SJFA SALAAM CUP YOUTH TOURNAMENT The Hive, Camrose Avenue, London, HA8 6AG. 2 May 2016 SJFA SALAAM CUP YOUTH TOURNAMENT C Contents Outline of the Pack ................................................................................................................................. 3 Event Schedule ................................................................................................................................... 3 Registration .......................................................................................................................................... 3 Photography Disclaimer ................................................................................................................ 3 Tournament Games .......................................................................................................................... 3 Tournament Rules ............................................................................................................................ 3 Fixtures .................................................................................................................................................. 4 The Hive Site Map ............................................................................................................................. 4 Changing Rooms ................................................................................................................................ 4 Car Parking ........................................................................................................................................... 4 Lunch, Dinner and Salaat ............................................................................................................... 4 Awards Ceremony ............................................................................................................................. 4 First Aid .................................................................................................................................................. 4 Event Schedule ........................................................................................................................................ 5 The Hive Site Map .................................................................................................................................. 6 Directions ................................................................................................................................................... 7 Fixtures ....................................................................................................................................................... 8 Tier 1 ....................................................................................................................................................... 8 Tier 2a ..................................................................................................................................................... 9 Tier 2b.................................................................................................................................................. 10 Tier 3 .................................................................................................................................................... 11 Tier 4 .................................................................................................................................................... 12 Tier 5 .................................................................................................................................................... 13 Tournament Rules .............................................................................................................................. 14 ~2~ SJFA SALAAM CUP YOUTH TOURNAMENT Outline of the Pack The information pack is intended to assist with the smooth running of the SJFA Salaam Cup Youth Tournament. It is not intended to be a comprehensive guide, but to be used as a reference source. If specific details are required – please contact one of the SJFA Salaam Team members below: Name Contact Shafique Govani +44 7967 455569 Zeeshan Kanji +44 7716 160227 Kumail Merali +44 7956 266177 Hyderali Datoo +44 7976 813459 MohamedHasan Merali +44 7802 737609 Mustafa Walji +44 7787 550857 Event Schedule The tournaments will start at 08:00 with registration and close at 18:00. Please refer to the ‘Events Schedule’ section for further details. Registration Participants will be registered by Tier group on the pitches. Please ensure that you make your way to the pitch you have been allocated to – after the welcome speech. Photography Disclaimer The SJFA Salaam Cup organisers have sought prior permission from Jamaats participating to take photographs during the event. If you have any concerns regarding the use of photographs taken of your child during the event, please contact: Tournament Games All tournament games will take place at the The Hive, Camrose Avenue, London, HA8 6AG. Please refer to the ‘Directions’ section on getting to ‘The Hive’. Tournament Rules In this reference guide – tournament rules for all tiers are included. Please note the referees’ decision is final and it is essential that participants comply with the rules. ~3~ SJFA SALAAM CUP YOUTH TOURNAMENT Fixtures Fixtures for each tier (age group) can be found in this pack. Each tier will have a series of matches including; round robin, semi-finals and a final. The Hive Site Map Each pitch is clearly labelled. Please refer to ‘The Hive Site Map’ to identify the location of each pitch. Changing Rooms Designated changing rooms have been assigned for the tournament. Please only change in areas: G, H I, J, K, and L. Car Parking Please park your vehicles at Canons High School. There is no charge. However, if you park at The Hive you will incur a cost £1* where a token will need to be obtained from the club shop to exit the car park. *Note: After 16:00 the charge to park at ‘The Hive’ will be £5 due to a scheduled Barnet home game. Lunch, Dinner and Salaat Please note food is not permitted on any of the pitches at the Hive – and therefore special arrangements have been made to serve and consume lunch at Canons High School. Due to time constrains, takeaway dinner will be provided. Congregational Zohr/Asr Salaat will also be performed at Canons High School. Please refer to the ‘Directions’ section on getting to Canons High School. Awards Ceremony The Awards ceremony will take place at ‘The Hive’. First Aid A first aider will be available on site. Details of the contact will be made available on the day. ~4~ Event Schedule Time Arrival & Registration 08:00 Arrival 08:20 Welcome Speech 08:30 Registration at Pitch & Referee Briefing Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4 Tier 5 Salaat Lunch Award Ceremony & Closure 09:00 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 11:50 12:00 12:20 Semi Finals Round Robin Morning Games Final 12:30 12:50 13:00 Salaat 13:30 Lunch 14:00 14:30 Semi Finals 15:00 Final 15:30 Round Robin Afternoon Games 16:00 Semi Finals 16:15 16:30 16:45 Semi Finals Final 17:00 17:15 17:30 17:45 18:00 Final Award Ceremony Closure The Hive Site Map SJFA Allocated Pitches Changing rooms. Please use allocated areas: G, H I, J, K, and L. Directions Canons High School to the Hive London. 1. Walk north-west on Shaldon Rd towards Bridgewater Gardens 2. Turn left onto Camrose Ave 3. The Hive is sign posted on your right. Address: The Hive, Camrose Avenue, London, HA8 6AG Phone: 020 8381 3800 Address: Shaldon Road, Edgware, Middlesex, HA8 6AN SJFA SALAAM CUP YOUTH TOURNAMENT Fixtures Tier 1 4 Teams 15 minute Games Round Robin + Semi + Final Birmingham Leicester SJFA Real, SJFA Bayern Game Start Finish Home Away Notes 1 9.00 9.15 Birmingham SJFA Real 2 9.20 9.35 SJFA Bayern 3 9.40 9.55 Birmingham SJFA Bayern 4 10.00 10.15 SJFA Real Leicester 5 10.20 10.35 Leicester Birmingham 6 10.40 10.55 SJFA Real SJFA Bayern 7 11.00 11.20 Semi 1 Semi 1 7.5 min X 2 8 11.30 11.50 Semi 2 Semi 2 7.5 min X 2 9 12.00 12.20 Final Final 7.5 min X 2 Leicester SJFA SALAAM CUP YOUTH TOURNAMENT Tier 2a 10 Teams split across two tiers (2a and 2b) 15 minute Games Round Robin + Semi + Final Birmingham A, Birmingham B Essex Hyderi Peterborough Leicester SJFA Real, SJFA Bayern, SJFA Atletico, SJFA PSG Game Start Finish Home Away 1 9.00 9.15 Peterborough SJFA Bayern 2 9.20 9.35 SJFA Atletico Birmingham A 3 9.40 9.55 Essex Peterborough 4 10.00 10.15 SJFA Bayern Birmingham A 5 10.20 10.35 SJFA Atletico Essex 6 10.40 10.55 Birmingham A Peterborough 7 11.00 11.15 Essex SJFA Bayern 8 11.20 11.35 SJFA Atletico Peterborough 9 11.40 11.55 Birmingham A Essex 10 12.00 12.15 SJFA Atletico SJFA Bayern 11 2.30 2.50 Semi 2 Semi 2 7.5 min X 2 12 3.00 3.20 Final Final 7.5 min X 2 ~9~ Notes SJFA SALAAM CUP YOUTH TOURNAMENT Tier 2b 10 Teams split across two tiers (2a and 2b) 15 minute Games Round Robin + Semi + Final Birmingham A, Birmingham B Essex Hyderi Peterborough Leicester SJFA Real, SJFA Bayern, SJFA Atletico, SJFA PSG Game Start Finish Home Away 1 9.00 9.15 SJFA PSG Birmingham B 2 9.20 9.35 Hyderi SJFA Real 3 9.40 9.55 Birmingham B Leicester 4 10.00 10.15 SJFA PSG SJFA Real 5 10.20 10.35 Leicester Hyderi 6 10.40 10.55 Birmingham B SJFA Real 7 11.00 11.15 SJFA PSG Hyderi 8 11.20 11.35 SJFA Real Leicester 9 11.40 11.55 Hyderi Birmingham B 10 12.00 12.15 SJFA PSG Leicester 11 2.30 2.50 Semi 1 Semi 1 ~ 10 ~ Notes 7.5min x 2 SJFA SALAAM CUP YOUTH TOURNAMENT Tier 3 7 Teams 12 minute Games Round Robin + Semi + Final Birmingham Leicester Peterborough SJFA Real, SJFA Bayern, SJFA Atletico, SJFA PSG Game Start Finish Home Away 1 9.00 9.12 SJFA Atletico Peterborough 2 9.16 9.28 Leicester SJFA Bayern 3 9.32 9.44 Birmingham SJFA PSG 4 9.48 10.00 SJFA Atletico Leicester 5 10.04 10.16 SJFA Real Birmingham 6 10.20 10.32 Peterborough SJFA PSG 7 10.36 10.48 SJFA Bayern Birmingham 8 11.00 11.12 Peterborough Leicester 9 11.16 11.28 SJFA Real SJFA Bayern 10 11.32 11.44 SJFA Atletico SJFA PSG 11 11.48 12.00 Leicester Birmingham 12 12.04 12.16 SJFA Real SJFA Atletico 13 12.20 12.32 SJFA Bayern Peterborough 14 12.36 12.50 SJFA PSG SJFA Real 15 2.30 2.42 Birmingham SJFA Atletico 16 2.46 2.58 SJFA PSG Leicester 17 3.02 3.14 Peterborough SJFA Real 18 3.18 3.30 SJFA Bayern SJFA Atletico 19 3.34 3.46 Leicester SJFA Real 20 3.50 4.02 Birmingham Peterborough 21 4.06 4.18 SJFA PSG SJFA Bayern 22 4.23 4.43 Semi Final Semi Final 7.5 min X 2 23 4.47 5.07 Semi Final Semi Final 7.5 min X 2 24 5.11 5.31 Final Final 7.5 min X 2 ~ 11 ~ Notes SJFA SALAAM CUP YOUTH TOURNAMENT Tier 4 7 Teams 12 Minute Games Round Robin + Semi + Final Birmingham Hyderi Leicester SJFA Real, SJFA Bayern, SJFA Atletico, SJFA PSG Game Start Finish Home Away 1 9.00 9.12 SJFA Atletico Hyderi 2 9.16 9.28 Leicester SJFA Bayern 3 9.32 9.44 Birmingham SJFA PSG 4 9.48 10.00 SJFA Atletico Leicester 5 10.04 10.16 SJFA Real Birmingham 6 10.20 10.32 Hyderi SJFA PSG 7 10.36 10.48 SJFA Bayern Birmingham 8 11.00 11.12 Hyderi Leicester 9 11.16 11.28 SJFA Real SJFA Bayern 10 11.32 11.44 SJFA Atletico SJFA PSG 11 11.48 12.00 Leicester Birmingham 12 12.04 12.16 SJFA Real SJFA Atletico 13 12.20 12.32 SJFA Bayern Hyderi 14 12.36 12.50 SJFA PSG SJFA Real 15 2.30 2.42 Birmingham SJFA Atletico 16 2.46 2.58 SJFA PSG Leicester 17 3.02 3.14 Hyderi SJFA Real 18 3.18 3.30 SJFA Bayern SJFA Atletico 19 3.34 3.46 Birmingham Hyderi 20 3.50 4.02 Leicester SJFA Real 21 4.06 4.18 SJFA PSG SJFA Bayern 22 4.23 4.43 Semi Final Semi Final 7.5 min X 2 23 4.47 5.07 Semi Final Semi Final 7.5 min X 2 24 5.11 5.31 Final Final 7.5 min X 2 ~ 12 ~ Notes SJFA SALAAM CUP YOUTH TOURNAMENT Tier 5 6 Teams 15 Minute Games Round Robin + Semi + Final Birmingham Bab ul Murad Hyderi Leicester SJFA Real, SJFA Bayern Game Start Finish Home Away 1 9.00 9.15 Leicester Birmingham 2 9.20 9.35 SJFA Bayern Hyderi 3 9.40 9.55 Bab ul Murad SJFA Real 4 10.00 10.15 Birmingham SJFA Bayern 5 10.20 10.35 Hyderi Bab ul Murad 6 10.40 10.55 Leicester SJFA Real 7 11.00 11.15 Bab ul Murad Birmingham 8 11.20 11.35 Leicester SJFA Bayern 9 11.40 11.55 SJFA Real Hyderi 10 12.00 12.15 SJFA Bayern Bab ul Murad 11 12.20 12.35 Birmingham SJFA Real 12 12.40 12.55 Leicester Hyderi 13 2.30 2.45 SJFA Real SJFA Bayern 14 2.50 3.05 Leicester Bab ul Murad 15 3.10 3.25 Hyderi Birmingham 16 3.30 3.50 Semi Final Semi Final 7.5 min X 2 17 4.00 4.20 Semi Final Semi Final 7.5 min X 2 18 4.30 4.55 Final Final 10 min X 2 ~ 13 ~ Notes SJFA SALAAM CUP YOUTH TOURNAMENT Tournament Rules The maximum number of players on the pitch at any one time shall be 7. In the event that a team is reduced in strength by more than two players NUMBERS OF PLAYERS (excluding timed suspensions) the match shall be awarded to the opposition. One player of each team shall be the goalkeeper who will wear a different coloured shirt from that of their team. Substitutes shall be permitted on a roll-on/roll-off basis. A player having been substituted may return to the match in place of another player. Any of the other players within the team may change places with the goalkeeper, provided that the Referee is informed before the change is made, and only during a stoppage in play. 3 points for a win. 1 point for a draw. LEAGUE POINT During the group stage should teams finish on equal points, league position will be decided in the following order: Goal Difference Head-Head Goals Scored If still level, a penalty shootout will resolve final positions. Matches shall be played on 4G artificial surface. Suitable footwear should be FOOTWEAR worn. Note blades and metal studs are NOT permitted. Shin pads must be worn and covered by socks. PLAYER EQUIPMENT A player must not use equipment or wear anything that is dangerous to himself or another player, including any kind of jewellery. Jewellery must be removed. ~ 14 ~ SJFA SALAAM CUP YOUTH TOURNAMENT A referee shall be appointed to officiate in each game. They shall record all goals scored and act as timekeeper. REFREES They shall record all timed suspensions (blue cards) and sending offs. The referee’s decision is final and no abuse will be tolerated. Match timings will be confirmed on the day of the tournament. DURATION OF THE GAME Knockout Matches will go straight to Penalty Shootout on completion of their allotted match time. Each team will take five penalty kicks. If the scores are still tied sudden death penalty kicks shall be taken. All teams must be ready to play at their allotted playing times or forfeit the game with a 0-3 score incurred. Winners of the coin toss kick off by passing the ball forwards from the centre spot. The game shall be restarted in a like manner after a goal is scored, by the team, which has conceded the goal. START OF PLAY Opposing players shall be at least 2 metres away from the ball for all restarts of play. Any other stoppage in play shall be restarted by the appropriate kick or drop ball. There is NO head height rule, i.e. the ball can be played over head height. BALL IN AND When the ball leaves the field of play via sidelines the game will be restarted OUT OF PLAY by kick in. ~ 15 ~ SJFA SALAAM CUP YOUTH TOURNAMENT The goalkeeper can intentionally leave their penalty area. Other players, of either team, can also enter the penalty areas. After holding the ball the goal keeper can either kick or roll the ball out. PENALTY AREA Back-pass prohibits the goalkeeper from ‘handling’ the ball if it has been passed to him by a teammate. FOULS AND MISCONDUCT Direct Free Kick A direct free kick is awarded to the opposing team if a player commits any of the following offences in a manner considered by the referee to be careless, reckless or using excessive force: • Kicks or attempts to kick an opponent • Trips or attempts to trip an opponent • Jumps at an opponent • Charges an opponent, even with the shoulder • Strikes or attempts to strike an opponent • Pushes an opponent • Slide tackles an opponent A direct free kick is also awarded to the opposing team if a player commits any of the following offences: • Holds an opponent • Spits at an opponent • Slides in an attempt to play the ball when it is being played or attempted to be played by an opponent (sliding tackle). • Handles the ball deliberately, except for the goalkeeper in his own penalty area A direct free kick is taken from the place where the infringement occurred. Indirect Free Kick An indirect free kick is awarded to the opposing team if a goalkeeper commits one of the following offences: ~ 16 ~ SJFA SALAAM CUP YOUTH TOURNAMENT • FOULS AND MISCONDUCT Touches or controls the ball with his hands after it has been deliberately kicked to him by a team-mate • Touches or controls the ball with his hands after he has received it directly from a kick-in taken by a team-mate • Touches or controls the ball with his hands or feet, in the penalty area, for more than four seconds Disciplinary Sanctions Match officials shall employ the use of temporary timed suspensions (blue card) in all cases traditionally regarded as cautionable offences. Referees shall also have the discretion to use a second ‘blue card’ and a further period of suspension for a second minor offence rather than a second blue card automatically resulting in a red card and permanent expulsion. The options for a match official imposing disciplinary sanctions are therefore: • Player shown a blue card and temporarily suspended from play • Player issued with a discretionary second blue card and temporarily • excluded from play • Player issued with a red card and permanently excluded from play A blue card offence should always be accompanied by a temporary suspension from play of two minutes. All fouls shall be penalised by the awarding of the appropriate free kick. A player who receives a red card shall miss the remainder of the game and the next game. Serious foul play will result in expulsion from the tournament. When a player is taking a free kick all opposing players shall be at least 2 metres from the ball. FREE KICKS All free kicks given against a defending team inside their own penalty area shall result in a penalty kick. ~ 17 ~ SJFA SALAAM CUP YOUTH TOURNAMENT All managers are responsible for the conduct of their players throughout the tournament. It is the team manager’s responsibility to ensure all rules and regulations are TEAM respected and adhered to. MANAGERS Team managers are expected to ensure their teams are ready for the start of their allocated fixtures on the correct pitch. Failure to do so will incur a 0-3 defeat for that fixture. ~ 18 ~