"Sonrise” Service and Breakfast Come and Celebrate the


"Sonrise” Service and Breakfast Come and Celebrate the
"For even the Son of Man did not come to
be served, but to serve, and to give His
life a ransom for many.” Mark 10:45
Weekly Schedule 03/20/16
10:00 AM Sunday Morning Worship/Daniel
6:00 PM Sunday Evening Worship/Study
7:00 PM Men's Bible Study - Buhl
Home of Weston Becker
10:00 AM
6:30 PM
7:00 PM
7:00 PM
Women's Bible Study @ CCB (Spring Break - Returns 3/29
Women's Bible Study @ CCB (Spring Break - Returns 3/29
Foundations @ CCB (Starting 3/29)
Men's Bible Study @ CCB
1:00 PM Women's Bible Study @ CCB (New Study Begins 4/13)
7:00 PM Worship/Study w/Pastor Jackie
6:30 PM Youth Group Dinner
7:00 PM Youth Group "Rooted"
6:30 PM Women's Bible Study -- Twin Falls (Spring Break - Returns 4/7)
6:30 PM Cub Scout Pack Troop #106
7:00 PM School of Ministry @ CCB
7:00 PM Spanish Church Service
10:00 AM Young Ladies Bible Study--Buhl, Home of Ismenia Gallegos
6:00 PM Celebrate Recovery
March 20th Baptism
March 21st A Life Unexpected
March 23th Decision America Prayer 6:00 PM
March 26th Men's Breakfast
March 27th Easter Sunrise Worship Service
March 30th Decision America Prayer
April 2nd Church Spring Cleaning
April 9th Church Spring Cleaning
April 6th Decision America Prayer
April 13th Decision America Prayer
April 15th Women's Connection
April 20th Passover Seder
Israel Tour with Pastor Jackie &
Kathie If you are interested in going
to Israel with us in November, we will
have a meeting right after church on
April 3rd with information.
All are invited to
witness and be a part of our water
baptism following our Worship
Service. Anyone who has given
their life to Jesus and has not
followed our Lord into the waters
of baptism is encouraged to take this step of obedience.
You will be blessed and so will those who will be witnesses!
Questions? See Pastor Jackie
Tuesday 10:00 am @ CCB
"Heart to Heart" w/Kathy Roberts.
Tuesday 6:30 pm @ CCB
"Heart to Heart" w/Kathy Roberts.
Wed. 1:00 pm @ CCB New Study Begins 4/13
"Never Give Up" The Fruit of Longsuffering" Please sign up by 3/30 as
we will be ordering material (cost $5.00) or email:
TWIN FALLS - Thursday, 6:30pm Home of Elaine Proost 420-0206
SPRING BREAK - RETURNS 4/7 w/Naomi & Hannah 4 & 5
Join Us for breakfast, fellowship, worship, teaching and prayer
in the Fellowship Hall. Bring a friend!
"Sonrise” Service
and Breakfast
"Women of the Word" w/Elaine Proost, Sue Switzer and Jill Taylor.
BUHL - Saturday, 10:00 am Young Ladies (age 14 - 18)
Home of Ismenia Gallegos 404-7348 "Lessons from the Upper Room"
Buhl -"A Life Unexpected" Monday, March 21st, 7:00 pm
Whether you’ve been unable to have children, never married or married after child
bearing years, you’re invited to join us! We meet the 3rd Monday of each month.
w/Joyce Wright at 731-4830 or Joyce2664@gmail.com
Buhl - (Mon - 7:00 pm) Men's Study
Meeting at the home of Weston Becker in Buhl. Questions?
Corey Beam at 308-7421 or Weston at 421-0173
Buhl (Tuesday 7:00 pm) @ CCB
Join us for an in-depth look at the Pauline Epistles in Ephesians. w/ Daniel
Luehrs and Levi Woodhouse.
Other Opportunities for Study
Come and Celebrate the Resurrection of
our Lord.
Sunday March 27th
Breakfast will be served immediately after service in the
fellowship hall. We will meet on the lawn at the north side of CCB
at sunrise for worship and celebration. Dress warm and bring a lawn
chair. Our regular Worship Service will begin at 10:00 am.
Church Spring Cleaning Workdays
Scheduled For April 2nd & April 9th
9:00 am to 12:00
Help Wanted! Volunteers for one day. There will be sign ups in the
foyer on the table and a list of items to bring to help with the
cleaning. Sign-up sheets will be for specific projects – a crew for the
kitchen, one for windows, one for bathrooms, etc.
Many hands make light work! See/call: Jeanette Fishel 543-8111
Buhl (CCB) Thursday 7:00 pm School of Ministry w/Pastor Jackie
Tools to Study the Bible; basic tool set that all of us ordinary people can
use to gather more treasures in our personal time in God’s Word.
Please sign up in the foyer! Questions--talk to Lyle Johnstone or call him
at 539-3544 “Knowable Word – Helping Ordinary Learn to Study the
Bible”; by Peter Krol
God longs for His people to humble
themselves and to seek forgiveness and
pray for guidance. God's Word says,
"Blessed is the nation whose God is the
Lord" (Psalm 33:12). Pray that as a
nation we would return to God. As we call on God, let us do so by
genuine faith, believing that He hears our prayers. God can heal
this great land, for which our forefathers fought and died. We
need spiritual renewal, we need a revival in America, and we need
each and everyone to pray. Lord, Hear Our Cry!
—Franklin Graham
CCB Bookstore
Next prayer time:
Wednesday, March, 23th
6:00 - 6:30 pm
Wednesday, March, 30th
3:00 - 4:00 pm
We will be praying for Christians to repent of our complacency, to live out their
faith in every part of their lives, to pray for our leaders and to pray for our nation.
Questions? Call/See Debbie Thibodeaux 543-5534
Will You Join the Utah Prayer Rally?
Join Franklin Graham on
March 29, 2016 12:00 p.m.
Capitol South Steps, 350 State Street, Salt Lake City
We will travel in the CCB bus, or car pool. If you would like to join us,
please sign up in foyer. PRAYER CHANGES THINGS!
EARLY RISERS PRAYER MEETING: Friday morning 6:00 am.
EVERY FRIDAY MORNING you are invited to a prayer meeting at World Wide
Shipping, 118 Broadway Ave right here in Buhl. Coffee and tea are served for
those of us who need a "jump start". See you there!
PRAYER Counselors
At the end of our services, we have prayer counselors stationed around the
perimeter of our sanctuary who are available to pray with you. Life's hard. Stuff
hurts. Hearts get broken. But God is here…and we are too!
AVAILABLE TODAY! All NEW Tee Shirts (Men's and
Women's), along with "Limited Quantity" of "Wake up
America National Day of Prayer" Tees.
Sister to Sister Ministry This ministry provides one of the ways in
which we can grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus
Christ. There is nothing more important than to know our hope is in
HIM. If you are prepared to meet with someone you can trust and
loves the Lord, please complete a Sister to Sister registration form
which you will find in the foyer on the information table. Questions
regarding this Ministry? See/call Cheri Fowler 421-2568
NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY Only a desire to help
make our church as nice and clean as possible. "Many hands
make light work". Teams and families have been scheduled to
clean on a rotating basis. Sign up in foyer.
Children and Teen Ministries:
“Biblical Adventure” for kids! We offer children’s programs at our
Sunday 10:00am service (ages 3 - 11 yrs old), and our Wednesday
7:00 PM service for ages 1st - 5th grades. Bring your child to the
Fellowship Hall when you arrive for service.
Growing in Christ Together Class for 6, 7 and 8th graders
Sundays 10:30 to 11:30 am Join us in the Fellowship Hall after
worship (approx.10:30). Questions? Weston Becker 421-0173
Jr. High & High School "ROOTED"
Meets Wednesday 7:00 pm Youth Dinner @ 6:30 pm
We are dedicated to helping teenagers experience a life-changing
relationship with Jesus Christ! Come have fun, learn and make lasting
friendships centered on Jesus. Questions? Levi Woodhouse 358-6554
OUR ELDERS: If you need prayer or have a question regarding
our church, our elders are available to address your concerns.
Pastor Jackie Roberts 543-9959 Phil Fowler
Jason Richardson
490-0938 Dave Plew
Corey Beam
308-7421 Daniel Luehrs 280-2940
Marriage Getaway
If you are new to CCB, please take a moment to fill
out this form and drop it in the offering basket, so
we can welcome you to our family.
Name:______________________ Phone:______________
Socks, Mittens, Hats T-Shirts
"Email PRAYER CHAIN" Just a phone call or email away! If you have a
prayer request or if you would like to be added to the prayer chain, call or email
Susan Jones: 731-9074 or jonesprayer@gmail.com
March 20, 2016
Pastor Jackie Roberts
April 29 & 30th "Mark your Calendars"
Get away together in Boise for a weekend of worship,
Bible study and fun as we celebrate our marriages.
Mark your calendars! More information will follow.
"But even if he doesn’t..." Daniel 3:18
I don't know about you, but I am a happy end to the story type of person.
I enjoy the drama and excitement hidden within the plot of a powerful tale,
but I expect to find the hero safe at the end. He can endure heart ache and
trouble throughout the story as long as by the end of the story he finds his
resolution happily.
Unfortunately, life does not always follow the "happy ending rule" I believe
in. The truth is many times in this life we expect God to provide the happy
ending to our story or situation. Sometimes things work out just as we
desire, and sometimes we walk through trials that do not have a happy
ending this side of eternity. Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego knew this.
They had been brought into captivity by the Babylonians as young men,
and made to live out a life they didn't choose. Yet they followed God
As they faced yet another trial, they spoke words that I have a hard time
fathoming. In the face of adversity and certain death they trusted God
enough to proclaim His power and their faith. “16 ........ O Nebuchadnezzar,
we do not need to defend ourselves before you. 17 If we are thrown into the
blazing furnace, the God whom we serve is able to save us. He will rescue
us from your power, Your Majesty. 18 But even if he doesn’t..." (Daniel
He is still God and we are not. True faith has no stipulations of happy
endings. True faith says God is God and I am not. I will trust Him, even
if he doesn't...
1004 Burley Avenue, Buhl, ID 83316
543-9959 www.calvarychapelbuhl.com