18 g 24 g 21 g 20 g 14 g 15 g 15 g 20 g 16 g 16 g 16 g 16 g 16 g 15 g 16 g 16 g 19 g 18 g 17 g 19 g 12 g 3.5 g 2.5 g 9g 0.5 g 9g 6g 6g 11 g 8g 13 g 3.5 g 3.5 g 3.5 g 7g 7g 4.5 g 10 g 6g 1g 9g 6g 1.5 g 2.5 g 15 g 6g 8g Experience the all-new today! 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Pan-Seared Pork Pot Stickers with Sweet Soy Sauce Pork Egg Rolls with Sweet and Sour Sauce Premium White Meat Chicken and Cheese Quesadilla Shredded Chipotle Chicken Tacos Shrimp Spring Rolls White Meat Chicken Egg Rolls with Sweet and Sour Sauce Zesty Jalapeño Bites Asian Style Vegetable Stir-Fry Asparagus Spears Broccoli & Cheese Broccoli Florets California Blend Edamame Fire Roasted Vegetable Blend Green Peas Kale Vegetable Medley with Minced Garlic Lemon Garlic Seasoned Vegetable Blend Mediterranean Vegetable Blend MicroSteam Baby Broccoli Florets MicroSteam Whole Green Beans Mini Bow Tie Pasta and Vegetable Blend Mixed Vegetables Organic Super Sweet Yellow and White Corn Organic Vegetable Medley Petite Brussels Sprouts Roasted Peppers and Onions Southwest Roasted Corn Super Sweet Cut Corn NUMBER PAGE 503 13 515 13 519 522 547 523 15 545 567 15, 34 533 15 544 15 593 14 538 14 539 13 549 546 561 527 14 577 578 845 500 13 559 13 504 12 960 30 763 6, 21 708 30 737 21 827 20 772 20 961 762 5, 21 785 30 778 770 30 862 20, 34 851 5, 20 774 6, 20 752 753 46, 48 710 30 777 30 658 24 625 598 525 24 638 657 25 673 25 765 25 592 629 637 648 639 626 37 676 40 674 40 899 37 601 37 640 40 675 40 651 25 754 19 781 17, 47 847 19 776 17, 38 764 19 857 17 797 19 766 17, 24 805 19 800 848 870 790 6, 17, 38 767 769 19 807 17 822 17 780 4, 17 761 19 775 19, 37 773 17 SERVES 7-8 6 10 7-8 6-7 4-5 10-11 4 4-5 4-5 4 3-4 4 8 4 7-8 3-4 4-5 3-4 4 4 7-8 4 10-11 9-10 12-13 4 3-4 10 10-11 5 9-10 8 12-13 4 10-11 7-8 12-13 12-13 8 8 24 4 8-9 6 8 6 7-8 7-8 6-7 6 16 10 11-12 14-15 5 12 4 2-3 4 12 7-8 8 6-7 5-6 8 10-11 3 10-11 12-13 8 9-10 8-9 13-14 11-12 7-8 11 4 4 7-8 6 7 12-13 PRICE 16.49 15.99 13.99 17.99 12.99 19.99 14.49 16.49 21.49 16.99 15.99 38.99 27.99 12.79 22.49 14.99 22.99 16.99 10.99 15.79 17.99 24.99 24.99 9.29 7.49 5.49 5.99 5.99 7.49 5.49 7.99 7.99 7.99 4.99 7.99 7.49 7.49 5.49 4.99 7.49 7.49 6.99 12.99 12.99 26.99 13.99 11.19 8.99 9.99 9.39 13.99 9.99 11.19 10.49 8.99 10.29 10.29 10.79 10.99 10.69 10.29 9.99 7.49 10.99 7.99 5.49 6.49 6.49 7.79 5.49 7.79 7.99 7.79 5.99 5.99 6.49 6.49 4.99 5.99 7.99 5.79 7.29 5.49 NET WT 1.5 lbs. 1.5 lbs. 1.8 lbs. 1.5 lbs. 1.25 lbs. 1.3 lbs. 2 lbs. 1 lb. 1.3 lbs. 1 lb. 12 oz. 1.75 lbs. 1.5 lbs. 1.5 lbs. 1.3 lbs. 1.5 lbs. 12 oz. 1.25 lbs. 1 lb. 1.25 lbs. 1.5 lbs. 2 lbs. 1 lb. 2 lbs. 2.5 lbs. 2.5 lbs. 1 lb. 1 lb. 2.5 lbs. 2 lbs. 20 oz. 2 lbs. 2 lbs. 2.5 lbs. 1 lb. 2 lbs. 2 lbs. 2.5 lbs. 2.5 lbs. 1.5 lbs. 1.5 lbs. 1 lb. 1.1 lbs. 1.5 lbs. 1.17 lbs. 2.25 lbs. 1.2 lbs. 1.5 lbs. 1 lb. 1.5 lbs. 1.6 lbs. 2.25 lbs. 1.7 lbs. 2 lbs. 1 lb. 1.8 lbs. 1.7 lbs. 1.1 lbs. 15 oz. 15 oz. 1.7 lbs. 1 lb. 1.5 lbs. 1.25 lbs. 1.5 lbs. 1.5 lbs. 2 lbs. 1.1 lbs. 2 lbs. 2.5 lbs. 1.5 lbs. 2 lbs. 2 lbs. 2.25 lbs. 2.25 lbs. 2 lbs. 2 lbs. 1 lb. 1 lb. 1.5 lbs. 1 lb. 1.5 lbs. 2.5 lbs. 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The use of a check for payment is your acknowledgement of this policy and its terms. © 2015 Schwan’s Home Service, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Prices subject to change. Celebrate the Season MAKE HOLIDAY MEMORIES. Old Fashioned Apple Pie 085 A new twist on a signature classic! See page 55 3 lbs. $10.99 Vanilla 204 See page 56 ćR]
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